Jane Wickline POV Tiktok Funny Videos - Best of ‪@janewickline‬ Comedy for Smart People Tik Toks 2023

Published: Sep 27, 2023 Duration: 00:31:52 Category: Comedy

Trending searches: jane wickline
Intro hey Happy New Year not yet but oh I'm sorry it's the new year for me because I'm in a different time zone we're in a room together but I grew up in New York huh are you done with your resolutions um yeah here get mozzarella from the store get a basil plant I'm gonna make a Caprese salad tomorrow a resolution is like committing to taking steps towards like a bigger goal basil is a step towards the logical of Caprese salad drop off package return at UPS yeah these are just errands well where did you put I can't tell you that why not you had us do this whole activity I just can't it's because you think it won't come true if you tell me no it's because my resolution is at your expense what do you mean it's at my expense don't worry about that why don't you just try again and then be specific about your goals and the times when you'll be pursuing them and out of the house Charleston I'll be out of the house one idea would be no fun in bed maybe leave phone on the kitchen table every night unlocked is this part of the resolution that's going to be bad for me well these suggestions are good habits to get into regardless I think I might go to bed I feel kind of weird okay good night hey I'll see you in a year you mean you'll see me next year nope is that also part of you'll see soon enough just me I'm solo writer sorry ma'am you have to be 48 inches to ride that's a good one not a joke just a rule um I'm obviously solidly past 48 inches yes that's the issue you have to be exactly 48. why you just do trust me or what you're decapitated part of the ride involves of blades swinging over the writer's heads kind of right at the 49 inch mark so why would you guys put something like that in to make sure no one two towels on there yeah it doesn't seem like a good business model to me do you have enough people it's an extremely common height among children ages six to ten oh good I'm sure kids ages six to ten love a red rare blade swings over their heads well they appreciate that the blade didn't get them which is more than now that towards the length you're not what is that 17 inches I don't know my torso length my Ferris wheel has a static blade at the very top that unfortunately decapitates anyone with a tourists of over 15 inches why well Pretend This is the the ferris wheel and the blades here the rotation pushes you into the blade no not it's slow but the blade is very sharp no I mean why are you putting blades in all of these places and the thread of the blade keeps attendance who are too tall to ride safe from danger is the blade you go back and forth on this all day what activities here are safe for me to do you go to the toucan Grille oh a restaurant or no actually I think the toucan Grill might have recently installed the blade and the carnival Center you could do the limbo game as long as you win because the stick is yeah okay then I will go home oh yeah unfortunately going home is one of our activities that does have a blade are we still hungry twenty dollars is a little Spinning Restaurant steep for a dessert well it's expensive to make a restaurant rotate yeah that's the other thing I wanted to ask um is there a maintenance happening what do you mean because we don't seem to be spinning I see the confusion the spinning happens very slowly but I can see that car out the window it's the exact same spot it was 40 minutes ago I have sometimes the feeling of dizziness can make people confused I'm not confused I'm pretty sure I'm not dizzy and many of our customers really love our 360 Degrees creme brulee that was one of those sound no I have more questions okay fine I thought the Space Needle restaurant was at the top of the Space Needle building our first location is this is our second location which is the bottom of this different building so I checked on maps and this place doesn't have an unobstructed view all the way around like there's a Target attached to the other side a rotation technology is perfectly safe when applied to a retail store are you saying that the target behind us is rotating too I'm saying that it's easy to find disappointment if you're looking for it you just look me in the eyes and tell me that this place is spinning the theme of this place is spinning restaurant that was not my question okay ma'am cards on the table I don't like when we do this but we can offer you your entire meal free of charge if you're willing to write a Yelp review saying that it spins so the whole meal salmon for one the mac and cheese starter with extra cheese sauce the hamburger to go for your roommate you don't need to do that I know what I got and all you'd need to do is write one review saying you're wrong the restaurant spins I came here because the review said it spins yes those reviews are very important to potential customers many of their authors made choices just like the one you're about to you're the devil I don't know what you're talking about and here's your Free Delivery order number it'll be ready at the window awesome thank you we also have a free delivery deal that goes until tomorrow oh cool would you like to opt in for the sandwich I just got you could get it delivered right to you for free to me or to my address because my my address is actually far from where I am right now we'll deliver it right to your location um I'm okay you think there's a catch but there isn't one no I'm not worried there's a catch I'm just you know I'm here you're here but you could have gotten the same deal without leaving the comfort of your home I was in this area anyway well how about this it's a Friday I bet your grandma some friends later okay well I don't know what that has to do if you wanted a late night snack and your friends could get it delivered to you with no charge whatsoever I don't get why you're going to bat so hard for this and what if I told you this you wouldn't even have to tip the delivery person what don't even worry about tipping them if that'll change your mind I don't think you can hi is there a problem over here no not really Marci did you help enough customers to understand our exciting delivery deal yet I'm trying I'm trying you have to get to 10 orders or else we won't be able to pay our delivery truck driver do you want that no I don't I really don't how many people have you gotten so far two and a bunch of next times that's not enough three it's not nearly enough marshy three really yeah I mean I don't want anyone to starve so you do that you said it's going to be delivered to me right yes it's not going to be delivered to my house you're just gonna hand it to me when it's ready of course then yeah sure and what's your address okay I'm gonna tell you so it's counted but I I don't want my sandwich going there it's 34 Ignatius drive you got that Stevie yep no is that mine no time to chat that is my order just hand the bag to me Stevie we told our customers she didn't have to tip you for this one I'm confident I'll be paid if I'm fast enough I just hope we get to 10 in time I won't be able to tip you if you go to my house because I'm not at my house she can't hear you she's too far away and she's moving too fast how far out do you think we need to get before we're At Sea officially like at Sea I would say we're at Sea now you think yeah because it's C all the way around like there's no remaining land on the on the on the edge yeah what is the word for that part the thing is just Edge honestly I couldn't tell you which way we even came from which is cool I was telling my boss bet this test for a time off she was like what's your destination and I was sort of like well the sea is the destination it's like the destination is the Sea and the journey and she was like oh maybe you should have a real destination and bring an expert with you well she sounds like a real land lover I don't know maybe it is lover well either way I'm having a great time I wonder now that we're here like I wonder how long people usually stay at sea I think just as long as they want is my boss might have had a couple of points I'm wondering if she's ready about us bringing that map and she was really like you shouldn't do this are you having second thoughts no no not about coming a little about the map use the Stars it's Nature's map yeah we don't really know about stars the biggest thing is the moon the second biggest thing is North just land to North I'm sure North is eventually there's land I think maybe I'm just hungry Chelsea there's a sea full of fish just waiting to be snacked on they're all down there I don't know how to get them do you know how to get them I I don't know how to help you in this mood you're in are you what are you thirsty yeah I'm also thirsty well behind you behind you there's the Brita filter I brought it so to separate the salt out ready filters don't do that we talked about this you need to be more open-minded if this is going to be fun okay we are in an amazing position we're at sea yeah I guess being at Sea is a huge accomplishment in itself it's a huge accomplishment in and of itself it's so early we don't have to worry about water supply or navigation or who would eat who if it came to that exactly for now we're just two friends at sea great do you know swim no Miss Franklin you just admitted that you saw your sister earlier that night no I Texting just said that I walked back from her house can we read back the minutes me obviously I could be back what I've been typing yes okay whenever you're ready so basically she just said she like to walk from the house don't paraphrase totally I walked back from the house and then I went to an address what address one two three Walnut Road that is not what I said I guess we'll have to strike that from the record I decide to strike things from the record I just need to know does the witness testimony start with the word yes and that's really written down I'm not under oath right no yeah it's there it's Bill where did you complete your certification the type to learn.com okay I really need us to stay on track yeah um Franklin earlier you claimed you hadn't seen your sister since the night before well I didn't see her but I saw that the lights were on so I knew she was home I'm sorry can you just go a little slower don't ask the witness questions sorry so yeah I ignored the text because I just thought it was kind of creepy you can say that again she's trying to get the witness to repeat the statement because she missed it no then I got this text it was in French yeah that's that's not gonna happen Miss Bell I'm going to have to dismiss you I get it Writing Letters what are you writing letter it's to her cousin oh he's at soccer practice no Owen I told you I'm with my friends just get a ride from someone else I think you should add a sentence before you launch into that I'm liking the new job so far to answer your question I'm with my friends so I can't pick you up yeah it's better he's at practice right now I only got the letter what Thursday oh I'm not gonna mail it Fran's gonna run it over yeah it's only 10 minutes away you're driving there to give him this you can ask one of your teammates or check a bus schedule or check a bus schedule can't you just you can't no we explain it all in the letter oh hey Tony hey guys I was just at the park and Owen wanted to pass along this letter practice is over and I'd still love to get a ride Tony said I wasn't allowed to ride with her and that you are working on a letter that will explain why who's not happy about that anyway it's raining pretty hard so let me know as soon as you can does anyone know a word I can use instead of situation predicament predicament seems like a problem what's the rest of the sentence I'm sorry why can't one of you just give him a ride I barely have time to write this explanation to Owen I'll write you a letter tomorrow okay you can just tell me the letter will clear up while she can't I like audiobooks because the readers tell you exactly how you're Audiobooks supposed to feel about a character immediately the way the character that we're not supposed to learn is like a bad person for 200 more pages they'll be like the character said I'm having a dinner later if you want to come by and take the time it's like she's fancy and we don't like her [Music] oh every book has a fancy woman who's very shallowed a horrible gossip and um she lives next door I like and I like his mouth because I can um when I'm listening to an audio book I'm I'm using that time to think about my own stuff [Laughter] but I do miss important things and sometimes but sometimes like I'm thinking like what if there were a feature that like remember a feature where you could kind of they could they could tell when you're not paying attention and they could pause it for you that's that would be evil that could that would be a horrible thing to you you have to catch yourself in YouTube because your brain is going to be inventing stuff in the background I was feeling grumpy about how I had all this stuff to do and not enough time I was like my brain's gonna be all tired by the time I get to see my friends I really just I want to be like my best self for them it's like what if there were a way to separate your work self in your lifestyle and it's seven Okay so Invisible Shirt don't freak out I went to those traveling salesman guys again Emperor no no no no but just the guys that sold her the invisible robe yes listen a wise Emperor someone who turns their enemies into subjects that's why my poison tester is someone who tried to poison me like a bunch of times I still don't agree with that choice anyway the salesman told me that this shirt you can only see it if you're like really smart how are you falling for this again okay but guys here's the thing the issue last time was that I was lying but I like literally can see this I don't know what to say am I naked to you because I'm to me I'm not I'm literally just wearing a shirt I swear I consider that it could be a normal shirt it's a regular shirt no it's a it's a magic shirt I definitely got some really weird looks on the walk home okay like the exact kinds of looks you would give if you saw someone naked is it a feature that you want in a piece of clothing that to some people it's invisible and you're naked well no yeah so then that's just it's just how the shirt works but why keep seeking out something that you know because I could see the shirt so that means do you think if I tried to return this it would trade me back our army it's a nice typewriter Old Clocks thanks too bad it's not the 1950s listen Jamie are you gonna buy anything no I'm just browsing during my break over at Tech Stop next door we just got a brand new batch of laptops good for you don't even know what a laptop is yes it's a little computer it makes me sad seeing how behind the times the store is it's just a different kind of store Jamie this stuff is completely outdated if my phone can tell me what time it is down to the second then why would I need to buy that enormous thing some people might I don't I don't know if my phone just tells me the number it doesn't make me solve a puzzle first you don't know how to read a clock I know some of the times like how six and 30 are when the hands go down but not all of them because I don't need to I have a customer hi uh no I was actually I was just coming here to see if anyone has the time there's a clock right behind me well all that thing tells me is that it's not 6 30. while you're in here would you like to hear our daily deals no thanks no offense but the stuff in here looks a bit old I'm not offended by that the store sells old things newer things would be more useful to me I'm always trying to tell her that I work next door at techstop you work a tech stop right they have some of the newest items in the country newest in the country you know you could learn a thing or two from this lady yeah I got to be a jerk I'm saying this because I hope it helps not to be mean Globes clocks couches most people use newer sorts of things what newer thing has replaced couches we've been living inside this history textbook so long you don't even know the hell is this hey stranger it's been a while listen Payne I don't know what you're scheming The Bomb but I know you'll never get away with it and you'll never make it off that bus alive tell her Linda okay my name is Linda I'm Payne's new assistant okay not tell her about yourself Oh you mean about the bomb that's right what bomb Linda set up a fun little surprise for you if that speedometer hits 50 a bomb will be activated and the bus will explode pain you never miss a trick so you'd better keep that thing moving and fast okay starting when it's already begun the bomb's active and the second it dips below 50 because I'm at a light right now you're currently stopped at a light mm-hmm Linda sounds like she's following the rules for now but good luck to her if she gets on the freeway Linda did you set it up so that the bomb goes off when it crosses to above 50. yeah okay she goes above 50 she can say goodbye to being alive below 50 Linda wait so I just can't let the bus go above 50 miles per hour it seems that that is the situation that feels easy it does it might seem easy but make one mistake and everyone on that bus goes to Bam well it's just me on board at the moment it's just you on the bus yeah you said this was a popular line Linda no I said the people who take that line seem popular or no one only takes the six during the day I might just pull over yeah I guess there's nothing stopping you from doing that Hackers try Claire her pressure is not gonna be your own first name Claire's computer I also don't think that's gonna oh hey guys hey Claire what's going on we're just fishing fishing what do you mean like data fishing or the pH for fish we're hacking into your computer what yeah we're hacking in guys we think it's nuts that your password is Claire's computer it's supposed to be a password not a description player characters were a label maker so it's a great password um first of all my password is not Claire's computer okay that's a good try Claire but we already entered it and it worked no I'm serious that's not my password it's not no then you know come to think of it this actually could be my computer is your password Claire's computer it's like come to think of it yes I remembered I thought it was it be a secure password seeing as I'm not clear why are you guys trying to break into my laptop I just wanted to buy some things using your credit card just so we wouldn't have to pay for it that is unbelievably not okay no I feel like we just wanted to get some new stuff and we just wanted to use an account that our card wasn't attached to no I get it I'm not saying I don't get it how can we explain this to her in a way she'll understand Park I'm going to the park cool have fun do you want to come with me I'm doing other stuff work stuff no it's leecher stuff it's perfect out there's no better Leisure they don't want to go to the park you know what yes you do no I don't dogs running around barking frisbees sailing through the air little carts ringing their Bell ice cream fresh fruit I know what the park is well I'm sorry it just it seems like you don't because you know what self-respecting person would say no to all that well I guess I'm not a self-respecting person so have fun but I'm not coming with you I just can't understand why you aren't coming you want to go to the park and that's great because you are going to the park my point is I think everyone wants to go to the park and is there so I don't know why you would be the one exception I can guarantee you that there are a lot of people in the city who are on their computers just like me well that is a tragedy okay I'll pass that along to the rest can I ask you something what's your mood level right now I would describe it as low I think it's probably because you're inside it's because my roommate is being extremely judgmental are you ready just give me like five minutes ready for what the beach you're going to the beach yeah I am the beach is like the park but bigger where are you going the park that's cute I will show you you're brave and you're planning to go outside all along I wish you would stop talking to me like I'm a child well I'm gonna run have fun at the park where there isn't even water to swim in or sand your other friend is terrible yeah she's got really good taste though what does that mean I don't know you know it feels like the first actual Hot or Cold day of summer it really does Jane are you hot in that hoodie no okay I will bet three chips and I'll bet four chips are you sure Gina yeah and the perfect temperature now Sarah takes all the chips because she bedded the most another win for me what if we turned on the AC what if you took your hoodie off I don't want to jaina clearly didn't put on a shirt under her hoodie this morning and now she can't take it off no that's not true Gina got a little lazy getting dressed and now she's going to be a little bit too hot all day I'm not hot I'm cold I'm freezing I was just offering to do something to make you guys less hot because I carry out your comfort more than my own whatever you say Gina no don't use that tone with me friend Don't Pity Me pity Sarah Sarah's cheating at chips hey I'm not cheating then how do you keep winning because in chips whoever bets the highest number of chips wins that round and Sarah keeps betting the most that's just the rules of chips Gina something about the way she's playing feels impossible okay it's Sarah's move I'll bet five chips Jenna Robert three Sarah wins how can we turn the AC on it's like 90 degrees in here I guess 85. any final guesses before I check and even 80 22 degrees Gina Gina I'm not allowed to be cold and disagree with you you're so cold that you think it's 22 degrees I'm leaving I don't need this guys I don't know how to say this but it's exactly 22 degrees what let me see that no is it possible that we're all cold and not hot so that's what the feeling was Gina was right about everything that I was shooting at chips oh you guys you know what there's a little C next to the 22 so we are hot oh good Free Straws Excuse Me Miss um there you go oh um it's a straw thank you you know what take a couple more I'm really um I'm okay well just in case no I don't need more straws totally not an imposition they're free I know they're free I'm just gonna leave this here what is this are you mad at me no we don't know each other strangers can still be mad at me I'm one person drinking a hot beverage the number of straws I need is zero but the numbers are as you deserve is infinity I take a straw if there are enough left after I'm finished giving this woman straws I'll pass one to you no you can be I'm fine I'd only need one for my ice drink you don't need one pardon no one ever needs straws you can always drink out of a side if you want to but I'd like one would you like a sugar packet no I'd like a sugar packet you're sort of a pushy type of woman and I don't know if I like that I just want to be offered something yeah everyone wants to be offered something the story is offering all of us both sugar packets and straws they're free they're in the box they're available they're not being offered it's completely different when someone gives it to you personally okay well then I will offer each of you a straw oh that is really generous of you you so didn't have to do that really says a lot about your character now we all have the number of straws we need or don't need or want are these paper I didn't make them I feel like I'm eating a business card okay yeah I just have a bunch uh how Business Card about you I'm a brother and a sister okay I really like your shirt the thing's just um something I thrifted yeah I loved have some beans really good taste um okay I'm full thanks and I'll just have enough substance beans I like it um I should say I've never actually had pepsin speed before I just thrifted this well they're delicious you've never had them no um if you want to leave I would totally understand no I'm just surprised but but like it's not okay I mean I'm certainly picked I'm actually not a chef I'm a disgraced lawyer really yeah that's a big lie um we're actually in the middle of a date now that we're alone you want to talk about something else how does your siblings die they were eaten by aguir Gwar like a big bison usually herbivore is a monster boat what siblings like each one of them kept going back one after another to avenge the death of the one before um but the Gorka pointing that's awful one day I'm gonna go back and say the Beast ones and for all I think that's really cool thanks hey so soon to say I love you not at all [Music] Safety Cord okay you're doing great almost there yeah I think I'm gonna make it but you know no matter what I'll be okay well you're gonna make it no matter what and then you'll be okay yeah but if there's an emergency I always have the safety cord right you don't need a safety cord okay safety cord or not you will make it safely to this side Janice is there a safety cord running from the back of my harness to the room well the cord is actually running from one building to the other keeping you comfortably Aloft are you just talking about the tightrope yes Janice why am I not attached to anything well we looked it up and the record for this height tethered has already been reached I don't care about a record which is why we didn't waste your time by letting you know Janice I want to live I gleaned that from how well you're balancing why did you give harness if it's not tied to anything to create the illusion of safety so you could tackle this momentous challenge uninhibited by fear but you are telling me before I am all the way across yeah I probably shouldn't be I don't want to be on here I don't want to be on the road as your coach the safest place for you right now is balanced Atop The Rope I know so high up 103 Stories the highest ever traversed without it Janice you're fired at least if I get across do you understand that I think when you get your write-up in the online publication Walkers Gazette you'll change your mind this is my last minute of life no just watch out for that bird and you'll be fine what bird oh my God when that happens it's always because of pigeons yeah okay are you ready to go where does I'll ever be all right hop on the mind will have a safety cord right don't worry about that up on the left is a laughing goal known for its loud laugh Whales like call I have a question yes is the Laughing goal a type of whale no to burn then I don't care about it yeah we're here to see every time you show us a new animal that isn't a whale thing it becomes more clear that you don't respect us look I know everyone's wanting to see some whales we're going to try one more spot I don't care if you have to call in a favor okay get them here I'm not hiding them from you you're close with the whales you have a relationship with them what you stand on their noses we've all seen the pictures are you talking about sea world is this endless gray sky is what the Sea World is I'm sure happy not to be a fish I'm really starting to question my belief in whales whales are real that's not up for debate actually doubt is really criticize her you know please just stop yelling at me I'm happy to hear any reasonable concerns yeah I have something reasonable to say okay we don't see a whale soon we can easily overpower you and throw you into the ocean here here just give me I'm gonna talk to you hey um it's happening again over you mean the threats over yeah they really want to see will okay well you might have to do the trick all right I hate the trick okay I actually have a letter from a special friend who his name is splashy he's a humpback whale the letters from a whale don't just stand there read it dear explorers I want to let you know how sad I am that I can't be here with you today is this really from a whale I don't have to keep reading if this is boring to you no I mean I I guess you could keep reading good being a whale isn't easy I'm busy chasing down Krill and doing cool tricks what's next yeah keep reading I guess say hi to my old buddy Catherine for me and I hope the rest of the boat ride is a blast yeah that was really cool yeah I gotta hand it to you seems like splashy respects you a lot I'm sorry for threatening to drown you it's okay guys look what else [Music]

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