JUSTIN HALL vs JOSH ROBERTS - 2016 Derby City Classic One Pocket Division

Published: Feb 29, 2024 Duration: 00:57:22 Category: Sports

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[Music] good evening ladies and gentlemen once again we' like to welcome you back to the 18th Annual Derby City Classic we're live here in uh New Albany Indiana at the Horseshoe Casino this is day number six of the n-day event we started uh uh the first event was banks with uh almost 500 players a record number of players for that and uh that was uh won by Jason Shaw and uh runner up was Shane Van boning in the second of the three events it's one pocket we started with 375 of the world's greatest players we have 46 left in the tournament at this point in time and without further Ado we would like to introduce our two principles for this feature matchup at the uh 6:00 time frame uh our first gentleman is sponsored on tour by enviral assessments and hustling USA he's a former Iowa State one pocket Champion one of the Young Guns from Columbia South Carolina please welcome Mr Josh Roberts joshh Roberts thank you and his opponent in 2014 was a member of the United States Moscone Cup team and uh he's won the all-around at the tuna Mississippi uh tournament also one of the Young Guns he resides in Tampa Florida give it up for Mr Justin Hall Justin Hall and Josh Roberts at this time gentlemen you may lag for the first break we're going to send it to the booth Mark Wilson take it away hello again everyone ACU stats proudly presents world class one pocket my name is Mark Wilson and tonight we are uping our commentary game with special guest Bill Hendrickson providing the color welcome aboard Bill and give us something to look for in this one well what do we have to look for this's a one-pocket match between Justin Hall and uh Mr what Roberts Josh Roberts Josh Roberts and Josh Roberts like you uh mentioned he just won this event a $2,000 entry event so apparently he's a very good one pocket player and Justin Hall has knocked off some really good players in one pocket I'm sure it's going to be a really great competition yeah fiercely contested two Young Guns of the modern Pro Tour justtin all 28 years old resides in Cape Coral Florida currently I watched them I'm sorry I I watched them play in the uh make it Could Happen event that uh acats puts on and he played really well he won the lag it's the beneficiary of the opening break you see how the cuq wasn't hit that hard and it stayed down a little lower than normal brakes uh um I've noticed that a lot of people are are having to resort to that that there's uh they're not used to these balls Maybe or mhm something's got happening a little unusual and and uh they don't want to sell out the corner ball and lose the whole game so they just hitting a little easier on the break both players tremendous allaround talents Justin Hall want to Pro Bank poool tournament in the past known as a very good short rack game player Josh Roberts he also plays all games high level comes from Columbia South Carol Carolina it's where Grady Matthews resided the last few years alive you to go for the 10 ball here uh I don't know if he has oh no okay what ball was that that's the 12 ball he Bank he was just trying to protect that 11 the 10 and 12 were similar and at this distance I was not seeing very well Justin Hall is a very interesting demeanor he's he's absolutely Fairless and uh he he rises to the occasion pressure does not seem to bother him he's not uh impervious to missing but it's not because of the pressure the ball nearest Pockets the 11 ball I believe right and uh he's going to do something to defend that um you know Gray's off a ball or something so he won't be able toit knock it away I don't think there's any offensive shot he sees yet just drift the Q ball over to the cushion yeah he was allowed to do that because 11's blocking the bank on on either the uh 13 ball or the 10 ball if it wasn't then he wouldn't be able to shoot that yeah Josh won't be able to lightly kick on the 11 because he'd leave the 13 ball Bank he's going have to graze off the 11 well I would guess right here hit the 11 re thinness off leave on leave him on the short reel there's other options but that's one of them I don't think he would be that well uh worse for wear to play a rail first kick on the 11 and try to kick it over towards his pocket and just let the Q ball go down by the three that would be very aggressive very aggressive shot this early stage of the game you know um I'm just saying the option lightly kicking on the 11 is not palatable but uh so he's not going to lightly kick on the something this other ball this ball here I don't know what ball it is that's the 13 13 ball I was I was referring to the 13 ball to to raise the 13 and put him like there yeah this is the Dilemma now he's left trouble now big he should have gone off the 13 or well that or anything but this but now he's got to re rely upon Justin Hall missing a a fairly routine one pocket bank that is missable but going to have a high success rate for the lakes of Justin Hall Justin hall wearing a jacket says action 247 that must be a new clothing manufacturer CU I see a lot of people wearing them here he's got a fire this in he's going to make this ball use the six ball to stop him the six ball went in the far Corner that will be spotted at the conclusion of this inning and you see where the cuq B is he's lucky he made the shot cuz he was going to give up a whole bunch if he missed it but with the helping ball there he just felt so confident about it it was worth a go yeah I don't think it's a one pakistana game for the risk adverse but it's more about risk management yeah absolutely that's a very good way to put it I like the way he played that he came across for that ball I don't know if he has any real angle on this to do much with it he can forward he's jacking up a little bit well that was nice such a character when you know him he's from a little bitty Town originally out by me and he grew up with Justin burkman they used to stay at each other's home and play pool all night later on in life they traveled the road together they're still young guys 27 28 years old just about like brothers if he gets this ball and the eightball out of the way uh on this around near where you spot the balls there's a couple of balls that may or may not go um the combination may go to the pocket I'm not sure yeah it looks pretty on here on the overhead so you can just pound this Q ball back to the center no problem which is what he did he'll probably want to shoot the striped ball first and then come back and play the combination it's kind of funny too because this is one of those layouts or opportunities that Justin made from the bank that if you don't go ahead and run out you're you're pretty disappointed even though you have a big lead yeah I have a feeling he's going to run out here if that combination is dead it's going to be hard not to get out he's examining it right now as we speak if it's de he can shoot the combination first I think so leave the nine and the uh 14 ball there and come up one rail and come straight up for those two and then it'll be easy from there to run two or three more yeah that's the 14 and the 15 the two strip balls nearest the seven okay now he's going to draw back from the 15 what was that I have no idea what he did I don't understand it uh did he think Hew no he knew that I mean immediately Rick it's bizarre now at least one ball will spot right correct well he shocked me sure what he was doing he was thought he would have tried to play some position that he recognized right away he was have six balls I think he six I will tell you this in the pregame I was down there and I was watching Justin Hall hit the balls his tip is so worn out he may have miscued on that draw shot you know it's funny um whenever when I used to play a lot of pool I mean a lot of pool I mean hours and hours a day I was playing my best best pool when the tip was worn out and people would look at it and they would say jez your tips worn out but I wasn't missing a ball at the time you know because that's what it takes to get your tip worn out there a lot of play right right he'll he'll knock a couple up table probably just just to to protect the game with the Cub on the bottom and he's going to play the score it was a little like football prevent defense mhm yeah you don't want to turn the table over to Josh Roberts a dangerous man give him a lot of little easy shots where he can make one but he's not going to get any 100 yard Runners you know right and Josh you know he's kind of forced to put more balls out of play but that's not really what he would like to do yeah so now they're all out of play I mean not out of play but difficult to make a run it's not easy to make a a multi-ball run from this position usually from this position I would try to send them all up in the one side you know and it's just easier to manage that way if I was Justin Hall just uh you know I'd probably just leave him nothing to shoot at as best as I could so he's left left him a little bit of a bank um was that the oh that's the 14 14 or six he could play a passing shot you know he can shoot one of those to the 14 maybe if he stuns it he might be able to get position on a six or yeah if not he might be able to just cross the six he's going to have to kind of weigh out does he think he can earn his way to a better chance than this and if he doesn't really feel like it's readily coming forthcoming he may shoot a feeling he's going for his pocket here because the score is yeah you see the score is saying let's be a little aggressive you know and the old uh yeah adage that Ronnie Allen used to say was uh you know when you're winning play like a lamb you're losing play like a lion so he's going to be the The Lion now and he took care of the C Ball there should he have missed that bank he drained it right in the middle of the pocket you sure that he's still going to be like a lion he made another one wow has two fine BS he can really Pucket huh yeah he's for real yes he is he put himself into the game it's cloged his way in two tremendous Bank shots and the survey what further damage he can do after he Pockets the six he he may go after the was that the five ball over there mhm he may go after that or or the striped ball that's approximately in the middle of the top rail he's looking at the five ball that's why he put his key ball there oh he's in a position now where he can shoot softly at least at least leave a threat sure he could also shoot the two ear on the four here if he wanted to if he feels good about it he can go firm speed and he did that assists making the bank this ball may cross he may be able to cross the strike ball 6 five is the score now Roberts on a run of five he's going to try and cross this uh this ball here because he he backed the way up to see if the angle is good he'll put a little right-and anglish on the ball to keep it from going down how's his speed this is very close to be going in yes he's got the same type of shot on the six now on the seven now this one's a little more difficult here you have to really cut that ball thing he left Justin Hall across corner now almost felt like he might have double kissed to the hint that time because he did respond kind of funny I don't know if he did he didn't cut it enough for sure he may have kissed it if he goes to bank this he's going to put a little bit of left juice on us and the ball will come up towards the four ball or at least up to the middle of the table Nice Shot there well now Justin might be able to rub the four down towards his pocket yeah I I'm not I'm not in love with yeah I'm not in love with going for the pocket on this shot this is a little too risky I might go off the outside of that ball and yeah leave on the on the long rail over there far away and he doesn't want to wow that's just not a good option he may get a kiss there's all kinds of things that could happen there this should go off the outside of the ball and leave him with nothing to do well he's mindful of leaving a two- [ __ ] for sure yeah you bank it up a little bit yeah that stops that from happening that that was a good shot if I was Josh I wouldn't mind trying to go off the four banket on my side and bilard the nine into the pocket being I needed two don't know if it lays proper for that yeah it's going to be very close if he he might be able to do that and he'd have to spin it real soft to catch it real full um doesn't look like he's trying to do that though was he trying he's just going safety that's not a good shot though now Justin Hall will definitely bank at this and leave it near his pocket the idea of that shot I've never seen anybody really try it I think he was just trying to leave it along the long Rail and then he hit a little bit fat yeah but you definitely have to do better than that from here yeah he figures to get this ball very close this is this is like a nice do all such a long bridge and he just relaxed he didn't hit it very well for such a nice hit no he's such he's such a funny guy too he always calls me Prairie Town cuz I live in Prairie town he's from a little town nearby called Hamill each of them have about 100 people what's up Hamill okay well Josh really didn't get hurt the way he could have now he's back to where he kind of wanted it to begin with this ball may be able to be too railed um you have to know the new cloth how it's playing and everything sometimes you can two real the shot if not then you just B Bank it over to your side and put the Q ball on the far near The Far Side pocket that's okay he almost gave him a two [ __ ] here right some people would play this uh a kick a two rail kick shot here or one rail into the into the ball and then the ball into the long Rail and head towards your pocket yeah if it's a little closer to the rail it's a little easier to judge for that it's a little bit off the rail these guys are so accurate though they might be able to judge this you know uh somebody who shoots them a lot is going to be better at it than somebody who doesn't shoot them very often if you play a real out of one pocket you've shot this a lot maybe and the other you know it's good for him to shoot because he's Lev to let the cubble go forwards in Pocket the nine to so even if you get them both down there in the middle and the CU ball up near this pocket wouldn't be too bad yeah he's definitely going to get the nine in play here that will be his job Justin Hall will not touch the nine he just going at it he just went at it he didn't really go he wanted to hide that ball see if he froze to the four ball then the he'd have to go off the four now he's going to try and take the nine out of play maybe even put it to his pocket some people don't mind banking the shot other people don't like banking the shot it's a little hard of a hit yeah and you got the lead you don't need to do anything whipping the Q ball around I think he' just go off the top of the nine and B it kind of on his side and let the Q ball sift down to the end rail that's exactly what he did and that keeps the pressure on Josh and there's no Bank coming back now there's no bank at all yeah he has no offensive shot here it's going to be tough to not get the short end of the stick here on this exchange yep yeah there no good Justin's going to have a chance at a bank to Assa two different he can either ball has a chance he might be able to cut the four straight in but he doesn't have to take that risk cuz he would clatter into the nine he can just Bank the nine CL into the nine that's a risk you wouldn't want to do that no I think he's going to shoot the well no he's looking at the four he's looking at the one one reel on the four I believe no if you got to go below the side pocket that's not the answer there the side pocket okay nice hit that's a score right there Justin Hall very nice Hammer Illinois takes the lead over South Carolina one Z the new cloth on these tables um you're absolutely right if you go below the side pocket there's no chance the ball is going to go two feet from the pocket you know mhm but on the other hand it'll slide down if you hit above the side pocket which normally old CL that wouldn't come to the pocket now the same angle if the object ball was close to the side rail you can make that bank below the side pocket but because it picks up roll traveling over so much cloth it always goes way long exactly I never really understood what you just said but I understand it now where they said it I never thought about it like that yeah when object balls are near the rail they come off shorter because they're sliding at impact as opposed to Rolling interesting J hall played that bank pretty nice though I mean he was total control he was uh he figured the right shot played it made it he won the tuna Bank pool Championship very good bank Banker good sense of humor nice break there Roberts good break he didn't have a real I don't think he got a lucky roll with that eightball uh and the strike ball next to it I don't think they throw in do you no it then it looks like it's high and awkward so this would be a good chance to get rid of them if you had a way to hit the bottom rail and take them both out of there or maybe maybe take one out and make the other one Bank towards your hole um I don't know if he'd be giving up too much to try that you know he's thinking about grazing off the the nine ball and getting under those two balls maybe but yeah it's up high enough there's some danger does definitely not want to sell out of bank doing that oh boy that bad shot that's a bad shot he didn't scratch as made a great shot was a great shot didn't scratch exactly it's a great shot if you don't scratch but if you scratch that's a hideous shot yeah he really had a pass Justin Hall he he tries to contend that he has more Swagger than any other pool player he's very relaxed that point may be that point may have him where he can't hit the three I don't know certainly hard to tell I don't know what he's trying to look at what he's doing like he's banking the three and just going to follow to the side cushion into the back end of the stack maybe you could see a lot of that ball I'm surprised wow he could see all of it yep that was good he wedged back into the stack and that further protects the 8 and 10 even though the 8 and 10 does not go there's a lot of good things that can happen by having those close to your pocket oh yeah I'd like to know for sure that this ball doesn't uh throw into the pocket cuz it changes everything he's going to Bank this no now you know for sure doesn't throw in he can take the conservative approach here and was that the 13 bull or 11 bull he just one real that oh no he's going to thin this ball break him open spin the Q ball on the other side of the rack okay good chat and it didn't help him a real lot you'll notice no it didn't hurt him he's okay not not that it didn't hurt him but you know the the8 doesn't go nothing goes from up table you know those two balls you'd have to be in the right place to be able to make him he just couldn't take any more risks than that still got Justin Hall being defensive oh he oh he made a he almost made it he hung the ball for sure wow but that's going to it's going to show he sees that ball now so he can either take it out or or make it I don't know whatever is smartest for him to do it this time I guess it that was the smartest thing I would say he got all these balls over here that would came out nice loosened up the rack quite a little bit oh yeah that came out nice Landing kind of awkward too Justin Hall's got a hard time getting the Q ball over there between the 810 and 15 ball that's the ideal Arrangement balls on the end Rail and side rail near your pocket he's in trouble here I mean even if he goes uh over here to this rail underneath that striped ball was that the uh the 15 15 Ball even if he goes ra for us underneath that then he's going to have a ball coming back into the eight and that other ball mhm into the 10 the eight 10 could drop one of the 10 or that the bully hits I can't tell if it could fit between the rail and uh so he can't do that um he might have to go off the uh I guess it's the one ball and try to get over here g off the oneall try to get over here without touching the eight oh the six ball you're saying yeah yeah and maybe that those two will get locked up where they can't bank and I don't know oh good shot he had to go out to make it a nice shot what a nice shot yeah his back was against the wall he had to just play wide open offense you could see he was totally naked he was in trouble yes he was in trouble yeah that was a good time to gamble then when you're trapped like that now he's got to make it hurt otherwise he took all that risk and didn't win in for the five was nice speed he can look at bumping the nine here or going between the 13 and nine if he wants he can also draw up yeah he's going to have to follow to the rail and then on the way back grab the nine or between the 13 and N yeah he still has the 14 if he misses those perfect right through the hole yeah he wouldn't have minded just opening up the nine but in lie of that he has the 14 straight in so that part's okay you can draw back a little bit for the uh 13 yep or maybe even F firm it into those two balls and open them up I don't know yeah looks like he's going forward he is trying to get to the other side of the 12 good shot that was of a shot this kid really can yeah not a lot of angle but maybe just a little bit to work with he might be able to stun it back and play the seven next he's drawing the ball oh he stunned it over for for the seven ball wow gorgeous shot now he can control it for the 8 and 10 if he can get away without scratching right here yeah the only way he scratches is if he miscues with that poor tip a C the point over there luckily uh he did pretty good though I don't know if both of these will go or one of them goes the eight he's playing for two so he can just follow up follow for the bank yeah I think yeah get seven for sure he's got some offense doesn't he Justin Hall yeah he was in trouble from Robert's move and he made a heck of a bank shot and that's a game winner sure Justin Hall two Z nobody has more Swagger in the game than Justin Hall we also affectionately refer to him as buad of the beas and buad Duo General [ __ ] does he know that oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah he knows he certainly does but he has fun he's a good kid too and I like him a lot so he knows it's all in good Gest see if he breaks the ball soft again like he did the other time he may have learned on these tables you got to take it easy I don't know cuz I I I'm having a problem breaking myself no he hit it with it well he didn't hit it that strong again you know medium got the 15 ball right over by his Corner Pocket actually he has pretty much the right break for these tables I think Josh looks like he's thinking about going real first on this I don't know about that now but it's just it's such if you don't hit this ball per even if you hit it perfect if you had it perfect you still sell him out oh I completely agree I don't I mean the only way to shoot that the only reason to shoot that is if you're really dead he doesn't want to just lay the QQ ball down there on the 14 and then let Justin Hall maybe Bank the two into the stack and Tuck the Q ball beow the nine or you see the three ball might go to his pocket true yeah true that well he's banking this 14 I guess he can see it oh what a nice shot yeah very controlled good speed left the Q ball over here turned the brake right around there Bill yes he does yeah that was powerful well there's places he can leave the cuq ball where up up table where it's a long combination if you leave him at the wrong angle you wouldn't be able to get position maybe but uh I'd like to be able to do that and get a ball in my pocket yeah and Justin thinking about trying to kick in there at the nine kick and stick type thing yeah that's that's a really I don't know if even play without giving the bank no you can't roll it you give the bank he sold it out and that was a difficult shot Josh Roberts now requesting a player timeout it looks like okay we're back Andy to the tournament Andy the tournament desk I guess the break is over now comes Justin Hall well obviously he's going to shoot the nine ball first and probably the two after that but not necessarily i' I'd probably try to get all the way over here for one of them other balls a strip ball or something like that or maybe break them a little bit off the nine winding up like he's really doing something yeah he's going to play he's going to play to break him off the two he came a little strong but still he's going to make this two ball uh I'm pretty sure he's got a good angle for it he wants to attack the 11 ball here if he could yes exactly that'll leave the 10 ball so you be is a nice break shot if he hits if he ever hits the the uh the 11 ball the way you said he'll be able to Wi widen the whole pack open he didn't quite get in there I wonder if that three balls we were talking about it before I wonder if it's anywhere near the pocket I don't think so he's examining all those possibilities right now it doesn't look good from here that bank maybe looks pretty good bank on the six ball yeah yeah yeah that would provide some Q ball control for him he might be able to get back to open the pack open again if he made that mhm maybe draw right into that um the ball in front of his hole it's getting close with no cigar yeah but good speed and he protected it andyn Andy Roberts all needs a match two games to zero in game number three Mr Roberts is ahead three balls to nothing look like Justin Hall kind of wants to back cut that 14 but he's jacked up over the seven yeah if he's going to fire I wouldn't fire at that ball I might fire at the 12 yeah looks like he's considering that very possibility and maybe just let the Q Ball come around three rails well or or leave him long and straight on the on the six no he did what you said H it how did he hit it now he could get a bunch here that open the doors yeah just has to make this ball and he can get a bunch here this is just a stop shot he shouldn't try to do anything with the Q ball that's right just stop the ball and proceed to run him out yeah he's fine now that beautiful those balls all go I believe he's going to be to open the balls up with with the 11 is it yeah but he's going low I thought he'd go to the one and the four right now but he didn't maybe smartly so but he's going to run out of the shots here well I don't know why he did that may maybe he play the 11 and then the 14 then Bank the six right oh he he's going to play the 14 now and maybe the four goes no oh he thought he was going to graze that pack and get something out of it I don't know so after he makes this bank or hangs this Bank let's say he makes it uh what's he going to have to do no it's not sure I mean you know if he if he sort of holds the ball with a little bit of a draw he be able to graze the three I guess yeah like that we're missed it trying I don't believe the three is touching the uh no it's not I doubt if it could throw in is what I'm saying he's looking to see if the three go goes or something else goes but I don't I don't believe they do from here only thing he may try for is to really fine cut the six ball and try to make it Bank over I don't I don't know if he can do that he just Dre drove it out of there hide it on the other side of the pack if possible not bad the score now is a 53 53 three four five six seven balls on the table we are down so uh hle has five Roberts is shooting he's going to want to be a little bit aggressive here and he didn't hit it hard enough to reach the pocket I'm sure he regrets that now what would you do here yeah I'll tell you what I'll do here and I don't like it cuz of the score but other than the score I would like to bank this ball over and come and hit under the three ball and go right into that little pocket in there so he tried to cross it which is fine I don't think he has anything hurting him let's he sold out to 13 that would be the issue yeah well he has a piece of it he certainly has a piece he could see in fact you could see enough of it maybe to turn it and B B it wow he get over to his side that's for sure I don't know if he can make it yeah you called it Bill not enough to get it but he could get it over there for sure so this is a real dangerous shot here also mhm you if you going to kick this you got to kick it not to you know not to get it to the hole I mean you just got to kick it to not give up a shot if he h which may be which may you know you know what if you kick this to the hole that may be the kick that doesn't give up a shot you hit a good especially if you use left English I was going to say that exactly if you have a little left English you approach it from a little higher see that's not what he did no he gave up the shot and he gave up the shot with position he go around the table if he makes this now un that's the four is that there is the other pocket he go around the table for the six ball and this game could be over if he drops his bank he h good he you know he sort of Drew that you know you see how he dragged up table if he let that run he might have been better off he would have been closer to the six unless he thinks something's going to go down in that stack but I don't see it happening maybe if he gets down the 10 though yeah well that's what he wants that's what he wants he's going to play to get there now nice shot good chance he will not get a shot from this though it's going to be the three wall he probably has to hit the four and then the 10 you know I mean if that's the case then then there's a chance to get on the three playing the 10 first I think it's really Troublesome to get a shot yeah maybe well maybe I'm wrong he played the off the four used the proper speed yeah now it's 65 uh he's got the lead but that's the good news the bad news is Hall's got the lead in games too and he only he on the hill hole so yeah I might have lik to hit that three a a little harder well now they're in a real neutral position here this is like a this is this game could get stagnant I see a couple of shots that I I might you know take a wing at but I don't know if they're good or not Josh has been thinking about two rail in the three I think yeah but I would do that but maybe maybe barding it off the off the four you see what happened here now I don't like that if he doesn't make itz jeez how could you figure make out make it he sold out he sold de out if didn't go he lost the game and the set but instead he wins the game great shot that was a very fortunate event for him rers Wins Game number three like thatch two games to you know what round this is in the what pocket I do not I thought it was the second round but it might be the third I have a feeling it's higher than that well then this is what I've learned over the years never ask your co- commentator something because now you make them look just dumber than I didn't know so I was dumber than you well uh but no truthfully what happens is we get so locked in on this table Yeah and we the big foot days of things go by you haven't been out to look you've been watching watching what's happened on this table exactly yeah I was innocently just curious wonder what round it was Danny always ask me questions that that would be real farfetched that you know so sometimes was I played in the tournament so I was really curious on my own to know you know how far they got cuz I didn't get any further look at this there might be a dead ball here back at Justin's hole oh boy for this this would be the end of the rack right here end of the match well he's still got to make eight but I think he'll certainly they don't throw they're they're a part yeah it's not quite on not quite on so they don't throw but might be a nice beginning of you know certainly go soft at it anyway he might be back in the 12 here I think the three just going to move it over to his pocket yeah he didn't keep it hidden under the nine he needed to keep that under the nine ball if even if he can hit the left side of the three that's a nice shot for uh Josh yeah for Josh he'll Bank it into the stack something may go if and you can draw the Q ball straight up the rail the near the side pocket and if something goes or even if it doesn't go you're moving a whole bunch of balls this way he's looking at banking the 12 at the 57 just to make sure but he's going he's going to draw that ball yeah look he got lucky he made one yeah yeah um well he played that shot so it's not total luck but he knew it was a lower percentage but he knew he was going to be safe so well thought out well executed chat you can play this a couple of ways you can you can hit this this five ball into the was that the 15 and drive some balls over or you could just drive the five ball into the ball that's on the 12 ball and free them to the stack you can even make the the five or the 12 head for the you know for the area that you'd like it to go to yeah I like that a little better cuz you're moving a lot of balls but I don't know if Q is going to go in the pocket oh that's absolute death that's horrible yeah half that speed half that speed you want to go near the side pocket and keep all those balls from being seen I believe the 13 is over the line here too you see the ball even if it didn't scratch it would be up up in the top corner there he'd be able to go to this long Rail and hit the back of the three ball which would be you know just take it take it everything out of play he'd have been better off to go lighter on that impact and by the absolutely he had to go no higher than the side pocket but I like the other ball better even that freeze him to the stack and drive the other ball was even a smarter shot you know that's what I would have done anyway he worked hard and earned the initiative and the upper hand and then now he's given it all back I don't know what his next ball is he's got in mind is he going into the stack he may well be yeah he may be firing with the Q ball to hit the 10 or or there may be a ball in the stack that that's dead well that did some damage there Bill well he's got one he can make for sure now well he can draw back and get the two the seven combination may be on I'm looking at a lot of things here now that work in Justin Hall's way if the 12 goes that would be get it perfect right through the hole and that combination if that combination is on he this game is over but if it's not on he's going to have to work yeah he's going to work I don't think it's on but looks like the 12 has half a pocket over there I don't think he's going to shoot the 12 I think he's got to shoot either the five or the seven after this Deuce okay okay he just played position for the five combinations now if this ball goes again this R may be over the game's over yeah yeah this is they all go this will be a crippling blow if he makes this five ball he recognizes that takes his time clear into the pocket but but that's the good news the bad news is he's those balls are a combination now he can't see them he could shoot the seven I don't know if he get the second ball or not he may get the the I think he's going to play position for the 14 here the 14 but he's over the stack might be able to cut the 11 then yeah is that the 11 yeah yeah he could cut it in it's a really fine cut and he's looking at it believe me these are the kind that you think that you're not sure if they go or not so you cut them Max and Max was not was too much sometimes you overcut these balls well that would be the preferred way to miss this if he did there's no miss that I want here the all the balls going other pocket see what happens shoot this reverse right just goes Crossing back rubbed it in yeah he's going to have to go defense now what does he got yeah I don't think you want to game on trying to cut the nine in he's got six balls he's got to get two out of play real quick there's too many balls down there you know what I mean mhm makes one mistake and he's losing in in score can he can he hit the 10 into the eight and control the Q ball and just lightly have the 10 eight ball go up no he's going to play the stop shot on the four oh good did not want to hit that three work out pretty well mhm he did he's got two out of play that's what you said to do right well that's the good news but the bad news is he can put these right back in the play by pocketing one of them up top you know yeah I don't know if he could two whe that one but he can certainly pocket it and the right way to pocket it would be is if you could pocket it and then hide under the six ball looks a little thin for that but yeah yeah if he could do that then there would be no option of anything to do next you know he's trying to two rail it well he was so he had he had a little and he touched he open the back up oh boy yeah see where the eight went now there might be a biger 14 off the 14 ball here I like the four I like the four here get that out of there and just stick the Cubo right to the three and make the guy shoot the long table you know you take him one out of play and leaving him nothing but the one ball was it the one ball or nine B yeah for a bank and Justin's looking to see if that kum's on it's not quite sometimes this bull allows you to take the four out and knock the three towards your hole right you see it got the eight ball into his pocket if that would have fell it would have been over but now he's still in trouble but uh yeah Justin has six balls that's that with that one hanging he'll be on the hill that was an enormous shot right there he's going to have to go for a shot here I think he may play the bank on the three work himself you got a bank on a three you got a kick on a three you got a maybe a three reer on the one or well in any event you're betting the game on it there's yes you are yeah so the bank would be the easiest to play they're all very missable yeah he's going to he has to shoot this ball and if he makes it he'll have two or three more balls right might be able to chip the nine out there and get a bunch oh just what he didn't want to have happen hit it pretty well yeah okay Justin Hall playing for two he's going to play this real first he'll come out and miss that that ball that's on the diamond and he'll cut it in nice call I like that too I'm pretty sure that' be the optimum way to get positioned on the 14 to win this game in the [Music] set perfect virtual certainty Josh Roberts concedes Justin Hall moving on nice performance there by Jay Hall he really shot really good offensively didn't he yeah he did these are well he played some banks and he played some pretty heady shots in there made a couple good combinations even here in the last game when we said that' be a crippling blow if he made that combination so I think Josh Roberts could have played a little better defense yep okay well that's uh that's our show from here behalf of all of us at acats we thank everyone for sitting in and I to working with you mark thank you very much great job so long for just a [Music] while [Music] [Music] [Music]

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