OVE: Ohio State Football Legend Urban Meyer with BOLD Statement on 2024 Roster

all right here we go on a Thursday it is the ovve podcast Ohio versus everyone the torque from qfm96 Sam Grooms little Buckeyes Browns Bengals Blue Jackets Cavs Guardians with a loss last night Reds with a win Bucky Hoops all the national stuff want you to subscribe like follow share remember the website the OV podcast.com join up and you get entered in our Rewards program where you win tons of sports m ailia prizes we're going to be giving away over $3,000 total by the end of August so we got to do a maybe we'll do a giveaway on a Friday hurt at work ear an accident let attorney Robert sugar go to war forou atw foryou.com by the way on that the rewards when we send you an email and I know there's a guy in Texas that I still got to send some stuff to but and we're not doing that anymore after this guy we're not I'm not mailing stuff across the country but if you win we had a winner this week who still hasn't gotten back to me check your email we notify you check Facebook we notify you on Facebook we put the names out there we're not dishonest about like hey I'm trust me I'm giving away this stuff Sam I don't want this stuff I want people to win it I want our listeners of the podcast to win it that's what I want I want people winning stuff you got enough [ __ ] in your basement don't you I really do dude I was just selling I just sold a hundred Sports Illustrated copies with no labels and two of them that I had were two Michael Jordans the first one he had had and then one with the bulls and I can't find them and I like sold them to a guy and I had to write to him I go hey dude there's like okay I'll throw 100 because I threw a couple Buckeyes in there but I go unfortunately we're gonna have to readjust the price because I have new George but dude I have tons of I have I just looked through I got like every Rose Bowl program that the Buckeyes have been in like in the 70s 60s 70s we're gonna give that stuff away we got figurines we got autographed 8 by1 frame stuff still got roosters gift cards still have that happy hour we're going to give away with me you Fus Zack Smith a surprise Buck I guest at Borgata Pizza Cafe and worthy ton all just for signing up so tons of stuff tons of rewards today's poll question what four teams are going to get first round Buys in the college football playoffs so that means you got to win your conference right Sam so who's gonna be the conference winners this year so you got big 10 SEC uh ACC Big 12 those are your four basically who are your conference winners in each of those the Big 12 is just awful I mean I I would argue that it's better than the ACC no who's better than Clemson and Florida State in Clemson's dog [ __ ] Florida State's your your top that's it but though like that's your two teams I don't think Clemson is [ __ ] I I think Florida State I think May some may surprise some people this year but there's some there's some squads in but who's better than Clemson is what I'm saying though in the Big 12 Utah I think Utah FL State I I see I that's my pick to win that division so I mean team I I I think there's some squads in the Big 12 Colorado is not one of them but I think there are some squads in the Big 12 I think the ACC sucks but you know what do I know uh uh well I mean yeah I mean that's why Notre Dame went there let's everyone and let's go to the weakest conference ever yeah I completely agree uh let's get you believe can you believe and we kind of discussed it yesterday for a little bit can you believe Florida state was down and I know Clemson was up was Clem and Clemson won national championships but a Florida State and the ACC was down in a down spiral for that conference I mean Florida state was like mediocre to average in a topheavy conference with one team well I mean so if you remember I don't know that people remember this davo couldn't get over the hill for the longest time like clemsoning was a thing right where you've got this squad you've got this team and you're a bunch of world beaters and then you go out and lose to Syracuse you go out and lose to pit when you have no business doing that and then he finally had a couple of couple of quarterbacks in a row that won to won himself a national couple National Championship national titles but here we are again where Dabo is going backwards and can't seem to get out of his own way so well remember Pat nardy a pit says he invented defensive football so it's hard to beat pit when your head coach invented defensive football pretty sure my dad played for nardi's Dad in college really yeah where'd your dad play at Youngstown State nice before truss but what what happened to you I had a real bad neck injury my freshman year playing football and they said Don't Play this anymore fresh High School freshman in high school yeah you didn't keep your head up did you uh no actually I was making the tackle and my own as I was going down with my own teammate's thigh hit me dead Square on the top of the helmet and jamm my neck down so that's why if you ever see him you know doing this and I've got the neck issues I do why don't you call Deshawn Watson's uh M massage therapist it took my ass off on the stretcher all 32 of them are available for a good time I hey man I'd do it for 250 million guaranteed and guess what I'm no longer doing it through o' anymore if that happens I would I'm going to Vegas at the end of next month if I hit you'll never see me again yeah you going at the end of September yeah everybody says that oh if I wanton a million $5 million I would continue my job I'm letting you know right now if I win over $2 million you will never see me again that's because the government takes tax and if I can't figure out a way to make money off a million dollars I'm the dumbest idiot in the world yeah I mean I I think I would still work but I would be doing it for different reasons it's because like I i' trust me I would uh that my stress would be a lot lower and I would probably cut my work down to like two or three days a week but I would eventually get bored of playing golf every day isn't that your schedule now though two three days a week we got jokes yeah I tell you what I so typically what I'll do is I bust ass um fall winter beginning of Spring and then usually in the summertime I I kind of keep it going but it's you know more kind of trying to go out and meet new people grow the business a little bit whereas the a lot of the other stuff is either meeting with current clients or or you know working with uh you know closing business in that regard I tried to work or try to play as much golf during the summer as I can but this year kind of how it panned out I was I was bust and hump through July so I haven't played as much golf as I normally would or would want to but we're trying to make up for it now there you go trying to get it in while the weather's good uh so I sent you this text this morning uh I feel like we might uh might separate our shoulders patting ourselves on the back but we called it uh Fox8 in Cleveland is reporting that Mahal Jr's alleged victim has recanted her statement that she gave I believe she gave two statements both have been recanted uh so now we're kind of left in limbo as far as what's going to happen with that case yeah it it happens all the time with with these situations especially in these domestic disputes do we know what happened I don't know what happened um we know what she claimed what her mom claimed and that he held a gun to her head we know there's red flags with with Mike Hall Jr you know there there's a lot of teams that said we didn't even have him on his draft board uh reading today there was a situation where she hit him with a bottle at Ohio State so that was out there so it's yeah so I mean it's not a great relationship obviously right when cops are being brought into the situation but I don't know anything about the relation sh except for they've had a couple domestic in incidents but if he were to get charged with this Sam his career would be done they would suspend him for a year uh the Browns wouldn't immediately uh release him because he'd be suspended but his it would be a downward spiral where he would probably be back blacklisted from the league right now you're not even hear anything about it on a national level which I think is kind of bizarre uh I didn't even see the story on like espn.com today I don't even know if it it's on there right now but not a lot of talk about it it's weird in a day of the pronouns and I guess people want to say the woke uh society that gun violence with an NFL player is not like front page material it's really bizarre to me um maybe it's like a Cleveland Browns player I don't know but you would think that if there is gun violence in the NFL that would be like you know top top story in today's NFL but they're worried about like Caitlyn Clark joining the three on three League uh but we called it I mean what is she going to do or what what their family going to do if they don't have the income coming in so you gota you know you talk it out you make it go away or she was completely in line I don't know yeah I mean this is a tough situation and I I'm a little uncomfortable even talking about it because obviously like you said neither of us were there um but we've seen this before right and the the one thing that I would say so Michael and his I believe fiance need to do one of two things but one of these two things has to happen they either need to go to some form of therapy um and and some kind of counselor and work their way through this or they need to completely separate because we now have a trend of this kind of thing happening not only is this this I mean obviously in the grand scheme of things we're talking about two individuals here that this is this is not a good relationship to this point uh this is bad this is toxic for both of them but on the on the the the Browns uh and the NFL's level like this is like you said publicity that they don't want to have right we have two scenarios here or two different situations that typically the NFL wants to stay as far away as possible you have domestic violence and you have gun violence these this is two really bad looks for not only the Browns but for the NFL as a whole too so something's got to give here they either need to get right they need to go talk to a counselor they need to you know figure this out or they need to realize that this is just too tox and too costic and they need to they need to separate I would say this though I don't think the NFL's going to let this go the NFL was investigating the next day and I don't think the NFL's goingon to say okay well she were caned her testimony let's just go away now and let's pretend this didn't happen I think the NFL is gonna investigate this I don't know how good NFL investigators are I don't know who they're hiring right I don't know but I do know that they're going to do their due diligence in this case and if the NFL comes out at some point in the season and says well there's nothing to it well then I there's nothing to it because there you know the police are going to do their homework but there's the there's only so much that the police can do without a witness coming forward to collaborate the original story right if she recants it what are they gonna do and that's the thing I I I want to say the woman's mother was there and essentially corroborated what the original testimony was so you know unfortunately for for Michael like this seems like this seems like a situation that even if the from the from the NFL's investigation perspective that even if she Recs her statement there's no charges filed um because there's no case that doesn't mean the NFL won't come in and say well this this this woman's mom sat there and she actually said that yeah this is exactly what happened this is what I witnessed um they they can still take action there's plenty of precedent for that that have happened in the past where the NFL can act without the police filing charges or actually uh you know indicting indicting a player for whatever it is they're accused of yeah and and if he was smart and if the Browns were smart they'd almost make it mandatory there's some type of counseling there right yeah I there there something's got to happen and you know I I can't say I I I I don't know exactly what these these NFL players are dealing with but I will say as far as somebody that was maybe a little more High Strung as an athlete in in college and even post colle where I've calmed down quite a bit like you can't he's got it sounds like he's got maybe some anger issues that he needs to deal with himself let alone the relationship issues so have you live have you been to Cleveland you know that's fair yeah um it's either you be angry or you become an alcoholic right yeah seasonal depression Sam he he's gota he's got to figure it out because like I said unfortunately this is starting to look like a trend that is not a good look for him or you two two for her though two on the other standpoint is you can pile on Mike Hall Jr right and from her though to hits him with a bottle and then from the original report she he told her to get out and she didn't want to leave and so she's poking the bear a little bit too so there's always two sides to every story so it's easy to pile on Mike call JR but I think we've all been there as males when you date crazy you might get a little crazy yeah yeah again that's what I was saying be cuckoo man if she's cuckoo like I said if she's cuckoo even if she's not crazy it seems to be unless something changes this is is not good for either of them so they either need to get right whether it's through counseling or they need to separate because this is not good for either of them maybe Mike Hall Jr needs to watch the how I married Your Mother Barney Stinson hot to Crazy racial and then figure it out yeah there there's something about that you know uh Urban Meers has been in the news a lot lately uh continues to talk I believe this was on a podcast um basically came out and said that the Ohio State roster might be College football's best quote in the last decade and then he thinks and I I've thought this I honestly don't think enough people are talking about this but he thinks the struggle this year for Ohio State might be keeping everyone happy I mean we're we're in a completely different era in college football where you have n nil agents you have money to be made based upon production uh and getting in games making appearances so I think there is that aspect of it too that I don't think we've talked about near enough what do you mean the Str what is he meaning by the strle with the I I heard the quote I didn't hear that basically meaning keeping everybody happy from a product uh you know touches or productivity or getting iname players happy I gotta correct yeah well I mean that's what got like trayon Henderson when when Judkins was interested in Ohio State Ryan Day called him and said are you okay with this I think trayon Henderson has to know that your carries are going to go down but also on the other hand Sam with him is he's been ouchie so he wants to stay healthy so maybe he thinks if there's someone sharing the load NFL Scouts are still going to see what I can do I'm still going to play on Sundays and I probably have more likelihood of staying healthy because I think when it what he's talking about is probably the running back position with two ones I mean two guys who could be a one on you know probably every team across the country except for two or three right so you know tra for trayon Henderson who hasn't been healthy for him it's probably refreshing because he doesn't have the workload and Judkins wants to win to Natty so I think Judkins knew that he when he came here there was another stud running back and I think they both signed off on it obviously if Judkins was worried about it he wouldn't have came here correct he would have got paid by another school well and I would say tre's been sharing carries while he's even when he's healthy while he's been here I mean you've had you've had a myriad of different running backs the sometimes three four deep where you know if one guy goes down Trey you know even when Trey was healthy he it seems like they were still rotating guys in and out um because I don't know if he's ever been really healthy though has he gets nicked up and then he misses some games and then they're well but what I'm saying even when he has been healthy before he's injured he there's been a rotation I think that was part one of the um I guess the criticisms of Tony Alford and probably one of the things that one of the additional things that pissed Ryan day off is how he was rotating various uh running backs in and out of the game but no I I I think you're absolutely right I also think this might be one of the things that or one of the reasons that Trey was was Nam to Captain is that you know he understands that quinnan coming in makes them a much better Squad and I would I would you know bet my ass that trayon Henderson knows that he's got some answers uh some questions to answer regarding his durability so my guess is he signed off on it and he had no problem with because he knows that guy coming in is going to give them a better chance of winning than that yeah and then with the receivers with the ball I mean AAA used to Marvin Harrison Jr uh Carnell take is playing Tate is playing his way in to be the number one next year and Jeremiah Smith is a freshman so for Jeremiah Smith standpoint is man if I can get 40 catches that'd be unbelievable that'd be like record breaking at Ohio State for what did you say this week like 36 catches was the Freshman record from a receiver yeah not much it was like 600 yards and 36 catches yeah I mean so even if he gets the ball 40 times this year in a season it would be amazing so I'm not too worried about that there's other things I'm worried about than ball distribution with this Ohio State team yeah yeah it just like I said keep everybody healthy get out there show everybody what you can do do what you're supposed to do especially against the [ __ ] teams that way everybody can get some reps right I you know I I agree with Urban though when it comes from a talent perspective is name me another team in the past decade on paper who's more talented than this team I mean the only thing you're looking at from a could be a weakness is Your Right Guard because you just don't know who's playing the Right Guard right now Josh frier you hope he's better better he's been here a long time uh he struggled at times last year you have a new center in Seth mclin people will point out to that game in Michigan but he didn't play like that all year uh he had the hiccups for some reason he did he had a poor game but Sam if I were to give you let me give you the position groups and you just tell me I'll give you the players Jeremiah Smith Carnell Tate Uka I don't think any one of those three guys fall out of the top two rounds no probably I mean it depends on what kind of I think abuka needs to have a bit of a back here and stay healthy but I think yeah first second round easy uh Josh left side of the offensive line Simmons and Jackson I mean Jackson's a preseason All-American the the criticism about the offensive line has never been the left side it's always been the right side okay so Seth mclin he'll be a draft pick right fourth round pick fifth round pick right side who knows will Howard third third to fifth round pick depend could be more I mean I I'm still kind of nervous because I just haven't watched enough of him play but again I still think if the the overvaluation of the quarterback position by the NFL if JJ McCarthy can go 10th overall in the first round I think if Will Howard can come out and have a productive year where he shows he can not only run the ball but throw the ball I don't know why he wouldn't go in the top 20 or couldn't go in the top 20 of an NFL draft and then your running backs are it's a rarity when you're first round but those running backs are second third round pick second third yeah maybe early fourth and then from the defensive line I mean all four of those starters on the defensive line I don't see them leave it you know getting past the first second round there maybe third if someone drops who knows with sunny Styles and and Cody Simon and then your defensive back Sam you're talking about you know Denzel Burke's a first round pick uh you know all up and down you're talking about first and second round picks so yeah it you know I think his quote was it's flooded with NFL Talent he's correct all these guys are going to be playing on Sunday and when was the last time you had a team in college football where up and down the roster everybody was playing on Sunday I don't know how good they're going to be on Sunday but I think they're all going to be drafted you could realistically look and say every guy on on paper right now every guy who's starting on this team will be drafted in the NFL correct or not incorrect I don't know how or why not honestly I mean every single guy's gon be drafted in the NFL maybe the offensive line but I think your defensive line is loaded with Talent all four of those guys are going to potentially be be drafted I think obviously we know what Denzel Burke can do which is GNA put further uh it's G to put the spotlight on Davis egosan so I yeah absolutely like you're gonna have these guys that there's going to be a spotlight on on these guys making plays and the NFL just licks their chops over players like this this this kind of this amount of Talent on the field uh today's poll question what 14 teams are going to get first round Buys in the college football playoffs we'll answer that the trailer is out for Conor stallions Netflix documentary and I don't know if they are doing a swerve with this but I think that Conor stallions is going to have a builtin excuse have you seen the trailer Sam no I'm I'm I'm not gonna watch this I am going to explain I'm gonna watch it I'm gonna explain the trailer to everybody and if Connor stallions and Netflix thinks we are going to buy this absolute garbage [ __ ] they got another thing coming and a big 10 coach suspended by the NCAA at least their fan base aren't a bunch of [ __ ] and crying about it that's next on the OV podcast we go to war for you at Sugar Shar trial attorneys we don't back down accident call us today at 877 War for you or visit War for you.com for free consultation know your rights because results matter that's 877 War for you 877 War for you or visit warfor you.com War for you War for you.com are you ready for a change putting off buying or selling a home because you keep hearing how tough the real estate market is next home experience is here to help consistently rated a top 10 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Ohio versus everyone before we answer the poll question maybe someone could help me out and I didn't even pay attention to this and the poll questions is what four teams are going to get first round Buys in the college football playoff did the SEC do what the big 10's doing when it comes to who's representing the conference in the title game is SEC still broken up in divisions or they all all in one in the top two teams go like the big 10 oh that's a good question no someone in the chat will know but I I missed it I don't know did they slide Texas and Oklahoma in one of cause because that will impact my answer because if it's the old way and I'll start if it's the old way I think it's Georgia even so the the the division were eliminated when Oklahoma and Texas joined okay see that kind of changes there's only one real conference I think that to me that that there's really any question I think Ohio State obviously yeah I think oh high State's going to be your number one overall I think Georgia that big 10 I think Georgia wins the the SEC I think Utah wins the Big 12 and I think Florida State wins the ACC however I think there's a dark horse there and I think people forget that this team joined the ACC I think SMU could be pardon the pun a Darkhorse they I want to say the first ACC game that SMU SMU plays this year is against Florida State I think that's going to be a big tell of that for that conference I don't I think Clemson's down I don't I have no faith in them uh until I see it consistently happen in Miami I've got no faith in them even though obviously they had the the transfer quarterback come in um and they're supposed to be back but they are every year I'm going to I'm going to go maybe smu's a little bit of a dark horse in the ACC you're GNA take Georgia as in the SEC yeah who else would I take okay do you have you seen Georgia's schedule dude they're not see that's why I wanted to know if they split up in the divisions because all they have to do is get there right and I I I was gonna go with Old Miss and then if Old Miss play Georgia I was going to take Georgia but I don't even think Georgia gets there you go on the road backto back or not back-to-back week excuse me because of the buy um they'll beat Kentucky on the road buy but they take go to Alabama on the road Texas on the road this may be blasphemy I don't think Alabama's gonna have that good a year this year I think they're gonna be regardless how are you gonna get there and you got three Road games like that and then still be one of the top two teams in the SEC oh they they've got to run a gauntlet but I think they can beat I think they will beat Bama uh I think Texas and Georgia's going to be a great game but I again I think Texas is in a uh in for a route Awakening and joining the SEC That Old Miss game is going to be probably the toughest game they play it's at it's at the Grove if Georgia beats all those teams you better fear them because they have an A A of conference game against Clemson yeah and they probably will take Ohio State or pretty close to it because Ohio State doesn't even have a schedule like that where they got on the you know they go on the road against Oregon but they're not going on the in in Penn State but they're not I mean Michigan nowhere near a Alabama Texas or Old Miss Penn State's not at any of those teams levels Oregon might but if Georgia goes on the road and beats all three of those teams and sweeps the SEC holy crap you should fear them hey man I'm just I'm just looking what they've done recently last year two years ago obviously they they could have been uh what three-time national champ last year got left out because they lost in the SEC title A team's loaded what Kirby's doing he knows what he's doing I until I see otherwise I think they're the king of the CC I am going to take I think it is going to be Old Miss and Alabama in the championship game and I'm gonna go with Alabama I think Alabama wins the SEC I'm not saying they the best team but the question is who's going to receive first round buys and I just you look at the schedule that Alabama has yeah they go on the road against old Mi or they don't play Old Miss at all they play Georgia at home uh at LSU at Oklahoma but I think they are you know better athletic Le than all those teams so I don't know if Alabama's the best team but if it's Alabama against Old Miss in the SEC title game then I'm gonna go with Alabama and the winner of that title game is gonna get a buy so I'll go with Alabama Florida State the Buckey and Utah Old Miss got to play a night game at Death Valley y that's that'll be be a game too I think om Miss might be the regular season winner or the top two I just don't know if that program's ready to take the next leap and win the biggest championship game in the in college football right man I'm tell I'm so excited for football I can't even usually I'm just like yay it's here uh you know we got something to do on Saturdays now but I'm so geeked up for for football this year I don't know if it's because ofio State I don't know it's because I get to watch M Michigan crumble or whatever I'm just so geeked up for it yeah I'm I'm looking forward to it let's do uh so what we have uh the trailer for The obviously the Netflix uh Conor Steines documentary came out uh is anyone really buying what we're being sold here and then the other question I have is why in God's name is Dave pornoy gonna be in this uh because he he blows I uh he blows the program I mean he loves the program he dry humps him um I I think you know if you're talking to people about uh you know he's still a big name in sports so they probably got a bit bunch of Michigan alums that you know maybe Adam scher's in it maybe Mike too's in it I don't know who's gonna be in it maybe the ESPN guys aren't aren't in it maybe they're not allowed because it's a Netflix documentary and they got 30 for 30 so I I mean listen all Porto's perspective on This is BS so who cares what he thinks on this subject this is how it looks like Conor stallions is setting this up this looks like his excuse like if if you go in into a trial right what is your defense what is your story and it's only a minute trailer but this is how the beginning of the trailer starts if you haven't seen it folks Conor stallion starts by saying that he filmed himself doing over 2,000 football signals and he said every I looked up signals every signal I could remember and then I took those 2,000 plus signals and memorized all of them and did variations of those signals like he's the beautiful mind so I think where they're getting at where he's getting at is that he's an idiot savant Rainman when it comes to signals in his defense now I don't know if he's saying this it's just looks by the trailer is leaning that way that his excuse for knowing all the signals is that I studied 2,000 signals and watched them over and over and over I don't know if the same every team uses the same signals I would think not but he's claiming in this that he prepared himself by watching all the signals legally and then memorized everything and then was like the Beautiful Mind and could tell if someone was signaling something that's what they were doing so do you remember the line from Saving Private Ryan where Jackson the snipers talking to hop him he says careful not to step in the [ __ ] who's who the hell is buying that story that not to mention not to mention the disconnect of uh the the grad assistant standing there and telling watching the sideline telling the coaches what plays coming we've got they've got Financial records of him buying tickets on his credit card you dumb ass and and being in perfect spot to see the opposition uh in games that they're not playing to see the opposition signals going like who the hell is buying this like I I you you're just you're nailed dead to rights like own it just say yeah we did it we got what we wanted just own it don't don't further further the disdain and hate for you and your program by coming out here and trying to Gaslight us and into believe in something that that we know for a fact didn't happen now I don't know if that's his thing but that's the trailer you can watch the trailer he talks about like oh I memorized all these signs in 2000 signs and da d da d da uh I don't know if that's the direction she obviously we're watching a 60-second trailer so we don't know if that's the way he's going or not but he's he's saying that he's studied all these signals and he's an expert at knowing signals so that's what he's gonna say at some point that he's an expert Mastermind at reading signals and knowing what each signal means you know what I mean so I I don't know if that's what his defense is going to be but I I'm pretty sure Sam that the NCAA is going to be watching and taking notes because if he doesn't want to talk to the NCAA I think that they're going to use this documentary as his testimony probably if he doesn't cooperate they're going to look at this documentary they're going to take notes and say all right Connor stallion said this in the Netflix documentary but we have proof they did this so he's ly I mean I I think anybody with a anybody that's not a Michigan fan and I would say maybe even 10% of Michigan fans realize this is [ __ ] it's borderline propaganda and this is I'll tell you what I haven't even seen the Netflix documentary yet and and maybe I will maybe I won't I don't know but I will guarantee you right now what they tell you in the documentary is not what happened no legal sign stealing people do it but not where they're filming like Conor stallions did so he's probably going to or hacking into servers and cloud-based services pulling down videos this is a Conor stallions documentary not a two separate things I don't you're not going to get the truth I think it's all intertwined I think you do too no I don't I think they wanted to cheat at all cost and that's what I'm saying I think I think Conor steinan was a part of it I think the the alleged hacking of of servers was a part of it and it all co-mingled and came together at one point you know maybe Connor wasn't the one doing it but I think they were all aware of it maybe Jim Harbaugh had a meeting with the staff said we got to do what it takes to win took that literally I believe it before we hit this I don't know if anyone is buying though if if anyone's gonna buy I'll watch the documentary I don't know if anyone's gonna buy though right what he's selling before we hit the uh this next big 10 story we had a Super Chat come in in the first thanks for the two love the name big dick from Little Crick Tor when's the Herby roast episode coming okay so here there would there is nothing that would bring me more joy professionally than roasting Herby right I purposely didn't roast him he had kids um you know kids growing up his kids are grown now he's got a senior in high school his kids are going to be out of the house now as a parent I didn't want any kid to go all my know that my dad's a human dirt bag right because they probably think like the majority of people do that her's this wonderful guy but he's not he's a pile of trash human being I I know that for a fact it has nothing to do with me and what he did to me I just know about things he's done personally Sam knows a little bit I've told Sam Sam do average people do what Herby's done no one can get away with that legally or morally can get away with that right am I right or am I right Sam you're absolutely right and and keep in mind too I thought he was a piece and I heard he was a piece of [ __ ] even before what he did to you as well take take that off the table yes I mean I think that's the icy on the the piece of [ __ ] cake he horri human the guy's a dick he is he's an absolute [ __ ] he's the typical like if you've seen the movie Revenge of the Nerds he's the dude like the I'm above you I'm better than you but he's a fraud see that's the thing he wants people to think he's a nice guy but he's the biggest fraud on the planet that's that's the thing that gets me he pretends he's something that he's not and I don't even care about this fake Buckeye he's a buckeye when he pretends to be maybe some of that's true but some of it's part of his job as well professionally I'm not going to rip the guy it's you pretend to be something you're not now when is that coming here's the thing I have another profession that I do where if I didn't do that job I would probably unload at Herby today but that pays the bill that pays the bills so I I will say this when's it coming when I'm no longer doing radio that's when it's coming I like you I like you you learned good for you man you're girl it is it but it'll happen he it trust me it will happen I just can't tell you when Nick D appreciate the fiveman former recruiting director by the way this kind of goes with the the the story that we were just talking about with Connor Stein former recruiting director was told by Harbaugh to go up to the line and cross who's to say he didn't do that with Connor and Matt whis I again I think it all lines up I think it all makes perfect sense like you start taking these pieces and putting them all together eventually you get a puzzle right that's how you do puzzle or puzzle you get these small pieces put them together eventually you get this big picture of what you're looking at or what's actually going on I think that's exactly what's Happening Here It just seems like there's these drip drip drips these these little puzzle pieces and we finally put it all together to realize what they what they knew they had to do or what they thought they had to do to finally slay the the dragon that is a high State football do you think it's almost like the mafia where when the mafia boss wants a hit on someone he says it without saying it so if it comes up in court can't prove that he ordered the killing right so it might be one of those things where Harbaugh said we got to win at all costs and then people felt the pressure obviously you know the facts are that Jim Harbaugh took a pay cut that Jim Harbaugh had to pay some s assistance raises through his own salary so I think everybody felt the pressure that their job was on the line and for a lot of these guys look at Conor stallions man loyal to that program they gave him a shot look at uh Matt Weiss I mean look at his background that was big time for him a lot of these a lot of these guys who was the guy who just got fired the quarterback coach from Central Michigan just got fired who was with the Michigan staff under our ball right I mean that was his highlight job so for a lot of these midlevel assistants or offense and defensive coordinators this was their big break in college football and if they felt they could get away with something and then Conor stallions has taking the fall or it doesn't associate with them where it's a hard paper trail to prove that they were even involved because I think with if Conor stallion isn't talking and Jim Harbaugh's gonna not talk it's going to be hard to connect the dots that Jim Harbaugh knew were not right you could assume he knew because why would a head coach let a ga on the sidelines and not know he was on the sidelines but to know with a you know you could be 99% sure but Jim Harbaugh will hang on to that 1% until it's dying day again like according to the NCAA it doesn't matter if you're knew or not you well exactly I'm just you have to know you you are obligated to know what is going on in your in your program regardless if you know or not you will be punished for it if there's nefarious things going on so again that's a moot point to me you know maybe that's like a quarter public opinion thing but I think the that's that jury's already weighed in and they think Michigan's a bunch of they they cheated they were nefarious they cheated and I think everybody with half a brain puts an asterisk on on the uh on the success that Michigan has had in the last three years yeah it it'll be uh it'll be interesting it'll be interesting to see this documentary I'm looking I'm actually looking forward to it I'm looking forward to how people spin things when they're guilty because I you know I'm a pretty good bser I could BS myself out of a lot of stuff but I don't know how you can well OJ did it but I don't know how you can BS your way out of something like this but o did it but I don't think Conor stallion has Johnny Cochran on his side just really I'm really curious to see what the NCAA has I want to and I hope when they come down with the punishment that they make all of the uh I guess the the the what they found in the investigation public knowledge because I'm very curious to see how deep this went and then what it is they were able to uncover and how are they were able to uncover it to nail these guys because again I think everybody knows they cheated yeah I'm not even even worried about them getting hammered right I don't even care if they get hammered or anything happens I just think that it's validation to everything that they accomplish doesn't exist that it's not real right to me it's like I I know some people oh you're gonna pay and you know I can't wait and death penalty or coaches getting show caused or whatever is I don't really care too much about that for me it's a validation that everything they did for three years was not true right so to me it that means more than anything that all right here's the proof you everybody now knows it happened even if you're in denial you can longer fight it so for me it's more of a all right you're a stupid idiot if you even still believe this stuff and you got to go out there now and prove that you're a heavyweight player in college football yeah and and this whole I guess the Mantra that you know Michigan they didn't need to recruit because they were so good at developing well were they really like I I want that to be removed too like I want I want shame to shower over anybody and everybody associated with the last three years of Michigan's football program don't you think though that shame is kind of already there I hope no how they've reacted to this well and and let's maybe there is a little bit of shame I don't think there's enough I think it's kind of embarrassing how I want shame to be a sledgehammer that just hammers them into the ground you're very bitter today I like it yeah I'm always bitter it's just a matter if it it it's just depending on whether if it comes out or not uh when we come back a big 10 coach suspended by the NCAA we gotta ask if this guy's overrated or not because he's always I I'm not sure if he's overrated or not and a Reds Legend retires is he Hall of Fame worthy and today I was reminded of one of the best rants in sports kudos to Joey vad and what's on the web next on the o podcast hey it's Tor for custom a you know when it comes to my HVAC system I 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around for 40 years and all firsttime customers get 50% off their first three months payroll processing fees it's John Taylor and I'm here to share my passion of personal growth and transformation with you we help people overcome adversity and live life beyond limits through speaking and workshops at John taylorp speaks.com we believe in the power of unlocking your full potential and achieving greatness through Dynamic speaking engagements workshops and coaching programs we want to ack the Fire Within You So if you're ready to take your group to the next level visit John taylorp speaks.com today let's embark on this incredible journey of growth and success together let's go thinking of buying or selling a home give Lauren Torgerson a call with next home experience Lauren has been servicing the Columbus Metropolitan Area for 10 years so whether you're a first-time home buyer considering building one to upsize or downsize Lauren can help you with all your real estate needs get a free market analysis for your area and get started working on making tomorrow's dreams happen today call or text Lauren at 614 296 3952 614 296 3952 or email at Torgerson Lauren gmail.com cple closes this week for my or not closes but a couple uh in contracts this week did you uh did you guys sell the lake house uh in contract nice good for you over asking that's why you call Lauren t very nice man I didn't think I'd go over little little over I mean trust me but the inspections today you never know they look at something and then who knows uh o podcast remember go online and join the website the O podcast.com Sam here's one for you and I wasn't supposed to mention this and I'm not supposed to mention it to tomorrow but I already did so who cares uh I'm going to read this just like they want me to read it on the radio this is what they I never I never do this but it's Jo torgan Elliot at Buffalo Wild Wings on Lane and high from 5: to 7 Wednesday August the 28th for the official launch of the foundation Ohio pilsner from Brew dog in partnership with the foundation Toran Elliott are going to be on site spinning the prize wheel spin that prize wheel for great prizes and meet former OSU quarterback and National Champion I added the national champion part Cardell Jones get details qfm 96.com there no details I'm supposed I was supposed to wait I told everybody this week about this I was supposed to wait till tomorrow but we're doing a fundraising drive for the foundation new beer by Brew dog come out meet Cardell Jones 5 to 7 Wednesday so I'm gonna be doing the podcast and then I'm leaving immediately from the podcast Wednesday so Buffalo Wild Wings they changed their menu by the way I heard at least the one in Canal 5 to seven Lane and high you going to go Sam uh maybe I might be able to make that come on come on out uh Cardell is making the rounds like I said I'm playing in a golf event with him on Monday card he's gonna be there great dude yeah I've got we've got some mutual friends I I don't try I was I went shooting one time at uh lepd and he was there but I didn't want to bother him I hear you good dude all around good dude um yeah and by the way a percentage of every sale goes directly to sport Ohio State football and basketball student athletes are they still making Cube yes okay I still got to get some I also need to get my hoodie good what's that I need to get my hoodie from you too yes come Wednesday and I'll throw it in the car all right that works um let them live so we had some news come down uh Kirk fence and assistant John budmar budmar Let Him Live have been have been suspended by the NCAA uh for one game uh the suspension is rooted around recruiting violations of Cade mcnamer uh this was committed who committed to Iowa after being in the portal for three days uh imagine being suspended because of Cade mcamera I know let's break the rules to bring in Cade mcnamer that's how hard up Iowa is for a quarterback isn't it I've also got another I've got a I've got a theory here I've got the tin tin hat on tin foil hat you think Michigan ratted on Iowa no because those aren't the teams Michigan's mad at it's Purdue ruter in Ohio State I think they're mad at everybody and they're just lashing well yeah true it was every every athletic director went to bat and said you know no good you know Michigan no good suspend harbar um you think Kurt ference is overrated because I don't I think he's overrated to the when it remember a couple years ago when there are rumors about Kurt ference going to the NFL I think that's overrated because I don't know if he's good enough to kind of earn that honor right you want to take the really good coaches the elite coaches in college football and then offer them NFL deals I don't think he's NFL good but I would say watch what you wish for because you're Iowa have you been to Iowa Sam uh once if you take away the dtas Iowa might be the worst place in the country to live I'm that's not listen I live in Minnesota that's bottom 10 or I lived in in Minnesota I grew up there Minnesota's bottom 10 I'm not saying they're not I'm not say oh where I grew up was so much better Wisconsin Minnesota The Dakotas Iowa Nebraska it's the armpit of the country no one wants to I'm just being honest man I'm honest uh so you you don't want but but like if Sam if they didn't have Kurt fence right that team might be a wasteland of college football could just but I mean look at look at what were to before Kirk ference though so obviously Nebraska used to have a storied history and they had Hayden fry though they they picked the right exactly that's my point is like yeah a lot of these programs that were in the kind of the central part of the country have a storied history but Chuck long soon as as the the game started to change recruiting started to change a little bit and now all of a sudden I was kind of just hanging out there Ricky sty how much is how much did you look this up how much is uh Kirk parents making a year do you know I'm going to get are you asking me a question so you know the answer I do know the answer all right I'm going to guess $8 million $7 million okay I think do I think he's overrated do I think he's worth $7 million absolutely not do I think he's a good fit for Iowa and if you get rid of him you're you're you're GNA go from nine and three to 4 and eight pretty quickly so it just depends on what your expectations of the program are I think he's worth $7 million in this day and age when you think of you know he does get to the Big 10 title game every now and then doesn't win but look at Iowa you're right I think they are a four five win football team without him and the money that each school is getting in the Big 10 if you know it they're not embarrassing like some of the programs in the Big 10 right so at least they're paying competitive money to keep a good head coach I'm not saying great maybe great he's putting guys in the league too yeah so I think he's worth $7 million absolutely in today's day and age of college football if I'm my I mean look at what PJ Fleck is making I think he's almost making s million that's a joke the thing is is they don't pay assistance though you could pay a head coach $7 million but if you don't pay assistance at least a competitive wage of like a million dollars or more with the coordinators I mean it's going to be hard to win you need the secondary guys that could go out and recruit the good recruiters the Brian heartlines of the world to go get players for you what is Brian Harline Mike like 800,000 that's a steal for what he brings in guy brings in top receivers every single year uh and I'm talking from a purely recruiting standpoint here right right yeah you're probably right I I just I I still you talk about shaming Michigan for what they've done Zach was probably underpaid Zack Smith when he was at Ohio State getting getting suspended for illegally recruiting Kad MC not not just illegally recruiting Kate mcnamer but think of how much this is going on right now across the country with every team and every player being illegally solicited and recruited and you got caught and it was Kate mcnamer that's awful that's brutal it's really bad um so yesterday uh former Reds funny man Joey vad announced he is retiring uh Joey vad is a six-time All-Star he won the MVP in 2010 and a gold glove in 2011 which is still one of the biggest farces I've ever seen in my life uh did end up his career batting 294 had 2,135 hits 356 bombs uh little over 1100 RBIs and an Ops a 920 all of that being said the question needs to be asked is Joey vad a Hall of Famer I would if you asked me this question before um Harold Baines got into the Baseball Hall of Fame I would say absolutely not but I think when you let Harold Baines in the Hall of Fame you open the door to be a really good player and then get into the Hall of Fame and now you see guys with similar stats make the Baseball Hall of Fame right I mean Harold B Harold Baines had more hits almost 3,000 you know 380 home runs but usually it used to be a 3,000 hit Club where you had to get over 3,000 hits I mean Harold Baines had a better career than Joey Vado but look at B one thing that b Vado brought to the table Sam is what now in the day of analytics baseball has changed but what did Joey vad do better than almost any person in baseball during his Heyday his run he got on base he got on base he a four so when when Joey Vado explain this to people who don't obey Joey Vado went to bat 10 times he would get on base four times over four times out of 10 he would take a lot of walks get criticized for it a lot like Marty brenaman destroyed him for getting on base but his job is to get on base everyone can look at it differently his job is I'm a hitter I'm gonna get put my team in a position because he was never I know he's got a lot of home runs but he wasn't Adam dun yeah three but he did have 300 or 356 home runs but he wasn't like the I mean that's a lot of home runs I don't know bil Bean has to change just pants when he thinks about Joey vad like he is the quintessential Moneyball player right yes but my my issue and keep in mind I am I'm a Reds fan um I he he hasn't hit any of the numbers I think that automatically gets him in doesn't have 3,000 hits doesn't have 500 home runs I just I as though I think I think I think he gets in the Reds Hall of Fame oh yeah he'll definitely be there and honestly I think he will get into the Hall of Fame the Bas Baseball Hall of Fame I do I don't think he deserves it though I I really don't I and when the when the Reds signed him to that contract I said this this is a terrible contract because they rolled up the the brink shuck fir him after having I think it was the MVP year and I'm like you're paying this guy way too fast and that's exactly what happened so I I I know I I do I think he will get in yeah do I think he's first ballot no but you know he had he had a great career he was a great player he was not an elite player he was not a Hall of Fame player and he was kind of a prick like he had some funny moments but he was kind of a douche yeah yeah I mean what was the um what was the story where he brought his dog on the road with him all the time did you hear that story I've been told that story uh from a former teammate that he would bring his dog on the road with him that's weird uh wax chiming in with the two we appreciate you man VTO was power hitter more walks than p which is I don't know if I necessarily agree with that I think P power hitter I don't think it was a pure power a lot of home runs though I mean yeah I mean he hit a lot of home runs and he and he seemed to tried to mold or change himself year to year about kind of what the team wanted or what fans wanted but like the guy was a phenomenal hitter contact hitter had great uh knowledge of the strike zone but I I mean I don't I just don't think that he was a Hall of Fame player I'm sorry are you a power hitter if you only hit 30 or more home runs three times in your career I don't consider that a power hitter that's fair especially you're playing in a band box that is a Great American Ballpark yeah so I I just you know home runs in the 20s but there's a lot of years I'm looking at right now 12 15 11 11 14 six I know he only played 62 games that year um but a lot of you know I mean look at those Seasons he gets 20 you know he was at 29 29 36 then 12 1511 then he got 3 six then 11 and and 14 I I wouldn't call him I would call him a consist consistent player that had power flashes of power yeah he didn't try to hit bombs I mean that that was not his job he was a really good baseball player a really good player overpaid I don't know I I guess that's I I I'm not gonna begrudge anyone for getting as much as you want right that's I blame the team for that but what were the team gonna do man he was the star guy the red just were winning were winners at for some of those years yeah you got to keep Sam for the Reds to do that is and I don't know exactly what year he signed that deal but remember they had Brandon Phillips and griffy Jr and dun and they had uh Johnny quo and they had a you know um who's the guy who plays acoustic guitar Branson a royaly I mean they had a really good team that were in the playoffs so what are you gonna do if you're the Reds like blow that up and not resign Joey vad I think it's it yeah you resigned Joey vad at the time you might not like the cost if you're a fan and go oh it's too much but I mean that was the going rate to sign him if they didn't sign him someone else was going to sign him yeah but the issue with the Reds and we've discussed this in the past is because they're a small Market team they can't afford to miss on contracts like I know but they're winning and you can't afford to not capitalize on guys right if if they're if da la Cruz is up in well they gotta sign D La Cruz no matter what did you see got 60 soen bases yeah saw 20 I mean dude it's phenomenal if I'm the Reds right now I pay him because he's got one more year before he's up for arbitration correct uh D La Cruz yeah or is it two he's on he's playing on a one-year deal right now well but he's only it the system is you got to play three years and then you get arbitration and then three more years and then you're free agent right he's gonna get paid I would say to him right now here is a 10-year deal here is $300 million resign with us and that deal is going to be a bargain in like five years I would I would guarantee you he declin he would decline that you think so yeah $30 million a year and you're paying him before you have to yeah I think he declin it I mean maybe you do maybe he do like 30 30 a year for five I I would play the arbitration game did sh just get $700 million I thought he got 50 million a year right for now now I got to look that up but he plays both ways yeah 700 million over 10 years oh really holy crap but it's def third right yeah yeah I think he's deferring it for the first 10 wow so he doesn't have to pay California state taxes smart dude genius only bets in California all right uh we don't do you want to do what's on the web I'll save it yeah well you know what let's do one let's do one let's do one that's what I said let's do one uh Ron Rousey had a disaster ask me anything at the wrestling Reddit sub she uh you know it's like you subscribe to Sub sub subscription where she didn't answer any questions mostly because 90% is about her statement denying Sandy Hook shooting you saw her she's an Alex Jones her I don't like Alex Jones he's a pilot trash uh Ronda Rousey is a Sandy Hook denier as well and people just got on this ask me anything and just started asking her about Sandy Hook and she didn't answer any questions and then got pissy and then left good for you if you were in that group good for you may have to may have to ask you to do a little more research on Alex Jones than the Sandy Hook thing uh I know he lost the lawsuit and I he he also had the FBI targeting him well don't say stupid stuff that is fair yeah and he's a Sandy Hook denier not necessarily yeah he lost I don't I'm not going to get into it with you and trust me I think he's a little bit out there too but there's it's kind of one of those things where there's a lot of there's a narrative about him that and everybody runs with it and a lot of the narrative is not true that's all I'll say ah [ __ ] I'm just hey again I I don't subscribe I don't watch but I would also say too A lot of the things he said has been proven to be 100% accurate as well so I have no idea if he says cheeseburgers are delicious then maybe he said something correct not aan I'm pretty sure he was one of the first to bring up the uh the Epstein ring was he yeah that still doesn't equal out the Sandy Hook Have You Seen Her tweets about Sandy Hook no I don't have Twitter remember yeah well she's just basically saying people need to do their research on Sandy Hook like it I don't I mean that to the parents there are Rhonda yeah that's tough that's tough I'm good for you wrestling fans that's why we do wrestling on this podcast I'm surprised tell them why by the way tell them why we not doing wrestling there's there were some questions about that oh he's do tomorrow he's doing the show tomorrow Sam's off so we'll do wrestling tomorrow what do we got what's the next uh is it Survivor Series well there's an Allin tomorrow by the way by the way I'm not looking at chat if you like Alex Jones I don't care what you like I'm just telling you oh I'm not saying I like Alex Jones I'm just saying there's people in the chat I don't care gotcha gotcha yeah people let them live I don't care what you guys I just personally don't like him and it has nothing to do with politics I don't even know what he if he's like I'm Art Bell talking about aliens I couldn't even tell I don't like any listen I'm pretty consistent with my opinions I don't like political [ __ ] I think this is going to become very soon for our Channel or our show the Chris loves cancer blue Wolverine appreciate the two sign up for X Sam do it Sam I guys I don't I don't get a burner account I don't need that in my life why are you on the worst platform in the world in Facebook I don't know maybe it was a timing thing Twitter at least with X Sam you get like news yeah but I can I can get that pretty much anywhere ah it's better it's it's this how i r them Tik Tok Instagram x Facebook like right there with Myspace all right fair enough maybe but it's definitely going to be a burner I'm going to be Kevin Durant on that [ __ ] oh be a have a burner dude have a burner dude I I will say I will say that there there was I went to this um this golf event and I forgot my charger and nobody else had the same charger um and the cell service to this place sucked anyway so I basically had three days without a cell phone and I tell you what man like the first half day was itchy I was like nervous like it was like a I needed I needed my fix right but then the next two and a half days was glorious like it was it was a it was a burden being lifted off my shoulders so I need less uh smartphone technology not more I gotcha you know what I do on Tik Tok I troll like crazy and I use my name for my Tik Tok account I don't post like you and I don't like I I leg it has nothing to do with I don't like Tim Wallace because he let my city burn I don't it's not a itical thing he just let Minneapolis burn to the ground and I had people that had to evacuate their houses and I you could drive by Min Minneapolis this day and they're still boarded up buildings they've never recovered um I don't care a I just don't like him for letting the city burn so when people go oh he's so inspiring I just reply he let a major city burn quick question wax thanks for the two buddy top three wrestlers each view wax chimes in Austin flare Hogan uh it's hard to the problem with it is the sports entertainment aspect of it right and how you break down that question so are you talking pure wrestlers because Hulk Hogan's not on the list but then you can't deny how he took wrestling from a regional so I would say not like not like the technicality of the wrestling I would say it's the more the sports entertainment that's that's how I would interpret it because and probably Hogan Rock and Austin Hogan undertak Aker Austin I don't think do Flair is my favorite wrestler but I think Ric Flair was in WCW in his Heyday and if you're talking pure wrestling invented the heel I mean that's another thing though with Ric Flair is he kind of invented the Moder day heel the guy with W you know had the women that yeah it's hard to leave flare out because he inspires the bad guy wrestler he's like the top heel of all time I got I got I think you're right a Hogan Flair I'm going Austin Stone Cold number one Far and Away Taker and then the last one's not a a single person but it's the first first group that got me interested when I was a kid in the WWF and it was The Bushwhackers so that's my third dud they licked each other's armpits Samy hey it's the first group that I liked when I was a kid let me live are at do you eat paste do you sniff glue do you have a I enjoyed the bushers is the first it was the first TM it was the first group that I followed when I started watching wrestling this is my list not your list let me live I know but let me just answer this question all right and this is all I'll answer do you have like a large Ziploc baggie and you spray Scotch Guard in it and then sniff that in that baggie let's just say that I have sniffed rubber cement so much that it doesn't smell good to me anymore okay that's all I wanted I I I'm not ripping I'm just saying you yes did I tell you have did I ever tell you you sign us off okay I I this is just how drugs are bad kids like seriously so we had this kid in high school named Kevin Ree and he would openly tell everybody he would sniff scotchguard right and I went back I think it might have been my 10-year reunion and I didn't go back for the reunion but I went back I was back for a wedding and I was at the bar everybody was at the reunion so everybody was at at the you know there it's like the reunion carried over to a bar so I was at the bar and I said to someone like hey what happened to Kevin Rees the Scotch Guard guy and so was oh man he died like five years ago from a drug overdose so just telling you kids don't be the Scotch Guard sniffer it sounds like a wrestler's name Scotch card sniffer yes no Scotch card sniffer I think that was one of The Bushwhackers you might be right all right wax wax thanks for the two buddy Hogan build it it doesn't work for me brother he's not wrong I heard Hogan um was really nice to fans he was in town yesterday yeah uh my barber got a picture with him really yeah shout out Gorgon grooming you got a barber or is it like a stylist uh I mean she's got her barber's license but she only Cuts men's hair so so like she can do the shaves the beard trims the haircuts all of it where's she at uh graceand what part you know where the Massie you know where Massie is in graand no I don't even know where graceand is it's like Clintonville okay um she has a she rents a space in there so that's by my work is it I might go there because my option right now is not good well I work in UA that's not too far from Clinton I mean yeah Clinton is not far from anywhere really you might she might have gained a customer good job Sam there you go like I said shout out Gorgon groomman if anybody needs it look her up all right free advertising next time we charge her all right Ricky stany Sam we'll see you Tuesday uh we will do some football Friday tomorrow FIS will be with me Monday and Ricky stany will sign us off well of course I mean there's nothing better than being American so I mean this is the greatest feeling

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2024 College Football Season Preview: Can Ohio State Football Win it ALL?

Category: Sports

It is friday august 23rd and we're back at yogis menace army oh it feels so good to be back and you know why it feels so good to be back because we have college football tomorrow tomorrow florida state georgia tech in ireland so not here so i guess technically in this country we don't have college football... Read more

JUCK ON BUCKS: Quarterback Updates from Ohio State Footballs Ryan Day and  Dillon Davis joins Juck thumbnail
JUCK ON BUCKS: Quarterback Updates from Ohio State Footballs Ryan Day and Dillon Davis joins Juck

Category: Sports

Hey it's juck wbns coach you've said that you've seen an edge with this club in practice how important is that how do you what do you do as a head coach to enhance that do you think these guys are ready to play a game now yeah it goes back to how we practice and if we're going to play that way we have... Read more

Michigan Football Welcomes Texas in Week 2: Will Donovan Edwards Show Up? thumbnail
Michigan Football Welcomes Texas in Week 2: Will Donovan Edwards Show Up?

Category: Sports

Intro like the video it is wednesday september 4th and we still have a lot of [ __ ] to talk about god it is a beautiful thing all these games to break down all these games to talk about and we got a big weekend coming up so we'll flirt with that today really dive into it tomorrow and the biggest thing... Read more

Netflix Documentary on Michigan Football Exposes Connor Stalions, The LIAR thumbnail
Netflix Documentary on Michigan Football Exposes Connor Stalions, The LIAR

Category: Sports

After further review gt vs fsu it is a fine tuesday the 27th of this year's august we have a documentary chris we do we do we do conor stallion's fluff piece dropped and i hope yall watched it because we didn't learn a goddamn thing we didn't learn not a single thing new and we need to unpack this whole... Read more

OVE: Michigan Football's Sign Stealer Connor Stalions LIES to the NCAA thumbnail
OVE: Michigan Football's Sign Stealer Connor Stalions LIES to the NCAA

Category: Sports

All right here we go live with the ov podcast tuesday tuesday tuesday tuesday tuesday love it love what's going on right now in college sports as we have football right around the corner kicking off do we have a college football game on saturday do we have any mac action on on friday thursday's the... Read more


Category: Sports

This news has been spreading rapidly across the internet in the past few hours we understand that the season is starting but there's a piece of news indicating that ohio state is still receiving excellent attention recently unfortunately i have some important information to share one of our brightest... Read more


Category: Sports

Hello passionate ohio state fan get ready for a trip down memory lane as we discover what danne sanzenbacher the legendary receiver for the buckeyes is up to now if you're a fan of the buckeyes and want to know how one of our former stars is doing stay tuned you won't want to miss this danne sanzenbacher... Read more


Category: Sports

Surprising news a sad event has just been confirmed in the state of ohio unfortunately everyone was caught off guard by this news that has gained a lot of attention in the past few hours you will be shocked to hear the details the 2024 season is about to begin and all eyes are on ohio state football... Read more


Category: Sports

Hello ohio state fans get ready for some hot news that will excite every ohio state football supporter the first game of the season against akan is coming up but what's really at stake isn't just the victory on the field ohio state has much more at stake off the field with several important official... Read more