"Something isn't right!" Jim Davidson slams "dictator" PM Keir Starmer for failure to stop the boats

Published: Sep 12, 2024 Duration: 00:16:52 Category: News & Politics

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we might as well be a fing dictatorship it is a betrayal of people workingclass people old people who have paid into the system all of their fing lives and they're now at their most vulnerable do you MPS know it's wrong you know we know it's wrong anyone who votes for this or abstains is a coward and that will be your lasting Legacy among the voters now so many of us are just fed up we are completely fed up after just weeks with what we see as a government that is not only failing in its promises not only not there for us but also acting in such an authoritarian Manner and thank God for Jim Davidson my friend the politically active comedian who I think has becoming a spokesperson for the silence majority he's another one who isn't in the mainstream media he has his own platform you stream and he has accused two teer care slippery starm of running a dictatorship watch well first of all I'm a pensioner and I think I got 200 quid once for uh for fuel um it I don't know if I got any after that but I didn't need it so why send it to me I'm probably thinking that if they do a means test which they've got to do now they said the poorest pensioners can have it it but the rich ones can't it's going to cost them more to do the means test oh I have to have an inquiry and a judge comes in and parties MPS from all parties are getting the UMP but instead of voting against this silly bill 50 labor MPS are apparently going to abstain what what they're too scared to say oh sorry we don't agree we think this is bollocks no no no you know why they've been threatened they'll have the whip removed no this is supposed to be a democracy in it should I think the whip is your right to vote so you can't vote so you might as well just go to the calf and still get your money right and they don't really care the labor party don't care about taking the whip away from 50 people because they've got such a big majority so surely we should be removing this so-called whip if an MP has committed a serious disciplinary issue shouldn't we or or just use that as an everyday method of stopping unease amongst the ranks it's okay unless you vote for us you're going to have your whip removed don't you worry about that it's piss poal in it we might as well be a dictatorship it is a betrayal of people working class people all people who have paid into the system all of their fing lives and they're now at their most vulnerable do you MPS know it's wrong you know we know it's wrong anyone who votes for this or abstains is a coward and that will be your lasting Legacy among the voters well first of all and it will be actually because these were MPS that were literally holding up signs when they were going around canvas scene saying that they would not withdraw the winter fuel allowance for pensioners but Chris Davies are we now living in starma dictatorship is Jim Davidson right he's 100% right no question about it um starma is attempted well has done what Harris is attempting to do in the US which is to appear cist knowing that a radical left agenda was on the way thereafter and it's always been the case Dan that when the right is in office the left takes over the left is in power and what the left is most focused on now is retaining control is retaining power and the only way they know how to do it is through authoritarian and indeed totalitarian means so Jim's got it on the money people may find his vernacular and he slightly blue language offensive I don't it doesn't bother me in the slightest he says what he sees and that's what you have to admire about Jim and we need more people like him to stand up you know we've had we can have the discussion about Calvin going off to the US and everything else and saying we need more freedom Forin Robinson absolutely uh to to to stand up and he's right we need more people we need brave people and Independent Media as you highlighted earlier on is the platform for to do it on don't try and do it on the mainstream media because you're last about 15 seconds well indeed indeed because Charlie Sanson I used to have Jim Davidson on with me every single week on my GB news show it was one of the most popular and toprated segments both on TV and online and since I've left he has been asked because they're too scared that he speaks the truth and sometimes it's an unpalatable truth oh it certainly is I mean what he says in those videos you just showed us is absolutely right you know the government have found another 600 billion I believe it is for Ukraine 600 million 600 million but obviously it adds to the billions that have already been spent yeah yes so 600 million sounds a bit more right I know I know I misspoke there so they've given 600 million to a war that we've got no role in a war that I think we should play no part in whatsoever so that pensioners can freeze to death and all the while they're releasing criminals onto the streets yeah and put rep9 billion to give train drivers paid £70,000 a year a pay rise and we know that's because they're completely In Cahoots with the unions and actually what about how much money we're spending on migrants too because I agree with you Charlie I spoke about it on the show yesterday of course we cannot keep writing this blank check for Ukraine but we cannot keep writing a blank check for migrants either and who has been prepared to speak out on that you guessed it Jim Davidson as a labor MP called Lucy pal she claims that the economy the economy would have crashed if she scrapped if they hadn't scrapped the winter fuel allowance BS what is that about how much money are we giving in overseas aid how much money are we spending on illegal immigrants in this country and she's actually saying that that scrapping the fuel allowance has saved the economy right 11.6 billion on overseas climate Aid right right so we can't light a fire here because we're adding to the green stuff that's going on but in India in India where they burn 2 million hectares a day and cause car global warming no it's a fing joke are these are mental people these are little how long are we going to put up with this they spent 8 million a day on migrants hotels right 8 million a day listen to this did you see that the other day there was uh one of them um committee rooms I'd quite like that so they get the old uh civil servants there the Lefty civil servants and the and the MPS give them a grilling and this Giza this was to do with migrants they have got 5,000 beds on standby for migrants and do you know where these beds are in hotel they're being paid for 5,000 beds I wonder if they do it through 5,000 Charlie and that's not to mention by the way operation scatter which is going on which the government doesn't want you to talk talk about which will see illegal migrants coming to a town a community near you I apologize there was a distraction there on the screen um you know the fact that we're paying for these people to come over is a disgrace if you went homeless tomorrow you would would be given anything as a man in particular if I went homeless tomorrow as a single man I wouldn't get a hotel room I wouldn't get money I would just be told to sort it out I might be given access to a hostel if I'm lucky if I'm lucky so you see people making jokes online all the time if you want your mortgage paid for you want to you know start again and get a free house and a free car go to France come back and a rubber dinghy throw the passport in the ocean and pretend you don't speak the language and you'll have your life sorted out for you that is supposed to be a joke but that's the reality and people siing tired of paying for that reality I can't stand it I think it's absolute disgrace absolute disgrace Chris where do you stand on this one but first guys you know this is the best time of year and girls and girls too football is back we're talking Premier League in the UK and in the US it's NFL Sundays and college football Saturdays with that comes the 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shipping with the code outspoken stay on top of your grooming gang and be ready for anything the season throws your way well that 22 billion uh 22 billion is 22 billion p 22 billion socalled black hole Yeah I mean it's remarkable that we've got this 22 billion pound Black Hole uh but we can find 600 million down the back of the sofa to give to zalinski and it absolutely won't be siphoned off and it absolutely won't be disappearing into offshore bank accounts nothing like that's going to happen of course not it's all going to go to the front line um I think at this stage you need Andrew Lawrence not Chris Davis he'd be do this much better than I do but no it's it's absurd Dan but all of these things are designed to bait and switch they are all designed to distract us from the real issues that are coming around the corner because this is just the beginning and when you talk about operation scatter we're talking about Angela Raina um who is very quiet at the moment down I don't know if you've noticed she's not apart from when she's in IA she was until that moment there yeah she still over Chris well she's she's entitled to it Charlie because she works very very hard oh yeah but Boris Johnson wasn't according to Angela Raina absolutely not well it's one rule for them and one rule for us course I wanted to I wanted to also show you another issue that Jim Davidson has raised he thinks there's something going on when it comes to the boats crossing the channel something is up something isn't right Jim Davidson says watch this who who would get in them and how are they get in ,000 tell me how some little from erria poor bastard right walked across miles and miles and miles of safe countries to get to our country but they got to cross the channel in a boat first and give someone a th000 quid so all these poor Bast who have got nothing have all got a grand in cash in their pocket why isn't more of them being beaten up and robbed what is going on something is not right here and I don't know what it is the amount of illegal immigrants risking their lives crossing the channel to get to the UK wh why why is that because we are a soft touch what is it we've got 1.6 million immigrants on the doll here signing on on benefits so how's that going prime minister how's the gang smashing record numbers record numbers right and now these people have been killed and picked up by the French and dumped over here of course and why is our government doing all to sort it out we don't want these people to die in the channel we don't want them to come who who would so something isn't right here Jim Davidson says Charlie sansen what do you make of that I think he's spot on I mean I've always said this for years it's an absolute fiddle that you've got people coming across Europe going across all these safe countries and then having money to buy their access to UK for a smuggling group and you know for a long period of time I wasn't even convinced they were paying Smugglers I thought they've just taken their chances of maybe you know forming collective in in Cali and and making their own way over but you know Jim makes a very good point there how do they have the money for this you know we're supposed to believe if you listen to anything on the left of politics that these people are running away from a war zone they're in they're in a disaster Zone they need our help they don't need our help they're taking the piss Chris Davies something isn't right with this criminal activity across the channel According to Jim Davidson well something's definitely not right then it stinks um but don't worry don't worry because comrade Kier is smashing the gangs oh yeah and it must be true because he said so right um and look Dan we we all know that when it comes down to it in the same way as the champagne corks were popping outside ones with prison the other day we've now got lifelong labor voters being released onto the streets to commit more serious and violent crime people quaking at the prospect of you know being battered and abused again in the future by people that should have been spending more years in prison we've got people arriving by the bucket load on the S southern coast how many them will be deported a fraction what will the rest vote when they're given the opportunity for citizenship they'll vote labor um this is a a very cynical ploy to ensure Perpetual power for the left in this country nothing more nothing less indeed Chris Davies the owner of true conservative media charie Sanson host of X uncensored which I'll will be taking part in so Charlie 7 :00 UK time which is uh 2: p.m. Eastern and that is on Sunday right that's on I'm looking forward to it I think the reason why I find you interesting is that people know who you are but they don't know who you are and I want to kind of dig a little bit and prob me terrified I'm really looking forward to it so yes Charlie what's your ex handles so that people can follow if they want to watch with us or listen with us on Sunday thank you so much for watching Dan won outspoken please do subscribe if you want lots more clips and interviews like that plus if you want to watch our totally uncensored after show then visit www. outspoken dolive

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