Blake Snell on No-Hitter, Free Agency, His Image, & Why it Sucks Being Traded

Published: Aug 04, 2024 Duration: 00:20:18 Category: Sports

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Intro I just think teams like they did really do a good job trying to get to know me I think the the image on me is like he's a video gamer he doesn't like there's just the image on me versus what I am as a a player and a pitcher is is two different things Blake Snell joining us right now No Hitter on Ft coming off the no no we just talked about it Blake great to have you on here for the first time man you got cam Maven and AJ pinski yeah props we just went over the the postgame sound too how good did that feel on so many levels to put that together the other day well one thanks for having me appreciate that and uh not felt good I mean I haven't I haven't thought about it much I never really do so uh I mean it feels good it's pretty cool to do that um but I'm I'm I'm such a forward thinker like what's next what do I got to do now um how do I get ready for the next one but it it was very cool like first of all let me just say this awesome quote I love what you said like screw all y'all haters I can't go nine innings they never let me here you go boom there's a no hitter for all y'all right that was awesome I listen I was like I wanted to run through the TV and be like high five for Blake snow but I gotta ask man you guys are in Washington did Rosie put you in a closet somewhere like I mean what you got you doing there this the family room oh it's pretty stale in here but uh dirty CL I see that I see that you got to go tell him you want some fried chicken I'm sure he brought in some fried chicken for y'all his first facts DC hey hey Blake it's it's cam B here first off man I'm glad I don't have to face you anymore I to love facing lefties I I went to baseball reference at at bats no average AJ no average oh for what oh for what two for six only two punch though only two punchies but you know one thing I want to ask you talk about you're a forward thinker and I I'm just sitting here watching it last night I'm I'm having flashbacks not good ones at all and I'm like have you like have you finally figured out like I can't cuss anymore on B but your stuff is nasty like you're like have you f and I say that because you know I did a lot of Defending you Disrespect about Blake snail high pitch count this and that and I'm like listen y'all disrespecting a two-time Sai Young Award winner in two leagues I still think your best baseball is ahead of you but the last four starts bro I've seen you like attack with the fast ball attack in the zone more than I've ever seen you do and I'm going forward thinking have you finally realized like Doug I'm nasty like I can just go right at guys and and I can get quicker outs because that's what I've seen the last four or five starts and it's been nasty to see yeah well appreciate that that means a lot um I would say uh I mean yeah I've been way more aggressive in just getting strike on strike two with whatever pitch um but yeah I think I was so focused on like being so perfect and I was like I know I can spot corners and I was trying to do that so much and so frequently that it was only getting me in bad counts and it was favoring hitters and I was always having to battle my way back um that this year I just said like I need to get ahead stay ahead and just put batters away as quickly as possible I don't know I've said that so many times to myself it's never registered like it is now I don't know what that is but uh yeah I know a lot lately um I'm just I don't care I'm G throw it over the plate I need to get strike one I need to get strike two um and that'll help me get deeper into the ball game all right Blake I gotta ask you said you're a forward thinker and the Olympics are going on right now and Simone biles she's pretty good at gymnastics right she wins the she wins the gold medal again in the allaround and then she tweets out don't asked me about what's next but you said you throw a no hitter the achievement of a lifetime and you're already thinking about the next one so which one is it we don't ask you what's next or we be Blake snow and be like damn I'm already moving on to the next one um yeah I mean what's next is I got to get ready to have a good outing against Washington um that's all I can really think of um yeah I don't know I'm just what did I like about that start what didn't I like about it I got five days to figure it out put a plan together attack the plan see if I like how I attacked it and on to the next one Blake are you calling your own pitches um me and yeah I mean me and Pat we go over it like we have a pretty Calling Pitches pretty good game plan before I get out there we already know kind of what we're going to do uh to the first three hitters that we're going to face that inning kind of go over it um and then yeah it's it's been pretty pretty easy um I've been doing this now for two years with uh my catchers and you get on a rhythm you get a pace going really quickly hitters uh you know they they can't get comfortable because I'm throwing the ball catch throwing the ball um and I've noticed a lot more this year that hitters are just uh well in the last five games hitters are calling time a lot quicker and a lot more often hey I got a question for you Blake on the team you a lot of people in the The Giants media they'll question about moves being made that's nothing that you guys can control right that's out of your control but one thing that I notice is when I look at this team I'm looking at guys getting healthy I'm looking at Hicks I'm looking at Robbie Ray I'm looking at web I'm looking at yourself do you feel do you guys feel and the more than capable Bullpen might I add do you guys feel like you guys have everything that it takes to to make a little run because now the offense is starting to get going starting to get some hitting going fish Gerald has been a nice spark how do you what what's the atmosphere what's the vibe in the clubhouse as far as you guys believing that what you have is more than enough yeah I think uh I mean we know we got good pitching um we're we're really confident on that I think we can do it uh I think the team believes that too um I think we're we're starting to bond uh a lot as a team and that's that's kind of what's been pushing a lot of these wins I feel I mean I think the scariest teams aren't usually the best teams uh talent-wise it's the teams that have the best chemistry um I think we're going in that Direction so I I really think we can make a a run and a push and uh we can play some of our best baseball here coming up Blake were you worried you Trade Rumors were gonna get traded because your name was out there like did the Giants ever come to you and say hey man this this can happen no they never said nothing um that's good then that means they didn't want to trade you yeah they didn't say nothing and I didn't really put to like I didn't care if I got trade I got traded um I was happy where I'm at so I never really look forward to like what could be it's always like this is where I'm at I'm going to stay grounded right here um but I'm happy I'm happy you know getting traded is not a fun thing you gotta oh it's too much you got to move out of where you're at you got to find a new place to live you got to figure out what your family's going to do it's it's too much so I'm from that side yeah I'm happy okay all right soes that mean you're going to pick up you're going to decline to become a free agent at the end of the year if you're so happy why you ask just say I don't know at time you seen the last five stars AJ if he goes out use a pitch like this we might have we might have a different conversation we be have bro hey cam he won the sa young last year I don't know if you know that or not and he went to the off season and didn't sign till like the end of spring training so I gotta ask him like what was that like what was it like was it harder than you thought because I know you were you're a Boris guy and you're in Camp Boris and you know you're throwing to hitters and you're doing this and doing that but it's not a big league M with big league guys like was it harder than you thought to not go to spring training uh well I knew it was going to be hard uh when spring training started up I was kind of shocked I was like how was a team not not come after me to to get me on the team for something that I thought was fair for for my worth um and and then going through it it's like the end of towards the end of spring I'm like man this is crazy it just blew my mind I was like I'm still out here a free agent you got big league teams that I know could use a pitcher like myself and I'm still out here and the the offers I mean that was crazy I just no offers like nothing good nothing even worth talking about and then when the Giants came after me I was pretty pumped and then then I started getting into it we started springing I was like man I thought I was in like good shape ready to go and then I throw my first Bullpen out there I'm like yep it feel like the first day of spring like I felt bad was like I I threw four Innings uh against hitters um probably like four or five days before I I signed and I was like oh the ball's coming out nice like I feel good curveball everything looks good I get to Camp I throw my first Bullpen I'm and I haven't been sore like I was never sore but then when you get to Camp it's like a whole different intensity and then the first Bullpen I throw a pretty long Bullpen with good intensity and I'm sore I'm like oh wow I ain't felt this and then just getting going as quickly as I did getting right into the season facing Big League hitters uh for the first time in a real game in the big leagues I was like man I remember going out there I was like I don't know how I'm GNA do it today but we got to find a way and uh no it was just it was way tougher than I thought and I thought coming into it like yeah I've worked out I've ran I've done all my conditioning like I'm ready to go and it's n it's it was 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were you surprised that they didn't give you a call I mean we are on every day in the offseason so some Seattle fans kept hitting us up like we're getting snow like I don't think you will not because they don't like him I just don't think they're they're playing like that you know they've kind of kept their payroll in the same range but you know I know you're from there and maybe you'd want to play there eventually I figure yeah no I thought I thought they' at least called but nothing yeah um and I wasn't shocked for that cuz just their track record but yeah I mean I was curious on it for sure hey let me ask you this because you seem like a real one this what I like about you the most because I felt like this everything you're saying is crazy to me the fact that you didn't have these calls that nobody's reaching out is collusion real my brother uh I mean it probably could be Misconceptions um I don't know I think like now that I've gone through it uh I just think teams like they didn't really do a good job trying to get to know me I think the the image on me is like he's a video gamer uh like he doesn't like there's just the image on me versus what I am as a a player and a picture is is two different things CU like I work hard I do all the right things and like when it comes to baseball like I'm obsessed with it so I just think the image of me was was wrong and then when teams wen't coming after me maybe they just weren't spending money this year like I don't know what their reasoning was but um maybe it is maybe it's not I don't know all right well let me ask you this bro I'm I'm nasty on MLB The Show I'm like 148 and like 101 can you like help me get my twitchers up or something dog D help a brother hey my bad I know we talking baseball but I just got a Twitch account bro I'm nasty help me out hey you you have twitch I'mma check it out I just started I just started account man I play a lot of ml the show man I need your help all right yeah I'll check it out we gotta uh yeah we got to get you playing like some of the the big streamers that then your foll go say less I'm locked in say less all right I mean well now you guys you two are talking video games I'm I'm too old for video games my kid plays video games now he plays MLB the show and now he's on to college football because the new college football game came out but I got to ask this while we're on it you guys play with Video Games yourselves I mean as yourselves I mean sorry excuse me wait what was that we get we get the 99 cards uh of ourself but I never I never use it why not bln Blake snail's on my pitching staff and my diamond dasty bro that's all I'm GNA tell you I got the he's on my staff so yeah well I added a sinker to uh to the to my guy on 99 or on MLB The Show and it's it's a lot harder to hit now because if you play the game you know sinkers and Cutters and change UPS that's all you want um curveball get black fast balls they don't matter what kind of Rod you have they get whacked so you need Sinker cut or change you just put me on my my my winter percentage is about to go up even more I'm locked in dang all right all right again I don't know what y talking about but I got to ask since we were talking about collusion and you're talking about the wrong the wrong you know conception misconception about you blade because I've always talked to you and I've always loved talking ball with you the times when you've had playoff games with you and get to sit down with you it's been awesome so you know you're obsessed Free Agency with baseball I gotta ask this though was the Yankees thing real because that was like the big thing remember this offseason everyone's like man Blake snow got offered I don't even know what it was and he don't want to go to the Yankees and I'm like I'm sure he'd go to the Yankees and it sounds like from you talking you'd fit in great cuz you love baseball yeah the deal that came out uh that wasn't what was offered to me I could say that um but even I mean yeah I mean what they offered wasn't close to that so that's fair that's that see that's what happens like everyone we were talking about this earlier right when people go through ups and downs in the season with social media and stuff so all it took was one guy to say oh they offer Blake snow one year 500 million he doesn't want to go to the Yankees right and you're like man you call Scott Boris you're like Scott they offer me one year 500 million why don't I get that offer I'll take that and go to New York right now right so I I don't know I just think it's funny how things can get blown out of proportion and how you know one person says something and then it ruins you it can affect you for the rest of your career yeah I mean the New York fans they were showing love I mean I was shocked they were blowing up my Instagram was like they like winners man like win I got one I got I got one more for you Blake and it's on the staff you've been on some good staffs who has impressed you on that giant staff this year that you may not that you may not been aware of like hey this guy he's a dude I mean I know you got Hicks I know you got web any of those guys really like impressed you and stood out like this dude has a chance to be nasty for a long time I mean those guys like we know of um I think Harrison and bird song I think both of the rookies like they got a shot it depends how they develop the next couple years um more so like got to figure out their mindsets but I think both of them have shots to be really good um it just depends you know what's pushing them to be good and if they continue to do that um I mean you know as well as me rookies get up here and and like they get they get comfortable they get excited and they're like oh I'm going to do this now for 15 years like it doesn't happen that way so um whatever they do in the next two three years will kind of decide if they're going to be special or not but from uh stuff wise they got that so hopefully they can find ways to continue to get better and stronger and uh turn into a really good pitcher at this level but I would say those two guys hey Blake last one for me I don't know if you saw you know Garett crochet situation at all obviously he's been dealing this year but he hasn't pitched much in the past and so there were trade rumors around him and it was tricky situation because he's probably what what advice would you uh oh you lost me AJ you can pick it up he just wants to know what you advice you give crochet because you know he he they were like yeah we could trade you you could go from the worst team possibly in history to a team going to the playoffs I mean I don't know about you but I want to play on a good team yeah I mean I don't know like how much he loves Chicago and how much his family likes it there I mean that's that's probably a reason why he'd want to stay but um I don't know I I think my advice is what are you chasing like are you chasing to be like the best baseball player or you just you just like where you're at and you're one of the better guys on that team like what are you chasing what's your reasoning once you figure that out then figure out where you what like what's your best fit and try to go there I agree agree that's good advice for everybody though figure out what you're good at and figure out what you love and go to go do that right but I got to ask before we let you go real quick give me the path to the Giants making the postseason this year and then once yall if y'all get in I mean I don't want to face Snell Ray Logan web I don't want to face the you know that rotation in that Bullpen yeah I like we got a lot of home games I think this stretch we got coming up uh this month is is really what's going to decide it for us I mean we got San Diego twice in September uh then Baltimore Kansas City um so we got some good teams that we're going to play but I think this month um we got to win at home we we've been doing that um I think it's really coming together for us but um yeah I think this the next 20 games is really going to decide uh if we're going to push over this 500 Mark or we're going to just keep staying here and flirting with it um so for us the next 20 games I think is a big decider on what we're going to be I love it I love it well Blake thank you very much congratulations Scott had to go get on Twitch to watch y'all play against each other on MLB The Show but we appreciate it cam sa young two times sa Young Award two time two times sa and silenced all the haters with the with the no hitter and the complete game so Blake thank you so much we appreciate it slap Rosie for Cam and I tell him hello and uh thanks for joining us we're going to hit a break real quick here perfect thank you guys hey everybody be sure to like And Outro subscribe for more content we're back here every weekday all year long so do not miss an episode the videos are coming in all day here's another video you might enjoy baseball the way it should be covered [Music]

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