Texas Tech vs. ACU Live Stream | Scoreboard | Play-By-Play | Live Chat | College Football Week 1

[Music] what is up everybody welcome into the back to2 podcast where your Red Raiders will be kicking off the 2024 season year number three of Joey Maguire and well we're going to have a watch party here we're going to be talking all things Red Raiders including the latest injury updates as two Red Raiders starters are out against the avalene Christian Wildcats we'll tell you who that is here in just a second as well as some expectations for Texas Tech going into this season as well as what the hell can we see against abalin Christian to make you feel better right like I I get it it's ABN Christian no disrespect to the Wildcats they're a solid football team for their division but what can Texas Tech do to make you as a Red Raider fan feel like this is different from last season we'll discuss that plus a lot more if you haven't already be sure to like the video hit that subscribe button and well join the largest group of Texas Tech fans here on YouTube doubling up the competition and then some we're giving you daily videos on everything Texas Tech will have a live interaction active chat each and every Saturday the Red Raiders play this season as well as we're going to be having a Twitter spaces but also here on YouTube as well hearing from y'all post game on everything in terms of y'all's thoughts concerns positive aspects of things and so much more so if you want to join the largest and most Interactive Group of Texas Tech fans on YouTube I'm telling you all you got to do is two things like the video and hit that subscribe button also tell me where you're watching from this is the first go around for football we did this for basketball in the NCAA tournament hopefully it you know ends a little bit better for Texas Tech in terms of the win column um compared to basketball in the NCAA tournament tonight but let me know where you're watching from in the comments and well share it on social media for a shout out as well I tweeted the link earlier today if you retweeted and favored it I'll give you a shout out here on the stream tonight all right let's see what we've got here we've got uh Dwayne saying oh my God RC that shirt yeah this is my favorite Texas Tech shirt shout out shout out to uh Darkhorse not a sponsor of the show I'm more of a HomeField guy but this shirt is uh absolutely ridiculous I mean this Polo is worn at least twice a week I wash it I know how to use the laundry machine and everything people please don't judge me um but Lyndon ask will we see the game no so let let's lay that out that's a great question Lyndon um we will not be able to show the game here on the stream because well and Jay yes you're right I did say sharp that's that's terrible that's terrible right there let's get it out of the way everyone's laughing at me it's okay um but no the game will not be on the screen it will be a scoreboard from ESPN CBS and I will be doing live play byplay I actually have the game right above me so if you see me looking up like I'm trying to pray or something I'm actually just watching the TV above me but we'll have play byplay we'll do live interactive chat so if y'all have any questions concerns or also just if a big play happens hey we're going to be doing this right here each and every game this season all right um it is streaming on ESPN Plus for those that want to maybe watch on their TV and have this on their phone that's what I'm G to be doing a lot of my friends are going to be doing that as well hopefully y'all will as well but again I got to get back to Jay saying this shart out yeah that's that's tough scenes that's a tough way to start it I'm not going to lie about it that's a tough way to start it um but it's game one we're trying to you know go through the motions here try and get into game shape that's what Texas Tech is doing that's what I'm doing as well so appreciate that um on that front are you going to any games this year this was from the other Jay not JB but Jay just with a firework Emoji I will be I will be out in lck on November 9th for the Colorado game so that will be a ton of fun I think we're going to be having a big 12 uh get together in ter terms of back to 12 I should say as well as maybe scarlet and black Insider type get together at maybe one of the local bars or breweries out there in leic we will have more details when that comes around but I am super excited for that it will be uh just my second game as a quote unquote fan since I've got into the content creator or media member space so I'm really really excited about that before we get any further though be sure to drop your score prediction in the comments we get a shout out on that but I'm going to go ahead and give you guys the update in terms of two starters for the Red Raiders that are out for this abene Christian game it will be brillan Lux the starting corner he will be out as well as Joseph Ador that according to Double T 973 who will be calling the game out in the 806 no word on exactly what the injuries are for both of those Red Raider starters and I know some people will say Joseph Ador wasn't listed as a starter when it comes to the edge rusher for Texas Tech it will be just a cycle much like the defensive line where you are going to have five six guys in that rotation that are supposed to be very fresh that is the idea for Joey Maguire and crew when it comes to that defensive line for the Red Raiders but Joseph adoray will miss this game against the abing Christian Wildcats as will DB1 brilin Lux and Jaylen PES will take his spot on the outside opposite of Mo horn now a lot to look forward to in this game and we talked about it over on the scarlet and black Insider in terms of everything that I want to see from this game because if if we're being honest about this right I don't know if there's really anything in this game that makes you feel like Texas Tech can reach their ceiling right you know what I mean like it's one of those deals where it's like you're supposed to be dabling Christian you're 31 and a half Point favorites you were supposed to dog walk these guys and again no disrespect to AB and Christians there's just levels to this and Texas Tech is at the higher level they bring back a ton of returning production but they also brought in a ton of portal guys and a couple of freshmen that are going to play meaningful snaps most notably five-star wide receiver Micah Hudson who who Texas Tech fans will get to see for the first time tonight in The Scarlet and black I'm very excited to see the South End Zone I'm very excited to see other Renovations including the sound system where it doesn't sound like we're watching a football game in the 1980s even on a TV broadcast but but also how do the students show up because this was one of the most highly touted Texas Tech football teams in a really long time I get what happened last year right he started three quarterbacks though let's face it one was a true freshman on the road in his first Collision start at BYU and the Cougars dog walk the Red Raiders mostly because of turnovers but you have a clear-cut qb1 for really the first time in a couple of years and baron Morton he will be your qb1 and he is the prize possession for the Red Raiders because there's not that guy that is the baron Morton in terms of the backup right now for Texas Tech in terms of older guy that has experience at the power five level instead you have a guy in West Georgia transfer Cameron Brown who will play in this game you will see him he will take on a Donovan Smith type role when it comes down to it and then you've got will Hammond and Jake strong behind him but keeping Baron morn upright is of the utmost importance um and he is a guy that I'm watching and pardon my language but I want to see him absolutely rip that mfer tonight I want to see freshman Baron Morton where you see that velocity on the ball and you're just like all right he's different right that's what I want to see from Baron Morton I want to have that shoulder injury put to the side right he said he's 100% the coaches have said he's 100% I want to see it in a game I don't want to hear about this practice stuff anymore I want to see it in a game I'll be against abing Christian I want to see Baron Morton absolutely rip the football down the field get it to Josh Kelly Dre McCrae Caleb don't forget the payday Douglas Micah Hudson Coy aen Jaylen Conor Mason Tharp John Carlos Miller I third I want to see The Playmakers involved and I haven't even mentioned the best playmaker for the Red Raiders on the offense in TOS Brooks that's what I want to see but if we're being honest about this and talking about the pregame and what I want to see most from the Red Raiders in game number one I want to see what the hell this offensive line and defensive line can do for Texas Tech this offensive line is I thought it would be a lot better right I felt pretty good about this offensive line Midway through fall camp now I'm kind of at the point where it's like what is this right side going to look like you know what the left side's going to look like in terms of that left tackle you're going to have Sterling Porsche the Middle Tennessee State transfer you're going to have the Toledo transfer and Vinnie Scurry at left guard he will be your best lineman this year at left guard then it's Center you have Sheridan Wilson who took over the job from Davon Carter who from all accounts I thought was going to be the starting center or it was going to be Caleb Rogers in fact Sheridan Wilson had a great offseason including fall Camp he will be the starting center for the Red Raiders this year then this is where things get tricky who's starting at Right Guard who's starting at right tackle there's a trio of guys you need to know at Right Guard it is either going to be the A4 mentioned Devon Carter or it's going to be Caleb Rogers now if dvon Carter starts at Right Guard that more than likely means Caleb Rogers is at right tackle Sur planting Ty Buchanan okay if Caleb Rogers is starting at Right Guard that more than likely means Ty Buchanan is starting at right tackle I'm very interested to see what happens here from that perspective because there's a lot to look at because you think about last season for Texas Tech in the sense of what was the unit that was arguably the worst two come to mind you're either going to say the offensive line or you're going to say the wide receivers and I'm okay with either me personally I will say the offensive line because it really just hampered your ability to push the ball downfield and actually use The Playmakers you had last year albeit your Playmakers are much better this year at least on paper for Texas Tech that said I'm very interested to see how this offensive line Looks and this is a confidence boosting game for not only the offensive line but the defensive line for Texas Tech these Edge rushers have to get to the quarterback and you're going to know the name if you're a Texas Tech fan of the starting quarterback for ACU he's a former Red Raider a guy that had quite a bit of hype if we're being honest about it in Maverick mcgyver now you've also got a ton of other guys um on this ACU team that were former Red Raiders most notably Maverick and then Trey Cleveland a wide receiver that actually transferred to un and then transferred as a grad transfer to a you and will face his former team but those are the two position groups that I'm most watching for in this one and I want to see early execution from the offensive line the defensive line how does Texas Tech look in the trenches because if they look like they did last year on the offensive line this could get nasty for Texas Tech and not in a good way I mean this could be really really bad because you do not have that Baron Morton backup quarterback like I mentioned earlier this season you just don't you have Cameron br round and then you have will Hammond a highly coveted fourstar that had a great spring camp and fall Camp 26 touchdowns to two interceptions according to Joey Maguire in the spring scrimmage aspect of things but then you have Jake strong as well you don't have that Bonafide backup that you feel good about going in if Baron Morton gets hurt so that's what I'm looking forward to most seeing what these trenches groups can do from the offensive line as well as the defensive line for the Red Raiders now let's look at the chat real quick we've got Jay who called me out on the I'm not gonna say that word again Jay you got me one time good call out Jay I'm not going to do it again though not gonna do it again he says 5713 Red Raiders shotguns firing all day B Bay I do love me some Bay Bay a bay is one of the best songs that we've had in this generation I said it you know it look yourself in the mirror anyway Aaron says my daughter is there RC the student section is completely full yeah my uh um brother-in-law is there as well he is a freshman at Texas Tech sent my wife a picture it looks awesome man um it's going to be Sensational I I'm really excited about this there's a ton of hype around Texas Tech um in terms of just the buildup right you want to see the South End Zone but this team I think is actually going to be really really good now really really good expectation wise full transparency for me I predicted it a couple weeks ago I stand by it um I I have them winning eight games that's what I have um this those student giveaways are Elite yeah I saw like they're giving away a TV and air fryer all kinds of stuff um Alexis ask where is the game at it's on ESPN plus shout out to relick right there letting you know where it's at alexas on that front um we've got Dylan asking over under Morton passing yards I don't know what the over under is on that um to be honest but my gut says Baron probably gets around 220 230 um and then hopefully if everything goes right you've got another quarterback playing a lot of the second half for the Red Raiders and we're looking forward to a game up in Pullman next week Alex says I'm not going to lie I can't wait to see the South Endzone it is going to be awesome to see yeah I'm I'm really excited I wish I could get out there sooner um if I if I could be honest but I'm not too upset that I'm going to the Colorado game you know um so that should be a lot of fun kickoff for the red R is not in the too distant future trying to get this set up for me here real quick so uh like I said if you see me looking up this is the reason why I'm trying to set everything up making sure everything's good to go for me in this game and we just got on ESPN plus this event will be starting soon again I'll be fully transparent with you guys you will not be able to see the game here on this screen this is going to be live commentary with a scoreboard and an interactive chat if you want to be able to express your your thoughts to a group of Red Raiders and have people commentate with you this is the place to do it okay so this is going to be a lot of fun as ESPN plus has transitioned officially to Texas Tech and abalene Christian the Red Raiders walking out of the newly renovated South Endzone touching the saddle and there goes the mask Rider and Joey Maguire 2024 is underway ladies and Gentlemen let's go let's go let's freaking go and if you want to get your name on the screen all you got to do is give a superhot right here um and yes I almost said chat right there but I did say chat check the tape shout out to Relic right here appreciate you man Suns up guns up reham let's do this I'm I'm super excited man I'm super excited about this team you got Ted Emerich you got Dave skele on the call Ted em one of the best in the game right there now stand by with me real quick we are going to transition here not a great look by me let me get the brand off real quick there we go again leave your score predictions in the comments below this is what we've got right here I think this is the most excited I have been for a Texas Tech season in a while I know last year had a ton of hype don't get me wrong I know it it was really exciting for a lot of people in terms of the hype and everything like that um in terms of what Joey Maguire was saying but I am really excited for this Taj Brooks has a chance to break the all-time leading rushing record I think your wide receivers are legitimately leaps and bounce better than they were last season Josh Kelly the most notable one and the position group I am arguably most excited about this season is legitimately the secondary I think the secondary has 10 to 11 guys that you feel really comfortable playing with and again I will say you got to get home to the quarterback right but the secondary is something I am really excited about for Texas Tech you see all the former Texas Tech Red Raiders you got Maverick mcgyver Hut Graham Nehemiah Martinez Trey Cleveland and many others the Red Raiders will kick off to start the 2024 season with Rhys Burkhart set to kick it away Bryce Ramirez thumping that helmet the 2024 season is almost underway at Jones AT&T Stadium Reese Burkhart lifts his arm checks left checks right and we are underway in the 2024 season for your Texas Tech Red Raiders as ACU will not return it the tortillas fly and they will start out at their own 25 yard line all right again real quick let's get this going let me know those score predictions down in the comments below man again I'm pretty excited for this one as the I'm not gonna lie the W the wife is leaving right now she probably doesn't want to hear me yell for a while which is totally understandable um sorry neighbors I'm I'm really actually not that sorry I'm excited right now as are you Maverick mcgyver the San Angelo Texas native 17 touchdowns and five interceptions last year for the abene Christian Wildcats the former Red Raider he will be under center for the Wildcats this is an absolutely abysmal camera angle on ESPN plus holy this is bad uh Maverick mcgyver goes deep first play and it is broken up great defense right there by the Red Raiders no flag on the play it will be and 10 really really good job by the Texas Tech secondary unit that I am really excited about as well as abalene Christian is an incomplete pass right there on the first play of the game also you look at everything for Texas Tech and that was mccardy the star position he will be the starter for the Red Raiders taking over for rabbit and the shotgun is abalene Christian run up the middle and it is stopped right away by Jacob Rodriguez J rod with a great stop and it will be third and what what are they putting at it right here about third and 10 no yards so far and again you feel really good about the linebacker Duo for the Red Raiders in this one with Jacob Rodriguez and Ben Roberts arguably um the best linebacking duo in the Big 12 we've got Jason saying ACU wide receiver should have caught that yeah at the last second though it looked like mccardy got his hand up there to make an impact but it looked like he should have caught that third and 10 MacGyver drops back 10 yards drops back continues to drop back drops it over and it is incomplete targeting M Nehemiah Martinez it is a quick three and out for abalene Christian and baron Morton in the Red Raiders will quickly get their first drive of the 2024 season let's go let's go boys let's go I'm excited about this one I I'm excited Josh Kelly back to return the punt wearing that trademark the Brand number three for Texas Tech we've got Kim saying Tech by 40 I'm not gonna lie to you Kim that's what I said as well I said Tech would win 5817 in this one okay I know that was bold but I have a lot of faith in this offense I think they do a really really good job and hopefully they come out quick and just put the pedal to the metal all right and the punt is up not too bad looks like it's going to be a fair catch from Josh Kelly and it will be the Red Raiders will start off their first offensive Drive of the Season at the 28 yd line this from Aaron did we know that Kelly was returning punts yes it'll be a little bit of a mix and match though Joey mcgu said there will be three guys that start out there or not start out but will be in that rotation including Josh Kelly then you'll have Jordan Brown and then Micah Hudson but they will start out with Josh Kelly and here comes Baron Morton you got Porsche let's see what we have on the offensive line Porsche starting at left tackle obviously Baron Morton Tod Brooks in the backfield they will start out in shotgun will the Red Raiders and it looks like Caleb Rogers will start at right tackle with Davon Carter at Right Guard Brooks Moves In Motion it is up the middle and it is broken through for a nice gain six yards for Taj Brooks on the first Carry of the season for the Red Raiders and they're going to go and hurry up are the Red Raiders Baron Morton gets everybody ready you've got trips right back to Tosh Brooks right up the middle and he will get three it will be third and one for the Red Raiders on their first drive of the season I forgot the United football conference existed I'm trying to figure out what the hell this youu means on the abalene Christian Jersey I forgot that was a damn thing um if I'm crazy please let me know John Carlos Miller substitutes in for the Red Raiders he is Uber athletic at the tight end spot you've also got Mason Tharp on the field you go to Taj Brooks he gets quick three carries and he gets the first down and then some about a four yard gain for Taj Brooks and the Red Raiders get their first down of the year without even throwing the football now an interesting point for the Red Raiders right now the two starting wide receivers for Texas Tech are Caleb payday don't forget the payday people I'm looking you right in the eyes right now don't forget the payday and then Josh Kelly okay Taj Brooks back out there they're back in shotgun Taj Brooks to the right of Baron Morton Baron Morton sends him out far left you got trips right for the Red Raiders Dre McCrae in the middle of Josh Kelly and PB Caleb pay Douglas Josh Kelly catches the first completion of the year for the Red Raiders for a good 12 13 yd gain love that and if y'all don't know I'm a big Josh Kelly guy I think he has a thousand yard receiving season for the Red Raiders this year and the Red Raiders continue to go quick outside to Josh nope fake to Caleb and Josh Kelly drops that one across the middle upset with himself on that one looked like it was a fake wide receiver screen to the outside far outside right instead they go with the quick slant across the middle and Josh Kelly drops that one but it will be second and 10 for Texas Tech with about 1228 remaining in the first quarter another interesting point in college football this year for those that don't know um you don't have to do signs anymore there is the C in the helmet so kitley can talk to Baron Morton directly this one to Taj Brooks he bounces it to the outside nice little gain right there is Taj Brooks absolutely obliterates number two of ACU I'm so sorry I hope he's getting a scholarship because if not he's going to be calling his mom why he doesn't have one right now Tod Brooks just lowers the shoulder and sends this guy three time zones uh to a difference my goodness poor number two poor number two right there it will be third down for the Red Raiders Taj Brooks back out there again 1168 away from being the all-time leading rusher is Taj Brooks for Texas Tech about third and three right now for Texas Tech fake handoff throws to Josh Kelly it will be a first down for Texas Tech Josh Kelly with two early completions from Baron Morton he will be Baron Morton's favorite Target this year people I can promise you that right now also if we score a touchdown if the Red Raiders score a touchdown this is protocol here and this is could be a free play Baron Morton goes deep across the middle it could be pi as well yeah there's two flags one's going to be offside by ACU as well as pass interference against ACU on the tight end John Carlos Miller the third the Red Raiders are in the red zone now what was I saying there if Texas Tech scores a touchdown people look at me please look at me I'm going to need you to spam TD or TTU in the chat there's about 150 you guys in here I need to see 150 ttus or 150 TDS if Texas Tech scores all right it will be pass interference Red Raiders are in business as I mentioned Baron looking pretty sharp there's zip on the ball that's one thing I wanted to see here as you can see on your screen right there texus Tech in business right now after the pass interference and it's very interesting you have not seen Conor yet on the field um really interesting there it's been more John Carlos Miller you've got trips to the right here for Texas Tech fake to Taj Brooks Baron Morton steps up in the pocket runs throws deep over the head oh Caleb almost made it payday right there just a little low as Baron Morton evaded pressure from the abalene Christian Wildcats it be second and 10 for Texas Tech from the abene Christian 15 I like the way Texas Tech is looking right now the tempo obviously these are set plays the Red Raiders are actually running trips left right here ky aen and it looks like Josh Kelly Moves In Motion this will go to Taj Brooks right up the middle not much doing there as it'll be a two-yard game and be third and eight for the Red Raiders in the abalene Christian Red Zone now this is big right here for Texas Tech you obviously want to get seven you want to make Christian you know Panic a little bit if we're being honest quick to get set Baron Morton trips right Caleb payday Douglas and it's off sides again but nope they're going to say Sterling Porche was moving on that one number 75 Texas Tech moves back and it'll be third and 13 for Texas Tech looks like this is going to end up being a uh field goal type drive for the Red Raiders after really good between the 20 but struggling right there um in the red zone so also how do we feel about these red jerseys for Texas Tech let me know there's quite a bit of you guys in here I kind of like them they've grown on me not gonna lie it's third and eight excuse me trips right Douglas McCrae Kelly with Coy Aken at the top of the screen TOS Brooks in the backfield hands off to Taj Brooks Taj makes a cut he's going to get it and then some Taj Brooks is in the end zone for a touchdown spam TD right now the Red Raiders first drive of the year the Red Raiders get on the board as TOS Brooks hit your watch ladies and gentlemen it's Taj time out in the 806 that's what we love to see hell of a cut by Taj Brooks great job by Caleb Rogers too absolutely set the right Edge right there and it is Taj time out in the 806 we love to see that right there and and you love the temple B too that was the Zack kitley offense albeit with scripted plays that we wanted to see since he's been in the 806 now you've got a better offensive line a little bit better wide receivers and it is up and in Gino Garcia with the first made extra point slash either kick into the new South in zone for the Red Raiders you love to see that right there as a I ain't gon to lie to you I'm gonna let these ad run I don't care I don't care people let's do this actually just kidding back on the screen I come let's go we love it we love a good Taj time let's see what we've got here let's give a couple shout outs to everybody saying TD and T you we've got Jason Brown saying TD we've got Cassie we've got aloa Rivera saying TD we've got Casey saying reham we've got Aaron saying the red look great on TV the more simple design makes them look more vibrant red I agree a more simple look for Jersey is better in my opinion regardless of what it is it's just better right we've got Kim saying woo TD we've got John saying TD Aaron saying it's Taj time we've got Covington saying TD TD TD we've got salt of the earth TD Tommy touchdown we got Nick touchdown Brian touchdown and then we've got Danny saying lots of Miller at tight end on that drive yeah great Point Danny in terms of we did not see Jaylen Conor at all on that drive please please call me out in the comments if I was wrong on that but I did not see Jaylen Conor um all I saw was Mason Tharp and John Carlos Miller III so that's very interesting and by the way I really really like me some John Carlos Miller II third he led his division of football at Elon in yards after the catch or yards per catch excuse me about 17 he he he's athletic people um we've got Jeff saying yo RC ream Tech appreciate that we've got saying Mayhem conference yeah it's going to be a lot of fun this this team's going to be fun now again are they gonna frustrate me of course it's a Tech football team what are we talking about of course they're going to frustrate me but hey this team I I think they're really good let me get this tweet out real quick where we watching from where are we watching from people we got about 130 or so people let me know where we're watching from we'll give a couple shout outs man Brian ask is he showing the game guys no I'm again I know you just said you joined Brian I I can't legally show the game I will have a scoreboard up here I'll have play byplay this will be a live interactive chat of Red Raiders discussing the game and talking about what they like what they don't like what I advise you to do and this is just what I would do if I were you guys and again you don't have to as I try and fix my Al Alpha hair right here my goodness that's just a bad look on my part as I try and fix this um on the screen we're not we're just going to roll with it um it is going to be a live interactive scoreboard I'll do play byplay what I advise you to do turn it on on your foot on your uh TV that's what I would do and then watch us on the phone and then you can interact with all these tech fans that's probably the best way to do things right here all right we got from Witchita we've got Mexico Oh bonjour if you know you know I know they speak Spanish down there people please don't call me out on there it's a joke um everything I say when it's from a different country I just say bonjour regardless as Texas Tech um tackles the ACU returner at the well 17 of the ACU but there is a flag right there with about 1033 remaining couple more shouts we got Lincoln Nebraska Dylan Rola look good today uh we've got a couple people watching from FR we've got Thorndale San Antonio and then Eastland as well what do we got here holding from ACU they will start deep in their own territory on this one believe it'll probably be around their within their 10 it's Coach Patterson former Texas Tech defensive coordinator now the head coach of the avalene Christian Wildcats shown on ESPN plus right here we've got Francisco watching from Fort Worth and it will indeed be ab and Christian starting within their own in within their own 10 in the South End Zone right at the nine yd line Isaac Smith the rusher for Texas Tech on the far right side castles former Red Raider Moves In Motion for the wild cats MacGyver in the shotgun hands off to the running back big hole right there he gets through and a nice solid five-yard pickup for the Wildcats on first down to go second and five oh shout out to Elliot we've got auror Colorado I'm hopefully pronouncing that right I know I'm not if you watch the channel you know I am terrible with names apologies in advance second and five about 10 minutes remaining in the first quarter ACU deep within their own Zone Trey Cleveland moves within there it's a wide receiver screen out to the right side wrapped up very quickly by Texas Tech you've got Jaylen peoples Ben Roberts as well as moh horn on the far right side right there Cleveland another Red Raider well at least former Red Raider I should say it's crazy you've got Trey Cleveland Jed castles Nehemiah Martinez and Maverick mcgyver four former R Raiders out on the field right now for ACU third and two for abalene Christian on their own 17 mcgyver steps back pressure on him caught across the middle Nehemiah Martinez gets the first down for abalene Christian but not before Ben Roberts comes and absolutely lays the wood no pause on Nehemiah Nehemiah Martinez but it will be a first down for the wild cats yeah that's uh that's tough right there they ran a little legal pick route on the drag right there really good scheme by ABN Christian to get the first down for them their first down of the Year another sh shotgun formation for abalene Christian again Red Raiders on the board early with a Taj Brook touchdown Maverick mcgyver throws outside and uh yeah that throw was uh trash I'm just gonna call it what it is that was that was really bad really bad throw on the run to trade Cleveland Nick says I want to see the defense beat up ACU like we've heard they did to our offense during spring camp yeah or fall Camp excuse me yeah absolutely I agree very excited to see the secondary but most importantly we got to see what the trenches can do the defensive line has to look good for the Red Raiders second and 10 Maverick mcgyver fumble fumble Red Raiders do they recover it's close they do indeed 53 the Red Raiders de brilin Caroll with the fumble recovery deep in ACU territory in the Red Raiders are in business that's what you want to see right there it looked like a miscommunication between Maverick mcgyver and the wild cats running back looked like it was a delayed halfback draw and he just never got the ball de brilin Carol won the wrestling match right there with an Acu offensive lineman and Texas Tech is in business let's go come on again talked about it all week here on the channel the one thing I want to see I want to see Texas Tech come out and absolutely not just put the pedal to the metal like one foot like you're trying to just accelerate as hard as you can I want to see all of their body weight on the damn pedal I want to see them absolutely come out and give ab and Christian no hope that's what I want to see Red Raiders start out on the ACU 17 Taj Brook shifts right you've got Caleb payday Douglas Josh Kelly Coy Aken as the wide receivers fake hand off to Taj Brooks thrown to Coy Aken gets down to the three and a half yard line and this screams Taj times let's let's get those emojis in here people let's get those em emojis in here this screams Taj time right here I think this might be trips here we go no throwing to KY Aken touchdown Red Raiders boom get those TDS in the chat Co Ain boom baby let's go let's freaking go hell of a start for Texas Tech Red Raiders with a quick quick two tutes right there love to see it get those TDS in the chat let's go love the RPO sets so far love the RPO sets from kitley and if you know anything about me this looks like it's going to be a fake they go trips right to Jaylen Conor and it's a two-point conversion the Red Raiders up 15 to nothing in their bag early on the first touch for jayen Conor as a Red Raider is on a fake trick play on the extra point the Red Raiders get two points and it is 15 nothing and that was a great throw an even better catch from KY Akin on the Red Raider touchdown right there I'm telling you Baron Morton the zip is on the football that's what we wanted to see if you're a tech fan you wanted to see that zip from Baron Morton that's what you wanted to see all right let's see who's in the chat right now we'll give a couple of shout outs we got about 130 people in here appreciate y'all spending some of y'all Saturday night with me for the season opener for the Red Raiders really excited about this um let's see here we've got Danny saying Coy we got Francisco TD Casey Kate uh TD we've got uh Rivera TD we've got Covington TD we've got Kim TD we've got Danny saying counters in the game with the score here Conor yeah I know that was probably auto correct trust me been there done that on the auto correct Danny uh John says TD Tommy TD Aaron TD Nick TD um this game may go over in the first quarter according to Casey yeah no yeah you gotta get to 57 and a half but Red Raiders I think get there by themselves tonight um if you ask me then we've got Jay saying in the singing gate we've also got Relic saying guns up we've got yes Conor we've got oh my greatness and then two-point good and then Garver in the house from Aaron and then we've got James watching from Clifton Texas again if y'all got any questions any reactions like that we'll be here all night baby we'll be doing a post game as well where it will be a combo so for those that don't know I do Twitter spaces Texas Tech postgame Twitter spaces as well as well for football I should say as well as men's basketball um so we're going to be doing that live here on the channel and we'll be live over on Twitter as well should be a ton of fun you'll hear instant reaction real life voices from Texas Tech fans including my own so this should be a lot of fun but hey I'm being honest with you guys this is about as good of a start as you could ask for if you're Texas Tech right I mean unbelievable start for the Red Raiders um in a lot of ways um I mean I love what kitley is doing so far um th this has been fun this has been a really really fun start 15 Nothing Texas Tech now I will say this I want to see what the Red Raiders look like after the scripted plays are done I I do want to see that kind of interesting um that they did that two-point conversion went out snapped it directly to Jaylen Conor had everybody on their right and then jayen Conor said hey you're not going to get me down simple and plain just great blocking by the Texas Tech offensive line on the Special Teams unit and the Red Raiders are up 15 to nothing ree Burkhart will kick off Texas Tech student section looks alive and well you love to see that and there's the beautiful South End Zone as the tortillas fly and it will be a Touchback with 818 remaining uh we've got uh Casey asking uh who did uh Washington State play they played Portland State today up in Pullman uh G ask how do we score the first touchdown pass or rush and did we have to go the distance it was TOS Brooks he got the touchdown um first drive of the year and they uh made a great cut ran out right all right Texas Tech defense back out there after recovering a fumble after the miscommunication between Maverick mcgyver the former Red Raider how many times do I say that tonight if anybody wants to take a shot for every time I say former Red Raider tonight I'm so sorry here you're not going to remember tonight um but fumble between him and the running back on a miscommunication handoff Texas Tech capitalized and now abalene Christian starts off on their own 20 they will go it looks like trips right um to start out with 18 or 818 remaining excuse me it will be trips right indeed Texas Tech Running Man coverage it'll be a handoff Red Raiders stop the running attack by Abaline Christian about a four yard gain for the wild cats I agree um this is the start we needed if you're the Red Raiders absolutely um you wanted to come out and you wanted to really just assert your will now you can't have the same kind of laxidasical effort after you get out to this two-possession lead as you did at Wyoming last year I don't think Texas Tech is going to do that I think they're going to come out and try and send a message are the Red Raiders it's a blit it will be looked like a false start by abene Christian and it will indeed be a false start it will be second and 13 is abene Christian not very disciplined right now um in Texas Tech really coming out early and making it uh a little difficult on the kids from Stevenville or abene why am I saying Stevenville because there's purple I think it's just because it's purple I I I don't even know fraudi and slip uh definitely from Abal Christian um that's where they you know the university is and I would assume they're from abene hot take Texas Tech education halfback toss out left and that will make it third and manageable probably about third and six it looks like for abene Christian maybe third and five when it's all said and done about seven minutes remaining left in the first quarter Texas Tech again up 15 nothing after a Tosh Brook touchdown and then a koi aen TD reception with a two-point conversion from Jaylen Conor on a good old uh hey just heading right give a classic swing gate there on special teams third and eight for abalene Christian Trey Cleveland Moves In Motion to the left side Maverick mcgyver gets the ball steps back about six seven yards getting pressured looked like a holding call in a great catch by the Abaline Christian Wide Receiver right there to convert and that is actually the former Red Raider drink Hut Graham on that one as aene Christian goes quickly it looked like there might have been a hold on Jed castles there but to know ail good throw from Maverick mcgyver even better catch from Hut Graham as aing Christian moving quickly Maverick mcgyver keeps that one on the RPO and leaps forward or I guess You' say lunges forward for about four yards it'll be second and six for abalene Christian Nick says I have faith that Tech's team captain this year won't let complacency get Tech like it did at times last year I agree I I I think they learned their lesson last year did the Red Raiders I I I truly do believe that only a two- yard gain there it looked like he got quite a bit more handoff up the Gap right in between the the a gap right there for abene Christian and it will be third and about medium for abalene chrisan here right around Midfield on their third Drive of the game they got a new play caller this year it looks like do the wild cats believe his last name is buoy Bowie however the hell you want to say that tomato tomato am I right third and six shotgun trips right top of the screen mcgyver steps back there's a blitz they get the first down pretty easily as Texas Tech looked like they were in a Tampa 2 type coverage on that one and uh ACU just pinpoints that one and gets the first down their second third down conversion of the try appreciate y'all again spending time with me on a Saturday night be sure to uh like the video and hit that subscribe button if you haven't already James I appreciate the kind words and I appreciate you tuning in James saying doing a good job RC appreciate that a lot of fun and there's an end round right here Nehemiah Martinez gets out in space gets a first down on first down for the Wildcats in ACU coming out and really uh outdoing themselves right here in terms of getting back into the process after they had that fumble where the Red Raiders got into the End Zone on the koi Ain touchdown again four former Red Raiders on the field right now Nehemiah Martinez Jed castles Trey Cleveland and the quarterback Maverick mcgyver in shotgun trips right for ACU a handoff and it is going to be stopped right away Jaylen peoples gets in there as uh well Siri tells me to try again and that's what ACU should try to do on that play right there and man they pan to a shot of the South End Zone I'm telling you guys that is absolutely beautiful the South End Zone um highly would recommend if you can get out to Jones AT&T this year you got to go see it it is a it is a sight to behold um let alone on TV I bet you it looks absolutely Majestic in person second and nine for abalene Christian on the Texas Tech 31 mcgyver trips right steps back getting pressured hit as he throws and he is wide open as Jed castles and ACU gets into the end zone a broken coverage by the Red Raiders secondary and Jed castles goes into the end zone at his former school and it will be a onep possession game after the the pat by the Wildcats great call Aaron great call you're 100% right y is a former Red Raider there is technically five former Red Raiders in the starting offense of 11 for ACU um and two former Red Raiders on the connection right there and mcgyver as well as Graham on for the p is Abaline Christian broken coverage by the Red Raiders got the Wildcats on the board the Pat is up and good and it is 15-7 G ask I assume the Stadium Renovations got completed they are playing at the Jones Stadium today yeah they've been playing at Jones the whole time um but yes the the south end zone is officially renovated it is open you have people sitting over there the concession stands are open everything in between so it is back to business as usual for the Red Raiders at the Jones biggest thing right now that stands out to me is Texas Tech has gotten zero pressure um on the quarterback once again appreciate y'all uh spending some time with me here watching it over 120 people if you haven't already be sure to like the video and let me head on over to Twitter let's see if you retweet it over on Twitter in terms of the you know what I'll do I'll go retweet it for you guys in terms of the live playby playay uh tweet it'll be my latest tweet let's see who's uh liked it so far in terms of everybody uh hanging out here tonight let's see we have lwn we've got Jay we've got Austin we've got Brett we've got Carlos we've got Emily we've also got Peter and a few others as well so appreciate y all spending some time with me we've also got Jacob um watching as well so appreciate youall spending time time with me here on a Saturday night let me go ahead and put this other tweet out all right who else do we got Jacob's view dominating line on both sides not happening yet yeah no I mean there's been no pressure um so far when it comes to getting after the quarterback for Texas Tech I mean it it's I think they've hit Maverick once and it was on that play where they scored the touchdown but outside of that the the pressure to get to the ACU uh backfield really hasn't looked that great at all I mean and abalene Christian was pretty methodical on that drive nine plays 80 yards over four minutes and 36 seconds extra ask what do you think of the o line so far I I think it's been okay I mean they've had a false start Porsche has um Morton got hit once but outside of that I mean it it it's looked as it should look I mean it's ABN Christian right you should look better than them and so far so good on that front um but you got to continue to really plug away if you're the Red Raiders and make a concerted effort to push the ball downfield to open up gaps for Taj Brooks the kickoff from ACU goes into the Texas Tech Endzone no return and the Red Raiders will start out on on their own 25 man I ain't goingon to lie to you guys I might have to go get another four or five water bottles I got these crappy little ones because I forgot the water bottle in the car happens it happens to us unfortunately let me know where you're watching from as well Caleb says where is michah Hudson he is not I haven't seen him on the field yet um I I think he's going to have limited staps working his way back not only not being a starter but remember he did have a knee procedure this off season this a fake to Taj Brooks Baron Morton keeps this one Dives forward gets down doesn't take a hit looks okay we're good we're good all all right top of the screen Coy Aken Josh Kelly Caleb payday Douglas moves it to the top of the screens to go trip left throws wide receiver screen to Josh Kelly Josh Kelly makes a guy Miss makes another one missing gets an easy 13 yards to move for another Red Raider first down that's the stuff you like to see though in terms of like I I know people were upset about wide receiver screens as Taj Brooks breaks to the outside Jaylen Conor with a block and great move by Taj Brooks right there had nothing that was a RPO really halfback dive if we're being honest right up the a gap nothing was there great job by ACU Tosh Brooks bounces outside Jaylen Conor with a great block and now a wide receiver screen to Caleb pday Douglas who picks up the first down and then some as I was saying I don't mind wide receiver screens I actually think that they're good for the offense and they are a part of the Run game if we're being honest just a subsidiary part of it but you can't just do that you got to push the ball down field but it sets it up to go downfield I would not be surprised if the Red Raiders take a shot or two here as Taj Brooks is off the field no injury just Cameron Valdez getting a little bit of run it'll be trips Wright Miller McCrae and then Brown up the middle to Cameron Valdez who's got some speed and picks up about oh looks about five or six on his first Carry of the 2024 campaign for the Red Raiders Red Raiders going with some speed getting set Morton again same setup goes deep it's a wide open throw Coy aen once again and the Red Raiders get into the end zone give me those TDS touchdown on a broken play Cory Ain let's go absolutely bro broken play and great job by Baron Morton to realize that the corner was looking in the backfield kyen blew right past him K Akin with his second touchdown of the year for the Red Raiders good stuff from Texas Tech right there you absolutely love to see it taking advantage of a broken play looked like the looked like they were running Tampa because the corner goes in for the The Zone read into the back field in terms of taking the running back the safety does not get over in time KY can makes him pay we knew who we knew who Baron Morton's favorite Target was going to be right we knew it was going to be KY aen but now you have a plethora of weapons and this is what you wanted to see from Texas Tech early on right again I hate to keep saying this but it's abalene Christian right but you wanted to see Texas Tech come out and dominate that's what they've done so far on the offensive side now outside of a broken play and little to no pressure they've really had one or two plays where they've gotten to Maverick um on defense the Red Raiders have thoroughly dominated this football game um let's see here who we got in the chat um answered the Micah Hudson question he has not played a snap yet that I've seen um please correct me if I'm wrong somebody but I have not seen number one on the field um extra says think it's a bit of rust SL nerve some teams started uh the day slowly today yeah I know I mean Texas Tech starting slowly 22 in the first half again and for those that may may not know they're halfway are abene Christian and Texas Tech in the first quarter with a minute and 34 remaining to hit the over the over in this game was I think it closed at 57 and a half um Tommy says you're doing a great job thank you it is always a challenge for me to keep up with my Red Raiders when it's not televised on normal networks I live halfway between a weird place in auland I'm not going to go ahead and say that a name but I know what you're talking about ACU back throws trips oh wow that that was not great by Texas Tech right there that looked like it should have been a pick instead they collapsed inward Trey Cleveland with an easy pitch and catch for Maverick mcgyver and ACU close to Midfield already got a ton of TDS in the chat we've got Nick Kim John Casey Aaron Relic Tommy Terry Chris Nick extra and I don't even know what that is I'm not going to lie to youy the I I don't even know what that means I'm sorry I I I'm I didn't go to school for English um barely speak it um is Micah not playing tonight no he's playing he just hadn't gotten on the field yet at least that I've seen second down play is a screen outside to the left side for abalene Christian moves it to second and third um Maverick mcgyver 40 seconds left second and third second and three excuse me at the ACU 47 trip left handoff 23 bounces out and he is absolutely fumble fumble oh man tough oh man ab and Christian got lucky right there as Johnson fumbled four Red Raiders around it and Johnson with the self-awareness to run over and get it unfortunately for the Red Raiders but Texas Tech will go into the second quarter up 22 to7 hell of a first half for the Red Raiders let's get those ttus in the chat right here that was a great first quarter for Texas Tech absolutely great first quarter okay you had that one busted play the secondary has looked good Tosh Brooks has got out into space you like what Texas Tech did there early outside of really that one play and tip your cap to ACU right um they did a uh great job of capitalizing on that busted coverage in terms of um well just Texas Tech and the miscommunication let's go over some stats real quick I'll uh run through those for you guys real quick if you haven't already be sure to like the video hit that subscribe button giving you daily videos on everything Texas Tech all year long whether it's football wi basketball recruiting for both Sports latest Big 12 noon we have you covered and the best part about it it's 100% free oh JP over in uh a few time zones to the left from me how many of these streams will you be doing this year truthfully JP I I'll be honest with you guys it depends how many people watch I I'll I'll just keep it blunt and honest with you guys this is kind of a test run for me I I want to see how people respond I want to see if the chat engaging if people actually like it if people want to hear me speak this much cuz Lord knows my wife doesn't she already left um for the night but it really does depend to be honest um if there's good numbers for this if people enjoy it I've got a couple of people saying some very nice things in the chat already which I truly do appreciate But to answer your question it just kind of depends but I'll let you guys know closer to the end of the stream if we're going to be doing one next week for Washington State because Lord knows I'm going to need some caffeine um Lord knows I am going to need some caffeine a 900m kickoff let's be real let's look at each other in the eyes right here you think that game is gonna start at 900 PM you really think that game's gonna start at 900 PM there's no way hell in hell that ball is kicked off before 9:30 there's no way there's no way anyway let me get to the stats real quick um Baron Morton not too bad seven of nine 92 yards two TDS so far Taj Brooks nice little seveno yards uh 7.4 yards a carry um on this one so far seven carries 52 yards one TD kaken leads the way with three catches 52 yards had that 35 yard touchdown reception also has another touchdown reception as well from about eight yards out Josh Kelly with three catches as well de briland Carroll has the one turnover so far for the Red Raiders the forc fumble on a miscommunication on a half draw for ACU your leading tackler so far in this one for the Red Raiders is CJ Baskerville the starting free safety with four total tackles and three solo all right let's see what we've got here we got a lot of people shouting out TTU let's go ahead and do it uh we've got Aaron saying I will say this for the defense they seem to be stopping the run and flying around yeah no definitely um I I really think they just need to get after the quarterback a little bit better um which hopefully will come in due time but they're doing a good job of making sure that abene Christian has to throw the football this the secondary has to step up we've got Joseph saying TT you Relic saying haven't seen Micah nope no Micah so far Francisco T you Mr chickenball bonjour I don't I don't know why I said bonjour there but I did anyway John T to you what's the score Tech and abalene Christian we've got 227 Texas Tech at the start of the second quarter trips left for abene Christian throws outside and it will be a first down for the Wildcats um right past Midfield into Tech territory at the Texas Tech 48 yard line um we've got Randle saying Texas TTU we've got Tommy TTU we've got Terry TCU um we've got Anthony TCU Mr Chicken ball saying I like it Texas Tech we like hearing you talk how many games does it take for Taj to break the rushing record I say 11 um I think or I guess 12 oh what a throw what a throw that was give credit where credits do that was that was a great throw by Maverick mcgyver right there um ran a little pick play it looked like but the wide receiver just screened out instead of picking and he was wide open in a bubble coverage and they get about 15 yards does abene Christian then they are in business deep in Texas Tech territory right at the 31 it's a handoff nope fake handoff Maverick Gyver rolls right throws out of bounds and it will be second and 10 let's see we've got Terry saying I like I'm liking it here in Portland Oregon Kim class of 1993 difficult to find games here in Nebraska thankful you're here I appreciate that Kim it's really nice one of those of us unable to attend the game in person watching the game and either celebrating or yeah yeah that's what it's all about just a lot of Red Raiders together being able to put their thoughts together and really just have a good time safe place to air out your Grievances and be upset happy or whatever the hell is in between for Texas Tech second and 10 14 minutes left MacGyver steps back steps up into the pocket runs it and it will be a first down for abene Chris to the Texas Tech 18 yard line is Trey Cleveland making his presence known um early on in his return to lck yeah the secondary the unit I was most excited to see and I thought would actually be really much improved this year not so much so far not so much um right now um let's see uh we've got Chris saying prayers for Ricky peol yeah I saw that the 49ers first- round pick got shot today first for him and his family also the Gerard family just don't drink and drive people my goodness that that that's awful the day of his sister's wedding where they were groomsmen both him and his brothers died that's just terrible that should have been Pi on people's it looked like dech got away with one right there they'll say that it was a not Pi instead it will be third down for abene Christian with 1312 remaining excuse me second and 10 ESPN plus was wrong on that um once again if you haven't already be sure to like the video um hit that subscribe button we'll give a few shout outs here in there to everybody in the chat should be a lot of fun we'll be doing a post game as well probably take like a f minute break at halftime just so I can you know stand up take a pee not to get too graphic or anything but the run defense has look good outside of that play right there that one play and abene Christian is on the doorstep now against Texas Tech this that that was they had them in the back field did the Red Raiders and they just didn't wrap up simple and plain multiple Miss tackles there um by Jacob Rodriguez as well as another Defender and then CJ Baskerville gets absolutely leveled by an Acu wide receiver in run protection there first and goal about 1240 remaining in the second quarter two wide receivers at the bottom of the screen running back on the right side Nehemiah Martinez Moves In Motion for AC handoff and that's going to be a touchdown no tripped them up to Jacob Rodriguez but ACU down to the two yard line and they are in business really outside of the first two drives this Texas Tech defense has not looked good specifically the secondary I mean they just haven't they they're not moving the line whatsoever it's Texas Tech um really really not great right now when it comes to the trenches rotating a lot of guys in but a lot of miscommunication um abene Christian runs it up the gut and they are in but there is a flag there is a flag let's wait for the flag as it stands right now it is a touchdown for abing Christian but there is a flag on the play looks like it's yep illegal substitution on Texas Tech abene Christian gets into the end zone about to be 2214 after the Pat from the Wildcats I mean Texas Tech's got to get better they the defense is not getting a push whatsoever um defensive line has to show up more period end of story if y'all see me look down at my phone or look down weirdly just putting a quick tweet out let's see here Lawrence says wow this defense looks weak agreed agreed the defensive line is getting no push whatsoever um JP says this is worrisome I I agree um G says that the defense starts going south bring out the whole air raid offensive Playbook I mean I think Texas Tech has done a pretty good job in terms of going quick but and the defense is supposed to be deeper this year they just look bad I mean I I I'll say it what it is like the defensive line is getting no push linebackers have missed multiple tackles and then the secondary has gotten absolutely cooked on a few routes and this is ABN Christian it it's definitely worrisome I'll be it let let's call it what it is it's early it's game number one sometimes it takes some time to knock the rust off but I mean still I mean early on this is not ideal that's for sure um again 2214 right now Al in lck Red Raiders lead it 1152 remaining what we got here in the chat Aaron says I predict that will be the last TD they score oh that's spicy spicy Aaron especially the way the defense has looked it's a little spicy right there uh vonte says bringing me back to the cliff Kingsbury days nah it's not that bad come on come on they actually have defensive players on the field that will actually probably play in the NFL and not just go right into law enforcement right after by the way support the law enforcement no doubt but I mean let's be real you probably don't want a guy that's a year away from being a cop as you're starting Corner shout out to Justice Nelson um anyway uh Gabe says defense looks awful to start wow yeah no agreed I mean they just don't look good they haven't gotten a push whatsoever um I think they've literally hit or gotten in the proximity of Maverick mcgyver once no twice twice I'm sorry um lawren says we want to be a part of the big dogs but yet you let ACU drive it down your throat yeah no Pause by the way Lawrence I know what you're saying there but no pause there's no pausing here on this channel if you know you know um JP says an FCS team should not be keeping it this close with us last time I remember an FCS team keeping it with us we had a losing season yeah that was um what was that Houston Christian shout out to kitley um there's no doubt about that let's see uh Relic says indeed and then extra says lol this beats being on the 247 message boards yeah no I'm uh I think this is a lot more fun it's a lot more Interactive lot more people going back and forth um yeah again all I ask you guys to do is like the video hit that subscribe button if you don't mind sharing it on social media as Dre McCrae takes it out gets to the 30 breaks another tackle gets outside 40 up to the 50 breaks another tackle out to the ACU 30 yard line and then some Dre McCrae let's get it up let's get it up come on come on type DM in the chat let's go h hell of a return by Dre McCrae right there in business on the ACU side of the field takes it from the Texas Tech goal line and returns it all the way to the abalene Christian within their 30 I mean my goodness broke multiple tackles there did the all Big 12 Return Man and the Red Raiders will start at the ACU 27 yard line um Mason says show us the game on your TV no I will not do that because I will not have my channel taken down do not want that I actually like having this Channel and interacting with you guys if I do that that's a copyright and broadcast infringement and I will lose the channel so hard pass pass outside to Taj Brooks and that will go nowhere let's see what we got still early guys game won't be close Tex defense needs to step up and make plays Morton isn't doing bad need to get Taj Brooks going though yet Tosh Brooks off the field now they've got five wide receivers I believe that is Micah Hudson at the top of the screen it is Micah Hudson but it goes to Caleb payday Douglas instead I believe that was Micah Hudson down there and it was we have the first Micah Hudson snap of his Red Raider career although it does go to Caleb payday Douglas Texas Tech once again in business third down about 10 minutes remaining third and five can the Red Raiders get this going yeah Hudson was wide open but the play wasn't initially left so they weren't going to throw it up there hand off to TOS Brooks and it goes nowhere Texas Tech gonna have to kick a field goal that that was just just a waste just a waste by the tech offense right there in terms of making anything happen after a great return um Ty Buchanan gets absolutely cooked so did Sheridan Wilson not ideal from Texas Tech this is going to be a long field goal attempt by Gino Garcia with 10 minutes remaining oh how far is he out he's a ways out right here about 46 yards it looks like up and good right down the middle 2514 for Texas Tech although they do waste the great Dre McCrae return inside the abing Christian 30 Texas Tech does get points however and adds to their lead it is 2514 Red Raiders Jay says too much screens I've seen more screens than down thefield passes yeah um that is interesting early on you're you're right I mean Hudson was wide open um again it was a Throw That was supposed to go left so they got it out there quick Hudson at the top right of the screen but um they have had a lot of um quite a bit of screens Dwayne ask uh 46 y down the middle I believe it was 46 yards I way overs sold that I am so sorry 39 y um but right down the middle regardless 40- yard field goal not too bad um but yeah he I I think he won the field goal comp um I think Rees right now is going to be the kickoff specialist and then um you're going to have Gino as the field goal guy um stnick question mark ask or uh says no more Kool-Aid for me please I I mean they play good like the offense looks good I mean I'm frustrated by some of the screens but overall they played pretty good offensively um did they waste that opportunity to get seven yeah but overall they've looked pretty good um overall now the defense need to come out and get a damn stop I I can agree with that Andrew asked DM herd or something not that I know of everybody's saying he was uh 100% coming into the season so see defense is really where it needs to stand out here you got you got to get pressure you know that that's really what it comes down to I I I think the the secondary will get better with time um I think that they have too much talent not to get better but the defensive line is a point of concern I mean let's just be real um that that's just the case all right again I know I'm going to be asking a few more times be sure to like the video if you haven't already goes a long way in helping us out here at the channel um and if you haven't subscribed yet do so over 10,000 Red Raider strong here the largest group of Texas Tech fans on YouTube interactive 100% free I don't I don't know what else you can ask for when it comes to coverage for your Red Raiders so be sure to like the video hit that subscribe button if you want more of these uh game streams again can't show the game not going to show the game we'll have a live interactive scoreboard you can see it right there on your screen um but if you want want more of these let me know in the chat that's all I'll say let me know all right Andrew says hopefully he stays healthy dude is good but the injury bug is hit him the past few years yeah I mean he's they've been running it too much score right now for Texas Tech and abene Christian is 2514 about 10 minutes to go just under in the second quarter 958 to be specific abing Christian did not return that one and they will uh start their fifth Drive of the game on their own 25 five how do we feel about these Adidas jerseys by the way like I I I like some of them these Reds are groaning on me I when the Reds came out initially I didn't like them to be honest um but they they've definitely grown on me a little bit you got Nehemiah and Trey bottom of your screen to the right of Maverick mcgyver as well as the running back right to his side in the shotgun Texas Tech with that four down lineman gets pressure mcgyver straight out can't really get pressure when it's a one second type deal as they uh run an out route a 90 as they call it and get four yards to start their Drive appreciate you Stephen on seven JP I hear you want more of these streams for sure hope overseas is treating you well my guy MacGyver steps back throws it lobs it far outside that could be a pick oh and peoples drops it that peoples should have got that ball that there is a flag holding on abalene Christian I don't think Texas Tech is going to take it though with the incompletion it would be third and six they do take it okay fair enough second and 16 will replay second down and it is on the former Red Raider yant yanta is how they pronounced it on the broadcast I don't I don't know yeah it's clear as day a hold though holy crap tried to decapitate quinley leet Jr right there all right so second and 16 930 remaining ab and Christian now back at their own 19 yard line in the shotgun halfback draw right up the gut and it works to Perfection they get all of it back and then some up to the 30 and 11 yard run by avalene Christian to make it third and manageable it is third and five with nine minutes remaining esorts I will not be playing the game I will not lose my YouTube channel thank you very much probably the last time I say that I will not show the game on here that is not how this works it's play byplay scoreboard see it right there sorry not sorry third and five abing Christian two wide receivers at the top and bottom Moves In Motion toes Nehemiah Martinez right back running back to the right mcgyver they get the first down on a slant route unfortunate right there for the Red Raiders you can tell and credit to ACU on this they are really using those short quick routes to their advantage because they know their offensive line probably won't be able to hold um but they've done a really really good job on that yeah exactly Aaron guys there are copyright laws I'm not going to break the copyright laws not worth it in my opinion if you don't like it I'm gonna be honest sorry you don't have to you can watch it on ESPN plus and listen to them by all means but this is a Texas Tech space we're only going to be talking about the Texas Tech side of things that run up the middle for abene Christian moves it to Second down first nine drives for abing Christian they got nine yards since 170 and it is now second and eight with seven 50 remaining in the second quarter Texas Tech up 2514 they move Jed castles to trips right do the avalene Christian Wildcats looks like it's going to be man Texas Tech spaces out and it is going to be a loss for Texas Tech they get back in the back field and that is Harvey Dyson the third a guy that has been a major talking point for the Red Raiders in Fall Camp Joey Maguire called him a gym quote unquote and if you've been playing college football 2 you know what that means great play by Harvey Dyson the third right there and now it is third and long for abalene Christian can the Red Raiders get the wild cats off the field it is third and 11 seven minutes left abalene Christian at their own 36 in the shotgun trips right mcgyver looks to the top of the screen throws it long and he's wide open and he overthrows him wow TCH got cooked Tech got cooked that that should have been a huge play Maverick mcgyver absolutely just missed a wideopen wide receiver deep the DB got cooked healed everything mcgyver just overthrew his intended target by a good five yards that was Cromwell on the well I guess we could call it coverage for Texas Tech not really but Texas Tech fortunate right there that that probably should have been an abalene Christian touchdown instead they will punt it on Fourth and 11 and Texas Tech will have a chance to well add to their lead solid punt from abalene Christian back to catch it is Josh Kelly on a fair Catch and the Red Raiders will start their own well they'll be at their own wow they keep moving it up looks like they're going to be on their own 30 all right let's see what we've got here John says I like the jerseys it's not Nike like the mid90s jerseys but better than UA yeah I mean they're better than Under Armour for sure but don't get me wrong I would love to be at Jordan school but then you wouldn't have Patrick Mahomes and Patrick Mahomes is a cheat code for Texas Tech when it comes down to it JP saying lucky that receiver was wide open yeah absolutely cooked I mean cooked Cromwell was on his heels lucky he didn't fall down Taylor was wide open I mean ACU the quarterback Maverick mcgyver just flat out missed him flat out missed him uh this from x07 defense is worrying I agree I agree right now especially the the secondary you're without brillan Lux your best corner but I mean the defense just hasn't really gotten much pressure on the quarterback they've done a a solid job in the Run game if we're being honest but um you know really they they've struggled in pass pass pro at all in terms of you know pass coverage and everything like that um Jacob says it's on fraud YouTube channels RC doing it right I'm watching on TV ESPN app on TV and listening here sorry imri my man Jacob appreciate you that's how you should be doing it too have the game on your TV and then you're GNA be on Twitter anyway you're going to be just absolutely ridiculous on Twitter you might as well send those thoughts onto YouTube right here in the chat where there are 145 Red Raiders instantly watching this and talking with you guys um it's a lot of fun I'm telling you guys we might have to do another one of these this was a good test so far in the first half um let's see Relic I I apologize if I'm Mis mispronouncing your name man but I have one of the new jerseys they are better quality than Under Armour yeah no for sure I mean I I think Adidas is way better than Under Armour and absolutely everyone should tell l leam Jr I said that he likes Under Armour which is just disgusting in my opinion um this from Trent I hope this defense is just for game J first game Jitters yeah I I you would hope so man I mean it hasn't looked good so far um in terms of just being what we expected I I wanted to see better from the defensive line you just haven't seen it um Andrew Morton yeah he's back in he hasn't left um yeah he hasn't he hasn't left he's been in there the whole time um see what we've got we got a couple people um got a couple people on we've got Alex watching we've got Cooper we've got BT and then we've got Brian as well so appreciate y'all tuning in those were some of the people over on Twitter um there we go getting the Raider power chant going Morton back in the shotgun trips left Taj Brooks to his left snaps the ball to TOS Brooks up the a gap and that'll be a short gain for Texas Tech after a little bit more of a push right there from Vinnie Scurry as they are showing the new South End Zone and man I'm telling you what I I don't think TV does it justice this not even Parton my language holy this thing looks nice um trips left again Taj Brooks once again makes a guy Miss and it will be a third down for Texas Tech third and four for the Red Raiders Mason Tharp out there at the tight end spot for Texas Tech alongside Taj Brooks at the running back spot Baron Morton obviously the quarterback you've got KY Aken John Carlos Miller now running onto the field for an extra tight end with Josh Kelly alongside KY Aken at the wide receiver spot two tight ends two wide receivers a running back Moves In Motion to John Carlos Miller snaps hand off to Taj Brooks right up the middle he gets the first down and then some three carries for Taj about 13 14 yards on this drive so far for one of the best running backs in Texas Tech program history now they go to top of the screen two bottom and it is a false start my goodness I don't know if I've ever seen a wide receiver jump that fast and that hard Josh Kelly clearly thought the snap was on one he went 15 yards down the field um it was not on one and uh the Red Raiders will have a false start it will be first and 15 now for the Red Raiders Kaya Douglas at the top of your screen isolated with Coy Aken and Josh Kelly stacked at the bottom John Carlos Miller moves across the face of Baron Morton with Taj Brooks to his left outside to Josh Kelly Two blockers good stuff from Josh Kelly right there and he makes up for it and then some getting about well 12 yards of that 15 back so second down and about three or four to go for the Red Raiders right at the Midfield line right the Double T Red Raiders have slowed down a little bit it seems like as the first few drives they were really going I mean they were really going quick was Texas Tech um got Coy aen Mason Tharp John Carlos Miller Caleb pday Douglas Taj Brooks out there alongside Baron Morton snapped goes to Taj Taj goes to the left side bounces it outside gets a blocker down the field John Carlos Miller and it is a nice little run for Tosh Brooks as he picks up about 16 I want to say maybe 15 yards on the carry and the Red Raiders are in business once again deep in ACU territory Taj Brooks with 80 yards already in this one with a touchdown on the first drive of the year for the Red Raiders and now you've got Caleb pday Douglas KY aen Josh Kelly John Carlos Miller and then looks like you've got the Freshman back there that's cam dicki cam dicki back there the true freshman gets his first Collegian carry to spell Tosh Brooks goes up the middle for just about five yards just under four minutes remaining 2514 Texas Tech they are driving deep within ACU territory and it's another false start nope just kidding just kidding time out abing Christian see what we've got here playing too fast think we should slow down they have slowed down this this drive I mean they were going pretty quick the first couple for sure John says he was he was trying to it and get it I don't know what that means John but uh who doesn't love a good curse word every once in a while um Kelly looking promising yeah outside of that FSE start he I'm telling you man he he's gonna be the best wide receiver for Texas Tech this year Josh Kelly's a Bonafide stud and has the potential to be a top five wide receiver in the Big 12 this year um Brooks is just so good that from JP then we got Relic saying Brooks looks better disciplined in his runs yeah I mean he has a little bit more time to actually see it not a guy running right at his face because the offensive line looks a little better um no tight end catches so far that is true but they have been involved quite heavily um in a lot of facets three wide receivers RPO Baron Morton steps up in the pocket and he will get sacked held the ball too long simple and plain that sacks on Baron Morton he's got to get rid of the football got to get rid of the football if you're Baron Morton right there held on to the football way too long I get it maybe nobody was open throw it away live to see another day instead you go from third and five now it's going to be about third and 15 just a just a bad decision by Baron Morton not to get rid of that football right there all right third and 12 Baron steps back into the pocket looks deep he's got a guy down the middle of the field and he overthrows him just a little bit overshot Josh Kelly and the Red Raiders waste another drive and it will be fourth and 12 will have to punt it looks like excuse me they are going for it and no man's land okay at least they're looking like they may go for it right now say Hut okay it it is in no man's land okay so to set the scene right now as you can uh see Mayhem on the screen I guess um hashtag not a sponsor but it is 4th and 13 Texas Tech is at the ABN Christian 36 so you're kind of in no man's land right you don't want to kick the field goal um but you also don't want to punt right like it's you're in no man's land here I wish they would have snapped the ball quicker if you're Texas Tech because abene Christian had about 14 guys on the field um instead smart play by Coach Patterson of the wild cats um he calls the timeout it is third and two or excuse me fourth and 13 with 302 remaining empty set for Baron kakin Moves In Motion he's got a guy deep throw it throw it he's got him deep touchdown Jaylen coners touchdown Jaylen Conor get those TDS in the chat get those TDS in the chat right now touchdown Jaylen Conor on Fourth and 13 the Red Raiders get a tuty an absolute dime by Baron Morton to the far right side of the field and Jaylen Conor's absolutely mosses an ECU Defender what a Play What a play the tight ends get involved on that one who was it saying it Danny you ask and you shall receive Danny you ask and you shall receive they're going to go check this one it looks like but it looked like it was a catch to me clearly got a foot down they're going to see if he had possession maintaining it going to the ground but on initial look it looked like he held on to it reviewing it right now there's 255 remaining the call on the field is a touchdown for the Red Raiders it looked like there was clearly a foot in in my opinion it looked like he got the right foot down definitely a push off by Conor but hey they didn't call it so who gives a uh right foot in possession hard to tell from this angle on the first initial look if he had control of it he definitely got a foot in though folks great throw by Baron Morton to throw it to where only Jaylen Conor could catch it I mean just an absolute dot definitely gets his left foot in holds on to it I don't think you can overturn that I I I don't this is going to be a situation where I yeah his foot's down his foot's down I think that's a touchdown I don't think it's enough to overturn that that call should stand in my opinion but I've seen crazier things balls in his hand foot still on the ground that should be a touchdown in my opinion it's got to stand I would think I think that that I think that call has to stand and I I saw somebody ask um how was uh Red Baron zip on that ball I'll tell you what that was one of the best throws that he's had as a Red Raider I don't and Aaron I I I I see you saying like no control I think that that might be the big thing there I I I do think that that could be it but he had it against his body I wonder if they say hey like it's going to stand in terms of the ball wasn't moving too much it was up against his body but we shall see right here as it stands it's a touchdown stands it is a touchdown Red Raiders boom Jaylen Conor and it is confirmed it does not just stand that is a confirmed touchdown Big Time play by Jaylen Conor what a play I know a lot of people are upset when Joey McGuire goes for it on fourth down but he was a man's land right there and you get seven points out of it you take that now Burkhart out there for the extra point they're switching it up a little bit it looks like that one's right down the middle maybe Gino didn't win the job outright but Texas Tech pouring it on right now it is 3214 the offense looks Sensational can the defense step up and get a stop before half here that is the main question I'm telling you though that throw who who was it again let me go up here and see Aaron saying uh no not Aaron sorry Nick how was the zip on that pass it it wasn't a zip it was a DOT like he dropped it in the bucket on the in the middle of the far right in zone to where basically Jaylen Conor was the only guy that could get the football he was the only one gonna catch it it was either going to be caught or it was going to be broken up by the ACU Defender and Jaylen Conor just made a great play Simple and plain it's what it came down to uh great that that's one of the best throws Baron Morton has had as a Red Raider not not to overblow it or anything but fantastic throw fantastic throw Chris says they've been alternating kickers yeah thank you for calling that out I said that Gino had kicked a couple times so is Ree so good call out there uh for sure Chris um this defense needs to make their traditional great adjustments at half to clamp down their yeah I mean hey you feel good when he got dar back there making adjustments regardless of who you're playing right I mean Tim darer is one of the best there is um let's see 255 remaining Texas Tech up 18 no return from ACU as this one will go about h a yard or two deep into the end zone again one more time if you haven't already be sure to like the video hit that subscribe button we got about 50 people watching let me know if you want to see more of these live streams I know some of y'all have already said you do but still trying to gauge it to be honest um might be doing these a couple times I'll tell you this right now I will not be doing one for the Colorado game because I will be out in the 806 I hope to see a lot of y'all out there with me plan on doing a back to2 event with ly and also the guys over at scarlet and black Insider so if you'll be out in lck for the Colorado game let me know no handoff by ABN Christian and nice play by Jacob Rodriguez to really limit the damage there if he doesn't make that tackle abene Christian might be Off to the Races um but instead it will be second in about medium about second and seven it looks like for the wild cats on this drive Duo at the top and bottom High snap to Maverick mcgyver he throws across the middle Cleveland there once again but nothing really going it's going to be third down right at the 30 and Texas Tech has a chance to get the ball back once again before halftime and maybe add some points to the board G to be out about third in medium looks like ABN Christian is going to wait until the two-minute not warning because did y'all know that the NFL trademark two-minute warning in fact in college football it is the two-minute timeout interesting stuff right there um Let's see we got John saying yes sir please I assume that's to the live streams here JP says if tech shuts them out for the rest of the game I'll feel much better about this game honestly if abene Christian scores about 24 points I don't feel too bad about it uh but I would feel a lot better if they scored 24 points and Tech scored like 60 I think that would make me feel a lot better uh Terry says Neo Portland State is equal to AB Christian I personally Terry I think ab and Christian's better than Portland State Portland State was picked to finish last in their conference ABN Christian I get it they're at a lower level but I think I think ABN Christian probably beats Portland State on a neutral site question mark feel like that's not a crazy statement uh ACU is playing with something super dangerous house money yeah and also they're playing with the fact that you have 11 former Red Raiders take a drink I said former Red Raiders do it if you're playing that game at home um obviously do it responsibly but 11 former Red Raiders five on their starting offense including the quarterback Maverick mcgyver Trey Cleveland Nehemiah Martinez then you got Jed castles then you've got yon the offensive lineman shout out to the person earlier that let me know about Yan I forgot that he went to Texas Tech appreciate that but yeah I mean they're playing with a point to prove right like Maverick mcgyver wants to stick at the Texas Tech like hey I want to play well because you didn't think I was good enough to be at this level you didn't think I was good enough to be your starting quarterback you didn't give me a chance at the power five level I want to stick it to you right that's what they're playing with um and you're right they are playing with house money but so far I mean Texas Tech offensively I I I don't I don't know what you want we'll go over the stats real quick for Texas Tech in this one um we'll pull them up real quick let's see going to the Texas Tech side of things we've got Texas Tech 32 obviously o and Christian 14 with two minutes left third and six will be the play call when they come out for Texas Tech offensively Baron Morton is 11 for 14 147 yards three touchdowns a 237.55 to in two touch Downs Jaylen Conor's Lan reception is 36 yards for one tutty Taj Brooks is averaging 6.7 yards per carry 12 attempts 80 yards rushing in one TD with a long of 18 when it comes to the defense CJ Baskerville so far leads the way with five tackles and then you've also got Jacob Rodriguez as well oh no oh no touchdown abalene Christian peoples got cooked again wow e I mean that was just that was just bad I mean he got cooked the secondary has looked awful and that was one group that I thought would look pretty good I mean Jaylen peoples got cooked there I I I don't know what he's doing CJ Baskerville was the closest one to him on that throw but the reason he was there was because he was supposed to be the backside help not to be the primary Defender Jaylen peoples just wasn't on him I that that wasn't CJ Baskerville CJ Baskerville was up there to be the the cover two high shell to protect in terms of if something happened and peoples just didn't really do anything I mean he he was non-existent non-existent whatsoever um well I hope you took the over in this one the over was 57 and a half um pretty easy money right there that was just that was brutal that was a disgusting display of Defense right there no return for the Red Raiders they'll start on their own 25 man that's tough scenes Nathan I think lux's injury is just for this week please don't quote me on that but it sounds like it's one of those things where they just wanted to be cautious with it and uh make sure he was good to go long term Conor Aken Kelly and then Conor goes in motion catches this football and gets about 12 to start the drive all the way up to the 38 of ACU Texas Tech in business with a minute 44 remaining Baron Morton trying to get everybody set what's the offensive line doing here what what what's porra and Carter doing hand off to Taj Brooks he falls forward for about a three- yard gain clock down to 130 Texas Tech going quick Baron Morton getting the call getting everybody information Taj Brooks to the right Josh Kelly to the top of the screen alongside Caleb payday Douglas with Jaylen Conor and Coy Aken at the bottom jumped off sides but instead they're goingon to say false start for the Red Raiders as it looked like it was number 56 daon Carter if anything this game has reminded me of 2014 like that's what this game's reminded me of JP um Michael ask is this why we don't get decent practice highlights to watch in the off no nobody shows practice highlights really um I mean you got to think about it from a social standpoint like they're there to Hype up the fan base that's their job so they do a sensational job at that great play by Baron there to drop it off to Taj Tosh makes one guy Miss goes forward gets to about the 43 of ACU less than a minute remaining it'll be third down clock continues to wind down to 50 seconds Taj stays out there it'll be two top of the screen Caleb Douglas Josh Kelly Conor's Aken at the bottom Taj Brooks to the left the baron Morton it'll be another false start as Sheridan Wilson does not stop he doesn't what are we doing what are you doing snap the football e Tech takes the time out to avoid the 10-sec runoff it'll be third down anyway about third and 10 now I mean if it isn't you know one step forward and two steps back for Texas Tech right now in a lot of ways on the offensive line like they're not doing a bad job of protecting Baron but when it comes to like getting set and actually you know not starting to move before the snap like not ideal uh they're uh pretty disappointing right now that's for sure they're going trips to the top of the screen Kelly McCrae Douglas from inside out there you've got Mason Tharp at the bottom alongside of Tod Brooks right next to Baron Mort Baron Morton drops back steps up in the pocket throws it at the feet of Mason Tharp incomplete Texas Tech Will punt with 38 seconds remaining John yeah I don't I don't control the commercials there I just want yall to have a screen up um for everything um so yeah that's really all it comes down to I don't know what the commercials will be each and every given time but um it's the best option it allows you guys to see some uh stats as well good punt right there from the Aussie Burgess gets it down to about the well 17 of ACU Darren I don't know why you're expecting Hudson to transfer it's literally game one in the first half and he's coming off with an injury like he's gonna be eased in like he's gonna be eased in a little bit man like that's just how it's gonna happen could he transfer hell if I know nobody does but I mean to say that right now would be a vast vast fast overstatement 32 seconds one timeout for ACU 3221 lead for the Red Raiders offenses look good outside of really two possessions defense well secondary's been cooked a couple times if we're being honest about it trips right for ACU handoff up the middle and it goes for aways AKA a first down and the clock stops with 27 seconds left Texas Tech is not getting to push at all on the defensive line zero push zero right now 25 seconds remaining they go quick same formation another handoff for ACU this time they stop them and they're going to go quick it looks like instead they're gonna they're gon to let the clock run out are the Wildcats it looks like so Texas Tech will go into halftime with a 3221 lead in game number one of the 2024 season give me your one word to describe Texas text performance in the first half whether you're talking about the defense or offense let me know in the comments again the Red Raiders lead it 3221 right now going into halftime and uh yeah interesting stuff right there we're going to switch back over real quick uh apologies for how bad this is about to look but there we go we're back at it let me get to the comment section here appreciate each and every one of you guys I have no idea why my screen looks like that right now this is so weird oh well who cares uh we're just gonna have to deal with it um let's see what we've got here um no stunts on the the D line Luke says disappointing scary mediocre pathetic weird um hope defense adjustments are made toi B coverage assignments concerning JP says again Sally says yuck RC give us your halftime thoughts offense defense special teams and mistakes no QB pressure Tommy says here we go again yeah I mean if we're going to start on the offensive side of things let's go ahead and do that real quick actually we're going to change back um in terms of none of this and then what we will do is go back here but we will switch over to this one I think y'all will like this a little bit more in terms of the stats there's the stats at halftime for the Red Raiders you got Baron Morton 13 of 17 167 three touchdowns KY Aken 52 yards leads the way in terms of receiving for the Red Raiders you have three Red Raiders with 40 plus yards receiving in Kelly Conor in the afor mentioned Akens Taj Brooks not too bad averaging about 6.4 yards per carry on 13 attempts 83 total yards with a touchdown I mean really what this comes down to is penalties Texas Tech has four penalties all false starts um all of them four of them to be exact for 20 yards um and it's hurt them in the sense of a majority of them have come on third down so you think about it from that perspective obviously not ideal um but we've got Neil saying blah we've got slander saying kingsbery s unprepared it's the first game to be fair but not up to par defense list our secondary is getting cooked Noah says yeah I mean if we're talking about this from a strict offensive perspective I thought the offense was pretty good I mean obviously the fal start penalties are something that have to be addressed let's just be real on that front right but overall I thought they did a pretty good job of moving guys in motion making sure they used all parts of the field inside and outside the numbers they opened up some holes for Taj Brooks uh between the tackles and then also Taj Brooks is going to Tod Brooks he made a couple guys miss right um then you look at it from the defensive side there's no pass rush zero I mean they have one maybe they have listed three tackles for loss I I can think of I guess they're counting Carol as one when he recovered the fumble um but the only two I could think of were Dyson and then Ben Roberts and both of those were on run plays they have not gotten near Maverick mcgyver um whatsoever and the DBS have just been um I mean they let's just face it they've gotten cooked um if we're being honest um but yeah I mean it is what it is at that point I think you got to make sizable adjustments you need to run a couple of more stunts um it it it's one of those deals where you have to change some things um let me get a tweet out real quick guys all right let's look at the chat one more time to be fair they did beat Texas in basketball ACU was that a while ago in the tournament right am I crazy I don't know I might be making that up I don't know um Nick says I expected the vanilla play calling by the defense so as not to show wazu anything what I didn't expect with the poor play by the secondary and lack of pass rush um I think I'm more concerned about the pass rush than the secondary because I think your best guy in the secondary is out and brilin Lux and not to say that things would be perfect if he was there but I think it'd be a lot better I.E you wouldn't be playing a guy like Jaylen peoples right now who has gotten cooked multiple times um tonight and by no means am I saying that the reason Tech is you know giving up these big chunk plays is solely on Jaylen peoples I mean it's not he's just the guy that stood out a couple times in terms of um a couple of plays that you'd like to have back in particular that one that was what I believe a 73 yard touchdown um by ACU um no Noah asks RC How concerned are you right now about the secondary I'm not again I'm not concerned too much about the secondary I'm more concerned about the pass rush like this is this this is one of those games where I talked about it with Lyle this is one of those games for me personally it's a confidence boost that's what this is supposed to be in the sense of obviously you got to go out there and execute you have to be good at all faets of the game from a fast rushing standpoint you have to have this game in terms of being prepared and getting confidence going into tougher competition right you play Washington State next week you don't think Washington state is gonna have a chip on its shoulder being left out of a power conference being said no thank you to joining all of those conferences being left alone out there with Oregon State you don't think they're going to take that personal like yeah they're going to want to kick Texas Texas and it's at their house that place is going to be rocking Okay so I it's just one of those things where that's the thing I'm most concerned about if you can't get after the quarterback you have no shot to make your secondary look good just simple and plain right I mean like your secondary can hold up for only so long so that's the thing that's most frustrating um let me do this real quick I am going to uh step off for a second go grab myself some water be back in just a second all right e e e e appreciate y'all staying with me sometimes you got to take a bathroom break and you got to get some water got to stay hydrated got a good second and half coming up for you guys again if you haven't already listen to the bottom of the screen right there you see the line moving across hit that subscribe button like the video and uh let's get this chat moving again I know some of y'all told me where y'all are watching from but um let me know where you're watching from and your thoughts so far in the first half uh let's see here Jay says I think the dline is what we need to worry about I agree um how will Tech travel I I would assume by plane sorry Cassie that sorry sorry that was that was a little low I'm sorry that's on me no but I think some tech fans will be up there I'm interested to see it as well because you think about it next week they were supposed to be playing Oregon um and instead now it's going to be Washington State so I wonder how some people have finagled that travel around um although it's been in the the no for about a year now um let's see uh if the defense does not pick it up or figure themselves out it will not look good for Big 12 Play yeah I mean if this is the defense you see in the Big 12 play and by the way I don't think it will be I think you're going to get better um that doesn't mean this isn't frustrating I'm I'm frustrated too um but yeah I mean it is what it is at this point you know um let's see how is Tech barely winning to a bunch of future Subway workers hey I take that personally I work there in high school yeah I take that personally $5 foot long action you bet you no pause anyway uh Abel says you can't get any better we play against a good team enough said yeah I mean yeah it's going to get better it's the defense will get better but I understand y'all's frustration I really really do I I'm upset just like you guys are um Abel says or excuse me Bob watching from Dallas appreciate you tuning in not too far from me right there um old Texas techman safety needs work I don't even think it's the safeties I think it's just the whole secondary right now like the whole secondary has been getting cooked um yeah they just been getting cooked um let's see is the team getting a major AST chewing right now if I know no or Joey Maguire like I think I know him yeah yeah and if I know Tim darer like I think I know Tim darer yeah same thing with Zack kitley yeah this team's getting a couple words I cannot say on here well I could but I just don't want to family-friendly environment sometimes at least I try to make it that AEL says guns up stop going fast too many mistakes I don't even think it's going too fast what I think it is more than anything is they're going fast but they're trying to use hard counts so the multiple fall starts have been from like going on two or going on three claps whatever it is for Baron um and it is bitten Texas Tech in the ass a couple times um four times to be exact because that's all their penalties so far Joey said the defense wasn't very disciplined at the half yeah it hey hey Bob I I appreciate you putting that in there and I appreciate Joey McGuire stating the obvious because no that defense was ass it was ass let's just call it what it is it was ass in the first half couldn't get a push secondary got cooked a couple times to be honest with you aene Christian should have 28 points if Maverick mcgyver didn't overthrow a guy um let's see got my tickets guns up Terry do you get your tickets to Washington State you're going up to Pullman nice um what happened to mohorn moh Horn's been playing he's been on the other opposite side of uh Jaylen peoples tonight he's been actually one of the more decent guys in the secondary tonight on that side of the field I really haven't seen him throw much um the only times that they've really been throwing is trying to get Jaylen peoples in the action or uh Devin Cromwell the transfer from Canada um I know the defense has been atrocious but what good do you take away from this half okay very good point Thank You Noah for bringing that I think their run defense has been pretty good I think it's been pretty good okay I mean again you look at what abing Christian is done abing Christian has 60 total yards rushing they're averaging 3.3 yards per carry on 18 attempts that's pretty good if you limit guys to three yards a carry that's pretty damn good now MacGyver does have 219 yards passing two TDS and only has five incompletions and he spread the ball around quite a bit he has four wide receivers with two or more catches Hut Graham former Red Raider Trey Cleveland Leading The Way with four catches and then you've got Taylor who had the 71 yard touchdown catch with 81 yards right there but I mean overall I mean the big thing for them for Texas Tech excuse me has been I think they he's done a phenomenal job in terms of the Run game really and yes Jay you are correct he did he did create a um a fumble you're right on that um Lawrence it sounds like Lux should be back next week please don't hold me to that but it sounded like it was an injury where they were just keeping him out this week for precautionary reasons to make sure that nothing else I guess escalated with the injury um Double T 973 was the one to report that the radio show pregame so that he would miss the game as well as Joseph Ador and Tech is missing Joseph Ador right now that's for sure let's go take a look around by the way I need to go do that real quick let's so to take a look around the Big 12 while we're at halftime about to um head back for the second half again Texas Tech up 3221 elsewhere around the Big 12 right now up in Manhattan number 18 Kansas state is beating UT Martin 276 you got Tarlton State facing off against the Baylor Bears Baylor is winning 35-3 UNLV is eating the absolute out of Houston 17 to nothing in Houston um BYU only up eight points against Southern Illinois um that game about to go to halftime you got New Mexico in Arizona scheduled for later tonight out in tucon as well as Wyoming don't feel like I uh you know triggered something right there saying that school's name they will face the sundevils of Arizona State out in Tempe tonight in terms of finals around the Big 12 this week we will start with the games on Thursday Utah beat the out of Southern Utah 49 nothing Kansas did the same thing to lyndenwood 48-3 UCF 57 to3 against New Hampshire Colorado edged out North Dakota State on ESPN Travis Hunter went absolutely nuclear in that one TCU held on and beat Stanford out in uh well California hopefully you took the cover on that one it was uh CCU 3427 and then elsewhere today in the Big 12 West Virginia after a 2hour weather delay got shellacked by number eight Pinn State 3412 with Oklahoma State beating the Jack Rapids of South Dakota State and still waterer 4420 Cincinnati Beat Townson up in ciny 3820 and Iowa State beat North Dakota 21-3 again Texas Tech gonna have to see if they make a second half adjustment defensively offensively they look pretty damn good um they looked really really good um but a lot of work to do on the defensive end if you're the Red Raiders um Jay yeah I did attempted robbery for a Rolex just shitty situation man hopefully he's okay I think I saw he was in stable condition correct me if I'm wrong there um correct me if I am there but I I I pray that he's all right man that's just a shitty situation and praying for the best for him um RC how can anyone hate hearing you talk man I'm not going to lie to you I'm taking a screenshot of that and showing it to my wife thank you for that thank you because if I talk long enough she hates it I promise you that but I'm gonna show her that comment I'm G show you know what I'm gonna do I might put that comment on a damn flag and then put it up in the bedroom and see how much she hates me even more I'm just kidding I I I talk a lot of about that woman but absolutely love her she loves me too she's awesome let me do like this awesome awesome stuff uh but yeah no she's the one that probably hates hearing me talk at least for a long periods of time appreciate yall again being in here let's see how many let's see how many likes we're at I'm going to I'm going to refresh this we have 152 people in here all right let me see how many likes we've got we have 74 likes can we get to 85 likes by the time kickoff here in about five minutes can we get to that can we get to 85 likes on this video 85 that's all I'm asking I'm not asking for a 100 I'm not asking for 200 I'm asking for 85 just 10 more likes can we get there would greatly appreciate it if you're enjoying this feet did you see the flag of arch Manning drives I did I did see that yeah that was pretty funny actually uh to be honest um I will say some of the most creative people in the world go to game days and it is just great to see the different levels of creativity um not only on college game day but also just like college campuses in general uh fantastic stuff uh Christian what year did you graduate oh I just real why the hell am I moving out of the way it's not like the camera's moving that was stupid uh I graduated in 2017 with a degree in sport management and then I also graduated in 2019 with a degree in PR so graduated twice from Texas Tech went out there in 2014 graduated in 2019 stayed an extra year but got an extra degree out of it so um I guess my mom can't be too upset you know it is what it is at that point um but yeah graduated in uh 2014 or graduated in 2019 and 2017 as well let me know when y'all graduated from Texas Tech let me know hey and hey if y'all didn't graduate that's all right that's all right you're a tech fan we welcome everyone here there's no doubt about that also appreciate y'all getting us to 85 likes we at 91 by my count keep it going let's get as many Red Raiders in here as possible for this second half um got Christian saying he graduated in 2017 business admin love to hear it Bob graduated 96 Casey graduated in ' 02 nice nice yeah 2014 to 2019 was arguably the prime of my life and I will be okay with admitting that I loved every second I was out in LC Texas loved every second of it best people best college environment people on it those people are stupid and you should tell them to their face disrespectfully lovec Texas is awesome and I'm so jealous my uh I was saying it earlier um in the Stream but uh my brother-in-law is out there right now he's a he's a freshman and I am jealous each and every day of everything he gets to see he's at the game sent me a picture of the South End Zone it looks absolutely Sensational um Texas Tech returns it Dre McCrae right up the gut again he gets oh man he was one guy away one guy away was Dre right there gets taken down at the Texas Tech 29 he's a little upset at himself the reason he got taken down though there he lost a shoe he lost his shoe uh so yeah uh we got 1978 that from Tom got a finance degree love those digies nice Tom and then we've got TT profit and ' 06 lcu grad love it Christian call yourself a Red Raider why the hell not yeah I'm down for that then Nick graduated in 96 and then in 99 as well Baron Morton with trips to the left Jordan Brown Josh Kelly hand off to Brooks right up the gun and it goes nowhere abing Christian ready for this now this is one of those deals now where a Texas Tech has become a little bit too predictable with the Run game they're only running between the tackles the only time they're bouncing it outside is when Taj actually bounces it outside so second and 10 trips left again Mason Tharp isolated to the top of the screen Baron Morton throws outside to Jordan Brown Jordan Brown runs forward and gets the first down for the Red Raiders after being taken down at the 40 yard line Texas Tech going fast Jordan Brown quickly gives the ball to the ref they get set trips left again looks like they're going to have toss to the left side Mason Tharp stacked next to the left tackle Porche Morton outside on a wide receiver screen to KY Aken K Aken fights and honestly K Aken probably only should have gotten a yard or two but ended up getting four I know that doesn't sound like a crazy Improvement but he had no business getting past the line of scrimmage to be quite honest with you they say it's second and nine that doesn't feel right maybe he stepped out of bounds but he definitely lunged forward it looked like on that it is second and nine Mason Tharp they got Josh Kelly Jordan Brown at the top of the screen KY aen isolated looks for Josh Kelly Baron Morton drops back Dart deep caught Coy Aken that was the zip you wanted to see from Baron Morton that was a patented Baron Morton zip ball right there people that was the one you wanted to see threw it about 27 yards to the left side perfectly placed to Coy Aken who has the awareness to get a foot down great throw by Baron Morton right there this ball Baron hesitates drops back he's going to have to get rid of this one just throw it away good decision by Baron there Vlad ask did he say anything about Micah Hudson anyone yeah Micah Hudson has played One Snap but again guys he's he's gonna be eased into this you know he's not listed as a starter on the depth chart he'll play a little bit but you got to remember he had a knee procedure he's fighting his way back from that um in terms of I shouldn't say fighting but working his way back and he'll play some guys but he'll be eased back in it helps when you have Ain Kelly and PayDay in the game then you got John Carlos Miller leading the way for TOS Brooks who bounces it out lefts gets stuck right there it will be third and long for the Red Raiders on that one was he in on the Conor touchdown I did not see that good call out if he was for sure I only saw him on that one where he was streaking right down the right seam um but if he was in on the Conor one yeah he was in for two snaps there you go so third and eight Kelly McCrae and Douglas you're in four down territory here I think if you're the Red Raiders as long as you don't take a Monumental loss Taj goes out to the right throws it to John Carlos Miller breaks a tackle it's close if you go quick here you should go to TOS Brooks you're about fourth and one or did they give him the first down wow we'll take what you can get that was not a first down hand off to Taj and then it's going to be another fall start fifth of the game be first and 15 Morton zip ball again Josh Kelly makes the guy Miss stays on his feet somehow that's wide receiver one right there that's wide receiver one I love me some Koy aen but uh Josh Kelly's wide receiver won people I'm getting text about Micah Hudson only playing two snaps he's coming back from injury people Josh Brooks gets the carry bounces it right he's got a chance to go Baron Morton is the lead blocker takes out one guy two Taj Cuts back and there within Striking Distance down to the ACU four yd line Baron Morton with two lead blocks right there no not with the right shoulder people don't worry it was with the left it was with the left the handy dandy left great cut back by TOS there super patient Baron went out got in the way of a corner got in the way of the safety was smart not to do a block in the back right there but the Red Raiders are down to the four yard line moves Josh Kelly in motion he won Josh Kelly for oh great play great play dip your cap right there great play call by Zack kitley had Josh Kelly moving in motion towards theine of scrimmage they snapped the football Josh Kelly zagged out wide the defender for ACU got big Baron couldn't throw him around throw the football around him great play by ACU there just tip your cap where you got to tip your cap on that one for sure DOD Brooks cuts inside down to the one touchdown maybe he was on top of the defender it's going to be third and goal four down territory for sure for the Red Raiders right here Red Raiders bringing in their jumbo package so I wonder who's going to get the football here get those watch emojis ready people get those watch emojis ready it might be Taj time Taj on the left side they move Josh Kelly in motion Taj Brooks get the football up front oh they got him got him in the back field there Tosh Falls forward but he gets back to the line of scrimmage it is fourth and goal right now it is definitely four down territory for the Red Raiders there's no doubt about it on the ACU one and a half maybe one if you're being generous they're bringing in an extra linemen are the Red Raiders it looks like Taj still in the game Taj gets the football up the gut stopped predictable predictable play call predictable just a what simply what the do you expect you run the same play call three times right up the gut three times you you didn't even change it just right up the gut like what are we doing here your offensive line has struggled to get a push all game and you run the same exact play three times in a bro un real man just just dumb like what are we doing un believable man I'll be honest I I I like Texas Tech going for that I really do don't get me wrong I really do like them go I I like them going for that but to call the same play three times in a row is ludicrous just ludicrous as my dog is even whining about it right now just absolutely ridiculous play call Casey I'm trying I'm trying to Breathe Here I really am I'm really trying to breathe I don't know who said it earlier but I probably will go off on this team it's in my blood I do it whether it's good go off on them or bad go off gonna do it now would be a pretty good time for Texas Tech to actually get a little bit of a push on the defensive line right considering they're really really deep into the ACU territory can we finally start putting kitly on the hot seat no I I will say this about kitley I'm frustrated too right now let's at least give him a couple of Big 12 games like if we get past Cincinnati and it looks like dog yeah we should probably have a conversation because this is this is the best offense that Texas Texas Tech has had in terms of skill talent and really just Talent across the board in a very long time um so yeah no we can have that conversation later on but I don't think right now why do we hand the ball off standing still and not having Brooks moving yeah it's a great question the thing is with that run play looking at it again going right okay porra who said that earlier somebody said it in the chat uh I mean somebody said it earlier porra got or Porsche got cooked but yeah this a big drive right here for the defense for Texas Tech they're blitzing and it's a wide open pass downfield he throws right over the blitz peoples again you got to get peoples off the field right now you got to get them off the field simple and plain got to get him off right now got got to figure something out he he he's been getting cooked tonight he had that one good play in terms of the force in the fumble give him credit there but in terms of coverage he has not looked good outside of maybe a play you think about the big play that they scored the 71 yard touchdown on peoples that play right there in their own Zone throwing that peoples ran in and got the running back when there was already a safety down there taking him um not ideal right now man coverage running back moves back to MacGyver's left ACU snaps the ball pressure this time he steps up in the pocket throws a dart and it is overthrown Tech got lucky there Nehemiah Martinez was open made the right read if if you're mcgyver but um I do agree with that they do need to use more play action 1,00% agree on that West Texas for sure that's one frustrating aspect of the kitley offense got to use play action when you have a guy like Tosh Brooks have to have to have to third and 10 drop back a little bit of pressure in MacGyver's face he goes deep again this one on M horn and an unbelievable catch by Taylor I mean mohorn is right there just unreal right now we're going to we're going to need to have to have a conversation about this Texas Tech secondary in this defensive line we're we're we're we're going to need to have a conversation I mean that I'll give ACU credit on that one that was a fantastic throw um better catch by Taylor too but yeah I mean you can't get upset about that one in terms terms of the coverage but somebody down for texus Tech they haven't shown yet Chris I don't think moh Horn's not getting cooked it's peoples moh horn I thought that was good coverage I thought that was a I thought that was just a great like great thrown ball um by mcgyver and better catch by Taylor I mean it's frustrating as but that was a great throw um man the chat is down bad right now the chat is down bad but I hey I understand it I'm frustrated too y'all I am frustrated too man I agree that Optics look bad Optics matter yeah this looks bad for sure I will say this I mean like I see some people saying Joey always gets my hopes up and all that kind of stuff like um I mean that's what he's supposed to do he's a Salesman at the end of the day like that's what coach all coaches are that way just some are bigger than others when it comes down to it um but yeah it is what it it is oh we've got an Acu fan in the chat I wasn't expecting that tonight but welcome no hate towards you welcome y'all deserve it right now shutting a lot of tech fans up not me because I talk too much just ask my wife but some tech fans um mccardy is he Baylor dude we haven't mentioned doing his job I mean he's okay yeah he's playing the star um can we just play Hudson and Hammond and build towards the future listen guys I mean I'm I I'm I'm 100% understanding where y'all are coming from like I'm upset too don't get it twisted um but like I'll be okay it'll be okay be okay I I mean and if it's not we can get through it together I'll moan and complain for you guys on here y'all can moan and complain in the comments this will be a great place this will be a great place safe space for everybody okay that's what it'll be when it comes down to it second and seven ACU starting to drive on their own three now into Texas Tech territory eight minutes and 18 seconds left in the third quarter on the Tech 34 hand off to the running back far side and it's a huge and the only reason he did not score right there is because he ran into his own lineman I you not that is the only reason he did not score the crazy part is is you ask about the air raid right there Tech is not an air raid team you know what's crazy Jacob I was looking at the numbers you mentioned the young audience like I think it's interesting to see but it's actually not like there's definitely young people in here um but looking at the numbers like YouTube shows you the analytics of people in terms of uh who who listens and stuff and their age if they say so if they give it to them and their emails and whatnot and the average age of people that listen to this channel I think is like um I think it was I think it was 43 44 so yeah false start by ACU that moves them back going to be third and long now that's been the best play for uh aene Christian excuse me it's just second and six according to to the um screen it was second and one my apologies I missed the play it's second and six fake handoff they go across the middle to dmah Martinez who catches it and is down at the Texas Tech 5 ACU is uh on the doorstep I hope y'all just took the over and y'all didn't take uh Texas in the points Trent they spend a lot more money on football my guy than softball just because they got her and by the way shout out to Tech for getting candy uh Jesus oh God what a run I can't even get mad at that Chapman Lewis came in got in the Run game and the running back just won he just won there um ACU down to the Texas Tech one they have been methodical on this drive this will be the 10th play of the drive right on the doorstep of the endzone they hand it off it is going to be I believe a I think that might be a false start or it's going to be an illegal formation on ABN Christian one of the two it looked like they had too many guys on one side of the line and instead they call offsides but Texas Tech stopped them mohorn with the off sides there second and goal once again on the Texas Tech One yd line it's a thigh injury according to the broadcast for brilin Lux in ACU gets into the End Zone on a run play it is officially two Co for comfort in the 806 this is this is nasty work right now by Texas Tech they kick the extra point at least that's what it looks like they're going to do and there it is this is too close for comfort right now ladies and Gentlemen Just truthfully disgusting ass work right now by Texas Tech in all facets of the game just just nasty ass work right now I mean does this drive by Texas Tech I mean this is easily the biggest Drive of the game for Tech right here period because your your defense can't get a stop they're getting no pressure they're getting pushed back by an FCS school right now like I mean disgusting ass work right now disgusting ass work oh man yeah it does look like a cliff kingsbery defense good call right there it really does all right calm down H Sizzle calm down calm down it's okay okay we'll be okay I understand I'm upset too but definitely not the worst team in the country UMass exist let's calm down Darren ask do we have any formation where we get under Center I mean I would assume so but they're probably not going to use them Lawrence I'm running out of beer because this making me drink more yeah it's fair it's fair I mean this is you're you're in the danger zone right now if you're Texas Tech like legit you're in the danger zone man I mean like let's just call it what it is right now um this drive feels really really big like I mean this a gigantic drive to be honest looking at it I don't know why ab and Christian kicked the extra point there like I don't I'm trying to figure out why they kick the extra point doesn't really make much sense to me Dre McCrae takes it out from about four yards deep he makes a cut Dre McCrae he makes a guy Miss Dre McCrae has been the saving race today as he is once again taking a kickoff into ACU territory all the way down to the ACU 37 yard line holy thank God for Dre McCrae Jesus man is McCrae a better returner than Grant no probably not I'd probably give that to Jem but Dre is really really good I mean you're talking about two and I don't use this word lightly like Elite returners Flea Flicker Morton deep the trick plays out and it's a tutty Josh Kelly get those TDS in the damn chat chat let's go come on keep talking about Zack kitley it's working people keep talking that let's go hell of a play call there you listen hey if you talk about Zack kitley you have to also give him his flowers that was a perfectly timed trick play right there in the sense of you just had a big kick return you're in a really good spot take the shot on first down and then deal with it after that because more than likely you're in four down territory okay so take the shot on first down and go from there it pays off big with a huge huge play to Josh Kelly 35 yards from Baron Morton an absolute laser over the defense Josh Kelly oh and he hit the he hit the salsa he hit the salsa people oh that's what I'm saying please don't clip that that's gonna be I hope no one clips that um but that's a big time play again we were just talking about it like you you had to have a big play if you're a Texas Tech and now Josh Kelly has six catches for 90 yards like the video if you haven't already I know there's almost 200 people in here we only have 97 likes let's get those likes up people come on that was a hell of a play by Texas Tech right there if you're liking what we're doing here on the stream if you're liking what Baron Morton is doing he's looked good so far tonight in the opportunities the shoulder looks healthy he's got about 260 yards passing four TDS Baron Morton has looked good the anomaly here I should even say anomaly we don't know where the they are yet the defense has look bad this has to be a good drive by the defense simple and plane that's it just got a question oh it's going to be returned by ACU get to that question here in a second and it is taken out to the outside and they will get not too far past the 25 about to the 27 28 just got asked RC how many up downs and Sprints do you think the secondary and D line is doing this Monday why wait till Monday day why wait till Monday There's a day there just put them out there tomorrow put them out there tomorrow agreed Christian yeah they need play action 100% use play action more and good things will happen yeah you're right DNE just use play action up the Middle Run play on second and six makes it about third and probably a long one maybe two also no way Oregon loses right yeah that's pretty interesting 14-7 number three Oregon against Idaho up in Eugene it's third and one this a big play for Tech I don't think this is four down territory for a cuu with where they're at In Their Own Zone it might be seven of nine are the wild cats on third down it's going to be a handoff up the middle and they don't get it question mark he stretched and got it damn yeah the defensive line Looks like cheese swiss cheese tons of holes in it they're getting no push the thing is is for those that may not know how defensive line schemes work and I'm not going to act like I'm a freaking you know defensive line coach or anything but it looks like they are just going outside contain on what they need to do if that makes sense so you have assignments as a defensive lineman in terms of are you supposed to go inward are you supposed to try and set the edge are you trying to run a stunt are you trying to control the a gap the B Gap maybe even the C Gap as Trey Cleveland yet again with a catch right there for 12 yards and a first down for abene Christian you have assignments right it looks like they are outside of their assignments in nsome tonight for Texas Tech it looks like they're just trying to bullish everybody and not care about anything else this is the first time great play right there they actually got pressure on mcgyver there he throws it out to the flat to castles mohorn there for the tackle no gain on the play it is second and 10 for ACU as two minutes approaches in the third quarter second and 12 right at Midfield 49 yd line to be exact another play action pass the de get some pressure he throws does mcgyver and gets a near first down about three yards short there Mama there goes that man again in Taylor he has about 145 yards receiving now getting absolutely worked is the tech secondary right now looks like they're going to run the football here in terms of the formation really bunched together on the far left side is abene Christian shotgun snap the ball run the football right up the gut and they don't get it I don't think they got it but it's definitely four down territory I mean they're at the tech 39 and a half I would be absolutely shocked if they don't go for this right here and really there's no reason not to to if you're aving Christian here we go fourth in inches on the 39 a half yard line they need to get to the Texas Tech 39 does abalene Christian Texas Tech taking their time on the substitutions 5 seconds left on the play coock for Abal and Christian 19 seconds 3 seconds two seconds 1 second they have to call a timeout to the wild cats on fourth and one Relic I'm glad you brought that up I was literally about to say I I I would not be surprised at all if they throw play action and yeah did I say play cl play huh I mean it's kind of what tech defense is playing like tonight that ass whatever you want to call it whatever you want to call it I don't give a damn that's what te is playing like um fourth and one 14 seconds left need to get to the 39 yard line does ACU 3928 14 seconds left in the third quarter Coach Patterson coming back with a vengeance as well as 11 other former Red Raiders trying to get a win and ruin the grand opening I guess you could call it of the South End Zone here it is Big play right here for the Red Raiders fourth and one shotgun formation for ABN Christian running back to the right two tight ends to the right going up as mcgyver to switch the play 17 left on the play clock they run the football Tech got him stop defense let's go get that TTU in the chat right now God damn it let's go let's go boys come on hell yeah hell of a stop Quincy leet Quincy leet with a great great job right there in the middle to take two guys oh excuse me that was not quinley the de it was Jaden Coffield that actually got the tackle for loss but a great job by Hansen the Nevada transfer coming in there and taking two defenders in just Absolut absolutely clearing it out for Coffield great job by Coffield right there to actually wrap up as well great job and now Texas Tech has a chance go for a shot here if you're the Red Raiders take a shot try and hit ACU where it hurts cross the middle to Caleb pday Douglas breaks the tackle gets them and there he goes past Midfield about a 12 yard gain and the Red Raiders will be in ACU territory to start the fourth quarter up 3928 again get those ttus in the chat come on guys let's go come on let's go Big Time stuff right there from the defense we we we could talk about it again if you talk about something you got to give it its flowers too and that was a big time play by Jaden Coffield right there absolutely Big Time play didn't you say Coffield is a stud yeah I think cofield's going to be one of the future guys that's an absolute Difference Maker on the defensive line he he doesn't have a lot of experience in game um but I think the traits are there where he can really make an impact progressing once he gets actual meaningful game reps but all the traits are there he he he's he's a good player in my opinion and a guy that has stood out quite a bit um according to Joey McGuire um and crew um this fall and even dating back to the spring so yeah and I may be behind I saw somebody say you might be behind I could be behind I'm sorry Wi-Fi is thing my bad sometimes this thing doesn't want to work like it should but hey here we go again if you haven't already like the video hit that subscribe button almost 200 of y'all in here we just have over a hundred likes here on the live stream we've almost been live for three hours and we will not stop until well hey post game we'll be having the Twitter spaces on here as well Luke yeah I said it I said it I said what I said people go back and listen to it if you want I said what I said I was talking fast I forgot a letter in there it happens Grant is out for the season he got placed on IR I believe I don't know exactly what the injury is for um but yeah he was placed on IR about halfway through training camp haven't asked yall this yet but what's your favorite NFL team let me know in the comments not a Cowboys fan right here just letting you know but I figured there would be a lot of Chiefs in there yeah I wonder why y'all are Chiefs fans no big reason right no big reason at all to be a Chiefs fan right now if you're a Texas Tech Guy no reason at all Ron Ron don't do that don't bring that team into this this chat please that drone shows pretty kickass okay and yeah if I'm behind sorry I tried to speed it up people Wi-Fi is gonna Wi-Fi bear with me hand off to Taj to the top left of the screen makes a guy Miss gets about a four yard run right there maybe five if he's lucky moves it to Second and we'll check it here in just a second but looks like a five yard run second and five for Taj he is up over a 100 yards now another hand off to Taj right in the middle Taj makes the guy Miss just like he does but again they have run the same run play 47 times tonight I mean oh ACU knows what's coming but maybe not here because here comes for the first time tonight backup quarterback Cameron Brown the West Georgia transfer and also Micah Hudson is on the field for his third snap of the night Cameron Brown back there no Baron Morton is not hurt this is by Design he runs up the middle for the quarterback draw and that just means they're going to go for it on fourth down so they made it a manageable fourth down probably fourth and two maybe fourth in a long one cam is on the field and now he's not Baron Morton back on the field Texas Tech will go for it on Fourth and two Taj Brooks back on the field Douglas Aken DP Miller and Brooks are The Playmakers out there for Texas Tech and it's tipped at the line of scrimmage and ACU gets a stop on fourth down unfuckingbelievable going to be definitely Pi or holding in the secondary most likely a pi uh but the ball was tipped at the line of scrimmage therefore it does not matter Texas Tech gives the ball back to ACU just only one turnover tonight by the way by both teams it's a fumble recovered by Texas Tech early on maybe the Red Raiders can force one here pressure on mcgyver but he throws a perfect wheel route and just like that ACU is in Texas Tech territory un believable lot of questions for Texas Tech after this game lot of questions no doubt about that empty set cross the middle Gyver goes deep horn great coverage great coverage by mohorn right there on a deep shot down the left sideline by mcgyver looked like he was looking for Trey Cleveland um hard to tell but there is a flag as well personal foul illegal hands to the face and it is on Texas Tech because of course it is right now like who else would it be on unreal you have a great play defensively and its hands to the face yep looked like it was on air Washington just Lally shoved the helmet off of the left tackle pitch outside right Texas Tech actually gets a little bit of movement there on the dline and causes a loss on the run on a pitch right look about a three yard loss it'll be second and 13 with 12 minutes remaining Dyson Washington Coffield and it looks like that is Duda banks on the defensive line for the Red Raiders here second and 14 for abalene Christian on the Texas Tech 30 Texas Tech gets some pressure MacGyver goes deep here in a wide open throw to Nehemiah Martinez touchdown aene Christian un real I I don't know why abing Christian hasn't gone for two yet it's weird but I guess if you can score a touchdown damn near every play who gives a ah man that's tough tough scenes right now man let's look at some stats real quick it's abin Christian stats but we'll move on over to the Red Raiders 20 for 27 Baron's actually played pretty damn good um 270 yards four TDS Josh Kelly leads the way with 90 yards KY AK not too far behind uh Taj Brooks with 105 yards rushing averaging five yards per Rush Texas Tech with seven penalties for 41 yards um let's go uh look at the comparison tab shall we total yards 457 for abalene Christian Jesus 369 yards passing just nasty nasty work right now nasty nasty work 457 total yards 369 yards passing just nasty nasty stuff yeah this is one of those things where if we got some ACU people in the chat good for you guys talk your right now if I'm being honest I A A mad at you keep going AVN Christian came to play tonight Texas Tech has not simple and plain especially in the defensive side of things I mean they they they look bad again you got to remember guys like I know Tech is playing bad but you got to remember AC has a they have a chip on their shoulder 11 of those guys again five on their defense played for Texas Tech their coach coached at Texas Tech like they got a little bit of a chip on their shoulder and they're not kicking to Dre McCrae anymore that was a smart decision that that was a that was a smart decision right there about 230 people in here we got 110 likes let's get that up a little bit come on Texas Tech still in okay shape right now to potentially win this football game shouldn't be this damn close but here we are Taj Brooks gets the ball to run up the middle and it will be for about six yards on first down play action Josh Kelly Josh Kelly across the top of the field right there and it looked like there was a face mask no flag is there no flag there on that great play action play call right there Josh Kelly just finding the soft spot of the Zone staying there slowing down a little bit was not a face maskk good no call by The Ref actually there goes Baron Mor he wants to throw it deep here and he does deep down the field way over everybody said Taj Brooks gets the ball up the middle makes a guy Miss makes two guys miss but not three Christian see y'all in basketball season the Great victory tonight we'll be finding this channel great stuff I appreciate the compliment Christian I I hope it gets better this year for Texas Tech because this is uh this is tough for sure there's no doubt about it I'm upset just like you guys AK and Kelly Brown the wide receivers with Conor at tight end TOS Brooks to the right of Baron Morton third and six big play call right here for Texas Tech Baron Miss a guy across the middle but goes back in a great play by Josh Kelly makes a guy Miss and goes down to the abalin Christian 18 wide receiver one with a big time conversion on third down under 10 minutes left now as Texas Tech is driving up 3935 against abalene Christian they're going diamond formation at the top left of the screen wide receiver screen to Taj Brooks he makes one guy Miss makes another guy Miss and gets stuck by a defensive lineman after a five yard game they go five wide here Baron the only one back there no motion quite yet pause they bring Taj back to the Back Field to the right of Baron Brown Kelly on the right side Conor's aen at the top of the screen shotgun Baron look left goes right rolls right has nothing there finds something instead because Jordan Brown came back to his QB and gets a first down for the Red Raiders on an eight-yard completion the Red Raiders are down to the acu5 baron has looked great tonight listen simple and plain Baron has looked great tonight there is no denying that the the offense overall has looked pretty good given the circumstances of not using play action like they should and then the offensive line being okay I guess and having all those fall start penalties and there is a holding great call Aaron it's a fake Baron goes up goes deep up out of the reach of Ky Aken oh man appreciate yall 250 of yall spending the night with me here watching and chatting Texas Tech abene Christian Red Raiders in a dog fight right now even though they definitely shouldn't be but tip your cap to ABN Christian they' played great third and 15 Baron Morton looks across the middle and it is tipped and it is down the Red Raiders are going to have to settle for a long field goal the holding call comes back and absolutely bites the Red Raiders in the ass going to be a long field goal attempt here 41 yards to be exact it is reys Burkhart kicking not gin and it is good right down the middle for Reese and it is now a seven-point game and hey maybe AB Christian was smart there for not going for two it's just now a seven-point game and the way that the tech defense is playing that might not be too uh hard to get all right you just need you just got to get one you got to get one stop here if you're Texas Tech you got to get one stop that's it um biggest Drive of the game coming up for the Red Raiders defensively there's no doubt about that El swear in the state of Texas Notre Dame leads Texas A&M by a score of 13-6 almost headed into the third quarter or fourth quarter excuse me Cowboys there's been a chance the way that the tech defense is playing AB Christian is cooking them right now I mean his defense is if it doesn't get chewed out by the coaching staff I'll chew it out here on the post game and in the first video of the here on the channel I don't give a this has been bad like man looks like Oregon is uh in a dog fight right now up in Eugene against Idaho three-point game in Eugene here we go 4235 832 remaining this game shouldn't be close but here we are and that'll be a Touchback hling Christian will start at their on 25 here we go 25 yd line first down for abing Christian running back to the left of mcgyver two wide receivers at the bottom of the screen they hand off and it is stopped pretty much right away for a one- yard gain as a gang tackle for the Red Raiders it will be second and long Randle that that is that's actually kind of funny yeah it's crazy though that they've only this is the first time that AB Christian and Tech have played in 75 years oh that could be a pick oh third and long third and eight on their own 27 for the wild cats believe this is MacGyver's last year sixth year he had the co year and then red shirted so last year third and eight RPO they get pressure on them and you'll never guess who just got cooked on the right side they are targeting Jaylen peoples right now targeting him Trey Cleveland just Cooks him double move Jaylen peoples loses him unbelievable and then Tech doesn't tackle it's a 5 yard pickup second five man I couldn't have been more wrong about the Texas Tech secondary holy you got to hold yourself accountable God damn was I wrong about them holy this is this is awful it's man Big Time play for abene Christian Tech does not tackle and it's an easy first down for aene Christian you know what like for how much we're talking about the Texas Tech defensive line getting no pressure you have to give credit to abene Christian on how well their offensive line is played tonight like I don't know if anybody has like even breathed on Maverick mcgyver like I I don't know if anybody has like legitimately been within five yards of him his jersey is as white as it was when he put it on like this is crazy under six minutes remaining ACU driving on the Texas Tech 33 back in the shotgun easy wheel route and he goes for days makes one person miss two people miss and ACU is down to the Texas Tech 5 touchdown ACU what a joke this defense is a joke this defense is a joke your offense is actually played pretty good and your defense your defense might as well not be on the field just disgusting type stuff like I said earlier there's abalene Christian fans in here talk your right now y'all deserve it this this is disgusting type by Texas Tech listen I know we're upset but hey like the video hit that subscribe button if you haven't already giving you 100% free and real Texas Tech content I mean it is what it is appreciate you Jose I know you do too buddy but what is that RC log out bro yeah trust me I'm thinking about it man this is nasty nasty nasty work nasty work right now by Texas Tech yeah yeah it's a bunch of Hometown kids coming back to LEC Texas and just trying to send a message to A Team that didn't think they were good enough or thought somebody else was better on the roster that's it that's really what it is 532 total yards by avalene Christian tonight 532 yards just unreal unreal man disgusting disgusting work again like if I told you that Texas Tech offensively had 445 yards a total offense against aing Christian you probably think hey like that's great nope it's not instead Texas Tech is fighting for their lives right now getting out scored 21 to 10 in the second half are the Red Raiders defense has been a noow just under five minutes remaining and they pooch kick it again keeping it away from Dre McCrae instead it is Cam Dicky returning this one and the true freshman gets down around the ace or the Texas Tech excuse me 32 yard line would love to see TSH get some carries here but hey if you're just going to run him up the middle again every time probably not on the field for Tech is aen Kelly payday Jaylen coners who moves in motion with Taj Brooks to the right of Baron Morton Taj gets the handoff fakes it actually rolling out to Jaylen Conor Conor gets the first down with a couple of yards added on for another first down for Texas Tech this one handed off to Brooks he bounces to the outside left big run for TOS Brooks down well into ACU territory down at the 34 and the Red Raiders are in business they're going quick is Texas Tech again the offense has actually look pretty damn good tonight it's just you see abalene Christian with 42 points and you're like what the is happening Josh Kelly makes a couple guys miss still on his feet there is a flag on the play however as he gets down to about the 15 maybe 14 abing Christian but let's see what the flag is looks like it's going to be holding Texas Tech Mason Tharp 80 with the hold appreciate y'all spending some of your Saturday night with me we will be ranting here soon people we will be ranting I promise you that play action throw across the middle caught by Josh Kelly hell of a catch by Josh Kelly because that was a poor throw by Baron Morton Baron Morton threw that ball maybe a foot off the ground Josh Kelly went down and got it and makes it second and manageable now for the Red Raiders hand off to Taj Brooks right up the middle that'll get the first down and then some for Texas Tech as they are now in the Red Zone with less than four minutes remaining RC over under six wins I'm I don't know man I'm not one to overreact right now in terms of like changing that but I get why people would I I really do Conor Moves In Motion Brooks to the right of Morton another play to Conor getting him out in space Conor makes another guy Miss Falls forward for about a nine yard game Texas Tech down to the six of ACU with three minutes and the clock is rolling Conor's and Brooks being featured on this drive for the Red Raiders not a bad Trio to go to it's second and one play fake and that one looked like uh aen got grabbed a little bit but not the greatest throw in the world by Baron Morton there it is third and one however clock stops at 2:45 cam Brown in the game kind of like the Donovan Smith package from a couple years ago oh bad snap and it's GNA be a false start oh my God appreciate the compliment Jeff yeah Tech is moving too fast on some of these you know right now you probably need to wind down the clock a little bit you know but it is what it is so instead of third and one it now goes to Third and six Baron Morton back in the game you've got Micah Hudson in there as well KY aen Mason Tharp and Caleb pday Douglas throws to the outside and baron Morton flat out just misses Josh Kelly truthfully the first really just bad throw tonight by Baron Morton and the field goal unit is out abing Christian will have a chance to win the football game with 240 remaining the question is will there be three points on the board and there indeed will be it is a 4542 game in lck with 239 remaining the red zone offense in the second half has been non-existent that that's that's one thing that stands out for me e here we go 4245 just nasty work right now by Texas Tech and ACU will have 239 to go 75 yards to win this football game they have out gain the Red Raiders 532 total yards of offense to 514 they are nine for2 on third down they have 428 yards passing it is a career night for Maverick mcgyver who would have thought a drive with two minutes and 39 seconds would matter this much for Texas Tech here it is mcgyver gets the football hands it off nice little start there good tackle actually by Texas Tech although they do push the running back forward it'll be second and six for ABN Christian 220 left remember there is the twom minute timeout this year in college football aelyn Christian with two timeouts technically three if you include the two minute second and seven they move Nehemiah Martinez in motion he's wide open on the outside but guess what a real route and great job by Jacob Rodriguez to get in there and knock that ball away and most importantly stop the the clock with two minutes and two seconds left to force abene Christian to potentially to run another play before the two-minute time out third and seven on the 28 yd line for ACU in their own territory two at the top of the screen two at the bottom running back to the right of mcgyver castles Moves In Motion for abalene Christian sets up right next to the left tackle that's a false start and they didn't call it Tech's out of position and he's caught they missed the Fall start call on abalene Christian and abene Christian did not stop playing the Red Rider defense did and Nehemiah Martinez making his former team pay ABN Christian will have the ball at the 5050 yard line with 150 7 remaining unbelievable 520 people in here be sure to like the video if you want to see a rant hearing about oh I don't know however long this game has left um there will be a rant I apologize to my neighbors in advance um I'm going to have to rant because this is just horseshit what we are being put through tonight as tech fans um congrats to ACU hell of a game for them I mean even if they win or lose what a performance by them they're absolutely cooking the Red Raiders if if you didn't know any better you would think watching these two defenses that abene Christian was the FBS team and Texas Tech was the FCS team I mean this is awful absolutely awful by Texas Tech all right minute 57 left Lawrence I don't know if Now's the Time buddy but I'll go ahead and give you a weak power power I don't know man Jay we need rabbit back I mean I think I don't even know if rabbit's going to help right now in this with how bad this secondary looks 42 45 Texas Tech leads it 157 remaining abene Christian driving at Midfield at the Texas Tech 48 to be specific two timeouts for ab Christian now would be a good time for the first sack of the game for Texas Tech instead it's a rushing play and they stop him in the back field hell of a play by Quincy leet excuse me do Banks second down with the clock running moves him back to Midfield it is second and third 13 excuse me down to 130 left in this game mcgyver back in the pocket steps up looks to the right drops it down to his running back lots of Red Raiders on the outside and and they stop him it will be a third and nine with 115 remaining clock continues to roll two timeouts for abalene Christian third and eight one minute officially left in this ball game out in the 806 mcgyver trying to get the wild cats set up obviously four down territory with what they are right now C Cleveland Moves In Motion gets to the outside MacGyver across the middle caught by Nehemiah Martinez open field tackling huge right there by Jacob Rodriguez there's 40 seconds left it is fourth down and the clock continues to roll no timeout by abalene Christian here and there it is they finally call one with 36 seconds left the game comes down to one play for the Red Raiders at the Texas Tech 42 yd line great job by Jacob Rodriguez there to secure that tackle in the open field and force a fourth and long actually fourth in medium excuse me fourth and four one more timeout for abin Christian but the game could be decided right here if Texas Tech gets a stop e here we go fourth and four 39 seconds left shotgun MacGyver drops back pressure throws it to the outside and it's caught for a first down the clock will stop until the ball gets set clock begins to roll MacGyver steps back looking deep pressure on him gets evaded The Rush throws it across the middle caught by Trey Cleveland without the first down 24 seconds remaining but there is a flag there is a flag behind the play behind the line of scrimmage 24 seconds remaining personal foul roughing the passer Jaden Coffield went low I'll be honest ticky tacky he was already diving but I also understand they're gonna they're going to protect the quarterback that's just how it is right here we go mcgyver back in the pocket throws it across Nehemiah Martinez down to the Texas Tech 4 they call the timeout with 13 seconds remaining unfuckingbelievable I'mma go ahead and do this just in case the ESPN thing is ahead a little bit I'll do play byplay for you guys for the last 15 seconds or so over 800 people watching live I appreciate y'all tuning in here on a Saturday night as abalene Christian trying trying to pull off the upset 30 point underdogs Where the wild cats trying to send Red Raider Nation home unhappy on a night of celebration at the Jones opening up the South End Zone a season that had so high of expectations could a black eye be sustained for the Red Raiders in game number one at home 15 seconds left one second and one abalin Christian no timeouts and Texas Tech calls a timeout e no timeouts for ABN Christian 11 seconds 15 seconds remaining excuse me mcgyver in the back in the shotgun Trey Cleveland moves left snap play throw to Cleveland In The End Zone incomplete incomplete third and one mcgyver passes it to Taylor incomplete 7 seconds remaining it all comes down to this One play fourth and one for abalene Christian here we go Texas Tech calls a time out it was a fake route and it will be a field goal opportunity for ACU to go to overtime Texas Tech tries to ice the kicker Joey Maguire does almost a thousand people watching in here tonight appreciate each and every one of you if you haven't already be sure to like the video and hit that subscribe button we will be ranting here and just a little bit I can promise you that because this is absolutely embarrassing if you're a Red Raider fan period an absolutely disgusting and embarrassing ass performance Maverick mcgyver comes back to Leck has a career night against his former team Baron Morton great night there's no doubt about that and the field goal from 21 yards is up and good there is 5 seconds remaining it looks like we will go to overtime in the 806 wow wow wow wow just just embarrassing man shades of Wyoming no this is worse than Wyoming like well let's be real about it at least Wyoming you were on the road this is at home this team's supposed to be better than last year this is supposed to be year number three you're not supposed to have this kind of this supposed to be the deepest team Texas Tech has had in a while this isn't my words this is Joey Maguire right this is embarrassing this is embarrassing if you were a Texas Tech fan simple and plain there there's there's no other way to describe it it is so much worse than Wyoming because you are at home on a night that is supposed to be celebrated and what are you doing you're laying an egg nasty nasty work also I don't know who said stop saying the FW I'm I'm not gonna do that you can stop watching if you don't like that sorry don't give a just an embarrassing performance by Texas Tech tonight regardless of the outcome bye Jam don't care the game is on ESPN plus by the way everybody this one goes to Jordan Brown on the far left side he tries to make a cut inward made one guy Miss Cuts back up the field the clock is officially at zero and he is tackled we will have overtime in the 806 all right let's recap this one a little bit um where should we start where should we start um should we start with the um like defensive or offensive you know let's start on a bright note let's start with the the bright note the Texas Tech offense actually looks pretty good tonight I it really does it really actually does look pretty good tonight um you look at some of the stats as I back out here real quick apologies for that there we go you you look at it I mean pretty good stuff from Texas Tech offensively Baron Morton 362 yards passing four TDS if I told you before the game that Baron did that you probably feel pretty damn good about Texas Tech chances Josh Kelly leads the way with 10 catches 156 yards he has been hyper targeted by Baron Morton 39 passing attempts for Baron Morton Josh Kelly has 15 of those targets TOS Brooks has 25 carries 144 yards rushing one TD let's get to the damn defense now actually pause penalties 11 for Texas Tech 11 penalties for 79 yards most of them on false starts you had the roughing the passer there that prolonged that ACU drive and got them within well Chip Shot distance with the 20 one yard field goal right there at the end of regulation now as for the defense for Texas Tech um just an arity embarrassment um whatever word you want to use there abalene Christian has almost 600 total yards of offense okay 485 passing yards right now for Maverick mcgyver three tties they have also ran has aaln Christian for 105 yards they have three wide receivers with 78 plus yards Nehemiah Martinez back in the 806 the LoveIt kid has six catches for 88 yards in a touchdown Taylor has six catches for 130 yards in a touchdown and Trey Cleveland returning back to the 806 as eight catches for 78 yards Texas Tech has been abysmal and that that's probably saying it nicely def defensively they have been cooked on the defensive line they have been cooked in the secondary the lone bright spot in this game for Texas Tech truthfully has been the linebackers and they've been trying to do something but damn it it has not come easy all right let's get it back on the screen here overtime rules um each team will get a possession if Texas Tech for example scores a touchdown first and then holds um well abene Christian to nothing it's good so coin toss winner decides offense defense or into field each team gets a possession from the opponent 25 yard line first two off overtimes I should say uh must attempt a two-point conversion after touchdown in the second overtime alternating two-point conversion starting in the third overtime both quarterbacks are at Midfield coin toss is up and ACU looks like they will defer but Texas Tech Will play towards the scoreboard so Texas Tech looks like they will get the ball first in overtime with abene Christian winning the toss and deferring did Texas Tech pay abene Christian to play absolutely they did yeah yeah they did yeah I I I want to say they paid them like a million dollars yeah they're they're getting paid to go through hell right now it's Texas Tech um not ideal not ideal if you're a Red Raider fan I I get people coming into the comments right now and saying let um you know abene Christian cook and we're we're rooting for the wild cats I'm hey I understand not ideal stuff right now for the Red Raiders they will get the ball at the 25 going towards the scoreboard in the Jones hand the ball off to Taj Brooks for the 26 time tonight he makes one guy Miss and gets about three yards it will be second and seven by the way no clock in overtime so you don't have to worry about that all you have to worry about is the play um clock winding down and everything like that fake handoff run to Mason Tharp Mason Tharp gets into space and he gets the first down for the Red Raiders the 69 tight end with the nice catching Run for the Red Raiders again I you you look great offensively outside of like a driver or two and that's to be expect expected you're not expecting your offense to score every time but abalene Christian just offensively is right there with you which is shocking and that was a bad snap but Baron catches it anyway Taj breaks a tackle heads outside and gets about five yards on the first run there second and five for Texas Tech make it second and four actually they gave him six yards there Brooks goes out to the far right they dump it off to Conor it goes nowhere they lose yards this Texas Tech it is now third and 11 they tried to run a tight end screen round right there and it was a delayed screen I might add because they were trying to take Taj Brooks The Defenders over there instead Ty Buchanan doesn't hold a block at the right tackle spot and Conor is swarmed by ACU Defenders for a huge loss it is now third and 11 Conor's in in motion Morton steps up in the pocket makes one guy Miss throws it across the middle got Caleb pay Douglas touchdown Red Raiders get those TDS in the chat let's go can the defense finally show up for once just one time one time tonight defense just one just one time that's it one time Reese Burkhart back to kick no Gino on this one and it is up and it is right down the middle Texas Tech up Seven abene Christian will start their overtime possession obviously at the 25 again appreciate yall spending some of your uh Saturday night with me even if you're not a tech fan you're rooting for the other team right now listen I I I understand the underdog strategy I am uh definitely not doing that right now uh but I do understand it Texas Tech in an absolute dog fight the defense looks like trash to say the least um and the offense actually looks pretty damn good but abalene Christian in their offense looks pretty damn good as well can the Texas Tech defense finally get a damn stop tonight Trey Cleveland manto man at the top of the screen Nehemiah Martinez goes in motion for the wild cats they go deep on the first play and it is dropped Texas Tech fortunate right there Taylor just dropped it he he had a full extension there but it hit him right in the hands and he dropped it um really good throw actually by mcgyver hard catch for sure but he dropped that one he's going to want that one back um second down here we go fake RPO MacGyver Runs Out to his right has nobody open throws it deep to the end zone way over shoots Nia Nehemiah Martinez 57 going to be difficult to go get that one and it is now third and 10 for ACU two high receivers two low receivers mcgyver snaps the ball looking High getting pressure throws across the middle it is caught by Taylor and he gets a first down and then some for abalin Christian as the drive continues you know it's not good for Texas Tech when you have Michael Crabtree tweeting out what the hell is going on not not ideal for Texas Tech right there not ideal all right appreciate a thousand of y'all tuning in tonight 5245 Texas Tech in overtime abine Christian with first and 10 at the 14 yard line they hand it off up the middle nice little G on first down right there for the wild cats make it about second and seven again there's there's there's going to be a rant after this regardless win lose you can't draw in this game but we will be uh we will be ranting there's no no doubt about that mcgyver snaps back wheel route again and it is short but it is a first down for abalene Christian as they are down to the Texas Tech one yard line and I I'll be honest with you I don't know how the Texas Tech has not made a single damn adjustment on a wheel route that is literally the fifth time that they've gotten cooked by it unreal first and goal at the one run up the gut no signal yet no signal yet no signal yet and now there's the touchdown if you're abalene Christian do you go for two here do you go for the win this is it I think they might be going for two they are going for two this is your ball game they may call a timeout ABN Christian might to see if they like the look but there is a review on the field right now to see if there is a touchdown regardless your ACU if it isn't a touchdown I think it's going to be second in like literally a millimeter you fall forward and you're in the end zone so they're probably scoring regardless really the big thing now if you're ACU is do you go for two right this is giving them more time to decide on this and dwell on it um I think if I'm ACU I go for two here I I don't I don't want Texas Tech to try and touch the ball again and the way your offense is cooking I'd go for it I'm pretty sure that's a touchdown that should stand it did it looked like he fell onto some Defenders and you're not going to be able to see his knee clearly yeah I think that's probably going to stand and the ruling on the field does stand they haven't shown yet if they're going for two they did have the offense out there before the review and they still have the offense out there this could be probably a situation where you likely see Texas Tech call a timeout after they see the formation they're running diamond and Texas Tech does indeed call the timeout 600 yards passing I believe tonight 500 yards passing excuse me I think if I'm abalene Christian I go for the win here let me know if I'm wrong here chat I I really do think you go for it you're the underdog on the road you don't want Texas Tech to have the ball again you're not going to have a better opportunity to win this football game like you've already got in the end zone like you're right here see if you can win the game and go home that's kind of my thought process I I I say go for it you know it's one of those deals where you're not supposed to be here anyway kind of deal and you have a great opportunity to actually win the football game you're going to be at the two yard line your quarterback has cooked all night your offensive coordinator buoy has been fantastic the Red Raiders have been swiss cheese defensively and it all comes down to this we're going to do this for you not going to let you see that MacGyver single they've got trips to the right snaps the football looks for it he's going to get hit it's over it's over there is a it's over the red Riders hang on let's go holy hey it wasn't pretty but golly that was an embarrassing as game not even shouldn't even be that close just absolutely just nasty stuff nasty stuff by Texas Tech honestly Round of Applause for ABN Christian before we get into anything else what a game man absolute joke of a performance by Texas Tech I think everybody would say the same thing in the chat right now but abene Christian hell of a game seriously hell of a game yeah I I don't even blame people for wanting abene Christian to win I really don't I really don't blame you people and we're doing a Twitter spaces we're going live right now we're doing a Twitter spaces and staying on here so y'all will be able to hear both hopefully that's what we're hoping for on this chat so uh if you want to go listen on Twitter but we'll stay live here for a while as well I mean that was just nasty nasty stuff all right here we go about to start the Twitter spaces everybody we'll be doing both here hopefully y'all can hear both I'm gonna have it on max volume but I'll be talking to you guys as well talking about the chat as well but we're starting the Twitter spaces right now as well that was embarrassing on every level every level people that was an embarrassing embarrassing performance by the Texas Tech defense swiss cheese has less holes than the Texas Tech defense we we were hyped up all off season people that this defense was going to be better and I was one of the ones that said it I said this Tech defense would be better what the was that the secondary a unit that I was excited to see I'm not excited anymore there are some serious serious questions that need to be addressed here because if that's what we were supposed to get this is going to be a long season now I'll say this we we probably shouldn't be talking trash about the offense I thought the offense was Sensational tonight for Texas Tech I mean shoot you score 52 points and you needed every single one of them right but you look at Baron Morton if I would told you seriously let me know let me know if I'm off base here if I would have told you before this game started that Baron Morton was 3 for 42 378 yards passing and five touchdowns no turnovers I'm telling you right now manto man woman to man you're looking yourself in the mirror whatever it is you are absolutely lying to yourself if you did not say that Texas Tech would route ACU if that was the statline gave you instead it came down to a failed assignment by ACU on a two-point conversion attempt by the way the correct decision by them to go for two there you absolutely do that there didn't work but it was the the correct call just failed execution but you're not going to hear me talk trash about ACU tonight they deserve to win that football game they absolutely deserve to win that football game in every aspect of it plain and simple that was an embarrassing in performance from the defensive side of the football I thought the offense was good right like that's what you want the offense to look like again Taj Brook's got over a 100 yards as well but that I I I I don't know that the only words that come to mind when I describe that defense are a lot of cuss words and I've already damn near met my quota for tonight so I'mma let some people in here by the way we're live over on YouTube as well we're doing a YouTube live for the whole game we've been live for 4 hours we capped out at over 1,400 people over there we've got almost 200 here on the first Texas Tech post game Twitter spaces of the year and I will uh get some people in here let me get Jacob Parris going first I mean my god what an embarrassment that was disgusting all right Jacob whenever you're ready dude oh Jacob I don't know if we can hear you buddy hop back in let me get somebody in here real quick we'll get Drew let's see if Drew will work on this Drew take yourself off mute and you should be good to go man wow uh I I really don't know what to say I mean out of all the years that I've watched Texas Tech football do you want to say curse words with me Drew I would love to say curse words you say the first one godamn it is going on yeah same man yep 100% this hype all this hype hype hype hype hype last year hype this year everyone's hype let's do a video let's do that let's spend $250 million on the south end zone let's lay some bricks let's do this that and the other that you I'm out I am out this you want to Hype it up show me some results you want to get new new uniforms show me some results I don't care if we go out there and pink dude I want to win I don't want to look like I don't want to go six and six that's not a fun season for me I want to do something big I want to get our heads out of the out of our asses and win that's all I want I'm glad you drew I'm glad you helped me meet the cursing quota um I hadn't said a number yet but I'm glad you helped me get close to it um yeah man I mean I I thought Texas Tech was going to score 50 points in this game like I I damn near don't even want to talk about the offense because I thought the offense was actually pretty damn good tonight um outside of like two drives but I think that's bound to happen if you think the offense is supposed to be perfect then unrealistic expectations that said on the defensive side what the I mean what the actual um you got zero pressure on the quarterback your your Corners looked lost I mean like you could put them on an island and that's how lost they like they they did not know how to use a map type like I could have guided them to where they were supposed to be and still somehow they would have been bad right like and I'm not trying to single one guy out because Lord knows the whole secondary was just abysmal tonight but Jaylen peoples was getting cooked he was getting cooked on the outside I mean whether it was Trey Cleveland whether it was Taylor whether it was literally anyone the wheel route like how do you not make an adjustment on the halfback wheel route it worked damn near any time ACU wanted it um there was zero to no adjustments you got no pressure on the quarterback the only bright spot on your defense tonight was your linebackers and that was just because you needed them to secure a tackle desperately right and so the fact that there was little to no adjustments made there was all this hype in the off season in terms of the defense is supposed to be better it's the deepest defense we've had we've have you know six seven guys on the defensive line that can make an impact we have you know guys on the edge that we like we have the best duo of linebackers in the Big 12 our secondary goes 10 or 11 deep I only saw one group that actually gave a damn tonight on the defensive side of the football and that was the line linebackers like everybody else was getting cooked you got pushed around you looked like if you would have told me right going into this game like I have no awareness of football no awareness if I was watching this I would have thought abene Christian was the FBS team and Texas Tech was the FCS team like and again like I know we're on them for one game but this was supposed to be the year you take that step right like you think about it last year and it's like okay we got we we we uh he oversold it you know what I mean like okay cool like you're hyped up I get it it's cool it's whatever but this is supposed to be the one that's different and it wasn't it this is the same this is what we've grown accustomed to and um hey where the where the was michah Hudson where the was he We're Not Gonna PL this is the guy that we've been talking about the six star badass high school player who the was he did how many snaps did he play he didn't play I didn't see him on the field once I think he was out there for four I know that timeout what the was going on I think he was out there for four but I mean yeah what the yeah I mean the only thing I can think of and again not trying to justify yeah no I'm right there with you man I'm right there with you drew again I think everybody feels the same way you do and once again thank you for helping me meet my uh cursing quota I really do actually appreciate it my pleasure hey man all right let me get Jacob in here one more try at this and then we'll go from there Jacob thank you for uh oh geez this is gonna be this is gonna be long um so my my whole thing is like don't ever we should never open anything we should never have p Mahomes here we should never celebrate anything in Texas Tech again because every goddamn time we do we the bed somehow like God freaking damn it like Jesus I just can't even like this the the the the Swiss cheese analysis wasn't like strong enough for me like I don't even know how to describe it it's like how like you you're right like this was this team was hyped up we've talked about it over on gu like the DBS were supposed to We were supposed to have 101 deep I mean how many of those guys actually got out there tonight because I saw jayen peoples get cooked more than a well done steak tonight and that's saying something here in Texas right I'm just I'm I'm kind of frustrated I'll be frustrated for the next 24 hours but geez Louise I mean you can't get cooked like that by a freaking FCS school yeah man I mean I I was talking about this over on the live stream over on the back to 12 podcast Channel like like you could tell that and again this is no excuse it's just a reality like ACU had a chip on their shoulder tonight in the sense of they had five starters that previously played at Texas Tech really didn't get a lot of run here you know Trey Cleveland probably got the most maybe Nehemiah for that one year before he got hurt but you got Maverick mcgyver out there you've got you know Jed castles and then you've also got an interior lineman in uh yanta as well it's like you've got multiple guys there but you were 31 and a half Point favorites like the only reason again I I I'll they had it they the game was done like ab and Christian had a good play call they just it was a bad snap go back and watch like they they had a bad snap it looked like it caught MacGyver off guard a little bit it was a little high and that took the timing off of the play because they had it on the right side and by the time he kind of caught his bearings after catching the football from the snap it was done that Texas Tech had already kind of won their way through but if it was going to happen like it was supposed to he's probably in and we're talking about a loss right now and arguably the most embarrassing loss in what a quarter Century for Texas Tech yeah I mean like this this the L in 98 yeah I mean this this is one of those losses where you talk about like you tell your grandkids about how bad it was and and we're talking about a win but it's literally it feels like a loss like I feel like everybody thinks this is a loss with I mean in the chat here I mean we've got 29 people in terms of sending in messages and everything and the majority of them are saying hey you know it kind of feels like the season's over like what the is the defense how are we gonna come back and do anything from that it's like the the thing is is the defense was just abysmal in every facet of the game and that was supposed to be your unit that you didn't have any question marks about like outside of the false starts and again Uber frustrating 11 penalties for Texas Tech I believe they had six false starts outside of that the offensive line look good now you're supposed to look good it's abene Christian right and again I know there's aene Christian people in here I'm not trying to on you guys y'all y'all probably actually should have won that game if we're being honest but you're supposed to dominate and they did good for them now there were a couple false start penalties the offense I thought actually looked really good 52 points you were efficient you could run the football you were pushing the ball downfield I mean truthfully I thought we saw the best throw of Baron Morton's career on Fourth and 13 to Jaylen Conor in the end zone for that touchdown that throw was Sensational okay and then you go back and and I believe I could be wrong on this abene Christian scores in four plays like it's just like what the are we doing the score was 52- 51 you were 31 and a half Point favorites and you have like you talked about the Stadium opening the grand Adidas reveal this summer Micah Hudson the five-star wide receiver that plays Four snaps then you literally have Patrick Mahomes donating money you have the South inzone being unveiled and what do you do almost lay the biggest egg in Texas Tech program history at home no doubt I mean geez like it's almost like I I feel like we were watching two different games and this kind of like I a lot of people might agree with me on this like anytime the offense was out there it's like holy we look good like holy crap like you know Taj Brooks played really well I agree with you out out of the false starts I thought the offensive line played really well I mean you know receivers like you're getting separation now from your with your receivers with not just one of them with like four of them I mean you look good but then anytime that ACU got the ball it was like ah here we go again no it was instant you knew they were going to make a good play and drive down the field every time and I guess body language maybe you know played a factor kind of towards the end I saw some some really shitty body language but on on the defensive side of the ball I mean obviously yeah you're getting cooked i' have shitty body language too it Wason it was gonna be they were gonna get it if the snap wasn't bad yes it was P you you were poo cheese you you were poo cheese on defense you you sucked and I'll be honest with you the people out in lck that are out at the press conference right now you got to ask some hard-hitting questions man like you got to you gotta do it I feel like I feel like you you almost have to inquire whether Tim Dar speaks tonight I don't think he will because that's not the way Maguire runs his program but you but Somebody's gotta ask like it's like in there wasn't like from a from a Maguire standpoint like it's all it all ultimately like Falls to him but like geez just like the scheme wasn't even like it it didn't feel like it was schemed up properly no that was dude you that's embarrassing yes that's embarrassing like there's no there's no way to cut it like I had people that were actively rooting in the live stream for abalene Christian and you know what I can't blame them the game shouldn't be that close it was embarrassing what your defense looked like and the lack of coaching that happened in the second half like did you have a couple of good plays in the second half defensively of course you did but the overall product you put on the field defensively in that game was putrid it was disgusting I get it you won the game you're one and0 and a win is a win kind of and they're not all pretty but Jesus Christ this is about the ugliest win I have ever seen and been a part of as a Texas Tech fan yeah and man are we gonna I really hope we don't turn into like Iowa State the team that just year and year out seems to have difficulty with FCS programs like I mean we you know of course you know last time kitle and Patterson face off this this exact thing almost happened again it just yeah how about buoy his first game as an offensive coordinator at any level in the college ranks and he just Cooks Tech I mean he cooked he cooked um but yeah man I mean it's unreal but I'm gonna get some other people in here Jacob um I'm sure we'll be talking a lot over on the website oh yeah of course all right man let's see um I'm just going in order here I really don't know um who was on first I am just clicking who's in order it will be Raider Tai I believe no hope till November wow damn Tai awesome that's probably actually accurate go ahead Ty yo the the things that this school does to its Hometown fans like should be considered War crime it's just so bad I I want I couldn't remember who we lost to in 98 I think it was North Texas back when they were considered I don't think FCS was a concept back then I think it was the equivalent of division 2 and it was to un back in the late 90s but yeah we came little too close to a program defining embarrassing loss yeah but we survived I I just feel like every time I watch this these games from home like I just I feel for the people who like are in luk who are season ticket holders and who just continue to hope and continue to sell out only to get continually kicked in the balls every single year and this is like one of the first games I think were after a win like I think I just audibly well my my wife's sleeping in the other room so not super audibly a little bit audibly just like no y'all yeah in the words of Mike Leech after the Baylor you know scare that we was a similar not even close to similar to this but a pretty bad veiler team that we ended up beating in 2009 by a touchdown when leech's famous post game locker room when he just said you and me and everybody yeah and that's that's kind of how I think that's just generally the sentiment after it so I uh you know Maguire seemed like he was kind of pissed off on the field but it was I mean he gave some accolades to jayen to jayen peoples who I don't agree with I think he got I think he got deep fried and spit roasted today personally yeah but um you know these kids hopefully get better I mean I'm not going to be as far as the secondary like you know horn I think you can see the talent there but it's his first game where he's starting he's of course one of Joey's first fourstar recruits that he had you know I don't think he got cooked quite as badly as no absolutely not yeah absolutely um the bigger you know the is the other issue I don't know if enough of us talked about this as much and I kind of thought this was going to be a bit of a warning that people were kind of underestimating losing Bradford and Hutchins and what this was going to mean for our just dline and just pass rush adid is really good but this was not um not one of his well he didn't play tonight sorry go RC he didn't play tonight A dator didn't play not not a dator that's not you talking about air Washington or one of those guys yeah Washington gotta which who actually I thought he actually had a good play the first abene Christian touchdown I thought he actually he got to mcgyver you know pretty well he beat his blocker but yeah know guy guy was wide open within a few seconds so but you know overall just um the line I think is not where I think we thought it was going to be with these recruits coming in and everyone's tired of hearing it I don't really want to even say it because after a game like this about being patient tech fans are tired of hearing it hearing it but you know that's it just uh SV mentioned it on college game day earlier you know it takes a long time to build the stuff I don't think any of it's an excuse to be as bad as you were against subpar competition talent wise and I don't mean that I shouldn't say subpar competition I should say subpar Talent you know in case there's AC folk in here yall deserve to win the game so yeah um but uh you know just it's it could be it could just be really rough and we have gotta there's just been a lot of hype um it's just really time for I think Joey and the rest ju just shut the up yeah no agre just shut the up get your heads down and get this right I don't want to hear about anything else okay that's it man no that that I'm right there with you like I listen I love Joey I love you know as a head coach there's different levels to it but part of your job is to be a hype machine right like that's part of it but at the same time there's the self-awareness aspect of it where it's like you said you just got to shut the up put your head down and attack business right like eventually you have to do that and right now is the moment like I'm I I like Joey I think he's the right guy I really do I still think that but at the same time it's like how the do you let this happen like in the sense of I get it you're still one and0 technically but does anybody really right now listening to this feel like we're one and0 I know I don't it's ugly yeah good and I think I mean I was talking to my dad afterwards honestly I'd be I'd get prepared for potentially one in 11 I'd get I would prepare that that's the thing man like it's the talent is there I just I it's just yeah man I I I don't blame you I don't blame you I I really don't blame you for like thinking the worst I really don't if we got other people in here who've actually played football like because I haven't so you know tell me if if I'm off here because this is one thing also is think about looking at the just think about Dar rudder's job I'm not putting a Tim foil hat or anything like that and saying that aene Chris should do what the fort the sets we were gonna do but some of this defensive incompetence goes beyond what I saw with Cliff where guys were just getting burned which did happen in this game a few times yeah but what I saw more often was just ad it's it's almost like every single defensive formation or coverage that darer called ACU did the exact basically had receivers in routes the exact opposite of where our Defenders were going they were always wide open and always found the hole in the zones that's where we were were playing um you know it wasn't you know because in the cliff days I was used to like Miss tackles in the open field or you know a lot of Miss tackles in the open field you know getting gashed in the did they actually tackle in the cff I mean I'm just talking like Zone coverage did are wide open Ty I Ty I I think you I think you might have misspoke there you said that Tech tackled in the cliff era I said they missed tackled Sor I did miss speak okay I said that this is what I was used to during got yeah no I just wanted to make sure because I didn't very I didn't see very many tackles in the cliff era no yeah I'm saying it was a different type of defensive incompetence today I was used in the cliff days of getting run on like getting destroyed on the ground missing open field tackles and getting burnt in the secondary this game it was just like it's like when you play EA football or Madden and every single zone coverage you call is just wrong your guy is not that area and it was that's that's what it felt like it just felt like the routes were always not where darud was drawing for to go and I don't know if that's on a talent thing with the defense or if that's just darer straight up getting his ass kicked yeah this one I think there's a lot to it I I me I don't know I I think that the thing also that makes me think in this game is if brillan Lux is that important to the defense in the secondary if I'm him I'm asking for all the nil money in the world a position like dude yeah literally be like you see how bad the other option got cooked tonight give me give me a few extra dollars FCS OPP week just crazy man I appreciate you five different receivers C A touch or at least four four different receivers got a touchdown for wazu today and um yeah we're just GNA need to clench and pray do it pray pray to whatever God you worship out yeah out there and just try to survive yeah for sure I appreciate you hopping on Ty let's see who's next here um I believe it was MJ there we go list finally popped up for me guys sorry MJ whenever you're ready take yourself off mute dude so I can at least start with the uh the positives of tonight A the South End Zone looks immaculate the the Drone show is badass yeah and I did try the new little uh concessions delivery to the seat that was pretty cool I got a free beer out of it because they got me an extra one when I only ordered one so I props to me getting the free beer um outside of that what the was that yeah man yeah man and my second question is when did we hire Cliff kingsberry as a defensive analyst yeah well I don't know honestly honestly dude like what the is this honestly y'all are y'all are being too hard on Cliff Cliff would have done better tonight than this like that that was sick like they ran three routes in every one of them worked every one of them like I don't understand how like sitting in that Stadium the first two ACU drives the defense stopped them and we're like it literally was exact replay of the Wyoming Game yeah man here we go boys and then they figured something out and the defense never adjusted no dude it's called scripted plays I mean it was just drag got it anytime they wanted oneon-one on peoples they could get it I don't know why but like if I was ACU I would have just hyper targeted peoples and they kind of did I would have done it more like the dude could not cover anything and again I know I'm being hypercritical on this guy but I'm gonna go watch the film and I'm going to tally how many yards he gave up and and R here's the thing be hyper critical these guys are paid now yeah I mean you you want the money you get the criticism now you ain't no you're not no uh what's the term that they used um amateur athlete you're a professional athlete now you want the money you get the responsibility now what the actual was that yeah man it really goes back to me like what we were talking about just a little bit ago like they I get it you got to Hype up your program I really do I understand it it's part of it especially in modern College athletics like social media is part of it these hype videos are part of it like people don't want to admit it but it does impact recruiting in a positive way kids see that and they like it all that kind of stuff right like it it impacts it that being said like Tai said shut the up and get to work like shut up yeah it's it's done though man like you were a 31 and a half Point favorite and the only reason you won is because they had a bad snap at the end and it's just one of those deals where it's like again I've already said it here but I think Joey is the guy I really do but at some point you have to have the self-awareness even as Joey who part of his job I understand is a Salesman um for the program you have to have a look in the mirror and just a self awareness moment and say all right time to shut the up get these guys ready do minimal talking do my media that I have to do right do what I have to do because it's part of your job but outside of that nose to the grindstone get these ready to play because I'm telling you right now if you play Washington State and the level of Defense you play against ACU and Pullman next week they're scoring triple digits on your ass they'll cook your ass they're scoring triple digits y like that that was sick like disgusting was sick like there there was it one point where it felt like ABN Christian legitimately could have told Texas Tech what route they're running and still got 40 yards at least at least 12 I know that that's a big difference in terms of 40 to 12 but it felt like they could easily get a first down every play they wanted to and it's just one of those deals where I know people want to focus on the Micah Hudson aspect of it and him playing I think he's going to get back in terms of they're trying to work him back in remember he is coming off of a knee injury that's part of it they're probably slowly gradually getting him in personally I don't even want to talk about the offense the offense was Sensational tonight I think the off did their job and then some they had to do it in then some of a few like again like you said there's you know false start penalties are irritating especially against an opponent you out class at every position physically and on paper and again you're still going to have those preseason Jitters so yeah the penalties are annoying but but yeah there was a few minor things that you can look on the offense and go okay yeah Parts you know some constructive criticism watch the film improve for next week but you sit there and look at the and I'm sorry I'm sitting there watching them go halftime like those D coaches better be lighting their ass up at halftime and apparently they didn't yeah and here's and getting to my final honestly my final point I have said for so freaking long and I love when people sit there and say oh these these games are important because it get your backups playing time I'm sorry the last two FCS teams we've played we've almost lost at home yeah quit scheduling these stupid ass paycheck games for these little programs quit it now because if you lose like that on your home field God it's you there are no words there are absolutely no words like pay the buyout for all these FCS teams in your future schedules and go schedule a a lower TI your FBS team like you or New Mexico for Christ's sake yeah man get some other competition on the field similar caliber to you and actually be able to prepare yourself for conference play because this is stupid yeah I mean I don't know and I don't want to hear anybody sit there and say ever again about your backup to playing time because you've had to use your starters for the last for almost two beatings at home against an FCS team that you should have destroyed you're backups never saw the field you had to keep the starters in yeah it's bad man I mean just simple in playing they they every facet of the game tonight at least on the defensive side in terms of sideline to sideline secondary uh defensive line I mean linebackers were decent but outside of that I mean I'm trying to think of one play outside of the botched handoff where they recovered a fumble for Texas Tech defensively where I was like you know what that was the last good play that was a pretty damn good play and and they really wasn't many I mean it's just crazy man but and I think and honestly you sit there look at it and go and just kind of like Ty said when you sit there and said prepare yourself for 111 I'm sorry based on that performance point to me the next win on that schedule now if you play like that week in and week out you are one 11 yeah man I and I just saw I just I was scrolling through the games North Texas put up over 50 on South Alabama yeah man and they've got a few former Red Raiders on that team too yeah yeah it's it's it's it'll be interesting that it's definitely going to be interesting MJ I appreciate you hopping on man oh man what a what a night ladies and gentlemen what a night as the as the wife walks in right now she's going to have to hear me Ranch for another few minutes while I get some more people in here um who we got who we got thing is loading thing is loading sorry guys I really don't know who is the thing it has Logan at top Logan Jameson so probably do one or two more of these um and then get out of here all right Logan whenever you're ready man hop on in here well we have to celebrate a win when we can get them um being a tech fan I've been on the wrong side of that kind of loss I mean obviously not an FCS but I mean the Matt Wells ER we lost that game oh yeah yeah for sure so I mean celebrate the win when you can I know I know it's hard to hard to swallow but I don't know if anybody else felt this way but I felt like we were back in 2016 I'm watching the OU game uh just last person with it that's who's gonna win the game yeah um also also just want to kind of not necessarily give a pass to the secondary but at the same time when you're dline is not getting any pressure at all it's hard to cover guys no no you're you're 100% % right that is there that's a fair point for sure yeah I mean and like I said it's not an excuse for the blown coverages but at the same time I mean when you can take an hour back there in the pocket your your completion percentage should be pretty high yeah no doubt I mean give credit to Maverick mcgyver like he he cooked um yeah but no I mean I I agree you know it it's one of those deals where I I would feel better about the tech secondary if they were were good and then it was just one of those situations where you can only cover for you know so long right but that wasn't the case like it was one of those things where they just they got abused routinely basically from the snap and it was one of those deals too where I thought abalene Christian actually did a good job of mitigating any pass rush Texas Tech could muster although it was little to none um if we're being honest um but yeah man I mean it's just one of those deals where you're 100 % right like even when the secondary did play good and there were a few plays where they actually did play good um the the defensive line got no pressure whatsoever zero zero and you know Jaylen Hutchings and Tony Brad for leaving obviously leaves a gigantic hole in the interior of that defensive line but I I've been talking about it for weeks now where the biggest cause concern for me for Texas Tech is literally the Edge rushers I I don't know if they're good because we really haven't seen them play and you have the Amir Washington game where he had a a great game in the bowl game against Cal right and then you have Isaac Smith the year prior um in the bowl game having a good game as well but like from a realistic standpoint you have you do not have an edge rusher that has any kind of proven from game to game on that defense if you're Texas Tech and I think that that if you're going to see the demise of the Texas Tech defense because I do think that the secondary gets better um how much better well it can only go up from here you know what I mean Logan um but with you I'm hoping a data turns into by the time he gets back yeah I mean I don't even know if that would help um at this point um but it's just one of those deals man where you're you're looking at it and you know you get a couple plays where you kind of get in the face of Maverick but at that point it's just like you were talking about where the secondary is already beat so it's a wide openen throw and yeah it seemed like it was okay you did good if you're a defensive line and then well it doesn't matter because the secondary got cooked and then it was like oh you did good if you're the secondary um oh but the defensive line literally is just standing still basically and then there were way too many plays where it felt like oh y'all both sucked uh the linebackers are going to have to figure some out here and it just I mean should hit the fan quick man I mean ab and Christian again tip the cap to them um I thought they had a great offensive game plan tonight I thought Maverick mcgyver was Sensational but at the same time I think it's also a testament to how bad Texas Tech was defensively at making even an elementary level adjustment defensively like yeah Elementary level yeah I completely agree and and and this might be hot take and people can say what they want but I I honestly think that that offensive line the way that they played I mean they they're going to be they're going to be a solid offensive line for the year not making excuses at all I just I think that that's a good prep um for what we're going to see in conference I think it's I think it's comparable and then the only other question that I've got is and it's kind of a on the offense is why are we running hurry up offense when we are in four minute with with a tie ball game going down and score to win yeah I don't I don't understand that from from the offensive side of it and that'd be my only critique there is a tie ball game and we go down and don't take any time off the clock to kick the field goal to take the lead yeah I mean I think it's just what Texas Tech is going to do they're gonna want to go fast I want to see a little more awareness I guess from kitley on realizing where we're at in the game and taking that into account on the offensive side yeah no I I I get it I I think that that's a fair critique of kitley it would probably honestly be my only one outside of like running Taj Brooks dead Straight Ahead three times in a row um but really I think kitley was pretty damn good tonight like you could tell the difference in terms of The Playmakers for Texas Tech like there was a a noticeable leap in terms of impact guys um for Texas Tech I mean you think about it Josh Kelly was targeted 15 times and had 10 catches for 156 yards in a tutty j J Conor was involved you had Caleb payday Douglas involved you had KY aen involved also people don't forget the payday when we're talking about Caleb Douglas it's it's essential Logan it's very essential um but I I I think you know when you look at everything um I thought the offense was really really good tonight and it's just one of those deals now where I know I'm a broken record with this and I I would apologize but I feel like it's very necessary to say in the sense of just shut the up and get better like stop trying to sell us with this overhype stuff I think everybody's done just go in there do what you're supposed to do and be the team that well you're supposed to be right you have multiple guys in that secondary that were highly recruited you've got arguably the best linebacking duo in the Big 12 and Jacob Rodriguez and and Roberts you've got multiple guys that are supposed to be good from the portal on the interior of the defensive line including one you landed a couple years ago in Quincy theet Jr you've got Jaden Coffield who's supposed to be better right the defense just has to be better and it's a self-reflection moment in the sense that look yourself in the mirror figure things out because right now when you look at what Texas Tech did tonight again I can't help but go back to the elementary type adjustments there was Zero you're playing college football 25 and you could make better ad adjustments than the Texas Tech defensive coaching staff did tonight truthfully it it was that bad and the fact that there was not enough awareness to not put jayen peoples on an island or even Mo horn at some points like help them out from a cover standpoint is baffling to me and they did a couple of times but just with a consistent regularity because you look at where ab and Christian got their chunk plays and it was on the outside like yeah they were getting plays where it was you know 11 12 here in the middle of the field but their consistent big chunk plays that were meaningful on Downs to go in terms of like you know third and seven where they had to have it to continue a drive was on to the outside and it was the wheel route broken record take a drink if you've heard me say that five times already tonight and then also they had the drag route they were running Sensational post routes as well to open up things where the safety was taking over the top and it would open things up on one side of the field they were just absolutely darting up this Texas Tech defense and it's one of those things now where again you know maybe I was exaggerating earlier where Washington State's going to score 100 if you play like that but I don't think it's too far off they're at least scoring 70 you know and it's just one of those things where you got to go on the road you have to fix right away if you're Texas Tech because the fan base as a whole and rightfully so is just literally saying three letters right now WTF what the did we just watch and rightfully so after the hype that this crew this team had in terms of they go out in the portal they maximize what they want to get out there in terms of Playmakers with Josh Kelly Conor Caya pday Douglas you go out and you get a couple Ka on the defensive line as well but overall I mean again I I I just don't even feel like it's worth talking about the offense you scored 52 points you looked really good your your defense looked like a bunch of middle schoolers um just just I I'm I'm almost at a loss for words at this point um that's how bad it was but yeah I mean again not ideal I apologize to everybody on the requests I I promise I'll get you guys in here for the rest of the year um in terms of later on but I am absolutely gassed um it's 11 o' here in Texas so um I'm absolutely gassed I want to go drink water and I want to fall asleep so I appreciate each and every one of you guys spending part of your Saturday night with me again Texas Tech survives and that is just the nicest way to say it because is disrespectful to survives um what Texas Tech did in terms of winning that game um they won 5251 against an FCS abene Christian Wildcat team at home lot to discuss there will be a rant tomorrow on the podcast there is no doubt about that because I have a lot more thoughts a lot more thoughts no doubt about it all right that's going to wrap it up for the Twitter live stream as well as well the Twitter spaces I should say the YouTube live stream as well I appreciate each and every one of y'all hanging out with me tonight um over I think we had 7,000 8,000 people tune in to the live stream over on the YouTube and then we had over 350 in here tonight so appreciate each and every one of you guys as always you know what to do stay safe and well reom Tech

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Intro the red raiders look to build upon their ncaa tournament resume as they head down to orlando to face off against the ucf knights in today's video we'll preview the matchup give you the mustat players and matchups for this game as well as the odds in my prediction hey how's it going everybody it's... Read more

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Texas Tech at West Virginia Basketball Game Preview | A Must-Win For The Red Raiders? (Big 12)

Category: Entertainment

Intro the red raiders head to morgantown in search of a much needed win against the west virginia mountaineers and to get back on track in the big 12 in this must-win matchup for the red raiders we'll discuss it all in today's video including a game preview odds and prediction and just why the red raiders... Read more

Texas Tech Basketball Game Preview at OK State | Odds & Prediction (Big 12 Basketball) thumbnail
Texas Tech Basketball Game Preview at OK State | Odds & Prediction (Big 12 Basketball)

Category: Entertainment

Intro the red raiders look to keep their chances of finishing in the top four the big 12 regular season standings alive with the win in stillwater against the oklahoma state cowboys in today's video we'll preview the matchup give you the latest warren washington injury update discuss the odds and prediction... Read more

Big 12 Tournament: Texas Tech vs. Houston Game Preview | Odds & Prediction (College Basketball) thumbnail
Big 12 Tournament: Texas Tech vs. Houston Game Preview | Odds & Prediction (College Basketball)

Category: Entertainment

Intro the red raiders look to get revenge and improve their ncaa tournament resume with an upset victory over the number one houston cougars in today's video we'll preview the matchup give you the latest injury report for darion williams and warren washington discuss the odds and i'll give my prediction... Read more

Texas Tech Basketball Game Preview vs. No.11 Baylor | Odds & Prediction (Big 12 Basketball) thumbnail
Texas Tech Basketball Game Preview vs. No.11 Baylor | Odds & Prediction (Big 12 Basketball)

Category: Entertainment

Intro the red raiders look to end their regular season off on a high note with a top 15 victory over number 11 baylor on senior night at the usa in today's video we'll preview the matchup give you the latest when it comes to warren washington and also discuss each and every scenario for the red raiders... Read more

Texas Tech Basketball: 3 Keys To A Red Raider Win vs. NC State (NCAA Tournament) thumbnail
Texas Tech Basketball: 3 Keys To A Red Raider Win vs. NC State (NCAA Tournament)

Category: Entertainment

Intro the red raiders are set to return to the big dance and will face off against the acc tournament champions in the first round of the ncaa tournament in the nc state wolf pack in today's video i break down the three keys to the game for the red raiders to move on to the round of 32 and year number... Read more

Utah vs SUU thumbnail
Utah vs SUU

Category: Sports

Welcome utah fans [music] welcome to the utah football fans podcast please like subscribe and share and as always go youths hello welcome again to the utah football fans podcast you get two welcomes from us i'm brinn here with gary and james it is game week can you believe it it doesn't feel real it... Read more

Texas Tech Basketball vs. Texas Game Preview | Odds & Prediction (Big 12 MBB) thumbnail
Texas Tech Basketball vs. Texas Game Preview | Odds & Prediction (Big 12 MBB)

Category: Entertainment

Intro for the last time in the foreseeable future texas and texas tech men's basketball will face off on the hardwood out in loveing and today's video we'll preview the matchup give you the must-watch matchup of the game and discuss all the odds and i'll give my prediction hey how's it going everybody... Read more

Abilene Christian vs Texas Tech Exciting Ending | 2024 College Football thumbnail
Abilene Christian vs Texas Tech Exciting Ending | 2024 College Football

Category: Film & Animation

Tonight he needs to come up and make a big play here had two sacks against cal mver off his back foot finds martinez for the touchdown once again former red raiders connecting for six got their hands full with aene christian right now morton fires to kelly breaks a tackle at the 50 and kelly down at... Read more