Kate Middleton cancer free video piles SHAME on Prince Harry & Meghan Markle: "They're so selfish!"

Published: Sep 08, 2024 Duration: 00:21:57 Category: News & Politics

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that it wasn't will Prince William saying horrible things about Harry and certainly his wife uh it wasn't unprecedented it was in response to all of the egregious attacks on their family by Harry and by Megan in Spare in Oprah in the interviews so it it seems like although Harry and Megan perhaps seemingly wanted to flip the script and make themselves out to be the victims and that's what some of the public believe so they're insisting that William be the one to apologize they're forgetting William and the Wales family princess Katherine truly are the victims in this they didn't start it Harry and Megan did start it and need to be the ones to apologize first so but it's kind of weird that their fans want to make them out to be the victims it's like wow denial and breaking right now Catherine the Princess of Wales has announced that she has finished her chemotherapy treatment but she is not out of the woods in a highly personal and emotional video featuring Prince William her parents and her beautiful children released just before we came on here today watch you lead the way as the summer comes to an end I cannot tell you what a relief it is to have finally completed my chemotherapy treatment the last 9 months have been incredibly tough for us as a family life as you know it can change in an instant and we've had to find a way to navigate the stormy waters and Road [Music] unknown the cancer journey is complex scary and unpredictable for everyone especially those closest to [Music] you with humility it also brings you face to face with your own vulnerabilities in a way you've never considered before and with that A New Perspective on everything it's just filming Isn't She Wonderful this is a video that would have been very difficult for Katherine to make you know how much criticism she's had over the past few months she has decided not to share the specifics of what form of cancer she has being treated for but aside from that it's a deeply personal insight into her world and you know I have been reporting for months that Katherine's number one priority is her family is being a mother and is making sure that her children especially the Future King are prepared to cope with what is a very destabilizing thing but despite there being a lot of speculation she has confirmed that she will return to Royal duties but as I have reported here recently with Robert jobson this is going to be a very slow process because Katherine has made it abundantly clear on what I'm about to show you that her number one focus and I agree with this by the way her number one focus is making sure she stays cancer free this time has above all reminded William and me to reflect and be grateful for the simple yet important things in life which so many of us often take for granted of Simply loving and being [Music] loved doing what I can to stay cancer free is now my focus although I have finished chemotherapy my path to healing and full recovery is long and I must continue to take each day as it comes I am however looking forward to being back at work and undertaking a few more public engagements in the coming months when I can a royal video for the history books Catherine the Princess of Wales announcing that she has finished her chemotherapy treatment in her own way and it is interesting isn't it when you contrast her approach to her family and revealing deeply personal information compared to Prince Harry and Megan Markle who have been so Keen to throw their own family under the bus over the past few years Samantha Marco wow those incredible videos of Catherine the Princess of Wales revealing that she is cancer free what's your reaction uh you know even from across the bond we have watched this and been praying for her and the royal family have been through so much but this is so beautiful especially given that there was so much controversy about trolls on the internet who were not kind throughout all of this so you know if any thing I would say to those people thank God she's made it through and um maybe they'll think twice about how they treat others on social media when we speak about freedom of speech on social media everything that she's been through a lot of the people on social media were not kind and I'm referring to the sus Squad and crazy trolls out there but setting all of that aside God bless her God bless the royal family thank God and and you know she's so inspirational if anyone um Can Inspire and give words of wisdom courage and strength not only to Great Britain but to the to the world uh going through something like this just as Queen Elizabeth always did Great Britain and the world through hard times I think Princess Catherine similarly uh is an icon and she is a leader and she's an inspirer so it's really beautiful that she made it through she gives us all hope and God bless her and God bless the royal family put beautifully put Sam no I completely agree and I especially agree actually with what you say about the trolls because remember they were saying the most vile nasty and untrue things about Katherine which then seeped into the mainstream media in the US especially on the left which seems to be very closely aligned surprise surprise with your sister and they were speculating on all sorts of things that I knew were complete rubbish and of course that's why I made my appearance on the Megan Kelly show to say whoa hold on on everyone I know what's going on here Catherine is seriously ill you're all going to look terrible the next week she made her announcement and they did all shut up but I do just wonder Samantha how you think Megan and Harry must feel knowing that they have made life more difficult for Katherine when she's been going through something so significant I think when you have so much control over public relations over a large group of um or a large population of those on social media on any platform it seems like there's a burden and the onus is on them to encourage others to be kind you know they've always said Practice What You Preach or change your speech and if you're going to be anything be kind but we didn't see that throughout this we don't see that with anyone who speaks out against them or who they feel challenged by so I would encourage them to practice what they preach or change their speech and if you Harry and Megan are going to be anything be kind sincerely kind um so I I just feel it could have been handled differently but thank God now you know everyone has come out of this um with strength with courage with hope and maybe that can speak to them that no matter what when you have faith you have love you have Unity you get through it ins spite of all of the negativity and maybe they should be on the positive side of the Ben instead of the negative side you know really Sam that last week William and Harry are at the funeral of their Uncle Princess Diana's sister's husband and Harry doesn't go up to William he doesn't speak to him he doesn't ask how Katherine is I I just find that really extraordinary given he knows what William and Katherine have been going through what's so strange about that firstly I'll just say we can never tell what is propaganda what's PR and what's real true so with that said we've seen articles saying Harry wants to get back into the fold he wants to make up with his brother he wants to have one leg in the United States one leg in Great Britain return part-time well that being said if any of that is true if you want to make up with your family and you want to get back into the fold the cold shoulder and the silence seems incon consist with that and I also heard reportedly that Harry wanted an apology from them yes well they're not the ones who have been out there disparaging him in their books their Publications or in their PR so it seems only appropriate that the apology come from Harry so it's like maybe he was being silent because he was waiting for that apology that he feels quote entitled to I'm going to say look in the mirror because the all brand mention the apology the sincere apology should come from him also but also surely Megan as well Sam it can't just come from Harry canth th still married she has to apologize too to William and Catherine well and and so that makes us across the pond and who are you know watching mainstream media wonder is all of that propaganda is it true because if it's reported that there is splitting up then it wouldn't be logical for her to apologize and her to go quote crawling back it would only be logical that he would so we really don't know what's going on and you know the behavior is all over the map it's not consistent with what we feel is respectful protocol or you know behavior of unity or someone who wants Unity so it's really puzzling but and it's sad though that everything uh princess Katherine um the Wales family have been through that they still have this bur under the saddle so to speak to content with I hope that they're seemingly well they're seemingly strong enough to move on but shame on Harry and Megan for being so introspective so self-focused throughout all of that all of you know the pain that the whales family have gone through it's all you know it's it's it's like South Park pointed out it's all about AR and Megan me me me me uh inappropriate yeah which is extraordinary given actually the genuine battle that William and Katherine have been having and it really annoys me actually Sam when I see people and we've seen it in the Daily Mail weirdly actually who seem to have become Pro har and Megan for some reason when they pile all of the pressure on William and is saying oh William you need to be the bigger man you need to bring Harry back into the fault you need to put up with your sister-in-law who said all of these horrible things about your wife and I would argue no actually William as it stands has much more important things to focus on he has a young family to raise he has a wife to get better he has a dad who is suffering from cancer so he's having to pick up much more the Royal slack I don't feel it's Williams responsibility at all no you said something important I mean I think PR and certainly the Sussex Squad and their cluster of fans out there how conveniently forget that it wasn't will Prince William saying horrible things about Harry and certainly his wife uh it wasn't unprecedented it was in response to all of the egregious attacks on their family by Harry and by Megan in Spare in Oprah in the interviews so it it seems like although Harry and Megan perhaps seemingly wanted to flip the script and make themselves out to be the victims and that's what some of the public believe so they're insisting that William be the one to apologize they're forgetting William and the Wales family princess Katherine truly are the victims in this they didn't start it Harry and Megan did start it and need to be the ones to apologize first so but it's kind of weird that their fans want to make them out to be the victims it's like wow denial uh yeah not it's not just a river in Egypt as they say sam right right right now look bre yeah no it is it is very we is the word first though digestive issues are caused by a potential toxin that's in all of the quote healthy foods that scientists have been telling us to eat with a fraudulent food pyramid for the longest time and this potential toxin causes digestive issues according to Dr gundry a world-renowned cardiologist this is affecting millions of people Nationwide warning signs include weight gain and fatigue and digestive discomfort plus stiff joints even skin problems actually well Dr gundry explains these side effects are often mistaken for normal signs of aging because digestive issues develop usually over a matter of years and sometimes even decades I can assure you that the damage is probably caused by these health foods and is far from normal the good news is you can easily help fix the problem from your own home it's 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that that term absolutely applies to Kate uh and um incredible to see that she's on the road to recovery of course um and I think it actually does renew our faith a little bit in the Royals obviously the Royals have had somewhat of a patchy time over recent years but when you see that video which actually I think despite what all the cynics will say is that looks like a a very genuine Pastiche of their family enjoying themselves it looked to me to be very authentic so I I do think it should give us some faith that let's hope the next step of the royal family won't be as blighted as perhaps the last uh five or more years have been um I I do have to ask the question though I don't know if you know the answer to this has Megan Markle and Harry extended a statement to support Katherine the last few minutes and hours uh and um to show their support uh it should be one would imagine the first thing that and Harry would do having seen that video today wouldn't it wouldn't it be and indeed it should be and they didn't do that actually after this video they did do it after she announced that she had cancer but what I think is so despicable is that Harry was actually in the same room as his elder brother Nick Buckley just last week at the funeral for Lord fellows their Uncle the husband of Princess din's sister and he didn't even speak to William he didn't go up to William and say look I know I've said terrible things about you but how's Katherine doing I hope she's okay and I think when you see a video like that and you've been so horrible to these people I mean think of all of the things Harry said in spare about William and about Catherine too actually and the things that Megan has said about Katherine oh how can you watch a video like that and think that what you did was right I mean they should be apologizing in in my opinion as in Harry and Megan should be apologizing to William and Katherine I don't discuss Prince har um Family Matters families fall out people say things they may regret or not regret but it's fantastic news that um she's finished chemo um it's fantastic news when anybody when any family get over such a Savor problem like that so um I'm extremely happy about that I'm also extremely happy that that video looks fantastic we need a royal family in this country because what we need to understand if we don't have a royal family we don't have a royal a monarch head of state that means we're going to have an elected head of state and that means someone like Tony Blair David Cameron it would be it be a fa don't even suggest yeah but that that's exactly what will'll end up and we'll end up we're an elected head of state and even though the monarchy Ro family are not perfect and in a time where we celebrate democracy they're not elected I get all that but the alternative for me is a lot worse so fantastic that she's getting better yeah indeed we need that family to be strong uh I couldn't agree with you more a lot hinges on them when it comes to the monarchy because as Russell pointed out it hasn't been smooth sailing the past 5 years but what a fabulous Superstar panel today so great F to have you back Nick Buckley and Russell Quirk what a debut I hope you will return soon thank you both so much but what's so important about being independent is I only ever tell you about products I use and truly believe in so let me talk about Verso as you know I've entered my 40s really thinking about staying healthy and I exercise although I injured my ankle at the weekend so can't at the moment which makes my nutrition even more important but that will only get you so far scientists like David Sinclair have proven we can now reverse aging with in iions that go beyond healthy habits for me I wanted a product that I knew would enhance everything I was already doing but one backed up by solid evidence so that's why I use cell Bean by Verso it has scientifically proven ingredients that fight the effects of Aging by increasing NAD 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