Netflix Documentary on Michigan Football Exposes Connor Stalions, The LIAR

after further review GT vs FSU it is a fine Tuesday the 27th of this year's August we have a documentary Chris we do we do we do Conor stallion's fluff piece dropped and I hope yall watched it because we didn't learn a goddamn thing we didn't learn not a single thing new and we need to unpack this whole documentary because the audacity on this [ __ ] douchebag is is incredible absolutely incredible it's generational actually it really is also had bourbon or not bourbon ball coach's film room dropped last night broke down Florida State's offense um against Georgia Tech the next one up is obviously Florida State's defense against Georgia Tech and Haynes King Tech TBO himself and uh hindsight you know being 2020 now that I've got the coaches film I broke it down for all of you on Mena on the colonel tier if you're interested it is well worth the money um dju fundamentally is one of the more flawed quarterbacks I've seen in college football he his throwing fundamentals are atrocious um it truly is the curse of dbos Sweeney I mean for just like Trevor Lawrence right his best game as a college football player was his freshman year against Notre Dame yeah and since then it's been a complete Decline and obviously transferring three times multiple different quarterback coaches that doesn't help but dju was subpar Florida state was trying to figure out their offensive line situation because it was not it was not good they were replacing guards when when a guard would get beat a couple times they put a new guard in so they definitely don't have a great offensive line but most importantly Chris the most important takeaway is this was no fluke Georgia Tech defense is [ __ ] for real I mean they were flying around yes sir athletic um it was it was really very impressive and and it was less about Florida State sucking and more about Georgia Tech their defense was legit and Shout out Brent key because that defense is the real deal I'm excited to watch the offense next yeah bro that little linebacker in the middle dog I don't know what to make of bro I don't know what he is he is Andy Kats Moyer's little brother that's what I kept saying on the coach on the on the breakdown literally flying around Cowboy collar wiping people out on on the sideline like but he looks so small doesn't he he's short like how tall is he I don't know but um he's he's legit he's he's really good NFL player um I don't know no definitely not probably not definitely not but little little guy's crazy but I guess I'll I'll start how are you dude we're gonna talk all kinds of footb I'm really good you know I'm getting my my coaching fixed now I'm getting my film fixed so if you're interested in coaches film room we break down all the major college football games it's coaches film all 22 film and I sit there and break it down diagram it with the telestrator and talk about what happened you know and you really it exposes reality because a lot of times people on TV people that even even watching TV copy can be so deceiving when you get to all 22 film man you can't hide you're right there in 4k and exactly what happened is is right in front of you you have all the evidence all the truth it's outstanding and you gave it two watches I know you watched it right after the show and then you went home and broke it down separately that's like a real coaches oh no doubt I I won't usually do that when there's multiple films to break down just I don't have the time so you're gonna you watch it live with me in person but I actually watched it before I broke it down and then broke it down um which is definitely the way to do it just you can't do that if you're going to do five games both sides of the ball I mean you're talking about 10 hour long videos yeah to produce you can't do it but it was awesome it was really cool to get back in a swing of things here at Mena Sports speaking of the swing of things the swing of things it's the last day if you want to golf on Friday if you can golf on Friday in the caddy issues golf outing today's the last day I have to submit the list in the morning uh first thing in the morning to the golf course so they can get it all set up so go over to Mena sign up for the golf outing it's a golf club at Dublin shout out to Twins Auto they're bringing out a badass F-150 if you hit a golfers! hole in one on one of the par 3es you could win the F-150 and then Am Scott Distillery just delivered um the bourbon and the the spirits that we will be partaking in and then ready to execute is our other title sponsor make sure you go check them out I think that's all oh squares we got squares Ohio State versus akan $100 to square grand prize if you hit the final score is $3,000 imagine a nice Buckeye win will Howard goes off looks great you're excited and you win three 3K not a bad deal or hit a halftime score for a$ thousand dollar uh first quarter and third quarter both will pay out $500 one in 25 chance to win all you gotta do is venmo Cameron media that's it no other letters no underscores just Cameron media venmo $100 to get lock your Square in right now there you go is that all the is that all the house came have anything else there's a hundred other things I probably could throw out there but I really want to get I like your hat today though too oh yeah that's that's on on store that's the Buckeye color rush I put that Mama shirt the the grung Style mama shirt is on there I put some stuff for kids too I put a onesie if you got a little Menace baby I know there's been a a number of babies that been announced got a whole Menace baby team go go get him a menace to Mommy uh onesy so we got stuff on there you go check just go to the website you can check it all out message boards shops all the other [ __ ] you do so that's it yeah all right we got to get this get this going there's too much to unpack too much to talk about and my question for the chat is do you think Connor stallions told the truth do you think he was honest and forthcoming in the documentary that's my question yes or no let's get this thing rolling lugie let him know what time it is [Music] Bubba oh never lie never steal never cheat oh my goodness this gets funnier and funnier um I do want to start off with this just because a little bit of big podcast news media news um remember ke the Kelsey Brothers said that they wanted a $100 million for their podcast we questioned that they were gonna be able to get that yeah um yesterday it came out they got it from Amazon yeah from wry Amazon's podcast Studio yeah crazy over $100 million it's I mean hey there's a lot of money in this space and if you put on a good show which they do I love their show very few shows do I love literally I I think I can think of three their show Josh Pate Pat McAfee that's about it you see Pate rebranded they're no longer doing late night kick yeah it's the uh Josh P college football show yep shout out to him as he continues to uh to move to New Heights thought that was thought that was cool I do like the late night kick name though I I'll say that yeah I do too um but yeah they got over $100 million and here we go Travis Kelce will have more than 127 nationally televised um ads which is more double than any player in the league in the past 30 days he's been in commercials for 83,000 earrings that's more than anybody in the whole world brother he's a tight end hey dating Taylor Swift was the greatest business decision Travis Kelce ever made yeah and I mean she's not bad to date either but but I just it's the the Swifty phenomenon he's cashing in on it it's it's good for him bro 83,000 earrings in the last 30 days bro that's number one in the [ __ ] world that's ridiculous that's crazy like as as a media that that [ __ ] blows my mind that should not happen that is 2767 earrings every single day yeah bro you're on TV 2,000 times a day it's just crazy that's it's outrageous um quick NFL hit um you know the NFL flirted with the idea of using the electronic technology to do the first down stuff they are now going back to the Chain Gang and the manual spots do you like that or do you wish it would have made tech in sports the leap to the uh electronic tracking stuff I don't really care I mean I think the electronic tracking stuff is cool I like it in baseball when they can do that um you've SE you've seen where they challenge it and then it thing buzzes and tells the Umpire what it is yeah um I think it's I think technology is always good but at some point like you can over te the the game right I don't think that this would have been over technology use but it's whatever do you want electronic strike zones yeah absolutely you do I do I like bad umps too much yeah I I like bad umps too but it's just it's just not fair yeah because some guy doesn't see the pitch this kid this this hitter gets rung up on a ball that he didn't swing at that he shouldn't have swung at because it wasn't a strike like it's just yeah the the Wilder bats are like like so and so struck out on three pit like the three strikes that he took all of them were all outside the Zone it's like damn okay yesterday there was a pitch that was 14 inches off the play got called a strike yeah it's just awful yep it's awful tops in the league it's really really bad when and it's those aren't judgment calls I'm fine with just black and white scenarios being electronic like Marv Sr and Jr digitized right technology can tell you oh if the ball's spotted right there the nose is further it is a first down like the chain might they might have hooked it on the wrong link like there's human error there and that's pretty pretty easy and and ultimately the spot is still a judgment call but after it's spotted like just tell me if it's a first down or not why do we have to have this archaic chain like strikes and balls like it's very simple there's a box was it in the box or out of the box now you talk about like pass interference and [ __ ] like that that that should never be yeah that can't be teched no because that you got to have a judge it's got to be a judgment call type of play or penalty that'll [ __ ] it up um have a quick Marvin Harrison Jr update so Fanatics dropped their lawsuit they have since refiled their lawsuit um against Marvin Harrison Jr and the new addition they made a big mistake though yeah they added Marv senior to the lawsuit dog yeah I don't think that was a good idea no I I don't but they they they want to sell Marvin Harrison J Junior Jersey they want to sell jerseys and you know I I just don't know if if suing Marv Senor is a great idea I don't know he might have a teardrop tattoo he might have a body allegedly I I don't know if I he's a law body citizen I just don't want [ __ ] to do with him I know better I would stay away from marf senior yeah you know in a confrontational setting I would absolutely say hello to him yeah but I don't know that I'd sue him yeah I I mean they drw I mean honestly suing his son is basically suing him but adding his name to the lawsuit's got to be frustrating all over um the deal that they that fnatic said that he signed a year ago he's saying he didn't sign it a year ago I don't know like if you have a document with a signature if he didn't sign it a year ago it means someone forg a signature I'm not sure exactly I mean listen this should be a pretty black and white case right like if if he signed an agreement and didn't live up to it they'll win yeah um CD lamb gets four years $136 million uh for the four years Ceedee gets paid and then 100 guaranteed yeah I mean we knew we knew it was coming right and and it's very clear the Market's been set now what the Bengals will have to pay Jamar Chase right now but the Market's right there 34 to $35 million that's what these Premier receivers are getting and that's what Jamar Chase is gonna ask for if he's asking for higher than that it's like whoa slow your roll pup yeah and it is a little wild he's doing it a year earlier than Justin Jefferson and CD lamb did it that that's the one thing that like I I feel I feel for the Bengals here like cidd lamb and Justin Jefferson just got their contract Jamar Chase is one year behind them in his journey so why are we holding out why are we demanding it right now C CD didn't get it a year ago Justin Jefferson didn't get it a year ago why should Jamar get it now honestly why wouldn't you wait for the cap numbers to increase like why wouldn't you just bet on yourself this year play this year like they did they like cidd lamb and Justin Jefferson both played last year yeah had big years last year had record-breaking years last year and then got the big dollar amount because right now like I don't think I don't think Jamar Chase dictates $34 million a year right now I don't think he's been as good as the other two yeah I mean it's it and and he's it's a year premature like next year you should get that bag not this year like this is the process and why is he bucking the process that's my question and also like these two guys also just had 1700 yards yeah and then we negotiated jar Chase your best year was a rookie year you had 1400 since then it's been like right 11 12 yeah like go crazy this year and then say hey I want 40 million a year and he's going to right he's gonna go crazy this year yeah if he [ __ ] shows up to camp and [ __ ] plays I guess he has to be on the team saying like we've seen guys like not show up to camp and then get up to really slow starts and it's like damn you're just hurting your total overall so I don't know we'll see how that goes but do you think that was a good deal for CD do you think he should have got the 35 a year or do you think 34 year F it's you're talking quality of life yeah what's the difference between 34 million and 35 million a year couldn't [ __ ] tell you one one blown purchase a year I 34 is great I think that's he's he's getting very well compensated now well compensated um news we hate to hear just got to throw this out here Ryan Montgomery the kid from Ohio um Georgia yeah from Finley yep um has torn his ACL and their season opener over there definitely rooting for him obviously one of the top three quarterbacks in the state of Ohio a brad Mand guy hates to Ryan Montgomery see him go down so just want to offer really sucks man prayer hands in the chat for Ryan Montgomery um it's always tough tough part of football man acl's are oh it's awful it's awful but hopefully he gets a nice like strong recovery comes back 100% and that's the last CL that he ever injures yep that's right um this has been you know a PR disaster I guess for people around Michigan add this to the tally of like yeah you know they can't get some good publicity n i mean it's a bad deal you you all heard about this Austin P assistant coach I I heard about him because you sent it over he got arrested on or he bad PR for UM resigns after arrest on felony human trafficking charges felony human trafficking charges and as of this morning that I didn't um have the details of it but I basically he's a pimp like he has hookers like I yeah I couldn't tell in like sifting through things if he was a pimp or if he just had a prostitute longer than he should have I like I don't like you that was Siri I'm not trying to be funny if he had a prostitute longer than he should have you're not supposed to have a prostitute at all well I mean like I mean like you know he paid for an hour and it was like going on 90 minutes and she was trying to leave and he wasn't done I that's more kidnapping isn't it than human trafficking oh you're right I just you know I don't know but my man I literally can't read my man Patrick cougler is down bad right now Fel a felony for human trafficking when you look at this guy and it's like damn I don't that's not what pimps look like in the movies no but like here's here's the definition it it's a person that knowingly subjects or maintains another in sexual servitude or knowingly recruits entices Harbors transports provides or obtains by any means another person for the for the purpose of sexual service itude so he might have just picked up a hooker yeah uh Melo in the chat is saying the cop set up a fake site and he tried to pay for sex and they got him well that that makes a little more sense doesn't look like the most attractive guy in the world I don't think girls are dropping panties for an Austin P assistant coach yeah bro I just I just you know I watched The Boondocks and like a pimp Nam slip slickback looks real different than bro so I was I was real concerned like I'm I'm kind of like I'm I'm on both sides of the fence when it comes to prostitution like I'm definitely against the human trafficking that is involved when when people are forced against their will but if someone makes the decision to [ __ ] people for money yeah who am I to judge yeah I don't know I never was a uh I don't know I don't know what side of it I'm I just women can do whatever women want with with their bodies the bad the bad part it's like what comes with it yeah like when they like smuggle immigrants in and force them into sex work that really bad that's bad but if some [ __ ] is damn I could be making money doing this yeah hey you do your you do you Queen now what about The Pimps I see both sides of it right they offer protection as long as they're not yeah they're like the employer I guess yeah like they offer protection money management yeah I don't know I used to watch um you know as long as they're respectful and not not abusive well I watch Like The Great White underbelly stuff and they used to have pimps on there all the time talk about their business process and like how they did things a couple of them seem like you know upstanding guys all in all it's probably a really bad industry but yeah yeah yeah well the guy the guy said like the modern day pimping is just like managing only fans like that's the best safest way to do it yeah and it's like I don't even have to be like intimidating I just gotta be good at social media good at social media yeah good good with the finances marketing so um but yeah no definitely some uh some some bad PR for bro yeah some some really some really bad PR I mean not only bad PR but bad life decision yeah he's facing a felony it's crazy that like someone in the police force like you know is getting paid to set up fake prostitute sites to catch people right it's just wild but I do think it's funny that they have to grab a picture of him in his Michigan uniform when he was a player yeah that was wild like optically Michigan just can't catch a break because like you've got that obviously you've got the stallions thing going on I mean didn't they have a bunch of coaches with DUIs andard Robinson crashed a car yeah yeah with with the DUI at Matt whis we still don't know what the [ __ ] he did or where the [ __ ] he went and that's honestly the biggest mystery about all this everything going on around Michigan in the last five years it needs more than just one documentary it needs a [ __ ] Min series I mean however everything that that has happened in Michigan we got that [ __ ] documentary on Conor stallions like I want a documentary on on the whole thing the pedophile that we exposed Alex yud I believe is his name yeah bro yud that never that was just a blip in the radar like and I get it like when they found out they fired him got rid of him so they kind of did what they were supposed to do but that's just one piece of the puzzle right with all the [ __ ] that was going on this needs a full-fledged documentary not some fluff piece from Netflix and just to be clear I'm [ __ ] out on Netflix documentaries that [ __ ] is awful the urban one was Netflix and Stalions awful that the Conor stallan one is awful like they're awful yeah it's definitely it's definitely not ideal like you could tell that they're just like P they're selling their sold to be like the pr people I guess a little bit I mean they're offering a little bit things here and there but definitely not what you would want but again like this fiveyear run for the guy that's like Mr standup right like oh the Michigan man yeah like Mr Michigan man supposed to be Mr standup all the [ __ ] going on around the program it's like yo right like I thought we were the scumbags like I thought I thought we had urb was bad guy right like if Urban had a quarter of the stuff that's gone on in Michigan the last five years happened when he was at Ohio State oh dear goodness oh it like he gets accused for [ __ ] that never even happened here at Ohio State like that was the first line of defense remember when the Michigan cheating stuff came out it was like oh well Urban is come back in a cheater too yeah like how when when when did that happened it's like and then their their next thing is like well what's the evidence that stallion cheated it's like y'all have been calling Urban a cheater for how long with no evidence right and literally like Michigan fans let's put it let's put it the proper way a large portion of Michigan fans are truly narcissistic like they they they Gaslight everything they do it's like oh [ __ ] you were stealing signs [ __ ] Kirk Barton stole signs like yeah yeah we're talking about you did it illegally well Kirk Barton did it like yeah but you did it illegally he did it legally like there's a difference Al remember the thing was like well well you guys hired Madison and he knew our signs change him yeah and again hired him legally yeah change him change him but whatever um let's get a quick word from our partners we can do that we still got a ton to talk about we'll be right back after this all right Med Army they're back the best sports book on the planet 50 states you could do it anywhere my bookie I here's why I love sports gambling because not only could you win money we all know that gambling's tough we have a handicapping service that can help you out but I 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miracl made go to try miracl Menace and get the three free tows and 40% plus another 20% off go check it out well Chris Ryan's doing a press conference I don't know if you saw yeah Ryan Day opener news yeah we we got we got some updates you want to get into those now or you want to wait till later yeah we can get into them now uh all right you take lead what's the first quote apparently so a number of things that Ryan is currently saying if you want or just said um they named Tegra the starting Right Guard named Sunny Styles the starting will linebacker yeah two things that we already knew was gonna happen right he did he did say though I F I found this it's it has to just be a a Fluff statement to keep guys engaged but he said they're going to roll players at guard on Saturday there's literally no way like I I don't know maybe if the game is out of hand they'll sub some guys but they're going to rotate guys at guard but then at the same time announces Tegra is the starting guard dog if we get [ __ ] rotation on the offensive line before we get [ __ ] rotation on the wide receiver room I'm GNA lose my [ __ ] you're not supposed to rotate offensive lineman you're supposed to rotate wide receivers it's been 110 years since we've seen a receiver rotation can we please just rotate receivers and not roll not roll right guards I hope that he just [ __ ] accidentally said it to keep everybody engaged like you said bro there's literally no way no way yeah I it's I don't see how when you're sitting here trying to develop a chemistry and trying to develop the unit I don't know how or why you would do that but I'm taking it as coach speak just kind of floating it out there and uh It's gotta be it's got to be and we'll see I guess but I think the other things that that he said um he did kind of addressed the media and their assumptions he said there's been a lot of assumptions from preseason camp some of them are right and some of them are wrong but Ohio state will really truly find out about this team starting on Saturday that's important so kind of calling out the the beat saying like y'all assume a lot of [ __ ] some of it's [ __ ] wrong just so you know and the beat's been pushing Julian Saiyan as quarterback too for quite some time and Ryan said clearly Devin Brown is the is is qb2 and he said them and the amongst the staff they've been discussing the appropriate time to get when that backup quarterback enters a game uh but he said for instance it will not be like last year he promised we're like oh the third series we'll get him in it's more like once the game's out of hand we'll start to sub some guys which would be nice and as I said all offseason they had no other option Chip Kelly will be in the Box good I like that I want chip in the in the sky away from everybody me too um he named James peop running back three oh there you go good for him he didn't name a one or two I think we know who one a and one B are well yeah it's just funny that like it's like who's going to be starting running back well James peoples running back three I mean did he really have to say who's who's running back one he didn't have to say who's running back three no he didn't that's true like he was just one of those you know coaches do that I mean he's try he's trying to give a show a little love publicly to James peoples right he's trying to boost them up a little bit because you gotta think if you're running back three this year both those two are gone I'm rb1 next year yeah rb1 Bing some transfer portal Madness I guess which I think they might look to do I don't know I know that I I don't know we'll see how things go um Rob keys will head special teams in 2024 I'm right there with them on everything but leaders of units Matt girer Ario is gonna be the leader of the punt punt team Matt G punt team Matt G lontis kickoffs love it and then heartline and key on kickoff and punt return so does that mean we'll get an explosive athlete back there well here's what it does do and I know he he really leaned on Jim Trestle when it came to how to do special teams and Jim Trestle big thing that we talked about back then was when you have when you Empower your assistant coaches to be in charge of a unit like heartline and Keenan are going to be in charge of punt return and kick return you now get Buy in from their players because that's their coach their coach is running punt return like when I did PPT block punt return my receivers wanted to be on it they went hard on it because their coach was in charge of it so you get that when you have as opposed to having a generic special teams coordinator that doesn't coach anybody really except for long Snappers and punters kickers so I I think it's really good I think they're going to see a payoff from that I think you're this this would be the best special teams units Ryan day has had to date yeah this is interesting it's like the first like mention we've gotten of like Matt G like I always make the joke like I don't even think he's coaching here Ohio State he's just getting the hunter bands a year Jim NES is getting the rest of it and he's just kind of walking around campus listening he's on the he's really outside but we'll see how the uh the punting goes they Nam that kid the punter the 67 dude the [ __ ] monster yeah the monster bro the 67 rugby player I guess he going to be starting punter I expect everything to either just be boomed out of the back of the end zone or right on the one yard line no I need to 45 yards with a 4 and a half second Hang Time well [ __ ] a four and a half second Hang Time wait what's the average like what did Urban want he wanted four and a half like I need five bro if you're 67 bro you're 67 and you wear [ __ ] I could have said anything right there and you'd have been like I need s seconds bro I need more hang time bro bro he's 67 yeah like bro I mean it's a long levered punter that's what I'm saying dog like if you can't give me [ __ ] six seconds of air time bro go get some [ __ ] go get some Kobes on dog and go be a scout team center for the Ohio State Hoops Team bro like what are you doing here average punt must have a hang time of 4.3 to 5.0 seconds and an average of 42 yards per punt Chris yeah bro give me five seconds six seconds air time bro six seven six seconds is not even Bro think about it bro how big was the LJ Scott you remember LJ right or what I mean he was probably what 65 I don't know I mean he was tall and skinny this dude is like six7 [ __ ] he looks like galani Thurman the White Version like bro I need all the hang time and he wear size 13s yeah come on man boom it I don't know what that means I'm that's one of the things that we haven't talked enough about and I don't think anyone's talking about is you take La last year's Ohio State team or really the last three Ohio State teams not only if you get a level up at quarter at quarterback but the special teams were kind of a train wreck if you tighten that ship that's another bump as far as overall effectivity of a college football team right that's a that's a big big deal that with this change at with no special teams coordinator and position coaches running the the different phases like you'll see we should see a greater impact from the kicking game I mean literally if we had B minus special teams we already have an addy yeah like the special teams were really bad a couple years ago um and we we lost because of it but to be able to flip the field important I mean obviously you don't want the punters to get a ton of work but all I want to see this year Zack is one fake punt yeah against a bad team like I want bro running downhill towards like an akan corner where number 38 that shouldn't be out there and like either Antonio Brown him or hurdle him or something bro like I'm talking like it's funny because you bring that up and I don't know the people know this but it's imperative that you fake a punt early in the season because it forces punt return teams to play sound defense work on fake punts because they know that you have them and you will run them and we used to every year we used to run a fake punt in the first I don't know four games just so every team we played even if we never ran another one now we might run another one at some point we I think we run two to three a year but just so they know like y'all [ __ ] around and do some unsound [ __ ] which people will do Greg shano we're talking to you Greg Greg shano used to do the most unsound [ __ ] and he would block some punts but you get faked real quick and so you have to put that that fear in the opposing team's punt return punt block coach just so he plays has sound defense in his attack schemes or return schemes like you you have to yeah shano did the one overload against Ohio State and I don't know who the punter was but took it along the edge and started the [ __ ] fight yeah shano vers uh Ryan Day shano vers Ryan yeah what a time um so yeah so it it looks like Tim drevno and Billy festler and Tony Johnson are all going to be up in the box with the offense so it wow all three of them are actually up there I thought that Fester might be on the field with with Justin no I mean analysts are usually up in the box and especially like drno being a line guy Fri on the field like that's that's going to be his eyes in the Box okay as much because chip Chip's got a lot going on he's calling the plays he's worried about the quarterback mainly and then then you got you need a line guy up there and it would just make sense that if Fry's gonna be on the field where almost every line coach is that drno would go up in the box so it does sound like the quarterback coach I mean it's gonna be Ryan coaching quarterbacks from the field then probably because there'll be nobody else down there yeah absolutely um you like that love that hate that or you that what you that was good it was inevitable anyways right he need something he was gonna give it all up yeah I mean he's not calling the plays but he's still gonna coach the quarterbacks in game right that that's the whole key to the game is a quarterback play and he I don't care unpacking Conner Stalions what he said he could have said like I'm not going to talk to the offense I can promise you Ryan would be talking to the quarterback there's no no way he he can't not do that yeah that'd be very not him I guess yeah uh jumping to Conor Stallions in this documentary Zach oh boy fun one huh fun one I mean this man seems like an intelligent dude he's definitely psychotic and and they the way they portrayed everything showing the home videos of him as a kid and his mom was a Michigan fan and that's why he loved Michigan and oh he did it for his mom and it's like cool like so the [ __ ] what he cheated and he admitted to it but and he kind of half admitted to it he admitted to it but he downplayed it like this man tried to say he bought tickets to over 35 college football games and he bought them just to give to friends if they wanted to go to a game and you're like that's weird and then he said and sometimes they would send me videos of the other team's signals but it's like when you get a gift from your Aunt at Christmas of something you already had you're not going to be a dick and be like I already have that you're going to just say oh thanks I appreciate it even though you already had it you didn't need that it's like why are we minimizing and downplaying this no no intern making five figure salary is spending thousands and thousands of dollars just because he's a nice guy and wants friends of his to be able to go to games like it was just so audacious and then this man sat there and with the claims that he is This brilliant I mean insanely smart Savant with his signal stealing and everything else and when they asked him were you is that you at the um Central Michigan game he was like I don't remember like what you don't remember if you went to the central Michigan game and then he held up the thing yeah yeah well that was to the NCA and in the documentary when they interviewed him oh he held up the picture and was like I don't even think he looks like me like [ __ ] that is you Central Michigan confirmed it everyone it's been confirmed it's it's you and the problem with someone like this that is just you know willing to die for the lie is the minute you do that you've now lost all credibility everything you said the entire documentary is tarnished because everyone knows that was you every it's already been admitted and exposed and proven it was you and for you to say it's not you now we know you're full of [ __ ] also like you got to get all your ducks in a in a row right yeah like Dave Porter's on there like oh yeah like he told that was him that's the best part is literally he was like it doesn't even look like me and then they cut to Dave porner he was like of course it was Connor Connor told me he was on the sideline and you're like oh man you guys should have chatted before the interview got a chat beforeand Dave porner up there like he's the one that got the McDonald's bag like look just tell us what you know dude man he's over there snitching but also today Porto's credit like he just assumed like yeah duh we know we all know that was him we all know that was him so he also told NC investigators that he never conducted advanced in inperson scouting or directed others to do so that's absolutely a lie yeah but he said it in the documentary and then he only did the dock if they were gonna film the interviews well no he only he only agreed finally to meet with the NCA over to zoom once they started filming the documentary like he he ignored their request forever until he could get it on film for his netf uh special and what was never talked about was did he get paid to do the Netflix documentary but and it also was just a complete farce a complete fluff piece the end of the documentary was I didn't do it like one that all this came out because someone at Ohio State hacked his email yeah that was that was the big lawyer push I inferring that that Ryan day's brother was involved like I think it's [ __ ] my brother even texted me hilarious that we we just oh yeah Flo out there that Ryan day's brother was a former federal agent and that if Michigan fans out found out they would somehow tie him to being the one that exposed Michigan we just said that on a show I forgot we started that because it took a life of its own yeah and it made it all the way into the Netflix documentary like me saying that like started constructing the boat that floated down the river and it made it into the Netflix documentary Connor stallion's lawyer literally thinks that Ryan day's brother hacked Conor stallion's email that's what he thinks or that's what he was saying the Ryan day's brother being a Fed is so ingrained into this story months and months down the road dog that I forgot that we started it and then Dave wrote about it the next day yeah like that's [ __ ] me up because it's just been so a part of it what a [ __ ] go show you it show shows you what a narrative can do right because Ryan day's brother absolutely was a federal agent he absolutely had nothing to with this at all zero knowledge or influence or anything you did that during a [ __ ] coach's report like the intro 10 minutes of a coaches report talking about how he worked for the FBI or CIA or whatever he came and talked to the team on a real life Wednesday got a got a firm talked about fentanyl that's when I learned about fentanyl yeah but it just goes to show you what what a narrative can do I threw that out there and I predicted what Michigan fans would do if when they found out because I said it well you're the one that told them I know and and exactly what I said what happen happened and it goes to show you what narratives can do in the media all a sudden people start writing about it the story grows and it becomes just a known fact of the story that is absolutely untrue yeah what a bizarre thing it's it's just hitting me because we I remember that day that we started it and kind of the because I remember the like day ponroy the next day like getting on camera and it's like damn bro like if you watch us bro watch this I would like to be in rough and rowdy at some point during the offseason like that's it holy smoke so what do you think happens next you think this kind of tick the NCAA off more you think they're they're going to leak the notice of allegations do you find it fascinating that as soon as Michigan gets notice notice allegations none of it gets leaked nothing got leaked a't that crazy because Michigan could leak things to try to control a narrative but now it's it's it's in black and white right and we're gonna see it eventually so they don't want you to know what it says obviously and I still go back to what I said yesterday if Pete thill has this incredible Source at the n that leaked him what was going to be in it why wouldn't they also leak him the document now now that it's been delivered because it didn't come from the NCA the leak was Michigan it sounds like with this whole documentary they did a really good job kind of like justifying and rationalizing things and like making see things seem normal and it reminds me of like how like super villain stories are written it's like you fall in love with like a villain's background so you excuse them killing tons and tons of people like dog just for everybody's like just so everybody knows and I saw like that the one girl from bars crying about he did it all for his mom guys plenty of us have Michigan moms none of us constructed any of this [ __ ] to see them win dog like none of us no like that is not normal no it's not normal but it's like being normal it's he did it for for the for his mom like [ __ ] my mom went to Michigan too yeah did did you do any any illegal activities to help Michigan no it's just maybe I should have could have got my mom's house paid for right maybe you should have right here's the most delusional part is this son of a [ __ ] thinks he's going to be a college coach one day like his career is cooked it's over unless Harbaugh hires him it's over they said what he delayed his practice four hours to avoid media attenion and he's like he's a high school Deco coordinator now and he delayed their practice four hours because of media screwy yeah that's [ __ ] wild let's get a quick word zck and then come back to it all right well we still got more college football to talk about we appreciate you being here like the video while you watch and let me know do you think Conor stallions told the truth yes or no in the in the comments we'll be right back after this this show is sponsored by betterhelp for those of you that have been watching the show for a while this is my favorite uh partnership that we've ever had we had it before in their back because it is a phenomenal phenomenal tool to get 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health is a real [ __ ] thing that you need to work on I am curious to hear from Michigan fans in the chat and in the comments like how are you guys feeling after this documentary comes out like do you feel like it helped you guys hurt you guys are you still saying this was meaningless I'm just curious kind of the the general feeling um because now that this is you know going on for what seven eight months this is definitely a national thing and now that it's on Netflix it's like a national story Danny canel the Florida state guy um I wanted to hear more details before I really before having a strong opinion on what Michigan did but it's clear they clearly cheated they have been batly lying about the extent of it they deserve harsh punishment the entire horbor era at Michigan is Tainted do you feel the same way absolutely absolutely I I I it's tainted I but I I am still exactly where I was okay right they cheated it's not small and and we're not goingon to minimize it they it absolutely impacted the outcome of games it's impossible to know how much of the level up from 2021 to 2023 was because of it right because it's like we're talking multiple years now if it impacted a game or two in 2021 beating Ohio State let's say and because of that there was a different Aura around Michigan then they did a little bit better recruiting they went and got JJ McCarthy whatever the whatever it is like if it had even a slight impact there and then it then they go on next year they're a little bit better because it impacted recruiting now and it impacts it again on the field now they it impacts it's just it's a cyclical thing and it's a rabbit hole you could dive into forever it absolutely impacted the results with that being said I still think the 2023 Michigan team would have won the National Championship without any signs but would they have been that version of the team without the previous two years successes that's the question so CMU came out and they uh they had to release a statement I guess because um because they're in the middle of this kind of I guess I don't know um we are aware of the uh inferences made in the new Netflix documentary regarding former University of Michigan football staff member Conor stallions accessing to CMU sideline during our opening game last September yada yada yada really the thing at the end we appreciate the patience and support of our community and they're prohibited from publicly commenting on details of the case I guess I love when people when when organizations do that like you put out a statement to say that you can't talk about it like just don't put out a statement then like you didn't say anything yeah uh um putting out a statement not putting out a statement all of it's I guess pretty uh pretty confusing it is interesting and I don't know if NCAA will take it out on Michigan the fact that they did have [ __ ] footage from the interview process yeah like that's like against NCAA rules in a massive massive way yeah it was really shady how they did the NCA and honestly I didn't think the NCA looked bad at all they asked him the questions that they knew the answer to and he lied or he played dumb uh I don't remember that like and they videoed the whole Zoom yeah and he literally only agreed to that interview so that they could put that on the documentary and we learned nothing I mean all the only thing he did say in the interview is that he did have friends that attended those games and that they would sometimes send him videos of of the other team sideline so he admitted it like there you go that is highly illegal I guess the other part of it is like in doesn't like parts of the investigation coming out of Michigan just like keeps putting stuff out no question and it's like they've got to be [ __ ] seeding at this point like I'm expecting in the next 24 hours if there is if the NCAA is angry they're gonna leak what in the the notice allegations and just [ __ ] step on this documentary probably so I mean they should or I would this the real sad part here is this guy Conor stallions is so [ __ ] delusional he's paying all this money for attorneys to fight a a a an unwinable fight like they they have you in 4k they have all the evidence that you were that was you at Central Michigan for the Michigan State game like they got you buddy stop wasting your money on attorneys just accept your punishment live it through and try to bounce back but he can't he's such a [ __ ] narcissist and such a psycho that he's like fighting it's like you you got a video of your your girl cheating on you sent to you and she's like that's not even me like babe I see your birth mark like what do you mean like just give it up give up the lie just give it up Super Chat Zack blue Wolverine thanks for the five Chris equals that is the wildest part of the documentary who the [ __ ] is bro Hyo who Superchats I hope he watches the show I need to know who bro Hyo is yeah I would love to get interview some random Message Board guy that kind of I mean pie together he's kind of I think he's the one that found all the venmo transactions because Connor stallion venmo was public yeah like how dumb and sloppy are you creating this ring of people doing all this and you leave your venmo public do you think it's dumb and sloppy or do you think it's just arrogance because he feels too calculated and it's like he wanted that almost to be his signature like playing in the face of others like he's got all the traits of somebody who's like he's like a like a serial killer bro killer thatav their calling card yeah I don't I think it was just an oversight I think it was really ignorance someone like that doesn't have oversight maybe not like like come on my boy was on a sideline with [ __ ] recorded glasses bro he people like that do not have oversight man said that doesn't even look like me like [ __ ] it is you probably had to painted on goatee dog right that's that's your man she was with him Chad thanks for the five at least Dave ponroy was honest during the documentary absolutely which was refreshing I guess yeah shout out Dave uh blue thanks for the five LeBron really had Chris in a full hooded drag suit and sunglasses bro High the Aur connection I wish guys if that was me I would have dropped so many hints that it was me I'd have been I'd been I just want to know who broo is me too they have my man like just covered up you couldn't see [ __ ] yeah do you think that was his idea to be fully masked up like that yeah I'm sure he doesn't want any public like he doesn't want people to know it's him why in fear of blowback from a crazy Michigan fan I don't know bro it makes look like just one of The Producers they just like need like an extra like like hey go pretend to be bro yeah jump on a camera you're up Shane thanks for the five Buckeyes are favored by 50 vers akan do you think they cover the spread we only scored over 51 time last year I literally would never ever ever ever bet on this full game spread against akan if you want to bet on the spread I don't know the line pack and look it up the first half spread maybe but you go up by 56 points and they pull all the starters out they get to the second and third string you may have some kid forget the defense and AIS receiver pops a 70- yard touchdown you're like damn it they didn't cover it's like yeah you were betting on Quin Shan Judkins not [ __ ] Stevie Johnson who's the walk-on running back who fumbled the ball in the fourth quarter to [ __ ] your your bet never bet on a full game spread that's like that yeah not not like that I don't know what the first half spread is but I would be more inclined to fire that one honestly just take a West Virginia money line hey that Line's moving it's now Penn State's only seven and a half Point favorites we're heading that direction I'm just saying dog well they I I had a Penn State fan comment on our Tik Tok about Julian Fleming he was like bro this is wild Fleming's not even gonna start for us this year yeah like yeah I heard he's like borderline unplayable sometimes first half spread for OSU arran is 28 and a half 28 and a half tough I don't know bet no I don't think I'd bet that one but don't you worry if you're on our website on the gamblers tier tier we'll have all the handicapping bets for you on website go check it out Med I'm GNA sprinkle my Futures in some of those threats just you know you definitely should throw one out there just so y'all see it man Ruckers Georgia Tech is gonna feed families um speed thanks for the 10 who's in charge of nominating and promoting our players for awards doesn't seem to have too much energy what when I uh well I know we've had kids in the past who were good enough to be nominated and possibly win the award that is one and only Buckeye notes Jerry emic sports information department they are responsible for the marketing campaigns essentially for things like the Heisman Trophy the bitnik off like what did they do for Marv nothing Marv should have won the bitov the year before he actually won it and he only won it last year because he should have won it the year before and Jerry em didn't do [ __ ] to help him honestly what helped marf was the [ __ ] he did like posting the videos of himself working of himself in the Woody catching jugs like [ __ ] that made people go crazy like that helped his PR campaign Ohio State's notoriously not done a good job of that though TJ thanks for uh the two Chris loves angry pirate he also loves gorilla mask I don't know what that means I don't either here we are um Jord thanks for the two Tegra at left guard sunny at will and db33 is the backup quarterback yep Ryan said it's funny because you don't believe in spaces dog oh my god oh angry pirate that's a good one DJ not reading them anymore I'm good dog I feel like I have to shower and pray after every one of these shows for reading the stuff that I've read Peter thanks for the 10 I'll be the only Michigan fan to admit if they prove without a doubt they cheated and it affected every game punishment punish them without a doubt so we'll see you know how much more proof do we need though yeah I mean listen I think the reality is it's the more and more that comes out the more and more looks like Kirk Barton and Buckey Scoop have been pretty on it yeah dude the the uh the fan in Detroit gave them love yesterday yeah like you have a Detroit valtini or whatever like yeah that's it that's name but the a Detroit newspaper also basically said the same thing that Buckey scoop's been saying like why would they say that I mean it's a Detroit news media entity like why would they say it if it's not coming that's that's kind of where I'm at but you know I know that that um that the beat is cooked bro or like the Michigan media they've like lost a lot of faith in them um one of the main stations in downtown Detroit reached out to me to be on their show to give Michigan takes and I was like do y'all know who I am I did it I called I called and got on there and I I was like damn like I don't know what all those other guys were doing but for me to get a call to be a part of one of their Flagship shows and like give like Michigan takes was crazy where where was scam at yeah was he busy I was like damn like Michigan and Sham you can eat buffet remember when he when he watched food come in during one of the podcasts that was my favorite part literally unhinged said oh chicken is that chicken brought worst like dog you're doing a show yeah that brought worst brought worst insane that [ __ ] Ben thanks for the five Tegra named Right Guard was that expected yeah pretty expected I think it was between him and hensman but I think hensman getting sick um was kind of you know hindered things what I do want to [ __ ] it Donovan Jackson has not been practicing he's got the hamstring injury and I'm curious to see if he'll play an acting game if they hold him out for a big guy at that position to have a hamstring injury I don't know how much that should concern I mean listen hamstrings can be a [ __ ] they can um his whole thing he needs to be healthy for when they open up big big 10 play so and that could be what Ryan was talking about rolling people at guard yeah is because Donovan Jackson's been hindered with a hammy made me wonder if like that was accidentally slip up to because you know he likes to keep that [ __ ] super top secret super top secret so we'll see we'll see if Donovan Jackson plays or not you know that the the Ryan day era we find that [ __ ] out when the first offense jogs on the field yeah bro bro like Mayan Williams tore his ACL and nobody knew until he was preparing for the draft and everyone's like is he running they're like no he's got a torn ACL what it's like dog you said he was [ __ ] weak to week during the season like how did that happen I love it D2 K2 thanks for the five Ohio State fans wear tinted sunglasses and cover their faces on documentaries like weirdos I don't disagree with that that was kind of sus really really strange behavior that [ __ ] was dope that was really just pisty ACM thanks for the five you guys catch the did Ryan Day hire his brother in the documentary need them to Source Menace for it I'm just saying like it's amazing what you can do with hot button topics and floating some [ __ ] out there and letting it just come to life yeah dude I mean that farmer gron I don't know what else what are we gonna what's our big thing this year I don't know I mean [ __ ] if tech TBO hits the Airways I'm losing it dude Tech TBO I will give all that to Philly and I will put my head through the closest wall rambling wreck last second shot thanks for the five how did they not mention the vacuum cleaners the vacuum cleaners the LLC with Blake Corum like they they they left so much out but it's Netflix they did the same [ __ ] in swamp Kings we knew this was coming I still I still watched it as I said I was going to even though I knew what it was going to be and it was exactly what we thought it would be you are who we thought you were oh man Mick thanks for the Mike thanks for the five wow Chris you're a couple decisions away from being Conor stallion I don't think I'm that obsessive over it right I'm definitely not talk I don't even go to games true would have been Conor Stein but the anxiety got in the way Ben thanks for the five 90day window expires the Monday before the game LOL Dan NCAA Troll game is strong yeah I think it's outstanding and not that it's gonna matter right they're gonna get the appeal it's yeah they're gonna do the appeal and you're gonna have some Michigan attorneys busy but shiron Moore is not gonna [ __ ] care sh Moore is not going to care Ben thanks for the five of course Casey Smith cries over that fluff piece she's just trying to get more money from that pizza loving scum Alum scum Alum I mean I it didn't shock me that she cried I mean think about it like her boss is in it she's kind of in it like she has a son does she yeah she said that's what she said in the video I have an 18-month old son and if and if he wanted if he did anything to help Texas A&M win I'd be a proud mom like okay we're about 18 years away from the next boner Bion talk right now if my son did that [ __ ] I'd be like man what the [ __ ] were you thinking like no you're G to own up to it and we're g to [ __ ] stop being such a piece of [ __ ] but what if your house gets paid for that's the thing two houses got paid for in all this come on he my kid didn't need to pay off my house I'm I'm not letting my kid think that's okay yeah no you're you're right bro was really outside really outside W now wait till it comes out that his mom really wasn't a Michigan fan right this was all just like doctored and made up like the whole Johnny Manzel's Rich parents thing exactly that's what we really know like how do we know she's a Michigan fan because she said she was oh okay like you just got pictures of some like white Michigan fan in an arbor like there's plenty probably plenty of those and know we know about you you got friends obviously to go to Michigan games that's not even your mom I was Witter Tom thanks for the five as a retired Navy officer that video was a counter Warfare tactic it adopted a them to culture he wants to be the cheaters up north martyr psycho squid yeah that that was the the the beginning of it that was the theme right was that well everyone was doing this like you should see what Ohio state does and it's like no one was doing this stop it like we have to be the [ __ ] for real no one else was doing this and you did this to get an edge you cheated cheated cheated cheated cheated it's okay say it also like for the for the people that cry and scream you have no evidence so stop talking about it to then say well other people do it and then provide no evidence is the most hypocritical like weird spinning I think I've seen But actually not weird spinning it's just it's just how they've been the entire time arrogance Emily thanks for the five the reporter calling the Michigan man [ __ ] was one of the best parts oh yeah absolutely Michigan man that was a Detroit Free Press writer said it super Panthers thanks for the five Connor Shaggy stallions it wasn't me just tell them it wasn't you all right it wasn't me Edwin thanks for the five glad to finally catch the live show can't wait for my mama hat Muk fishigan hey shoot me an email I forgot to I forgot to send that he I two we picked two people that left five star review last week and I sent uh the make the no not this hat I almost wore it I sent a hat hat to the first one and I I forgot to send you yours I'll send it today I promis hash Chris lovs well done no I do not I do not love well done steak with ketchup absolutely not here's thing like I'm a food snob dog Zach knows it like I really care about my meat pause well no it's my PA your my me so we're good we're good no pause take it back give me that pause back Rome member for five months sent my money for the Bucky bingo there we go locked in also Chris I bought you a gift since you don't bet didn't bet and could have won the New York Cleveland game too keep an eye on the mail oh God I'm terrified I'm excited okay that's uh that's that's prettyy fitting let's get a commercial break all right we gotta get get to a commercial then we still got [ __ ] we still got a ton I've got like I've got so I've just been writing yeah we got a lot of [ __ ] to discuss still as we always do we'll be right back after this all right Menace Army you know I'm pouch guy I found the best pouches on the market and they're they are made by a company called Lucy they're made for your nicotine routine and delivered straight to your door 100% pure nicotine always tobacco free you can choose your form pouches Breakers which have the little juice infusion or gum they have all three options you can choose your strength two 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only for adults of legal age and every order is age verified warning this product contains nicotine nicotine is an addictive chemical go check them out it'll change your pouch game they are good I have a quote from Jim Noles that I want to give to you and I want to get your general thoughts on it just like Cody I consider CJ Hicks a Gym Knowles on LBs one all three of those guys should be considered ones and all should play equally I love it do you believe it um I do I do believe it equally I do I I think they're gonna roll those three um I I think that CJ Hicks has shown enough that he he deserves to start they just don't have a spot because they're gonna they play nickel defense right call whatever you want to call it Ohio State plays nickel defense the only time they get out of five DBS is if you get a third tight end in the game two tight ends stay in in nickel defense Jordan Hancock's a physical player Denzel Burks physical player IG osen igb physical player like they have physical Corners that will absolutely be in the Run fit the only time they put a third linebacker in is if you go heavy heavy Personnel like three or more tight ends so you only got two you got three guys that deserve to start I think they're you know it probably won't be dead even like but I think that c if it's within like five to 10 snap or five snaps I be like all right bet I got you and you know sometimes it's just like you're in for this drive and it's a little bit longer drive so you just had more plays but really you rotated so I think it's great that all three are GNA play if if if he actually follows through with it and I think it's important for the long season I mean you you think about it you're taking roughly onethird of the less snaps right not roughly you're taking one third exactly onethird less snaps over the course of three games that's one whole gamees worth of snaps that your body didn't have to endure he threw out a couple different like combinations for exactly uh is there one combination that you really want to see or do you want me to read them I just want to know what you like I'm talking about like man you know I want to see sunny and CJ together but who at the mic who at the will that doesn't matter okay well same [ __ ] they through one Hicks at the mic Styles at the will I love that and they also like Styles at the mic and CJ at the will will to me Styles is a will yeah I agree but I think he's big enough to play play inside [ __ ] he's big enough to be whatever he wants to be I'm with like bro it's 65 235 but if if you have Sunny Styles and CJ Hicks in the game together they're both definitely athletic enough to to cover as an outside linebacker and that they're both big and physical enough to play middle linebacker so I whatever I don't know game plan some [ __ ] up mix and match the first thing he mentioned was Cody Simon at the mic Sunny styles of the will that'll probably be what we see the most yeah I think that'll be snap one and then he said Simon at the Mike Hicks at the will the one guy he didn't really say at the will at all was Cody like just like Cody as a Mike yeah Cody's a Mike okay for sure and then it'll be interesting the the one I'm most intrigued to see is Aral ree that's the one bro because he he was balling in Camp bro he could do whatever fog so is he will he get I'm not saying rotate early in games but he should play significantly especially in some of these games that you know it's they're going to get a little bit out of hand at at the very least I mean he of this linebacker group is the most likely to start at Georgia like he's the one he's built like a Georgia lineer he's built like a Georgia linebacker and he's got the dreads dog and that just means something to me man right I believe that every defense should have at least four players with dreads getting significant snaps and I need two targeting penalties every six weeks that's that's what I that's what I believe in um bro Jimbo I just just wanted to float this to you he got asked about his coach his coaching future so there's only so much you can hunt and Jimbo Fisher fish before you want to get back in I'll be watching a lot of film this year and see if there's the right opportunity for me to get back into it next season coaches just don't know what to do with their time once they get it there is absolutely you you could you know you know what you can do when you've hunt and fished a lot hunt and fish some more or maybe pick up golf like there is absolutely plenty you can do with the bank account he's got and not coach again but they get this itch like they they don't know how to function as a normal human being and that's why they just they got to get back involved somehow I think we'll see him next year on the sidelines for sure bro the longer he's out of Coach you though the more that buyout money he gets dog like chill out maybe take an analyst job but chill out and if you hate your wife and kids bro just say that just say it like literally you have not done enough hunting and fishing you just got fired under a year ago I promise you with all that money you could fish at the craziest spots in hunting the craziest spots ever I mean like just go fish in other places right like bro you you can go wherever you want like go to Australia and catch Mana Rays or something I don't know do do some exotic [ __ ] I know there's definitely he definitely hasn't fished and hunted enough unless he's just bad at it yeah maybe he's bad at it yeah but h i mean he's in the lab he said he's been watching a lot of film what's he been watching film of the world may never know um because nobody's played games yet right cool okay said I've been watching a ton of film he's watched that Florida state Georgia Tech game 20 times over and over and over again he's crazy uh Billy Napier and Florida Miami b game this week huge game week one our opponent this week is highly regarded they're ranked in both polls they got several All-American and allconference players they're picked to make the playoffs they're picked to win their conference right so I don't think we'll be lacking in regards to respect for the opponent Billy nap here playing the the underdog role well because he is the underdog I'm saying needs to play it early but he makes them sound [ __ ] unbeatable yeah I think it's more like we're not GNA disrespect them we we know what they are and we we've identified it like that's what they are now here's how we're GNA go take down Miami it's just gonna be wild Chris if you get your CL Clemson's getting a beat down for sure Florida State lost if Florida can upset Miami that's your mans like that's your main three that's the big three man three all lost week one that would be incredible you know what it is it's [ __ ] the big three it's just big me and big me is Tech TBO Haynes King Deluxe and if that if this happens this weekend I got a graphic for us dog I knew this is coming because I didn't even make this [ __ ] dog this is this really exists cfp Bracketology was put out from Andy Staples and they got my man Chris Drew fighting rambling wreck Georgia Tech Bracket for 12 team Tech TBO haes king with a buy winning that ACC the four seed and I I haven't broke down the offense yet but I'm telling you right now I'm starting to buy the hype that defense it was not just inept offense at Florida State that defense was athletic physical complex and the effort and how they flew to the ball was really impressive I'm just saying now I'm just I'm just saying dog it's I was overreacting yes but here we are like if you were gonna do your you know ACC power I'll ask you for AC power rankings on Monday that's what I'll do yeah I'll ask because once once you see everybody once you break it down because that's real I didn't make that and I was shocked to see that I'm not Staples yeah who is notorious for being one of the worst at this kind of thing no doubt but save that graphic but I was gonna you know save that oh how things changed right when Bama wins the SEC and Kansas State finishes six and six and Georgia Tech loses five games and be like oh never mind but here's what I'm hanging my hat on who was in the ACC title game last year Louisville oh yeah all you need to do is win the conference you get a auto bit so we can get blown off the yard by Georgia guess what non-conference yeah so honestly in that game rest your starters I don't want to see Hayes King touch the field against Georgia just take that L take the L play the backups and that's and that's where I'm at with uh with that you guys know the live win total for Georgia Tech right now no five and a half five and a half oh my God y'all should have told me sooner hey oh yeah that that that's a fire fire that one fire it right now it's Jews minus 170 but five and a half Tyler vs Dabo we're back tell them we're back up dude are we rambling is this a rambling wreck podcast yeah seeing somebody needs to take down [ __ ] soft ass dabos so we got this superch yesterday I didn't quite um digest it but it is real dabos Sweeney will no longer take live callers on his radio show the decision comes after Tyler from Spartansburg got in his ass Tyler from Spartanburg took down Dabo yeah it's the beginning of the end and I had a bunch of people comment when we talked about it yesterday um it's like Ryan day doesn't take calls like a lot of coaches don't take calls but it's the Optics of taking calls and then getting bodied by Tyler from sparenberg and then immediately that next season no more calls and announcing it right before week one yes that's where they messed up crazy like if you would have done this and that they should have done this during one of the Conor stallions breaks like months in the middle of the summer yeah like do it on [ __ ] draft night absolutely like do it not right now so shout out to Tyler Tyler is one another against Dabo as far as I'm concerned oh yeah Tyler Tyler boded Dabo I mean he said Dabo down a [ __ ] rabbit hole bro like bro really started spazzing it like could not get it back together so um honestly for this sake we used to we used to I just saw in the chat Lions remember he said Tyler Tyler he was so [ __ ] mad dude he was so mad that shit's awesome dude I would love to talk to Tyler for like 20 minutes just because uh that's that's where we are um oh Sabin he talked a little bit about you know remember he picked what Texas vers Georgia as the uh SEC Championship game and people were like why didn't you pick us he said having to predict and make a hypothetical decision about who's going to win the game in the championship and who's going to win what conference I've always hated that I picked Texas and Georgia because it's reverse rat poison I love Nick dude see I'm telling you like I I was a football coach for 14 years like these preseason predictions are so [ __ ] dumb yeah just look at Florida State Georgia Tech like who knew that Georgia Tech's defense was gonna develop that much nobody not even Chris no matter what he'll tell you right now I'm pretty sure I knew you did you knew nothing of the sort you're happy it did but we did you don't know you're right only only one can know had one of those like what are those things with the uh you shake it a magic eightball yeah yeah yeah yeah I said what are those things the magic eightball it's all it is Pat's looking at me in disgust like I didn't know what a [ __ ] magic eightball is Pat you probably collect magic eight balls you probably got like 20 at the house no doubt walk in cat's house 30 oh yeah you look like you collect magic eight balls oh man um Carson thanks for the five let's start recruiting Suma wrest wrers for our o line combine that strength and flexibility with technique I mean where are you going to find the sumo wrestlers well [ __ ] in superchats Asia somewhere oh we're not just about to go over to Asia and pick up we can't even recruit guys from the state of Ohio dog you think we're recruiting some Asians like let's get super [ __ ] serious for once we can't even land an Ohio kid you think we're gonna get a kid from China yeah bro like no uh Jacob thanks for the 10 this Michigan stuff is stupid you cheated it plain and simple up and move on if o state did this Michigan fans would burn down the Horseshoe and say it's been going on for the past 24 years there's no doubt absolutely burn it down absolutely burn it down I I I do think it's fascinating that people are like well we want proof that it impacted games nobody cared about proof that tattoos impacted games I guess [ __ ] tattoos give you like wak cond and strength that's the only reason H state was winning back in the day but when it comes to stealing we gotta prove that it impacted games right it does and it doesn't matter it's about knowingly breaking an NCA rule which is what happened no different than when Jim Trestle found out that players were trading their jerseys for tattoos that is illegal or was illegal back then and he didn't do anything that is how they got postseason banned right vacated wins like doesn't matter if it impacted games Michigan fans it matters that they knowingly violated NCA rules big dick from the Little Creek thanks for the two it's a great uh great name Zach you got that hat in Buckeye colors so this is Buckeye colors if you can't tell it's scarlet and gray Menace logo and we have a bunch of we have a red hat um with a a red and gray logo we have a bunch of different options on the website go check it out in the in the store on the website we got this all black joint that's my favorite all black yes sir it's Georgia Tech colors actually it is B sorry thanks for the two thoughts on Georgia Tech plusus 5 and a half over equals money I mean I'm going to fire the over as soon as I show yeah without a doubt I mean it's juice minus 170 is not great but no it's not but honestly if I hit this party this weekend I might just put it all in the over yeah West Virginia that line is moving dog just saying last time we saw a line move we saw Florida state do it or Georgia Tech do it to Florida State yes DJ thanks for the two bet ha I'm Petty as [ __ ] by the way bet ha I think it's about the bat comment that they were doing oh yeah which was such a weird thing yeah it was no I'll never understand it like your coach got suspended for six games in a year and we're talking about bet like get serious get serious are we going to see are they gonna do you think they're gonna vacate wins are you still no you think they are yeah so we're gonna be under a thousand maybe yep that'd be awesome then we get to redo the Thousand wins I think they're gonna vacate wins vacate the championship oh wait you haven't been here I thought I didn't think you didn't think they were gonna vacate the title I mean I think they will now at this point okay now okay but I mean I I've kind of always thought they would vacate wins I just don't think it matters it doesn't do anything like Michigan's the national champion I will always regard them as the 2023 national champions yeah they cheated but they still won that that Michigan uh lawyer said she's gonna uh get a face tattoo if they have to vacate um vacate wi over sence dealing oh she she tweeted that but you know she's a lawyer bro so it's be like it's not over science dealing it's about Advanced scouting or lack of institutional control right cu no way she gets a face tattoo no way there's no way what do they call her the cleavage lawyer yeah she got she has them things out outside DJ thanks for the two oh I already read that one bro I'm not reading that again I almost I almost [ __ ] passed out trying to read it uh Michael thanks for the five when Ric Flair is one of your spokesmen you need to own it and relish the heel roll in the heel roll yeah yeah I I mean it's at this point like we all know what it is we all know what happened own it and move on like why are we still play in this game yeah I mean at this point like why wouldn't you Embrace being the villain right we all knew Barry Bonds was doing steroids right let him hit that thing we knew Pete Rose bet on baseball the biggest problem did we know that [ __ ] yeah everyone knew that I I didn't know that I was like for 30 years the [ __ ] denied it it's like dog why are you doing this oh yeah like you're just making everyone hate you more like we knew A-Rod was doing steroids bro was super Juiced we know that judge is doing steroids he's not he's never touched the roid that would honestly be the worst thing for all me and 67 280 center fielder right we literally have a bunch of that that specimen running around just in different sports he just he just did the right thing like why would I compete with Miles Garretts of the world like I could just go compete with these little guys over here like Jose altu Bas these little Hispanic guys that's what I'm saying like isn't that a good business decision yeah like there's freaks all over the place like LeBron is is 68270 he's a freak of freaks but he's playing with all the freaks it's like if the freaks are going over there and over there you got little 510 you know whatever Ola seor yeah Ola seor yeah yeah I'm going that way like bro like y'all don't know dude like as as look all my black friends had a thing we all hooped together and then we all had our white people leagues be hooped in that I'm not like if I'm trying to get a confidence boost I'm not about to hoop with all my with all my dudes that could really hoop I'm about to go to the church league with the white guys we all have one of those that's what Aaron judge did made a career of it honestly it's brilliant $360 million and guess what he's doing that against those little guys and he's making more than all y'all you want to play football he's a a no hola Aaron I'm just saying like CD lamb had a kick and scream to get get a get what 130 my Aaron judge is getting 360 and about to get another one just saying they gotta get serious not on rids just an intelligent freak I mean [ __ ] if there's anyone that I mean Nicholas Harbor think about if he was playing baseball he could track a ball in center field I would imagine yeah he honestly you would only need one outfielder um oh lossless thanks for the five Chris put your futures up in the war room I will dog but yall going to fry me because there's some [ __ ] awful [ __ ] in there yeah you got to put them in today all right I'll I'll type them up um riding with you on that Georgia Tekken Ruckers feeding the village hey it might be a great Christmas for y'all or a bad one I don't know I don't know who really knows Jacob thanks for the five Ask Josh McDaniels if cheating makes a difference he started 7even and0 in Denver while cheating go look at his head coaching record after he got caught no doubt yeah it definitely fell off a cliff it it it got uh it got it got real bad it got real bad um speed thanks for the five Chris why you need a shower after shows when you don't get what the chat sends being a virgin got to admit I've learned a lot on this show too freaks freaks no well Zach be reading leing commercial breaks and my skin crawls there's no doubt like some of the [ __ ] you know what the angry pirate is though um I really don't but you're going to tell me it's a sexual act when you e in a woman's left or right eye causing her to cover her eye with her hand follow this up with a swift kick a kick you ain't got a kicker afterwards okay see um commercial kicking the giver in one of his or her shins thereby hindering The Giver with a peg leg and a defunct eye that is an angry pirate commercial it's time we'll be right back after this it's summertime Menace Army and you got to get your body right now I'm not talking about the gym that's important too I'm talking about taking care of those little hairs we have a partner manscaped the best manscaping and maale grooming products on the Market Bar None the performance package 5.0 Ultra is a must when you're going to go hit the pool and God forbid go back to the sheets and remove that bathing suit your partner will thank you if you take care of yourself not only do they have the lawnmower 5.0 Ultra which is perfect for that crisp clean confident look the weed whacker 2.0 for all those nose and ear hairs and then also they have the crop Soother ball After Shave lotion the crop preserver anti-chafing ball deodorant and then their boxers are second to none boxers 2.0 for those hot summer days all you have to do is get you get 20% off in free shipping using promo code Menace at 20% off in free shipping your whole order go get you the uh the performance package 5.0 Ultra and then screen shot your order email it or DM it to me Zack medicin every month we pick one order and do a full refund so you get your whole order for free go check it out get your body right get your balls right because it's summer this is when you're supposed to be freaky decky season and you gotta be at your best I love the pose at the end though we love a good we love a good pose um NCAA news I guess the NCAA oversight group is evaluating the elimination of the spring transfer portal thoughts getting getting get rid of it yay or nay no I mean I think the spring transfer portal is a good thing because it it keeps kids out of the postseason transfer portal the December transfer portal where they say all right I didn't play this year but I'm gon go through spring and see if I can earn that spot and if I don't I'll transfer after the spring so you actually kids see out their Journey one more semester just to make sure so I'm I'm not for this I think I think the portal Windows as they are are great leave them as as they are but this is what the NCA does for no reason they'll just change a rule you're like why because well because teams got depleted after Spring ball well don't [ __ ] over kids during spring ball then like kids should have the op option after a season kids are emotional didn't play this year I'm frustrated but I really wanted to play it out AMA say all right let's just do this let's go through Spring ball work our ass off and see where you end up at the end of spring because you might go out ball out and earn a spot and then what a shame it would have been if your only opportunity to transfer was in December and you left because you didn't want to risk it I think the spring transfer portal window is a really good thing and I I I I would be pissed if I was a college football coach because that's that's what they can use to keep a player too right yeah it's like dude Marvin Harrison Jr's leaving like go through Spring ball and see what you think then see what you see how you see your role after Spring ball and that's how they use that as a tool to keep kids I also think before they talk about getting rid of portals or expanding portals I think that every conf every conference should be on the same page terms of like what are their portal rules yeah I think part of probably the thing is well the SEC and the Big 10 have different portal rules so let's just get rid of the spring portal I think really what what needs to happen is NCAA needs to call everybody like hey look like we like everybody get on the same page with this and then we can make a decision maybe shortening it a little bit making it a little longer um we're down to to help make this right or make this better but we want input from each of you rather than us just sitting in a room voting and deciding without talking to anybody which it sounds like that's what's happening that's what always happen with the NCA always so should every conference have the SEC rule where don't transfer inside conference or should the SEC get rid of that rule I mean I like that rule because you this only for the spring window window they can spring window because it's like all right this kid realizes the quarterback sucks and he transfers to your your rival in conference and it's like what the [ __ ] like if you if this is not a good situation for you go out of conference go to Ohio State or Michigan or something like that like we don't want to have to face you especially the other side of this and probably and the main reason they did it is now you got a kid that goes to Georgia from Bama he knows the whole offense all the signals everything well I guess there's not really signals with helmet coms now but all the calls like everything it's like damn like now we have to change everything in the summer because this [ __ ] kid went to Georgia I I I think it's I like the rule so should the Big 10 adopt that you think yeah okay that that's why I and and I wondered if the reason they won't or wouldn't is because of how big the conference is now yeah well the reality is this sooner than later I think we're going to be in two super conferences and and they've already created the Big 10 SEC Coalition where where're they're working together on certain rule things because they're they're really going to dictate the future of college football corre the NCAA is is on the Titanic like they're dying and they're going to be dead one day and then the Big 10 SEC Coalition or whatever it is their the committee they made is gonna really govern college football it's funny Conor steinan wants to be a martyr and like go out like you know sworden hand into the blade you're the you are the last one in our sight yeah you are the last one we're not investigating [ __ ] after you so we're gonna go out on a on a fiery Blaze too absolutely Michigan and Conor stallions are their final their last ter Swan Song swansong Curtain Call Curtain Call when is with Super Chat Zack and then we're going to get on out of here sounds great lamp thanks for the five dig the Hat Zach would be sick to be able to put team logos on the man y'all want us to get sued yeah right it would be sick and match the end of the color love the content fellas keep pushing and go bucks I can create some [ __ ] some shady [ __ ] some black market yeah I mean really if we just buy official team patches and then also just resell them right like sell I don't know I mean I resell [ __ ] all the time yeah it's just if their lawyers find out and get mad they can sue you guess that's an interesting that I have to a ask more about it like if we sell individual patches separate from the hats because it's like that's like at a thrift store like I have all this stuff like from whatever like you can't come sue me for stuff that I I've purchased and then I'm reselling right yeah I I yeah I think that if if you sell something that's new for above what you bought it for and it's a licensed thing like the Ohio State logo you absolutely can get sued then how do places like EB eBay and Amazon exist like if I like I buy like licensed [ __ ] all the time like a like a Nike hoodie orever it's not it's not that you're selling one thing though you're selling like a line like you have a product line of the logos like if I just say hey I'm gonna sell my this one hat you could do that but you can't like I guess I I go on to like these reseller stores they have in the mall now just people just like Buy shoes and then like open up a store and just mark them up crazy and it's like just kind of a part of what it is now so I don't know maybe that's a thought for Me Myself and this car ride home um green hummingbird thanks for the two green hummingbird thanks for the five what's your take on the stallions Quorum LLC why would that be against the rules um I or how would that be against the rules I mean that's super against the rules it's it's an improper relationship between a a staff member and a football player like I I can't go into business and and do some Investments with Will Howard if I'm the quarterback coach yeah like that's that's a line you can't cross as a as a an employee of a football program will we ever hear about it again I don't know it seems like we aren't I have no clue um Ashish thanks for the five M Mike Valentini on the ticket in Detroit is awesome always make sure to blast um on the radio yeah yeah I I know the guy I mean I've seen him but I don't know him at all Mike's real I mean Mike does a really good job I I've just listened to him yeah Luke thanks for the five any plans on having Luke redo the intro by the way great name and go Buckeey so I have I have yes it's coming I've already shot it I just have to produce it yes we got a new one coming that's it big dog get us out of here that's a great little Tuesday show Taco titty Tuesday I forgot to mention go get your Square venmo $100 Cameron media chance to win $3,000 $5,000 total in prizes um just shoot shoot me 100 bucks per square however many squares you want and then sign up for the golf outing last day I'm closing the registration tonight and it's we're we're riding off into the sunset Friday Golf Club at Dublin one o'clock registration go to Menace and sign up We Appreciate You Menace Army Menace out

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