Rick Joyner Addresses Chris Reed Resignation from Morningstar Ministries

so this will be my second video on the topic about Chris Reeds a Bru resignation from Morning Star Ministry so I'll just give you a quick recap for those that are just joining in Chris Reed released a statement yesterday on his resignation and I covered the letter that he released in my first video on the subject so you might want to go see that I also reviewed a a prophetic word by Chris Reed concerning the upcoming election Chris dropped some shocking information in his letter that is worth noting a volunteer youth leader at Morning Star Ministries has been charged with sexual crimes against several minors at the church Chris also disclosed him and his wife have been affected by sa as minors and I just thought that was very courageous of Chris to be vulnerable and share this with everybody my heartbreaks for him and his wife and others who have endured SS the general tone of Chris's letter was kind and it seems that The Parting was on good terms from his side so I was happy to see that that this didn't seem like a negative situation playing out for the body of Christ but today Rick Joiner responded and released a statement that we're going to go over in this video hi my name is Joshua Simone welcome to my channel the ministry is called taor curtain because when Jesus died and rose again the curtain in the Old Testament Temple was torn from top to bottom we now have a new covenant a better Covenant and direct access to a relationship with God through jesus' death and Resurrection my goal is to reach 1 billion people with the gospel message and I believe that I'm going to do that by covering news and politics I have a separate Channel just for evangelism this channel is for inside the church those that are mature Spirit-filled believers by the way all of this national news I am covering this is all knowledge that's public and several national news media Outlets have now picked up the story so everybody's covering this I am not covering anything that hasn't widely been disclosed to the public already and we do need Spirit-filled Ministries in the area of news and media because when secular news stories cover this topic they are not going to show any Mercy to the church and they are not going to offer a Redemptive narrative at all but we as Christians know that what the enemy meant for good the Lord wants to turn around and use it for our good and in the New Testament there's a similar verse that says in Romans 8:28 that God wants to use all things and work it for the good of those who love him so hold on to Jesus hold on to your relationship with him and the church and do not forsake the assembling especially more as the day approaches it might take some time but God will turn this situation around for the good of everyone involved for the good of Chris Reed for the good of Morning Star Ministry God is the greatest Spin Master and he can take a test and turn it into a testimony I am covering this story because I followed morning storm Ministries closely over the years so I didn't have to go looking for this story into my lap I am also covering this story because as a former youth pastor myself I want to speak out against the widespread essay of minors this is a huge problem in the church and we must deal with this head-on this is not about throwing stones at people or Ministries but we want to prevent these situations from happening again in the future they seem like they just keep happening and this has to stop so please hit subscribe I promise to bring you the best Christian content I'm going to go after the tough and controversial subjects I do this because I absolutely love the church and spend a large majority of my life serving in the local church and I want the church to be the best that it can be but this is not the best that it can be we can do better than this let's take it to the next level in this generation it helped me get to 100K subscribers I'd really appreciate that 87% of my audience has not hit subscribed hit the Subscribe button button now so just to clarify a few things a few misunderstandings came from my last video and people were quick to let me notice in the chat and I can say this I'm open to input and to make changes based on people but I want to say this I don't think that this was all my fault this is a tricky situation because all of us know that there seems that there probably is much more to the story but they only offered basic information up to this point so to be very very clear Chris did not directly resign as a result of the essay with Miner situation he said that in his letter and I read his whole letter so please do not get misunderstood on that fact but the Christian Post covered the story and take a look at their headlines this is a mature news outlet that reaches millions of people okay so you're going to see here the Christian post covers this article Morning Star leader Chris Reed resigned citing seual abuse of minors by a former volunteer okay so basically people criticized my um thumbnail and my title for the video but yet somehow the Christian Post did the same exact thing as I did okay and they have a lot more experience in news and coverage than I do so they basically kind of worded it similar I did change the title because a bunch of people were upset and I'd gladly do that okay so if I did upset you I asked for your apologies I did not try to do this to be uh in particularly click baity or spammy I just did it because well we'll talk about it right now so again it wasn't only me that made this connection between Chris's letter and the essay of miners 25% of Chris's letter was about that but Chris did not resign because of this according to him but a large majority of his letter talked about it so basically I made the connection so again my apologies if that upset you I was just thinking about the whole IHOP casy Mike Bickle situation and how the saay of miners brought that almost the whole entire Ministry down they went from a Ministry of a couple of hundred employees down to less than 50 so basically I just assume that if it's possible that if these people try to go after morning storm Ministries there's going to be huge implications for the Ministries which it seems like there is at least one lawsuit pending but it's only natural to believe that maybe this played a part in Christian's departure because he spoke about it so much in the letter but we don't know for certain we have to take him at his word that this was not that this was not the reason for his departure so real quick I would like to co cover you on other platforms one of my videos about um the election got censored this weekend and they absolutely sent it to nobody so I know it's some point YouTube might take down my videos or possibly take down my channel so I want to connect with everybody on Facebook Instagram Twitter rumble on different platforms so you can check Below in the description section of that video for that information but I want to keep you guys uh stay in touch with you guys if anything happens so the first thing was Chris did not depart from Morning Star because of this essay situation but secondly this happened before Chris was in charge it did it seemed that morning star did everything that they could possibly do in this case they contacted the authorities right away and let them take over this is a matter for law law enforcement this is not a matter for the church as we found out with Hillsong church and founder Brian Houston was brought to court and lost his church over the fact that his father had was involved with sa with miners but he it did not get disclosed to L Lord enforcement at the time which was a huge problem so it seems that that there was at least sa with four minors in this case at Morning Star since this man was a police officer I am thinking that people thought that they can trust him and I do not believe Morning Star Ministries is to blame for this churches cannot police all the behaviors of people outside the ministry especially a larger Ministry like Morning Star okay so I am not holding them at fault in this although in today's day and age we need to have good safeguards set in place good policies and procedures we'll talk a little bit about that but I was recently asked to take over a youth program and a house Church Network that I was a part of I ended up not taking the assignment after praying for some time but my first thoughts when I was thinking of taking over was making sure to set up safeguards for miners no one should be ever alone with a minor oneone for any reason in any situation there should always be two adults in the room and all adults no matter how well you know them should be given a background check and people should not be contacting miners outside of ministry hours without another witness there to present to witness the interaction and men should minister to men and women should minister to women for the most part so we need to have common sense safeguards set up in place and if we see volunteers getting too close with a particular students which happened in my case and I had to turn around to people and say I got to let you go I've got to take you out of this program you seem like you're getting too comfortable with a minor this is a protected population children are a protected population and Jesus had a real heart for children in his ministry and gave some harsh warnings for those that would hurt a little child to cause them to stumble he said it would be better to tie a millstone around your neck and be thrown into the ocean so there is a harsh reality waiting for those that would abuse any child so I am basically coming out and talking about this specifically for that reason now let's get into this statement released by Rick Joiner he is the founder of Morning Star Ministries and he wrote many popular books such as the final quest I have many of his books he focuses a lot on spiritual warfare in the end times and Rick offers some great political commentary on Twitter about how to navigate the current times but who has now take but now Rick has taken back over the ministry that he founded after the Chris's departure but before we get into the video a lot of people attack me for making these videos and let me just bring up two quick points what I've learned from the church scandals this year is that the crowd if the crowd did not get involved to apply pressure on certain Ministries and pastors they wouldn't have done the right thing so I saw a Twitter post on this as I was praying today and it popped up in my feed and I wanted to share it with you because it's relevant to this situation okay so here's a GU a guy Carson and he said this nine nine times out of 10 journalists and social media are the only accountability for bad pastor even then they can hijack the attention for profit and fame telling their followers that those that publicly sharing the truth are spiritually attacking them okay so there's a lot of Truth in this statement I'm not calling either Rick join or Chris Reed bad pastors but part of the reason why I think people have to be involved in some of these things is because um it it does apply pressure for these Ministries to do the right thing okay and I almost became a police officer a a few years back with the New York Police Department the NYPD and I chose not to take the job because at the time Occupy Wall Street protest were going down and what happened was they were hitting the police in these protests but would only start filming after the person hit them and so when the police responded they looked like they were abusive in these videos and I said said to myself I am not up for this type of job I am not up for the spiritual warfare that police are going to have in these times they're only going to film the part of the police being abusive and the same thing goes unfortunately for ministers and pastors today they are choosing to go into public Ministry in the age of social media I thank the Lord every single day that they had no social media when I was in high school and when I was a pastor because I wouldn't want to be held under that scrutiny I wouldn't want to be held under basically everything that you do and say could be put on social media and it could be it could be really helpful in some cases but in many cases it's very harmful okay so basically yeah so pastors and people going into Ministry the scripture says those that choose to be an overseer okay so it should go to noted that they chose to go into public Ministry they chose to go into Ministry in the time of social media and so that is just part of the job and also if people say things publicly there should be no problem with you commenting publicly on what they said and that goes for my videos as well so this social media post by Carson that I just said nine out of 10 times journalists and social media are the only accountability for bad pastors and unfortunately that is the truth especially in the Mike ble IHOP situation unless the mob had really applied pressure I'm not sure that we would have seen the outcome that we did and the truth is we still didn't see a really good outcome in that situation okay so also by the way I lose money on this channel actually a lot of money and for a few years now and I've done this almost to my own Financial demise in some way so when people say I'm just doing this for money it's totally crazy the only way to make make money on YouTube is to have hundreds of thousands of views and these videos are not getting that type of coverage so you and I don't need this type of Fame to be honest a lot of this comes with stress and warfare it would be a lot easier for me to make videos on devotional topics and different things it would be a lot less of a headache for me I do this because I feel like it's the right thing another wonderful quote I use a lot of this in this is is by Jay Grisham and it said it often says that the divided condition of chrisom is an evil and so it is but the evil consist in the existence of the era that is causing the division and not all of those who recognize the error and are trying to correct it the evil of division exists not in the ones who are pointing it out and bringing it up but in the era of itself that's causing division okay so I didn't do any of this I didn't resign from my job like Chris Reed I didn't comment on any of this publicly I didn't sexual I didn't sexually abuse anyone I didn't have any Ministry Scandal while I was in Ministry so I didn't do any of it they did this and I'm just talking about it because these scandals keep happening I'm not trying to throw stones I'm trying to take a truth Grace approach and show Chris and Rick as much grace as I possibly can but unless we learn the lessons we are doomed to repeat the same mistakes and I'm telling you right now the church is not learning the lessons especially when it comes to essay of minors it's just not learning the lessons we keep seeing the same exact situation so let's go over Rick's statement today and take a look at it so Rick Joiner releases his statement today and the following the abrupt exit of the CEO and president Chris Reed who resigned on August 26th in a statement posted to X Joiner attempted to clear up the chaos and confusion that many have felt by Reed's sudden resignation Chris Reed has resigned as president and CEO of Morning Star Ministries this resonation might seem bizarre and confusing to those who have followed it and I hope to clear some things up join wres this is a serious situation the type of which I witnessed several times over the 50 plus years I've been in Ministry I've seen it Rob people with very powerful gifts of of gifts of years of effective Ministry this happened to me a deception Came Upon me and cost me more than 10 years of ministry it caught Bob Jones eight years it caught Paul Cain his ultimate purpose and it is the most deceptive Spirit I've ever dealt with and right now I think Chris Reed is in the battle for his future okay so it's important to note that Rick Joiner is basically saying that Chris Reed is in Era he he in deception um and seems to mention Paul Kane and Bob Jones both who were very controversial figures particularly Paul Kaine had several moral failures um Jack deer is on record saying that Paul Kane was one of the most wicked and evil people that he knew and um so basically just manipulative and deceptive so I'm not sure Rick used the greatest examples in um Bob Jones and Paul Kane uh Bob Jones was teaching people how to travel to Heaven at bethl not only that he could travel to Heaven frequently but was teaching other people how to travel uh to Heaven frequently this is uh astral projection this shouldn't be in the church so his statements there you know were of two people that were extremely deceived um themselves to some degree okay and I know that Bob Jones did get some prophetic words right he definitely did have some insights uh he saw the age pandemic he saw um the arising of cell phones and different things he saw of the coming lgtv movement how it would take over society and different things so but um a lot of these figures are very controversial RT Kendall covers this in his book prophetic integrity and goes over the fact that Paul Kain was just such a puzzling figure to him because he did so many wonderful things and had such a gift of Prophecy but at the same time seemed to be such a TR troubled soul and he said he died with a very black cloud over his life and it broke his heart so some of these figures are very acceptive and it seems that Rick is bringing up some of these people that we probably should mention but not use them as an examples so it seems that um instead of Rick trying to figure out exactly what happened with Chris and what happened here because this happened ra rather abruptly uh he seems to be saying that Chris is just wrong and in deception okay okay who knows Chris might be in the right if this ministry doesn't fit him if it's not something that um he should be a part of you know ra recently I you know exited a Ministry and it was just something that boom one day and God said your time here is done it's over and it's time to move on and I'm calling you out now and so sometimes God could call people out rather abruptly we'll only see in time who's right in this particular situation let's get back to Rick's statement so Rick Joiner writes that he will Express more details later on and notes how he seen many Christians LED away from their purpose by deception while some waver and will wander away from good Joiner says it is those who find their way back to god-given M Ministry and purposes they were created for who are ultimately used for even greater good I will never give up on someone regardless of how far they seem to get off many of great voices and script scripture and history also experienced this not all recovered but those who did were used in an even greater way and that is a good point to mention there um we do not have any moral failures in the New Testament of note um this happened in the Old Testament era when there were no requirements for leadership like we have in 1 Timothy thir the thir chapter that leaders much be a br reproach but in the Old Testament time God did use some extremely flawed people People Israel Jacob Abraham and basically how he used these people that had family dysfunction generational disfunction people like King David who had this we don't see this in the New Testament unfortunately we see a break with that but God can use anyone even floored individuals Etc so it's important to know that even if Chris did go off course um basically God can still use him no matter what God can turn this around for his good and any situation let's get back to the article Chris has an important calling for this time and I feel at least partially responsible understanding this as I do for not seeing this coming at him I could not have done better helping him resist even so whether in a short or long time I am confident Chris will get through this and take his place doing what he is called to do okay so I love that that Rick that Rick took some responsibility in this as the senior leader at morning storm Ministry is the founder it's important that leaders always take some degree of responsibility in what happens and that's really a good positive sign from Rick for willing to see hey how come I didn't see this coming and possibly get involved let me say this doing Ministry in these times is not like doing Ministry in other eras and generations we are experiencing a demonic Onslaught in this generation just on the lgtv issue alone in many other issues okay that we have never experienced before and the youth these days and ministers these days are under an extreme amount of pressure I have some Pastors in my family and I just would often apologize to them during covid all of the things that they faced going through the racial riots and all of the turmoil that was caused in the church by covid and and U the racial riots and I just they were always in a lose lose situation if you were Pastor you took one side you lost half your church if you took the other side you lost half your church and it was just not a good situation to be in it was like almost no matter what you did as a pastor you were going to lose in that situation we are living in the end of endend times these are difficult times to lead these are War times and most people that were able to lead in other Generations will not be able to lead in these times the spiritual warfare has increased the Demonic Onslaught have increased culture is being more taken over churches are being taken over even by woke ideology Etc these are very hard times to lead so for young people like this my brother-in-law was a pastor went on a sabatical this summer and I just said to him man you really enjoy this really enjoy this you deserve this so much cuz coming into that sabatical I could see how worn down and tired he was from facing everything in the pandemic for going through all these changes for having to oversee several churches and within a few weeks I almost saw him totally come back to life it was almost like I was dealing with a couple a totally different person so we must get rest we must care for ourselves and being a pastor is very very very difficult during these times and the spiritual warfare so guys please pray for Chris re these videos are not about bashing Chris Reed I was praying for him last night I'm going to continue to pray for him not in any sense Chris is under a lot of pressure these are really difficult times for anybody to lead in I would never I I shouldn't say never because anytime you say never but I wouldn't want to be a pastor again I just wouldn't because there's just too much pressure it comes with it so Rick took some responsibility and said I should have sold this coming and he's confident that that Chris will get through this and come out on the other side that's a statement of faith by Rick um for the most part he's handled this uh statement pretty good let's continue joyah clarified that he does not mean that being part of morning storm Ministries CA people their calling as many are placed there for only a season in life he also elaborated more on the sexual assault case that Reed wrote about in his statement so real quick it's important for every Ministry that you're a part of for any Ministry even if you're in full-time Ministry there is a time and a season for everything a lot of the churches and Ministries that we're a part in it can only be for a season and you can go through a lot of Heartache in your life if you are holding on to an old Ministry when God is calling you into something new that is not a situation you want to be in you want to try to be obedient as quickly as possible and if God is telling you to get up to leave without hesitation so a lot of times we're involved in a Ministry for only a season sometimes we can spend many years at a church but sometimes it's only for a season and we got to embrace it when that season is up okay so statement on Chris Reed resigning from Morning Star Ministries by Rick Joiner now after the Scandal re referenced in Chris's resignation letter okay several of the youth at Morning Star Ministry were essayed by a volunteer worker who was a police officer join the wres this is true and it's as soon as we heard about it we called the police and investigated the complaint and arrested the police officer who subsequently resigned from the police department okay so it seems that they took immediate action they moved and swooped in right away I don't think that morning storm Ministry is responsible for this okay to be very clear Joiner states that the former officer is facing charges related to giving miners alcohol and pornography Joiner says these events did not happen on Morning Star campus but he also claims the ministry was cooperative with the investigation helping to give the care to the victims however Joiner says one family still proceeded to St uh to sue Morning Star so Lord we just ask that you would help intervene in this situation and that God hopefully that that situation that they will drop the lawsuit and try to talk with Morning Star directly um Paul makes reference to this that if possible that we shouldn't try to suee people although there are sometimes in cases where that might be appropriate I know BOS law is a Christian attorney that gets involved in this type of situation Billy Graham's grandson but for the most part we should hope that God will be able to resolve this outside the courtroom and that everybody involved can be healed and restored according to Psalm 23 where it says God will lead you beside Green Pastures and Still Waters he restores our soul okay back to the article overall we felt that the victims and their families dealt with this in a remarkable Grace but one decided to sue us they alleged that many outrageous things about the ministry and none of them were true none of the leaders at Morning Star are charged with any way involved in this criminal activity so it's important to note that scripture says that all accusations meant against a leader or an elder should only be taken consideration if there are two or three Witnesses or two or three things that are taken into account with the situation because um at times people can raise false charges against the church I'm not saying these people raised false charges but this is something that will happen more and more especially as we live in the last days research shows that 90% of the people that come forward with sa are telling the truth and do have legitimate concerns but we also need to leave room that the enemy might try to come in and stir up some of these cases Joiner writes that morning star brought in an independent investigation to investigate the scenario to determine whether or not any negligence occurred on their end it was concluded that the ministry had not done anything wrong Joiner claims that the statements made in the lawsuit are so outlandish that the ministry plans on going to court instead of settling to prove they're innocent despite the accusation Joiner says what happened to the youth is devastating that being said we are grieved by what happened to these young men and the hurt that this caused and we have offered to take care of counseling or Ministry needed by these family involved so just in closing here although I have some concerns about Rick Joiner and Morning Star Ministries and definitely have some concerns about Chris Reed's prophecies at times this is not an attack on them and I'm not throwing stones at them but I do not doubt for one second that these are both brothers in the Lord and I believe that they love God and committed to the ministry and are men of high moral character okay I really like Chris Reed as a person Chris made some statements with the IHOP situation about um not turning back and becoming like Lot's wife after the whole situation with Mike pickle but it turned around that he offered a very sincere apology very shortly after and I remember just watching the video just saw just how heartbroken Chris was I felt that it was genuine I felt that he really really meant it and it showed me who Chris was as a person and his character that although he kind of made some insensitive statements he owned it and faced up to it and I give him a lot of credit for that Rick also did the same thing as well when he called the Mike Bickle um allegations uh that he said it would amount to a big fat nothing burger and then event eventually um came back and apologized for this comments the same thing too I felt that he was sincere and heartfelt in those apologies and I appreciate that both of these men were willing to make these to own their mistakes we're going to make mistakes in Ministry okay I made some mistakes in the last video people reached out to me I changed it so let's just own it and move on we don't want to Stone people we don't want to judge people we don't want to really be harsh with people and be fighting no want to deal with conflict and to fight fairly to stick to the issues at hand and be as kind as nice as we possibly can to have our our talk seasoned with Grace as the Apostle Paul said to say everything as gracefully as possible to hold into account both truth and Grace and to not compromise either one of those so I'm going to be praying for Chris Reed and morning storm Ministries to close the video but I feel that um you sh you could consider helping Chris at this time he did mention in his letter that he is leaving the ministry shockingly with no money and he doesn't seem to have another job or any financial support this is very common for people in Ministry I remember a couple of the transitions that I had were really brutal because you're already working in Ministry for pennies on dollars and then when you got a um transition into something else sometimes you don't even have the money to properly move and get things so I'm going to be sending Chris some money this week um and basically and you can consider thinking about sending Chris a seed or some money in an offering he has a website at Chris readed ministries.net again that is Chris readed ministries.net I'd suggest praying about possibly um giving him some money during this difficult time he is another brother in Christ and after all the Apostle Paul seems to mention that we should carry one another's burdens we should help each other out in a time of need so just keep PRI Chris in your prayers Chris keep Rick Joiner and morning storm Ministries in your prayers and I'm just going to close out with a video for both of them so Lord I just um just close in this video today and I just pray for Rick Joiner and morning storm Ministries um I saw this how Rick is um advanced in age at this point and um it's not going to be easy for him to step back into this role so Lord we're asking that you would just give him grace and mercy to be able to take over again and find a good replacement and God that your grace would be upon morning storm Ministries and all involved Lord we just ask for this lawsuit that if it's possible that you could just intervene in this situation with this lawsuit for the good of everybody who's involved Lord that you will be able to hopefully resolve this issue outside of court that everybody involved can walk away feeling um feeling like they they have just been met by you Lord and we're just asking that you wouldn't let the enemy take over in any aspect of this ministry Lord we pray for Chris Reed and God the shock and and um all that he must be feeling right now from just like abruptly moving on to a new ministry Lord we recognize the the giftedness within Chris how he's gifted how he's young he's passionate for God he's a good man so many people reached out in the video saying that Chris and his wife are the salt of the earth they're wonderful people and I don't doubt that for one second bless Chris Reed his wife his family and whatever it needs whatever he's doing next just put your hand upon that be with them all Lord we pray for the victims of abuse in this case Lord that you would heal them completely according to Psalm 23 that you would restore their souls completely that you would heal them of all the hurt and pain and the Damage that we wouldn't forget these miners that Lord that you would bring those to Justice who committed these things and that we should leave room for your anger because your word says that anger the Vengeance of the Lord is the Vengeance of God is forgot and God will take over and he will handle these people he will take over he will judge them and handle them the anger of man does not bring about the righteousness of men so Lord we ask you to intervene for anybody that's been abused these are still allegations at this point but we just ask for your hand to be upon all of this to just bless the body of Christ that in this time Lord that we would make sure as churches that we protect children and teenagers that we protect minors Lord that the sexual abuse that has plagued the church over the last few decades would come to an end as we would Implement Common Sense practices and safeguards in place that stuff like this would not happen in the future Lord help us learn the lessons so that we don't repeat the same mistakes that we don't give the enemy a place to steal and Rob from the church and so Lord we just thank you we pray for Chris Reed from Morning Star for everybody who's watching for people that have endured sa and for anybody that's been hurt by this ministry that you will cover all of it like a blanket that you will rest oh that everybody will rest under the shadow of the almighty they will rest under your wings they will they will know the secret place they will know the god of the secret place and that you will Comfort everybody that's involved in this situation and that you will turn it around for your good according to Roman Romans 8:28 so be blessed today and be encouraged that we can go away from this situation encourage that the Lord is not done yet he's still working here and we're hoping for a positive outcome for all that are involved so I just thank you comment down below let me know your thoughts many people have reached out from morning storm Ministries people that attend there people that know Chris and Rick very closely and I appreciate the comments and the insights that you have if you're watching from another the country please let me know I'd like to greet you personally we had the United Kingdom we had Ireland we had Canada a few people watching the videos it's just a blessing so if you like the video and and you want and you like the videos and it's been a blessing to your life continue uh consider supporting the ministry with a one-time gift you can find that in the description section or becoming a monthly partner I can't continue to do this without support of monthly Partners it's costing a lot of money losing a lot of money so your support would be greatly appreciated I promise to cover the truth and do it in a graceful approach so you're only going to hear the best from me and the truth from me so lastly let me just say that Christianity is three things it's to love God with your whole heart mind and soul and you take that love that goes inside and then we love other people okay so Jesus said the law was filled up and love God and love other people they're mutually exclusive we can't claim to love God if we don't love people they're both connected if we don't love people we have to dig deeper into our relationship with God and the third thing is to go out into all the world preach the gospel It's the Great Commission it's to baptize and make disciples baptizing them in the name of the father Son and the Holy Spirit and we're just praying telling them about the death burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ about the good news that he died for your sins he died and rose again died for your sins to free you from sin guilt shame and and death that you can have eternal life that you can be free from different things that you've struggled with and that God can put his spirit in you give you a purpose for this life and set you out there's nothing like following Jesus there is no God like our God there is no God like Jehovah all the praise and GL Glory and Honor go to him but the main point of Christianity is telling other people the gospel message and very few Christians really do that so keep that in mind that we are to spread the gospel and to be God's fragrance wherever we go telling people about the good news about what Jesus did for us and what he can do for you Jesus loves you and he cares about you and he loves you so much that he died for you and he bled out completely on that cross to have a relationship with you so you have value because God declared on the cross that he loved you enough to die for you and because he died for you you you have a purpose you are valuable your purpose and your destiny and your value was settled at the cross be blessed thank you for

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Chris Reed Resigns From Morningstar Ministries! | But Why? thumbnail
Chris Reed Resigns From Morningstar Ministries! | But Why?

Category: People & Blogs

As we read in 1 peter 4:17 judgment begins in the house of the lord and today's story about chris reed's sudden resignation is the third situation like this being exposed this year but as you can see we have another abuse situation that's being brought to light and you can go to x and read the actual... Read more

Chris Reed RESIGNS from Morning Star and Rick Joyner Calls Him Deceived... thumbnail
Chris Reed RESIGNS from Morning Star and Rick Joyner Calls Him Deceived...

Category: People & Blogs

Like oh chris came out with a like resignation letter and rick jordan was like oh no oh no i will tell you what happened chris is basically like i have nothing bad to say i am stepping aside because i feel called to some different things rick's like i've seen this many times over people get very deceived... Read more

Chris Reed Resigns from Morning Star Ministries THEN Admits Sexual Misconduct with Young Landy thumbnail
Chris Reed Resigns from Morning Star Ministries THEN Admits Sexual Misconduct with Young Landy

Category: News & Politics

So breaking news today fortunately i have more bad news to bring to you the roy's report released a bombshell article today that chris reed former ceo of morning star ministry resigned and then he admits to the roy's report that he is guilty of sexual misconduct with the morning star student who is... Read more

America At a Crossroads, Election Shakeup Unveiled: Chris Reed Details An October Surprise thumbnail
America At a Crossroads, Election Shakeup Unveiled: Chris Reed Details An October Surprise

Category: Entertainment

♪♪♪ ♪♪♪ ♪♪♪ joni: well, could the united states be on the verge of the next great awakening? well, today's guest joins us to share the prophetic dream that forecast a political turmoil, and quite possibly the rebirth of america. but before we get to that, joining me around the table is april simons... Read more