Very Cutesy, Very Mindful,Very Demure. | TPCB E39

Published: Aug 23, 2024 Duration: 00:59:50 Category: Entertainment

Trending searches: very demure very mindful tiktok trend
The Peppercorn Boys are so Demure nice episode 39 we're nearly about 40 mark a little bit later then then then pler you're a little bit frazzled are you mate I'm frazzled I've been busy he's had a busy day busy day I'll say this cuz straight off the back I'm you not as wor fighs when we were coming into here just don't say I'll say this yeah and then I've said it immediately good was you mentioned to me and this is a bit behind baseball okay if this is what I think it is I might have an update on this Okay cool so you can't give away any information but there is an app in for Friday but how is it looking okay so I went in the office you'd have to explain it cuz I don't know how you're allowed to I asked about this app and they didn't know what I was talking about what app is it Spotify Amazon music anywhere you can get the pecor boys you can get a pepperon boyed for myself you um I think it's about time one of I think maybe a peppercorn boy like he could be a peppercorn boy maybe how you how win at Arsenal is there's a labor everyone takes well our show comes out on Friday so we one of us could adopt him and then they don't need to know they don't need to know how we divulge like we're like divorced three-way parents like Three Men and a Baby Oh can I be Tom c three men in a Friday three men oh I'm going to have to have uh cuz i' I've picked up on what this is and if unless listeners have watched the past few episodes and they may have picked up but I'm going to need some proper actual Intel after this podcast to see what's going on because I might do as things aren't like properly adding up but all I was going to say is uh oh damn it I I had a whole bit in my head about something that's gone on right now and I can't I couldn't think of the the right way to to think of it you're just lucky that I was so hospitable very uh very M very thoughtful very mindful the best part is the best part about all this is Jo just thinks you've just said a series of words he has no clue what you're doing and it might be the worst Trend in years it's it's propy annoying it's mad um I I don't know how to explain it other than what BR has said you just say that okay wait quickly like before we move on to that I just need to elaborate there's a chance Friday's application fell through okay cuz I was told he did have one I was sent in to look at his up um application because anyone that knows certain dogs quite well have to go like have a little look yeah and then when I went in I guess they didn't really know so I I guess it kind of fell through maybe okay we need to go harder I think we all need to social about it as well yeah I obviously be doing the site visit on on this I take this personally thank you yeah well Bruno looked after poppy so well and Poppy was obviously in episode like 20 or something um she's doing fantastic but um yeah I think Bruno would be a really good to yeah but like I said I just think three men in a Friday I think we could have a three-wave but it's kind of like it's a mix of freem men and a baby and look who's talking talking he gets three three chras fre Christmases he has free Christmases um very very cutesy very Dem yeah very de what is this don't worry about it honestly these Trends there's one on um X at a minute and I can't even explain it cuz I don't think I've once even looked at one of the tweets that um like that actually has it but I keep seeing and it's where it says like yeah it just says something like um I don't think you'll fully understand what I'm saying but it's like I I do know I can't even think of how to explain it what what's the context it's like you one that you're doing it okay the one I'm doing so like you weren't there for like when you're in the trenches so you can't be here for this bit but it has like a way of doing it it's and I don't even fully understand it but I see it constantly I'm not sure I'm not sure if I've seen that one yet uh but how did the Dem one start I I know how potentially the Dem one started it's either one of two it's either Courtney Kardashian or this uh person that was doing her makeup for a job so it's one of the two so it's always a Kardashian that's what I've learned and if Kevin Durant also learned that this week because I mean if you haven't been keeping up with your Kevin Durant not been keeping up with my he was in the Kardashian home this week this is according to TMZ sports this is not my information and uh he was with kashian he said did my boy in the Kardashian home the did my boy Booker smash that's what he said to the Kardashians to the to the whole family he presented he presented it to the room well Booker with uh Kendall so I assume she might have been in the room he said that kicked out love it wow good right but I mean so but Kevin Durant again another Suns player these Suns players are a real problem they're always hanging out with that bad bunny yeah You' got to uh You' got to be respectful when you walk into the Kay house all right the K right be careful that one um Joe and I have had a trimup what do you think Brun I like it I like it I like it I like it did you have a proper trim up or did you The Mullets have been trimmed! have a redneck trim up Redneck trim always all I had my own trim up does look do Brun Bruno's literally a cartoon like he never looks any different after a trim up he looks exactly how he did unless you're very close to him with a HD camera you'll be like okay yeah there was a couple hairs on his neck or something but other than that even he's got what from here from our angle he's wearing a turtleneck he looks like Christian Cage he does yeah that's my feeling I've got the guy off of Sky Sports High compliment yes that guy on Sky Sports that threw me for a loop because it doesn't look like you but it kind of does kind of does in an alternative Universe yeah yeah alternative very strange very strange cuty he's gonna stick with that one uh yeah so we could tend to do a peppercorn at that Trend but we're not going to do that because it's not good enough no I'll say I wouldn't even know how to Pepper or corn it I don't know what it is you're probably going to find out after this episode uh I feel like we might have no this isn't this isn't on that level this isn't on that level don't worry don't worry no that was a whole person we are soon going to have to start Corning R say this CU it's it's becoming like an epidemic now I think yeah like Inox that's in the news minute could we be doing um lockdown based podcasts exactly how we're doing it right now true have to get you'll have to move over here yeah get everyone over get everyone over here for it uh I can't imagine there's not a little twoo weer coming up but I mean re yeah probably right before I go to America same as last time I I do think there'll be a two weer minimum but I I generally the world as it is now you're not getting people in line so do a a lock down yeah but I mean we did we did you know this is we've gone to we've gone to pop since then so no it's not happening yeah it's tough I I think they're going to have to do something because obviously we're starting to get the first ones in England yeah or UK however and then also now people are starting to die so I think yeah so that's that's the issue is it's it's it's crazy the minute that happens I think I think doesn't it kind of I don't know if this I don't know if this is crazy same with when Co started they were like oh CO's in all these countries and then they didn't stop people kind of flying everywhere yeah I think don't do a twoe lockdown just don't have anyone fly anywhere for two weeks yeah yeah you know how much money we uh we we wasted on the app uh and all this other stuff yeah um all that they need to do is learn from their mistakes and when something like a CO or uh pox happens just just set like guidelines like the first first stage close the borders in from those countries like no planes come in from that country anymore it's that kind of thing but I don't know I'm not a politician uh and my Tories aren't in so I don't give you the um yeah I I don't know why they don't just do that because it almost makes too much sense but I think they said last time that they pretty much said that co could have almost been stopped if they just had a like a break in play so they said if they shut everyone down for like two weeks like two months earlier yeah and shot the borders for those two weeks that would have been eradicated true well supposedly again hindsight is easy it should have been it should have been a little bit more but hey people people higher up and and the people that actually run it in the background they love to watch The Well burn sometimes don't they so and again this is another time we realized the Brun super in the conspiracy theories oh yeah and that's why we need to we need to do the episodes of this because I think that's a three part okay we want to do it in person it will be but be I think the the the the conspiracy episode would be very good what do you think of these dark cocan they have names on it like I've Is Coke Re-hasing trends? got Anthony wow Joe's got Kirsty and I believe these are Henry the Henry the Ex-Wives I think so so that's pretty cool pretty cool history or apart from Henry the what is the the meaning behind the names on the GS so I didn't know but apparently it's just names it's just if whether you get your name oh really I had I have I had and I still think I have in sorage somewhere a coke bottle a nice glass Coke bottle with my name on it a while a while ago was that from Atlanta that no that was a decade ago it was I got over here okay you say it's a decade ago so Atlanta would be longer that's maybe more than maybe more even more oh someone said the other day as well we're only we're 4 months away from 2025 but we're all still trying to process 2019 but we don't realize that it's been over half a decade since just took two years away yeah and and we're still trying to get over 2016 so this is 2016 was a bad wasn't it but I mean we that was just the kind of Prelude it wasn't it was a warm up yeah yeah we all thought I can't get worse than this and then we thought well watch the next five or six years that would be a good time the no I don't know what the Cod can are apparently is just names but I've got one down it says Jade you're going to find one of yours guarantee no one out there will find a Bruno so if the listeners uh and viewers I want you to try and get the full peppercorn set so Bruno Joe Scott leou Sam all right I'm going to say right now I've not got any of them yet no I've got like I said I've got Jade I've got Amy i' got Adam Adam I got Anthony and i' got think of do you think of people with these names as you're drinking them uh not at all otherwise I would be able to drink this one you feel like you're drinking a Tony right now I don't no it doesn't it feels like Anthony the um yeah the the man who spins on the ball oh wow yeah Kirsty Ali over here I don't know what Kirsty tastes like tastes like dug very good nice I watched a film last night I think there's a chance that I either I watched it with lissy it's whether I watched it Iconic White Background/Red Writing Movies from 2010 hit different with lissy originally or whether it was one of you 2010 She's Out of My League or she's out of your league seen remember this I I love this film yeah yeah it's a great film I saw it in the cinema 100% well I think I saw in cinema 100% too it the lead was it no it's 2010 I thought I swear it was earlier than that fair enough it's 2010 but again me and L you together in 2010 Mand B no no no I know what you're thinking of um uh it's the guy from EA with Emma Stone same kind of he was in a lot of films he look like he should have been in like road trip or something skinny guy looks a bit like a very very young Tom Hanks it's a very Bruno film too yeah she's out of his League he can't believe it he's got like a problem with it because he's like how could she she surely do something up here like imposter syndrome and then yeah who else is in it the main woman I name yeah I think it's Emily Alice that feel like her name uh you know her I don't know if that's and it's got the actor from Christmas office Christmas party in Deadpool the comedian with the kind of M oh yeah he's got like a TJ something it yeah TJ um he's a standup why don't I remember this film she's called Alicia evea e okay uh and that guy is TJ Miller TJ Miller yeah so TJ yeah and so he him and his buddies all work at an airport they work for like TSA yes that's the that is good it is a good film but we rewatched it just because that kind of error of romcom they don't make him anymore yeah 2006 like shout Glen pal he's bringing it back he's trying try he might moved on to bigger things now though this is this is different from from what Glen Pal's done so far this one this one hasn't been done in a in a long time yeah it's like she's all that it's one of those types of level okay more comedy very it's very good it's one of the white covers with red lettering it's that yeah okay yeah I know what you mean yeah that's spawn really that's spawn it was good no I really enjoyed it we we've been watching like a decent amount of Scotts Film club films in we keep just kind of I'm I'm I struggle to commit to a film sometimes yeah but the minute we just kind of the F you know when you kind of scroll I actually enjoy the process of scrolling for I do until it goes that a little bit too long though and then you start to lose hope yeah little bit but I watched the truth or dare one the other day yep I watched Fantasy Island another Bloom house one yeah is it Bloom house or bloomo Jason bloom bloom house it's b l u m right yeah yeah Blum I think it's Bloom it's I would say bloom house and then I heard someone in like an interview say Blum House and know it's thrown me since it could be Blum House but I don't know if that person knew I've never heard anyone actually say it is Bloom house yeah I watched that film that film then I watched she's out my league we nearly watched and this is one I'm going to watch it's the new John Cena outfit oh called jackpot Prime Ticket right yeah yeah that one which looks like a kind of a any classic John Cena straight to Prime is always going to be good yeah I I quite like those kind of throwaway John Cena films did you watch it no but I'm going to watch it like siki was really good siki uh we also watched the full guy oh yeah yeah you watch it yeah good film with goling and Emily Blunt very um Dem right I would join in but I don't right um yeah it's very it's got like Throwbacks to the original as well like there's a lot of throwback stuff in there which is really good yeah for sure and I'm always in on anything stuntman related anything like that 70s era of stunt man right I love that stuff hell yeah no I I like that and there was the other one Barbie I haven't seen that yet it was so Barbie was so much better than what I thought it was I think I've heard that is the general consensus that was when I when you WhatApp me about that and I said that's the general opinion of people I was going to write General consensus couldn't figure out to spell consensus I'll do that sometimes I'll change a whole sentence because I can't figure out one the the Babi I when it started all I could think in my head was I don't get how they're going to make this two hours yeah because it was her in Barbie land no no she's in Barbie land and I was just like I guess she's going to go into the real world because I've seen pictures of okay that kind of stuff yeah and I was like but surely this and then by the end I was like this is just brilliant it's just such a good it's such a good film I feel like the comedy in it's quite sub uh yeah there there's bits and there's also like this underlying like kind of ripping into the patriarchy of like men and women and yeah how women are like underpaid and all this for examp Ken I'm just Ken when he goes to Eng England goes to the states he learns how to be a man because obviously he's like one of the few men on Barbie land okay and he thinks it's fur jackets yeah horses yeah but a lot of horses uh working out and things like that and he when he comes back he thinks horses like in charge cuz he's got it all mixed up it's very good it's very when I first saw that film came out and the casting behind it I was kind of confused about how that was going to go like and why for one Ryan goling would take that cuz that's not the kind of film I expect from him yeah but I feel like I need to see it now feel you sold it honestly it's so worth seeing yeah I'm just trying to see if Bruno is back Technical Issues turns into mad heat! here Bruno can you hear us I've been here I've been here I'm going to keep going though just cuz I I can't hey Bruno appeared what's going to happen if is I'm going to keep doing thecast cuz the worst case scenario is this I I'm hoping it's still recording on our end absolutely fine so well technically locally it is recording so that doesn't matter yeah so OBS is still the beauty of doing this in person as well and how professional did I sound Bruno's trying to talk but because he's talking very minimally guys I'm not responding to him because I don't know what he's saying and I don't want to make the audio S I don't want to make the audio we can answer questions that he's not actually asking BR just said something about deure again cuz I think that's all he had today and I love the idea that he can hear us but can't talk because that's now W up oh he% can hear us and he can't get a word out it's it's oh the poor guy the poor guy can't catch a break I was there but the Fantasy Island one have you watched that I think I started it once but I don't know if I finished it if it's the one I'm thinking of right is it the it's plum house yeah so was Halloween ends yeah I watched that the other day that was Blum Blum houseum House well done because I've also done a few films I think full guy Halloween ends um Twisters uh I mean kind on YouTube is there's no actual way to watch Twisters yet at home without spending $20 on some sort of VPN or whatever it is but yeah I randomly found it on on YouTube I don't know how much of that I could say I really hope Brun can hit this because we've said the word OBS and VPN yeah and he's wound up tight I bet he's taking off the turtle he might have even got another haircut but his F Island he's got Lucy hail in from pretty little lies Fame when you say Lucy hell I just think of the lead singer of hail storm yeah but she's also a singer Lucy hell a country singer so it's very Lucy Lucy hell not being the one that botched the American Anthem was it no who was that I don't know she disappeared though yeah that's right um no it wasn't her she's not like she was a little bit of a singer yeah but realistically she's just an actress but she did a little bit of country music a little bit like I'm country the girl from wre Hill Jenna something the one that played again brsh Jenna Kramer okay but now we watch this and it's Fantasy Island it's actually very good yeah those two films are the only two films sometimes I look for a like a horror that isn't going to scare me enough where I feel uncomfortable at the end yeah but it's also going to be enough horror that makes me kind of this fits the criteria of what I like like a horror equivalent of easy listening exactly so for me that's what I did like I'm happy with that um and I've not been able to find many without it kind of being a lot like darker or something where I'm like oh no I don't want to be involved well I was going to say before you carry on my favorite part of the horror film I've explained this to liser I think numerous times you know you always have the intro scene which kind of sets up the horror film right kind of giv gives you a view of what's coming mhm then it settles into what I describe as the light beginning right when everything's still nice yeah usually daytime a little bit nice music like a family moving into a new home or saying everyone's really happy I think Sinister I watched that recently again very good very similar and you see the family moving into their new home it's all very colorful everyone's bubbly I call it the Calm before the storm you call it that I've heard you I've heard you said that a few times that is my favorite part of a horror film cuz nothing's kicked in yet but you know it's coming oh yeah and Visually if you're watching like a high budget American Horror it's normally quite nice on the eyes po G was like that so our dad brings this up a lot is the scene the star pole guys when they move into Bruno can you hear us I can hear you can you hear me yeah we can hear you we've carried on as as if nothing's happened I'm no I'm mad he because I hear you the entire time I was saying this and this and this and I really wanted you to just like stop it at that point like after what were you talking about before the the She's Out of My League one or whatever I wanted you to stop no the John Cena stuff I wanted you to stop after you had done that and then we could have uh redone it but you being The Talk The the center of attention you just wanted all the spotlight for yourself so see some say Center attention some would say absolute Pros don't even miss a beat like live TV we that's what I feel like it is we're so used to live stuff oh yeah nothing goes wrong you just keep talking no one knows like when we did radio before that was always live and like uh wrestling obviously everything's live so I think it's been drilled into us and if if something goes wrong you just keep moving yeah you go but BR did you hear us say the words OBS yeah um I think Joe said something VPN VPN Hally like this is wow wow well I didn't put it on YouTube scrolling through you on YouTube he was scrolling for YouTube and he found the whole film happened to find it and did I was just going to say did little brother go look for it as well yeah but did little brother come up empty yeah he got cuz he got removed like three minutes later it was I think it was uploaded 15 hours before I saw it so I it was a sweet spot and did Big Brother go watch it three times in the cinema and pay good hard cash to Glen how yes he did so did who who who are you who are you taking the money out of the pocket of hey let's just let's just I think everyone will be fine the guy from In the Heights in Hamilton has got like a problem like everyone dislikes it really yeah we taking out of that guy's bucket well he he's got like a big thing on him any he is he yeah something I don't want to go into it but I mean there is a there is a big old news thing with that guy you just all right yeah yeah you can't say all don't say anything at all you know this is well you people have the Google machine do you know what I mean so I'm not talking well I understand he has got an issue because he's working with that rich guy that buys land so you know does have an issue Gotta make that Coin coin coin coin he's got a brain like a Tor weo oh yeah that would throw his friends on for a little coin coin coin coin coin coin co co I would never did we all watch that Jermain Jan video though no did you not even watch it um the one I put in the group it was him going he's got a drink is the most repugnant thing he's got a beer in his head and he's like sometimes you're working all week he said making making ends meat you're hustling said you're looking for that coin coin coin coin coin coin coin coin coin coin coin coin coin coin he goes sometimes you got to treat yourself he drinks diers lovely no it's just him on his Instagram and he pans down to a lovely Rottweiler at the end but just saying it's search out Jermaine Jenis and Coin and I both of you need to watch I I'll reply to it in the group so you can see it yeah yeah when did you when did you send it cuz I normally I'm very up to date and punctual with uh yesterday Alex responded to it and said I hate that guy um but the RT well is nice that was all he the dog was nice I don't know if he specified the breed but it was but his tongue was hanging out theide which means he needs a drink and he obviously didn't have a drink so was very nice and just Downing a drink in front of him yes a beer cuz he was looking for that honestly it's as annoying as you're finding me do it it's wor I swear I don't know if it will be but we'll see I I'm pretty livid right getting back to what I was saying “Not enough Glen Powell” take away from Twisters so quickly not enough Clen pal right not enough I that's what we're watching it for if you could change the the the male and the female lead in that film anyone in the world who would you change you know what I thought about this CU Lisa brought up the Glen pal thing and I said I think she said not have Glen pal you might not as well have been in it and I think my she didn't mean that no she she did not mean that she's that's too much that's too much I think she was just annoyed with how little he was in it there's a little ha course I Sav the dog and of course I Sav do um and then I said if he hadn't been in it the publicity they got on Tik Tok alone from him would not have been there but and then I I did say is it Glen Powell or was it the role in the film that had girls you know lit up was it the role of the actorz if a different actor plays that role I think it's the role I don't think it's him necessarily no it's him he's m m light do you know what I mean he's but who else all right who else could have stepped Matthew MC would the same it would have been a little bit scarier for everyone involved if little Matthew mccon was wondering around I would go with comfortably Emily Blunt oh yeah and The Rock The Rock could you imagine the Rock in that role and he's like of course I saved the the dog of course I found the dog yeah he's got a bit that in him though he's got the cowboy hat he loves that yeah especially that scene where he walks out in the rain there is another film that has this Vibe for me that came out a long time ago and I love it uh as well and it's about a a cowboy ball Rancher not a not a tornado Wrangler uh and this uh this go and I forgot what it's called now I know the exact film you're on about I could tell you the name of it but I know the one yeah what a it's like gen Jamie look at up genuinely one of my favorites and it's annoying The Longest Ride the genuinely uh The Longest Ride you seen that film I don't think I've seen that I have yeah is the he's the ball rider or something right yeah yeah do you know I down the Downs of Twisters is when they started riding balls and they were like catching a cattle and stuff I got really upset that was kind of the bit where Lisa went oh yeah I was like don't think I like it please don't watch the well don't probably watch any of yellow stone but don't watch the first scene of Yellowstone I that is my issue with things like Yellowstone I think I've seen the first scene of Yellowstone I didn't go back oh not because of that though I I don't even remember that scene yeah it's tough is tough there is a website like I said before before you can look it up um any animals that get killed in a film you can look it up before you watch it so you're not having to worry about the dog dying or something that's it is a film though so no one's actually getting hurt how many people on Titanic in the fil unless you're in Titanic yeah exactly I'm just saying a lot of people died Jack real died yeah a lot of people lot of stun people died wow doing the stunts again generally on Films all right uh s generally on a lot of films uh people do die I tell you what film sets are way more hardcore than you think they're going to be you think they're quite glamorous they're not Fantasy Island yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah my word it it's Scott Final gets to finish his “Fantasy Island” pitch - Go watch it! a it's a good pickup I'm just saying if you want at this Halloween oh yeah if you want to get involved in a throwaway horror that you're not going to be petrified at the end but it's going to have a little bit of song to it you feel like oh you know you walk up to the water you put your toe you're not getting deep okay you know just a tip just a tip this is your film that and Truth or D I think those two are silly kind of good enough Horrors I've seenu yeah Fant not so sure I watched Fantasy Island there's a film that I definitely sorry there's a film I definitely want to watch at the moment leading into uh Horror season but it's more of a thriller and that's the M9 shamalan with uh Josh haret trapped the tra or tra trapped that looks so good yeah it does trapped just like what um DeAndre Hopkins said under Sydney Sweeney's last Instagram that's all truth I obviously I couldn't make that a brother couldn't make that up that quickly no that's impressive but that is exactly what he wrote underneath the comment of her on that boat Sydney Sweeney and another good lead role for Twisters no no it's too much you have to Hey Joe don't overdo it I I think it was gen genuinely cast lovely and I liked I liked the mix of uh lenow in it I thought it was all right the story wasn't about him Lisa Jesus it was I'm I'm going to be honest it Twisters if you haven't seen it perfect I think it is the perfect film I I think it's the first way in which country music is going to be shown to the general public in this country and it's going to become unbearable with Poston yeah we're definitely having uh I need to catch uh the fall uh of that I haven't listened to it I'm very good it's very good there's an Extended Cut as well now with just Him was it called long bed or something long bed a lot of people complained that it was all like features too many features too many features but the the extended one is like 10 new songs but it's just him 29 total I think now yeah and I think the the songs were just him are the better on they're actually the better song he's done a old torture post uh Z yeah I don't know what I remember I think it might be T is she in Wembley tonight I have interest the last one yeah I'm whatever no the last Europe oh you never know you never know but is this the end of her Tor no it's the last Europe tour date so she goes back to America and Canada and then that's it she's done forever then she's done the Eros tour finishes in December is that like the end of her touring ever you reckon no no okay is this the biggest tour ever yes yes cuz it's huge it's gone it's gone so long that she goes back to Wembley every 3 months it started pre-co yes I think it was supposed to happen before Co was it I'm not sure it I think it was suppos to start somewhere when it got pushed back or something I re she just so popular yeah I reckon a big announcement that's going to happen at tonight's show um as well yeah Travis Kel is going to POS he's deep he's deep while he's in Chief's Camp yeah he he's deep catching behind the the back passes from Mahomes and pre that's mad he's all got time to get down on one KN you know busy now busy I tell you what I can't imagine Tay SMI would take that kindly ever say I don't have time to get on one KNE she busting out four hours every night n she'd absolutely respect uh his hustle actually they've got a great relationship on the Oh Hang and guys you can go to Reddit and find Bruno's um watch along alongs and uh romcoms or whatever he's made what they break downs breakdowns of every every single interaction yeah yeah br's got a whole fan fiction of where he meets her in a dressing room backstage and he just wants to change her mic cuz the audio is wrong and she's like what's your name and he's like oh it doesn't matter she goes it matters to me and then he's like oh how embarrassed is because it's a real one I found it and you can watch them here like he's going to put them up just here yeah there's the picture of one of them and here's another one and here's another one no we're not going to keep doing that no so fancy Island no we're not going back to that I'm not I'm done with it I'm done with it how about how about how about how about let let me ask you a question have you in since it's come out signed up even for a free Tri Don’t sign up for Disney+! of Disney plus yeah all I'm saying is from now on be careful if you have any allergies going into those Parks right because if you try and sue you signing up to Disney plus like nullifies it apparently you're you're going to have to give us more information on it I'm I'm surprised it hasn't come across your page uh Scott I definitely know Joe doesn't like uh he's not on Tik Tok so it hasn't but so a husband and wife went for dinner in I think it was Disney Springs actually they I've been there I'll be there soon they researched ahead of time uh for any nere non-nut uh places they found the best rated one they went in there they made sure and sure and sure that there was no Dairy no nuts in there she had her meal she went into shop later pass away rip what uh and then the husband is suing Disney for only $50,000 okay you got which is which is kind of nothing and some tall legal douchebag went and said basically to one of the dizney lawyers or whatever that her the husband signed up for Disney plus and canel it within the two weeks but because he signed up to that it has like a weird thing in the terms in the teas and C's where they can't sue they're they're they're not negligible it's and they're trying to get off with that I don't think they're going to get off because I think legally you can't but it's just fun hope like some big lawyers is going to see this and be like I'll get involved how yeah how big Disney is how much money they pump in yeah and they can even like in a way to them brush under the rug and it's it's mental I thought you would have seen it I didn't know about that I know someone who actually locally to our old Hometown had the exact same thing happen and actually got a good payout what yeah names I no the no cuz it's h there was actal cauas what have I what have I said before hey this isn't going out live we can bleep things we can cut things out stop being a little about it come on P that's the bleep that is a very bad word you cannot use anymore that is mad I like the fact that he's going have to bleep that now because that is bad but no one's going to know what he said and it wasn't as bad as what you're gonna think no it's gonna be your imagination is going be way worse than what he said I think mine mine flew anyway but yeah who got who who got a good payout oh I'm not saying um but what I was going to do is I've got a Pepper or cornet let's do it but by the way quickly though I can't believe that story cuz I haven't heard that and that's wild it's mad yeah I don't know how I'm about to go there yeah you got to be careful but I have no allergies no but you got to look out not for the allergies you got like out for the alligators because it says in the park don't feed them okay cuz they're in there which is just Florida but I'm just saying it says don't feed the alleys okay and just because you get gobbled up by some alley yeah doesn't mean just because you did free trial for I still have Disney I have Disney plus does that mean I'm okay you're I think you're okay yeah Bruno could you confirm that for us are we okay if we've got current Disney plus I'm not okay no because if you signed it you're still in it it doesn't matter whether you out it or not yeah if goofy bites me like I got no leg to stand on you got no absolute leg to stand on I tell you what I did do I once kissed a bear when did you do kiss when did you kiss me mate what's going on I've Kissed You many of times and you know that on the lips as well the the I Kissed A bear at the Paris Disney oh that bear and the little sailor Bear yeah yeah what his name doesn't exist he was really big in in Paris like 12 years ago but I don't know him and I had like a FL had him on it I don't remember his name and you say that I've done the most embarrassing thing in a Disney par how dare you so I I was having a Donut Wheel coffee which to this day is the best donut and coffee I've ever had because of the scenario I was on a little train going around it was pouring rain I was eating a glazed donut a coffee we got off and the bear from my coffee was there and ly said let's go get a picture I said yeah sure never I got there and there was a group of people around we lined up which is very unlike me to line up to meet this bear and when I got there I heard from inside the outfit kiss and and he he into me like this one and I went oh whatever and I went and my lips touched yeah you know oh no I could describe it as you know in a really good towel yeah gets let's say honey on it and it dries it was like you know stuff is there now spikes in between the nice Fabrics there's a couple there's a couple naughty bits there and I was like and basically pictures me go cuz I was devastated to realize how many people have hez done that to yeah W exactly exactly exactly um yeah yeah I don't what was that guy's name like py or something py but it's like me what bears have you kissed I haven't kissed any bears but I had the most embarrassing story in a Disney park up until that point yeah yeah have we done that haven we we've surely done that I think we' have if we haven't then it doesn't matter does it that's very true I no's the type of guy who would meet dareda but kiss his little helmet I'm just saying smoth helmet would you not if not even if you got close and he went uh no I'd have to not kiss no I would have to I'd kiss I'm big Dar guy I'd probably I'm a Jedi I'd cut his head off what's that like a muggle a little bit is it yeah a little bit okay get down with Jedi scum Jedi scum I'd bow to Yoda uh and Ray and that's it and then be on my way you know all about about I had a Cy once what's your paper cor Scot okay um it there's a particular route I want to or 🌽: Haunted Houses / Ghost Hunting go but I'm going to be broad so Bruno can actually make a picture for it do it haunted houses yes okay what I specifically mean by this but I would like to say it to be haunted houses because that's easm more abroad is you know people want to stay in like a hotel that is actively haunted oh yeah you know there like stays those types of kind of ghost hunting type Spirit stuff yeah would you do it yeah yes yeah 100% is it is it the type of deal like whether one of our anniversaries lissy and I we we got woken up at 2: in the morning sorry about and we got taken into the Safari to feed the giraffes cuz that's when they get fed very similar but it was like a knock knock knock it was that yeah and it was like freezing would you be right with like big Anthony with his drink coming in going hey guys uh we're going to go look for Ghost are you coming down to the basement You' be happy with that I'd rather it was Anthony Anthony with his drink than an actual ghost knocking on my door though or a bear with sticky head yeah and know or or like a what was it Joe a patriot soldier with a musket oh we haven't told that story I'll save that for another time I found out recently that most people see a civil war yeah is the is the goto ghost apparently experience for okay which seems really specific why why are we all thinking about that but so it makes me kind of think that we're programmed somewhere in there that it's probably something that we just got in our heads and that's where oh we just got it in our heads that's where it takes us because I believe in ghosts but you know well this is it this is the ghost to an extent but like Spirit type stuff yeah M um yeah I don't think it's like Casper walking around I think it's just I wish I I want to see Poltergeist activity though but yeah I'll be I'll be definitely down for we should do one and film it all I'll be down for that we should do that I'll be down for that um if you want to see po guys activity just watch a John Cena match yeah true true oh my God very true um but cuz I've done a load of like um zombie experiences where you go through and it's and it's kind of that and we actually did one that was more of uh a haunted house where we had to go go through and but obviously there was it was definitely people but it was scary nonetheless but I definitely do want to do like a Ouija type Spirit summoning and see what we get H I don't know I I don't know if I'm into it I think I because you a lot of it yourself into the Panic isn't it like right now the idea of it sounds fun but once that night comes am I just more interested in staying at home I think if I'm with you two I think I'd be kind of this would be fun yeah if I was on my own if I on my own I I wouldn't be able to do it then though no it's like the dark though isn't it cuz like we you know the dark's scary Until you realize it's just exactly the same the only fear really is that things could be in it now that weren't there earlier because they know it St they're not knowing whereas like when you go ghost hunting yeah I I I think a basement is scary whatever time you look at it when you say ghost hunting I have images of you know the pictures after people have gone on a hunt and they got a bear on the ground and they got a gun in their hand yeah it's like that but we're standing over a ghost yeah I didn't like how you went to trophy hunting as opposed to just an elk or something that was mad I went on a date with a girl once that oh yeah he's not naming it because he doesn't know the name that's all right because I don't think that Joe does though that's what I'm saying I don't remember her name was Joe we had the same name I went on my own for dinner um she was into poor guys activity she was into ghost hunting she'd actively every weekend go ghost hunting really and she was we were going to go but date number two never came of course but did you ever watch Casp though no okay no we just had lovely dinner in Southampton from what I've heard obviously not lovely enough Joe it wasn't good enough is supposedly the most accurate film for ghost is it so young Devon sour just turns up at the end and kisses the girl yeah yeah that was oddly specific yeah and you know more about casan I think I know yeah that's crazy I've not watched Casper since 96 I reckon that could be remade uh with probably general tager just cuz she's 30 but she looks like she's 12 we you get Glen Powell to play the ghost oh then it would do well and Sydney Sweeney could be Deandra Hopkins W know what to do with himself then drop a little catches this year am I right am I right BR I have interest who's DeAndre Hopkins playing for at a minute no one knows is he the Cardinals still no is he back at Texans B do you think M but no as far as Hornet houses CU I'm if I go to the fair I like house yeah he's Titans yeah Titans is he trying to annoy the Texans is that what he's doing he trying to annoy everyone I think at this point the the haunted house is like a affair I would always go on when I go to Disney I love the haunted house oh I'm doing Halloween Horror Parks uh is that what it's called Halloween it sounded wrong when it came out of my mouth Halloween Horror Night that's the one yeah we're doing that this year so that's going to be a few different haunted houses based on franchises I can't wait for you to get Zen cast up in Florida like I did yeah what was this Joe you were there mate you were doing a podcast and when was in America I joined the podcast oh yeah you did you forgotten that uh Joe I'll allow it because he said Zen cast and not Riverside and zencast is our podcast host not I I tell you what I'm not going to allow it because I thought he talking about creativ Zen oh how good were there that's so annoying I got so wrong that's why I had an image of you in uh like Disney doing it that's when you said it that's where it took my head no just in Florida I was just interested by you being in florid explain how to do that that's what I mean well realistically you just got to answer it on your phone that's all you got to do I'll do that's all I did I'll do that click the link and then I was in there we go yeah but again I made it happened to be in good times for I say that I thundor it definitely wasn't uh in good time because you didn't give the boy any heads up what was going on I think that was the funner part it was I like that I love the idea of people just joining I think sometimes we should put this link in the peppercorn group yeah and see just leave it there and just see if someone joins i t to be fair would you know we should do we should put it on Facebook and just watch people join like who is this there is a limit on this one so we'll do that on your Zoom we'll get a zoom link okay cuz I actually had an idea CU we we've been discussing different by the way should we just Pepper or cor this before we move on okay um uh Pepper have you have you pepper I'm actually going to Corn it cuz it's a little bit too frighten for me I'm going to lightly pepper it cuz I might back out on the day cool cool cool cool I really want to take you to some of these uh zombie experiences the one that I did in Portsmouth uh I done a couple in Portsmouth but the one I did at this for where they took us underground into the tunnels I want to see you in that environment yeah no saying that that's just fren I don't think BR we trained to wrestle there and it was terrifying um the it was the zombie apocalypse I think was at the time it's been going for a while I don't know um no I I don't know for me do you know what frightens me slightly more than a haunted house like if you know if you watch videos on Tik Tok and you could watch people walk around house that doesn't scare me but you know people go in tiny holes yeah I can't get enough of these but the whole time I'm like like Josh from stora did one the other day where he went backwards for a tube yeah where he was touching his own toes and they pushed him all the way down and they had to pull him out the bottom and I I was just like but something about it I feel like I have to see more like Mr Beast nearly got stuck in a cave really for a shoe yeah he did it was for a shoe the but Brun and I Do you like this show idea? were talking about some ideas for a podcast that we might do because we want to build the peppercorn brand it might become this one and that kind of thing I'm just going to throw out there lightly see what kind of traction we get underneath this video on YouTube the pepcorn boys yeah um it was the peppercorn voicemail where people will be able to leave a voicemail for us I like that that we can then discuss or Pepper or corn or give advice or something off the back of it um just to kind of give it a kind of a you know a category to go in but I actually came up with another one which is nothing to do with peorn but I thought it' just be the funnest thing you know people have True Crime pods and sometimes they'll have it on a specific thing like lacy Peterson or whatever it is what if I don't know if it's been done we just did one based on our school okay and that era and you get actual people to discuss their experience at school with all the drama and you hear from different so people start to like like a TV program you start to learn the characters and You' be like wow do you remember when so and so was on there she said the opposite and we talked about certain parties that happened with and I was like I think this would be great not just for a community I think the world would be like you could do it based on different places but I don't know I I would listen to that and I would listen to it for our year or our school whatever whatever we want to do I can't wait to see you get that attraction you've got probably the bigger following on the old Facebook or what's going on you're you're the like you're in you're in it you're in it so you can block this name because I don't know if you want this but he has the the the lock on everyone and I talk to him like semi- regularly and he good he would be a good vessel to use me yeah he could start with him and then off the back of him kind of link up with some people I think I've in touch with at least 100 people from our school there should be there will be a web at some point that you can weave to get every single person in our year cuz I think everyone start listening to it be like no I have a different opinion yeah yeah yeah I like it I like it I like it because people can make storyboards in the world like you know the categories they like no but that happened at that party so someone in there doesn't remember that correctly or is lying and I was like this could be such and the people from parents one of you are lying yeah I don't know I thought it was a really cool idea just because I hey I like CU even to like us who went there or or people that were semi someone like you who knew of people yeah you know it' be interesting because anyone on Facebook that basically went to school be like I'm listening to that oh yeah I I went to what was it a few weeks ago went to a a curry night with our forementioned Rivals Rec crew hey the topic of of who went to school and what people are doing now is still as hot as it's ever been hot I think it's hot for everyone yeah I I hope I hope other people outside of our like our our world still in those years have the same sort of thing cuz as a friendship group we bring up the people in school way too much yeah no but I think people do I think people like it's a g even on the basement yard they've talked about like um they bring up names they have to block because they're like I only know her now because she's on Facebook but I I mean I keep on I'm on top of more of her information than Taylor Swifts that's all they'll say and every because for whatever reason she interests me what she's up to yeah and uh we have a personal investment cuz I think you do it as a series you do like 10 episodes or more you you collect the people you have like an outcome where you have more people on one episode or whatever but then you could literally go to like a school in Kansas City find a story and then be like all right I need 10 people from the years of 2011 to 2016 that went to that high school and you get names on they tell the story of their whole five years and then someone else does it and then they start to interwine cuz naturally they will you won't even have to do that much like is that one is that one going to be behind uh a patreon so people can get real real that would be very helpful and also I can have all my friend from schools money cuz they want to hear what's being said about themselves I don't know want copyright this has where people could say about B's names but you could do one first names we just get we know get them all to sign there's only a few Scots and there's no there's one Bruno there could be yeah but there is certain legal things like defamation stuff but I I don't feel like you just control the thing yeah you could also start hornet nest there but I think started with a live one at the 20 year anniversary of our school next year yeah I think we put it together and the big finale is we got headsets on the end we're like want to do the podcast I'm I'm going to say I'm going to say this because if you're saying that we're going to put this together we're not so you're going to put this together otherwise I'm going to put most of the the work in I feel yeah yeah no I think it's a collective effort no I think it's a collective effort I think we got to do it at the school as well yeah in front of everyone so by the way it sounds like the star of a horror film it does but I mean we could uncover something very brutally honest maybe we don't we could we could undo some things maybe that shouldn't be undone but I don't know but I I've always thought it'd be a really cool idea because I think I could get tucked into a Nova Scotia High School from like 2009 to like 13 or whatever and just be like oh learn the characters learn what happened I like it true crime without any crime that we think we know CU we start getting like we start getting applications through yeah D people really angry at us come do this come come do this story come get to the bottom of it oh do you remember this night oh M this is this is like the got legs the story line of our favorite shows like it's the 13 Reasons no not 13 Reasons Why That's not uh it's pre L lies that type of thing yeah like pre lies means like catfish meets yeah um uh the Sakira podcast thing with kayy koku yeah one of those types yeah yeah because there's people that literally have a podcast just based on like one crime yeah and they they turn out content weekly for years and people listen yeah it's like we could do that yeah but not anything I I wonder if anything happened that was a really cool kind of Crescendo that isn't sad in any way like is there a story in there that we could find that did have a very good ending you don't want to go for the the horor the horror ones uh we don't need to go we don't need to do that we're better than that we can go have to go for your experience anyway um you're the only person that made my my high school Journey unbearable mate yeah well you wouldn't be still doing a podcast with us would you if that was true hey yeah you just have yeah that bear I talked about earlier that I kissed it was bro it was just a weird way of telling the story uh I'm going to have to go because Lucas is looking for tea how have you enjoyed the podcast today it felt very casual didn't it very casual very very casual very casual very Demir wasn't it manure that's what I feel like very manure a because I'm a great podcast host it's like it's so weird cuz I'm a good husband like it's weird it's weird it's weird we I didn't know if you were going into a Triple H tough enough and I really didn't know you got super mom and Super Dad I could yeah yeah I could I can't wait to give that lecture to someone it'll be on high school podcast forward to that um because it turns out everyone basically the podcast is everyone at school realizing Brun atori so you can listen to us on iTunes Spotify and Amazon music give us a f review tell your friends about it go to you we got the best thumbnails in the business I will not stop saying that and like underneath this video tell us what you think about our kind of podcast ideas the voicemail pepcorn voicemail and even this outlandish passion project where we kind of unveil all the secrets of our High School uh let us know either way I'm pretty happy we haven't done a dog at a week we have spoken about Friday did you want to do a quick one which I was thinking the Frenchie they talked about yesterday I don't know them but you love them over on the front of house Joe do you want to do a dog of the week but it's this dog that I want you to do well because guys Joe needs like Joe needs like 20 minutes prep to be able to figure out our dog but not just that I've just told him one he instagrammed yesterday about and he still doesn't know which Frenchie I'm on about and he gets him out for walks every single day I know exactly what you're talking about now you go that's what I mean I I gave I walked you to the water and you still didn't jump in okay sweet little lady Our 🐶 of the Week - CRUMBLE - The Frenchie crumble yeah go on sweet little lady crumble is the dog for you if you're looking for a lovely little Frenchie good with kids good with big dogs she's in with big dogs right now walks on lead beautifully she's a great dog i' have around so if you're looking for a lovely little Frenchie crumble is the dog crumble what a name as well uh we just need to get some some of those pictures you've just seen we need to get them sent over to Bruno oh yeah hey oh yeah anyway Bruno have you got anything to finish this on because I feel like you've got some hidden anger in there maybe n I'll let I'll let you let you have the anger let it out okay we'll finish it yeah we love you Bruno go God [Laughter] how that was very cool wow very Demir very Dem very cool very spooky very Demir yeah go let's [Music] go let the people say

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