Charlamagne Tha God Responds To Dame Dash's Downfall: "Folks Be Braggin About Being Their Own Boss"

reporting live from hyper Clubhouse in Atlanta for comedy hype news I'm Symphony Thompson as the auction for Dame Dash's oneir stake in Rockefeller records approaches speculation on who will be the new owner continues now of course whoever ends up with the 33% state will share ownership with big and Jay-Z until the rights revert back to Jay-Z in 2031 The Breakfast Club would comment on the situation with co-hosts DJ Envy and charlam manne warning those who want to be their own boss to always pay their taxes and use this opportunity to learn and not laugh today we have our very own comedy hype analysts lab love and Steve Brown on the show to talk all about it but before we get started I must mention the upcoming greenfest Festival thrown by the HBCU green fund greenfest will have music food spoken word comedy and activities for all ages on Saturday September the 7th at truly living well Farm in Atlanta please visit the Instagram page of the HBCU green fund for more information now let's take a look at this clip so now um billboard has done a story where they basically are saying a lot of the majority of the money from not even majority all of the money from the auction first will go to money that is owed by Dame Dame Dash to several different entities there is 8.7 million in unpaid taxes $832,000 that he owes to a guy named joshh Weber that's the the guy that he was going back and forth with in court over the dear Frank movie $145,000 in unpaid child support between uh two women that he has kids with um Rachel Roy being one of them and basically what is going to happen is at some point once the auction and everything is done child support is going to come in and take their money first because over the IRS yes since Daman Dash uh Dam Dash owes a a total of $140,000 $145,900 um yes so then after that the the money's going filter to everybody else and again they're saying like he could receive money from whatever is left I don't know what's going to be left I guess it all depends on what the auction goes for I broke it down here in like between child support the IRS the money he owes to the Josh Weber guy and there's two different balances for the Weber guy so the money for dear Frank but then he also owes him an additional $155,000 for a unpaid like photographer a woman named uh Monique and how much for I s again the IRS is 8.7 million in unpaid taxes these are the things that they don't tell you or maybe we don't talk about enough when we have conversations about being an entrepreneur and being Your Own Boss cuz when you're Your Own Boss you have to be on top of all these things a lot of these folks will be bragging about being their own boss and making their own money via all of these new platforms like podcast YouTube you got to pay your taxes you got to get an account you got you got to get a team and make sure that you do what you're supposed to do with your money tell everybody all the time don't laugh learn like it could happen to any any one of us at any given time for not knowing the possible knowledge knowing owing that much money is is it's it's a stressor it's difficult and you got these patreon subscribers or these other subscriptions that you're doing and you got people paying every month and you making a lot of money but are you paying your taxes are you on top of your taxes now obviously when this news first broke we kind of had that conversation here on the show so la I'm going to come to you first you know after hearing those numbers you know what's your reaction are you surprised about the unpaid taxes the amount of it yeah because one ain't the first celebrity a rich person to to to owe taxes so I'm not shocked on that I think with Dame you it's kind of hard to not cheer for Dame's Downfall with somebody who's that Brash and like he got it all figured out and you know I'm a boss and y'all understand I'm making these moves and the reason why you ain't nothing is because you ain't doing what I'm doing well doing what you doing got you on the IRS almost $9 million so is your way really the way so I'm like so I'm not surprised but it's kind of hard not to not to say I told you so my friend I told you so I told you so my friend Steve what are your thoughts what what are your reactions surprise first off just hearing this report Dame owe every damn about as a matter of fact let me check my P my my Palm Pilot CBO me first of all if you still got a Palm Pilot he don't owe you still my bus he don't owe you you still got a Palm Pilot he don't owe you anyway listen I this 94 this is a lesson learn like all of these rappers and other people are talking about how big of a boss they are but they're not telling you what bosses are really supposed to do and that is be responsible and pay your taxes and your child support and I'm honestly I'm kind of surprised that he still walking around freely on that much and child support cuz I know guys that have on the jail for being behind hundreds of bucks so that's crazy to me too so it seems like he's just been irresponsible all the way around and then it's caught up with him yeah and I um I think in 2019 he did go to jail for it but yeah I'm surprised like from 2019 till today they still a lot of money to and uh for child supports over $145,000 in unpaid Child Support I'm sure child support got it on their P pilot yeah I don't think who is he paying he ain't paid the IRS he ain't paid the dude he did the movie with he ain't baby mama he paying he ain't paay no attention to his funding or nothing nobody ow it's like you it's like he ain't paid no obviously he ain't looking at his PM pilot yeah and Steve I'll bring it to you because you know you heard Charlotte May mention about like you know we don't talk enough about the responsibility that comes you know you get people that get all this money and within our communities where I want to stay and where I'm talking to you get people that get the money but they don't have the education that comes with it what are your thoughts around that because that is that's a big conversation exactly especially with our uh our athletes now with the nil deals a lot of people are not teaching financial literacy they're not letting them know that hey you're getting all this money but you going to have to pay it back and a lot of these kids are getting bins already early in their little nil deal because they're messing up the money and they've forgotten or they haven't been told that you're going to have have to pay taxes on it so it to me it's a lesson learn that no matter who you are what you do uh as far as you being a business owner you're still going to have to take care of the business of taking care of the IRS that's just what it is yeah so la let me come to your same question you know being a boss that's that's the thing that's the thing right now you h on social media it's not just D but everybody being a boss what what are your thoughts around this yeah I I there's nothing wrong with W to be a boss at all but I don't like the fact that they push being a boss on these kids because they make it seem like it's it's this Fantasy Land like you you get your own company and you sitting on the beach while company runs every day that ain't how owning a company work owning a company is work it's hard work so now what you talking about trading an 8 Hour guaranteed paycheck for a 12h hour 16h hour workday that might net you $3 an hour you know what I'm saying so so it ain't it ain't all lollipops and gumdrops way they make it out to be and I just think that we we got to not do that and everybody being owning your own company is also becoming a boss that's the boss everybody ain't meant to be in charge everybody everybody watching this has worked in the office with somebody was the supervis or something like that and everybody come in every day dreading cuz they like he ain't supposed to be in charge she don't know what she doing right so you that she every you know what though everybody that wants to be an entrepreneur doesn't necessarily have entrepreneurial skills I said a big word you did you did but but that's the truth and I think another point is like there's a big difference of being a boss and a leader too cuz everybody wants this like Rah energy what are your thoughts about the difference between but and that's it being a if you own a company and you you have people who work for you by default you become a leader so now you have to know how to lead people because sometimes being a leader means getting the best out of your people it means getting them to excel over what they think they or know they can do or getting them to do stuff that they're not necessarily motivated to do all that falls up under being a good leader and you coming in having an attitude in the morning talking about I ain't a morning person you don't get to do that when you own the company cuz you set the tone when you walk in the door it's your business so if you don't give a damn about your business how you expect these people that's in your business to give a damn about your business see so all that's tied together and it's having like how you can have an attitude at somebody's job and and they getting on my nerves you don't get to have them attitudes when it's yours and you know what man this is why I am such a good leader because I talk to him about all this stuff when he show up in here late you you know what you be you know I don't even know what to say about you Steve but you know you didn't you didn't you know what I was surprised I will say this when we saw the young lady you didn't say anything Steve and I I mean wow Steve I was like I'm a leader I'm a boss wow Steve is really growing every week it's it's just crazy but no I I do think this conversation is important and not just from where charlam talked about just the but I think both of you bring up great points everybody isn't meant to be an entrepreneur if everybody's an entrepreneur like who's going to work at the company who's going to like everybody if everybody's a king then who who the subjects how do you have a kingdom if everybody's a king correct and and some states recognize that like in California what they've done is they've added uh financial literacy as a requirement for graduation in California and it should be everywhere some of these classes I take like in in math I still haven't used sign cos and tent like I'm still like figur I none of that so so let's go there let's just keep it do you think a lot of these people are saying they want to become entrepreneurs CU they just don't want to work a real job they don't want to work I think it's an excuse for being lazy and in a sense I'm going to be I'm going to do my own thing and this and that but you're really not doing the work you're just saying some stuff and you know not putting in work and but cuz you don't want to go to a a regular 9 to5 the two things one they think it's easier they think it's EAS they think it's an easier role then the second thing is people like I don't want nobody telling me what to do I ain't send nobody jobs somebody telling me what to do all day I don't care what you do M there always going to be somebody telling you what to do but you know what the thing is but you know what another thing I fought social media social media is making it seem like you can be a boss you can do all this on your own and you don't have to really put the work in and a lot of people on social media are bragging about being a boss but they never tell you the work that you actually have to well they ain't bosses for real that's the big thing about social Med most you can be anybody you want to be yeah this not this a fantasy social media is fantasy that's like saying I want to star in a Disney cartoon it's the same thing you can't you can't judge your life based upon what you seeing people doing on social media well I do have my own helicopter live anyway all well before we get out you remote control you know I like to know what y'all have coming up lab I'm G start with you and give Steve some time to think okay yeah I'll be at uh BQ tonight here in Atlanta and then this weekend I'm at monellos that's in Marietta uh and then uh next week on the 9th I got to go to uh Cabo Mexico so uh that that is it right there like always smart ass University I don't have a shirt on today but that's okay cuz I have the Tumblr we have tumblers coffee cups shirts hoodies uh backpacks sneakers lip gloss and uh we in development we working on feminine hygiene products that's not boss like at all you going you somebody can help people do their taxes you going to have we we do that too we we going do everything right there we not service oriented we product oriented got it right there something to help motivate you hey do your taxes there it is right there comedian lab love La l i every every week Steve he add something to the list so I just be waiting to see like what it's going to be not it's not boss like at all listen uh listen after you get done watching comedy hype look in the air look up in the air you're going to hear me flying over my new helicopter line also check me out uh I will be a Thursday I'll be in Daniel Beach Florida at the Dan Beach Improv also check out the wonderful podcast year we talk like this podcast and check me out right here uh on Comedy hype news being the boss okay so before we get out of here y'all know I've been talking a lot about the HBCU green fund Fest and the importance of voting I mean we've been having that topic here on the show as well but we actually have the managing director La joining us to talk all about voting and the importance first foremost La how are you and thank you so much for joining us thank you for having me I'm doing well uh enjoying enjoying my time in DC before heading down to Atlanta for greenfest it's it's got to be crazy we got big ticker coming through so it's a lot of energy absolutely anytime I go anywhere big Tigers there I know it's going to be a lot of energy so I'm super excited for this now look voting is a big topic right we know that and specifically on the show we've been talking about the importance of knowing the facts over feelings cuz a lot of people are talking about their feelings but I really want to focus on the facts so first thing I want to ask you what do eligible voters need to do immediately to make sure that they can vote in the upcoming election so the first thing you need to do uh is make sure you're prepared and that varies state to state so if you're in Georgia specifically the rules are very different than if you're in California or DC like I am right now so the first thing I would recommend is going to and the first thing you start with is going to ask you to pick your state once you do that it's really going to help you narrow down what the options available are um it'll let you um do your voter registration application if you can do it online it'll send you to the right systems right then and there if not it'll allow you to check to see if you're registered to vote and that's usually step one for me one check and confirm that you're registered if you think that you're not um checking will give you a yes or no answer but then you can take that next step and actually register to vote so confirm your voter registration um confirm hey if you've updated anything your address um any critical details like your last name if you've gotten married things like that you need to make sure that they're accurate reflecting exactly who you are across all systems a lot of times folks run into issues with checks and balances of oh my maiden name is Barry but my new name is Nicholls and now you can't vote and you're frustrated so really just check all of that ahead of time and be very very aware of deadlines some states have firm deadlines that are before the election other states are really flexible and they'll let you register up to the DAT of um so really just get yourself informed and then make sure that you're registered and prepared to vote absolutely thank thank you so much for that I think that's good for like you say anybody here and surrounding areas to look into that now second question I have for you the company hype studos is literally like blocks away from Atlanta University Center campuses so there going to be a lot of students that are voting by mail um however people have been hearing that the mailing voting is not secure so can you help me clear that up is mailing voting still an option yes for for most places the overwhelming majority of places mail and voting is an option um that again varies by state right some states have very firm rules um usually the very consistent one is there is a deadline for when your ballot has to be mailed and received in order for it to count obviously if they get your ballot a month after the election there's only so much they can do with that so be very aware of what the timeline requirements are in terms of when your ballot needs to be postmarked and sent off um and where your ballot needs to be sent to and then also the eligibility around um absentee or mailin voting um for those who are voting either from campus and kind of want to know about that again they'll give you all of that information as to exactly what the steps you need to take are to vote um using a mailin ballot um you have a bunch of different ways you can ship it if you don't feel comfortable with a particular provider you can use any shipping provider but you just need to use the correct address to send your ballot into um so it's really just about like I said the first time being informed making sure you're taking the right steps yes your vote will count yes you can vote by mail um just just make sure that you're informed and prepared um be thorough make sure you keep your information up to date and track your packages when you're sending that ballot in so that you have the confidence that hey I've done all that I could um I see my ballot in and I know that it got there absolutely La thank you so much for joining us in on this conversation as I said we've been talking about it on the show and talking about how it is important that our vote does matter how it's important to make sure we have the right information so we'll be we'll be sure to provide more tips as we get closer to the election to make sure that the comedy hype audience shows up and votes cuz this is a it's it's an election it's a it's a time it's a this season of America has has been very interesting a lot of plot twists did not expect was really like oh wow new character let's insert her let's learn more you know like they're really just dropping new cast members it's gotten exciting like you know I knew a little bit about like a lot of the folks that are players in this election but still have and I still am learning a lot as we go along so just I would tell everyone be confident in your ability to find the truth right like it's not going to always come directly to you it's not going to be right there on your timeline all the time but there are Key Resources those are your core organizations that you know and trust turn to them if you're not certain if you're unsure there are folks that are doing the work on the ground in your neighborhood in your city go ask them go get active in person if you need to if online isn't given what needs to be gave go ahead and go find somebody stop by your churches stop by your community they're there to support you as well well thank you again La for joining us and also remember bring the entire family and stop by the comedy High highp Booth to say hello at the HBCU green funds greenfest for music comedy food and spoken word as always thank you both for chiming in on this topic you heard from us now we want to hear from you in the comments below what are your thoughts about Charlamagne responding to Dame Dash's financial troubles reporting live from hyper Clubhouse in Atlanta for comedy hype news I'm Symphony Thompson Steve Brown helicopters you ain't got no helicopter did y'all enjoy that we got so much more for you at hypers our exclusive interviews and backstage content gives you the chance to feel a part of the Club come on and join

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