Danny Kanell believes Deion will leave Colorado to be Cowboys Coach | The Zach Gelb Show

Dy canel you may have thought last week sucked for you with Florida State losing it won't be as bad as it will be for me tonight yeah that could be a painful one Zach I feel for you uh thankfully I've never had to live through a run like that with Florida State we've had some rough years but like not where you're a 42-point dog which I would probably say Lamb with Oklahoma they got Jackson Arnold Young quarterback making his daybut I feel but remember when Temple was like the time I think it was was it Al golden who like really kind of put them on the map and became like this job that was really like a good job Matt Ru took it parlayed it into the job at Baylor like it was a good spot I don't know what's happening there man I feel for you Rod Cary is my least favorite person of all time he ended up taking that job and just totally ruined the program but like let's be real I could get worked up over it the little guy doesn't really have a spot in college football now anymore with name image and likeness in the transfer portter like when I was there they developed tan reck from a walk- on to a top 15 pick and now it's just like okay you develop a player he's going to get just taken away you know the year he starts to be good in the transfer portal yeah it's brutal and I've talked to a lot of group of five coaches um who just feel helpless hopeless like what are we supposed to do and really all they want is some sort of system that tries to slow it down because I think they understand like basically Zach what we're what we're what we're developing into organically and I thought this for a couple years now is essentially minor league NFL and in minor league baseball what do we have single a double a tripa a and then you got the big leagues right so let's say the big leagues is the NFL let's say the tripa a is SEC Big 10 double A is ACC and Big 12 single a is all those group of five schools what I played Minor League Baseball you know what happens sometimes sometimes they draft a kid first round they stick him in Triple A and they're like uhoh he's not ready for it and he gets sent down and we see players sent down so to speak to the group of five level uh there's a quarterback TJ Finley who's starting for Western Kentucky against Alabama he was at Auburn he was at Al you know he was in the SEC and didn't cut it so he gets sent down then on the flip side what do you see players star in single a they get called up and sometimes they make the jump just to double a and what's crazy Zach is we're actually seeing players jump three times in a career sometimes four and they're just kind of working their way up the system is figuring itself out where does this player belong and then they end up playing where they are but the coaches that I talk to I think they wanted that some sort of compensation some sort of consolation prize for the fact that they developed those players you know like they did and they do a lot of work and they find a lot of talent I think that's where they feel burned the most so like we see with coaches getting bought out of contracts maybe there's some sort of pay that you get to bring a player from their roster into your school um you know an extra scholarship something to make them feel like they don't just get raided because we've seen that happen too and it's just it's not fair it stinks for those lower tier problem uh programs and yet I think even the coaches understand the opportunity that's there to make money and play at a bigger school a lot of those coaches would do the same thing if the opportunity was there so they understand it they just want some sort of fairness where they're given something in return for the player they developed Danny canel here with us we know with the 12 team playoff you could afford to lose a week one game but with what you saw from Florida State where is your concern level moving on the rest of the season knowing what the standard is it's to be one of the 12 teams in the playoff at the end of the year yeah I'm not thinking about the 12 team playoff right now for Florida State I don't even think Mike norell the coach at Florida State is thinking about that he's thinking oh my gosh we got a lot of issues we got to correct and that's all you can do in his position the thing that was most startling to me was the the offensive line and the defensive line the lines of scrimmage where Florida state is more talented they've got more four and five star Talent more expected NFL talent and they got worked they got pushed around they could not establish the Run game outside of that first drive so that was my first like uh oh then the second thing and I do think Mike norvell's talked a little bit about this after the game he needs to do a better job there was a lot of missed assignments from the linebackers on defense that kind of were out of position got gashed I think he also needs to call a more aggressive game I think he was a little bit conservative with DJ ungal the quarterback that came in the transfer and I think he's going to have to open it up because the one adjustment Georgia Tech made after that first drive where Florida State marched down the field they were like we're not going to let that happen again so we're going to load up the box we're going to make sure that you know go ahead go try to beat us DJ and they instead of trying to take some shots they just kept trying to run the ball and it was like into a brick wall because they had they were outnumbered up there in the box so I think FL I think Mike Norvell will make some of those adjustments I think you'll see DJ giving the opportunity to throw the ball down the field now we'll see if he capitalizes on and if he can take advantage of it which he did in the fourth quarter when they had to but that's what I expect from Florida State and I think they'll get better yeah it was alarming it was almost like they didn't trust him in week one with for like the first three quarters when I was watching him yeah I thought that too but see here's the thing that's what so I wanted cam Ward who's the starting quarterback for Miami like if anything Burns Florida State fans It's Gonna Hurt especially if he plays as good as I think he can play um but dju was sort of this game manager which I know is used as a pejorative and it's a negative term but it does give you stability like is he played okay he played well enough to win like he didn't make the big mistake and I think that's what happens with some young quarterbacks and that's what they have behind dju players that might make a big mistake pick six you know boneheaded interceptions DJ played within the system and he did what they asked him to do that's what I thought you would get from him and early in the season I thought that would be enough that's where I was wrong and I do think that's where Mike norell was wrong because I thought the defense would be able to dominate early while the offense builds up some confidence that's not the way it's going to work they're going to have to they're gonna have to open things up and to your point I do think it was I don't know if it was trust or let's just let's not put DJ in a tough spot early let's wait till we you know let's wait and give him some confidence give him some easy throws give him some good games they're not going to have that luxury now from what we saw Boston College has a pretty Dynamic quarterback in Thomas castalano's who almost beat them last year they're going to get challenged Florida State's going to have to step up but we'll see how they respond but I do think to your point it did look like they didn't trust him but I think that was kind of part of the game plan as well talking to Danny canel when you get to Colorado last night you could go positive you could go negative if you only had one takeaway from the game what's your takeaway I they are fun to watch I mean it's like and whether you because I think there's a lot of people that hate them a lot of people that love them and a lot that just you know like me that just want to just want to sit back and and be entertained and every time they take the field they are entertaining right like that game they I thought that game would be entertaining the like so I I was asking people like do you feel better or worse about Colorado and I would have to say I feel the same because what we saw was basically a carryover from last year I knew shador Sanders was going to play well he did all last season you know I knew Hunter who I still think is the best pure football player in the country the dude is unbelievable playing both sides of the ball being one of the best receivers in the country I think he's one of the best defensive backs too but like how is the offensive line still very much a question mark As shador took some sacks how is the defense still very much a concern because it didn't look much better than it did last year so kind of like what we were talking about with Florida State were those adjustable like can they make the adjustments yeah I think they can be better coach was some position things where they were out of position there was some wide open North Dakota State receivers running open um and is it you know is their room from Improvement I would say yes so I but like coming in their win total was five and a half that's kind it wasn't one of my favorite plays I might have leaned over because I think their roster is better this season but it looked very similar to what we saw last year like playing down to the competition I I probably feel the same like I think a bowl which is six win wins would be probably a good season considering the talent on this team and the schedule which is going to get a lot harder let me be clear Danny canel I want them to make a bowl game because I think it's good for college football but I think they're going to be a five- win team and just miss out on being a bowl team and just miss ball eligibility but we know Travis Hunter is going to be a top 10 pick we know shador Sanders is going to be a top 10 pick it's kind of crazy that you could have two top 10 picks in the NFL draft and you may not even make a bowl game this year it is but in the greatest team sport we know it kind of shows you how hard it is to to win with just a couple guys like in the NBA college basketball you get a couple Ballers you can win the whole thing right like it's just you know with only five players in the field you play both ways in this sport like if you don't have an offensive line you shador is gonna be running for his life and it's only going to get worse because the talent that they're facing and I think Nebraska next week's going to be a real challenge for them that's going to get that more chenging the offensive lines they play are going to be better and more challenging um but I I it just to me it speaks more about how hard it is to build a roster and the way Dion is doing it is through this you know hyper like they La the first year he took the job we knew there were going to be like 45 50 new players which is expected that happens a lot with new coaches I didn't expect it to happen again but that's what he did like he churned it over again and I think that's a big challenge too and that's why I think look at the guys who played well they were the players that were there last year Jimmy horn Jr was there last year he lit it up through the receiving Travis Hunter was there last year shador was there last year Shiloh Sanders played pretty well though there are some cheap shots but he played pretty well like the players that struggled the ones that were out of positions are the ones that are still trying to figure out the system so I don't instead of trying to develop players it seems Dion's trying to go out and just simply upgrade and that is a big Challenge and it's something that's never been done before with a lot of success and yet he's trying to do it I just wonder this too when shador goes to the NFL and Travis go to the NFL as well Travis Hunter how much longer do you think Dion's actually gonna stay at Colorado in your opinion so you want my wildest boldest prediction sure go ahead I'll never say no to that I think it's been said so I said this a while ago and I'm mad because I think a couple I think they might have even done it on first take the other day I mean Mike McCarthy the head coach of Dallas Cowboys is there a hotter Co a coach with a hotter seat Underneath Him Dak Prescott is there a quarterback like that more pressure to win right away Jerry Jones Is there an owner that's more willing to do something Brash and Brazen and say I don't care if this coach has never coached in the NFL coach Prime goes to Dallas they draft shador and he coaches his son in Dallas next year that would be something it's it's crazy and it's wild and yet I think Jerry Jones is just nuts enough to try it because he loves his guys and we know the history that Dion had in Dallas and also Jerry doesn't care about winning anymore Jerry just creates about stirring up the most drama exactly ex he really does and that you talk about selling tickets and being the center of conversation my goodness I think it would be crazy but I think Jerry's crazy enough to do it and there's probably about a 1% chance that this all could come to fruition uh but I do to your point I think Dion would stick around for one like I think he'd be there one more year and then I think he'd realize how hard it is and I don't know if he would be around longer after that you know that's that's kind of my prediction one more year after his son's leave he's and he's done a great job with them I just think it's for somebody who's won as much as he has I think it'd be really hard and like you were talking about five and seven they're not I don't if they lose shador which they're going to and Travis Hunter good luck replacing them they're gonna be worse and then it's like that's hard on somebody who's won as much as he has all right a few more quick hitters here with Danny canel getting into the games this weekend I'm fascinated to see what Clemson does I obviously expect Georgia to win but we know Clemson is still a good program but they're far away from their days of being Elite because dbo just doesn't adjust to what college football is now what do you think we see at a Clemson up against Georgia so man this is a this is a awesome experiment because dbo is Bucking the trend as you mentioned he's like I don't like this transfer portal era and I'm gonna try to win with my guys I mean imagine at the start of NFL free agency whenever that came around 30 40 years ago it's before my time before our time yeah uh imagine a coach being like I don't like the free AG I don't like free agents I just like the draft like that's all I want to use as the draft that's essentially what TBO is doing the thing that kind of makes it unique is in you know when you draft there's a certain amount of players you can take you're kind of limited recruiting you can go out and get whoever you want whoever you can get to come to your school he has really talented players on his roster he's got a lot of four and five stars on his roster the issue is some of them are younger because you can't go out and get a free you you don't go to the portal and get a veteran with experience depth becomes an issue because if you lose a starter then you might be starting a freshman instead of a transfer portal guy who comes in so I so I like da I I like Dabo a lot I think he's a great coach I like the things that he stands for I do think he cares about his players like he says he does I do think he cares about education like he says he does I just think he's he's being a little bit too stubborn like and you don't have to you don't have to be Colorado and get 45 new players Ohio State I think they only have 11 new players but there's really three that we've talked about it's quinon Judkins it's will Howard and it's Caleb DS and there's a couple other guys that are pretty big names but if you're if you're Clemson you have money you have resources you could go get an offensive lineman which they could use they could go get another wide receiver which they could use and they could go get a linebacker which they could use and it wouldn't disrupt the culture of the locker room it wouldn't turn guys against him you know what it would do it would make Clemson that much better of a team so but this experiment we're seeing unfold before us is how does it work you know it kind of looks like it's going downhill and it looks like they're not as dominant but if they go toot Toe with Georgia I think dbo can say to a lot of his critics see I don't need all those guys I got my guys and I'm and trust me trust me say this if they win oh it's gonna be absolutely hear it these are my guys we don't need anybody else and if they lose but it's by a field goal I think you'll hear it after the season when the critics come back he'll say remember that game against Georgia we were close but yeah if they win guaranteed he goes in on all his critics does Miami beat Florida I actually like Florida at home I like Miami this season I like him to compete I like him to win the AC see I had Florida State I would maybe switch it because of what we saw but I'm not giving up on that totally but I think the one thing I've learned and the one thing I keep reminding myself as good as this roster is in the transfer portal era it does take time for continuity chemistry timing Rhythm things that matter in the sport it takes time to develop that Florida has a lot more guys returning Miami has a lot of guys that are coming in that are Uber talented but they haven't played together yet and this is one of the toughest environments in the country to go in at the swamp um I think it's going to be a blood bath I really like the under because I think it'll be a defensive you know sort of Affair I think both teams want to establish the run I would take the points but I don't hate Florida to win either like I think Florida could win the game outright and then I think Miami would be okay like I think they could still get better and find that Rhythm and find that timing and cam Ward could be one of the most electric players in the country but I I just I kind of like the Gators at home at the swamp Danny canel who do you think's more likely to lose this weekend is it James Franklin's Penn State team going to West Virginia or is it Marcus Freeman having to go up against Texas A&M um more likely to lose I mean the point spreads tighter so I would you know Notre Dame is kind of easier um more pressure I think is clearly James Franklin you know it's around eight and a half nine points um with a perception of West Virginia I'm curious to see what his you know new offense looks like with a new offensive coordinator they brought in Andy Colton Nikki from Kansas I think Notre Dame's going to have a tougher time like I think I think Notre Dame's going to lose I like Tex Tex A&M lay the two and a half lay the three wherever it is right now I just their offensive line is really young and inexperienced and they have to go in we were talking about Florida field the swamp Kyle Field's one of the toughest places to play as well you got Mike Elco the head coach at Tex A&M I think he knows Riley Leonard the quarterback at at Notre Dame I think he knows his tendenc haven't seen him on his own team at Duke in practice every day but the one thing I do think that that would make me give Notre Dame some hope their defense will travel like this is a defensive team that can that can provide some problems on the road for Texas A&M's offense so I I lean underdogs and I lean uh unders on the totals in general that's kind of My Philosophy going into this weekend that's the one that I'm like I think I like a home favorite because I just I think the agies are going to have the edge and I really like Mike Elco check out bet online for updated college football playoff win totals conference Heisman and college football week one lines he is Danny canel before we let you run I'm going Georgia against Alabama in the national championship game with Georgia defeating Alabama 27-17 what's your Natty pick oh I don't have a score but I'll give you I'll give you the matchup so I have Oregon love it with Dan Lanning f ing his old Mentor his old boss Kirby Smart and the Georgia Bulldogs but I have Oregon winning it all I and it there's just something about I love the fact we had a new player last year in Michigan Oregon feels like they're on the cusp of knocking down the door they've been close they've been getting closer Dylan Gabriel I think is going to pick up right where bonick left off and their defense has been more physical they have a ton of weapons on the offensive side of the ball so I'm gonna say and it's it's it's kind of crazy because I was watching watch some film of Ohio State they are stacked but they do uh Oregon plays Ohio State at home so I'm going to go Oregon over the Georgia Bulldogs he is Danny canel Danny I can talk to you for about like 50 more minutes but my producers would be like dragging me out of the studio season's here baby I love it I can talk it all day too there he is Danny canel always does a great job whether it's for serus or also CBS Sports HQ and also here with us today once again of on behalf of our friends at Bed online

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