Eagles vs Vikings 2024 Preseason Madden 25 Gameplay on PS5 πŸ¦…βš”οΈ

a little bit more than you do with a normal preseason game and then you got to decide do you bring them back after halftime and get them going again in the third quarter so they're ready to go when the regular season begins I'm eager to see how these coaches will handle that the kicker will rer has the ball on the T and off we go from Lincoln Financial Field and up to about the 26 yd line just across the 25 out come the Eagles for the first time and the Man In Charge at quarterback in his fifth year now jayen Herz he's coming off a season where he certainly experienced his fair share of ups and downs on the positive side he for career highs and passing yards and touchdowns on the negative side he threw the most interceptions in his career and his team struggled and collaps down the stretch if he can get back to playing mistake free football without sacrificing his aggressiveness this team can get back to competing for a Super Bowl [Applause] birth Herz throwing right away open man that's Devonte Smith he'll be dropped after a gain of about six across the 30 to the 31 I think defensively you're okay with that you're in the first quarter he's going to get some catches but they rally to him quickly and that's what you count on and I like what you just said first quarter can you do it all game long they catch it you tackle them they go down on the spot because when you're able to do that you don't give up big chunks of yardage after the catch now you put the offense in a position where every series they have to work hard to pick up first downs and you tend to stall them out when you do that so we just called his name on the previous snap and they go right back to him Charles for a second consecutive completion yeah I think what we're discovering on this drive is that he feels like he has answers no matter what defense you throw up there he reads it finds the open spot and is available for the completion and he can't get rid of it he's taken down it'll be a loss of seven on the sack and it brings up second and Dallas Turner is truly a Nick saving player at Al abama where every day at practice it was like it was fourth and one on every play 10 sacks in 2023 tied for eth in college [Applause] football don't need it all back at once but you figured they're going to need something here 17 yds to go on second down from the gun it's Herz this short throw caught by G it'll be a gain of five and they'll be f facing a third and 12 that's a staple of this offense drag route to the tight end yeah he was unable to use his size to break off much more yardage after the catch but still an effective gain nonetheless third and [Applause] 12 her sets up to throw it he'll get this one complete that's AJ Brown and boy he is very close to a first down but from where they're spotting that foot ball he's going to be a foot or so short and now a decision here on the opening drive fourth and very short this part of the field what do you think they do CD I think you go for it I think there's a lot of game left to be played I like the advantage that they're trying to create here early I say be aggressive and try and get it done and this is a beauty as that Ball's going to angle out at the 6yd line the Vikings offense making their way out behind their former number three overall pick who spent his last year as a 49er it's Sam darnold so this is where we find out about the game plan and the trust Factor don't we in this situation the natural thing is take care of the ball run it inside everyone cover it just you know get yourself some room and let your pun or punt it out of there but when you really got a QB you can trust you might want to take a little shot early and try and create some [Applause] space now the man from utap this this is Aaron Jones and ultimately this won't go for much maybe a couple but boy he showed off that make you miss ability that certainly is in his Arsenal oh that's a real nice job there by the defensive front they just engaged and held their ground but how about the guy who made the play we often talk about whether they take a good first step or not many times you just don't take any step just get your feet moving get your body going and then once he made the read he was able to make the play got him man that's Trent sherfield and he's able to get this one all the way past the 30 good work after the catch going to net him 23 and a first and they were backed up to start the drive but not anymore now that's the play call that the offensive coordinator had in his head you saw the end result he wanted to go ahead and push the ball down field and that's what they did and they wound up with good yardage there to get things rolling [Applause] line of scrimmage the 31 now on First and [Applause] 10 they'll try to right side with Jones and he'll get a few yards here to the 34 give credit to the defense for stringing that play out and they gave up no cut back angle you know he was trying to Dart through no place for him to go a nice job there only giving up a three yd gain second and seven operating from the 34 again it's Jones and this defense able to plug him up there as he'll get a yard to the 35 just not a whole lot of room to operate there on that carry no not at all they did a really nice job staying in their proper places and not allowing any lanes to up now a third and six here's darn that is caught and he'll be taken down but he does have first down yardage it's a seven yd gain and good enough to move the chains well from their point of view this game could not be starting out much better could it force a punt on defense and now they're moving it crisply on offense chis BL I like that yeah yeah moving it very very well looks like the defense on there heals a little bit you put a score in here long way to go but you're right that's a heck of a start yeah and I think this is where a play caller is looking at his play sheet and saying have that dagger play have that play and just finish them off right now because I think they'd love to gain that big Advantage early looked like he was trying to bounce it outside but no success yeah sometimes you got to just figure out where you're going to go and sometimes you just have to take it to another spot and try to get it outside the defensive Pursuit was there and just ran him down now darnold he completes it to Jones and he'll get it into enemy territory just across Midfield at the 49 nine yds not quite enough and they'll be left now with third and one so they just need one yard here to pick up the first down to throw is darnold work in the middle of the field and he's got a man complete and he will have a Vikings first down as they're able to convert by plenty there on Third and one really a solid start here on the opening drive Charles he's now four four and they're already in plus territory Brandon he's been so precise to start this game like we're watching an operation taking place right now master surgeon at work now a first down carry by Jones even with the good footwork he'll be stopped just inside the 35 yd line it's a seven yd carry to set them up with a second and three that run right there was an offensive line coach's dream wasn't it guys picked up all their assignments created a nice gap for the running back to get through pick up seven yards yeah he's probably chling on the headset right now saying we got it going boys let's keep it going darnold now to throw this one brought in by Jeff sheds off the tackle touchdown Vikings Justin Jefferson 34 yards and the Vikings will jump on top with a game's first score here this afternoon well Charles here in their opening Series they said they had certain plays scripted for certain players that looked like a well-designed play to get one of their top targets involved yeah let's face it Brandon a player of his Talent is a problem for any opponent to defend and we saw it right there they tried to deny an open Lane to him he still outplayed the coverage and scored the early touchdown good luck trying to figure out how to defend him as this game moves on extra point right down the middle and that makes the score seven nothing a 10-play drive that time and it was all capped off by Justin Jefferson's touchdown reception the kickoff team on the field now as they will send this one away oh a dangerous Return Man showing it here and a good return a to get out across the 35 to the 36 so back onto the field here come the Eagles for their second Drive last series for him a little disappointing forced a punt and now they'll try to do better here and Come Away with some points as they begin this drive first and 10 good starting field position for them as they come up first and 10 at their 36 yd line herds looking left side and he's got him in that's brown successful start to the drive 17 yds and moves the sticks yeah that's a nice pick up there especially when it comes on the heels of a three and out the first time you have the ball they were determined to not have that happen again and that's a nice throw for their first first down of the [Applause] game throwing is hers a rifles one and that's going to be intercepted picked by Cameron bham and the Vikings are going to take over a couple of yards shy of Midfield certainly not his best throw that time and not a good time to make it Charles when they were in nickel with five defensive backs on the field and that's exactly why you have those five DBS out there you want extra speed on the field guys who have ball skills and understand what the passing game can do and gives them a chance to react and make a play on on the football and they take one of those away the Vikings taking the field here for their second Drive of the game they start near Midfield following the interception as they begin first and 10 [Applause] now a quick throw into the hands of Jefferson and he's down right around Midfield after a gain of two maybe three the goal of a wide receiver screen is get enough blockers in front to create a wall and let him pick his spot to run the football how about the defense there swarming to it and not allowing that to happen did not let him get down field from the 50 it's darnold open his pal that's complete that'll go for a gain of seven and third and one [Applause] now Man in Motion is sherfield off of playaction darnold he's got this one complete to sherfield and he'll lose yardage on the play back at the 45 yd line call it a loss of two there on the play and it'll be fourth down now I'm not putting him in the Hall of Fame but if you look at the great linebackers in history they've all had that ability to n sense where a play is going sometimes even before the ball snaap and they're there and they end up making the play and they'll play keep away from the returner as this one will be marked out Out of Bounds at the 13 ydd line pretty good spot the Eagles just about set to go to work on offense so now Charles this drive maybe a touch more important trying to erase the memory of that interception they had the last time out yeah and everyone goes through this because even the best of the game you're going to have games where it just doesn't go right for you an interceptions result so frankly to me it's all about how you respond not just the types of plays that you call but how you carry yourself how you show your team that you're still with it and how you continue to lead they run with a dangerous saor Barkley and a nice gain there as he'll be taken down just shy of the 20 a solid run on first down gain of seven leaves him with a second and three a nice run here early on it doesn't take a great play call to realize you want to establish a guy of his caliber with runs like this early because they will pay dividends as the game progresses running again with Barkley on second down fights forward for only about a yard up to the 21 well done to sniff that out defensively he had it diagnosed pretty quickly I love that description because diagnosed is perfect on that one R is keys made the play and he couldn't even get going moving the football third and two they'll try to run for it with Barkley and he's got the first as they'll bring him down at the 28 yd line a strong eight yds will keep this drive rolling and there were a lot of people who were surprised when Barkley made the decision to sign with the Eagles this off seon he has another Dynamic layer to an already stacked offense and he's quickly making his presence felt as he picks up a nice first down [Applause] here throwing from the gun it's hers this is caught it's br and he'll be taken down but not before they work it across Midfield that one goes for 24 yds already a terrific receiver Brown has taken his game to another level since arriving in Philadelphia it's total just under 3,000 receiving yards over the last two years and he someone who raises the ceiling of the entire offense whenever he's out there his goal for this season get Philadelphia back to the Super Bowl with a chance to win it from Viking territory now they'll come up first and 10 at the 48 yd line here's Herz to throw over the middle to Smith this will be stopped about two yds shy of the marker 8yd gain second and two and I think this is a route we'll see more of as this game goes on because with his speed they want to get him the ball in space on drag routes just like this they want him to get the ball and run after the catch good job there though holding him for a short gain they go back to the ground now with Barkley and he'll get it down to the play to the 37 two yds good enough for a first and Brandon you know that expression he just does what he does it sounds TR doesn't it but in this case is perfectly AB this one of the better runners in the NFL and all he does is just find Avenues find ways to pick up key first downs and big runs now on first down he'll drop to throw it that is caught it's the tight end Gard touchdown Eagles Dallas G 37 Ys and the Eagles are within an extra point of tying up this ball game for a big tight end he can sure move like a slot receiver when gets aead of steam going and as a defensive back you've got a big decision to make when he's moving like that on for the extra point Jake [Applause] Elliot it's up and good so these teams match touchdowns here in the first quarter and we're tied 77 so that winds up a seven playay drive all to and the drive was all finished off on the touchdown catch by Dallas G [Music] so all leave it at seven now as they kick it [Applause] away and a nice return sets him up pretty good here right at the 30 yd line the Vikings now heading on to the field and Charles a very uninspired effort the last time we saw them out there was a quick three and out and they putted the football yeah and you never want to get stopped so soundly during a series but what would be even worse now is letting it happen again right here they've got to get [Applause] [Music] going so first and 10 now from the 30 they'll start the drive with a carry by Jones and he'll be tackled just past the 35 at the 36 he'll get a nice chunk there on the first down run and it's second and four well it's time for them would be good teammates right here and what I mean by that is possess the ball for a little while get at least two first downs give their defense a chance to settle down a little bit after they give up a touchdown back to throw darnold Addison holds it in second catch for him today and it'll wind up a first down aain of Y [Applause] first up the middle Jones gets past one man and able to break one tackle but then quickly brought down but a nice little gain now that was an excellent run and when you see that happen that's when you're seeing guys doing their job and then some people doing a little bit more offensive lineman and tight ends they're expected to block but the wide receivers all they want to do is catch passes so when they block on a big time running play and create extra space you've kind of hit the jackpot there firing quickly here and that's complete a busy first quarter his third catch of the afternoon is a first down gain of Y first down [Applause] Viking slotman moves right [Applause] darnold and that is incomplete oh the coverage a little too good there and it's second down you know last week I remember asking you what would an offensive coordinator be looking for week two of the preseason now we're in week three defensive coordinator wise what's he looking at for the most part in preseason you're playing pretty basic stuff pretty vanela defenses you're looking for guys that play with abandoned that just go out and make plays and kind of let their itic ability take over in order for you to notice them that's caught downfield by Addison and he takes this just a few yards shy of the Red Zone before going out a busy first quarter his third catch of the afternoon is a first down partner this is one of the best routes anyone can have in their offensive Playbook tough to defend because you think it's a go route and then he breaks it back on the comeback there's one other thing you need as well a well thrown ball exactly right you have a guy who has some Precision in throwing the football because of the timing of the route they'll send a receiver here in motion right and now a fake on the Jet Sweep but a give to Jones and he's going to take this ahead for right around three yds but no more than that second down I do know from experience that when you slow down someone's running game you're now doing the dictating on defense and guess what now you're getting ready to tee off on their quarterback cuz they have to throw it all the time but you still have to be alert for the draws and other plays of that nature to make sure you don't get hurt they'll go again to Jones still about three yds shy of a first as the four- yd pickup brings it to third down can we just take that run and turn it into a kind of a clip and save because that tells you everything you need to know about this drive they've been moving the ball awfully well here comes play number nine now as they come up on a third and three they'll try and run for it with Jones and he won't be close to a first down as he runs into a wall right around the line of scrimmage call it no gain there and it leads to a fourth down I would think as a play call you want to look for some quick hitters to your tight end any type of a route to replace where that linebacker was because when you saw the speed with which he reacted and stoped that play Maybe use that speed against him in the future 3 Y and his kick is good and they take the lead here now at 10 to7 so they are able to end that drive with three points in this one possession ball game and ideally you want did every drive with points most quarterbacks would tell you let's end it with a kick right A P that's number one field goal you'll take punts you really don't want to do that in this case they'll take the field goal and get prepared for the rest of the game Minnesota's kick team ready and the Vikings boom it [Applause] away and he'll take it up past the 25 to the 26 yd line Philadelphia getting sent to take the field a long drive last time out for this offense Charles if you remember where they started basically in the shadows of their own End Zone marched it down the field and a lot of that was through the passing game and partner a former defensive back I'm having almost a physical reaction watching what's happening right now but let's give credit words too because they've done an excellent job moving the ball through the air secondary getting picked apart pass by pass obviously they need to make some adjustments there on the back end yeah because offensively we know that they're not going to be shy about throwing that football only a yard of the keeper it'll be second down 107 our score after one right here on EA Sports now second quarter action from Philadelphia and it's the Eagles in possession still nine yds to go on second down from the 27 they're going to look to throw and this one complete to Smith give him a gain of five on the completion and now it's third and four thir in search of four yds here to pick up the first first [Applause] down they'll drop to throw and he takes a shot on the release as this will be incomplete like what I see so far out of this defense because they've been showing their best coverages on third down so far only allowed one conversion on a handful of attempts one area of their game plan that they've executed to Perfection on fourth down punt coming from Braden man [Applause] it'll be 37 yds there on the punt and it will be Vikings ball first and 10 Minnesota's offense takes over possession and they split the uprights last time for three they've got the lead they're not going to play this conservative they're not hoping for another field goal they're hoping for a touchdown I'm with you on that one I like where your head is I like the way you're thinking because you're exactly right trying to sit on a lead and play that way that doesn't work too well for most teams run your offense run what you do best exactly put it all the way down and try to increase your lead in the big way and the best way to do it touchdowns completes it to pow it'll go as a gain of four and that's going to bring up second down [Applause] they'll fake it on the Jet Sweep and instead a hand off up the middle give him four on the carry and it'll make this a third and about two on any running play that's called they're always hoping that's going to break big and go the distance but when you get a nice game like that you're able to do so many things anyway you can come back and run essentially the same play again continue to move the ball on the ground or you can decide to throw the ball now because usually you have the defense back on its heels able to find the open man that's complete and he will have a Vikings first down as they're able to get the third down conversion got to say it was a little surprised to see him Charles come out in the shotgun on Third and less than a yard yeah but the way the NFL is nowadays we hardly ever see anyone really run for it on short yardage so they're going to throw the football more times than not that was a nice easy Rhythm throw right there and they pick up the first down out of the shotgun it's Jones and across the Midfield stripe into Eagle territory give him three on first down it'll set up a second and seven now a hand off running left is Jones and he stopped immediately there no gain on the play and it's going to bring up a third down as usual the Hallmark of a good run defense linebackers making plays near the line of scrimmage absolutely nowhere to run there this offense so far on third down they've converted three out of five thus far this is third and seven setting up the screen here Aaron Jones and he'll only get this to about the 44 as they stop him short of the line to gain five yards on the screen but that'll take us to fourth down and that's all about recognition right there because he's got to go from pass rush mode to Pursuit mode what defensive line coaches like to call retracing and he's able to retreat and make the tackle for just a short gain and here we go on Fourth darnold he's got his Target that's complete and he is going to pick up the Vikings first down as he gets a little more than he needed four yds the pickup there on Fourth and two fourth and two they got it that was kind of that gray area is that a feel thing whether you go run or pass there offensively I think it's a feel thing it's a tendency thing about what you like to do yourself on offense as well as knowing how strong they are against the run on defense got to make a decision and they made the correct one and give him six yds here as he stopped near the 35 at the 34 that's a strong pick up right there on first down and as this drive goes on we're seeing an offensive line and running game imposing its will and from the 34 here second and four Jefferson going to go in motion right faking the give darnold pressure comes and down he goes the Eagles get there for the sack buried for the sack by big jayen Carter and that's a heck of a moment for your first sack of the game because this long drive ends without a touchdown because of that sack we're going to look back and say that might be one of the biggest plays of this contest third down and 13 here's darnold under pressure and they got to him again Devon white defeating the offensive line and getting to the quarterback well that was an interesting little chess match there because the offense went empty set no running backs in the back field so they're trying to get people out into a route pretty quickly but guess what the defense that they go ahead and move move themselves into a blitzing situation and come right after the quarterback they had more guys there than they could block so on fourth down on is the punter Ryan Wright and he'll get off a fairly short kick here as this is toward the sideline and they won't risk defending a return here that one's out of bounds and it'll be spotted spotted at the 14 yd line here comes Eagle offense now now as they get set to take over here defense got the better of them last series forcing a punt see if they make a few changes in the game plan here and try to get points out of this drive first and 10 hers and the Eagles come up here first and 10 at their own 14 yd line he'll drop it off with saquan Barkley and he'll lose yardage on this one back to the 13 officially it's a one yd loss that's going to break up second and 11 I have a feeling they'll stay committed to running the football especially on their early Downs they just haven't had a whole lot of success just yet after the loss to start out here's second and 11 from the gun it's hers throwing quickly there but it's incomplete these offensive starters still out there in the second quarter you would think the plans for them to at least play into the third quarter if not all the way through it yeah it might go by field if they have really good first drive to start the third quarter they might pull them after that if not might leave them out there a little bit longer but I'll guarantee this they'll be gone by the start of the fourth quarter Herz sets up to throw it look in the middle of the field and he's got him man complete and he'll be Crown well up field right around the 40 yd line a pick up of 27 and they pick up the first down in the process that's really good play design right there it's one that comes down to the offensive line it's a deep in route but it's only going to work if that line gives you time in the pocket to wait for the route to develop mission accomplish there as they pick up the first [Applause] down they'll send Brown in motion [Applause] right now here's a fake on the Jets sweep as he'll go instead with Barkley and he'll be pretty well stopped at his tracks give him a yard up to the 42 early down stuffs will put this offense in a precarious position we know the securing the point of attack especially against the big bodied guys in the middle of this day has got to be Priority One from the 42 yd line here's the second and nine they'll run it again with Barkley and not much there at all maybe a yard up to the 43 typically we think it's the strong safeties that are better tacklers especially closer to the line of scrimmage amidst traffic but in this case how about the free safety coming up and making the big time play here Comes third down at [Applause] seven now a shotgun snap as they'll look to throw and he's going to have to eat this one as down he goes Jonathan Greener running in to pick up the sack emphatic sack there by grard he did that a lot a season ago recording a career best 12 and a half sacks for the Texans and the Vikings they're hoping he brings that same level of production to Minnesota [Applause] out now is the punter Braden [Applause] man he's been a busy man here in this first half as he gets it away and he'll get credit for putting him inside the 20 as the fair catch is made right at about the 19 yd line so a change of possession here on the punt and the Vikings will take over here first and 10 they'll start out on the ground with Jones and he's got it past the 30 before he's hit and dropped 61 yds rushing for him as he has been tough to stop here in this first half now this is an example of breaking down a defense cuz on a lot of these runs he's getting past the point of attack and guess what he's doing forcing the secondary guys to have to make a lot of tackles from the 32 now here's first and 10 and they'll keep on the ground with Jones and able to break one tackle but then quickly brought down but a nice little gain seven yds on the pickup there and it'll leave him with a second and three offensive linemen love creating space for their guys carrying the ball but when that guy also breaks tackles and creates extra yardage they almost feel like he's one of them and they really Embrace him darnold now to throw a throw left sideline Falls incomplete I see the surprise in your face there partner that is a rare incompletion from him he's been on point this entire game he has percentage completion Wise Way up not that time the offense on third down three for seven so far in this game this time it's third and three to throw is darnold and he is caught and he's able to get this one out closer to Midfield across the 45 following the play now they're going to stop the clock here as a man is shaking up well they come out and take a look at him we will step aside for just a [Applause] moment couple of first downs to kick off the drive here's first and 10 up at the 46 here's darnold and this one right back into the hands of Jefferson so five yds here five on the play and it'll be second down now it's darnold to Jefferson on the slam and Jefferson's going to have the Vikings first down as he'll take this down inside the five yds is the pickup there as that extends this [Music] [Applause] drive they'll fake the hand off now darnold he'll drop this underneath for Jones and he's tackled a yard short of the marker good gain of nine on first down just about every quarterback is trained to really look down field first before you come back and make a nice safe throw and in this case that's exactly what he did found his running back let him create some space it turned out to be a nice play for the offense running right Jones and he gets it down to the 32 they'll get three as the drive continues it's a first down second and one is often an invitation to take the big shot down field I bet the off said are you kidding we just get on our backs and let's go get the first down they love being physical from the 32 now here's first and 10 now [Music] Dar catch is made by hackinson the tight end and he'll go down at the 26 following a gain of six nice Rhythm throw there on first down he located his tight end made it a nice easy pitch and catch hoping he can break a tackle or two wasn't a ble to do that there but still good yardage so from the 26 yd line here's second and four out of the shotgun here's darnold throw left side complete that's Jones and he has another first down as they'll get the ball down to the Eagles 12 yd line they give him 14 yds that time and a fresh set of downs how about a nod to the sequence of plays they're putting together here this has been death by th paper cuts on this drive but this is one of their best plays yet and they're able to move it down into the Red [Applause] Zone from down at the 12 it's first and 10 they go back to the ground with Jones and he's able to break out a one tackle but then quickly brought down two yds on the carry there it'll be second down in order to play really good run defense when you're playing a three four those three guys up front the nose tackle and the guys they call the defensive ends they're usually big big people cuz they're going to have to eat up a lot of blockers CU usually five on three and when they do their job well guys who playing the inside those inside and he's going to go down sacked right around the 17 well-timed effort by Darren a Sligh a sack on the corner blitz so Charles no turnovers yet for this offense but their sacks now they're starting to pile up and one thing usually leads to another because they've got to figure out how the offensive line and everyone else involved in protection can keep their quarterback upright and allow him a chance to throw the ball down field a tough spot here third and 15 now a draw play this is Jones and he's able to work it here to the 8 yd line give him nine on the carry but it's not enough and it'll be fourth down this drive is turning to an extended one and and the guy carrying the ball he's becoming more like a body blows guy every carry is putting some damage on the defense so after a while I'm not too sure how many guys going to want to run up and Tackle him and his kick here is good and the lead stretches to six here it's 13-7 well in a close game like this obviously you want the touchdown but certainly they will take the three and they'll be okay with that but let's throw a little credit to the defense as well I'm just glad this doesn't come down to a debate right which side won partner because the defense hey we didn't give up a touchdown the offense hey we put three on the board either way you look at it I think both sides gained something out of that drive set now to kick this one away and off it goes and it's a pretty good return here as he'll get this up to the 29 here's the Philadelphia offensive unit now as they head out to take over possession as we eat closer and closer to intermission Charles remember last time out they punted they would love to get points here especially if this is going to be their final possession of the first half yeah and this is what close game feel like because the pressure press is on both sides but sometimes the pressure is a little bit higher on the team with the slight Edge because they're trying to hold on to that trying to increase it let's see how this one continues his throw incomplete that is the first time that they've targeted him that he has not come down with a catch he's caught everything that's been thrown his way A dominant pass receiver that can break down any defense because when he's doing that kind of work it really hurts you on the back end and even though it's an incompletion there I think they're going back to that well here's Herz to throw this will be caught by Brown they get seven out of that so they're left with a third and [Applause] three [Applause] thir two minutes remaining in this first half of football third and [Applause] three herds this will be caught once again by Brown and they're going to have this across Midfield and inside the 45 well they were in search of a short gain on third down and they wind up naving over 20 yards but we're used to see him the guy that you consider the number one receiver d double covered but how about this guy he's double covered and finds a way to make the play for a first down that's how you increase your Madden rating right no doubt about that at all and you know something I we'll hear about that from him soon and he's taken down inside the 30 15 more there and they're on a roll it's another first down and this was a nice example of an offensive coordinator scheming his guy open just a little underneath route just trying to free up some space and it worked awfully well got him not just space but plenty of room to run after the catch to pick up really nice yardage throwing from the gun it's hers that's complete he's got Barkley out of the back field the completion but they go in the wrong direction a loss of yards and now they're dealing with a second and long I really like the angles that the tackers came from on that play they secured inside took away the cut back the sidelines there so you can only go so far outside and they were able to close in and Tackle him for a loss yeah they use your boy over there the 12th man Sammy sideline right Sammy sideline you know something he tackles pretty well too he's tougher than an airport State the Eagles going to take the first of their timeouts as they get the stoppage with a little over 50 seconds to go in the first half line of scrimmage the 15 it's first and 10 throwing his hers to the end zone but it's incomplete so many offense want to include their running backs into their passing offense and be able to swing the ball out or check it down to them but sometimes those guys are just not as comfortable catching the ball as they are running it second and 10 [Applause] they'll look to throw again and he's got it and oh he caued it up and this ball recovered by the offense but remember they cannot advancing here in the final two minutes of the half so this will be blown dead and it'll come back to the spot of the fumble [Music] and now before the ball changes hands they're going to take a look at this just to make sure that they have it right and the question was the knee in fact down before this ball comes loose and is the video convincing enough to overturn it a lot of factors here remember you also need clear possession of the football afterwards this is a tough one to [Applause] overturn after review of the play on the field reverse so that one overturned they say the knee was down and that will not be ruled to [Applause] Fumble so it's first and goal and a great opportunity to get that lead back before the break back to throw again flushed out right and he'll take it into the end zone for an Eagles touchdown Jaylen h taking it in from four yds out and the Eagles are an extra point away from moving out in front in the final minute of the half that's a really good decision right there outside of the pocket you've got to know the right time to ship from passer to Runner he was looking and looking nothing there you can almost feel the brain waves firing as he calculates I think I can win a race to the pylon and he turns out to be right touchdown Elliot now to add the extra point [Applause] [Music] and this puts him on top by a penny it's 14 13 that time a nine playay drive and it results in a four yd touchdown run [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] now after the touchdown here's Elliot on to kick it [Applause] away and they will Wrangle him down a couple yards shy of the 30 [Applause] the Minnesota offense about ready to get this next Drive underway with his slim deficit closing in on the end of the first half we'll see if they can move this at least into field goal range and try to get three out of this drive the Vikings going to signal for the first of their timeouts as they'll stop it with a little over 30 seconds to go in the first half of [Applause] [Music] play second and a couple back to throw darnold and that's Off the Mark [Applause] incomplete after the incompletion here now third and two darnold and this pass broken up that's coverage there on third down as that was not an easy one to hold on to good clean Play No Flags coming out of the pocket of the officials turns into an incompletion and that should get him off the field with a three and out and here's Ryan wri now as he's on to punt for Minnesota this is brought in at the 21 43 yds on the punt seven yd return and controll of the football switching hands with very little time remaining until the half the Eagles offense set to begin their next drive and with a one-point lead you'd have to think they'll be looking just to get this to halftime and he'll just push his way forward for a few as the clock will run the corner Stefan Gilmore on the stop so we've come to halftime here in Philly with the Eagles on top as we'll send you down the coast now to Orlando that's where we find Jonathan Coachman ready with our EA Sports halime report coach all right Brandon thank you very much week three of the preseason is here everyone wrapping up their exhibition schedule no games for the league on Labor Day weekend and then it all begins the 17 game regular season gets underway on the Thursday after Labor Day with the NFL kickoff game this one's been all you could hope for as an NFL fan just a one-point game here at halftime this has been as much fun as you could hope for with both these teams in it always this one still anyone's game as we welcome you back likely to be out there for the third quarter as we get back underway in this second half and a nice return sets him up pretty good here right at the 30 yd [Applause] line here are the Vikings now to start their next drive out of the locker rooms here they come their first drive of the third quarter and Charles they're trailing in this ball game but we got a tight one set up to be a very entertaining second half and as we know partner in the NFL there's trailing and there's trailing right sometimes you're discouraged by how much you're down but in this case this is a tight ball game so there's a sense of optimism here I think they went in at the half and looked at their play sheet and said these are the plays we really like what do you say we use them to start the second half and get us going a play fake and it's darn a quick throw there is incomplete at this point in the second half one mistake on a forc throw could Doom your chances of a comeback so that's the right call there to just throw that one [Applause] away so the failure to connect on second down that leaves them staring up here at a third and eight they'll set up to throw and this pass broken up and the contact well Ed there and now fourth down oh I thought he had that one and that was nearly a big third down conversion to give this drive some life instead they're on the spot and help separate the receiver from the ball and here's Ryan Wright now as he'll putt it away for the fourth time today a call for a fair Catch and it's made at about the 23 yd line a 41 yd punt there with no return and it will be Eagles football first and [Applause] 10 already at the line This Philly offense set to [Applause] go they'll come out throwing here to start the drive man open left side is brown and he's able to get this one up to his 30 before he's out of bounds call it a gain of six on the play and it'll be second down all that practice time came to fruition on that play all those timing routes that they work on through training camp OTAs mini camp and just regular season they got it done on that one an outcut ball was delivered and picked up the [Applause] completion from the 30 on second down hers incomplete from the snap he certainly looked like he knew where he wanted to go with the ball but surprise that guy was covered so that took his attention elsewhere to no [Applause] avail an incomplete pass on that last play and that means they'll need to come up with something here on third down he'll look to throw this short throw caught by G and he slips up past the 4 five before being tackled it's a gain of 16 and an eagle first down we often hear the phrase sure handed tight ends and he's certainly fits into that category plus he's got a quarterback who knows to look his way when they need a big pickup and on this play he finds him for the first down [Applause] [Music] [Applause] a first down carry for Barkley and this has been a familiar sight all afternoon as they stop him behind the line two yds the loss second and 12 sometimes with the running game you've just got to stick with it look it's the third quarter no time to panic but that also doesn't mean you just do it the same way you've been doing it the entire ball game maybe change up some blocking assignments or run a few different plays but stay with the overall essence of the running game Herz sets up to throw it complete Smith has it that's good the completion there for seven yards and it brings up third and five now they'll need five on this play to move the [Applause] sticks from the gun on it's Herz he'll get that complete to Albert oh this is going to depend on the spot but it's not a very generous one he looks to be about a yard or so short they'll give him four yards there and that's going to bring up a fourth down if this for baseball we call this small ball instead of pushing it down field they throw a short pass trying to pick up the first down but the defense rallies to the football and stops him short bringing up a fourth down [Applause] pass taken in by his big tight end and he works it past the 30 almost to the 25 fourth down no problem 19 yds that time but now it's first and 10 and that's a big pickup of a first down and you know that all week both sides of the ball offense and defense are going through every situation and in this case the offensive guys had the right play dialed up because defensively you work on fourth down situations as well and deflating for the defense they can't get the stop here again he'll drop the throw and this is going to be caught but they'll say out of bounds so it's incomplete s of looks like they stop some fighting them on this series because it seemed like things were headed for the Red Zone if this defense gets two more stops they can keep them out of that area here's second and 10 [Applause] they'll stick with the passing game as he looks to throw that play call wasn't there for them against that coverage so they're going to spin the dial now in their playbook and come up with one more shot at the marker to try and keep this series going this offense was on the Move now two straight incompletions have them looking at third and 10 back to throw here and he is stopped just short on third down got nine yds but needed 10 that was a good effort there trying to do it on his own but as a Defender you're in a tough spot because you have coverage responsibilities behind you and if you take off too quick to try and get him down he might Loft it over your head so better to track with your man defensively than try to go up and make a stop on the quarterback exactly right what you're hoping is that your guys in the front seven can get him down and boy this is going to be close that Mark looks a little short and he didn't get there saquin Barkley denied on fourth down and this 11pl drive is going to lead to nothing on the scoreboard and you wonder Charles could that decision come back to haunt them later and it really could because in this situation you kick the field goal in a tight game like this that's a good play but maybe what he's saying to himself is I'm just not a big proponent of the old idea that any possession that ends in a kick I'm happy with he wanted to be really aggressive a little twist here in the third quarter playaction it's darnold and he's got this to Jefferson and way up past the 35 before he's taken down a good pickup there 21 yds what an intelligent play as he found open grass and uncovered quickly a nice clutch play to move the chains the defense they've got to do a much better job of accounting for these shorter routes from all the way up at the 38 now after a good start to the drive an inside give to Jones he'll work his way up the middle for a gain of about four second down and that was a quality play to start a new set of downs that was simply an offensive line winning the battle up front Wing in a big way and giving their guy in the back field a nice Lane to hit from the 41 here's a second down at six they'll fake the hand off now darnold now a quick throw there but it's going to be incomplete his back has been a Dependable safety valve all game so he went back to him when his first read was covered just in able to connect so the play results in no game [Applause] these guys have punted four times already and they're staring at a fifth barring a conversion here on third down here's darnold he's got his Target that's complete and he goes out of bounds it looks like right at the 50 got what they needed there the drive continues with a nyd pickup well part of their struggles in the first half was their inability to convert consistently on third down but how about this well-designed play gave himself of options and able to get the hook up and keep the drive going now a first down carry by Jones 94 yds for him on the ground now as he has been terrific here this afternoon as we surmise Charles most of the starting units still out there for this third quarter first time this preseason that they played into the second half and that's by Design most of the time by this point of the preseason you want them to go into the half cool down then come back out and warm up to start the third quarter like you would a regular season game that's exactly what they wanted to get done and he'll go down here at the 35 yd line nine yds the pickup there and it's a first down boy where would these guys be without his performance on the ground that puts him over 100 yards now for the afternoon and I tell you he seems to be getting stronger as the day go goes along after the run by Jones here's first and 10 to throw is [Music] darnold oh he tries to force it in and it's intercepted chony Gardner Johnson with a pick and the Eagles are going to have it here at their own 32 yd line and that could turn out to be a giant play Charles you got an offense driving to take the lead but they're turned away on the int and I think that we might look back on this in the fourth quarter and say that was the play of the game now Philadelphia ready to get going on offense again and both of these defenses have been stifling these last few drives offensively just not able to get anything going so what needs to change I think a lot of the guys will go back and review so to speak because everyone has someone assigned to how did each play work okay what what we use that kind of worked for us during this game try and get back to some of those plays as well as the possibility of showing something you haven't shown already in this game and trying to change things up we'll see if they take the advice of Mr [Applause] Davis pass to Brown he's got it on the Crossing Round And Out of Bounds on the other side of Midfield at the 45 23 yds the final tally as they began this drive I was wondering how they were going to attack since they're playing with the lead would they continue to try and push the ball down field well after one play it appears at the end answer is yes a hand off Barkley running left and he's going to get this one down near the 45 yd line just a yard on the pickup there and it'll bring up a second and nine in the first half he was held in check on the ground but despite that lack of production they still have the lead yeah they've got to feel fortunate about that if they could actually get production from their lead horse that would help open up this offense and widen this margin too here's Herz to throw that one complete down the field to Smith touchdown Philadelphia Devonte Smith 45 Ys and the Eagles Take the interception on defense and convert it into six points and there they got him the ball just get it to him let him do the rest you know he probably said that to his back as he broke the Huddle I like the play call just get it to me I'll take care of the rest of it helping out his rack right RAC run after catch and he loves that and he's going to carry that in at Contract [Applause] time Elliot on for the extra point and with that the lead is up to eight so they only needed three plays on that drive and it was finished off by a touchdown from Devonte [Music] [Applause] [Music] Smith now after the touchdown here's Elliot on to kick it away and he takes this near the 25 just a little pass there call it the 26 now the Minnesota offense set to take over again and they have had their problems moving the ball through the air as we take you through some of the action from earlier this secondary has played about as well as you can many times they've left this quarterback with nowhere to go with the football the Minnesota offense about ready to get this next Drive underway not an ideal way to end their previous drive they threw the interception Charles after they had built up some momentum they were moving the football but something to at least build on for this offense as they run back out here yeah you're right about that up until that last play everything was working pretty well for this offense gaining chunks of yardage getting first down really making a push for the end zone and looked like they had a nice rhythm going now you got to have a short memory here don't focus on the interception focus on what came before it and get back to it faking the give darnold he's got this one complete to sherfield and they bring him to the ground just shy of Midfield he'll get 15 and a Vikings first down second and short that's a run down so it's definitely a good time to go play action if you're feeling it and they do so and pick up a first [Applause] down backto back good plays have them on the move on first down Man in Motion is sherfield off of playaction darnold Rush coming and he's taken down they dial up the corner spit that time and it delivers to the tune of a 9yd loss and this dominant defensive performance continued on that play this poor quarterback has now received the protection he needs and has had to pick himself up off the turf far too often and they need to work to at least get some of this yardage back after the sack second and 19 from the shotgun to give the Jones and he's going to take this one up only to about the 44 yd line he'll get three but it leaves him with a big hole here on Third and very long let's give a lot of credit to the offensive line they've been able to move the ball really well on the ground the entire game and while that wasn't a huge one that's okay they'll take him a short steady burst now on Third and long they'll look to throw going underneath he's got and they will advance this across Midfield but still well shy of the first as he's tackled at the 47 they pick up 10 but it'll still lead to a fourth down look like the screen pass was taken away there and that was a nice job of improvising but it's not normal usually when the screen pass is taken away You're talk to just throw the ball at the ground at the feet of the receiver so you don't get an intercepted and just start over but he ended up finding another receiver and this is going to be ruled out I think just inside the 20 yes it will side judge calls it at the 19 yd line the Eagles offense and Jaylen Herz ready to take over once more and we'll take you through some of the highlights here you'll notice he had a hand in a lot of them so far he's got this offense rolling right now [Music] the Eagles offense set to begin their next drive this drive here beginning probably with a pair of motivated groups remember the offense scored a touchdown on their last time out looking to repeat that in Charles's defense they were very frustrated after giving up six the last time on the field and frankly it's just a battle of wills in a lot of ways because you know they're both motivated they both game plan for this drive and they both have specific outcomes in mind to me it just comes down to can execute better and which side can step up and assert its will over the other throwing is herds this one complete down the field the G and he goes out of bounds just shy of the 45 23 yds the pickup there I'll tell you what a lot of those mid-range throws have been available because sometimes teams get too concerned about the Deep ball they leave too much space in front of them and these guys have been taken advantage so far off the play fake here's Herz he delivers another to GED complete and he is out of bounds inside the 35 back to- back receptions for him and it's another first down and defensively they were in zone coverage there do you have to be a little careful you're losing playing against a good quart back like he is to not play too much Zone yeah you have to be careful about how much time you're giving up I think it's a good point you just brought up so maybe if you still want to play zone you go to a Zone Blitz scheme and you can drop anyone out of your defensive front defensive end defensive tackle it doesn't matter you just exchange someone to bring more pressure towards the quarterback and still try and cover downfield another nice play there they've gotten down into the Red Zone in no time at all that's what this offense can do when they get on a roll and now they're set up with a first and [Applause] 10 throwing from the gun it's hers open man is G the tight end and they'll get him down after a pick up of Eight Second and two and there wasn't much room for the big tight end to do much after the catch at least he was able to pick up a solid gain to help his offense continue to move in the right direction two yds left on second down from the nine [Applause] hers and he's got it touchdown Devonte Smith on the receiving in from jayin herds and the Eagles will add on to their lead here in the final minute of the third circle that drive because that might be one to remember well executed to give him a little cushion well let's take it into the boxing ring you talk about them commanding it keeping the fight where they wanted to whether it was in the center of the ring or putting them on the ropes cuz it was jab jab jab and finally the hay maker to put that drive away Elliot now to add the extra point and the lead is up to 15 now that drive goes 80 Ys in six plays and it was finished off by a touchdown from Devonte [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Smith now after the touchdown here's Elliot on to kick it away and they'll get him down inside the 30 at the 27 [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] here are the Vikings now to start their next Drive see if they can put this Drive In The End Zone Charles because it it's been a little bit of a rough go at times they've had to punt the football a ton in this ball game because of scaled out drives so are you saying that you're kind of tired of seeing the punter run out there and do his thing during this game is that what you're trying to say well I mean I'm okay with it I have a feeling that this offense they don't want to see the punter again and frankly the punter doesn't want to run out there anymore himself love see his offense put together a drive and give his leg a rest darn now to throw he's going to LOF this one deep left sideline oh this is taken in it's complete and he's going to be out of bounds but not before he takes it inside the 40 they give him a gain of 38 and this offense needed something to try and seize the momentum a little bit that might have been exactly what they needed now they have a chance to go down field and score and cut into the lead [Applause] a play fake and it's darnold he's going to find Jefferson open downfield and he will be taken down but a big pickup there on what's going to be the final play of the third quarter and welcome back we are in the City of Brotherly Love Philadelphia it's the Vikings in possession of the football but they need some points they're trailing here to start the [Applause] fourth so signs of life and what's been a dormant offense in this second half here's first and 10 now darnold and it's caught in the end zone for the Viking touchdown by Justin Jefferson Minnesota a great play there with his second touchdown of the afternoon and the Vikings are able to cut into that deficit so this now a nine-point difference you figure the book here says kick the extra point make it a one- score game now you and I have seen coaches get overly aggressive in this spot but I agree with you kick it here and get back within a score and now in a nine-point game they'll still just need to go for one here and it's good so that will get him back within one score so that drive four plays and it was all capped off by Justin Jefferson's touchdown reception out is the kickoff unit as they run up and send this one away well now how about this return and good starting field position he'll get this one all the way up to about the 35 yd line [Applause] already at the line This Philly offense set to go their lead back down to one score after the touchdown a moment ago first downs a must on this drive as they start out here first and 10 and he can only manage to get a couple second and eight coming up I like that run right there partner not the flashiest Run not the one that's going to break for big yardage but he understands the situation and taking care of the football Paramount and he got it done nursing that slim lead you're exactly right hold on to that ball her sets up to throw it over the middle complete it's Smith and that'll be good for eight yds to the 45 they like going to him in the slot he catches another one I think this comes Under The Heading of until they stop him why not go back to it he has something going really well great work relationship with the guy throwing the ball and they keep making the connection on Third and short they'll try and pick it up through the air that is caught and he is going to have an eagles first down as they're able to get the third down conversion he's been the go-to guy they needed a big play there on third down went his way it worked out doesn't matter whether they scouted it or that they think he's going to get the ball he has a knack for finding his way open and complet the [Music] [Applause] connection from the gun it's herds got his man complete over the middle that's Smith and he's going to get this inside the 30 another nice gain 16 yds there and a first down again these guys are running offense like you drive the pedal is down Stomp down how about that backto back completions they are rolling so much for being conservative and running that football out of the shotgun they run with Barkley stopped at the 24 yd line after a gain of five I like a guy who understands the situation I also like a guy who you look at him and you say that looks like a guy who knows the coach is going to say guess what you drop this one you'll be carrying around the training facility for an entire week maybe flashback to school or college carrying it around campus right the old Gauntlet drill right anyone get the ball out while he's while he's sitting in class and bring it back to the coach he's in big trouble from the 24 herds there's a short one caught by uzama and just three yards on the catch there he couldn't get away and it makes it third down and two yds to go not a big window to throw coverage wasn't too bad there yeah they had him under wrapped pretty well but somehow able to muscle his way open and catch the ball trying to keep the drive going here this is play number seven on Third and two they're going to look to throw he's going to get that to his running back out of the back field and he is going to have an eagles first down it's a gain of six that time on Third and two well they certainly done a nice job spreading the ball around on this drive this time he gets it out to his back and it's another nice play and another first down they've got the defense on their heels a little bit they're reacting instead of being aggressive and making plays now on first down he'll drop to throw it Campbell making the catch so the completion good for just three and it's second down [Applause] [Music] [Applause] they'll look to throw again and it's caught touchdown Eagles jayen Herz On Target to Dallas gard and the Eagles have opened up a two touchdown lead here in this fourth quarter Bo he has been fun to watch throwing the football in this one certainly not fun for that defense though Charles now up to four touchdown passes in this ball game yeah we're supposed to be neutral but I'm feeling their pain right now because he has absolutely carved up the secondary a clinic on how to attack a defense and take them out of the game Elliot on for the extra [Applause] point and he's been a busy man five for five now as he knocks another one through to extend the lead a good drive that time as they go nine plays at all and the drive was all finished off on the touchdown catch by Dallas G [Music] now after the touchdown here's Elliot on to kick it [Applause] away and a decent return out to the 27 yd line with the football going back to the Vikings offense and they'll just simply be looking to build off the confidence of the last time out where they scored a touchdown and confidence is powerful isn't it when You' scored once you feel like you can go back out there and get it done again that matter what the defense throws at them they feel like they're in a groove right now and they want to get out there and show it yeah hoping to stay in that Groove here this go around Addison will go in motion left now it's darnold catch is made by hackinson the tight end and they're able to get this one across the 35 the drive starting with a first down 11 yds on that pickup fourth quarter every drive so critical and you figure may only get one more shot after this so a touchdown is imperative on this drive it is but you also have to think to yourself in play calling don't hold any back don't save it for the second touchdown you got the first one for the second one even matter Eagle pressure too much this time down he goes Jaylen Carter able to get in there for his second sack of the afternoon his defense they just continue to Feast five sacks now as a unit it's been quite an afternoon getting to the quarterback and we're seeing it come from a variety of places as well sometimes just the guys up front getting to them other times you add extra guys rushing the quarterback twists and stunts it's been a variety and they've had no way of blocking [Applause] them the job becomes twice as difficult now after the sack it's second and 20 back to throw darnold throw left side taken in by Jefferson all right this is the time of the game where they're down a couple of scores and they've really got to get some yards in chunks and they know the defense doesn't want to give those up but they've got to find a way to take them anyway now the question is can they string a few of those together here's third and six here's darnold oh hit as he throws there incomplete we've seen this part a few times in this game offensive line unable to keep leverage unable to keep people away facing a lot of pressure press fortunate fortunate just to get rid of it one of the reasons they're down is that inability though to stop the pressure we saw another example of it [Applause] there on fourth down the punt team is on as this is sent away it's a return of four following a 42 yd Punt and the Eagles will have it taking over first and 10 [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the Eagles offense set to begin their next drive there two scores on the plus side still time here in this fourth quarter but maybe you start thinking about playing keep away yeah I think here's the situation you're not thinking touchdowns anymore you're just thinking first downs to keep up with your theme there playing keep away first downs they can't touch the ball I like the strategy extra tight ends extra beef they want to run the football but that means they probably want to run it inside if you get strung out on the perimeter you're in Peril yeah we saw the result negative yardage so second down here's Barkley again and he is met in his tracks behind the line of scrimmage it'll go as a loss of a yard so now they deal with third and 11 run blitz there defensively something we might see more of here in the fourth quarter I think we'll see a lot of it and the difference between that and a pass Blitz pass Blitz you're trying to get to the quarterback you're trying to scheme someone open who will get to the QB and make sure he gets on the ground in a run blitz you're actually trying to cover up gaps trying to cover up holes so they can't run the football and that's going to be incomplete the contact there enough to jar that ball free and it brings up fourth down he did a fine job there of not hitting him before the ball arrived and I've got to tell you you can often M time that play because of the angles of approach when you're going to get him sometimes you panic as well and think I've got to be there right now instead in this case timed it perfectly and knocked it free that'll be a 44 yd boot just a yard on the return as he's covered up quickly and it will be first and 10 as they take over and now out comes Minnesota their defense was able to force the punt that's the good news but this is still a two-score game and they need points on this drive and in a relatively quick manner they've got good starting field position as they come up here first and 10 at their own 37 playaction it's darnold and that nearly a turnover but it's incomplete oh fortunate to retain possession there and it's second down oh this defense knows fourth quarter they need to make a play that one was right for the taking could have changed the complexion of the ball game but it winds up incomplete here's darnold and he'll be hit as he releases it and that'll fall incomplete a couple of quick incompletions and now they're just one more away from getting off the field they've got options now could they dial up a blitz here or just drop everyone into coverage to Crow the throwing Lanes so backto back incompletions and that has them staring at a third and 10 darnold [Applause] and he'll take this to the other side of Midfield before going out of bounds nowhere to go downfield but he's able to get out of bounds and stop the clock here with a first down he certainly isn't looking at the scoreboard out there because to me all he's concerned about is analyzing the field and making most of the time left in this game deficits still there but he's starting to hit them with some big plays up the middle Jones and he'll get this into enemy territory but not by much as he's down to the 48 just a yard on the first down carry so it's second and nine well praise has to go to the guys on the offensive line because they've had a very nice productive day running the football how about that poor defensive line they've been knocked around the entire game and while they slowed him down on that run can they continue to do so because they haven't had much success about this ball game he's got this one complete to sherfield and he has another first down as they'll get the ball down to the Eagles 32 yd line that one good for 16 as the drive continues good yardage on the completion there and when they look at the scoreboard they do understand a field goal is not going to do them any good my guess they're going to press the ball down field as far as possible try and throw it into the end zone and get a score because they know they've got to get that done and get the ball back as quickly as possible only three there on the screen it's second down good reactions there defensively that screen was a little slow in developing and they shut that one down with little [Applause] gain from the 29 here's second down at seven a give to Jones and he'll be brought down at about the 2 five after a pick up of four not too many offenses want to turn down long drives but when you're down what they are they've got to pay it off with some [Applause] points the eighth play of the drive coming up it's third and three to throw is darnold oh they would have gotten a conversion if he could hold on instead the drop means it'll be fourth down for playing and simple that's the second time today that he's dropped the pass and that one I think maybe even a little easier than the earlier one that he dropped surprising was this game announced as a night game prior to and maybe his rhythm was just off he got thrown off he's going have to wake up enjoy the sunshine and go play fourth down and for darnold it's desperation time and he is going to pick up the Vikings first down they needed three they got six plenty enough for the conversion on Fourth let time to pull out the stops is now and they convert there on fourth down so this drive going to continue following the conversion on Fourth here's first and 10 the left side completion to Jones touchdown Vikings Aaron Jones from 19 yds away and the Vikings get a bit closer getting your back involved what's the important there in the passing game well often times you can create mismatches because who's going to cover him and you get him into space which is where he likes to operate with the ball

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