Tim Scott 'Called Out' For Tap Dancing For Trump And Still Losing VP Job - CH News Show

for comedy hype news I'm Symphony Thompson in the midst of the assassination attempt on Donald Trump the former president in 2024 Republican nominee has just revealed his running mate for the election season JD Vans now the announcement comes after several other politicians like Tim Scott and vivec ramas Swami campaigned for the vice president job tap dancing for Trump in the Republican Party only to be denied the position in favor of a white man one user on social media would tweet it's pretty effing hilarious to me that Tim Scott fully debased himself as a prop for Trump only to be left way off Trump's short list for VP congrats Tim you played yourself another user would write all that tap dancing for VP trying to impress the white man didn't get you anywhere did it we noticed now if you all remember Paul money had a famous saying that applies to this exact situation if Mooney were still with us today he would say those politicians of color referring to Scott and ramas Swami got their wakeup call today we have our very own comedy hype analyst lab love and Marvin Hunter on the show to talk about it now before we dive into the conversation let's talk about the definition of a wakeup call I'm pretty sure both of y'all are familiar with this but for our audience so it describes an incident where a person of color forgets that they are of color and are reminded rather brutally by an unexpected Act of racism so Marvin you haven't been here all week so I'm going to start with you first when you saw this announcement and just everything with Tim Scott and RAM Swami what what are your thoughts and reactions to it it it warmed my heart it warmed my heart because I I I love to see people like that get the wake up call you know what I'm saying cuz he was doing too much yeah he was doing way too much them folks ain't never mess with you like that you weren going to never get it first of all you got your mom got a second story in it you know you got he had upstairs and it's like they were doing way too much you thought that you was you was doing right by Massa or whatever and then Massa showed you that you know yeah that you are what you are yeah la what what are your thoughts on it I I giggle because it's like I don't know how as a surprise nothing that this dude has done lets you or would make you think that he's with minorities again he put in place hundreds of Judges not one of color not one one of Trump's biggest supporters look Romy right in the face and said I would never vote for you cuz you're Indian that is the that is races at his highest level told him on national TV and that's why I brought on today somebody who I think has some thoughtful perspectives on the future direction of our country of our conservative movement and on this question of nationalism and national identity somebody whove been fascinated for by for a long time and have interacted with on social media but for the first time we're having a at least Live Form conversation an couter so an thanks for coming on and I'm looking forward to our conversation today me too thanks for having me that was a fantastic opening monologue I too am a fan of yours so I'm going to make a point of disagreeing with you so that it will be fun you are so bright and articulate and I guess I can call you articulate since you're not an American black can't say that about them that's that's derogatory um and that was a great opening segment lots of things to talk about there I agreed with many many things you said during in fact probably more than than most other candidates when you were running for president but I still would not have voted for you um because you're an Indian we'll get back to that and now you surprised you didn't get the VP at the all this Shing and jabing all I can do is look at the camera and be like m m because that's what you did you got your SC on you got your tab dancing on you Fred stat shoes Jean and it's and it's crazy too because you see things like and I know we talked about it you know Amber Rose being put in front almost as if it's like he nobody care nobody know what no Amber Rose think go ahead I do not ever about nothing you weren't excited I mean I feel like they put it there for not at all seems like a I don't know first of all any listen and I know this going to rub some people the wrong way anybody who got a tattoo on their face can't tell me nothing if you got a tattoo on your face you have given up on life don't talk to me nobody with a tattoo on on their face has any validity in anything they get ra and called her a rapper yeah they had on the screen as a rapper when when she rap what she rap sandwiches yeah yeah maybe that maybe some sandwiches she's a so she might wrap uh stuff up yeah but that's about it yeah I yeah I was I was very surprised but it just it just goes to show like he continues to use like black people just for you know what he wants to hopefully get the vote and things like that but any who you know there comes this conversation of tap dancing right and see it obviously here but that also happens in corporate and dayto day so I'm I'm going bring it you know just to to a level of where you know we are Marvin I'll start with you have you ever seen or yourself tap danced for a position and it didn't work out well I was in the military 20 years so yeah I've seen it a lot you know what I'm saying I remember toward the end of my career I had an opportunity to make Chief and I had my one shot LP you know supervis and see or whatever and after that was over it I stopped trying I stopped trying because I I I was not going to go that extra mild it depends on who's in front of you who the people are and what they expect of you I'm not going to do anything that where I can look myself in the mirror after you know what I'm saying I just I can why do you think some people do do typ well because they they look The end justifies the mean they they want that carrot they want it I'm going to do anything to get that carrot and I worry about self-respect later on you know what I mean and and in life we got to compromise don't don't get it wrong you you should compromise and be DEC to be pleasant when you're trying to achieve something that's that's life that's anything it doesn't matter corporate or wherever you at but there has to be a line that you're not willing to cross and it's a shame that some people put you in that position to do anything to have anything said to you and then there they're watching they're judging you yeah you know about how you respond and how you respond that determines whether or not you get that position La let me ask you have you ever seen or or tab dance yourself for um I I definitely seen it uh I've never tab dance my thing has always been it's like in the 48 Laws of Power is when you you move you have to always try to put yourself in a position of power when you negotiate or we trying to get something whatever that thing you trying to get and when you tap dance I think you give up your position of power and you give up your position of power because when you start tap dancing whoever you tap dancing for they know you tap dancing so now they know you really want y whatever you tap dancing for so now they're going to start pulling the strings they're going start pulling like one of my things always with a job is I I always say I'll never let a job know I had to have this job because when when you have a job and people know you have to have your job you dependent on your job they treat you differently but if you walk with an attitude like yo I'll leave tomorrow morning yeah they treat you differently you don't have to be disrespectful or anything like that but if you move like this ain't the end all be all people have to treat you a different type of way and uh one of the greatest lessons in comedy that I had cuz we all get to a point you want something very very badly when I was new in comedy uh rest in peace Tyler Craig one of the greatest to ever do it and uh I was opening for him and I remember I'm so desperate at this point because I'm living in South Carolina I'm just doing laps in the state I told him I said man I need to go on the road I said bro listen if you take me on the road with you man I'll pay you whatever they pay me wow he pulled me to the side he said he used a word he said don't you ever say no stupid crap like that again because somebody going to take you up on it but young I'm new in the game I'm hungry I'm I'm feeling like it ain't going nowhere he said man you funny just keep doing what you doing it's going to come yeah so I know how that feel you know you really you want it so bad you know what I'm saying but you need somebody there to check you too okay so let me ask you this then so if is it really tap dancing if the ends do justify the means for example if playing the game cuz some people call it playing the game if playing the game get you this major opportunity like you played the game like if Tim Scott had actually gotten the VP nomination did it justify did the tap Dan and justify if the ends justify to men him standing on on national TV in line on Trump you know and saying there's no racism in America being a black man from South Carolina I used to live in South Carolina I'm from South Carolina he he he no he's a clown for that but even but even if he got the vice president's nomination you vice president second most powerful man on the planet yeah you're still a clown still a clown I mean that's that's mean he's still a clown can you can you answer that question what do you think he got I don't necessar think the end Justified means either but I guess what I guess it comes down to this we all make compromises so can we say his compromise anybody's not just his anybody's compromise is crossing the line did you compromise to much did you is what you did tap dancing or did you just do what you had to do to get done what you need to get done yeah you see what I'm saying who who Who's who defines that who who who puts that Line in the Sand to what now this is tap dancing or this is just me putting in that work cuz we all know people who ain't willing to compromise on nothing yeah and then life don't go how it wanted to go and then it's everybody else fault but D you know what I'm saying that that's that's crazy so you know it it it it that's an interesting question you know what I'm saying because we I I can see it from both sides i' I've worked with people who are completely just disagreeable on everything and you look at like how you think you going to advance in this if you constantly Burning Bridges okay do you think it's when CU a couple things came in mind self-degrading is one of them but even like when it impacts other people like when it's like impactful to other people like what you're doing is you're hurting other people you're now putting other people in a in a situation because you're trying to end the end cuz you making every but see but and and and I'm doing this cuz I I just to put it out there because some people think for example I got this theory that in the office if you got 20 people in the office out them 20 people 15 of them just want to do their job they ain't going to do no more and no less yeah 15 people and 20 person Office three people are trash yeah they trash they everybody else got to do their work they show up to work late they just every caring you got two overachievers they come in early they doing extra work they put but people will look at those two people in the office as if they tap dancing I'm not tap dancing what I am is I'm just overachiever okay see what I'm saying and so and the 15 say you make us look you make us look bad because we only supposed to move 15 boxes from point A to point B every day you over here moving 30 yeah you making the rest of us look bad yeah see that's that's when I that's when I think you're you're just doing hard you're a hard worker face that's what I'm saying now in face when you're doing 30 boxes and you're saying well what call 15 now you're impacting other and to me that's when it becomes tap dancing like why telling on people John late he ain't never been late you telling on people stuff so so let's talk about this right so a lot of people are talking about you know what we're seeing all the things that are that are happening before our eyes it's advancing Trump it's moving Trump's El you know it's just putting him in the seat already they're they're pretty much claiming that so what do you think at this point live I'll start with you what do you think at this point the Democrats can do to to turn things around around to to match or beat out what we're seeing the Republican Party do I think you uh my thing is I think you put KLA out I think you put her out front she's very she's aggressive she's a minority uh she can debate other right you put it out not just a little bit you put it out to the point to where it almost seems like she the one running for president you got of pull Biden back and then when people start to question like yo who running for president is she running for president he running for president but if she's strong what it does is I think it subconsciously read assures people that we going to be all right because that's their concern that we not going to be all right with Biden I think Comm was already running I think they already knew that Biden was going to never make it through a whole presidency they knew that you know what I'm saying uh uh it's I I don't know man can they do anything I I don't think so I think stay of course because you you pain yourself in the corner you put that old ass dude up there you knew he was old you knew he was fumbling you you did that y'all did that so now you ran your bath water you got a bathe in it you made your bed you got a lie in it it's simple as that run him you got to run him you have to what what are your thoughts about the people that are calling for for Biden to step down because my my thoughts were the same thing like y'all had to know he was this bad before y'all start putting him in the public eye but now that he's in the public eye y saying like oh I think you need to step down what are your thoughts about I think that's peculiar why some of the people who doing it why are you just so scared that K is gonna get it is this about KLA cuz it doesn't make any sense George CL you just had the fundraiser for him he fumbled you mean he wasn't fumbling in when y'all was in there talking get the hell out of here yeah he fumbled now you want to take out a ad get out of here man yeah you you y'all just think you know I'm saying I think they scale come yeah yeah cuz I I definitely don't think you could you could take him out because my thing is taking him out this this would be my beef with the Democrats you you want to take him out but at no point in time do have you asked the Republicans ask Trump to step down out of everything he has done if anybody should have been asked to step down and not run for office he could Trump could eat an infant on TV and they still with hot wing sauce well the infant look tasty it look tasty yeah yeah all flats and going back to what I was saying about KLA ain't it weird how she's qualified but not qualified enough to not you know for a white to outdo a white dude they going to put a white dude in that position no matter what I think Obama lit a f under their ass that they still sming they cannnot get past it you know they even blaming Obama for the assassination attempt you know what I'm saying it's it's a we in a weird place I think uh racism has a park play and sexism just like Hillary you know they weren going to allow a woman to be the president of the United States this country is a show yeah it really is man and I know yesterday when we were off camera you talked a little bit about Hillary too about her being probably in the last 25 30 years Hillary has probably been been the most qualified person to ever run for president she's probably more qualified than her husband was at the time he were in for president but they somehow convinced you that how you felt about her was more important than her ability to do his job they made her a villain of all feels yes and that was more important your feelings were more important than the substance cuz some ative she she she's she's the truth she was just being able to do the job nobody has been qualified like she has but they again they convinced America especially our community she was the boogy man and she was no more corrupt than any man yeah exactly no more but she was the boogeyman yeah and that's what they turned out to be so that's how she lost now Marvin like I said you weren't you haven't been on the show all week um and we've been talking about just the different developments and things that are happen happening I'm interested to know when you saw um the attempted assassination of trump Donald Trump what were your thoughts what like what did you cuz obviously like we've had questions he's changed his percentage he was 5050 at first and then now 7030 controvers my first thought was why the white folks ain't running why they not running why why what is this hey hey hey what's going on guys you know what I'm saying because black folks a firecrack can go out right now I would chew a hole through your ass that door you know what I'm saying W I would chew a hold to his we don't do that that's my first thought but secondly it just was it was was weird when and then when you start to get the details you know what I'm saying it's AR-15 we had 223 round five 5.56 whatever and I don't know what he packed it with how he made his his uh bullets whatever to just Nick's ear that would have did a little bit more damage than that I said that some dude questioned me in comments like dude I'm in the military it did a little bit more damage than that I'm not saying would have pierced his skull but I'm saying the flesh behind his ear all of that it would have did more damage and where's the perimeter come on Secret Service this is crazy yeah it's just so I rail against conspiracy theories on the other side been doing it since Trump ushered them in cuz Trump opened the floodgates for these these 10 hat wearing lunatics so I can't jump into the conspiracy sh and the pool head first on this either but it's odd yeah this is odd something is not right see same thing I said same thing raises a lot of questions it's just like whether you think it was staged whether you think there's some type of conspiracy you can't deny the facts like it's just questionable it's weird it's questionable let me ask this L let me come and I'll come to you because I didn't ask this all week what do you think would happen if people found out that it was fake or it was stag or Trump or someone in his party had something to do with it what do you think would happen do you think it would impact his his election any or his you know his campaign any I I to be honest with you I don't know because he has done so so much yeah at this point to where I just theoretically there's no way in the hell Trump should be running for president right now yeah the theoretically AG with everything he has done the charges this man was literally found liable for having a woman yeah found liable in a court of law for having a woman yet he is still the nomin a nominee for the president of the United States so I can't even say if they found out that he did have something to do with it that that would do anything I can't say it would go ahead I don't think it would do nothing I think that he has a cult-like following yeah um and that's it them people are gone I watch I'm a I'm a documentary junkie yeah that's so I love watching stuff about Colts I love you know in in another life I was a little bit smart I might be a psychologist what make people tick people are weirdos they can be weirdos man when they latch in on something and a lot of they have latched in on Trump and he is the Lord and Savior and it's like I see one one idiot on Tik Tok showing the rally of uh see you know it's hot out here so many so many degrees and uh Biden supporters would never come to him no we we won't no we won't cuz he's not our leader like that he's not some Lord and Master I'm not going to do anything you know like you guys do it's we living in strange times man but I don't think it would even matter to them yeah and it's it's more as more things develop and come out like it's really hard to take anything serious because I think I saw a clip of one of the guys who put like a fake bandage and he was like oh this is going to be a new trending Style on his ear and another guy or guy or a woman but it was just the ear that I saw but it had like an American flag over the ear just kind of like you know when Nelly had the the I saw a lady had a tattoo of him with the fist up blood on on the face yeah she had a tattoo of on her back that picture is going to live on in infite forever long after we all gone man abolutely you know it just it's just really weird man it is but you know as we mentioned we'll continue to see more and more unfold um I appreciate you both for chiming in on this topic it's it's crazy times I don't know I'm just praying for our country I'm praying for our nation because literally and I talk to people that are living in other places and we're living a laughing I mean we're literally aing stock right now we are laughing stock we've been laughing stock for for a while you know what I'm saying we have so I'm definitely praying for our country and thank you both for chiming in on this topic now before I let you go to in on good notes uh Marvin I'm starting with you because you haven't been here all week so what have you been up to how can people follow you and what do you have coming up that people follow me at comedian Marvin H1 on Instagram and the same on Tik Tok comedian Marvin H1 and uh have a new special out on on tuby tuby I almost say Netflix tuby take it down a notch we on two just the notch but just three the way myself Rick Smiley blame the comedian and uh Sean Lin and uh I'm out here doing my thing man I'm just out here doing my thing just got off the road just came in we appreciate you being here you had an early flight this morning yes 5:30 in the morning I know you hanging on We Appreciate You L certainly not least Mr lab love what do you have coming up how can people follow you uh I be on set this weekend uh filming the movie uh and follow me comedian la love uh everything's comedian la love website Instagram Twitter Twitter YouTube Everything Is comedian lab love follow me that and also smart ass University gear get it right there hoodies t-shirts coffee mugs tumblers whatever you need and also catch me all yeah we talk like this podcast yes sir absolutely was always I appreciate you both for chiming in on this topic but you heard from us now we want to hear from you in the comments below what are your thoughts on Donald Trump's vice president announcement for comedy hype news I'm Symphony Thompson he

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