LAUF AN DER PEGNITZ: Knife attack in Germany jersey! Police shoot suspected attacker

Published: Jun 30, 2024 Duration: 00:01:58 Category: News & Politics

Trending searches: messerangriff nürnberg
Let's move on to a completely different topic. There was another knife attack in Germany. A tolerated Iranian attacked three federal police officers in Lauf an der Pegnitz, near Nuremberg . The officers then used their service weapon and shot the attacker. The 34-year-old then died at the scene. The background is now being investigated. Perdita Heise on the current status of the investigation: It's the seconds immediately after the shot. Eyewitnesses filmed the police operation from a distance. Apparently they first heard screams, then the shot. Later it becomes clear: it is a 34-year-old Iranian who is lying on the ground. The person was wearing a Germany jersey, black pants, was a bit fat and had black hair and glasses. According to the police, the three federal police officers were on patrol when their vehicle was attacked by the man. When they got out, he is said to have initially insulted and provoked them. This is where the attack on the police officers occurred, in which a knife was probably used. Later, the police used firearms. According to the officers, they initially fired a warning shot. When they couldn't stop the man, they aimed at him. He died here at the crime scene. The attack happened in the Middle Franconian river Pegnitz, here on Eckertstrasse, at the bus stop right next to the train station. It is still unclear why the man attacked the police officers . The criminal police are now investigating the background to the crime.

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