Chris Reed Resigns From Morningstar Ministries! | But Why?

Published: Aug 28, 2024 Duration: 00:28:50 Category: People & Blogs

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as we read in 1 Peter 4:17 judgment begins in the house of the Lord and today's story about Chris Reed's sudden resignation is the third situation like this being exposed this year but as you can see we have another abuse situation that's being brought to light and you can go to x and read the actual letter that Chris wrote he says that after much prayer thought and consideration he's decided to fully and immediately step down from all leadership responsibilities at Morning Star Ministries warning the following content may contain elements that are not suitable for some audiences viewer discretion is advised [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Chris Reed the pastor CEO and director of The Morning Star Ministry has suddenly resigned amidst sex scandal another Mega Pastor in 2024 went down let's get into it we have some major news to discuss because Chris Reed is out at Morning Star Ministries this came out of nowhere uh nobody you know expected this there was no prior announcement nothing like that at all and you know as most of you know Chris Reed has been you know running Morning Star Ministries really he was you know given the keys from Rick Joiner has been operating as both the CEO the president uh and even the senior pastor of Morning Star Church there in Fort Mill uh South Carolina but not anymore uh in a resignation letter that was submitted by Chris Reed it was on Monday August 26th uh the letter was submitted to to Rick Joiner he accepted the resignation now this wasn't a situation to where you know you know he would resign at the end of the year he would stay on for a transition period no the resignation was to be done immediately so he is gone so what did Chris Reed have to say in his statement but also what did Rick Joiner have to say because Rick responded after Chris had took to X and you know posted his reasons for why he was leaving we're going to get into all of that here in just a second Chris Reed yeah this was a shocker because who would have saw this coming now he puts out this resignation statement on um he submitted it on Monday August 26 and then he took to X to explain a little bit further now again this resignation was from all forms of ministry with Morning Star okay that goes for his title as CEO president and also the senior pastor of the Morning Star Church and all of these resignations are effective now again we're not this ain't you know two months down the road or the end of the year it's all right now uh so no transition here uh nothing like that at all and as Chris you know gave his statement you guys can go to his x uh if you want and you can read the full statement there uh or you can then you can even go to Rick joiner's uh uh X account too and you can read his reply to the whole thing uh but Chris says he's heartbroken by this decision that he had to resign because he says that it wasn't something that he wanted to do which you know you look at that and again it's it's still very vague uh you know not the whole story has not yet been told as to why Chris is leaving but you know he says that you know he wants to you know get back to you know what he does and that's prophesy preaching and teaching uh but wasn't he doing that already with Morning Star uh that's what's kind of weird because as I read his statement I'm saying okay well yeah you're doing that I mean you're giving prophecies and Chris Reed has gotten it wrong on Prophecy Before um but he's still doing it just because he was CEO and president he was still senior pastor of the church he's still teaching um and he also says that he has plans to you know work this uh home Church Network group uh where he's you know trying to put together a vision for those that want to start home churches and he says that he's going to continue on with his prophetic uh his prophetic teaching School uh and even has plans later on down the road to move to a different part of South Carolina where he plans to perhaps Pastor another church at some point in the future but he talked about how you know this was done with much prayer consideration you know chat with other believers about what to do and this was the only decision that could be made that this has to happen and had to happen right away he goes on to say that after working there for 3 years he can no longer continue in his role his calling has always been and remains to prophesy you mean falsely prophesy like when you said that Joe Biden and Camala Harris would not be leading the Democratic Party in the next election cycle he's going to continue to train and Lead others in an online school of the prophetic similar to what he created with the school of the prophets you know the school of profits where they charge you $2,600 to attend and in this school you can connect with like-minded believers who are hungry for more of God's prophetic activity in their lives but wouldn't they have to be prophets chosen by God first but you'll get to experience Dynamic teaching in a corporate setting face- to-face prophetic exercises and Hands-On spiritual activations just like we read about in The Book of deceptions what a load of hogwash if you can't see what a scam this is I can only pray God opens your eyes there is nothing about prophets doing face-to-face prophetic exercises in the Bible and we can't activate anything spiritual in anyone I dare you I double dog dare you to show me one Bible verse that says we can activate spiritual things anyhow let's get back to his letter he says that at some point he plans to relocate and start a new church in another part of South Carolina even though right now he has no money and will be unemployed really you have no highlighted money it looks like your expensive school is doing quite well that's a lot of people at 2600 bucks a crack not to mention you have the school going on every month for the next 9 months sorry I keep getting off track I just think there's more to the story than meets the eye but now we get to the main point of the story and that's that in the late spring of 2023 allegations surfaced against a former volunteer and police officer and these were terrible crimes against the Wei ones and that person was Ericson Douglas Lee who turned himself in on May 3rd 2023 and you can find all sorts of Reports online about how dark this really is and Chris goes on to say how close to home this hits because him and his wife also went through a similar situation in their youth but my question is why did it take Chris this long to resign if this stirred up past memories if they knew about this over a year ago that means Chris Reed chose to stay with Morning Star for over a year after knowing that something just doesn't add up anyhow that's the latest news and the supposed reason Chris is stepping down from Morning Star but in my personal opinion I don't think this is the reason at all being that he knew about these heinous acts for over a year I think this is the perfect excuse to leave because like many in the New Apostolic Reformation it's all about the money and going independent gives him a bigger piece of the New Apostolic pie and you know again he says I know people are going to have questions about this he says he has no ill will towards anybody at Morning Star whatsoever but that it was his time to move on and continue his work in Ministry now there's going to be speculation that's going to run rampant about again why he left now we may find out more in the days the weeks the months to come we will see we report on it to you if anything else comes out but Chris did bring up one specific instance that happened back uh in the spring of 2023 because these were these were things that people were touching on and they wanted to know if this had anything to do with it now uh back then there had been allegations of inappropriate behavior involving a volunteer at Morning Star who is also a police officer um and that individual having inappropriate behavior with apparently uh mult multiple uh boys there at the church uh now this was something that Chris said that he was not the one running the show at Morning Star uh when these allegations first broke but he did say that immediately upon hearing about it they reported it to the police that there was an investigation into it you know and then Chris had you know introduced proper safeguarding to keep you know members of Morning Star safe uh and then Chris said too he says look myself and my wife are victims of inappropriate behavior so they said we we take this very seriously Chris said that it happened to him when he was only seven so whether or not people were trying to somehow you know rope Chris in with this and say that he tried to cover this up or whatever you know he he went out there and he tried to set the record straight um and said again that you know we did everything that we were supposed to do we contacted police we got them on this uh and they took care of it so uh that's the statement again there's there's a little bit more you can read more about it um over on his ex account if you guys want to go check that out many of you have asked me the question where can I get a good book on Christian Bible Doctrine I've compiled this one on the fundamental beliefs of Christianity from an Armenian perspective since I am an Armenian Minister meaning that I'm not calvinist I Believe In The Armenian doctrine that man does have a free will so I cover all of those doctrines every major Doctrine in Christianity in this book it's well over 300 pages long get your coffee today it's free I'm not charging a dime for it my email mail is Pastor Von hanshaw order your coffee today let's get back into the program Hello friends I hope you're enjoying today's program if you are I would ask that you would first of all subscribe to my channel like this video comment on it and share this on your social media platforms it really does help the channel grow and it helps me spread the word of truth thank you very much I want to offer you a book I wrote called understanding Christian apologetics a comprehensive guide why do I expose false teachers false prophets and Heretics on my YouTube channel am I a gossip am I a slanderer do I bring division to the body of Christ why do I do this this book understanding Christian apologetics goes into a deep thorough uh analysis of why I do what I do what is the ministry of discernment understanding Christian apologetics this is an ebook it's free of charge no cost to you order your copy today now let's get back into the program but I want to get to Rick joiner's statement uh his his reply to this his response because this was something that was very interesting uh the the first thing that I got from Rick jiner statement was that he was not happy at all he was not happy at all with Chris Reed's decision to leave and look I am not a fan of Rick Joiner I have uh spoken my piece about him before in the past about how I believe that you know not only is he a false teacher but he surrounds himself with um many other questionable characters uh two of which I'm going to talk about here in a second because he even Nam dropped these individuals uh in his statement Rick said that and he this is what the word that he was using as he was trying to draw comparisons here that uh he has seen many leaders in Ministry uh basically get get cheated out of out of more you know uh more proper years in Ministry more active years in Ministry because of deception because of Deceit so he's indicating here that Chris Reed is somehow deceived that his reasoning for his reason for leaving is based upon deception right listening to the enemy listening to the wrong people you know I don't know maybe Chris kind of woke up and realized that working alongside someone that likes a rick Joiner is maybe not the best thing to do because with Chris leaving you know again all duties he's done the ministry is handed back over to Rick Joiner now okay it's it's back over to him and you know what do we always talk about people don't like it and I I just covered this the other day in the video that I did about rod Parsley and if you missed that video I I encourage you to go back on my channel and check it out it's a i it's it's getting a lot of good reception from people um it's about a 25 minute video where I really kind of break down uh the well the berating that rod Parsley and his daughter did to their congregation uh accusing people of being reprobates if you leave their church it's it's unbelievable um is you can go watch that video if you want to but uh that was the vibe I got here from Joiner you know he's not happy that Chris has left so what is he going to say of course oh he's deceived right what do we see from anybody that would leave uh that left IHOP KC during the whole Mike Bickle Saga right so many people came out they too were you know called names right it's how Cults operate you know you can never just go you can never just leave a Ministry even or a church or a Ministry because even for the leaders you know a lot of times they're in the same boat right everything is all good when you're on their side but then if someone decides to step down for whatever reason you know they're called names they're targeted they're listening to the devil they're this they're that whatever no they can't have any good reason for wanting to leave right and I I talked in my video the day like what if the holy spirit is is giving them discernment to get out of there okay I don't know Chris Reed's heart okay I don't know again what led him to this decision but if he felt that it was in his best interest to go then good for him good for him but let me get back to Rick Joiner because again he the whole theme behind this his post his response was deception and he says I've seen a lot of great spiritual leaders get cheated out of more time in Ministry including the likes of my good buddies Bob Jones and Paul King this guy let me say this guy drops Bob Jones and Paul Kane Bob Jones and Paul Kane two PRS in their own right who are accused of horrible things right inappropriate behavior with little ones and all these things right at Paul Kane my God I mean how many and how many times guy was allowed back in M again Mike Bickle all these Joiner is buddies with all of them Joiner loves Mike ble right look what happened when all the Bickle allegations came out right I covered the story back in the fall of 2023 Rick Joiner was one of the first ones that came out in support of Mike Bickle singing the guy Praises right so here in this response to Chris Reed he's bringing up all deception I mean man it it hurt Bob Jones it hurt Paul k no Bob Jones and Paul K's actions hurt them not deception okay it was deception that was actually put on to the People by the likes of Bob Jones and by the likes of Paul Cain that's what really happened here but the fact that he would even bring these two men up as as somehow they're trusted men in the ministry right ones that we can look up to I mean it's absolutely ridiculous but again this is Rick Joiner we are talking about here so he also goes on to say that he believes that Chris is at a very crucial point in his life he's at this Crossroads if you will and you know he talks about how many men in the Bible even had you know missed it at times where they weren't hearing the voice of God but eventually they would you know come back to it of joiners saying Chris will maybe hopefully come back home one day I hope he doesn't to be perfectly honest with you uh so Joiner then goes into he talks as well about the allegations um excuse me there voice cracking talks again about the allegations involving the inappropriate behavior with the volunteer who was the police officer he said all that was true said all that is true he says but again you know we did our part at Morning Star we contact authorities you know we we got that handled but then he mentions one particular family of one of the victims that was unfortunately a part of this uh who had decided to sue Rick Joiner in Morningstar Ministries now they claim that you know this was the responsibility of the church and you know they'd allowed this to happen now Joiner says that the inappropriate behavior that happened to these victims did not actually happen uh anywhere on the church grounds but it says for whatever reason they're still wanting to come after the church in fact Rick Joiner has said that they don't want to settle with this family they are willing to take this to trial just to prove their innocence in this entire matter so well I hope I hope they can do that if they they really want to prove their innocence here uh um so you know Rick jiner kind of concluded it by saying that you know he wishes Chris Reed the best but again you know this whole thing tying it to him being deceived uh I don't that that's again I I don't I don't I'm not going for that I'm not going for that whatsoever uh I want to make you aware of an ebook that I have wrote V hanshaw commentary on Cults this is a book where I describe the characteristics of Cults cult leaders the major Cults that most of us are aware about and dozens of Cults that most of us have never heard of and is your church a cult or is it leaning toward becoming a cult this is a book that you definitely need in your ebook Library it's free of charge order your coffee today my email address is Pastor Von hanshaw at order your coffee today let's get back into the program I want to make you aware of a book I have completed a summary of each book in the Bible it's an ebook it's free of charge and what I've done I've went through each book of the Bible give a detailed summary the key points a basic outline of each book the author if it's known the date of the writing all the information that you need at your fingertips on every book in the Bible it's a great resource for your theological Christian Library order your free copy today my email address is Pastor Von hanshaw let's get back into the program hello I want to make you aware of an e newsletter through your email that I send out every month if you would like to subscribe to my email newsletter please email me at Pastor Von hanshaw I go over in detail a lot of these videos that I produce about these false T teachers and false prophets and these woles and she's clothing I go into detail into the backstory a lot of these uh information a lot of these guys who they're connected with more in depth on their false teaching their lifestyle and much more in this monthly newsletter again if you would like to subscribe email me Pastor Von hanshaw and I will get you signed up it's free of charge I look forward to hearing from you today let's get back into the program Joiner is upset he's mad and he's making excuses as to why Chris Reed is no longer there um of course not putting pointing the finger at himself in this case by saying hey you know maybe yeah it's my fault maybe it was something that I did maybe it's the fact that I've been buddying up to people like Mike Bickle and you know these you know you singing the Praises of Bob Jones and Paul Kane maybe that became too much for Chris Reed and he said you know what I I can't work under these conditions anymore you know I I can't and if that's the reason then good for again good for Chris read right get as far away from you know this guy as you can you know not the fault of the people nothing like that at all but again when you see a resignation a big resignation from Ministry like this happened to where again it's just it's sudden and it's immediate you know with no you know proper send off no you know no not training anybody to take your place you're just gone right then and there something big had to have been going down behind the scenes uh that would have led Chris to do what he did just just go back to his statement he said that he's heartbroken heartbroken what could have happened that could cause him to be heartbroken what does he know will he share it will it eventually come out anyway sometimes it does well this remains to be seen and look there were a lot of people when the Mike ble allegations first came out with IHOP KC this is I have to mention this this is important and when Rick Joiner was you know doing everything he could to kind of you know prop Mike Bickle up and call him his friend and and everything else like that if you remember there were a lot of people that were saying that once cuz look at look at what is IHOP KC now they've been reduced to basically just the prayer room right the church the Forerunner church is gone right they've basically shut down all of their Ministries and people were saying that morning star would be next that God would go after Morning Star next cuz we have been seeing now for the better part of a year all of these Mega Ministries that have been targeted they're being exposed God Is Lifting the veil why because judgment starts first in his house so did Chris know that something was coming he says I better get the heck out of here because God's about to just blow the roof off this place in a major way I think so I definitely think so and so you'll you'll continue to hear Rick Joiner probably you know doing everything that he can to you know everything's good here at Morning Star right it's just Chris just deceived just deceived we will see what I don't think this is the end of this we're going to get more info on it and that will conclude today's program for those of you that have been following me know that I believe that Chris Reed is a false teacher he's a false prophet he's to be avoided at all cost along with Rick Joiner and The Morning Star Ministry it's all ungodly it's not of God it's heavily connected to the New Apostolic Reformation cult avoid all of that at all cost thank you for being with with me on the word of Truth broadcast

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