SCOTT FROST vs DENNIS ORCOLLO - 2019 Derby City Classic One Pocket Division

Published: Dec 10, 2023 Duration: 01:16:07 Category: Sports

Trending searches: scott frost
[Music] well good afternoon ladies and gentlemen and it's our pleasure to welcome you once again to the 2019 Derby City Classic and the 21st edition of the all-around pocket billiards championship and when we say Derby City that means we're standing right here in the act stats Arena at the Horseshoe Southern Indiana our most gracious hosts now for 11 years and that's a pretty uh noteworthy Milestone and we hope we continue for many many more before I introduce the players for this uh one pocket matchup I'd like to take an opportunity to recognize our three signature sponsors Diamond billiard products Simona's cloth and cyclop pool balls also want to thank Master chalk for all they've done to support this event throughout the years lastly certainly not least I going to start saying it today and you'll hear it all week thank you each and every one of you out there watching and all of you that have made your way once again here to the home of pool the Derby City Classic thanks for supporting the game that we all love thank you very much okay we're uh in one pocket action now this is round number four 4 110 players were entered into the one pocket division there's approximately 200 or so left so we still got a bit of a ways to go but uh we got a heck of a match up for you right now so it's my pleasure to start player introductions with this gentleman sitting to my left he's from Beast League sural Del Sur in the Republic of the Philippines he's a two-time US Open one-pocket Champion he's also a two-time Derby City all-around world champion sponsored by Bugsy promotion we know him as RoboCop let's hear it for Dennis or CUO his opponent from Phoenix Arizona he's a former Derby City one pocket Champion he's a former US Open one pocket champion and it's no secret and I'm going to let it out even if it is in just a few short days he's going to be the newest member of the one pocket Hall of Fame and it's long overdue ladies and gentlemen would you kindly welcome sponsored by QB custom qes and Diamond the freezer Scott Frost okay guys let's go lag for the break and at this time it's my pleasure to send it upstairs to the commentary Booth to Mark Wilson and our very own five-time Hall of Famer Danny dberto take it away Mark next up we have a clash of one pocket greates Dennis oroo and Scott Frost Danny D and myself Mark Wilson on the call glad to have you here Danny could you say something about the players well OK Colo is more businesslike Scott Frost is aggressive and creative nothing boring about him and I expect to see like it's the boxer versus the puncher yeah Dennis aolo has won the lag he'll be breaking first that's pretty big in a race to three yesterday he turned 40 years old and of course he's here because he loves pool and he's in the allaround competition so he needs to have a good finish here meeting up with Scott Frost early and they Midway through the event tough matchup breaking from off the cushion on the table this is to help prevent the corner ball from leaking out that's a good break just a simple get through the ending shot nothing spectacular nothing aggressive but there is a time to get aggressive not now yeah uh Dennis's break was so good Scott can only offer a passive [Applause] response quality effort there to put another ball on his side while defending good jot yeah five balls obstructed hard for Scott to get the Q ball down there where it's not something Dennis can do offensive on this next shot the understanding of strategy uh will will not be an issue in this match by both players look at that shot great shot world class shot there a lot of things had to happen perfect QQ ball control stunned it forward now it looks like Scott Frost broke the balls well could he hit the side rail cuz if he could the kick that's the nine ball oh the 14 on the you're say okay no that's not available doesn't look like not you can't get it by but that would be a good shot cuz you got a chance to make the ball and Play Safe And if you make it you can get out but that's not available he can't get to the side rail nice in level was the table because he super SL softly kicked to the rail legal shot they both want to win but orala has the chance for the allaround prize money which is I think an additional 20,000 Rusty's winding up to do something looks like he's going to try to send a couple balls or is he cutting the 12 think it even Cuts does it he's playing the eight what a shotard what a shot that was he's creative and aggressive and he's got position he played that he made a ball for Okala but no it it rattled out didn't even go down it went it went and come out that's I thought it went in and he made the a in his pocket it went in there like a bullet that's why it was the whole shot was confusing at first can you get position and keep going well he left himself distance but he's going to shoot I believe no bargain here and you could be betting the game so you can't miss yeah yeah this is very dangerous if he shoots the long shot I think he should Bank the one ball here think the one ball at the edge of the 10 I think it is oh this is dangerous man unless you're sure you're going to make it good shot great shot is Right shot see where he stopped the Q ball I don't think he never necessarily well I guess he would have gave up the 12 ball had he missed it he didn't leave these wouldn't go for Denis so maybe that emboldened him to shoot that shot looked like he could only get one although now it looks like he's thinking about back cutting the 12 good idea what a nice crowd we have here too for the one pocket Clash nearly full oh he's got his shooting shoes on well what do you do now do you shoot this seven I think he's kind of got some momentum and he's been shooting anyway I don't know if he can float the Q ball if he can hit it easy enough to get the QQ ball over here you know just below the one ball on the rail but yeah a lot of balls to get position for if he makes it playing for four if he makes this ball he's going to get the four yeah this soft speed and that's the deal if it just barely Glides the rail when it's super soft speed which this would should be struck that really tends to grab the ball and spit it way as opposed to that just a little bit slightly firmer speed it tends to hug oh he overcut it badly but he didn't sell out not yeah not that bad it's hanging well it didn't go but you know you got it hanging well Colo can give him that ball maybe on a billiard that would be the right sensible shot cut the 14 and Billiard the 7 n that's the shot yeah and Danny's talking about the 15 ball which looks similar to the 14 ball col just slightly yeah oh he's going rail first as if he well as long as he could make it it's a good shot but I like the bilard it'd be tough to miss the bilard wouldn't it yes yeah that's the shot yeah if you go ra first then you got to look at where you're putting the QQ ball or if you Bard it you know it's going to be right there by the pocket well he doesn't like the bilard he left distance he did protect the six ball pretty good with that shot take a light kick that's the light kick good shot look like tennis might be able to spin the 15 ball back at his pocket at the six ball like a a two cushion shot but the Q ball would be heading right right into the three if he did that well he does have a bank at the 15 that's what I'm saying he get banked at towards the six he's hesitating no danger here he made it what a shot great great shot oh that's going to turn the the rack right around well does he have a good combination on that 11 and nine that was a great shot I'll say earned himself an opportunity here possibly win this game another great shot with position now he can draw the ball back off off what is that the seven uh that's the 15 or or the 15 he can go to the two he's going for the five I think did he go too far he did I don't know well we know he's going for the five cuz he wouldn't hit it that hard if he wasn't well he rushed I think he should go for the two and then the five but he's got the two anyway got a billiard oh he didn't hit it full enough 53 is the ball count right now Scott needs two three or three yeah I'll get the count right that's what I'm here for you name the shots and I'll try to help keep the mask straight You Can Count better we'll help each other through this this Frosty's not one railing this is he like rail first go right into the one ball one rail good call overcut he missed the bank and he might have sold out a combination that's to sell out it's not an easy combination that's for sure and there's no position that goes with it doesn't have to get desperate yet Dennis could Bank the three all else is is bad yeah but he could cut the the one without making it and and snooker him on the one yeah that's what he's going to do I believe yeah boy with a shot scratched oh that's terrible a great shot but you know you got to yeah protect the ball well Scott's going to win this game I believe well it was an unusual scratch cuz he dislodged this ball and the Q ball after he cuts the one ball and was going across the table and hit that ball then went back up there it was a great shot oh my goodness yeah so it wasn't it wasn't Reckless it was just Mis uh Misfortune no Frosty's playing for three here he's got him if he makes this he's got to feel great about this cuz it looked like Dennis might run out there twice yeah that would have been it he's going to get three if he makes this good shot there are the three sh the two and draw it at the 11 next so Scott Frost will break serve here Big Shot the break sir yeah he it'll be his break Scott looks like he's ready to play I already feel much better in this match oh me too me too we don't this more fun all [Applause] right yeah Dennis really absorbed some hard luck there cuz he hit a good ball on that one and the qball came across if it doesn't scratch he's really going to well like that's why I said just put it over there and use the two balls to block it and duck didn't have to be aggressive but I'm second guessing cuz he scratched and he made a great shot shot oh my goodness that was a couldn't hit it any pure well this is a fun match for sure Frosty breaking from the cushion he's Dennis broke towards the left-hander side of the table Frosty's breaking towards the right-hander side of the table what's going on here well I watched the match earlier and the balls were breaking to the right pocket better than this well no problems I think you shoot the uh one and fall on the side rail no he's not doing [Applause] that yeah I like moving that one Scott looking to see if he's got a combination he apparently does he's he's notified the referee intends to play this right but then it's chance to push and he's got to elevate the queue plays so much easier for a right-handed player than a left-handed player but he's got to elevate foul Danny that's why a left-hander shouldn't break to the right hand his pocket this is a perfect example why not it is if this was the other way Scott could reach it this is really awkward un there's a predominant role to the other side yeah if the table has a body us that's a different thing but we're just saying you know theoretically the table's neut he better be careful here cuz he could foul here and it's I don't think it's free what he's doing oh boy he made it so it's free he thought it was he's disappointed he got a ton of draw action on that ball well he's going to bank the four I believe at the 10 yeah the 15 but I know what you mean it's the 15 okay I'm glad well no hold I'm sorry maybe cuz the 10 is down in the middle of the table that's the one I'm talking about okay well then maybe it is the 10 the 15 is the one sticking out closest to the four Bard the five this will do some damage uh-huh go into the five yeah I think at this angle it is going to hit the 15 though but that's okay yep didn't hurt a thing well Dennis has got a shot at the poor doesn't go but you know it's a free shot and it might make a ball what's he doing kicking at the eight he measured to see if he can get to the eight I guess he wants to get that out of there not a bad idea but I like shooting the four go into the balls put the Q ball on the side rail it's a big shot mhm of course one pocket unlike nineball you got a lot of different shots you could shoot it isn't one good one shot only mhm one of them is the best shot and if you find the best shot every time you're going to be a great player yeah he's going to shoot my shot the four I believe the balls are not sitting real good for Dennis this could change that good shot good shot see he put a a ball not quite enough he didn't quite give a shot so I think uh Scott could bank at that one ball he's not going to do it I think he can bank at the one ball well he doesn't think that but nothing wrong with it he hasn't made up his mind yet good shot yeah nice speed quality effort got a ball over on his side took one off of Dennis's side put the Q ball in the long rail Frozen pretty well defended the eight there as well I think he shoot to 15 into the eight knock the eight on your side and put the cuq ball on the side rail he's in such a pric he just wanted to get rid of that eightball I don't think he had to do that but you know we're talking about Dennis orallo one of the best Minds in the game right and we're surmising from 40 ft away and he's down there playing so it will give him the benefit of doubt good control but he didn't get a ball over far enough so he doesn't have any real threats now he's got that shot I called last time play the combination Bank the uh two on your side oh he's not going to do that oh he just I think he scratched so Dennis hold one say Scott's banking the 14 what a shot great shot goodness gracious and he's got position got position for a lot of balls here he's got an extreme angle he can go right to the nine now so slippery that's what he did but he didn't make the ball take your time not a good effort there he would have been out I think if he made that he would have had a chance to get out yeah for sure well he would have a great shot if he had the poor but he doesn't he going to drag the Q ball to his left ry's winded up to shoot the two no or yes no then it's just trying to put the two on the three and move the five fourward or three on the five move it forward and try to do something with the Q ball here why you even make the five right with good speed take care of the QQ ball which he did well we let him see the 10 making the 10 back wow he he hit that ball good except he let him see the four dangerous here a lot of stuff can happen Dennis could Bank it at the 10 he could Bank it at the nine probably good banking at the nine MH that's prer oh I don't know about this one I think there's a kiss on this one oh he just missed the kiss but I think he left the bank on the 10 might be able to bank the 10 and go at the three maybe the nine is in the way yeah it looks like he well I think he has a half a pocket if he wants to banket this there's the half of pocket yeah he hit the high side and kind of rattled it home well can he cut the nine in no but no it's a thin hit look how good a job he did with the Q ball if that ball hadn't gone in got that Q ball hidden up there in the stack I don't think he can hit this hard enough to to rail it no he just wanted to stick it on the 11 dirty shot but good shot dirty shot yeah Oro can't do anything aggressive here just get through the inning it's going to be tough he's going to go one rail on the inside of the nine I believe good shot so all he could do is get through the inning and he did it pretty nicely yeah he's shooting at the three just going to roll at it I'd like rolling cuz you wouldn't have left the four yeah he left the four this four is dangerous you could cross the four got a whole big distance to go with the Q ball got to bank the four I believe a little bit of right-hand English he's not doing that what is he doing ducking but he didn't do much aggressive does the two pass I don't think so no he's getting kind of trapped on the one no he doesn't have it can't even hit the two but he definitely can hit the three and the one he played it off the four pretty good hit good control of the Q ball he left Dennis the shot but he's shooting at a tough shot and one ball you know at the two yeah yeah if you're if you got nothing else you got to shoot the two but this is dangerous you missed this you blew the game but he also might feel like this is his best chance to win the game if he can pocket a hard shot no he's going safety kicking into the one or just banking the four away way just banking the fourway oh you got a dangerous kiss but okay he's going to two rail the 15 on his side not hard enough he was trying to give you a little action there Danny make you sweat a little longer well I think he's got a a spin kick at at the one ball mhm well that's what he has he can do some danger oh good shot a funny shot here I think he's banking at it yeah these are the kind of shots bugs never missed little left-and English to get rightand English and he hit it good probably there those are the one pocket banks that bugs made that was a most peculiar one they're both level and they were both about an inch off the rail SC cut it just a little bit introduced some left spin twist put the right hand English on the ball those are great one packet shots I'd say Scott recognized it right away oh look at this combination billiard Frosty's playing a really good set here so far yeah he's playing one pocket that's what he's doing oh really really good he's created a couple nice cross Corner banks at low low angles there well he doesn't have a bank here and he's kept the pressure on Dennis most of the time oh he might be forced to shoot he's shooting at the two leaving distance well is Scott going to shoot a three ball combination he might he's he's aggressive and that's how he's thinking couldn't he go ra first off he could do that yeah of course either way it's going to be disaster for orallo he played the three ball combination dead combination going back he's got another one yeah this one's far easier I tell you what he won the first game winning this one would put him in the driver's seat playing for [Applause] two yeah he feels like playing SC Frost oh needs one Dennis thought it was over I guess sensibly it is over winning two nothing now yeah it's so Caro's break luckily better come with a good break we've seen much better one pocket in these couple games here yeah I don't really want to talk about that this is better we could this is entertaining here yeah but these guys know how to play clearly Dennis broke to the left-handed side of the table yeah I'm sure Okala didn't worry about that nineball that's got banked because he might not know it exists right yeah yeah kind of invisible yeah that's right and and Scott hit it so soft it really twisted oh it was a really great shot tremendous shot Frosty's winding up like he's got a plan here I don't know oh that plan good speed so far Scott is doing all parts in the game right I think Dennis is going to go rail first and just tick the one let the Q ball get up behind the eight nope'd like to do something a little bit stronger than that this is this is like Danny says just get through the inning well I like a shot here but people would say I'm crazy he could three rail the one and three rail the QQ ball you see it m he tried to take the one instead he just grazed by there and moved the 14 right in front of Scott's pocket right yeah I was talking about the nine anyway a little while ago that's over forever is he going to try to cut this in plays great for a left-hander I think he can cut it right in spin it in I think it it goes in pretty freely yep he got the eight he's over the top of the ball and we're playing fouls and everything yeah you know here's the odity Dennis is breaking to the left-handed side of the table's okay when you're not playing a left-hander but here is playing Left Hand so he's actually hurt himself two ways it's going to be awkward for him and Scott gets to play for his natural side in danger of losing the third game he's got the 10 do you go to the 12 here I think Scott is I think he's trying to get more than just one good chat see I think that Point's just big enough if you go enough Pace you can't get down here for the one it would be awful tough to do yeah yeah it's hard to attack the 15 ball with the Q ball off of there he's got the match in hand don't have to gamble he's winning two nothing yeah I think if if if anything if he can figure a way to if he's going to play offense that's okay but he's got to have a back door so he can get rid of that seven ball he wants to shoot Mark well it's okay to make one more as long as you don't put yourself where you cannot do something with the seven if you can play this roll it in and then kick the seven away it's all good I don't think going out here trying to run out is the answer he does oh that's dangerous yeah see what he tried to do tried to go after that 15 Ball but well he's going to lose this game now yeah he's winning three nothing two nothing yes three nothing in the score of this game yeah that too didn't have to gamble yeah you know K is going to run some balls oh yeah yeah at this point you'll be very lucky if you get another turn this game even though it's he needs what does he need eight balls seven balls seven balls thought he might be minus one good chat yeah you know Scott is feeling good you know he's playing good he's getting into the Hall of Fame that he felt like he deserved years ago maybe he did it wasn't his time I wouldn't worry about that if I was him no the worry is over he's going to no I mean even in years ago if he felt like that what what are you worried about you'll go in there if you belong yeaha could get right out yeah he will ball he will run balls for sure he will do that we know that a little thin a lot th playing for three man what a cut unbelievable cut and he got position [Music] two no playing for one okay yeah Scott Frost gambled he didn't think the way I was thinking about the score you're winning two nothing in games three nothing score this game for the win yeah he gave Oro a chance and you can't do that you know he'll kill you one the one ball that he was shooting was a hard shot and then the position wasn't a certainty and if you miss you're giving up well as it turns out the game Nicole is just way too dangerous for that you got off to a good start there and you you really playing some good one pocket yeah very good match so far now Scott Frost even though he's winning two to one you better win this game or else you're going to be losing with okalo breaking on the hill need a good break here good break good break he's got balls that are dangerous Scott's Mentor was the great Don McCoy we've spoke of that many times p in the past real good guy down to earth guy from De Moine now lives in Arizona well Dennis can get out of the inning but not doing anything aggressive see he didn't oh that's terrible time out yeah you don't want to scratch on something you weren't even doing something aggressive on yeah bad idea now you got to sweat Scott Frost running out yeah on the hill yeah Scott's taking a player timeout here briefly Scott Frost his back and here we go he has ball in hand behind the headring looking to run eight balls here I could see five of them think he might go the 1210 bump the 14 after as he Pockets the 10 leaving himself the eight that will further dislodge some of the Clutter on the other side of the table there you see what I'm saying Danny yeah he's looking at what if I come over here no I think he should go one rail into the nine well that's the 14 but yes that's the ball I'm calling yeah that's the 14 he's not doing that get clear over there pass that's why he didn't do it I think it passes the8 well he's got the two for sure yeah yeah maybe it does if it does that's better yet I mean if he no he's not going at way well he's looking at the chat we called pretty shot thread the QQ ball up there yeah he's got a pin cut I think he can go two rails to the 15 or whatever that 11 I'll get the colors right yeah the the 11's up there by the seven right now going that that's the ball he's going to go oh no he hit this ball got the eight yeah rubed the the eight now he can come up for the 11 looks like he's going to have to use a break shot though I think he's going to need to get something else loose down there he wants to run anything beyond the 11 well you don't want to open the balls to 's uh side I don't like hitting them on this side well he doesn't have that angle anyway yeah play cautious like you didn't do last R yeah yeah good point I think that's what he's thinking too this will be his sixth ball so he'll only need two no reason to take a risky shot oh he's looking at 135 is that what that I don't know no I'm saying I think that's if he hadn't got lodged up there it looks like he was trying to play that and then he could protect the QQ ball too so I think he's still okay here cuz he can just roll the Q ball just hit the five forward roll the Q ball up onto the nine and one he's confident he can go into him here with power he is confident made it he needs one it's never easy yes well he's got a cut on the uh ball I don't know about that cut well wooa just cut one like that yeah almost his was a little better he played the four and with control yeah but he didn't uh leave it as a threat and maybe that 15 is cutable by for for Dennis here be a super thin shot well he's in a desperate spot time to shoot yeah right Dennis needs all these he's shooting it plus one Dennis is one in the hole they can hit the paint the Filipino well Scott's got to sweat him getting out he could get out he's got the combination well bear in mind Dennis has got a spot ball at the end of all these yeah he needed nine but he can get him good shot good idea he was trying to get the six out and play just a little bit better and the 13 I'm definitely thinking about how he's going to get all these balls and for sure deal with the far ball this is peculiar good job well once again Frost leted him into the game just going to take the four out of there knock it on his side all the way down spot one up stick right there good shot as shot dangerous to lose this one because it'll be 's break on the hill yeah just get it out of play distance yeah L that side rail over there on his side yeah that makes it tough uhoh I think OK okalo is going to shoot the four I believe although you don't want to gamble and lose the game shooting one ball when you need three yeah that six doesn't seem to be in play either think it's in that side pocket not fit if you fall on the one right but it doesn't matter he's not shooting needs the balls in play got the one away from the end rail so Scott did not have a automatic two and uh Scott will never touch the six ball cuz Scott doesn't need the six ball leave that right there and then no matter what happens Scott cannot lose on the next inning very easily however Dennis can definitely hit the six ball and will need to hit the six ball yeah put the six in play and don't leave a shot then you got a chance to get three if Scott makes another error got to make this go to the end rail with the Q ball good shot now Scott has to be real careful cuz all three balls are out mhm good shot oh great shot Dennis got a bank at the four here yeah but it's not free and he didn't br oh now he's got a bank I think he could bank at the four the one is like dead back four he needs one one ball I think you got to shoot this do you do you let the Q ball go towards the six and try to hit that too or you just no no just shoot at your game oh I see cuz Okay can't get out you got to shoot the four you need one it's got figures to hit it well I mean it should be almost hanging right if you're not going to sell out the one ball shoot at the money here you're going to hit the ball good I like banking at the four for the game I think you can even hit it at a speed where the Q ball comes back down so the six worry about the QQ ball I just got to shoot at the game he didn't want to do it no I think that was a bad idea well he put another ball out of play though Cola could make the one now and put that in play but the four is bad you know so Scott could still cross Corner the six if he puts the one on the spot be kind of a free Bank maybe no I don't think so he didn't take the free Bank just now bad judgment got to make the one that's what he's trying to do let him go forget Crossing this ball he didn't shoot the poor now this is a a tougher shot oh bad idea bad idea Dennis has got a bank he's got a bank with position he made it no he come close yeah that was going to be in now he's got a bank got a bank at this to seven it's the game ball and match ball I think he's going to make this uh Mark well he made it near the pocket mhm Dennis has got a kick draw Bank the ball out on his side no you're not looking at shooting the ball you don't want to shoot now till you got all three balls in play yeah oh he's shooting at it I don't like this but this is bad decision he's betting the game on this but he made the ball and kned the other one away I guess that's what he knew he could likely do well did he know he could make the ball now now I believe well he's going to knock this away but he's still got the balls out of play uhoh he made [Applause] it wello has got a bank he'll be on the hill too mhm no good banking at it and making the four because it's the wrong side for the four mhm but you got to make this and then out move from there he's going to shoot this here we that's a good idea put them both in play now he's got both balls in play cuz Scott has to hit the head ball oh don't leave a shot now you're going to be heartbroken he just sof rolling up on there no he's oh he left the bank which bank was that the 11 no he decided to knock it on his side he couldn't control the QQ ball that's why Scott's looking at the two on the 11 but he'll be putting the ball in play yeah he's shooting it boy look as dangerous as could be yeah if he doesn't put it near his pocket oh he didn't shoot it but he put it in play you tricked me the boy that yeah he tricked himself maybe I think Cala has a bank on the PO he can cross the pore it's up there pretty high maybe he it is but you know you're the one who needs two well he's not shooting it he's knocking this one on his side eventually Scott has to shoot at his game ball can't bank at the four now because he could sell out both balls he just thinning this and bringing the Q ball down by Dennis's pocket is that the idea go across it uh-huh right okay yeah good shot good shot especially look where the QQ ball went yeah very good yeah our audience even recognize that with a round of applause yeah that was a good shot by Scott Frost uh-oh he left it yeah he he didn't want thatall right but he didn't he left the bank for the match he'll shoot this this one nope wide well Dennis is going to be backing at the four or could he Kick It In looks like he's got enough room to get behind it and kick it no I don't think so it's pretty close to the rail I do I do you he's got room to get behind there all right but does he know it he's cutting right at it he'll have another bank if he makes this one not quite quality effort though yeah look where he put the Q ball well Scott's got to get this ball out of play and not sell out very good chat he left the bank on the four not much that CUO would be as be it doesn't matter you need twoo you got to shoot this they'll have another bank like this but I guess not don't forget I'm not in the tournament I could shoot anything I want we see that two but is he ever going to shoot at his game ball I don't know if that's is the place to play a two he thinks so oh that's not good Bo that was wild but he he had to shoot at his game ball eventually yeah that wasn't the place to do it that wasn't even close didn't hurt him mercifully when the Q when the fourball bangs into the qball you don't know where it's going when it's traveled that far but it was you know I understand he's got to shoot but that was going to be two diamonds away from his Corner Pocket it wasn't even close wasn't going to be a threat cut it long leave the CU ball long yeah 's got nothing well I think he's got the upper hand in the ball distribution now Scott's got to do something here to stop him balls are both on Dennis's side they're both away from the rail they're both in play yeah he doesn't have a shot at his pocket right Dennis is keeping the pressure on for sure he made it and I left the bank I mean it's just Dennis can Bank the 11 yeah and get position I think he's not thinking that way he must look down table I think he's going to end up hitting the banking the 11 though no he's just got to defy me what do you want to preach one it's a long ways away you can make a good clean hit on this 11 I bet bet Scott's happy he didn't Bank the 11 you're right cuz he could have cut it and that would have put a whole bunch of English all right if if he banks the 11 and even leaves it just near his pocket with the object ball that uh was on the spot there now it makes it really treacherous for Scott to defend B is at the 11 and leave distance good jot they're almost in the same spot I was just going to say now we're back to where we were but once again Dennis has got the upper hand and the distribution of the balls it's really tough for Scott to come out of this where Dennis can't do something and Scott did it that was a good job yeah he put them both un shootable that was really good from how ugly the spot was that he was in Buried back in the corner pocket look at that shot another good shot there Dennis is wiggling around here trying to get an opportunity did he leave him a bank on the four yeah I think he did I think he did yeah if he makes this he'll have a spot shot for the game he's got a I don't know what Scott was thinking there this ball Banks he's hesitating to shoot it but it Banks well he was lock yeah he's confident he just wanted to make sure he hit his spot he should get this at least close oh boy he would be shooting at The Spot Shot now this is that predicament that Scott would have been in if he had had he banked the 11 earlier if he takes the four out of there the 11's right down there it's a lot of times you can sell out a two rail bank at the best or at the worst case scenario that was nice yeah very heavy kick that out of there back on his side that helped quite a bit he put the pressure back on Dennis here the ball's now favoring Scott Frost yeah but after the ending they won't well that four on that side and then the the 11 that's it's hard to deal with both of them that was a powerful kick that Frost just made yep Frosty's going to have the best of this cross corner for the match not an easy shot but if he gets it in there close then the fourball becomes treacherous if you take the 11 out of there Scott could easily have a bank on the four he made it short oh one yeah yeah has a backward cut on the 11 well the the the if he takes the 11 out of there Scott's likely going to have a shot at the four well he looks like he's going to take it out of there yeah well he has to he can't cut the 11 Pin and go all out banking it or he's going to kick two rails maybe he's kicking two rails trying to cut it in no just kick it up table he's not trying to cut it in good shot now this is called the old uh 515 no he's not called pinching and squeezing it is called that he's got a shot at the at the 11 two rails does have a shot at it yeah he recognized that how good did he hit it he hit it [Music] good good emotion great play good mat he's glad to get there through that rack that was starting to get to be a little testy there match yeah it really was total pleasure too very uptempo all right this has been an accustat presentation any rebroadcast or republication is expressly prohibited without written consent that's our time for this time until next time so long for just a [Music] while [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]

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