Air Wagner July 11 2024 Introductory First Flight in Cessna Golden Eagle 421C N513SJ

Published: Jul 11, 2024 Duration: 00:34:33 Category: Autos & Vehicles

Trending searches: cessna 421c
well hello and welcome to air Wagner where you been Jerry I haven't done some videos recently but a friend of mine calls up that has flown with me long time ago as a passenger and said uh I'm thinking about learning how to fly and I thought you'd be the guy to ask so I said come on over to the hanger and we're working on planes we're working on cars and we'll talk about it and um you know let's go on a little flight see if you're really passionate about flying um oh yeah what's here behind me this is 421 Juliet Lima it is a cesna 421 C model and it can be somebody's uh proud airplane to own uh we're doing some work on it still but it's going to be on the market here shortly and if you're curious about what it has on it and in IT stand by stay right there I just happened to have a spec sheet here uh total time 7,800 hours no damage history 262 Gall left engine uh 713 six since Factory reman with new cylinders but the cylinders are being overhauled with nickel cylinders uh with top overhaul on both engines the right engine has 788 since Factory reman also going to have new nickel cylinders overhauled new exhaust to be installed it's a 12-year mandatory replacement that's going to be done so it's going to have new exhaust uh the props are fairly new 285 hours they were just resealed earlier this year the annual was performed uh in June of 2024 last month by 9007 Aviation and prior to that the annual before was done by T aviation in Defiance Ohio who was one of the top twin Cessna shops which if you watch YouTube you've probably seen them on some other channels Peter static was just done here in uh June of last month so it's got an Insight G4 engine monitor gives all the engine information RPMs oil pressure temperature all of that Vortex generators it's a non ice plane of course heated windshield and full Boots full di ice boots got a Garmin g600 synthetic vision of course gtn 750 uh Garmin gns430 and it's got the Garmin GW x70 sweeping radar that displays on the 750 and the 600 it's got a GMA 350 voice activated audio panel a GTX 330 transponder adsb in and out of course cesna 800 autopilot with yaw dampener and pre-select altitude hold it's got a Gad a Gad 43e from Garmin which gives it more features than just a regular Gad 43 flight stream 210 Garmin gdl 88 data link Garmin gdl 69a XM satellite receiver vertical card Compass uh PS audio gear warning system so it's audio for your gear down gear up over speed stall LED lights instrument lights LED charging uh USB charging ports and led landing and taxi light electric air conditioning it's got 120 volt engine heaters you can plug in it's got wheel speed covers Rosen sun visors two auxiliary tanks which brings it up to 262 gallons seven seats and a belted potty so you can fit eight people in the plane six Place intercom entertainment and refreshment Center and a cabor snubber interior was recently done paint is in great shape and keep an eye out for that but for right now you can also see a beautiful 70 chevel that's a 454 5-speed that we did a restoration of Robert let's look at the under the hood here real quick 454 high performance air conditioning cruise control uh USB and Bluetooth radio all new interior all new paint it is a tmic 5-speed transmission manual transmission all new interior carpet Dash beautiful car there's some of the features so what we can do now thanks for listening to me on the Spiel for the plane and the car let's take our friend on a little intro flight in a 421 who does an introductory flight in a 421 come right along we're started up the AC's going we're going to start our two GPS units that are talk everything talks to each other ter System test okay Miss Garmin talks to us system not available she's off she too hun once I get it going so this will show us traffic see this guy here yeah he's on the downway you'll hear 785 you'll hear him call 785 on a downwind he's behind us do a brake check make sure your brakes are good see this yellow line left base 25 so she's on the base remember I told about the base with the blue line so she's base and then coming in to land on this Runway okay as we pull up to her now see that wind sock which Runway you think is favoring to take off on I don't know which way it goes but go that way small end of the sock is where the wind's coming from we want to go the opposite direction that's her see she's an instructor on her her instructor took over took over the radio yeah oh okay and there she is right there you can see her speed and all that so I don't think anybody's going to be around here but we'll we'll hog It Anyway anybody come tax him up Robert can you see you're clear clear behind us all right grab your checklist this is what it's called the all important checklist you're going to read it here and you're going to start reading and when I say check you're going to stop midable and go to the next one setting 1500 RPM check fuel boost Palm Sal low lean mixtures as required check so what we did is we turn the the electric pumps on which is a they are a safety margin and then we lean out the mixer because watch out it gets rough when I put it up so you have to cut off some of the fuel it's getting too much fuel better than not enough fuel next l&r Hydro flow light that's the left and right Hydro flow those are off as that's correct check alternator regulator switch check it's charging Magneto check okay so now each engine has two magnetos so you isolate each one to make sure the engine is still running on the r 07 straight in 07 we'll break it off and do a left down one for two on these switches and then in in yellow what's it say all four mag switches all four back on is correct propell check Feathering so we're going to make sure that we make sure that the propellers will feather and that's by doing this you can see the RPMs drop and you can feel it and hear it okay yeah vacuum Source I have it over here the vacuum Source both vacuums are working oil temperature check check check so you want upside down y or Mercedes emblem so so that's um that's working remember I said in the green everything's good green throttles 900 so we back the throttles off check trim controls set to take off I'll show you the trim in the air check alternate air check check Wing flaps zero those are the flaps you can't see them from above but they're zero like controls checked you got to make sure that somebody didn't leave like a coat on the back and everything you have all your control and you would do thumbs up see my thumb here yeah so as you turn this way you make sure that one's up okay because if you went through maintenance and they rigged it wrong then um you're going to go you're going to turn right you're going to go left you got a Arrow coming up on you behind me yep yep okay keep going cabin door and windows closed loock fuel quantity check that shade check air conditioners off okay air conditioning is good fuel selector to main check Emergency cross feed flight instruments radio set okay we're just going to put in uh another airport we're not going there but put M Clum in check annunciator panel check check cabin pressurization switch check ice protection check test fire extinguisher check so here's how you test fire s that's it so now we make sure the boosts are on and we go all right all all right so final who's that that's uh 785 they're going zero knot so they're on the ground that must be the 785 right yeah they're just sitting right behind us just getting ready to take off when we get out of the way so normally you get the altimeter setting I'm just going to set it based on the press the field elevation right now Al traic Golden Eagle 513 SI Julia taking Runway 25 left Crossman departure depart the area on the left now when Auburn we'll go over full some Lake let you feel it okay so you got to make sure the three T's time check transponder check traffic check and we want these in the 40s otherwise we're going to pull the power back and slam on the brakes [Music] okay hard traffic Gold Eagle on the roll 25 all right so we got air speed see your air speed indicator yeah we want to get to 95 then we'll take off say 80 85 90 95 little bit of back pressure let the plane fly off the Runway tap the brakes to get the mud snow off and then pull the gear up TR gold 53 left crosswind 25 leaving 1,600 departing air on the left that one so you don't trust this for traffic you look at the window okay they see your ball there on top yeah this is what uncoordinated looks like or feels like see how it's sliding over yeah so you want to keep it coordinated I tra for Golden Eagle 5 and3 Ser J left down one off a 25 depart in the area to the southeast leaving 2,300 okay so we're th000 ft over the runway I haven't touched any power now I can go back and pull some power back so first the throttle then the props for the RPMs and then the fuel probably at 20 21 and we want to see these tempates land in the 1500s noral Golden Eagle 513 C Juliet VR request 513 J nor 7 go 3 Ser Juliet 297 Niner we're just leaving 2,950 we're just east of Auburn airport leveling off 3,000 little maneuver work over fulam then back to Auburn request the traffic advisories number 3 534 you said Golden Eagle correct Golden Eagle 5340 on the squawk 3 jul okay so I checked in with him told him who we are where we are what we want to do you see that red light went on this got this 1600 so it's too too too hot turn the fuel pumps off one at the time one alligator two alligator he's talking but he's not talking to us cuz I'm not hear you know I'm trying to hear our number I to you it sounds like a lot of gibberish right so I'm just going to stabilize the plane see that 1622 yeah too hot got to give it more fuel that's the part about managing the fuel okay so you got your glasses on you got good far distance see that hill with the two little two trees on it two trees yeah okay you see that patch there way back there oh they see that patch over there one better yet you see fome Lake the edge of fom Lake if I give you the plane I want you to fly towards it yeah you take the plane no no no he's not going to let you do anything foolish you you heard him what am I doing I'm just setting it up first oh my God okay so just take the plane you have the controls and turn towards full some light make a right turn I'll do the ruers for you just keep rolling it in there you go hold it right there now pick your nose up because it's turning that means pull back a little bit pull back some because you're losing a a lot of ground I see a lot of ground here okay now roll it out that's very good P the forward there you go just like you said push it forward got ner standby airplanes got to do more work in a turn that's why you have to pull the nose up what happened to he was telling me three fingers so you know I I'm gripping pretty hard here just relax let the blood flow back into your fingers yeah my uh unbalanced no you you you won't believe me but the airplane likes a real lightch I I got it kind of set up for that too so like that magenta line we were talking about right see it see it here yeah I can reenter it by doing that and now if you were trying to let's see just fly the magenta line here it's hard from that side I know that you don't have it in front of you go right you got to go right fly that line towards the and the plane still wants to fly so I'm just going to push the trim down a little bit no I what he's doing is he's anticipating the turn by pulling back thing that's good that's it that's it see you've already figured that out now roll out drop so if you let go does the nose want to pop up or come down down let's see let go for a second okay so see this wheel yeah this is your trim take your left hand and roll it down roll it here go ahead just take it no so I'm rolling it like this we'll bring the nose up for you so you want to find a place I got the plane for a second so you want to find a place where you you have the trim like this and So the plan is damn near straighten level right you got you got to fight a little bit Yeah but I'm not doing anything you have the airplane now you don't have to pull or push to keep the airplane level y so now we're set in in this setting for you know level flight go back to that magenta I see you anyone else call Shadow contct 5700 what's your Cru again Shadow please what's your cruise Al for shadow one Niner so remember how we told you about intercepting the line and then flying it so now you got to go fly intercept the line so if you hold this position straight ahead you will fly into the line and be able to intercept it you know what I'm going put it over here for you this way you can see it oh I see it see that that better let me go over here and put traffic over here I'm going to make life easier for you see the armrest over there to your right put your right elbow on it and take your left hand off the Yol it'll make you it'll make all your muscles calm down a little bit this is the airplane was designed to fly with your arm on the armrest so now you just respond to the airplane in real time boun right you put a little left in so if you want to really precise you're just going to pinch it bigger and you'll see that this is your this is I think it's a 30C line see a little getting used to this uh being in the air thing you know your stomach B around right and we are flying and we Are Climbing so I don't know if you're pulling it back and let it go and see so you climbed up to 4,000 oh okay number seven charlie delta what's the request so yeah see you're paralleling it if you do it like this you're like your Wing's touching it you know so that's fine okay now feel those bumps if you were going over yeah he's you're not going to get anywhere near him if you were going over waves in the in a boat as the wave comes you would expect you you would anticipate on what to do the boat's going to jump up and down well there's waves in the air you just can't see them so you by just learning to relax right hand on the you know on the when you start seal over there and left hand off the airplane just let it relax you tend to just let the airplane do do what it wants to do and you're just kind of going along with it okay so I got the airplane now you can let go I'm going to show you a sharp turn see so you see you see that that aspect outside yeah you know you got a fair amount of Sky about the same amount of uh ground dirt yeah and so you know it's just just you're you're right in the line I guess well yeah you kind of let the nose cut through it right look out as far as you can see where the sky meets the dirt that's the Horizon so you want equal amounts of dirt and sky so you you know you got a lot of sky to the right a lot of dirt to the left you want to keep them balanced but the nose on that Horizon that way you won't climb or descend and turn so that's that's doing urn jul or above 4,000 traffic 3 Ser juli at or above 4,000 so see this one here he's within 600 yeah so he wants us out or above 4,000 for him okay and it says so they see that minus 04 on that dot yeah that means he's 400 ft belowe did you want to go and I'm at 4,000 is going to be aggressive and pull the nose up a little bit more now if I drop this side let's see if we can see him remain at or above 2,000 till it he's uh actually he's quite a ways though he's three miles three miles from here yeah so he's not really a big factor is 800 below somewhere out there going that way I saw I see him now you see him going this way so that's the traffic he's keeping us away from but he's not obligated to he's only he's not obligated to separate us because we're supposed to be visual from everybody yeah we asked for V visual flight request okay 3 jul we had the traffic at 12:00 and I missed the last part traffic so even you know this system tells us there traffic there he's talking you know and three SE Juliet has the traffic at our 1:00 now less than a mile will'll maintain visual separation jul in that case Al your discretion thanks uh thanks we'll delete the altitude restri so if we were you know cop gun we could say okay we're we're high on them we're going to get them we're going to go down and too close for missiles too close for missiles switching to guns number 75 discre traffic has you in sight there so he's going that way we're going to continue what we were doing here traffic 12:00 she's still calling we got him honey you can you can go you can take a take a break now all right so I'm I I see him no way we're going to get near trffic 10:00 but she doesn't know that and he removed our altitude restriction so you see how the turn how much I how I lost all that altitude yeah it's because there's less Wings pushing you up because you're at this angle and so you automatically are going to lose lose energy this is how you're aware of other traffic besides unless the guy's in a gyrocopter or a whirly bird without any radios which he's allowed to be here this is a tool to help us okay but it's not the oral wherewithal Jerry and I learned to fly there was none of that you had to look out the window and find the other had none of that it just visual right so you got little bit of feel for it you can see the vertical speed indicator you see this here yeah so if I push the nose down easy you weren't at to squore me 20 something years ago I see you see how the altitude is unwinding and the and the vertical speed is going down too so that's your vertical speed going this way 10 ft per minute yeah okay we were we were at 1 th000 feet a minute there for a second now now I'm going to show you what um now you're going to get spoiled should I do the couple approaches there not all right radar vectors dark 3 Juliet got a request for the Approach at Auburn J M weather Auburn arav option back to me or full stop uh we'll be arav uh we got the weather at Auburn 513 here Juliet and we'd like to do a full stop with the arav runway 7 and offer number thanks you going to Piet a bazzi or suu uh let's just go go ahead and do situ if that's available oh appr adise SSU inbound three s will advise sitsu inbound so we're going to load this procedure let's pretend like it's cloudy okay number 75 terminated pretend like it's cloudy and we can't see anything right right now it's cloudy it's raining it's overcast we're going to let the plane fly to our home to home base you got your family in there you got you got a mother-in-law do you like your mother-in-law you got your mother-in-law in the back seat she's throwing up three SE juliets uh we are now inbound for cisu J Roger and three s jul we're four miles from situ we'd like to we would not like to do the reversal today that's fine just let me know s inbound I may have to spell you a bit there's a sesma skyw about a 4 M final now okay well let you know when we're inbound from cisq 3 here jul okay so now I'm not going to touch anything really I love the laugh that's good but Robert and I we're not used to running it this slow Robert are we yeah we're usually a lot fter speed so you see this this is our chart remember I was showing you that chart in Cesc City that took us over the water yeah well now this is the chart that's overlaying I could put it on here if I wanted to but I I don't I don't want to and you heard him say the word sitsu yeah so he said to me let me know when you're in bound at situ so I'm going to tell the plane to go down to 3,000 and stop at 3,000 so I'm just pushing buttons here all right so I'm not doing anything you're pretty accurate there it's a little bit off to 2000 he's a 20079 huh let's do that again so we're going to now tell the plane we're going to go up tell it to stop at 3,000 so I'm just hitting hitting buttons I'm I'm not touching anything okay AC works pretty good for 95 outside yeah so here's 3,000 and this should say alt for altitude here in a second it's really climbing slow up to get it I'm going to help and put it on so there's your altitude hold so Auburn is over there okay so what this is going to do it's going to go to this sitsu you see it auto zooming and it's going to make a right turn into it remember you got the kids in the plane um your wife's crabby she's yelling at you the weather's shitty this is why you get your IFR this is why you get your IFR instrument rating oh you know what damn it it's going to do the hold yeah you got to tell it inbound from there 1200 so I'm just hitting buttons here so now look at this making the right turn for me all right so now I'm going to take the approach hitting buttons I'm just going to activate the approach activate Vector the final I mean you see the magenta yeah the children of the magenta see your turning inbound clear on 7 approach airport keep your codeing to land change to by Z appr great day just going to call you 3 Ser jul inbound from sisu will keep the code and uh talk to you next time 3 jul go into advisories okay what do you think we are 12 out what's syy Robert 12 10 yeah Albert tra goldag 513 SI Juliet's 10 to the West on the approach for Runway 7 we'll break off and land 25 Auburn okay so now we're we're we at a good speed uh we got a checklist everything's a checklist so we got Popa gumps pressurization won't point you we just landed on seven there's no traffic out here if you wanted to take seven and we're uh clear the runway Runway at Charlie now Auburn okay that sounds like a good idea for three St jie thanks the winds are light let's see what the winds are remarks density altitude four so now we're going to get the winds if the wind's less than six or less Tailwind will take it high look look straight out in front of you you can see the runway the runway and the computer and the autopilots telling it to go right for the center line of that Runway it's the children of the magent so we're doing the pressurization check air conditioning check prop syn pumps on gas on M wind variable at okay we're good for seven uper traffic goldo 5 and3 Ser Juliet 6 West on the approach for Runway 7 we're going to land straight in Runway 7 full stop auert and so now we we're doing our checklist so we do here's a diamond that's coming in that's our Glide slope so now we can I usually put the gear down at at the Glide slope interset we'll do a little bit early there's a Ser going to start up here at the gas PS pretty soon but I don't think it's going to be ready by the time you get here okay thanks yeah we're going to be inbound in uh few minutes so now we're waiting for this Glide slope and the needle Glide slope localizer that's the two course lines that's the two course lines that Bo mentioned to you okay so now that the autopilot is commanding left right and up down yeah but it didn't arm the approach because I didn't arm the approach so now I got to go back down and get the Glide so oh yeah so there's a checklist for the rnav didn't follow it so now I have to go down because we're above the Glide slope which is the safe way to be instead of below it and now when when this centers you'll see GS hold up here this is normally about the time I tell people like yourself see the GS yeah now the plane's going to fly down this is normally about the time I tell people okay you're your airplane you have to land it now and they usually sweat bullets or a brick yeah [Music] gas I'm traic Gold Eagle 5 and three SE juliot four to the West on the approach for Runway 7 straight in Runway 7 full stop so you see we're just a little bit below it but the plane's following it I'm reducing power put the props up we're going to put first Notch of flaps SO gas check under Carriage got three green so we got our gear down mixers up propellers where we want them first Notch of flaps it's following us in we can take this down to 1848 if the weather is bad notice I'm not touching anything we're still reducing power hour taking the speed off and I'm going to go ahead and and dump the flaps now even though I usually wait till minimums which I didn't set the minimum so she usually tells us this is how far you can go and and you have visually from here you have to be able to see I haven't touched anything since way out there right yeah speed's a little little slick a little fast not a problem we'll have some speed brakes look at the wing you'll see the speed Brakes come up right yeah okay so autopilot still on I'm killing the autopilot we're get Tad slow get rid of the speed brakes three green full flaps center line now we're uphill so I just hold the airplane off till the runway comes up there's the runway comes up boom nice smother than Southwest save the brakes yes it pull the yolk back I paid for the whole Runway I'm going to use the whole Runway I'm a taxpayer I want it all so because it's so hot there's a density altitude so the it's like being at Tahoe because hot air you know like in a baseball game if it's hot the balls go farther yeah H traffic gold needle clear the all runways going to parking uper so the same thing when you have heat the m molecules are farther apart and there's less for the airplane to bite on whether it's the props or the wings and so you're indicating one speed but you're going much faster across the ground there's ground speed and there's air speed and they don't always match and you always want to keep your wheel on the yellow line you want to paint the yellow line with your nose wheel that'll assure you of on both sides uh uh uh uh most of the time depends on how long the wings are right it only if you're 747 yeah but for the most part it only guarantees that you're in the center of the runway won't guarantee that you won't hit anything yeah like that truck if parked out right there yeah clean fart but if you're if you're getting a check ride or you getting you want to paint that y keep the nose wheel on it we don't want to hit any cars so I think we're good here tell them the center line is the uh is reserved for professional Pilots there you go it's Al also the smoothest part of the runway cuz nobody uses it nice okay [Music]

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