196: Peter from Burnt Church Distillery

from the barrel to the Backwoods we're always hunting for the best this is whiskey and white tails I'm Gus I'm Matt thank you to our patreon members for their awesome support for always uh giving us Insight helping us with planning these things if you want to be a part of that you can check out patreon whiskey and white tals and you can join for as little as $3 but um great great group if you enjoy hunting and you enjoy whiskey I can't imagine a better group of folks to come hang out with so check it out come join the join the community have a good time we also do lots of fun stuff uh events that we like to plan in giveaway so lots of things to to gain but uh also marrier more than marri yes the more than marrier always uh thank you to the Waypoint Network for hosting and having us uh we appreciate everything they do and thanks to you the listener and the viewers for all your support as well uh we have a good one this week but before we get into that we have a few folks that we always like to thank M oh the first go ahead yeah if you're paying uh more than $15 a month for cell phone service you should think about going to mintmobile.com Whiskey and sign up there they have a a new I pulled up right now but they got a new uh special right now for phones I think but yeah uh I haven't paid for cell phone service in over a year because I bought six months and I got six months free um back in December I guess it's been a while while yeah but I have not noticed any difference in my cell phone service I can still text call whenever I want unlimited data it's good to go it's quality I also use it for for a work phone that I have and the wife and I were just talking the other day and we are going to be paying off our phones that we have with AT&T and moving to mintmobile as well so I've seen no no problems with my service on my work phone the quality the quality of service and texting and and everything's been been great so um where can folks find that and get that discount uh mm.com whiskey cool sign up on there and uh you'll be pretty thankful especially right now where everything's crazy expensive it's I mean let's cut some prices where we can right yeah absolutely uh speaking of quality uh Vantage Point Archery if you haven't figured it out and heard from us yet we enjoy some Vantage Point products they're broadheads are the best in the industry uh you know I can't imagine I've I've yet to see a better quality Broadhead um that stands up to to its name and to the reputation that that it has uh blows through bone you can put it through just about any sort of material and resharpen it and it thing is ready to go again so um americanmade right here in the United States great company great folks we support and love everything that they're doing uh no discount code for them we we support them 100% so just go check them out you uh will not be disappointed yeah and there's uh we've told the stories before but there's people that have killed I think that guy killed like 30 Hogs with one blade yeah one Broadhead just kept resharpen it using it again so it's like not only is it good for hunting but also I mean into the world situation you can keep this thing going forever you can pass them down to your children if you don't lose them you're just you're them it's also good for for the wallet you know paying paying for Quality broadheads from some of the other manufacturers where you're paying $70 a pop for for three broadheads that you have to replace after putting them through one animal yeah that's not also get the Omega has lay flat technology where instead of having to actually make your edges you just lay it down on a sharpen Stone and just push it it's it's all lined up perfectly so you can keep that edge they're they're amazing broadheads quality stuff for sure well thought out well engineered uh and like I said great great group of folks over there that are that are part of that and uh we just we just enjoy supporting them and being a part of their little uh family if you will so go check them out at vpa or VPR archery.com yeah this it's pretty good uh we unfortunately during recording the audio didn't process through the computer so you're hearing the entire thing off of a crappy microphone on a laptop we apologize for that um it's normally we catch those mistakes because we do it remotely but when we're doing stuff in person sometimes we forget to look at stuff so it's unfortunate because it's a really good podcast um so it might be a little hard to hear we tried to work on the audio as best as we could just to you know get rid of some static in the background yeah we're sorry but um you if you hang on to it and stick with it you you'll it's a good podcast yeah almost 200 episodes in I think this is only happened a handful of times it's bound to happen it'll happen again I'm sure unfortunately it's part of the business but uh appreciate your patience and uh we'll try to avoid it in the future yeah all right enjoy the episode yeah all thanks for coming thanks for having me yeah I'm sure we'll do an intro before this we just get into it what you get into what' you bring here this is a that is some cornbread red scy red corn and mted try Kay got of halfway put that Shri seal on there just to make it legal y we uh done one batch last year about to release the second batch uh as soon as I have some time to put all the way do a little pass around of that so we're we're going to try clear and then you got some 2.75 year yep yep stuff that we made in December of 2021 yeah gra johnman from from Maran it's the one that named that we're trying to figure out what we wanted to do with it what we wanted to call it he's like how about cornbread red that sounds like something so we're like shoot yeah why not I can definitely hear him saying that is how often does he come around every time I get a grain from them delivered because he's the only one that drives their truck and then I'll see him at some events and some stuff every once in a while so run yeah I probably about half maybe a little bit more you pull up closer to you okay there we go there you go there you go yeah uh he's cool guy we did a podcast with him I don't know what episode it was but that was a long time ago he's a he's like a walking documentary yeah oh 100% just the amount of information just talk if you don't have like set a time frame on him he will keep going and keep going and it's just it's so interesting you get locked yeah we talked about corn for like two hours just corn like we never made it past corn types of corn colors of corn taste smell and I was all I was first time I ever met him was at their Mill facility he's like I only got five minutes three hours later I'm still staying there he was going on Rice he was all about rice just rice rice rice rice rice I love it I love the tattoos too because he's like yeah I just did the bird I saw that I like so I got it on yeah he's keeps getting them yeah he's got a bunch of farm animals tattooed on which is all yeah every time I see him he looks like he's got another one and it's funny too because he looked like what you think if you're were like I wonder what a corn farmer looks like that that's what Greg looks like like the idea everyone is painting in their head that's great I love his overalls very jealous on his overall Game Y yeah he's got nice overalls that he wears to events I've seen him in where do I get where was we were at a I think it was a pre sewe event but it was like it was at a theater and everyone like I'm wearing a suit everybody was dressed nice like I'm wearing I think I even had a tie on if I'm not mistaken but yeah he he had dark dark blue denim uh overall on with like a nice clean t-shirt like dude you you clean up kniv love it AB been hanging up in a closet on on the far right side it's to really move all the work stuff out of the way get the nice nice ones out yeah you can tell they they' probably never been washed they were like really dark like fresh out the box like a fresh pair of Air Force I don't know what that is pretty nice shoes they're leather oh okay people don't know that I may have three pairs up there okay and I have red ones for my motorcycle which is stupid and then I have a a wheat color and you know what's funny about those when I bought those I remember seeing them and I was like I just like I don't know why but I just love this color and they got in and I put them on and I was like uh they're the same color as army boots that's or Timberland Timberland too it was just something in my uh in My DNA that I didn't pick up on that I it was same color need that color yeah I just was naturally drawn to it and I didn't realize because I was brainwashed it's Del life me so tell us about uh tell us about this cornbread red yeah so this is uh roughly 70% certified Jimmy red corn from Martian mil and then the other 30ish perc is a maled TR Kay which is a hybrid between Ry and wheat that Scottish invented in the late 1800s um they were going to try and make a single M out of it they created the product because you know Wheats a little weater rise a little bit more drought resistant the combination of two just makes it easier to grow and it gives also a lot of volume and they ended up never really doing anything with it so it's a very underutilized grain in my opinion as far as making spirits and beer and other other alcohol beverages from it um I kind of fell in love with it so I got the guys up at weather's farm and P a malt to grow some in their fields and then M it for me so it's just all South Carolina grown product right there um kind of soon as we open the doors and got facility running I had that one ready to go and that was the first kind of off book thing that we did outside of our normal ones that we have out right now love the flavor and uh the TR so you had you were talking to me about this before you had to do the TR to Kay because of the strong profile of the Jimmy red yeah so Jimmy red is extremely pungent in my opinion um and very just in your face as far as a horn flavor goes and if you do it 100% I feel like it's too overwhelming and it doesn't ha well especially when you get it into Oak um and you're trying to pull out some of those subtle flavors so by cutting it a little bit with the Trin K and you get some of those soft wheat notes in there you get some of those dry characteristics in there and you kind of soften up the pungent of that J corn it kind of just makes it more Umami yeah kind of helps it round out and then you put it into the oak um I feel like it did a very good job especially since I didn't use normal barrels like most everybody in ky's going Char three Char four uh medium or heavy toast I want light chars um to kind of let some of those liquor flavors pop up through but then give some of those lighter vanilla notes and other things that you don't normally get out of those barrels to really come through a little bit more yeah that's actually a pretty big decision to make to be like I'm not going to go with Char 4 because that's everybody loves alligator Char and it's so for you to be like I'm going to make all this stuff and then put it in a lighter Char because there's not a lot of use for that stuff once it's once you use the barrel once on a lighter Char it's kind of done a lot of times they'll rechar it before they put Scot yeah yeah so um I love I use anywhere from Char ones Char twoos Char 3s um I don't go up Char CS yeah um but a lot of the stuff that I've personally created recipes for down there at burn church um is going into uh twos and some of it's going into woman's you ever do anything with toasted barrels I haven't yet but I get all my barrels are toasted the way I want them toasted before they Char it so it kind of pulls out that Sugar um first and then that Charing kind of caramelizes it on that outside so I get those notes in there but um I thought about working with some just toasted barrels but I had figured out what I would do with them yet what kind of flavor profile I want to go there been looking at an all weat whiskey combination of malted wheat reg maybe go with a heavy toast or light toast there kind of yeah that's interesting Brown Foreman does it they not on everything but they'll toast the insides pretty heavy to bring all the sugars out and then they just burn the [ __ ] out of it yeah and they also where where were we at where they had the inside the barrels were cut out Cooper craft oh Cooper's craft yeah that was weird did they spiral yeah like they kind of like cut a or like jigsaw kind yeah they put a router inside like Spiral down all the wood shavings is down the bottom um who does that Zach cdge it's a small cdge out of Kentucky they're like known for doing that like rout inside of their barrels and supposedly it gives surface area and allows it to attack I've never used but heard good things from from different people that used them they're like I didn't really think this was going to work it's actually some best withis you so I'm always skeptical by it because like they tell you all the time you can't yeah you can't fake this takes time yeah it takes well you still have the time on all those things you're just you know tweaking it just ever so slightly maybe give it some different notes that she possibly would give us with yeah I wonder if it messes with the Integrity of the barrel at all I mean they're not super deep cut they are cutting into yeah might mess with the longevity like if you want to do Scotch after or something like that like a lot of my barrels I'm trying to reuse for theave or we got the free single malts y'all got to try two of them when he came back in June down to the facility so I'm trying to reuse those barrels when it helps us out on cost I think Five Barrels Ag More spirit and two um virgin Oak is great but you know some Spirits are so light virgin Oak just overwhelms it and you don't want to overwhelm the actual product that's going in the use Barrel comes in h what's the what's the what's the ruling on tequila like if it's made certain place it becomes a different thing or it's a Mescal or if it's like so um all tequila has to be made in alisco Mexico that region of Mexico ohaka or it's there's a different region I think it's like theak region or something I car regions is where what we know is mescal is made which is a smoky whiskey um and then you've got the northern part of the state right on the border of Texas is where well all mcow but it's called soal s o TL and that's another form of bcal Teo kind of thing it's made from this uh it's not an agave plant but it's freaking phenomenal um it has to be blue agave to be tequila or has to be blue agave has to be 51% so like if it's not 51% they can put in corn syrup or bassis or something like that um and then like rum like Mescal for instance like they smoke their gve a little bit longer and typically tends to be like an older AG plant and it gives it the Smokey characteristics um so it's almost kind of like Scotch where different parts of the country you go to they're making pretty much the same thing but you get these toally different like or but they actually call it it's got to beo Mexico so what is it called like at birn church we have to call it a g Spirit okay so it's a g spirit rapado so import um 100% organic blave syrup from Mexico and fermented distill it do all this stuff spend a lot of time researching and figuring out how they actually make tequila down there without going there um and it's actually pretty good I AG it and nor American white barrels whiskey barrels um for roughly 10 to 11 months pull it out and you never know I've never been to mexo you use the same yeast as you do for whiskey no different yeah very is it because the way it interacts with the sugars yes so Agave the Agave has a lot of fructose in it um that's different type of sugar different type of sugars yes so you have to get specific yeast to be able to tackle those types of sugars um and so like I said I've talked to a lot of people a lot of research going into this I actually use a blend of three different yeast to F nice whereas most of the whiskey I'm using one for each one that one I created you're learning so much I'm gonna have to play the Reading Rainbow but s the beginning of this episode reading rain do you find that from a marketing perspective because you guys have to call it something different do you have to explain to people what it is yeah put it together yeah we can put what is yeah um but the fact that it says a is it's hard I mean I did a very very small batch of it um about a year little over a year ago we only had 200 bottles we sold out in two weeks um so I did Bigger backs this time and it's kind of slow rolling out the door one we're in recession so it's everything's kind of it's tough been tough that's not what the the news told me okay I'm I'm watching it at work when we're doing when the econom is doing well people are buying Linker and fist and when it's not doing well they're not they're not so um also we unfortunately came out like a few weeks after we just refunded the Min so it's not all in the M let well y my grandpa used to say if you want to know how the econom is doing go talk to small business owners and restaurant they'll tell you how time because when people have extra money to spend and it's well they're out doing those things they're shopping they're spending money they're going out to eat if they're not they're not I mean politicians are going to tell you what you want here anyways we're not doing that you I got right now nice is that what's your wear yeah I'm wearing one there's another one over there got three new designs okay yeah we'll sing you a hat for for coming on the show I'm GNA pop this this aged one don't [ __ ] hurry up me why am I wife you jonesing yeah all right so this one is try this stage 2.75 years so the first one was 120 Pro that's what we go on the barrels at okay um this one I did not have enough time to send it through our density meter got one in there so I don't know what it actually is but my guess it's probably somewhere around 118 um 17 118 somewhere that it's funny how much for those out there that have never done a white dog versus age back to back of the same thing it's fascinating oh yeah because you can still pull a little bit of those noses out of it but it's completely changed it's this this smells more like like before smell like corn smells like whiskey yeah that Barrel counts for anywhere from 60 to is 70% they can't really lock it down but that's what that's a distiller's answer 60 to 70 60 70% you talk to a Cooper has like 90% oh okay okay well if you use the right barrel and you know what you're doing and you can blend your whisky then and you don't take a barrel that's going to overwhelm what you're putting in there yeah yeah you should be about 60 70% that makes sense we we we because they always say like [ __ ] in [ __ ] out and like if you don't put good if you don't start with something nice it's not going to be nice when com about the barrel is not going to fix your problems it's going to enhance it most yeah it's a good amount of cinnamon on it DN I haven't tried this since it's there's a ton of cinnamon on this back end like red hot cinnamon like triger red hot not like cinnamon like Che big yeah that's good that's wild reminds me of that uh that Justin's pick yeah it does what's it called what they call it whenever you do your first single barrel you should uh because I'm I'm pretty sure I'm kind of to do it you should you should bring this that can you just got to tell me all this stuff sits in that offsite Warehouse so I have to make sure I uh bring this stuff to cool everything because it's not exactly close to the facility right it's closer than uh who was it AG everything in Virginia who was that Hollow Creek oh yeah everything that they make they ship to Virginia because it was cheaper col cheaper taxwise to how's it there it's cheaper than building a rick house in Columbia to ship Virginia for five years and they bring it back taxes oh tax same my company just gave me a and said you're yeah yeah I got this undisclosed location somewhere in South Carolina that I go to all the time so just hopeing they don't wrap the truck and just have people F yeah don't let me find out I wild turkey are at steal steal barrels at a time just walk around and taste it you got cameras in there where's this place somewhere we got cameras got some cameras there's no cameras they're line whoever wants to do a night off with me do got a solution for cameras so do I spray pain oh have you seen all these guys in England cutting down all these cameras yeah love it isn't it isn't it I love it absolutely love it what do they do so in England they just have cameras like on every street like like the CCTV kind of they're out there with angle Grinders like cutting them down like battery power they're cutting them down and spray painting them all like bashing them I love it that country is in a lot of trouble I think all countries are a lot trouble we're all we're all having a bad time right now just trying to drink some whiskey and forget about it you know exactly chat gp's fault do you see that mayor in a mayor another town but his whole his whole campaign is if he gets selected he will use a customized gbt that he's created to make decisions and run the city and he he swears that based on the learning language models that he's used it will be the most effective and all the Sol stuff even even heal yep I mean be honestly I'm kind of interested I TR you should let Chad gbt run your distillery that's fine tell me what to make yeah I don't know I I need people help yeah probably probably it probably tell you how to make a a hiring yeah I'm tired of Bing how is it hard to hire someone for a distiller you think that'd be like really easy I don't I don't know I don't know but we've been looking for four or five months now so I'm still short staff so we're pretty much making the order right now which puts a lot of stress on me help me out so what's the what's the hours like maybe there's somebody listening that wants to get started in whiskey career uh my guys work 8:00 am to 400 PM Monday Friday but most of the time they're out of there before four on is it a salary or hourly oh salary salary they get an hour lunch yes 30 minut Lun they get a company car no come on Chris you need to get everybody in company car what's going on nobody wants to use their own gas to drive to work that's crazy um but yeah we're just slow we're slow on bottle line right now so bottle Burg and cream this week and an need's Choice the week before and every bottle left so now I gotta REO it all over hopefully y'all have the best uh cream for sure yeah tastes like vanill ice cream who like vanilla ice delicious it's probably good on Vanilla Ice yeah milkshakes yeah coffee milkshakes I've used it for coffee and a chocolate [Music] shake Chef Jeff down there Millers all day make some like vanilla cream that you can dip your French toast stick so that's for he make it out of that yeah W yeah he does smart it's good sh he's crazy between him and Geor they think about it blows my mind yeah like when he was making air popped beef tendon did you oh yeah nuts yeah for the tartar that he doing oh that stuff was so good yeah so good nut and then his his Su Chef or whoever was like yeah it's like making crack them and he was like no it's not and he's like gu him that's not true at all it's way more scientific than that shut snap yes chef I'm sorry I wasn't there for that episode I listened to it and I was like was he mad he was like oh yeah oh yeah you just question you just said that this difficult process that I do you just said was like it's basically pretty easy did you [ __ ] do it you didn't okay so not I love chefs I like Jeff I like George I like listening to them uh because they're all really good at talking [ __ ] because they have to they have to be able to do it yes 100% but it's like you hear them in the and the other thing too i' I've I've taken this from Jeff is like I've asked my people before like how do you think you did like guys make stuff and'll they'll taste like how do you think you did on this and it's such a amazing thing that has to as as somebody who's responsible for like employees and like you know professional development for people I'm torn to with that question like is it a productive question am might being a condescending [ __ ] or is it both it's both that's so because I have a lot of people that that i' love to ask that in the public setting I do it like I'll see stuff and I'm like like yeah I got this done for you like how do you think you did like I don't know it's my first time doing it like I can tell but how do you think you did you put time and effort into it because if you did I'll fix it for but if you just threw it together I'm probably to make you do it again my biggest thing is it's probably this way with all of us like I don't mind people asking for help or even doing something poorly the first time as long as you put effort in and try did you research it did you look some things up did you try to figure it out yourself or did you just half ass that bring it to me hope that I would tell you fix yeah that's just not gonna last yeah I know it I raised my kids secondly did you try to solve this yourself no do that first my mom my mom still like that with my dad did you actually look forward or you just G love my dad death but he loses everything I think there's a man thing because I lose [ __ ] too well my mom kind of being around her she was like did that same thing with me as a kid so now like I look for it then I look for it and I find it usually so I should do that because I with earlier we were looking for that the other piece of these headphones and I I knew where I had put them and I went upstairs and they weren't there and I was like and Andy walked up the room she's like [ __ ] has be something I was like kitty took my [ __ ] one of the cats like she took my [ __ ] she's like what are you blaming the cat for that you probably did and then I saw it and I was like nothing nothing at all yeah no it's um it's weird it's weird things that are difference between the way kind of like you run your house like as a man versus a woman what is a woman but BL on that [Laughter] one we have ladies in the room so I give them sh um but yeah so yeah this is a lots of senent on that good Circle bring it right yeah now for two and 2.75 years very happy with it good how far you think you're G to go with yeah I said a minimum oh really you think it'll take that long no probably not but I'm Gonna Keep to go but I was thinking a minimum of five but I'll keep trying it um I mean you can tell it's young here this just isn't ready but it is good yeah I mean can most people pull out of whiskey at tun yeah would say it's like that it it that's the thing with under three years this much of a flavor change is nuts and a 53 y Barrel it's not a 30 y Barrel so yeah oh yeah I mean did you f nice uh that year I did what I do I have permission to do that one I kind of did it and ask for forgiveness I did a lot of things um I think it filled like 24 25 arrows that year W that's a lot that's a lot so and then the next year I think I did the same amount last year I did almost 40 so kind of progressing it I think it's gonna be something big for us I take off I think so too it's really good especially keep letting that age get out there like I said I think it's going to take five years but we'll see it might be four might be six but it's not going to get released until I feel like it's 100% there good so yeah I don't like doing that see too many know we see I'm sure you guys all gost see it too there's too many distillers brushing things to Market because they have investors or stakeholders to make happy no no no you make more money in my opinion if you wait and you're patient with it than if you rush things out the door people hate it you're going to uh yeah you're GNA you're GNA pay for that that crappy whiskey you're G to pay for that crappy product because people are going to not want to pick it back up and you're GNA have to spend even more money trying to remarket Rebrand do all this stuff to get that whiskey to be off that shelf yeah so yeah be patient with it Let It Go um fun news though this next year we'll start our single malles all that stuff that you tried mhm com we actually I did those in smaller barrels because they used reusing barrels that we so we'll do a b single Mal the sing Mal and the sing Mal releases hopefully all next year those are fantastic we got we got to try all that we did that event and uh I think everyone loved the pink the UN yeah yeah that I mean the name is cool the story is cool about the name but also just I don't know if that tricks your brain in liking it more or if it is truly like a very special corn I don't know I think it's an awesome corn immediately like when I tasted it I because I made U I made most of these things that I do that I've never tried before the Jimmy red corn the TR the Unicorn I'll take 50 pounds make a small batch run it through a small little seven gallon still just so I can understand what the flavor is going to be when it's in a Rec form and finish um and so as soon as I tasted that one I knew it needed to be malted I knew it needed to be malted this way and I needed knew it needed to be a single BT and I knew it was going to cost a lot of money but I did be yeah once again that was one of the ones where I kind of went did my own thing and didn't really people the bill and then they found out I was like just wait to try it and they tried it they're like but what do we sell it for it's like I don't know whatever we make money on it yeah your department I make it you get R it not involved in that part so but it was uh it was it was fun making that it's always fun making new products so we uh black she short Ra was another one that we done yeah that one was good too they were all really good I haven't had one that I didn't I didn't enjoy yeah for my for bir church I'm not staying that just because you're in room yeah I help you would it I don't like people I want you to tell me something that's wrong with it or like okay this would be a little bit better here because I'm always looking to progress everything that I do and if I'm constantly told everything's phenomenal how do I make it better right like I know ne's notal yeah there's no possible way you go to a restaurant everything you have not going to Mo over it's going to be a flaw somewhere you got to be able to exploit it tell somebody hey this was off this wasn't right so you can figure out how to make it better get better as a chef or a whiskey measure whatever do so right yep yeah we had a I had a conversation I want thing to do with another Distillery Friday Thursday Thursday and um they want to do some stuff with us whatever but one of the things they asked was like we want to make sure we're not like you're not working with other local distilleries and I was like well if that's a problem then yes because I'm not I'm not GNA stop working with with anyone but especially like bur Church like we have a good relationship with them and I do a lot of stuff with them they like oh no no we didn't mean it that way I was like okay well me however you mean it um but uh yeah they said something about like selling out becoming branded by by something I don't know if they wanted us to do it with them but I was like we would never because it's like that's that's not what we're here for we're not here to uh tell you that this place is delicious because we're getting paid to tell you that like we actually like burn shirks we like everything you do because it it's good but that's why we like having you on because it's it's always like you're always showing up something new yeah try to yeah I to those was on and like I said a half shrink seal those things make it down the road I think I can tell yeah hell yeah it's not even it's hard you just put it in the machine that gets hot and melt it like how did you [ __ ] up the the plastic well so like the way ours works it's a tunnel so depending on the bottle size you got it racing a little the tel and so we were doing bourbon cream on day was that Thursday and so the thing was set up super high so I kind of like just turned it on shoved my hand up there with the bottle my hand got too hot and ripped it back down yeah you like a heat gun over there just for Buy Buy like an industrial St heat gun yeah I used to have I used to have one at the old distilleries that I used to work at I I haven't really needed it till this point yeah yeah well that's the plastic was going to come off anyway exactly so doesn't matter just in case they got pulled over and C me like okay open the yeah yeah that would you know I haven't thought about that but I drive around a lot with containers I mean a lot from making content stuff I I think about all the time we go to an event and I grab bottles that are already open I bet you there's an open container in my truck right now like I guarantee there's a Bott in this there has to be if I go to do sales like there's always an open container in my truck so it's kind of hard but I try to think about it but I mean there's nothing I can really do I'm trying to push product I can't have a brand new bottle just give away a bottle every time I walk in some yeah that would get expensive fast yeah how did you which bottles were you at uh one that's a better one it it was all right had better experiences there somville I've never been Summerville um but I've just had ups and downs you know sometimes it's great sometimes it's not got some BL and whiskies out the door a bottle of bourbon cream and a bottle of it's not my best showing but anything's better than nothing now your weekend's a r off yeah it's pretty much free now that we had the air DMD problem that we had the other day you had the Airbnb problem Oh Black the original wow I that was three hours yeah three hours fight with Airbnb on the phone wow and then we got this nice place just down the road from where we were for 200 bucks wow when did you get here Thursday Thursday night are you staying at I or something U not okay yeah just because it was right next to the bottles and then we just going to go check out some other things have you done anything what do you think this is your first time here yeah work going oh did you I just was hanging out with a guys what what is s Beach I'm sorry s Beach are oh s yeah yeah I like the BFW over there on ol it's called the post on the coast next to the Wind Jammer yeah you go there and watch shows the Wind Jammer for free but that's what I one yeah I like the BW because it's like two beers where else can you drink $2 beers on Alabama they're also really strict about coolers and having alcohol there like they will give you a$1 th fine if they catch drinking like on Folly they're just like don't make it obvious that's how they just don't make it obvious as long as you're not partying they're not going to come up give you fine for drinking yeah you're partying oh you're getting that fast if if you're an IOP and you you have a beer if they can tell it's a beer in a koozie you're getting to see I don't ever pour it like in a cup you're probably fine I I always drive on to it and then my buddy takes care of a house on Goat so just go there's no rules on yeah there's how do you get there you take the fairy no there is no fair you got take little boat he has so he has a boat the house is literally right across why I think there was a fairy no I'm thinking about uh the the birds of prey St a little bit further up there's a there's a fair for that for like Coastal Expeditions or whatever it's called yeah go Island that would be cool to live on over there what does that guy do uh my bud he uh no the guy the house oh I have no idea um my buddy just met him he's been doing um like Property Management down here for a while just started his own company last year and so he got hooked up with this guy and she's been taken care of him for like 10 years now so as long as it's not rent he has full run up go stay do whatever yeah so you normally do is birthday in January hang that would be awesome be a hang out and get in a house yeah do he have like golf carts around there is that he doesn't have a golf cart there I mean it's literally a half a mile walk from one of the island to the other so it's not like you need anything but if you got a boat it was sick um three years ago we did uh his birthday there and my buddy came down from Charlotte and he brought his boat we both brought our shotguns and we uh drift fled the back side of sounds that's fun there's um if you go to the other side of Goat Island like if you walk to the end of it and you look there's like this I don't know what it looks like now because it changes every year um current but there's another Island back there that connects to uh the Waterway the Intercoastal Waterway yeah so that Island that's where I go red fishing and that's where I pull these these monster like 60 inch Reds out right there it's so you have to get to it by boat which is funny it's beach beach fish for Reds Yeah by have take a boat to get to a beach good but massive massive R big bulls get pulled out of there but uh that's in October so if you guys are ever out there in October you should go to the other end and fish I'll get my bu to bring his boat back down because now he's rigged it out for B fishing see what the laws are we we can hit some roads and turn B fish so you can't kill these big 60 those are you have to throw those back because they're slot yeah we'll see yeah if we can find something slot it's good spot should be able to find I forgot that you br it oh yeah so I still have that bow up there and I need to just convert it yeah you should it's fun it's a lot of fun yeah especially you go down like port sulf for Louisiana all the way down there holy crap you put in one of those bies yeah there just fish on Fish on Fish all kinds of stuff to kill out there Gus was born on B there's a lot of [ __ ] to kill yeah you know Reds sheep's head all that stuff you red sheep head oh I love some they taste like clams they're delicious they're phenomen well we went down B fishing last year we probably brought back 15 yeah we couldn't shoot very well would brought back double that you ever seen that they take like a hoe like a garden hoe and the or female I you probably use a one anyway and you just scrape these the pylons for the docks oh yeah and it's like a dinner bell they come run oh we were walking out on her dot um few weeks ago month ago something like that and you could just see the Sheep just eating all stuff all little barers and stuff right off I was like in my you should yeah they love eating they're fun fish I like talking about people because people don't know what they are I'm like Google it look at their mouth human teeth they're crazy they're delicious very good I think I still might have I think next time I get one I'm going to pull his teeth out and like keep it in a jar and then just like just because they look like human teeth and just be like you know what these are I haven't been caught yet they really do look like human teeth they do it's crazy looking on a fish what are you drinking on Stags Jun stag junr yeah it's good that's the OG [ __ ] man a little little uh running a little hotter than this other stuff we were drinking it's definitely hot it's definitely notot yeah they don't make that anymore it's now it's just plain old Stag and it doesn't taste as good I don't even know are they still doing batch numbers I don't know if they're doing that or not I have no idea i' have to look well you want to hand me something what do do you want you stag I haven't had stag get you some birthday one that we got yeah sure I don't think I've ever had this right I don't like this bottle don't like it no it's a that's what 13th colony uses oh dude love their stuff at least used to I haven't had it in a long time so back when they first started doing that bourbon 13 colony bourbon I think it was like the blue green or Teel colored bottle label but uh the first time I had it I was like Wow and I I blinded it for a lot of people like I brought it in like small samples yeah I was like try this you know and uh like guess which distillary this is because you're not g to guess but it makes you seem like this shouldn't be hard it's one of the big ones you know and then everybody everybody was like T like Buffalo tra like is this is this is this some kind of like Eagle Rare store pick that's what said yeah I like no it's actually a small distill out of Georgia that used to make Plantation vodka and got in trouble because it had to work Plantation on it so they had to change it to 13th colony yeah yeah I remember I met them at an event one time and I tried it like holy crap and I saw their stuff everywhere after that I was buying it and then now I can't find it anywhere yeah I can't find it either have you they had U they had done a double O recently really and apparently that is you like unbel good I'm not a big fan of the but it's too much sugar I think it has to be done right because if it tastes like tannins I'm out like this this stag to me has too much tanin I just don't like I don't like it that's why I don't like wine wine it that way I don't know very aggressive like the Jan F this birthday Jamaican is it Jamaican Ukraine a little bit what do you think about the Stag I think it's delicious I think that it is it is very sweet it does carry over a lot of um cannons though that Oak Oaky kind of bitterness D yeah it does dry so the birthday bourbon is notorious for being not living up to the heke oh yeah no I would to say this a little up do kind of hard yeah this is a Dr yeah like I said like if you ever had like Appleton or some kind of Jamaican room it's got that nose of that funk like that whatever they leave all that bacteria and stuff in their fers it's got that nose which I typically like but were you the one telling me about the Jamaican rum pits yeah [ __ ] what's that no it's just like these nasty pits where they grow all this bacteria and funk in and that's how they like they mix it into their grum and that's what gives that rum that that n that like funky note like Twang and by nasty he means like dead animals right yeah like it's it's not great it's but that's what it's a pit in the ground and they they throw all the rum in it folks do you need any other reason to just drink whiskey I mean I mean they distill it so none of that's coming through but I don't careing I love app now like I don't you me tell you how to not like it go to Jamaica for your honeymoon and spend a week drinking applon rum you'll never drink that and red stripe red stripe yeah drink red stripe ever again I used to when I was in the uh cayman's making room uh one of the guys that was hanging out with and I met was used to be the master distiller for Appleton for about 25 years wow cool dude to hang out with a lot of knowledge but you ever had a steel bottom so like I said because because I was poor we were I don't know how 21 or 22 but we were married with three roommates so like we did not have any money like we were the bottom of Po we couldn't afford T still in the military no this before the military I actually joined the military to make more money okay so if a E1 in the Army makes more money than I was making then yeah that's true I was about to say you sound like my old brother his wife dude military pays pretty well believe it or not yeah his x one everybody sees that number and they're like wow that's a shame it's like yeah but they also give you $2,200 cash taxfree every month for rent 350 a month for food my I'm taxed at a lower rate than you are and everything's pretty much free like my pants clothes boots all that shit's free give it to you I'm not paying for work clothes I'm not paying for anything anyway uh [ __ ] um steel steel Bott Ste bottles so we I it's like whatever's free you know so I drank red stripe and Alum rum and that's it and uh for like six days and I drink a lot so I'm drinking a lot of it so like on the sixth day I told her I was like I can't I don't think I can drink anymore like I just I think I'm done and I was telling the barer that he's like oh yeah on you need to steal the bottom man and I was like okay I was like it's long as it's free and the only thing free of this resort was red stripe and appon rum so the steel bottom is a red stripe and they put a shot Al and R but it tasted different combined together so I drank that for the entire day wrecked I bet I'm sure yeah said W I was hanging out with my buddy who runs a brewer in Hilton Hood he had some guys over his house uh doing some work on a shower and we were all sitting there in a carport he was like giving them beers um saying thank you and all that he's like hey man you got anything to supercharge this with he's like wait what what do you mean supercharge he's like got any tequila we pour a shot of tequila and all of our beers we shoot supercharge them all yeah or else it takes too many for us to get there that Mak sense y that's what that's what Ste bomb is it's genius actually is it I think it's a it was the first time that I was like I have drinking problems like if you're putting liquor in your beer because you're you drank so much that you're tired of the taste of both like there's probably an issue there I don't know for sure you don't yeah seem to be doing just fine yeah we going back to Jamaica no I actually can't now do you see that no what um because of like where we work well I I can't go to there's a lot of places I can't go but Jamaica apparently is uh like there's a lot of problems there you go wherever you want to sure if I don't tell them I could go then they find out and then i' probably lose my job so yeah I I used to know somebody that went there and they were they were like hiking and they were walking along like the water side front and they run Grand into it like a Jamaican and the guy had a machete and he started walking towards him he kind of like put his wife behind him and was nervous and a guy like walked up to this tree swung the machete and came back and he had a flower and he put it in his wife's ear and like said by or whatever could you imagine how [ __ ] scary that would be yeah like you have no idea what's about to happen I mean what are you gonna do like I don't think I'd let him get that close to him why think so either but they holding machete so like I could have turned a very nice situation into murder like he could have end up killing me with machete you know scary times so make rum rum pits yeah rum pits I didn't not know that was a thing um is this is this the only practice in distilling of spirits that you're aware of like that anything else like that yeah yeah yeah you know every country every area has their own little things they do so Jamaica does the raway r that does something else some way I mean everything tastes completely different than the normal place and culture of how they've traditionally done things um to where you go all the way down into Theo and their main Spirit comes from wine grapes it's crazy oh yeah I've had that uh it's delicious it's called p p yeah yeah they actually it's funny because when the French and all the Spanish were coming over and they colonized and China colonized all the South America regions they used to bring things like wine grapes Noble wine grapes with them and a fungus went through France or some region in Europe and one of the grapes went extinct and they thought they lost it well 100 years later they go back down to Peru and they're sit there making liquor with it yeah and they're like oh you have our grape it's like well you brought it over 150 years ago tried to conquer us some [ __ ] and we just kept the gra got r on they're [ __ ] but they got good grapes kill them all keep the grapes yeah so I mean it's just it's crazy everywhere you go you go to Brazil and they make it um they make a r but it's not from masses like traditional Caribbean it's all from ra SC krews it's called Casas it's got veryy tone to it and you go to Mexico you have fural flavors you go into Italy and you have things like brocco where they Bing wine and they're taking all the we over from that they're distilling that stuff Rock now there's very bad gr yeah the good stuff is do you like shrew I don't know if I've ever had shrew is it an East flavored yeah more or less it's an love an flavored stuff so I've got abet yeah it's not as medicinal tasting as AB I used to make ABS I want make I love it you ever done the Angels the absent Angels what was that it's sick so it's a you have like a a water tank B basically with lights in it and then when you drop abson in it it like they look like Angels like dancing around but they usually have them in absent bars you'll have like never been to an abent bar just used to there's one Somerville believe it or not really yeah don't you live in Somerville no I live in mon cor oh [ __ ] it off my ass which which one of this is a negative thing if it's north of 526 it's all the same yeah it is it is for me it's like you're either Somerville or columia like before 95 I know Orangeburg started the exit after 95 did you know that yeah it's really big that's where Caleb Gibson he's got property out there and it's literally tell where [ __ ] is it's the exit after 95 but it's considered orange yeah yeah yeah I hunt up there St George and you get to Orangeburg it's like two seconds yeah down the road there's some big deer up there he's like I've seen plenty of pictures of big deer which is funny because it's not that far away it's still the Low Country yeah I mean it's all swamp I know I tried to I went there on the 16th to try and hunt in the morning we had so much rain so I hunt uh the weather's Farm prob a malt they got 2,000 acres that they Farm up there so they let me hunted and I went into this one swamp area where I see deer every time I got out man even with my thermos so on I still had hundred hundreds of mosquitoes on me and high tail it out of there because I could stand it went somewhere else but went to a spot where I knew I probably wasn't to see but it wasn't not it so yeah washed some turkeys for a little bit just chilled out and had my Fe for morning but yeah there's some big deer up there the only problem is yeah Big M these post rain mosquitoes are are the size of a of a dime by mine they don't care about they they bite me through my clothes they don't the wind doesn't [ __ ] with them they're so big it blows my mind the only the only thing that I have a problem with and it's not really a problem I mean they've been doing it a lot longer than I have when they've been up there is they run dogs so they run dogs every Saturday so it's not like where I grew up hunting where you can kind of pattern you can see where they're walking those deer get pushed so hard so much like you don't know where they're going to be and thankfully I found this one little corner where they don't really go into because it's so swampy and so nasty like I kind of got got this little pocket to myself but outside of that like they're running dogs so much which great I mean uh the weather's family they want the deer gone because they're eating their crops they're losing money from it so I hope they take care of it and help them out but at the same time it's me being a deer hunter and wanting to you know find them yeah makes it a little harder on me but yeah no doubt it's still fun no matter what getting up there and seeing the wildlife the woods Le you got where to go yeah we're both kind of [ __ ] right now huh yeah both of us are I'm gonna have to I'm have to get real familiar with Francis uh Francis Maran let me know man I love public land H that's all I do back home I come hun some public land oh I was GNA tell you actually um because I know because we've talked about public Lane before she's going home September something and I gotta see I don't know if they're open yet or um but I was going to mention it to y'all or anyone that wants to come I think it's sept course she just left I don't know sometime in September she's going home and uh I was thinking about going spending the whole weekend in in the National Forest let me know um I'm not I gotta move last week in September which sucks you do um I'm gonna move to a small apartment less than a mile from work so I'm not sure if that's a good pen or bad yeah you know I don't have to drive anymore I can just walk that's true but then I'm looking walking distance of work so they know that I can show up forever show up whenever yeah so yeah um where's how far away is she she's on the island she's on Hilton okay so not too far that's where I'm at right now so I'm just I guess so we live on island too it's James oh fancy it is now it it used to be this place used to be cheap and now it's like I can't afford to buy anything on this island like if I had to buy this house right now I'd have to move just I saw a lot in your eyes come on out to Mo quter not Somerville Mo quter he's trying to leave too probably you probably can't buy a mon I couldn't buy a mon but everything's expensive you got a music man barbecue they had Good Hat I've not I haven't I've I've looked at it multiple times I've yet I've yet to go I asked some friends they're like that's where you go get good barbecue is that the one that has the carport like cover cover I've never seen it I don't think it is I think it's just a little shop uh like an old old downtown mon Corner because I think I've been there the pro the problem is is I have a mon Corner address but it's one of those things where when everything was sewn and the developers were involved yeah they they carve doubt and was like this is going to be Mon's corner it takes me 15 minutes to get into to down like corner it takes me about five to get I'm way closer to Goose Pete than okay I'm actually I'm actually closer to Cypress Gardens you know C right got if you go up with a 17 no 52 rather where the new Publix is at up there that's I live like Baseball hit that public yeah I know where uh Goose Greek isid we used to play them in football growing up in high school oh yeah they still got they still got good football what they found with Cy G was it the Patriot or Patriot and and the notebook The Notebook that's I knew a chick she made me watch that week not terrible he asked I not asked okay it's not terrible no yeah the scene the scene in the paddle booat with all the squ that was filmed and then there is a scene where there's a fight scene where I think it's the same scene in The Patriot where his son his older son dies they come over a bridge there's a stone bridge they fight on for a little bit I haven't seen the patri so yeah that that is out that bunch of the swamp scenes swamp this the king's hug that's a great movie I might watch that dog is a f dog is a f fireworks it's I love it whenever whenever he leaves that that the Mansion which is uh mag Plantation yeah and he brought the dogs back to them and as he's leaving the door he whistles and the dogs leave follow him yeah he steals his dogs really pett I like it those are beautiful dogs too great D cool dog where you going for GU that old Carter old Carter that's a Georgia only release I paid way too [ __ ] much money for that so that was the first release they ever did it's also the first bottle of old Carter I have ever seen for sale um so it was almost 400 offs who no go ahead it needs to be drink please do it oh I was gonna drink it anyways I never do that by the way I've not you know that I don't ever pay I just I don't know for some reason I was like I I hope some I had a coworker the other day he's been looking for Russell 15 good luck well he he found 12 Botts of it what he sent me a he sent me a picture I was like oh okay cool he's like you want me to get a bottle so it's a little outside of my price range $500 B no I feel like I have this conversation every year especially we do it on the podcast every year on the holidays if you have someone that wants a bottle that is that expensive don't buy this gift let them go buy that take the $500 and buy then a dozen bottles of solid whiskey and and let them let them have a collection you can start bar for $500 so to spend that much on one bottle as I just said that I spent it's pretty stupid I'll admit that I'm an idiot I shouldn't have done that you know you make Life Choices it was also like I had this company when I was trying to be like edgy and post pictures rare bottles and it's also a write off for me so that's really not that be a deal it was stupid though I don't do that anymore I'm actually for anyone that um is trying to start their own bar probably GNA be selling a lot of [ __ ] soon so just let you know it's a good time to invest get you get a good deal it's a great time to buy it I can promise you you're GNA buy it for less than I paid for most of it because the secondary Market has pretty much tanked yeah I was I just I look all the time would you announce that to liquor store owners who keep all their [ __ ] at secondary prices you know what's funny is you can go to a liquor store and buy for instance if you wanted blands you could go buy Bland off secondary cheaper than you buy I I'm say which that used to be the case yeah you're on Facebook I can put you in all his groups yeah that you don't really buy [ __ ] there it's been the market been too crazy for too long it had to yeah it had to and we saw it happening starting a year and a half ago year ago yeah was the first month tequila out sold bourbon I was like it's done and that was December of not last year the year before but we noticed before that a lot of people going out and finding those unicorns and posting them in in different forums and they weren't selling people just weren't interested yeah I think the days a thousand do George T stagger are gone which is great I'm happy yeah but the other thing that's crazy is the distilleries now are charging you know $150 to $300 for something that hey when are you going to um September what of 13th right now so the weekend of 13 sup dog all kinds of people in here oh hey yeah so the weekend of September 13th 11 might be able do I also I need to look I don't know for a fact that we can even I don't know I don't know public land doesn't open till September 15 okay that's what I thought that's well it's a Sunday I knew that it wasn't it was somewhere early September I should know when I it it's also the first day of Hispanic oh good yeah sure see that's do you know what I said you said I'm the way the truth and the life by my Spanish teacher was deeply religious and beat that into my head and it'll be there forever that was that was seventh grade right there that just came out of my yep I used to know the whole thing but I don't remember it now I just remember that part thing the reason I remember it say El Camino means the way which you know the Chevrolet like I think that's why stuck I don't know I also don't know how to roll ARs and I have don't have a Spanish accent so typically when I say that to some of Hispanic descent they're like what but I I looked them all up there that's the corly I just don't know how to take all right that was an hour that was pretty easy um is there anything else we to talk about while we're while we're here it is Saturday so I don't want to I don't want to keep youall bound to a couch forever when we can be drinking and having fun New York City in New York City a New Year's Choice launches September 1st in New York City well we got some guys in Staten Island so yeah there you go there you go need his choice you can get it's just our favorite and they're they pretty much all taste a little different but very similar yeah they're not Blended for flavor they're just they're Blended for overall quality trying to make best quality every time so we're not trying to keep the same exact flavor profile just have the best whiskey every time um so but yeah I just sent it out I want Lo the building on Thursday so should be hitting shelves and trying to get in stores first day of September is when the distribution compan is going to start launching it up there so go look for it go ask for it there you go oh yeah make me work if you're up if you're up there and you find a bottle you go get one take a picture and send it to us and maybe we'll send you something yeah I'll do that we'll throw out a hat for some uh for some New York content for uh for burnt Church would be able to have yeah that would be awesome very much appreciate it please make me work more I don't work any what you ask for press he's lying he just wanked at me and was like don't tell Chris you cover that your Blu award oh the Bluffton award no no I don't know you got an award yeah tell us about an award did you get the key to the city oh that I don't know if this was in a city I don't even know where it took place but uh Ascot Awards yeah yeah you have heard of that we're aware of the bourbon Gus of the button that's him yeah that is him yeah so we wanted to award there well all of our products won some kind of award but the one that we're most proud of is they do 30 different whiskey categories if you win a category you get move on to the final competition which is best Spirit across the entire competition um so the bluff and whiskey won the rice category which was kind of cheating because we all want in it so yeah we want it but it came down to best bons best single barrels best scotch best this across every whiskey category they do um we took home second overall with blon whiskey W that's awesome congratulations we lost to a 450 so that's a great thing to l yeah I would not be mad if I lost we're very happy about it we've been bragging everybody so yeah be Carina gold rice whiskey you know com in strong it's good when uh you when you brought that stuff to seawe I mean everybody loved it it was that was the first bottle to to get disappeared yeah yeah yeah I love it it's been my favorite since we opened the doors and everybody kind of thought I was crazy because it wasn't a bbon but I mean it's just phenomenal whiskey um I don't care buring or scotch or whatever it is like it's just I think the average consumer doesn't even understand the difference between buring and whiskey so it's it really doesn't and and this stuff like the only difference is it's made from rice 80% rice with a little wheat little barley but it's brand new white American you still follow all the rules so you're still you're still getting a lot of those uh Burbon characteristics because those barrels considered some much but just the overall quality the Whiskey's lighter because it's not corn it's rice it's a little sweeter it's got some honey notes in it it's got some different characteristics that you're not going to typically get so but it still makes a great old fashioned it still makes a great Happ it still makes all your classic cocktails yeah you just can't be bur and at the end of the day I think the whole industry just got to get away from that you know Bon's great but yeah Whiskey's good like this Whiskey's great but go for that whiskey have to be a bourbon it just needs to be a phenomenal RIS yep so I drink a lot of bourbon only because my favorite whiskey just happens to be a burp man there you go has nothing to do with anything Wild Turkey 101 can't beat yeah can't be it's it's it's been the same since uh at least I've done the research and I've bought bottles from the 70s to 80s this flavor profile has been the same since at least 2005 which is when I started drinking it so you know it's been pretty consistent pretty solid nice nice yeah I love that uh I went up to their facility for the first time in March and the new one uh well the Jimmy Russell experience no he Jimmy Russell was sitting in this little Shack is what their makeshift little tasting experience was so they just opened the new one I want to go to that one it looks phenomenal that's what I was hoping I was going to because the year before I was also up there and there building it I thought it was done me and my buddy get over there and it's still the little it was still the Little Shack of Jimmy and his wife were sitting in there and they had a little bar going in the back it was still a nice experience but yeah um I love I've always loved me too JY has been like I've bet Eddie done a barrel pick with Bruce I'm doing another Barrel pick with Bruce in October but I've always wanted to meet Jimmy and Jimmy's the one that everybody's everybody's met yeah just I've never the Cards Never align so we went to Kentucky what two weeks ago something that um and I went down there because I knew they' opened it and it's a lot smaller than I thought it would be but it's beautiful mean like you show up and there's this pathway down and it overlooks the river and there's that huge you know that train bridge yeah yeah I drove across that scary I drove like I drove like right next to that because I didn't realize where it was yeah I I kept on driving and passed right by I like oh [ __ ] I had turn around and drive back across that thing it's a beautiful view it's awesome property yep I want to give I'm probably G to be back up there in March again for the BMS to conference because those people up there for the um Kentucky distillers associ do such a great job and they're so welcoming a lot of education and stuff within the industry and new stuff going on so love going up there and also try to make it a little thing where I go see some distilleries and go see different stuff that I mean yeah I do it every day but we're on a small scale most of these people so it's nice to see how other people do it and what they're running and all that kind of stuff so yeah Woodford where else lro larg town I've been L whiskey Thief small up there to Wild Turkey over to you know castle and key castley yeah have you taken her to anything yet no so I took Andy Pi my wife to I'm telling you the story to uh she she's always like you always get to do all this cool stuff and I'm like all right so we had a friend shout out to Fitz he's the brown farman rep here yeah in Charleston awesome dude uh we met him at Cooper's craft uh but anyway I hit him up and I was like hey man I'm going I'm taking the wife and she's always been like you're so lucky you get to go do all this stuff and she's into whiskey she would appreciate it I was like can you get us into anything because like I can go buy myself but it's like it's always better if you let them set it up so he set up a couple tour stores so we did the first one which was old Forester so we're walking around old Forester and getting the whole thing and like you know these girls are giving a script L's got whatever they are given this in my case was a female but they were given a script they read the script sometimes they hear [ __ ] that's wrong and they repeat it and then they're up there just saying wrong [ __ ] so anyway Andy knows a lot she's been to a lot of classes with me like she she knows a lot so we're standing in there and they're talking and she's like is that right I'm like what do you think she's like I don't think that's right I was like that's not right but that's fine you know and so we did it all and so then we went she was like I like it it's cool I got to see behind the scenes you know all the stuff so then we went to where' we go next yeah Jesus how do you know I couldn't what wh next I also listen to the podcast yeah did I already tell a story no I repeat myself no I mean yeah I think most people do anyway so then we went to Woodford and it's kind of the same thing walking around she's like oh these are all the same thing I was like yep everywhere you go the same thing in order and they just it's someone else telling you the story yeah but other than that it's the same thing they all invented bourbon they've all been here the longest they all know what they're doing they're all the best they all have The Insider secrets you know and she's like Al like so how many more of these now do we need to do she's like I'm good forever all right yeah the only way box CH I mean I don't mind it it's cool seeing the different setups and like I say like I kind of nerd out on all that stuff so I love seeing the difference setups and this then I'll start going even further and I'll try and nerd out figure out based on a ferment fermentation size this that and how much they're actually making at this one facility and like where's the other facility facility I do that too but then if you get on the true Private Tours which thankfully I've had some people that have hooked me up with those like and they're just walking you around you don't have the steel all the BS I would never turn one down like I enjoy it oh yeah but it's like I don't want her to feel like she's missing out because like to be honest with you the things that I get out of it you're not going to get out of it like you're you're not gonna yeah you're not gonna think what I'm thinking while we're there I still think my favorite Tour Ever Was the Heaven Hill um over there in barstown yep I got on a private one there did you go to the big glass one the big glass Rick house no I think sick no didn't do the big glass rck house but we we were set up this private tour we got to try all these allocated and stuff like this and the guy was like I've never done this before who are you I like I'm nobody it's just know somebody and he's like next thing you know we're spending two hours in the Rick house because this dude is going so into depth about how they build these things and we are so fascinated about it walking around this entire thing and going up and it was just it was phenomenal like the guy did such an amazing job if even know they don't have a Ste on that campus they don't have anything on that campus it's all made mov it was just phenomenal see have that guy actually be able to go off script and really get deep dived into it it was just it was one of the best experiences I've ever had so so I've done almost every Distillery we've done cage ground forming cage I could probably get into any state if I wanted to the only thing left for me to do now is uh I want to go to Vendo so bad oh I could probably call him and get you in you should because I hit him up while I was there and uh and they were like I said you guys open like I know you're not open for tours but like are you open like can I show up and uh they got back to me too late I had already made other plans but I was definitely going to go down there yeah but I think I told up yeah I want to go I want to go see it I mean our Still's from v um our perers are V everything we have pretty much is from V I love it's a craft I mean it's like it's art the way they work the metal and the copper and stuff like that how many people can work with copper the way they they build it out it's so I mean it's just beautiful to look at it's seriously URS I definitely want to go and then our whiskey thieves are made from uh Vendome and they're all copper and they're just absolutely beautiful I'm gonna clip this vendom I clipped this and posted it on purpose let me come walk around in October September October let me come walk around October 12 13 something like that it's a I'll be there on Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday F on Wednesday morning hook it up there you go yeah all right let's um let's Crank It Up and not and get shitfaced and start breaking stuff what do you think sounds good to me the [ __ ] up for well thank you everybody for joining Peter always a pleasure I'm glad you're in town glad you all are having a good time yeah thanks for coming thank you guest thank you Matt time love it can't wait to have youall back down hopefully next time I'll be there yeah have some more fun we'll plan it we'll plan it we need to plan a time we can come in and record an episode inside yeah yeah just got to shut off the equipment so we can actually hear each other oh we could do it in theck I do it anywhere honest it does matter yeah we you guys should close for a day so we can shut last time we closed for a day you don't want to know how much money it cost Bobby Fila was ended up being oh really private cooking demonstration so cooking demonstration in the yes what the [ __ ] is he cooking um it was something for some big Corporation and they're I don't know they had like 40 of their top sellers or something and they flew them all to our place they shut down an entire facility for two or three days and Bobby play the afternoon a cration left that's pretty crazy wow nuts I wonder what what does it cost to shut y'all down for a day really don't want like 10 grand a day no you really don't that's crazy we can't afford it for a podcast is what I'm saying yeah I'll hook you up we got smaller rooms off to the side we to we can go upstairs I've never been upstairs yeah yeah we can do upstairs or I'll just shut off some of the equipment in the back so doesn't make any noise we can do it in the back that'd be cool to do it on the walkway above the FMS we can do that if you want to it gets tight up there I know trying to figure out how we would put the cameras on the fermentor that's fine yeah I crawl on top of them all the time that's a forun oh we should do uh crisscross applesauce on top of the uh on top of the FM that'd be fun follow me all right shut the [ __ ] off all right till next time folks yeah [Music] bye drink [Music] whiske I like drinking whiskey

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