Category: Sports
All right here we go live with the ov podcast tuesday tuesday tuesday tuesday tuesday love it love what's going on right now in college sports as we have football right around the corner kicking off do we have a college football game on saturday do we have any mac action on on friday thursday's the... Read more
Category: Sports
Intro like the video it is wednesday september 4th and we still have a lot of [ __ ] to talk about god it is a beautiful thing all these games to break down all these games to talk about and we got a big weekend coming up so we'll flirt with that today really dive into it tomorrow and the biggest thing... Read more
Category: Sports
Intro like and subscribe all right here we go post mother's day edition of the ov podcast we got fas today the tor sam grooms every single day monday through friday i appreciate you watching no matter what streaming service youtube or whatever we appreciate you if you're watching remember the super... Read more
Category: Sports
It is friday august 23rd and we're back at yogis menace army oh it feels so good to be back and you know why it feels so good to be back because we have college football tomorrow tomorrow florida state georgia tech in ireland so not here so i guess technically in this country we don't have college football... Read more
Category: Sports
It is may 20th 2024 i can't believe it was brought to my attention friday at the live show first of all shout out to everybody everyone in the army that pulled up to yogis here every it's happened every time other than the spring game where i'm like yeah it's not really much going on in in the college... Read more
Category: Sports
All right here we go on a thursday it is the ovve podcast ohio versus everyone the torque from qfm96 sam grooms little buckeyes browns bengals blue jackets cavs guardians with a loss last night reds with a win bucky hoops all the national stuff want you to subscribe like follow share remember the website... Read more
Category: Sports
Stan dock it off the what the conor stallion the michigan sign ceiling do no i knew enough about that as it was we saw it we saw it they were like pointing up and stuff like that you guys i got so i heard cj talk about it before too like we tried to i don't want to get into but yeah we tried to throw... Read more
Category: Sports
Hey it's juck wbns coach you've said that you've seen an edge with this club in practice how important is that how do you what do you do as a head coach to enhance that do you think these guys are ready to play a game now yeah it goes back to how we practice and if we're going to play that way we have... Read more
Category: Sports
Hello passionate ohio state fan get ready for a trip down memory lane as we discover what danne sanzenbacher the legendary receiver for the buckeyes is up to now if you're a fan of the buckeyes and want to know how one of our former stars is doing stay tuned you won't want to miss this danne sanzenbacher... Read more
Category: Sports
Surprising news a sad event has just been confirmed in the state of ohio unfortunately everyone was caught off guard by this news that has gained a lot of attention in the past few hours you will be shocked to hear the details the 2024 season is about to begin and all eyes are on ohio state football... Read more
Category: Sports
Hello ohio state fans get ready for some hot news that will excite every ohio state football supporter the first game of the season against akan is coming up but what's really at stake isn't just the victory on the field ohio state has much more at stake off the field with several important official... Read more
Category: Sports
This news has been spreading rapidly across the internet in the past few hours we understand that the season is starting but there's a piece of news indicating that ohio state is still receiving excellent attention recently unfortunately i have some important information to share one of our brightest... Read more