LIVE REPLAY: President Trump Delivers Remarks in Tucson, Arizona - 9/12/24

Published: Sep 11, 2024 Duration: 04:50:40 Category: News & Politics

Trending searches: trump truth social post
e e e e e e good afternoon and thank you so much for joining us here at right side broadcasting network of Matthew Alvarez president Trump starting a three actually two-day tour three states on the west coast of course today in Tucson Arizona as you see there speaking at 5:00 Eastern then tomorrow he'll head to California and then on to Nevada in Las Vegas for a huge rally tomorrow night a lot of miles on H Trump Force One right now of course flying all the way out to the West Coast for a speech today about the economy in Tucson Arizona and then there will be a press conference tomorrow in LA and then that rally in Nevada so a lot of coverage to get to we'll have a lot of team live team coverage as well as Bobby mcney will be uh in Tucson he'll be picking up the live coverage on the ground there uh and then also he'll be at that LA Press Conference tomorrow and then of course uh that that huge rally in Las Vegas so you came to the right place for all things right side right side broadcasting network and of course a lot of discussion still this week in the 247 news cycle about uh the debate the other night of course president Trump taking on three Democrats at once and then still uh cracks it out of the park as you guys saw uh we'll uh go over one of President Trump's truth social posts that he posted this week in regards to uh how he came across when it came to Tuesday night there in Philadelphia a lengthy post but something uh worth sharing on air if you guys aren't on Truth social uh you can follow right side Broadcasting Network at rsbn so it's @ RSB on on truuth and then on X it's RSB Network so great places to follow right side broadcasting network including on the great Rumble Rumble we have this awesome Channel rsbn most likely you're watching on Rumble right now you're possibly watching on our app or the website or on YouTube uh on X or on Facebook uh we're all over the place because that's the way it is these days right back in the day it was kind of the one TV screen uh with maybe the bunny ear is on top and you're you're hopefully getting over the air broadcasting from back in the day CBS ABC and uh NBC uh now of course there's so many ways to get to uh the news but also uh to what you want to watch when you're streaming live so obviously right side Broadcasting Network all about uh streaming live for you and showing you uh the crowds and and interviewing everybody from the people all the way to seeing president Trump uh and a lot of those pre-program speakers as well so a lot of great coverage of course over the years right here at right side broadcasting network so again today president Trump kicks off a West Coast tour three states in two days uh the information that he'll be sharing today is about the economy and about how much it is actually just to live in some of the cities in Arizona there's actually a local television affiliate there uh ktvk who actually did a a research study on the 10 cities uh that are in the highest brackets for rent uh across the country and three of those cities are from Arizona so we'll get into that a little bit later as well so uh we know that out of the three states on the west coast for California Arizona and Nevada the three states that President Trump will be visiting uh in the next 48 hours that there are a 71 electoral votes at stake throughout those three state so 54 up for grabs in California 11 in Arizona and six in Nevada and of course Nevada and Arizona are more of the Swing States we know that California has voted a certain way for a long time but guess what it's a different era uh we've seen things that uh are unprecedented in this country so who knows how things will turn out when it comes to the state of California uh 54 electoral votes right there uh for that huge State out there uh president Trump being at uh his uh National Golf Club in LA tomorrow for that press conference we'll have that live coverage uh once again for you so again let's look at some of the specifics on today's speech on the economy in Arizona we know that he'll be delivering remarks on the struggling economy and the rising cost of housing in Tucson in fact Arizona's inflation is at 21.8% uh forcing families to pay get this an additional $1,178 more per month quite quite the number there now let's dive into that real quick that that study of the 10 states I mean the 10 cities excuse me uh three out of the 10 US cities where rents have increased the most are in Arizona Tucson Phoenix and Mesa make the list so Tucson Phoenix and Mesa making the list so we can see uh the need for magon namics not only in Arizona of course but across the country if you dive into a place like Tucson for a one-bedroom it's about 950 9 a month just for one bedroom almost a grand a month uh in a pretty small town I mean it's not Phoenix right so uh we'll get some more stats here in a second but we do want to thank some of our sponsors for bringing us this live coverage today and of course we'll be going there live as soon as our cameras get access to Tucson Arizona a beautiful sunny day there today Bobby mcne actually sent me a photo of Tucson and it's a gorgeous Skies there so uh the West Coast usually uh pretty beautiful out there hopefully the politics especially in California start going towards the right and red but uh Birch gold group all you have to do is text Trump to 9898 98 for more information on gold silver precious medals and a tax sheltered IRA and 401K it's all good because right now we know the US dollar fluctuates because of these bricks Nations who are trying to use their own specific local currency to devalue the dollar so having a backup like gold through Birch gold group always a good idea all you have to do is text Trump to 9898 98 for more information and this through the election season this is the free fight silver coin that you see there on your screen right here I've got one right here on the front is the Insignia of uh our great leader president Trump uh you know when he said fight fight fight on j13 uh to a crowd that stayed there after that uh terrible day that attempted assassination um and then on the other side of that coin is 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue the White House so you get this free fight silver coin once you purchase a product with Birch gold group so just text Trump not to 98 9898 for more information on Birch gold group you know you think about the debate the other day and the fact that uh there was no respect for president Trump from the moderators and from uh Harris this is uh what what two months ago he almost lost his life and there was nothing said about uh the health and well-being of President Trump that reveals a lot in my opinion you think about maybe past debates I mean we're talking 10 20 30 years ago you know at least they would be a little bit jovial with each other or they would you know say a few things here and there but they would be pretty respectful over the over the years of course as you guys see now times have really changed um and I want to get to one of President Trump's uh truth social posts here uh we don't have a Graphic for it so I'm just going to kind of look down and read it for you but it is quite the post uh talking about uh how he did in the debate again it was a three-on-one u Democratic uh uh verbal attack uh so it was three people that were Democrats against President Trump he stood his ground and still cracked it out of the park so it was quite awesome I was actually trying to find a sports kind of analogy to this I mean just imagine that in basketball you got three people coming against you and one person still making the moves and and getting the swish that's pretty much what president Trump did the other day um now let me get to this U statement here from president Trump so if you're on Truth social if you want to follow along if you go to president Trump's page you can scroll pretty far down not too far but after a few of the Articles he's recently posted but he said quote I won the debate but was criticized by the radical left lunatics because I looked angry and forceful quote unquote angry and forceful but think why wouldn't I be angry I love the USA and it is being destroyed by grossly incompetent leadership inflation a terrible economy horrible military decisions no respect from around the world and more than 20 million people many from prisons and mental institutions are pouring into our country and creating Havoc crime and destruction like never seen before this is President Trump talking about the debate the other night am I supposed to be smiling like comrade Cala Harris with her fake one half hour smile and long practice facial expressions despite all of the problems that she and crooked Joe have caused no there's nothing to smile about but there will be in the not too distant future when America makes the biggest comeback in history November 5th make America great again you think about it I mean he's getting all these verbal attacks he's not only gotten that he's gotten all the lawfare against him then he gets his uh the attempted assassination there's so many things happening against one person and why are they picking on President Trump so much well we know because he's standing for America he's standing for the free way it is in this nation he stands for the Constitution he stands for Old Glory I'm not brainwashed here this is not brainwashed oh I just like Donald Trump or I like I love this country and president Trump did great things in that first four years so uh it's it's very common sense stuff you don't need a you know a degree in some in rocket science or whatever right at the end of the day he standed for us we the people and uh of course he was a bit uh mad you know at the debate he's he's taking on uh three Democrats just slinging at him and he still stood there uh you know strong as the leader he is the commander-in-chief of this great land and the Freer the leader of the Free World still to this day so all right that's that let's move on a little bit uh Tucson Arizona uh mcne of course will be taking over some of the live coverage of course Bobby and I got you guys have seen us here in the studio as well and uh a great guy and always good to see him live there as well uh in Tucson uh as president Trump will be speaking at 5 o'clock and again as soon as we get our cameras uh access there we'll give you that split screen where you'll see the live footage from Tucson as president Trump will be giving remarks again about the economy today in the Grand Canyon State again three days uh three states in two days for president Trump on the west coast uh we'll look at some of the other information that's happening out there some uh key headlines for the 27 the 247 news cycle uh we know also that the save act right now needs to be passed in Congress of course basically put the save Act is all about making sure there's proof of citizenship to vote that's something that many countries around the world have uh are country needs to have that as well uh so the save act stands for Safeguard American voter eligibility act or the save act uh it would require new voters to submit documentary proof of United States citizenship uh such as a passport or a birth certificate in order to register to vote it seems like a good idea right well we know the Democrats aren't really on board so we're seeing all of that go on on Capitol Hill as uh that uh looming deadline for September 30th for a possible government shutdown versus getting the save Act passed and all this back and forth uh happening in Washington DC but uh a lot of uh items in the 247 news cycle of course especially domestically let alone what's going on around the world right now but uh it's America first we need to obviously take care of what's going on here as we are uh facing a huge fork in the road some 50 some odd days away as there is early voting as you guys know throughout our country uh coming up in each uh a number of states so make sure to check your local County Board elections office figure out your game plan for whether it's early voting absentee ballot uh or if you're voting day of just obviously we'll have a plan uh moving forward uh pray a lot work hard uh continue on with the election Integrity projects that are happening by so many great agencies out there and you know volunteer as much as he can canvas neighborhoods obviously we're respectful people we you know just share why uh you believe a conservative Common Sense candidate is the right way to go right the people's president so I think a lot of people even on the left some Democrats that are more moderate realize how far the leftwing uh leadership has gone this Harris walls ticket as you guys know is uh extreme extreme radical left uh wanting to pour all of their woke ideology all over this country it's already creeped into this country but now uh we don't want it to continue under that kind of leadership so I know I'm speaking for a number of you out there that believe that and if you don't agree with what I'm saying that's okay you have obviously that right to do that um looking at the seven swing States at play 93 electoral votes up for grabs out of these seven swing States so remember uh for those of you kind of maybe it's a little foggy for the the whole electoral college right so it's 270 electoral votes will get the victory uh for the presidency coming up on November 5th so Pennsylvania those of you watching there a shout out to you guys at the Keystone State 19 electoral votes up for grabs in Georgia There are 16 in Wisconsin there are 10 Michigan 15 Nevada 6 and Arizona 11 of course that's where uh president Trump is today in North Carolina There are 16 votes uh or 16 electoral votes up for grabs there and that all totals to 93 uh and I know New York isn't a swing state but you never know there are 28 electoral votes up for grabs and speaking of New York those of you on beautiful Long Island on September 18th uh next week that's Wednesday night the old New York Islanders Arena right they play in Brooklyn now well this old New York Islanders Arena will be filled with Maga because president Trump has a huge huge rally in unale I've actually been there before because I'm pretty big hockey fan so I saw the Islanders play there one time but it's a it's a cool kind of uh more of a historic hockey arena there uh so obviously on Long Island too I mean it's going to be so packed so crowded so loud there for president Trump on Wednesday night uh September 18th personal side note it's my birthday so it's kind of cool um but also um we know that Paul and graia and Nikki stanion will be at that one live in unale at that old Islanders Arena that's Wednesday night but if you rewind to the 17th so that's Tuesday right uh president Trump just announced the Trump campaign put out an email many of you guys um that receive those on the media side and and maybe some of the podcasters have seen that as well uh that on September 17th Tuesday uh president Trump will be in Flint Michigan and he'll be holding a town hall there and then we heard that uh the Arkansas governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders will be moderating that so so a lot of coverage coming up so let's kind of rewind talk about the coverage real quick as I know you guys are here to see President Trump and to see uh Tucson Arizona as soon as our cameras are U getting the access they need we'll be going live uh to Bobby mcney whose boots on the ground there in beautiful Tucson today so Tucson at 5 o'cl president Trump will be speaking and then tomorrow uh at I believe it is 10:00 a.m. uh eastern time will be the coverage that starts but I know president Trump will be in Los Angeles for a press conference and then he will go to Las Vegas tomorrow for a rally tomorrow night so a lot of coverage coming up just in these 48 Hours three states um and in two days and then as of right now the next one would be on the 17th in Flint Michigan and then that rally in Union Deale New York on September 18th on Wednesday so a lot of coverage and of course this week I mean president Trump uh the debate in Philadelphia then he went to New York yesterday as you guys saw here on right side broadcasting network just uh a beautiful kind of moment there when President Trump JD Vance Don Jr Eric Trump and others uh visited a FDNY U fire station there uh on 911 uh it was kind of more of an unexpected show up there obviously there security and all but uh it was it was great to see and for those of you that joined us yesterday for that couple hours of coverage thank you for doing that and uh also we just you know thank our sponsors for being able to go live and and report and and also be able to be able to bring uh our cameras uh to all of these events uh so if you would like to donate at all to rsbn all you going to do is text rsbn to 801 801 uh whether it's a dollar or $2 or 20 bucks whatever or nothing at all if you can't do it it's all good uh we just love bringing you this coverage and uh we're happy to have so many people recognize the rsbn name now the right broadcasting name obviously for years people have been following right side broadcasting network I only started here September 3rd of 2022 right side's been around since 2015 and has been building such a Grassroots uh base of people around this whole country and it's pretty awesome to to be a part of that I was thinking about it before the show started today or this broadcast and I thought man this is you know a Grassroots organization of of the people that started and now is is continuing to flourish and continuing to grow and it's just uh awesome to be a part of something that isn't bought and paid for by woke corporate uh people out there that are more into that liberal kind of mindset right nothing againsts them personally you know but it's just something we obviously don't agree with uh but we here at the network have great sponsors but also again for those of you viewers that like to to chip in a little bit it's uh text rsbn to 801 801 so we know that uh coming up this fork in the road we've got America First versus America last we've got freedom versus tyrannical kind of more of a a communist type of way of life right where uh more control is to the leadership of the country and less to the people but that is exactly the opposite as you guys know as to what our country is founded on our principles the judeo-christian principles the constitution of this country we know that uh this is all about we the people uh a linin our great uh former president he said this is a government of the People by the people and for the people and he was saying that in that speech that gettysburger addressed that he said uh shall not what quote unquote he said shall not perish from this land think about that back in the Civil War that in Gettysburg I remember visiting that spot in Gettysburg where he delivered that address if you've ever been out there it's a very powerful place to be to know that that Abraham Lincoln stood there and spoke to to the the Union Army and others there uh about that saying this government is of the People by the people and for the people so even then in the 1800s you know AB Lincoln all about this country and you move on and we've had some other presidents have done some great things but you move on to uh 2016 when you have an outsider in there uh even before that Ronald Reagan you know you guys have seen that movie possibly with Reagan it's awesome right well now with President Trump uh for the first four years all about the American flag all about the Constitution uh the guy just loves the nation there's nothing wrong with that right there's nothing wrong with that and I know that that's why many of us out there uh love president Trump but also uh love freedom and that's what he's standing for so it's kind of a simple thing this is common sense talk here guys I'm not going to try and uh say a bunch of other uh things that are out there that might be some talking points on the left because all of that is a false narrative anyway but all right so uh one of our other great sponsors is uh Tennessee land uh people are moving to the volunteer state as a number of you know um actually have some family in Tennessee as well um so American freedom is is Alive and Well in Tennessee and if it sounds good to you check out some of these uh acreages there I mean 899 for uh that's a lot of acres by the way does that say 86 Acres yeah it sure does um and then five to8 5 to 86 Acre Properties from 899 there you go all you have to do is uh go to 866 345 or just call that number right there on your screen 866 345 land uh some beautiful land uh in that area that's I believe it's south of Nashville uh in some of these areas that they're they're looking to uh sell off some land so if you're in the market a great place to live Tennessee I once lived in uh Nashville worked in Nashville before and uh quite the quite the city for those of you guys that love music right Music City USA but uh this is a great group right here and if you're looking for uh great prices for some acreage right there 866 345 land 866 345 so uh we'll be getting out to Tucson here in a little bit I'm Matthew Alvarez thanks so much for watching here on right side broadcasting network as this is uh one day before a huge rally in Las Vegas Nevada going to be a great uh packed arena there or packed uh house there in Nevada I believe it's at an expo center uh this time remember uh doing an event in Reno Nevada uh a gorgeous gorgeous area as well flying in to land in Reno seeing Lake Tahoe to the left of the plane uh and Landing there as president Trump spoke to a packed house in Reno as well as we know six electoral votes at stake in Nevada so obviously another swing state and we did speak with Lisa Noth who actually uh is with Asian Americans for Trump uh she's also a writer uh here at right side broadcasting network that interview will Air tomorrow during our uh Nevada coverage uh right here on right side broadcasting network so once again thank you so much for joining us it's about uh 2:23 on the east coast and we'll be uh seeing president Trump today at 5:00 there on the west coast so I believe he's in uh Trump Force One right now or uh maybe he already landed I don't have the uh the airplane tracker on uh this point I know some of our people here at the station have it so maybe they'll let me know uh on that but uh we'll be going out there soon and again tomorrow will be a press conference in Los Angeles as uh you know it's interesting I remember being up in uh up in the LA region before and didn't even know that there was a Trump National Golf course there I should have stopped by but definitely have uh seen some other Trump International Hotel in Las Vegas and of course Trump Tower in New York and then the Trump Winery in Charlottesville Virginia some gorgeous properties as many of you guys know out there a lot of good merch to buy with President Trump as well so uh we know coming up uh you know we're only about 53 days maybe 54 I have to double check the the last stat on the amount of days until the election as you guys have been hearing a lot about the fork in the road coming up I remember with El on musk and president Trump on X there was a huge uh following there so many people listened in live on that X spaces and Elon talked about that too just the fork in the road that we're facing in this country and we all see it right it's um it's interesting because you know this past weekend we know we had uh you know NFL football college football there's all sports going on there's movies to see there's things in life but all of us in the back of our mind have this country on our mind at least most of us do right and what direction it's going to go and it's it's sometimes difficult I don't know about you but it's sometimes difficult to fully enjoy uh Sometimes some of these things because of the concern of where we're at in this nation so uh you know when or or or or lose lose would be and and and in my opinion would be only a stolen election if we were to lose this uh one in 24 but uh because we see so many people that are on board for uh president Trump so you know uh we'll see what happens right um but I know that uh we're working on Election integrity and so hopefully it is a free and fair election so at the end of the day it's the the votes that count and so that's what's happening so a lot of get out the vote uh things happening throughout the country I remember running into Scott presler in uh Johnstown PA he's always registering people to vote and I ran into some volunteers uh with Trump Force 47 in Johnstown as well everyone doing every everyone doing everything they can uh to get out the vote uh this November so uh we look forward to uh seeing you guys here on right side broadcasting network it is always fun to see you guys at all of the events that are out there interviewing you we don't just do that Just for kicks like we love to connect with you guys out there because we're all on the literal same team of we the people and uh so many common sense kind of uh sound bites that you guys give us out there because that's really what it's about it's common sense versus communism right that's kind of what we're facing I say it with ease right now but it's really what we're really what we're facing out there and president Trump said it uh Carrie lake has said it and others out there so it's obviously time to team up and be on team Freedom as we move forward for this uh November 5th election uh which is getting to be closely around the corner uh here in the country so if you're just joining us right now Matthew Alvarez here at right side broadcasting network it's uh about 2:30 almost 2:30 on the East Coast we'll be going to Tucson Arizona where uh Bobby mcney will be live there and uh maybe we'll be able to talk with him a little bit uh in some of our coverage a little bit later but uh it'll be great to see him out there in Tucson and as our cameras get access to the uh Tucson region and then of course president Trump will be sharing an a speech about the economy at 5:00 uh if you're just joining us I want to share with you this stat real quick about uh ktvk one of the local affiliates out there they posted an article about uh three out of the 10 US cities where rents have increased the most are in Arizona so you're looking at Phoenix of course Tucson where president Trump will be today and Mesa making the list uh in Tucson for a one-bedroom it's about and uh you're already pushing a grand just for kind of a one bedroom I know that a lot of places have these kind of sky-high prices if you look at some of the statistics from the Harris Biden Administration you guys know that the percentage of uh all of the goods are are are so high they're increased so much so of course president Trump talking about the economy today uh always good to hear uh about Magics uh for the future which would be great to have that again here in our country so I'm going to look for the uh statistics here right here under Harrison Biden car insurance 54% increase on car insurance hotels are up 21.2% gas is up 50.5% uh Transportation 32% rent up 22% and groceries are up 21.6% so yeah we know what it was like under President Trump versus what it is like now under Biden and Harris and speaking of Biden how about the the Hat yesterday that he wore the Trump 2024 hat I saw that on Truth social I don't know about you guys but I thought that that hat was uh an AI thing it was that was the biggest smile by the way that I've seen Joe Biden do in a long time didn't he have a huge smile if you don't know what I'm talking about President Biden or Joe Biden the guy that's called president in this country he uh was in I believe it was Somerset County Pennsylvania he was visiting some firefighters there um on 911 right and one of the older uh people there said hey wear this hat wear this 2024 Trump hat and you can listen in on Truth social for more information on that but on exactly what was said but uh Biden definitely put on a trump 2024 hat and uh it was pretty comical uh as he was smiling with that hat on I thought it was a joke but actually it was the real deal so uh quite interesting yesterday uh in Somerset County and of course those of that I've been to the flight 93 National Memorial if you saw on my truth social Matthew Alvarez I posted a photo from 2021 uh from the flight 93 National Memorial and just like in New York City in lower Manhattan when they put up those two beams of light there's a beam of light that's in the AT flight 93 uh pretty powerful stuff and it and and think about it like you know out there in that field in Pennsylvania this huge beam of light that goes from the ground all the way to the sky and it literally lights up the the top of the sky right there so if you want to take a look at that photo it's on uh Matthew Alvarez on the truth social but if you don't want to go there just Google you know flight or or duck ducko flight 93 uh in that Tower of light it's an absolutely kind of a beautiful um memory of of the the people that were lost there right to be able to honor and pay the respects and that's what president Trump did yesterday he was in uh Shanksville as you guys know uh out there there uh in lower Manhattan just yesterday as you guys saw uh and if and if we want guys we can maybe pull up some of the firefighting uh the footage of his visit yesterday I know that uh that was quite the scene there as well when he was in lower Manhattan uh at the ceremony at Ground Zero then he went up to another fire station there where 14 firefighters died on 9/11 there uh president Trump was there meeting with other firefighters meeting with friends and family and others uh so it was kind of a beautiful uh kind of uh scene there as as people connected and I think that's what president Trump uh is liked is is why he's liked so much by so many people right he's just the authentic genuine person uh and it's it's nice to see that uh connecting with the American people so I mean I can go obviously on repeat about uh why president Trump is the right person for the job we the people we get to hire and fire who we desire hopefully right uh in the election system we say we want to hire this candidate right and and this candidate stands for we the people or this candidate does not stand for We the People it's pretty simple stuff it's common sense right and that's what we're facing coming up uh this November speaking of coming up the Trump Administration as you guys know uh it's it's something that has been said here on this network before but I believe it's good to remind all of us so we're all on the same page uh out there the 2024 GOP platform number one is to seal the Border uh and number two is to carry out the largest deportation operation in American history number three is to end inflation and make America affordable again how about number five stop Outsourcing and turn the United States into a manufacturing superpower number six large tax cuts for workers and no tax on tips number seven our favorite at least mine defend our constitution our Bill of Rights and our fun Al freedoms including freedom of speech freedom of religion and the right to keep and bear arms uh number eight prevent World War II obviously all of these are our favorite because these are all common sense great things for this country uh and it's as simple as that number eight prevent World War III restore peace in Europe and in the Middle East and build a a great Iron Dome missile defense Shield over our entire country all made in America let's go to number nine and the ization of government against the American people number 10 stop the migrant crime epidemic demolish the foreign drug cartels Crush gang violence and lock up violent offenders let's stop there real quick as you guys know on the southern border we've got so much going on we've got Peaks and uh spikes of crime now from migrants that are illegal immigrants in this country nothing against the legal imig like legal immigrants right you know we are a Melting Pot this nation but the point is is the illegal ones right uh some of the gangs the Aurora Police uh did come out and say that that is a Venezuela Venezuelan gang that was uh taking over a complex there I mean you you've got things like that happening in this country uh these are the kind of things that President Trump and a new Trump Administration would do is to clean up the nation right Law and Order make America safe once again remember the RNC make America America great once again make America strong once again make America wealthy once again nothing wrong with any of that there's hey you've got my vote right and I know he's got a lot of your votes out there as well uh let's look at number uh 11 rebuild our cities including Washington DC making them safe clean and beautiful again uh number 12 is strengthen and modernize our military making it without question the strongest and most powerful in the world number 13 out of 20 GOP Promises to the American people keep the US dollar as the world's Reserve currency number 14 fight for and protect Social Security and Medicare with no Cuts including no changes to the retirement age number 15 cancel the electric vehicle mandate and cut costly and burdensome regulations let's go to number 16 here cut Federal funding for any school pushing critical race Theory radical radical gender ideology and other inappropriate racial sexual or political content on our children number 17 keep men out of women's sports number 18 Deport pramas radicals and make our college campuses safe and patriotic again number 19 secure our elections including same day voter same day voting voter ID paper ballots and proof of citizenship a a the save act and number 20 unite our country by bringing it to New and record levels of success 20 GOP promises 20 things that would make America great again A Beautiful List there all good for We the People all good for our economy all good for our safety all good for our freedoms right all good for keeping the moral fabric of our nation intact so it's that versus the complete opposite the complete opposite I saw Jack bobic the other day on Truth social saying uh breaking news about uh Cala Harris and the and the facts were that the platform that Bobby mcneel and I have talked about right here at this desk at at our Studios for Cala Harris there was not a platform on her on her uh website her campaign website well the breaking news that uh Jack bobic broke was the fact that she copied and pasted Joe Biden's platform and then put it on her website it's the same old thing and um the the the fabricated or the memorized answers uh the other day at the the bait you know being a liar and then you could be a really good liar right maybe she's just a really good liar too she probably is because at the end of the day we know what we've seen in this country I don't know how I don't know how we don't right we see the gas prices we see the rent prices we see constitutional freedoms uh being attacked we see uh censorship we see all of these things happening these are not things that the people want so if Cala Harris was saying all if she was saying these 20 points here that President Trump's saying well then guess what Camala Harris would be a republican but she's not and she's on the left and as uh you guys know there know I'm preaching in the choir to a lot you here uh we are waiting for uh Tucson Arizona as soon as our live cameras get some access there we'll go to Bobby mcney live there as we await president Trump to speak at 5 o'clock today I'm Matthew Alvarez thank you so much for joining us here on right side broadcasting network we got a lot coming up over the next 48 hours uh Tucson today for president Trump tomorrow morning Los Angeles then we'll head to Las Vegas tomorrow night for a huge Friday night rally and then if you go all the way to next Tuesday in Flint Michigan a town hall with President Trump uh Sarah Huckaby Sanders the governor of Arkansas will be moderating that and then Wednesday unale New York on Long Island president Trump holds a huge rally at the old New York Islanders hockey arena it's going to be quite awesome Paul and graia H Nikki stanion there holding down the for it live uh in New York uh coming up on Wednesday that is mustat TV and so is all of all of this and I know it's not so-called old old school TV it's streaming now right a lot of apps are streaming out there it's kind of the wave of the future you have you have Rumble of course you've got YouTube and you're and most of you or all of you are are watching maybe on a TV screen but of course streaming uh so thank you so much for doing that uh let's go to American financing another great uh sponsor here at right side broadcasting network $854 a month you can save an average of of that number by calling that number on the screen these these guys are going to help you save that kind of money through the equity of your house and uh they have a number of ways to help you save a big number $854 a month all you have to do is call 888 42029 for more information on American financing uh so we do know that uh $854 a month is like a $10,000 raise credit card interest rates are insane and most of us are still carrying a balance from month to month but uh all you have to do is call this number here with American financing because there are no upfront fees to get started to figure out how can I save that kind of money American financing a Great Patriotic group right here at right side broadcasting network is the way to do it so we thank them for being a great sponsor here at right side so I mean we saw earlier uh about the airfare up 22.6% you know uh flying right now even in kind of more of an off seon it's you know the summertime technically is over but if you're watching from Florida or out there in Arizona California Nevada and other places throughout the country I mean the temps are still hovering in a in a decent summer range for for some of us uh but that increase of 22.6% just to to travel to uh see some loved ones if it's a bit further than a a road trip but then if you go on the road trip then you got to fill up the gas tank and the gas prices are so much higher than they were under President Trump a187 the national average under President Trump uh now in in various parts of the country you're looking at anything from 279 and way up so we know we want those kind of gas prices again here uh in this country so uh looking to from the domestic point we're going to get uh soon as I know that we'll have our access to Tucson we'll be going there live of course but looking at the the foreign kind of uh things going on around the country or around the world right now I saw a video the other day of Maduro down there in Venezuela do you guys know that Maduro just said that October 1st is now when they're celebrating Christmas Maduro right now literally you can look it up on duck. go and you can type it in Maduro October 1st Christmas he just said for the entire country of Venezuela that October 1st is when they're celebrating Christmas in uh in that country and we know that the people there don't want him as the president uh same thing with the people of Brazil uh and and many people in the UK as well don't want uh uh care starmer there you know uh it again it's the Free World versus the the the leftwing uh and we're not talking about every Democrat across the country or people that have liberal ideology I'm talking about the the extreme left uh obviously we don't want to go there with our country so uh interesting right Muro being uh the so-called leader of Venezuela saying that Christmas is now October 1st quite interesting there in Venezuela uh we hope not to see that um kind of stuff happen obviously that probably wouldn't happen but I mean there's so many terrible things that could happen under a Harris walls Administration I remember interviewing Mike Lindell here talking about Minnesota uh obviously Mike and his company are based there uh the terrible thing things that happened in Minnesota under walls and think about that Minnesota and California you've got uh Harris from the Cal from the Golden State there and then in Minnesota with walls and what happened to their states when they were uh in charge there and still walls uh still technically uh the governor uh they went they went down down the tubes California look as president Trump says that the rally San Francisco uh was a beautiful city and now look at it right uh you look at how everything was handled with uh the riots in Minnesota or the covid lockdowns and the snitch lines and and some of the officers being ordered to shoot paintballs at neighbors or at people that weren't going in their houses off of their porches during covid-19 that's Minnesota San Francisco as you know remember when uh XI ping went out there from China they cleaned up all the streets in San Francisco to show that oh everything's nice clean up all the the junk on the sidewalks and uh and cleaned it up well I've been to San Francisco before uh I'm actually a 49er fan my my family I had people that live my aunt and uncle lived in uh Sacramento so I've been a 49er fan since I was a kid I don't want to go back to San Francisco the Stadium's not even there anymore it's in Santa Clara it's not even in where it was in South San Fran you know it used to be such a nice nice area and now it went downhill New York City downhill Chicago downhill we can make our CI as great again under President Trump as you guys know so uh speaking of all those cities you know you think about when President Trump's at these cities uh at the events right uh so many people from all walks of life there in support of President Trump it's so awesome to to be with everyone right in Atlanta georger I remember with Titus Ellis Smith the other rsbn correspondent I was there I remember some of you talking about my suit why I was wearing a suit it was 85° and humid and I was sweating and whatever I remember that right but the point is uh Titus and I we're with people that are from all walks of life and we just kind of went on camera together and shared our thoughts for this country and our our thoughts for uh president Trump and voting for Trump uh the leftwing media as you guys know try and pin everybody against each other on a constant basis you'll see that on uh the cable news that's out there and now we've got conservative media rising up uh to the call of Freedom rising up for the Constitution rising up uh for uh we the people so uh we're all in this thing together you know uh it's great to see so many people at right side broadcasting network uh that are that maybe have worked in mainstream Media or uh worked in some conservative way and now have stepped into some roles that we literally want to work with you uh the people we want to interview you guys and we want to keep the true narrative going because so many times for so many years we've heard from the left wi and the fake news uh and and to get obviously the the rsbn shout out the other day from president Trump uh was awesome but at the end of the day we're doing this obviously uh for the right person to be uh in office but we also are doing it for freedom and for our country and for the true narrative and to to have common sense in this country and I think that's what all of us want and I believe that's what you guys want in the media now you want to make media great I don't know if we can say make make the media great again because I don't know has the media ever been great I've looked at a lot of history with media I don't see a lot of greatness except for covering uh world events and just having your camera there rolling on these events I mean it it's great to know what's happening in that sense but the opinion editorial from the leftwing Vantage Point has gotten so skewed and so woke and so anti-god anti our country uh I have nothing wrong obviously for uh op-eds right uh you you've got that in newspapers across the world uh you've got opinion editorials you've got all the cable shows with talk show hosts saying what they believe uh is what their truth is right but the point is they're all reading from teleprompter they only have a certain amount of time and that there nothing wrong with that I'm not reading from a prompter right now but I do know that I just love the country and it's great to be here with you guys so my name is Matthew Alvarez if youd like to follow on Truth social uh Bobby mcney will be live there uh in Tucson Arizona of course uh Bobby an awesome awesome person as well uh worked in mainstream media for a few years in in Alaska worked at truth social worked with tpusa and always great to work with Bobby and uh seeing Paul and Gracia out there Nikki stano Megan Ker and others um it's just wonderful to see and I know that uh we're thankful that you guys are tuning in and watching this live coverage right now on right side broadcasting network so director please let me know once we do get a little bit of a a live look there in Tucson as it is gorgeous in Arizona right now uh when it comes to the blue skies I'm not sure how warm it's going to get today I know in Vegas it's been quite hot as you guys know watching from uh the silver state and of course uh very exciting times coming up uh in the Silver State tomorrow night in Las Vegas president Trump holding a rally there uh before he does that he's got two more stops he's got today in Tucson and then he goes to LA tomorrow morning and then he'll be in Las Vegas so the next 48 hours uh three states uh three West Coast uh tour states there for the campaign and we'll have all of that coverage from start to finish from the people to the president uh we'll have all that coverage right here on right side broadcasting network so thank you guys so much for following us too on on Truth social rsbn and then RSB Network on X so it's rsbn Network on X and then rsbn on Truth social you can also uh download our rsbn app uh a great way to watch I know my mom I believe she watched this on the app so if you're watching hello Mom uh so the rsbn app uh as well as the RSB website and also if you just go to our X page you can see uh the live views there and also on Facebook so there's so many places uh to watch right side broadcasting network and of course uh since 2015 uh just celebrated uh in June uh nine years of covering uh the Trump rallies and it's always fun when you see the split screens uh here at right side broadcasting network and you see the crowds uh all over the place and having been to so many rallies like many of the correspondents here at right side we see the people pack the entire Arena you know when we first get into a lot of the Arenas right or the stadium or the outdoor venue let's just go with the arena uh for this example and let's go to Atlanta Georgia where uh Titus ell Smith and I were there live we're on the media Riser we were just outside interviewing people we go there we're talking on camera and we can look all around that Arena and we can see that the lower B bow is packed we see that the upper bowl is slowly getting crowded and then by the time U the pre uh pre-program starts the entire Arena literally every seat from if if that that's the camera right there from here all the way around uh is packed the only ones that might not be crowded are right behind the metor Riser because you can't see anything and sometimes it's even roped off so I've seen at a lot of these Arenas since day one I remember um I I was uh with my wife at the wils bear Scranton event that was my first at the time she was my girlfriend uh September 3rd 2022 we were uh that was my first time working with right side and we get there and there was a few seats that were not taken yet and you saw some of the fake news going over what this was a packed house if you go on my truth social you'll see it was crowded it was loud it was uh it was talk about electric it was electric and these these uh fake news people I saw two of them even my wife told me she goes hey look look what they're doing and I saw them taking photos of empty seats there's a few empty seats that weren't filled yet because the stinking thing didn't start yet that's the kind of thing that they try and do on the left and they realize that they've got a lot of power this phone has a lot of power it takes that one photo they posted out and before you know it hundreds of thousands if not millions of people believe that this is true what they're showing you that's what's great about right side broadcasting network and that's what's great about conservative media because we're not trying to dupe you the people we're in this with you we want our country to be restored we want it to be saved we we're not in this to uh pull a a curtain over your eyes you know what I mean uh so that's that's what's awesome about right side you know we're we're pretty transparent as you can tell so uh we'll be going to Tucson here at any minute uh directors if you can let me know how long you think it'll be until we're in Tucson there live as we are at 2:52 p.m. eastern time thank you so much for joining us here on right side uh Bobby mcneel will be there live in Tucson for president Trump's speech at 5 o' again this is going to be remarks about the economy today again about all of the rising prices for people in that region if you look at it uh Arizona's inflation has increased by 21.8% it's at 21.8% uh forcing families to pay get this additionally per month $1,178 more a month just to live there that's under Biden and Harris how can Biden and Harris even argue this right you know how they say proof in the pudding well that's proof in the pudding it's proof in the pudding when you go to your gas tank and it used to be2 $5 to fill a tank or 27 or 22 or 42 depending on what kind of vehicle you have and then you remember when at some of the peak of the prices be interesting to see if some of the prices so-called go down as we get closer to the election you know what I mean but uh yeah so $1,178 per month forcing families to pay that in Arizona Tucson Phoenix and Mesa made the list the top 10 cities across the country where the rent is the highest Mesa Phoenix and Tucson have the have made that uh list so three cities in Arizona alone the Grand Canyon State uh so we can see our need of course for Magics to make a return and if you're just joining us right now Matthew Alvarez here on right side broadcasting nwork are slowly approaching the top of the hour 3:00 on the East Coast 12:00 on the west coast and uh president Trump to speak at 2 p.m. Pacific time 5:00 p.m. on the East Coast uh and so again as I was saying though a lot going on of course in the 247 news cycle a lot of information being talked about with the debate the other night as you guys know three Democrats versus president Trump on the national stage and president Trump still cracked it out of the park and did an awesome job as we saw uh there uh in Philadelphia not too far from Independence Hall interesting that uh ABC news they put uh the entire uh debate stage if you remember looking at it it said behind it we the people and they they act like they're so in love with we the people in the Constitution and they act like it's all presidential it's a joke that was a joke what they did there was an absolute joke president Trump was the actual president he won in 2016 we know what happened in 20120 uh and here we go for 2024 hopefully this time a free and fair election uh let's go to Birch gold group uh text Trump to 9898 98 this is pretty awesome this is a free fight silver coin you get this by purchasing a product with Birch gold group so text Trump to 98 9898 on the front of it uh is exactly what you see there on the right of your screen uh it's the Insignia there it shows president Trump with his fist in the air saying fight fight fight on the other side of the coin it is the front of the White House a pretty awesome coin here it's a free fight silver coin so the first thing you got to do of course text Trump to 9898 98 get an info kit on Birch gold group so gold silver precious medals and then from there uh you'll have to purchase a product in order to get the free fight silver coin but this is always good think about it Gold Silver and precious metals tax sheltered IAS 401ks the brics Nations uh you're looking at Brazil Russia India China South Africa and that list is unfortunately growing right we know that this bricks Nation they're they're they're up to something when it comes to finances and money and the future but today we're talking about Birch gold group and what I'm saying is that you can understand that the US dollar fluctuates because these other countries are using their local currencies instead of the US dollar so to have gold silver and precious medals as that strong backup plan is always good regardless of what's happening in our country text Trump to 98 9898 get that fit uh Birch gold group obviously a great sponsor and an awesome sponsor thank you guys as well for sponsoring yesterday's coverage where we were live uh in lower Manhattan as president Trump made a stop at that fire station if you guys missed that at all right now uh you can look at the other link on rumble or YouTube and and watch yesterday's coverage as president Trump was uh shaking hands taking photos with uh family loved ones other firefighters there a station that lost 14 firefighters on 9911 I still can't believe it's been 23 years as I uh a retr something from Bobby mcneela as well it just doesn't seem like it's that long ago because it's an easy memory to access uh because of how Wild uh that day was and how terrible it was but uh you know here 23 years later 2024 what we're hoping for is a closed Southern border what we're hoping for is uh PE peace prosperity safety freedom in this country it is attainable a lot of times we think only it's up to God to make a decision I believe personally that God we pray to God as a he is our friend right he is um our God right and we pray to him but we also have to work hard uh we pray like it all depends on God and you work hard like it all depends on you that's what I was trying to say there so basically you're asking God hey God please save this country but we all have to do our part so a lot of times it gets a little bit confusing on who's in charge here well he gave us a brain he gave us the ability to to fight for freedom and when I say fight I simply mean pray hard work hard vote get out the vote volunteer work in election Integrity let's be on the same team with this and no infighting within a conservative movement let's be together uh as a one team team Freedom uh moving forward in this country so so there you go it's a little bit of a monologue right there here on right side broadcasting network uh we are at the top of the hour it's almost 3:00 on the East Coast 12:00 out there on the west coast president Trump to speak at 5:00 in Tucson we'll be going to Bobby mcney shortly Matthew Alvarez guys thank you so much for joining us obviously tomorrow's coverage will be huge in LA and Nevada as well again this is right side broadcasting network live from Auburn Alabama we'll be right back hi folks rsbn founder and CEO Joe seals here did you know there is nearly $1 trillion of infrastructure and pandemic funds yet to be spent that's right there's a massive amount of money that the lame duck Administration is pushing hard to spend in their last few months if the president is able to push these funds out we could see another prolonged inflation surge just like during Co and I'm sure you remember the terrible effects that high prices had on most Americans but there's hope a surge in prices can be beaten a gold Ira from Birch gold group is the ultimate inflation Hedge for your savings in uncertain times to see how to protect your IA or 401K get your free info kit on goal by texting the word Trump to 98 9898 Birch gold makes it seamless to roll over your retirement account while preserving your tax advantage status don't wait for the president's spending spree to tank the dollar further protect your financial future Now text Trump to the number 9898 98 for your free info kit from Birch gold hey y'all it's silk from the diamond and silk chitchat live show look don't forget to check me out right here on rsbn network be sure to watch the show on right side broadcasting network and I want you to support right side broadcasting network yes it's imperative that you do so okay I look to see y'all soon bye bye parents and grandparents the 2024 kids guide to president Trump is here and it's free as a bonus your child gets a free issue of everbrite Kids magazine and activity book and a free video Lesson order now at free Trump that's free Trump you ask and we listen we're finally bringing the most requested offer ever get the queen siiz premium my pillow not only 1998 my pillows made with patented adjustable fill it adjust to your exact individual needs regardless of your sleep position it helps keep your neck align and holds it shape all night long so you get the best sleep of your life but that's not all get our six-piece kitchen or bath tole sets only $25 our brand new mattress topper as low as $69.98 get our famous my pillow bed sheets for as low as $25 and so much more so go to or call the number on your screen use your promo code to get huge discount on all my pillow products including the premium queen-size my pillow only $19.98 that's the lowest price ever don't delay order today from all of us here at my pillow than America welcome to the right side broadcasting network we're not like the other media Outlets out there that cut and edit what other people say in 2015 we were created by our founder Joe seals to cover president Donald J Trump's speeches and rallies to which we continue to do to this day we've also covered important conservative events like CPAC tpusa March for Life and many other important events and hearings around the country we were made for people like you everyday Americans who are tired of the mainstream media who are tired of being lied to manipulated and fed an agenda our goal here at right side broadcasting is to allow you to see the truth giving our correspondents and commentators a wide latitude to speak their minds you won't find anything like this in the mainstream media your support through your donations locals and supporting our advertisers allows us to continue to cover important events around the country each and every day so from us here at right side broadcasting thank you for supporting us and the right side of [Music] history and welcome to Tucson Arizona where president Trump is focused on an economic speech presenting it on a West Coast Swing I'm Bobby mcney with rsbn thank you for tuning in with us on this beautiful afternoon in America if you watching earlier we had the Magnificent Matthew Alvarez in studio covering so much of what's G on in this week in American politics a big week in American politics we had the first debate between vice president Camala Harris and former president Donald Trump and that was on Tuesday and an interesting falling out from that debate president Trump is doing very well with swinging Independence in certain polls he's moving it up by 14 points or more and some of the criticisms against President Trump for not digging deeper perhaps mostly coming in certain Republican ranks and it's interesting to talk to different voters and people in the swing state of Arizona I was speaking with Bill and Diane Two volunteers at this Maga rally today here in Tucson and them talking about how really unfair fake news ABC was uh as the moderators asked some very good questions to start off the debate but really had very poor follow-ups mainly the fact that they had five at least five fact checks against President Trump and zero I repeat zero fact checks against vice president Camala Harris and here's what's interesting about those fact checks many of those points actually had to be fact checked themselves let's just start off with January 6 as president Trump rightfully said one person died that day by sadly an outof control police officer and that was Ashley babbit she was a veteran doing four tours of Duty overseas in Iraq and Afghanistan defending Liberty against radical terrorism and radical Islamic terrorism specifically and she paid the price simply for being in the capital one person died that day you had vice president Camala Harris pedling even more lies and falsehoods regarding that saying multiple people died that day and that wasn't the only Gaff on the part of the vice president her campaign coming out saying that she wants another debate and just being around professional politics during my career and having worked on several campaigns when a campaign comes out and says it wants another debate immediately it means that they think their candidate fell flat and right off the bat the ABC moderator David Mir asked a very good question right off the top are you better off than you were 4 years ago and she talked about her biography she trying to introduce herself to the American people because quite frankly she is not doing interviews she's not reaching out to uh the American people only one there's been one interview and that was with her running mate Governor Tim Walls of Minnesota and that was with CNN's Dana Bash and CNN has been actually very fair calling out the inflation and the ionomics that have caused such a skyrocketing within the cost of living president Trump closing that debate very strong saying if you were going to do all these things that you laid out today in this debate why didn't you do it for the last three and a half years why didn't you go back to that beautiful white house and tell President Biden hey we need to go this direction of course as we know she was the borders are and these are reports by Washington Post by New York Times if you go back to 2021 in 2022 you could see that she was tasked with that and she has failed at that job of being borders are securing our border fentanyl pouring through the border and perhaps no one knows it better than the residents here in Tucson Arizona were only 57 miles from nagales Arizona and that is right on the border and what people have faced here in Arizona has been just a flooding a trafficking of not only labor and sex trafficking but of drugs and the Fentanyl crisis of course president Trump pledging and telling the Chinese Communist party if you continue to do this if you continue to funnel drugs through the cartels through our Southern border there will be a price to pay of course peacefully and patrio as president Trump knows how to do but that's so interesting going back to that debate on Tuesday talking about how Independents were actually moving the needle towards Trump as a result some even saying on CNN I may not like like the personality but I I know what president Trump did when he was president I know what he'll do to protect me and to protect the economy and my life will be better as a result also another major gap on the part of the vice president was the fact that she called January 6 the worst domestic attack since Pearl Harbor on the eve of the anniversary of 911 23 years later here we are so many of our lives changed and shaped by the horrible days when 2,977 innocent Americans perished on that fateful day in New York City in Shanksville Pennsylvania and at the Pentagon a moment of uh bipartisan celebration as President Biden was actually visiting Shanksville right before President Trump and Senator JD Vance and he put on a trump Maga hat and signed an official presidential hat for uh one of the attendees so that was a fun moment and perhaps President Biden now being Maga himself president Trump mentioning during the debate with vice president Camala Harris that he was going to send her a red hat so we'll see how that goes on during the campaign of course much testimony happening on Capitol Hill whether its parents and family members of victims of trafficking of illegal alien migrant crime uh Andrew KOMO the former Governor of New York also testifying on covid protocols and of course right now this bill being held up on funding the government speaker Johnson and the Republicans wanting proof of citizenship in order to participate in elections here in the United States a common sense measure but of course Democrats trying to push back on what the Republicans are calling for so secretaries of State around the country actually testifying before Congress this week and we'd like to thank our sponsors for bringing you all of the wall toall coverage here at RS of course we could not do that without them and we're thankful for them giving us the opportunity to do that one of our best is tax Network USA are you struggling with back taxes or unfiled Returns the IRS is escalating collections adding 20,000 new agents and sending over 5 million collection letters that was just to kick off 2024 and here we are 54 days before the US presidential election coming very fast and these challenging times your best defense is tax Network USA don't let the IRS take advantage of you with over 14 years of experience tax Network USA has saved the American people over 1 billion yes 1 billion in back taxes no matter the size of your tax issue make sure the Patriots over at tax Network USA can protect you because they are the professionals they specialize in negotiating with the IRS aiming to significantly red reduce your debt tax Network USA doesn't just negotiate they protect your assets from IRS seizures and manage your yearly returns for ongoing compliance so importantly they are licensed to do this and to make sure that all of these state regulatory issues are also addressed so they are licensed in all 50 states so regardless of where you live in America the clock is ticking do not wait for the IRS to take advantage of you so go to tax Network USA and that's TN rsbn call 1 1800 3571 1415 don't let tax issues overpower you turn to tax Network USA and find your peace of mind as we go into a very uncertain time here in America and just going back to those issues from the debate I want to highlight something that uh Fox News actually posted today regarding the fact checks in the Harris a BC debate claim number one there are no active duty military members in a combat zone that is false the moderators did not come back on that issue claim number two Trump plans on implementing project 2025 if elected I am so frustrated personally for president Trump almost every day he has to repeat himself that he has nothing to do with project 25 2025 this is a project of the Heritage Foundation a wonderful organization a who is working for limited government but yet uh has their own plan of attack on how to deal with the many issues we're facing As Americans president Trump is not associated with this from his lips to our ears another issue abortion president Trump clearly talking about how proud he is that he appointed justices and judges at the federal level that ended up getting rid of roie w 52 years as he mentioned in the debate the other night this issue has torn America apart and this has been sent back to the States Republicans Democrats Independents alike have called for it to be returned to the states and now that's being decided on a state-by-state local basis something he has to repeat on a regular basis because that is a falsehood being thrown out there by democrats that he will put out National legislation to ban all abortions it is just a falsehood claim number three Trump called for execution of Central Park 5 in the New York Times ad that has been debunked on many occasions he did not do that and again the moderators not following up with vice president Camala Harris claim number four touted new leases for fracking an inflation reduction act despite regulation undermining the lease promises and what's so interesting about this inflation reduction act she was a tiebreaking vote in the United States Senate it's actually skyrocketed in inflation and I can go through those numbers just momentarily claim number five there are are no women in America carrying pregnancy to term and asking for an abortion look at the legislation oh yes uh we're looking at the legislation as well that is so interesting regarding abortion because if you go back to Governor Northam in Virginia he said his own words we will lay the baby on the table and we will let the mother and doctor choose peacefully and patriotically about whether or not they're going to have an abortion or not and then that is infanticide as president Trump has said on multiple occasions and being a former Illinois resident I actually witnessed this with then governor rer Republican governor who signed legislation into law that led to these late term abortions it then inspired Governor Andrew Cuomo at the time in New York and Governor Ralph Northam in Virginia so president Trump being very consistent on this that this is not even abortion this is infanticide at this point claim number six took Trump's Charlottesville comments out of context and vice president Cala Harris did do that there's no question about that when she said oh there's good people on both sides but then not talking about the follow-up comments when he was in Trump Tower saying I completely disavow David Duke I completely disavow the KKK so some work to be done on the part of fake news ABC but that's why we're here at right side broadcasting that's why we join so many other great networks who are really trying to get down to the fact to bring you unbridled access to not only the president but the truth at the end of the day because that's the sad thing I would say in my own analysis about the debate the other night the moderators failed and therefore people were looking for facts they were looking for would their family be better off under vice president Cala Harris's policy which are an extension of the Obama Biden policies or would they be better as they were four years ago under President Trump and that really wasn't answered because you had this he sh he said she said rather stalemate of a debate and I'm really interested to see if we have a number two maybe that will be with Fox News perhaps NBC of course here at right side broadcasting we'd be honored to host a debate and actually moderate in a free and fair format so you the American people can receive that information in real time and make a decision for yourself and of course elections they are not decided by sitting at home so number 19 of the agenda 47 Maga principles those promises that were enshrine at the Republican National Convention number 19 make a plan to vote whether that's mail and balloting whether that's early voting or the day of President Trump cannot Implement his agenda unless you go out there make a plan to vote especially in important States like this one Arizona which will be one of seven states making these crucial crucial decisions and again I was speaking to Bill and Diane great magga Patriots who are volunteering today there's quite the energy coming in people are now filing in as you can see for what's going to be a policy speech on no tax on tips making housing affordable again and that's what we have here I'm just looking at a list on my phone energy under the Trump Administration was down 7% what you have with the Harris Biden Administration 40.2% and that was an extraordinary point on President Trump's behalf the other night where he spoke on the fact that nordstream 2 was approved if you're not familiar with this pipeline it goes from Russia into Germany President Biden clearing the way for that although he banned fracking and banned oil drills and exploration in anre in anire in Alaska even President Reagan could not achieve that momentous thing up there in in Alaska because we have folks Liquid Gold under our feet whether it is Pennsylvania West Virginia parts of Virginia throughout this country and especially in Alaska we need that oil and gas to keep this country going so it's not a laughing matter when it comes to our daily activity as large of a Nation as we are 360 Plus legal 360 million plus legal residents and God knows how many more 20 plus million illegal aliens who have poured over our border president Trump calling on the largest mass deportation that will take place after he swears the oath of office on January 20th 2025 to make America great again and to deport all of the illegal criminals here in our country gas down 6.8% in inflationary rates under the Trump Administration up 50.5% under Biden and Harris electricity 4.5% under Trump now 31.7% under Biden Harris fuel oil a negative 5.1% under Trump up in the red 49.1% with Biden and Harris and I can go on and on we'll touch on many of those uh throughout The Telecast here in Tucson Arizona I'm Bobby mcney proud to bring this coverage to you the American people live from Tucson Arizona so much happening this week on Capitol Hill whether that be Andrew KO testifying on his covid action and inaction uh during 2020 and 2021 uh the spending Bill the congress not getting to a consensus as we move towards the spending limits and shutting down potentially of the government president Trump via true social saying that the Republicans should not move to pass that spending Bill unless the uh election Integrity is included in that of course we have many testimony from the parents and victims of what has taken place by illegal alien violence and crime Kayla Hamilton speaking very boldly her daughter Tammy Nobles murdered by illegal aliens just the other day it was shameful to see that Veronica Escobar congresswoman from Texas a Democrat claiming that these parents and that these family members were just goop pawns to implement a political agenda instead of just being there on behalf of trying to find solutions to a horrible situation crimes that should never happen I think of lake and Riley in my home state of Georgia who was simply jogging in the afternoon a very heavily populated area was murdered by a an illegal alien from Venezuela uh New York prosecutors DA's releasing him this guy had a track record longer than most criminals and he found his way to Georgia and murdered a beautiful nursing student these wonderful people Gone Too Soon it shows you how important the Integrity of government is and the importance of it to protect the general welfare of American citizens whether that be at the federal level through our military through our border patrol securing our border or local police and fire and God bless those who perished 23 years ago just yesterday remembering 911 a bipartisan show of support for uh the beautiful lives that were lost 23 years ago yesterday in New York Pennsylvania and in Washington DC may God be with the victims their families and we now have that number of firefighters and First Responders surpassing those who actually perished that day around 400 people who have passed away from 9/11 related illnesses and Cancers for being in the rumble searching for days for weeks even going on into months for uh Fallen service members and colleagues so very sad there Bob Beckwith if you remember was the gentleman who was with President George W bush then President George Bush who said I hear you The Whole World Hears you and the people who knock these buildings down will hear all of us soon for us of those who are alive seeing those moments I'm sure we remember where we were on that faithful day for me I was in Middle School and I remember how wonderful the staff did that day talking about what really mattered in life Family Faith your community and that one person can make a difference so our thoughts and prayers continue to be with the victims of the the September 11th attacks and now we are 54 days away from the most pivotal election in American history and president Trump putting at the Forefront not only the economy as he'll discuss today at this rally in Tucson Arizona but speaking on those issues of National Security especially our border because we don't know at the end of the day folks who has come over this border is it members of the Chinese Communist party is it al- Qaeda Isis do we have people from MS13 as we've seen in Aurora Colorado Chicago Illinois and other areas throughout our great country each City each state now becoming border states victims of Migrant crime and president Trump having a plan to enact this being the most or the largest mass deportation effort since President Eisenhower in the 60s our thoughts and prayers also with folks in Malibu today there was an earthquake of course there's a hurricane hitting the Louisiana and Texas coast be good to each other watch out for each other as uncertain things happen uh to the best of us but we're fortunate to be Maga Patriots out here giving you unbridled access to the American people as we are focused on 54 days until the US presidential election and Mr director my ifb is a bit uh queuing here so I'm not hearing anything in case there's any call outs for our sponsors who are we are so thankful for for getting you this unbridled access to to every Trump event just like to highlight some of the other news in the cycle today and throughout the week some Brave celebrity action as we know um Tyreek Hill the Superstar is uh doing very well he was arrested for um driving um some um I'm not sure on the term specifically but speeding outside of the Miami Dolphin Stadium the other day and taking responsibility saying I should have been more professional with our police officers in Miami Dade but uh taking responsibility for that he was arrested briefly then was able to play that game against the Buffalo Bills last week John bonjovi actually shooting a music video in Nashville Tennessee and he actually helped save a woman's Life along with his staff and crew she was thinking of taking her own life jumping off a bridge but a heroic Moment by bonjovi John bonjovi in that moment and then Patrick Mahomes if you're following the Kansas City Chiefs one of the best team Super Bowl champions backto back he is the NV NFL Super Bowl MVP and him talking about how we need to break bread As Americans not only defending his wife Britney Mahomes who is a trump supporter but of course her friend Taylor Swift having endorsed uh vice president Harris for the presidency they're an interesting microcosm of American culture as we watch and enjoy football this fall in America so interesting things to watch and praising uh Patrick Mahomes Tyreek Hill and John Bon Joi for speaking their peace and actually making U not only taking responsibility but making heroic actions happen uh serving their fellow man but we are here today in beautiful Tucson Arizona in the desert covering a Maga rally where president Trump will focus on the economy and all things related to that no tax on tips of course he made the point in the debate debate the other night that he might send a red Maga hat over to the Camala Harris campaign because she seems to copy uh all of his Mega points and principles and of course the top two that he's highlighting in a strong fashion number one being the economy number two very much focused on uh sealing and securing the border that has been of a Paramount uh to protect the Border as we know here in Arizona fentanyl coming in we talked to the Border Patrol on a regular basis and then mentioning that they do not support the Biden Harris agenda that we need safe and secure borders to make sure that America can be made safe again strong again secure again and ultimately to make America great again the new cycle has been full of congressional testimony it is so highly focused uh what has happened as a result of the open border Kayla Hamilton the mother of Tammy Nobles giving heartfelt heartbreaking testimony regarding the murder of her daughter and the horrible things that have really happened across this country whether it's MS13 Venezuelan gangs or criminals who have come across this border not only from Central and South America but from around the world creating migrant crime in communities across America I've mentioned Aurora Colorado Chicago Illinois we have Lake and Riley from my home state of Georgia who was a ug student who simply was jogging that afternoon and was murdered by an illegal alien taken far too soon as a senior at the University of Georgia a beautiful nursing student so these names unfortunately were not mentioned during the debate the other night but these parents clearly watching closely as they're trying to get action not only from Congress but from their next commanderin-chief something that has really been ignored the last three and a half years under the Biden Administration just want to cover some of those facts from the other night as well that were debunked the New York Post fact checked the Harris claims in the ABC debate claim number one there are no active duty military members in a combat zone claim number two Trump plans on implementing project 2025 if elected claim number three Trump called for execution of the Central Park 5 in the New York Times ad claim number four touted new leases for fracking an inflation reduction act despite the regulation undermining the lease promises claim number five there are no women in America carrying pregnancy to term and asking for an abortion claim number six took Trump's Charlottesville comments out of context and we've seen so much of this and it was a shame that the moderators at fake news ABC did not have any follow-ups towards the vice president especially on the fact that January 6 only one person died that day that was Ashley um Abbott who was a veteran someone who did not need to lose her life that day very sad situation but vice president Camala Harris claiming that multiple people passed away and perish on that day simply not true she also said it was the worst domestic attack on the United States since Pearl Harbor and this just on the eve of the September 11th Memorial and anniversary so very unfair there also this project 2025 claim that President Trump has something to do with this this this man is out on the campaign Trail nearly every day debunking this rumor this false claim not only by the Democrats by many media Outlets focused on their claim of that he's involved in this and it's just simply not true he has to repeat himself every day but you'll see here today he might even mention that as he's focused on hitting the campaign Trail only 54 days to to go can you believe this and we're getting close here folks we have early balloting going out starting next week uh in Pennsylvania we'll start the early vote so make sure you have a plan to vote whether that is absentee balloting early voting or even going in and uh making the vote on the day of the election but there's only one way we bring this unbridled access to you the American people at home and through our wonderful sponsors so we'd like to thank the wellness company America listen up the world is getting more unpredictable by the day we've got assassination attempts as we saw on j13 July 13th of this year we have rumors of Civil War an unstable stock market and now the looming threat of bird flu on everyone's mind did you know the World Health Organization is focused on a bird flu meeting coming up here in October it's early reminiscent and we have a pastor to give a presentation right here for the rally let bow our heads and let's pray Heavenly Father awesome father we come before you we thank you Father for your goodness for your favor for your grace for the Mega passion that's in this place watch over us father protect us and also continue to protect president Trump the one he's been watch over him surround him with a Divine hedge of protection without a doubt you have delivered him from death for a Time such as this help us that we come help us as we come together father as we come together and we fight and we fight and we fight for what you have given us thank you for everything you're goodness president Trump the Lord bless you the the Lord bless you the Lord bless you the Lord keep you the Lord deliver you the Lord shine his face on you the Lord turn his face towards you and give you peace Father more than ever we need your guidance we need your love we need your passion Let Your Love Let Your Truth abound in Us in his mighty name we pray amen [Music] ladies and Gentlemen please welcome student for Trump member Alex Guzman to lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance fellow Americans four years ago today things looked very different four years ago today we all had a Bright road ahead of us four years ago today we were living through an amazing time and all of us are here to go back to those four years and we begin our return to those four years by reciting our pledge to the values that make America gray I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all and let us have four more amazing years four more years with President Trump as our president thank you ladies and Gentlemen please welcome education freedom and parents rights Advocate Esley Montenegro to sing our national [Applause] [Music] anthem oh see can you see by the dawn's early light what so proudly we ha at the Twilight last [Music] gleaming who broad stripes and bright stars through the P fight or the red parts we watch were so gallantly stream me and the rockets red glare the bombs bursting in air gave proof through the night that our flag was still there oh say does that star spangled B [Music] way or the land of the free [Applause] in the home of the bra ladies and Gentlemen please welcome to the stage Arizona GOP chair Gina swaboda [Applause] I love you so did Camala Harris talk anything about what is worrying and stressing and destroying the American lives in the debate the other night did she Express one second of concern for the people whose lives are being devastated by out of control inflation she laughed she thinks it's funny that the people of Springfield Ohio have had their lives destroyed she thinks it's funny that we lost people in the most disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan you know who does not think it's funny you me president Trump and JD Vance I recall when former president Obama called us bitter clingers remember that that was at a fundraiser in Pennsylvania so I will cling to The Old Rugged Cross [Applause] A Mighty Fortress Is Our God so I took my Tesla time machine that I have and I went into the future and I looked at all the possible outcomes for the United States of America and the world and if this light goes out the world will be gone we have one chance [Applause] we are now a net Food importer yeah we are having to import food to feed America for the first time in our history we will there will be Untold Devastation upon the people of this country and if we go out the the world the light of the world goes out right so what we need uh and what we need to do here is I need everybody to go to Trump force4 I need you to go to protectthe I need you to bring me back in the Arizona legislature where if you do not know the Democrats in the Arizona legislature voted to double your gas taxes yes they think that's a great idea I need Cory mcgar I need Rachel Jones and I need Vince leech in ld7 I need Daniel butier in Congress I need onean I need Juan cisman in Congress I need Carrie Lake to be the 51st vote and more than anything else this country and the world need president Donald J Trump and J D Vance stand up and be counted Americans assemble God bless you [Applause] us us [Applause] us please please welcome National border patrol Council vice president art Del [Applause] quto man I love too [Applause] son folks my name is Art Del quto and I am the vice president of the national border patrol [Music] Council I'm going to I'm going to rewind the clock back to uh 2016 2016 I'm I'm here in Tucson and I get a call from the Trump team at first I didn't know what to think uh there was several candidates that were coming down here to Tucson at the time and uh I didn't know if somebody was playing a joke on me well it sure wasn't a joke and when we got to talk to president trump it was over at the TCC I did ask him I said why'd you reach out to us and he gave me a very simple and solid answer that many politicians don't give you he said I wanted to know the truth from the troops and the people that are out there on the ground and that's what we have in president Trump we have an individual that wants to know the truth as time has gone by you know our relationship has has turned into more of a friendly relation relationship and you know I asked him about his family and he asks about mine I was at the Oval Office several times I was uh honored to be there and listen to uh a lot of the back and forth that went on and he always would ask how are the agents how are the troops how are my [Applause] guys that's something that you don't forget he's continued to be in contact with members of the national border patrol Council throughout this entire time um under the uh current issues that we've had and uh I I say the word issues and and you guys know how bad it is especially here in Tucson it's been a mess this Administration has lied about it they've denied it and now coming around election time they want to pretend that they're doing something about it and that's exactly what it is they're pretending don't be fooled please don't be fooled we have a big job to do come November and that is we need to make sure that we fill those uh ballots make sure we get as many of our individuals to go out there and vote do not live leave this to chance I am and I've been in Arizona my entire life I legally migrated to this country I've been in law enforcement thank you I've been in law enforcement in this country over two decades and I have never seen it as bad as it is right now but I had never seen it as good as I saw it under President [Applause] Trump don't do not be fooled by the latest you know media events that bordar Kamala has done we all know and look I call her bordar but realistically uh she it doesn't matter what you call her she can make the excuses that she wants she is the vice president of the United States and this mess has fallen under her command and we need to hold those people unaccountable those individuals need to get fired okay I'm going to wrap it up but I want you guys to think about this [Applause] latin ladies and gentlemen thank you guys for having me up there and remember president Trump doesn't need to do this he's doing it because he loves this country because he loves America and because he loves every single one of you guys God bless this state God bless Donald Trump and God bless the great United States and God bless every single one of you guys thank you very much [Applause] ladies and Gentlemen please welcome to the stage Trump endorse nominee for the United States Senate Carrie Lake thank you oh my goodness Tucson how you doing um this is a tough crowd it's hot out there for anybody Across America watching and you wondering how much people love president Trump we wait for 24 hours in 106 degree heat to see President Trump that's how much we love him thank you Tucson I've been saying for the longest time I love you I love you thank you so much I've been saying for the longest time Tucson is ready for a change and that change is Donald J Trump Tucson is tired of being put on the back burner Tucson is tired of the crime and tired of the homeless crisis right this town is so ripe for Success that I can feel it in the air every time I come down here I can feel it and and sadly it's it's one of those cases where you can see what bad leadership brings you a town that is surrounded by Beauty full of hardworking incredible people with horrible City leadership they've got boarded up buildings that's right it's bad they've got boarded up buildings boarded up businesses and every block in for Miles looks like a a scene out of The Walking Dead and the hardworking people of Tucson are sick and tired of it the hardworking people of Tucson who pay their taxes are sick of the crime the hardworking people of Tucson who pay their tax taxes are sick of the quality of life going down they want to be able to enjoy this beauty they want to be able to enjoy their beautiful Parks be able to walk and take bicycle rides through the streets of this great City the old peblo and not be worried about what could happen to them and we're going to get that change that we need on November 5th when we vote for president Donald J Trump and Carrie Lake for US [Applause] Senate you know I I love Tucson so much I see the potential here that we moved our headquarters down here we're Hey listen I'm not giving up on a single Blue State or blue City because I think every American wants peace and prosperity so I tell i i a lot of people don't know this I'm the youngest of nine I grew up in a family of nine thank God my mom um my mom my mom who was a miracle baby was told that she would never survive because she was born a preey back in 1933 they sent her home in a shoe box and they told my grandmother to take her home and that her baby would not make it and that little baby through the sheer love of my grandparents grew up to have nine precious babies of her own and I'm the last one she had thank you Mom thank you [Applause] Mom it just goes to to show you that each and every one of us can make a huge difference God put us here for a reason and as tough as times are when we walk down and we see despair on the streets of of Tucson or Phoenix as tough as times are God put us here for this moment for a reason and is to save the country that he helped [Applause] create so I tell my kiddos I call my I call my kids babies still but they're 19 and 21 anybody else do that with their I'm sure they love it when I call them my babies but they are I tell them that when I moved here 30 years ago to Phoenix I don't know if you heard the stats by the way that came out just today if the top 10 cities in America with the fastest growing rent prices three of them are here in Arizona and Tucson has had it the worst in all of Arizona Tucson Phoenix and Mesa we can't afford to rent an apartment we can't afford to live anymore with these Democrats like Ruben gyo and Joe Biden and kamla [Applause] Harris they inflation reduction act has created inflation that's the worst I've ever seen it in my 56 years how about you guys so I told my kids the story the other day I said I I moved here 30 years ago and 30 years ago I bought a house for $888,000 in Phoenix a three-bedroom two bed the three-bedroom two bath house backyard two-car garage on a culde saac my house payment was 675 bucks that's unattainable right now and the only way we're going to save that is to vote these inept unqualified fools out of office let's say AA La Vista to Kamala let's say adios to Reuben and let's vote for Donald J Trump for president and Carrie Lake for US Senate usan we love you God bless you God bless State 48 [Applause] [Music] Carrie Lake for US Senate an exciting candidate I had the privilege of meeting her I actually spent some time out here for work for Turing Point USA a few years ago met her when she was an anchor at local Fox 10 and she is just as true as it comes you hear an inspiring story of State 48 when she came here all the way from Iowa to per pursue her media career and her mom having nine children she being the youngest of the nine to pursue that American dream and a reminder especially this week after reflecting on the 23rd anniversary of 9/11 how precious life is how we matter how each one of all the wonderful people here have a sphere of influence have an ability to make a difference in their Community Carrie Lake back to policy moving her headquarters down here to Tucson saying that no blue City no blue state is Out Of Reach because these 20 magga principles agenda 47 is meant for Republicans for Democrats and independents president Trump stating at the Republican National Convention back in July that he wants to be president for not half of America but rather president for all of America we have the vice president of the national border patrol Council saying he was a legal immigrant coming here to America spending his life in Arizona to make it better saying that President Trump reaches out to him on a regular basis asking how his boys are doing talking about all of those team members who wear that uniform who are willing to men and women go out there and fight on a regular basis for the red white and blue to secure this great border of ours to keep Americans safe because that's why government exists in the first place it's to make the general welfare of the American people first and foremost whether it's the military or state and local police God bless those men women in blue who are willing to go out there and to go into an emergency in order to make sure that we have safe communities so inspiring speeches and again we are so happy to bring this to you at rsbn thanks to our wonderful sponsors and one of them being free Trump book a group of people who are committed to making sure you see the truth in not only the Trump policies but also uh what are the Maga agenda to make sure that America is made great again it is the best-selling kids guide to president Trump it's available for free to viewers just pay the SNB with this special promotion this guide has been updated for 20124 and explains Trump's vision for the future of America to kids and you know what these guyses might even be good for your neighbor who's not really paying attention to American politics right now and especially on these policies of immigration it's not surprising to learn as we've mentioned throughout the telecast that people are dying because of Migrant crime just think about Lake and Riley as I've mentioned several times today the University of Georgia nursing student a beautiful woman out for a jog in a heavily populated area just outside of Athens Georgia off of the campus of the University of Georgia murdered by an illegal immigrant from Venezuela as a result more and more Americans are focused and supporting the Trump policies as future voters our kids need to understand what these policies are and how they can make America safe again so go to the kids guide for president Trump at free Trump that's free Trump get yours today as you saw in the speeches prior to president Trump today we had Amy fabot she is the chairwoman of the Arizona GOP asking that the people here in attendance go to Trump Force become a Precinct captain and get the job done knock on the doors of your neighbors specifically in your Precinct reach out to 10 to 25 people and get them interested in this process lead from Precinct to Precinct through Community to community she also mentioned protectthe that's protectthe and learn ways how you can work for election integrity and she mentioned some of the candidates as you saw Kerry Lake running for US Senate from the top to the bottom of the ballot throughout Arizona it's crucial that we get legislators into Phoenix the state capital and to Washington DC to enact the Maga 47 agenda otherwise uh it will be more difficult for president Trump because we've seen this throughout his time when he first came down from the golden escalator in 2015 and made his stances known on illegal immigration on the economy stating in that very famous speech now how ridiculous and inept our leaders are on both sides of the aisles so a lot of times what we've learned in this magga journey is that it doesn't necessarily matter what letter is next to an incumbent's name we've seen secretaries of State testifying before Capitol Hill talking about election integrity and security many of them failing in that process one of mine uh has been Brad raffensberger out of Georgia has been a complete discre to election Integrity in his office still has many questions to answer fortunately the Georgia state election board has been very aggressive taking Powers away and making sure that they are the last to see the certification before it happens so that election Integrity happens this is a bipartisan issue the American people deserve to know who their leaders are in real time they deserve access to the kind of ballots they want and they should be able to provide documentation as we do on a regular basis just coming in to the auditorium today having to show our IDs if you go out for a six-pack of alcohol for cigarettes for countless things that we do in American society you need to show your ID so another debunk theory on the far left of oh gosh if you are requesting an ID to vote that must be racist it's not it clearly isn't and there are people fighting for that on a daily basis to make sure that the American people's vote is integral it is only residents voting it is honest and fair one vote per one resident seems very reasonable as president Trump has pushed for this for a long time now but as he mentions in the agenda 47 policies if you look at number 19 make a plan to vote get out there and vote as Amy svaboda said the chairwoman of the Arizona Republican party whether it's mail balloting whether it is early voting whether it is the day of make that plan to vote as Carrie Lake learned from her gubinatorial race just two years ago she had Maricopa County many of those precincts shut down the day of the election many of them were in Republican counties in actually an area that I used to live in near Tempe Arizona as well so it's so important to make sure you make a plan before the election because something might happen that day day the kids get sick uh many stresses happen just operating your household for us here at rsbn and I'll speak for the Magnificent Matthew Alvarez who I join in the St Studio often we have so many commitments in our own personal lives and we're happy to cover that for you the American people to make sure good things happen and to make sure that we make America great again and we're all going to vote early because it's our constitutional Duty and I think about that don't sit on the sidelines so many people have bled and died for the freedoms in our country to make sure you at least go out there and vote and not voting that's an option that's also a choice and that's a sad thing to do considering what is at stake in this election this is no longer Republican versus Democrat of yester year this is Liberty versus tyranny Freedom versus communism and president Trump rightfully calling out Camala Harris as a Marxist if you look at her plans she has consistently flip-flopped and this is not me necessarily saying this this is CNN a left-wing Network and production calling her out on her hypocrisy and the fact that ABC News was not able to press her on these specifically policy choices especially fracking we had the debate in Philadelphia Pennsylvania many Professionals in those blue collar jobs depend upon these beautiful trades that they truly are the shoulders of the American people they are the backbone if they aren't able to go out and do this for the American people the country will fail we're too large of a Nation we're too abundantly blessed as a nation president Trump says it on a daily basis we have so much liquid gold under our feet that we need to Frack baby frack and drill baby drill on a regular basis hearkens back to 2008 when Governor Palin would say that on the campaign Trail about aska and anoir President Reagan even tried to get drilling and anoir to happen and he wasn't able to accomplish that all the way back in the 80s president Trump got that done and he rightfully took Target at the Biden Harris policies that gave more power and access from the Russian pipelines of North Street 2 bringing that into Germany and gave them access to that but he shut down anoir and Alaska quite simply the agenda 47 is a domestic plan to make America secure again make America safe again make America wealthy again and ultimately make America great again whereas the Democrat Playbook is really A playbook for globalism for Marxism thought Robert F Kennedy has been some one of the strongest voices in this with this movement of Maga he really says it's about Maha as he calls it make America healthy again expose the truth of the bureaucracy involved with the big Pharma and the vaccine movement he has been a strong voice on this fighting for environmental and vaccine reform in America for really the last half century and he talks about the definition of what the Democrat Party should be if you go back to his father Robert Kennedy senior if you go back to his uncle President John Fitzgerald Kennedy Camelot the icon of liberal Democrat politics of the' 60s it was about Free Speech it was about civil rights it was about making America great again and if you look at the Modern American presidency how similar are the policies of Eisenhower who warned of the deep State who warned of the military-industrial complex to J JFK they were very suspicious of one another although very respectful of one another a great book actually Brett Bayer of Fox News who might be moderating along with Martha mccum the next presidential debate we'll see how that um evolves in the coming days and weeks but he wrote a book three days in January highlighting the Cuban Missile Crisis and how incredible former President Eisenhower was in giving advice to President JFK at that crucial time these were men who led their country who fought for their country fought bravely in World War II we then go to President Reagan who actually the free market Market capitalist president of the modern era but he slapped a 100% tariff on Japan when they were manipulating their currency in the80s and Mr director I can't see uh what was shown there we have a couple ifb problems it is of course live TV but we'll get those sponsors right out to you President Reagan slapped that tariff right on Japan similar to what president Trump did on China and president Trump has promised if you're a big company and you manufacture here in the United States we're bringing down that corporate tax rate from 21% to 15% it incentivizes making great quality products here in America again something crucial to making free markets not only free but fair president Trump delivered that by getting rid of the terrible NAFTA this was the Clinton Bush agenda that destroyed the American middle class he has now brought that back with the usmca among so many other successes here in the United States as we seek to make America great again the speakers speaking on the lack of ability to buy a home we've seen this uh G Lake just addressing how expensive that is here in America but thank God we have places like Tennessee land that is helping put us on the air to bring that you unbridled access here at right side broadcasting of all the speakers but also the coverage and to find out what the Great American people think here in Tucson Arizona people are moving to Tennessee in droves I know many of them myself it's one of the big growth stories in America and who doesn't love Nashville Music City krie Underwood you think Keith Urban but not only country music the Los Angeles music industry moving into Tennessee as well for a better opportunity to produce their music 0% state income tax a pro business hands-off government spectacular Countryside Fun City I mean quite frankly what's not to love I love to visit myself it's a short 3 and 1/2 hours from Atlanta American freedom is Alive and Well in the beautiful state of Tennessee the volunteer state if this sounds good to you right now Tennessee Land and Lakes is selling off large Acres of properties just outside of Nashville and this popular destination spot way below market prices think about this only $89,900 Carrie Lake just spoke on when things were affordable mortgages just $600 or less a month wherever you would buy in America especially in Arizona where we are now but 5 Acres with a cozy cabin and quiet Woods only going for $109,900 I mean can you believe that 18 Acres riding trails in Horse Country around 150,000 plus 5 to 86 Acre Properties from $89,900 that's unheard of close to Nashville nowadays you got the best of both worlds the freedom of the open land and then also a great City like Nashville I might have to look into this myself build Camp invest your property your way learn more about this great buying opportunity in the volunteer state of Tennessee click or call land give them a call or search their website today forget Wall Street buy something real real in the volunteer state of Tennessee and let me tell you people are voting with their feet how many people have moved to beautiful places like here in Arizona a wonderful desert we're getting a little bit out of the hot season moving away from Summer cooling off a bit today although the heat index around 106 today I used to live out here myself and wow it's it's like an oven sometimes but you won't find better people they are sweet wonderful people coming from the Midwest but a lot coming from California because they're sick of the policies of Hollywood of the tech industry and sadly the great Golden State losing so much of the industries that made it great to begin with they're moving to places like Arizona Idaho Georgia we've seen this with Tennessee with Florida some of the SEC States for all of our football fans at home and and I can vouch for it myself I was someone from the Chicago land area Illinois terrible pension crisis property taxes through the roof and then you look at it what are you getting are you getting a bang for your buck these these mortgage percentages and prices going through the roof no pun intended but this may be the hardest time in American history to be a firsttime homeowner and that's why these policies matter so much to the American people agenda 47 these 20 promises bipartisan they're not Republican they're not Democrat they are independent populist middle class at heart because it's getting harder and harder for people they're delaying having families waiting to their late 30s early 4 40s waiting to get married waiting to purchase a home or a townhouse for the first time instead turning to rent and then you look at the inflationary rates with rent throughout the country and what people pay that's just going down the drain on a regular basis we need to compete with it Bobby Kennedy Jr says Black Rock State Street these corporate conglomerates 90% of really three companies who have eaten up different Industries throughout the country who don't have your interest in heart this is very similar to what happened to the turn of the century monopolies and that's where Republicans stood up and had a backbone in Congress to take on these people in those times will they do that again we have yet to see but that's why we will bring you all of the fact in time in real coverage here at right side broadcasting thank you the donors for putting us on air and the wonderful sponsors for getting you this excellent coverage to the American people whether it's down in Auburn Alabama or beautiful Tucson Arizona and throughout the country as president Trump travels the country 54 days until the 2024 United States presidential election the most important in my lifetime with quite frankly the greatest president we had in my lifetime that includes Ronald Reagan and speaking of media hits in the next few days we have some great documentaries we have some great films coming out in the next few days if you have not seen Reagan which came out on August 30th Dennis Quay does a wonderful job and let's go back to the rally here in Tucson Arizona and that looks like as Mr narrator just gave a quick warning as we are going into what sure to be a wonderful speech on the economy as you can see out here A packed House of magga Patriots we have make housing affordable again no tax on tips a beautiful backdrop for what president Trump has focused on with these remarks the campaign moving to policy driven and focused speeches as we move forward to the election but as I was saying before I stepped off Camp camera Reagan which came out on August 30th of this year an inspiring movie John Voit plays a former KGB agent who monitored Ronald Reagan not only during his times as governor of the Golden State California but as president of the United States but before in his private career as a union leader as a sag president as an actor in Hollywood and really going through his life starting in Dixon Illinois the wonderful relationship he had with his mother Nelly the challenges he had from a an alcoholic father Ronald Reagan really believing in the American people being that Outsider as president Trump has been to make this country great again it will shock you how similar 2024 is to 1980 and that's the question that beckons are you better off than you were for years ago I'm here Bobby McNeil your humble correspondent in beautiful Tucson izona and I like to share my opinions at times covering this incredible climate of political atmosphere that we have and I would argue it is not what it was four years ago but we have a chance to choose a better life for the American people and for our families as president Trump seeks to become the 47th president of the United States we' like to thank our sponsors the wellness company America listen up the world is getting more more unpredictable by the day do you know the World Health Organization is planning for a bird flu meeting a summit to happen overseas they have already released thousands of bird flu vaccine throughout Germany and throughout Europe in the last couple of weeks we have assassination attempts we saw one so sad on July 13th in Pennsylvania thank God president Trump is okay but Patriots like gory campur lost his life that day shielding his family fortunately others who were hit did not succumb to their injuries but we think about Cory and his family on a daily basis here at rsbn we have rumors of Civil War an unstable stock market and now the looming threat of the bird flu the last two months in American politics have been something out of an orwellian novel but we have to remain Vigilant and pray and remain together as neighbors as church goers as American citizens in this struggle but this bird flu Summit it's early eerily reminiscent of what happened in 2020 2021 it fores foreshadowed the covid planemic and get this the first Topic at this bird flu Summit Mass fatality management planning that doesn't send chills up your spine I don't know what does it scares me for sure but here's the good news you don't have to be afraid and in fear if you're prepared the the wellness company created the contagion emergency kit and every home in America should have at least one of these and the Magnificent Matthew Alvarez and I show you this in the studio on a regular basis these are tiny kits you can put it in your backpack if you're on a hiking trip it can fit easily in your suitcase if you happen to be traveling for leisure or for work they are packed with life-saving meds like ior meon hydroch chloroquin the CPAC and experts like Dr Peter maalla have put this together to protect protect you the American people people imagine this no frantic searches for a doctor no emergency kits waiting for rooms or any of that nonsense just a few clicks and this kit can be delivered to your front door so in times like these get your contagion emergency kit not just for luxury but for the necessity protect your family by preparing now go to tww c. health rsbn and grab your contagion emergency kit today why not there is no reason to wait for this that is tww C.H rsbn and use code rsbn to save you $45 at checkout kits are only available in the USA and what a beautiful day to be here in lovely Tucson Arizona we just heard that K Lake running for the US Senate has moved her headquarters from Phoenix down here roughly about 2 hours away South a little bit of a higher elevation Tucson is just shy of 600,00 people a very blue City but as you heard from her speech and you heard the Roars of the crowd they are not happy with the local governance here in Tucson Arizona and even what's happened in the state it's become more purple and that's been you know some people from California coming on in but here's the chance to rewrite that and compete in an election like this because this is a very purple traditionally conservative state but we have many more Democrats here uh than we have had in the past and that's why it's so important agenda 47 number 19 on that policy platform to make sure you get out a plan to vote whether that's voting early or voting in person and you could do that by using absentee ballots you can go early in person we're all making a plan here at right side broadcasting because we're giving you unbridled coverage with 54 days left before the United States presidential election and Mr RoR at some point before President Trump comes out I'm not sure if we can pan and see some more of the crowd but this Auditorium is fully packed here in Tucson Arizona downtown K Lake mentioning that many businesses have been boarded up because of the lack of business because of how high inflation and cost of living has become for local Tucson residents if you have not been out here beautiful place to explore explore the national parks and as many things as you can see it's a magical place here in the the desert the State of Arizona uh John Wayne having filled so many of his epic westerns out in Sedona north of here but we are just 57 miles from nales and that is right on the border and you can imagine what's happened because of the fentanyl crisis that's come pouring over this border I've been fortunate enough to visit the Tucson sector on a couple of occasions and for those who haven't been here it's very mountainous and the tragedy that can happen with those being trafficked by the coyotes coming over here it can get very cold surprisingly throughout the year here as it falls to nighttime and they do find bodies they do find victims so we need to pray for those who are willing to take that treacherous trip that's why we need immigration reform and the right policies to be like the vice president of the border patrol Council who spoke who came over here as a legal immigrant who is now sharing why we need to secure that border just remarks a few moments ago but because of all this uncertainty you need to secure your family and secure your wealth personally and at home and that's why we like to thank Burch gold one of our foremost sponsors here at right side broadcasting do you know that there is nearly $1 trillion doll of infrastructure and pandemic funds to be spent that is right there's a massive amount of money that the lame duck Administration is pushing hard to spend in their last few months if Biden can push out these funds we could see another prolonged inflationary period where cost of living will Skyrocket either even more and many of the experts are saying we are already in a recession God forbid Harris getting into the American presidency as president Trump said we will see something worse than the 1929 depression almost a guaranteed depression on the horizon this surge just like Co is sure to have terrible effects and high prices on the American people but there's hope the surgeon prices can be beaten and a gold Ira from Birch gold group is the ultimate inflation Hedge for your savings and in this short period of time you could also get a free Trump silver coin that commemorates the Assassin ation attempt and those scary moments of July 13th on the coin it says fight it's president Trump's iconic photo with the American flag in the background he's flanked by his secret service detail with our beautiful White House on the back God willing he will inhabit along with his beautiful wife our first lady Melania Trump come January 20th of next year but to see how to protect your IRA or 401K get a free info kit on Gold by texting the word Trump to 9898 98 and get that special offer of the free silver coin commemorating the heroism and courage of President Donald Trump that is text Trump to 98 9898 thank you to our wonderful sponsors and supporters at Birch gold and speak of gold think about the American West The Amazing Adventure that this place has been I got to look out onto the St Augustine Basilica the cathedral that leads the Roman Catholic dicese of Tucson this morning a building that has been a Missionary church since 1858 can you imagine that the uh Cowboys and the uh free market capitalists who were you know arguably gangsters of the time who seeking a better life in the American West seeking the Gold Rush who were led to uh California I think about the 49ers the amazing football team that took on the name of these Brave Patriots who sought to better themsel and isn't that the story of America it's about people from all walks of life from all around the world coming together to celebrate the red white and blue I often Ponder and I thought about the other night during that debate in constitutional Hall where those great Patriots pledge their lives their sacred fortunes their sacred honor to defend an experiment a republican form of government that was about the rule of law that was about believing in a higher calling that this nation truly God's Nation will fall to its knees seeking to have God forgive us for our sins whatever they may be but to turn back to him in this trying time would they have imagined 13 colonies that broke away from the United Kingdom would become this beautiful amazing country known as the United States of America take your seats thank you and we have Mr narrator speaking on uh taking the seats of course uh not no longer saving any seats and that's why I mention every time that you come to a trump rally if you have not been make sure you get here as early as you can we're still in some of the the dog days of summer those hot summer months right before fall here and the Heat index day being at 106 we're in the 9s right now here in Arizona but uh beautiful air conditioning inside in this Music Auditorium you want to get here early eat a nice breakfast hydrate Gatorade uh water however you'll fuel up in a great appropriate way because these places get packed and if you come here right when they open the door you might not get in these things are always packed and president Trump is able to bring that draw and that was another ridiculous attack from the vice president the other day during the debate wanting to compare the rally sizes it's it's it's been debunked once again I mean this riddled with lies coming from her part something that uh fake news ABC could have addressed but they decided not to and I like to also welcome people as as she did maybe she would like to show up for one of these rallies because as we remember Congressman Dean Phillips actually tried to do it the right way in the Democratic primary back in January and actually challenged president Trump or I'm sorry President Biden to the Democrat nomination by going through the primary process something that Camala Harris chose not to do I'd like to remind the audience she had zero votes zero electoral votes as well um moving into this 14 million votes President Biden had in the primary whether or not you agree with him those taken from him he was threatened with the 25th Amendment Nancy Pelosi on the phone talking to Democrat donors the Obamas forcing President Biden out and this is well known now very sad that they would try to invoke this and leave him as a lame duck president but quite frankly he could not compete with President Trump and the agenda 47 policies not that the current nominee can but let's get back to Congressman Dean Phillips he actually went to the Maga rallies in Minnesota he spoke to the uh Maga Patriots who attended those and he said you know the Democrat Party has really left those voters they really don't represent what Bobby Kennedy Senor what JFK once represented in classic liberalism whether that be free speech whether that be protecting borders a strong military civil rights things that were actually believed in by members of the Democrat Party back in the 1960s that party does not exist anymore and may I actually digress and argue that in the same way with what was the Republican party just 20 years ago a party that was looking to expand democracy through Force Through nation building that party in a sense dying now with the neocons the 200 Bush Administration officials who have endorsed Harris as far as I'm concerned go for it the Washington DC swamp will always be behind Cala Harris because that's what they represent the surveillance State the Iraq War purveyors the people who worked for halberton the people that worked for Dick Cheney and Liz Cheney who try to hit president Trump through uh ridiculous committees whether it be in Congress whether it through be through backdoor Antics president Trump was able to fend off two thaw impeachments he was able to fend off all the law fair what you saw with Mara Lago being raid what you've seen with the RICO statutes being used against him in Fulton County Fanny Willis showing up with her boyfriend her daughter by the way uh also due process should happen there which it is right now but her daughter was on arrested for a suspended license and of course fny will is showing up uh to fayet county in fville to protect her daughter in that moment let's talk about maybe law fair in that situation but I digress president Trump doing this a true Third Way the populist candidate for our time for the Maga movement that has attracted traditional Republicans and traditional liberal Democrats into the fold I much rather have Tulsi gabard and Bobby Kennedy Jr along with these great magga Patriots you are here to see President Trump talk on the economy today in order to make America wealthy again make America safe again strong again and to make America great again and if you Patriots at home enjoy the coverage you're getting here at right side broadcasting we'd really be honored to have any of your donations and of course as president Trump said these are tough times cost of living is through the roof if it's tough for you and your family at home please don't contribute but if you're able to give a dollar or two maybe $20 gosh if you could give 47 or even 56 the average of of what the Trump campaign has seen in the last couple of months we'd really be honored to have that here at right side broadcasting because we are your 2024 election headquarters we are committed to bringing you the most comprehensive coverage of president Donald J Trump's campaign whether that's in New York New York Philadelphia Pennsylvania or out here in Tucson Arizona and in Philadelphia we saw that debate just a couple of nights ago fake news ABC doing a miserable job with follow-ups doing a terrible job with fact checks you actually have to fact check the fact Checkers which gosh that's what we're doing here at rsbn we're honored to do that but make sure to like and share this broadcast whether it's on YouTube Rumble true social Facebook all the major platforms please share us and get out there and subscribe to our uh platform that way we even have a social media app or if you want exclusive updates straight to your inbox I get them on a regular basis myself sign up for our newsletter RSB newsletter and if you love our content and want to support our mission please consider donating at RSB donate every contribution big or small helps us continue to bring you unbridled access to everywhere president Trump will be so we truly appreciate your support and you can text rsbn to 80181 to stay connected and get all the latest on rsbn we're so proud to have your support and thank you uh as your hor correspondent I'm just proud to be part of this and to bring you everything that we can here whether it's Tucson Arizona tomorrow we'll be in Los Angeles California the Trump National Golf Club then going to Las Vegas Nevada for a big rally in the Sin City which will have a glimmer of hope not only a glimmer of gold but a glimmer of Truth and Trust coming from the next president of the United States Donald Trump we'd also like to thank free Trump this great guide has been updated for 2024 and explains Trump's Vision to our future voters in America uh our young people who have an integral role whether it be in high school or middle school or even your young ones who have just started reading it's not surprising to learn as we've talked throughout this broadcast crime is out of control especially on America's Southern border we are just 57 Mi north of that here in Tucson today illegal immigrants are pouring in from our Southern border thanks to the Biden crime policies and the immigration policies that are overwhelming our cities think about Springfield Ohio Chicago Illinois Aurora Colorado the crime from these Venezuelan MS13 gangs in Central and South America these prisons have been emptied and some of these cities in Central and South America experiencing a Heyday of safety because they've poured all of their worst actors into the United States just look at what happened at the University of Georgia to Lake and Riley a beautiful nursing student only 22 years old she was jogging in the afternoon and was cruy murdered by an illegal immigrant from Venezuela this has to stop as a result more and more Americans are agreeing with the Trump policies on immigration and securing our border and as future border our future voters our kids deserve to know the truth about the Trump policies so go to free Trump fre Trump and get to see America's vision for the future from 45- 47's Vision you can see all this Donald J agenda 47 the 20 promises adopted by the Republican National Committee and their convention back in Milwaukee in July of this year to make America wealthy again make America strong again make America safe again and ultimately to make America great again and we're happy to bring you this commentary here at right side broadcasting your 2024 election Integrity headquarters to bring you all unbridled access of these beautiful beautiful venues and studios here no taxs on tips and also we have make housing affordable again just two of the issues that President Trump will highlight today in his remarks from Tucson we have media actually right here on the floor amongst um the magga Patriots I'm seeing just feet from them wonderful people uh all getting ready to see the action today and then we also have just above us on the third floor some of the media as well and our friends over at rava right next door to us as well so it's always a pleasure catching up with colleagues well I'm Bobby mcne from Tucson Arizona the high desert ready to bring to you president Trump but in the meantime we're going to go to Commercial and we'll be be right back from Tucson Arizona hi folks rsbn founder and CEO Joe seals here did you know there is nearly $1 trillion of infrastructure and pandemic funds yet to be spent that's right there's a massive amount of money that the lame duck Administration is pushing hard to spend in their last few months if the president is able to push these funds out we could see another prolonged inflation surge just like during Co and I'm sure you remember the terrible effects that high price is had on most Americans but there's hope a surge in prices can be beaten a gold Ira from bir Gold group is the ultimate inflation Hedge for your savings in uncertain times to see how to protect your IA or 401K get your free info kit on go by texting the word Trump to 98 9898 Birch gold makes it seamless to roll over your retirement account while preserving your tax advantage status don't wait for the president's spending spree to tank the dollar further protect your final financial future Now text Trump to the number 9898 98 for your free info kit from Birch gold hey y'all it's silk from the diamond and silk chitchat live show look don't forget to check me out right here on rsbn network be sure to watch the show on right side broadcasting network and I want you to support right side broadcasting network yes it's imperative that you do so okay I look to see y'all soon bye-bye parents and grandparents the 2024 kids guide to president Trump is here and it's free as a bonus your child gets a free issue of everbrite Kids magazine and activity book and a free video Lesson order now at free Trump that's free Trump you ask and we listen we're finally bringing the most requested offer ever get the queen siiz premium my pillow now only 1998 my pillow is made with patented adjustable F fill it adjust to your exact individual needs regardless of your sleep position it helps keep your neck align and holds it shape all night long so you get the best sleep of your life but that's not all get our six-piece kitchen or bath tole sets only $25 our brand new mattress topper as low as $69.98 get our famous my pillow bed sheets for as low as $25 and so much more so go to or call the number on your screen you your promo code to get huge discounts on all my pillow products including the premium queen-size my pillow only $19.98 that's the lowest price ever don't delay order today from all of us here at my pillow than America welcome to the right side broadcasting network we're not like the other media Outlets out there that cut and edit what other people say in 2015 we were created by our founder Joe seals to cover president Donald J Trump's speeches and rallies to which we continue to do to this day we've also covered important conservative events like CPAC tpusa March for Life and many other important events and hearings around the country we were made for people like you everyday Americans who are tired of the mainstream media who are tired of being lied to manipulated and fed an agenda our goal here at R side broadcasting is to allow you to see the truth giving our correspondents and commentators a wide latitude to speak their minds you won't find anything like this in the mainstream media your support through your donations locals and supporting our advertisers allows us to continue to cover important events around the country each and every day so from us here at right side broadcasting thank you for supporting us and the right side of [Music] history and welcome back to Tucson Arizona in this beautiful Music Auditorium it reminds me of when I did theater way back when as a college and high school student I'm Bobby mcney it's a pleasure to be here with you in what is a wonderful State what is a pivotal state in the choosing and selecting of the next president of the United States Tucson Arizona we've heard from the vice president of the national border patrol Council we have heard from the chairwoman of the Arizona Republican party and also Carrie Lake the exciting US Senate candidate um prepping the crowd right before President Trump speaks on no tip tips on or no tax on tips excuse me and also making housing affordable again a key issue kri lake has brought up and now she actually has brought up the fact that they will be highlighting that in her campaign that has just been moved to Tucson um it was in Phoenix earlier this year but they had to moveed on down to Tucson to compete in these more blue areas like to thank our sponsors for bringing you right side broadcasting today as the campaign is only 54 days away until the presidential election my pillow let me tell you go to to rsbn for these amazing deals that Mr Mike Lindell is putting forward for the magga Patriot viewers for you at home you could also call the number 800 54489 39 for all of this extraordinary stuff that they're selling and as you know uh Mr Mike Lindell an amazing marketer always interested in bringing you the best quality products that are americanmade whether it's amazing pillows the comforters also claws towels bed comforters things in that nature um if you have students who have just gone back to college this may be an excellent option for them as many of the items are only $25 he is throwing a $25 Extravaganza to celebrate bringing back students uh to their respective schools and also you know Master Mike Lindell and his employees always up against the cancel culture they've been cancelled themselves I was fortunate enough to interview him along with the Magnificent Matthew Alvarez in the studio recently he will have footage coming out as he went undercover at the DNC uh the Democrat National coronation in Chicago um a month ago to highlight some of the things that were going on there some of the Antics like free visectomy free abortions that must have been a nightmare uh so sad to see that at the United Center but go to rsbn for the most amazing deal is the $25 Extravaganza on that site right now we also like to thank tax with over 14 years in the business they have saved magga Patriots like you over1 billion in back taxes Yes you heard me right $1 billion with a B they are experts at state taxes federal taxes they know how to work with their clients to take on the IRS so that you're not left alone just think about this the IRS is escalating collections they have added recently thousands of new agents and sent over 5 million collection letters that was just to kick off 2024 and now as we enter the last leg of Q4 in the sales world you talk about quarter 4 this the last leg of the presidential election don't let the IRS take advantage of you in these trying times with over 14 years of experience tax Network USA has saved their clients over $1 billion in back taxes no matter the size of your tax issue their expertise is your advantage they specialize in negotiating with the IRS aiming to significantly reduce your debt so visit these great experts at TN rsbn that is TN rsbn or call 800 3571 1415 and let's make sure that they are not taking advantage of you the clock is ticking do not let the IRS Sease control of your financial future contact tax Network and so much happening in the news over the last couple of days we have Congressional testimony happening of those family members mostly moms who lost children or loved ones to the violence of illegal immigrants to the fentanyl crisis that's been pouring over our Southern border we are just 57 miles north of that right now of where so much of the crime does pour over I have personally been to the border on a couple of occasions here in the Tucson sector right near nagales it is a horrific thing for many people and there are many people who are willing to hand over family members to these coyotes these cartels so that they're able to chance a better life in America but they get trafficked in the process either sexually or through uh labor trafficking and we must continue to pray that this changes but we need to put those prayers into action as well and we saw that with President Trump just a four short years ago when he was almost finished creating a big beautiful border wall many of these steel beams still sitting on the ground because the Biden Administration halted it as president Trump has said if Biden just did not touch those policies then everything would have been okay but Biden here has decided to make this a politically charged issue and instead of protecting the American people they have put border patrol in a crisis and border patrol saying on a regular basis that they are done with the Biden Harris agenda that they are sickened and saddened by over 300,000 children that have gone missing at our border and the only way back to solving this crisis and this problem is to get someone like Donald Trump back into the White House to implement these policies immediately and on day one when he takes that oath of office on January 20th 2025 to become the 47th president of the United States and this is interesting with border policies there are many executive actions that can be taken by the chief by the commander-in-chief in order to get that done and president Trump is unafraid as he stated two nights ago at the debate in Philadelphia Pennsylvania he is ready to enact these Common Sense border policies to make America safe again and to make America great again and in the process of this we need to make our economy wealthy again and to make sure you the American people are safe at home uh financially because with all of these crisis happening simultaneously you never know what might come your Direction so we' like to thank our sponsor over at American Finance mortgage interest rates are skyrocketing and we are hoping to have them drop to the low fives but if you've been waiting to figure out how to get your finances in order you need to call my friends at American Finance today a lot of us are carrying very very high interest rate credit card debt and balances that charges 20% or more each month and how can you get by with that in the Biden inflationary times with cost of living being so insane and through the roof it's time to get rid of those American financing salary based mortgage consultants are helping homeowners just like you at home to tap into their homes equity and to save with all of this highin debt they're saving their average customer $800 a month by doing this so these rates are dropping with the decision I mean it's very easy to get this done if you reach out to my friends over at American Finance today all it takes is a 10-minute phone call no cost no obligation investment solely of your time if you start today you might be able to delay two mortgage payments so call American financing today at 888 80433 that's 88842 2299 and that is 88842 0299 American my friends over at American financing to make sure you are safe and financially healthy in these uncertain times and you could see here president Trump will talk on making him M housing affordable again and no taxes on tips these are two points that the Harris campaign have actually stolen in recent days and she finally actually has a platform on her website much of it is copied and pasted from the Biden Administration policies of now yesterday year but president Trump really threw down that right hook at the end of the debate on Tuesday if you are spewing all of these beliefs if you are talking about everything you want to do Madame vice president why haven't you done it in the last three and a half years why haven't you gone to that b beautiful white house her office sits across from the Oval Office she's in the executive office of the Eisenhower Building she can walk down those steps outside of her very ornate office and say Mr president President Biden we need to do this that and the other in order to solve the problems that Americans are facing and just some of those problems I can pull up for you again when it comes to the cost of living and how difficult it is to choose between medications to getting those extra groceries to filling up that tank I have friends mentioned to me too there's certain things they won't do on a weekend just because they might be too Out Of Reach just to drive there and forget Uber or lift because they just don't have enough Savings in the bank at this time let's go to coffee for example that was down 2.4% under trump it is up in the red 21.3% under Harrison Biden pet food it was only up 2.1% under Trump and then vice president Pence it is now in the red 23.8% just inflationary rates on your own pet food let's talk about clothing and apparel that was in a negative green 7.0% under Trump clothing affordable now in a harsh yellow 99.9% under Harris and Biden nonprescription drugs down 8% under Trump up with Harris and Biden at 18.4% eggs eggs I should say eggs eggs my Midwest accent comes out at times but your favorite protein breakfast food as it is mine down 4.8% in the green under President Trump just four short years ago up a staggering 46.8% under the Harris Biden Administration and in many ways it's the correct way to put it Harris Biden because who has been in control the last four years I was happy to see President Biden at Shanksville Pennsylvania actually have a nice exchange with Trump supporters signing his own presidential hat for the gentleman to keep as they were commemorating the horrible anniversary of those attacks 23 years ago but then President Biden actually put on the Maga hat and that was a a fun moment maybe President Biden is secretly Maga and heck why not we'd love for him to convert and join the the process if um he's so moved by that at this moment and uh Mr director it got pretty loud in here with all the cheering and the music I I heard a sponsor come in my ear but if you could repeat that one more time I love that thank you so much to share that over the air here but we are just moments away from president Trump speaking to a sold out crowd and when I say sold out these are actually free seats so make sure you just reg register at in order to be part of these fun events and that's what it is at the end of the day it's fun it's what our Founders envisioned you getting involved in the election process in our electoral process which Speaking of electoral votes 93 really at stake in seven different states 20 different counties 2020 was a finicky year but regardless of your beliefs on where election integrity was is or is going only 20,000 votes and the popular votes separated that contest just four short years ago so you have to get involved one way or another and we've seen so many people move with and vote by just using their feet moving to other places other states with opportunity for me personally it was Chicago land and going down to Georgia in order to find a better way of life with which I have personally and being able to focus on more things to help save America but one of our sponsors is really focused on making sure you have the Peace of Mind in your own property and that's Tennessee land people are moving to Tennessee in droves you may have friends at home I have many friends in the Nashville area who I like to visit on a regular basis just three or so short hours from Atlanta but it's one of the big growth stories in the United States and who doesn't love Nashville I mean the headquarter of the music entertainment industry especially country music everybody I know is going there in droves 0% state income tax a pro business growth environment hands-off government spectacular Countryside fun cities what not to love American freedom is Alive and Well in the volunteer state if this sounds good to you right now Tennessee land is selling off large Acres of properties just outside of Nashville we're talking land Acres lakes in this popular destination spot way below the market values you can get this from 89,000 folks just north of that uh $89,900 5 Acres with a cozy cabin and quiet Woods that's only $109,900 and can you believe that look at this 18 Acres riding trails in Horse Country nearly 160,000 how beautiful is that in this popular destination spot way below market value you can have just all you're dreaming for in that Countryside atmosphere close to one of the most popular tourist destinations in all of America Nashville Tennessee build camp and invest property your way learn more about these great opportunities by visiting www. 866 345 that's w ww. 866 345 you can also call by going to 866 345 land forget Wall Street go to Main Street buy something real make that move to the volunteer state of Tennessee and you know what's so neat about Tennessee you can actually visit the Hermitage that is the home of America's original people's president a Democrat back when Bobby Kennedy has mentioned this several times in the campaign Trail Democrat the Greek root of that word being deos of the people and Andrew Jackson the great military hero the general you think of the Battle of New Orleans his military struck down the British Navy the most powerful navy at the time in just 37 minutes with militia men with Minutemen with uh military regulars with those who were so brave to defend this new country that England thought that they could take back 30 short years after Independence was called from a small 13 colonies look at what we have become over nearly 250 years but you can visit the Hermitage 82% of that home is the original home of what Andrew Jackson the general president had gone and seen himself a man who was born in a log cabin Who Rose to become the seventh president of the United States who at the time took on entrenched Banks and took took over a rep Republican apparatus and Status party status quo that was in New England at the time took on John coiny Adams and one uh he's an inspiration for me personally and a man who although imperfect was right for his time in his moment in American history you can actually visit the grave of many generations of Jackson members of the family many who are still giving and serving to the community one is currently an appell judge in Tennessee but president Trump visited the Hermitage early on in his presidency and goosebumps just go up my spine thinking about that moment where he saluted the grave president Trump has taken on this job seriously and has paid homage to his predecessors whether that be President Andrew Jackson the 19th century or President George HW Bush Bush 41 who had passed away in 2018 that iconic moment in the capital retunda where president Trump and and first lady Melania Trump went to pay their respects and president Trump in that moment saluting the casket Donald John Trump is the man at the moment for this job the people's president uh clearly inspired by those who have come before him in order to complete the job to get the job done and mind you president Trump is 78 years old who has a grueling schedule after that debate he goes into the spin room talks to our friend over at Fox Sean Hannity has a mini press conference in that moment talking on the highlights of the debate and then gets up in the morning and makes phone calls right off the bat I think that's the thing I miss most about the Trump presidency four short years ago was that I'm a kind of guy I'm an early riser I go to bed late but I I like to get up early get my coffee go to the gym but you see that President Trump would jump right on those phone calls you could turn on the TV and he'd be given press conferences everywhere in the moment and ready to talk on so many issues he's so sharp and ready to go uh for the American people and he helps to do so again as the 47th president but here at right side broadcasting we're so honored to bring you unbridled coverage of all different kinds of magga rallies or remarks that you could see here in this Auditorium I'm just looking around at all the wonderful Patriots here and excited even some behind us ready to see all of the events of today but we can only do with wonderful sponsors like Birch gold and if you text Trump to 98 9898 you can get a free Birch gold info kit that is endorsed by Patriots like Ron Paul Dan banino and um Steve Bannon who has gone to prison for his first amendment rights to free speech and simply for putting forward those populous policies uh in in team and in conjunction with Peter Navaro who have made those great reforms and fought hard for the American people alongside president Trump to bring manufacturing back to America but for a short period of time you can with your purchase of any Birch gold materials go and get a free Trump silver coin that actually commemorates those terrible events those day of July 13th in Butler Pennsylvania the near assassination attempt of President Donald J Trump Cory keur our thoughts and prayers are still with the family of the hero firefighter who covered his family in that moment uh such a sad day but an iconic day in American history where president Trump courageously said fight fight fight he rose the fist in the air and that emblem on that coin I wish I had one with me at the moment to show you but it says fight on the coin the amazing symbol of President Trump flanked by his Secret Service agents along with that beautiful American flag in the background on the back of that coin our beautiful White House and it's a pretty heavy silver coin uh very similar to the 1960s half dollar silver coin of JFK's bust in that uh photo as well an iconic thing to uh take home as memorabilia so you can do that by going to Trump texting Trump to 9898 98 thank you to our wonderful sponsors over at Birch gold group and all they do uh for the American people and let's just look back at history right now 50 years the Petro dollar was the go-to of the world's currency the world traded on these Petro dollars with the Saudi Arabians to make sure that uh the world's go-to currency was the American dollar that has faltered because of the Biden Administration now President Biden has moved to Bricks Nations like Brazil India China he has dest destroyed American foreign policy in that regard and making the world less safe as a result and these other world leaders many of them bad guys bad dictators Big Bad Bosses trying to influence the world and that's not good so you need to financially secure yourself as inflation goes up as the the GDP goes down and our cost of living skyrockets the debt going through the roof trillions and trillions of dollars under Biden and Harris so go to Great Patriots like Birch gold to figure out how to weather the storm in these inflationary times and we expect president Trump to highlight many of those topics today at this speech as you can see the backdrop here making housing affordable again no tax on tips two important highlights as he seeks to become the 47th president of the United States and you hear the excitement in the crowd and in the group as they actively wait for their favorite President who seeks to become reelected and he would be the first to do this since president Grover Cleveland in the 19th century think about this folks an amazing thing to see that about five different men have attempted to do this to seek the presidency after having it um lost or not have winning the reelection only Grover Cleveland was the 22nd and 24th presidents of the United States respectively a Dem Democrats who uh really work towards those issues of fighting for the American people as president Trump has on a regular basis and that's why my friends at home who may be viewing this we might be Republicans we might be Democrats we might be Independents but as tulsy gabard and Bobby Kennedy Jr have so brilliantly articulated in the last few weeks here it doesn't matter the Washington swamp is who they are they've crowned themselves they've showed their TR colors that they don't care about you the American people but we have a handful of Mega electeds in our Congress ready to fight for you alongside president Trump to make America safe again to make America strong again to make America wealthy again and ultimately to make America great again and I really I'm going to step off for a quick moment just so you could see here there are many people even waiting on stage for the event today several posters in there I can't make that out other than we love Trump and some others there say hi to our friends here and some people I recognize from different events it's fun when you go to these different rallies because for some people it's many multiple events they've been to over a period of time um for some of us over 86 rallies sums their first there's gentleman right there waving all the way down in front as you can see the signs Arizona welcomes president Trump to what is sure to be an amazing economic speech here in Tucson Arizona this is a very blue City but ker Lake coming out just moments ago warming up the crowd and mentioning that she has put her headquarters in their campaign for the United States Senate here in Tucson to compete everywhere throughout the state this in Pima County is the second largest population area outside of Maricopa County and the Phoenix Metro Area it's a short 2 hours or so away pending traffic of course and uh Mr DOR I can hear you back at the mothership and we are ready to get ready for president Donald Trump as he is going to present some comments on the economy what I've been most impressed upon by his recent comments is that he can pack in a lot to a speech you know they're almost always over an hour long many 90 minutes or longer and this President ready to make America great Again by putting forward those agenda 47 policy platforms that are really something that Republicans Democrats everyone uh in the middle class uh in the lower class in the upper class could really agree upon but what's interesting for the modern Elites of the Democrat Party and that's what we speak on when we're talking about uh the Democrat Party is that they've gone very far left not only in communist and Marxist policies but they become a party of the elite they are no longer the Bobby Kennedy party that Junior speaks on on a regular basis that his father fought for that his uncle fought for if you can recall his many comments recently saying that his father fought for the little guy for the person who was the blue collar man who got up and went out early to provide for his family as you can hear the magga Patriots yelling USA USA USA it's always an exciting atmosphere vice president Camala Harris the other night in the debate saying actually welcoming people inviting them to come to these different Maga rallies and it's a one area where I happen to agree with her yes come to these rallies because as Congressman Dean Phillips rightly cited back in January someone who actually took on President Biden the right where the right way the Democrat way the in the primary seeking to unseat the president peacefully and patriotically mentioned on CN then you know I went over in Minnesota after one of my own campaign rallies to a Maga rally and I learned how great the people are how friendly how much fun they are they simply care about the future of their communities the future of their country and at the end of the day folks that's who we are the American people seeking to be United a nation indivisible under god with liberty and justice for all that's who we are and that's why I'm here personally at right side broadcasting fighting hard to bring you this coverage with my great colleagues you know whether it is uh Megan kler or uh the Magnificent Matthew Alvarez Nikki stanion Paul and Gracia and so many others who bring you this wonderful content on a regular basis to make sure that this country is back on the right path to make it not only safe and strong again but make it great again God President Reagan talked about this he said let's make America great again President Bill Clinton talked about this remember his speeches from the 1990s even the the Democrat ethos of deos by the people for the people that's out the window right now and I'm going to show you some more of this uh wonderful crowd today as I step off camera for a moment just to cover this incredible rally in Tucson Arizona this is a vital State and you can see those awesome you have some of the Trump staff who they take some of the social media uh for the campaign themselves so get some of those poster board in there and those are some of the viral videos you might see uh as the campaign goes on and we are only now 54 days away from the most important campaign in my lifetime uh for really a campaign based on Liberty versus tyranny and I think about some of the celebrities recently have been so funny to hear some of their commentary on what's happened with the election Elton John did a recent report or had an interview talking to a reporter And the reporter said are you upset that President Trump has your music on and are you upset that you're not um necessarily a supporter of his and he said I have to say Donald's always been a great gentleman towards me he's always been at my different concerts and I've really enjoyed that he's been a fan of my music for so many years so Elton John being a real gentleman uh in that moment and that's what's so great to see we can agree to disagree without being disagreeable at the end of the end of the day it's about Patriots coming together to make sure they make our country great again and I got this young gentleman uh it's off camera here he's dancing he's ready to go ready for the uh the Maga event here that will take place doing a little bit of President Trump's move so that's always fun to see and other celebrity news we have Harrison buter who's been a great defender of his um or excuse me uh Mr Mahomes who is the quarterback for the Kansas City Chiefs who has been been supporting his wife Britney Mahomes who came out to support president Trump of course her friend Taylor Swift endorsing vice president Kamala Harris for different reasons but exciting to see the dialogue on that team and them becoming a microcosm of American culture at such young ages the average age of that defense only 25 years old the defending Super Bowl champions we saw Tyreek Hill who was arrested for reckless speeding in Miami before the game with the Buffalo Bill the other day taking responsibility saying I could have been more responsible for my actions and you know thanking the police officers for being professional in that moment we saw John ban Jovi in Nashville Tennessee shooting a music video with his staff with his crew actually saving a woman's life the other day and we know he's a committed liberal in and of his own right but uh thank you to Mr Bon joy for being such a brave Patriot and saving that woman's life stepping out of his comfort zone and helping pull her over the fence and to make sure that she was safe and um just to have another day at life and wow that's that's the story of America Second Chances going after your dreams being reminded of the fact that life is precious we reflect on this just yesterday was the 23rd anniversary of the 9/11 attacks president Trump uh visiting in a bipar and fashion with other independent and Democrat politicians including the incumbent president and vice president at Ground Zero the reading of the names of the 2,977 who lost their lives that day he then visited with Senator JD Vance Shanksville Pennsylvania that field of Brave Heroes who prayed the Our Father before taking on the radical Islamic terrorists saying Let's Roll Todd dreamer a Wheaten college student outside of Chicago taking on those horrible horrible people that day but uh invoking the Lord praying with his fellow passengers and being Heroes that plane was intended for the White House or the capital that we know of that in present day so God be with the victims and the families as They Mourn those losses and as we reminded of how much is at stake and how much security is needed for the general welfare of this country and God bless those Brave women in in blue that defend us on a regular Bas basis to secure this American Border so much horrible things so many horrible things have poured over this border including fentanyl in recent times but as we get ready for president Donald Trump to come out for a rally in Tucson we are going to pass on to the Magnificent Matthew Alvarez in studio right now all right thank you so much Bobby mcney as you guys guys see there in Tucson Arizona as soon as president Trump takes the stage we'll be going right to that as soon as possible obviously as soon as a music plays as well uh you're watching live coverage here on right side broadcasting network there's a few uh news stories uh that are happening right now other than president Trump uh speaking here in a few minutes uh one thing we can see is of course president Trump on Truth social saying there will be no more debates uh he said it on Truth social uh within the hour uh Kam Harris saying we owe it to the American people to have another debate well as you guys know there is no debate we already know where president Trump stands we know where Harris and walls stand and Harris and Company had three and a half years to uh get things uh rolling good for the for the country and they just haven't done that and we know uh what they stand for as well as we see uh possibly someone there uh on the podium right now director do we see someone there uh no we don't okay I just saw some of the uh people in the the background there but uh to the point of uh some of the news today again uh president Trump saying there will be no more debates Harris trying to make this a thing well at the end of the day we know uh president Trump uh in my opinion should be actually wrapping up his second term as president let alone now running of of course for a third time uh as the American people are not only uh in full support uh we see that through the polls we see that on the boots on the ground and we see that uh throughout the country uh in support for president Trump and common sense so uh we know that President Trump is kicking off a West Coast tour today this is three states in 48 hours he's in Tucson Arizona today then of course as you heard from Bobby McNeilly there uh live uh in uh Los Angeles tomorrow morning for a press conference and then a h huge rally in Las Vegas tomorrow night all the coverage you want and need right here on right side broadcasting network and you know without people like uh the late Rush limbal the great conservative and without president Trump uh talking about fake news media uh the conser J Trump and I'm proud to be an American where it least I know I'm free and I won't forget the men who died who gave that right to me and I gladly stand up next to you and defend her still today cuz there ain't no doubt I love this land God Bless the USA [Music] [Applause] [Music] from the lakes of Minnesota to the hills of Tennessee across the plains of Texas from sea to shining sea from Detroit down to Houston and New York to LA where there's pride in every American Heart and it's time we stand and sing [Music] that I'm proud to be an American where at least I know I'm free and I won't forget the men who died who gave that light to me and I gladly stand up next to you and defend her still today cuz there ain't no doubt I love this land God Bless the USA [Applause] and I'm proud to be an American where at least I know I'm free and I won't forget the men who died who gave that light to me and I gladly stand up next to you and defend her still today CU you a no doubt I love you God bless for you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] this is a very rambunctious crowd this is a rambunctious crowd well hello tucon it's great to be with you I love I love this place we've been very successful here as you know and I'm thrilled to be back in the great state of Arizona with thousands of proud hardworking American [Music] Patriots that's why this is a nice group I like it look at all those people wow as everyone saw two nights ago we had a Monumental victory over comrade Camala Harris in the presidential dep we won big with independent voters moderates Republicans and working people all across this nation putting forward a Clear Vision to to very simply make America great again meanwhile Camala Harris showed up spewing empty rhetoric the same old lies meaningless platitudes offering no plans no policies and no details whatsoever nothing the two anchors David mure and Lindsey Davis sat there and only corrected me on things where I was right but didn't correct Camala on Project 25 that I knew nothing about on the bloodbath hoax that has been totally debunked which had to do with the automobile industry that is going to be dying it's dying under this Administration they're all going to be shipped out to China and everybody in the automobile industry making manufacturing automobiles vote for Trump we're going to bring back that industry these people are killing you she talked about knowing it was all fault she talked about the Charlottesville hoax and these people did nothing about it which has been totally debunked as they say by Snopes and snoops and everybody else and go look it up go to snoops whatever the hell that is now I hear that's a Liberal site and they came out totally in favor of me this guy it's got to be a bad thing but they said they gave you total phony sers Cala Harris said that no state allows abortion in the 9th month which is a complete and total lie they do they do and even after birth in some cases she claimed I want to monitor women's pregnancies I don't want to I don't want to do that I don't want to it's a total Li I don't want to do that women I won't be following you around to the hospital monitoring no she made it up she's a liar she doesn't work at McDonald's she said she worked at McDonald's right right she worked at McDonald's and she was working so hard there's only one problem she didn't work at McDonald's she's a liar liar she claimed that I want to deny people IVF treatment when in fact I want to require insurance companies to pay for it and I came out totally in favor of IVF that's fertilization for the men in the audience of which we got a lot of tough ones here she claims she doesn't want to ban fracking when she said repeatedly over a 10-year period I will not have fracking then about little while ago she goes I'd love to have fracking her pollster came back and said this is not good in Pennsylvania you want a ban fracking that's not so good that's a big part of what they do right and uh she came back she came back all of a sudden she thought fracking was wonderful here's what happens with all of these things right after the election she goes back to where she was she claimed she doesn't support Mass gun confiscation when in fact she supported it entirely and through her entire career think of that she wants to confiscate your guns [Applause] does anybody in the audience have a gun raise your hand would you mind if this lunatic knocked on your door hello I'd like to take away your gun is that all [Applause] right especially the women won't allow it they're not going to allow that's unbelievable what is that about 100% of the audience let's go does anybody in the audience not have a gun wait there [Applause] somebody so if you want to keep your gun we don't have to go through the rest of it you want to keep your gun vote for Trump okay I promise but you know she did something even worse than that you know what it is she was the leader of a thing called the movement defund the police how about that she was the leader of the movement to defund the police now think of it anybody that wants to defund the police that's called she's down and dirty left okay that's down and dirty if she's in there for a week at defund the police we don't want her to be president we don't want her for anything frankly but all of a sudden all of a sudden she said no I never said it you know she actually goes around saying she never said it but we've got like 10 years of tapes where she's saying it with the guns with the fracking with everything we mentioned she had many years of tapes but the public was not fooled they saw right through it kamala's lies and unprecedented partisan interference of two low life anchors in low lives for them to do what they did and they wouldn't correct her on like project 25 I don't know what the hell it is I purposely have not read it I could but I don't want to because they never had my authorization and for them to allow her to get away with me everything I said oh well we don't think it's true like the crime statistics the FBI didn't report the most crime ridden cities they didn't do it they left out large numbers of areas where they had a lot of crime so the numbers came in they weren't up too much and if anybody in this audience doesn't think there's more crime now there's so much more crime now but they gave false and fraudulent numbers they did it with something else 88,000 jobs think of it they said they had 88,000 jobs that didn't exist so your jobs numbers look better but now they had to do what happened is they were taken away by a leaker usually I don't like leakers but I like this particular leaker whoever it was but when a prize fighter loses a fight you've seen a lot of fights right the first words out of that Fighter's mouth is I want to rematch I want a rematch and that's what she said I want a rematch polls clearly show that I won the debate against comrade Camala Harris and as you probably know because you know when you say Harris does anybody know who Harris is now Kamala is a very different kind of a word nice name very nice name but you know where is Kam you know noris Harris when you say Harris everyone says who the hell is that right but she immediately called for a second debate which means that she was like a price fighter that lost a fight we had two debes Deb so I had a debate with crooked Joe Biden right and I had another debate with her she and crooked Joe have destroyed our country with millions of criminals and mentally deranged people pouring into the USA totally unchecked unvetted and with inflation bankrupting our middle class it has gotten bad everyone knows this and all of the other problems caused by Camala and Joe it was discussed in great detail during the first debate with Joe and the second debate with comrade Harris she was a no show at the fox debate you know Fox invited her she was a no show I sat with the great Shan Hannity does anybody know Shan Hann good man he's a good man and I said where is she she didn't show so we did a town hall and he got great ratings in that town hall I'll tell you right now got really great LED all of television for the week that's not bad right simple Town Hall turned out to be uh it turned out to be a town hall from what it was supposed to be but she didn't show up and refused also to do NBC and CBS she went over to ABC which in my opinion has taken a big hit because these two people were bad news they kept screaming at me I said why are you screaming I'm say myself I'm looking I always liked him I'm not going to watch him anymore I'm I'm not going to watch him because he's not legit what he did I'm not going to watch [Applause] him and his hair is not as good as it used to be you know Cala should focus on what she should have done during the last almost fouryear period She kept complaining well you know when I'm in I'm going to do this and I'm going to do that I'm and at the end of the debate I said why don't you just do it you could leave right now why don't you do it I'm going to do this and then I'm going to do that and then I'm going to do this and that and that remember at the convention when she went out and they nominated her even though she got no votes they nominated no she came in last place in the primaries right and then she got and then she said Donald Trump is a threat to democracy no she's a threat to she is a threat to democracy but do you remember when she went out and she said thank you do you remember that it was the weirdest thing am I wrong cuz they were saying JD and I are weird no we're very solid people she's weird and that vice president of hers is really weird he's [Applause] really that was a sound bite you know they said uh oh he's weird that was in other words they gave it to their friends in the fake news weird it's something I've never called I've been called a lot of bad things but not weird but you know she went out and the people were applauding and stuff and she goes thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you than I think she went nuts there was something wrong with her but I was very happy because I got the endorsement of the vice president's family and I got the endorsement of the vice president's brother and even sent me a contribution and and I was very happy because Barack Hussein Obama his brother as you know endorsed me so no his brother endorsed me that's not easy now he so we have the endorsement of President Obama's brother we have the endorsement of the brother of the future vice president president he better not win if he ever won this country will be in bad shape it's already in bad shape three and a half years of what they've done to this country especially look we're laughed at all over the world we would have never had the Russia Ukraine problem we would have never had we would have never had October 7th Israel the attack on Israel none of these things and we wouldn't have had inflation and we wouldn't have had that horrible the way we pulled out in Afghan fistan was so horrible none of those things would have happened we would have had a much different country and we wouldn't have 21 million people in our country right now that shouldn't be here that I can tell so because we've done two debates and because they were successful there will be no third debate it's too late anyway the voting's already begun you got to go out and vote we got to vote we're going to this is going to be the most important vote in the history of our country it'll be the most important people said that I was angry at the debate angry I was angry and yes I am angry because he allowed 21 million illegal aliens invading our communities many of them are criminals many are criminals I'm angry I'm [Applause] angry they said he's an angry person no they're destroying our country I don't like she's you know she's smiling well practice right did you just see her she's like we're talking about a border Invasion the likes of which no country has ever suffered and te like this but I am angry about Venezuelan gangs taking over Aurora Colorado and illegal Haitians and he came in illegal Haitian migrants taking over a beautiful place it was so beautiful Springfield oh oh I was there I campaigned there a while ago Springfield it was so beautiful now it's just what a place can you imagine you have this small little Community all of a sudden you have 20,000 illegals in your community nobody knows where they come from I'm angry about Young American girls being raped and sodomized and murdered by Savage criminal aliens I'm angry about ramping inflation destroying our middle class and the American people are also very angry about that and every other thing that we've had to endure for three and a half years that's why 54 days from now we are going to tell Harris that we've had enough our country can't take it anymore we're going to go comrade Camala Harris you've done a horrible job you've been the worst vice president in the history of our country you had no chance of getting this position you shouldn't have had it you got no votes whether you like Biden or not he got 14 million votes he had none not one we're going to go comrade you're fired get out get out get out thank you thank you [Applause] everybody so thank you wasn't The Apprentice a great show though was do you think if didn't do the Apprentice because that's a big question because a lot of people in Hollywood are blaming themselves for this they're saying if we didn't do the Apprentice he wouldn't be but you know they all vote for me you know that because they want to pay low taxes they talk about no we don't like Trump but when they go to vote they go anybody watch it's true they want low taxes no crime Great Schools strong military they don't want a border invasion they don't want people pouring across the border illegally from prisons and places so they go in they say you no no I'm not for Trump at all I will never vote for him then they go in it's true and then they go out and they do exit poles and you know in 2016 and and 2020 where I got many more Millions more votes by the way I hate to say that they say oh that's a conspiracy theorist no it's called I got more votes than any sitting president in the history of our country and they said we lost I was told if I got 63 million votes which is what I got in 2016 you can't lose just get 63 I got close to 12 million more votes on that and we lost but we didn't lose what what and we're never going to let that happen again in this country we're never going to let that happen we can't let that happen again but when they had exit polls 2016 and they said oh he's getting killed in the exit polls and I remember NBC and that stupid ABC that did this horrible debate those two people should be fired as an anchor couple of more years they'll be fired and she was nasty she looked at me with hatred in her eyes and him is's a nice guy I mean they were told to do it by George slobad Doos who's who's in the group right George laad but but on the exit poll so people are walking out and they're saying uh you know I would like to know something sir who' you vote for and they'd say crooked Hillary or Trump right but so many of them like almost 50 % said none of your business who we voted for they have a tougher word two words not like Biden one word and then he gives to two words they begin with the letters f you that's what they say to the people f u I would never say because we have a lot of young people here my audience have got they've gotten younger and younger do you notice that don't worry I still like the old people the best I don't care I don't care let that cost me all these young people let that cost be the election I like the I still like the old people the best got to stay with the people that got you there right I love the what we're doing for the old people you'll hear but there so that was the two words but I don't want to use those words so they said none of your business which is not really what they said and they walked out and everybody said Trump is finished he's got he's not getting the numbers he's because in the past nobody said that they' say I'm voting for this one or that one there were no people that wouldn't say you know they just say who they voted for so what they did thank you darling thank you so what they did you know she keeps saying I love you I love you right in the middle of my punchline she so so they always say one or the other there and I had one analyst who was very smart but I was called by Fox as person in Fox sir I'm sorry sir doesn't look good doesn't look good and they say it's 4:00 in the afternoon because you know they've interviewed all these people and another one would call me they all said oh they were actually happy most of them were happy some were really sad though a lot of the people were really sad so it came out this is going to be a very short evening for Donald Trump they were so happy happy motha Raditz was actually crying at the end when I won she was crying you don't think she's biased do you motha rits also of ABC ABC is the worst of the group by the way I have to tell you they're all bad but the worst the worst is ABC and they proved that were the stupid worst the worst two anchors anybody's ever seen on this thing they were the worst at least they shouldn't have been so obvious right you know let be so anyway so I walked out and the people walked in and I I was getting calls that they you know thousands of people all over the country I'm sorry sir I'm sorry I'm sorry then one guy calls me up who's a political brilliant guy and he said sir and you know I I went actually I went to see I don't think I've ever told the story I went to see our great first lady and I said darling you know I got home I got home from Michigan I was in Michigan last up and I got home from Michigan at like 4:00 in the morning I had a rally we had 42,000 people at at 1:00 I did seven rallies I started in Florida I went from Florida where it was 88 to Michigan where it was 20° below Zer I said if you don't catch pneumonia in this business you're never going to catch a pneumonia right but I went to our great first lady and I said darling and I felt okay it was amazing because you know the athletes they say I left it on the field I left it all on field well I did because I did seven major uh rallies for two days seven each who the hell can do that people were saying nobody else could do it you think Biden could do it I don't think I don't think Biden would do seven I don't I don't know if he'd do one he'd do one that would last for about 3 minutes now we did major rallies you know speak for an hour hour and a half sometimes go to the next day we get all up and down we went up everywhere but this one guy calls up so everyone had called me I had a young gentleman in my family came to see me sir uh you haven't lost but it's not looking good this is at 5:00 in the afternoon on Election Day right and I said it's all right don't worry about it so I went to see my wife and I said you know I don't feel the way I thought I'd feel I thought I'd be like devastated but I left it all out and if we don't make it but it looks not good she said does it look like you're not going to win I said it really looks that way and uh we'll get by it it's one of those things but I was very disappointed but I just felt it wasn't like gee if only I worked a little bit harder because humanly you couldn't work harder then about 5:30 I get a call from a political very smart political guy and he goes sir I'd like to congratulate you I said on what he said you won this election [Music] and I said what do you mean I won the election I was told by every pundit that I lost the election he said no you won the election I'm 95% sure because we've never seen so many people leaving an election that said it's none of your business right meaning you know what it's none of your business we've never seen that before a massive number like almost 50% who' you vote for none of your business he said every single one of those people belong to you there are people whether we like it or not and and he said you're going to win Florida you're going to win Georgia you're going to win all these states I think you're going to win because you know normally it would be like 5% 10% might say you got 50% there's never been anything like that and I believe all those votes are your votes I said well all right good and then all of a sudden they came out and the rest is history right the polls closed and they started with Donald Trump so Florida closed at 8:00 or whatever and it within like seconds seconds it closed Florida polls have closed Donald Trump has won the great state of Florida Donald Trump has won the great state of Georgia Donald Trump it went all the way up the East Coast all over the place and we ended up winning that was quite a day wasn't it though and then we did much better the second time much better much much better and then uh but this is going to be the time because we've never had the enthusiasm that we have now we've never had it because because now you see how bad they're doing you know you see how bad before you didn't really there was nothing to judge right because I was the the president we did great we had a great economy we got hit with Co which is China and you know people people didn't really think in terms of that it was a terrible thing but we got hit the whole world got hit the world $62 trillion and millions of deaths all over the world we got the world got hit everybody Abby in Japan was devastated by it so many people were devastated good people very good people great people actually but what happened was amazing and now they see how bad a job they've done think of it the inflation the economy is ter everything's terrible we're not respected in the world a war that would have never happened with Russia and Ukraine started a situation in Israel would have never ever happened never ever happened and that's a disaster the whole Middle East is blowing up Victor Orban the prime minister of Hungary said you got to bring Trump back this whole world is going to blow up so so we're going to uh we're going to do things but I I will tell you so uh 16 was great 20 was better and this one blows both of them away because we've never seen the enthusiasm like look at this crowd we've never seen the enthusiasm that we have so I'm pleased to be joined this afternoon by the next senator from Arizona and we're going to call her a different name she may be angry I haven't told her this but she may be angry she may never speak to me again but I'm going to give her a different name because you know she's very strong in the Border she knows the problems that you having in your state Arizona's got tremendous problems with illegals coming in from all over the world and just pouring in and you know by the way taking Hispanic jobs taking africanamerican jobs taking people that have been here a long time citizens taking the jobs but she's been very strong on it and I just realized because it's gotten so bad when you look at Springfield Ohio when you look at Aurora in Colorado where the the governor has no I feel so sorry for this guy he has no idea what to do he's a Democrat so you know he has no idea what to do about it he's devastated he's afraid to do anything but if you look the Venezuelans have taken over I mean and they walk in with guns the biggest guns that I've ever seen they had guns that were Supreme they call them Supreme guns AK-47 Supreme they are they have stuff I don't know where the hell they get this stuff they come in they've taken over buildings they're in the real estate business let's put it that way and and that's just the beginning it's going to get really bad okay and you know you have a sheriff with a deputy or something and you got 30 guys with AK-47s and all these horrible I mean big stuff and they're taking over and it's not let me tell you we're not letting it happen this woman is very strong she's running against a weak person she's running against a guy who voted 100% of the time when he was Voting he voted 100% of the time just about for crooked Joe Biden he's weak in the Border he wants to have open borders and he's going to go back to that I don't even know what he's saying now it doesn't matter because when they're for open borders they're never going to change they're stupid people because it's going to ruin our country but she's tough in the border so if you don't mind I'm going to call her border carry Lake from now on it's daugh Carri l [Music] she's a fantastic person I've known her a long time I was one of the early people that endorsed her and I'll tell you she is tough tough tough on the border and you know that's taken over I think in 2016 I won maybe because of the Border I don't know the economy the Border whatever but a lot of was but the border and I fixed it and in 2020 I couldn't talk about the Border my people would would say Sir you're wasting your time talking about the Border I say well wait a minute I fixed the Border I want to talk about it nobody wants to hear it you know once it's fixed nobody want I made that border so strong and I couldn't talk about it but let me give you the bad news that border was one 100th of what it is now that border was when when I took over it was bad but it was just a fraction of what now it's horrible and dangerous and we're ruining our country we're destroy so Carrie told me that she's going to be focusing on the border border border right and and she is you're going to get it fixed right you're going to get it fixed and she's going to get it done she's tough she's tough in the Border though it bothered her from from the first day you started having the problem she would have done it as governor and that race was a very sad race cuz she did great but she would have done that as Governor but she'll do but even more so in a sense as Senator and she'll fix your border and she'll be working with me on doing it border car like thank you thank you border Cary I don't know I'm giving her a tag you know when I give people tags it stays but that's a good one she's going to be great and she she'll be a great and the guy honestly he is nothing this guy that's running he's he's got nothing going and he couldn't care less about the Border you need help you can't let this happen also a candidate who's a great person who I endorsed he's uh was he just did a fantastic job of everything he's done now he's running as you know for congress he's doing really well one in the primaries tough races run one in the primaries he's something he's somebody that really seems to be able to get the job done like very few people that we all know but Abe hamade is here someplace he's a tough cookie he's a tough cookie and I can I can really name him border also but how many names can I use but you're a big border guy you want to see a strong border and you'll win on the border you will and Carrie will win on the border you don't have to talk about anything else because everything else we'll fix we'll take care of the we'll bring your interest rates down we'll do everything but you'll win on the border if you guys just focus on that you don't have to talk about much else there's a man that's going to help you a lot on the border too he's a fantastic friend of mine art Del quo border patrol the head of border patrol where Resort he's a good guy too he's been my friend along with a couple of our other friends that for a long time and you know they endorsed me uh years ago and they've never taken it back and I saw that art and his people go on television they say there's only one man going to be able to do this border and uh I appreciate it art we won't forget it Art thank you man thank you thank everybody else too art appreciate it and Arizona Republican party chairwoman Gina swaboda Gina she is great she is she is a winner thank you very much Jane and all the I'd like to thank all of the police I met backstage and border patrol people ice ice that's great to stand up for him they go through a lot that's great look at that look at that art that's great and they deserve it too you don't know how much respect we all have for you and the job you do and it's dangerous work and you know they want to really do the job they're stopped from doing their job they want to do their job they want want to work it's more dangerous it's harder but they want to save our country these people are incredible I'll tell you as the people of Arizona understand better than anyone else under Camala Harris our country is under a thing called Invasion did you ever hear the word Invasion just like a military it's like a military Invasion we're being conquered and we are being occupied by a foreign element and you know if you think about it China has a five million man army mostly man in that case I can tell you but they have a 5 million person Army and we have 21 million people com in this year this this period of time 21 million people over the period of the last few years think of it they have a five Milli that's a big army and we have 21 million people here so cut out half that means you have 10 million people and they have guns you just see that if you look at Colorado take a look at Aurora they have guns that are the most sophisticated guns anywhere in the world high-powered stuff and you know you say to yourself so if you cut the number in half 10 million people and cut that number in half five million that's the size of China and what they have is an army it's pretty dangerous stuff we got to get them the hell out of here as discussed in the debate not only is comrade Cala allowing illegal aliens to Stampede across our border but she is flying them here from other countries remember she said no no remember when their polls were crashing a few months ago she said oh oh oh and they issued some order art I don't know what it was cuz it stopped it a little bit slowed it down a little bit but it I mean he knows he's laughing he knows because they'll slow down a little bit then they'll say oh look at the numbers but they have a problem they didn't include the airplane numbers they fly them in by the tens of thousands think of it they're trying to say they're into the border and yet they have airplanes beautiful airplanes going and picking them up and dropping them into the middle of our country where I would say that the states it means we really have 50 border states no they're dropping them into the middle of our country all over the place they fly them in think of that they fly them in by jets that they take they're flying in all the time and art they don't count those numbers do they they don't talk about them when you know when they fly in and then they have a special app right they have an app where the cartels are allowed to use the app to get their people in do you believe this it's an app for cartels so the illegal cartels that are among the richest people in the world by the way you know we think we have a lot of wealth well take that 400 the Forbes 400 or whatever it is Forbes isn't doing so well anymore but take whatever the hell 400 they have these guys would qualify in many cases that'd be a hell of a lot richer the cartels are using this app think of it to bring thousands and thousands of people here illegally over the past three and a half years Harris Biden Administration has resettled a half a million illegal immigrants from the failed state of Haiti which is a totally failed country very sad situation into American communities including over 200,000 who Camala has illegally flown into the United States by airplane think of that and they're coming out of Haiti and they're coming out of other failed countries at levels that nobody has ever seen before in addition to Aurora Colorado there's a place called Springfield Ohio that you've been reading about 20,000 illegal Haitian immigrants have descended upon the town of 58,000 people destroying their entire way of life this was a beautiful community and now it's uh horrible what's happened enrollment of the state's Medicaid and food assistance programs have sword motor vehicle accidents have skyrocketed recording of 911 calls even show residents are reporting that the migrants are walking off with the town's geese they taking the geese you know where the geese are in the park in the L and even walking off with their pets my dog's been taking my dogs St this can only happen these people are the worst this is I'm telling you Biden in Cala this is the worst combination in the history of our country we the only one happy is Jimmy Carter because he's no longer referred to as the worst president and his not even close likewise the small 4,000 person town of Choy Pennsylvania have you hear of it Char La Roy what a beautiful name but it's not so beautiful now has experienced a 2,000% increase in the population of Haitian migrants under Camala Harris so Pennsylvania remember this when you have to go to vote okay just remember this 2,000% increase this is a small town all of a sudden they got thousands of people the schools are scrambling to hire translators for the influx of students who don't speak not a word of English costing local taxpayers hundreds of thousands of dollars and the town is virtually bankrupt this flood of illegal aliens is also bringing massive crime to the town and every place near it earlier this year in Massachusetts one of the Haitian illegals who Kamala flew into America was charged with raping a 15-year-old girl and badly badly hurting hurting that girl also in Massachusetts a Haitian migrant was charged with raping a pregnant woman and beating her very badly yet another Haitian migrant who she imported was arrested for molesting a 10 ye- old child who lived right next door the child next door was badly badly hurt in New York this year an illegal brought in through kamala's migrant phone app was charged with savagely murdering his two roommates he had two roommates set up by the people that set that up in this country welcome they go welcome what would you like oh I'd like to have a nice room okay we'll give you two roommates viciously stabbing them to death but these are just a few of the many many stories there are hundreds and hundreds there thousands of stories they're coming in from all over the world from prisons and jails from mental institutions and insane asylums and many tourists at numbers that we have never seen before you've never seen these numbers before art you never saw these numbers before have you you've never seen anything like this this is unique at least with you it's Unique we cannot let this happen to our country it will not end well unless Donald J Trump is elected the 47th president of the United States thank you all right we'll get them out we'll get it ready we'll bring back our country in many ways that's one way but to me that's like one of the most important ways well we'll also stop World War III that's an important way there has never been an invasion like this in any country there's never been an invasion like this there's never been a border like this no matter where you go in the world throughout history there's never been a border like this and the fake news media will correct me if that's the case I'll tell you what there's never been anything like what's happening to our country in history because no leader of a country is as stupid as the two people that are leading our country in fact our leadership if you think about it is non-existent I mean where's Biden do you think he do you think he lies awake at night turning and tossing on finding a way to stop the horrible war between Russia and Ukraine I don't think so he hasn't spoken to Putin in years I will get that War settled as President [Applause] elect and I'm telling you this is true Camala a committed Marxist you know her father's a Marxist Professor will be far worse than crooked Joe B she going to be worse CU he doesn't really believe it she does she does believe it and she'll go back to no fracking and all the other things we talked about she'll go back to them on day one but on day one of my Administration I will stop this Invasion I will seal the Border I will end the Harris migrant flight and I will begin the largest deportation operation in the history of our country right have no choice we have no [Applause] choice us us thank thank you we will not allow our country to be destroyed they're destroying our country we will get the criminals out and we will not let them back into our country we're not going to let them back in they're staying out you know the other countries are doing this you know that and this is all over the world this isn't just South America this isn't Honduras alone and Guatemala El Salvador Mexico this is all over the world the Congo in Africa comes a lot of people coming from the Congo but Africa they're coming Asia the Middle East and South America but they're coming from all over the world and they're coming from prisons and they're coming from jails we're not going to let this happen to our country another terrible effect of the Harris migrant Invasion and she's the one that wanted it more than Biden Biden didn't know what the hell was happening he said oh that sounds like a nice idea is that it is driving housing cost through the roof you know that right you're affected by that fewer than 5 million new houses were built in the last three years yet Camala Harris has imported 21 million illegal aliens who are now disproportionately occupying lower income rental property so think of it we built 5,000 units 5 million units we buil think of this they started in a little Community where they did 5,000 that was quite nice then they go to 5 million units but we have 21 million people came in none of them are going to be paying a lot of rent I can tell you that because a lot of those people are people that shouldn't be here some should but a lot of them are people that shouldn't be here as just one example a vivid one look at the explosion in rent in Springfield Ohio where Camala has resettled the 20,000 Haitians there's a chart up here someplace I don't like that as much as the chart that I had in Butler PA that was my that was my favorite show now that was my favorite chart we still have that that was a great beautiful chart the the red the yellow right and the blue that was my alltime that is going to be my all-time favorite chart I care what chart I look at over the years I will sleep with that chart every single night but look at look at the numbers and look at the way those lines are they're totally out of control when I return to the White House we will re we will require that all companies receiving Federal housing subsidies to verify citizenship we're going to verify citizenship we're going to make sure that it's a legal residency and as a condition of of their rental agreements they're going to have to do all of it taxpayers will not subsidize apartment rentals for illegal aliens and we will not permit illegals to drive up the cost for Americans in [Music] need in addition I will ban all mortgages for illegal aliens you can't have it now in California under Gavin nusum you know they want to give illegals mortgages they want all illegals how about all illegals get a mortgage do you don't get any mortgage they do this is the first part of my plan to restore housing affordability in America Camala Harris is killing the American dream but with your vote this November going to be the most important election ever in the history of our country we are going to bring back the American dream bigger better and stronger than ever for going to bring it back under my leadership we had the greatest economy in the history of the world before the pandemic we raised real median household income by $7,695 a record per family we achieved the lowest Hispanic American unemployment rate and the lowest Hispanic American poverty rate in the history of our country and Hispanic American household wealth and Home Ownership reached the highest level ever recorded thank you very much I like you but now arizonans are experiencing an affordability crisis and this is a crisis of historic proportions you agree you know that you know what's going on in this area in particular today not a single major city in Arizona is considered affordable not one when I was President nearly 2third of the homes in Phoenix were considered affordable for families making the median income think of it 2/3 and now it's none today the number of homes that are affordable for those middle class families is down to a number that you don't even want to hear it's almost like nothing here are the other pillars of my plan to end this nightmare and help millions of Arizona families afford the house of your dreams we will rapidly reduce inflation by slashing energy costes we're going to slash energy costs taxes and we are going to slash regulations by quickly defeating inflation we will in turn bring interest rates down very fast when I was President interest rates were hovering around 2% you got a mortgage oh look at that guy the big guy stand up look at the shoulders on him you got a mortgage at around 2% that's right you how many people have who's who else looks like that nobody going to mess with them right nobody going to mess with that guy but he was happy when I said to lo you got a good mortgage I can see a lot of other people did today the mortgage rates are at 10% 11% 12% you can't get the money we're going to bring it down very fast we're going to bring energy down we will drive down the rat so you will be able to pay 2% again and we will be able to find or refinance your homes drastically at much lower costs you do a refinancing or a financing if you're looking this step alone will save Arizona families between $800 and $1,000 per month on their mortgage for a typical home under comrade Camala Harris your electricity bills here in Arizona Rose an estimated Almost 100% so largest increase anywhere in the country did you know that congratulations you're number one in the oh that's right that's not good no congratulations you're number one in the country for the increase in your electric bills what the hell is going on as president I will end the Harris Biden war on American Energy on day one and under my plan it is my goal to cut your energy cost by 50% in the first year 50 50% remember we have more Liquid Gold under our feet than any other nation in the world more than Saudi Arabia more than Russia we will slash the cost of heating air conditioning gasoline electricity and by bringing down the price of energy we will defeat inflation and reduce the prices which are through the roof right now people can't afford cereal you got to see it's so said when you see people being interviewed and they buy three apples and they walk away from the cashier and they bring an apple back cuz they can't afford it and it happens all the time upon taking office I will also sign an executive order directing the immediate termination of every single unnecessary rule that is impeding housing construction and driving up the costs of housing government regulations are responsible for more than 25% of the cost of a new single family home and 40% of the cost of multif family homes think of it regulations costing 40% of the cost and it takes you years to get it done we're going to end all of that I have been a builder my entire life I understand the problem and I will fix it I know how to fix it nobody else is going to figure it out my objective will be to cut the cost of building a new home by 30 to 50% and much of it is regular ulation and in addition we will open and this is your great your great people in the state that are asking me so many times so many people are asking me to do this we will open up new tracks of federal land for large-scale housing construction so that we can get housing on the market about 18% of all land in Arizona is owned by the Bureau of Land mismanagement it's actually management mismanagement I have to be careful because you know with the fake news media I can go a whole speech I can go a whole speech stand up here largely without a teleprompter I don't read them most of the time but because you you'd find it very boring when you read teleprompters Run Spot Run remember I said that but I could go a whole day I could go stand up here talk to you for two hours if I miss pronounce one word like I called mismanagement I said the Bureau of mismanagement well I was kidding they won't say that they'll say he's cognitively impaired oh it's true watch that'll be all over television sarcasm for me is the worst thing possible because when I'm being sarcastic or say something kiddingly like even the other night I was was talking about how much we won by a certain election a few years ago and I jokingly said we won by just they won by just a little smidgen is it true that you think the election was close because you said just I said yeah I was being sarcastic it's not good when I imitate Joe Biden not being able to find his way off the stage which happens all the time no it happens all the time I get decimated by the fake news media and sometimes they say look he can't find his way off the stage either you have these stages they have like four or five stairs usually one 2 3 four five six seven well is this a government owned building they have more they have usually more stairs but when I do an imitation of that they will sometimes say because I called up our great first lady I said how great was my speech tonight because it's they're always on television you know what because they get good ratings I said how great was my speech tonight did you see the size of that Crowd Oh and by the way her Crowds Are zero her crowds she's got no crowds they bust the people in they pay buses to bring people nobody here wrote in on a bus I guarantee you that unless you own it I said did you see how great my speech was tonight Dar like how great she said well it was good I said uh what do you think well I didn't like your hair oh I said what else but the people were going crazy they loved it well yeah they might but you looked really bad you couldn't find the stairs off the stage I said I was imitating that guy but this is the fake news media just like these two fakers that were up this weekend I think they really hurt their career I really believe that I think they hurt I hope they did finally I will save America's suburbs by protecting single family zoning the radical left wants to abolish the suburbs by forcing apartment complexes and low income housing into the suburbs right next to your beautiful house right next you have a beautiful house and they want a nice lowincome building to be right next to you I will end this Marxist Crusade I did it you know I did it five six years ago I did it and the suburbs were safe that's why when they say Suburban women maybe don't like Trump I think they're wrong I think they love me I do I never had problems with women I never had any problems but they say Suburban women so they live in the suburbs and I'm the one that says you can't build a low-income apartment house where people want to do harm when they move in right next to your beautiful little house right and then I hear the women don't like me the women want strong borders they don't want to be hurt molested killed they want their family to be safe they want a strong military so we're not going to be attacked by anybody peace through strength so why wouldn't they like me those are the things that I stand for they want good education and I'm for choice they also want choice choice is a big thing in education to get even more relief to American workers I will massively cut taxes for working families and we will have no taxes on tips no taxes on Social Security benefits no taxes on tips you remember a few months ago I announced there will be no taxes on tips couple of weeks later she goes I'd like to announce that there will be no taxes well why didn't they do this before in the meantime they are putting in legislation to make it impossible for these people to avoid paying taxes on the tip so I don't know what they're going to do but I think it was a little bit of a copycat you know a little bit of a copycat and also very importantly no taxes on Social Security benefits for our seniors that's a big deal I don't know maybe that's even a bigger deal but I have a big one coming up so you have the privilege of being the first to hear this cuz I'm also announcing and you remember that seniors when you go to vote you go to vote because you know what you've been eaten alive by the stupid inflation caused by energy and caused by their over spending foolishly the stupid spending the inflation reduction act they call it and then they said well it was a lie it was really part of the green news scam okay remember that they said it was a lie it was a massive spending trillions of dollars and it caused inflation but it also was helped inflation by their stupid energy policy and just so you know they're doing about what I was doing but that was four years ago five years ago I would have had it quadrupled by now they're doing the same thing as I was doing many years ago but they had to they were cutting it like crazy they lost anoir the biggest site in the world that I got Ronald Reagan couldn't get nobody in in Alaska and they went out and they it was terrible remember the first part where the it was $5 six was going through the roof and he said bring back the Trump plan what did they do so they got those rigs going again and we had sort of similar numbers but mine would have been four times maybe five times Higher by now and what they have is they're just steaming along and let me tell you if they won the election right after the election they're ending all fossil for you you're not going to have any and you're going to find out what bad living is today I'm also announcing that as part of our additional tax cuts we will end all taxes on overtime you know what that means think of that think of that think of that that gives people more of an incentive to work it gives the companies a lot it's a lot easier to get the people and you know I went to some economists great ones and I said whatat do you think they said it would be unbelievable you'll get a whole new Workforce by doing that no taxes on overtime the people who work overtime are among the hardest working citizens in our country and for too long no one in Washington has been looking out for them those are the people they really work they're police officers nurses Factory workers construction workers truck drivers and machine operators it's time for the working man and woman to finally catch a break and that's what we're doing because this is a good one and I think it's going to be great for the country so that's why we will be saying that if you're an overtime worker when you're past 40 hours a week think of that your overtime hours will be taxfree okay good you're going to have it and unlike Biden where he tells you that you don't have have to pay your school tuition and he gets rejected then he goes again and again it's been now it's totally gone or as they say in politics it's debunked it's gone uh that was terrible you know he kept saying to these students no more loans no more loans which was very unfair to the millions of people that actually paid off their loans over the years some of them took 20 years to pay them off but but that's a dead deal that's totally dead you know they tried to revive it two weeks ago that didn't work out too well that's a totally dead deal but these will be three things that will get done so if you think about no tax on tips think of that think about this and the social security for our seniors because the seniors have been destroyed by inflation it's unfair and this is like a whole new life for them because you're talking about a lot of money so no tax on social securities for our great seniors and this last one is no tax you work your ass off no tax on overtime and that's so good for the employers one of our economists said I think that's actually going to bring money into our economy you know when I cut taxes we had the largest tax cut in history and when I cut taxes with a much lower rate the following year we took in more money than we ever took in with a much higher rate people the jobs people work by a lot but this is how we will end the era of inflation Mayhem and misery under the kamalan Crooked Joe regime and unleash safety prosperity and peace for Americans of every race religion color and Creed together we will deliver low taxes low regulations low energy costs low interest rates and low inflation so that everyone can afford groceries a car and a beautiful home we will stop The Invasion and end migrant crime support our police strengthen our military build a missile defense Shield over our country much of it will be made right here Ronald Reagan wanted to do it many years ago but we didn't honestly we we're lucky we didn't because we didn't have the technology now we do you see in Israel how it works and we're going to have the biggest and the best we make it we're going to all make it and a lot of it's going to be made in a place called Arizona is that okay we will keep critical race Theory and transgender Insanity out of our school it's amazing it's insane you know that always gets like the biggest Applause it's it's like a pole you're like a pollster you're like a free pole I must say no but you are it it always gets the biggest cuz can you imagine your child goes to school and they don't even call you and they change the sex of your child think of [Applause] it and you know who the leader of that whole thing was Kamala [Applause] Kamala and another one that gets a big hand and it's it's crazy we will keep men out of women sports how simple how simple how simple is that did you see the Olympics recently was pretty good but they had the prize Fighters the fighters and they had the women's fighting they now have women's boxing that's a big step but they have women's boxing and you had this beautiful young woman from Italy and she was fighting against a man who transitioned and there were two of them that [Music] transitioned there were two of them that transitioned by the way shockingly both happened to win a gold medal okay the two transitioned men won but the woman from Italy she's up and she's a good fighter and she's up and she wants to wind and she's going to show that we can take this man or the woman this transitioned person they say I said what do I say they said transitioned person person and I said fine I'm going to say that but she's going to show them and he goes for those that don't like know much about the a left is just sort of a little defensive boom she didn't know what happened she pulls away they thought what happened she's not then she gives it another try and he goes boom with the left not the right this is the one that really hurts right boom and she goes I've never been then she quit she walked off that was the end she didn't even go there she's just walked off she said I can't I couldn't never stay I I've never been hit like that then the other Fighter the same thing so you had two transitioned people fighting they both easily won gold medals the greatest is the weightlifting though a record that stands for 18 years and they put an eighth of an ounce here and an eighth of an ounce here on the big barbell and they got women that are so strong and this one was going to break the record and she went up with that thing she got it and her parents are right there and they're going come on darling my wife hates when I do this she says it's so unprecedent IAL she's got a great style now she goes do you have to do that thing with the weightlifting it's so but people like it right should I do it or not I tell her that I tell her that I said people love it but she gets it up here the parents right where you're sitting these beautiful women up here the parents mom dad they're so proud she get come on baby you can do it you saw it well K she couldn't get it up then a guy comes up they ask him stage have you lifted before not much no just sort of started he said oh good luck sir I mean ma'am and he goes up looks down give my gold how crazy is it or the swimmers how about the swimmers you have the greatest swimmers in the world they want to win they want to compete and this one young lady all America swimmer they're all sort of all- Americans or close and she looks left and she sees young ladies that she's been growing up with because you know they meet the top of the peak right the top of the peak the best she looks left and she sees five young ladies that she's grown up with in California and other places she looks to the right she sees four and this person next to her who's gigantic looks like Wilt the stilt Chamberlain on steroids and she looks up she's never seen anything like this but she's okay cuz she's like top and she's going to break that record she's going to break the Olympic record this guy had a reach that nobody has ever seen before so he gets in and he jumps in they jump in they jump in that pool and she's swimming like crazy and as you know you probably heard they had to take her out she was seriously injured you know what injured her windburn he went by her her so fast that she suffered massive wind bur very serious problem he won by a lot in fact he was having lunch while the other young ladies were coming he was enjoying a nice lunch as the rest of them were swimming in how demeaning to women right demeaning how [Applause] ridiculous how demeaning to women like they have wrestling St stand up again will you stand up right there you with the Trump how the hell can a woman is there any woman in this audience that wants to take this guy [Applause] on all right no I love that guy he wears a anybody wears a trump shirt I like that guy he looks he looks he looks okay to me we will defend the Second Amendment restore free speech and we will secure our elections everyone will prosper every family will Thrive and every day will be filled with joy and opportunity and hope but for that to happen we must defeat comrade Camala Harris I use that term because you know what that term means right communist she's a Marxist communist fascist socialist she's not actually a socialist she's gone past that remember I used to say America will never be a socialist country actually they skipped past socialism they they started at communism we must stop her country destroying liberal agenda once and for all so get everyone you know you got to go vote you got to get people to vote because we want to get a landslide that's too big to rig you know if we have the big votes they can't rig it they try they're the they're the most dishonest people we want to go to Big Two rig on November 5th we will save our economy we will rescue our middle class we will reclaim our sovereignty and restore our borders and we will always put America first we will take back our country Arizona thank you very much and God bless you all thank you thank you very much [Music] and an amazing speech by President Trump of course highlighting the no tax on tips make housing affordable again but also really an amazing closing talking about men and women sports putting his signature comedy at the end of it but really highlighting serious stuff and here you go once again president Trump full of energy doing his dancing with some signature music off of his iPad if you will or circulating songs that he does one of the main Highlights today is the breaking news the fact that he will not or he has pledged a new policy position of eliminating all taxes on overtime pay right here during his rally in Tucson Arizona so a whole new element and constituency potentially because that would affect people like nurses First Responders or police and firemen also those working in food jobs and the industries so could create a whole new sector of the economy that was robbed during the covid pandemic so it'll be interesting to see how president Trump plans to implement that when he gets back to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in the white house again his big new policy position president Donald Trump has pledge a new policy position of eliminating all taxes on overtime pay during his rally here in Tucson Arizona and more on him there won't be another debate according to Trump um he touched on mortgage rates and lowering income housing in the suburbs and again eliminating those taxes on all overtime pce this will affect many many people in the work industry we want to thank our generous sponsors for putting us on air today to cover this exciting economic speech here in Tucson Arizona the first being Birch gold and by texting Trump to 98 9898 you'll be able to get not only their Birch gold kit but also for a limited time the free Trump silver coin with any purchase that highlights the event of July 13th in Butler Pennsylvania the assassination attempt on President Trump's life it has fight on it his epic response flanked by his security detail and the American flag right behind him but there is massive pandemic funds yet to be spent and President Biden might do that in his lame duck tenure can you imagine an Administration pushing hard to spend in their last few months this surge will be nothing like Co will be much more difficult to fight against the inflation taking place and I'm sure you remember the terrible effects that that had on the economy just four years ago but there's hope text Trump to 9898 98 for a gold IRA and Birch gold group to make sure that you can hedge these inflations Birch gold group our amazing sponsor here at rsbn tax Network USA are you struggling with back taxes or unfiled Returns the IRS is escalating their surge of collections adding thousands of new agents and sending over 5 million collection letters to kick off 202024 alone in these challenging times your best defense is tax Network USA don't let the IRS take advantage of you with over 14 years of experience tax Network USA has saved their clients over 1 billion in back taxes yes one billion their expertise is your advantage they specialize in negotiating with the IRS and the clock is ticking so get on this today call 800 35741 or visit TN rsbn don't let tax issues overpower you get to tax Network USA Today the wellness company America listen up there is a another pandemic around the corner we've got assassination attempts rumors of Civil War and unstable stock market and now the looming threat of the bird flu on everyone's mind do you know the World Health Organization has planned for a bird flu Summit upcoming in October it's eerily reminising of what happened in 2020 and 2021 with the pandemic and this is the main focus on their agenda Mass fatality management planning that doesn't send chills up your spine I don't know what will but there's good news you don't have to be one of the unfortunate unprepared people the wellness company created the contagion emergency kit and every home in America should have at least one of these this contagion kit is packed with life-saving medication like ivrc and hydrochloric Quin anbox like zpac and it's all backed by experts like Dr Peter McCulla so in times like these having your contagion emergency kit will save your life by preparing your family now go to tww c. health rsbn and grab your contagion emergency kit today that's tww c. heal rsbn grab that kit right now use code rsbn to save $45 and the kits are only available in the United States so make sure to do that today Tennessee land people are moving in droves and that's how they're voting with their feet first and foremost the big growth story in America has been the volunteer state of Tennessee and who doesn't love Nashville everybody I know is moving there practically with a 0% state income tax a pro business hands-off government approach spectacular Countryside fun neighbors fun cities what's not to love about the volunteer state American freedom is Alive and Well in Tennessee this sounds good to you right now go to Tennessee Land and Lakes selling off large acreage properties just outside of Nashville from popular destination spot of 5 Acres with cozy cabins quiet Woods only $109,900 I mean can you believe that how low that is some properties even going for nearly $90,000 think about 18 Acres riding trails in Horse Country right around 160,000 I mean these prices are unheard of super private and it's your best way to Camp invest and have the best of both worlds the countryside mixed with access to Nashville one of America's favorite cities learn more about this great opportunity of buying in Tennessee by visiting www. 866 345 or call 866 345 land forget Wall Street buy something not only in Main Street but in the American Countryside the volunteer state of Tennessee American Finance mortgage rates are dropping and are now in the low five so if you're waiting to figure out how to get your finances in order call the experts over at American Finance today a lot of us are carrying massive credit card debt and with these interest rates president Trump talked about it in his speech it's time to get rid of those American financing salary based mortgage consultants are helping own owner homeowners just like you to get their homes Equity under control he talked about the big guy right near the front row over there who probably has a high interest rate on his home they're saving their average customer 800 $100 a month by doing this and with the rates dropping this decision is really easy all it takes is a 10-minute phone call no obligation no cost to you and if you start today you may be able to delay two mortgage payments so call the professionals at American financing 888 42299 that's 88842 0299 rsbn free Trump book the bestselling kids guide to president Trump's is available for free to viewers just like you at home the guide has been updated for this year and explains Trump's policies that includes policies on immigration we talked a lot about that today so did President Trump highlighting what's happened to these families the victims of illegal immigration and the crazy policies at our Southern border we're only 57 miles north of that as we speak think about Lake and Riley the beautiful nursing student he was murdered off of University of Georgia's campus in February just a terrible situation as a result more and more Americans are backing president Trump's border policies for Safety and Security but the kids guide to president Trump will help not only children know these issues but maybe your neighbors next door who aren't following policy and culture that closely so go to free Trump that's fre Trump get yours today and thank you to our donors at home if you are so moved by the coverage you've seen today throughout the campaign season we'd be honored to have uh your small donation or a large donation as president Trump says with the campaign if you can't donate right now we understand cost of living is tough but to have this great coverage almost every day and to have this unbridled content coming to you nearly every single day of the week of all of the Trump rallies and remarks and the different events he shows up at we can only do it by generous viewers like you and our sponsors we are your 2024 election headquarters and to have all this comprehensive coverage would be really an honor if you're able to donate to right side broadcasting today so please visit um our exclusive updates that could be straight to your inbox at RSB nwet and if you love our content and want to continue to support our mission please consider donating at RSB donate we truly appreciate your support at home and of course our friends over at my pillow thank you to Mr Mike Lindell and everything he does there to fight the cancel culture and to get you americanmade products for your home whether it is the famous my pillow or the uh different sandals beach towels their six-pack towel set all going for $25 right now these special deals and we will be able to get that to you over at rsbn we want to thank you for being with us in Tucson Arizona today for my colleagues at right side broadcasting I'm Bobby mcney we'll see you in Las Vegas just tomorrow God bless and good night hi folks rsbn founder and CEO Joe seals here did you know there is nearly $1 trillion of infrastructure and pandemic funds yet to be spent that's right there's a massive amount of money that the lame duck Administration is pushing hard to spend in their last few months if the president is able to push these funds out out we could see another prolonged inflation surge just like during Co and I'm sure you remember the terrible effects that high prices had on most Americans but there's hope a surge in prices can be beaten a gold Ira from Birch gold group is the ultimate inflation Hedge for your savings in uncertain times to see how to protect your IA or 401K get your free info kit on goal by texting the word Trump to 9898 98 B gold makes it seamless to roll over over your retirement account while preserving your tax advantage status don't wait for the president's spending spree to tank the dollar further protect your financial future Now text Trump to the number 9898 98 for your free info kit from Birch gold hey y'all it's silk from diamond and silk don't forget to catch the diamond and silk chitchat live show right here on rsbn that's right rsbn now that's right side broadcast the network okay see y'all soon bye-bye parents and grandparents the 2024 kids guide to president Trump is here and it's free as a bonus your child gets a free issue of everbrite Kids magazine and activity book and a free video Lesson order now at free Trump that's free Trump you ask and we listen we're finally bringing you the most requested offer ever get the queen siiz premium ey pillow now only $19 98 my pillows made with patented adjustable fill it adjusts your exact individual needs regardless of your sleep position it helps keep your neck align and holds it shape all night long so you get the best sleep of your life but that's not all get our six-piece kitchen or bath tole sets only $25 our brand new mattress topper is low as $69.98 get our famous my pillow bed sheets for as low as $25 and so much more so so go to or call the number on your screen use your promo code to get huge discounts on all my pillow products including the premium Queen siiz my pillow only $19.98 that's the lowest price ever don't delay order today from all of us here at my pillow than America welcome to the right side broadcasting network we're not like the other media Outlets out there that cut and edit what other people say in 2015 we were created by our founder Joe seals to cover president Donald J Trump's speeches and rallies to which we continue to do to this day we've also covered important conservative events like CPAC tpusa March for Life and many other important events and hearings around the country we were made for people like you everyday ameran Americans who are tired of the mainstream media who are tired of being lied to manipulated and fed an agenda our goal here at right side broadcasting is to allow you to see the truth giving our correspondents and commentators a wide latitude to speak their minds you won't find anything like this in the mainstream media your support through your donations locals and supporting our advertisers allows us to continue to cover important events around the country each and every day so from us here at right side broadcasting thank you for supporting us and the right side of [Music] History e e

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