Adam Ottavino & Griffin Jax join; Benches clear in San Diego | Foul Territory

Published: Jun 25, 2024 Duration: 02:01:10 Category: Sports

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Intro and I can hold it much longer got to let go so I can't be free yeah full battery day on F here's inan crats with Trevor May back on Ft and also first time on Valley Sports style ft so Trevor you can say hi to your Minnesota fans that missed you that are only watching TV or the app what's up twins territory how we doing there you go perfect all right so last night was one of those loaded nights so we'll jump right into it and let's charge the damn Charge the Mound (SD vs WSH) Mound he's charging the M good guest list today so I want to make sure we spend some good time on this benches clear early on I mean really early on in San Diego set the scene just for a moment jerks and profar walk-off smash Monday Tuesday first a k Ruiz talking to him ends up kind of like poking him we're showing it right now if you're listening to the podcast there's multiple finger to chest contact before the at bat started but then everything was cool then they just hit him with a pitch but it hit his foot but still looked like MacKenzie Gore was pissed maybe at the fact that he didn't get a better spot but AJ what did you see well first of all Mackenzie Gore should have been ejected immediately instead of Mike schil um you have that happened and then he hits him the next pitch I mean that's Auto ejection it should have been I don't know who the Umpire was but I think he was number 20 so he needs to go back to umpire school because if MLB is really concerned about it like I mean you can't make it more any more obvious I don't know what Ruiz is doing in this world we live in like guys hit walk-offs you could do whatever you want I mean there's no like I mean yeah they said he was yelling at the bench whatever who cares I mean go inside you lost go back into your little clubhouse and not worry about it I I don't understand I mean yeah I get you're standing up for your guy and this and that but I mean profar was mad they walked to rise to get to him then he hits a ground roll double to win the game he was excited I can't tell you how many times I never watched a guy hit a walk-off as soon as it was hit I just jogged off the field and let him do whatever they want let him have fun and then when you hit a walkoff you get to do the same thing that's the way baseball is nowadays yeah why were they waiting on Monday to see if profar is going to do something that's what Dan kco the Nationals reporter talked about I listened to his report during the game Katz and Koko's really good I mean he's plugged in with the team for years he was basically saying they were waiting around once profar looked over at them he at least mentioned some guys not by name that were waiting to see if there was anything more out of it like what are you going to do start a fight once he touches home plate after the walk-off there's no bigger excitement than a walk-off I mean a walk-off ground roll double A walk-off Homer like they they walked arise to get to him yes you're gonna be like the guy's gonna be Juiced even if they didn't walk them like that's he's Juiced like emotions flow so what to me kybert Ruiz I credit it for saying whatever he said but he didn't need to make such a big display out of it and put his finger in his chest and like he's he's like The Keeper of the gate like if you want to say something to him just say something to him and nothing no none of this ever happens you want to hit them you don't even need to say anything just hit them speaks actions speak louder than words pick one yeah that's what I have to say pick just pick one either say something just do what you're gonna do but like yeah it turned into a big a big spectacle on per like just it's like they wanted that um you know I understand the whole light to fire under your team and you know the Nationals are in that that group of like nine teams that can make the playoffs you know they're on a run away I get it I I understand maybe they're feeling a little lethargic and he feels like you got to fire guys up but I'm a pitcher like we giv up walk-offs like if there was ever a time where you simply cannot care about what they do it's a walk-off like that's that is the most appropriate time there is is uh you know whatever have your opinions on a third inning down four nothing solo shot a guy pimping that looking at you and yelling whatever have your opinion on that but like walk-offs you got to have a certain level of like you know well I guess I guess that happened and I'm I'm the same way too if guy hits a I gave up a walk-off Homer last year I didn't see where it landed I was uh I was almost in The Dugout by the time it landed so that's that's how that thing those things usually work so even if you're noticing I I mean what are you doing it's my opinion you think you think Gore threw at him right there you think Gore probably Pi you think so yeah uh that's kind of crazy to be a coincidence especially uh frankly lefties aren't throwing into lefties that often on purpose so I'm just like I I don't really I don't really see how that's how that could be uh on accident um and you know jeron's one of those guys where I I just feel like he's an energy guy like that they they everyone says that about him in a clubhouse every teams have these um and when these types of things happen you know I I almost think of them it's not quite the same thing as in hockey with with the Goon but the Goon was the energy guy he was supposed to be out there to mix it up a little bit and light a fire under his team and protect his best players uh you got to have guys who are willing to like say something and like rile people up and jeron's been one of those guys so you know you play against him sometimes he's he's the easiest guy in a lineup to not like very much and and that probably colored a little bit of these conversations too it it becomes a little bit of an easier you know an easier decision for them to make that shouldn't be easy to make but uh it wouldn't surprising one bit if they're hey we're just going to plunk him right here go old school and the way kebert reacted to with the finger and stuff kind of all lines up looks like it was pretty premeditated yeah and then proar of course gets on after getting hit by a pitch Machado follows hits a smash it was a great call too from Don arilla I know we all like him right he's like they intentionally hit profar and Machado intentionally hits a homer or whatever he said it was really good and we're showing the Homer now but then also fast forward to later on AJ jerks and profar's been one of the best players in baseball this year they signed up for one million bucks plus some incentives like he is cheap as hell right now and he's been one of the best players in the sport he hits a grand slam later on right that's basically what decides the game so with all of that being said I also want to ask you about the beginning here were there not warnings issued and if so and you said Gore should be booted from the game I know it's a a tough cell it's one of the better pitchers in the league right now but doesn't the UMP have to toss him from the game once they threw the warnings out there and the gats already started beef and then continued it he should have been ejected that's why Mike sh got ejected he should have been ejected as soon as that pitch left his hand he should have been ejected I mean I don't know how they let him stay in the game and good for jerks and profar for hitting that grand slam because listen I played with jerx when he first came up you know contrary to what Trevor says I played with him he's one of the nicest dudes you'll ever meet always smiling always happy as can be yeah he might talk a little trash but I I I I love playing with him I saw him last weekend huge smile on his face you know I'm super happy he's having a great year he should be in the All-Star Game heck he should be starting in the All-Star game um but yeah I mean Mackenzie Gore he should have been ejected I mean he knew what he was doing don't give me he didn't throw at him on purpose he hit him in the leg whatever the first pitch he throws after they get into a bench clearing altercation hits the the guy they were talking trash to yeah that should be Auto eject yeah good call and then Kats there were also quite a few mistakes so I'm sure this made you cringe CJ Abrams who's been great this year just not paying attention and the pods just seemed hyped for this game right you also had Lis arise um getting a triple he's not the world's fastest and trust me I would say that we're showing right now on the screen CJ Abrams just mosing back to First and and there's par like dude quick quick um and they put the tag on so there were you know multiple plays where they made mistakes I know we're kind of Smashing the Nets right now and we've been you know pretty high on what they've done they've exceeded expectations but I think we all agree this was just a bad game for them on many levels did CB Buckner call him safe at first is that who that first I don't know who was at first but they called him sa they had to review it yeah they reviewed it this this was something that was premeditated too you talk about premeditation that's the Padres scouting department or coaches whoever realizing that they do that kind of stuff because you don't see aise like you know motion to him or anything he was just standing there waiting for him and he there was that was a very travel balles thing to do as I watch travel ball baseball right now you see some things you're just like G but watch right there see him go oh he did he did he kind of he flicked his glove right there Kim yeah and Hassan Kim was looking Prof or Prof sorry Abrams was just reminds me of the play yotti Molina picked the guy off remember it might have been Prof remember who that was it was Prof remember who that was it was proar yeah incred it all comes around incredible well let's let let's not forget what a scene it was in San Diego last night I mean that place was going crazy I mean they packed in the place every game and last night after profar's walk-off and then after the altercation that place was absolutely insane and they it should be because the the podres fans love their team and they're hanging in there for a playoff spot right now yeah they're in the mix also by the way just so that we don't give CB Buckner more hate than he already gets from many fans Edwin Moscoso was your first base umpire edween Ed moso so the Padre's yes are 40 3 and 41 on the season we talked what was it yesterday about how they're missing dudes you know tatis is going to miss some time darish is set back so you know they've had their fair share of injuries but if you look at where they're at right now I mean AJ's right they are very very in the mix they're in second place in the west out of all those teams right we had a hard time deciphering how the Padres Diamondbacks and Giants would lay out uh two three4 in the division but right now you know they're up on the Diamondbacks not by much but by a game and a half and like mentioned AJ they're right now in a playoff spot and I will tell you this if they are in this range AJ PR is probably going to acquire a name that we know and he doesn't have any money doesn't have any money to do it though he money yes he does he has money it's called prospects and he's not afraid yeah but they don't have any money they can't take on a lot of capital they're kind of in a bad spot right now because of the ownership situation yeah I know they're they're floating near that luxury tax number that they want to stay under or whatever the line is that they have not that it's the it's the ownership because the ownership is because of what happened with Peter seidler they're kind of in like a the ownership is kind of falling into a trust and so the person that's running it right now I don't know that they're that's why they had to cut so much payroll and trade stto and and get rid of uh haer and all the moves they had to make in the offseason was because and they kind of made some low R rent moves because they don't they're not able to make moves until this thing is figured out exactly who's going to own the team it's gone I think into a Sidler Family Trust so they're not exactly sure who's making decisions but I know AJ PR's hands with money are kind of tied AJ prer will make some moves this man will leave some prospects go he will make moves and to me if they make the playoffs this just shows this guy made the arise move he made the end of spring training Dylan cease move it's always are we always hear trades oh we can't trade right now it's too it costs too much you know what it costs if they make the playoffs however many games Lis arise helped them win since they got them till the trade deadline that's the cost and if that's what gets into the playoffs boohoo on other teams who don't make trades earlier facts and he has not been the world's perfect general manager president of baseball Ops you can read some of you know Ken's story last year about some of the people that were surrounding the team and the beef that he had with with manager Bob Melvin but at the same time this a fun GM this a fun guy that runs a baseball club because he makes moves like this versus teams that have been you know so stale so yeah it's enjoyable he knows that San Diego is all about the Padres right now all right so we'll step aside our first guest is coming soon and that's Adam adino on one of the other big Series going down this weekend the subway series with the Mets and Yanks we'll be right back on B sports TV and the app if you're on YouTube stay here all right ft fam SE Geeks the official ticket Marketplace of Major League Baseball they've got you covered for your baseball ticket needs that includes Not Just Sports but also concerts festivals Etc all right one seat tonight one ticket Trevor May looking at the schedule where are you going we'll fly Seatgeek you anywhere you have to get the ticket on seek where you going I'm going directly behind the plate in LA Angels uh a uh just so I can yell at shaying Le for the entire game there seats available yeah what one that's true one example of what you would yell at him is what uh swing harder yeah let him know he needs to swing a little bit harder that's usually what the issue is it's it's not swinging hard enough so nice love it who who's got one heel got to see heel play I got to see heel how he bounces back the adrenaline of the sub series need it AJ you got a game besides I'm I'm going I'm going to San Diego I mean I want to see CE pitch against the gats and after last night's game and the last two games and all the emotion uh you know Dylan CE one of my guys I love him and I want to see how he pitches with all the emotion and the crowd's going to be on fire again especially you know with a chance to get another W and creep up farther over 500 for the Padre's I'll throw two more out there in case you're in these specific regions in the country Cleveland Baltimore Series has been really good Cleveland though taken it to Baltimore yesterday high-scoring Affair you've got Carrasco against Grayson Rodriguez so it looks like a matchup a mismatch on paper but we'll see and then Gavin Stone who I love to watch on the Dodgers and the progression he's made against der fety I'm watching all the fetty starts right now since he's gonna get traded with over 28 million downloads se's the number one rated ticketing app and SE has your tickets to all the games all the major league baseball games that you would like to consume in person and they are backed by their buyer guarantee it's the only site that lets you return your tickets ahead of the event with swaps you can look into that and you know ft has the promo code for you if you're new to the party 20 bucks off tickets at seek that's 20 bucks off your first purchase when you use the promo code fou fo L make sure you click the link in the description to download that app we are coming right back on Ft with Adam adino talking about what happened with Edmund Diaz and then pushing forward to the Mets Yankee series [Music] yeah ft is flying we're Landing in New York City we got out ofo Adam out ofo on the show right now um to talk about the Adam Ottavino subway series Adam great to have you back on the show and congrats on the big win for the Mets in game one of this Series yesterday how was it how fun was it I know there were a lot of chapters to the story here that we'll get into but you know you're a New York City guy how was this for you it was fun you know Mets win that's all that matters and uh we had a great time last night crowd was electric um it's been good every time I've been a part of this but uh last night was definitely another good chapter in it can can I ask you first about the Yankee side because I know you know Cole well too what did you see from him and did you hear his postgame comments about how you know he was firing close to Upper 90s but didn't have the control in the first so he dialed it back and your side took advantage yeah I mean we definitely noticed it in the second inning uh looking at the iPad that his V dropped a little bit there I haven't talked to Garrett yet um but I was worried in the moment I was like man maybe he's hurt but it also made sense that he was dialing it back a little bit he went back up to 96 pretty quick after that um but it was just one of those nights he didn't have his best stuff and we we've been swinging it really well so it was a tough matchup and then your boy Mark Vientos with not one but two big bombs I also got to read a little bit about him I didn't realize like he grew up a huge David Wright fan so this must have been special for him too now you know he went through some ups and downs I know if it was up to him he would have been on the team right from the jump there but you know he's been huge for you guys actually who was it last night on the broadcast somebody oh Keith Hernandez called him John Carlos Stanton light because he's strong as hell so what do you have for us on Vientos and what you saw from him yesterday I mean he can really swing it he hits the ball as hard as anyone so the Stanton comparison makes a little bit of sense um but I'm just really proud of the guy uh he was disappointed coming out of spring probably rightfully so but uh you know he just kept his head down kept working and you know the cream always Rises to the top and I think he's proven that right now hey aotto big fan uh uh longtime fan long time no talk um I got a question about Alvarez I I think it's no Francisco Alvarez the catcher um I think it's no surprise to anybody that the recent success kind of Co coincides with him coming off the IL and uh becoming everyday part of this team um I I remember when I first met him being really impressed with his ability to uh call a game and receive um and he's only gotten better since uh since then uh what has impressed you so much like what what's it like having him back there um does it feel like there's a young guy back there does it feel like there's been a a veteran that's been back there for a decade hey what's up T um it's definitely a weird thing when you're trusting such a young guy with so much responsibility back there but um as the days go by he's earned that trust and then some he's the type of guy that is just really good at getting himself better and he learns from everything every day he's he's an Absol abute sponge it's just really impressive to see his feel for the game I don't know if that's something you can teach or not but he definitely has it uh he doesn't just like rely on the analytics only he's he's in tune with that stuff but he's also feeling the game out and he knows the strength of his pitchers and I mean his pitch calling is is topnotch we've definitely got on a nice run with him behind the plate um and just his emotional like his emotional boost that he provides to the team too like his energy and his enthusiasm it's definitely infectious so so um I'm a huge fan of his and it's really cool to see him at this stage of his career um already be so good a couple follow-ups on Alvarez one can you describe more specifics on his game calling and if you know it stands out for a young catcher it does seem like he's pretty aggressive calling pitches inside in a good way and then number two is this a thing is this normal I saw this last night and I think one of the broadcasters mentioned that they hadn't seen it or maybe had seen it only once Peterson was getting close to the shot clock expiring the pitch clock and Alvarez here I'll put my finger in where he he's going like this he's like paying attention to the clock and he hurries him up I've seen him do some of the timeouts to save his pitchers but I hadn't seen this before and then Peterson did kind of Rush himself to get the pitch going so did you notice that I didn't I didn't notice that in the past he's kind of called time and like run out there uh if if we're about to get a violation in a big spot so he's definitely definitely has a good feel for the clock and the Cadence of all of that um in terms of the pitch calling you know for me I think it's important to know the game plan and to know the hitters and to know the script but at the same time be able to watch what's happening in front of you because a lot of that analytics is kind of like for a sample size of Infinity but if you're paying attention enough in the moment you can get advantages you know for what's necessary right now and I've played with a lot of catchers that didn't have that type of feel and then um the ones that do it definitely stands out because you know they're just kind of in the moment um exactly where they need to be they're very present and that's what he does and I think that there's small edges to be gained uh with that type of ability okay we're giving Alvarez all the credit for this run I thought it was Grimace that made you guys get hot I don't understand why we're giving Alvarez so much credit yeah I mean clearly a uh Hey McDonald's uh Place mascot has been hitting all the homers and throwing all strikes and making all the plays hey whatever it takes as you know whatever it takes in baseball to get you hot you'll do whatever it takes so listen if you need Grimace to throw out the first pitch you have Grimace yeah I mean we don't care we don't care we'll take it uh the fans are running with it there was some Grimace costumes in the stands last night um whatever it takes to Galvanize the fan base I mean we'll definitely take it yeah agreed all right so one of your fellow Bullpen guys just got his 10 game suspension what did he say to you guys and what were your thoughts when you saw him go out there and then obviously you've seen the picture of his hand what I mean if it was just rosin why can't we have a test that says hey it's just rosin yeah I mean I think there's some frustration across the league with just that everything's umpire's discretion in this regard and it's kind of hard to know where the line is and even if you have a certain practice with getting sweaty and grabbing the rosin bag or grabbing dirt or whatever you're doing you know depending on the weather your hand might have a different level of tack I think in the Cubs Bullpen you know you're in like a controlled environment in there uh because it's inside and air conditioned and then all of a sudden you run out and it's like super humid outside so I don't really know the specifics of what he was doing that day but I think it C basically caught him by surprise he was pretty surprised that he got ejected um he said he really hadn't done anything different than he had been doing um and he's our teammate so we're always going to support him no matter what but it's just a scary situation when you see that your closer about to be ejected from the game and nobody's ready to go in there so we were kind of scrambling a little bit out there um and luckily the boys that did go in did a good job are there any situations where you guys are getting ready in the pen and you're like oh crap like you kind of like feeling your hand you're like uh oh like my the sweat and everything mixing together ah this is bad and start like wiping it off or is it something that ah whatever you know we'll see what happens good question I've done that before I've been warming up and I've noticed that my hands are a little black a little bit from the you know the rosin on you know and also the dirt on the ball and and stuff like that the mud on the ball and just try to pick it off a little bit with my fingers but then I like feel it with my left hand and I'm like well it's not sticky and I mean overall they're trying to go off stickiness I think not really like color and stuff like that so as long as you feel like you're not tacky you you're probably good to go but I don't know I think ever since the Crackdown started I've been more on the paranoid side than most guys probably like I just wantan to just want to get out there and do my thing and try not to worry about it too much Adam do you feel like some pitchers need more education on what the rules are right now even if they disagree with them you know even if you're using substances that are legal your hands can still get too sticky so that's number one because I feel like sometimes you know you'll get an answer like hey I was just using what I normally use but that's not necessarily okay within the rules number two kind of a followup towards this is okay Edwin Diaz hadn't pitched yet and I have seen situations where a pitcher comes out there and they go hey just wash your hands it's too sticky right he's not even in the midst of his inning yet the fact that that is you know a rule for some and not for others like The Human Side the human element part there bothers me like let's just make a decision can can he go wash his hands because other pitchers have been able to do that do you feel like that part's messed up I think I tend to agree with you a little bit there I mean it does seem like there's been a double standard at times where guys have been able to go you know clean it up or get it to an acceptable place for the umpires but I mean we've had three guys suspended in the last two years and it's pretty pretty detrimental to the team when that happens so I would have loved for him to be given that opportunity um he wasn't so we just have to roll with it but yeah I mean in terms of the education I mean because we had the two guys suspended last year I mean the the club has done a great job of really driving that home and making sure that if anything you're on the safe side um it's just unfortunate what happened we didn't see it coming and um you know hopefully we can just move forward from it but it was definitely uh definitely crappy situation OT what do you uh what do you think about the suspension as it stands now being 10 game still uh being an immediate ejection um you know I understood the way I felt about it is I understood at the time when right they're trying to change something in the middle of the Season you really want to drive that home so you got to make it real scary but keep in that do you think that's probably a little bit overkilled now I mean obviously you're on a team now that's that's been affected by it several times uh but 10 games seems egregious to me I'm wondering what you think well I mean I think that the the penalty is what it is it's got to be pretty stiff to really to really stop it um you know when the Crackdown happened you saw spin rates drop across the league and then you've seen some some creep back up uh across the league so it's one of those things where I they don't want it just to go back to the way it was before it was definitely unfair for the hitters and I think therefore you need to have some sort of stiff punishment this one's a little weird because it's like a paid suspension so like individually it's maybe not as painful uh as some other things could be but from a team perspective it's it's pretty tough so you have to live a little bit with that feeling of letting the boys down and I know for me that would that would haunt me pretty good hey I'll take you to another you know League Topic in the past couple days or last night really you had the gats and Padres suddenly creating rivalry which is cool and fun I'm just curious for your thoughts about the origin of the story so jerks and profar hits a walk-off home run or walk-off hit whatever on Monday and or Homer and they didn't like the way that you know he kind of looked towards the Dugout because they intentionally walked to think arise to get to him so where do you think is the line and you know what ticks off a team enough for then the next day them to try and send a message to him you know what I'm saying like it seemed as if you know they felt like him looking towards the D out was their line and so they were pissed and They Carried that into Tuesday's game you curious what you've seen and do you care about that stuff anymore with the way that the game has changed I mean for for me uh I've always tried to for the most part to direct my emotion towards my own team and not towards the other team as much as I can uh I just think that sportsmanship you know ultimately uh but it's such an emotional game and sometimes a guy does feel disrespected and so he wants to rub it in their face a little bit it's human nature like I get it um in terms of the retaliation I guess the Nationals must have felt pretty strongly uh that they were upset with profar's you know home run celebration or whatever on the walk-off I don't know the the specifics of that or if there's even more to that but I don't know it's such an emotional game there's testosterone flying around you know it's bound to happen at some point uh between two teams it was just kind of interesting how it went down there in the first inning yesterday you feel like it's okay to throw it guys we talk about this all the time and you're a guy that comes in you're not coming in in mop up situations you're coming in in close situations do you feel like it's okay to throw at guys because we talk about you know AJ doesn't feel like it but he's like hey I'll take a free I'll take a free base at any point well i' I've personally I've never thrown at a guy on purpose because like you said most of the time I can't afford that base runner there has been times where I felt like we needed to send a message to the other team I don't want to hurt anybody but there are times where that's kind of the way it's been done in the past you're trying to send a message to the other team like in a kind of a kind of a mature way hit him somewhere where it doesn't hurt and you kind of just move forward but I've never been in that spot so I've never had to deal with that emotion that anxiety of having to execute that plan uh so I'm maybe not the best guy to ask but in in general I don't I don't love hitting guys I mean I feel like especially as a pitcher we don't have to go up there and hit anymore so they can't kind of come at us it's it's like a free shot and then you're just kind of opening up your teammates for potential injury and I don't I don't like that part of it yeah and you can't hit somebody with a slider so what's what's the point of you hitting somebody right it's not like my fast Ball's really uh gonna hurt you this point either so it's slow that's all it's it's been it's really slow I mean you only hit like 95 so I guess that doesn't hurt anybody so hey I want to ask you about last night's last night's last night's Dinger by Judy you guys in the bullpen take us through the emotion not necessarily the home run but like leading up to that where you guys are winning 91 do you sit there in the bullpen and like some guys kind of check out Reed Garretts maybe your DEA facto not closer but like me to the order guy right now with Edwin down do you guys kind of check out and then have to recheck back in or how does that go out there well I don't think you ever fully check out uh you can be like partially checked out like you're not locked in the adrenaline's not pumping it but in a lot of ways as a reliever that that kind of works to your benefit um you kind of want that adrenaline to hit and then for you to be able to like warm up and go right in the game sometimes that's kind of the best Spike you can get um rather than kind of like trying to hold that adrenaline feeling the whole game like you can't do it so sometimes it's better for it to kind of come on suddenly um but you know for me I wasn't even in the bullpen last night T I unfortunately I started off that inning and faced three guys and didn't do my job so I was out of there and I was watching it from The Dugout just hoping we could get some outs and keep them at Bay but uh Aaron's a strong guy so even though we hit that all I think like 45 degrees or something it's still went out Auto we had a thing with Danny colum the other day about inherited Runners what's your stance on inherited Runners and how important of a stat is because Kat and I both said you know what we think it's a huge stat for relievers because know there's relievers that have good eras and they give up everyone you know they torch everyone else's runs and then as soon as their Runner gets on third they're like oh here's my nasty slider oh here's my good split so what's your thoughts on that as a bullpen guy for me it's huge uh for me like David Robertson is a great example of maybe the best fireman in the game's had the last 10 years I mean he's been in other roles but he's the best guy at coming in and putting out fires and I've always taken pride in that role when I'm when I'm given that opportunity uh nothing feels better than saving runs for your teammates and kind of coming in and saving the day um I do think the stat itself is a little weird because all the situations are different you know Bases Loaded no outs is a different thing than man on second two outs uh you should be able to get that last out without that man scoring from second but you come in bases load to no outs uh keeping them all off the board maybe is a little bit high of an expectation there but I do think that's a huge part of the game especially for the bullpen guys and you got to take pride in that for sure I have to second that for you the little bit that we played together the little bit that I caught you your stuff did not it almost I always felt like your stuff actually ticked up a little bit when there was other guys Runners on base and they and it really stuck out to me I'm glad AJ asked that question because it was almost like hey like where where was it where was that same pitch like last inning when nobody was like somebody else's runs are out there almost like you even even when we talk on a mount it almost seemed like you were more focused is that true or is it just kind of is a bad read by me I think it's a good read it's unfortunate that it's a good read because I'd like to be better with no with nobody on uh but sometimes with nobody on you're kind of like you get into this like weird mode where you're aggressive but not 100% aggressive you're kind of easing your way in with those first two pitches but when I come in in a big spot I've got no choice but to go into kill mode right away and to be super duper aggressive and a lot of times that brings the best out of me um so yeah I do think your intuition is right um I definitely uh get a little more you know locked in for those moments and I'm do trying to do a better job of doing that all the time but you know it's an emotional game for sure kill mode and super duper usually don't go together so that was interesting way to to phrase it okay so we talked about Grimace we talked about Francisco Alvarez but Francisco Lindor had a team meeting and that's really when you guys I mean I know it coincides with Grimace and it coincides with Alvarez coming back but was that the thing that got you guys going and I mean you don't have to divulge what was said but did you say something did you know did the whole team say something or was this just Lindor saying let's freaking go boys yeah I mean uh Francisco's one of our big leaders on the team after that game that was a really tough game he came over to my locker before the meeting and he's like I think I think it's a good time to have a players meeting what do you think and I said yeah I think if we're going to do it Now's the Time and he let off the meeting with some really wise words and a lot of people spoke in that meeting I spoke a little bit um but quite a few people spoke in that meeting and overall the message was just really positive and we need to stay together and we need to have a thing you know it's just for us and a lot a lot came out of that um and you don't never know what's going to come out of it but it was almost just like we snapped our fingers and started playing better the next day as a group and all of a sudden we were having more fun and kind of let go of the burden of the past and you know Francisco had a really good pulse on that being the right time so I give him a lot of credit for that all right real quick here Mendy is he as good a um manager as he was a bench coach well I mean I only had him that one year in 2020 as a bench coach so it's hard to like totally understand everything that the bench coach was doing but I do think he's done a really good job with this team his message has been consistent um and I just got to give him a lot of credit that's the most important thing as a manager is just to be consistent and he's had our backs pretty pretty much the whole way and uh you've seen the results you know we are turning it around we're right in the thick of this thing and uh I think a lot of good things are in store for the Mets so you got to give them credit for that it's fun dude National League wild card and you know obviously there's some division leaders but there are a lot of teams in the mix so playoffs are are very very much an open race so it's been fun to watch Dude good luck in the game tonight again against the Yanks all eyes on it especially in the New York City area we appreciate the time as always Adam great having you on dude all right thanks fellas thank you Adam adino one of the best interviews in baseball joining us on Ft be right [Applause] [Music] AG1 back all right well we're still here for the YouTube group okay so let's uh educate Trevor on ag1 right now uh Katz and AJ are on the road they are a little bit lazy and sloppy like me which is why they need travel packs to be able to kind of like be organized and I'm actually really proud of them like a AJ has a little plastic bag with his ag1 packs so anyone new to the party ag1 is a foundational nutrition supplement that delivers daily nutrients and gut health support it's backed by multiple research studies you can trust what you're putting in your body and did you guys have your ag1 this morning did you drink your agon yes drink yep yeah drink it first thing I wake up hold the way the game today AJ's reaching it mine's I don't think mine's Within Reach today so all good as we know yes as we know testing your products is a big deal um not only does ag1 test the product itself they test the ingredients in isolation um they test their formula as a whole the whole deal okay which is important especially for the many baseball players that are listening and watching right now 97% of people in a research study felt more energy after 30 days of drinking ag1 it supports whole body health and that's why ft is excited that they continue as a partner here you can see the website right now and the code to use as well so start your journey with ag1 get a free one-year supply of vitamin D3 K2 and get five free ag1 travel packs with your first purchase at drink that's drink L go check it out ftam and let's go back to AJ did you come back do you have Show and Tell there you go good job remember the other day I had six now I'm down to four so it's working one two three four boom there you go Trevor did you learn a lot with all the I learned a lot it is delicious I have drank it quite a few times in my life as well there you go I don't know about delicious I don't know if delicious is the right way to uh describe the taste of it I disagree okay well you guys compared to other products that are the same it is it is by far other products you will you will drink it you'll be like hg1 does a really really good job of making making the flavor very nice yeah but delicious is not where I would go it tastes good but delicious is not like the exact way to describe it it's it's good to drink and it's not horrible that's why we do this on Ft it's always Real Talk be right [Applause] Better than Box Scores [Applause] back better than box scores let's talk through Yankees Mets we did that with adino but Trevor I'm going to start with you because all on GAR Cole first start good results you know if you're looking at the pitches I can get your thoughts on what you what you saw from him in that first go round this second start was was really interesting as we mentioned I mean you know the vo was there in the first he said he dialed it back in the second he got smashed three out of the four home runs were off the fast ball he didn't strike anyone out he wasn't getting whiffs on his heater so a what did you see and B should there be any percentage of concern about the health of his Arm based on those results or do you think it was you know just a performance thing the reason I asked that is we do have guys come back from elbow issues where there wasn't surgery and I know every elbow is different but I do always get concerned about the Kyle bradish situation because we've seen it happen a billion times um so there's something interesting G Cole's a gamer um I think we we know that from his comments in the past how he wants to take the ball in game one uh for him to say I'm you know I'm taking the foot off the gas doesn't really line up too well for me um you know I I did he was air mail in fast balls like missing egregiously up and and that would you know there could have been something mechanically going on where he's like you know what I'm goingon to stop trying to muscle this thing and and just kind of let it go whenever it happens and it's not like it went from you know 97 to 90 um but kind of leaned on the cutter a little bit more than I thought he would which was a little bit weird um I think that's something he's trying to do to lefties a little bit more go up in and it just wasn't getting there very very much uh so yeah there's probably a little bit like he doesn't feel I mean it doesn't feel 100 like he doesn't feel the best he's ever felt I think that's pretty clear um so you know there could be a little bit of like subconsciously trying to protect yourself a little bit um but whether or not it's a concern you know he threw he threw the amount of pitches he wanted to get to he was on a pitch limit he got there he didn't come out early um he wasn't shaking his arm and he wasn't doing like some of the some of the stuff you can't avoid doing if you're arm hurts basically it's really hard to to hide it if it's bugging you so that gives me a little bit of uh of you know quite makes me feel a little bit better about it but you know he's he's he went a really long time without being hurt at all and throwing lots and lots of innings so this is a little bit of un Uncharted Territory for him too he's Rusty um we're seeing how you know Blake Snell and a lot of these guys are are taking a little bit of time who've been around for a while a little bit more time to get get knock the rust off so I think it was mostly that but it wouldn't surprise me if it's like not injury but not quite where he wants it to he does not quite what it wants it to feel like that wouldn't surprise me is it different because Cole's injury other guys injury it's like oh they come out and it's like oh Flex or something they feel it and Cole's was he never felt it when he was pitching in spring training but then he wasn't recovering the way he wanted to and he was feeling the pain in his elbow is that different have you ever had both of the you know both sides of that yeah yeah definitely it felt um where it was like a soreness issue um to where you felt like you were working harder but it wasn't necessarily hurting like you still getting everything you wanted after it but you like knew you like knew you were going to be more sore than normal and that gives you pause because it usually means you're you're using something or working some muscle that that something's compensating for something else which then could be a longterm issue and you want to avoid that if you can so um he's just smart I think he's smart and he knows his body really well and he's he's felt things this year that he that he hasn't felt really for this long before and so he's really really trying to have abundance of caution because um like you said you know there's guys who are like oh my elbow bother me and then they try to come back two months later like oh my elbow so bother me and then you know six months later they finally you know get a surgery or get get it done and I think he's he's uh he's trying to make sure that he knows exactly what's going on and then and and reacts accordingly out on the mountain so he doesn't just hurt himself because of he's trying to I don't know trying to force himself to be an old version of himself that he isn't right now and if that's what's going on which I mean maybe he's just like the only guy in the league that has the confidence to do that which would not surprise me either he's G Cole um I I think it's for the best though I think that it's I think he's gonna figure it out and the fact that he ran one up there at 98 at one that it's there it's not like it's not there so okay so then another layer to this game was gabber Torres late in the action you know not running out a ground ball after the game said he you know is dealing with a groin issue re buying that we okay with that you know this pops up every once in a while actually AJ has popped up with the Yankees quite a bit over the past 20 years Robinson Canó always used to get crap for how he played the game from certain people but the numbers were there obviously eventually you know the Peds were a thing but anyway your thoughts on glaber here we're showing it you know weak ground ball to short and if you look like the the ball you know was was heading over to lindor's way a pretty slow pace I know lindor's got a clock and you know maybe he's paying attention to the runner but like there was a chance that glaber could have been close there no listen Scott and I think Crow will agree with me nobody can run every ball 100 per. no nobody I know Bryce pper said I'm gonna run every ball out 100 per. nobody can do it it's physically impossible it's just mentally impossible and listen I'm not getting on glaber here could he have ran a little bit harder sure would he have still been out because Francisco Lindor would just would have hurried it up a little bit more absolutely so whether his groin his hamstrings whatever is sore on him or sore or not I mean Aaron Boone should know that though that's the thing that that is intriguing about this is the managers get like a training room report before every game and they say okay well who's sore who's this who's that boom boom what are they dealing with where's the rehab at so maybe glaber didn't tell anybody I don't know but that was was interesting to me is that Aaron boom was like I don't know about that we just got to get him going and listen glaber kind of goes up and down with how he's hitting and he's kind of hasn't been great this year so but again I'm not blaming glaver because listen I didn't run every ball out I try to run as best you can but a lot of times listen you run 70 80% you're dealing with something or you're just tired you can just be tired there's days you're just tired so listen I'm if he's hurt he's hurt but they need to figure this out and Aaron Boone should have known this before the game there's a way to stay on the field the team feels like glaver Torres is their best option even at 70 to 80% running a routine ground ball out to Francisco Lindor gold Glover so there's times that you have to stay on the field we talk about it all the time with John Carlos Stanton and the speed that he's running he tweaks something did he do something out of the ordinary when he ran like that that's what glaber's trying to stay away from other sports are going to be like what how on Earth the NHL Stanley Cup just finished dudes are getting like they have like broken kneecaps or broken ankles that they're playing with I get it the difference is these guys are going out they're 162 games and the value for glaber Torres is not be beating out an infield single the value for glaber Torres is driving doubles to the right center Gap unless it's in Yankee Stadium than they're homers and getting his batting average up so is his groin tight who knows what happened only he can answer that but no we can't get on him for not running this out yeah at the end of the day in uh Major League Baseball man like injuries don't exist if you're the only one that know about them uh but the other side of that coin is you know you say something sometimes that causes more issues than it can can be so guys are constantly like flip-flopping on these things if they have some little nagging thing right and most guys are going to choose play through it it sometimes that's what playing through it looks like um where you're sacrificing one part of your game just to to give the value in the other places that are probably your better strengths anyways um and it just comes down to perception at this point like Yankees fans and and aren't real happy with how things have been playing lately and it's just one of those things it's just more noticeable in situations like that so but I I don't blame him at all either you know watch any Game and Watch how many guys are sprinting through especially like you said Francis Lindor who is been great over there at Short this year and is every year so it's like I this just ain't worth it I'm not going to go I'm not going to tear this thing trying to be out by two steps instead of four right and you know right now and there's Boon on considering benching glaber when he was asked after the game quote we need him to go we need him to get going especially through this stretch we need him to be a presence in the middle of our lineup we've got to get that out of him I mean to me that's the other layer of the story things get enhanced in certain markets they get even more enhanced if fans are frustrated with the play of that particular player Gaber Torres is having a down year at the plate like they asked him even again yesterday hey what's wrong he's like everything it's just not good right I'm not as good defensively I'm not as good at at the plate this year so that hurts too he's maybe pressing a little bit feeling the freeing grind you often see that some players rise to the occasion others feel the heat it's a different year for him because this is the year where you can really get paid after the season so Yankee fans are pissed about really their infield in general right now the infield production as as a whole has not been good vul's had a a nice sophomore season but besides that infields been a problem right rzo wasn't good then he hit the I you know third base is still a question mark DJ lumu has you know no extra base hit power anymore you know so we'll see what happens with the Yanks there are flaws Shockers how come how come this let me ask this did you see the lameu play Yesterday nobody I mean people a little bit were getting on him but I mean I've never seen a big league third baseman just like whiff he just whiffed on a ball going about 12 miles an hour and then it led to extra base and no one's how come no one's questioning and again I'm I'm never going to questions anyone's effort but if we're going to get on glaber here I mean that was that was kind of egregious too I mean this is the big leagues you get paid to catch the ball Trevor May's out there chucking it and that ball goes down the line instead of a you know an infield hit it's a double and that run scores he's like dude what's going on over there yeah you might get McKenzie gourd in The Dugout you know well send out a week by the way he's had a week yeah he has that is true we like it all right we'll be right back uh things to look forward to we're going to do some fan question and answers and also vlat Jr now is okay with New York City [Music] interesting I want to talk about Pete Alonzo a little bit while we're on the Mets he's a guy that I feel like should be signed a long-term deal this is a guy that's New York through and through talking about the Mets he's a guy that's done a lot for the city he helps out a lot of people and lo and behold he's a really good hitter he's a good power hitter too as well and he's grown to become one of the best hitters in baseball what is the consensus with that what's been going on have there been any talks or and it's just something that we'll play it by year and see how it goes at the end of this year yeah I don't have any insight into what they're thinking is Now with uh David Stern's in charge and and um you know other people that have kind of changed left their organization or there's new people in the organization since I left so I don't really I can't really speak to where they're at with that but you know the one issue that I think is a challenge that seems to be an industry challenge is you know everyone wants to kind of look at the the first based Market um rather and kind of almost treat it like arbitration at times where it's like well you know how can we justify giving him this amount of money whether it's him whether it's you know my other former employer the red talking about Tristan cas's extension you know I think that sometimes trips people up is that they start getting a little bit laser focused on this positional market and to say that you know that's not where the huge deals are going they're going to um players that have can make more of a defensive impact whether that's Short Stops or outfielders um and so you know that's a real thing I understand it but at the same time you know that's not that's kind of a false construct right it's you're you don't want to limit yourself to just thinking of it that way I think a team needs to think about it as how this individual player fits into you know the way they plan on building a roster uh going forward and so that doesn't mean you have to stick to this obviously teams are trying to get the best deals that they they can get but yeah Pete's a great player he's an impact power guy um I love I love the guy I think he's you know and we definitely had some moments he's an emotional guy and I made some decisions he he wasn't happy with at times and he'd tell me about it and I always appreciated that um never shied away from that and I love that I love the passion the passion he has for his teammates for winning for the City of New York I think it's great [Music] Ask May hey we're back on Ft and it's our first week on B Sports as well on the app and on television but also still running everything on socials it's ask May time for the first time but also Katz and AJ you can't step aside you're going to be involved in this too some of these questions were directed to everyone Trevor you made a face did you not like that we put you in a Mets uni what's the deal no I was just wondering like the font you just used what was that like The Emperor's New Groove font that just took me I didn't know where that came from I was not expecting that uh anyway sorry thank you Walt Disney for your font we appreciate that um okay so I've got like five or six questions that I took from YouTube from Twitter from Instagram and we'll just run through as many as we can right now I know there's some coming through the YouTube chat live as well so let's start with XR I on YouTube yes I see some of those comments after the show runs as well great show guys thank you for the content one question as a fan of the Moneyball movie why uh Oakland should trade Mason Miller how are they going to be good at some point at some season in the future if they trade away their stars and I'll add to this I mean Mason Miller is under team control for a long time I think he can't be a free Asian until after 2029 let's start with former Mason Miller teammate Trevor May thought yeah that that's a big one um you got to keep somebody like he was a prospect five minutes ago so as soon as they like have success in the big Le you trade them immediately like at one point are you is your team going to see any of those fruits of of their development labor so at some point you got to have a have a young guy come and be the guy um that team's so young there's just just no reason to do it unless it's a crazy big haul I think you you have to guarantee that you win that that trade because um no matter what you get the impact isn't going to be immediate probably and um but I I will also say this I was there for a whole year uh you know we played 1612 games and it was hard to tell at times what the long-term plan was simply because of you know the nature of the of the of the move and the situation there and you know truly what the owner wants like it's hard to tell what he wants um out of the team at times and the people below him it's hard to make decisions and like have a game plan when that's the case so um like I didn't get traded at the deadline I thought that was like the mo easiest thing ever to do but uh it's probably because nobody wanted me I'm guessing that's probably why so you know Mason's a he's a star he's he's electric he's got you know the best stuff in my opinion in in the major leagues and uh but he and there's still Pro there might be hope that that starting or orot more Innings is is possibly in his future because like we said he he is young but with the it's if it ain't broke don't fix it in my opinion but yeah it's just it's one of those situations um I would say you have to get a lot for them and there's there might be a lot of buyers so this could be the year he gets a lot they get a lot for him but I think that's the only way that it it should happen I think a guy like Paul Blackburn is is maybe a bigger pickup for for a team um because he's veteran and he's a could fill in a five spot or something so um but Mason yeah he's got to bring a big Hall does he get traded though that's it yes or no I don't think so I don't think he gets traded not in the middle of the season um I think they're an offseason trade team um but it's so hard because there's so many teams that might be B buyers and might just sell so uh they're one of the few ones that is a seller uh but I don't think he does I don't think I don't think they get enough for him whoever who was it that asked the question that's all I want to know and why were you watching that terrible movie Moneyball wait what the f maybe I should call it the false movie Moneyball because it's such a false Narrative of what they do in that movie I know it's Hollywood but they they make it such a false narrative and by the way last time I was in uh I did an Anaheim game with Ron Washington my partner Aaron Goldsmith brought that up to Washington he's like man why the hell you got to bring that up you know it's gonna piss him off why you gotta ask him that question in front of AJ is like the number one Money Ball hater which I agree with dude I mean it's it's kind of you know in in two ways one it was false in terms of what they were putting out there like hi Moulder zitto Hudson pretty good big three and two was MVP that year ever hear of these guys no actually no it was Scott hadberg getting on base a little bit more and playing first that was that's the whole key to winning Pratt looks like him so you got to go with that man man uh there is one part of the movie that's very accurate what one part and that is Billy Bean is constantly eating that's a real really yes I I the guys told me immediately that he's always eating and he's always crumbs Billy Bean messy messy eater I didn't know that and Brad Pitt's like say less I'm the I'm the best guy at eating on camera ever so let's do this give me some potato chips let's go that's awesome I didn't know that all right good for do you appreciate oh or this was on YouTube but also appreciate having a segment or an interview discussing the complexities of pitching and different baseballs thrown I think the audience lacks knowledge in that area and would appreciate the help I mean that sounds like a pitcher question to me it's kind of loaded but you want to give us a little cliffnotes TV version yeah let me uh load up my Google doc real quick uh so complexities so I'm interested the different balls thrown I'm talk I think we're talking about pitches that that would be my guess I mean there are different baseballs every year too which is a whole different baseballs different rubbed up baseballs different you know are we talking about the sticky stuff thing again um honestly it's it's uh it's complex I think to at some point as a picture it stops being super complex it becomes being something that you um that becomes part of like it's almost like having another limb like changing manipulating the baseball it becomes so natural to you that it's just something that you can do for years and years and years after even after your your arm gives out right like right now I can grab a ball and know exactly how I would want to manipulate it to try to get a to get a pitch to move um and once you get a certain understanding you do it thousands and thousands of times um and I think the big thing that the that's happening with pitching now is guys are able to build that so fast to where they find something comfortable and as soon as it's comfortable you're so used to finding a sweet spot or a or a a a good place a good way you want to throw a pitch uh knowing what that feels like and the fact that you can do it so quickly now we're seeing guys go back to having six to eight pitches so that really is is indicative of why pitching so good right now um and it comes down to how you put pressure on a ball with with your fingers and uh over time you develop strength in in ways that you know the the people out there that don't throw baseballs for a living like have no context for and there's really nothing comparable to it except for maybe hitting same way with like a bat like you know how your bats weighted immediately from picking it up and anyone else does that they would have no idea what you're talking about um it's just the nature of the game and the number of repetitions you have so uh yeah I I think there's a lot a lot we can do with this I think going into each pitch and talking about it and like what you use it and how you make those decisions but it definitely becomes like you play so much and you're thinking about it so much that it becomes so second nature that you can't remember not knowing the stuff that you know uh or and feeling the things that you feel so now that I'm out of baseball that's one big thing that I'm missing is like that tinkering grabbing a ball and trying to figure out how I can get some effect that I'm looking for it was one of my favorite things about playing and uh that is those guys the guys that love that and the guys that are good at that you're seeing them become the stars in the league right now because of the way that pitch design works yeah well said and also I can offer this for more time on it Trevor's got a YouTube channel he's got socials he goes over a lot of this you know more specifically when he has lots and lots of time and lots of lots of edits to do as well to make it nice and quick for the low attention span so let's get to Kevin here another question from YouTube said hey ft long I think this was Instagram actually longtime fan question for Ken and the guys sorry no Ken today but I think the guys will have good answers here do you think the league would ever consider adding two veteran only spots for every team one position player one pitcher the idea from Kevin here is that the spots would be for veterans it would set a league minimum salary that won't be counted against luxury tax this would allow teams to keep vets on the club and offer flexibility when guys go down without taking roster spots away from young guys just wondering your thoughts thanks and keep up the great work bring in AJ and Katz because we'll let them jump here first to give Trevor a breath AJ you want to kick this off do you want want a nice little veteran spot this is one of the dumbest things I've ever heard sorry Kev sorry I'm sorry Kevin but just GNA have we pick through the veteran is like I want a job for 750 Grand why I don't have to do anything yeah put me on the bench I'll sit there every day and do nothing and cheer the guys on and be a great Clubhouse guy I just don't I don't know how you would manage this what are you gonna what's the cut off six years 10 years eight years nine years I mean how do you pick who and do they have to have played for that team before I mean there's so many variables I think you know the 26-man roster is good enough and if a veteran's good enough to be on a team a team will sign him and they'll keep him around but yeah to add two more spots for veteran guys I mean yeah sure sign me up I haven't retired yet I'll take that job yeah H first of all MLB teams will never increase the rosters it took forever to get the 26 they will not that's another seven this year 720 Grand that they have to pay another guy let alone a guy doesn't play that much and see you just explained my entire career AJ so I think we had this spot I was definitely that guy so Kevin Kevin knew it Kevin watched my career he must be a huge huge huge fan of mine also I mean there are coaches for this and you know they can provide that you know veteran presence or leadership I know it's not a player on the team but also I think Kevin might have been trying to say you know some vets get squeezed out right now which is another category right we go over players like we talked to Adam Lind we've brought up Brandon belts name a lot guys that have been still effective big Leaguers that for some reason are getting pushed because you know teams are like and I want to pay a few million bucks I could just give a young dude a shot and he costs less I mean that's my guess in terms of where his brain's going look at what look at what jerickson profar's getting paid I'm sure Brandon Belt could have played for a million dollars jerks and profar signed a$1 million deal and I don't know how much incentives he had either I remember seeing it and it was like it was just barely above the league minimum his deal and if teams are okay I mean if teams are okay not having Brandon Belt on their team I'm pretty sure there's some first base spots that are having no production that would love a Brandon Belt right now then they're okay just saying hey you know what here's a million dollars you can have it take it or leave it and look jerks and profar gonna be in the All-Star game because he took it and I will say I mean there were many people that thought profar shouldn't even be in the league anymore based on you know his negative War number and stuff like that last year you got to give guys a shot so yeah it's interesting all right we have more but we'll get to them either another time or if we have time later in the show uh we'll swing back and go over the change in the AL West Race perhaps the Astros on a heater thanks at least partly to one dude yeah the Astros are swing yeah they are swinging it they are swinging it oh we staying here for a moment we're staying here we're still going here right now um all right uh let's go over the Nascar race for a moment please that's all you AJ now where we at the 26th of June and Nascar Chicago this is occurring in about a week and a half um get your tickets now at NASCAR but also the reason that we're saying this is because ft is just gonna you join another sport for a day and that is on July 6th and 7th we specifically will do our show on July 7th with AJ and Jason Kipnis and Alana Rizzo running Point AJ are you mentally prepared and potentially going to do anything daring there like I don't know get in a car I would love for them to let me drive the pace car right around in a car for a couple minutes but I don't know that's going to happen we're going to have to count on you Scott to get that done but I'm looking forward to listen anytime I get to go to Chicago in the summer is a good day for me and uh you know I'm just gonna be coming in quick and in and out but I am looking forward to this I didn't I was in town for this race last year did not get to go because of the rain it rained and it was kind of a funky schedule uh so I did not get to go but this year I will definitely get to go and I cannot wait to see it because I'm an Nascar fan I'm a Chicago fan and I think combined it's pretty good deal Trevor have you ever been to a NASCAR race I haven't said this on the show yet but I have I went to Homestead in Miami the Championships years ago and it was cool it was loud but it was cool uh I haven't um but I got friends that live in Indianapolis and they said they went to um the Indianapolis 500 this year was awesome uh they had like that they had the show in the in the uh is it what is it the infield or uh in the middle going during the race uh like a big like electronic music festival uh so it's like quite quite the two uh culture different cultures But like everyone was just having a blast it was really really cool so um that that sounds that sounds sick to me I I like that so um yeah that sounds like a lot of noise though that is probably the loudest place on the planet if both those things are going at the same time yeah and that's going to happen here Keith Urban chain smokers will be there Black Keys and many more so again don't miss the event get your tickets now at NASCAR so coming up next vaty Jr is okay with being a Yankee now I know weird we'll [Music] discuss yeah that's what he said that's what he said that's what he said that's what he That’s What He Said said we're going to talk a lot of blue jays over the next month that's a promise this team lost seven in a row they snapped it yesterday by taking down Brian beo in the Boston Red Sox but the storyline over the past couple days in Toronto at least one of them in addition to them potentially being big sellers according to Ken rosenal is vlat Jr backtracking on his words because if you look at the past two years of his talks about the New York Yankees he essentially has said that he hates them he hates their guts he would never play for them and I'm trying to look at the specifics like even you know yeah here it is said he wouldn't play for the Yankees even when he's dead which I don't even know how you do that but he wouldn't do it okay and he doubled down on that last year in April fast forward to this week and he was asked about it just to make sure that he was you know still in the same range here of hating the Yanks as he's approaching free agent and Toronto is kind of crumbling quote I'm a worker professional and I go out on the field and play sometimes you say things it's not that I'm trying to take back what I said about the Yankees what I do say I don't hold back what I said about the Yankees but this is a business I sat down and spoke with my dad and my family and this is a business like I tell you I'm a player and if a team picks me or if they do something it's because they need it obviously and I'll be happy to help any team but right now I'm just focused on helping my team try to get out of this bad streak that sounds very different AJ from saying nah still hit the Yankees never would play for them they could offer me1 trillion do and I would say no who's his agent don't know but I can find out why because um uh Manifesto Sports man management looks like um his agent got to him and said we want the Yankees to bid on you when you become a free agent so take that back in the most nicest way possible because we need all 30 teams to want you so by coming out and saying you're never going to play for them that takes away a big Market they could possibly be interested so change your tune Vlad Jr because in this year you have your agent and then what goes in this year comes right out here because he wants all 30 teams to bit on well Katz why' he say it in the first place then wouldn't the agent have gotten to him the first time or the second time around you're young you say things you go into New York if I remember right all those quotes he was saying him when he was coming into New York and I think there was a little bit of a a tiff his dad I think wanted to be tra or was traded didn't want to be traded wanted to sign whatever with the Yankees and they didn't sign him so it was kind of like he was young he was saying stuff who cares but now of a sudden free agency is real and they don't have a first baseman right now just saying you're saying the Yankees don't have a first baseman right yeah yeah yeah it's interesting funny I think he was just saying it I you're supposed to hate the Yankees when you're on the on the Blue Jays like I just I think he's just like trying to R everybody up um and he's young and uh yeah it's smart you you take that you you Homer Simpson back into the into the Hedge I would uh definitely do that too because you don't wna you don't want to burn any Bridges before you know potentially team can can uh pay you and uh the Yankees are pretty good and the Blue Jays aren't as good so maybe there's a little bit of like it'd be nice to you know go out there and maybe win a World Series too that'd be nice give me a little player perspective so if you see this storyline play out over the last few years Trevor do you just get a chuckle out of it you maybe even go up to vat and be like hey dude Yankees called like they're they're kind of interested now what do you think 100% 100% you know what I I grew up in the Washington right the Yankees have eliminated the Mariners from every single op postseason they've ever been in besides the last one so like you know we have a certain like you know they're the evil empire to us but if a kid grew up here got to the major leagues was like I'm not gonna play for the Yankees because they beat us in 2001 like that's just that's just like so uh you know I I get saying it in just um which it it was mostly in just uh but you know maybe he at that point he thought he was going to be a lifelong you know blue jay and and you know have that 10-year contract and stuff and maybe it's not going to happen that way and it's it's a good business decision to do that and you know talk trash and then Own It own it later that's what I would say just as long as you own it if you Josh nailor it you rock the baby then you lose the lose the uh series and you say I thought it was going to help it didn't work and I loved it like then you move on it's got to be one of those situations I think nobody has a ill word to say if if if you just be like yeah you know what I said that and now I think something else that's a good call a couple years ago everyone's like yeah vlat I mean he's a stud he's probably going to be a blue jay for Life they're going to sign him long term I don't know if that's going to happen now he's probably seeing those indications start to pop up it sounds good originally and now I will say on the other side if you're a Yankees fan because many Yankee fans clap back at him at the time they're going okay we would take plaat first basee this year or in the future so you know everyone's friends now it's okay you know it's just words they they can get taken back and they just work all right lastly here for that's what he said uh ratty tles stole a base O'Neal Cruz was asked postgame if he thought that Rowdy could take him in a race and this is from Alex stump giving us the quotes and Cruz said maybe if I'm running backwards do you think that actually groudy could take O'Neal Cruz forwards if Cruz is running backwards anyone have thoughts Kats what do you think yes Rowdy's got him Rowdy's got him running backwards if Cruz is running backwards Rowdy's got him I agree 100% I don't think I don't think you'll even beat him then and you tell R I said that did Rowdy when he got the stolen base did he go Ricky Henderson and hold the base above his head and say I am the greatest of all time there was no throw there was no throw that's what I'm saying so I thought rowy would have picked up the Casas and so 100% like Ricky did when he broke the record you know he got the mic and was like today today I am the greatest of all time if if he comes back on the show he'll probably say it and he'll probably ask you how many stolen bases you had and blah blah blah you know all that more than he does do you know how many how many do you have I don't know how many but I know it's more than one like a ball part say I'm gonna say you double figures 15ish 17 17 I'm gonna say just guess him okay I mean I got to look it up but it's not many Rowdy has four stolen bases in his career yeah there's yeah there's no way you have less than that yeah I have one how many did I say 15 I said 15 yeah he did how many it 15 Row's got a long way to go he does but good call okay so we're gonna break again in a moment and we'll have our next guest joining us excited to talk to Griffin Jack you played with him right Trevor or he was in the work with you or no he took my spot yes yes yes I love it so [Applause] [Music] Manscapped Griffin Jackson a couple minutes and right now for the dudes we got a new little partnership running with manscaped you know how scary it can get when you're going for that close shave below the belt so they've got you uh hooked up for those sensitive areas their newest packages performance package 5.0 Ultra including the star of the show the lawn mower 5.0 Ultra also recommend you flipping back to yesterday's show if you want to see the products like van white style from Todd father he I just like emptied out the entire bag and he was just showing each one off he even like turned the razors on it was great it got a little got a little worrisome when you turned the razors on I was concerned for myself I backed up a little bit thought he was going to try to trim my nose hairs but we're good anyway uh the fifth generation trimmer features two interchangeable nextg skin safe blade heads a standard one for taking a little off the top then you've got the new foil blade to go smooth wherever your heart desires and also has the Dual LED spotlights to provide contrast on multiple skin tones three length setting Combs and perhaps best of all it is waterproof Beach Lake shower whatever the Razer will get the job done and they threw in two free gifts to their performance package 5.0 the one we're talking about has boxers it has a shed travel bag and a new buff bundle which um includes their signature silicone scrubber and their body wash so no loofah action okay join the 10 million men worldwide who trust manscaped with our exclusive offer it's 20% off plus free shipping when you go to and use promo code fou2 F20 it's summertime and the trimming is easy I was doing the the podcast version of this and apparently noticed that I've been saying 20 a lot so I'm I'm working on my 20 20 20 20 I was saying 20 a lot 20 how now brown cow 20 and F50 20 50 50 50 20 sounds right to me 20 I say 20 I say 20 no there's no yeah who says 20 nobody what are you talking does now well now AJ 20 or 20 20 we have 20 seconds 20 20 20 you have $20 uh see that's an N uh oh what's happening I'm gonna ask Griffin Jack about this what's up back on Ft and our first week on B sports TV and on the app and still running ft on YouTube and everywhere else on socials while we wait for Griffin Jax from the Minnesota Twins to Ask May join us okay I'll get one question in there for Trevor if I can because we still have a bunch of extras so what's a fun opposing Stadium Bullpen to be in or a unique Bullpen experience in a certain stadium and actually we can ask this to Griffin too um I love Yankee St I love dodging chicken tenders and Yankee Stadium that's always fun um uh I second close second is the uh 75 stairs to walk to the in Cleveland um but in all seriousness uh I actually was a big fan of truist uh there was something about uh Atlanta I think it was the it was also like just the feeling and like the Rivalry and all that kind of stuff um but yeah coming out like when they turn the lights down and they try to like give you the uh the chop not the Chop on the relievers um that whole experience was was was really really cool so I I liked where it's positioned and then I have a sof spot obviously I'm a homer for uh for the Mariners but um if you don't like fans being all up in your Biz maybe the Seattle's not the best place because you're just you're basically like in their living room so um but I I always liked the how well you could see there too like we can actually see the see the game as opposed to like in like Washington Nationals they put the they put the advertisement right in front of the Ben bench back there so you can't see the game so you have to like stand up and go stand next to the fence which which sucks so I'll put them at the bottom what about what about Boston what about Boston where you like if you have a long if you have a long back swing with your arm somebody could grab the ball out of your hand as you're warming up I always thought that was pretty cool Boston is so is so weird like the only reason that Boston wasn't my favorite is because I'm I'm taking up so much space that it's it's uncomfortable for me and everyone else around me and then you got a bunch of big dudes like when I was with the Mets we were all like six eight like it was just we're all too big to be out there but it's weird I never had the experience of fans just getting on me warming up there because I was like as the Mets and the twins and the like we were just never a RI like the bosson fans just didn't care about the teams I was on at that time so uh I didn't get the heckling everyone said it's so hard to play there and I never got the heckling like I did in the Yankee Stadium which I'm sad about now because I love fanway I loved going there with all even with all the you know you're it's tiny but uh it's it's so it's just so unique and fun to play um there yeah and you got to head to the bullpen and just catch the chicken tendies and just eat a few and just show them what's up but I love that also by the way in DC yeah well exactly in DC the broadcasters can't see either they put us in um in heaven yeah it's ridiculous trust me it's it's the worst place to call a game all right let's bring in our next guest it is Griffin Jax from the Minnesota Twins got a lot to get to with Griffin let's bring him home right now Griffin great to have you on we're going to start actually with a couple of the combos that we were having if we can we appreciate the time a fun opposing Stadium Bullpen to be in and by Fun it could be an answer like Trevor saying chicken tendies are thrown at him at Yankee Stadium yeah I think Philadelphia is kind of uh insane uh they got a gnarly fan base especially recently uh and you know I was we were there I think last year middle of the week in July on a Wednesday night and you know these Griffin Jax six-year-old girls are just giving it to me and uh they're saying some pretty nasty stuff so that place was insane K you know they teach them at a young age to really bring your Heckle game to Philadelphia um it's another it's another level up there because they're right on top of you there and they surround you and the security guard's like hey stop stop saying things to him he doesn't care that's all they're doing and playoffs is even worse yeah oh yeah oh yeah okay so next up here Trevor gave us a sneak peek of the interesting connection that you have with one of our ft hosts would you like to describe it and then Trevor you can help fill in the blanks sure um you're me you're the me you're you're the you're the you were you're you're the SEC you took my spot uh and you were number 65 I left so he even took my number 65 yeah that's right and then started for a bit and they're like hey let's see what you got out in the pen and he's like oh I got 90 I got 98 out in the pen they're like that's cool uh try throw on a slider like this thing and 89 M sweeper sure sure and now we got eight thinning and we're we're doing the do uh I am a little bit disappointed that you changed the number though I'm gonna I I wanted this to be a you know you got you got to have your own identity I get it I get it but you know I just I I felt a connection and then we lost it a little bit um no and just full disclosure you were my request for the show so I want all the credit here um because I'm so fascinated by your your your uh your journey being a starter and then going out and being a reliever um uh we're seeing guys do this you know all over the league you know we got Mason Miller this year Luke Weaver what he's doing is really impressive so uh question one what was the what do you think was the um the thing that you that was easiest for you in that transition what what do you think was the most natural part about transitioning into be reliever um I mean like just being on the rotation uh being in the rotation you know you have that pretty solid routine um and I hated it I hated having something specific to do every single day when I came to the field so I think the best part about going to the bullpen was there's no routine you just show up every single day ready to pitch that's cool love it I I love that so much that is that is I'm the same told you you're you're me uh so uh I got to follow up real quick um you know you you were with Wes uh Wes Johnson for for a little bit right um and then and then Pete Mackie since um and you know I was there with both those guys as well um Pete was our Bullpen coach at the time uh what what what's the biggest thing give me like one big thing that either Wes or Pete has given you that you think has uh kind of helped you develop in the P into the pitcher you are right now yeah I mean they're totally they're two separate pitching es Wes was more of the Bulldog mentality just get the job done he didn't care how you did it as long as you did it and Pete's more you know methodical thought process analytical base so um I like to take parts from both of them Wes being the competitor on the mound Pete being more like how do we dive into getting this guy out um and putting the odds back in our favor so uh I like to think that we do a little bit of both and you need a little bit of both um especially in today's game so definitely learn a lot from both of them I like it um all right I'm going to take you back to the you know it's troubling times but twins Yankees series do you feel like there's actually something you know on this org and can you describe what that is because I know that you know Minnesota had a tough time with the Yanks in the regular season series this year and you're smiling so do you guys talk about it because it goes back so far especially you know playoff wise that you know the most of your teammates probably maybe weren't even born honestly but your thoughts I mean I wouldn't even say it's really acknowledged in the clubhous everybody knows what's going on it's kind of the same thing with our playoff streak last year like that was the first question everybody you know grilled us on with the media um when we showed up to play the Blue Jays in the Wild Card they're like are you guys aware of the the 20-some game losing streak you guys have had in the playoffs and again a lot of us weren't either born or hadn't been playing in the pros since the time that had started so um it's just a piece of information I guess you know they're a very good organization they do things right um I think it's just a little bit of luck and a coincidence that they're doing this against us you know but we'll see the next time we playing will'll probably be in the playoffs so uh it'll be interesting to see what uh that match Up's like what did you see from him this year I because I want to reiterate I don't think you're saying that it was luck that they beat you it was just luck for 20 years that the Rivalry been that way but what did you what did you see from that team when you know when they did beat you yeah and they're very good team you know up and down um they got a obvious top four in their lineup that's pretty hard to beat throughout the rest of the league and then they got a second half of the lineup that will help turn it over to the top um stto obviously makes a huge impact on that um lineup up and down and they protect him well with judge and ston and uh vulpi at top so they're a pretty good lineup pretty good complete lineup and then their rotation um their starters have been shoving all year um rodon strowman uh Clark Schmidt before he got hurt and now you add gar Cole to the mix you know it's just it's a very good team when you're in the minor leagues for the twins do do you talk to any of the minor Leaguers and say like look if you don't throw a 100 if you don't have something wipe out you're not coming to this bullpen or is it something that is not discussed and it's just like we have this locked down because every single dude that's called up has just unbelievable stuff yeah I think it's just where the game's at right now you know teams are not drafting um or really giving much thought to guys that don't have that ability and I'm not to I'm not going to say you know that you need to have it to uh get to The Bigs because I didn't have it when I first got there I was more of a pitch ability guy throw strikes you know get hitters to off balance that kind of stuff but I've just learned how to do it since um so not everybody's path this is the same but uh I think our Bullpen two years ago was one of the maybe three years ago was one of the had the smallest one of the smallest Vos in the league but now you know we got Duran I'll call is back throwing upper nines Brock Stewart when he's healthy can get it up there I've shown a handful of times so um it's pretty impressive but if yeah when you look up and down the league everybody's doing it can you give us an Insight of what happened to the summer sausage uh I think they left it somewhere it got to the point where it was just disgusting you could smell it it smelled like like the packaging had like opened up and you could smell it it was just something that had fermented for over the course of a couple months and it had traveled multiple States and it it just was starting to seep through the packaging a little bit and it was hot outside you know like we're in the middle of the summer and that thing just got started getting nasty you seem like you're not about it you seem like I'm glad it's gone get rid of that thing please that's right glad it's gone uh let's what about Royce Lewis okay so I have been absolutely Blown Away with this guy um he's now officially has 81 games I think it's like his pace for a full season's like 55 homers and 160 Ro ribbies or something something uh what do he meant to you guys and he's hitting tons of homers are you playing the Homer game out there where you pick pick someone to click for the day um because if we we used to do that and uh I know who who I would choose every single day oh for sure well I back to first question Roy just brings an spark back to this lineup and a spark back to this team regardless of what he does at the plate just the energy he has that brings to the clubhouse is just contagious and he gets everybody uh on their feet and then makes sure everybody gives their best that single day so uh we were actually flying home from uh New York a couple weeks ago it's 2 a.m. uh going to Pittsburgh and we had a little bit of a delay and everybody's on the plane we just lost three straight to New York uh we're tired we want to get into the Pittsburgh go to sleep and Royce is sitting up on his chair screaming at everybody just you know to start having some fun and let loose a little bit so it's kind of guy he is uh but we are playing the game in the bullpen I've been on an absolute chill of just making the wrong calls at the wrong time every time I throw it's either double play or just an ending ending just complete sack so uh I'm not allowed to play right now oh no that's I was gonna yeah have they kicked you out have have you thrown your hat do you guys throw the Hat in or you put it on the bench or something just toss it yeah throw it out it's got to be on the ground first got hit the ground first yeah standard game as soon as you throw it do people like do people like Jump On It Like It's a fumble and like just get your hat and put it back on like are you that much of a cooler right now no they should I mean with just the streak that I've been on has been insane we'll stop it trying to Speed the game up trying to Speed the game I get it yeah I want to go home yes all right uh Griffin I got one for you um I know you mentioned the vo in the bullpen um it's going to sound weird asking this but is is Duran okay because I think his V's down a little it's still like worlds ahead of just about everyone else but I'm sure you guys talk about it in the bullpen where what is it it's like I don't I'm gonna 103 and now it's like one1 or whatever right it's it's down a tick or two is he okay yeah guy's great I mean just his work ethic is unbelievable shows up the field it's very impressive for someone his age and for the success he's already had in the big so keep doing it every single day but yeah I mean he's definitely good he's not shy about it um it's talked about here and there um I'm sure it's on a lot more people's minds outside of the clubhouse than it is inside the clubhouse because it's kind of crazy talking about a vlo decrease when the guy's still averaging over 100 miles an hour uh but that's what happens when you show 1003 consistently last year but uh the guy's got such weapons that even if he's down a tick or two he's still getting outs at a pretty incredible pace it happens uh yeah you lose vo you don't keep it forever uh I want to try try something new with you Griffin and I want to know how well you know yourself so I'm about to ask you three questions and I want to see if you can if you can tell me get it right about your own career all right right I have a bunch of stats up here and it's funny some guys do this some guys don't some guys I knew all this stuff uh do you know what statistically what your best inning that you pitch in terms of the game what number of inning what inning is your best inning oh man um I is it the eighth it's the eighth by a lot you have a 17 career in the eighth inning yeah so uh this guy's pitching in the correct inning uh what is your best month um I want to say June I want to say it's June June June you have a 29 career in June so we're we're pretty good two for two unknowing yourself but this is a big one this one might trip you up this is kind of a doozy yep what days of rest do you pitch best so like Z back toback days one day rest two days rest three days rest I gotta think two days rest pitching on that third day it's one day rest and it ain't even close you have a two erra when you have one day of rest between your outings and you know it's like it's still like a 28 everywhere else but but it's much better with one day rest it and that's fascinating to me because it varies wildly from guy to guy for example Adam oino three days rest he is unhitable me back to back for some reason the second day was always my best day and that makes no sense if you think about it I mean that's impressive though for the bullpen hey two for three though I'll give it to you the first two were tough too so good job that was great yeah you got a lot of months to choose from too so a followup to that is what do you talk to not just the coaching staff but you know the analytics team or the you know Ops whatever you want to call it right behind the scenes like does it go that in depth on that side or is it more about you know pitch mix Effectiveness stuff like that like would you actually have a conversation and go hey just FYI one day rest I'm probably your guy uh I hope that goes without saying I think everybody kind of understands you know you get a day off here and there the better you're going to be but uh no yeah I mean our conversations are pretty straightforward before the series we'll go through the Scout or the lineup and just we'll figure out what our windows are going to be and we do a pretty good job of uh identifying those windows and sticking to them I like it all right question for you about the rest of the division are you surprised at how strong it's been at the top and do you feel like it was getting dumped on by national media we can raise our hands too you know we thought you guys would be good we're good there I me that makes sense that the team you know won the division went into the playoffs did you see Kansas City and Cleveland at this spot right now um I'll be honest no I mean Cleveland they are very solid and um very fundamentally sound so you knew they were going to put together some really good baseball but at the pace they're doing it and the consistency they're doing it throughout the first three months of the season it's been very impressive to watch um Kansas City though uh you could see pieces from from from them for the past year or two uh their young guys are now in their second and third years in The Bigs um with that many bats and you could see that their lineup was starting to put it together um and we've always just said you know they get some good quality pitching um they're going to they're going to make some real noise um and I think that's kind of been their their heel a little bit this year has been um I want to say their Bullpen but uh yeah the the division as a whole it's been very good and you know a lot of guys throughout the league will tell you that the central for the past few years had been you know sort of weird whereas you don't want to come into the series and not give us any attention because if you just knock us and say you know you know we're playing the Tigers today we're playing the Royals whatever they're they're going to put up eight on you um and you're going to look back in the six any and be like where did that come from all of a sudden so uh it's a very um quick division in the sense that um if you just don't give them the same amount of attention as you know the Dodgers Yankees some of those bigger teams that they can put up some runs pretty quick do you notice an approach change with Cleveland this year because their players and coaching staff have talked a lot about it they've talked about it on this show but I mean it's still hard for most fans to grasp like what you just decided you're gonna you know hit with more slug welcome to the party yeah I I mean that's like the one part of the game that they weren't really doing the past couple years you know they were going to beat you with their singles they were going to put the ball in play small ball all the the things that um you know some other teams aren't really focusing on so uh they were pesky in that sense but now the fact that they're hitting homers all of a sudden like it's it's it's not fun for the opposing Team all right so Paul SK made his debut do you consider Paul SK an Air Force Alum or not yeah I think you have to I mean the with what he says about his time there and how he carries himself and you know the foundations he's working with and just the respect he has for the place is is like he graduated um and you know you have to take him at his word uh with what he says he wants to do postc career I hope he plays long enough and he makes enough money where he doesn't need to go back and serve uh I think that's just the guy he is um but yeah I do consider him an Alum nice all right Griffin I've I've done a few of your games over the years and there was a weird note on you forever and I got to ask it said you hate the taste of water we've mentioned it a couple times so how do you hate the taste of water because I've always wanted to ask you and so please tell me I think it's you know the the tastelessness of water probably um but it's been it's been in the back of my head for my entire life it's always been something I've been anxious about you know growing up playing sports what's going to be in the Gatorade cooler it's not going to be Gatorade it's going to be water and uh I went to it's funny story like when I was in basic training uh at the Air Force Academy um they used to give us these cantens and we're you know we're doing some pretty gnarly physical stuff in the middle of the mountains and on campus at the air force uh in the middle of the summer and it's hot outside and uh I just I just wouldn't drink anything I would just like almost dehydrate myself so they'd line us up in these hallways uh we'd be facing each other um just grilling us um just treating us like basic cadetes basically and uh they'd make us hold out our c and to see to show that we've been hydrating throughout the day and you would have to dump it and pour it um uh and if there was anything left uh you you got you had to do more physical activity and of course at the hallway silent I'm facing you know a couple other kids my age and everybody got so mad at me because they knew I didn't drink the canteen and I would be the only one pouring out an entire like gallon worth of water out of my canteen and because of that my entire like unit would have to get uh more physical activity more push-ups sit-ups running all that stuff so they hated me because of that did they do anything to you because you can't hit they can't hit you with a pitch or anything like that so what was their retaliation I mean it was just a bunch of groans and like this guy's kidding you know like I didn't make a lot of friends uh because of that that's wild I didn't know how that worked now now yeah it's like a it's a weird connection to water but good to know for sure yeah Griffin this was awesome freak you out when other people drink water like like does this does this you out out of the faet so tast oh Trevor it's so [Laughter] tasteless cruel cruel Griffin thank you dude this was awesome great way to finish the combo hey we do things a little weird on here um but appreciate the time dude really great having you on the show keep doing your thing with Minnesota and I would love to have you back sometime yeah appreciate you guys it was a blast look thank [Music] you the balls are definitely are definitely different I mean every year they're they're they're different the the biggest thing for me about the balls is like you know I think I found a ball from like maybe our Braves days AJ when I was maybe cleaning some stuff out yeah the balls are so much like to me they're physically smaller now than than than they used to they used to be like early early in my career and like what do you mean the balls are smaller like they're like if you took one ball if you took two different balls and you held them up one like this would be one and then the next ball physically smaller so yeah balls now compared to early in my career it's night day the balls were defin 100% physically bigger than they are oh they were bigger now they're smaller now they're smaller and does that mean that they're wound Tighter and they might go farther they probably they probably go farther yeah I mean I mean obviously obviously offense has been a big Focus you know for the league the last couple years just like it was in the NBA with all you know where people don't play defense they want to see scoring right like it is what it is um but even even even now you definitely will get balls that are like bigger and like bigger and smaller uh during the game current right right now and so I like I know when I throw baseballs out when I get a new one it's usually because it feels like a q ball in my hand I'm like I don't want to I don't want to I don't want to throw this ball AC ac across the plate so I'll try try and get get a new one um and I know something a lot of guys have talked about is like like Prime Time games you know you get Sunday night Sunday night baseball uh or like I don't know what what nights they do everything now there's Sunday night there's Monday night There's Thursday like time hey some of us work on Saturday nights calling games on a big Network it has three letters I think it's oh yeah it's called Fox and we also have the All-Star game in the World Series and all the playoffs I'm just saying you know probably probably should check check into that but a lot of those Prime Time Prime Time games you get you get a lot a lot more of those those smaller smaller balls I don't know if it's coincidence or not or not but it but it is interesting okay so next time I do a game I'm going to make sure I get a ball from the game and I'm going to take it I'm going to get a ball from when I played for the Giants in 2004 and I'm going to be like I guarantee you if you go if you go in your if you go into that that Trophy Room of yours and you grab a ball from from back in back in the day they will feel significantly different like significant okay I I mean I believe you I totally believe you and I mean are you saying they're playing with Home Run Derby balls no I'm not I'm not saying those Home Run Derby balls are crazy [Music] Batter-Up batter up ready we're going to speed through this we got three for you today it's Trevor it's AJ it's Katz ready to go and if you know it just yell it out right away here's our first batting stance it's got to be he looks like Matt Olsen does but the hands are different he's smoother with them uh Trent gam no his are lower I have no idea um Tony KAG Leon uh who' you say ah they dude from Florida oh Jack hags yeah he does not hit like that nothing nothing man how AJ do you agree that it's not olon even though there's parts of Olsen in there or do you want to name try it his hands his hands are like kind of they're farther out and then they come back in he doesn't waggle he like Smooth he's really smooth back but everything else is pretty swing's a little different too just put the name in there just to do it and you know it he's an infielder is na it seems really significant that like Kell it's not Kellick is it oh it's not thees no it's not the Braves not the Braves uh I think it's an orial he's a first baseman cowser I think cower is more it's a national league guy oh yellow Brandon Crawford oh the start looks like Brandon Crawford but I don't see any hair that does look like Brandon Crawford the start does his I feel like his hands are a little lower too hey heyj you're the best thank you uh Mike in the chat I was gonna say was that you or was that Mike you saw Mike okay good job Mike two more oh it Hees it Hesed oh my God vulpi volpy kind of has like a kind of looks like andalon Simmons but it's not is it profar oh that might yeah that might be profar from the right side profar from the right side not even close nothing not even close American League oh my gosh yeah we know it's American League right Westberg oh ry's with it's pretty I don't know gen generic it's generic it is there's nothing it looks like Westberg West Westberg kind of has a generic swing I don't hate that okay so we know it's the American League we know he's we don't know much that didn't tell us much he's he's proud to being American oh my God uh trying to look at the walk Garver no garver's is a little bit hands oh no nationally American League East it's not the East right uh no it could be NL East hoy sorry it's American League Mike said oh happppy oh happ's a good one Mike if you are getting this Mike you are Mike bang bang bang bang Mike is a cheat should know I've given up a homer to that guy wow he's not even like a mad I didn't see that Logan's joining the show tomorrow too so we'll let him know I can'ta I thought it was I thought the hesitation there was was a glitch but it's actually K yeah he does the tap the glove tap on his knee I like the pitcher ones better just throwing that out there I don't know I like the hitter I like the ones anyway I like I actually like we're GNA go over more too you like the pitcher ones yeah I mean I think we could probably go on a heater on the pitching no I like the hitter ones HS oh you like The Hitter [Music] ones were you invited Were you invited to the combine out of college yeah I was I went to the first the first combine I think it was 2021 it was out of Gardner web that was that was uh the first year they did it I believe I am I put it I'm putting all together that's what I'm remembering you going because I remember hearing about I was there I was at the combine I coached one of the teams and you didn't pitch right I just threw like the 15 pitch like show me showcase style thing and do you think that's do you think that's good because I remember you throwing and not throwing in the game and everyone being like what I forget which team you were on but all the all the coaches were together and the managers were together and we were like whoever it was that you supposed to be on their team like what I'm not going to get him to throw that sucks but do you think that's good because we look at football and the combine such a huge thing do you think that is something that you could have upped your draft status did it up your draft status and you know what do you think we could improve on with the combine yeah I think I mean to me the com I think combine I think you know that you know the stuff that jumps off the page like the NFL combine you know you run do your dash time do some jumps like it's all kind of stuff you know guys are playing football or baseball the whole year you know you have time to go see them in games and I don't know how many games they play at the combine maybe a handful or maybe just one but I think there's a chance that that sample size isn't super reflective so at least for me you know I threw 95 Innings That season and coming into the combine it was more of uh nobody really knew how to treat it you know there's the medical side of it the you know sit down interviews with teams um I I don't think it it hurt me for sure and I I think going out and popping some numbers definitely built a little bit more excitement around me too so maybe teams were a little bit more apt to reach for me as a fifth year senior but I think it's really hard to quantify I think it's it's a perfect situation for some guys and I think a lot of guys have a lot to lose by going to something like that [Music] [Music] [Music] Bet MGM Picks Leo Dodgers White Sox your free game of the day streaming on the bmgm app live streaming available to all bmgm customers if you're logged in and you have a funded account I won't give you any more in this game it's part of my lock yesterday only Todd hit because he's just on absolute fire this year Todd father is up well over three grand he's just money right now okay let's get to our picks because we have four of us plus Pap gnostics so there's Pap 17 and 17 up for figures and hopefully he's not on an airplane or I don't know maybe he is maybe he's in prison who knows what's up ft Nation it's your boy parlay P I got another one for you today I'm in Beantown you know when I'm in Beantown my picks are always on so uh here we go first pick two-leg parlay Orioles over tonight Orioles are going to come out tonight I think they're going to uh honestly I think carasco is going to need a Band-Aid after the game today cuz I look at the Orioles putting up about 10 tonight on the board and you know my other bet Royals Royals you know who they playing the Marlins you know what the Marlins suck they lost to them yesterday ain't no way they going to lose a series against the Marlins two game parlay put it in the books get that money worlds are struggling actually right now they are a disaster in the month of June after a hot start but all right Pap we'll see what happens Trevor you want to follow uh sure um I'm taking Minnesota uh one minus one and a half because I don't know what I'm doing so we're learning um just stumbling around dark that's how I learn that's fine okay learn through US Kats you want to give them some education and we're tight on time I'll give you the money line for the Yankees today and the Orioles money line I think the Yankees are going to come back and split this split the subway series and I'm always betting for Grayson Rodriguez to do well AJ uh I took the Orioles also because they don't get swept and geez I just blanked on my other one what was it it was the Orioles and the I took I took a parlay and it get me it was two heavy favorites it was uh geez sorry uh oh the Padres why because they're pissed and Dylan ceases pitching so they're both minus 190 but it gets me to plus 132 if they both win I'll go Dodgers money line minus one and a half at minus 115 it's Gavin Stone they win almost every start he's got and these have been close pretty close games Dodgers are going to explode in one of them White Soxs have been using some of their better pitchers this is a huge mismatch on paper so I'll go with the Run line on that one and you can play the BAM Jam swing for the fences game once a day uh if you're in the app and you get a opportunity to get either a hit or an out or anything in between reward types include odds boost tokens bonus spins and bonus bets all rewards expire in 24 hours that is it for the show on B sports TV and on the app we'll stick around for slap pans coming up in just a moment but we'll be back on the show uh tomorrow we're here every single weekday on balet Slap Hands [Applause] [Music] Sports cats first what do you got Syracuse Sky Chiefs BP hat just a little bit out of context noise for Ricky to make these shallow hats are so tough but the logos the logo's de um yeah it's funny actually I can see the Subway from my view right now so it's weird you show that and literally the subway came through right there I'll give it a B I like the color anyone Trevor doesn't like a b d minus D minus cuz uh I oh God Syracuse yeah I just there's a no um and you said it I mean it's one of those stretchy hats so I I hated those too um also a guy with a melon so I needed the the deeper Crown sit but I will say the logo is okay it's not an f and the gray is okay but yeah not not not just because it's from Syracuse yeah and then then you add Syracuse in it's no thank you cloudy all right one more CA because we have it one more question that we didn't get to that uh Greg on on Twitter for ask May said Trevor why did you retire two years short of your full pension isn't it a big jump to hit 10 years of service time and I guess just the question in general where I know some people still have you on their fantasy team or something and they're just waiting for you to you know come out of retirement I think they're confused they might need a reconation why you would ever do that uh so F this I'm over 9 years of service time so it's not two years it's one um and it's pro-rated so most pensions don't kick in unless you hit the threshold like in other jobs baseball's not the case uh so I get 90% of a full pension and uh so I was like you is is is the last 10% worth another spring training another no so I just didn't want to at the end of the day I'm just like I'm good and that's it and now now I'm here on Ft so I'm having a good time and I don't regret it perfect roving it great answer and and I know some people had thoughts about some of the other teams we'll get to them either tomorrow or the next day depending on how the Cubs do if they continue to be a disaster they're 37 and 43 um and who else oh Houston just wanted to shout them out too on our way out they beat Colorado they're one game away from the 500 Mark yeah that was quick Hunter Brown is on fire right now throwing gas deep into his outing yesterday they went from 10 games back a week ago to four and a half back and that's in the division so just throwing that out there can we all just raise your hand if you think Houston is not selling at the trade deadline come on Kats are you kidding me they did a lot of work to get where they are w we got more to talk about the next couple days all right uh Logan Oh Hoy Ken rosenal and Johnny Gomes joining us on the show on Thursday and Trevor's next show is at the allstar break we'll see him in Texas we'll see you there Trevor I'll be there appreciate you see everyone on Thursday [Music]

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