Springfield Ohio Preacher "The HATIANS are BUYING GUNS"

I'm me being a nosy guy that I am I guess I walk over there he's buying an AR oh buddy cuz he has an identification man no he's exempt no he's exempt no he didn't they actually are exempt for firearms backgrounds or any kind of idea or anything nothing nothing I couldn't believe it is this another magic card does he just give him his magic card and it's happening his magic card which was a federal something that he showed him and she makes phone calls yep got us out okay now this has got to be the biggest part of the interview we're going to get right into it this video is going viral on the internet take a look at this you know the homeless problem I don't know of a single homeless Haitian in this town because they all got vouchers but I can show you a whole bunch of people that have been displaced because I'm that guy rob you know for 25 years I've worked with the homeless in this community you know a lot of people don't know because I'm not the guy out there blowing the horn because it ain't a me it's the Jesus in me that goes out there and does it trust me there's days I'm tired but I'll get into homeless camps that nobody in a suit and tile walk into none they trust me because I've never let them down you know and guys if you don't think it's here right now in October we are getting ready to hit a wall here there is not any relief for the homeless the homeless people in this community are not the people you think they are the squatters that aren't happening it's not there there's veterans come see me I'm not real hard to find ask anybody on the street they'll tell you how to get a hold of me I'll take you there and no they don't want your toothpaste and your peanut butter sandwiches they want you to come up with a solution to why they're displaced why they lived in a house I personally know and I'll testify under oath my hand to God somebody that lost their house they were there seven years the landlord said hey I need you to move out find a temporary place I'm going to remodel it and then you can come back a lie they moved him out tripled the rent thank you follow money now that's Ken they also call him Baron and he's a street preacher in Springfield Ohio he actually reached out to me via email once the story started blowing up and he asked me for a little bit of help says that all the news agency are blowing up his phone they're calling him they're emailing him and he doesn't know what to do and he reached out to me because he is a homestead homie an OG Homestead homie so we talked on the phone a little bit and I did an interview with him about the current situation in Ohio take a few minutes and listen to this and then I'll see you in a second uh okay we doing it now yeah we're doing it now oh okay let's do it Lock and Load to advances to win Baron you know what that thing's at 3.1 million views Baron the video that got posted on X about you talking about the refugees in your town you live in Springfield Ohio isn't that right that's correct how long have you lived there uh most of my life on and off but uh Rock Solid for the last uh 17 years okay so you were telling me that maybe the last how many years go just kind of go over a couple of the differences you've noticed around your place over the last couple years yeah Springfield and late 18 00s and 1900s was the uh capitalist capital of the world they they were the The Hub of Industry one of the richest cities in the nation and um it's always had a little charm about it uh in the last two years man the charm is being tarnished and I feel that is directly related to the 25,000 plus Haitian immigrants that are here on the current administration's TPS temporary protected status you say 25,000 25,000 plus and then how many people actually live in Springfield uh Springfield's population is around 55,000 before so they basically have half of the residents replaced with uh incoming Personnel absolutely wow is that just Haitians though that are being put there or is it like um different type of immigrants as well the numbers that I that I have access to uh I mean yes there's a lot of Spanish speaking people uh and things like that Springfield was in trouble before the Asians came right if the truth be known you know we had our own we were you know you can do your research I encourage you to uh gun violence drugs sentinol we had our problems before then but now they threw 25,000 plus Haitian immigrants I a only on top of that they just came here uh I don't think they just happened to you know say be in Haiti and fly to wherever then land they all came you know they the these people they want you to believe that they floated in on boats and like you know it didn't happen like that they flew in on commercial airlines to a certain place people picked them up and brought them to Springfield Ohio so so let's talk about real quick so the reason why we um actually know each other is you're like an OG Homestead homie isn't that I am OG homie that's good uh so you reached out to me because you were getting some calls from some news places and all this kind of stuff so I contacted you and stuff and that's how we ended up here on this video so appreciate you watching our stuff and like yourself we're just trying to educate people and let them know what's going on so in the in this video um on that was posted on social media 3.1 million views now you're can you kind of recap a little bit I know you talked about your friend that had been living 7 years in a place place and they got kicked out of this place what happened with that yeah uh I'm I'm the uh I'm the uh the street Minister here I'm the pastor I'm the one that's doing the I do free foods I run I run a Ministry called out to Pastor Ministries right now do you have a website with that I I do I just don't know if it's up uh recently we were cyber attacked and uh just really scrambled it and I got my people working on on it to try to get it back up you can give it a a plug right now if you want to that way people can write it down and kind of keep checking in on you yeah www. outto Pastor uh o u t t o p a s t o r.com uh and you know if you search YouTube You'll see Baron from out to Pastor Ministries there'll be links on there okay and uh we're also uh uh in line we work closely with Fellowship of the Martyr uh and they're based out of your your home state there just out of uh Kansas City Missouri a little place called Liberty Missouri all right so go back to the with your friend there uh he calls me and says hey man I don't talk to suits you know I don't trust none of them but you know hey man you're the street Pastor you bring us food and you never lied to us let me tell you what's going on who do I tell about this you know Fair Housing Authority do I go to the mayor's office do I go to I'm like I don't know let's find out I said what happened he said the landlord of our building told us you know hey you know I got a government grant of some sort to renovate the building uh I'm going to go ahead and move everybody out of it we're going to go in and they did and and go in and we're going to revamp and paint the walls and D just make it nice and hey we'll see you in three months and three months later he goes back and like Hey man can we get back in you know we've been living in the shelter and our van and yada yada yada and uh uh he's like yeah no this is the deal you know the rents to this now triple what it was and and the guy actually felt sorry for the landlord he said I get it you know the guy's in business and he's trying to make a buck but man they sold us out man and that building is now 100% occupied with TPS hati wow so you think was just saying it was Triple just to kind of detour him away from trying to stay there and you know just outprice him you think and and already knowing that had incomings absolutely the Haitians are guaranteed money for the landlords right now and that's why I'm just sitting here in shock and awe when I hear the news reports of you know the homeless Haitians I work with these people every day man there are no homeless okay I none that I know of yeah you said because they all have vouchers yeah you know when this whole cat business came out man we thought it was a joke at first we're like you're kidding me man you know and the Haitian people that I talked to they're like they call the uh EBT card they call it the uh uh the magic card magic magic the magic food card because they go they buy groceries and they come back next time and there's more on there it's magic oh my gosh you know and they they laughed they go why would we be eating cats in Springfield Ohio when I got $1,500 on my EBT my magic card I go to Apple East just like everybody else yeah that's the thing I did uh have a video of a gal who they straight busted in the street eating a cat but I also know that they use the cat bones they like to do that with the voodoo stuff yeah that's there's the story I mean the pigs that have been openly cut up and the Lambs I mean there's video documentation of that through the local sheriff's department and things uh they're not eating those they're using them for their ritualistic you know uh deal whatever they call it you know seanes or whatever you know Voodoo they're really big into the voodoo man man so do you think like the local people there and the local government on even the lowlevel stuff like your your people and your like Alder and all that you think anybody is like you know purposely trying to make money with this or you know how are they how do you think they're involved with this stuff absolutely they are I mean we have uh and I I don't know if I should name names I don't want to be sued I don't have anything what are you g to come take my tomato patch yeah yeah we don't have to name names but I mean it just seems weird that people would just let this kind of that's a lot of people to come into one place you know 25,000 people I know the cloward and Piven um you know strategy if you guys want to look that up I encourage you to it it's one of the things is to overwhelm the system with all of the extra miles to feed if you will so man that's just something else the magic card I don't know who said it but there's a quote out there somewhere uh when there's profit there's profit to be made when there's blood in the streets that's terrible you know and uh I don't have any proof yet we're working on it I promise you we're going to turn every stone over yeah uh but they I just got information today that the and again I don't have any proof yet right this is all allegedly allegedly the mayor and city manager are are coming up with these shell llc's hold on the city manager the city manager is buying properties under fake llc's or new started llc's is that the same city manager that they said in the debates the other night that said that there's nobody doing this stuff in your town the same guy yeah the same guy who was standing outside the city building talking to the Press today because somebody called a bomb thread in interesting to the to to City Hall they closed today they closed City Hall they closed uh uh one of the schools uh they closed the BMV the title office anything to do where I don't know and apparently that guy sent an email that threatened to blow him up and I'm just sure that you know CSI will be involved and the guy will be jailed and so they had to all all those places from from that one thread you're saying oh yeah they did and today's uh September the 12th it's Thursday in case you guys want to know what dat is this is happening live you know pretty much real time uh and that's really something else so what do you how the how are the people doing in the town I know we we posted the story of the gal and her mom goes out takes the trash out 70 something something years old and gets run over by one of these Haitians how I mean how are the people doing oh man the people are the people are are in Doug it's scary it's scary because this is not you know we're like living in a movie here man you know what I mean and I talked to a friend of mine who actually is is a movie star and in Hollywood and he's like man I couldn't pay a team of 50 writers to write a script like this I mean it's just it's just unbelievable and he's talking about you know the cats and stuff and I'm like is that crazy man we've been screaming at the top of our lungs for you know I've been at City Hall for over a year and it took a couple freasy cats to get the Press here yeah so you've already been complaining down at City Hall you guys are seeing this influx of folks no one's really listening and then all of a sudden this cat story comes up and all of a sudden now you have media calling you go back to the one part where you said something about being hacked are you being like harassed or something just because you went to City Hall exercised your first amendment ride and tried to stand for the homeless people in your town I was told by The Blood Tribe fellas you know the Neo-Nazi and red church with their masks on because I confronted him and when I say I confronted I'm like what are you doing here and he's like go back to Africa and I'm like are are you are you not are you mentally unbalanced I'm Caucasian you know why would you tell me go back to Africa and that's that's their chant though go back to Africa you know and terrible terrible in words at people and I don't I don't so are you saying like it's a you got antifa there or what is it oh no the this is a blood that they're call themselves The Blood Tribe and they're out of Minnesota there's nobody here in the Blood Tribe you know uh and they were down with their AK-47s and uh uh ARS you know marching and protesting and then we got the the local NAACP lady uh uh saying oh we're going to educate you because you guys are just racists and and I'm like what and we go down to their meeting to try to to try to have a reasonable conversation and she calls in the Nation of Islam guys for security because she felt threatened and I'm looking around and I'm like look man this is bad it's like I feel like I'm living in a little tender box of 55,000 people people and I've got all these people throwing matches you know you know strike a match well they're eating cats and did you know that gal um you know who had her mom you know killed out there no I I I've met them I mean it's a small town bro I've met them and and I really sympathize but here the the bigger picture of that that is a very tragic thing I'm very sorry for them people and they held their signs up and their mother was killed and there's not even there's not even been an arrest yeah that was terrible I couldn't even it yeah but if you fast forward or or rewind that if you watch the whole thing the the the mother and father of the young boy uh and I don't even want to say his name anymore I'm so upset about name yeah uh that was killed the Haitian that turned the bus over and 53 kids uh were injured uh and he was convicted and he he's in prison uh you know and one of them died that that mother and father came to the meet first time I've ever seen him there came to the meeting and said quit using our son's name for all all of your all of your racist hate for the Haitians and you know these people and and jumped on the side of the Haitians so basic these are like maybe some liberal folks who had their son on there and they felt like people were using their son yeah to make some chatter about the immigrants oh not just chatter I mean it's a roar here right right you know what I mean that's what she was basically claiming yeah uh and and I get it but dog on it I mean they lost a child but our community lost a child as a result of an illegal Haitian immigrant being here in driving and crashing a bus I mean we have lost too I mean there seems to be a lot of the driving accidents and everything going on there I've seen a lot of that being posted on social media my goodness Doug I could ride you around our city and I promise you for every oneh hour block that goes without us coming up on the scene of an accident or almost being involved in one uh that goes by without that happening uh I I I get a dollar bill from you but for every hour that we see it you got to buy me a dozen donuts we're eaten for days bro yeah I mean it's literally no exaggeration four to six accidents a day wow and then that's why they raise insurance rates up and then everyone gets dinged for that too because of where you live now what about the um man this is just really something I can't I can't even imagine like being you know our town has 2,000 people and I could imagine if they brought in a th000 or 2,000 people and stuff in here and Tred to act like we're supposed to work it out with them or something man it's it's a it's against our constitution and stuff they're not supposed to just fly people in bus people in you know these are not Asylum Seekers are you seeing like uh what kind of Ages are you seeing are you seeing you know destitute families that were fleeing from the no funny you should say that the first year or so when we started taking notice uh you know you know all the Buddies sitting around the coffee shop and saying hey man these Haitians are here and we're like where are the women where are the children these are all military age fighting men you know military fighting age they say that that you bring your family when you're fleeing War but you leave your family behind when you're going to war well guess what 25,000 plus of them are here to go to war and here let let let's let's expound on that for a second I'm standing in our local Rule King which is a chain I don't know if you have them there yes they sell firearms yes uh I'm out there and I'm picking up some stuff for the you know some electric fence wire blah blah blah and I always go to the gun counter because I I have I have weapons yeah yeah I have Pew pews I I you know I like them we hunt with them right um and uh I'm at the counter and there's a Haitian fellow and the only reason I know he's Haitian because he was speaking Creole French right to his Tel phone to a translator to the person behind the counter and back and forth and back and forth you know and I caught my ear I'm like what's this guy doing at the gun counter so I'm I'm me being a nosy guy that I am I guess I walk over there he's buying an AR oh buddy cuz he has an identification man no he's exempt no he's exempt no he didn't they actually are exempt for firearms backgrounds or any kind of IDE or anything nothing nothing I couldn't believe it is this another magic card does he just give him his magic card and it's happening his magic card which was a federal something that he showed him and she makes phone calls yep got a s okay now this has got to be the biggest part of the interview I mean I I feel for all the people having troubles there I feel for the the extra population but what I you know want everyone to understand is that these fighting age men are now using their magic cards to arm thems elves in America inside of our belly right oh my goodness and why does he need an AR oh my goodness he has no right to have one he's not even a citizen of this country right yes and the lady said there's nothing I can do my hands are tied so I I looked into it a little more and a little more and like the driver's license all you need is to to get a driver's license here is an ID and be over 18 no training right no training but my all my kids we all had to do training yeah and pay for it dearly you know and it no man I mean the that we got the pyramid upside down here it's wild bad and and you go up I happen to be I'm a Christian yes and I go up I I mean no harm to nobody I really don't I go up to these guys you know when I see them out in the soup lines and stuff where I'm down there and I'm I'm getting my rapport with the people living on the the street and doing what I can to help and man don't even don't even mention the the name Jesus around they know who he is oh I know because a lot of the you know um what do you call them when they go over there uh uh uh missionaries missionaries have been to Haiti over and over and over so I would definitely think that they have a good grasp on that and I would guess that there is a some of them I mean we can't say this is every single one of the Haitians that come over but some of them would have a more you know Christian minded type of sure mindset they've had a little indoctrination to to the Christian because they built the orphan engine in their town or they put the water pump in and that could be a good thing or a bad thing if it was Bill Gates or the clintons that could be a very bad thing they might be mad at us for something that they did over there and did did you you actually said they actually trust you you have a little rapport with some of them they know that you're a pretty straight Sher yeah I the ones that I talk to they don't want to go on record of course they can't be seen talking to me because I'm the enemy right uh uh because I'm the guy running around in the red hat you know and uh but they trust me they go no that guy if that guy tells you he'll be down here at nine o'clock with soup and sandwiches he's here right you know what I mean and he does what he can do and and I I pray with all of them I you know any of them to ask absolutely man because I think there's a bigger plan yeah you know and the one said yeah yeah we come to the country where Hillary Clinton who used us like a pawn wow and stole Millions the Clinton Foundation stole Millions go back in your history books and look that's a real thing yeah they actually stole Haitians you can actually look the story up y'all they got busted smuggling Haitian kids out of Haiti the Clinton Foundation did and they didn't have their proper paperwork and at the same time guess who was kind of hanging out with them was that Tim Ballard guy that's why I broke the story on Tim Ballard I don't go for any kind of messing with the kids um and I just want you know truth justice and the American way man I appreciate you sharing your story uh with everybody watching here on YouTube and again you check out U his website he gave it to you earlier on what was it again it's www. outto Pastor all one word o u t t o p a s o r.com y we just wanted to share the story with everybody real time boots on the ground stuff I appreciate your time hanging out with us and we're going to see if we can get uh maybe some funds over to you to help out with your um you know feeding the homeless and the work that you're doing biblically to help your local neighborhood and stuff you know we stand behind that 100% but just real quick where do you see Springfield Ohio in like the next you know year two years or three years how about three months martial law really in Springfield yeah they've already our Governor Mike dwine just released $2.5 million to bring the Troopers in to control the quote unquote traffic problem and I think they're just putting them in place and this this whole bomb thing you don't know what to believe anymore right you know what I mean uh we live in a time where someone took a shot no not a shot six shots at a former president you know people that's not just YouTube sensation that's that's real That's History we're living in a time where history is being made and erased at the same time Andy this is crazy man stay in prayer stay vigilant we appreciate you guys and uh you know we'll try to share this video hopefully everybody shares this video with their friends so they can hear what's going on over there and and appreciate the work that you're doing even working with the Haitians that are there just making sure that they're you know uh being fed and just kind of being taken care of but we don't want to do it at at the expense of our you know citizenship in our country you know what I mean like we're always the nice helping hand uh but we just can't be stamped on you know what I mean like we're not the we're not the welcome mat we're just the welcome you know group yeah well I just ordered uh I just ordered 25 signs uh that I'm going to give people and we're going to march on the Plaza and they say assimilate or vacate there you go you know and and that's that's my uh that's my my view on the thing and man come on people let's not throw the cat out with the bath water I mean the baby out with the bath water yeah we just got to you know stand for stand for our country stand for our values otherwise they're going to walk right over us right absolutely all right appreciate I really appreciate you and Stacy man and if there's anything we can ever do uh your way man just let us know man we need to uh at the end of the day you're our neighbor too yes no doubt I love this internet stuff and that's what they're scared of is people are all able to get together find out that man we have more in common than we do that's separate and just know that they're trying to shuffle us apart for a reason well somebody somewhere is mad that you and your wife through the internet taught me and my wife my wife's name is Stacy as well uh uh how to ferment it's crazy and how to put food up and you know and we need more of that man we need more of that less cat videos more fermenting videos Yeah we actually got uh two Lambs on the ground right now I'm watching them right now I had to run in here and give you a call and stuff but I got to go back out there and check on her so we appreciate you guys stay vigilant out there and stay in prayer all right he does not have any motivations and he doesn't have any hate for Haitians or anything else what you guys have to be careful cuz what they're going to start doing is they're going to try to make you look like you're a racist just because you want to defend your way of life and the Constitution because there is no constitutional you know acceptability of dropping immigrants into your city or town unvetted and then giving them protected status this is all nonsense y'all and it's up to us to make it stop and no one's going to like that either has definitely noticed over the past five years four years 3 years especially two years one years there's been a large increase if you guys didn't catch it there's about 58,000 people in Springfield Ohio they have brought in over 20 ,000 I think it's 25,000 hatian refugees y'all just think about that for a second also before you get out of here the cloward and Piven strategy is to overwhelm the system the system that takes care of the citizens overwhelm the system creat so much stress on it that it basically breaks clouded and Piven strategy look that up all right share this video with your friends let's see if we can get this to go viral just like it did on X so that way people can get this information and they can clearly see what's going on from unmotivated unbiased unpaid for follow the money people that are just trying to get their story out and I feel so bad for that gal who had her mom ran over while she was out taking out the trash 70 something years old man that just broke my heart stay vigilant out there share the video with your friends and we'll see you on the next video

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