William & Catherine made video to hit back at rumours by Prince Harry & Meghan Markle, says Lady C

Published: Sep 12, 2024 Duration: 00:13:44 Category: News & Politics

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you are suggesting am I not wrong that Harry and Megan were responsible for the spreading of some milous information I am going to be very careful what I say Dan please they were at the party so was Jes Corin he then flew that kite according to him now as a joke but my understanding is that at least one part of that couple was busy going around saying well we' make a much better king and queen that or giving the message as opposed to actually sing the words we make a much better king and queen because we are so in love and we're so happy and and we're not like them and we got married for true love was spelled l u r v e or was it spelled l u s or maybe it was spell m o n e y but whatever it was true lve and that's yeah and and they you know that there is the belief I need to be careful how I put this there is the belief that the story emanated with them Now ladies see just want to show you a little bit of the extraordinary video that we received earlier this week from cine the Princess of Wales marking the fact that she has now finished her chemotherapy treatment even though actually she is not yet cancer-free watch [Music] this your head to all those who are continuing their own cancer journey I remain with you side by side hand in hand out of Darkness can come light so let that light shine [Music] bright let you see new reporting from Richard Eden at the Daily Mail claims that King Charles's friends have made some very critical comments about this so let me read this out to you so one friend of the monik said there's no coincidence that the Middleton appearing it and not the king and queen I can assure you that Charles and Camila will not be filmed kissing each other on a beach until Hell Freezes Over it's distinctly unreal and then another friend said all that lying around hugging and kissing they're not soy teenagers it felt manipulative it's the sort of thing that Megan would make all the time effort and expense put into to making that video could have been much better spent elsewhere why not visit other women being treated for cancer that's what Diana would have done so some really bit briefing against William and Harry your view sorry William and Katherine your view well first of all I have a mixed opinion of Richard E let's put it that way secondly uh you know saying that it's a friend of the king and Queen doesn't necessarily mean it's somebody who knows them or indeed likes them uh you and I both know how these things work oh yes and I think Richard Eden's very Adept at working the system uh I would find it very difficult to believe that any friend of either Charles or Camila would have spoken in quite those terms I actually though understand some of the sentiments behind it and the fact of the matter is that the Wales have obviously taken this opportunity to show the world that the Soho House chatter that began when Megan and Harry attended the open of Soho House in Holland about their marriage is false so this was an opportunity and it was well taken also Charles and Camila are of my generation and people like us don't do public displays of affection but the younger generation does and I do think a little I I I do think I I want to be careful how I put this I personally think as oppose let's stick to what I think I personally think that they would not have done this had they not been all of the rumors that keep on being cranked out thanks to the susex supporters about the marriage and this I think this was a demonstration of how genuinely affectionate they are now one of my oldest friends son nearly married one of the Middleton girls and so I know what the Middleton girls were like from they were very young and Katherine has always been very loving very affectionate very even temper uh she's she's not the life and soul of the party but she's a really sweet person and very intelligent so I think what we're seeing is actually what is really there it's not a fabrication but I don't think they'd have done it had there not been all of the stories emanating from the Sussex supporters let's put it like that and I think it was a perfectly reasonable thing to do and obviously to compare them to Charles and Camila is ludicrous because there no stories about Charles and Camila's marriage the way there are about Williams and castri and let's face that Richard Eden is a gossip columnist and gossip columnists rarely are have have been since the 1970s uh they're not like social colonists social colonists used to be very positive in this country but gossip columnists starting with Nel dener and you know in the FR tradition I mean Richard Eden's a pussycat compared to Nigel damster but he can be quite the as well and I I have on more than one occasion pointed out to him that that if he wants to to make a comment on something he'd better be careful that he that he keeps his claws well hauled in because if I see any evidence of them I would never speak to him ever again and I mean he I'm sure he's a perfectly okay 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MH please they were at the party so was J Corin he then flew that kite according to him now as a joke but my understanding is that at least one part of that couple was busy going around saying well we make a much better king and queen that or giving the message as opposed to actually seeing the words we make a much better king and queen because we are so in love and we're so happy and and we're not like them and we got married for true love spelled l RV or was it spelled l u s or maybe it was m o n y but whatever it was true lve and that's yeah and and very you know there there is the belief I need to be careful how I put this there is the belief that the story emanated with them and that and it has certainly gained lots of traction via the Sussex Squad oh yes every time and we saw what happened lady C for example earlier this year when Steven Co be who just so happens to be one of the big contacts of Harry and Megan who Harry went on the TV show of his to promote his book spare who just so happens to be on CBS which is also the network that ran the Oprah Winfrey interview that is also the network that Gail King works on and it was Steven colar who when Katherine was secretly suffering from cancer decided to put those rumors out there to the world all of this is connected and you can join the dots I can join the dots and yeah I I I just wanted to clarify because I think you're completely right but I just know some folk may not realize exactly what was going on okay well thanks for thanks for elucidating darling Dan and you were incredible as ever you know I love you lady C thank you so much and we will speak very soon thank you so much for watching d outspoken please do subscribe if you want lots more clips and interviews like that plus if you want to watch our totally uncensored after show then visit www. outspoken doli

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