UNC's Mack Brown on retirement | ECU's Mike Houston convo | Ron Shelton on "Bull Durham" musical

Welcome to False Fall let's podcast alongside Joe jilo I'm Joe oia inside eford studios in downtown Raleigh thanks to Empire properties and thanks to copers plus check them out online at copiers plus.com did you know you can swap out all sorts of papers with your Kio Sarah printer Joe I'm currently in a state of panic over our friends from copier plus because Drew is not going to be able to play in the OG Golf Classic this year oh no however okay Drew being the corporate Champion that he is MH would like for us to have a team A copers Plus team okay that we give away so if you're interested in playing in the OG Golf Classic thanks to our friends and copers plus send me an email J.J gmail.com we can do that yeah even better though if your company has data management needs please go to copers plus.com yeah or if you happen to be a hockey team manager and you need to print out a bunch of stickers on a template o you can do that got sticker helmets hel helmet stickers roster stickers apparently I'm learning all sorts of ins and outs about this travel Hockey Life man I am it's it's way too organized of a thing for me to be doing let's just put it that way I could see that yeah it's a little too organized still waiting for you to wear the jacket I haven't got I have not gotten my official team jacket yet I have my normal one that bought a couple years ago no no no I want I know you want the actual team manager jacket when that thing arrives I will make sure that I wear I mean per today's a perfect day for it I mean I saw a couple when I walked in I know I saw a couple when I walked in they were wearing fullon pants and members only jackets and I'm going happen no no no no no today is a classic North Carolina hoodies and shorts kind of a day speaking of things I'd like to reclaim I feel like we have to hit up Ethan to see if we can do a hoodies and shorts video on fville street with some of our from breaking te okay that would be I got my breaking tea on today so you got your rowback on today um that's what you have on get get the corporate Champions right don't confused my Champions we have so many hoodie corporate Champions roback HomeField breaking te there's so many to choose that's why we have to do a video I'm just excited that my roback people have the triple D now they released it I don't know if you saw the the selected colleges that have deals with them yeah among them is SMU and I was like oh boy go here go no I haven't had a chance to see that because I was too busy catching up on the Scott Fowler Charlotte Observer sports legends of North Carolina feature on Ma Brown oh cool yeah it's it's it's a really nice feature you know Scott has a good back and forth with a lot of these guys that he's been able to talk to for this feature that's now I think a couple years running right and the part that got my attention was Scott Fowler asking m brown Brown about retirement you Mack Brown will retire on his time remember you go back to ACC kickoff m brown was very defiant about the retirement talk talking about oh everybody wants me retired and eight of these guy I'm paraphrasing here like eight of these guys who were telling people that I was going to retire been fired one of them's on his staff right now apparently if you believe that and apparently he called Mike Elco too uh he's like oh you know I'm here longer than you Mike you have you left for Texas A&M the way Mack phrased it to Scott couldn't help but chuckle and then I also had a a question for North Carolina fans and how they process what Mack tells Scott Fowler what do you tell people I'm sure you're asked all the time but what do you tell people recruits Etc when they ask you the retirement question now it gets asked before they say hello now I bet and I do think as you said Roy retires at 72 coach sabbin retires at 72 Villanova Coach Jay Wright retired so a lot of people are saying I'm not going to put up with this I'm just not going to do it anymore and and to me it's been more of a I'm needed more right now than ever before the game needs older people with experience that that can help make some sense out of this stuff the kids need a balance and and uh they need a a a soothing confident influence and uh I'm a better coach now than I've ever been because I've still got my energy but I've got more experience and more confidence than I've ever had uh and and that's where all this stuff comes together um so what I tell them is that Texas I got tired 30 straight years and I started talking about retirement I started talking about what I'm going to do next I started talking about who's going to take the the job over and what do we do for the assistant coaches to help them and when you do that you're getting ready to be through so we didn't do as well at the end so when Sally and I got back in we said we're not going to think about it we're not going to talk about it we're just going to work our tail off and then one day when it's best for the University and best for the kids we'll know it and we'll just stop but we're not going to prepare to stop and and I think that's a a huge difference in in where we are now and where we were then uh we're offering 27 quarterbacks and running backs from the class of 27 why would I be doing that if I'm thinking about quitting or why would I be up here working so hard so so when people come in I I tell the families I know you're going to ask me if I'm going to quit because every coach has told you I'm going to quit and I said what a great compliment to me that they want me to quit before I would just say um I can't believe they said that really and truly it's a great compliment they want me to quit they're Wan you out so that's a good thing when you do decide that it'll be sort of sudden at the end of a season like Roy did or do do you anticipate that you would say a year in advance as coach Kay did and then have a year of people honoring m brown at every um you know Road stop no I'm not an honor guy coaches have egos and I'm I'm I've got one I've got all that but I'm I'm not a guy that likes a lot of attention I'd rather walk in the room and be quiet and be in the back and people ask me questions and I can answer them uh but I I do think since I'm not going to think about it at all there will be a day that I'll get up and just say uh I think it's best right now for North Carolina to transition to this and then I'll do it but I I sure I I'll be in the mountains of North Carolina playing golf or or fishing for trout or on the beach uh and I'll be out of the way so that's m brown with Scott Fowler it's about a 40-minute conversation that's the part of the conversation I thought I thought was more interesting because Joe heck I got this question I did a a hit with college sports now with Stephen Hartzel and Rody Jones and they asked about m brown and and retirement and things like that I was actually talking to our friend Jordan Kramer uh W with uh CNC Channel 17 and she was asking about Mac Brown like everybody's curious about Mac Brown and retirement so it's gonna be a conversation but I was I was surprised in how he framed it and I guess it gives you insight into how MA Brown is thinking and it ties back to the conversation we had with him back at ACC kickoff where he's like I like to fix things North Carolina still needs to be fixed he truly believes he's the only one who can really do it there's a there was an extra piece later on in the in the conversation with Scott Fowler whereare made me think of you because he gave a story about Bobby bowon and how they were on some sort of Nike trip with Bobby bowon and they were talking about you know retirement and what you gonna do next and everything else and Bowen essentially I'm paraphrasing here but Bowen essentially said yeah man if I retire I'm worried about being bored I'm worried about death essentially and Max like I'm not that far but I do agree that without coaching I don't know what my purpose is going to be and that's kind of the interesting spot where North Carolina is right now with ma Brown when there's a lot going into this season about where the direction of the program is headed with m brown 2.0 coming off of Sam how and Drake May yeah let's start where where he's absolutely right and that is when you start thinking about the and it is over totally agree so I I he's absolutely 100% correct about that uh and he's interesting in the sense that when he says yeah it's a compliment now that when people like I'm going to retire it's going to be over it's going to be this I'm just going to be perfectly honest with you when when he first came back and he took the program from where it was in the final two or three years under lar Fedora and made them instantaneously respectable was guns blazing absolutely you know getting everyone he wanted in in Charlotte and and Sam how and Drake May and flipping Drake May from Alabama and Josh downs and and all of the players that they were getting uh sorry the poor kid who transferred the festar kid who they were all excited about who I who they hate me over oh what Grimes yeah you know they were really take kicking ass and taking names on the recruiting Trail he put himself in a situation where he could have the conversation about this is my legacy this is I call the shots I'm the one who's going to say when it's over the way that the team has performed in the final the LA in the final five six games of the last two years and and the way that they've underperformed as a favorite is is a direct correlation to his coaching now at 72 years old I don't think Mack is is locked in on the headsets and calling plays and doing all these other things I think he has turned that over to his lieutenants okay but I don't think he's in the same situation he was in 19 and 20 where he can call the shots realistically yeah I think that's his point of view I think North Carolina and Bubba Cunningham and their leadership should have a different point of view about who gets to decide when it's over for Mt Brown because the way that the team has performed after the way that they started in in the two Drake May years and then the you know obviously the fumble that they had in in 21 the final year s they went six and seven with Sam how that final year when they're preseason top 10 team yeah the next year they lost the final four games of 22 last year they lost four of their last six games with an NFL top five draft pick like this is not this would be the akin to Chuck Amato sitting here telling you in year seven oh yeah I'll be the one who tells you what happens and there's a little bit of a disconnect money money money money money money money money money money Mone Mone Mone Mone money money yes the money people like mac I get that that's why he's still the football coach of North Carolina but the truth of the matter is that was his last Mulligan last year this isn't he he's not in the situation where he's going to dictate the terms I know he wants to be in Bobby Bowen's class I know he wants to be in be Bran's class I know he wants to you know take out the scandal of the Joe Paterno class but he's not in that class of You did leave sometimes he acts like he was at North Carolina this whole time the whole time yeah it's like but it was understandable why he left nobody blames you for going toex nobody begrudges you the success you had at at Texas or the things that you learned at Texas but you're right there on you're right there on the doorstep as to why m brown thinks of himself differently at North Carolina you're right on the doorstep I mean he's never won the ACC title he came back though he came back the donors love him yeah and that's where the friction is the donors view ma Brown like the ones who matter the one that Ma Brown says yeah I talk to guys and ask them questions and get their input because Ma's really good at keeping those people happy he'll charm your pants by the way come on man you're not the guy who comes in and sits in the back of the room you're the guy who entertains the room come on exactly exactly I mean look there's there's what he there's what he sells and what it actually is and every coach does this every coach has this has his cell but you're right on the doorstep of the friction that's about to take place at North Carolina depending on how the season goes you have the way the donors view ma Brown and the history of North Carolina football you're right they haven't won the the they haven't won they haven't won the championship they haven't won a title since he's been here their Seasons ultimately end up being empty calorie Seasons despite the fact that they' represented the Coastal Division right I get all that stuff but in Max's mind he does view himself as the Roy Williams or Dean Smith of football yeah he views himself as the anend dorance of football it's all relative so in his mind yeah for us it makes sense Dean Smith's gonna call the shot when he calls the shot because he's won two national championships he is the Cornerstone of UNCC basketball Roy being the dean disciple who wins three national championships has the right to basically call the shot when he wants to call the shot we just talked about Anon dorren and what the hell he did at UNCC with soccer and yeah man he's gonna call the shot when he wants to call the shot Mack relative to football success views himself in the same boat if you think I'm full of [ __ ] when I say that go back and listen to ma Brown and how he talked talks about what they've done at North Carolina the first go round and the second go round when he was defending himself and defending the program last year he was very quick to tell you the stats about how many times they've won and how often it happens in North Carolina and you should be appreciative of the fact that when he came back he was able to get back to these amount of wins even if they end up being somewhat empty calories so Mack a national champion who comes back to North Carolina to bring to your point bring North Carolina back to respectability bring North Carolina back to having that interest an interest in in football he views himself in that boat so it makes sense that he thinks that he's just gonna wake up one day and say I'm out of here but this is where we get to the friction while the boosters might like that while he believes that the wild card in all of this is Bubba Cunningham he's the wild card in all of this at some point depending on how this year goes I'd be really curious to see how Bubba Cunningham handles this Ma's not going to go away all nice and quiet clearly based on how he kind of views himself and how he's talking about with Scott Valor that's fine that's how he views it but Bubba's got a different job and I'm just curious if Bubba's the kind of guy that's willing to tell he hasn't had to do this yet you know yeah he has not had to have a rough conversation with a legendary coach about hey man it's time for you to go you didn't have to do it with Roy you didn't have to do it with Anon he might have to do it with Mack I'd be really curious to see how that plays out and what gets leaked out because sometimes it ends up being pretty bad like David cuckle still mad at Duke Y for the way things ended there yep because he felt hey man I brought you guys back to respectability I showed up in an ACC Championship game I won a Division I should be able to go out the way I wanted to didn't work out that way because Nether King had other plans other ideas what's Bubbas and that's the next question going forward I don't I'm not I am not going to play I'm saying it right up the right off the bat since you know we're having this conversation now if we don't talk about ma Brown's retirement possibilities rest of the year that's fine let's just let this season play out the way that it play out plays out my question is what kind of direction would Bubba Cunningham want to go in because the succession plan whatever might have been that's out the window there's really nobody on staff that you're going to point to and go okay cool that's the guy I want to be the next head coach this the bloom off scott fat Scott saterfield is gone right like remember he was the hot thing for for a bit there he's he's bounced around a little bit maybe there was a time back when Matt got hired the the second go round at North Carolina you could have made the the argument for saterfield but what what direction does North Carolina go in when Mack decides to retire and I don't know do you go young upand cominging guy do you bring in another respected coach do you have the money to bring a guy from another program I just don't know I really don't know and I'd love to pick Bubba's brain on that kind of thing when the time comes comes it it this is going to be an interesting season because I I I don't think the bottom is going to fall out on Carolina I know some people are are thinking well they don't have you know Drake May anymore and this thing could turn on them listen they still have a lot of Talent on that team it's never been the problem their schedule is very very manageable yeah man um so I again I could see them winning seven or eight games this year which would be a par for what Mack has done for sure but I it's interesting you the mindset of someone like mac you know you have to convince yourself again I I say this to people all the time for if you want to be great you have to want to be great and Mack is great he wants to be great he has convinced himself that he's great well he can't knock him out of that mindset no and that's important that he he sticks to that but there is a disconnect though and you say boosters yeah there's some of them but I I think we're getting to a point with the Carolina fan base portions and Pockets to that fan base who look at what he's done and say okay that was good I'm glad we're not in the situation that we were in under at the end of Larry and I'm glad that you came back I'm glad we had these warm and fuzzies but the truth of the matter is now Carolina's not looking at this saying well what can we do in the ACC Carolina's next step is how do we now position ourselves for either the Big 10 or the SEC and keep in mind now when you're sitting at the poker table you can't find the the the lamb you can't find the person who's the py you're it you're the mark yeah and you think the reason the Big 10 wants you is because Jim Delaney's kid is GNA give you private Equity no they want you because you're going to be the [ __ ] Mark in the Big 10 football that's why they want you they want they want the brand yeah there's nothing wrong with the brand want the brand but you're eager to bring in teams that you're like oh yeah come on in CU as as we Circle back I would love to go talk to my recuits in the state of North Carolina and tell yeah we're going to play in front of bomb every year and you are absolutely no threat to beat us so you know that's where that's where North Carolina needs to have their head I have all I have full faith in Bubba gunningham that he can make this thing work I I lit that Dre blae wasn't the answer and I think that's probably what it was in the back of their heads I think that was probably a good plan to have them place and uh you know you saw the recruiting success that they had under Dr and you know I think it's changed a little bit so see what they do one thing I'll disagree with you though uh in terms of those boosters and whatnot I think the ones that actually have the money the ones who have the most amount of influence are still behind back Brown the person you're describing I think is the person who's sitting in the upper deck of Keenan they're the I think I think I don't think Ken's in the upper deck but I mean he's also not in the in the in the uh no disrespect to Ken Ken's not in the circle of trust in the ma thing no M called his shot he said five or six people whatever he said those guys those are the money guys right but what I'm saying is at some point you have to look at this and say again the war and fuzzies are awesome but what is our path forward and I think Bubba Cunningham is now now this is also going to be where is where does Bubba what's his kind of pull what's his rank because I don't know honestly if we put Bubba in this chair right now and we said to him would you have made a change after the end of last season I think he would say yes yes I mean you can't go to that game at Carter Finley Stadium and have that team not show up for that football game and sit here and go wow that was awesome like and I get it the the the totality of their programs are more than just how they perform on one Saturday each or Friday each year but the truth of the matter is I I've been going to those games for 30 years now that's the first time and understand what I'm saying here clearly I've seen Carolina kick NC State's ass plenty of times yeah I've seen State beat Carolina and kick their ass plenty of times I have never seen a team simply not show up for the football game and not only not show up but with Drake May m so I can count on no hands the number of times I ever saw Philip Rivers not show up for a football game no hands yeah okay so that's the situation that they're in now and you're also lamenting what you missed okay this was a team that could have been in the college football playoff legitimately legitimately Pittsburgh and freaking Wake Forest played in the ACC Championship game while you sat there and were like hey uh cool cool you went six and seven preseason top 10 so again this is the reality he is a champion he has his mindset I get that but there's also a reality portion to this and I think that's where this season kind of comes to a head if there was an HBO behind the scenes hard knocks this would be the perfect team of combustible elements to follow this year there is a reality Distortion field at every college campus for every program the one around ma Brown is fascinating to me so we'll see how the season plays out [Music] thanks to enovana for sponsoring housekeeping you can check them out online inova.com.mx Housekeeping [Music] hats I got to go pick those up HomeField is going to be in the house uh as they've got an exclusive Sports podcast Festival hoodie you can get that at the sports podcast Festival only and if you want to get yourself a new football hoodie I mean the weather's perfect for it as we mentioned earlier you can head to HomeField apparel.com and use that promo code o24 to save 15% off your order if you're watching on YouTube you are seeing a fantastic array of hoodies from the wolf pack to the tar Hills that appstate hoodie is on my list of things to purchase as the weather gets better and it's all at HomeField apparel.com and we can't do the podcast Festival without our friends at breeth through check them out Breeze through.com download the app you can save money on gas and as we get into football mode you know the breeth through has that spot right outside Carter Finley Stadium there's one not too far from Chapel Hill it's a great spot to pick up your tailgating needs beer whatever it is you need snacks ice ice is key drop on by the breeze through breeth through.com I don't know maybe uh maybe you want to bring ice cream too you need the ice for the ice cream you know what would be good you go two roosters who doesn't who doesn't love tailgating with ice cream whoa especially in September because you know this is false fall that would be next level it's false fall you know it's gonna be blazing hot in September the real question is how is Jared gonna top the peanut butter cookie how he always does it every month he does but how is he going to do it because September's going to be here before you know it I would go I am actually lating buying a freezer okay in order to buy the the $100 tub of the peanut butter cookie it's that good love that love that and uh well we're gonna have an OG live tomorrow in the studio OG live by Sleek Fleet next week will be at Longleaf swine check out Longleaf swi.com you can put in an order to I don't know cater a tailgate if you want to you could do a home tailgating situation get your food from long leaf swine and I just posted this on Reddit because I lurk on Reddit best Smash Burger in town at long leaf swine I've had a lot of people text me our friends and Confidant say all right man what what time is the swine open I gotta go and even had a friend like hey I was looking at their menu online and I don't see the burger okay listen listen this isn't like the secret pint Club no no no it's dinner it's just a dinner item weekend lunch that's all weekend lunch and dinner Wednesday through Sunday go check them out pretty pleased with sugar on top [Music] joining us on the heaster Automotive Group hotline is the head coach at ECU he is Mike Houston welcome to the show thanks for coming on I appreciate you guys having me on just in time to name a starting quarterback no uh no games no gimmicks no like we're just going to like throw somebody out there for the first snap to throw everybody off you're just calling it now and getting going well we I I just felt like it was important to kind of get it out of the way uh it's been a it's been a very very Mike Houston convo tight competition both both quarterbacks have played very very well in the preseason I mean at practice this morning I thought both of them were extremely sharp um and then you know but but we felt like we needed to go ahead and name a starter uh you know get that kind of behind us uh let him start really working with that first unit uh and jelling uh you know because you know getting getting that chemistry is going to be the biggest thing we need to do before the opener I was curious about Jake Garcia who you named as the starting quarterback going into the start of this year and it almost seems like he's a good example of just kind of where college football is today he's had a path he's had a path to Greenville and I do Wonder after bouncing around a little bit you know I remember him from Miami obviously he's he's at Missouri comes to you if there's um if there's like a growth or a maturity that comes with the fact that you've had opportuni they maybe not have gone the way you thought but here's another opportunity for you well you know I had that I had that conversation with Kon and just told him I said listen I said you know the one thing I said Jake has been through so much um I just think that experience has helped him a little bit um you know he's he's just he's very composed things don't get to him he doesn't get rattled uh you know just has a great kind of calming you know kind of way of going about things you know good play or bad play he just he doesn't really change his demeanor doesn't change and I think that's a you know certainly a good uh a good attribute to have Coach I remember last year watching the first couple of games and you'd see a transfer here a transfer there from ECU and I I tried to tell people now you you had some guys you lost some guys now we saw one of them in the NFL too you're running back with the Ravens uh it feels like you guys did really well in the portal this time around the reloading you mentioned the two quarterbacks you got two guys on defense one from Louisville one from oh oh state so how did that kind of was it a mindset change for you or was it just the reality of where we are now in this nil portal era um my alums uh provided us with some nil money yeah be honest I mean that's yeah we tried to be aggressive in the transfer portal last year and and we just we weren't very uh very successful um you know obviously you know last year was not a a season I ever want to go through again and uh so you know I have my mine pretty determined uh you know before the season was over of what we needed to do and and what we needed um so I was able to uh have an offens coordinator hired pretty quickly uh and then uh with the support of our Collective we were able to go out and uh I think be very successful in the transfer portal with adding pieces to uh what we had already uh and retaining the top pieces that we had on the roster um you know but in today's uh College football landscape if you don't have that kind of support uh it's really tough so uh you know we're very fortunate I I feel bad we're we're catching you in football mode you're you're you're in super duper coach mode and I I certainly appreciate that as as a my dad was a CO High School coach when I was growing up uh but I'm curious of the mindset because you've been successful at every stop you've been successful at ECU too you said it you never want to go through again the year that you had last year at ECU but I'm looking at some of these pieces I'm looking at your schedule and I I just had said to Joe before we started what is I know it's crazy you won two games last year I get that but what is standing in ecu's way and in a spot in the college football playoff realistically I mean you're in a conference that you can win you play two teams in App State and Liberty who are the favorites to win the other group of five conferences so you have opportunity there I know I know there's some lamenting there in Greenville about not having a power five power four conference opponent but I look at app State and Liberty I go those are unbelievable chances for ECU tell you what you you ask you ask m brown or Dave Doran uh you know how excited they would they would be to have App State and Liberty both on their schedule well we we got that answer for Mack last year when he said we're not playing him again that's Dave's problem now right but you know we have a challenging non-conference schedule uh certainly the uh you know the stretch there where you have app state liberty and uh UTSA back to back to back is going to be tough um but I think we have a chance to win every single game on our schedule um I think we've got to really focus on uh you know what's right in front of us I think we've gotta you know no matter what happens we got to kind of keep our ourselves kind of even killed uh as a as a a team as a roster uh and I think we've just got to we got to focus on going out and playing our best brand the ball so really you ask what what what's in our way probably ourselves uh you know because I think this team has a lot of potential now we got to go out and do it on game day and certainly we you know starting with our road game at ODU uh you know we've got we got to go and we got to show up every single every single game I know it sounds crazy but again to go from two to to where I think you could go I'm not not trying to put any pressure on you there you got your own pressure I know that we've had the same discussions internally okay I stood up in front of our team and and told them yeah I think we got a chance to have a special season now we got to we got to do it one game at a time but uh I think the potential is there is that the hard even though you have a lot of new parts is that the hardest part is just convincing them one thing I like to tell James before you can be great you have to want to be great there's no doubt and is that the toughest part to get that into their mindset your mindset you're a national champion you've taken multiple schools to a playoff you've been there you know it but is it harder to try to tell those kids like hey no no no like who we we we actually made fun of Dabo last year when he was like no no really we're like six plays away from being undefeated he's not wrong though you know is is that kind of the the trick that you're trying here in August to convince these players like hey guys it's in front of us man well I think we need success early I think that's going to be important um you know one thing about my teams at James Madison uh no matter who we played they expected to win and they expected to you know beat the snot out of them every single week uh they had that Swagger about them um I think that we have the potential for that Swagger but I think we we all have to have it you know defensively our Bunch thinks they're pretty dang good and I've got some guys on offense that uh that believe in themselves but uh as a team uh I think we need some success early to really you know gain that confidence that you need uh you know to to do what we want to do I am curious I guess it's a it's a calculus in how you go about things or or how maybe the college football playoff might have reach set what what we talk about how we go about it to to go back to the start of the conversation and uh what you wanted to change and and part of that change is going to your boosters and and asking for money I mean it's it's it's it's as simple as that and I feel like now with the college football playoff maybe those conversations with the boosters and understanding what it what it takes to change the direction of a football program can kind of come together because before with the college football playoff and only four teams the realistic chances uh for a group of five team were minuscules I mean you had to be perfect and you needed eight different things to happen in order for you to even get a chance at this but now as jilo pointed out that schedule is tough you can win your league you could be the highest rated group of five does that conversation change with the boosters now with this open as it is well I I don't know how much they that factors in um certainly we use it in recruiting uh talk about it with with all of our recruits uh the the thing is still and it's not just it's not this is not an East Carolina thing this is this is a a lot of different schools are are experiencing this is our boosters still don't love name and image likeness you know they don't they you know for 30 years or whatever you're told you can't do this and now all of a sudden well you can do whatever you want to and and you know they they just it's getting them to embrace this and they're coming around uh certainly like I'm like I said before they were much more supportive this year than the year before MH uh the collective I have a group of a group of businessmen that are working very very hard uh with our Collective we had a function yesterday uh had a lot of our had 400 donors there had our our players there um so you know it's come they're coming around but that's that's the biggest obstacle we have is just getting them to understand that this is a big part of roster management now uh it's a big part of retaining your top players uh it's a big part of bringing in the the transfers that you want uh you know it's you wouldn't have the the receivers the quarterbacks you know those two defensive kids that you mentioned you wouldn't have our top returning players if we weren't able to um support them with name and image likeness I'm guessing after the year you have you go back you re-evaluate everything you know you're trying to fix things and obviously the fixes have to come on offense what was it about John David Baker and and maybe maybe about his philosophy or personality that you looked at that and said all right this is the guy who can really help us you know and and for fans of ECU remembering Lincoln Riley and remembering scoring some points and having a a really exciting offense what what was it maybe about John David Baker that kind of caught your attention that you thought okay this is the answer for ECU well I think you know I I interviewed probably 20 to 25 uh you know different candidates then narrowed it down uh and brought three to campus um and just in my conversations and he and I did multiple zooms um some phone calls and then you know a couple of days you know with his with his interview um number one talking to people in the industry and you know talking to Lane kein talking uh to to to to the coaches at USC uh you know the people he was with in north Texas um you know they all think he's a rising star uh they certainly think he has uh the mind and the kind of it uh you know so you had good background check but then when you when you when you started talking to him and you just I love his demeanor he's kind of got uh a a quiet confidence uh and he just he believes in what he's doing and I just I I I love the scheme I think it's it's different it's a lot different for me uh I mean you know 10 years ago I was running the wishbone so I'm I'm I'm at the complete other end of the spectrum now so so um but I think the scheme I think the scheme fits East Carolina uh our fans they do have great memories of of the offenses that Lincoln had here and uh you know it it it fits in that same genre uh and I think it gives us a chance I think we were able to get the pieces to run his offense um but then after being with him for eight months uh the players believe in him he has he has a great command of uh the room when he talks to our players and he has a true identity uh and his identity fits us uh so there's just there's so many things that give me confidence with him now August 31st is gonna be the first game he's called as a college football coach so it'll be his first time being the guy calling the play he was the co he was the cooc at Old Miss um you know he called a ton of scrimmages he was heavily involved in the game plan he was heavily involved in uh in in in in doing everything except calling the plays and so so uh he's still he's still got to go do it what is your game day what what is where are you on game day where how active are you on those calls uh do you have the binder with all of the the scripted plays and everything else or are you more of like a okay that sounds good let's get the play in let's do it or what is your what is your game day vibe there John David was gonna call the offense okay that's it uh and it's you know certainly we'll have a lot of conversations throughout the week on on I want to know what uh he's doing situationally uh I am very involved in our you know four down territory you know when we're you know hey we got four downs right here and I try to get that information to him on second down so that he can think ahead I'm very involved with that um but it's he's the offensive coordinator um you know I'm sure that there'll be times when he'll ask me my advice uh but I'm not I'm not here to look over his shoulder or do anything else uh you know I hired him to run our offense I feel like his problem wouldn't be you wondering what the game plan is I feel like his problem might be your players who have been playing college football 25 since it dropped on their game systems this summer and they go to you or they go to him and they're saying hey look coach I'm just saying this play Works Time For Me Maybe we mix that in I don't know I'll tell you what he he has no shortage of plays okay he is there a wishbow package he's he's very creative you're gonna see us you're You by by the time we get to the end of the season you're gonna see a little bit of everything from us I want to see some Wing tea thrown in for me for for good measure on that and now coach I I I can't I can't promise you the Stars here now sir uh I can promise you if you need something from a man Jordan green you hit him up he's the best you already know that for Adidas but every coach who gave us extra time last year had an unbelievable season all right my guy I'm glad I'm glad you had me on then that's what I'm saying you gotta you tell Malcolm you you come talk to the OG because we had Paul Maurice Florida Panthers puts his name on the Stanley Cup my man Elliot aan goes to the College World Series Kevin Keats goes to the final four NC State wins ACC Championship for the first time since 1987 so coach I I I ain't promis you a spot in the playoff but I'm telling you Pirates you get you no quarter this year man No Quarter we have a shot I'm excited I'm I'm ready for August 31st I can tell you that the kids are too yeah I think I think everybody is in that boat uh right now coach we appreciate that time best of luck to season thanks a lot for having me on you guys have a great [Music] afternoon we are so close to the start of the football season week zero is arriving which means we're not too far away from the Matt Davis 12 game of the week we will be highlighting this in the near future once the football season officially starts up in the meantime if you want to save money on your home and auto insurance contact Matt Davis today 91977 n 8277 you can check them out online insur gar.com theog insurance.com but I can't stress it enough a real human Joe 99779 8277 save money that's a good thing uh I'm looking forward to TC TCU against smoo let's go that'll be the first official Matt Davis 12 game of the OG schedule now as we we mentioned don't get duped by false fall it's going to get hot again that means that means the mosquitoes are not done for the rest of the summer uh and maybe you're going to be hanging out in your backyard watching football on your outdoor TV you don't want the mosquitoes to ruin it for you so you know what you do you contact mosquito Authority and pest Authority check them out bugsbite.com maybe you don't want to be stressed out while you watch football you want a lowkey chill Vibe while watching football may I suggest you got to natur's relief hem store.com rle AEM store.com put the beer aside for a bit get yourself a hippie sip get yourself a gummy get yourself a five flowers and Vibe out to the football and don't get stressed if your team wins or loses might benefit you uh and I got great news I was out in Holly Ridge Glennwood area yeah yesterday delivering a hat o yes by the way how many more hats do we have access um where are the dad hats they're in the the trunk of my car how many more dad hats do we have probably about 10 I love that we're just popping the trunk yeah so old school pop the that's where we get our mixtapes Joe Pop the trunk you want that Brian cassette with all of our OG jams I got that too what you need what you need girl um okay but my point is there's a Nature's relief over there only is there Nature's relief over there we're going to be doing a show from the Nature's relief Holly Ridge GL would have old school sir old school love it Nature's relief that is 9:12 that's a Thursday 9:12 we will be there with our friends Jennifer at Nature's relief go check them out of course I got the one on the home base Timber Drive Garner you got them over on Western where we did our previous show so I'm excited to hit this nature we'll leave that omali that's like that's like straight out of 1978 man I love that place that's a spot for you and me yeah that is a spot for you got pedler over there you got the Italian joint over there was it calinga I think is what no what's it called no no no no not that Joe there was a place there was a place I'm not kidding you was called casalinga I'm not making that up it was off a capital actually Casa Carbone that's the name hey where'd you go last night casalinga wait you did what now yeah man slurped up slurped up that spaghetti like nobody's business wait what the doorbell twirled that thing Ron Shelton convo what excuse me terrible the best eggplant Parmesan you ever had but yeah no it's kasak Carbone that's the name of the place oh is our guy I think our guy is here but anyway that's Nature's relief oh one other note uh big thanks to butcher Market as we go welcome our guest here uh go check out the butcher Market tailgating needs all there The Butchers markets.com you will win the tail gate with our friends at the butcher [Music] Market joining us in studio on the heaster Automotive Group hotline is writer director Ron Shelton and Bull Durham which I think most like 99% of the people who listen and watch this podcast know Bull Durham there's a musical that's coming to Duke University September 10th through the 22nd it's the first time the musical will be in and Ron Shelton is hanging out with us in studio to talk about that Ron thanks for coming by I'm just happy to be here hope I can help the ball club guys so bul Durham the musical how long has this been in the works to to convert that into what what's gonna happen now um in the early 201s takes several years to develop a musical because you can't rehearse it but every six months because you got to put the cast of 30 together and the music and it's expensive so we had it fully financed about five years ago we were wait negotiating for Broadway Theater all out of New York big time and the pandemic hit and as you recall Broadway shut down for almost three years and so any shows that were in line had to did what we did we had to return the money to the investors and say we'll start over after Broadway's up again so what we're here to do we've got the same show ready to go to Broadway we're doing a twoe showcase here here with New York talent and a lot of local talent and then the finance years are coming in from New York to see it and then God willing on to Broadway okay I'm I'm in awe over here I wrote I don't belong in the same class as you okay but I wrote for a newspaper for 24 years and there's times like we'll we'll go over some song lyrics and I'll say to him man I would have given anything to have written that one line right like I'd rather laugh with the Sinners than cry with the Saints right if I if I could have come up with that right I got to ask you man and these these are my worst these are my least favorite questions but I have to ask I have to ask you this do you have a favorite line that you've written because I got like three of them that I could I could pop here for you well I want to hear yours I I would think a line that is sort of who I am behind the scenes of doing this is Crash tells nuke when he's going to the big we play this game out of fear and arrogance which is to say we all have fear of everything working living dying failing but the answer to that is to be arrogant and charged forward you know Chase the Sharks as they say so I think that's that's a line that nobody ever quotes but it's sort of like that's kind of who I am we we think of when we hear soliloquies we think of Shakespeare but obviously you know Kevin Cosner gives us a little Queen there's there's any number of lines in there but did did Lee Harvey hoswell act alone I I think he did but uh I I I took put that in because it was a really unpopular everybody believed in a conspiracy then and probably now but there's a handful of books that make a very convincing case that he was this lone gunman and I wanted that speech what I believe in to both attract and piss off everybody and so nobody could say well is he liberal conservative nothing and dependent does he vote after that speech all you want to say is this is a pretty interesting dude I want to hang with him because he doesn't fit any mold that's all I was doing well that's that's an unbelievable one but not my favorite line my favorite line comes from white man can't job sometimes you win sometimes when you win you really lose and sometimes when you lose you really win so we we do a bit with the Hurricanes coach Rod brendar were like just from these words let's try to figure out did they win or did they lose and we love to play that clip of you know sometimes yeah we won the game but I didn't like the way we played right you know that that that sort of thing so Jil has been going down the rabbit hole eclipse and things like that and and like we mentioned earlier it's it's kind of funny we're of the age bul Durham and white man can jump in particular were movies that weren't necessarily aimed at us as kids but they were clearly formative for us not only as sports fans but also just like adults you know how adults operated so I I will always appreciate that about those two movies in particular well I as I said earlier to you guys I I'd like to make our rated movies that people who are underage sneak into you see that's my goal definitely happened definitely happened obviously you know bulld dorm for you based on your own experiences did you know was that like your true passion project like did you know okay like was that one the one that you wrote and you did like okay this is the one that's going to put me on the map or was it more like I said that passion project you're like okay fine I'm pushing the the chips all in I'm going to make this thing work with this well I wanted I direct I'd written a couple things and they didn't do great business but they kind of got good reviews and then uh but along the process I said I got a direct I I it's very athletic it's like coaching a team it's organization it's prep and then you got to go with what's happening in front of you uh I think it's quite an athletic Endeavor and I said the only way I'm going to do it is I write about a subject that nobody can say anybody knows more about than me that's life on the bus rides and the miners even so even with Kevin it barely barely barely got made so and it was 8 million movie by the way so um try to do that today yeah say trust that for inflation right yeah um so so I I didn't know I was just happy to get it off the ground I wrote a book about it a couple years ago called The Church of baseball Studio hated it I fought for my life they tried to fire Tim they tried to fire me the crew and the C rallied around me and then everybody was bad mouthing it and then it came out the reviews were through the roof and it was a big hit so everybody love me so you just have to learn to trust yourself and not the people talking around you yeah yeah no I was going to say as people who are now doing this independently yes you you do have to just kind of believe in what you're doing and hopefully the audience will find it which clearly has been the case with the work you've done although I've always been curious why the Bulls yeah how did you land on that cuz you played for Rochester right I played all over the country so and ended in triaa in Rochester in the international league I didn't um uh I never played in the Carolina League okay um the producer of the team was from Durham of the movie movie okay and he owned a little piece of the dur bulls and before I'd even written the script I said let me go back and hang out yeah in the Carolinas I I thought a southern setting would be appropriate for the movie there sort of a timelessness you know and and I drove all over on Asheville and the Sally league and I went all over the league and teams I don't even know what league they were and I saw that nothing had changed in the miners but Durham like Raleigh was was hardly the booming place it is now Durham was boarded up downtown every store was boarded up yeah I love the ballpark in the middle of neighborhoods and abandoned tobacco factories because tobacco was dying MH people walking from their homes I thought this is quintessential small town uh never dreamed that you Research Triangle the whole thing would explode now it's this is a happening area I tell people in California you can get a 10 times bigger house for about 5% of the cost get back to don't no no no Ron don't tell people that home values I mean I appreciate them but they're off the charts right now I was just listening driving over here to the public radio station yeah had a a real estate guy and they were talking about you know well the average income is 70,000 and you can it costs 370 to buy a house 370,000 I can't buy a this million dooll house trailer near me you know a trailer having having some friends that spent time in the Bay Area that's where Hometown reality comes in tra effect got to pay some of our bills here yeah some some some friends of ours moved out to the Bay Area and uh it was almost like uh like hitting the lottery because you got to buy a house there then you sell that house there for a lot of value you just come back here and pay cash but I don't want people to know that I like you know so I anyway I ended up in Durham Tom Mount didn't make me I just said that's perfect spot this is it and I shot in Raleigh as you know I shot at Mitch's Tavern we're gonna go over there because it's still open late one of these nights yeah and I shot the the batting cage scene in Raleigh so I shot all over the place okay I was gonna say who owes you more money Sizzler mitches or the Durham Bulls I think and where did sizler come from man like sizler you pulled that out of your back pocket come on um the actor uh kadim Hardis yeah um he was a TV star but I didn't know it and I we offered him one line in the movie and his agent called and said K was in suan he got one one line he's a TV star I said I've never heard of him I said I never heard him I don't watch TV I said different world different world quit cenal show I said oh that's right and and I said you know this is n the part of aell okay it's not like the moish king of morago I said but put him on the phone and he got on the phone I said get him come in you got one line if you're smart it's going to be a free-for-all you can steal the movie you can turn one into 20 so he comes in he say I'm in I don't know what it is but I'm in he comes in really smart dude and he shows up in the Jordan jersey we didn't need rights we didn't get rights to anything just did it he just did it right and he figures out I'm going to be right off a Wesley snip shoulder every time Wesley does anything so anytime there's a shot of Wesley I'm the guy he's there and he came up with Sizzler in um in rehearsal okay I put it in the script okay yeah all right now improv Works improv Works while while I'm here man um Quint food's that start with Q do you know that it's now a category on Jeopardy is it legitimately they had to come their own yeah they made up with the c they came up with the category I think I feel like the Quint producers owe you something too are there any Quin do they do they still exist anyway uh I don't know like where does that come from like you're sitting and you're writing something like like where does that even come for well himing way said write drunk edit sober and that's my my uh we just had this convers we just had this conversation we literally just had this I don't people think I do I don't smoke weed I've Asma I've never I came out of the 60s we okay yeah but drinking same thing no you you have to when you're writing you know I think not writers who aren't great they just write the first thing in their head and you got to say wait a minute that's what everybody in writing school would do go to the next go to the next go look at it from an angle that you can look at it that nobody else is going to look at it so I sat around I spent a lot of time on the Jeopardy questions the rest of the script wrote fast and then and then we took it in and Jeopardy said this category doesn't work this category doesn't work I said what are the rules of a category yeah it's got to be National question it can't be like I had some La Centric questions yeah California no because National audience and um so I went back and came up with foods to start with letter q and they said we love that I said I've only got five of them I was interested in that specifically to white man can jump and and bul Durham they're classified as Sports movies but I have always argued that they're actually like in the case of Bull Durham it's more of a romantic comedy that has a baseball rapper I think in the same case with white man Ken jump there's a societal story that you're telling and there's also a couple Dynamics wrapped around basketball but your most in my opinion your most hardcore sports movie that you wrote was Blue Chips and I felt like that one I ate that up because I thought it was an interesting look of how basketball was at that time with people like Shaq and way ahead of your time too and that was the other thing that I was curious about when you when you write a very hardcore sports movie like that and you see you were ahead of the game on some things you're exposing some things and you see where college sports is today have you considered revisiting yeah something like that oh yeah question I in fact in retrospect I should have directed it I they wanted me direct it I just done white me J I don't want to do back toback basketball movies okay and I had something else I was work but I I'm developing something for TV uh that's a very hardcore look at what you're talking about okay okay um it isn't set up yet but we're in the middle of it got a zoom at noon tomorrow to La um and it's it's it's basically it's set in the world of pro football and pro basketball and all about the owners and the and the and the and the Player Development guys and the it's the it takes the position that the game off the field is way more compelling than the game on the field and it's the real contact sport it's the real blood sport I'm in total agreement with you on that you've sold me I'm in and it's and it's out there I mean there's people die and people get laid and people drw I mean but it's the owners and it's that side yeah we kind of know who the players are yeah there have been attempts at this but they've usually been kind of watered down whether it's um you had Playmakers on the ESPN that got shut down because the NFL didn't like it well and also see the the truth is a drama should be based on the truth yeah and the truth is Wilder yeah you know Carol Rosen Bloom he what was he mob connected I don't know but he drowned in one inch of water in a in Orange County La uh Jenny bus wasn't she a playmate now she don't what Jerry bus was hanging out in a horror house uh and was brilliant and then you go to all the Contemporary owners and is there any better character ever than Al Davis who was way ahead of his time until he was way behind I mean yeah these guys are really interesting Jerry Jones is the star Dallas star yeah Jerry Jones will love our show because he knows there's no such thing as bad publicity this is true this is true so why why TV over remov is that's just where things are right now yeah yes the TV is more active than movies because nobody's going to theaters unless it's a superhero movie yeah and so I'm working in both TV and gotcha with blue chips who was more difficult to work with Nick Bobby Knight I didn't I didn't direct it I wish I did because I think the script got actually watered down from what I'd written okay um I went I got into fight with the director Billy friedin the late great crazy Billy friedin I said Billy Shaq is writing me writing the scene what the hell does Shaq know about and Shaq I like Shaq by the way on that set met Benny Hardaway and they were arranging for the trade right then the mov get the I mean they were passing the phone back to their agent somewh and then a little while later Hardway traded to Orlando uh one more if you got a couple more minutes for us um literally just talked to one of my friends yesterday who played golf and he said yeah I tin cued it on 16 like come on man like yeah he did that too come on like that's true where did all that come from every every time I hear the guys on TV say he's going 10 cup baby you where that come from man I'll tell you where it came from couldn't have been the bottle of CLE I wrote no I wrote that with one guy I occasionally if I don't write solo I have one guy I'll write with and his name is John Norville he's a really good writer he lives in Oregon he played golf at Stanford that's how good a golfer he was okay okay and he's a really good writer and he lives up there overlooking the dutes river and he fly fishes and he plays golf and he writes and we're watching The Masters way back and I'm Southern California when chip Beck laid up on 13 on Sunday oh no chipc Raleigh guy yeah and he laid out and he ends up making a bogey and Bernard Langer went for it and made B he lost yeah how can you lay up and it turned out it was probably a smart play but it really looks bad in TV and you can't lay up yeah so I'm on the phone with him I say what if we make about a guy who can't lay up but that's that's his strength and his weakness because sometimes you gota lay and um and so we started with the ending let a guy who makes a 13 on the last hole and we went back and then worked our way up to earn that when you get and obviously Kevin you know you're kind of linked to Kevin obviously because of those two movies but like Don Johnson was kind of amazing in that movie too we could was really good in that movie too like you you had some really good character was hadn't been seen in like three years right and he came in the first guy I interviewed for Romeo the caddy and he was great and then I did like 80 actresses Latino actors actors and I said bring teach back and he walked into I said give it to this is the guy he's a great guy really bright he plays that goofball really smart thoughtful guy he's got a museum an art museum of Latino art down there and then Don we couldn't figure out who plays that character because David Sims who's based on some real names in the P CH that I won't name um you know I think it's okay the statue limitations are up now well I know but I have another golf movie and I need to go got to work come on now PGA I need you no we said the problem with getting a great actor who's an unknown to play the Star David Sims when the star is playing the unknown that excuse it for an audience so I need another recognizable face to play off with Kevin with Kevin yeah and an agent called me who was a buddy and said Don Johnson I said great fly him over we're in we were like a week from shooting we're in Arizona fly him in so he flies him in he comes in he's Charming he's smarty but he's great Don's a great guy he's just he's the guy then he goes out in the hallway he's come with his assistant I said that was pretty great and we hear this noise we go out there and he's screaming at his assistant just like the character would I hire this guy get it's the real deal I there isn't so I'm turning 50 this year and I've had two back surgeries and uh my golf game I'm obsessed with golf I live on a golf course and there isn't a day or round that goes by that I don't think about the driving range bet there's not I telling you I think about that all the time like it's okay you know you don't have to swing super hard and hit it that far you just be smart about what you're doing and I think about that all the time he gets the shanks on the range at the end so good man so good and and I'm glad you're here in town to to get this thing off the ground I know uh like I said a passion project obviously now with the pandemic kind of interrupting it and I'm sure you being back in the Triangle spending time here I'm serious I I think it's a great area uh I like I've getting to know Raleigh better than before which I'm amazed how many cool things are here and and how happening it is and Durham I've known was on the recovery for 30 years which I take complete credit for thank you you should you should do this absolutely yes I've been to two bull games yeah it's a little different than the movie yeah but they you know the the owner the GMS there say you built this place said well then I'm not buying the drink I was going to say I hope I hope Mike Burling uh I'm assuming you're talking about Mike Burling the VP of baseball operations over the dbls who's an incredible guy I I love Mike Mike's been an awesome dude to work with in the past whatnot uh he he is a he understands the caretaking that comes with that uh with the logo and everything else that you know the movie helped make this iconic image so I saw more women with their kids all wearing Lolly gagger shirts oh yeah man and by the way my son bought he was on his way back to college where he's a catcher yeah and he came through for two days he just left last night in in Ohio he's going to school and he um he was advising our actors about the catching part of it but we went to the Ball Game and they're selling shower shoe jerseys because the fungus on the shower shoe speech and a fungus on the shower shoe hat yeah I bought the Hat he bought the jersey and he wears it he's wearing it back to college they you know they have uh like a the Wasington Nationals Park they have the presidential Racers right right they have the same thing at the Bulls I know I love it with uh with Annie running around crashing nuke basically as I've tried to explain to the kids I'm like don't ask too deep of questions as to these two men chasing this one woman just don't like I'll show you guys the movies eventually but right now just don't ask enough questions about this kind of thing yeah uh so yeah that that that's one of and again you mentioned the LLY gager shirts things like that I mean heck they're they're selling Louch and crash Davis uh old school look in jerseys and things like that which are fantastic add Candlestick makers to the list of people who owe you yes well you never have to worry about what to get anybody just you're right I got a whole closet for give them Candlestick Ron we appreciate the time thanks for hanging out and coming to the studio with us great conversation Bull Durham a new musical it's at Duke University September 10th through 22nd I'm assuming they can get tickets the oldfashioned way is it is there a website for these things or yeah Theater Raleigh they're on sale um yeah just just look up theater rale um because they're they're involved um what now wait a second what are the songs in in in bul Durham the musical did you have write new songs I didn't but a lot the brilliant composer and she I said any lyrics you want just use yeah but she's brilliant on her end it's really Southern Roadhouse kind of music it's not it's not you know that W Wicked it's not rent is what you're telling me yes okay it's not rent it's it's a different thing all right but now I'm curious like is there a is there a musical number around the monologue yeah okay it has to be one of those okay fair enough and and yeah uh gotta get a bathtub on the stage every every woman deserves to wear white is a song all right woman empowerment song There's um uh when Jimmy and Millie start meeting Jimmy's never been with a woman she's never met a player she wasn't with they start singing to each other have I got a heaven for you fair ra we appreciate it good [Music] luck big thanks to happy and hail check them out happy and hail download the app you can get uh some amazing Bowls the burger bowl is fantastic the smoothies are great Joe might be splashing a little colonel Taylor into his Almond Brothers ahead of the podcast Festival on Saturday I went to happy H yesterday yeah they I got the banana strawberry almond milk it's called the superhero o that sounds good yeah would it be better with the colonel I was contemplating that while I was drinking and I'm not going to lie to you only one way to find out you I feel like you have me on restrictions for Saturday yes I do actually yeah yeah somebody has to be the adult Joe somebody has to be the adult fair but you know how people feel about drunk chilio yeah but like so do you I mean I guess the question is how spicy do you want to be with Debbie oh okay you're saying class The Joint up a little bit you know how you get on my ass about Polish Polish sometimes these new transitions though that's Polish man well I need a little polish from Jo gilo in a live setting okay drunk show it's fair okay let's take a break let's take a drinking break brought to you by drunk ass Joe it's roback it up check it out roback.com what just so good check out roback.com use that promo code OG G20 again hoodies are the theme of the day today Julio's got his rowback video right now that material is fantastic yeah check that out man it's good stuff you can get yours right now at Rack rhob back og2 is that promo code to save 20% off your order maybe I should you know speaking of you drinking on the job I feel like I should go to Wicker and Hammer and get a contract for Saturday that's probably in writing good call for you see if Josh and the crew can make sure I can get a contract out of that yeah I mean if you need something as simple as that just go to wh. lawyer attorneys and counselors at law and of course our friends over at Hometown realy uh as I mentioned that hockey life is about to start up and I'm going to see that home time realy sign as I go to Garner twice a week G be all up in the G let's go maybe you want to live in the G contact my hometown realtor myhr.com and tap in to that new construction it's all fantastic stuff all thanks to our friends at hometown realy [Music] I'm surprised you were able to get up and walk around after sitting down and chatting with Ron Shelton Joe it's it's over I peaked I got Hey Joe nothing else has that boner subsided I have nothing else in this world because as I told him when he walked in going to see white man can't jump in the theater like I I was out there like Billy Ho like I was out there trying to you know put the tie dye on yeah so it's so godamn hard to make something look this this pretty look ugly and it's like that was me man like I went out and I I shot Hoops like the rest of the summer after seeing that movie so after that conversation with Shelton uh Governor's off if you want to get shitfaced at the podcast Festival get it's it's okay now FR like yeah no man it's like Heming way said WR drunk and edit sober but but I wasn't that wasn't the permission I was taking I was more of like you and I were having a disagreement over the number of people who perform oh yeah yeah yeah or are enhanced by alcohol well drugs we I actually to to get into Hey Joe I did get some response to that conversation from some from some people and I think the I think one of my friends put it probably the best he's like both you and Joe are right in that there are certain genres certain arcs like you said on the come up or a particular genre right yeah where yeah they're they're inebriated that's the performance enhancer um but but but as concerts have gotten more involved as they've become they've become more physical Endeavors you're out there for three hours like something tells me Bruce Springsteen is probably a well-oiled machine at this point in time in his life he's having the Almond Brothers smoothie not anything in it I I didn't complete my story when I referenced Metalica but Jim Brewer is a comedian that was doing like a work ahead of the show they didn't have an opener it was like Jim Brew just doing jokes along with a DJ that was playing classic rock music and he made the one of Detroit that you went to no that was a different show that was a different show this is the one at PNC Arena and Brewer is like all right man we're gonna do a backstage tour like classic you know Goat Boy mode and they essentially was making fun of the fact that this is a yoga room now they're kale smoothie they're doing yeah all these kale smoothies he goes buddy let me tell you if this was 1988 I couldn't show you what was behind this St and I was like okay yeah I get it but in order for Lars to drum the way he drums now to keep the speed that he did back when he was young he's he's gota leave a he's gotta live a clean life man so essentially you you you find what works for you you find what works for you and that's the point of this conversation Joe you find what works for you on Saturday you be you you be cat in the great words of the philosopher Mark Godfrey well it's interesting you bring that up our friend JC zimble over at Wolfpack Central did point out to me a CJ Lesley moment when we were talking about the sorority stuff and he texts me offseason protocols went by too fast nothing came off as old when you were explaining to julo about sorority reels as CJ Leslie said you and me we ain't the same we Ain the same Enoch over at nice price sent me this uh this tweet he's like speaking of sororities I don't think jilo understands how serious this [ __ ] gets okay right down down to a transfer portal Joe no yes uh Larry this is an original tweet from Larry yesterday uh yeah no two days ago on the 19th he tweets it's actually hilarious how girls will come to an SEC school to rush not get a house they wanted and then leave the university to which Gabby chimes in then you have the ones who sneak into SEC sororities by rushing at small Southern liberal arts universities promptly transferred to the SEC School of their choice to the affiliate with the chapter there and she continues and she's like it's not just you know something that you can just do transfers just don't randomly show up in wal in there's a process paperwork that starts with the transfer students speaking to an exec at the chapter that initiated them and informing them of their intent to transfer they continue each chapter has different policies some require a full chapter vote others leave it up to the exec in the largest chapters with 300 to 400 members and upwards of a 100 members in pledge classes it's not uncommon for housekeeping announcements at chapter to include an intro to a transfer member without the matter being widely socialized prior it's not every week but one to two or three a year might be reasonably expected so to answer your question about these reels and what exactly you're witnessing I told you I tried to tell you this is serious business and it's all part about it's all about being part of that group man it's about that group and then come to find find out your Instagrams continue to be a situation where your algorithm I walked into this is built Brick by freaking brick Joe this is bad for me now you're getting Liberty back to school videos dude what I got your your timeline needs a cleanse I don't know how so back to school at Liberty and it's [Music] [Applause] time look I don't know what song this is because it ain't DC Talk it's not John Michael McDonald or whatever that guy's name was Petra Kirk Franklin Kirk Frank that that's that was my era man DC La 94 baby that was my era of praise music I don't know what that is but dude you need a you need a timeline cleans badly I even sent you that one I said I I earned this you did you did just like I've earned people sending me AI Americana Roots Bluegrass got this from a listener asking AI to create Star Wars an Appalachian story oh no do I even want to oh oh no okay I mean that's good I mean Leia if you're watching on YouTube I mean Leia in a pearl button snap shirt with the jeans I don't care if it's say hi how looking good with a cowboy hat oh no are they cooking the Ewok I'm sorry no are they I think they're I think cheac is cooking the Ewok no yeah that's and Darth Vader that's what Darth Vader would do yeah so somebody makes a comment Luke I'm your [Music] happy okay that's enough you've earned that as well yeah Brick by Brick dude Brick by Brick all right let's go to the YouTube comments uh we've got uh Jeremy here glad jilo agrees with me about the Dolphins in the playoff success they have to hold serve I work with a big dolphins fan and I always tell them the fins have to get HomeField throughout the playoffs to get to the Super Bowl they are not built for success in cold weather climates and January yeah totally agree with you on that from Ken what is the OG discount for you line I need some stuff from my garage I'll bring it to you buddy I got you uh shout out to left shot Dev and some others who did get the Ben Folds reference citing artistic differences I left the broadcast booth in May yet there were certainly some artistic differences when we left the broadcast Booth uh let's see from uh from Brand you guys are a little too late for the bunch of folks at wknc the college radio station at NC State that ran around with by Upsilon Kappa oh I get it uh shirts just to poke fun at the other fraternity dudes including getting on at least a few ESPN basketball games sitting in the front row of the stands uh from Phillip Hey Joe thoughts on acolyte being cancelled after once I feel like this is a mailbag question feel like I'm Gonna Save this one for the mailbag okay OG mailbag comes out on Friday go to OG triangle media.com to sign up today uh let's go to Twitter where Chris hey is there a schedule for Saturday night at the OG podcast Festival we go on at 6 that's all you need to know okay that's all you need to know when know the doors open I think the doors open at 4:30 really or 5 because we have we have merch to have access to sure but I think that I think that schedule you're saying I'm gonna be there at 5 not drink and go on at 6 Joe you can do whatever you want dude you can do whatever you want from Celeste I'll be getting the sou from Bon experience Friday at Citizens Bank Park oh Celeste please update us please up us and peace Sandy and lastly from Mr Marshall I'm terrified to bring this back after last year but where would you put the Panthers where should Panthers fans be on the chart this year the mood meter high energy low energy unpleasant Pleasant uh mom would be sad it's so over it is what it is we are so effing back eff it we ball right now I think we're at it is what it is with the Panthers yeah I would say that it's it is what it is with h the little injuries that continue to pile up and become a problem at least last checked I was checking out Mike K's treatment of the Panthers earlier today and I guess they had a fully healthy offensive line for the first time in a while practice that's good that's good progress that's good maybe that will lead to them playing Bryce young in the last pres oh I hope not I already locked in bills and the den all right we can't handle that so be it anyway that's going to wrap it up for today's show we will see a little premature on the pausing there oh that's let's actually say goodbye oh we'll see you well let's say thank you too yes because we don't we don't get Ron Shelton without Andrea we don't get Mike Houston with our guy Malcolm so appreciate them for taking care of us what an episode man what number is this uh 245 I was really hoping it would be not a round number because you know how I feel about round numbers we we put way too much importance on them agree that [ __ ] down OG 245 that's a winner man when when I go back next year in December and I tell you let's do some year and review [ __ ] OG 245 it's like with a bullet man could you say confidently that there was a lot to get into today there was a [ __ ] ton to get into today I like that I'm glad that there was actually a lot to get into today we've got a lot to get to close it on that we'll see you Thursday for an OG live

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