Category: Entertainment
Ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the raggedy pack the time has finally come what two years after the rings of power season one when cojo agreed to edit all of the lord of the rings on his own oh is that still on the table the the time has finally come that we get into the lord of the rings disclaimer... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Rings of power episode 2 where we find out siron has been getting his endway exactly what you needed the lost king who could ride you to victory yes saron is a five-star jockey but at least gadriel is polite about it you gave him everything he wanted and then thanked him for it and she's not the only... Read more
Category: Entertainment
[müzik] sagın evinden herkese merhabalar yeni video yeni konu e girizgah yapmadan önce hatırlatmak istiyorum kanala üye olmayı videoları sey etmeyi videolar için alarm kurmayı kanaldan haberi olmayan arkadaşları kanalla tanıştırıp üye yapmaya çalışmayı lütfen unutmayalım bu sagle evinden sizlere bir... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Rings of power season 2 where the marketing campaign had orcs going around in real life attacking civilians in the street even had that guy from breaking bad doing it personally though i like the marketed campaign as that is exactly what it's like to watch the show or live in london there's not to say... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Intro ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the raggedy pack rings of power is back after what feels like forever season 1 not the greatest piece of television ever made very much uh a little bit of a slow burn iggly and jake just finished it and unsurprisingly their consensus was the same as ours the... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Intro man stelle sich einen architekten vor der einen turm bauen soll den besten größten tollsten turm den die welt jemals gesehen hat und dafür bekommt der architekt mehr geld zur verfügung als bei jedem anderen turmbau bisher ausgegeben wurde gut und was macht der architekt er baut einen turm der... Read more
Category: Entertainment
The second week of rings of power, the fourth episode, the episode where gandalf maybe takes a bath. but surely that's not the most interesting thing that happens, is it? no it is. we'll go through it though just in case we missed anything. just in case you guys missed anything. we get 20 minutes of... Read more
Category: Entertainment
We both play elves we do and um um i'll pretend like i'm not here they're more reckless they're more divided and they're less kind of peaceful and chill and at the moment they're really scared because evil is rising in the form of this guy over here just hanging out Read more
Category: Entertainment
Am 29 august also diesen donnerstag geht es mit amazon serie die ringe der macht staffel 2 weiter ebenso wie zu staffel 1 werden wir auch dieses mal zu jeder folge eine analyse veröffentlichen wenn ihr also nichts verpassen wollt dann solltet ihr jetzt unbedingt abonnieren die ausstrahlung der ersten... Read more
Category: Education
Gadriel is one of those characters who despite having very little screen time or page time i guess she generates so much conversation she's the elf that launched a thousand internet debates now some of these conversations may be due to um extenuating circumstances but even without that the character... Read more
Category: Entertainment
So after two years of peace, somehow sauron returned. and we're under attack again by the rings of power season 2. disgusting. the big question is, did they learn any lessons? no! but then there's so much slog and we've got three episodes tonight. we had an entire lord of the rings movie length premiere.... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Who were the nazgul before the rings the nine rings for mortal men were those divided amongst those men doomed to become the nazgul the ring wraiths three of the ring wraiths may have been among the first and most powerful numenorians to be corrupted by sauron a thousand years before the downfall they... Read more