what's going on people we are ton TV back here for another Match review of the second game of the season as Spurs have won by four goals to nil against Everton in a complete performance I believe I think that from minute one right until the end we dominated throughout score line reflects that potentially could have even got more goals top performances throughout although you got to say Everton were willing participants weren't they yeah it was just what the doctor ordered I think probably playing Everton at a good time no bran weight you know tarkowski clearly wasn't fully fit playing youngster right back as well um but to be fair apart from that they did have a fairly strong team out I think it's the same Midfield three they played in the first game um the front free Cal Le McNeil Harrison now was a front free we saw a lot last season so it wasn't a completely makeshift team but definitely in the backline they were clearly struggling for Quality doesn't help when you know Pigford makes a mistake like he did for the second goal and that completely frows the game plan out the window for them um but I thought Tottenham started with intent to you know put Everton under pressure um asked different questions of their defense we were we were banging in crosses from set pieces and we were we were we were swinging the ball in and we were pressing them high we were taking shots from the range um we were trying to play through them as well so what I really liked about our performance was I think we've definitely been guilty um in previous games of um having one method of attack which is like getting it to the Winger him taking getting to the by line and cutting it back and I felt like in this game our attack was very varied and I think that was down to the team selection m yeah I agree and we were looking at the team selection beforehand and we were looking wow look at the attacking Talent on the pitch you had kisi in the Midfield you had new signing odar out on the left hand side Sonny back up front um and then you had on the right wing you had um um Johnson yeah Brennan Johnson as well so I felt like an picked the team to go and be really be ruthless and you know you look at the Leicester game last week and you know we dominated for large parts of that game we just put couldn't put the ball in the back of the net but I think put that behind us and we were really clinical yesterday yeah and I actually love that selection from an it was Brave it was really offensive um he knew that we were going to have a lot of the ball and we were going to dominate so he thought um this is something we've been calling for you know for a while but add that extra attacking midfielder in there and someone like like a Dei which we I think we predicted Dei to play next to Madison in the opening game it didn't happen um and I think we actually suffered for it cuz I think if we would have had that extra bit of quality like Dei in the team I reckon we probably made even more chances and we probably would have won that game a bit more comfortably um so having that extra quality made a lot of difference and it didn't I know we did concede maybe a couple of chances there was one from Harrison and one from lindström in the second half that was pretty much it from them in terms of real clearcut opportunities um and so it didn't really hurt us defensively and you know a team like Everton aren't going to come to the Tottenham Hots Stadium to really um throw cord into the wind they're not going to open up they're going to be Resolute um yes they will probably pick their moments to press and they'll probably try and catch you on the counter but by and large we had 75% of the ball um so you know when we're going to have that much of the ball it's just going to be a case of how can we break them down um asking different questions of that and I think the selection was a um real brilliant move from an to throw Dei on there um interesting putting son up front as well because I thought you know son up front in this kind of game would he struggle to impact the game um but I thought what where I actually thought on the ball he didn't when he was up front he didn't impact it that much but where he impacted it was off the ball with his pressing and just um not allowing Everton's defense a moment's rest and obviously it fored the goal which he scored but I think more than that um he was just um causing panic forcing him to go along and what it meant was we would get to recycle the ball um time and time again and just continuing continuing to put them under pressure so it was also a clever move from man to put son back up front do you know what it is with Sonny how many times have we seen it year after year after year fans write him off and he comes back and he puts in a performance like that two goals on the day um I think he's getting all the records as well in terms of being up there with goals of Harland and suah for goals in the last three or four years I think the man is a phenomenon he's absolutely brilliant and I thought um after you know what wasn't wasn't such a great display against Esa he's responded to the critics and he's bang at it again and I felt he was doing a really good job dropping deep into the Midfield and really trying to um you know keep the pressure overloaded on Everton throughout the game and yeah it was it was a really good performance for him I want to talk about Eve basuma cuz you know a lot has been mentioned about Eve uh balloon gate and all this kind of stuff not the right mentality um a lot of people are saying potentially me I've been saying that you know I wouldn't mind if if he was salt um towards the back end of the season up until now I've been saying that but after everything that going on this is the perfect way for him to respond I thought he was brilliant brilliant throughout the day got the goal as well to to set us off and what an unbelievable finish that was um from just outside um the area bangs it in rifles it in just under the crossbar kisses the underside of the crossbar pford has absolutely no chance with it and it wasn't just the goal though I thought he was just brilliant throughout dictating the tempo um his spreads of play were absolutely brilliant how many times did we see him spray out to OD on that left hand side down to a T I thought he was pinpoint every single time and he just kept the ball moving um not not just his sprays of pass but he kept moving with nice little short passes as well to get us up the pitch so I thought in every facet Eve basuma did what he had to do yesterday really well yeah I think he sh he kind of um started the game like he had the point point to prove didn't he um he was pretty much like the Puma um that we saw the the earlier parts of last season really confident on the ball um looking to spray the ball forward and what I really like about it is yes he was quite disciplined with his positioning and make sure that the um Midfield three of Everton weren't dominating and and they weren't getting having too much impact which is really important like dor in these kind of games is usually like his Forte you know in these kind of games where he can burst forward on the ball he can triple pass to play he can make late runs in the box but he was absolutely Anonymous and I think a lot to was that to do with how euna was disciplined in his positioning but what I really like about him is his willingness to get involved in the final third get forward a bit um combine in those kind of scenarios because I feel like when basuma um you know isn't as confident he hangs back a bit too much and he doesn't you know he's got the ability to make a difference in that area of the pitch he's got good dribbling ability and you know for bran he did score the odd Banger I know he wasn't a massive goal scorer but if you look at some of the goals he did score a lot of them were outside the box really good really good strikes I remember there was I know he hasn't sco for to I remember when his debut like came on against I think it was Southampton and he L laid one off from like 30 yards and just like just kissed the post and I was like okay maybe he's going to start doing that a bit more for Spurs never really happened two years but what a brilliant goal and it shows he's got he's got the capabilities of of of um you know that kind of strike in him it was an unbelievable goal um and it was a brilliant way to respond to um how what his actions are obviously an said um you know it's a bit like when you discipline your son and then like for the next two days he does everything right but it's about you know can he can he do it consistently it's not about just the first few days it's about how he conducts himself you know moving forward and yes this is a very good start and you saw how he went over to Angy did that apology to the crowd as well so clearly it's been affecting me he clearly taken things on board um but uh you know it's still still it's still a process about long-term trust you know this is what he did isn't just going to be resolved with one goal so yes I'm delighted for him yes I I I hopefully this can be a turning point for him but you know you can't say all this forgiven just yet yeah absolutely um it's a very good start let's hope he can carry on in this kind of vein of form moving forward but it does bring a selection headache moving forward because Ben tanor was brilliant first game of the season you got basuma who's responded with a probably even better performance than Rodrigo did first game so what do we do moving forward against the Newcastle and the arsenals I think in a weird way Newcastle gives him might give him an excuse to just put Bento anduma together we probably might need that Ben tle in the eight yeah probably um I'm not sure yeah I mean look if an goes with Dei Madison and basuma again in against Newcastle I mean look it could it could work I mean if you cast your mind back to I mean obviously I would not this isn't a preview for the Newcastle game but if you cast your mind back to last season when we lost 4-0 we W it wasn't like they were dominating us we were actually had like again similar to Everton game we had 75% of the ball we just couldn't break him down and obviously they counted us massively so could we you know just throw a Dey in there and if we're going to have 75% of the ball again you know maybe it'll be a bit of a difference so I mean it's obviously selection headaches for an but it's good selection headaches because it means people a lot of players are playing well it's not just that if you know if he also decides to go basuma and vendore what he do a Dei because he was brilliant I thought um and and also let's talk about Dei as well in the goal cuz I don't think that gets talked about enough it's a brilliant goal from Bass but I think what Dei did is almost just as impressive the way he weaved in a few players in tight spaces and that's what I love about Dei in those situations because he's you know really physical he can hold um Defenders off and midfielders off in that kind of situation he can wle through a few players and then he had to had the presence of mind to lay off for for basuma and he show he showed his physicality and he showed his you know quick feet which we know he does have and um played a crucial role in that goal that's it and and this guy is probably the most informed Spurs player at the moment on the roster you know you look back to preseason he was our chief Creator and he was getting the majority of goal contributions throughout preseason I think it was six in in six games I think it was um first game of the season against Leicester he comes on and managed to you know swing the momentum back in our favor I thought with his good play and then he gets his start against Everton and I thought he was brilliant once again and what an unbelievable assist it was it really was Everton just didn't know how to deal with him didn't know how to get the ball off him shrugs everyone off as as he's moving with that physicality that he has in the Box um and the trickery that he has with his feet and bassum obviously did the rest so I'm loving Dei at the moment I was one of dei's harshest critics probably last season with him being out on the right but I'm loving him in these Central positions and that's what I was calling for all season last year I was like get him in the central positions that's where he's going to cause the most Havoc for Spurs I just don't think he's a Winger in this system and I think that's showing now definitely and um yeah I thought he was really unlucky to be taken off on the 67th minute cuz I thought he was playing so well U really influencing the game um and him next to Madison was a joy to behold they were linking up beautifully when they get it just added another dimension to that attacking play that we had and I I just feel like with SAR in there yes he offers a lot of U running a lot of legs um and you know he he can chip in with the odd goal here and there but he just doesn't he wasn't he wouldn't been able to do what Dei was was capable of yesterday on the ball and um that I think in these kind of games you know where last season we had some difficulty Breaking Down Low Blocks I think we were say in the beginning of the season I really want to see us really go for it and you know when when you see like teams like Man City against these kind of team like yesterday man city against ipswitch at home played a back three and just you know played a really attacking lineup because they know they had the quality and I want to see us do more I felt like last season um you know an could we talk about Brave on the ball and brave football but sometimes he could have been braver with his team selection I think we said that and I think maybe we're starting to see a bit bit Bravery here from with him yeah absolutely um but back on kiski for a second I feel like you know we were talking before the game who's going to start up front is it going to be Dei is it going to be Rashard and we didn't take into account Sonny could also play up front he did name Sonny as the number nine but kisi was the actual one um if you look at the a average positions like the one furthest forward for the most part of the game Sonny was dropping deep a lot so um yeah kiski was naturally the number eight but like he was the one furthest forward and giving the opposition trouble um more times than not it was almost it wasn't actually a number eight it was it wasn't two number eight it was two number 10 wasn't it Madison um Wilson odar made his uh um debut yesterday which I thought he was very bright particularly in the first half he was getting on the ball a lot looking to take on his fullback he didn't like do too many successful crosses or key passes or anything like that but what he did do was kept giving the opposition something to think about and I felt like maybe it wasn't the best performance but I think like for a first game I was really impressed with what he can potentially bring to this team I think you it was eward to see what he's going to offer in this team which is um someone who's going to continually relentlessly take on their fullback and always be an option how many times we sprayed out to him he's just always available willing to take on his man and when he's got um ground in front of him he it's not you know cast your mind back to the Leicester game people have talking about that moment where Brenan gets past the player and he's got all his space in front of him and he doesn't go for he cuts himself back even though was all that space didn't back himself OD every time he got the ball forward forward forward forward forward and the only time he went back is if he had a run and then like he kind of tried to take on his man didn't quite work then he would check back but always whenever he was isolated one his Defender he looked to take him one I think the stat was he had seven or six or seven attempted dribbles which was the most out of anyone on the pitch yeah and that was six six dribbles too uh successful uh and that was actually one of the you that was one of the big things I was saying about in terms of a Winger that we have um in terms of the dribbling ability like what I was saying about son in that position um you know the age he is yes he can still take on his man but he can't do it relentlessly you can't just do do it time and time and time again like just whenever he get the ball just continue to take on his man and and and ask questions every time and tie them out essentially essent essentially I got that word wrong um literally every time OD bear got the ball um what's his name the right back um I can't remember his name Quin quintine is it that wasn't his name was it anyway the young right back for Everton um every time we got the ball he was asking him a different question cutting inside going down the the left side and actually dealt with him quite well that right he did but what did was it dragged players out of the position a lot of the times they had to dle up on him um it created a space in the center and it just gave Everton something that every time they knew the ball they knew they had to deal with him it was like sometimes a Brenan he gets the ball and they the defense don't even worry because they know he's probably just going to pass the back or he'll try get to the by line you can block the cross but with OD you didn't know what way he's going to go he moves his Defenders around and that's what I love about him something that we haven't seen for a very long time at time yeah he Jinx in he jins out so he makes the defender move and he makes the defender actually like um think about what what OD is going to do with Brenan you know he's just going to go down the line so they always kind of um position themselves to deal with it it's not even just Brenan like all our Wingers pretty much maybe bar Sonny um but you look at kiski you knew what he was going to do you knew he was going to cut in back on his left you knew what Brennan's going to do he's going to go down the line like odar has just so many tools off his sleeve and I know like yesterday he didn't provide much in terms of service but you can see definitely he's going to be a major asset to this team yeah he definitely needs to work work on his final ball that's still bit clearly a bit a bit raw I think although there was one moment on the on the second half he Linked UP well Madison he put a really good ball across the face of gold and fortunately no one really was able to take advantage of it but his final ball um definitely needs work and he look he's 19 that will come obviously you saw the quality on occasion he had for Burnley so he clearly has ability to do that but unfortunately we didn't get to see it was interesting he started on the left cuz you know when we signed him a lot of people thought majority of his time is still going to come from the right natural position though but what's interesting you know he comes in and immediately goes on the left right what does that say for Vera you know what I mean I think it says what we all you know were expecting for Teo Vera Teo Vera is a backup at best what he is at this football people have been complaining about us you know complaining about signing a Vera and then an signs in Winger who you know there's a spot on the right to compete with Brenan yet he puts him as soon as he puts him in he puts him straight on the left where player though he's a natural Left sided player we've we've loaned verer for a year and he's best positioned for us in anyways on the left wing and we've and um first opportunity for Vera to get a start he's put OD there Vera Vera has been brought here I don't think even he's under any Illusions I don't think an is under any Illusions verer has been brought here as a pure backup player a pure backup player OD has been brought in here to challenge that's that's my opinion on it yeah but you sign him on a yearlong loan because you want him to be useful and you would think when when there's an opportunity I'm not I'm not saying an was wrong when or anything I think that's a good decision that odar played but I'm just saying I'm just saying it's interesting that the first opportunity where that LE swing left wing spot comes over he's moved to the middle he puts OD bear there not verer and I think that says a lot about um Vera's position SC unless we're looking at Vera now as back up to Johnson because he did play on the right against Leicester didn't he when he came on so I hope not to unless unless that's the plan we played Johnson and ver right Wingers and son and OD Bear's left Wingers yeah I got a feeling that that Vera is going to be back up to the back upop like let's say Sun's Sun's our left Winger and we've got Brenan on the right right and then Brenan gets injured I think OD bear will go and if son gets injured I think OD bear will go on the left I think I think John um Verner will be down the pecking order on both wings that's what I think yeah could well I mean yeah could well be um center backs as well put in an unbelievable display I think both of them were absolutely immaculate CTI rero after all the Flack that he's taken after last week he cut he responds put puts in a performance like that I mean on another day he could be ending the game with two goals and an assist literally he was astonishing I think he played two passes over the top to Madison right on a play unbelievable good runs from Addison who also had a good game by the way um but right on the plate from um from coutin if it wasn't for maybe uh if it wasn't for a bit of a dodgy touch from Madison on both occasions could have easily had at least a goal out of those situations I thought um his passing out the back was absolutely Immaculate on especially with those two passes it wasn't just that obviously he did get his goal with the header towering header over tarkowski who you know when you're probably looking at tarkowski Romer you probably would say tarkowski would probably aerially might have the better of it but Romera absolutely dominated him um for the for that goal um and I thought he was absolutely astounding and I thought Mickey was actually a lot better than he was against leester as well I'm not saying in had a bad game but I thought he was a lot more like he wasn't just like passively involved in the play he was aot yeah but he was he was he was he was proactive he was getting go involved in challenges obviously that run for the fourth goal was absolutely astonishing sones against Burnley except he didn't shoot he laid it off but um you know that goal I don't think what Center back in the league can do that apart from Micky vanen Yan V tongen Yan V tongen yeah maybe Yan vong To Go Go a case for it I don't think I don't see any I like I don't see any Center back in the Premier League at the moment being able to do what vi v Ed there just just Pace that assist was was something like locked you could already give that assist of the Season 100% like what a like he ran the length of the prit bro like it the edge of our yeah it was like it was exactly the same as Sonny against Burnley but mad it was mad I literally just for and also it was quite late on so to have the legs to do that at that point as well really impressive and just from a sheer Pace point of view like no one could catch him and this is what I say we're watching it um uh with uh my sister's uh future fiance who was on going to get married on Wednesday and and I was saying to him um you know when vanen gets into full speed that's it it's over like nothing like whether it's defensively or going forward as soon as he gets into full speed it's absolutely the only way to to stop him is fouling him that's the only way it's mad um and especially when the ball goes of the Top If like you can see van makes the calculation we have to go for it if as soon as soon as he says I'm going for this one that's it you might as well stop running because he need to be going for he need to be going for more but look I think astonishing display by both center backs I think the only real point of yesterday's performance with Brenan Johnson I thought he put in another poor display backing up from the poor display that he had against um Leicester first game of the season backing on from the poor performances that he's had against Bayern Munich in both games uh what do we do with Brennan now because he's coming under a lot of criticism uh from you know certain people in the fan base he's not performing well um we've got a new signing in od bear who could potentially play on the right hand side and let's say Dom sanki is fit for the Newcastle game next weekend for argument sake do you keep Brennan in the team or do you put OD bear on the right and Sonia on the left yeah I'll drop him um I'm not I'm not this isn't like a harsh decision all said he's dropped and he's never going to get a looking ever again it's a long season exactly a lot of games and also he's a brilliant Super Sub to have you showed that last season when he came off the bench or how effective he can be I just felt like yeah you could on the face of it you could probably argue Johnson and odar had similar games in terms of what they provided for the team but I think what what I think that's just that's just a surface level thinking I think if you look at the actual impact that each each player had on the team OD bear keeps the defender guessing when Brennan got it all he did was go down the line and his cross got blocked every time they knew how to deal with him he couldn't get past mikeno um at all and what he doesn't do what Odell was doing is his linkup play OD Bear's linkup play was a lot more effective was getting closer to his um to his teammates passing and moving that kind of stuff the only um time you ever see real Brenan linkup is when he like passs inside and looks for the onew down the line so we can get it so we can cross it again and obviously that can work sometimes but it can be a bit predictable and I thought he was really predictable against Everton I think it tells you everything you need to know the stat he only attempted one dribble throughout the whole game and he and he was on for what 90 minutes yesterday and OD bear was on for 70 minutes and he attempted six and I know only two were successful but you got if you're a Winger in this system this is what you need to attempt time and time again you need to keep testing your fullback he doesn't do that enough and he doesn't keep him guessing he doesn't keep and this is what I was saying about OD Bear yes again as I've said it wasn't like his most effective game but when he gets the ball you're not sure where he's going to go and when he goes down the line you have to shift with him because he's got the capability doing that and then because because their body weight is shifted down the line he can then cut inside and create space and because he's a bit more flexible and he has a bit more variation to his dribbling it keeps the defender guessing and it asks questions and it causes a bit of chaos when Brennan gets the ball yes cuz he's quick he can be a danger but you know what he's going to do he's quite predictable when he gets to the ball occasionally he'll chop inside but he'll never chop inside on his left foot he'll chop inside and maybe pass it inside he'll never chop inside and get a shot off or anything like that maybe like OD bear might do so he's doesn't have enough variation to his game and that's something he's definitely going to have to add um if he's going to be a top top Winger especially in this system I still think he and and I know I think we know he can definitely be an effective Winger in the system in terms of getting assists and goals especially from the back post he can do that but in terms of being a top Winger with like a lot of variation and like someone who um can really develop his game like like he's he's just got to add a bit more variation to when he gets on the ball and be a bit more of a threat rather than just being you know how predictable he is he just goes out of games sometimes and this was a major criticism I had from him last season I remember having a few debates with you Midway through last season where he's getting the numbers but he's just ghosting through games and not really impacting the game enough and I feel like he's going through another one of these moments at the moment where he's not even getting the contributions never mind um kind of applying himself and impacting games so hopefully he can improve hopefully um you know an does put him on the bench and he can provide something off the bench because he's done that so many times where he's come on late in games and he's given the opposition something extra to think about because Brennan fresh legs Brennan with the speed that he has it is a frightening thought with him running at you in in the last stage of the game with tired and we saw OD de Baron training do go playing on the right he looked quite good so I want to see him given a run out yes it's going to be Newcastle it's going to be a difficult game but um I think that's probably what what what's called for in this occasion and again just because we dropping Brennan doesn't mean he's never getting back on the team or whatever it's it doesn't mean Andre is going to do it either yeah it doesn't mean he's going do it either yeah so yeah look 4-0 ReSound resounding Victory really good performance as well with most of the players on the pitch putting in astonishing performances but you got to say that you know with four points after the first two games Leicester and Everton it should be six with the amount of domination that we have had over the course of those two games much much bigger test yet to come now with Newcastle away and Arsenal at home being our next two games I still think we need we need to show a lot of improvement to get the results in those games too definitely we'll see how Newcastle get on later um obviously Arsenal after to say um yes they won but they definitely showed some vulnerabilities in that game that was and I know they won 2-0 but I was quite encouraged in terms of them first game this season as well um so we'll see but look let's be honest if we win if we can win one of those two games that probably makes up for the Leicester result you you would argue look if we can beat Arsenal at Tottenham then that will make up for that makes up for a lot but I'm saying if we go s Park and get a win then that then you can probably cancel out Le I'm just not holding my breath looking at the last two performances in James's Park we've got we've got it absolutely handed to us both games I'm not saying we ConEd eight goals over the last two games at Newcastle uh more 10 10 go 10 gos last two games I'm not saying it's going to be easy or we're definitely going to win or anything like I'm just saying if we can get a win there like the the team should see as an opportunity to just get that put that lesser result right I think that's a good way to do it let's hope so guys but yeah we move on on to Newcastle away next weekend let me know your thoughts of the game in the comment section below like subscribe comment and as always coming Spurs

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Category: Sports

We need to talk about brennan johnson because at the moment in this tottenham side something is not right you've just got to look at the everton game i believe against everton tottenham were very strong as a team but if you look at the who scored ratings and if you look over some of them 8.6 is 8.5s... Read more

Ange Postecoglou's GENIUS PLAN For Yves Bissouma at Tottenham! 😱 thumbnail
Ange Postecoglou's GENIUS PLAN For Yves Bissouma at Tottenham! 😱

Category: Sports

It's clear to say that eve basuma career at tottenham so far has been a bit hit and a bit miss when he signed for the club under antonio con's tenure it was seen as a very good signing for a very good fee from brighton hov album he really impressed at brighton in his short stay with the club becoming... Read more