ALEX PAGULAYAN vs SCOTT FROST - 2003 Derby City Classic One Pocket Division

Published: Apr 09, 2024 Duration: 01:04:15 Category: Sports

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[Music] la [Music] [Music] aistats video productions present from the executive West hotel in Louisville Kentucky the fifth annual Derby City Classic along with Danny dberto I'm Bill in Cardona I'm the fell on the left a good looking one in the red shirt the guy who with that just laughed well you know who that is I'm the guy on the right okay okay anyways the feature match up Danny is between two young players Scott Frost from Phoenix Arizona one of the better one pocket players in the world today and Alex pagy liion a fellow that they that Scott Frost knows very well because these two guys play one another regularly and I hear that it's it's nothing more than a toss of a coin yeah well I'll tell you something uh we have uh two aggressive players here we'll call them young players and I just love Alex I don't mean I'm pulling for him but he is always happy always you can't tell if he just won 20,000 or lost 20,000 he's always Giddy and happy yeah he's got such a great attitude you know and uh and he plays so well too you know finished he just finished second to the to the Kaiser at the US Open nineball championships which was aired on pay-per-view and he's just got such a great attitude and boy can he play Scott Frost is recognized as one of the strongest young players in the world today and I would have to put him up in the top five or six one pocket players in the world today as well well anyway you know Scott Frost is from one of the Cities I lived in for many years Phoenix Arizona and I have like a little connection with Toronto where Alex's from you know but as time goes by it looks like I've lived almost everywhere anyway so I know the cities they live in I can tell you the pool rooms and that was an excellent break uh puline broke the balls made an excellent break with the exception of the corner ball came out a slightly too much that time Frost pocketing the first ball he does have a shot on the one Danny and I I do believe he's going to take it it lays only about 10 in from the pocket about 3 and 12 in off that bottom cushion he's looking at it now and he doesn't really like it but I'm surprised because if he were playing nine ball he would pocket the one ball with ease here Danny yeah I I'll tell you what he'll look everywhere and everything I'm sure he'll wind up shooting that one and it look well maybe I'm not so sure but I think he should versus this shot yeah I didn't like this he better off shooting the one I think with a high ball he could have hit the 13- six and then the ball would have came right down here for position for the uh ball on the rail I think the 11 I'm really surprised he didn't shoot that I didn't see any great future there he tried to make the ball off of the 15 so the 15 wouldn't be there but it didn't work he didn't hit the 15 and the 15's still hanging and Alec who shoots pretty good behind his back didn't shoot good behind his back right now but he has the eight ball if he wants to go I'm pretty sure the eight goes by is he looking at it if it goes he's going to shoot it well I think it does go because he's taking another look at it and this time from the angle where he needs to shoot it from so therefore it's obvious that it goes and there it goes I don't know I don't believe he had he may have a shot on the blue two ball he's taking a look at it now let's take a look at his expression that'll tell the story well once again I'm not sure whether or not he has a shot or not uh from the monitor it doesn't appear that he has a shot from his face it doesn't look like he has a shot now keep in mind the one Ball's positioned near Frost's pocket the 11 ball adjacent to it and it's a pretty good billiard too by the way so it's going to be hard for uh Alex to defend against the one ball because regardless of where he puts him he's going to probably leave him that billiard 11 one so therefore he has to do something down this end of the table which he's going to twirl the Q ball slightly around the green ball and hopes to uh move that one ball from that advantageous position that was in for frost well except for if there's a dead ball he he looks like he's shooting at this uh four ball he's going to bank it into the three and make the four yeah he's a very creative player and uh he gets plenty of action when he plays cuz that's the type of shots he looks for he looks for shots that gives you action and that was one of those action shots he almost made two balls on that particular shot or maybe he even did did he make two balls on that one you yeah I believe he did okay the score is three well the score is 3 to one but it should be 3 to2 right now I do believe yeah maybe he didn't make two well there's five balls off the table so if he didn't make two we'll have an adjustment in score momentarily but now for sure he has two possibly three but there's there's seven balls off the table and all these balls if he falls on them like he did he can get every one of them so what is the the score is uh four to three right now where are the where's the other ball I think he has five unless something went in another pocket I don't believe anything went in another pocket Maybe I'm Wrong Maybe I'm Wrong yeah there's a ball vanished you know why we got a little snookered by him when he when he shot the the ball on the four and that other ball uhoh he played position for the four ball the pink ball and and in doing so he hit a little bit too hard cuz he was lying rather flat on the two and it took a little extra stroke to get him up table for the pink and so therefore he missed the two hitting it with the speed that he hit it with guys before we go much further we got to find out where the other ball is because there's only 14 of them accounted for you know what can happen here they can wind up going to the last ball and both have seven and then wonder what happened I now we made the adjustment was our mistake we made the adjustment five for frost three for pagul liion okay now pagon at the table his pocket is the lowest lower left hand corner he's looking to shoot the combination I kind of like maybe backing the 10 before I shoot let me tell you something about this combination if he hits it good and makes the ball the five is banking towards the pocket also so he will have the five next if that's the five or is that the four that's the pink four that's the four ball you people out there are going to have to excuse Danny he's colored blind and and I mean it's sincerely he is color blind well see he didn't cut it but did you notice the ball Banking and he he just gave this game up yeah he just totally misjudged that shot well he didn't cut it if he cut it the cuq ball wouldn't glance as full and the other ball would have probably went faster to the pocket but whatever it is I expect Scott to get out out of the 293 to start the pocket T we have a nice hand of Applause for everybody still Frost only two balls we pocket the six and then draw the Q ball to the side cushion or else just float down which he's drawn it to the side cushion that seems like a little better shot increasing the accuracy of the shot right with the speed that he hit it with opposed to just floating down table for the pink ball anyways nevertheless he he pocket the six and and pagul line conceded game number one Frost leading in the match raced to three one to nothing these two guys played the last round by the way yeah and with this format you can play you can play the same opponent every time he come to the table at least twice because U they had the buyback option right it's highly improbable but I've seen it happen many times well depending on the am of players are left in the tournament there only 12 players left in the basically can happen with 200 players just uh higher odds but at any rate who won the match Billy tell them who won well Scott Frost won the match any one of three games to two I hear and went down to the last ball and like I mentioned before these two guys play one another on a regular basis and it's a very close contest just as the last match was between the two of them well he missed the head ball but uh I have to say this and it's very important uh he broke Alex serve I mean you know that's very very big cuz you know the guy who wins the lag has the advantage cuz he's going to get more breaks but now he equalized that by beating him on his break well they're playing winner they playing winner break or alterate break no alternate alternate break so that therefore you're 100% correct breaking the service is very important because they playing they're playing alternate break py Li surveying the situation walking around the table trying to figure out exactly where he wants to put the Q ball well I don't know what he can do looking at this bank I mean he has obstructions in the way uh and he would have to control the ball but it would be a combination bank and he would have to really really place that Q ball in the right spot to not sell out let's take a look at the bank I think that if he banks it and applies inside English he can go up here if he hits it softly enough I think that he can be able he will be able to pocket the ball and also duck at the same time providing that the speed of the shot lays right well as we know uh playing the safe part of the shot is the most important one in this spot because if he misses the ball and and and hides the Q ball real well that ball will be near the pocket missing it right he's better off hitting this ball thicker going into the cushion here may even go off of this ball this will give him more of an ability okay he went all after that all out after that bank and I don't know if I like doing that because what future did he have in terms of running balls right especially the way he hit it never shoot at one ball that could sell out a bunch to your opponent if it's a tough shot and you have to say that was kind of a tough shot he did sell out I mean he left the one in case that didn't go okay this is a very very big shot right now he has to be very careful on this shot here he doesn't sell out a return bank or straight in or straight in is right look where he's left the he lost control so therefore a couple suspect shots on Alex pagley Lions part he uh missed the combination and scratched ins the side in game number one giving Frost an opportunity to win an easy game and in game number two really mispositioning the Q Q ball and Frost at the table with a very easy shot so so this is something that you don't see pegy lion do often well tell me that combination looks close to 56 uh can you tell anything about it Billy I I I I believe it's favoring the Lower Side here but take a look at the red ball to the right of the pack he does have room to make it and uh there's a chance if he gets the right angle Danny that he's going to open up the pack there it looks like if able to hit the 11 the 11 will come out too after pocketing the the red B and that's where speed's import if he gets position I well he didn't he's he's going for that oh look at this he made a bank he created a bank here I believe but what Billy is saying if he gets on the three and if he hits at the right speed the Cubo goes forward knocks the 11 out next and uh anyway he didn't get that angle so we could forget about that if he can make the ball which I don't think he can he's not hitting any pile well it looks like he can make it because he's really not taking any time yeah FC can trying to decide if it's makeable or not it obviously was makeable that's the answer to that question now I think uh what would you do here are you going to just knock this ball to your pocket three rails and swing the qball around or you can't do that you don't have the angle to do that uh you know he can't swing the Q ball three rails excuse me the knock it to his pocket between the CU ball around and doing so you won't even yeah the speed would be off for the uh for the object ball what do you do he's going to reposition the C ball in the stack just like this at least he tried to do it and get it where it passes the pile for his pocket too that Ball's good for both of them in fact it probably stopped almost dead middle of the table okay the score is 4 to one in favor of frost in game number two Frost has a one- nothing lead in this race to three paggy lion wants to make sure that uh he doesn't start developing an uptable game he Trails by three balls four to one so he's going to have to shoot a shot that's not going to uh suggest that they're going to be playing an uptable game so therefore he would like to refreeze the Q ball in the stack by going off the uh the orange ball or he else he's kicking it the stack which I can't fault him for this either okay that's a good shot no that's a good shot he froze the uh froze the Cubo on the nine I don't think so he left the bank Billy he hit that ball a little too hard so that gives Scott the free shot at this bank if he hit it a little bit softer Scott should not have shot this shot get it yeah well I didn't see the bank right away so if well you're you're getting older you know it takes a while but when you do see uh the layout you do come up with the right shot percentage wise how's that little number here okay well I believe that he's going to have to kick across table underneath the pain ball that's his only uh real out here yeah he can't get the best of uh much here he can kick one rail out at it and try to make it too now after kicking uh favoring the bottom side of the pink it looks like he's going to leave Scott a kick into the stack and he's going to have more balls in front of his pocket right this shot now once again now he he did he he's guilty of the same thing he's been guilty of in the past in the recent pass he's allow Frost at the table with a simple shot so therefore whether he to he really off his game right now that's for sure uhoh that was really misplayed there he froz it himself to the pack almost okay that's a good shot he's leading six to one the shot that he just shot increases the chances of playing an uptable game from this point and that's exactly what Frost wants to do because he has a five ball Advantage at 6 to1 Alex wants to put him back in the pack put him back in the pack now that's not the right shot because now all balls go up table had he put him back in the pack then he could he he he couldn't shoot a shot that would uh that would help develop an uptable game see now that we're be playing an uptable game now which Alec losing 6 to1 doesn't need right so therefore the last time he was at the table he should have tried to reposition the QQ ball back in the pack not allowing Frost to do this to him but uh I don't think he really has his mind in this match on this game for some reason Danny uh he doesn't have one pocket on his mind right now because there's been several shots he shot that were kind of suspected well if you saw the pretty girl I saw him with you might understand why maybe he doesn't have his mind on this match Scott Frost has his mind on this match he's one of of four players or three or four players that does not have a loss and he's really in an advantageous position having the uh option or the luxury to buy back in in the event that he loses the match Jose per is another one Larry nebels another one I think there are three of them out of 12 left in the tournament that still hasn't used their option to buy back in pagy lon's trying to look for something offensive but uh nothing offensive out there no I don't I don't see any chance to uh do something to pocket a ball in his pocket he has to like you well I'm going tell you a shot that might be available I don't know if it is if I if if I could hit this to in some way whether it be this way I would try to hit that too bring that Q ball down so that where that circle is that's a perfect position before the QQ ball that's where he had to get because now he's trying to keep balls in play and with that shot that really increased his chances of keeping balls in play now if if if uh pagle lion could uh use a the pencil like we can up here he probably would draw something like this contacting these balls drifting over here repositioning the QQ ball over here that's about the best spot for him to be in considering the position of the balls right now and that way Frost can't do anything to play an uptable game excuse me I I drew I drew for the wrong side right but it's a similar type of shot but except he made a great kick on the two right a shot that I diagrammed the last time was at the table he was just one shot late on it you know what happens when you start playing the wrong pocket in the in the I do it for money too by the way oh yeah oh I don't but but the thing is We are following both players you know and figuring the right shot for both of them so we're really uh we have both of their pockets so we we get a little confused sometimes especially when you you uh discuss a shot with me can this is a good angle right here this will give us an idea of exactly what's available okay right away I can see the green ball is it's a is one of the right shots I'll have to look a little further for the next one he can Bank the green ball hopefully to the left of the black ball setting the Q ball maybe even behind the blue two ball that way that's a good shot maybe the Q ball will go in behind the blue ball well he didn't but he kept a little bit of a threat here he shot the speed where uh Scott has to do a defensive shot only I should never say that with him cuz he's liable to spin this six in one rail except he he doesn't need to gamble so I'm sure he's going to just kick knock it away okay that shot is okay but if he hits it hard enough which he's done and uh as a plus the six ball didn't hit the nine in doing so pagul liion cannot Bank the eightball it's no longer free but once again he has to make sure that he keeps keeps all balls play that's not the shot to do it right that's that's why we we try to we say that one pocket's like chest on a pool table your shot shows up sometimes a couple shots later and in that case he put the six where Alec could not shoot at his pocket that's what you look to try to do in one pocket little defense with offense well he's got he's got to be very careful here or else he's going to end up losing a ball or maybe even this game I try to do something with the black ball uh even though you can't make it I would try to put it close to his pocket and trying to reposition the Q ball somewhere in the area where the black ball is now well really I think he can make it but it's no percentage shot and he's going to sell out if he misses it no I'm talking about just crossing it and he doesn't sell out anything you know maybe he doesn't show me with the tell trator and I'm talking about Bing at this this way and reposition the cuq somewhere over here well I think he can do that especially this a that's a good way to play the black ball right there even you didn't know that shot well I'll tell you what I know it now and if it ever comes up and if it ever comes up you can bet your bottom dollar I won't recognize it I won't recognize it I'm having trouble find I'm I'm having trouble trying to figure out what happened there okay Danny you're a good straight pool player matter of fact better than good uh I like playing the eightball going along this way yeah exactly coming around possibly in this direction here yeah I like that too because it assures you of getting a shot if you try to fall on for instance uh if you try to fall on this ball you could snook yourself get nothing so I I think you overshoot it and get to the six that's what he did he's going to fall a little short but he has a shot at it he has a shot that's the sure way to get to another ball well he's got uh the uh 11 B the 11 I thought he had a chance to uh it would have been nice I'd like to ask you a question Mr debero yes sir when a person is colorblind are they color blind to all colors or just certain colors just uh like uh the shades of like pink red and orange and blue and green I see so that's all the colors down there right now well with the exception of yellow yellow I see real well but that but then I call the uh you know we have very great Lighting on this table and it makes the nine ball look more of a solid yellow you know and sometimes I think it's the one yeah I've often heard you uh call the nine as the one you know but let me tell you this you never heard me call the one the nine no because everything looks yellow well that's what I mean it's consistently wrong so uh anyway he's got the six now and uh he's getting back in the game from nowhere excellent shot Danny if he can just brush the the 11 ball he'll end up straight in but he couldn't but nevertheless he still has a shot little tougher shot than he wanted to end up with but still a shot he trails in this second game six to four and uh he's actually come from nowhere yeah I don't expect him to miss this and I could see him uh if he could kill it I don't know if he can kill it he might wind up with a cross on the nine let's see where the QQ ball stops oh look at this he fell on the nine real well very nicely executed matter of fact he has the ability if he can reach it to drag the qall across the table and get behind the 14 but he's going to have to do it with the bridge and then it's going to have then it's going to play a little more difficult yeah this is the advantage of being 6'2 you know like a bob ogor will reach this he doesn't need a bob can wreck him from the other side of the table even if you were 5'9 you could reach this he's only like 5'4 yeah but then I couldn't exaggerate he only needs a couple more inches to reach this fairly comfortably but those couple inches he needs He's just never going to get at least not now he's done growing you think and he strugg that very nicely now he's got another bank and he's got another bank and all of a sudden uh you know this match is tied up at this game I should say is tied up it's six balls a piece and and uh he going to bank two balls in a row with the bridge well he that wasn't Bank he banked that one short yeah and he needs to get that 14 a little closer to that side rail because if he doesn't he's going to give frost a bank cross corner now I don't know if this ball will go maybe it's real close from my vantage point to uh see at this at this distance I look at the player he shook his head I don't think it' goes I think it's too close to a kiss angle you see it he kissed it yes too close to kiss angle and that was a little lucky break for Alec yes it was yeah you're just stopping at well here's my shot again and eventually before this tournament is over someone's going to shoot it here yeah I I I don't see anything wrong with shooting that shot now I mean not a bad shot no one SHO ball is close enough to that bottom cushion to hit it reasonably well before this tournament's over I want someone to shoot that shot it's a great one pocket shot and if you practice it it's a powerful weapon now if Frost Ops the bank to 14 he may end up scratching off the orange ball so therefore he has to be pretty careful here you're right it is in that uh spot well he overcut it and uh he didn't hit five but it was there you know it was there he's just he's not going to do anything aggressive I guess you know I like aggressive shots like this he had a shot to double bank that and three rail the Q ball and that's really when you're mad at your backer No frost may go for this uh there's a possibility he may go for this or he just playing conservatively oh man he's lucky that didn't go oh he would have left Al a bank if that went and position Alex has to be careful here Danny because he can make a mistake very easily right here he has to be very careful on this shot he's trying to kick behind it I think no he was trying to kick B but he didn't get under it enough no from where he was that was an awfully difficult shot to execute well Scott made a face again like he got a bad roll because the ball stopped where maybe he's going to Danger iously close to the well when you consider how poorly Alex hit that particular back kick shot I think Frost uh wasn't oh my was entitled to something a little bit better than what he received baggy line at the table I go ahead for the bank here because the two balls positioned at the other end of the table and it's blocking the uh the pocket in case Alex goes around there with the QQ ball I go for this bank and I look for him to hit it well yeah and Billy's talking about really twirling the heck out of this ball to hit it thin and make it in your pocket and uh and he didn't hit it nearly thin enough but see the two over there that made it a little safer to shoot and he did have good speed where Scott only has a defensive shot now it looks like Scott's going to use the bottom cushion to contact the 14 from behind sending it one cushion up table preferably on his side of the table that's what I was going to say not just up table but on his side if you have no shot in one pocket get a ball on your side even if it's at the far end of the table so he's got to kick this one rail and put it on his side something like that very nicely executed good shot good shot okay let's see uh if he has a shot on the orange ball here one cushion maybe make a like a close scratch and plus it's going to be difficult to control both the orange and the QQ ball I like him backing the 14 this is a safe very safe shot because both balls will then end up on his side of the table watch when the shots over both balls end up on his side of table that was snook yeah good shot well I don't think he snooker him yeah he did no he can Bank it on his side can yeah yeah it was close if he snookered him that would have been a real real big uh Advantage for Alli and he needs a big Advantage because he's losing one- nothing in games and this is 66 now once again Alex has to be very careful notice how Scott repositioned the CUO very close to that botom cushion so therefore Alex had to be real careful he's going to give him a free shot on something here possibly no I don't think that he's that he's done that no he hasn't I mean you going after this Bank cross corner is not really that bad of a shot no he he want to mess with CU he didn't you know he figured he might leave Alec a better Bank well he did leave Alex a bank he did yeah he did leave Al he hit the ball hard enough and you know what this Ball's LEL to go for position on the five somewhere a bank or behind it or something I don't think he can get it behind the five unless he elevates and in doing so he'll actually diminish the accuracy of the shot somewhat he's better off leveling off going two cushions with the Q ball in front of the five if he makes it he may have another bank on the five well he he almost went behind it Billy yep but he did have a shot yeah he needed to cut the ball a little more wish would you know yeah well he's just going to one more time try to knock it on the side but this time don't leave him the bank which he did he made sure of see he shot that a little bit harder and it got near that rail the other shot he didn't hit hard enough and left the bank now he's really got to be careful here because this shot is a very difficult shot to execute if he has his mindset on coming off the 13 there you know a lot of things that can go wrong for him or against him I should say if he uses the 13 to come off with yeah I really uh I really think he's in a spot I think I well you you got to be careful because if you stick there you can leave a bank on that other ball he's going to just try to congest everything and get out of the inning and not leave anything okay that was a that was a wise shot I I looked at that shot but I said he has to hit that really well which he did Frost is repositioning the uh orange ball on his side of the table well he's going to Fan this down towards the orange ball and come back to maybe somewhere where he is now I believe I don't see anything aggressive you know cut the ball to the five and put the CUO where it is now he banked it on his side I don't know about this he has a three believe it or not I don't know if he's going to shoot it but he sure has it now he's going to cut the ball in but I thought he had a three these these tables roll long because it's dry and new clock I think he had a three well three goes to Alex's pocket well then you don't want to shoot that no and I guarantee you sooner or later you're going to shoot in your in your opponent's pocket too I can see that oh I did that once in the tournament with Willie mson in Tampa yeah uh I shot the ball in his pocket and you know the story about FS you know he's playing a guy and the guy shoots the ball in his pocket and starts running five balls in fatz's pocket and then on the sixth one the guy had a real tough shot fat says hold it hold it you don't play good enough I'll shoot this one that's funny but how do you how do you uh treat that I don't think no it's really uh if you catch that he has shot indeed in the wrong first of all the first one you shoot the inning's over for you but if somehow you sleep it and you shoot a few more you got to be able to remember where the balls were and place them back you do that's that's that's the uh logical thing you would do and that's what I would do either for me or the player I was playing watch out he made that two three that I've been asking someone to shoot you're right and he hit it good yeah but he had too much spin on the object ball when it when it hit the second cushion that's why I didn't go toward the pocket that shot has has to be executed with a little softer speed allowing the spin to leave the ball before hitting that second question Scott has that shot that I keep calling for someone to shoot this is a it LS very difficult here well I know but you're a top player and come down that way he's not someone will shoot that before this tournament's over Billy out I'll bet you breakfast well Danny you're just trying to get breakfast back from me okay why don't you just Billy why don't you do me a favor since I owe you a breakfast why don't you just give me one I'm trying to make some uh in interest this a gambling tournament I want to bet High well then show a little gamble then quit begging for breakfast let better an omel let it's in uh-huh okay all of a sudden P pagul liion needs only one ball in a in a game where we thought he was out of it in Florida in Florida you can shoot this shot four rails 1 2 3 four five it's only in Florida though because it's wet well then you drew it wrong I did draw it wrong two three four and in and there yeah pass the right that shot goes in on wet days you know you want to feel the cloth and you feel a little clammy that is a playable shot you can't play it in Vegas it may even come up short off the fourth cushion that's right in Miami it I've seen it come five cushions go back to the other guy uhhuh yeah but it's a shootable shot in wet conditions just put it in your calendar guys out there and it's a big shot okay if this ball was missed it has to be missed exactly the way he missed it but it's not a good idea to miss it in any way he's left frost a shot on the 10 ball to win this second game yeah see you pack your line hit that way too hard he was supposed to miss it by over cutting it if he was going to miss it but the speed of the shot that's where he made his error missed fros missed it he had an excellent opportunity you see the Q ball naturally went to there you know position on the five and and Alex is swinging his fist think he's pumping himself up this is another shot that he has to be careful with because if he misses this one he's going to he's going to give him a return back as well so therefore what do you do you hit it with the speed that you don't give a return back and just concentrate on pocketing the ball oh you got to cinch it I know it's a tough shot and like you said he got the best of that role uh that ball could very easily joggled in the pocket and uh gone a little Upstream for an easy Bank he can only two rail it on his side now that's but it's important for frost to keep the Q ball near a cushion yeah because this is a bankable ball thin as it looks it's not as thin as it is and you can Bank this ball but you're losing to I would yeah exactly I would not attempt to bank this ball because he hasn't hit it so thin that the QQ ball is going to go around the table and maybe sell out another bank so I would try to just Frost the 10 on my side plus uh he well I don't know he might leave a two here no that was a bad shot you're right he's supposed to cross that on his side he left the two here and I expect him to hit this pretty good look how shorty it went well I was right again see Alec really doesn't he you know he needs to play real hard here he got in this match if he can win this game but if he doesn't win he's in lots of trouble well that that's a pretty good shot that's a pretty good shot now uh Frost has nothing to do other than to play a nice simple safety he has a bank Billy well it's not I don't think it's free it's not a hanger but it's a it's not free either cuz cball going to go into the orange ball looks like and something crazy is allow to happen here you see what I mean about see it's not free something crazy is allow to happen but excuse me you see how thin he hit it because I said a great thing a little while ago it's not as thin a hit as it looks and that's what happened there he over he over hit it I mean as far as just you know cutting it he missed that one too he missed it badly too so L you know and the reason he missed it badly is because he had hadn't really made up his mind to shoot it it because of the position of the 10 he knows that if he misses that ball scra can win this game he he was too quick to shoot that ball he should have made up his mind that that was the correct shot and hit it like it was the correct shot right and play position for the 14 a little better and uh no he only needs one ball who Alex yes Alex Oh Frost needs no Alex needs one ball Danny you got to be you know yeah he needs one ball okay I thought it was the other way around you're right yeah I thought Alex the one who needed both and I think we're going to have a two nothing score here and we do taggy lion had three opportunities to Pocket game ball and he didn't make good with any of them in a couple of those opportunities he was definitely clearly a favorite at least in my mind but that's game number two Frost wins the first two games of this very important match and leads to Zippo pagy lion very very disgruntled in his chair making all kind of uh crazy gestures like what's happening I what am I doing I don't know uh so well well I I don't think he's going to come back because his mind is now drifted further away from this game I agree with you Billy and uh you know he's been staying up and making games and stuff so he could be a little tired well anyway he looks like he's about 16 years old Alex you know in the old days if someone that looked like Alex came in P him wouldn't you have played him that's a great shot if the if the 10 ball doesn't come down the foil this uh this uh it foiled it well that was a great shot especially when you consider how nicely he controlled the Q ball I can run if he can if he can cut in the brown ball the seven ball I don't think he can hit it but if he could hit it from this position and go into the pack the 10 ball is there as a nice follow-up ball that's a straight pool shot B you said you don't know how to play straight pool but that is a straight pool shot if he could have hit the other Ball but really he can go to the one he can go to the 14 here that's what I like going to I think you you can go right to the 14 and then you automatic carry an angle from the 14 to the one that's what he did hit it low he he came 50 yd line he came up a little too thin on the 14 but the angle that he's left himself with here on the one suggest to me if he's able to put down the one he'll break some balls loose from the pack air and may have an opportunity to uh to run out yeah and he doesn't have to hit it hard to break balls loose he figures if he shoots this one he figures the have the 11 next and without hitting it hard just you know finesse it in I think you're going to just have the 11 next he's got the 11 next that's all he's got too I think he's got the 11 don't you yeah I he has the 11 the Q ball suggest to me that on the angle that it's on the 11 that's going toward the green and white stripe ball the 14 after pocketing the 11 he would like to draw it but if he draws it away from the 14 that side pockets there and I don't think he wants to run the risk of scratching in the side well when he makes the 11 does the six go by you know if he can miss the 14 I he might hit the right speed with a little reverse and go one rail to the six maybe the rail and then hit the 14 that's the shot okay yeah yeah he was able to miss the 14 now he's gone by the six better go because the uh 13 uh the 12 ball the pink and white ball would have gone had he not gone cross table this far I don't understand it he looked like he played for the six and now he's kicking the floor and he's not happy it must not pass well we can we can tell on the monitor if you'll give me the telestrator pen which you have ripped tightly in your hand this is the six and this is the pocket does it go into this pocket I don't think so I think this ball is in the way he he was playing for the 12 ball the pink and white stripe ball and he's gone too far uh on the other side of the table he's got to be careful here because um that nine ball is almost in the Jaws there and he and he's going to have a problem uh he's going to also have a problem moving the nine without selling out a shot well tell me this if if the six doesn't go apparently it doesn't because he's like really having a little seizure there how about the combination I like combination 6 I like the 6 no 612 combination that's the 12 yeah that's 12 612 this here is tough to shoot okay he was able to control the QQ ball nicely there since he did that so effortlessly I like that shot yeah well he he's protected his lead four nothing yes he's a little hot because he wants to win quick right now and get in this match you know and really I I thought he'd make a few more balls than that okay he wants to play like a half up table game uh he has a 4- nothing lead so he wants to put about five or six balls up table you know that would suffice with a 4 nothing lead so he'll start doing that now that is I don't know about that shot I didn't like that shot I didn't like that shot I just didn't like it that's all because he knocked the ball away from his side of the table you know and he's allow Frost at the table to do something offensively you know he could make this six ball that's why I didn't like it okay that could be the only reason cuz he did put the other ball where it goes for him but like you say he's head for nothing don't give a dangerous guy like Scott Frost any chance to get in the game okay what I like here is just a simple shot soon as I get this telestrator working on the nine ball soon okay people with the telestrator that thank you just cross the nine on this side of the table repositioning the Q ball somewhere down there that's what I like here put that ball on your side of the table just do something simple that's all and uh I would like if I were he to reposition the Q ball to where it wouldn't give him a bank on the pink ball it would give him a bank on the get down there get a little further down you might give him a bank on that pink ball you don't want to give him the bank on the pink well he didn't he cuz he the way he has to shoot it he'd be playing position for Alex if he shoots this there's no angle to like glance I don't know he might be able to shoot the six now he he doesn't really like his shot and he really doesn't want to play knock the balls Upstream CU he's the one trailing that's the strength of a playing the score you know the shot changed if you're winning for nothing or losing for nothing anytime you get way ahead in the game and you don't have anything to shoot at knock the balls Upstream make it tougher for your opponent to run out now he has to make sure that he gets back down table shooting this shot and sometimes you fall short of it so therefore if you shoot this shot you want to make sure if you shoot this shot you want to make sure that these guys that are operating the Tator are falling asleep on the wheel here that's it if you shoot this shot you want to make sure that you get down table like so like which he's done he pocketed the six that's going to spot behind the three and third no it went out wait that was the seven ball well about by the end of the tournament I'll get used to the colors I think that I think it'll be better if you move over just a slight bit I'll move over along with you and it'll give us a little better that's it there we go okay four to nothing pag at Line Game number three Frost two nothing in games that's a nice hit if it's anything goes yeah how about if it leaves the bank which it did and once again he has to be fairly careful here even though you have to be careful leading for nothing you do have to shoot this yeah now you know Kenny does he have the ability to shoot it like this here back and then draw the cuq ball in toward his position right here I think he could stop right there I think he could shoot and stop for position on the two I think it sits perfect just hit it and stop right there that's what he did he missed the ball and it came over on his side oh my god oh from looking like the favorite all of a sudden things look a little I think what Frost needs to do is he needs to play position for these balls here I'm sure he knows that that's too hard is it too hard no is it too hard a trifle a trifle but he's that's not going to stop him from shooting the trouble is all those balls near the spot don't go in his pocket he has a possible combination if he fell just right he made the ball and he's going three rails to the combination look at this what a great shot effortlessly okay now he's got to be careful here if he shoots the combination he better make sure that he Pockets it because he's not going to get another shot unless he goes forward and he's got the bank he's got the bank on the 13 or the five I think the 13 he didn't make it he did not make it okay now the score is four to three I banked the red ball here no question of about it I would definitely Bank the red ball here dragging the Q ball up table you you're going to put Frost in a lot of trouble here yeah he cannot do anything with the uh 13 ball because that five uh even though it's close to Alex's pocket it's as good for uh Frost and you're right just go ahead hit the cuum a little low avoid the corner don't scratch in that far corner and he made it okay now he'll probably shoot the five that's go close to the pocket no he would like to shoot the 14 but the five was so close to the pocket I look for him to shoot the five here I really don't I think he's shooting the uh 14 I think he's he looked at those other two balls too but he I think he's got to shoot the 14 well if he doesn't shoot the 14 he's going to shoot the 12 I mean it doesn't shoot the five it's you're going to shoot the 12 yeah the 12 has a chance to go safe now watch the Q ball here two kushes in the corners available with the possibility of a scratch one two in the corner what okay was he was able to stay away from it good shot now he might be going on the other side of the eight maybe loses marker with the eight yeah he got a little funny okay he does have six balls he only needs two so therefore if he's made up his mind to shoot the eight what he really needs to do is focus and concentrate on pocketing the eight and not be guilty of of what he did the last game this is not free that's why I like the 14 that you know it's a little tougher shot but it's a little easier position but when you shoot this straight it doesn't matter he really sold out he really show you know he he got himself in a little problem that he shot out of but I would have shot the 14 that's game number three it finally goes on pagy Lion side as the first two did not and he trails in the match two games to one Frost will be at the table opening balls up in game number four now keep in mind this will be the last opportunity Frost will have to break the ball right so therefore he must make good with his break or he'll be looking at hill hill with pagul breaking yeah that would make uh besides winning the game when you're too down and tying it it's also your break so psychologically uh he's a big favorite if he can break Frost serve a lot of pressure I think more pressure is on Frost this game than on pagul line because Frost realizes that he must hold service here or else he'll be at a distinct disadvantage not only with pegine breaking the balls but with momentum on pagalon side as well and how about pagalon packs his bags and he's out and uh Frost isn't well that figures to be what happens but uh you never can tell you never can tell but what you but what you meant when you said that is that Frost has the option to buy back in right now uh it wasn't a great break you know it isn't like uh Alex in a big trap he you know he's not looking to spin this in is he he jumped like he was you got to kick lightly at the uh 13 ball don't you I don't know that the uh 12 that that's a 13 oh I'm right kick lightly at that you're not going to leave a bank well he's going to try to bank it on his side and put him in the pile with no shot oh I didn't like that at all no he didn't really oh my Alex I definitely feel that you uh misplayed that shot I mean I mean badly well he hit something he didn't figure to hit he didn't want to hit but there was no reason to do that there was no reason to do that you know the shot just carried a simple safe nothing real good for you get out of the inning kind of thing instead he put a few more balls closer to Scott Frost pocket well it looks like that he almost lost the game with that shot maybe not right away but uh you know inevitably lost the game I think he's got to kick it in I don't like this I think he's got to kick it one rail see what I mean he should have kicked it the long way and try to make the ball and he may have got out of the inning and now he'll play Ra first soft with ra first playing position for the 13 in the same pocket and maybe even have a bank maybe even end up with a bank on the 12 numbering number first softly number good shot now he can get to the three easy enough there's not a whole bunch that go but he can get to the three and then he can play position for the bank on the uh 12 ball right right now he's to stroke this very softly repositioning the ball yeah near the cushion closer to the rail the easier to shot is he got ideal and uh I don't know what happens after this he certainly has a good move if if if he banks this ball and makes it which he did I I if he could have shot a little harder he could have gotten if he could have gotten line with these three he could have knocked these right to the pocket and stuck there oh he had a dead one that's better than that's even better yeah I would say right even better yeah a little a tad better Tad better he's uh leading five to minus one and he's playing pretty offensive right there Danny I think that's a mistake yeah for him to be playing that offensive leading five to minus one yeah you're right yeah you don't take any chance to give you know we're we're not talking about U class D players we're talking about the best in the world don't give them a chance or they'll hurt you I don't think he has a real good offensive shot but uh it could have been you know Scott took a little liberty there where he didn't have to like you say leading five to minus one pagy liion would like to do something offensive but maybe it's just not there uh what is there I do believe if I can find a telestrator must be in Danny's hand again this it is it's all sweaty anyways I don't sweat anyway he does have a two cushion on the on the green ball okay drawing the Q ball back to this area right here that is available if he uh if he sees it I just want to say I'm I'm not a pencil hog I mean I just want to make sure we know where it is because it's dark up here and we've lost it a few times what a hit oh God what a hit that was oh little harder very good hit and a good hit of pirate about it as he left Scott Frost nothing well if I'm going to shoot this shot I'm going to shoot this shot in this fashion I'm going to hit the six Ball Deep here into there and up there repositioning the Q ball this way yeah that's a good that's what I want to do if I shoot the green ball he's playing the four off the ball straight pull shot and he's won the match with that shot he only needs two balls he has the 14 and then after the 14 he'll probably have the 12 well if he soft draws it he'll have the ball he's hitting but he's not soft drawing it oh he has it yeah and now he has a 10 ball for match ball and uh it looks like that Frost is going to advance in the tournament and he's still going to have that option to buy back in left and that's awfully awfully beneficial for the players to keep that option well he played we'll put say good enough to win but Alec was not Alec today Alex had a little bit off night would you agree oh y absolutely Alex didn't play his game you know it was subpar performance by pagul liion and he'll be the first to admit it I saw pagy an hour or so before this match began and he just wasn't himself I saw him out in the corridor he wasn't himself uh he seems like he's a little frustrated with with other things and I knew going into this match that he was going to have problems and that's exactly what he did right he usually gets up there and has fun and plays to the crowd but he was kind of a moody today like you are in the morning you know and we're doing an early match okay I think Scott Frost wants to know if we're going to be doing an interview if we're going to be doing an interview why don't someone get him because we haven't interviewed him okay we're going to be doing yeah we're going to be doing an interview with Scott Frost and uh he's going to make his way up to the booth in a moment and in a moment we'll be back with uh scottt okay Scott Frost has made his way up to the booth Scott congratulations in your match against uh pegion and I know you play pegion quite a bit so you feel quite comfortable playing him don't you yeah quite a bit we've played a lot this week so I figured it was his turn you figured it was his turn is that the way you figure things I was a little bit nervous obviously okay going into this match there were 12 players left in the tournament you are one of three without a loss and that has to make you feel pretty good coming into this this Junction of the tournament without a loss absolutely now for sure now that you got by Alex what a bad that's you know that's how you got to win tournaments absolutely you know win the matches you play Bad in right you know and that that's big well I don't are you implying that Scott played bad in this match I don't think I'm saying that Alex didn't play his speed and um Scott won the match not playing bad not playing bad you know it's like what I always say about pitching and hitting they say wow the guy pitched a great game and then they say the other team's not hitting at all what was it you know you played well enough to win and it's it's a w you know in a big spot in the tournament and you got rid of a what callon Nemesis you gamble with him all the time correct and you knew was going to be a tough match and you're relieved to get by him you might play better right well anyways I thought you played pretty good in the match you're one of three players I believe still left without a loss I don't know how Neville did or perika they were playing at the same time you were but this is the first time that you've played in this tournament that you have got gotten this far is that correct correct and how do you feel about that I feel real good I'm starting to play tournaments a lot more and I'm getting used to the pressure it's a lot different than gambling so uh I'm really proud of myself and I won't be happy unless I win this tournament so therefore what you're what you're saying is that you haven't really fared well in tournaments you're more of a gambler I used to be okay well that's also past tense that's also why he didn't win the tournaments because he would stay up all night and gaming wore out absolutely right so now he is resting and aiming at the tournament well you know why he doesn't gamble that much anymore because people know how well he plays and he can't get real good games like he used to so therefore rather than take a bad game he's going to bed in other words so what he's saying is I really don't Gamble and also he's dealt with you so that helped to quit well you know I mean uh you know hopefully he's learned something from playing me you know I'm not talking about on the table I'm talking about you know you know moving around a little bit you know stuff like that I've learned a lot from you Billy well thank you very much I think I believe that's a compliment was that for sure okay for okay anyways I like the way you're playing Scott and I have been liking I have been liking the way you're playing in the last couple years it just seems like you taken you a little bit longer to show the people out there your skills but of course you're just starting to get more comfortable playing in tournaments correct yeah now of the players left in the tournament in this tournament uh what what particular player are do you fear most I know you played jiner and I know you've played Pera those are two of the favorites out there on the floor to be honest with you I'm pretty feared of Neville because in tournaments he seems real powerful and uh very offensive and he does well in tournaments he's a tournament player I would love to play Pik or join her in the finals because like you say I've been used to playing them before but Neville just seems to be real strong in the tournaments he's done well in the US Open one Pockets a couple times and uh that's about it well that was kind of a surprise answer I thought it was you know I thought you would have picked Joo or per but to hear you say Neville that was a surprise to me I'm not trying to downplay Neville's player by any means I know he's a strong player and I know he does well in tournaments like Danny mentioned he never loses a tournament a nineball tournament in Milwaukee right and that's great great practice you know if you can win win win win win you're accustomed to winning regards of where the tournament is right so uh that's interesting anyways it's very interesting because the the other two players uh are rated over Neville you know but he has this uh little extra fear of Neville because Neville is so successful in tourament I feel the question was who I would be most comfortable playing and it would definitely be Jose or Cliff um I haven't experienced Larry and I know he's strong in tournaments so I think I'd be more uncomfortable playing him okay well you answer the question anyways I'm certainly sure none of the three players will be would feel that comfortable playing you as well as you're playing right now so once again appreciate that once again uh Scott congratulations in your win here against P lion you've eliminated him from the tournament even though he's kind of a friend of yours he had to go right good shooting and congratulations for me I appreciate it guys and good luck for the remainder of the tournament Scott I really appreciate it okay Danny we're going to close it up here if you unless you have something to add no that that's it that's okay in behalf of Danny dberto this is Bill and cardono saying thanks a lot for viewing this tape and supporting eekat if you're by a phone give a call 800 8283 [Music] 97 [Applause] [Music] la [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah

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