JOSHUA FILLER vs JUSTIN HALL - 2024 Derby City Classic Banks Finals

[Music] good evening ladies and gentlemen and pool fans tuning in from around the world welcome to the 2024 Derby City Classic thank you all for being here in attendance tonight thank you all once again tuning in as always coming to you live from the ACU stats Arena here at Caesar Southern Indiana we're bringing you to W city classic for the very special 25th Edition well we started out with nearly 500 competitors and thanks once again goes out to Diamond Billiards product for this wonderful event as well as simonis cloth arth balls Master chalk outsville racks the ACU rack by outsville that is always ACU stats to cover them these great events as well as now integrated with digital pool for all our side table action as well thank you all for those of you that purchased the pay-per-view all of you that are here in attendance once again give yourselves a round of applause for this finals coming up the two very very worthy opponents without further Ado coming to us first up from Tampa Florida he's a buffalo's Billiards one pocket Champion multiple time ring game Champion right here at Derby City it's Hollywood Justin Hall and if you've been watching online for this third match in a row introducing to you once again here in the finals now coming to us from BF Germany this year's Bigfoot Champion the 2022 Bigfoot Champion sponsored by Predator Andy how tips and Apex it's the killer Joshua filler gentlemen will approach the table to lag for first break and control of the table winter break format what you trying to trip me up fake an injury he gave me 20 bucks I'm cheap our official timekeeper for this match is John Baker and at this time I'll send it up to the booth to our very special commentators Mr War Mark Wilson and Jeremy Jones take it away gentlemen acq stats presents the 2024 Bank pool finals Jeremy Jones and Mark Wilson here Jeremy filler is on a major role winning the the Bigfoot last night going 11 and out in the last set what does Justin Hall need to do to stop him here well Justin who's been in this spot before and of course one of the best Bankers in the game you and I talked about it at the beginning of the week just watching him from afar on an outer table just stick to what he's been doing he and I talked to I don't know about four or five hours ago just you know keep squeezing when you got to squeeze and and keep swinging when you got to swing we were sitting in this fa booth and we watched the hall beat filler early this morning yeah dry break wow not something you're going to see very often Justin he's the most relaxed competitor ever too yeah just you'd tell me I got more swag than you these guys Hollywood well you and I talked about of course you had them on there and I uh definitely sweated it Justin being a very good one shot at a time kind of guy any was really good in the mcone and it really bodess well for bpool in any type of final second in the shot yeah and he's going to get on something nice again it just depends on I think it's a six ball plays well if he can get across it no I think the two if he's he's going to go try and guide by the seven he won't want a collision here so it'll be a little stunn probably two rails out to the center of the table is that six ball you're talking about that's the next one the six is just a little funny Mark you know so this one he doesn't have to slow roll the six is very makeable but he's got to kind of ease it mhm everything he has here is just a hint off angle yeah good call there so it should should be a stun two rails okay you didn't bother with trying to negotiate around that it was probably well advised because it added accuracy to his bank yeah and with two of them there he figured to get shape on one right I mean you're going to run into one and there'll be another one somewhat in the vicinity of the QQ ball and I don't know if you saw the face on Justin when he hit that lag shot he knew it was way short but now he tell you what after a dry break he can he can forget about that one with a three nothing lead so all right where'd he go Mark very dangerous to bank the eight and kind of move the QQ ball through that traffic you know he doesn't want to just uh Play Shape on that one M yeah you don't want to give up your lead by leaving uh filler in the banking area here so but he also is going to default towards aggression I know Justin Hall yeah he knows he's playing a real smart guy that you know didn't wasn't raise play Banks what happened there what's going on I think he didn't call extension that's the only thing I can guess is he did not call extension nobody beeped that there I don't know what's going on here yeah I mean I thought you automatically got your extension if you had it that that I'd have to ask the referee for sure we haven't had this ever you that's what I'm saying I think that's very peculiar yeah I mean it's got to be uh it's going to be concrete one way or the other I mean I would think anyways and then it's a foul too or no yeah just lost a turn just lost a turn just lost a turn wow I don't think it should be well I mean it's got to be one way or the other you would think I mean maybe not but but that's so peculiar because yeah right yeah I mean l of turn's okay I guess I bet he already had his extension automatically taken why see maybe he was studying okay I didn't know I was so into the game I wasn't paying attention kind of shark filler a little bit but not enough to make him Miss yeah what a what a confident shot that was to medium roll it and knowing you're giving up a real easy one this is the one thing he wants to stay away from is the rail with the QQ ball that's the one that can slow you down and and the three is very difficult to beat the kiss mhm when you're Frozen yeah I see what you're saying here and it's hard to manipulate I mean I'm looking right at it if he pushed through on the Slick table with a high and a hair left maybe yeah he knew it was uh a pretty kissable shot as well now across corner on the FL and Justin's got to clear his head right yeah J yeah don't get uh you know oh he's he's all good and that's the other thing you know uh here filler's been on the TV table with the shot clock the entire time and Justin has it and don't think that's a come into play here all looks like he's maybe just stunning holding a little bit good Shob good Shob well you could tell there were a lot of fans for both players but maybe a little bit the underdog going to crou favorite here in the final of Justin Hall got one zero J off just see a little controversy there well he had he didn't miss a man got right sure it took him two innings but he didn't miss and I think that is what happened I think Justin was a little bit slow on a couple of his shots and I think he did exhaust his extension early but but maybe he didn't hear you know 10 seconds so I I thought there was supposed to be some alarm or something so I well I think a good thing that would be if you do exhaust it what's wrong with the referee say saying hey you know time out's gone as soon as it's gone you know so oh you know like if he took his time on one shot and he went through and they automatically give you an extension well as soon as that happens just a very clarification my point is they normally say 10 seconds you that's but we can't hear from up so anyway Jay Hull is in the good mood feeling loose yeah just made a joke so it's all good yeah hey believe me I know all about controversial foul so you I guess we should talk to you yeah I mean you know usually it's it's it's on the player just like it was on me that year and it's amazing Mar you have to factor that into your game plan that something odd can happen or you're not really prepared you know cut break wow how effective was that yeah it's pretty darn good is he going to get a shot behind it though really lit angle two not easy yeah like nothing really the two kind of goes but you got to kind of move it softly know it's like pretty ugly is he has a nice feel for those soft ones but his his Forte is rifle man he goes yeah and he can play a little bit beyond the four ball with the Q ball if he wants I would doubt he' draw back for total shape here pretty shot pretty shot now he might be able to Across the six if he feel feels good about it the two is one you want to stay away from probably but yeah maybe three in the side on the four it's not terrible he's looking at two rails on the four which slick tables not real conducive for that one I like the six really to be fair so if he makes this I mean it'll be so tight going by the seven boy pretty nice hit though yeah ball spotting filler should Bank the two I think anyways two plays pretty nice on this table he may just go ahead and play the safety all right here's a safety off the six like you and I talked about earlier just hit it a little thicker not way thick of course and just come straight down the table with the Q ball he's playing off the five a little more comfortable that way how's the speed mhm that's another reason why Banks is so good that shot alone it really teaches you to kind of be calm when striking that ball and coming down if you force it you m hit the ball you get a little hug on the Q ball yeah that wasn't that wasn't a great hit by filler no he just wanted to make sure he got by the four but just whe Bank this too yeah you got to get some depth you got to get some distance on these guys you can't leave this up by the headring now he can play this with straight low or a hair low right it's enough off the rail where both are available now guess we can see how he got here we know filler is going to you know be super accurate and everything no worries there well I wasn't here for the semi-final but I was told by several people about that 11 11 balls and out right yep I was thinking about it and kind of hard to you know repeat those performances in sports I mean you see it all the time you know it's just uh especially right back you know oh he's he's hitting him clean look how easy he drew the Q ball back so that that tells you that uh the swing's really on point now what Mark we have to just roll this uh can he cut the nine and get by the four in between the seven and four a couple rails you don't want to shave off the right side for sure that could scratch maybe off the one coming two rails between the 74 okay well that wasn't great for jall either just got to get these guys further down table well like we talked about if you can get through that first shot after having a big lead then you can usually start to you know get balls out of play a little bit and really hold the QQ ball so this is a big shot in this game three game two rather 59 got in the way of the five he could reach the nine cross Corners pretty doable mhm mhm yeah I think that's going to be the shot at the end of the day yeah it does Slide by another one of those angles you can use a little bit of the short rail sliding the ball in no kiss pretty shot look at J off he's from the little bitty Town Hamill Illinois about 7 miles from where I currently reside little bitty town grew up playing with Justin Bergman they were like brothers I'm surprised he's shooting at this four though a little bit but hard to say no now this is the good thing he doesn't have to draw back on this one all the way he'll just try and hover around the middle of the table with the Q ball he brought it out back more than I thought except doesn't want the seven to go in now filler not with many options yeah tangled up no problem that way that's good in some ways with filler you don't really have to bother too much with defense just because he's got you know there's no sense missing Banks playing defense this guy cuz he's going to manufacture some on his own yeah and he's smart and he sees the score at 4-0 and if it's one out there he can score with and maybe get going needs to maybe take a chance so I kind of also I kind of also feel the same for J hall I think he shouldn't you know even though he don't worry about so much protecting the lead you're barely ahead with filler he can run 11 yeah so just make your Banks and don't sweat the other part of it so much all right cross side this would be a big bank here if he can capture this one yeah just don't over hit it give it a little time to turn [Music] [Applause] like two strides away for the ball is the B there hywood Hall this would be enormous he'd have his picture up here with all the greats The Immortals well you know when they tried to have that s that southern style uh second Derby City Classic right there in Tunica he won the banks and the one pocket 2012 was it I think maybe or 11 yeah he played on my Moscone Cup team as as much as I wanted to pick him the next year he forfeited out of tournaments over slip you know all his habits came into play I could have choked him well we all love him you know but I was thinking about just a second ago one more game and uh be a fun guy to be around here in a little while Justin be fun guy anyways he's always fun you know he is he's always in a happy good mood all right Jay Hall two Z in Breaking had a little cut break in game two I think he probably sticks with that just real slight cut on the one just drawing it with a hair low left like a draw stun caught a little thicker that time so Josh is going to get a chance here to get his lead or his first lead one of these games can he can he draw back for the [Applause] one does he have to sense this no I think he can draw back okay now he drew into a kiss maybe now he can beat it he can come down table with the QQ balls well I think maybe he can't Mark but I thought he could coming down for the 274 or something like that [Applause] nice he didn't need to do all that he could have almost just stopped the ball there yeah he's left him a a nice one on the four ball for sure a little elevated though but it's pretty natural just run across it now he's got to worry about the scratch a little bit up in the corner but looks like to me the five is a little difficult but doable it's got to be the four and again don't Q Ball's coming anyways right and I'm back down so go ahead and hit it how you like to make it no guarding he kind of you know flinched he didn't like it he didn't well the jacked up definitely takes away a lot of Your Capacity there I was going to say he may have wished he scratched right here instead of uh staying there going to twist it back Oh gous shot well uh you know filler maybe not quite back up from that great round before getting P the Shane Van boning Beast yeah it's a little much of a cut on the nine for his liking is he looking at the two straight back now this one requires his Center draw won't work with right she excuse me Q ball should come straight across yeah see how it bent too much backwards with the right and he was really guarding with the QQ ball anytime it's inside where it's really not natural doesn't have a natural alley you got to twist it that outside English is just going to work against you now that didn't hurt too bad no not at all and I think in the last shot Justin Hall course was just kind of guarding a little bit I think he feels like he's still way in this third game even though Trails 3-0 right must leave Ma on the seven so should come off the five or the six he hit it thick he hit it thick maybe a little fortunate the three didn't get in a better position this is dangerous Mark a little bit I don't think he'll get a collision on the seven but I don't think he makes it without a collision on the seven so yeah this looks it's down below the side pocket of diamond so he's got to cross it over let it spread a little bit and if he hits the seven and misses uh he may sell out the whole Farm here like right here see the five the two the nine the seven maybe yeah kind of Lucky the three didn't go in there really blocks up a pocket and would have been on the spot yeah more Bank more Bank possibility this first one's a big one don't know okay he's going five ball oh golly I thought was in yeah he was going for shape no not at all oh he do some serious damage with that one got a little thin here go twice on the seven it's not terrible The Two Of course may just chop this with two balls somewhat out of play try for the cross side yeah I just feel like he's playing the two all day no he's playing the two but cross corner hardest one raer there is yeah as good as he hits the ball if I was his coach I wouldn't let him do this well he's just was given up a starter here a real good one too and now he's bumped the six up a little bit so he's going to go for this trying to come around for the long [ __ ] on the two I certainly would have been even money that Josh makes the two even though there is some Mis rate with it but I wouldn't want to go the other way and bet he didn't make it talking about the cross side cross side yes Nice Shot Nice Shot there's the two ball he now he really likes it he'll hold for the six got the seven to hold for across side as well boy this is field cuz you have to cut it you kind of have to let it release if you're going to try to hold it oh yeah Banks you got to trust what your C make a good stroke he's just always had a feel can he reach the six not very well well this is where it's okay to shoot the six just look and see where down there I can leave the cuq ball to make everything a little awkward it may just be a stop shot right there a little bit maybe it'll stun forward just a hair and make it everything off right right don't have to do much with this one ooh that one tightened up big time what's the six going to do hello right in front of you now don't go crazy trying to go all the way around right just get above the two for the straight back after knocking this six in then you got the seven cross side absolutely you can't gain much trying to work it harder so you got to make sure you knock this one down yeah he's going to get pretty Beast here want well you could slide into the three right here if he really likes itting try and get out which he may do I mean this is this is not a bad one to bet on one all out to make it chance F him on there yeah becomes a little one pocket now yeah it's real tough here you don't want to just clip to seven even though that's probably he's going three rounds here yeah I think so he's really trying to kill the rock watch out for drawing into the three with the QQ ball not a bad effort cross [Music] corner all right should be the speed to where the Seven's a little out of play if he misses it don't think there's any kind of Kiss here it doesn't appear okay he's going to get a shot yeah it's it's pretty funny MH all he's hitting down so he's Crossing it over with Touch of speed here yeah that's where this that bank's much harder here on this TV table than the outer ones with the a bit more newer felt this is the type these straight shooter knock in on you a little more often than you think makes such an accurate hit on the seven pretty good trickling little short but not by much that wasn't a bad effort this is where when you need two it's not that much fun you know what I mean okay yeah CAU the rail first a little thick that's why the C Ball didn't quite get to the rail now is he going to play it back underneath him with top like a top left that's the safe shot cutting it back spinning it with a lot of left you really need the Left To Kill The Q ball a little bit not a ton that way you don't sell out of straight back tree right yeah just kind of like what it does is it promotes a mishit from going wrong you know like say Josh don't ever M hit the ball though that's the thing whereas some of us miss hit the ball so it'll slow that Q ball down great effort great effort one name close so now just no put the three in play and get the cute ball down table where it's not a straight back he's trying to draw somewhat to the center of the rail not F to this it help nothing he sold out a bank and he still got the other one hanging he could have pleaded the three and just brought the Q ball down yeah but the three is going to come on the spot though right you know so but that ball was blocked he Oh you mean go to that area okay right right now he's sold out of bank and the three is still hanging is my deal that'll do that's going to get there wow almost got a [Applause] rail still no no no get the three here you could take a little chance of make them both right there on the three three and and the two no you got to get the three and play and put that and he can just bring the Q ball down table and just have him have to make the straight back towards the two now it's another free straight back to win I hate betting against Josh getting this close even though it'd be awfully hard for a mortal he cannot lose unless he scratches he's playing it backwards here just to avoid that circumstance man this guy this guy oh my [Applause] goodness okay maybe it's so deep in there now Justin has something about doing something with this he's stick with it no okay what he's done here is he's made it to where he does shoot the two which I think he should he's got to hit it with a little speed if he's going to stiff it you're not going to make it Crossing this one over much so now he's hitting a hot ball watch out for a little kiss if you're really trying to make it oh no he stiffed it oh straight back capacity crowd all over this Arena here and upstairs all right where do he go is he just going to bump it off the point you know go point to the point first does he take the aggression and knock it in and try and get up table froze on the rail the middle of the in rail is what you want I would go into the point for a shot myself yeah and just kind of see what Josh is going to do in return mhm no that was good now Josh has a little more control so it makes sense if he wants to go down table with the Q ball of course he's going to have a a shot he's going to have to sweat for Justin Hall to win this event this looks real good with the speed high call the shot there yeah he's going to play it back under and where the key Ball's at now you'll see Justin will apply a little more side than Josh did on a similar shot the key to this Mark is don't baby it too much you know the English and everything's going to slow everything else down you want to go and get through the [Music] ball he's going to give up a shot here and a real good one he played it more natural also letting the Q ball run nice remember earlier yeah I said you play it with a lot of right because the M hits kills the Q ball like when you don't hit the object ball right your opponent's not going to have the QQ ball way up you know by the spot that middle it kills it more towards the rail now that three ball kind of came back to bite him if he could have got that out of the play earlier and not giving up anything worse than what he did give up but he would have had both balls out there where he could have been an action a drive break in game one for filler so we'll see two to one is our score one ball found the side filler's going to get a shot yeah pretty good one too I don't think the five is an issue at all well the eight oh yeah the eight you're right absolutely right in front of [Applause] you he's going to play sh off of something like that Justin's going to have to probably go ahead and go for this seven maybe if he's going to go offensive he's not sitting bad and he's really good at that TOP English you know not having to fire it plays real confident rolling it try to draw this and really move the ball or something like that I think it tends to hop a little bit knocked down one take yeah got a chance here J hall and it's sitting so good he can't really stun the four out any may have to draw this I don't know good shot four right back got you the pace these guys use always just I mean they open up that rocket and stroke you know that follow through a little [Applause] bit surprised he's not looking at the three a little as well the two is great too many shots Mark yeah they're all a hint off angle he's closer to the six feels like he'll make a better pass at it and I think he wants to get a little little safe with the qqb on this one where he's leaving a long [ __ ] to win and maybe Josh like good shot five and three are little you know you see how those last two just rattle on home that they don't Rattle and stay up they Rattle and go down their hit so well yeah I think he's going to stun it a little oh he's playing the nine so he must be able to cut this a little to go to the right of the two doesn't want to leave the two for sure this nine ball could get up and really give a lot of shots the twos there as well you know filler's going to make a run at him nice and calm there yeah he can stop and hold for the Three cross corner or the five straight back don't think he's going to roll this oh he is super accurate 50ish on the five he's got to cut it three's kind of head on does it offer much shape the three the two three [ __ ] twist back here in the side Mark the one the players all practice a little bit got of figure somewhat of a rolling ball here yeah I think this is the reason he's playing this is not so much for the win but take care of the Q ball nicely good hit good hit pure it's on track very good oh what a what a and we're all tied up two games a [Applause] piece J looks down the way like it's yeah it's funny I thought he shot the six across corner but be able to play safe on that last long [ __ ] and I guess it just ended up to where he really couldn't tuck the QQ ball away on that nine and mhm and I think maybe he was thinking the same way I was don't if you got an out ball here and don't miss it because you're playing safe I mean that's what got him here with shooting yeah that's what gets the win a lot of times for these these great Bankers just like and a couple balls on the break this is going to get a little nasty it's not easy here mm now everything's just a fragment off yeah the problem is they're frag fragment off but not sitting poorly so if he happens to miss one could be very costly I thought I might look at the seven maybe cross corner but cuz you can bring the Q ball around the middle that side you know side pocket there and not sell out much oh man it's like they're just wired into the pocket they just go in PES could be there's that seven so the speed is he can hit it a few different ways so it's a little more preference coming down maybe giving up a shot on the four or [Music] somewhat okay he played the safety with top and side to make sure need some balls spotted though yeah yeah yeah lead should be eight left on the table for a one nothing lead for Josh straight back two fourball I mean with two two's on the spot oh he's looking down table the six he's looking cross side oh he's going to bet maybe going into the balls here may go right between the six and the one with the QQ Ball but back into them I don't know it depends on the speed what a shot what a shot that was get the seven or no or the two is he going to get one of them how did he not get either he fell right where he didn't get either I think wow he's coming cross corner with this one too Mark really yeah that's that's aggressive with the QQ ball well yeah I thought he may shoot three in the corner maybe or long raer yeah I thought he' go straight back and just he drawing this this is nervy he's feeling as well what a shot that was two1 golly what a shot that was you know how hard that is to workp the Q ball out of the path and bank that ball off angle straight back six no seven what's he doing oh safe all of a sudden he's playing safe now well that last shot had a little safety but that's why he drew it to keep the Q ball down here that's why I was wondering is he Crossing it and running the Q ball you wouldn't figure that yeah man it's such a sweat when you're playing Josh and you leave him the QQ ball you know he know you kind of feel like he's going to shoot but if he banks this and withdraw he can go into the whole stack here and he can lose with this shot if he misses it oh he's trying to get out he's trying to get out okay probably got through that ball a bit more he anticipated the Seven's plays though seven plays nice oh the two may play he shooting what's he shoot shooting the two or the three or these guys are banking machines can't reach much but the three here not very many Bank bull matches that you see more balls made than missed well they're not in this final for no any reason other than they've been knocking in higher rate than everyone else he side pocket watch out a little bit here it's okay there three to two as the ball count go ahead and take three of them off the table you know it's going to the case ball Mark yeah I'd like it looks like now this one he can cross over if he wants ooh you get that kiss when you let up on it a little bit and what happens the Q ball doesn't get out of the way when the ball's turning over gets a little more clingy overall I'm surprised he's not looking at the cross side here it looks like it would been with low right well I think that is what he's looking at only other shot is twice on the three drawing the ball it sits pretty nice for there playing the three twice yeah it's long Ball's a little hot but still pretty good man the hit on The Nine's a little better feeling I like opening on the nine here and the reason being is Josh is going to shoot a little bit right you figure him to shoot you're trying not to let him shoot but you figure him to shoot so M you know if he shoots he and makes one he needs one to win the match so you want to there to be some penalty here if he misses right and if the balls aren't open he can kind of freely shoot a little bit Yeah qball needed another 18 in or so wow nice nice [Applause] shot I think the three goes but it's real touchy straight back Nine's a little bit of a kiss he's got to play safe maybe he's going for the three iess guess straight back trying to Cannon into the one with the Q ball maybe pretty good hit all right The Nine's a little funny sitting sitting in an odd position Justin uh one of the best when they lay lay odd might go cross corner here and I think he's the absolute best at this shot especially when it's not like one pocket lagging when you're shooting it a bit more him and Billy Thorp kind of jumped up a little bit on that one he didn't like it but he shot that also trying to play a little bit of safety yeah one on the side not bad you can just stick your rock right there wants to avoid that second point where the one comes back oh he hit it nice and light yeah that was pretty free he's left the nine go kisses one's no good well he's going to have to guard big big time here I think he's got to cut the nine on the left and run the QQ ball between the one three to the short rail then the top long Rail and come back down he's got to group them all on this side now so I don't know about this Ball's going to be out in the open oh these both got ugly he can Bank the one freely Over The Nine's gotten on the rail he's going to be on the rail near the three pretty free shot here Mark to just nip draw over could even roll it all right well match ball here oh yeah and Josh filler he's going to be our bank pool Champion yeah the inside track on the allaround too because he figures to go deep in the line ball he's going to be tough to beat in that yeah he knows about the one pocket well his one pocket is pretty exceptional without knowing all the moves so two for two here with the Bigfoot challenge last night now P another congratulations yeah and now our our 2024 uh Banks Champion here to start uh also for the master of the table so Josh filler looking good super high performance by both players there I've watched a lot of these finals I don't think I've ever seen it played better yeah Jay Hall nearly misses out on another Banner he's been I don't know like I said earlier has he ever gotten to the final I feel like he's gotten to the final before but I know he's been final three a few times yeah I'm not sure I don't think he's ever been the final though I don't recall it all right we want to thank everybody for joining us tonight that concludes our broadcast day please join us again that is our time for this time so long [Music] n e e e e e

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[music] what's going on jeromes in about a week the mota finding vikings as well as the other 31 teams that don't matter around the national football league will be trimming their 90-man roosters down to 53 and a practice squad but quacy churnin and buron still making moves and the major one officially... Read more

REPORT: New York Jets Bring In UFL Wide Receiver Justin Hall For A Workout thumbnail
REPORT: New York Jets Bring In UFL Wide Receiver Justin Hall For A Workout

Category: Sports

All right guys what's going on welcome in so aaron wilson is reporting that the new york jets are actually working at wide receiver from the ufl justin hall he's a quicker shorter shiftier type of wide receiver who can help out on special teams coming in at 5'8 he actually had 515 receiving yards four... Read more

Fedor Gorst vs Svb Final | us open pool Championship #billiards #nineball #wnt #9ball #shorts thumbnail
Fedor Gorst vs Svb Final | us open pool Championship #billiards #nineball #wnt #9ball #shorts

Category: Sports

[music] you might be edging it or banking it sure which normally he gets down like that he's edging it oh he played it back under it's a hard one not to shoot at but it was just funny right you either had to stiff it with some that's why mind this is one of those rare [music] opportunities and watch... Read more

[Từ Điển Thể Thao] Giải Bóng Đá VĐQG Đức. #thethao #bongda #football #soccer #bundesliga #germany thumbnail
[Từ Điển Thể Thao] Giải Bóng Đá VĐQG Đức. #thethao #bongda #football #soccer #bundesliga #germany

Category: Sports

Bundesliga là giải bóng đá vô địch quốc gia của đức được tổ chức hàng năm và là một trong những giải đấu hàng đầu thế giới bundesliga bao gồm 18 đội bóng với các đội hàng đầu như bayern munich borussia dortmund và abic giải đấu này có lịch thi đấu đa vòng với mỗi đội chơi mỗi mùa hai lượt trận một lượt... Read more

EFREN REYES AMAZING CUSHION FIRST KICK SHOT #shorts #pool #billiards thumbnail

Category: Sports

Apran reest the magician strikes again and this is an amazing kick shot of [music] rees god [music] damn the magician Read more