Dragusin Solid! Odobert Starts Again! [Newcastle United Vs Tottenham Hotspur]

what's going on people we are Tottenham TV back here with another episode of player ratings of Spurs lost by two goals to one at St James's Park which you got to say was a much much better display than we've turned out there the last couple of years disappointing and frustrating to not come away with anything with the level of performance there but is same old stories and not taking your chances getting sucker punched at the other end we're going to start off with Vicario I'm going to give him a six I mean I don't think he had much to do throughout the game uh to be honest Newcastle hardly tested him the two chances that uh they did score from I don't think he could have done anything from the first second one he is caught in a bit of No Man's Land uh where he squares it into Isaac who has an empty net to aim at but what I did think he did well was um commanding of the Box crosses um you know he usually comes under a lot of pressure especially like places like St James's Park and I felt like he dealt with that really well so yeah yeah I'm going to give him I'll give him a seven he made one good save from Jacob Murphy in in that uh second half when it when when we were at a one W and it could have that could have made it 21 at that point I think or it might have been at 21 actually but there was a breakaway where Murphy had a chance he made a save apart from that I don't make I don't remember too many other saves uh from um from Vicario but as you say he was much better dealing with set pieces getting getting hands on it getting punches on it getting counterattacks so that was good um on the ball uh he was pretty decent in terms of power playing out not too many mistake not not any mistakes actually I can remember P from one I think he played out play um so yeah yeah I'm going to give him a seven Pedro porro up next I'm going to give him a six as well I did feel like there was a couple of times where he got caught out in a defensive position going forward as well I don't think he brought us what he usually does bring us in the attack with his long range passes uh but he did have a couple of attempts or maybe one attempt on goal um I just don't think it was maybe up to the levels as it was previous couple of games yeah I think um we tried a lot of like short set pieces and he was looking quite inventive from them obviously that one really good set P which they engineered to get porro a shot but unfortunately porro shot was deflected he also got a really good cross in for Romero's goal which unfortunately was ruled off offside but was a brilliant cross from porro I think on the ball you know the quality has I think defensively he was pretty good but obviously I don't think he covered himself in too much G for the opening goal Switched Off a bit allowed Lloyd Kelly to get that cross in um to to find Harvey Barnes and I think he'll be disappointed didn't stop that but I actually thought whether it be Barnes or Gordon I don't remember too much influence they had on the game so um on that side so I think he did pretty well uh but he'll be disappointed with the goal we can seeed so I'll give him a six CI Romero up next I'm going to give him a six as well I think um look he defended well for the most part he was being really aggressive stepping into the Midfield on the left hand side of the defense which was kind of a bit unorthodox which usually is it on the right but for the two goals that we conceded I do think he was poor um he does get caught up the pitch and look he needs to be in these moments have his wits about him and I know that's the kind of player he is he likes to be aggressive get aggressive moments up the pitch and he is caught out of position sometimes but in games like this where you're dominating the ball when you're in the ascendancy we just get caught out way too many times and I think he's a part of it yeah was just one long straight ball and I think Romero Switched Off a bit I actually thought obviously him playing on the left hand side of the defense this time I still think he put in a pretty solid display for most of it I'm also going to give him a six but I think for definitely for second goal he'll be mightly disappointed the fact he just lets Murphy run off him and um get Murphy get to two on one two on one with the goalkeeper with Isaac there and Romero kind of wasn't aware of where Murphy was I think he'll be disappointed with that orbe it if they were playing offside trap you got blade Dragon but if they weren't I think Romero is definitely at fa I don't think he looked as comfortable on the left hand side as he usually does on the right hand side especially with his with his passing out the back he I definitely think he likes to pass it from that angle where he is on the right I definitely think we saw a bit less of his of that passing ability that we know he has um but I still think like defensively most of the time he was pretty solid but he'll be really disappointed with his role in the goal drosen up next I'm going to give him a seven I thought he was the better of the back two really aggressive some really great challenges in the Box as well there was one obviously standout one from Isaac where it looked like dragin had no right to get to the ball and he slides in uh maybe to the naked eye it looked like it could have been a penalty but he got the ball for sure and um it was a top top challenge but I felt throughout the game apart from maybe the one moment where we did concede uh where he was playing the player on I think um he had a really good game throughout and I was really happy with his display yeah I'm going to give him I'm going to give him an eight I thought he was actually really really good and um obviously again as I say with the second goal he'll be a bit disappointed he was caught a couple yards deeper which kept Murphy on side and if they were playing a high line to keep the offside trap dragen probably got a step up um be interesting to see the analysis on that if an says if that's what they're trying to do but um I thought by and large he was phenomenal uh from all his defensive actions I thought he was super aggressive on the halfway line uh he was also mopping up really well vaner venes um over the top as well uh I think we weren't caught out too many times you you know you'd be worried without van Deen that Isaac and you know all there Gordon and people like that were going to get in time and time again that didn't happen I think a large part was due to drag his positioning and his aggressive nature so I think he stepped in really really well and I'm really happy for him but unfortunately was to know Avil destiny doggy up next um I'm going to give him I'm going to give him a Sixers maybe a five to be honest cuz I felt like uh he definitely needs to be doing better for the goal that when the cross comes in I think he needs to be cutting that out and um I don't think he influenced the attack as we know he does he's usually like a bull in a chck just charging up that left hand side or through the middle of the park and getting into really good positions but I felt like he he kind of failed to do that in this game yeah I feel like he's struggling a bit late in games and U in terms of his Fitness I think I don't know when the goal was scored about 72nd minute yeah something like that so I think these last 20 minutes I can see him getting a bit laggy and I think that's if you if you see him trying to cat back from a long injury if you see him trying to catch Murphy for that goal he gets nowhere near him and you know you think I know Murphy can be quite quick but you would have thought a doggy you know at full fitness would have been at least getting a lot closer to him an did say last week you know we're trying to get as much football into his legs as possible suggest to me he's not fully fit yeah but in that case maybe you should have taken brought on Spence for the last bit of the game because I think as much as Romero got caught I think a doggy also got caught on his heels a bit as well in that situation and um didn't get round the back of Jacob Murphy W to ran off Romero and I think uh doggy fully fit probably catches Murphy in that situation but he actually got woring Le in fact um when Murphy put if you see where Murphy puts it uh the pass to Isaac the Dogg is kind of tripping up he's cuz he just can't catch him um so I think he'll be disappointed with that I think when him when he's going forward I I still don't feel like this this you know 100 100% confident doggy just yet in terms of maybe he still needs to trust his body again after that injury I think there was some good things I still think when he takes the ball into feet and charges forward he's still really good at that and holding off people with his physicality but I feel like when he's going forward and really has to get to the by line or get a ball in um we didn't see enough of that uh from a doggy yesterday so I'm I'm going to give him a uh six I'm going to give him a six six next up basuma I'm going to give him a seven I thought basuma played a really good game again uh really combative in the middle of the park he was winning the ball back countless amount of times he was driving us forward as well didn't have maybe the passing on show like he had in the last game but I still think it's a positive performance from bis yeah I was happy with B I'm going to him a seven as well I thought um he actually maintained control of that Midfield especially when Madison and koseski were together had a lot more responsibility and in fact I think he relished in that and we l looked even better when that was the case um I think him in the six again another really solid display I think Newcastle didn't live with him too much I don't was too much troubled by I don't can't remember too much of an influence gimz had I know Joon Linton obviously set up the goal for Murphy in the second goal but I thought other than that also he had limited influence I think mum's control that Midfield helped that a lot and uh I think he was dropping back when he needed to although I do think he'll be disappointed with the first goal kind of again Switched Off from that throw in allowed barns just free and if you look at the goal purum is not marking anyone I'm not saying it was his man necessarily but if you're in the Box you're not marking anyone and someone's free in the Box and scores he's yeah got someone's got someone's uh got to take I mean I again if I have to watch the go back I'm not 100% sure whose man it was who we lost but all I know is pum wasn't marking anyone and maybe if if it's not organization thing or his responsibility thing he's got to you know be better Pape matar up next I'm going to give him I mean I'm not sure what to give him a six or a seven but I was fairly happy with his display I felt like it was his best display so far this season very combative in the middle of the park his pressing was really good and he was influencing the attack as well where he was getting forward getting shots off being that option on the edge of the area to take that long shots which you know we've been calling for for some time unfortunate for him he did get that booking so he got taken off at halim and to be honest we were better off for it when he did go off the pitch so um good change from an um unfortunately that he had to go off but I thought he had a good display I'll give him a 6o5 yeah I thought he was all right actually I know he was bit harsh him taking off at Hal time but he had a couple of really good efforts and goal which popee had was equal to uh I don't think either of them were really in danger of going in but still some good efforts which poach wasn't able to handle we got Corners out of both situations I thought um he was quite good with as you say I thought his pressing was was really solid um he was actually I still think in the final third you know in those situations where Dei is looking for like a little one two or that little bit of inventive creativeness when SARS in those situations we don't quite get that just yet from him we do get powerful running and kind of if there's a pass as a progressive pass straight or through ball or something and he sometimes he's able to spot it but when he's looking to be a bit Nimble in tight areas he's still lacking in that and that's maybe why we looked a bit better with Dei on the pitch so I'm going to give him a six next up is James Madison I'm going to give him a six as well I thought he was he didn't have the right influence in that first half to be honest I don't think he was too involved in our play going forward but he did come alive a bit in the second half he was he took that shot which forced a really good save out of Pope it was his shot shot that led to our first goal well to our goal as well with Brenan Johnson um so those were good moments for him but I felt like um I felt like he should have blocked that cross for newcastle's first goal um who Madison yeah yeah after was it were him trying to block the cross was it um I have to watch that back again but um yeah I think Ms I was pretty happy with I'm going to give him a seven actually I think first half I was a bit disappointed with his overall play but I thought set pieces were um solid I thought actually he had some really creative routines clearly theyve um uh what's it called uh trained on a few things on the training ground with it and I think they nearly came off on a couple of occasions for him uh second half I really thought he came alive and I thought him next to Dei there was some really good link up Play Between the until all of a sudden he was finding a lot more space he was able to do things taking more shots which we've been calling for as well and obviously it led to the goal one of his efforts which pope can can handle so I thought second half he was a lot better and I was actually again a bit ball the Madison we've seen in the first two games so I'm going to give him a seven OD bear up next I'm going to give him a five start it off on the right wing move it over to the left wing from the right wing he was pretty ineffective um I felt like he struggled to take on his man he struggled to get quality into the box and on the left wing he did look a bit better and he was looking to be more incisive and get more involved and he did get more involved but I was still a bit disappointed he was good at like knitting the play together but when he was asked to take on his man and get balls into the box I still thought it was a bit poor yeah and obvious he missed that massive chance in near the back post which he blazed Over the Bar he'll be really disappointed with that that was probably the best chance that we missed I think that was a one n though anyway we did get back to 1-1 but if he would have scored that um you know a bit earlier like he like he would have could have made a bit of a difference um I agree with you I think on the right hand side didn't quite click for him um he he wasn't really getting to the outside like Brennan does I felt like he kept wanting to cut inside what I do like about him is there are some moments in general play where I feel like brenon would have lost the ball where I feel like OD be is a bit sharper yeah he's actually quite good he actually finds a way just to get off to a man where I feel like Brenan in certain situations doesn't have the flexibility to kind of go a few different directions um but when he did go back to the left hand side in the second half looked a lot more effective um but again his final ball was a bit frustrating there was a couple of moments where we won the ball half the half the pitch um there was a two on two situation I remember we gave it to OD bear you know he had a chance to just cut into the center and shoot and unfortunately his shot was blocked and obviously he didn't miss that big glaring opportunity so there's definitely still he's definitely clearly a work in progress he's definitely clearly a lot got a lot of talent even in this game you can see that but um when it comes to just being really effective in the final third getting those goal contributions and like when he's got an opportunity to either play a pass or get a shot off still a bit missing at the moment it seems with him but uh still a fairly bright G I'm going to give him A6 next up is son hyung Min I'm going to give him a six as well lot of hard yards he putting a lot of effort into this game I thought his pressing was really good he he won the ball back couple of times high up the pitch he didn't really have too much goal mouth action which was unfortunate I felt like when he was on the left um he wasn't cutting in enough to create those goal scoring opportunities there was a couple of times he did it but he hesitated and didn't take the shot um and and when he was in the number nine I felt like he was just being crowded out way too much and um you know he was good at linking up the play but unfortunately didn't see too much goal math action I thought him on the left hand side first half actually wasn't too bad I thought um he actually gave T liver a bit of a tough time I thought on that left hand side and a few times he was able to get to the by line get a whip across in unfortunately the crosses weren't with the best quality but I thought he was able to do it and you know do that job I thought there was that one moment where he KN me liento as well and him as a free kick in that situation I thought uh he was looking bright he then moves to the center I actually thought for the first like uh you know 20 minutes of that half or so when the game was open for us he was looking quite dangerous I remember there was one moment he won the ball high up the pitch and he had a chance to get into the box and take a shot again his the shot was blocked unfortunately when that was a good opportunity for him so he was looking bright but I felt like as soon as they went 21 to Newcastle and they kind of shut up shop clogged up the penalty area he became really ineffective and wasn't able to influence the game for the last 20 minutes or so and that was a big big shame um but I thought overall actually was decent from from sunny I don't think he had a bad game so I'm going to give him a seven and last but not least from the starting 11 is Dean kiski who I'm going to give a 72 started off in the false 9 which um I thought he was causing Newcastle problems uh his physical presence in there was uh definitely doing us the world of good he was pressing he was winning the ball back and uh he was just causing a complete nuisance for himself and then when he dropped down deep into the uh 10 position or the eight whichever one you want to call it in the second half I felt like he was well um being able to influence the game a lot more knitting the play together getting involved a lot more and still using that body uh to win the ball back high up the pitch unfortunately not much came from him winning the ball back high up the pitch but um I felt he was doing a really good job for the team and um yeah one of our better players yeah I was really happy with that I'm getting him S as well um carries on his good start of the season I thought in the nine he was good I thought not much of a goal threat unfortunately but I think in terms of making the ball sick and keeping liverp um Newcastle pendant he did quite a good job I think he was in did some good work in the build up to a few s efforts and um I think when it comes to him in in the foral N I think he struggled to really impact the game when it came to really creating chances of scoring but I think when it came to our overall control he was good but when he went to the eight I thought he' got a lot more involved in the game uh in terms of really trying to open up Newcastle I think um he did some really good stuff when it came in and around the Penalty Box and setting up chances I thought it was linking up really well Madison and um but there was one moment really frustrated me we had like three on two in our favor and uh and and he had Brennan to the right he was completely free and he had son and I think OD bear to the left or verer I think it was and um it's just the wrong option he W for those two when Johnson was to his why completely free and that was a moment which will frustrate probably him and probably an as well but I think overall I think the team looked a lot better with him in the eight when he was next to Madison and it'll be interesting to see what an does going forward because by and large since he's taken over um he's wanted like a very combative number eight like AAR or benen call but Dei I think is starting to show um what you can do next to Madison the only problem is I looked at some stats he only won two of 11 ground Jews so that' be a bit disappointing I felt like Dey was a big big reason in that second half how we were able to sustain that pressure how we were able to keep it in newcastle's half for the majority of it and I agree with you I really like him in that position but I also like him in the nine but once Dom salanki comes back like I don't think K you see much time in the nine uh moving on to the subs Brennan came on for SAR at half time and I felt like he was our man in the match Brenan I'm going to give him an eight I was so impressed with him he's come under a lot of criticism but he was our attacker with the most um um you know asking the more question most questions out of Newcastle was getting the ball on the right hand side and he just kept attacking that right hand side relentlessly beating his man getting good balls in the Box without anyone being in the box and obviously gets on the end and scores the goal that grabs us back in the game as well so I was really happy with Brennan and pressing high up the pitch as well so I think from all facets Brennan played a really good game yesterday yeah my man of uh my man of the match was Brennan for sure I I'm also going to give him an eight out of 10 I thought when he came on on the right hand side he was just a Non-Stop problems for uh for Newcastle down that right hand side I think Dan bur didn't have to live with him um obviously was he got he kind of got the goal unfortunately actually it wasn't going in it was actually a brilliant save from Pope but obviously he turned it in and um he was massively involved getting to our back post but every time we got into him it was a threat he was either whipping a ball across the face to goal or he was just causing problems being a nuisance I was at one moment where he wins the ball um H the pitch he makes a tackle off Gordon and then he Sprints and beats down beats Dan burn to the to the other of the tackle and he you know Sprints past two players uh unfortunately his ball to Sonny was just uh a bit undercooked but um obviously he set up that chance for OD bear as well from a deflected cross which OD bear should have put put away so I thought he was fantastic I thought he um definitely uh you know proved a lot of people um I wouldn't say proved them wrong after one game but obviously he's as you say first two he hasn't played well but he was fantastic coming off the bench but then again it shows a you know maybe it proves what a lot of people were saying about him he's better Super Sub and he rather than him starting so U maybe there is some uh justification to that but I thought he was phenomenal in that second half and by far in away our best player so yeah I go him an 8 out 10 absolutely moving on to the subs um well that was a sub moving on to the next sub Teo Vera he came on with what half an hour to go 20 minutes to go yeah it came on for OD Bear yeah around the uh 20 minutes to go or something like that I thought he was really poor really poor once again I'm going to give him a four didn't contribute to the attack didn't show any real signs of quality uh really poor yeah Anonymous I Feel Again similar to son I feel like when teams are in that mode where they're low block he becomes in effective he needs space to play in and I feel like coming Bring team over on when you need a goal uh sometimes uh doesn't really work so um I don't think it worked in this occasion in fact you probably want an OD bear in those situations more than you want a verer don't you so unfortunately I'm going to give uh for as well didn't do so well B came on for a bit he was a bit too late I he didn't really influence I think 10 minutes ago he came on for um Madison I think it was yeah it was Madison um yeah didn't get too involved unfortunately especially in around the penalty area wasn't able to create anything um who else came on and who else came on that was it yeah I think that was yeah just those three I think and an po theu I'm going to give him a seven I think he set us up to win the game but we're dominant throughout it's not his thought that um we couldn't put away our chances but what is his fault is uh the setup of the defense and how we keep conceding these really easy chances uh when we were on top so he's got to take accountability for that he's got to rectify that and um yeah look I'm happy with the general performance we should have won the game we played well enough to win the game but he's got to work work on this defensive structure because this is going to keep happening yeah I'm going to give him a six I think game management was pretty good and overall I I think the fact that we reacted so well in the second half he made that change made a positive impact on the team I'm going to give him credit for that um and the fact that we didn't crumble like we have in previous years in Newcastle where we concede one all of a sudden it's two and three very quickly that didn't happen this time not only did it not happen but we actually equalized and got back in the game but these sucker punches are no I don't think they're no coincidence they keep happening it's the way we are set up and if when when it when and when we're missing too many chances um you always got there's always uh a chance that we do kind of um get Sucker Punch that's exactly what happened and I don't think an can kind of complain when the defense is set up in the way that it is but as well I also think I have some sympathy in the fact that he's got to uh the players on the pitch you got to take some some responsibility for when they have those chances they just got to put them away they got to be a bit more ruthless got to bit more clinical then again is that a quality issue you know we've complained about um some of the play not not complain but like you look at our forward line with OD bear ver being uh being the additions who were on show uh yesterday are they of required quality right now to to close the gap still big question marks on that and uh I think yesterday and the Leicester game are showing that you know are these players ruthless enough I think the jury's still out on that so but hopefully once salanki comes in I actually think if sanki played yesterday that would have made a massive difference not just to the chances being put away but also how we can hold the ball up even more in those Central areas and how we're able to get the ball into him so if have some sympathy but I'm going to going to give him a six all right well there you have it that is our player ratings for the 2-1 loss against Newcastle yesterday put your ratings in the comment section below thank you very much for joining us today like subscribe and comment and as always come on you SPS

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