TX Football Star Fighting For His Life at Private Hospital! Staff Want His Organs!

[Music] nobody WIS when the family three-step drop goes in zone the pass is incomplete Chambers had it for a half second but couldn't quite Corral [Applause] [Music] it in regards to my son Terence Howard who is currently in the hospital right now apparently a lot of people know what's going on so I need I'm giving people time to get online if you could get online pass this around share this with somebody right now if you're on live with me right now share this with somebody cuz this is inspiring in regards to my son Terence Howard uh who has suffered a u a uh critical thing that's just happened to him we need your help we need your help you see the babies back here singing all these people up here all these kids came up here this is these brothers sisters girlfriend everybody up here to support to support ter listen we need y'all [Music] help we need your help right now we need your help listen we got something going on and um we need your help Terence right now is I'm giving you an update on what the situation is and uh tried to do it before this it keeps cutting off the phone keeps cutting off for whatever ever reason it's live and hopefully it stays live here but we need y'all help we got a few hospitals that we have in mind that we need uh uh to uh see if trans if if TS could be transferred out of this Hospital uh this hospital has given us a uh pretty much a deadline uh to get to get him uh to get him out of here they've been telling us all kind of stuff they've been telling us all kind of stuff that don't make sense and I keep challenging them and this is the result of me challenging them because they never had nobody whatever they yeah come on you know they gave him something they they gave him they gave him several they gave him F he don't take drugs and they have him listed as he's 26 he's only 19 he should have been in the children's hospital he should have never been over there some people who going to look at this video would judge the footage they about to see of this family in this emergency room but let me say this out the gate what would you do if your family member was dying in front of you and you in an ER but the medical personnel won't assist you some people going to do what they do and let's move by action some people going to sit back and watch this family was hands on my family from Texas been in a private emergency room for the past 2 weeks in Charlotte North Carolina the family will lated disuss and the medical personnel well it seem they've been having some back and forth not to mention there been public video within the last 12 hours of a young man having complications breathing only moments after receiving his medical records now now when it com to the pros and cons of a private Hospital understand that's private property authorities may not have the rights you might think on top of that you might not be privileged to what you might get from a public hospital now this family from Texas believe the back and forth from this Private Hospital is because this establishment want their child organs now for those who not aware of these type of situations might think this sound crazy but it's a real thing so Fam I'm going ask you wait to the conclusion of this video before you share your thoughts now this family asks to transfer kid back to Texas did they get help nope all the insurance in the world they even called the police to see if they can get some help from them did they come yep about 2 hours later to assist the Private Hospital begin to prepare the his is still beat beat they got they got they got to prove his a beat they got to prove his a beat so this is uh what are they saying I don't know it come on some now the Charlotte yeah where was was Charlotte where no no no where was Charlotte py when we called him and told them that we need them down here because they wouldn't come in and do it now they want to show they a bunch of cowards theys we can't I know I know but we can't we got look we don't need listen listen we got to take the time that we have and don't not allow them to to to escalate it to where when we have to to get to the piece okay okay we got to get to the point of where uh the the peace and and ain't no pieace in this no no no no I'm talking about yeah I get what you're saying like us us got now hold what were you what were you at when I when I how do we know might how do we know time everybody asking to vacate the property you refuse to do so they're saying we trespassing they want me to leave my brother in here with all of them they just busting here with officers and they're saying we are trespassing they're asking all of us to leave my brother in here with them called you and you never showed up you never show okay never show up but when you show up what does that say you know get out get so in this video we going to shine light on this family case spread Awareness on this young man send love and blessings talk about who he is and we also going to hope to help other people in this situation so before we go over this one I want you guys to remember I don't give you no angle I just give you the story so with that being said make sure you like comment and subscribe we going to jump right to it f me tery man you how AKA T4 just 19 years old a young man from Missouri City Texas a standout athlete who played track and football he went to ridg Point High School his main position in Football was cornerback he was ranked number 56 of the class of 2023 according to ESPN rankings in 2024 after receiving many offers he played his freshman year at Alabama University but after not getting as much playing time as he would H he decided to take his talents to North Carolina Central for a sophomore year now at this point T4 excited to get back in the field and his sophomore year for nccu now on the last week of July T4 decided to head towards the university he was driving it was pulled down raining and he noticed someone on the side of the road who needed help still not clear if it was a car accident or if it was someone assisting their car that was broke down but what is definite it was pouring down raining and someone had allegedly hit T4 on the side of the road making him fly in the air landing on his head causing immediate brain damage check out what his dad had to say with getting that call heading to the hospital um we going to get going here with this okay listen let's go ahead and get started okay here here's the news here's the news so everybody has heard that Terence was in a tragic accident here uh right outside of Charlotte headed back to uh North Carolina Central which that's the school that he committed to after he transferred from University of Alabama uh he was headed home and uh the mon it was Sunday night he was headed home and what happened was he um either was in accident or he saw accident he got in up it was raining uh now he had on black clothing black top black shorts he got he got out of the car and when he got out of the car to help somebody this is what was told to us uh so far we hadn't got the complete understanding of what all took place he got out of the car went to go render Aid see what make sure the person was correct okay I he ran back while he was running back to the car I guess he got in the car was turned around because of the injuries that he had from the back it looked like the car hit him from the back and knocked him um you know about 30 ft or further uh real bad he landed on his head ended up suffering uh uh you know from trauma to his head uh to the point where they are are saying that the doctors are declaring uh this that that his brain position is uh to the place of nonfunction okay and in another terminology they would say he was brain dead but here here's the deal here's the deal here's the deal I that I'm trying to get to this is where I'm trying to get to cuz cuz that with with looking at is a tragedy it's a it's tragic he's always been helpful you all know he's going to help now he could have been if he was an accident he could have been like a lot of people and kept going you know what I'm saying if it's night time raining he do have to stop but he stopped in R A because that's the type of person he is now I don't know if the person that hit him stopped and rendered aid for him but somebody called the um the ambulance and they ended up coming out but he's that type of person we know him he'll go do that now this person teren is was injured while trying to help while trying to be a good citizen so the type of person he is you just don't expect this type of energy to come towards him so it can't n to him so with this happening we know at the end of the day this is completely the work of the enemy we know that this is the work of Darkness this is the work of the Demons Devils dark spirits and all those that serve we know this we know this we we're not even trying to figure this out we know that this is the work of the enemy now as you can see T4 family is a Praying family who don't give up and they stayed by side every step of the way now for the last two weeks they've been trying to get their son back to Texas get his medical report to that private hospital and it seem it's been some bad communication between the parties where at least the family of T4 and the staff at their private Hospital one thing led to another within the last 6 hours T4 family had went to Facebook live after concerns saying that their son heart is pumping but the medical staff want to assist them to get their family well T4 to another hospital they also mentioned how the Private Hospital also requested for T4 organs but in the family as he still fighting for his life it just went to a whole big deal check it out's outside and Dr J M have decided put something in terence's IV killing he's been fine and stable the moment that we got ready to get him out of and transfering they interfered and and soon as we got the medical records to give over to the doctors they came had somebody come in here and put something in his line Dr Jessica M Dr Herman of of of this Hospital which is uh Carolina's Medical Center Atrium here in North Carolina in North Carolina right now I'm telling you what they doing you see him right now his mama's working on him they they out there they're saying they going to let him die we ask them to come in and do something about it they decided not to come in here and do nothing about it right here at this Hospital Dr Myers Dr Miller all of them decided to to let him die because he was living and they didn't want to be exposed he was legs was moving today everything was moving on him today legs and everything and they knew he had a b movement and been having B movements they didn't want to T and put in his CH of nothing so right now they're trying to let him D they put something in his in his IV put something in there to kill him and and of course you know we're not medically inclined and the people that we had here that was medically inclined they waited till they leave it left and then they got in here and did something I'm telling you right now they allowing him to die right now I asked him to come in here they stood at the door and walked away because they want him to die they asked us of course to let him die they wanted the organs that's what the whole thing was about being here was about him having organs but this is for God to so that God might get the glory even if it's to the point where they are the ones that's getting sued that that's being exposed whichever way is they the ones that did it I'm telling you right now he's his mama's over there pumping his M's trying to bring him back life right now because they are right now here at the hospital right now we're right here at Carolina's Medical Center in in in right now in Charlotte Carolina North Carolina Dr Dr M uh what's her name Dr Jessica M come on come on Emmanuel come forth come forth baby come on Hallelujah For Your Glory God For Your Glory For Your Glory For Your Glory you have the power come on you got to get your revenge back cuz we can tread on serpents they going to bruise your heel but you going to take off their head come on this is for the glory of God come on this is the Kingdom Business Lord you do it have your way Holy Spirit you are welcome in this place we are not bowing we're not bending to these snakes and these devil we they don't got exposed y'all touched the right right one but you didn't know you touched them the wrong way touch not my anointing to do my profit no home yeah come on baby Emanuel come forth come on there's no greater love come on come on baby come on come on pop come on do it do it come on come on come on come on son Come On Come On Son come on come on come on come on son they trying to kill you come on son come on we in we in Charlotte North Carolina we at the Carolinas The Atrium Carolinas come on come on come on is that thing even on is it even on is it even on is this even been own yes I don't no no they're out there monitoring monitor no they have this they but they're not even trying to come in here that administrator he's the head demon in charge sta isting to no but the head demon in charge should be will to break they got to break protocol with situations like come on in Manu well come on they're trying to we're in we were in the we're in the process put record when they come to that door record it put the record on record if if they come in we don't want them in here they come to the door youbody door anybody come you got to go I understand but okay I'll have her recorded you got to go I'm not playing yeah cuz I they thought I was just a little timid little little little like little young mother no no I don't play I don't play by my kid I don't play by spiritual things Come On Pop they Wicked This Is Wicked This is wickedness going you going come on come on it's wicked come on you got to do it on your own so we here with you you got to do it come on baby you got to do it going help you they going they not going to help you they laughing they trying to laugh at your God they saying that your go they God Trump your God uhuh they was up in there with this that fake spirituality they didn't say they said they spiritual but you believe in Jesus Christ bless your lord and your Savior Rise Up let the Holy Spirit yeah breathe with the breath of the Holy Spirit show them who your God there you go breathe in through your nose son there you go yeah yeah come on baby come on on come on baby come on come on come on yeah come on come on come on come on come on come on she she was just on come [Music] on H what they [Music] say what they say m come on right uh-huh yeah uh-huh yeah they got caught up they got he they caught him up and he got caught up and they they caught got accidentally caught up in in a in a um in a or Oran har got yeah we talk to the lawy what you say what you say said yes law you say is the lawyer coming up I don't know I don't know anything we not m come on cuz we we never finished but they weren't they wouldn't be able to anyway those no they told me that they do not need my permission that's exact and I said yes you do yeah but I know that I know that I know bullying they been trying to bully me just by us praying this off does this violate some type of Hipp no and I never put it on outside of the door they said we couldn't have it outside there because itol so they all came in here they they it they all me yeah it's on his Facebook live it's on his Facebook live came around yeah yeah what Happ that's what happened mm some illegal stuff going on he look like an idiot when uh whatever her name is like yeah I talked to Dr Shaw yeah to Dr Shaw so that's our guy yeah didn't do nothing she talk right she chose not to she chose not to because of whose orders her is she going down too so the thing is to we had [Music] a the parental request yeah they did not abide by our parental request m- and a parental request can't be done by a parent to the next and they told us that it could not happen that they had to play middle they said they have to they have to it's because they said they make that clear I watched them say that you got screens on they've been telling us all kind of stuff no they've been telling us all kind of stuff that don't make sense and I keep challenging them and this is the result of me challenging them because they never had nobody they gave yeah come on you know they gave they don't gave him something they they gave him two they gave him sever they gave him fit he don't take drugs and they have him listed as he's 26 he's only 19 he should have been in the children's hospital he should have never been over here but they sent but they sent the head of the Children's Hospital over here to tell us that they that he wants his organs sent him over here to tell us that yeah but who did he come over here and say he was anyways to begin with he shouldn't have been over here to begin with he said said that he was the chief and I got it on there it's on there it's on there we got it on there and he stood outside the door licking his lips because he want his organs I said man this is your chance he want his organs he he laughed [ __ ] right I told him this is your chance he laughed this is your chance he looked at you and laughed he said is that a threat he said he told me he have watched many children die he told me Heise you go to jail a noat that's a promise a private Hospital a promise you going to get they they keep they they keep switching up on us like they cuz they trying to threaten us and trying to make us scared they call the police on me trying to bully me I'm not an Ang sisters when my they profile they profile me that's why they kept send they sent that chap soal chap guy they profile police walking out there you going to get it to and I told that chap if have no power to get out of here that's going happen that's what's going happen your grand kids too all of them fall might not going to change what we know in our hearts and what we believe they shouldn't never even spoke about organon to his un if they treated him and carried him right from the moment he was in here and they did not do that the bottom of stuff talking about family not here yet what does that have to do with anything then they Pro they they said the mom is very spiritual no profile yeah they profiling come on baby come on uh-uh they keep cutting the air on and off come on C come on come on come on baby come on come on come on come on this is for the glory come on I st to the Lord come [Music] on keep I ain't operating this all come we all [Music] you you through the valley fear no evil God is with you you are Manuel you are Emmanuel God is with you yes come on baby come on we not tired we not tired come on baby we not tired I know you old get we not tired come on I'm always been a come huh come on baby thing I've ever done come on here with you baby come on you a beast you raised up to be a beast come that's what you was raised up to be ra up to be one that fight through come on yeah come on baby come on come on come on come on come on come on come come on come on pop come on son come on come on y machines all ding ding you turn the D we ain't move we ain't Face Body we ain't no punch no we ain't punch in the flesh and we sh and the things of the Spirit come on baby come on come on but they they gave one of those they one of those things that it causes you go go read that it tells you it tells you that like a temporary anesthesia yeah that's what he pumped in that statement I think they PO he poked that St why didn't he take the back usually when it it was sitting at First and he he came in opened it up he said I got the hand pump when I went to go get y I came back and the bag was gone no I saw him because he said I got the hand pump it so that um I said yeah it's going to it's going to raise his blood pressure but he dropped his yes he got two kids he better hope mine make it whatever whatever God he believe in he better get the pray to it cuz if mine a going to make it they make he'll never see him he never go to SCH he his kids baby never him that's called uh the pro the scripture say for whatsoever man s that he shall also that's for God is Not M for come [Music] on believe should be sa come on come on PO they mad because he start having B movements because bad men don't have B movement yeah come on I wouldn't receive what they were saying and I ain't receiving what they trying to do come on come on come on come on yes have your way Holy Spirit they trying they trying to block your kingdom Jesus they trying to come on Kingdom of God come on want to want to come on get away from them they not our Focus no more we focus on him everybody Focus energy towards him yes just start praying towards him Lord come on thank you Lord come on Lord come on you will live in life you will and not it is you com in somebody somebody heart somebody Heart Lord that ain't afraid to get past the status quo that ain't afraid of hermit they ain't afraid of that look for their soul to be protected oppos to a job father God right now touch their hearts move on their hearts right now Lord God move on them so they don't they they they can protect their children with their actions father God so that their children won't die so that their grandchildren won't die they'll be able to see them but father God if they don't move Lord God and you're speaking to them Lord God let all Misery come to them Father God and Father raise up somebody that are coming here and do it right now remove them out of the way and put somebody here Lord God that'll do it put somebody here touch their heart right now Lord God touch their heart to turn the building later on touch their heart right now Lord God just come in here and put whatever needs to be in his system so he can wake up right now touch their hearts Lord God tell them right now father God they better do it or everything is over with their mama going to die their grandma going to die their grandpa going to die everybody going start being removed because they fail to save the life of a man of God they just they fail to save the life of a Preacher they they fail to save the life of somebody that had a bright future had things that God that you had purpose for them right now Lord God here's their chance if they don't move Lord God you know what to do father God I thank you right now you're moving on somebody's heart somebody's heart they're not afraid they're not afraid to stand up against whatever's out there they ain't afraid of losing no paycheck cuz they know you're the one that supply all their needs according to your riches and Glory right now father God thank you right now that they believe right now they give shaking together and run God they not going to Father God they going to stand up right now stand up against whatever's out there father God they're not afraid father God let fear be removed in Jesus name let fear be removed right now in Jesus name hallelujah hallelujah father God move on their hearts right now right now now yes right now Lord God right now father God move on them right now Lord God move on them they're not afraid Not Afraid let them push past fear right now let them push past fear in the name of Jesus right now in the name of Jesus right now flatten the B flatten the bed flat the bed right now yes Lord yes Lord Lord yes Lord yes Lord yes Lord yes Lord yes Lord yes yeah come on baby yes yes come on come on come on uel yes yes yes come on come on baby come on come on we're not giving up come on son come on come on Lord come on Lord come on Lord come on come on man it's just faking that that's a that's a mask right there I'm tell you right now that that medicine mask make it look make it look like he like he de but I didn't believe it I didn't receive it and so they mad come on yeah they mad they think you did yes Lord they laughing yes they think they got a whole group they laugh that's all come on what they going to do what they going to do when they realize they done touch the wrong one yes yes yeah yes they don't touch the wrong one touch somebody Heart Lord that ain't scared from whatever flow they on let them come around let them come running let them come running because they know at the end of the day that that their future their family's future is at hand bless somebody that want their family to come out of the situation right now because they given to a man of God they understand the principles of sewing and reaping that they're willing to release so they might increase in the Name of Christ they know everything that they want in life is going right now going the waste they ain't got nothing and they want to come out of something father touch them right now no matter what level of of work they doing right now let them do it right now in the name of Jes the Christ in the name of Jesus yes you are Lord yes yes Lord yes Lord right now yes Lord they gave whatever what what it only works but it's a it's a short life yeah it match that it match the heart rate you just got to keep working through it whatever it was he pumped it quick and he left he pumped it quick and then he left it's not even shift change right there he right there looking at him right there he right there there yeah right there they came in because they thought they they let me find something let me find something and you want to know what D said to me when I was running to get y'all he said it's his organs it's not us he said that before I ran out to get y'all why do you have to assure me of they they gave him something they gave him something come on your strong strong man come on come on baby come on come on come on come on come on come on they didn't want him to get transferred to Texas because when they run their own test they going to find out that they did something come on come on and then why this happen as soon as y'all get the records after two weeks yes come on come on baby we not giving up come on do this come on come on baby come on come on baby come on baby come on let the bed up a little bit let it straight up straight up come on let the okay okay cuz it down too come on it up let it up come on find it find with the find it come on come I got to wait till you stop to let it come on pap come on baby come on come on come on come on come on get it out come on come out no come on yeah come on yeah come on come come on yeah yeah yeah get that PA out your sis yeah yeah all the nures and police I don't care police they ain't handcuffing I told him to come and stop they want his uhuh come on baby come on come on they call the police come on okay so they want us to leave they gave her dad 2 hours no but the time is up yeah the time up the time we still got time trying to say I'm not let me call the attorney hours for us to leave and leave T by uhuh I don't but um that's not his flight landed 4:00 he didn't get here almost try to P him all of us they trying to put us out I'm not leav they trying to tell me to leave my son they not leaving with I'm not leaving my son I'm not leaving my son I'm not leaving my son they want his organs they trying to get the phone this is what it is they have to begin to prepare the B is still beat beat they got they got they got to Pro a beat they got to prove a beat so this is uh what did they say I don't know if it come some uh come to now the Charlotte yeah was was Charlotte P where no no no where was Charlotte py when we called them and told them that we need them down here because they wouldn't come in and do it now they want to show they a bunch of cowards what they are bunch of cowards we can't do that I know I know but we can't we got to look we don't need listen listen we got to take the time that we have and don't not allow them to to to escalate it to where when we have to to get the pece okay okay we got to get to the point of where uh the the piece and and ain't no pie in this no no no no I'm talking about yeah I get what you're saying like us us us cominging hold on what were you at what were you when I [Music] we asking you to vacate the property we refuse to do so are y getting this they're saying we trespassing they want me to leave my brother in here with all of them they just busting here with officers and they're saying we are trespassing they're asking all of us to leave my brother in here with them I called you and you never showed up you never showed up you never showed up but when they called you what does that say man you know get all get get out get this is right now got officer what your name off officer's what's your name hold on Q L BL b l a k e n e y what's your name officer liberta s l i b a c h they're putting us out and they they want me to leave my brother in here p a t t e r o what's your name don't hide back there sir what's your name shy offic shy now you work for the hospital right you work for the hospital what's your name corelot what's your first name sir theyy to start putting hands on us off mccre what's your first name sir call doing that no J MC what's your name and y'all said y'all couldn't get involved because it was a private St okay that's all the off I got 1 2 3 4 5 they all when we call Corel none of them showed up said it was on our behalf but when the hospital calls them they show up on their behalf because that's my son now what's going to happen is everybody subena you will be in court every one of y'all and you don't see y'all don't even know who we are dude but you going to find out you're going to find out I promise you you're going to find out real quick you don't know who this do you know who this is do anybody look him up University of Alabama look him up Nick s look him up Nick sa called up here you don't worry about it you f to find out going follow wait wait a minute where's the doctor you preparing I want this tube taken out of this mouth before yeah take the tube out of his mouth no that is I want the to out of mouth remove the that's the least digity can not going to happen what's your name you's you say that not going happen right we go back for we back he's breathing look he's breathing he is breathing man y'all see it and y'all see it you come they put your hands on you okay don't put your hands on me though don't don't touch don't touch don't touch me I'm getting my St don't touch me that's all tell you heard that please don't touch me you writing everything down we will and we will be back to don't touch me you see him don't touch me did you put him on FaceTime face they don't they don't realize they don't know who I am they have no idea all of them right there you see all of them each one of them right there don't hide your face don't have to face that's Facebook live they watching you they all watching you they all participated kill my son allow happen yes sir we still on moment we call them they don't show up so remember that remember that they all participated in it each one of them y'all got their names y'all got their names you got yourself where's my my my they let my son die okay they wanted his wake up for them son they don't get their organs I be they cut they put one cut on them I promise you God it's going to be a problem let's go get my get my stuff right there m just go around the corner back go around the cor no I'm I'm going heard say we can go in that room come on come on at this point the hospit ask you guys you liver Chu saying we have to leave first now he said he said now he said we got to leave the premises with our child in this building what he leave my child up here because they don't promise or yeah boy I'mma tell you right now come on come on we going to sit we're going to the city everybody I promise you when I come back with who I come back with all y'all just go on get you another career I promise you get you another career get you another career I'm telling you you going to be you going to be getting trash picking up trash I promise you y going be picking up trash doctors and everybody but when I get through with this y'all see them all you see all of them right doctors and all you see them back there don't walk away she's walking away don't walk away you in it too all of them down there everybody down there all the all your staff down there everybody down there you see them all y'all we got them all we got everybody got officer right here he he he's with them all of them done let's go baby let's go let's go cuz they better not touch you come on let's go let's go you see everybody let's go who all in there come on y'all Hey sir can you pleas St no I don't have to this is this we recording it's a one consent just one consent State no let's go I that's my son Let's Go son let's go yeah let's go let's go now y'all see they pushed us out the room look at all these laws they want us to they want they want us to vacate the premises look at that everybody right there to get everybody right there so you're filing a treatment I can't do that that's that's the law you can't come don't come in and try to bully me about the law I study the law thank you thank you you get on the treadmill leave me alone I'm not leing another child here let's let's go let's go they Ked my son they they killed my son talking about that's not the law I said what's the law now they talking about I got to go you said this the law he said that's not the law I said what's the they said's go come on okay that's fine hey right now y'all going in there watch it they'll kill your people they'll kill your people they want their organs that's what they want and I'm going straight out here to talk to the news out your I'm telling you these are demons in here they will k your family they you I'm telling you right now going there watch your family sit by them sit right by them you better watch them cuz they will put something in their system cuz they want their organs go watch your family man I left them drinks right there I'm not carrying that come on baby mom come on baby come on Mom come on Mom we coming back with vengance don't worry about it we when we come back here when we come back here when we come back here it's going to be a whole another it's going to be a whole another Dayal we show up come on come on now as we wrap this video up fam I want to send love and praise to T4 and his family now I did this video at night and waited to post the following morning because I wanted to see if T4 family had put out anything since that last video so far no word but they in our prayers as more developed I keep you you guys updated but it seemed like this was a high school standout a college football player was at the wrong place at the wrong time and end up having complications while fighting for his life at a private hospital let me know how you guys feel about this one in the comments don't forget to like And subscribe until then I catch you guys on the next one

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What's up everybody and welcome to the channel it's the bottled water guy tw the night before week one of college football saturday and all through this crappy apartment not a thing was moving not even ea sports college football 25 which i got it's a pretty difficult game but it's fun but even though... Read more


Category: Sports

All right so texas and oklahoma of course both headed into the sec in 2024 and that means a lot of things uh but drastically different schedules for texas and oklahoma obviously versus uh what they've been used to in the past coming out of the big 12 into the sec so uh playing an entire uh sec slate... Read more


Category: Sports

Oh yeah good morning that it's uncle lou here does florida have the toughest sec schedule in all of 2024 um in other words are they the sec team with the toughest schedule we're going to look at it here in just a second in this video a florida schedule preview try to figure out what's their toughest... Read more


Category: Entertainment

E e e no lady how about you shut the up i'm doing lo too [ __ ] what's up dummies y'all ready to watch some football we're about 10 minutes away from kickoff uh for the noon games we'll be streaming all of it uh right here for you uh of course we're going to watch texas vers michigan right here in the... Read more


Category: Sports

All right it's time to get back to these preview and uh prediction videos for all these teams for the 2024 college football season uh going game by game and giving you a winner and a loser for every single week we've done a bunch of teams already there's a playlist called 2024 predictions i think we've... Read more

Elon Phoenix vs Duke Blue Devils | Aug 30,2024 Final | NCAA Men's College Football | NCAA To day thumbnail
Elon Phoenix vs Duke Blue Devils | Aug 30,2024 Final | NCAA Men's College Football | NCAA To day

Category: Sports

Manny diaz's team here as he makes his blue coaching debut quarterback sak maybe here and downing trying to get a little help from the push of cody hardy the tight end and he got love the quarterback sneak love it on four get under center just go get you at half a yard yard it's like that's another... Read more

Washington Huskies vs. Weber State | FULL GAME | Aug 31 ,2024 | NCAA Men's College Football thumbnail
Washington Huskies vs. Weber State | FULL GAME | Aug 31 ,2024 | NCAA Men's College Football

Category: Sports

[applause] the dogs are [applause] loose thursday with ruers now to be a part of the big 10 for washington well ever since i wore these colors as these guys are wearing down the football field it's been a fight for respect this team was playing for a national title earlier this year comes back in not... Read more


Category: Sports

Hey everyone welcome to our way too early university of florida gators predictions video for the 2024 florida gator schedule they have a really tough schedule but we're going to be going game by game seeing which games we think they're going to win which games we think they are going to lose so go ahead... Read more

Washington Huskies vs. Weber State | FULL GAME 3rd-Qtr | Aug 31 ,2024 | NCAA Men's College Football thumbnail
Washington Huskies vs. Weber State | FULL GAME 3rd-Qtr | Aug 31 ,2024 | NCAA Men's College Football

Category: Sports

On the ground plus a score at [music] halftime heard him talk about quinton moore out for the rest of the ball game as we were heading to halftime brook fletcher on that in just a moment too b state kicks it off [music] returnable up pass the 20 flag flies pass the 30 yd line but there is a flag all... Read more

Washington Huskies vs. Weber State | FULL GAME Final | Aug 31 ,2024 | NCAA Men's College Football thumbnail
Washington Huskies vs. Weber State | FULL GAME Final | Aug 31 ,2024 | NCAA Men's College Football

Category: Sports

That the huskys are so high on is adam muhammad but deon williams a guy who threw for over 10,000 pass uh 10,000 passing yards 93 touchdowns only had 12 picks but he is a freak of an athlete and he was committed to jed fish to go to arizona part of a a larger class that jed was jed was able to flip... Read more

Washington Huskies vs. Weber State | FULL GAME 2nd-Qtr | Aug 31 ,2024 | NCAA Men's College Football thumbnail
Washington Huskies vs. Weber State | FULL GAME 2nd-Qtr | Aug 31 ,2024 | NCAA Men's College Football

Category: Sports

Give goes to coleman they try the left side some space just across the 40 yd line good run for jonah coleman they've had a lot of success jake they in that first quarter running a lot over that right side of the offensive line a brand new group that's still trying to gel all transfers you know you mention... Read more