Jane Wickline POV Tiktok Funny Videos - Best of ‪@janewickline‬ Comedy funniest Tik Toks 2024

so good yeah I'm so full hey um when are we going to talk about oh my God can we not do this right now well if if not now can we just pick a time to talk about it we have talked about this we haven't really like you still some things can be private in a friendship I don't read your text and emails that's not the same thing how is it not you drive an 18 wheeel commercial truck and won't tell me what is in it well I won't tell the government what's in it either Leva I need you to tell me what is in this giant vehicle what if you just pretend it's a regular car do you know how crazy it makes me feel when we pull this thing up to a restaurant sorry I don't drive a Mercedes Benz no don't turn this into a money thing this truck costs $150,000 it's worth twice that okay three times if you count what's in it what's in it it's just nice to have a truck okay you moved last week and you didn't use this you rented another truck because this one is full of what hey do you mind if I turn the vacuum on no go for it boy is wh hard what are you doing what you're not vacuuming turn it off oh I just like it you can't just turn on the vacuum just to have it on you said you would well I thought the noise would be out way by the benefit of you cleaning but you're not cleaning well I hate writing in silence why don't you play something on your computer okay no no is better no no no no no can you just put on like rain sounds Rain Sound where on your computer recording that seems really weird but what the hell is this is amazing yeah how did you think of it he didn't it's very common I love that there were no [Music] horns hey do you guys have a minute to talk oh yeah sure yeah what's your ideal new York night tonight tonight cool what's special about tonight we're each trying to catch one rat each and it can't be a rat from a store you're catching rats just one rat each come here little rat I'll get you and no using cheese come on cheese is unacceptable she's the boss how are you going to catch your rat well I have this piece of string need I say anym uh once I start using this it will be hard to have only one rat so you're working together no we're not working together you don't get along what's your method I don't want her to hear I will entice it with music I heard music no no peeking what happens when you catch the rat you must not understand why we do this a rat isn't a tool why does a fisherman catch a fish only till set it free so you're going to set the rats free fre we have to get you light up a room also they hear that your 20th birthday is coming up and so they root The Following song Happy Birthday you are fantastic at [Music] piano you have aged one year and that is an accomplishment in it's on right and that's the end of it this one says I'm thankful for my wonderful wife Sarah a John you can't put your wife's name on the C and that soon our family will be getting a little bit bigger I'm feeling ready to have this baby already I'm thankful that I got here in one piece after a woman absolutely blasted through a stop sign on my a call when that happened that happened to us the other day too did you write that one me they Anonymous John luckily I was able to avoid disaster thanks to my trusty courage as well as a precise and well-timed the letters are kind of small maneuver W Riley that sounds intense glad you John now everyone knows that one was mine it was pretty clear luckily she was not going that fast I would say 10 or 15 mph we're glad you're okay I'm going pick I'm thankful that the woman wasn't going that fast 10 or 15 if I had to guess looks like I took the words right out of my own mouth how many of these did you write and how are they being she's in the super ugly Range Rover too picked in order I'm thankful that my car doesn't look like that my first thought was ah she's going to hit me my second thought was that's a really ugly Range Rover I did think it was kind of weird that the bowl was full of slips um when there only four of them us maybe I'm just thankful for a lot of things okay but these all just seem to be details from the stop sign anecdote the thing about American cars is that people want to feel comparably safe on the road really what so people buy bigger and bigger cars I get out on the freeway I'm like what are these are all tanks the point of that becoming just like small to this one just say free space and you can have that one for free I think the one that I wrote is probably going to get lost um in the shuffle but I do want to say I'm I'm really thankful for all of you hey Sarah could you pass me the mashed potatoes yeah um I mean in the kitchen yeah when it's in a whole different room it's bringing not passing um I'll go bring them to the table okay but she's she's pregnant she's not dying hey man it's okay should we read a few more of the Gratitude slips I'm just going to start by asking you some questions okay cool um what's your drug use like um light I would say light okay great um and any marijuana like every once in a while but not really okay cool what you say say like in the last 30 days not in the last 30 days no so down the hall there is a bathroom and there's some containers and you I'm sure you've peed in a cup before um so just yeah that's the last step and then you're free to go really already yep usually I M A lot more questions and then like my reflexes are checked and my like blood pressure is takeen you know we just we can get all of that from uh from the pee you can get my reflexes for my PE yes this is sort of an out there question are you trying to get my pce um to pass a drug test ah can't lie to you okay yes is that okay sure um yeah I I mean I wish you hadn't tried to trick me but totally but yeah I you know I don't believe in workplace drug testing no me neither um the test is for my my husband um he you know he he gets migraines um the other day he was like do you know someone who whose PE I could use and I was like um rub no profession in the world has more access to pee than mine hey can I give you some constructive feedback sure yeah so I think what tipped me off is that you only ask me questions about my PE that's exactly what the last person said they're like is this for a drug test yeah you know you could just like pepper in some other like standard checkup questions like food and exercise that's smart yeah you know I sometimes also get migraines oh say no more really I literally just tried to trick you into giving me um your clean pee no it's it's true you did it's the least I can do are you kidding a free pen and all I have to do is crawl under this box being propped up by a stick they don't make better deals than that I don't know um seems like a trap what way like when you Google trap this is what comes up real trap would be giving more money to Big pen when they're perfectly good free pens sitting under boxes being propped up by Sticks why are you crawling all the way under it why are you being so judgmental hello no yeah I can talk hi um I'm calling about an order I placed last week yes how can I help you the bottle and the ship arrived in separate packages okay as opposed to as opposed to the ship being inside of the bottle um okay how would we fit a ship inside of a bottle what cuz the neck is too small like how do we get it in there you built it like with tweezers like in tiny pieces that sounds extremely difficult your store is called ship in a bottle this is your whole thing no no no the store is called ship and a bottle how's that different the N is short for and the apostrophe is on the on the right your store is called ship and a bottle yes okay okay does that clear things up no why would you sell those things together if it's not going to be part of the same display I don't know why does any adult buy a toy ship loneliness boredom find it really hard to believe that I'm the first person who's been confused by this what about like a bowl like if you want to put the ship in something I feel like a bowl would be a much easier shape is there someone else I can talk to sure yeah Mara come here yeah what's up just one second um this woman is angry because she thought the ship would be inside of the bottle like inside the bottle yeah how would that work like how would you get it in there she says with tweezers like in tiny pieces is that possible she says it is cuz if it is that would be a really cool thing for us to look into I know I'm like it's kind of out there but it could also be the perfect thing for us to try out we already have all the stuff what the thing we have all the stuff okay um put her on hold and then I'll get my computer and we can do some research about this cool how do I do that just the red button I think the red button is off no it's not give it to me watch is this Miss Franklin you just admitted that you saw your sister earlier that night no I just said that I walked back from her house can we read back the minutes me obviously like read back what I've been typing yes okay whenever you're ready so basically she just said she like she walked from the house house don't paraphrase totally I walked back from the house and then I went to an address what address 1 2 3 Walnut Road that is not what I said I guess we'll have to strike that from the record I decide to strike things from the record I just need to know does the witness testimony start with the word yes mhm and that's really written down I'm not under oath right no yeah it's there miss Bel where did you complete your certification um type to learn.com okay I really need us to stay on track yeah um Miss Franklin earlier you claimed you hadn't seen your sister since the night before well I didn't see her but I saw that the lights were on so I knew she was home I'm sorry can you just go a little slower don't ask the witness questions sorry so yeah I ignored the text cuz I just thought it was kind of creepy you can say that again she's trying to get the witness to repeat the statement cuz she missed it no then I got this text it was in French it said Ed yeah that's that's not going to happen Miss Bell I'm going to have to dismiss you I get it up on the left is a laughing Gull known for its loud laugh likee call I have a question yes is the laughing G a type of whale no it's a bird then I don't care about it yeah we here to see wh every time you show us a new animal that isn't a whale it becomes more clear that you don't respect us look I know everyone's wanting to see some whales we're going to try one more spot I don't care if you have to call in a favor okay get them here I'm not hiding them from you you're close with the whales you have a relationship with them what you stand on their noses we've all seen the pictures are you talking about SeaWorld if this endless gray sky is what the SeaWorld is I'm sure happy not to be a fish I'm really starting to question my belief in whales well whales are real that's not up for debate actually doubted crize her you could all please just stop yelling at me I'm happy to hear any reasonable concerns yeah I have something reasonable to say okay if we don't see a whale soon we can easily overpower you and throw you into the ocean here here just give me I'm going to talk to hey um it's happening again over you mean the threats over yeah they really want to see a whale okay well you might have to do the trick I I I hate the trick okay I actually have a letter from a special friend who his name is flashy he's a humpback whale the letter is from a whale well don't don't just stand there read it dear explorers I want to let you know how sad I am that I can't be here with you today is this really from a whale I don't have to keep reading if this is boring to you no I mean I I guess you could keep reading good being a whale isn't easy I'm busy chasing down Krill and doing cool tricks what's next yeah keep reading I guess say hi to my old buddy Catherine for me and I hope the rest of the boat ride is a blast that was really cool yeah I got to hand it to you seems like splashy respects you a lot I'm sorry for threatening to drown you it's okay guys look what [Music] else there are no doubts about it this is the most important moment of my life what is this the landscape looks beautiful up close oh hello it's tuna cheese tomato it's good it's C all I'm going to call you guys back what's the problem I didn't want tomato in it I wanted tuna warmed up a little cheese on the side hi there what's cheese on the side me it means I wanted to eat a tuna sandwich and a slice of cheese after hello hi I'm not eating this you are being such a baby um who are you Catherine I'm Jen okay take it easy no what are you doing here um having lunch just take off the tomatoes take them off it'll still have the juices on it okay scrape the bread I would love one more minute of your time why is this woman still talking to us maybe she wants some lunch I'm sorry we don't have any extra lunch how did you get here how did you get to the moon what do you mean how probably same as you flying it's not like that hard I I found it really hard hey could you just settle a debate if I offered to make you a sandwich you told me what you wanted and I got it just a little wrong would you act like I had killed someone cat the problem is that I'm allergic to tomatoes okay that's actually [ __ ] I've seen you eat so many things with tomatoes in them I don't know us it sounds like an honest mistake well that's sweet you're a more understanding person than me hey are you guys with NASA nasza what's her last name never mind I like this girl she's like a funny little robot I'm just wearing gear I don't know how you guys aren't wearing gear pretty easy we don't buy everything in our line of vision when we go to REI Jenny don't be a [ __ ] listen I get it they're very convincing they're like oh you need special Moon gloves and Astronaut ice creams to save you of trouble next time all you really need is Clos toad shoes okay so what do you do this are you a like man on the street like interviewer person I'm an astronaut yeah but like what do you do for money at the happy be we really value customer input so what are some things you don't love about your morning coffee routine can't eat the cup you can't eat the cup but I wish you could okay but also just like step about the experience there's nowhere to meet people to get it with I don't really know a single person I can ask okay I guess I will write down loneliness perfect yeah any thoughts that are specific to coffee it's okay if not it tastes disgusting coffee I hate it should be made out of fruit should be juice strawberry and mango strawberry mango but I don't want any ice I'm actually not taking your order and I'm also interested in being able to eat the cup let's move on I'm going to list some features in a coffee shop and you can tell me how important they are to you out of 10 okay reasonably priced one one convenient one variety of options certainly don't care about that what do you care about uh my mom is in the hospital I'm sorry I care about my job it's not easy work but it's worth it to see the look on my clients faces when they see their four-legged friends with brand new haircuts just another reminder I'm talking about futures of a coffee store I care about my books they're there for me when no one else is and fruit maybe if both of us are lonely we could get coffee together sometime I think we run in different circles to tell you about our new product um it's customer operated coffee machine where you can have your drink ready with just the push of a button how is that supposed to help any of us yeah I don't know your problems all seem to run much deeper than the options on my form we were told that our voices would matter here would you be interested in a chai smoothie I don't know that would completely depend on the flavor of the cup what should we watch I don't know what are you in the mood for well I don't want scary no not scary and nothing where a guy goes in a very challenging hike honestly I don't think any kind of plot is interesting except for love yeah I also like a movie where like a little animal tries to join a sports team oh I do like that I can't really think of any movies where that happens I wish people still made movies set in like a cobblestone school yeah everything now is set in a house by the shore making a movie used to be you shot the whole thing in one take what if we watch The Departed uh I don't really like a lot of guns I like when there's one gun and one lighter that looks like a gun and everyone mixes them up I like when it's a story about a lawyer H I do sometimes right well it depends wait we could watch North by Northwest you know I heard that when they shot that they had the pilot of the plane actually try to kill him I don't think that's true well I just heard it on the count of three we both say what we want to watch 1 2 3 John John 3 great hello we would like to present something extraordinary a small machine which we have constructed from bits if you seeing this you might have an inventor's Thum progress occurs at a terrifying Pace when does machine become man not at this stage not with this this is machine still it is amazing but listen here we need your help how the hell do we add electricity to it our device would reach a height never hit with just a hint of e electricity we don't know how to do this who are we Thomas Edison he's dead as a ditch and we know your top question what does that little machine do how do we know if we can't turn it on it might be time travel for all we know I want to go to England pop pop that's just travel Jane we have a machine for that oh but it's so expensive listen the Brax tax of it all is Simple Pie up us to to send electricity shooting up into the holes and around its screws and wires and out it switch how will you do this you're the electrician we have one final demand send this to five Geniuses or else [Music] goodbye [Music]

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