Meghan Markle slammed as "dictator in high heels" by US staff who quit to join Sussex Survivors Club

Published: Sep 12, 2024 Duration: 00:32:05 Category: News & Politics

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breaking right now two extraordinary developments in terms of the media's relationship with Prince Harry and Megan marle so on the day that Hollywood turns on their former golden couple The Daily Mail which the Duke of Sussex is suing has now turned on Catherine and William in order to promote the sussexes this is very mindbending but it's important and it matters so we're going to take you through it all with the amazing transatlantic Royal commentator Lee Cohen you can of course find his words in the Daily Telegraph The Spectator and the Sun so Lee I want to kick off with The Hollywood Reporter because The Hollywood Reporter matters okay it is one of the most important Publications for the entire entertainment industry it is a Bible for the Hollywood Elites so this story is huge why Hollywood keeps quitting on Harry and Megan is the headline but then within this piece is a complete destruction of the way that Megan marle treats people and in fact this is just like the types of stories that I wrote during her time in the royal family and was accused of course of making things up up or somehow being racist but now her precious Hollywood types are saying exactly the same thing so what is the key quote this is a source close to Harry and Megan Le who says that everyone is leaving the employee of the sussexes because quote everyone's terrified of Megan she belittles people she doesn't take advice they're both poor decision makers they change their minds frequently Harry is a very very Charming person no as at all but he's very much an enabler and she's just terrible Le for The Hollywood Reporter to be breaking a story like this it marks a massive sea change does it not well Dan I I think you said it brilliantly and I think uh what you written in the past has certainly been more than Vindicated uh yesterday's article from The Hollywood Reporter represents a devastating blow to Prince Harry and Megan Marco's Public Image and it surpasses previous criticisms in severity and impact the detailed Insider Revelations combined with the serious allegations against markle's behavior and The credibility of the source are the newest reputational disaster to the Sussex sussex's public standing Dan it reinforces existing criticisms and suggests deeper systemic issues within the professional relationships potentially jeopardizing the sussex's future endeavors in the entertainment industry wants to work with them do they no one wants to work with them Megan cannot find a chief executive for a America Riviera Orchard an Enterprise which is fast failing and I mean it's not a surprise is it Lee when you actually look at the details of this story so The Hollywood Reporter says here Megan and Harry have done it again I've chewed up yet another American advisor they say that these people now become the latest member of the ever expanding Sussex survivors club now initially the Sussex survivors Club was something that I was writing about and it referred to the courtiers who had worked with Harry and Megan and were so traumatized by their experience by The Bullying that they face that they formed this Alliance and the critical thing is none of the members of the Sussex survivors Club can speak up because they are tied by legally enforceable Draconian confidentiality orders as a result of the fact that Harry and Megan me MERS of the royal family but I assume it's the same thing in Hollywood Lee I assume all of these staff members must sign ndas before they go and work to Harry and Megan which presumably means they might be talking in confidence to The Hollywood Reporter but are unable to speak publicly well one one would imagine so um Dan and one would imagine that with the track record and the revolving door of uh departures that um Harry and Megan would seek to cover their tracks um you know there there's there's so much that's damaging here and and you mentioned a lot of it the article is published by The Hollywood Reporter which is respected and influential industry publication uh this adds a layer of credibility you know these are not just allegations uh that nameless people are making uh also and and and you hinted at this as well the investigation into uh Megan's conduct um by Buckingham Palace back when when they were still uh working there rather when they were still uh serving there uh though inconclusive and ultimately dismissed was a precursor to the troubling patterns observed in uh Megan's American Endeavors her her dismissive attitudes toward the these inquiries and her attempts to frame them as smear campaigns only underscores her inability to confront or Rectify her problematic Behavior indeed and you know what Lee I actually don't believe that the Buckingham Palace investigation was inconclusive or dismissed I believe it was covered up because the allegations against Megan in this report were so damaging that if it were to be released her reputation would be forever destroyed and this was the royal family trying to almost negotiate peace I guess with the duchess We Know What You Did we're not going to release it to the world so you keep quiet but the members of the Sussex survivors club now le include really credible people I mean Hollywood Reporter says Josh kler as part of it the Santa based uh Santa Barbara based consultant who had been serving as their Chief of Staff also Christine Vil schurmer she was the onetime Pinterest communications director who quit as harrian Megan's prad in 2021 also Toya holess who was their Global press secretary then you obviously have people like Samantha Cohen who had been the late Queen's top Aid and uh Sarah leam who was a very hardass woman who had worked for Hillary Clinton so she was very used to the cut and thrust these are not snowflakes who are part of the Sussex survivors Club these are serious professionals who say that Megan's behavior is so reprehensible that it makes it impossible to work for her indeed Dan these are as you say they're not snowflakes they're seasoned professionals and not just seasoned professionals but their seasoned professionals who are you to working with uh demanding uh Employers in demanding circumstances so for so many of these capable people unable to cope with the toxic work environment created by The Duchess of Sussex uh this this is really really a blockbuster and there's more there's more Lee it just gets better in terms of the detail from The Hollywood Reporter let me go into it so some of the coup's Stateside staff members also Reserve special bile for marle whose reported ponon for noisy tantrums and angry 5 a.m. emails has earned her the in-house Monica duess difficult and this is a source again close to the couple she's absolutely Relentless she marches around like a dictator in high heels fuming and barking orders I've watched her reduce growing men to tears how can she recover from an expose like this Lee well you know I think this is endemic of the downward trajectory that we see happening for the sussex's American Dreams uh you know and it it confirms and validates the Litany of Prior negative reports that Megan uh while uh at the palace uh made staff members feel sick and terrified in her presence and now this is uh bational it's happening on both sides of the Atlantic on both in both oceans Pacific and Atlantic well indeed and do you know what it does it completely smashes to Pieces her previous defense do you remember this she would she said it was because I was American they didn't understand me there was a cultural Clash when I was a member of the royal family British people just aren't hardworking enough they don't have a Hollywood American work ethic they were the arguments that were constantly pedal by Megan to try and degrade and undermine the serious multiple claims of bullying against her now how can she say that when it's now Americans who are making the complaint when it's now Hollywood people who are making exactly the same complaints well of course and the thing that's so troubling about that statement they didn't understand me everything is always from her perspective I would say rather a better question is she didn't understand them she didn't understand understand that she was entering a world of uh Public Service as a royal uh where she wasn't the star player and um where where um she couldn't call all the shots so you know once again everything is from her perspective it it it's like when she famously asked uh during her pregnancy well nobody's asked you know how I'm doing I know when by the way Lee there were poverty stricken South Africans living intense literally meters away from her but she wanted the whole world to be asking how she was doing in her Palace I mean you really couldn't make a lot of this up you really couldn't make a lot of this up but I think this is completely damning the Megan actually and I think this is Hollywood effectively divorcing themselves from Megan marle she's going to lose the Netflix deal she's already lost the Spotify deal with the executive there Bill Simmons calling her an effing grifter sure there might be some smaller companies that are prepared to do deals with her for publicity but fundamentally she's going to really struggle Now isn't she given the cost of the lifestyle that she has created in monito as I said in a um in a call him for Fox News she's become box office poison but you know one one other thing that's so deeply and head-scratchingly troubling Dan is that this behavior that she exhibits starkly contrasts with the public Persona she attempts to project which is gratitude and personal growth and joy you know her her public endorsement of self-help principles and her proclaimed Journey towards Joy seemed grossly grossly Dan insincere when ju deposed with the reported realities of her interactions with the staff the the facade of self-improvement and authenticity is undermined by persistent damaging behavior that contradicts her professed values indeed you're completely right and of course she ridic ridiculously in the archetypes podcast do you remember this she actually said that she wasn't strong enough she tried to claim that in fact she wasn't demanding enough and she be talking about yeah because she'd be saying people call me a diva and she'd say it doesn't make you difficult it just makes you clear just say what it is you need no no no no Megan you're a bully that is what you are because you've now had multiple courtiers in the royal family set now multiple top senior Executives in Hollywood on your payroll you a dictator in high heels but what is it going to take Dan you know 18 19 people have left right and left we're seeing uh articles like this uh revealing the the toxic work environment we're seeing cartoons and comedians lampooning them uh we're seeing in Harry's case um uh uh Charities saying that he's too divisive or controversial to get their Awards what is it going to take in your opinion Dan for these two to wake up and smell the coffee first though have you ever wondered what happened to the legendary Chuck Norris well I recently saw a video he made and I was shocked he's in his 80s and still kicking butt and working out and staying active what's even more shocking is he's stronger can work out longer and even has plenty of energy left over for his grandkids he did this by just making one change he says he still feels like he's in his 50s his wife even started doing this one thing too and she's never felt better she says she feels genu is younger her body looks leaner and she has energy all day Chuck Mayday special video that explains everything make sure you watch it by going to Chuck outspoken or by clicking in the link in the show notes below this video on YouTube and Rumble it will change the way you think about your health once again that's Chuck for/ outspoken and click on the link in the description below to watch the video now you simply will not believe how simple it is just a reminder the legendary Chuck Norris is a whopping 84 years old and I have to be honest he has more energy than me he discovered he could create dramatic changes to his health simply focusing on three things that sabotage our body as we age so watch his method by clicking the link in the description box below but I'll give it to you now as well Shu outspoken or you can also scan on the QR code on screen right now but back to the show well I think it's going to take a divorce isn't it really that is the only answer now and the problem is Lee Harry is so isolated of course he's deeply unhappy we know he's deeply unhappy we know he wants a return to ro life we know he wants his old friends back but the problem is Lee there are consequences to the way he acted all of his stock is now in a woman called Megan Marco he was warned he was warned by the maros themselves he was warned by Samantha Marco he was warned by his brother Prince William he was warned by the late Queen Elizabeth II don't rush get to know this girl properly he ignored them all and he allowed her to become a monster what Megan wants Megan gets do you remember that Lee he uttered that before the wedding and the problem is that only lasted for so long because in the end what Megan wanted was to be the queen and when she couldn't be the queen in London because that role was reserved for a future Queen and Kate Middleton Catherine the Princess of Wales she decided to move to Hollywood and unfortunately there are consequences to what he's done but Lee I want to contrast what's going on with the Hollywood Reporter with an extraordinary 180 by my former employer The Daily Mail and I have to say I'm disgusted Lee I'm disgusted with what they're doing because there is now a two-pronged thing going on here not only are they attacking William and Catherine in the most vifer of terms simply for that beautiful video which we'll come to in a moment but they are also now blatantly sign in with Prince Harry a manly who is suing them who is dragging their asses through court and rather than stand up to Prince Harry and his delusions do you know what they're doing they are turning on William and Katherine and they're now doing Harry's P this has been going on for a number of weeks Lee first there was the front page bring Harry in from the cold then there was the column by a an Wilson pillaring Prince William and saying it was William's responsibility to forgive Harry but the worst has happened today so there's a woman called briany Gordon a quite awful columnist actually who has been poached from The Daily Telegraph quite specifically because of her friendship with Prince Harry and today on the front page of the Daily Mail the headline kind funny pretty damn normal as he turns 40 real truth about my friend Harry the real truth now this column is piss poor Lee I've read it it's terribly written it contains absolutely no Insight it is propaganda for Harry and imagine if you're a daily maale reader and remember daily male readers I know them incredibly well I loved them they are monarchists they were incredibly loyal to the late great Queen Elizabeth II they're incredibly loyal to Prince philli and now they are incredibly loyal to Prince William and Katherine the Princess of Wales yet we're meant to believe that Harry is kind and damn normal well I wouldn't say any of the way that he's treated his own family is kind I wouldn't say that reducing the late Queen and prince philli in their dying days to dealing with their ridiculous Behavior was kind I wouldn't say that revealing private text messages between Megan and Catherine in his gross autobiography was kind I wouldn't say that presenting Prince William as some sort of violent was kind so I'm going to be honest about this Le I am disgusted with the Daily Mail they might think that Harry's going to forgive them and he's going to drop the legal action but at what cost because surely sometimes you have to put your morality first well I don't even know where to begin to respond except to say that I think that any criticism of princess Katherine's video uh is completely misguided and um there there was a lot of criticism in that Daily Mail article that you reference uh shocking shockingly so um princess Katherine's video should be celebrated Dan for its authenticity sensitivity and the positive message convey well indeed indeed and and and and Lee given you've referenced it I actually need to share because people need to know Lee they need to know that the Daily Mail is now the enemy okay so I'm going to share with you so this was written by the newspapers diary editor Richard Eden now he was a longtime critic of harri and Megan so I don't know why he's done this 180 he was following in the footsteps of Liz Jones who also wrote a horrible article about William and Katherine's video now he said in his column yesterday that he is deeply concerned about the pr direction of Catherine and William and he then ran damning quotes from Friends of the king and queen which result in a stinging attack let me read them out to you there's no coincidence that the middletons appear in it and not the king and queen I can assure you that Charles and Camila will not be filmed kissing each other on a beach until Hell Freezes Over it's distinctly unreal then another Royal Insider told him all that l round hugging and kissing they're not soy teenagers it felt manipulative it's the sort of thing that Megan would make all the time effort and expense put into making that video could have been much better spent elsewhere why not visit other women being treated for cancer that's what Diana would have done now Lee this is a Despicable attack carried out by The Daily Mail on the same day that they're calling Prince Harry kind and lovely the real nice member of the royal family on their front page this feels very coordinated for me and let me just say Catherine could not win in this incident Le because you remember what happened when she was desperately trying to deal with her cancer privately earlier this year the Sussex Squad turned on her with a Vengeance spread the most revolting rumors about her marriage about whether she was even alive now when she actually opens up in a way that was demanded of her at the time she's criticized for that so she literally cannot win in this case and I say shame on The Daily Mail and you know what their readers are furious with them Lee they are Furious because they support Katherine well and and Dan that that's why when you say Katherine can't win I would uh offer to you that Katherine can win and has won she's one in the Public public opinion very true because um the video especially for those including the daily male who claim it is manipulative it fails to recognize the profound lesson it offers which is that Katherine's experience and her willingness to share her journey with the public provides an invaluable perspective on TR what truly matters in life resilience love and hope uh this is not just a personal Triumph but a public gesture made with love for the people that uh The Prince and Princess of Wales represent uh and it really is it it's so beyond herself and her own motives and being manipulative and it really does show Humanity at its best and it shows hope for the royal family because Katherine and William are the the future of the Royal Family and if they're exhibiting this uh good judgment and taste and sensitivity in handling this issue then they truly are the very best custodians and there's great hope for the future and resilience of the royal family in their hands yeah here yeah here and at least my other former employer Lee the son seems to be holding the line because I was very taken by a a brilliant column that you wrote for them in the past few days and I just want to read out a few words from it actually because I think it balances up the absolute tripe that we've seen in the daily mail today so you're talking about Harry's potential Royal comeback and you say frankly the disloyal Juke does not deserve to be rewarded with a restoration for the unforgivable trouble he has caused if anything the sussex's remaining title should be removed to PR vent any further malicious profiteering from the association with the institution that they have sought to defame and I agree Dan I know you agree because I quoted you years ago I don't recall how many years ago it was in a Fox news column and I concluded on just that piece saying that uh you know uh well-known and highly regarded pundit uh wouldn't I I agree with entirely in that the titles need to be removed so because look at all of the trouble that it's causely if they just done it there it would have been like ripping off a Band-Aid but people keep thinking that Harry and Megan are going to start acting decently and respectfully I never believed they would and I think I have been proven right because they seem to just stoop to new debts well uh The Superficial Sussex have drunk their own delusions Dan that showing up is doing good yeah the trouble is when they show up they don't do good they do damage and Harry and his wife never simply show up and do good they always have a chore choreographed and premeditated plan but um you know Harry had the the most disappointing thing Dan is that Harry had the very best lessons of how to navigate public life in his beloved grandparents it it seems he took on board none of their examples and rejecting their conduct and and wise counsel and Dan if Harry fails to use this pivotal moment that a 40th birthday could be a a pivotal moment of reflection to realign his life he will continue to be the worst kind of cautionary tale of a privileged life spiraling downward well indeed because you sum your column up this way Lee saying the professional failures and ridicule in Hollywood surely add to Harry's anguish as must The Nostalgia and isolation from estranged family friends and surrounding with no clear blueprint for how to navigate his way back he faces an uncertain future Tangled in a Hollywood web that collides with his sense of self and purpose of his Birthright and in some ways it is sad Lee but the problem is this is not an 18-year-old boy or a 25y old young man or even a 30-year-old this is a 40-year-old man he was warned Le They begged him not to do this because they knew that this could be the outcome and by them I also mean the late Queen so unfortunately Lee I'm not in the camp now where it should be let's welcome him back let's throw up arms William should just forgive and move on because I think he's made this decision and a bit like the dukee of Windsor and Wallace Simpson he will now be in Exile there is no way back he made his bed except that in Exile the Duke and Duchess of Windsor didn't continue to make unforgivable trouble for the monarchy and and and Dan do do you agree with me that some level Harry must regret abandoning his family his country in his former life of noble purpose that all the money in the world cannot replace big time look he was drunk on love wasn't he uh but unfortunately he was manipulated but the thing is Lee I could forgive a lot of this if he hadn't had launched attack after attack after attack on very decent and honorable people people who could not fight back and the one I will never forgive were the claims that they have both now withd drawn but never apologized for that the royal family was racist and it did the late Queen huge damage Le given she had spent her entire life developing the Commonwealth being really actually a complete Beacon of diversity and equality so there are consequences but it's fascinating isn't it it's fascinating to see the minations because I really never thought I would be here talking to you saying well done The Hollywood Reporter The Hollywood Reporter one of the wokest Publications in the world is now telling the truth about Harry and Megan but it's the daily mail my former employer who used to allow me to write the truth which has now become a propagandist for the sussexes it's a fascinating turnaround but it's so amazing to speak to you about it Lee uh and of course you are the author Royal commentator and advisor on Great Britain to the US House of Representatives Foreign Affairs committee I love your work Lee and where can people follow you to get more of it well uh they can follow me on X uh under my name and uh certainly by reading the Publications uh that to whom I'm contribu which include as you as you pointed out thank you Fox News and the sun uh the T The Daily Telegraph and The Spectator yeah know you bring a brilliant transatlantic approach to these Royal issues especially with the sussexes now in the US leag Cohen such a pleasure to talk to you thank you so much for watching Dan won outspoken please do subscribe if you want lots more clips and interviews like that plus if you want to watch our total uncensored after show then visit www. outspoken doli

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