"Marriage extremely rocky & volatile" REAL reason for Prince Harry's lads trip WITHOUT Meghan Markle

Published: Sep 11, 2024 Duration: 00:17:42 Category: News & Politics

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think it implies that exactly what we have all been hearing that things are very Rocky and Harry's really delighted to get up from under her thumb oh and I gather that he's under nothing else but her thumb at this point so that is Lady Colin Campbell is with me as we learn that Prince Harry is going to celebrate his 40th birthday not by going on a romantic holiday with the woman he claims to love so much Megan Markle or with his invisible children but rather he will set off on a lad's holiday to celebrate his 40th birthday with Megan back at home according to the Daily Mail and no sign of William 10 years after the brothers party together for his 30th now of course lady C great to see you by the way of course Harry decided who revealed this in People magazine in an email to People magazine so we now know and we'll come to this later we now know that he is the source for all of the stories that appear in this magazine we knew Anyway come on Megan's been giving them stories for about five six years now but still bizarre thing to do but what do you make of the fact that he's decided to go off on a lad's holiday it doesn't exactly suggest that things are Rosy on the home front does it well Dan I hate to be obstructive and disruptive but it could actually imply that they are so happy and solidly married that he can actually go off on his own it could imply that I don't think it does but it could imply that I think it implies that exactly what we have all been hearing that things are very Rocky and Harry's really delighted to get up from under her thumb oh and I gather that he's under nothing else but her thumb at this point [Laughter] so and may I say it will be interesting if he and Orlando Bloom are together because you know Orlando Bloom had a tend y to display that which God gave him oh yes God was rather more generous with Orlando than he was with Harry oh goodness okay uh let me tell you what according to Taz our friend the Royal YouTuber had to say on this ladyc she she said sorry but I do not believe that this is normal behavior Harry going on a lad's holiday for his 40th obviously only with Megan approved friend seriously who would go away without their wife and children to celebrate their birthday he's 40 not 21 so she's leaning towards suggesting that this means things aren't exactly going well well you know Dan we've all heard that things are extremely Rocky and volatile but I was simply proposing the alternative as a hypothesis I don't actually as I said believe that that was the case I think Taz is most likely absolutely right or Harry's most likely delighted to get a break from being on that thumb and who can blame him but I mean you know of course he's going with the lads which again Harry used to be somebody who liked being with the lads and I think it's actually a very positive sign from his point of view because it shows that he's no longer attached at the hip but if you believe lady C this email that Prince Harry sent to People magazine in fact he's the happiest he's ever been so in case you didn't read uh these screeds of uh platitudes at home let me take you through it uh Prince Harry has emailed People magazine to say that the greatest gift of all is his family his children specifically he says he says I enjoy watching them grow every single day and I love being their dad uh he also goes on to say that he increased their security and this is according to a friend a friend but remember we now know that Harry is directly emailing People magazine and the friend says Harry has been reluctant to show his children publicly not out of a desire to keep them hidden but to protect their privacy and safety from potential threats he wants them to lead as normal life as possible without the fear of kidnapping or harm and the friend added as a dad and husband Harry is determined to ensure that history doesn't repeat itself so lady see loads to pick up on there loads to decode but firstly what do you make of the fact that he's actually emailing People magazine now with quotes direct that he is allow ing them to publish isn't that bizarre well again Dan Al say you and I have both known for some time that Harry's a publicity junkie and he absolutely loves it you know and uh his pretend to the contrary was something that people believed at first but people like us have known for some time that he absolutely just loves the attention and you only need to see him when he's without Megan on his own he absolutely ble beams with delight when he sees a camera and then sometimes he remembers he should be glowering and so he then puts on the glower face but so that's you know right there I mean he's an arch hypocrite and it couldn't be more obvious where that's concerned yeah true and then do you believe uh what he has to say in this article because it's an interesting one isn't it to write an article to a magazine or give a statement to a magazine which means you know they are going to put your children at the center of the coverage while at the same time saying that you're doing everything to protect the privacy of your children that doesn't exactly add up does it well nothing with them ever adds up fact of the matter is that you know a very happy couple and a very happy person would not be asserting so so firmly how happy he is I do think that he's absolutely right when he says that his children are the center of his life and that they have given him a purpose in life I think that's absolutely true I would have said that you know as for guilding the rest of the Lily that he's so happy my understanding is he's not so happy uh you know the marriage is extremely Rocky and very volatile and and you know nobody likes being on somebody's heel the way he is at all times onto hers but I will say as somebody who's who's children were threatened with being kidnapped as well uh this was in the early 2000s uh and I had to get Scotland Yard involved wow you know it's it's to say that if that if the children are not photographed that they're somewhat safer that's utter rubbish because a kidnapper would Target the children and would be very easily able to see what the children look like just by following them from home to school on a daily basis so right there that doesn't add up and it certainly doesn't add up to people who've who've had their children being threatened with kidnapping as I had with mine when they were younger so it doesn't make sense but everything that Harry and Megan do somehow doesn't quite matter and they sort of push out these narratives and come up with these excuses to justify their conduct but if you actually know what's really going on none of it makes sense so that again I thought was was just ridiculous at least to me because I've been there and done that and I know the kidnappers already it's very easy for a kidnapper to find out which specific child they're going to kidnap I mean you know they don't go and kidnap the neighbor's child it's ludicrous I mean he may be stupid but not of everybody's as stupid as he is but first digestive issues are caused by potential toxin that's in all of the quote healthy foods that scientists have been telling us to eat with a fraudulent food pyramid for the longest time and this potential toxin causes digestive issues according to Dr gundry a world-renown cardiologist this is affecting millions of people Nationwide warning signs include weight gain and fatigue digestive discomfort and stiff joints even skin problems well Dr gundry explains the side effects can be manipulated and mistaken for normal signs of aging because digestive issues develop usually over a matter of years and sometimes even decades I can assure you that the damage is probably caused by these health foods and it's far from normal the good news is you can easily help fix the problem from your own home it's very simple you just have to know which foods are actually healthy and which contain this hidden hidden potential toxin so you can go find this yourself at gut cleans protocol.com outspoken that's gut cleans protocol.com outspoken I've put the link in our show notes on YouTube and Rumble too because after years of research Dr gundry has decided to release an informative video to the public free and uninterrupted showcasing exactly which foods you need to avoid go find that video at gut cleans protocol.com outspoken or click on the link in the description below but now back to the show no indeed indeed now look I want to talk to you about the big other story of the week involving the sussexes which was over this reemergence in public at the local monito bookstore with Oprah Winfrey so everyone was thinking oh this is odd because Oprah had distanced herself from Harry and Megan maybe they're back being friends again but now I fascinating video has emerged lady C which I want to play you which shows Oprah actually arriving in the middle of Megan's speech Megan looks Furious that Oprah has stolen her Thunder and Oprah doesn't exactly look delighted to see The Duchess of Sussex so let's have a look and I'll get you to react off the back safety of what I was craving I knew I could find in a bookstore I get the book go to check out place it there at the counter I what I so let's just look at it one more time because I know it was quite quick and there's a few subtleties there so here's here's one other look at ity of what I was craving I knew I could find in a bookstore get the book go to check out place it there at the counter I sa now she wasn't happy was she lady SE because surely that would have been a moment for her to stop and say w W whoa look who's just arrived Oprah Winfrey the woman behind the legendary book club the woman who told my story to the world but instead it was just like a glare and how dare you interrupt my moment and steal the attention from me yes because of course she would not have expected Oprah to do something quite so hostile and unprofessional I mean that's rarely very unprofessional of Oprah as you know only too well that I mean you would never do that to it felt deliberate though didn't it what well it felt deliberate exactly I think I think that Oprah's giv a dual message on the you know on the one hand she's in the same room as Megan and on the other hand she's giving the message that well you know maybe everything isn't quite as hunky dory in the land of never Never Land as Megan would like people to believe it is I think it's it's very subtle and I mean there's absolutely no way that this would have happened if it hadn't been deliberate and it's a real put down and I actually don't blame Megan for being raw the cheesed St where I do think that she has let herself down is had she been a little bit more professional or a little bit had a bit more Pres of mango shall we see a bit more sophistication she'd have covered it as indeed you suggested she should oh look who's arrived oh isn't it wonderful come to hear me speak I mean she could have spun it even in that direction but she didn't no and I completely agree it was rude of Oprah because the the thing you would do if you late to an event like that you would wait you would wait until she had finished speaking and then you would enter so the whole thing was very awkward but you saw the POS pictures here there's photos of Harry with uh Porche d ross or that's Megan hugging por Ross Allen to generous' wife but you didn't see posed up pictures of Megan and Harry with opra so I think something still is going on there uh certainly there is a frosty relationship these days but let see can I move on to my favorite Royal moment of the week because this bind my two countries so I loved it so the black ferns are a the New Zealand female rugby team there are a great bunch of girls and they were at a Buckingham Palace reception with King Charles and they wanted the monar to have his first ever group hug this was done I think very respectfully and the King loved it watch [Music] [Applause] you we you like and he actually spoke about it after [Music] twoo I much appreciated this chance to meet you and um to have such a warm H from [Music] wasn't it great wasn't it great please tell me you loved it I loved every minute of it Dan and of course it was with New Zealand yes you know the king is very warm and the King has a very easygoing way with him when when people are positive and I mean this has come across I mean the late Queen would never have done something like that because of course she was a different sort of personality but he he's very warm and affectionate and he's very warm and affectionate in his private life and it's coming across in his public life as well that he really is warm I thought it was beautiful and the fact that it had something to do with New Zealand I wonder if it had anything to do with you naughty damn boy well well all all I would say is that it's the best of kiwi downto Earth nature there's something about new zealanders that are very friendly we don't really do the whole Authority thing and so I loved seeing the combination because obviously I'm a jeel citizen a jeel British and New Zealand citizen but I'm a major monarchist and so I loved it I absolutely loved it thank you so much for watching Dan won outspoken please do subscribe if you want lots more clips and interviews like that plus if you want to watch our totally uncensored after show then visit www. outspoken dolive

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