LIVE REPLAY: President Trump Holds a Rally in Johnstown, PA - 8/30/24

Published: Aug 29, 2024 Duration: 08:01:56 Category: News & Politics

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e e e e e good morning from Johnstown Pennsylvania here at right side broadcast in network of Matthew Alvarez I am Titus Ellis Smith and there are so many people here that are so excited to see Donald Trump speak today it is a lot cooler than it was in Atlanta a few weeks ago and I'm very grateful for that I am too I am too so let's take a live look right now to your left and our right at the long line of people here in Johnstown Pennsylvania president Trump slated to speak at 4:30 here in Johnstown this is going to be actually an rsbn double header because tonight he'll be in DC at a mom's for Liberty as well a speech there so a lot going on tius that would be very exciting too Mom Liberty does great work and we actually have a guy here who said that he's going to both so that's actually very uh packed of trump day exactly so we were talking to some of the people that were here in line uh since yesterday oh my it's just wild to see I mean yesterday there's a lot of rain too and they just didn't care they got rained on they slept outside but you know what they're here for president Trump they're here for our country and Titus man we have so many things to talk about including last night's CNN interview that was it was hard to watch want to call it yeah yeah it was it was definitely hard to watch uh that yeah it's just kind of embarrassing just watching that it's like this is a person that's actually representing a side of one side of the political spectrum and especially if stit wasn't even voted in it makes it even more embarrassing CU like no one even wanted her there but here she is and then she do an interview where she just fumbles the whole time and has her V P be her babysitter so she doesn't mess up so hey it is what it is exactly before we talk to some of the great Patriots here and uh we the people I want to thank bur Gold group all I have to do is text Trump to 98 9898 all for gold silver precious medals all sorts of great things with Birch gold group that info kit all you got to do is text Trump to 98 9898 so do that and do it now so if you do that you'll get that info kit right to you and of course this is coming against those bricks Nations out there that's trying to come against our US dollar but always good to have gold silver or precious medals so text Trump to 98 9898 Titus Ellis Smith are you ready I'm more than ready man I'm ecstatic all right let's go talk to some people here in Johnstown Pennsylvania come on over this way we'll talk with this guy right here on the way now you're going to DC tonight as well yes yes I'm I'm Edward X young I'm from Brick New Jersey I drove I drove seven hours to get here in the teaming terrible rainstorm last night uh yes I'm going to this R it'll be number 86 for me here in Johnstown Pennsylvania and then I'm I'm take I'm B bang Zoom I'm off to DC to the moms for Liberty dinner where where president Trump should be speaking at about 8 or 9:00 tonight two rallies in one day always good always good nice hat by the way yes thank you this is a Tiffany blue hat if you know that color's got some significance so why have you gone to 86 rallies well two reasons uh and a light-hearted reason there're a lot of fun I mean come on a trump rally is the greatest show on Earth Donald Trump's our first rockar superhero president he's like the real life Tony Stark he's president Iron Man but number two serious you guys are Patriots but most of the media is not they censor us they they they they they lie about the numbers they don't disseminate his message I'm here to prove prove we're warriors on a battle a different kind of Battlefield I mean I'm an old man but we we are fighting not just fighting for America we're fighting for our lives we're here in the strength and numbers to sh we support them and all of us will will record these on our phones and we'll disseminate the information it will get out there they can silence us know social media and the press and the Democrats they can't and and right now I mean if they cut out our vocal cords and ripped out our tongues I swear the stones and rocks would start singing Donald Trump president 2024 sir thank you so much nice uh hat and nice shirt too thank you than thank you sir take care should I give uh we're we're live right now I'll take it later thank man okay all right so um always interesting everybody out here all the way to the right let's just take a look here we we'll stand off camera we're going to walk along uh and show how long the crowd uh line is here this is Johnstown Pennsylvania once again so uh the population uh is nearly 20,000 residents here in Johnstown in Cambria County the population has 30,000 right there uh 100 th 130,000 people in Cambria County uh back in the day Johnstown a big steel town a lot of Industry had a had a lot more people than that uh Titus I mean it was it's it's tough to see sometimes some of these cities but you know making America great again means make America great in every town as well exactly I think that's kind of the issue that we've witnessed when it comes to politics these days is a lot of politicians on both ends yeah are not really promoting the America first you know policy exactly so you said you said what we've been waiting all morning for you guys all right so so you know about right side broadcasting huh of course we watch we watch it every time as a trump rally we watch you guys what is it like to have a network that shows what we're showing right now but also an entire speech the crowd and really what's happening out there oh it's great you can't get it anywhere else yeah that's great to be able to have somewhere you can see the whole thing not be edited not get the fake news all that stuff it's always good to have uh True News or when it comes to conservatism uh in the media yep exactly all right sir thank you so much let's keep going down this way as we take a live look uh here across the uh Bridge here we had a a Johnstown sign way to the right out there as well if we could take a look at that Alex so that movie if you guys remember I was talking to uh one of our crew before it uh Unstoppable the movie that the train kept going it was in Pittsburgh if you haven't seen it Titus I don't think I have okay it's a it's it's a good one um and there's some food so let's keep on let's keep on going um but this is the town where that movie was set where there was a huge curve for the train and this is where this unmanned train got away from like CSX or one of the companies out there what movie was it uh it's called Unstoppable Unstoppable Denzel Washington is in it and then also I forget the other actor but um anyway a little bit of history on on uh Johnstown of course the Johnstown Flood uh years ago uh claiming lives here uh but this is about 57 miles to the east of Pittsburgh the Steel City and of course here in Pennsylvania 19 electoral votes uh up for grabs it's a NeverEnding line what's that it's a never- ending line yeah the line just keeps going I think does it go even across that street down there I think it probably I think it curves here wow so let's uh we're going to head back this way then and uh we're going to start talking to some people here uh live right now on right side broadcasting network I'm just going to kind of roll up and see what's going on all right what's going on guys hello how are you good how you doing we're live on right side broadcasting network um like your shirt and your shirt too come on in all right so this one says let me get my shoes I've never even seen that shirt that's a cool one and Jesus Is My Savior Trump is my president always great nice hat by the way uh and you served in the rock war thank you for your service thank you what are your thoughts right now with the military when it comes to leadership and and some of the woke ideology that's out there I think I think it's time for a change I think it's time to get Trump back in the office get get our country back and then is this your first time seeing president trump it is yeah what super excited drove we left at 4:00 a.m. from Buffalo New York wow really super excited super excited to be here yeah your first time too yeah very first time mhm so what do it like to see a real commanderin-chief I'm excited I don't know what to expect you know what I mean but we were just happy to we want to get in so we're like we just want to make sure we're one of those people that get in and we're not the ones stuck outside cuz I he's got big big crowds so exactly and there is an outside um Jumbotron for people that don't make it in but I think you guys should be good we're pretty close to the front so uh should be a good time and sir your thoughts just in general like how our country is going right now and what what's needed uh for our nation terrible you you know where's our president I think that's the big question um you know he's been absent and uh it shows we got Russia just off our borders uh and I think that's making everybody nervous right so we just need Trump back Point yeah thanks guys thank you so much you all right so people from Buffalo New York uh Titus pretty cool to see you know people traveling all over I thought New York was just liberal though I didn't know they had people that supported Trump in New York ex exactly huh so uh we're going to keep on walking here as we take a live look to the left a little bit just seeing the crowd uh right here at the corner of Johnstown it's it just kind of winds up right into this small uh Mountain here uh where there is and actually um it's not a light rail it's I forget what it's called but it comes down the hill where you can take um I'll have to remember later man it's been a while since I've been in Pennsylvania yeah I've never been here yeah it's uh time pretty nice in the area right now and always good to see all these Patriots here let's uh stop here talk to a few people what's going on guys how's it going how you doing so we're live on right side broadcasting network we' like your shirts uh your thoughts sir what's that oh it's a but yeah I'm wearing one too uh so yeah your thoughts man about uh what's going on in the country right now um it's distressing yeah our country I think is in a lot of peril I'm a veteran I've never I've never seen so many people that absolutely hate America and what it stands for um but coming here I'm not even from here I'm from Colorado uh we just heard we were at school heard there was a rally but um I've never seen such across theboard support for a presidential candidate ever in my life and I think it's uh very encouraging it is very encouraging thank you sir uh come on up uh where are you from in Colorado uh I live by Colorado Springs okay awesome I used to work in Grand Junction in Colorado gorgeous out there though beautiful beautiful uh what did you think about the fact that some of the migrants uh illegal immigrants uh in Aurora outside of Denver are taking over some of the apartment complexes have you seen that report yeah I have and it's actually troubling I've been talking to my wife about potentially moving out of the state just because it's becoming so dangerous in certain areas I've lived in Colorado for 20 years they have destroyed the city they're destroying the state economically not the migrants but the people you know we have a Democrat super majority um and and it's like I've watched my beautiful state Decline and I think you know people are trying to take it back but once these people get embedded um it's very hard to get power back from them and so I think it's very important that people get active and uh make some good choices amen amen are you are you surprised that uh we're dealing with such a situation that we are right now in our country in the US OFA surprised no not after the last four years not at all right it has just gone downhill so fast it's scary it's terrifying um I'm afraid to watch the news uh I can't sleep yeah many nights and that's the thing I think a lot of people feel that way they're they're you know we go on with our lives but in the back of our mind and and it weighs on our soul it weighs on our heart right absolutely so what do what do is there anything that you do to just make it through the day or is it is it that bad oh it is that bad first of all I shut off the news I I turn on Truth social to find out what's really going on um and that's the only way I'm going to know I hear you can't help but hear the news um but I let it filter through my head um and I I look for the truth and that's what I search for and I don't believe the other crap now you can't help but be bombarded with it and you have to just learn to the grit and hold on to God that this is all going to work out the way it's supposed to yeah I mean it's a majority of Americans that want our country just to be made great again yes absolutely who wouldn't well I know who wouldn't and those are the people that we're fighting against thank you so much all right we'll keep on going a little bit and Titus let me know if you get somebody over there what's going on guys how you doing how are you military guys uh no just support them okay awesome absolutely support that yeah feel folds of Honor that's awesome uh your thoughts man just about Trump being here in uh Johnstown PA um it's very um surprising that he would come to such a small area but look at the support that's coming out for him I think that just says that speaks for itself historical uh Democratic support here in Johnstown and I think it really says a lot whenever you look around and you see what type of support like I don't know if there is a a old school Democrat like there used to be around here you know everybody I know is now votes Republican and I think it's probably because they've gone so stinking far left guys exactly um I I always get back to this I would love to speak to the older Democrats who are supporting this present Administration and possibly the future Administration that is this truly the America that you want that you grew up in I would love that my parents my aunts and uncles have all passed away there's no all all Democrats there's no way that they would have supported this kind of America right now never 100% you guys want to say anything real quick no uh all right well we got a cool hat let's go Brandon cool hat we'll moving on what's going on guys how are you I saw you before thanks so much for watching hello how you doing hi your thoughts about President Trump being here in Johnstown Pennsylvania oh it's the second time I've been here I was here in 2016 and uh yeah I think it's cool I think he should go to Butler real soon yeah and it sounds like he'll be in Butler in October yeah right that's exactly what I heard sure yeah yep than it tell us about maybe your neighborhood or or people you work with and and are they all Trump supporters or do you kind of all the whole neighborhood has Trump signs all through the yards yeah you know so we put up banners and flags and everything you know so yeah last year I lived well 2020 I had a trump flag on 31 post in my yard wow yeah but I moved from that house so and so tell us why you're putting up Trump signs well the gentleman knows what he's doing we've already seen it and um it's like this it's Freedom or communism and I'm after Freedom it's exactly what president Trump said just yesterday I was actually going to refer to that statement that speech and he said that that's what's on the ballot he said it yesterday right on right side Ro broadcast I've been saying it for years that it was coming to a to a head on so uh yeah it's just a matter of you Freedom or communism that's it that's right thank you so much what's your first name Linda Linda nice to meet you all right Titus why don't you take it over all right how's it going hey guys guys how are you doing today good how are you good is guys want oh yeah is this your first Trump rally I no this is my second one okay so what is something that you really want to see happen when Trump gets into office uh I just Resto restore our economy I think that's the number one thing you know that's the main reason I'm a trump voter see the economy better higher growth numbers for sure how about you just stop the leftwing Marxist takeover of this country um everything from Supreme Court uh to the Senate to just every institution to keep it robust and um in line with our Traditional Values that's my did you get a chance to see uh that interview that happened yesterday between Cala Tim Walls and I heard about I can not watch it though oh yeah it's a trip man you you'll enjoy do you get a chance to see that what what you think about that I can't say that but bull bull crap fake fake fake she's a flip flopper flip flopper Cala that's what she's that's like her new coin term it's cacan Kamala and then flip flopper Cala lot yeah man so what are you looking forward to the most today to see uh I guess just I don't know Trump talking about the interview from last night just ripping on Kamala I think that's the number one thing you know so how do you feel you guys are young men you know and like it's we're supposed to be the ones that are you know full of love and acceptance and completely tolerant to every sort of psychotic thing that is pushed forward as Progressive how do you feel um combating that in this day and time where we're supposed to be the ones that are like promoting and supporting those values I just think we got to St with our values like just be a cultural conservative in like this this area of like cultural left is I just see it like in University everything they're just really pushing like leftism on kids I think that we just have to take the strong conservative stance you just like going to Trump rally just like rallying the community I think those are really important things we need to do mean just showing up you know just showing up yeah don't be scared that's the number one thing do not be scared exactly you guys are proudly rocking to make America great again that's something that people will not do you know whenever I see someone in the store rocking I'm very like surprised but grateful you're willing to you know stand up because you might get your drink bad in if you're like at a restaurant but it doesn't matter because you're standing up for your values how about you yeah to that point it's such a shame that um we can be so respectful to the other side but they are just so intolerant claiming to be you know this tolerant respectful class and um we just got to um be you know stick to our Traditional Values faith family and freedom that's all you got to do if you don't mind me asking how old are you guys all 21 23 than thank you guys for doing to see yeah absolutely it's amazing we need the youngsters to vote we need the young we need everybody to vote everybody exactly and it's cool it's a unifier seeing people young and mature coming together to promote you know these American values that we want to see change and they're going to change we had you know the last 10 years has been four years ran by a Republican and he did an amazing job so we're excited to see everyone's complaining about the state of our country and it's like yeah guess who had it the last 10 years or majority of the last 10 years I used to be Democrat I used to be Democrat and I solve the problems and this country has gone to Hell in a hand basket and Trump came along nobody everybody don't want a politician don't want a politician Trump's not a politician he comes in fixes everything and they trash him from day one he he had people on his back from day one and look what he's done in his four years it takes humility to admit that to sit there and be like hey this is what I voted my whole life but I'm seeing the things that are happening I don't like it it's not what I thought my party represented and I'm changing so thank you for that I really appreciate it thank you guys so much it was good talking to you yeah than talking to you yeah yeah yeah all right to you Matthew thank you Titus now let's just check out something that we didn't see before some of the crew just showed me look all the way out there next to the Johnstown sign to the left of that those few people standing there that's actually the back of the line at least from this vantage point so it goes all the way across this body of water here all the way around uh so obviously more than 10,000 people uh here in Johnstown uh probably more than that I mean people in Pennsylvania love president Trump they love their freedom we love God and you know there are those three blue dots uh a little bit of Philly a little bit of Pittsburgh and a little bit of State College other than that this this state is red and uh this County uh I I'll talk about the registration uh who voted or who is a registered Republican and who is a registered Democrat here we'll get to that in a a little bit uh before we do uh we're going to interview uh Scott presler here in just a second but I want to thank our friends at the tax Network USA tax Network USA all you have to do is call the number you're about to see on your screen uh if you have any filing issues or anything with back taxes tax Network USA is always good to have a financial peace of mind when it comes to filling out uh paperwork and all that oh when it comes to taxes yeah 100% half the people you know y'all don't know what you're doing get somebody to come help you figure it out because I'm the same exact way all right and so let tax Network USA well great spons are here we'll be thanking them in just a bit minute and to your left is uh Scott Pressler sir thank you so much nice to meet you nice to meet you your thoughts about what's going on in the state of Pennsylvania listen president Trump has come to Wildwood Harrisburg Philly I mean Pennsylvania wins the White House so it's clear he's coming back over and over again because he knows Pennsylvania is electoral victory so what's it like out here to see you know everybody want to take a picture with you you must feel good well I'm just I'm here to get everybody registered to vote I love the support for our president but ultimately we need all of these beautiful people to vote for him on Tuesday November 5th and so we need everybody to become an active voter at their current address and if they want to change to a republican today we will gladly transform them 84932 registered voters in cabria County uh Republican it's 4379 90 Democratic are at 31863 can you believe there are even any let's be real Democratic voters right now I mean it's hard to it's hard to Fathom that when our country is going through what it is and and knowing what the better solution is well you know the Southwest Pennsylvania is going to determine the election people have a choice under Trump we had peace under Trump we had a great economy under Trump we had a more of a secure border and under the Biden Harris Administration and it's explosion of illegal immigration we can't afford anything and young men have a decision to make do they want to send a generation of their young men and women overseas to fight Wars that we didn't have under President Trump and so the the decision this November couldn't be more clear finally why are you so passionate about this country what was it that got you so kicked off and started uh President Obama inspired me you know my my dad's a Navy Captain he served our country I'm an eagle scout I've always kind of lived a life of service and I saw that under President Obama our country really started to decline and I thought I can be part of the solution or I can continue being a problem by not doing anything and so I'm here to be the solution I love her country I want to save her and I want every single one of these beautiful people to register to vote and to vote this November amen Scott nice to meet Youk thank you so much you too all right so interview there with h Scott PR Pressler doing a lot of great things um and so Titus you know being out here in Pennsylvania we were in Georgia isn't it interesting you hear the same thing people are sick of what's going on in the white house right now they want a free and fair election and they want president Trump back yeah it doesn't really matter where you're from um well it matters where you're from in sense of how it's affecting you what's happening to all of us we all and that's why everyone's changing their mind that's why everyone's realizing maybe Trump wasn't so bad maybe this is what I want going forward because what's been going on these last four years has been just super detrimental to the American people they're noticing it they they have no money everything's so expensive people as he said Scott was saying people are flooding the Border millions of illegal immigrants people are getting are dying drugs are just floating through the country it's just not safe and people are becoming fearful people think we're on the verge of World War III Wars going on all over the world none of this happened under Trump and so you know like you said doesn't matter if we're in Georgia doesn't matter if we in Pennsylvania doesn't matter if you're in Michigan don't matter where you are Trump is the right choice Trump is the one that's going to change this cuz he already did exactly yeah to your point with the illegal immigrants I mean I heard some stories about San Diego recently where at some of the bus stops some of the illegal migrants are trying to get onto some of the buses there's a problem there and then Aurora Colorado so at the end of the day people have to follow the law right and so there's nothing wrong with immigration yes uh obviously illegal immigration is a big difference well that's and that is the difference and they they kept trying there's such a disingenuous um behavior that the other side has been promoting like acting as if we're vilifying people that have come here legally went through the legal process there's we welcome and completely encourage you to come here legally we want you to let's bring some amazing things from your country to help benefit America for the better but it better be benefiting America for the better if you're going to cross us illegally you're not trying to help us you're hurting us because we don't know who you are we don't know what you plan to do and from what we've seen you're doing wrong you're doing bad things and so trying to stop that from happening is now coined as racist and people are kind of sick of being called that now I think it literally after like 8 years we're over you know stop calling me a racist stop and I haven't been called that as much because of uh but like it's uh it's super unfortunate is something that's going on over and over and over again people are over it they're like they're done I don't I'm sick of the name calling I'm sick of everything being so expensive I'm sick of people coming through across our border and hurting us just I'm done so and then Matt Walsh has um a documentary coming out called am I racist and I think it's on uh the 13th of next month maybe I don't know I believe I believe that's right so let's let's keep walking here oh what's up guys look at these guys we got security and we've got president Trump is is it okay we approach H hello sir tell us uh your thoughts about being here in Johnstown PA again uh well I actually live here oh really you're here yes I am um we need to make America great again it is going down with Harris she's in her hair Harris in her hair it's very annoying of her she just makes everything wrong like Biden dementia she's soon going to be falling upstairs just like him so you're you're secret service agent to your right he was laughing sir I don't know if you're supposed to laugh when he's talking um it it's just the how he talks it's we have to protect him but the way he talks he's an amazing president like he needs to make America great again as he was saying are you going to fix the border with all the immigration yes we do it it is insane we need better border patrol we need better everything cuz Biden just had it all going down it's just going down down down the but the illegal immigrants are going up up up but that needs to go down down down that's a very good point sir uh nice to meet you guys what's your guys first name uh Donna J trp sir nice to meet you good job guys good job that was very president that was very cool have a good day guys see you thank you so much for interviewing oh of course what what's your name Renee Billow all right is this uh your kids or this is my son Gino he did great thank you very proud of him so tell us just about the fact that he's out there standing up and saying you know what I I'm a trump supporter and and that's a good thing we've been following Donald Trump for quite a few years now we were actually raised Democrat and changed over to the Republican party in 2016 when he decided to run for president he's made such a big difference um best president we've ever had and we're going to continue to fight for him so what was it though specifically that you said you know what I I was RA were you raised a Democrat all right so then what was your um Awakening for the for being red pilled if you if you will sure all of the ideologies of the Democrat Party just went the other direction the Democrat Party used to be the party for the people and it is just not anymore there's so many of their ideologies that we just don't believe in anymore and Donald Trump stands for everything that we believe in and he he really with his voice uh brought that to America and has awakened a lot of people and brought such a following to him yeah such a following I mean there's that crowd let's take a live look way out there speaking of such a following now you guys remember we showed you at the top of the broadcast around 10:30 Eastern that Johnstown sign uh look at that line that's across this body of water so okay the K river right here uh in Johnstown uh all the people all the way across the river I mean you're talking at least what quarter mile half a mile over there uh so it's a huge line of people and uh again there there are jumbotrons outside um Titus that people if they can't make it in they'll still be able to watch yes they'll still feel the environment yeah but can you believe that out there that's pretty awesome look we're over here yeah and it's just oh all the way around yeah yeah so so let's take a look all the way to the left here as well you can see this is the beginning closer to the line so this is more to the uh front of the line here so we're going to go walk down a little bit and then we'll turn around and go to the actual front of the line and we'll see if we can interview the people that have been waiting since yesterday uh to see uh president Trump and to see uh the pre-program which I believe is slated for 2:15 Eastern uh if not it'll be around possibly 245 but definitely uh always good uh here on right side broadcasting network you get the wall to--all coverage we get everything from the people which what we see right here right now all the way to the president how I you're the only way I watch Trump on TV so much and I love rsmv I love your show and I love how you talk to the people and everything you do I do not watch it on TV I watch everything through your app I have it downloaded I love Trump I love the work you do you're honest you're fair and everything so we love you we love you very much and we love you as well we're on the same team you know and I say that sometimes when I'm in Auburn Alabama in the studio where Bobby mcne is today and I say it's from the people to the president yes I watched you yesterday when he was in Wisconsin yeah no Michigan Michigan yep I watched you on my phone I sat on my back porch and watched you I love you guys thank thank you for everything you do and for supporting Trump you know it's either do or die yeah that's right it's or lose exactly and if we lose we're out of here huh yeah well hey we'll see I don't know where we're going to go but but we have to win and you have to win so thank you very much what's your first name nice to meet you nice shirt too 4547 hi sir what is your what's your name sir Benjamin orberger you have a message for us yes uh first and foremost these beautiful papers you can do it on PA voter registration website register to vote request your absentee ballot request your mail in ballot go vote early go vote in person the registration deadline is October 21st if you are not registered before that you cannot vote make sure it's done it has to happen tell people why it's so important to vote it's important because of the fact that you know we have incompetent leaders who are stupid at every turn and they're Liars they're grifters they're thieves and these people affect your policy to give you a breakdown I was in the milit for 4 years thank you for your service thank you thank you I serve I suffer from depression and at one point I was suicidal and because I didn't get out arly I got um I got you know kicked out um on a different discharge and because I didn't qualify for VA health benefits I couldn't get the help I needed president Trump signed a law into or a bill into law and made it and expanded Mental Health Services for all veterans regardless and so I was able to get on anti de presence help save my life and now I'm an elected a Township supervisor and soon to be small business owner so president Trump personally saved my life that is the importance of voting these people that are in charge they have the ability to change lives permanently it's it's For Better or For Worse and so For Better or For Worse and KLA and Joe Biden don't believe the okay I I'll say it straight up KLA Harris has been vice president for three and years and she has not done anything when Trump was President it was the Trump Pence Administration not just the Trump Administration okay the vice president does have sway they do have power and don't let anybody tell you otherwise so she's you know claiming to do all these things on day one do them now do them now she doesn't have the luxury of saying when I get elected you're in office right now you may not be the president VP do your job now why why should we promote you and give you a pay raise for not doing your job for 3 and 1/2 years if it was my business and somebody didn't do their job for 3 and 1/2 years you'd be get fired you'd be out the door with a pink slip and on unemployment like that that's the way our country needs to be run it's a business run it like one thank you so much sir abut all right Matthew to you look at this I mean right here awesome stuff let's go talk to Tian over here real quick and then we're going to uh thank one of our new sponsors bunker in just a second sir thank you Matthew you nice nice Banner here thank you so much hello everybody let me here if you love president [Applause] Trump let me hear if you love rsbn rbn anyway I think you are a blessing to the American people because you show the crown you show the truth you've been fful with President Trump I think I believe since before Co and then you know what because we we are here to support this President that's saved by God so that he could save this country this is very this the most important election in our lives and then you play like I just I just compare you guys with David the media the man look at my my my friend wearing fake media is the virus they are big they are goliah but rsbn is a little David and David will use a little Stone and destroy the media with the truth yes the truth amen and the truth is President Trump won the 2016 election he won the 2020 election and he will be back at 47 president of United stat and let's pray let's pray for our president when you standing in line if he don't come back we're I don't want to say but we're screwed I hear you and then people are saying thank you Tien that's awesome thank you God nice to meet you good to see you God bless you God bless you great words there by Tien there he calls himself Mr T sometimes Mr T this Banner look at this man a beautiful beautiful flag from the founding of our country right there and then let's look all the way to the right no this is awesome at the current flag here it says Trump 2024 let's get a nice wide shot of that save America and is that not the truth Titus man this is literally what we're facing this isn't hyperbole as they say this is in drama this literally is a fork in the road are we going towards freedom and keeping our constitution or are we going to go completely the other direction exactly and that's a a valid concern something that I think is what woken W waken A lot of people up they're like we're not we're not really uh blind to what the media has been saying over the years I think all this alternative media all these things being exposed over the last few years with the benefits of social media as many negative things social media provides the fact that there's so many people out here factchecking and providing the truth it really opens the eyes of the American people and so now people know right exactly I agree 100% there that's what we're facing here uh coming up with this election uh so yeah let's uh thank one of our great sponsors this is Bunker so it's all about cyber crime and protecting from cyber crime so uh it's actually become hold on one [Music] sec come on now party at a trump yes sir brother there you go a little musical interlude kind of live here we go let's go with uh bunker all right so cyber crime we're told is the third largest um economy in the world trailing in size only to us and China so the criminals Target people in businesses by exploiting vulnerabilities having a group like bunker they come alongside you it's always good these patriotic groups that want to help the American people of course it's a business but it's still doing something that's part of the exchange right they do a good business for you they'll protect you from cyber crime uh your thoughts about that man well my thing is you can't help people who have nothing to help them with of course you got to have a business of course you got to make a profit but if that you putting your to something that's protecting you and keeping you safe from harm and danger then it's 100% worth it I don't understand confusion or because this is protecting you and it's like like you said America patriotic first uh company that just wants to do their best to provide for the American people and we're told that uh bunker is owned and operated by Security Professionals with a long history of protecting the public against cyber criminals and surveillance surveillance so that information need see there on your screen go ahead and reach out to Bunker I think that's something I'm going to do too I know there's some other ones out there but this one is great because again it's obviously very patriotic but also helping against cyber crime exactly wild concerned these days yeah exactly so let's take a live look to your left and our right here at the line we're going to walk all the way to the front this time do and see there's a huge American flag way up there um that we'll take a look at and interview some more people isn't it wild that you know you think about maybe a concert or maybe a sport a real big sporting event or you think of you know you remember back in the day when you have all these uh deals where people would wait uh outside a store like a Best Buy for that Black Friday or something Black Friday so you have this $400 screen and everybody would wait the night before well the people we're going to try and talk to up here have been waiting since the night before to get into this first summit Arena that's where we are uh here in Johnstown PA this is where those Johnstown tomahawks hockey team is for those of you that are really into hockey and but obviously the Pittsburgh Penguins not too far from here about 57 miles from want do you want a break dance real quick or oh okay want want to hop in there let's see hop on there let take a live look real so there was a break dancer here earlier Titus Matthew actually wants to you do here we go ready let's see those moves go here we go slide to the left I need some I need to right slide to the right oh okay like that oh there you go all right there you go come on oh okay I got one slide that's all I can do you know those are good moves do a little twist oh here he goes here he comes oh okay well we're going to watch him real quick as we go to the front of the line oh boy oh oh so he just oh oh that was pretty good actually that's awesome whoa all right what there you go all right yo Donald Trump can break entertainment I know Donald Trump got to like that so I just want to talk to the people real quick I know a lot of you guys have been to rallies out there in your hometowns States cities Suburban areas rural areas and it it's awesome right but to those of you guys that have never been to a trump rally uh obviously stay in touch with right side broadcasting network uh we cover them live if you're just new to this whole thing called conservatism and freedom and you're kind of like you know I'd rather be about that well please check out one of these rallies these days yeah exactly you're in the right place that's what you're looking for yeah cuz that's what you're going to get that's all you're going to get yeah now how come I had to make the move on there and you didn't try it oh because I already won class dance machine in high school I don't need to I don't need to prove myself all right cool all right cool all right I actually did not lying oh you did I did oh so sorry so wait you you I won class dance machine that was my uh what do you you know how the end of the year of your senior year they give you guys like some sort of award wward they got most likely to be successful most likely to be this best of this best of that I got class dance machine you know what's happening in the chat some people are saying well come on then they're like prove it I know I hear you let's let's keep on going here director if you could please repeat oh we'll stop here real quick um so you said yay rsbn thank you so much yes yes you're just thought about being here in Johnstown PA today it's exciting that we're here we're supporting president Trump he has to get in so get out and vote your thoughts uh my thoughts are we all need to volunteer some way or another to get Trump in office and that's exactly what you're doing today yep and other things too so can you can you talk to us about um for the people that are watching they say well I want to do something how easy was it for you to join as a volunteer for the Trump campaign well I joined Trump Force 47 and they sent us an email an email if we wanted to to volunteer and I said yes and I told them when I wanted to and here I am you from the area I'm from camber County yes yes yes yes very cool and then you did the same thing I guess did the same thing member of Cur County Republican committee so we're here to try to save America save what we value and we think president Trump is we know president Trump is the man that can help us to do that awesome awesome thanks guys so much thank you all right we're going to keep on going hi hi so we're going to try and get to the front here I don't know if they'll let us in there can we go can we go in there special guest okay we we'll try on the other side okay thank you sir nice shirt by the way all right we're going to try all the way up here to the left um and then before we kind of look here let's just look at this huge American flag right here this is outside the first summit Arena first summit Arena all right so let you see the people waving right there he got the Trump dance on lock you see them W okay so those are the people that have are here uh were the first four or five people here way over there the guy with the cowboy hat on uh they got here yesterday uh there was a rainstorm they said uh who cares we're we're going to power through it and and obviously that one of them is a front row Joe uh as you can see right there and then there's uh two or three other people uh I talked to them earlier two of them are from Pennsylvania one from Michigan one from Illinois and uh I don't know if we're going to be able to get all the way over there or not but we're going to try why not you know sometimes you miss what what's the uh Wayne Gretzky Miss 100 Point 100% of the shots you don't take you you miss 100% of the shots that you don't take so hello this is uh this is pretty cool you look good you look good hey well hey can you answer my question oh because go ahead you answer it all right I'll answer it this way Biblical history is going to occur with this man when he's reelected as long as the war on terror is going it'll end when he becomes reelected because the Bible says in the Bible and I have the answer to my own question why is God protecting this man because God is protecting America only because he's running for president again all right and I'm dressed like him you got the tie everything know something my flag is flying yours is just sitting there thank you sir nice to talk with you all right I hope you got a picture of this what's up guys how's it going nice hat thank you where you guys from about an hour that way right on the other side of Al I'm from Baltimore okay cool first time seeing president Trump her second second all right your thoughts your thoughts about being here everyone's here for the same reason we're all tired we're tired of failed social policies that lead to a failed country and we want our country back what was it like to see the first event I broke down in tears when he walked out of just such a surreal feeling seeing him in person yeah it was amazing awes yeah it was cool have fun in there guys all right thank you so much all right so uh I'm going to do a quick uh sponsor uh read here uh thanking America American financing uh 9549 I would say so uh yeah so I don't know if it's 854 or 954 director can you let me know I remember it's on the screen right there but I can't see the screen $ 854 thank you thank you so $854 they're using some of the house equity and that kind of thing but working with companies like that always help so it's American financing you see the information right there on your screen uh when it comes to that savings so what is it like right now in general for you I mean think about it the the economy is just terrible oh yeah that's helping with rent that's helping with groceries that's helping with all these things that you know utilities whatever being able to do that in this economy having that much extra cash it would be so beneficial to the livelihood of every American because right now you see it people struggling like if you're especially with social media being so prominent you see people like crying on the internet about how life is ter able right now I'm working two jobs I'm working so hard and I just can't afford this and so this is something that I think that would actually be very beneficial to to the people 100% so there you go American Finance you can see that information there right on your screen uh speaking of right let's make a right and uh head towards the front of the line to see if we can get in there uh we'll let the uh camera op kind of lead the way as he takes a live look at uh the line here all right so that's a lot of the Press on one side there I don't think we're going to be be able to get all the way to the first four people that uh we talked to earlier before the cameras were rolling uh but that's all right let's uh Cruise back uh we do know again president Trump will be speaking at 4:30 today right here on right side broadcasting network the pre-program starts at uh about 2:15 eastern time uh you're watching right side broadcasting network I'm Matthew Alvarez alongside uh my buddy Titus Smith that's an Alis Smith we'll continue on here so again population oh there's brick suit right here how you doing sir hey what's up you always get a nice shout out from president Trump inside yeah you know who knows I mean maybe it'll happen again today but the way that I look at that if he's giving me a shout out it's not me personally I look at as I am just the proxy for all of his people who have been supporting him for so long it's just kind of a convenient way that he can thank supporters you know I it's not he not it's not like he's saying my name you know it's brick suit wall guy whatever it all works out but like I said I think he's just thanking those people who' have been with him for so long exactly and building the wall man it's still something that uh has to continue it never should have been an issue this election he had it under control he had it under control and Joe just got in there and just like in a spiteful mode of just they sold all the wall materials off canceled all the contracts the wall should be finished so it's the bord is a complete disaster and it's undeniable that President Trump is the right one to to shut that down and get it fixed because kamla they're just going to tell her to open it up notice I don't say she's going to open up she has no she has no agency here they're going to tell her to open it up that's why we need president Trump again I've actually heard there's some rumors going around that she is completely flip-flopping out position you see a lot of people walking around here with flip-flop Cala because literally as of just like a couple days ago I heard a flip-flop on her saying that she was supporting the wall what are your thoughts on that it's insane I you know actually we should rename those flip-flop shoes they should be called commas that's what they should be called because she's going 180 degrees on a lot of stuff where she came in like I'm against the wall now I'm for the wall I want to defund the police now I don't want to defund the police I'm against fracking now I'm sort of for fracking so she's done complete 180° reversals of what she campaigned on and she's a flip-flopper let's face it I mean somebody out there I want you to make a meme I want to fish I want it flip-flopping around I want kamla's head on it she's a flip flopper it's like she's she's like changing all her positions to being like almost Pro Trump while continually calling him a threat to democracy yeah you know I actually I actually saw yeah don't get me started on that threat to democracy I someone made a meme but they put kamla's head on my body because now she supports the wall so that and I'm just like that if she ever comes out in the wall suit I'm just going to lose it it's going to be steel cage steel cage wrestling match on that one would we be that surprised if she did that I mean tags on tips is something Donald Trump started and a we a month later she brings it up and you know who who's she's coming for you next man the wall suit she's just copying everything and you know she has no successful policy upon which she can differentiate herself from president Trump and so she's going to latch on to everything that President Trump success successes and everything president Trump suggests that was successful and try and say I'm going to do that too so you know I think I just can't wait for the debate and I'm president Trump is going to just dig in on that unrealized capital gains tax and expose that for the Sham that it is but beyond that bord is my number one issue speaking on the debate isn't it interesting how he completely suum to all of the rules and you know restrictions that Biden wanted for the debate on CNN he wanted nobody in the audience he wanted this he wanted that Trump's like fine let's just debate let's get this over with he watches him immediate a complete destroying of Biden during the debate so then he goes okay this time around I want to go to Fox I think it was on like September 2nd or something and she or fourth she completely denies it refuses to do it only what she wants and he again has to conform to what they want what are your thoughts you know president Trump agreed to debate Joe Biden under certain circumstances and she wanted to claim that was an agreement with her which it wasn't president Trump's going to win any debate that they do with at and I find it I find it illum I find it Illuminating that what she wanted was a sitdown debate she's very self-conscious about how she appears compared to president Trump she's very self-conscious about appearing to be weak let's face it she is weak right so um even in the debate she G the interview she just gave to CNN she had to have her training wheel partner walls with her and uh the only wall I don't like by the way normally I'm in favor of walls but in this casee not huh and she looks small I mean she's not I mean they want to do everything they can to maximize her appearance and I imagine that what we'll see on that debate if they are standing up is will never see the network frame a shot where they're both in it it will only be one or the other or it'll be both of them from the angle of of uh Harris so that they can make her appear taller so we'll never see we'll never see a straight on shot of both of them and we'll never see a shot from president Trump looking over at her that's my prediction that'll be very interesting to see if it turns out that way but thank you so much all right I appreciate you keep going on strong absolutely all right all right Matthew where's matthew at let's go to Matthew so um right now Titus Ellis Smith guess what that is I this is awesome as you guys know that are Steeler fans out there the Terrible Towel but this is the Trump towel so uh United States original it's got one in red as well my wife doesn't like when I always buy chachis but I think I'm going to get this one right here real quick so Titus get the Trump tow I'm GNA get gonna get gonna get this one right here I think and I was going to venmo him literally while we're on air to to buy it you got a new rag oh yeah and I got a new rag yeah if it's if it's if I get sweaty but anyway it's all kinds of cool stuff that's out here at all of these uh events a lot of gear I was thinking about the amount of money just being made just off of President Trump's likeness and Maga and it's just insane a lot right a lot but out yeah it's well worth it I mean think about it I mean you you if if everybody always is supporting their favorite team or their favorite whoever right yeah yeah well this is this is kind of like that this is team Freedom right uh this is a huge election coming up uh obviously we're having a little bit more fun out here today but uh a lot of great serious points by a lot of the the Patriots out here yeah I mean if you don't have humor you know infused and what's going on here you're just going to be depressed you know you got I mean there's that hope you know the hope of you know Trump being in an office um you know inspires us all but like the reality of what's been going on over the last three and a half four years it's like this has been really sucky and so it could cause someone to be more in the dump so it's good to be humorous it's good to you know make not light of what's happening in the world but be bring joy you know well that's the thing we could talk about that especially when we're inside about the whole thing of Joy over in the DNC it's called that's fabric ated counterfeit fake I didn't mean fake Joy I didn't mean I didn't think of that it's true though right uh the real Joy I I believe comes from you know God but also from a conservative way a the Constitution Freedom you know uh to be able to you know live the life that you desire to live and uh life liberty The Pursuit of Happiness exactly uh so all right so let's uh thank the wellness company and then as soon as I'm done I'm going to buy this towel real quick uh the wellness company of course make care great use that promo code you see on your screen rsbn for that 15% off so there's an emergency kit a contagion kit uh these kits will be mailed right to you all you have to do is fill out some medical paperwork through the make my make careg grad always good when it comes to Ivor mechon amoxicillin that kind of stuff so the things that saved people during Co yeah they saved lives right so it was yeah 100% so make careg great for those kits let's take a live look over over there to the right real quick and uh Titus why don't you take it away all right well we're walking down seeing all these people gathered around hard hats wonder what wonder what the hard hat thing is for but let's just keep walking over here uh we got Trump team let's see that break dancer is still going off all right let's find some patriots hey how's it going okay how are you guys doing today all right well Hi how are you guys doing today how are you guys doing today hi what's your name my name is Susan Susan it's nice to meet you so is this your first Trump rally oh no how many have you been to oh goodness um it's like an age right a girl never tells her age it's a handful I'm from Pennsylvania so I don't get to travel that far Pennsylvania Ohio ones what's bringing you here today cuz I love Trump um why miss him I'm actually taking a day off of work today for that hey as you should take that day off support so what is it about Trump that you love so much I love that he serves our Lord and savior first and foremost I love that he is going to be the one that's going to Give Me Freedom country loves my country right patriotism um and that he's going to give me opportunity I believe I would not have or I wouldn't even believe in myself to get it's a continuing Trend that I see just going to these rallies and talk can be able to support Trump that's like I just love that he acknowledges Christ now obviously he's not our Lord and savior but the fact that he serves him and is willing to it brings joy to us as Believers because it's like okay someone who I know nobody's perfect but they have some sense of a moral accompass because Jesus is in their heart and so I know they're going to do the best they can to actually benefit the country and so I I agree it's amazing to see that so what do you think that what have you been dealing with in the last three and a half four years that you know is because of the B Administration that you want to see Trump change well first and Force most I'm a teacher I want God back in I want my prayer I want my flag to mean something um and I want parents to to know what their kids are learning and I want to have that freedom I walk in every day and I'm nervous right am I going to get in trouble just for having morals and values right yeah so that's that's my number one thing is my career um human trafficking is my other one I'd like to get into human trafficking awareness so if anybody's out there that can help me I'd love to change my job um just to see what America was based on like you said it was born on God and let's take that back because there's just everything every blessing there's abundance in that um our territory will increase we'll have peace in the Nations there will just be the love that they talk about all of that is in Jesus and speaking on you said human trafficking that is something that I'm very passionate about as well I want to see that end Kamal did not do a lot to help that the borders are she as a matter of fact she did things to enable and allow it to you know rum rampid all over the country in the last 3 and 1/2 years and it's just super discouraging cuz Trump had that border you know locked down and ever since he uh has come out of office it's just been millions of illegal immigrants trafficking has been happening all over the place and so what do you have to say to Kamala Harris and everyone that supports her that wants to completely disregard or ignore the fact that she did that for the last four years yeah well I hope that Kamala someday turns turns her way um you know she finds she finds Jesus cuz Jesus is forever everybody right and like you said we all make mistakes um but there are so many horrible things happening with children so many dark things that many people don't even want to talk about um and once you learn about it it's like once you see it you can't forget it um so we just want to get those kids those babies back to their moms and dads we want them to be back in their country we want them to be prospering we want them to have a good education to be loved um and to be safe so there's got to be partisan issue this isn't a partisan issue this a human no we have a YouTube and that's one of the things we do flag flies and I say to people it's not red or blue it's about the kids do we really care about the kids cuz if we did we'd be able to have a conversation right now and my heart is with saving those kids saving those kids yeah yeah I agree 100% it's it's heartbreaking to see what's happening that people could allow their political affiliation to deter them from helping these children and seeing a change happen regardless of the administration that in office if they're doing something to prevent human trafficking I am all for it so thank you so much Susan well thank you so much God bless you God bless you all right over to Matthew there the Trump towel all right so I got the Trump towel those of you Steeler fans out there got this in honor of you but also uh went to college not too far from here uh and then I also bought well they he actually gave me this one as well so I bought the yellow one he gave me the second one as people are chanting right here to the right let's just listen in Trum TR a couple people just um saying let's go Trump to maybe two protesters over there but I'm thinking what we can do is uh before we go to the commercial break well after the commercial we'll give this one away why don't we go into the crowd and uh give it to the protesters yeah don't give it to the protesters yeah here here you go sir um so we'll do that after the commercial break I believe we're going to go to that right now uh for Titus Ellis Smith Matthew Alvarez on right side broadcasting now Network this is from Johnstown Pennsylvania we'll be right back you ask and we listen we're finally bringing the most requested offer ever get the queen-size premium my pillow now only $1 1998 my pillows made with patented adjustable fill it adjusts to your exact individual needs regardless of your sleep position it helps keep your neck aign and holds its shape all night long so you get the best sleep of your life but that's not all get our six piece kitchen our bath tole sets only $25 our brand new mattress topper as low as $69.98 get our famous my pillow bed sheets for as low as $25 and so much more so go to or call the number on your screen use your promo code to get huge discounts on all my pillow products including the premium Queen siiz my pillow only 19.98 that's the lowest price ever don't delay order today from all here at my pillow than America hey y'all it's silk from the diamond and silk chitchat live show look don't forget to check me out right here on rsbn network be sure to watch the show on right side broadcasting network and I want you to support right side broadcasting network yes it's imperative that you do so okay I look to see y'all soon bye-bye [Music] welcome to the right side broadcasting network we're not like the other media Outlet out there that cut and edit what other people say in 2015 we were created by our founder Joe seals to cover president Donald J Trump's speeches and rallies to which we continue to do to this day we've also covered important conservative events like CPAC tpusa March for Life and many other important events and hearings around the country we were made for people like you everyday Americans who are tired of the mainstream media who are tired of being lied to manipulated and fed an agenda our goal here at right side broadcasting is to allow you to see the truth giving our correspondents and commentators a wide latitude to speak their minds you won't find anything like this in the mainstream media your support through your donations locals and supporting our advertisers allows us to continue to cover important events around the country each and every day so from us here at right side broadcasting thank you for supporting us and the right side of [Music] History hi folks this is rsbn founder and CEO Joe seals here in these crazy times there is peace of mind and security security for our country security for our leaders and security for our families but think about this if you have all your eggs in one basket you are not financially secure gold and silver are an excellent way to diversify your savings they're a hedge against inflation and through my friends at the Birch gold group you can own physical gold and silver in a tax sheltered retirement account there's one thing you can do today to secure your family savings just text the word Trump to 9898 98 and receive a free info kit on Gold Plus in August only on any purchase you make Birch gold is giving away free Trump silver coins this brand new one-of-a-kind silver coin features Trump boldly raising his fist in the moments after the attempt on his life you don't want to miss your chance to own this special piece of History a celebration of a leader dedicated to our security preserved in the security of a precious metals coin so secure your savings today and get your free Trump silver coins text Trump to 98 9898 today that's Trump to the number 9898 98 good morning from Auburn Alabama I'm Bobby mcney welcome to rsbn if you've been catching our great coverage from the Magnificent Matthew Alvarez and the tremendous Titus Smith in johntown Pennsylvania a beautiful day a little bit overcast but as Titus mentioned a bit cooler up in Johnstown just 57 mil east of the Steel City Pittsburgh Pennsylvania and magnificent Matthew Alvarez saying that he will buy one of those new terrible towels now a trump towel if you're a Pittsburgh Steelers fan with professional football right around the corner some great interviews this morning we had a California oh excuse me Colorado residents who traveled all his way to Pennsylvania and if you were watching some college football last night North Dakota State and the University of Colorado see you coach Prime Deion Sanders leading his team to victory in a nailbiter nice to have that parallel with competitive Sports and football coming back once again of course Auburn Alabama we are a football town here War Eagle as they say locally but we're excited to have all of that because we parallel that into politics this is the Olympics this is the super bowl of politics coming up in just about 70 days less than that here the United States presidential election November 5th of 2024 a cataclysmic big moment for America and here at right side broadcasting we're bringing you all of the coverage from beginning to end we're talking to the real people out there one of our favorites Mr Edward in his turquoise blue Maga hat today his 8 sixth rally that he has attended and he will apparently somehow get to DC tonight after the speech and see President Trump at the moms for Liberty event in Washington DC so a double header for president Trump who's expected to speak in Johnstown Pennsylvania at 4:30 Eastern but we're grateful to our sponsors for putting us on air and helping us get this great coverage for you at home the Maga Patriots in these crazy times there is peace of mind in Financial Security and that's security for our country security for our leaders and security for our families but think about this if you have all your eggs in one basket you are not financially secure gold and silver are an excellent way to diversify your savings they're a hedge against inflation and our friends over at the Birch gold group you can own physical gold and silver in a tax sheltered retirement account a great way to diversify your 401k or even your IRA and you can get a nice packet over there from our friends at Birch gold this is the one thing you could do today to secure your family's savings text the word Trump to 98 9898 I'm just pulling up here one of these great pamphlets that you can get when you sign up for that and Patriots like Ben Shapiro Steven Bannon Ron Paul and Dan banino all endorse this of course they have been huge Patriots throughout the years fighting for what's common sense and right the the populist movement on the right side of the aisle this is security and protection no other commodity enjoys as much Universal acceptability and marketability as gold and that's from Hines sennholz an economist a great packet there to learn how to diversify your assets text Trump to 9898 8 and for a limited time the free fight silver coin that's already worth a lot going to be worth many many more uh my dear Uncle who passed away roughly a decade ago he was a big collector of coins and he would have loved to have a free fight silver coin I remember we would talk about politics in American culture when he was alive and he talked a lot about these populous movements he would have really adored president Trump and the movement that he has helped create that great Patriots over the years like Ron Paul have helped Forge you can include Pat Buchanan in that Ross perau we are living in historical times and it's gentlemen and ladies who have fought hard for these principles we are now seeing manifold in the 20 promises the Trump agenda that I have pulled up right here in this platform number 19 Matthew and Titus speaking to Scott today in the audience and many other Patriots aware of getting people registered to vote and in action so that we can make America great again but number 19 secure our elections include same day voting voter identification paper ballots and proof of citizenship the only way we achieve that is by winning elections so go out there and vote you all have a sphere of influence at home and another Patriot was texting me earlier this morning and and Trump Force One um or Trump 47 a great way to get involved as well and I'll pull up here how you can do that and we'll mention that uh on air because volunteering is the way to get the job done and get people involved in the process door Todo Precinct by Precinct county by county throughout this great nation as we bring you nonstop coverage I've been diving into we spoke yesterday on the show regarding Cornell West being removed from the Secretary of State's ballot according to the hill Michigan court of claims Judge James Robert Redford said in an order the Michigan Bureau of Elections must qualify West and his running matate for the ballot if they've submitted enough valid signatures he wrote that Michigan Secretary of State and director of the Bureau of Elections misapplied the law in find otherwise so an interesting thing to watch because Robert F Kennedy Jr endorsing president Trump last Friday in Glendale Arizona followed by tulsy gabard who moderated a great presentation yesterday with President Trump on or in Lacrosse Wisconsin but RFK Jr trying to get his name off of the swing state ballots and Michigan denying that but initially taking Cornell West name off another third party candidate so we'll watch that as that develops in the next several days another interesting point to note president Trump's IVF policy and abortion policies getting criticisms from both sides of the aisle but at right side broadcasting we report you decide we are giving you real news here and I'd like to quote the president from his remarks yesterday president Trump I am announcing today in a major statement that under the Trump Administration your government will pay for or your insurance company will be mandated for all costs associated with IVF treatments fertilization for women he said this during his remarks yesterday and in an interview with WFLA a local affiliate mentioning that he will or wants extended time he does not want a six-week ban in Florida so it will be interesting to see as that debate goes on with the November ballot in Florida they're deciding whether or not 6 week should be extended president Trump there should be said there should be more time to extend for the opportunities for abortions in Florida will be very interesting to watch as that develops and again criticisms on both sides of the aisle but president Trump being very clear on where he stands on that he has the Reagan opinion on abortion he was the one who appointed constitutionalist judges at the federal level and the Supreme Court which ultimately struck down roie Wade something that's been worked on for over 52 years in order to get this back to the States being that abortion will be a state's rights and I'm paraphrasing president Trump saying that some will be extreme like California up to the due date some will be like my now home state of Georgia a six- week exception and then ban after that and then some will have have more it will be up to States and localities to make that up for themselves he's been very clear on that and the fake news corporate media exaggerating or flat out just denying where president Trump has been clear at every single turn and it seems as if he has to explain this at every moment now going to his campaign I'd like to give you the information on where you can find trump4 yes trump4 is where you can find events and volunteer for the Trump election reelection campaign so if you'd like to find that in your neck of the woods they are out there and you can see them on the split screen Trump Force 47 out there the great volunteers whether it's rain ice hot whatever the temperature might be they are out there knocking doors having a splendid time and they're great volunteers and we thank them as well for being so hospit hospitable to rsbn and all media when we go there and cover these rallies for you and we'll be throwing it back to Johnstown Pennsylvania in a few seconds the Magnificent Matthew Alvarez and the tremendous Titus Smith Johnstown Pennsylvania all right Bobby thank you so so much Bobby MCD in the studio there in Auburn Alabama back here live in Johnstown Pennsylvania Matthew Alvarez alongside Titus Ellis Smith All right so it's 11:45 Eastern Time president Trump to speak at 4:30 and before we th uh give away this towel this is the Trump towel that we're talking about giving away earlier I want to thank our friends at the American financing American finan is saving their customers upwards of $854 a month by tapping into their H's equity and wiping out highin credit card debt obviously $854 can go a long way tenis oh I could really use $854 man I I would like that right now and and so through American financing that possibility can become yours you can see that information there on the screen American financing one of great sponsors here at right side Broadcasting Network all right Titus let's walk down a little little bit and it's a lot of loud music I want people to be able to hear what they're about to get I know you know they want I don't know if they'll be able to hear me say hey do you want this toal and get everybody going wild a little bit why don't we walk down this way we'll take a live look at the crowd as we walk and we're going to go right down this way just a little [Music] bit well it's the sights and sounds from Johnstown Pennsylvania a huge crowd Titus all the way down this line and then across the bridge we're going to take another live look at that um which is what we did earlier but now the line is even longer all of this support for our country and president Trump exactly these people are you have to really be passionate about our country and very determined to see things change to be coming here you know and to sit here and wait are you Mt Alvarez yes hello do you still work for Channel 10 yes I missed you so right side broadcasting I know you are you're a terrific guy we loved you love you too thank you we did I stopped watching after I'm so sorry we were actually going to I I we were just going to show you the crowd out that way but but she was started talking so tell tell us your story our story is you know we're from the area we're local people we've seen Trump maybe four or five times we went to his inauguration so we just love Donald Trump and we love everything about him and we're here to support him and thank you for your kind words it's good to be working in conservative media yes yes we're glad that you got a place in conservative media you had to get out of there thank you all right so let's take a live look right now Titus way out there that is the end of the line literally the end of the line in johntown Pennsylvania you can't go any further than that or you're going to be in the river that's the river we're looking at here next to this first I wonder if there's like another line somewhere else I wonder if there's like another place cuz like you said it cuts off there it goes all the way we're seeing that to the right but then if you go all the way to the left obviously the tree line cuts off the vantage point but then the people go all the way around and then let's just look at where everybody is right here in front of us right here on the left uh so we see the line goes to right here and then maybe a quarter of a mile uh to the front of the Arena so let's keep on walking a little bit got to give this tole away Matt yeah we got to give this towel away I want to see if uh how how excited the crowd would would be to get something like this it's kind of a cool momento you know oh 100% being like I said coming to a trump rally we're coming to a rally and supporting everywhere we go every every state you go every rally there is there's always this long line of supporters that want to see they're so passionate for change so I definitely think uh they might get a little excited if you show them that Trump towel exactly uh if you can keep going there Titus i' the ifb is uh having a problem here yeah absolutely so I I think we should encourage these people real quick hey who wants a I think you should do it who wants a towel out loud and proud all right is anybody hold on oh yeah oh you're taking oh you know what he's so funny I want this is come on over real quick what is he waiting for this is funny this he's teasing people he's all here oh I give give this towel away and I'm like I was about to be like who wants the towel get everybody going and then Titus he started in you know what ti is oh he gave me the honors what a guy do the honors oh what a guy thank you all right how fun this is your moment all right who want to tow Trump tow here we go oh yeah oh which way is it is this way Trump tow anybody want anybody want the tow oh ladies first you know what go ahead go ahead oh no what you got this is what we'll do we'll give this okay we'll give that to her congratulations congratulations you're our lucky winner the winner but there's another towel another tow oh another towel okay so let's try this all right so we're going to give this one away all right here we go what a guy who wants this towel oh wait wa hold on hold on hold on if the C oh guys come on you were so close when the lady showed up who want this tow we're getting warmed up you know you got to prime the pump sometimes all right one more time whoever cheers the loudest gets the towel for free all right all right let's show the people at home real quick Qui again here we go Steelers right beautiful towel all right here we go who wants the [Applause] towel okay here's the thing all right I looked all your Expressions were beautiful but dude you were loud thank you we were on I was literally about to come if you don't pick this guy I was like they all ah and you could hear the from this one guy there you go that was $15 so they $15 towels I'm sorry no yeah you definitely had some passion I saw you I was pretty loud so why are you so excited to be here today cuz Trump's going to win yeah for sure and why do we need that we need it we're going to go down the tubes if we get Camala Harris in there there's no way yeah that's true it worries me that's true I hear you thank you so much all right so everybody here uh from Johnstown PA and who's from Ohio anybody everybody from Pennsylvania all right nice shirt by the way thank you all right so how far did you have to drive uh an hour and 5 minutes not bad at all no tell us about why you got that shirt right there right there because after uh the shooting at uh Butler uh for uh stand behind Trump and he needs to take back the white house so we can have a country again and I've voted for him every time and I'll do it again in November amen thanks maam thank you thank you great right side yeah you watch us a lot uh yeah yeah what are your thoughts about right side broadcasting guys love right side broadcasting we watch you all the time that's great yes and we recognized you right away I recognized the guy with the long hair too yeah yeah Scott from before we interviewed Scott if you want to see that interview could just scrub back on rumble or YouTube but yeah I mean it's awesome to be out here with everybody I mean this is really just about our country isn't it absolutely absolutely absolutely and so much so so many different shirts you usually talking with him that's me yeah I like talking to this guy he's kind of cool all right we're going to keep on going where are you guys from though Altuna Aluna oh Altuna nice okay I used to live and work there as well but um yeah it's pretty cool there from right here Johnstown yeah Evansburg also a shout out to a beautiful Town Evansburg and this whole area a lot of a lot of trump signs right guys a lot of trump signs how about we get a USA check going here we go 1 2 3 USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA all right how you guys how you doing sir you excited to be here today pardon me excited to be here today yes is this your first Trump rally yes it is I'm from uh Toronto Canada actually Toronto Canada okay so you traveled here today I no I I I was on vacation and I hit it on the way back so okay so why are you uh as a Canadian here to support Trump well I just see um seems to be nefarious things going on across the globe and uh yeah we got to fight fight fight for democracy agree so when you saw that moment just was it month ago a little a little over a month ago what what were your thoughts uh we're living in crazy times and uh people got to unite together I think the Republican party got to unite and and gather all Americans in and and fight for freedoms yeah 100% agree right yes how excited you to see Trump today it's going to be an experience for us for sure yeah I can't wait actually especially post interview with Kamala and TNN yesterday I'm sure he's going to have a lot to say about that huh I'm sure he will it's going to be interesting to see what he says it's going to be amazing well thank you so much it's great to meet you all right Hi how are you good what's your name Mary Lou Mary Lou what do you what brings you here today my president you're president so what are you um Donald Trump Donald Trump yes and you are a woman that's not you're not supposed to like Trump you know that right I love Trump and I've loved him since day one and I'll love him until the end of time so what do you say to the ones that say hey you're a woman he's against you controlling the right to your body he's against you working in the workplace he doesn't want you to thrive he's all about men and he's all about big business what do you say to that and I say those are all misinformation and I'm a woman and he is for me as much as men all women I am not in control of my body in the sense that I cannot kill a life and that's it God created it and I have no right to take it and neither does anyone else and Donald Trump is not against women's rights he's protecting women's rights unlike the other candidate amen speaking of the other candidate did you have a chance to see any of that interview yesterday I did not because I didn't want to turn it on I don't want to hear more lies I don't want to hear more misinformation I don't want to believe that these two people could possibly lead our great country we need someone that really supports our military supports our uh men and women in uniform in the police force and as for the people from the little guy to the big guy we're all Americans and I want someone who loves this country and wants us to go forth and be strong amen I agree I mean when I think of that interview I just think of like watching special on Comedy you know Comedy Central because it's a joke well first of all how can you have a taped interview you they can take out whatever they I mean that's ridiculous just sit there and speak can you speak Camala I don't think so can you draw these facts out of your head without a teleprompter like President Trump can I don't think so okay and you've also been part of a party that has had three and a half years almost four to take our country where it needs to be you haven't you've pushed us back okay and I don't want to go back like she says I want to be with Mr Trump who's today here for all of us hey man I agree thank you so much it was great to meet you than you for your time what channel do I get we are on rsbn you can find us on YouTube Rumble Twitter you know X Twitter X nice to you that was awesome we talking about the teleprompter and all that of course president Trump can riff like nobody can he's the goat at so many speeches and also the debate uh which Speaking of the debate September 10th of course in Philadelphia on fake news ABC that'll be quite interesting it will be uh the the man in the wall suit the man in the wall suit was saying something earlier about how he doesn't think that Cala is going to be uh shot side by side they don't think they're going to do one of those because she's so short they don't want her to seem you know weak or small and I was like that's an interesting uh perspective I wonder if they're going to go that route because that would be you every debate since I've ever seen it has always been showing a front-facing shot of the you know two candidates so that'll be interesting what do you think yeah I think it's going to be uh quite revealing and I think that last night was a softball fake counterfeit interview cuz anybody can talk and and sound like a a a moderate Democrat or just someone that wants to work for the middle class as her thing that she she started talking about but at the end of the day what is she really about in the depths of her soul and what does she really want in our country and what does World want and exactly great Point great Point great point exactly cuz you can sit there and talk all you want to what are your actions what are you actually doing to help exactly if you're not doing any of your words are meaningless right so we're going to walk uh all the way back here to show you a little more of a vantage point remember we were talking uh Titus about the line all the way across the bridge remember yes so we walking down there so I love live music this guy right here playing some music right now who live live right now here in Johnstown Pennsylvania [Music] so you can see just thousands of people here look at this let's let's just stop here real quick and let's look all the way down there and see how far oh wow it goes It goes that way yeah it goes all the way to the right so we're going to take a little jaunt here and then we'll be uh interviewing people all across uh this area so this is Johnstown PA again about 20,000 people uh for population here used to be around 100 ,000 back in its Heyday when it came to like the steel industry and that kind used to be 100,000 yeah sheesh 100,000 that's a drop oh it's a huge drop uh again the steel industry when it dried up a little bit here uh in the Pittsburgh region yeah uh it definitely took away a lot of obviously jobs and a lot of people just moved away but you know Cambria County has about 130,000 people total and uh a about I think it's about 40,000 registered Republicans around 31,000 uh registered Democrats but as you guys can see there's a lot more of the uh right wing out here in johntown [Applause] PA all right what's going on guys how you doing good to see you we're having a great day and we are so glad to be here and we're glad that Trump's doing well he's healthy because God saved him and exactly he knows that we need him yes that's right God was there and he saved him and he knows he has a purpose for us and this is it so CNN and all those other ncbc they can see what kind of crowds the Trump brings in about 100 people down here CNN say yeah oh come on there's 100 people right in this little circle yeah yeah really that's awesome guys you guys have a just real good vibe you know real good Joy having a ball we've been here since what couple hours it's great it's a lot of absolutely because save the country he's going to help us we need help who can buy groceries what do people do in Social Security and no other income you know he's going to make things work just like he did before by the grace of God well I almost think I could keep the microphone there and you'll just keep on going oh yeah yeah see that's a nice hat too I like that thank you you like to wear all this gear I just do I just do I have such love in my heart for him and I he doesn't even know I'm exist but it don't matter he might know you exist I know oh I doubt that you never know's watching oh boy what would you say to president Trump if he was watching right now I'd say I love you thank you God my family and Trump that's the way it is right now thank you you all right thanks guys thank you so much uh right side broadcasting network it's based in Alabama wow yeah awesome came up for us thank you thank you all right we're going to keep on moving on here guys what's going on everybody one of our Trump signs I put up made to Pinocchio I like this I like this a lot now where's this where's this hanging up let's let's take a live look at that this is right outside screen there we go it's right outside Crescent PA on Old 22 Yeah I have a business here and I put some signs up and uh yeah Pinocchio was good yeah no that's that's that's wonderful I love that don't believe the propaganda vote Republican you being a small business owner what was it like under the first Trump Administration versus what it's like now things were smooth people were making money energy was there now the inflation and nobody's working it's very hard right now and your thoughts about waiting here for 2 three hours you don't care do you no no I want to see the man and um I hope I do awesome thank you sir thank you have a good day all right let's keep on going Titus all right so we're seeing this uh long line in John PA how you doing sir not too bad you look nice and chipper today are you excited about what the rally I I just came across I didn't even know what's happening until I came in town really are you a trump supporter no I lost bet and had to wear the shirt today H okay so what what is it something that you really want to see Trump change in this country when he gets elected in office what do I want to see him change um media like you guys media like us yeah like fake news crap oh we're not the fake news you guys are Tik tokers right I think I'm the only one on Tik Tok here you don't Tik Tok and like maneuver things around oh no we are a conservative uh platform yeah 100% oh 100% right side broadcasting network yeah don't you have to worry about us you know cutting you up and making you look bad we want we authentic real we're live right now there's no editing there's no nothing we just want to know generally what you think about Trump what it is that your concerns with the country how you want to see it turn around who you think the right person for I'm assuming you're thinking this man is absolutely absolutely did you support him 2016 and 2020 as well yep okay well thank you so much who was that are you supporting him 100% absolutely Ved for them and him suppor voted for okay yes I'm supporting him I voted for him twice and I'll vote for him a third time all right were you guys in R Butler what was that no we are not we're uh based in Auburn Auburn correct yeah in Auburn uh Georgia yeah so y I'm from Michigan though are you from here so am I man whitmer's not that the greatest but you know he used to be good you know ham trami is a just a a dirt hole but it's okay we can see things turn around though right oh yeah yeah it would turn around abolutely well was great to meet you sir have a good one yep it's it's unfort see and this is what the media has done to the American people they don't think they can tell their truth or the truth without being terrified of like the media cutting up and making them look bad that was a complete perfect example of how the media has Twisted and made the Americans distrust someone a journalist or someone coming up to just ask some questions about their authentic thoughts exactly they immediately this guy I've never even seen that before but actually I understand I couldn't even fault him for being like well uh are you going to cut this up are you going to make me look bad are you going to try and vilifying me Y and I had you know right side broadcasting network would never let's just say that that's true and that's what it's about like we share uh camaraderie with the people we with the truth and we want to interview people and that's what we're doing here um but you're right like the leftwing you know they just they don't want this kind of stuff going on they don't like seeing this no no no no no absolutely not before we move on on uh free Trump you might be able to see that website on your screen there free Trump a lot of great topics including uh the kids guide for American greatness for president Trump and other great topics yeah and I've said this before I'll say it again I think these books actually adults should also read them why not why not you know I mean get some knowledge get some truth understand what's going on exactly the guy so reversing the indoctrination from some of the leftwing schools and that kind of thing free Trump good stuff with Mike Huckabee now Titus Ellis Smith are you ready we're in kind of the Pittsburgh area 50 miles east of that up that way is a huge hill that people are waiting up the line so we're going to go Trek a little bit and work with the people and talk with everybody let's go on up this way as take a live look Hi how are [Music] you man these lines never cease to amaze me yeah exactly so just a little bit of a driveway there for the hospital and then you've got all these people here we're live right now Trump we love Trump we love Trump we love Trump we love Trump Trum Trum Trum always wonderful always great [Applause] the sights and sounds here from Johnstown Pennsylvania Pennsylvania is such a key state of course the swing state if you were to ask us what it looks like out here comparing it to Harris this is people there yeah it's not a generated but here's the thing uh this is like the contrary to like the DNC uh convention right so like there's an RNC convention there's a DNC convention you saw there was so many RS there was so why is it that whenever the the party of Tolerance and love and acceptance is always burning things and like having riots and all these things it's crazy yeah it is crazy but what we're going to do here is uh just one more time we always love chanting with with everybody this looks like a good spot because let's look to the right real quick you could see all these people and if you guys remember way over there is the Johnstown sign that's across the river so we actually made it across the river here so we've got people on our right we've got people on the left they've been waiting here for hours so let's have some fun with the people and let's uh do a chant or something eh all right we didn't even see that there's two ways of line way let's do the USA chant and we'll go from here hold on one sec sir all right let's check USA we're on live TV right now on the count of three one two 3 USA USA US USA us USA USA USA USA USA USA USA Scott come on over again I'm time lapsing oh he's time lapsing all right Scott Pressler just walked by real quick everybody having fun over here let's keep walking we're going to just keep on keeping on [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] good stuff all right let's keep on going this is uh Southwest uh Pennsylvania right now and we're going to look at a uh a long line here we're going to keep on going this line is crazy let's stop over here these guys are all they're all pointing and waving so we might as well say hello your thoughts about how well how do you feel right now I feel great right now but I mean we'll find out in November yeah that's a great yeah your talks about uh what's going on the country uh well it's it's scary and it's sad but you know we're just praying praying yeah yes I'm hoping Trump I want him to be the forever president forever I love him anybody else we just need a change we just need a change and we need to get the country back on track we're headed down the wrong track as long as it's fair we're all talking about how they cheat like PEX so as long as it's fair we're going to get in look at these crowds exactly huge crowds here thanks guys let's take a look real quick right back down that way so that's the way into the arena that's the first summit arena in Johnstown well to our left here we were talking on we were on the other side that this is like the end of the line but if you turn this way there's a line that goes all the way up this road okay so let's walk all the way up this way all the way up this road just giving you Advantage we thought the perceived End of Line was over there but then there's a whole other line all the way up here you can see a sea of people it's actually crazy look how wow okay this is quite quite the sight right here look at this line look at this all right so who knows how far this goes this is amazing yeah [Music] [Applause] all right all the way up the hill there check that out sir sir sir excuse me look at that that's amazing there's really no words I mean this is everyone well I'll be how about I be quiet and just listen even if there's no trance going on like right here all right let's keep walking up let's go up a little bit of the hill and then we'll I'm going to have to buy a dinner camera op because this is quite the uh quite the hall but we're doing it we're doing it we're on mil Creek Road in Johnstown live on right side Broadcasting [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Network Trump trump Trum Trum [Applause] Trum all right sometimes in life Titus you know sometimes life can get you down but what do you do just chant Trump I'm kid you chant Trump but you keep on going one of so let's keep on going hey guys we're going to keep on going this way nice shirt I like that says believe that's awesome all right I think one more vantage point all right we're gonna go up this little Hill right here and then we can see a bit higher hopefully just move up a little bit doing a little going to work out today off-roading on right side broadcasting network okay all right and let's look to the left then and we'll just hang here for a little bit and then I think the last stop we'll do before we go back to the front is we'll go check out the Johnstown sign that we've been looking at I don't know if people are still there because they've been letting people like slowly go in I think at this point a great moment here in Johnstown Pennsylvania this is Matthew Alvarez with Titus ell Smith thank you so much guys for tuning in uh Bobby mcney uh in the studio there and a lot of coverage yesterday yesterday was a double header and today is a double header so it's a double double header of right side broadcasting look at how much Trump is actually traveling yeah two days in a row backto back speeches keep this this is someone who's genuinely passionate about seeing America change and he's doing everything in his power to do that I don't care he's like 78 years old and he's like I don't care how many times I got to go speak I'm going to do it because I want people to hear what it is I'm going to do exactly so we're going to keep on walking we're going to go over to that bridge over there and talk to some more people and then 4:30 is the uh speech by President Trump so he's going to be there uh and Johnstown right here and then he'll be going to DC for a speech tonight which you can see right here on right side broadcasting network as well a shout out to how about the crews man all the camera Ops and everybody out there I know you know seriously okay line we're going to make a left here and go hang out with every everybody why don't we go down this [Applause] way USA USA USA USA us all right so we're GNA keep on going here we can give a little bit of a vantage point down down this way so we're going to keep going all the way to the end of this that's where that Johnstown sign is so the never ending line continues checking it out hey guys whoa that Hat's pretty awesome where'd you get that hat tell me that Amazon okay they allowed that on there they allowed that on there I know of months ago so you don't care that you're waiting a long line do do not care one bit why don't you care because this is important this is important for our country and I want to be a part of the movie movement cool cool all right nice hat thank you thanks guys all right we're going to keep on trucking how you doing what's going on guys hello hello hello everybody I like I like that shirt good to see you you can't fix St but you can vote it out where' you get that my wife made it she made it yes oh my gosh that's impressive so what brings I mean is this your first Trump rally yes it is really and what are you thinking oh it's great I can't wait to get inside you don't mind waiting out here no no so uh have you supported Trump always like 2016 2020 till now absolutely what do you think about this current Administration how it and the vice president who is now running as the opponent what do you think about this Administration it's a joke it's a joke did you have a chance to watch the interview yesterday uh no I didn't well you you will get a laugh you will get a laugh you did oh please tell us what your thoughts are on that well she definitely flip-flopped I'm a retired nurse and uh my retirement was to have my dream well you can't because you're paying for this and paying for that I became a republican whenever they took our health care from the middle class workers back when Obama was in but anyways they're really trying to crucify Trump and you people got to wake up did you get a chance to see the moment any of you guys when she was asked about you know Co Biden's cognitive impairment what did you think like do you like essentially you like people and do you like feel like some sort of sense of regret I'm paraphrasing what she said and she kind of just completely ignored it no I didn't do anything wrong and like you know and yeah yeah so what are your thoughts on that as a human being that he has some kind of dementia problem or something and he's running our country and it's scary it's very scary and the fact that she can get away with that that we can have someone who's the vice president of our country completely lying about or not just missing the fact that we all knew we've all known since 2020 we all watch the debates we saw him speak if that's what you can call it and completely just gibbering jabbering whatever gibberish that's a word just blabbering nonsense Time After Time never really had rallies if you did five people showed up and yet she can just sit there and lie and say no there's no cognitive impairment he just wanted to retire and uh he um endorsed me so I'm really pass grateful to see you guys all here waiting in this line just unwilling to waver in your um support of trump country actually running our country a lot of people say it's Obama I don't know about that one he's on vacation he's on vacation yes yeah well thank you guys so much it's great to meet you it was a coup what do you think Matt Matthew what do you think I think this is great uh it's awesome seeing everybody here right now John so we're going to go all the way to I I think we're going to maybe we'll swim across the uh River and go over to the first first summit Arena cuz we're that close let's uh go this this way here and uh oh wow there's like two lines so they brought this L Matthew there's a line over there line over there yeah exactly we might as well make it to the final destination of today's or this segment right now so let's keep going what's going on guys anybody want to chant USA USA USA USA USA us us us us USA all right good stuff guys let's walk all the way over here Titus we're going to make it we're gonna make it we're gonna make it uh you're watching right side broadcasting network guys thank you so much for tuning in here on this uh August 30th Friday okay so remember look all the way over there at that bridge and we hopefully we can zoom into it a little bit so that's where we were earlier okay uh that's closer to the start of the line and then if we look to the left a little bit you're going to see the first summit Arena uh that's closer to the entrance and then the actual sign is right there so that's the first summit Arena that's where everything is and then we're going to walk over to this Johnstown sign and call it a day from this segment and then we'll be walking back I'm sure we'll be going to a commercial where Bobby in the studio soon but just wanted to make it all the way out here so here we are we did it it's a lot bigger from over here yeah exactly well your thoughts real quick we made the trip we saw the people uh it's been pretty awesome and uh I think it's just you know awesome to see like we're not all that different you know go from state to state and you see all the people and we're all you know you're just like you and just like you and me yeah exactly people you go from whatever uh State you come out of people are just sitting here being real and authentic about what they're dealing with none of them are political analysts or commentators none of them are people that are you know studying so extensively on geopolitical they just see that their lives have being affected by this Administration they see that it's hurting and they want to see it change and they're like I'll do anything I can I'll wait in this line for hours I'll wait outside if I don't even make it in I'll just watch on the jumbo TR I need to see a change and I support the guy who I know already did and is going to do again if we can get him in office and if there's no funny business going on so I um I'm just I'm inspired and happy to be here for that same here same here we know it's a fork in the road coming up uh president Trump said yesterday uh that this election comes down to a freedom versus communism election and I will read the quote uh real quick here I will repeat it inside as well he said yesterday in a speech let's move down closer to the camera real quick and let's show the people uh here in the background uh because this this quote that President Trump said uh just yesterday um on right side broadcast casting Network he said uh this election is not a choice between Democrats and Republicans it's a choice between communism and freedom can you believe we're even using the communism word and possibly worse than communism who knows what is in the hearts of people that are in leadership positions we're not talking about every Democrat we're just talking about people that are so radically left yeah the ones that have shown themselves that have exposed they're they're not even hiding it anymore what they where they line what they want to P what they want to promote in the name of whatever sort of of like social justice word buzz word you can throw out there but we all know what It ultimately brings and it's destruction of America and what you know we fought for so yeah they're trying to tear the country down so I mean at the end of the day we're all in this together again God faith uh family Freedom this land right um for the Constitution and for yeah for capitalism for individual responsibility can you talk about that indidual freedom yeah respons responsibility I mean the responsibility you mean like in terms of like taking care of your family taking care of your community I think a lot of things have been like re people have relied on the government for things like that and the government has its place you know but like I really think communities should rally around their the people in within that community and help them in need I think we've kind of osted ourselves from each other like we look like people have a deeper relationships on the game playing Call of Duty with someone in a different country than their nextdoor neighbor because we've kind of like lost that connection and I think communities getting involved I remember when I was a kid I'd go across the street to the neighbors i' go across the neighborhoods to hang out with the people around and we were all close in a political I it wasn't until I got way older where like political affiliation had anything to do with like turning you away from an individual because people are not going to agree on everything us as conservatives don't agree with each other on everything but we still like you know that's the whole point of being conservative the freedom to think however you want to think believe whatever you want to believe as obviously within the law but like I think a lot of this social justice morality Superior morality comp morality complex that people have like taken on to themselves has really just ruined things because that justifies your hatred for an individual justifies the way you can treat someone else because they're bad so I can say and do whatever I want I could treat them whatever I want because they're worse than I am and the words that I'm saying don't even compare to their evil and it's just like the superiority complex has kind of ruined a lot of the the fabric of our our our culture and so I think we just need to start loving on each other more but being truth in that love too exactly so president Trump running to be president of all of America yeah he did post something pretty funny today I don't know if you saw this on Truth social but for TDS you know Trump derangement syndrome there's actually a pill for that it's called Independence oh is that the thing the ad did you see it is that is that the ad I think so all right so those of you watching at home if you go on Truth social hopefully with your phone and hopefully you're watching us on a bigger screen or something but still on one of your phones on Truth social you go to president Trump's page he has an ad for a pill or a a drug called Independence I think I didn't see that and it's the cure for TDS so it's a really well done funny that's what's awesome about them and it's true yeah it's pretty cool yeah so all right so what we're going to do is we're going to walk back thanks for sticking with us walking all over the place here in Johnstown uh but we're going to walk back and then go back this way in just a hot second let's do tax Network USA real quick obviously you know the financial times are difficult but on top of that then if you miss any filing with taxes or back taxes that group you see right there on your screen and that phone number this is a group you can trust they can help you along the way it's always good to get less stress right less Financial stress especially right yeah 100% no don't need that exactly so you see that number right there on your screen I believe it's 3571 1415 so uh right there uh tax Network USA great sponsor here at right side broadcasting network uh Titus and myself Matthew uh we are just you know we're um normal guys right we're out here with a microphone yes it's been a job that I've done you've done podcasts and have your own show and that kind of thing but at the end of the day we're a voice for a lot of you guys that are watching right now that are just so frustrated with the country and we're speaking truth as much as we know it to be common sense and the Constitution the Bible and you know uh loving your fellow Patriot or fellow you know uh country men or country woman right but it's all for one goal to Simply make the country great again and uh that's what we're about that's the purpose that's what we need right you know we're just We're All in This Together America great again and uh this isn't a thing of uh you know being high and mighty and and and being detached this is a connection I believe that's why they I think that's why everybody you guys we all like President Trump so much is because he's authentic he's an outsider and he's someone that uh resonates with the American people you connect to how he is right how willing he is to just you know be Bland and blunt about the truth of America the truth of what's going on and not being fearful either I think that's something that we all a lot of people have you know attached to themselves it's fear of like what other people think fear of whatever and that needs to go and and I think he kind of like brings almost like a breath of fresh like oh okay you know I can say that I can believe this I can because this is what's you know what we need and so yeah Trump that's why like he's authentic he's real that's why people like him and we're going to see him at 4:30 let's take a live look real quick again at the first summit Arena inside that building this will be quite the loud Arena tonight for Titus Ellis Smith I'm Matthew Alvarez we're going to go to a commercial break you are live in Johnstown this is right side broadcasting network you ask and we listen we're finally bringing the most requested off forever get the queen siiz premium my pillow now only1 1998 my pillows made with patented adjustable fill it adjusts your exact individual needs regardless of your sleep position it helps keep your neck line and holds it shape all night long so you get the best sleep of your life but that's not 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which we continue to do to this day we've also covered important conservative events like CPAC tpusa March for Life and many other important events and hearings around the country we were made for people like you everyday Americans who are tired of the mainstream media who are tired of being lied to manipulated and fed an agenda our goal here at right side broadcasting is to allow you to see the truth giving our correspondents and commentators a wide latitude to speak their minds you won't find anything like this in the mainstream media your support through your donations locals and supporting our advertisers allows us to continue to cover important events around the country each and every day so from us here at right side broadcasting thank you for supporting us and the right side of [Music] History hi folks this is rsbn founder and CEO Joe seals here in these crazy times there is peace of mind and security security for our country security for our leaders and security for our families but think about this if you have all your eggs in one basket you are not financially secure gold and silver are an excellent way to diversify your savings they're a hedge against inflation and through my friends at the Birch gold group you can own physical gold and silver in a tax sheltered retirement account there's one thing you can do today to secure your family's savings just text the word Trump to 9898 98 and receive a free info kit on Gold Plus in August only on any purchase you make Birch gold is giving away free Trump silver coins this brand new one-of-a-kind silver coin features Trump boldly raising his fist in the moment after the attempt on his life you don't want to miss your chance to own this special piece of History a celebration of a leader dedicated to our security preserved in the security of a precious metals coin so secure your savings today and get your free Trump silver coins text Trump to 98 9898 today that's Trump to the number 9898 98 USA USA USA USA [Music] [Applause] all right take a look we couple Flags right up here I mean there's so many different um so many different pieces of merchandise out here we're going to walk towards the left Matthew Alvarez and Titus Ellis Smith here on right side broadcasting network yeah the sights and sounds here in John [Music] Pennsylvania all right so we're going to head to the front of the line here on right side broadcasting network we'll be going inside uh in a little bit the arena uh we were in there for uh some of the earlier uh Security checks and it's going to be quite loud in there always good to oh yeah have a Arena like this we're about to see some echoing or hear some echoing yeah exactly I remember when we were in Atlanta we did that that one rally and I I remember I said I haven't heard it this loud since I was that like a a playoff hockey game or something I mean it's literally that electric and and we're going to talk about let's talk about electric real quick because the DNC the the words that they wanted to use was is that the electric slide it might be no it's not the electric slide all right I thought it was the Electric Slide oh it's a chaa my bad oh man too many wedding reception songs through my mind anyway back to what I was saying so the uh the word electric and the word joy that they were saying over on the DNC fabricated counterfeit in my opinion yes there might have been some Joy but the joy was over things like destroying the moral fabric of her country in some ways but also just anti in my opinion God or Constitution and that kind of thing you know the mutilation of children in the womb Joy over that kind of stuff yeah nothing to be joyful about exactly and so yeah their Joy is counterfeit Joy you know he says the joy of the Lord is our strength and so that there's no the Lord is not anywhere near those things right so it's kind of for Joy like you were saying and um true Joy is what we see here people that are passionate people that are inspired by Trump I've never seen any politician bring this Garner this much attention get granted I'm young but I still have never seen this happen before and so it's inspires me it lifts me up I come here and I'm like I was already going to vote for him I was already a supporter but like I'm just like what can I do what else can I do I know I'm doing this and this is great as well you know this is bringing a voice to the voic less right but I'm like man I just want to do something more you know yeah yeah so it's like this is amazing I just want to I just want I you know to win more hearts and Minds when it comes to the Democrats as well like we're not talking when we talk about this stuff we're not saying like all Democrats across the country or even everybody that was at the DNC but more of the leadership people that for some reason want to just Jam this woke ideology that is not what this country's founded on or about it doesn't even resonate with the Democrat voters that's the thing it's they vote for Democrats because of things that they've always voted for for Democrats they don't vote for Democrats because of this woke ideology that has been pushed in I mean that's why there's so many people we talked to a man earlier today who said I was a Democrat I've always voted Democrat and I'm not voting that way anymore because they do not represent my values anymore we have a man who said that his family's aunts and uncles all of them have have died and they were all Democrats he said but they would not have voted for this current Democratic party because it's not the Democratic party this has become a Socialist Communist just not terrorist but organization that has just completely harmed America and they don't have any positive things they want to do for us and so that's why people are turning over like you said we don't want we want to reach everyone we want even the people that Empower that on the other side we want you to be able to like humble yourself and realize that what you're promoting what you're pushing isn't good and like let's do something to benefit all people exactly so a shout out to atuma Iowa back in the primary days in 2023 actually 2024 as well but I remember interviewing a lady out there who said I was uh totally anti-trump I was anti this whole movement and I said why and this was live on right side broadcasting network rru it on my truth social and she said because I kept hearing in the media that this was the wrong person to be in office or and and it's interesting you got good-hearted people then for some reason the brain gets brainwashed manipulated through propaganda right and it's all this stuff that they're just been jamming for years so there's so many more people I believe that again hearts and Minds that can get on the right side of History yeah propaganda you know its purpose is to confuse it is to promote a lie masks as truth so it's like I understand but once things have been exposed to the level they have at this point you're responsible for getting that information correctly and that's why you need to come to places like right side broadcasting network because we're as as much as we are conservative we are objective too like what what is true is true so exactly all right let's move on we're going to interview some more people here on right side broadcasting network Let's Get Closer to the front of the line here I know we talked to some people here earlier if you guys have been watching since 10:30 eastern time uh we've been out here live and then of course Bobby mcney in the studio there bringing you this live coverage here this is the first part of a rsbn double header as president Trump will be in Washington DC for a moms for Liberty speech tonight uh this after a 4:30 speech here in Johnstown so about 4 hours from now uh Titus and I will be headed inside to the arena for the next uh in the next 20 minutes or so but we're going to walk down here we're going to show you just what we see and as of right now we're getting a little too far from the camera so we'll wait for him to to come on out obviously lugging around a lot of equipment all right so we're going to pass this um this spot here and get to some more [Music] interviews so just to show you uh a little bit of military and long enforcement strength right here we've got these guys right here and then look to the left you got a number of I believe this is military I'll look at their patch a little bit uh okay so it's a Cambria County Response Team some of them obviously posing for photos but if you look over this way you see three four there's five and then of course there's a number of other law enforcement agencies out here in this area we're going to keep walking and I'll get some more interviews here on right side broadcasting network and if if you're just joining us now let's take a live look to the left real quick you can see all the people there and then all the way to the [Music] right we're going to thank one of our sponsors and then we're going to get right to some more interviews here on right side broadcasting network uh one of the those sponsors is Bunker bunker so any uh any issues with cyber crime that kind of thing well bunker is a uh sponsor with right side broadcasting network that and we know that cyber criminals uh Target people and businesses by exploiting those vulnerabilities well that information you see right there on your screen always good to have to take care of business in the sense of get out any of the viruses and anybody that's trying to pry on uh your personal life when it comes to your cell phone your internet that kind of thing so um bunker includes patent pending secure messaging easy to use password management and secure cloud storage so you see that information there on your screen Titus what's it like to see I mean the amount of uh security out here too it's good it's great to see I mean obviously we all know what happened in Pennsylvania so it's great that there's a lot of people here to protect the president protect the American people that are here to support him um and I you know you guys support law enforcement they put their lives on the line every day to protect us so and to enforce the laws that we know vote for and put in place so it's great it's great so yeah obviously right in the middle of things here let's let's keep on walking down this way I know it's kind of loud right now try and get some people right here if they if they'd want to talk to us a little bit hello guys how are you how are you no we're going to stop here and talk to you guys real quick how you doing how's everything good so your thoughts about uh seeing president Trump here soon so excited so excited we drove from Kansas Kanas all of you no youas yes that's quite the drive yeah it is definitely well worth the uh gas bill on that one huh I hope so it sure looks like it's going to be looks like a good time Oregon oh there you go oh Oregon okay we get we'll go to Oregon in a second so your thoughts about the $187 gas prices under President Trump and then now it's what 3 7 here in PA $172 in Kansas it was even cheaper than a187 yeah so it's really it's over it's three what was it no it was 299 when we left Kansas so it's a little cheaper in here but not bad all right thank you sir we're going to go talk to Oregon as well look at that who's from Oregon over hello hi I'm rayan Reynolds from Oregon but I was born and raised here in Pennsylvania and we're going to win Pennsylvania go fight fight fight all right uh in Oregon I've never been to the state of Oregon so if I drive around there will I see a trump sign anywhere you will see Trump signs um however we have to really really fight and I'm not sure about Oregon it's tough isn't it it's tough It's really tough yeah so what is it like to be living there as a as someone that supports president Trump um it's hard it's hard to live in Oregon you can't wear t-shirts at out you can't put signs out people will judge you um but that's why I came back here to Pennsylvania to see Trump obviously again a little emotional too tell us why you feel the way you feel right now um we need change in our country I don't want to fear for my my 22-year-old son who may get drafted and not have a choice because of decisions being made in this country I want my grandchildren to grow up not having to call a teacher a certain pronoun and I want Trump to Win w all right yeah what's your name again rayan Reynolds let me shake your hand nice to meet you thank you awesome awesome stuff say hello yes we we said hello before to you buddy all right we're going to go this way a little bit how you doing so we're going to look at the crowd here everybody waving a little bit what's up guys what's up are you really for Trump 100% you 100% this is awesome I love this yeah she comes she comes over to us she goes are you voting for Trump are you really voting for Trump yes but we are and that's great and a lot of times you know well I hear you yeah well I mean at the end of the day we know what common sense is and he's the common sense president exactly right yeah yes thanks man TR 2024 amen amen come on over guys right there how's everybody doing he's got Trump back yes amen good to see everybody how you doing we're here because we love Trump was that we love Trump we need Trump back in office yeah too many too many bad things happening you know too much uh you know bad policies you know too much lying uh you know Trump de is going to bring it all back you know as long as he puts his policy back in place and he will the country is coming back where are you guys from New York New York Upstate what part Upstate what where where in upstate uh Washingtonville Harman all right a lot of trump signs up there yeah a lot of trump signs up there especially in our yard yeah absolutely come on over guys sir sir come on over I don't just end interviews like that buddy what's your name Frank deloro Frank nice to meet you pleasure uh do you think New York Can Swing Swing red you know we're hoping we're really hoping I know Upstate will you know we're concerned about the city when I'm watching on the news I'm seeing a lot of people you know they see what's going on with Harris you know and all the lies and everything else and how they're living so I would believe that we got a chance I mean are they going to lie are they going to cheat but I mean I think if it's a a fair election we got a good shot amen Frank nice to meet you man come on in guys Titus why did you take over is this your first Trump rally no second actually again what what did you think of your first one what did you think of them oh loved it loved it we were at Harrisburg and we just just loved it have you always been a a supporter of trump oh absolutely from the GetGo yes so not so much of a fan of this last Administration then what's not so much a fan of the last Administration no not even close no it was stolen sorry it was so Cala Harris has stay multiple times within the last month just pivoted on a lot of flip-flo a lot of her issues even stated some of the things that Trump said he was going to do yeah what do you think about that it's just her being her she's a liar she it's just what she does she can't think of anything going around they have no platform she says I'm going to do when I my first day in office but she's been in office three and a half years why didn't you do it then exactly she's currently still in office what do you think about the um but on day one on day one on day one I'm here right now but on day one when you finally elect me also I'm not going to tell you my policies on the website but who cares about that just vote for me anyway exactly did you guys get a chance the woman ticket what was that she's run running on the woman ticket yeah that didn't work too well for Hillary though did it no it did not it's not going to work this time right I hope not thank you guys so much for of course thank you guys hi what's your name my name's Kim where you from Kim I'm from seix about 15 miles north awesome tell us about Western PA I mean I know that parts of Pittsburgh are a little bit blue but there's a lot of red going on isn't there yeah well uh where I live you don't see uh all you see is Trump signs everywhere we're all for Trump we're for fracking bringing steel mills back the hardworking people of Pennsylvania need their jobs back they need their incomes back the economy's got to get fixed um I mean we're all suffering and we're expecting our first grandchild and I do not want my first grandbaby born into a world with the government that we have right now I just I can't see it 100% back in 2016 when Trump won what was that like for you um it was amazing it was amazing we couldn't believe it when he won and then 2020 came around and it was just heartbreaking I mean there's no way that he lost that election there's just no way so this time we're going to take it back Trump's going to take America back he's going to do what he says he's going to do because he always did before and Camala Harris she's just somebody's puppet she's a puppet on a string just like Joe just like Joe mic drop Kim what's that you're Kim right I am yeah that's a mic drop you just that's a mic drop bam very nice to talk to you thank you so much come on over guys how you doing what's your names this is Aubrey and I'm Danielle kvety awesome Aubrey's first time seeing president Trump second second what do you guys' thoughts about President Trump we love him we love him we need him so we can fix the country yeah God Bless America God Bless America Amen to that so you you as a mom you know with kids going to school and them teaching all kinds of stuff not every school does it but what are your thoughts about that well we're in a rural town so it's not quite as bad but get very angry about it yeah and it's it's just not right what they're doing like they teaching the trans and like got to share bathrooms if she went into a bathroom and a man was in there I would flip out yeah Mama Bear yeah so we have a fork the road coming up for this election um do you have a lot of like I know there's a lot of concern going on but how how does it affect your I'm going to ask you straight up how does it affect your health does it affect you at all well not really it's very stressful we have three businesses and it affects our businesses yeah and all these illegals coming in um it's got to stop they got to shut the border yeah 100% so as a business owner definitely want to see President Trump back in there Magics right yes absolutely cool first names again Danielle and Aubrey Aubrey all right guys thank you so much go Trump USA USA on over guys go ahead how's it going hey so what is your what is your relationship father son yeah it's my dad okay how do you feel seeing your son gr being raised in this current America completely different than what you were raised in uh yeah there's a lot of differences uh from whenever I growed up to to where we're at now in this country uh you know we came here today to support president Trump uh his America First policy I think that's going to make a big difference uh you know for his generation and future Generations you got to put America first man uh you know we're sending money overseas to different countries to to secure their borders I think uh you know the important thing right now for this country is to secure our borders with the fentol coming in uh destroying families destroying the Youth of today uh my son's generation and and future Generations we need to take care of that problem we need to end it at the border secure the Border keep the drugs from coming in keep this country a safe place and the prosperous place for uh for his generation and future Generations moving forward that's how I feel America First Trump 2024 and it's frustrating so your son obviously you you're raised in this day AG in this time where you're a young man you're you're kind of being propagated this lie that you should be more Progressive you shouldn't you know follow the the orange man he's so bad what are your thoughts about that and how do you deal with that I don't know how your age but are you in high school or yeah so so how do you deal with that I mean it's just rough everywhere you go it's people telling me the way I think is wrong that I can't think this I can't think that and I think the other side trying to control the other just shows that what they're doing isn't right and at the end of the day America is a free country so people should be allowed to have their own opinion and voice that opinion and I think once one side tries to shut down another that's when things are obviously not the way they should be have you ever been called any names or anything for supporting Trump uh fortunately I have not but people have you know tried to argue with me over politics but I stay true to my beliefs and I'll always support president Trump hey thank you so much guys I really appreciate that have a good day yeah you too God bless I love this here let's just let's move over a little bit more uh Titus I mean talking to everybody here and uh all these people right here they're they're they're pointing over and saying USA we love right side it's just awesome this is a great moment here at uh right side broadcasting network Johnstown PA everybody waiting to get in if you guys remember if you've been if you joined us since 10:30 this morning thanks for sticking with us if you just joined us you might have seen that long line and if you did if you missed that all you got to do is scrub back on rumble or YouTube and and check it out or go to truth social or x uh rsbn on Truth social if you can give a follow on truth and on X you can see some of the the Vantage points that I was talking about with all the people in line let's look at this huge American flag just right here I know we're really close to it so I don't know if we can get the whole whole uh flag in there but [Music] uh right here at the first summit Arena so let's walk down this way get a better vantage point of the flag all right Titus what do you think man this is awesome you know I like seeing that father and son you know he's raising him right yeah allowing him to you know critically think for himself and not have to regardless of what he said he's a senior in high school I remember if I was a senior in high school I mean I was pretty my parents kind of raised me in a similar way but I know a lot of people that they're so malleable they know they believe that if they're you give an emotional argument they're going to fall for it and so I like that this father is done a really good job in this current political climate social climate to be like hey no it's okay to have these thoughts it's okay to believe this way and it's actually the right way and you've got to fight for truth and you'll see a change yeah exactly so tell us a little bit about yourself you're podcasting and and having a show and that kind of thing yeah so uh yeah I've been doing social media for like four years Titus Al Smith is everything um I've basically just come out you know my first video was actually in 2020 about the debate between Biden and and Trump the first one and like Biden had just blatantly lied I was in my car doing my door to door job frustrated about what's happening I'm like why is this guy just lying and terribly by the way gibber gibberish just like couldn't even articulate a thought TR pressure and all that stuff just over and over again just looking like a fool and looking silly like and not even like in a sense of like I'm trying to insult you just it's an embarrassment that this man is the the nominee for the other side and yet people are lying to me telling me that he is the best thing since sliced bread and I remember just making a video in my car saying that's not true guys stop and it started and it did well and don't get me wrong I I've been like vocal about it privately with my friends with my family for you know since 2015 2016 when I got involved in politics I guess and then it was like in 2020 I was like this is ridiculous and in my mind he was there was no way Trump wasn't winning I was like he's totally going to win but like let me make this video because this is ridiculous and then it's spiral you know into this whole thing where people like wanted to see a perspective for someone who's not supposed to believe that someone who's you know because the color of myin I must be Democrat I must be liberal and how could you you're going against your people and I've had so many people say that and I'm like I'm not going against anyone I'm for you I'm for everyone that's the whole point we're not trying to be divisive we're not trying to separate and that's literally the Democratic party it's un it's Unity or it's division in the name of unity like everything you say is divisive and yet you claim Unity you claim tolerance you claim love and yet you're so divisive in everything you do and you vilify any one who counters you or is opposed to your beliefs or your ideologies they're villains they're not someone who opposes you they're not you know a citizen or an American that just has a different Viewpoint someone who has different beliefs nope you're wrong and you're evil and you must be you know eradicated at least your thoughts should be and you should be shamed and shunned for having those thoughts and I kind of just didn't like that I'm kind of I've always been like a fighter in the sense of like if I'm disagree with something I'm going to State it I have no issue saying I have no problem with it and I so I started making videos they started going viral and you know they're Pro Trump Pro conservative not even just Trump of course I support Trump and love Trump but just conservative values wanted to change the culture this social culture this live this BLM nonsense that was happening and this mutilation of children this promoting of like just degenerate like provocative gross stuff I was like we need to stop this and so I just continuously just started speaking out on my thoughts on it and it g to an audience to people are like thank you I aligned with you or I didn't align with you you but you made me think and now I'm like you know my parents my dad sent me a video my sister sent me your video and now I'm like I didn't think about it that way and I that's when I was like wow this can actually make a difference in someone's life just saying something that changes someone else's mind like I'm sitting here in my car in my bedroom sitting I just say hey guys mutilating F mutilating 5-year-olds we shouldn't do that and like someone has been brain watch to the point to think that that's okay and they're like wait yeah you're right oh a kid can't get a tattoo till they're 18 but a kid can transition at five like that doesn't make any sense and so people started like waking up and I and I feel like I mean I've contributed you know minimally to compared to other people but the fact that I've just changed one mind I feel like is beneficial come on now man preach yeah seriously yeah Ser I mean there's nothing what am I to say here I mean I agree with you 100% you know what I mean like I agree I mean that's awesome and that's what we need we you know we need that truth we need the light to to shine in the darkness and we you want to do it in love you want to do it in love like I'm humorous with it I make jokes but like I don't hate anyone right like I love everybody I genuinely do and I would never want to see anyone hurt or harmed but like I'm also very blunt I'm very like the truth is the truth regardless of how you feel about it that's very true and president Trump of course wanting to be the president of all of America as the 47th commander-in-chief so obviously uh we're less than 70 days away from the US general election I want to give a quick couple shoutouts real quick to some people on Truth social from real Toria Brook to uh Carly Bonet uh to Scott presler uh so many people on truth that just feed feed the truth social media feeds and it's awesome to see that Matthew Alvarez oh thank you but um and and many others out there doing that uh the Relentless Bill Richardson other people Steve Stern I mean but it's awesome because all of us are on this team that is showing the truth interviewing people and that's what we're going to do right now from the people to the president that's what we do here at right side broadcasting network if you'd like to follow it's @ Matthew Alvarez on Truth social I'm Titus L Smith on YouTube Tik Tok Instagram Truth uh X I always say Twitter X you got to all right so here's the thing I haven't seen your truth social yet so can you follow me so I can follow you back yep I will do that done and done all right let's go back this way uh as we await uh the entrance uh into the arena this is the first summit arena in Johnstown going to be awesome inside all right let's go all right let's go over here real quick how you doing what's your name sir what's your what's your name Bob Bob where you from nicktown North I'm northern part of the county yeah yeah what industry have you been in working in I always my own business I was a mechanic and water repair most of my life yeah that's awesome yeah so being here for with President Trump speaking what's that going to be like for you it's going to be great I I've seen him before and wanted to come back again yeah enjoy him he's a good guy any uh final thoughts uh that some people are watching right now just any words of wisdom for the people that are watching right now for this election yeah back Trump and he he he's a good guy he's for our country I mean you know he got shot out there in Butler and right away put his fist up and fight you know that's what we need somebody that has the nerve and and the ability and the knowledge you know I mean he he he's knowledgeable man he's been around a lot yeah Bob awesome good stuff thank you so much Isn't that cool um come on over Titus so there you go words of wisdom right there from from Bob and uh that was pretty cool he's like hey man went through Butler put his fist up fight fight fight as we take a live look at all the people behind us there's people all the way to the right here we're in Johnstown Pennsylvania right here on the uh one of the main streets uh to your right and our left is the first summit Arena uh Titus and I will be heading inside there and then we're going to be throwing it out to mcney who's live in the studio before we do Titus just your quick thoughts man just what it's been like out here it's been awesome it's been a great I mean I think I probably like sound like a broken record but it's just cool to see all these people fired up you know especially when we were in Atlanta we saw these people just talking about fight fight fight that was an iconic moment in American history and I think that's a reason why all these people are here amen all right I'm Matthew Alvarez with Titus Alis Smith and Johnstown Bobby let's go to you Matthew Alvarez the tremendous Titus Smith live in Johnstown Pennsylvania great to see Matthew recognized from his days in the mainstream media up in his home state of Pennsylvania and for the magar rally goers how much they're enjoying the coverage on rsbn and they bought that towel the Terrible Towel the Steelers fans you may recognize that throwing the yellow towel uh in the stadium or twirling it around their heads during home games uh Matthew bought one of those and we'll bring that home to Auburn Alabama very fun and this beautiful town of Johnstown Pennsylvania in its Heyday over 100,000 residents as Matthew had mentioned now down according to the 2020 census 18,41 and president Trump spoke on this yesterday in Potterville Michigan regarding the economy regarding energy Independence regarding uh autonomy in our manufacturing and so much of that is centered in these traditional steel towns and Manufacturing something the Chinese Communist party has taken full advantage of with things like NAFTA and globalist trade policies that have destroyed the American middle class of course president Trump achieving usmca and getting rid of NAFTA during his tenure I'm sure he'll be able to provide more of those those Great America First policies and the use of tariffs to bring Global entities to the table but working for the United Auto Workers all of those in the middle class who have worked to build the backbone and the strong shoulders in America especially in the North Atlantic states and throughout the Rust Belt the blue wall that President Trump did tear down in the 2016 election against Hillary Clinton and seeks to do so again in this upcoming 2024 election and we're so happy to bring this coverage to you it's a good afternoon on the East Coast from Auburn Alabama I'm Bobby mcney and thank you to our sponsors for putting us on live to get you all of this great coverage in Johnstown Pennsylvania where president Trump will speak at 4:30 and later on tonight in Washington DC to the moms for Liberty conference but in these crazy times peace of Mind in your security is utmost on the Forefront of of Americans thinking security for our country security for our leaders and security for our families but think about this if you have all of your eggs in one basket you're not financially secure gold and silver are an excellent way to diversify your savings they're a hedge against infl the Birch gold group you can own fysical gold and silver in a tax sheltered retirement account think about diversifying your income think think about changing your 401k or IRA into tangible medals you can own this physical gold and make it happen by calling my friends over at Birch gold today there's one thing you can do and it's securing your family's financial future text the word Trump to 98 9898 that is Trump to 98 9898 and you will receive a free info kit on gold and this is the brochure right here it is backed up by great Patriots like Ben Shapiro Steve Bannon Ron Paul Dan Bonino among others who are focused on your Liberty and your financial savings also for a limited time get the free fight silvercoin again by texting Trump to 98 9898 a wonderful collectible item and a piece of history enshrined in a coin that will be very valuable you don't want to miss this chance to own a piece of history and preserved this moment in a precious metals coin so text Trump to 98 9898 thank you to our sponsors at Birch gold there's been a lot of news this week it's been an interesting one and gosh the last five weeks in American politics really ever since the assassination attempt in Butler Pennsylvania on July 13th against President Trump and that iconic moment enshrined on the coin now fight fight fight his courageous nature really inspiring America and inspiring people who don't necessarily agree with him including people like Mark Zuckerberg who finally admitted that Facebook was censoring certain speech big Tech oligarchs the big corporate media censoring people in their pursuit of just getting the truth out the hunter Biden laptop that story now we know is true deranged Jack Smith continues his lawfare and asks an appeals court to reinstate these charges in the documents case well we were very fortunate to speak earlier to Paul cinar who is a constitutional law expert and is able to focus on all of these different issues with a number of different lawfare cases against President Trump and Mr Producer just informed me that that video is ready and we'll play that for you now joined by Paul camar a constitutional law expert thank you sir for joining rsbn thank you for having me my pleasure absolutely now we have Jack Smith who has asked an appeals court to reinstate the documents case can you break this down for us to see what's happening and the latest when it comes to the laware against President Trump sure be glad to uh about a month ago the judge in the maril Lago case judge iing Cannon she uh struck down the appointment of Jack Smith saying he was not constitutionally appointed uh under our constitution all officers uh have to be either appointed by the president and confirmed by the senate or if Congress establishes and this is a key phrase quote by law end quote what are called inferior officers they can be appointed by the head of the department so here you have Jack Smith who was tapped on the shoulder by mayor garland that said hey how would you like to be a special counil uh you're not just a regular United States Attorney you're a super us attorney uh and all us attorneys in this country all 93 of them are appointed by the president and confirmed by the senate for political econom ability purposes but Jack Smith didn't go through that uh so there's a problem there number one but number two and more importantly even if he is an inferior officer as Jack Smith says he is he's saying oh I'm not a important officer like a US attorney hey give me a break but even if you are just a lowly inferior officer that position of special counil has to be quote established by law so e Canon said hey where is the law law is passed by Congress there is no law that says the Attorney General can appoint to a special councel uh what happened was back in 1999 then attorney general Janet Reno said hey I don't need a law I'll just write some regulation saying that I can appoint a special councel so that regulation is the one that mayor Garland purported to appoint uh uh Jack Smith now uh it's also curious or actually interesting that uh that R ruling by the Supreme Court on the immunity case and that by the way is now before the DC circuit here we could talk about that I mean the DC uh District Court we could talk about that in a minute uh because you have Jack Smith reind Donald Trump but but anyway in that opinion on immunity Clarence Thomas said Oh by the bye who's this Jack Smith guy where's the law that appointed him so Ean Cannon uh basically took up that point that Justice Thomas made as well as other arguments and said sorry Jack Smith you're not constitutional now a couple days ago the uh Jack Smith said well we'll see about that and so he appealed that ruling to the 11 circuit court of appeals do in your neck of the woods there and uh we'll see what happens now what's going to happen TimeWise is that uh the Trump's attorney will now get uh uh three or four weeks to file their response to that then there'll be one more rebuttal brief by Jack Smith and then the court 11 scker will hear this case no earlier than the end of the year more likely beginning of next year uh and decide whether or not Jack Smith uh was properly appointed and if they say he wasn't properly appointed then Jack SMI says well we're going to the Supreme Court and I hope they do and even if uh uh Trump loses he go to the Supreme Court because I think there were five votes in the Supreme Court that will say sorry the emperor has no close here there's no law appointing you as as a special counil therefore that indictment goes by the wayside as well as the one here in DC and a two-part question for you do you feel that any of the cases that have come against President Trump have been legal or lawful and do you see that since you mentioned Janet Reno she served under President Clinton as the attorney general has there been a steady increase in abuse from the executive government over the last few years you hear about the imperial presidency uh of course our legislative branch seems to be in shambles when you look at Congress they can't seem to really get along across the aisle and sometimes within their own caucuses where is the breakdown of Law and Order in Washington DC well to your first part of your question uh I don't think these cases have very much Merit uh the only one that has been uh ruled on was the one in New York uh on the hush money payment case uh and that is going to have a hearing on September 18th which is supposed to be the sentencing hearing so we'll see whether judge michan sentences uh Donald Trump to any jail time but whatever he does that case will be put on hold while Trump's attorneys appeals that to the New York courts now to your second part of your question uh yes there has been what we call lawfare going on uh in this country for a number of years especially by this Administration going after Donald Trump relentlessly uh as well as the uh New York attorney general the Georgia uh prosecutor Etc uh and uh none of those cases would have been filed if Donald Trump was not running for office uh only after he announced he was then you have all these uh lawsuits and and and indictments and they could have been brought before he announced so it's clear what's going on here this is basically election interference as Donald Trump keeps on saying and uh uh we'll see what happens uh on November 5th because that's when uh I think the real verdict will come in and do you feel that President Trump as a legal expert say that something were to go wrong say that Jack Smith was successful in this and we had to wait for appeals all the way up to the Supreme Court could president Trump serve as president from behind a prison cell well I mean if he's elected uh he's going to have his uh justice department drop both these Federal cases so uh that those those are going to go away now the one with judge Bashan uh uh Trump do not have any authority to order his Jus Department to drop those nor can he part it himself for uh that's New York State uh uh uh quote unquote crime but I think that case will be uh uh reversed uh by the low higher court and he won't be in jail anyway even if judge ban does impose a jail sentence because like I said that will be stayed or put on hold pending any appeal of that case and I think there's so many grounds for reversal that I don't see uh any way or shape or form that Donald Trump will serve one day in in prison or even on probation now how important is it to you in your legal analysis that we hear conservative and liberal justices and you hear corporate mainstream media sometimes spinning it or making it sound oversimplified how important is it that constitutionally based judges are appointed to to our federal system well uh that's a very good question and and it's important that our judges under our Constitution are appointed for Life uh so that they don't have political interference and what's happening now with the uh Biden Administration and now Harris is saying she will do the same thing is to basically uh uh try to pack the court uh by uh requiring uh the justices have term limits uh and that's a very dangerous proposition uh again it's politically motivated because they don't like the decisions that have been coming out and those decisions if you look at it are basically rooted in constitutional principles um uh there there's plenty of legal support for it it's just that uh the Democrats don't don't like the results and so what they want to do is is change the makeup of the Supreme Court and lower court judges as well because that's where most of these cases are litigated and so you can see that Biden over the last three and a half years has been stacking the lower courts with very uh liberal uh type judges there and all those judges also have lifetime appointments so uh it's it's one where there are you know conservative judges and liberal judges uh some are call it down the middle as they see it so it it's just a matter of uh uh you know how how the decisions come out uh and who's you know upset about that but I think overall our system is a is a good one in this country uh where judges are appointed for Life they're not Pol supposed to be politically uh elected like some uh uh countries have and some states have uh judges who are you know running uh for office and therefore you know they have a political act to guide so I think our system is good and we should not be tampering with it and speaking on that topic an excellent point because FDR also tried to do what President Biden is attempting to do with stacking the federal bench and specifically the Supreme Court but what are your thoughts Alan dwit spoke on this that most Western countries do not elect their district attorneys or um any prosecutors at the state or count level do you think that's still a good practice that we have here in the United States well yeah uh Alan dtz I think has a good point uh there in terms of the lower level uh prosecutors and judges that that they also are appointed but again uh I I think in some respects uh it does make sense democratically to have uh prosecutors uh you know run for office because they want to stay here what I'll do if I if I'm elected and so if the voters say yeah we want you to be tough on crime go get him but then you have these liberal prosecutors who are backed by George Soros uh who said hey elect me and uh I I'll open the jail Sal and and and let uh the uh uh convicts out I won't prosecute them uh uh you see this all the time in New York and Chicago and then again we have a assisted okay uh your term is up in a couple years if we like what you did we may vote you back in office if we don't we'll throw you out and get somebody else so I think at the local level uh running for those kinds of office probably makes sense but when you get to judicial appointments I think there uh it's better to to have a a a an appointment process where the judges uh the candidates to be judges are screened for their uh uh competency their temperament and so forth uh as opposed to uh you know running on a political agenda some states have that some don't but in terms of the local da and prosecutor I don't see a problem with that being uh running for for office that way a government for and by the people constitutional law expert Paul camon are the lead councel for National legal and policy Center thank you sir for joining us at rsbn you're welcome back anytime thanks for having me my pleasure absolutely thank you and an indepth policy discussion with Paul camar a constitutional expert thank you sir for joining us president Donald Trump on true social adding his comments to the law fair that is going on Judge Merchant just ruled that I Republican candidate for president and leading in the polls I am still under a gag order concerning very important things which must be brought to light I am not allowed to answer reporters questions and this is all in caps can you believe this the New York courts refuse to act this is happening right before the voting begins on September 6 voter suppression and manipulation of the vote voter interference this is the real fascist stuff the old Soviet Union so much to say and I'm not allowed to say it must get United States Supreme Court involved New York is trying to steal the election that post on true social by President Donald Trump and it's so important to cover this and to hear from legal experts like Paul because there is this law fair happening there are people like deranged Jack Smith who are putting all their bets on using their career to criminally prosecute the Republican candidate for president and have complete disregard for any ruling that the US Supreme Court has or for the rule of law in general and that's why it's so important to get great guides and the best one is from one of our sponsors free Trump the best-selling kids guide to president Trump is available for free at fre Trump and I have some here for you to look at the kids guide to president Trump and on the back here it talks about who is president Trump what is Maga why is he running for office again in 2024 the kids guide to fighting indoctrination some of the questions what exactly is indoctrination why do people indoctrinate how can it happen in school is it online or on TV and is it really quite frankly everywhere in American life right now great questions also the kids guide to American greatness the Civil Rights Movement America's unique beginning liberty and justice for all fighting for equality the top 10 reasons why we need to love America and be proud of it these are great guides that I am getting for my nieces for this Christmas uh they have a couple of other historical documents that I like to share with them at their young ages because they're future voters and this guide has been updated and explains Trump's vision and future for American kids as he's approaching his reelection but it's not surprising to learn as well that crime and drugs are pouring over our Southern border and getting worse and that people are agreeing more with President Trump on his immigration policies I mean just look at back in February lak and Riley this beautiful nursing student at the University of Georgia goes jogging in a heavily populated area in Athens she's murdered by an illegal immigrant from Venezuela and that talk with Paul about you know should we continue to elect our local Das and prosecutors it's great that we can have voter discretion over them but it was Das like those in New York who released him I mean this guy had a wrap sheet longer than a mile long maybe even longer than the super long lines today in Johnstown Pennsylvania and he got down to Georgia and he killed a beautiful young woman and that table that seat at the table the dinner table will be empty moving forward this is happening far too often to too many Americans but this kids guide to president Trump talks about these important things and how American voters future voters can get involved and learn about the history of this country free Trump thank you to our sponsors and speaking of those long lines I actually saw a friend's comment on Facebook he's an old colleague of mine not old in age per se but we used to uh perform together he's an organist and I'm a caner I sing at my local church and I've done so uh in Georgia Arizona back home in the Chicago area years ago as well and Mr Matthew sprinkle living in Pennsylvania now saying Donald John Trump is set to make a game-changing announcement in Johnstown the energy is electric and the C crowds are eager to hear his message there are at least 10,000 people waiting exciting times history in ex exclamation points and Mr Matthew sprinkle very true enjoy today and enjoy the Maga Patriots around you we also had a wonderful interview actually yesterday that we're able to air today of Courtney Reed she is a photographer she is a painter extraordinaire and you can actually purchase some of her beautiful uh photography and paintings and art online and I will personally share some of her videos on my social media accounts so that might be easier to find her but uh Mr Producer has informed me that that interview is ready and we'll throw it over to Courtney Reid and her creative process by Courtney Reed who has been painting beautiful paintings throughout her career one specifically now Trump and Elvis Presley Courtney can you share with us did you go to school for art for uh painting for photography such a creative person involved in the movement sometimes it's rare to see that happen with super creative people in the conservative movement that's a really great point I do not have the traditional path to become an artist it started in college I I was an athlete most of my life and I had take one fine artwork to calligraphy and all of those slots were filled but there was one slot left in a watercolor course so that is the Fine Art course I had to take that semester and by the end of it I discovered this unknown talent that I had so God works in really unique ways so I would definitely encourage people to be open to finding something they wouldn't expect my whole family is in the medical field like no one's no one's an artist or or creative so for me this was kind of stepping into something unknown and from there I actually became a photographer second my family loves to travel so I got a camera and I developed that skill as well during traveling and opportunities came about professionally within the political conservative movement and then I was able to combine my artistic talents with my passion for the values and the love of country that I want to preserve so I'm just really grateful to have this unique voice within the conservative movement oh it's really beautiful can you share with us kind of your process because I noticed from the videos you make on your paintings these are very intricate pieces and no detail goes unnoticed no detail goes unmatched and I love how each part of your painting really complement one another so can you take us through that and how you focus on the watercolor process to tell your story yeah well thank you I really enjoy the detail I I really I want to say a message through the art and I paint in two different mediums I do acrylic and watercolor so if you look at the series of other paintings I did for the Trump family a lot of those are also acrylic but for this one specifically it's watercolor and and that does require a different set of mediums that I need to use to create it so once I get my idea and I kind of map it out on um I actually use Photoshop to kind of gather all of my details and from there I know where I'm going but of course things can change throughout the process if if I'm you know listening to something or think of something or hear something on the news as I'm creating it it can alter a little little bit but I use um and oh and you can check out my video too which also shows the process so in that I show how I use um a masking fluid so watercolor it you cannot make a mistake because you can't get the white background back so for this specific painting I put the masking fluid over Trump Elvis and the crowd and also the make America great again signs which point to the detail you're talking about and after that I start to do large washes and then I go into the detail from there but with every stroke I I I just pour my heart and soul into this and outside of being at events on the field with my cameras meeting the people of this movement and The Real Americans of our country this is the other place that I like to be to just reflect on all those experiences so God has really provided a unique space for me and I'm just so grateful to serve him and to serve people and how long does your process take for each painting and do you gain inspiration from current events you know clearly you're building a beautiful storyline between President Trump the Maga movement and how Elvis Presley stood up and in a sense bucked the system when he was calling for civil rights back in the 1960s and going on Prime Time with if only I can dream with that beautiful song that debut that was actually a Christmas themed concert to make a point and to build lend his voice and support to a movement uh that was uh needing that as well so how do you so I guess a two-part question how long does it take your process for that inspiration uh but also how do you mirror uh these historical events and then throw that into your artwork yes so to answer your first question my initial inspiration was at the RNC as soon as president Trump walked out that's where I got the initial idea but when it really came to fruition is when I was driving home in my car and if I Can Dream came on because I'm a fan of Elvis Presley I love his music um as does President Trump and Elvis has made the playlist at his rallies so that's when it really came to be that I I said I'm going to do this so that actually came together pretty quickly and right now with election season I had to do this quicker than usual because I am so busy so I worked day and night because of all the detail I would say And depending of the size this one's you know relatively manageable I I did a large Trump family painting that was 24 by 36 Ines it's this massive board and that one took me a couple of months so it can range from weeks to months and then to answer your second question Elvis He was awarded the presidential medal of um the presidential medal of freedom from president Trump during his his White House and that is for Elvis's ability to Define American culture and also his his love of world peace at a time in the United States when there were assassinations of two world leaders Martin Luther and Robert Kennedy that is when Elvis wrote If I Can Dream which are the lyrics that I put on this painting and and I chose the line if I can dream of a better land where all my brothers walk hand inand and that is what ties together president Trump and Elvis they want peace if we were going to use one word to describe these men and what they stood for as American icons it would be peace and from there I would say they just want Unity it's time for America to come together and reelect president Trump God has surely shown his hand in this election because the way that he saved president Trump with that assassination attempt he made known that he is here and he is with us and I think a lot of people woke up to that an extraordinary message of peace through strength and Courtney how would you recommend for artists who may be conservative who may be on the Christian right or just bible-based believers how do they use their skills and their talents to portray a positive message just as you are yes we need as many people doing this as possible I have a lot of people come up to me that whisper actually now they're a little more vocal than in the past but it's been a whisper that they support president Trump I think more people are waking up to the truth that that's what's being revealed through all of these years and everything president Trump and his family has been through and has proven to be false so I would encourage anyone else with an artistic talent or any Talent at all because really God has gifted us with unique talents um out on the field everyone involved in this movement has a talent so just do what you can do do it like me start small like I started in my basement and um Grassroots phone calls in 2016 and loone beholds God made doors open and connections happen and I just keep doing what I've done from the start and he does the rest of the work so I hope more people keep speaking out until the election on November 5th well that's absolutely fantastic a God-fearing hopeful message from Courtney Reid where can we find your work and where can people uh purchase these Timeless pieces of art I actually personal note saw you on Facebook so I had to share that beautiful video I was so inspired with your message behind your latest painting of President Trump and Elvis Presley but work can people find your amazing artwork my website is Courtney Reed turquoise. and you can even just type in Google Courtney re photographer Courtney Reed turquoise somehow it would come up and that's also where you can purchase prints and I'm on a pixie set and that's also at my Instagram link that's an easy way to find me it's at Courtland Reed so I have a you know following on there and that's how you can access my website Courtney you're doing some great work with painting the trumps and even some photography can you dive into more of your work outside of the latest painting you have of President Trump and Elvis Presley and uh share with us some of those other uh Productions you have made well yes I have a series of trump paintings and it started back when President Trump and his family um were helping him run in 2016 I made my first video of the process this was the start of it for me and um Laura Trump actually got wind of it on social media and shared it that was the start of their family just you know showing their interest in what Americans wanted to say out there and joining us in the conversation so that was pretty neat and from there I made other paintings and I titled them all another is called one nation under God where president Trump it's his inauguration day and on that day he said the Forgotten men and women will be forgotten no longer and it will be America First and another one that I did was his signature Red Hat make America great again and I also did one of the birthplace of America which is in Philadelphia Pennsylvania the Liberty Bell and that's really special because that's where the Declaration of Independence and um the Constitution were drafted and on the bell I don't know if a lot of people know this but there's um Leviticus is inscribed on there and it says Proclaim Liberty throughout all the land so if we go back to what our founding fathers intended for this nation it's that we all come together and we fight for this Freedom which is connected to my current painting of President Trump and Elvis we just want Unity Peace and Freedom a strong biblical message in our founding no question about that all 13 of our original colonies that became States you actually had to be a Bible believing practicing Christian and such an important point Thank you Courtney for that and I'm very intrigued by the peace message in your latest painting can you take us through uh some of the details and inspiration behind president Trump and Elvis being together on your latest painting yes well they do have a connection because president Trump loves Elvis's music and as I said before he awarded him the presidential medal of freedom which a big component of that is World Peace and Elvis wrote the song If I Can Dream which is H my painting at a time when there was a lot going on in our country and assassinations and and and the parallel of President Trump you know the assassination attempt and there's just this connection which is what inspired my latest painting and and actually the painting right before this one I I did President Trump in the Oval Office in 2020 and I inscribed 2024 kind of hidden on the desk with this hope of becoming president once again in 2024 so I'm excited to continue my series and see what comes next as of now this is the latest one but we'll see where it goes from here well an extraordinary painting it looks lovely next to you and I just love the dimensions and the details it's fun being an artist in a realm where you can use not only your political beliefs but your religious beliefs to inspire and to share that message message and clearly you are doing that with this latest painting and with uh the work in your career Courtney Reed really a pleasure having you on rsbn and can you share with the audience one more time where we can find your paintings and where they can perhaps purchase your beautiful work yes well you can find me on Instagram at courtlin re and from there at the top of my bio is my website and a link to pixie set which which is where prints are sold of all my painting so go check out all my other work and the meaning behind each one and if you follow me on Instagram I post videos and show the process and take you along on the journey with me and thank you so much for doing that I know I enjoy your videos and I share them on my personal Facebook Instagram truth social so it's fun to get your message out there and so that Patriots know that we're not alone in this process especially the creative process a world that sometimes can seem uh somewhat foreign or you seem to have more people on the other side but Courtney that's what you're trying to do bring people together through your artwork and your photography and we thank you for doing that and taking time with us today here at right side broadcasting yes thank you Bobby Courtney re Courtney read turquoise. that's where you can find all of her beautiful art and photography great to have her involved in the Maga movement sometimes it's difficult for artists to find their voice in a left-wing world in the Arts and so wonderful to have her using her gifts and talents to share inspiring moments and great messages that not only applied to the 1960s but to right now in present day 2024 we want to thank our sponsors for bringing you this great coverage today live from Auburn Alabama I'm Bobby mcney it's a joy to be with you in the studio today we will be going back to johntown Pennsylvania somewhat soon as The Magnificent Matthew Alvarez and the tremendous Titus Smith are out there getting firsthand information and knowledge and the opinions of that long long line waiting to see President Trump today in Johnstown Pennsylvania he has a spe later this evening also in Washington DC at the moms for Liberty conference the wellness company America listen up the world is getting more unpredictable by the day we've got assassination attempts we have rumors of Civil War an unstable stock market and now the looming threat of the bird flu is on everyone's mind did you know that there's a bird flu Summit upcoming in October it's eily reminiscent to what happened in 2020 and 2021 with the covid pandemic and get this the first topic on the agenda Mass fatality management planning if that doesn't send chills down your spine I really don't know what will but there is good news you don't have to be scared if you're prepared and that's why we have here these beautiful wellness company contagion emergency kits vital to protecting you and your family their packed with life-saving medication like hydroch chloroquin icin and zpac and it's all backed by the experts like Dr Peter Mulla who was cancelled for sharing his findings and we have unisex of course with the black and with the turquoise blue whatever you would like to prefer easily able to store that in your car in your pantry when you're out on a hike just when you're really in need of something we cannot be too cautious when you have scam demics and plan demics out there in the world especially with bird flu potentially on the horizon in times like these having your contagion emergency kit is not just a luxury it's a necessity so go to make caregreat and use code rsbn to save 15% off or even $45 at checkout these kits are only available in the United United States get this crucial life-saving medication that will prepare you for the worst scenario Burch gold we' like to thank them once again if you text Trump to 98 9898 you can secure that free fight silver coin already worth plenty of money because it's silver but what a historical item to have uh in your home and in Crazy Times Like These there is peace of mind insecurity security for our country and for our leaders but also Securities for our families if you have all your eggs in one basket you're in trouble you cannot be financially secure that way and this is a great way to maybe convert your 401k or IR into precious metals gold and silver it's an excellent way to diversify your savings text Trump to 98 9898 you get this beautiful 2024 Birch gold info kit that has all of the info there's no pressure but you just get to find out all the information behind it great Patriots like Ben Shapiro Steve Bannon Ron Paul and Dan Bonino all endorsing this wonderful company through my friends at Birch gold you can own this physical gold in a tax sheltered retirement account so text Trump to 9898 98 today and make sure you're financially secure in these strange Economic Times and there's no question this is a strange time for America this is at times very sad and very somber of course president Trump started the week on Monday at Arlington National Cemetery in Washington DC and he honored those Fallen service members uh which we aired their names over broadcast yesterday they were so young the oldest being 31 and actually the youngest just uh being a teenager who sacrificed their lives for their country August 26 2021 that botched exit from Afghanistan we left not only them behind these great service members and Patriots but we left intelligence billions of dollars the Russians and the Chinese now have some of our assets and some of our technology the Taliban who was decimated whether it was Al Qaeda the Taliban Isis president Trump in the first three months of his administration wiped them out if you remember he was sitting down in April of 2017 with Chinese Premier XII ping the Chinese Communist party leader and dictator and they were having cheesecake and he said you know president G I dropped the Moab on Isis and president G he understood that clearly he understood that President Trump was not to be messed with what a change in foreign policy from the peace through strength to almost seemingly intentional if it's not ignorant um intentional if you look back to Robert Gates autobiography who served in both the bush and Obama administrations he said that Biden's been wrong on foreign policy for the last 50 years of his career a staggering staggering reminder and this is why it's important to get our sponsors free Trump so that Young Americans know exactly what's going on or even to share the gospel message with your neighbors uh friends and family as well free Trump this is the bestselling kids guide available for free to our viewers the guide has been updated for 2024 and explains Trump's vision for the future of America to kids and his policies especially on immigration and what a stark contrast again from president Trump to President Biden if Biden did not touch the border and just kept it the way that President Trump did we would't have people like lak and Riley the ug nursing student who lost her life sadly to an illegal alien who broke so many of our laws was released from New York District Attorneys made his way way down to Georgia and killed this poor girl while she was jogging in the afternoon just after 2:00 back in February in a heavily populated area off of the Athens Georgia University of Georgia campus as a result more and more Americans are focused on President Trump's policies and why they were good on the border because they don't want drugs and illegal aliens pouring over and that's why you can get this free Trump for your children at home free Trump excuse me there this answers questions as what is Mago why is President Trump running again how about the kids guide to fighting indoctrination why are schools indoctrinated is that everywhere does indoctrination cause fear what about the kids guy to American greatness and questions on the back saying America's unique beginning what is what does it mean why is it important strong foundations the Civil Rights Movement the truth behind that Heroes like Martin Luther King Jr and all they sacri for America and look at me I am surrounded by great sponsors whether that's the wellness company free Trump or the Birch gold group you can trust these wonderful Patriots who bring us this opportunity to give you wall-to-wall coverage of where president Trump will be on a regular basis ready to fight for America and put America first as he seeks to become not only the 45th president of the United States which he achieved just a few short years years ago tearing down that blue Wallen beating the machines of the Bush and Clinton families but now as he seeks to become the 47th president of the United States I'm Bobby mcney it's an honor to join you live from Auburn Alabama we're in Johnstown Pennsylvania today with the Magnificent Matthew Alvarez and also the tremendous Titus Smith and tonight we'll be going to Washington DC live for president Trump's speech to the moms for Liberty we'll be back after this short commercial break you ask and we listen we're finally bringing the most requested offer ever get the queen siiz premium my pillow now only $1 1998 my pillow is made with patented adjustable fill it adjusts to your exact individual needs regardless of your sleep position it helps keep your neck align and holds it shape all night long so you get the best sleep of your life but that's not all get our six-piece kitchen or bath tole sets only $25 our brand new mattress topper as low as $69.98 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March for Life and many other important events and hearings around the country we were made for people like you everyday Americans who are tired of the mainstream media who are tired of being lied to manipulated and fed an agenda our goal here at right side broadcasting is to allow you to see the truth giving our correspondents and commentators a wide latitude to speak their minds you won't find anything like this in the mainstream media your support through your donations locals and supporting our advertisers allows us to continue to cover important events around the country each and every day so from us here at right side broadcasting thank you for supporting us and the right side of [Music] History hi folks this is rsbn founder and CEO Joe seals here in these crazy times there is peace of mind and security security for our country security for our leaders and security for our families but think about this if you have all your eggs in one basket you are not financially secure gold and silver are an excellent way to diversify your savings they're a hedge against inflation and through my friends at the Birch gold group you can own physical gold and silver in a tax sheltered retirement account there's one thing you can do today to secure your family savings just text the word Trump to 9898 98 and receive a free info kit on Gold Plus in August only on any purchase you make Birch gold is giving away free Trump silver coins this brand new one-of-a-kind silver coin features Trump boldly raising his fist in the moments after the attempt on his life you don't want to miss your chance to own this special piece of History a celebration of a leader dedicated to our security preserved in the security of a precious metals coin so secure your savings today and get your free Trump silver coins text Trump to 9898 98 today that's Trump to the the number 98 9898 good afternoon from right side broadcasting network of Matthew Alvarez alongside Titus Alice Smith who will be joining me here on the meteor Riser shortly of course Bobby mcney doing an awesome job out there all those interviews and it's always good to get whether it's we the people or whether it's someone that's doing something great for the country all of us on a team that is letting the American people have their voice you know it's light into that dark place but here in Johnstown this is the first summit Arena obviously going to be a very loud loud Arena because if you guys saw the pre-show thousands and thousands of people outside awaiting president Trump who will speak as you guys know and as you're probably seeing on the screen right now at 4:30 Eastern uh and then of course later tonight in DC he'll be speaking at the moms for Liberty event that with Nikki stanion so another double header right here on right side broadcasting network yesterday great coverage out of Wisconsin and uh other states I mean just all over the place always good because everything from the people to the president that's what you'll get right here right side broadcasting network you know above this camera right now you won't be able to see the vantage point that I'm looking at but it has the scoreboard up there and the scoreboard reads 2024 and then on one side of the scoreboard it says 45 the other side says 47 and that's what we're looking to see happen president Donald Trump being the 47th president the commanderin-chief the common sense president the people's president and a staff and a cabinet that would be America First for We the People for all of us for the Constitution for Freedom so team Freedom gearing up for a huge fork in the road coming up less than 70 days from today we know there's some early voting in various States but we know on November 5th what is that going to be like what result will we see if you look at the polls if you see the people out there in the crowd you see the majority of people across this country supporting a conservative common sense candidate so again 4:30 president Trump will speak around 2:15 or even maybe 2:45 we'll see which one happens for the pre-program where a number of speakers will take the stage of course we'll have that all live for you we do want to thank American financing a great sponsor here at right side broadcasting network $854 a month as you see there on your screen a lot of savings with American financing always good to see a company like this that will help you out when it's Equity with your home and other ways to get you to save that $854 all you have to do is take that first step on the screen there you see the information for American financing another sponsor before we get back to commentary and show you the live crowd here obviously uh again going to be a very loud uh packed house with the amount of people that are outside here in Johnstown is B bunker is all about fending off any cyber criminals so the information you see on your screen there as well go ahead and reach out to Bunker these guys are professionals they know exactly how to take care of business when it comes to any kind of cyber attacks uh cyber criminals of course Target people and businesses uh just this month AT&T actually announced that hackers compromised all of their customers text and call records which exposes us even more to those threats so having some peace of mind with bunker you can get that right there you see that information on your screen right side broadcasting network is here for you if you'd like to follow on Truth social it's rsbn or on X it's RSB Network surpassing a million uh followers since 2015 to now we the people we're with the people we are a people Network and it's the truth and common sense that we want to share with you we want to interview the people and that's what we do outside if I was getting interviewed or if Titus was getting interviewed or anybody at the network we we would sound just like probably anybody out there in the field because we're on the same page we resonate with truth and and common sense so again president Trump speaking at 4:30 today [Music] and we'll have Titus Ellis Smith joining me live here at any moment but I can say the the polls right now throughout all the swing States depending on which polls you're looking at definitely has president Trump in the lead we'll also get to some of the reaction to last night's fake news interview with CNN we we know that if someone was to reveal their heart and their mind with why where they want to take the country and they really talked about it that interview would have went a lot different yesterday Harris and walls with all of the actions that they have done over the years proves that they are not a mainstream Democratic candidate we know that they are way left so the fork in the road is coming up of course it is team Freedom uh taking on communism I said that right I said that because also before we get to our next sponsor I just want to share with you a quote from president Trump at a speech yesterday he said quote this election is not a choice between Democrats and Republicans it's a choice between communism and freedom and communism and possibly worse I mean I get we're playing the the music's here and college football's this weekend and we're all you know going to have some fun watching some games I get that but of course the biggest game in my opinion is November 5th 2024 so we can continue to have a free country right we have that fork in the road coming up very serious times in our country we don't want to wind up like Maduro and Venezuela or the censorship in the UK and any of that we want our country to continue to be free and to make it great again so that coming up pretty soon tax Network USA 8800 3571 1415 these guys will help you along the way if there's any back taxes or missing uh any taxes with filing tax Network USA will help you along the way a great group there tax Network USA give them a call they'll work right there with you it's not going to be a long process they'll they'll help you out right away so whether it's today tomorrow over the weekend Sunday and next week go ahead and give tax Network USA a call Pennsylvania has 19 electoral votes up for grabs uh just like 2016 I think all of the slink States they voted red and they were polling red 2020 happened we know what happened there unfortunately but 2024 here we go again we know that there's a lot of support for president Trump and when I say here we go again I just mean another election cycle and so the the biggest election of our lifetimes so as I mentioned outside president Trump of course running to be president of all of America Additionally the current news cycle is going uh haywired it's always these short sound bites and short interviews and quickly on to the next story but the biggest story of the year is President Trump winning the White House via November 5th on Election Day that would be the biggest story of the year but the election is the biggest story of course j13 the assassination attempt president Trump and the campaign heading back to Butler Pennsylvania in October so what an awesome time that will be uh for the country as we all support uh freedom and support president Trump in that moment and Butler speaking of support you see here in Johnstown if you watched earlier so many people out there will be packing this Arena all for the 45th and hopefully the 47th president of the United States now in the primary uh this year president Trump received thousands and thousands of more votes than Biden did on the left as for Harris well she didn't get any votes we know that she is an installed candidate they're trying to play it safe and just talk about a few things when it comes to policy but we know what they're really about and the true electricity and the true Joy comes from a place of Peace a place of happiness and love Right comes through God comes through a an American movement that was founded on judeo-christian principles so here we are not listening to the leftwing mainstream lies and listening to Common Sense truth so we'll be joined by Titus Ellis Smith in just a few minutes I'm Matthew Alvarez guys thank you so much for watching here on right side broadcasting network obviously going to be a great time as so many people are packing the arena here so many people that are saying you know what the immigration problem the the illegal immigration problem is something that needs to be taken care of right away if you look at the state of Colorado or California and some of the migrant crime news flash breaking news there is an uptick in crime in Colorado because of illegal immigrants some of them taking over a Colorado apartment complex in Aurora let's fly down to San Diego right now and look there where some illegal immigrants are trying to board their kids school buses there's a just school buses there's just a lot of things that are starting to Peak and happened and president Trump said on Truth social quote I Told You So showing video of illegal immigrants going door to door with machine guns the machine guns were down they weren't pointed at the door but they were knocking on all the doors and we could see that there are crimes happening if you remember in the 2020 election cycle president Trump talked about the gas prices he said if Joe Biden becomes president you'll see 3 four five 6 7 and $8 gas prices and some of us were like no way and then it happened and then he said the same thing about the Border he said The Invasion and as Carrie lake so greatly put it the other day the Biden the Biden invasion happening has caused so many problems in the country so I know I'm preaching in the choir here a lot but at the end of the day we know of course president Trump uh will be taking the stage around 4:30 I just want to thank the wellness company after I think the wellness company uh Titus Ellis Smith will join us make caregreat use a promo code rsbn for 15% off obviously we've got this uh moox is being t talked about bird flu all these kind of things by the World Health Organization they're all trying to say hey there's these vaccines out there again but at the end of the day make careg gr use that promo code rsbn for 15% off you'll get a moxilin a zpac Ivor mechon a a whole assortment of prescriptions after you fill out a medical form with make carrad all right so I'm Matthew Alvarez I was waiting for Titus Ellis Smith I didn't see him here in the medior Riser but I see him now so come on up hopefully not knocking over anything man my goodness there is no um there's no room up here right now go ahead director again we're too big it's too much just too much up here so welcome back thank you how how was that out there uh well I was in a line over there and it just took a long time a lot of it's a good sign though so many people here and they're all like let's get fed before we can see um our president so no complaints I accidentally spilled some water on some uh some of our friends over there but hey they were really nice about it that's all right yeah there's a there's not a lot of room to to move around on the Riser but that's all right but that's that goes to show the amount of attention whether it's the fake news media whether it's conservative media like right side Broadcasting Network people want to hear what president Trump has to say because at the end of the day sometimes obviously if a lot of serious points he talks about but he brings the comedy he brings the great delivery and he encourages a he encourages the nation and not only that around the world people are encouraged by him and that's the thing there's people all around the world even at the Atlanta even here it was like a Japan flag and there's people that traveled from Japan or something to support Trump there's a man from Canada who he interviewed who came to support Trump so it's amazing how it's not just impacting America he's impacting the world but I mean sense that makes sense though because it's always been kind of well known that America kind of is the first stepping stone to a lot of the ways the world the rest of the world like you know behaves and so if we're acting insane and woke they Ain act insane and woke if we're acting patriotic and you know sane they might do the same thing you know so uh it's yeah it's it's really awesome to walk around here it is awesome and there's always good energy as you've seen a number of us correspondents here and others at right side broadcasting network you can always sense the energy and the electricity in the crowd but this is the real stuff right this is the genuine kind of hey we know our country is going through it right now we want freedom it way in this in country and that's what the people show up for they show up for that and they show up for president Trump because he stands for those principles yeah exactly 100% And so do all of us here every single one of us is out here for that reason alone it's it's so loud in here too yeah it's super super fun just wait till he gets in here yeah the am of Cheers it's always good here at right side broadcasting network of course you get to see that split screen where you see the crowd and uh them going wild here up for the country for patriotism let's dive into patriotism real quick and then I want to dive into the woke ideology that's out there uh for throughout the country as well in in certain parts yeah but the amount of AC ual patriotism people have a heart for this country and they want freedom to continue here and I'm sure they want freedom for all people I want freedom for the world right yeah who doesn't right you know unless you unless you've got an evil or a leftist uh ideology exactly well and I think Freedom they it's been kind of skewed because people say Oh I thought you for Freedom how come you don't let all the illegals come through here it's like you can come here no one's opposed to you coming here there's just a right way to do it and that's kind of manipulated by the wokeism they want to act like oh you don't actually care about people you don't actually want them to come here you think they're all bad you don't like that they don't look like you it's like this is we're a very diverse country obviously we're predominantly one thing over the other but like we're we have no issue with people coming in here we want people to it's just the legal way if you and I if we walk the streets of New York or LA or Chicago or anywhere in the country in certain spots there are people from all walks of life at the end of the day more than you in some of those places exactly so here's the point though but let's be real a lot of them are legal immigrants or not or maybe born in America big deal that's great that's that's we have no problem with that it's the illegal immigrants that we don't know where they're coming from are they coming from jails prisons uh as president Trump says mental institutions also uh terrorism watch lists I mean you have to know who's in your country right that's such it's so ignorant to act as if it's racism because there like no other country does this you can't just block into a country cuz you want to there's borders of security and it's secure there the fact that that's even a talking point from the other side that you're some sort of like terrible person filled with hate against anyone that doesn't look like you it's so disingenuous because it's simply just come through the legal way and we will have no issue there's no problem we accept you with open arms we welcome you we welcome you but you came to America because you wanted to be a part of America so don't make America where you came from cuz you can go back there not because of the skin color but because of the BIOS we hold here exactly merch Gold group is also another great sponsor here at right side Broadcasting Network all you have to do is text Trump to 9898 98 you were saying at one of the rallies that your dad actually likes the buy gold oh gold oh my dad is a them for some gold so gold and silver L I think I told you this but like for I think it was last Christmas or the one before he gave every single he has eight kids he every single one of us in um gold and silver for for one of the two for uh Christmas my mom gave us all these gifts some clothes some sweatsuits he was like gold silver God's money you need this it's important if the dollar ever loses its value it doesn't mean anything get this gold this is God's money you know I think I think you just nailed it right there yeah if the if the dollar loses value this gold means something right and we know that the dollar fluctuates but at the end of the day having Gold Silver and precious medals through Birch gold group all you can do is text Trump to 98 9898 at least get the info kit you know get some information on it and then before you know it you might have some gold yourself to back it up for that US dollar so text Trump to 98 98 98 so we dove into a little bit of the patriotism the woke mindset it's it's it's terrible because there's a lot of good-hearted people out there but unfortunately brainwashed a lot of junk they mean well that's the thing and that's what's really sad about it is I've seen so many videos of like kids that I'm sickened by what they decided to do with their child but it was a very misconstrued form of love like they thought they were doing the right thing because what has been propagated throughout all of media like social media and people trying to tell your kids you don't love them or like doctors even like Elon musky said that he was told that his son you can either have like a daughter or a dead son it's a lot of a lot of doctors have said that to parents that just love their kids and want them to get all the help they need to deal with whatever mental issues they're going through but when you manipulate parents emotionally by saying do you want a dead son or do you want an alive thriving happy daughter they're going to be like okay what do I need to do to keep my child alive and that's so it sucks because it really is coming out of a place of love but they need to stand their ground and I think at this point there's so much stuff you know coming against that like evidence to show that that's not necessarily true like the the depression rates within transgenderism is so high and like suicide is high like more than regular PE regular people you know what I mean and so it's just like it's sad and that's why we need to keep speaking out speaking up there's literally a a page I follow on Instagram about de transitioners so many people saying I was lied to when I was in elementary when I was in Middle School I was like I didn't even know it's been going on that long to we're so back so far back that someone was Elementary and was lied to and now they're like 18 20 and they've done all these things to their body and you can never go back like you can you can do the best you can depending on how much you transition but at a certain point your health is just at a severe risk of and your life is not going to last as long as it would if if you wouldn't have done that so we really got the woke mind virus is what which is what you mus calls it needs to be eradicated yeah and at the end exactly and through that is through awareness and Light knowledge the Bible not in that order reverse it but you know what I mean yeah yeah bravery courage people stand up you know instead of following just whatever somebody else is really just saying we do our own homework our own research and then once you realize hey you know what we want Common Sense we want the moral fabric of this country to stay intact and we want God to to move in this country in the sense of by his Spirit right 100% that we need and that's the thing we need God so badly in this country and it's like obviously you know every God gives free will I'm not going to take it away which is something I always tell Christians is just like we should always encourage and uplift people and teach the word and tell people about the word because that's what we want we want to we want to increase the kingdom of heaven but we can never force it on people because God didn't gave us that free will you have no right to take it away and so I think if you go the extreme other way that's wrong too but we need to do our best to show Jesus's love through our actions but Jesus love is truth and truth is not always like my dad would always say true love is not always surfy sweet you know you got to you got to be very direct and confront real world truths that are very you know contentious sometimes and make people feel uncomfortable and maybe even mad because they live a certain way and you just got to be willing to stand strong in the truth no matter what and that's what president Trump is doing he's standing strong sure is in the face of so many attacks but you know what he still says fight fight fight and you know what I say fight fight fight and so do you right let say fight fight fight fight fight fight fight a lot of fights I mean because at the end of day when we say fight we mean work hard pray hard vote get the word out keep the narrative get in the ring right keep the narrative you know showing uh truth because you know we've got up up here on the media Riser probably uh 97% of the people that are on here nothing against the actual person but what some of them are doing is talking about a false narrative against Donald Trump against the American people and we don't stand for that right yeah know we stand for common sense and truth so uh as do of course president Trump we just want people to genuinely present what's like being done what's being stated what's how people are feeling what someone act like if Donald Trump was actually being accurately presented in the media and people don't like him then that's fine that's your prerogative but when you skew someone's whole your characterization of a person you skew it into in a way that's so malicious it's just so it's just and it it creates this trust and that's what's happened here nobody trust the mainstream media Publications that have been popular for all these years doesn't matter what you are like they're just like that's why alternative media Has Come On The Rise that's why we're up here with those people because people want to hear our voice because we have opened our eyes to the truth yeah and and and but to be honest it's because we are the people as well well you know what I mean well we're the people that rose up and said okay if you're going to do that we're and so now we're up here with them but we're still those people that were like hey you lied to me so now I'm going to come out and say the truth yeah exactly so uh we're going to talk about a little bit of that CNN fake news CNN interview from last night but also I want to get your reaction a little bit on the DNC just what that was like all week um and then before we get into that I just want to say of course president Trump speaking at 4:30 and speaking right now I'm not sure if we have a video vantage point of what saying so I'm going to be quiet and let him talk on this video will what's that okay so the directors are telling us to keep keep on the commentary of course this video is talking about the secure elections you might see this at a lot of the rallies as well of course when the pre-program starts we'll be taking those speakers live and president Trump will be live at 4:30 here in Johnstown PA this is the first summit arena in Johnstown and I'll be honest when President Trump was speaking on the big speakers I kind of want to be quiet but yeah I know I'm just gonna I just got to do what I got to do here with the the directive because I don't think we have a visual of that yeah whenever he's talking you want to hear him right what are you talking about yeah exactly U because at the end of the day he's the one Donald Trump is the one that deserves all of the credit and the props for things like calling out the fake news for us what it's like to have an outsider as a president and now the world has seen and our country has seen what it really is like to have an outsider as a president not fought and paid for by anybody and actually it's so cool like I we were just talked about this but I'm just thinking about it as we were talking and it's so cool how he kind of bir this popularization of alternative media in a sense like obviously you had the Joe Rogan and you had all these people that were already doing stuff like the Candace Owens or whatever you want to talk about the daily wire but he really elevated alternative media like what we're doing here elevated because Trump was like fake news fake news and we were like okay let's bring some real news and I I just thinking about that it's actually amazing that this man is responsible for alternative media coming on the rise and the truth being heard to Millions upon millions of people cuz rsbn has reached Millions upon millions of people like you don't know how many people were out there I mean you you know but you guys don't how many people who are walking out there walk interviewing or just even just standing there you know looking at the things and like pointing out to the Patriotic people they're just like we love rsbn we love like screaming like rsbn you know it's like big it's just cool it's really cool it is really cool I mean that's a big part of it is is awesome but it's really awesome to have the courage to be able to do something like this you have to be strong and courageous that through God's spirit but also you have to decide you know how much is too much when it comes to someone stealing and taking your country so that's why I know a lot of you out there are working with Trump Force 47 or you're working as a committee man or committee woman or you're working at various uh election Integrity uh agencies you know or speaking out many of you podcasters those of you on Truth social let's listen in live Davidson to lead us in today's invocation [Applause] Heavenly Father make America great again make America first again to make America first again we must make God first again in our in the hearts of all Americans we are here today because of the religious freedom given to us by by God through the founding fathers of this country it is God who has given us these unalienable rights of life liberty and the pursuit of happiness it has been said that we are in a fight for the soul of our country St Paul tells us our battle is not with flesh and blood but with the spiritual forces of evil this evil which destroys our unborn and mutilates our children must end there is only one antidote to this veil of evil that has beset our country and that is the greatest commandment you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and the second is like it you shall love your neighbor as yourself there is no greater love than to lay down one's life for your friends president Trump continues to show us his willingness to lay down his life for us for our country and his God in the words of St Francis let us pray for president Trump and all of us here Lord make us an instrument of your peace where there is hatred let me so love where there is injury pardon where there is doubt Faith where there is despair hope where there is Darkness light and where there is sadness Joy let it be the love of God that makes America great again let it be our faith that brings us together as a people of God let us be a people of Hope and what does hope mean hope is a feeling of knowing that something good is about to happen and I prophesize that something great is about to happen God bless president Trump God Bless the USA [Applause] ladies and Gentlemen please welcome US Army veteran pilot David cvic to lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance Johnstown how are you let's take it up a notch for the Pledge of Allegiance but I would like to also first ask that we say thank you to all of our veterans who have served our country if you'll please remove your hats and join me and make it loud cuz we want him to hear it and he being Donald Trump I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all keep it up keep keep the keep it up we need the energy let's do it ladies and Gentlemen please welcome Ryan Brown to sing our national [Music] [Applause] anthem oh say can you see by the dawn's early life [Music] what so proudly we at the tlight last gleaming who's BR stripes and bright stars through the paress fight or the r parts we watched were so gallantly [Music] streaming and the rocket glare the bombs bursting in Air Day FR through the night that our flag was still there oh say does that star spangled there yet W or the land of the fre and the home of the bra [Applause] ladies and Gentlemen please welcome to the stage president and C CEO of jwf Industries William [Applause] palich I can tell you that staves is a lot longer when you're walking up there than when you see it from down there well hello Johnstown look Trump wants to hear you loud and clear he wants to know that you're going to vote for him he wants to know that you care about him and care about this country so loud screams yells cheer whatever you need to do so our president hears you are you ready to vote for Donald J Trump as a 47th president hell [Applause] yeah look I was asked to choose a song to come out on this stage I chose Rocky I did it for myri of reasons one is it depicts my life and depicts our town because we get knocked down and we get back up again right we pick ourselves up we fight back and also how important our faith is any Christians out [Applause] there and speaking about strong faith I saw Amy Bradley here where's she at Amy Bradley give us a loud roar for Amy Bradley running for state representative you won't see farle Frank Burns here speaking of strength and fighting back no one has been punched more by the media and fought back and after being shot he stands up with blood running down his face and he shows a source of strength a source of strength for the whole world to see and as he pumped his fist he said what fight fight fight look I'm going to take a second and just take this in many of you know me as the CEO of jwf Industries a lot of you don't know I started I'm a welder by trade any welders out there any Craftsman out there yes I'm Bill the welder and I'm damn proud of it in 1987 I started a business and my father's two-car garage I worked endless hours every day to build up a business with a group of great employees professionals risking everything and going without paychecks to put my employees first 37 years and 400 employees later it is the American dream in those 37 years I have never witnessed a more impactful change with a new president than in 2016 When Donald Trump became our president you saw it [Applause] too within two weeks of Donald Trump winning the election I saw contracts that were delayed turn into purchase orders we all f f a sense of a better tomorrow because with President Trump you were not going to get blindsided by governmental regulations within a few short months I had no fear of hiring employees our oil and gas business had increased orders and we saw Energy prices decrease any the oil and gas people [Music] here we were producing hey you know what I say drill baby drill by the way we were producing new armored products because of a defense appropriation expansion that would not only protect our troops so someone's son or daughter or mother father could come home safely but it also helped create technology technology so we could fight an unfair War Advantage USA it's okay to say USA USA right USA USA USA USA USA any military people out there thank you for your service from the bottom of my heart I see what you go through every day thank [Applause] you and my company we are the work Fighters supporting the war fighter and we had when Donald Trump was President we had a record low inflation record low unemployment record low interest rates we had a president who believed in the very values values we hold dear in camria county and that is pro-military proun pro economy Pro family prif and most of all pro [Applause] Faith yesterday president Trump announced funding for people want to go through IVF and as many of you know my son William and daughter-in-law Stacy went through IVF and they had twins at 25 weeks they became the Johnstown Twins and many of you prayed for them and I can tell you what we did we had an organized prayer I remember sitting down on my knees with my wife praying halfway through the Lord's Prayer I felt this sense around me I turned on my wife and I said they're going to be okay and they're here today right over here William and Oliver and if it wasn't for those prayers and the con on Nick unit they won't be here today and today they're FL flourishing prayers do work and what was comma Harris's comment about what he announced we'll just let a woman decide what her health care is that's not health care it's a right to life here's what we have today we have high interest rates that are keeping all businesses from investing in technology to advance our future KLA Harris is bragging about a 3% increase in inflation that's on top of the 20% you already got us with that's 23% have you been to the grocery store lately we don't want that right my costs have gone up dramatically I have seen steel prices triple in the last four years and then two months ago we had a far-left liberal US representative from Congress Rana that came to our conservative town touting green steel that's let me tell you what green still is they would have put a bunch of solar Fields out there to to be able to use electricity imagine that in Western Pennsylvania right good luck with that here's what it does it uses solar power or wind to melt steel then what happens is we shut our power plants down and we lose jobs then we set our shut our coal mines down because we have the best metallurgical coal to make steel in the world and then it costs us 30% more to make steel which makes us even more incompatible in a world stage take it from someone who knows a steel business it's an out andout lie to say that will bring jobs to our town who the hell brought this farle liberal from California in our town you guys it far left Frank Folks trust me when I tell you being in business for 37 years I'm watching this economy slide if Camala Harris gets elected you'll see us go into recession and you know what I say hell no Camala Harris hasn't been to the Border she hasn't been to Europe and she sure as hell hasn't been to camri County and we don't want her here right president Trump has not forgotten about you that's why he's here today and in camba County we work together that's why I started Vision together 2025 because it takes a village and in the Bible it says a community that doesn't have a vision will perish this town's going to move forward because of Donald Trump if KLA Harris thinks she can Waltz into our County and take our votes let me tell you I know and you know in advance we will elect Donald J Trump as the 47th president of the United States of America may God bless America may God bless our troops may God bless camb County I'm Bill the welder and I approve this message thank you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] ladies and Gentlemen please welcome to the stage founder and CEO of Steel Nation mark casy [Applause] hi my name is Camala [Applause] Harris I just want you to know that my values have not changed I love fracking I hate fracking I love fracking I hate fracking my values have not changed I could not I couldn't even watch it last night I get invested 10 minutes that I'll never get back in my life I'm Mark casy I'm the founder COO of Steel Nation we're located just south of Pittsburgh designed to build over 2,000 gas facilities mainly in the Marcel Utica shells located right here in the great Appalachian states of Pennsylvania Ohio and West Virginia my brothers and sisters back here I stand here before you today with a hard hat and my boots on representing the dedicated oil and gas coal nuclear power plant workers that energize America today I want to fight back on the Biden Harris war on American Energy Independence and these guys are going to help out right here Pennsylvania and Texas are the two highest energy producing states in America yet in the past three years our electricity rates have doubled due to the federal shutdown of coal and gas power plants like the nearby Homer City right up the road here I come from a coal background designing coal prep plants all across America in 2008 Obama Biden and Hillary came to West Virginia and declared the war on coal and it has decimated that industry in 2005 the very first unconventional marcelus lad well was drilled in my home county of Washington County and the marcelus udic Kaboom started right under our feet we have 4 TR 410 trillion cubic feet of natural gas more than double that of the peran Basin in Texas and more more than any other country including Russia China and all of the Middle East right under our [Applause] feet there's 25 billion cubic feet of gas coming out of Marcela shell every day in the UK shell we employed around 400,000 people when when uh at the end of President Trump's um first first round Jo baby drill that's right we'll get it we'll get it going I this this young lady over here named Sarah Phillips just spoke at the RNC and she had drill baby drill and S and Sarah is a petroleum engineer and was in Butler County speaking as well thank you Sarah on the Biden and Harrison's first day in office on January 20 21st 20 2021 they shut down the key Stone pipeline they made millions of Acres of public land off limits for exploration they rejoined the failed Paris Accord and gave hundreds of billions to the solar and wind Industries which are of course made where in China this other far radical rulings include the build back better the inflation reduction act how about that 23% inflation our friend bill just told us right the biggest scam 783 billion for the green New Deal how about [Music] that the Biden Harris Administration they want to take away your gas stove your natural gas heater to replace with some expensive pixie dust alternative energy that simply does not exist even with all the billions and trillion spent on solar and wind combined they still Supply less than 10% of America's energy needs remember that less than 10% ridiculous amount it's been that same way for 12 years Camala Harris hates American Energy Independence the recent shutdown of LG exports has enabled Russia and Iran to supply most of Europe with energy and of course finance the war in Ukraine and perhaps the Iranian annihilation of Israel think about that for a second energy is always been used as a worldwide weapon and Camala wants to take away this Advantage Camala Harris has been fighting American energy energy Independence all of her life yet a few weeks ago she claims that she is not against fracking she has not changed her ways right on Tuesday she said that she's not making electric vehicles mandatory she's not going to make those mandatory you believe that to today Cala is on a bus somewhere you think that's an electric vehicle bus no thank God for diesel right Camala Harris is running on open borders race and gender Wars defunding the police universal healthcare and the war on American Energy she wants we need to be defeat her right now I call on all of American Energy workers to get out and vote everybody here get out and vote as Appalachians we built this country through mining coal and making steel and now through the miracle of clean abundant and cheap natural gas last week in York PA president Trump stressed I stand for American Energy Independence and Manufacturing dominance dominance is the big word there energy dominance and Manufacturing dominance president John Donald J Trump understands the importance of American Energy Independence and we need to help help him to fight the cackling Cala today thank you everybody thank you guest guys [Applause] ladies and Gentlemen please welcome to the stage former US ambassador to Denmark Carla [Music] Sans hello Johnstown [Music] hello fellow Patriots you know I was President Trump's ambassador to Denmark and when I got to my Embassy I told our team that the reason that Donald Trump won in 2016 was because of [Music] Johnstown I told them that he had promised to bring the jobs the manufacturer and the Hope back to towns and cities all over our country that are just like John's town and he did he brought manufacturing back in fact we had the best employment for women and minorities in 50 years and we had the highest salary increases in my lifetime and he brought back our energy and made us energy independent and he'll do it again again and the reason that our air is cleaner here is because of clean Pennsylvania natural gas it's cleaner today than it was 20 years ago because of our energy and I'm excited that President Trump has brought RFK Jr on board I'm excited he's going to make America healthy again but I want to talk about 2022 with you for a moment on Election Day when Dr Oz woke up and 2022 he had already lost that race do you know why well let's look at this John fedman had banked about 750,000 ballots by election day 50 days of early voting in Pennsylvania one day of Elections mad o had about 250,000 so fed's million more or less was a Delta of 750,000 and you can't come from behind 750,000 in one day so I want to tell you something else it's not good news today right now the Democrats in Pennsylvania have requested almost half a million early voting ballot applications let's just take that out as a fact so we need more than half a million Republicans to request early voting ballots and get them in in order to beat them at their own game and don't forget we had crowd strike on Election on on uh right after the RNC and the CEO soon after when all the planes couldn't fly soon after he said we're really sorry about that outage we were preparing for election day I want us to not rely on one day I want us to use those 50 days of early voting in order to win remember we've got we've got tools president Trump has created a website called swamp the vote swamp theote and if you're in this room and you're from Pennsylvania and you're not registered you can take your phone out right now and put in swamp theote slpa whatever state you're in slth two initials of your state swamp theote here in this room PA if you do this and you register to vote there and you tell the Trump campaign I'm going to vote early by mail or vote early in person or I'm going to vote on Election Day they won't have to spend money to chase your vote they know they've got your vote banked in the future but it's not enough to vote vote anymore we have to help get this done Trump can't do this on his own so I want you to go to Trump force4 if you're already registered go to Trump force4 and volunteer we need you we need captains sign up to be a captain and help get this election done we need a ground force to secure the election and you don't have to have any experience we have weekly trainings by Maga Patriots that you know in love you're going to love this so SW so go to Trump force and sign up and you can do it right now in this room we know the alternative is Camala Harris open borders and big government socialism so it's up to us in this room and watching to get this done I'm counting on you I love you Pennsylvania God bless you God Bless America thank you very much [Applause] ladies and Gentlemen please welcome to the stage combat veteran and best-selling author sha [Applause] [Music] Parnell I see see the Bad Moon Rising I see trouble on the way I see bir wakes lightning I see today don't good evening Pennsylvania it is a great day to be an American is it not my name is sha Parnell I'm a US Army Combat veteran who led an infantry platoon through 485 days of fighting along the Afghan Pakistan border my platoon my platoon sustained an 85% casualty rate some of my men were wounded twice one person was wounded three times I was wounded myself had a pretty terrible head injury which is probably why I found myself involved in politics in the first place we stand here at a critical moment a moment in history where our nation is on the brink perilously balanced on a very thin line between hope and darkness because of Joe Biden and kamla Harris we are a nation that has been a drift for three long years economically we are in a terrible spot inflation is crushing us pennsylvanians are struggling to put food on the table for their families because groceries are just so expensive our border our border is wide open by design all of this all of this is made possible because of Joe Biden and kamla [Music] Harris crime is surging in Democrat run cities all across this nation again made possible by the Biden and Harris regime and of course Soros funded prosecutors everywhere we are in a grave military recruiting crisis morale is low Joe Biden and kamla Harris caused it American standing is diminished all around the world we have empowered our enemies we have abandoned our allies the surrender in Afghanistan humiliated our nation on the world stage Joe Biden and kamla Harris caused that kamla Harris bragged about being the last person in the room during that decision and now and now the media is shamefully attacking Donald Trump for attending a memorial ceremony in Arlington National Cemetery you know they didn't attack Biden or Harris for the surrender that got those American Heroes killed they didn't attack Biden for checking his watch at the dignified transfer they didn't attack KLA Harris for not reaching out to the families of the Fallen not one single time they didn't attack Biden for being at the beach during the memorial ceremony in fact Biden you know we all know that Biden had no idea that he was at the beach no they attacked president Donald Trump for showing up at Arlington at the invitation of gold star families so he could share in their grief and that ladies and gentlemen is shameful you know serious times require serious leaders I was at the July 13th rally in Butler County Pennsylvania my wife and I were 20t away from president Trump when an assassin almost took his life you know I have been shot at more times than I can count L Americans during some of the biggest fights of the Afghan war the courage of my troops never ceased to amaze me their courage inspired me to fight harder than I ever thought possible but here's the thing it doesn't matter how much training you have you never actually know how you react Under Fire until that first bullet cracked by your head I have seen men charge into the sound of machine gun fire when that happens I have also seen men hesitate but leaders do not have the luxury of freezing if you freeze people die and then the moments after the first bullet was fired I knew instantly it was sniper fire and I watched president Trump grab his ear and fall to the ground a second later the Secret Service was on him and I thought in that moment he was gone America and the world changed forever in those frantic seconds after the attack the crowd held their ground they did not panic they did not flee they did not hurt each other they stood Resolute desperate to see if Donald Trump was okay and while they wait Ed they helped one another they administered first aid to those who were wounded fully knowing that they could be shot as well these are the very same people who for years have been insulted and mocked by the Democrats and the media you have been called deplorables you have been called bitter clingers you have even been called a threat to democracy but my fellow Americans I am here to tell you that nothing could be further from the truth the people in the crowd that day and the people in the crowd here today are the best of America you are what make this nation truly exceptional you [Applause] just when people thought all hope was lost they watched Donald Trump rise to his feet and let me tell you something when that happened the Patriots in that crowd went absolutely Wild then president Trump raised his fist blood covering his face and he said three words that will go down in history and those words were what let me [Applause] hear I have seen men react Under Fire many different ways and on July 13th in Butler I watch Donald Trump rise to the moment in a way that few people could and in those moments and in that moment he transcended being just a politician he became an American icon an American icon a selfless leader who rather than cowering in the moment he stood tall for the people people in that crowd to show them that he was okay but not just that he also gave us our marching orders and those marching orders were fight fight fight and that is exactly the type of leadership Pennsylvania and America desperately needs right now we need Unapologetic and courageous leadership now more than ever America needs Donald Trump and JD Vance to get us back on the path to Prosperity they will rebuild our economy they will defeat inflation they will bring manufacturing back they will secure our border and rebuild our military our enemies will fear us and allies will respect us again and they will never ever ever forget you and they will never ever leave you behind and do you know how I know that Donald Trump will do this because he did this all before so here's what I want you to do I want you all to go to swamp theote Pennsylvania register to vote get your mail and ballot in there is something too too big to rig and we are going to save this country from the radical left in just a couple of months thank you all God bless you Pennsylvania and God bless America thank thank you [Applause] [Music] ladies and Gentlemen please welcome to the stage Congressman Dan muser yeah yeah all right all right let's go let's go hello central Pennsylvania good to see everybody nothing like a trump rally hey folks like Sean I too was at Butler and you know what I will never forget when President Trump deliberately went down and then he came up with that fist in the air with blood on his face and my fellow pennsylvanians I got one question for you are you ready to fight fight fight with Donald Trump to save America th% this election is about saving America from the dangerously liberal harff Wall's big government socialist plan and instead allowing president Trump to to chart the course towards common sense America free markets Free Speech free and fair elections Freedom thriving economies and peace through strength throughout the world hey by the way who saw uh vice president Kam Iris last night on the in the interview how do you think she did she you know she mentioned three times in case we didn't know it that her values haven't changed no kidding vice president Harris you're the same San Francisco radical you've always been Kamala by the way was rated the most radically liberal United States Senator and that's pretty hard when you're going up against Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders don't you think she was the weakest and most incompetent vice president in modern history she covered up Joe's mental demise until she Barack Obama Nancy blosi decided to force him out because they knew they couldn't beat president Trump she cannot be trusted they're trying to pull off one big con and keep in mind this they continue to talk about undermining democracy undermining democracy how much more can you undermine democracy than being selected by the Democrat leadership rather than elected by the people they they don't like democracy so much when it gets in the way of their their winning or or cheating for that matter the Biden Harris White House has created a broken border broken economy and a broken world now we're supposed to believe vice president Harris will fix everything she broke on day one as they like to say never mind trying to do it today that would require results Improvement accountability what a bunch of thank you I wasn't going to say it but thank you America will not fall for this campaign of deception and the people here in Pennsylvania are going to make sure that doesn't happen Cala has reversed many of her recent policy positions when she became the candidate so a reasonable question to Madame vice president is will you fracking lying now or were you fracking Ling [Applause] then in fact the only decent policy proposal she stole from Donald Trump no taxes on tips so we all know that a vote for Donald J Trump is a vote for secure borders American Energy dominance no inflation more affordability growing economy Safe Streets peace through strength and a strong military respected by our allies and feared by our adversaries and I know we have many of our heroes here with us today our brave retin veterans and those still serving here today let's hear for them and thank them for the service would you please stand please stand our veterans love you love you thank you thank you for your Serv thank you for your service and for our freedom so Pennsylvania it's up to each and every one of us are we ready to swamp the vote so important let's swamp the vote we must be too big to RI we need to join the movement Patriots do go to protect thee. comom where we can sign up to be pole Watchers and in the words of Donald J Trump let's fight fight fight to save America thank you God bless you [Music] [Applause] ladies and Gentlemen please welcome to the stage congressman John [Applause] [Music] Joyce everyone up let's get up let's get up you know what I'm take go beer on Friday night a parents jeans that fit just right and the [Music] radio [Music] hear I was the shade of a Georgia p and that's home you know and Pie homemade wine where the peach and my house not boy it is great to be in Cambria [Music] County and those of you who are not from southwestern Pennsylvania I'm going to educate you just a little bit because Pennsylvania's 13th congressional district where you're sitting right now today gave the most number of Donald J Trump votes in the last election and we're going to do it again president Donald J Trump will once again unleash the energy that are under the feet of the constituents here in Pennsylvania 13 just like he did in the first term allowing us not just to return to energy Independence but allowing us to serve as an energy dominant country supplying the natural gas the coal that are friends and allies depend on and allow them to turn away from Putin and Russia allow them to turn away from the Middle East because we have those sources right here and we can do that but we need Donald J Trump back in the White House to do that instead of standing with the energy producers here in Pennsylvania Biden and kamla Harris have cancelled new gas leases they have weaponized the federal government against our energy producers and they've tried to implement the green New Deal how many of you came here today in an electric vehicle I don't think that's what we want in Pennsylvania and we don't want to be tied to those green New Deal [Applause] initiatives our families cannot afford foreign energy and we cannot afford the high prices that we have under Joe Biden and KLA Harris so let's talk about kamla just a little bit here since she took office prices have gone up by more than 20% and the average family right here in Cambria County is paying an additional $122,000 each year just to afford Basics to be able to put food on the table to be able to put gas in the vehicle to be able to buy the school supplies for their kids and and you shouldn't have to choose between buying gas or buying groceries and you shouldn't have to use your savings to buy school supplies for your kids we need the prosperity that we had just four years ago under Donald Trump we need to return to that we need to see that we have a true leader in the White House and that leader is Donald J Trump so I've had the opportunity to talk to president Trump many times I've had the opportunity to be in the White House and travel with him and there's one thing that people always ask me hey Doc what's President Trump really like when you talk to president Trump does he connect I said president Trump loves America his love allows him to continue to fight fight fight president Trump supports Pennsylvania families president Trump went to college here in Pennsylvania he supports legislation that we and republicans in Congress have put forth the parents Bill of Rights we cannot allow the far-left led by KLA Harris to decide what is taught to our children in schools it is time to pass the parents Bill of Rights because parents are ultimately responsible for the education of their children not government we need to reelect Donald J Trump because he will secure the borders again and he will stop the illegal immigrants Invasion into this great sovereign country kamla Harris has failed to secure the Border I have been to the Border four times I have stayed overnight I have walked the border with the DEA with the border patrol and I have seen the illegals continue to pour into our country president Trump will stop the scourge of fentanyl that continues to be supplied by the cartels into our communities Kamala has responsibility for that fentel that poisons our children our neighbors and our friends she has not done her job as the Border Zar she has failed our communities and she has failed America it is time to build the wall and put a stop to the migrant Caravans that Jo Biden and kamla Harris have released into our great communities cambur County Pennsylvania 13 we know it is time to once again deliver that overwhelming victory for Donald J Trump we did it four years ago and we are going to do it again in that November election it is time to take back our cities it is time to turn away from the defund the police policies of kamla Harris it is time to back the men in women in blue so before I conclude I want to ask all those members of law enforcement who protect our communities to stand so we can acknowledge each and every one of you are here thank you for that [Applause] support when I have an opportunity to speak to constituents and those of you who have traveled into Pennsylvania 13 when I'm finished people say you're not exactly the quiet Country Doctor that we expected you to stand up and talk about but this is a time not to be quiet this is the time to fight this is the time to see Donald J Trump reelected as the President of the United States join with me USA USA USA USA USA thank each and every one of you for being here God bless you and may God continue to bless these great United States of America thank you all [Applause] [Music] I believe that we're going to have [Music] right so we heard a number of pre-program speakers here in Johnstown Pennsylvania Matthew Alvarez alongside Titus Ellis Smith so it's been quite the day out there in Johnstown as you guys have seen I mean thousands and thousands of people out there great to talk to so many people that's Sean uh Speech was awesome Carlos sanss and on and on and on I mean so many great speeches uh president Trump slated for 430 we're so ready for it yeah we are uh I was thinking of a couple thoughts while we were listening to the speech there that the USA doesn't want communism we want common sense right y That's the only Comm common we want it's pretty exactly so it's uh that's the fork on the road that we face but we know under a president that is for the people will be uh restored this country will be saved it will go to the right direction yeah and that's what Trump was like kind of like priding himself on like I remember at the Michigan rally specifically he was just like do they not know what Maga stands for it stands for make America great again he's like it's literally just common sense you want to make America great he's like we that's literally the whole purpose of the slan is toefit everyone it's for all of you I it's not about me it's not about the rich it's not about the poor it's about all of them we want to help every single person if you're rich if you're poor we want you to be richer we don't want people to be struggling we don't want people to be we don't want illegal flooding through our country we want to know what's we want to want our country to be safe and secure and that's all he's really trying to represent and he's doing it in a bold blunt way but shouldn't we should like that someone's so direct with us about the direction a leader should be that direct with you on how they're going to take you how they're going to take your country in a specific Direction instead of being Sly and sliding things in like bills or like being disingenuous with how you are presenting something to the a topic to the American people which we've seen time and time again with the Biden Harris Administration so it's ridiculous if the uh if the Harris headquarters is watching right now live what what do you want to say to KLA Harris right now drop out drop out you should honestly insist that the Democratic party has the ability to vote for who they want that's what you should have done you should have been like you know Joe I really appreciate you endorsing me you know of course who would it would be a bad look of how he endorse anyone else but why would you pick her as your VP but then not want her to be the president but she honestly should have took that opportunity honestly she might have got actually gotten the votes has she done that as she said um I don't think it's fair that the American people don't have the right to vote for me considering Joe was saying I'm not dropping out I'm going to do it and then it got to a point where it's was too late for there to actually be an election oh and they just selected her that's not democracy that wasn't fair so many people have had a gripe with that and have been very frustrated with it I would say drop out or and have Biden stick it out and actually try and fin uh run uh for a second term or if it's even I don't even know if that's possible get people to vote for you get a bunch of Democrats together and like let the people choose because I just don't like that you just were selected that's not fair exactly it's it's it's not right it's not correct it's not accurate it's not the Constitution when nobody votes for someone how in the world would they become a candidate or possibly a president for an entire nation the leader of the Free World the commanderin-chief sitting in the oval office making decisions on behal of we the people and nobody voted for you you skipped many steps yeah there's there are steps to get to where people want to be right especially with the fact that you she her she got no votes in 2020 she had zero Lally B Mar said you can count how many votes you got on one hand if you had no fingers that's how many votes she had and it's just so dist it's not fair it's not fair to the American people we are not Democrats and it's not fair to the Democrats it's just you should have dropped out you should or you should have said that's not fair let's do this the right way and I would have had more respect for you even though I don't agree with your policy I think you've done terrible for this country I would have respected you more for that so that's what I how about you what would you like to say to Kamala what would I like to say what would you like to say here we go she's right here she's looking at you all right well first of all as they call her Madam vice president right but at the end of the day I would say Donald Trump should be finishing his second term right now because 2020 was not a win for the Democrats that I would say first okay Smith and bar is you might as well right I mean because again guys this is this isn't uh we're not trying to push any kind of hate or anything what we're just trying to say is common sense truth the Constitution you know the Bible family Freedom what the what what people have died for for this country you know the land of the free the home of the brave all of the basic principles of our nation a government of the People by the people for the people I don't want to hear any more input on what a government's going to do for us there are good things that a government can do for us a few things but they're not supposed to be this big government it's just not the way it's supposed to be that's why we have this country 248 years old or 248 years young that's why we want president Trump because he is an outsider he's the real deal and and Titus he is authentic and genuine yeah 100% And you you brought something to uh when it comes to like the election and government being so big that's a huge problem because just think about what happened with Mark Zuckerberg recently just came out where he openly admitted that he was pressured by the Biden Harris Administration to for censorship that is proven to be true he spoke out and acknowledged and and regretfully spoke out and said that he did that and yet we're not like whoa hold on maybe this was illegitimate presidency the whole time like we're just getting all this information time and time again that oh the conspiracy theorists were right like to the extent of how right we were who knows but the fact that there was a lot of fishy things that happened whether it be the hunter Biden Fiasco this the censorship with with um uh Twitter which now we're don't to worry about that or Facebook and Instagram we all knew there was something going on and we were lied to time and time again it's just like oh we're sorry no you need to be held accountable for that and it's this is the problem with big government that a Administration could pressure and not even the current Administration Administration hopeful was pressuring a company that runs social media accounts million billions of social media accounts to completely cut off and censor a a whole demographic of people so that their person could be propagated In Praise that is so evil right so when we were talking there I was thinking about how at the RNC what we just said was very toned down but Alina Haba if you want to watch on right side Broadcasting Network at the RNC and how she addressed the camera and how she came across to Harris and at the time it was Biden but Harrison walls whoever you go ahead and watch that one that was she was spit in fire yeah but it's because we desire our country to be restored you know so that's that's why we do what we do yeah we want people to be honest too honesty like don't we don't lie for our own political Gain No Matter What side you on tell the truth and if you were misinformed and you said something state that I was wrong and Tim wall he didn't misspoke speak you don't say that I was in the war and then not actually you know if you were or weren't you don't just misspeak on that so that's a little different that's just a just shows that they're not honest and you not trustworthy but yeah I don't I know I we're on this whole thing about Kamala Harris and how how would we talk to her and came out of nowhere essentially just drop out that's that's the bottom line yeah so we know like again when we go from the RNC let's talk about the DNC quickly because I want to stay positive out here I mean this is a an awesome environment and and Titus correct me if I'm wrong cuz the lights are pretty bright right here but if you look behind the cameras it's packed yeah this place I mean it's a trump rally man I know but like us to be honest right behind uh right behind the uh meteor riser there's only like a few seats that are open because you can't even see the stage but this place is packed and I'm sure we're seeing that split screen isn't it awesome we get that split screen where we see uh the crowds here uh on right side broadcasting network yes and what's cool is that there's uh so many more still coming in like Trump doesn't speak for like another hour so these people are like some people are like trying to squeeze in last minute we saw how far that c people line went so it's it's it's awesome it's really cool another hour that means they have to hang out with us for a little bit oh man what a bummer but what you know we're going to show you obviously the crowd and uh the chance the music the whole pre-program was awesome as well the national anthem was was awesome you know every time I mean to be honest Titus and I were actually had to sit down on the meteor Riser cuz there's really no room to move around here literally the cameras are right next to this camera there's one right here and one right there squeezy but during the national anthem it's like hey you got to stand for that so we're just trying to figure out how doing a pledge of allegiance and the national I'm like I'm trying to find a place to but we have to and we're not short either we're tall people I'm surprised yeah yeah when I when we did our first rally in in uh Atlanta I'm usually the tall guy right I come next to I stand next to this guy like what I got some height on me a little bit thanks Dad it's all good so I was just going to say I should get a box so I'm like right here there you go and then I just but anyway just having some good times here guys thank you so much for joining us on right side broadcasting network go ahead and pass this link to as many friends and family as possible let's get let's get more than 700,000 people following us on Truth social we're right about at 700,000 on X let's go for a million and a half why not because people are watching this network I mean since day one 2015 all the way to now what's it like to be on the network man it's awesome you know I've never done anything like this before just sitting here talking about something that I'm passionate about and you know being able to communicate with all these people like-minded people you know I've been I've been the person in the crowd like you guys and it's just as fun but like it's really cool to be able to like connect with you guys and give you guys a voice as well through rsbn and uh be a voice it's super awesome I love it exactly and so we know again the fork in the road that is before us coming up in less than 70 days a lot of early voting going on as well if you're voting in person day of whatever the case the point is we're going to vote vote vote vote vote vote just like we fight fight fight right exactly vote vote vote fight fight fight and 19 electoral votes up for grabs out of the Keystone State have you been to Philadelphia ever Phil oh uh Philadelphia yeah yes you think one time you're from Mich M yes grand yeah cuz rocky rocky was filmed here right in Philadelphia yes I have been I remember I ran I ran yeah I ran up the stairs all right so dude I'm from PA right originally never ran up the steps and have never seen the Rocky statue to this day why is that why is that a thing listen listen oh oh stop you're funny you're funny bro that's crazy so like Independence Hall where our nation was founded right Thomas Jefferson and these guys I my wife and I we went to Independence Hall saw the assembly room saw the Liberty Bell I've been to Eagles games and Phillies games back in the day never seen the Rocky statue I have to run it run up I got to lose some weight anyway but the point is we are about 3 hours from Philly but what I'm trying to say about Philly is President Trump held a rally in that City Bobby McNeil was there I believe it was Nikki St own and there were so many people in Philadelphia on fire 4 and when I say that I mean passionately for president Trump and the America first movement and you think about certain areas and you think that's not going to happen but it did in the City of Brotherly Love I don't think anybody supports like Trump supporters are so passionate about Trump I don't think Camala Harris supporters Joe Biden supporters are so passionate about them they're like oh not Trump so I'll vote him but it's not like they love the person Trump supporters love Trump yeah like we had someone say God family Trump a great point they love Trump you could just rewind to that moment outside when somebody said God family and Trump and you know what it's God family Trump it's God family Trump We the People Constitution the Bible MTG Cary Lake Matt Gates Byron Donald's Matthew Alvarez Titus Ellis Smith Bobby mcne right side broadcasting broadcas oh for sure hin Gracia all all uh keep naming them let's see uh Nikki stenio everybody everyone everybody you know I'm running out of names it's you got me you got me under under the microscope I'm like what who are these people who yeah yeah but it's um yeah these are all obviously people that work at right side and guys I mean how much more authentic and real can we get with you I mean we're not trying to be some but something we're not we're not trying to be mainstream media all we don't want to be mainstream media not even close to mainstream mainstream's woke mainstream's boring mainstream is negative mainstream same stream they all speak they all say the same thing yeah Lam stream lame stream uh what else is it it's it's false narrative it's propaganda it's all lies propaganda is so true so that's what the facts are well it's like even if it's even if it's not a abhorent lie it's a skewed sorry Mike foron sorry Mike Mike foron oh there we go all right I got a name no it's like very it's like a Sly lie like oh there's a seat of Truth in it but I skewed it in a c certain directive direction that will make people go the the wrong way you know and that's something that sucks about it cuz there like no that's not wrong what I said the way you said it the tone in which you said it the way you like Trump said something and it was really positive and you the way you um quoted him was in a very cruel and malicious way and so yeah you said what he said but it's not how he said it or how he meant it and that's what they do time and time again it's almost a joke the amount of times that we've seen on mainstream media the spins and the lies just why and and and I believe you know why they're doing that is because this is more than mainstream media this is more than Harris and walls this is more than the far-left and the radicals what this is about is pushing an evil agenda a religion this is their religion yeah and I'm not talking about every Democrat on Earth I'm not talking about the people but there are a few that are in leadership positions in that party yeah that this is their God they don't believe in the god that we all believe in they hate they serve the other they serve the other guy they serve the other guy they serve other you know so and and Michael lell said it too I mean a battle of good versus evil we get that so we know the root of why this is all happening the way it is but isn't it awesome guys that conservative media as a whole podcast ERS those on true social those that have gifts and talents in media that are using it for conservatism for our country for freedom for God for the Bible don't make me start preaching I'm in here go ahead Pastor no no uh it's I want to keep harping on the fact that we are not talking about the everyday citizen they have too much to worry about in their in their lives you know they got families they got jobs they got people to take care of their parents that are you know a nursing home or they're sick or whatever they got bills to pay groceries to buy like they're not out here making the life-changing decisions of the American people they're just being manipulated by the mainstream media and propaganda and so I feel for those people I'm frustrated with their brainwashing but I also understand that you know it's easy if that's what you if that's a source that you trusted I'm just very I'm coming at the people in power we're coming at the people in power the ones that are making the decisions the ones that are manipulating intentionally you know what you're doing and so it's very loud in here so I'm hearing something about the people in power and what I'm gathering from what you're saying CU I can't hear every word is basically keeping the truth out there The Narrative out there voting the people that we want into office praying harder than harder than ever before uh for for that freedom to continue I believe is what you were saying we I was saying yes we do need to do that but I was just saying we're not coming at the everyday citizen we're coming at the people in power like you were saying and that need need to be stressed even more so because I want everyone that like tweets at us saying cuz the people tweeting us right now saying like oh you you you this I don't I don't hate you I I I love you I I'm saddened that you have been lied to Time and Time Again by a media that does not care about you and just wants to propagate a lie to you to make you sway their way and so excuse me no matter what you say to me I'm still going to be fighting for you just like Trump is fighting for us exactly that's perfectly said so those of you guys watching right now usually right about here is a teleprompter where you guys can't see it at home but we can see it but there is not a teleprompter here and you were talking to somebody outside and she was saying how Harris and walls and all these people they do these speeches with teleprompters that's a huge crutch to lean on on it now I'm not saying if you're you know in local news or in some national Outlet you know if you're just trying to read a lot of stories okay whatever but when it comes down to your heart and your mind you should be able to share that with the American people so Harris and walls should be able to really stand out here why we're not running for president why are we out here without a tele propor rolling like this talking positivity talking love talking Faith yeah talking things for our country yeah not reading a prompter like why can't someone that might be running for president who is running for president Harris why can't she come out here and stand here what would she say and guys let's look at this real quick on that Podium Donald Trump is going to be there yeah sure he has a prompt on his side but he Ricks and he goes off the cuff and he talks the talk walks the walk from his mind and his heart for this country so it's like he doesn't really need that prompt it just makes you trust him even More's that it makes you trust him even more like I don't need because it's genuine and authentic yeah well it's just like I'm not trying to hide anything I don't need a pre-recorded video that I can edit and splice and you know put deep music behind and want to take this one part like just here's the whole thing this is me this is what I want to do and like take it or leave it please take it though cuz we're in a a dire time right now where things are just bad they're really bad and I want to I want to make it really good so uh it's it's it's amazing the difference between the two candidates exactly and so sometimes out here if we're you know we Trail off talking about something else or it's not like perfect eloquently said it is what it is that's who I me leave it yeah I know we got to I mean and I'm nothing wrong with improving speech or vocabulary whatever but this is just F makes perfect This Is Us just being authentic yeah you know yeah and I think that's what people see out there if you guys missed it um president Trump and uh right side broadcasting network on the various you know truth social accounts and also on Rumble and YouTube and wherever you're watching if you scrub back there is a walk that Titus and I and the camera crew took way up a hill uh showing the long lines of people I don't even know if everybody got in the place is packed as you guys see on this awesome probably two split screen right now there was like five different lines I swear there was like the one line that we were walking down at the beginning and then as you turn the corner there's a line going out towards the John Johnstown um you know little um painting there and then there was a line going that direction and there's a line going up the road I was like there's like a three-way line merging into one line to come here it was it was crazy whoever's DJing today today they're trying to get this this house moving and are you going to do break danc it again no no that's all right we tried to break daning thing out there he's the one that you're the one that woned some dance award back in the day so yeah anyway I got I got the mov uh again so uh polls in Pennsylvania Michigan Georgia Nevada Arizona Wisconsin you know if you look at RAS M if you look at Trafalger group if you look at interactive if you look at Poly Market they're all in favor of President Trump you see as as this is the second time now I I just looked up two still photographers from the from the mainstream we're taking photos of Titus and I you know standing here doing our thing I mean direct shots like we're not the story guys we're not the story the story is this crowd and is that President that's going to be standing up there we're just talking about it let's take a live look yes all right we got some dancing going on here to the right just people having a great time all over this place this is the first summit Arena Johnstown Pennsylvania here on right side broadcasting network somebody playing some that's so cool somebody playing some Spotify Pandora Apple music's going on here look I'm at my High School lip dub it's like that [Music] well here we are people just having a good time and that's what's awesome about these events you know before the event Outside Inside from the people to the president we love to interview everyone Y and if there was somebody that was a Democrat that was outside we'd interview them too and be like hey so why do you feel the way you feel why do you think voting for someone else is smart like what is this really about yeah I mean there were some protesters out there and I I was thinking to myself like what is going through their mind right now what do they cuz it's one thing to be like yeah you know I don't hate the guy but I I want to vote for someone else cuz that's just really it doesn't really align with my values but to have like you're scum or you're a scab or all these cruel things to say why do you think that because he's never done anything detrimental to our country unlike other people so why do you not like him so much is it the the Mean Tweets is it the words cuz that doesn't make sense compared to like the actual economic downfall that you're that we're all going through right now right all of the policies that are pro America proe the people yeah that's wild all right so Johnstown Pennsylvania has a population of about 20,000 residents were about 57 m east of the steel City Pittsburgh Pennsylvania uh Johnstown is in Cambria County so Cambria County has a population of about 130,000 people uh in recent history Cambria County has voted [Music] [Applause] red everyone's still having a good time here look at these people [Music] I think I saw that guy at the Atlanta it is a party in Johnstown Pennsylvania as we await the 45th 46th and hopefully the 47th president of the United States yes I said 46 anyway let's uh thank one of our great sponsors American financing when it comes to your homes Equity $854 a month it's always good to save a lot of money you can do that through American financing that is a nice chunk of change let me tell you there's a lot that you could spend uh $854 on maybe a a car payment maybe a well it depends what kind of car I mean I'm not saying $800 car F yeah I know shees that's that's high yeah um but it could be rent exactly so the information you see there on your screen American financing yet another awesome sponsor right here at right side broadcasting network absolutely so we see obviously the people having a good time here I'm not sure if our other camera up can see the back of the Arena so basically right behind uh this media Riser where we are it's all packed I mean everybody's having a good time here right now I think it's getting more packed than it was earlier yeah I mean the people on the on the floor are saying hi to the people in the stance in the lower bowl so wonderful coverage here at right side broadcasting network always always good to have you join us um we're on the same page on the same team make America great again this song right here is awesome of course too who who song is this this is a newer uh song president Trump actually posted this on Truth social I think last month I'll have to look at the artists okay but always good to see so many artists out there it yeah that's good stuff man so those of you in the South I'm sure you like this song but those of you in the north I'm sure you like it too I'm from Pennsylvania and it's just uh am out here listening I'm like yeah it's good right so all right so again we know we've talked about the 19 electoral votes we know that President Trump's leading in the polls we know that we see these Mass of crowds everywhere we go everywhere everywhere we go are it's it's like we said this before but I remember when I was at the rally of Michigan my one of my friends went to a trump rally for the first time ever and I don't think he's ever voted a Republican and he was like I feel like I'm at a football game yeah he's like oh my goodness I was like it's like lying everyone he said I was in the concession line for like an hour I was like now you understand why we think 2020 was weird now you understand because this is every rally he was like wow you know what this is too at every UFC fight when President Trump's there every college football game or at least most of them when they sing the national anthem when everybody cheers for our country right so it's an entire movement it's Maga it's Freedom it's America First and it's all the emotion you want but emotions aside The Logical truth is the 20 promises that the RNC has put out that are in conjunction with President Trump's agenda 47 the first promise for the GOP is to seal the border and end the migrant Invasion good right we need that I believe number seven is to defend the Constitution we also need that I believe number 19 is to have secure elections same day voting voter ID making sure that it's a citizen that is voting in the election honestly that is one of the most important things to focus on I heard someone say something about paper ballots only yeah and honestly I don't care if it's more modern and easy to use a machine we really should just in terms of making sure nothing can happen cuz we can't trust people not willing to do stuff you know for money or or just because of their own personal preference paper balloting would you couldn't do anything about that if you just V uh voted on a paper turned it in and then everyone had to count it you know that day whatever on the right and the left count the vote let We the People determine the outcome of the election who would have thought but unfortunately in Venezuela that did not happen in Brazil Yaro should be the president of B of uh Brazil right now thank God we've got Victor orbon now when I say we again it's about the Freedom Movement it's about the Free World right yeah for the world yeah president Trump leader of the Free World still to this day not officially in the office but everybody consider him as much exact they respect him I mean just think about how the way Trump says he talked to other world leaders Biden could never Biden would never he has never even Obama like I remember there was parallels to Obama in office like bowing the people and like just being so submissive and then the pants to Trump shaking someone's hand pulling them forward asserting dominance and like saying I am the leader of this of America and we will be respected and if necessary will be feared and like you will not you know do anything to harm us you will not be taking advantage of us that is something that is and it it was like even if you don't like it you respect it you don't have to like it but you respect it okay I know I can't mess with them and then bid came in office and guess they love it he's he's their little play toy you know what I think the stars align so much with President Trump because one of his natural gifts I believe is in business right yeah so he knows how to negotiate he knows how to talk to people he knows how to make deals so if you've got someone that's got the right heart and right mind for the country he would not be doing this if he didn't right going through all the attacks to do this I don't think I don't think people will fully grasp that think about need to do this think about a beautiful beach he already has a beautiful wife he can be out there he if he likes fet Manan if he likes Seafood who doesn't he's sitting out there eating the food you know just hanging out enjoying life but what we have is somebody that says well he still enjoys that stuff but he's still out there for the American people but he's not doing that that's the thing like maybe he'll Golf and stuff but he could be on an island somewhere you know on the like you said on the beach having the time of his life with his wife all of his kids are 18 and up now and they I mean they got enough money to provide for themselves you know and he's like no because even though I'm a billionaire and I would be fine no matter what the economy say is I can move countries if I have to the American people the country that gave me everything that I've had is going in to shambles and I want to fix it and I have fixed it and I think that's amazing that he has so much pride and love for the country that he's willing to take on everything he's taking on because keep keep in mind he didn't take a salary he didn't take a salary that's $400,000 per year that's four yeah that's a lot of money four well not for him but it's a lot of money and so he even uh someone put out a video of all the money that Presidents had made pre uh prior to office and post office and all these presidents Obama Bush Clinton you name it like they had hundreds of thousands if not like prior to being in office and then after office Millions upon Millions like more than their salary would have acquired them and obviously the president so whatever but Trump is the only one out of all those people that lost money he his his net worth went down but I mean it was still way higher than everyone else's but the point is if think that's how much he loved America exactly and I know that many of you watching right now love this country love president Trump love right side broadcasting network it does take a few bucks to have everything run so uh rsbn all you going to do is text rsbn to 80181 if you'd like to donate to the network at all all the lights and the microphones and all this all the flights and and the production crew back in Alabama it's not free and it's not cheap and I'm really appreciative to rsbn for allowing me to be a part of this because I know like the amount of work the amount of money it takes to fund something as awesome as this it's it's not cheap and so it's really beneficial that if you're a supporter of rsbn and you love what Matthew and the team is doing that you you know donate just as as much as you can we're not saying donate a billion dollars unless you want to but like just do what you can to help get keep this alternative media going cuz we're not getting paid by big Pharma yeah that's the thing I like about obviously another thing about President Trump so many so many natural gifts I mean even in entertainment and and all of that um he wasn't bought and paid for when he became the president of this country this network right here great song is also not bought and paid for by some woke Corporation if you remember Jeff Bush president Trump and others in the 2016 2015 election cycle for some of the uh debates yeah president Trump called out the donors and all not the donor but the uh special interests and said that's who's All In This Crowd right here and they were all Boo and Trump he says I'm not bought and paid for so it does take money to run a campaign that's nothing wrong there's nothing wrong with that but when it comes to the special interest being bought and paid for so anyway yeah no 100% and that's that people don't really realize how much of an effect it has on the individual running when all their money is G given by all these rich people especially interest groups obvious that want to control and have a say in how you run so yeah you can run you can be the face of all this but if I'm doing this for you you need to do this for me as opposed to Trump who's like I'm doing what I want to do if you want to support me to give me money that's fine but I'm still doing what I want to do and I remember hearing and I I still to this day I had somebody on Truth social ask me it was probably 5 six months ago they said where is that speech or that portion of the speech where I was referring to president Trump was saying something along the lines of all of his life has prepared him for this moment to be president and to do this and I know it was either in New Hampshire or Iowa so if anybody out there can help us out with that too please welcome to the stage senior Aid to president Trump stepen Miller [Applause] hello Johnstown this city is in my blood it is in my bones it is in my veins generations of my family are buried in the soil here in johntown Pennsylvania every summer growing up there's nothing I look forward to more than coming up here to Johnstown with my grandma and my grandpa for those of you who are older they owned and operated a place called glosser Brothers a family store that was in my family all the way back to the turn of the century in the 1900s this town is everything to me and I witnessed and I saw how the globalists and the corrupt ruling class gutted this town they stole our dreams they stole our futures they stole from us the wealth and the industry that belong to you that belong to your families that was the birthright of your children they ripped it up and they stole it and where did they send it they sent it to China they sent it to Asia they sent it to Mexico they sent it to foreign countries and one man one man has defied that corrupt Elite ruling class to bring our future back to johntown and back to Pennsylvania and what is the name of that man what is his name Donald J Trump one man who will fight fight fight for Pennsylvania and so my message to all of you to every one of you here today to your children to your friends your family your co-workers your neighbors is that you will get the last word you will get the last word because the globalists are trying everything they can the Communists behind kala Harris are trying everything they can to stop Donald Trump from saving Pennsylvania but Johnstown can be the ones that push Donald Trump across the finish line and reclaim America for Johnstown reclaim America for American citizens and reclaim the future of this state so Johnstown get out there give us the win Johnstown give us the victory Johnstown fight fight fight for America God bless you and God bless the state of Pennsylvania thank you [Music] we been together since way back [Music] way sometimes I never want to see you [Music] Pennsylvania Steven Miller a senior advisor with President Trump always doing an awesome job on even on the the mainstream media because you know at the end of the day it's good to get the message out regardless of who's covering it yeah but and Steven Miller on on true social so many good accurate posts you know for the country yeah president Trump just has a knack for finding some pretty good people yeah I actually saw something he said the other day um he said this time around I know who's for America I know who's for me he said I know who's for America I know who's for me and he's said this time around I know the swamp I know the Rhinos he said and so this time around I'm going to know how what I'm doing and I'm I'm going to know who's for me who's against me who not to put in power who not to trust so if you thought he had a good run the first time around just wait till this time where you can trust every single person that he puts into power that every position that he fills will be a people that are actually going to implement the things that he wanted the first time around that he couldn't even get done and he did so much so yeah I mean it's uh he has an opportunity to finish the the job that he started uh under that first Administration I want we'll talk about some of the other foreign policy that he has that has been so good I mean peace through strength is is common sense but it works it just works it does you don't need some super complicated sometimes the sometimes the simplest things are very true but very profound as well so we'll see if there's another speaker about to take the stage as the music goes down go please welcome to the stage attorney Alina Haba DJ yeah all I do is winnn no matter what got money on my mind I can never get it up and every time I step up in the building everybody hands go up and they stay there and they [Music] stay I'm excited what's up Johnstown Pennsylvania you guys I'm here with our favorite [Music] President I asked my daughter this morning what should mommy speak about today and she answered me so quickly she goes mom speak about women I can do that cuz unlike some people in America I can Define what a woman is as every mom knows we have the toughest job in the world as mothers We Do America do not get distracted by commas talking about her superficial attributes because it's her policies that are going to matter now I could stand here and I could talk about them but I don't use them because I don't need to this is not a game we've got to get president Trump back in that white house on November 5th and we will do it USA USA USA God what a good crowd Patriots Patriots Cala Harris had a chance to be a role model for young girls and women across America to show us what real leadership looks like instead she has shown me and the rest of America what a puppet has looked like for a failing Administration she is not the best that we can do America she has been there for three and a half years and we as America deserve better than this let's talk about our border or for what I would call lack of a border because while Cala sits comfortably in her Ivory Tower our borders remain a serious American danger zone women and children are trafficked abused and left vulnerable because of her administration's Reckless open border policies and now all of a sudden she a Maga Republican and she wants to build a border where where the hell has my wall been for 3 and 1/2 years if that is what empowerment looks like to Camala I want nothing to do with it because to me it looks a whole hell of a lot like betrayal Cala preaches about lifting women up breaking glass ceilings but let's look at the facts under her Biden's Administration inflation is skyrocketing skyrocketing and who feels it the most we do we do Real Americans moms single mothers struggling to put food on the table women entrepreneurs who can't afford like me to keep their businesses open forcing working moms like me to make tough choices because they don't care so Cala may talk a big game but her policies are crushing us and let me be clear when you say Biden it's the same damn thing I'm not buying her headline grabbing stunts I'm over it she's not on the ground she can't answer questions she is in the Washington elite club with Nancy Pelosi and they turn on their own for some time I was a single mother I know what their policies do small business owners no matter if you're a man or if you're a woman we sometimes have to take two jobs to survive she doesn't speak up to help she sits down and helps Joe hide in the basement and that's all she's done for us ladies and gentlemen I don't know if you saw her on CNN but let me be very [Applause] clear I am an American woman I am a Maga woman and I don't need a man standing next to me to get up and speak so while Miss Harris is too bus bu he trying not to giggle in front of the American people I am going to get my hands dirty and help president Trump save this country God bless you all I love you there is no question the Warfare is a part of their problem and they are desperate like I've never seen but all I can tell you is they are only desperate for the fear they fear the most which is the American dream they are the opposite of it I will help us preserve America with our great president and I will tell you right now the reason I have strength and the reason I am who I am right now it is because of one person the 45th and the 47th president of the United States God Bless America thank you ladies and Gentlemen please welcome to the stage Congressman Byron Donalds [Applause] [Applause] let me back it up to the start of the climb faced with an army of vipers and lions I had to keep on reaching up cuz it was my time to tear down the kingdom call out the Liars got a jail on my heart from the got those Nails in my mouth for impression spend too much money on a therapist couldn't fix me I accepted it Gladiator Gladiator gladiator fight with the guys on the giant layer B Shaker Dominator bre train W ball I'm the Gladiator [Applause] [Music] you know what this is my first time in Johnstown PA but I love being in Johnstown PA and we're here to make sure that Pennsylvania does the job on November 5th and make sure that Donald J Trump is the 47th president of the United States [Applause] I was in New York last night and I'm sitting down in the studio and they say Congressman we want to play you the first clip of K interview on [Music] CNN and so of course I'm like sure let's see it I'm interested and I watched a clip and in my mind I'm thinking we waited 40 Days for that I mean seriously we waited 40 Days for that you see America and you see Johnstown it took her 40 days to come out and demonstrate to the American people that she hasn't changed she said it herself her values haven't changed they are the same values that will take away your purchasing power they are the same values that will shut down fracking in Western Pennsylvania they are the same values that leave our Southern border wide open they are the same values that have our adversaries embolden and there is only one person who can stop her and save America and that man is Donald J [Applause] Trump so really my job is simple we need you to make sure you get out and work for Donald J Trump every phone call you make is needed every door you knock is valued if you haven't done it go to Trump force4 sign up and help this man become the next president of the United States here's one thing I know RFK J Tulsi gabard Republicans in the house House Republicans in the Senate moderate voters in our country who have had enough and they live in Pittsburgh they live in Philadelphia they live in Phoenix Arizona they live in Milwaukee Wisconsin and they all have the same thing in mind we have got to make America great again so stand with us Johnstown stand with us Pennsylvania let's win on November 5th and let's make Donald J Trump the 47th president of the United States God bless you God Bless [Applause] America if everybody had a across the USA then everybody be Serv like California you see them wearing their baggies Wei sandals too a bushy bushy blond hair Surfing USA you'll catch them surfing at [Music] here live in Johnstown PA what a star studded lineup of speakers right there Titus L Smith that was quite awesome I know I didn't know what to expect I was like oina H she but you called that you made that call earlier no no I mean I hear you but I mean Steven Miller Alina HBA Byron Donald's of course president Trump on his way we have a few sponsors to thank before President Trump takes the stage here in Johnstown Pennsylvania first up let's go with my 80% off with some of these products using the rsbn promo code slippers slides mattress toppers pillows of course so many great products there the best slippers that known to man yeah I'm not kidding those things are like walking on pillows it's not very nice right now yeah so uh I have uh my wife and I both have the slippers and the slides and the pillows the pillows and the sheets so it's it's awesome so my pillow what what more is there to say other than and then go maybe SL rsbn or use that promo code rsbn at the my pillow store next up free Trump book free Trump Mike Huckabee another great Patriot in Hendersonville ten see with a great show there all you got to do is go to free Trump these there's a lot of topics as well it's about President Trump also about American greatness about the elections a lot of good accurate history and also how things really work yeah so free Trump always good the wellness company as well Iber mechon azac yeah yeah all kinds of good uh prescriptions there fun to say make oh Hydrochloric hydratic chlorine it's kind of like saying gorial try it hydratic chlorin wait give me the what gorial gubinatorial oh there you go so usually in media back in the day it was like a word that's not the easiest to say gorial go ahead and say goba tutorial at home all right anyway drmare great rsbn promo code 15% off Iber again a zpac amoxicillin 15% off with that rsbn promo code those kits are great to have whether it's at the house in the car at work the wellness company make care great all right Alina habba does she not spit fire oh yeah she was killing it I I love watching her I watched her on a podcast like a few months ago and I was like she's Trump's lawyer like she's like she's a beast she's a beast she's a beast and ie candy I'm sry all the all the young conservative men are like yeah this is a woman this is a woman right here you know we got the it's not not a pink-haired uh tatted face nose ring liberal you know it's just nice to see someone dressed like a conservative woman yep and then Steven Miller Byron Donald Byron Donald's in the house you know uh Sean Parnell from earlier was awesome too caros sanss a few of the local reps as well I mean a very strong lineup of speakers but this isn't just about entertainment this isn't about just a good speech this is about what's the content in that speech what is going to happen to our country some 60 plus days from now well yeah and it's like the like Alena Haba and like bonald is like they're not just and everyone here they're not just talking there's action upon that talking like we're we're fighting like whether she she's work she's a lawyer she's working in the law he's a congressman he's working on getting bills into like they are really working on changing the country and making it great again so I I it's amazing that they're not just talk their action too and so same here yeah so a great party here in Johnstown Pennsylvania the first summit Arena here in downtown Johnstown uh pretty cool City there's some good good people here of course and then on top have you ever heard of proman Brothers what proman brothers all right so those of you in Pennsylvania at least in the western side of the state pranti Brothers is a restaurant that has a sandwich sourdough bread french fries K saw and cheese steak all in one sandwich that is called the Pittsburgh sandwich at per Manny brothers and we all the crew and I and you we might have to go to that after the after the broadcast I'm I'm cool with it fries and klaw and the sandwich but anyway I'm not the biggest fan of klaw but everything else is great I'm sure it'll be good I'm excited so um I wonder who's next is it going to be Trump or do we got someone else coming on President Trump is slated to take a stage at 4:30 here on the East we still have a quick speech before and this is on top of this is a right side broadcasting network double header so he'll go from most likely johntown or Pittsburgh airport most likely johnstown's airport fly out to DC where Nikki stanion will be live for the double header of our rsbn coverage as president Trump has a speech for moms for for Liberty so that's going to be awesome as well be awesome director if you could please repeat on the uh sponsor you'd like we actually have someone who I think our first interview outside he was stating how he's going to both rallies all right ladies and Gentlemen please welcome candidate for United States Dave M [Music] only dreaming in red white and blue oh in America where we dream as big as we want to we all get a chance everybody gets to dance only in America all right what a goodlooking crowd thank you thank you feel a little bit like the warm-up act for The Rolling Stones but um it's good to see everybody here um how many people here are ready to to retire Joe Biden and Kay Harrison send them packet get president Trump into the White House yeah we got to get him in the White House how many people here are ready to retire Chuck Schumer and get a new majority in the Senate I'm ready for that one too you know my um first of all it's great to be here in Johnstown great to be here in Cambria County thank you all for coming today my dad was was born in Indiana County we got any Indiana County people here all right and my mom was born in Jefferson County in a in a place called punk Satani and I like to say punks Satani because it reminds me of Bob Casey Punk Satani Bob he only pops his head up every six years am I right we never see this guy right where has he been and I was born in Washington Pennsylvania but I grew up in uh Washington here I was born up in Washington but I grew up in in Bloomsburg which is uh northeast Pennsylvania up around Scranton and I uh listen I live grew up like most of you I my folks had a farm I bailed hay I trimmed Christmas trees I was a bus boy I was a paper boy and wrestling got me into West Point and at West Point I was on the Army wrestling team and then I got to go to the 82nd Airborne Division anybody here know the 82nd Airborne Division and I got to serve my country in Iraq I got to come back here to Pennsylvania and help create jobs and run a company listen I've been blessed by the American dream and I'm running because I'm worried that's not going to be available for our kids your kids we're not going to have that American Dream unless we get the right leadership in the White House and the right leadership in Washington and I know you've had politicians forever coming and telling you that this is the most important election of your lifetime how many times have we hard there over 20 30 years the most important I'm telling you this is the most important election of your lifetime if we don't get the right leadership in place we're going to wake up one morning we're already there and not recognize the country in front of us we're not going to recognize it and look at what's happened under the failed policies the liberal policies the weakness of Biden Harris Casey look at where we are Skyhigh inflation that's killing Working Families a war on fossil fuels that's stand Standing in the way of the one thing that couldn't unlock all of Pennsylvania's potential wide open borders wide open borders 4,000 people last year in Pennsylvania died of fent all because of the wide open borders of Biden Harris and Casey crime in our cities that's moving into the suburbs some of the most violent crime statistics in modern history and our adversaries around the world testing us pushing us challenging us because they think we're weak they think we're weak now imagine imagine four more years of that kind of weakness that kind of radical liberal policies under Camala Harris imagine the country we would see with Venezuelan like price controls with a wide open border with trillions of dollars of more spending that is an America we don't want which is why we need to put Donald J Trump back into the White House and a majority in the Senate to get our country back on track we need Common Sense leadership to cut spending and create opportunities for Working Families across Pennsylvania we need Common Sense leadership to secure our borders and go after those cartels with military capability if necessary because they're killing [Applause] Americans it's Common Sense leadership Common Sense leadership that we need to open up our energy sector and become the most dominant energy producer in the world right here in Pennsylvania and it's Common Sense common sense that we will only have peace if we have strength we need strength in the White House strength in the Senate my friends I was at at State College Penn State I don't know a couple months ago I met with a bunch of college Republicans about 50 of them they may have been the only Republicans at Penn State and I said to them what I'll say to you is listen I'm going to be okay no matter what happens in this election many of you are going to be okay we got more years behind us than in front of us I'm 59 I got more years behind me than in front of but our kids are not going to be okay their kids are not going to be okay we need to treat this election like our life depends on it because ladies and gentlemen it does let's make Pennsylvania great again thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah you can be the greatest you can be the best you can be the King Kong banging on your chest you can beat the world you can beat the Wall you can we are live at the first summit Arena here in Johnstown Pennsylvania we have a number of sponsors to thank before President Trump takes the stage obviously some great speakers here more to come here in Johnstown Pennsylvania first sponsor is Bunker now bunker is all about defending against any kind of cyber criminal attacks to any of your personal information whether it's your phone or on your uh computer so the information is right there on the screen bunker includes uh patent pending secure messaging easy to use password management and secure cloud storage so you see that information right there on your screen give bunker a try for privacy and for protection two very good things to have of course U tax Network USA 800 3571 1415 any issues with taxes or filing or maybe you're late with some of the taxes all you going to do is call that number go to that website tax Network USA these guys will help you along the way tax Network USA another great sponsor at right side broadcasting network we've got bunker tax Network and Birch gold grou text Trump to 98 9898 those bricks Nations Brazil Russia India China South Africa and others are trying to devalue the US dollar well you got to have obviously some backing right a savings account is great but also gold silver precious medals so Tech TR to 98 9898 we'll dive into more of the Birch gold group coming up in the weeks to come but we do know that all you have to do is text Trump to 9898 98 I'm Matthew Alvarez I'm joined by Titus Ellis Smith here in Johnstown he'll be taking the uh media Riser here with me in just a moment thank you guys so much for tuning in we're about to hear from the leader of the Free World the common sense president and the people's president if you look around here if you were if if every one of you were with me on this medor Riser route now obviously that wouldn't work physically but if we were able to show you what it's like a lot of fake news a lot of mainstream press that are against We the People it's all it's that elitist mindset why be an elitist Minds ET when if you're part of the family of God you're in the royal family anyway so all right so let's move out of the way real quick [Music] and Titus Ellis Smith joining us right now here as we await president Trump to take the stage in Johnstown this Oliver Anthony song is always fun to hear in John I remember when this came out everyone was going crazy good song I remember when the song was coming out everybody was going crazy and and people I mean there's a few people here just loving it too it's it's it's just a good good tune but we know president Trump will be here shortly any minute yeah he's in the building as uh Steven Miller alen habba Byron Donald's kind of touring with the president right now most likely uh obviously they're going to go on Trump Force One they're going to head back to they're going to go DC where Nikki stone with right side broadcasting network is now live she'll be there live for the moms for Liberty which will be the second part of this rsbn double header that'll be exciting that's awesome I'm I'm pumped just a few minutes and he's going to be up there I just want to hear I'm not going to lie selfishly I'm so excited to hear what he's going to say about that interview yesterday I just want to hear what he has to say about it it's going to make I know I'm going to be cracking up cuz he has like the best sense of humor like that's my type of sense of humor right there exactly and some of his um recent speeches he said something pretty powerful just yesterday he said quote this election is not a choice between Democrats and Republicans it's a choice between communism and freedom Donald Trump said yesterday president Trump the election's not a choice between Democrats and Republicans between communism and freedom so we wish it wasn't that way right we wish it wasn't so yeah divisive and a fork in the road but at the end of the day we're facing well and that's the thing of course I wish that I we like Trump but if Harris won you know it' still be all right it just wouldn't be what we wanted you know if that was the case it'd be like yeah I'm voting for Trump but I wouldn't be fearful of the future of America we're in a place where we are fearful of the future of America and so it's not like oh I could be laxidasical about who I vote for it's like I need to go and learn what the truth is and then go vote for the man Donald Trump who's going to actually help our country exactly it is 4:29 on the East Coast about a minute away from the possibility of an announcing announcement for president Trump to come on stage here I believe he will be pretty close to on time because also he's got that extra uh another speech yet to do in the nation's capital so we are live here in Johnstown Pennsylvania packed house uh wall toall we're talking on the floor and in this uh hockey arena everywhere including behind the risers behind the media risers packed house always good to see that Titus your thoughts I mean we've got less than 70 days until this election what my thoughts I think it's it's now is not the time to like put the breakes on it's not time for us to be oh he's got it in the bag you know he was solidify it as soon as the assassination attempt he was solidified as soon as Camala was a nominee there's no way she can win there's no way she should win but that does not mean put the brakes on this machine we keep going until the results have come through so that means everyone that's like sitting there like oh it's fine he's got it no you should not have the mentality you know what happened last time we need to keep fighting we need to be evident and outward and open about how we support him because if they see that so many Americans support Trump so much on the street interviews so many rallies appearances and and and crowds media just portraying how like popular and loved he is and then showing the parallels with Kamala then they can't try and skew the election they can't try and say oh you know it was a tight race it could have been anybody's game we need to show that he has an overwhelming support of the American people up until November 5th and he's leading in the polls you see the amount of people that are here you see them all across the country that TP USA event the other day in glendell Arizona I mean it was yeah tning Point has great events they had a Believer Summit he was at they had a um not a summit but a convention in Detroit a few ago yeah the people's convention the people's convention and packed house everyone was pumped in Detroit in Detroit yeah exactly they supposed to hate Trump over there but they loved him yeah same thing with Atlanta so many people there was so many interviews that I that we did with people of color people from other countries and they were just like I don't care what the media the propaganda machine spouted about that man I am voting for him and there's nothing you can do about it we had that one guy I believe it was from Nicaragua who is going in so hard multiple times he's coming back to the mic and you know another thing you know it was so awesome so well a shout out to all of you that are watching right now to the everyday Americans but also those of you that are well known that might be watching right now or not so well known regardless that really doesn't matter what matters is we the people want our constitution want freedom want us to continue uh to make America great again so just a shout out to the everyday America out there no matter what job you have if you're in a situation right now where you're looking for work pray hard and work hard somehow some way it'll come together keep going don't quit and always know that it's The Outsiders who make a difference and that's what we see in president Donald Trump exactly Solutions is what we search for not whining and complaining do something so that's that's the We're the Party of action We're the Party of solutions and we're the movement not even just a party the movement of solutions the movement of um action because RFK isn't a republican Tulsa gber isn't a republican but they're working with a trump Administration they're running they're working with a trump campaign because they know that is the only way our country can be saved like think about that we have moderates who Democrats publicly known in prominent positions saying no I can't do this anymore I cannot affiliate myself with them and boom here we are isn't that wild yeah it's it's wild to see what's happening in this country and we we see that no matter what we know that all things work together for the good to those that love God and are called according to his purpose and also we work together you know we still have a job to do we can TR hard but we got to work hard oh exactly faith without works is dead well that's a whole different conversation right there but you got to you got to put action to your faith no exactly but my point is when it comes to getting something done like we want to win an election you'll pray but you're also going to go out there and take care of it now ask for salvation well we can talk about that well not in context of Salvation in terms of like working out Thea your faith out yeah working the faith out exactly so we see here people with their signs fight fight fight Trump Vance the number 47 the place is ready for president Trump to make an appearance and it's going to be awesome I mean if if the speeches that we just heard are assigned to what it's going to be like it's going to be pretty awesome oh it's going to be great I can't wait till it comes out here but and Donald Trump fashion it'll be here in just a few minutes yeah yeah so we're looking forward to it here that is is Titus Ellis Smith I'm Matthew Alvarez here live right now on right side broadcasting network Nikki stanion we'll pick up live coverage after president Trump's speech uh you'll have to look on Rumble and YouTube for the start time there as president Trump will go from Trump Force One to Washington DC for the moms for Liberty so a double header here on right side Broadcasting Network for those of you that have watched since 10:30 Eastern you guys are Troopers you are loyal you are uh and you have the time to do it too which is great but thank you guys so much for sticking with us but also those of you that are just joining us now always good to have you we just getting started we'll go for another five hours here oh yeah I me who knows if Trump didn't have another speech after this I he might do it no I'm excited I think people are getting let's take a live look at Mr T right there clapping his hands that guy is awesome he's got just good wisdom knowledge good passion always fun to interview him talking about David and Goliath and that kind of stuff with mainstream media versus conserv Media and all that but it's just a good time here on right side broadcasting network guys thank you so much for joining us those of you watching on the big screen right now in your living rooms we're with you we're we are literally just bringing you this live coverage because it's the awareness and keeping the true narrative going and the light and the you know it's just the right thing to do when there's been so many false narratives and false information trying to be talked about for president Trump and also the American people yeah I mean it's just like I said that's why we're here that's why any of any form of alternative media that is up on these risers with the mainstream is only where they are because of the lack of trust I have in the ones that have been here the Staples that have been here since the beginning they don't trust it you're there you get your you have your loyal base that does watch you but you lost so many everyday Watchers that are just like I don't trust you I don't know if I can watch this and and get the truth from you and so I'm going to go to right side broadcasting network because that's why I'll get the truth and speaking of rsbn earlier today uh we know that when we were outside and for those of our viewers that were watching if anybody missed it you can always scrub back and watch but what were some of your favorite Parts about outside and interviewing so many people and seeing those lines well you would be surprised my favorite one of my favorite encounters was with the man who was super concerned about getting clipped up because and being seen in a different light cuz he didn't think we were conservative so he thought oh any liberal media publication that ask a supporter something is only doing it for the purposes of making them look bad and and vilifying their character or making them seem as if they're dumb or whatever and that's why he said yeah I just kind of came here uh because you know what's happening cuz he didn't want to be attacked and when he found out we were conservative he started to open up a little bit more you should go back and watch that I ran into him later when we were coming up on the risers and he's like hey I'm sorry I didn't know that you guys were conservative I was nervous I didn't like he basically like said I I'm paraphrasing but he was like basically saying I didn't know I to my daughter I didn't realize you guys are conservative and like thank you for what you're doing like so I was like it's that's why we're here because the other side was or the mainstream media misrepresented Trump supporters so bad I mean just think about how at the assassination attempt there were so many people first responder citizens that wanted to help before medical attention could get there because they wanted to protect and help the people that were injured it's like that's that's a trump supporter some of that wants to help people that wants to see America Thrive and not whatever the media has tried to uh characterize us as deplorables as Mega extremists whatever you want to call us that's not what we are 100% true and a lot of times they try and pin us against each other whether it's by race whether it's by uh your political persuasion if you are Democrat Republican I mean here's the point uh we are still we the people and we have an opportunity to vote yeah hopefully for in a free and fair election that's what we're going to do this November but it's more about the Democratic Leadership those people that are really trying to push a terrible agenda that is actually more farle and more radical than most I believe Democrats across our country I agree it's it's with hands down without a doubt we were saying this earlier like Democrats don't like everyday citizens that are living living their lives raising their kids working their jobs are not subscribing to the mization of mization of 5-year-olds they're not subscribing to pumping them with hormones they're not subscribing to that stuff they're subscribing to maybe more government involvement maybe more welfare programs maybe there which I don't agree with but they're probably subscribing to those types of things that they think are more beneficial to the American people so not subscribing to this extreme leftist psycho ideology that is actually detrimental to our society and our world but still vote for it because of the few things that they have been brainwashed into thinking are more important to hold on to even if they have some psycho uh um ideologies as well 100% there and also when we were talking about outside one of my favorite Parts was when an elderly woman came up to both of us and said are you guys for Trump are you supporting Trump cuz she saw the microphones and it was pretty cool to be able to interview her and let her know yeah that yeah I mean that's that's who we're voting for that's our personal opinion and our personal belief system but to be able to again work in conservative media where you're able to interview people and let them kind of have the floor mainstream press doesn't really even do that no because always lean our way yeah and go on the street and ask people actually I don't know if you saw this Don Lemon went on the street uh I don't remember what state it was it might have been this state he he went on the on um man on the street all over and who you voting for to a bunch of black young young black men and young black women and they said 90% of them from the video that I had seen were like Trump Trump trump who you voting for Trump why and they would say why over and over again and I was like I keep thinking he's about to but yeah it was it was really cool to see like Don Lemon and he didn't edit it out like he didn't edit only the people that were supporting Kamala he even said some people didn't recognize Kamala he said some people didn't know who Kamala was I think president Trump is about to take the stage here uh people are on their feet even around the lower bowl of this hockey arena this is the first summit arena in Johnstown Pennsylvania you're watching wall toall live coverage from the people to the President right here on right side broadcasting network I see some Secret Service that are outside my guess is and I'm going to do this on live TV just for fun 30 seconds from now president Trump is going to be announced all right and if I'm if I'm wrong it's a it's put I'm putting a timer on you 30 seconds I'm putting a timer on right now 20 19 18 L Gentlemen please welcome the next president of the United States President Donald J Trump and I'm proud to be an American where at least I know I'm free and I won't forget the men who died who gave that right to me and I gladly stand up next to you and the her still today cuz there ain't no doubt I love this land God Bless the USA from the lakes of Minnesota to the hills of [Music] Tennessee across the pl of Texas from sea to shining sea from Detroit down to Houston and New York to LA where there's pride in every American Heart and it's time we stand and [Music] say that I'm proud to be an American where at least I know I'm free and I won't forget the men who died who gave that light to me and I gladly stand up next to you and defend her still today cuz there ain't no doubt I love this land God Bless the USA and I'm B to be an American where at least I so I'm free and I won't forget the men who died who gave that light to me and I gladly stand up next to you and defend her still today cuz there ain't no doubt I love this land God bless the us a [Applause] wow thank you very much everybody I love this place I love it we've had great luck here so just to everybody hello Pennsylvania how we doing pyvan and I'm thrilled to be back in this beautiful Commonwealth with thousands of proud hardworking American Patriots that's what you are it's coming it's coming listen to this 67 days wow 67 days from now we're going to win pencilvania we're going to defeat comrade kamla Harris did you see her did you see her last night did you see her last night I don't know you think she's going to be able to handle presiden she I don't know I don't think so China North Korea Russia I don't know but we're going to win back the white house we're going to make this country greater than it's ever been and everyone here today is part of the greatest political movement in the history of our country you know that make America great again Maga and who look at all of the fake news they got a they got a lot of fake news back there that's a lot of fake news David that's a lot of people some I like about 7% and some I don't like no that's a lot but uh you know when I say the greatest political movement in the history of our country if I say something even slightly wrong they give me 12 pinocchios right 12 Pinocchio now we can't say anything even a little bit wrong I can't even joke when I used to show Biden couldn't find the stairs off the stairway they'd say Trump couldn't find they'd say they took it and they would say I couldn't when uh different things the worst thing you can do with them is sarcasm because it doesn't work with the fake news so we won't have any fun but we will have fun we're going to have a lot of fun and I recognize you how are you and I recognize you but no it's amazing what uh what we built all together and started 8 years ago maybe a little before that who knows probably started 40 years ago in our soul but it started 8 years ago and nobody would have thought anything like this could have happen and it represents a tremendous piece of the Republican party and more importantly it represents a tremendous piece of this country tremendous peace a lot more than 50% therefore we have to get out and vote this past week I was honored to receive two endorsements of former democrats for president tulsey gabard and Robert F Kennedy Jr and they're both great people they were Democrats as you probably know and they uh felt very strongly about the endorsement and I feel very happy to get it every day we are welcoming more Republicans Independents traditional Democrats and oldfashioned liberals you know they don't use that term anymore they use Progressive we don't use that term we like liberal better Progressive sounds so good it sounds Progressive they're not Progressive they're the opposite together we're fighting to secure our borders and the endless far Foreign Wars and defend the working people of America and coming in I heard some of the most beautiful speeches I heard just beautiful beautiful speeches I want to thank all of the speakers that preceded me beautiful speeches we're joining forces to defeat government corruption restore free speech and make America healthy again we're going to make America healthy again you know we're a nation that is not doing well in a lot of ways and we're not doing so well with health but we're going to solve a lot of those problems I think over the next short period of time a lot of it's common a lot of that's common sense too it's all common sense when you get right down to it but we're going to get toxic chemicals out of our environment and we're going to get them out of our food supply we're going to get them out of our bodies we'll get them out of our body right right with Victory this fall we will enact this pro- family agenda and we will bring back the American dream bigger better and stronger than ever before they never talk about the American dream they never mention it they don't talk about the American Flag by the way the American flag we got some of the greatest Congressman Warriors here that you have anywhere and congressmen go to Congress soon like immediately but soon we should give a oneyear sentence in jail to anybody that burns the American flag you should do that Mike do it Mike right do it that looks so bad at the Democrat National I always call Democrat you know they want it to be called Dem Democratic I said then change your name they don't change the name sounds worse so I use it but at the Democrat National Convention I watch those American flags burning all over the place I think it's a disgrace and they said it's unconstitutional to stop it like hell it is okay like hell it is it's not unconstitutional it's like when I stopped the riots in Washington they were going they were taking down statues they were having a lot of fun they didn't know what they were doing having a lot of fun and I pulled out an old law from 1907 because we don't pass laws like that that are tough and it said if you touch a monument if you touch it even touch it against the will of authority if you take it down but if you even touch it you go to jail for 10 years and there's no 9 years and 5 months it's 10 years and so I signed it I took it out it was Dusty it was old and Dusty hadn't been used in 78 years I think they said and I signed it I announced it and I watched about 10,000 asses I could watch from the back as they left town they were all gone I I knew there was a problem when they started ripping down a statue of Abraham Lincoln I said they're going to take down the statue of Lincoln I don't think that's we're not going to let that happen and we've got to be tough because if you see what's happening in Aurora Colorado today did you see that where V Venezuelan gang members have taken over parts of the city they've taken over apartment houses because these stupid people that we have leading our country are allowing these people these criminals to come and to come into our country and we're going to get them the hell out of here and this is just the beginning wait till you see what happens wait till you see what they're doing unbelievable no it's these congressmen they're looking they're just shaking their head they can't believe it they can't believe two things actually the size of these crowds J know you could fill this place up three times why didn't you get a larger Arena huh somebody said as we're riding by oh it's too bad the arena hasn't started filling up I said no you don't understand it's totally full but the line goes back for miles it's already full but we got to do that Fellers you know we got to do it because I've been saying for a long time I said these people are coming in from prisons and jails nobody listen to me they're murderers they're drug dealers if you take a look at Venezuela as an example their crime is down 72% because they've taken their criminals from Caracus they've taken their drug dealers they're emptying their prisons into our country their crime is down all over the world crime is down in the Congo in Africa 22 people deposited into our country where do you come from the Congo we're in the Congo jail what did you do we will not say say that you can imagine listen they come from Africa they come from the Middle East countries that are not friends of ours and they're coming by the millions by the millions and these fools Kamala who's a Marxist these fools are letting them come into our country destroy our country and I said you know did you ever see the I don't want to brag but they do have a big selling hat you know what it says Trump was right about everything right front row Joe's front row Joe's right no but it's hey look if I ran one of those countries I would be doing better than them at getting the people out you run a country the country is inundated with really tough people that are criminals I want to get them to hell out if I was the head of a country the president of a country if I was in charge of anything having to do with the country I would have moved them out even faster than they're doing they are moving people into our country at numbers that nobody's ever seen and those countries are becoming safe countries and way till you see what's going to happen you know they're just getting acclim it you know what that means acced they're getting used to a society that really goes too far in the only thing they go after is guys like Trump because he protests an election that's the only thing they're good at going after they don't go after criminals they don't go after people that kill people they don't go after drug dealers that kill on average 500 people during their lifetime so a drug dealer kills 500 people and the only thing they would understand would be the death penalty if you had the death penalty for drug dealers you wouldn't have any more drugs you wouldn't have any more drugs instead we Blue Ribbon committees made up of a great first lady and lots of people like Steve witkoff great developer in New York but they don't do this for a living the only thing they understand I went to China I saw president she had a good relationship until Co came in then I broke it off it was that was too much but I said to him and I had a great relationship with him and I will again probably but I said do you have a drug problem 1.4 billion people no no no we have no drug problem why don't you have a drug problem because we have the death penalty he said for drug deals if they sell drugs they die he said so those people that sold drugs they said you know let's go to another country this is a little bit T but they do in many other countries in countries where you have that you don't have a drug problem and we are becoming a drug infested Nation whether you like it or not we're becoming a drug infested Nation so we better get our act together you know years ago centuries ago China was taken over numerous times by smaller Nations much smaller Nation because they were all drugged out from the Opium fields and all of that and then one of their very powerful leaders said no more and they ended it and we're going to have to end it too because we're really a country that is a we're a failing nation in a lot of ways what they've done to our country is incred rible what is Camala who's a total lightweight did you see her on television last night this is going to be the president this is going to be the president of our country I don't think so sitting propped up on a desk with this guy this this uh tampon Tim tampon and that's her first interview she's done and like nobody's ever seen anything like it and if you're too weak to do a one-on-one interview with a person that was so soft you know I know Dana she's always you know always nasty she was so nice to the Democrats it's much easier to be a Democrat but we don't agree in their policies because their policies will destroy our nation so we can't do that we can't do that but it was a very weak interview from the standpoint of CNN I think CNN should be ashamed of themselves if that were me AR there sir I heard you want the death penalty for drug dealers why well you know I'd like to end the drug epidemic if that's okay remember this and I said it every drug dealer on average kills 500 people that's not mentioning all of the families that are destroyed forever they're destroyed forever and we have to do something about it because we are becoming and we are a drug infested Nation we have to do something and if you did that meaningfully you will in one week stop the drug problem nobody's going to be selling drugs nobody I don't know if the country is ready for it but they should you know we lost they give you fake numbers the real numbers we lost uh probably 350,000 people last year to drugs to fent and Other Drugs I had a deal with President she who was going to put that on the on their ultimate crime list that's where they give the death penalty if they make it in China they sell it here he was going to give the death penalty when we had a rigged election what happened is when I left they never picked it up Biden never picked it up so they never did it but they were going to give the death penalty which is their ultimate ultimate uh punishment you can't get too much more ultimate than that they were going to give the death penalty to the venol makers in China if they make it and sell it in here and they were going to do it because you know otherwise we weren't going to do trade little things like we won't trade with you anymore we won't pay you billions of dollars anymore so easy so easy but people like Camala she let San Francisco die she destroyed probably the greatest City maybe one of the greatest cities but could be friend of mine Bob tishu to say years ago he said San Francisco is the greatest city in America that was probably 167 he passed away great guy he passed away but he used to talk about San Francisco all the time today you can't walk into San Francisco she destroyed it she destroyed she's the one that started it too she was the district attorney then she destroyed California along with Gavin nusum you know that one of the truly bad Governors but the fake news is doing everything possible everything they can to help Camala Harris do you ever noticed nobody knows what her last name is I go okay I'm going to give you the first name tell me the last name I say Cala uh they have no idea who the hell she is but as they find out you notice our poll numbers are starting to Skyrocket when they find out that she's a Marxist when they find out her father you know is a Marxist Professor you know that when they find find out that she was the one that destroyed California and San Francisco long time ago uh you can't have this look we have to put our country back into shape somebody said women don't like Donald Trump I said I think that's wrong I think they love me I love them I love them speaking of them North Carolina these women this is number 227 rally and they've been to some other than rallies 220 they're wealthy as hell look at them they've got nothing but cash their husbands are great but they allow them to go all over the country they follow me all over the country we have front row Joe's over here we got the women from North Carolina look at them and no but they're great Patriots they're great Patriots and you know I spoke to the husbands one time I say how do you put up with this your husbands your wives are traveling all over the place do you mind we trust our wives sir we trust them implicitly I said well you have great wives let me tell you but they've traveled I think it's like 228 something like that but it is beautiful to have you here we love to have you here always perfectly quaffed they're always perfectly quaffed right they're beautiful they're great woman great women and we appreciate they being here we appreciate you guys being here you were here in Butler they were there in Butler I remember they were standing there in the front front rad Joe's you know what they get here like three days early they wait around for three days four days they probably got to know some of my guys by now I would think they don't have to be quite so uh anxious they're going to be uh but they done a great job and then we have Mr wall Irving wall would you please stand up Irving wall he is a great guy and he was there for Butler too wasn't he he was there I saw him there but he's been to many shows how many shows have you been to I've lost track he's lost track I great I agree but I appreciate it we appreciate it the whole place appreciates is they ultimately their their Pat it's not about me these are incredible Patriots these ladies are incredible Patriots so I just want to thank you incredible but to show you how bad the fake news is some of the goals to our families you probably read this over the last couple of days and you know a lot of people say Sir don't hit down don't hit down on them the fake news don't hit down sir don't even mention I said should I mention it don't hit down well but it became sort of a story so I always like to mention it because if you don't mention our supporters don't really know what to believe and they sort of believe this stuff so the gold star families and uh credible people and I got to know him because uh 13 families who were as you know lost a loved one in Afghanistan so needlessly because we have incompetent we have an incompetent President and Vice President grossly incompetent and we had Millie and these incompetent generals that should have been fired immediately not one person was fired over Afghanistan and by the way Russia saw that they went into Ukraine because they said I had no idea that the United States was so stupid so and you know when I was running that I spoke to the leader of the Taliban he they run the whole deal and I said Abdul don't even think don't do it Abdul don't do it because they were shooting they were killing our people and they were really killing them previous to me Obama they were killing him in the Obama Administration and with Biden Biden but uh how did he doing the debate friend of mine said sir what did you do you I said how good was I tonight sir you probably got him thrown out now you're going to have to run against somebody new I said I don't care I have to do what I have to do we have to do what we have to do and I look forward to the debate with her but what happened so with Afghanistan you know I do the weave you know what the weave is I'll talk about like nine different things and they all come back brilliantly together and it's like and friends of mine that are like English professors they say it's the most brilliant thing I've ever seen and but the fake news you know what they say he rambled that's not rambling when you have what you do is you get off a subject to mention another little tidbit then you get back onto the subject and you go through this and you do it for two hours and you don't even mispronounce one word and they say he had 100,000 people you know New Jersey we had 107,000 people they never like to report it so I say it but in Wildwood New Jersey they announced 107,000 people and then they say well look at this I mean if you gave me a big arena I would have we would have said 4,000 people but it is rather brilliant but they say yes you rambled but in Afghanistan so what happens is you take the wonderful families and they come in and were in Washington they said would it be possible sir would it be at all possible for you to come because we're celebrating our child's life the child was buried because of Joe Biden and comrade Harris would it be at all possible sir for you to be there and I said it's going to be real tough I was really like far away and and sometimes it's tough but I said 'you know what we have to do it and I got my team and I said' let's go we're going to Arlington Cemetery I said we're going to Arlington cuz again I got to know these people because honestly they would send me death certificates of their child they said sir would you sign it please sign it we refuse to accept his name on this desk cerificate they said he killed our child and honestly the incompetence killed their their children the incompetence gross and by the way they lost almost 500 people that day including the other side they left Americans behind they're still there nobody knows even what happened to them think of this they left $85 billion worth of brand new military equipment that I bought cuz I rebuilt the entire military $85 billion worth of equipment behind they left everything and they moved the military first instead of last you say you stupid people you take the military out last for 18 months and a lot of you know this for 18 months not one American after I spoke to Abdul the leader of the Taliban not one person was shot we didn't lose one person for 18 months in fact Joe Biden got up on television one day and he said for 18 months not one person was shot during the Trump Administration then the people started screaming at him you stupid don't say that you know you are so stupid they tell him but I appreciate it that he said that but it's true for 18 months nobody was lost and nobody would have been lost and we would have and we were getting out I had it down to 5,000 people but we were going to keep bam which is the Big Air Base one of the biggest in the world had the biggest runways most powerful runways 8 foot deep you could land anything on those runways not because of Afghanistan we're keeping baram for a different reason one hour away from where China makes its nuclear weapons right so I got a call from the people sir we're going to be going to Arlington to honor our children who were killed and they are devastated the people I had them over at uh Bedminster and they didn't think I'd see them and they said do you think we'll see him and they said well we don't know he'll try and make it I ended up spending 4 hours late at night listening to music with all of the relatives of the people that were killed so needlessly killed and I got to know them I got to know them and we were looking at the sky beautiful place we're looking at the sky and we're listening to Elvis and we're listening to Elton John we're listening to everybody body and I said look your son is looking down at you and it was the whole thing was beautiful and you get to know him I spent they they didn't think I'd see them but at most I would spend 15 minutes and I ended up spending many hours so I got to know them so they called up and they said do you think you could be there sir I said I'll try if I can and we really had to turn things around anyway I got there and we had a ceremony we had the Chang of the G know we had a beautiful ceremony and then they said sir could you come to the graves could you come to the graves after the ceremony they said could you come to the graves would that be possible I said I will but I got like this big Stadium something was waiting I said but I'm going to because those people are the love of Our Lives they are the love of our lives right and in all fairness I can say this the the mothers father's sisters the brother but the various people that we're talking about depending on who it is but the various people uh they say it to me I'll say it to you I mean I don't think they can never be the same I said is it better now cuz it's three years is it better no it's not better you know they have an expression Time Heals all wounds but I said is that expression true no sir it's maybe it's worse now sir it's it's devastating these people are just so devastated so anyway we're there and they said a prayer different Graves one here one there then they said to me mean I'm not surprised I never even thought about it sir would it be possible for you to have a picture with us on the by the tombstone of my son you know the beautiful white tombstones marble beautiful beautiful things and carved engraved with the names on them I said absolutely I wasn't doing it for I don't need publicity I get a lot of publicity I get I would like to get a lot less publicity I would pay to get I'm the only guy would hire a public relations agent to get less publicity most hire to get publicity so I was taking pictures at the grave one with the sister and then the mother and then the father come in and then another group at a different grave and and it was so beautiful and we left and everything was nice and then later on that day I heard that we were using the graves of those soldiers for public relations purposes you know and that was all put out by the White House Joe Biden killed those young people because he was incompetent and then they tell me that I use their graves for Public Relation services and I didn't and I'll tell you what it was a disgrace and she was involved remember she said she was the last person in the room right when they made the decision and uh pulling out was okay but not pulling out like a bunch of incompetent fools and that's what they did we had them in such a great position but when I took those pictures it was so beautiful they were cry everybody was crying they were talking about 3 years ago because of a grossly incompetent group of generals and we have great generals don't forget we defeated Isis entirely with great generals real generals not these television morons that you see all the time but when I saw that I said I think I have to talk about it now my people said don't do it sir don't do it but if I don't tell you the story you're going to read it was front page of the Washington Post which has lost approximately 57% of their readers over the last three years it was a story in the New York Times which is losing reader after reader I'm happy about that I have to be happy because they truly are the enemy of the people they are the enemy of the people they tell false stories about me that's all they do is they write false stories they're incapable I could do the greatest thing I got to tell you I ran for her office and they were covering it viciously but it was front page every day every day and then I won I beat everybody and I had a story on page 17 so I won David and my story was on page 17 but I was always in page one when I made a little speech or something it's uh that's why they call it the fake news media it's desperately trying to hide kamala's failures and extremism from the public they don't want the people to know how unfit she is to serve she's unfit to serve she everything she touches she ruins uh just to finish this I love those people I'm so happy they took pictures of me and them and the tombstone and their lovely son or daughter there was a daughter too and an incredible daughter frankly I've almost gotten to know them even though I never met them but I know everything about them the mother would walk up and say sir may I tell you about my boy you know he was a football player and he could throw the ball so far he played quarterbacks sir and one day and I realize that she's telling me a story and crying about her son who's now in a grave because of Biden and Cala and I listened to that whole story how the ball was caught how the ball was thrown how the team did the season the team had and I let her talk and then these people accuse me of doing this for public relations reasons and and the fact that we even the fact that we even got there the fact that we even got there so I just wanted and they were so good they said how dare they do that we asked him they did ask me and you know they actually came to my defense it's nice cuz sometimes that doesn't happen too but they really did they said we asked him to be here and we want him to be there always and I just think that's great and we love you all thank you but I I wrote for this particular group you know because this is you know she's anti fraki and she's anti everything this Pennsylvania and I said do me a favor make a little uh reel of uh Camala Cala Harris has no right being here she got no votes she ran she was one of 22 people that ran she was the first one to quit she never made it to Iowa in the primers the first state she was nasty to Biden she called them a racist and everything else you know she probably call me a racist on in a week from now week and a half I look forward to that debate very [Applause] much but she called him a racist remember the school bus all she can do she can memorize a little bit not a lot but she memorized a little story about a girl taking a bus and she used it on Biden and so when Biden picked her I was shocked because nobody treated him so badly as her but let's take a look at uh the real Cala Harris yeah I am radical we need to get radical about what we are doing and take it seriously as president of the United States I am prepared to get rid of the filibuster to pass a green [Music] new there's no question I'm in favor of banning FR we have to have a buyback program and I support a mandatory buyback program I believe it will totally eliminate private insurance let's eliminate all of that but would you support changing the dietary guidelines you know the food pyram people to reduce red meat specifically yes I would raise your hand if govern if your government plan would provide coverage for undocumented immigrants where do you stand on defund the police this whole movement is about rightly saying we need to take a look at these budgets Harris asserted that Isis perceived as the modernday K Klux Clan are you aware that there's a perception are you aware that there's a ice in the same category as the KKK is that what you're asking me I see no par I see none anded yeah I am radical we need to get radical about what we are doing [Music] but that's her and now she's changed everything in fact I think she is going to soon apply for give me an application for joining Mega she's going she's going to be wearing a magga cap now that's her and she can't do anything about it because that's where she is or with a politician when they come out with something that's where they end up and she will destroy the great Commonwealth of Pennsylvania just remember that and we should win a blowout we should blow them out you know we win the state we win the whole thing and we won it in 2016 and we did much better in 2020 you know that much better with the whole election actually with in 2016 we did great but 201 20 we did much better generally since Camala and the media don't want to talk about her radical record we will beautiful that's beautiful that's all right that's okay now he's on our side we get a little uh itchy David don't we h no no he's on our side you know what he's showing at Butler an amazing thing happened you had two American flags very far apart held up I think by different cranes they were very big flags beautiful flags and they were waving and as that horrible event was taking place the wind blew the flags together and they formed a perfect angel I don't know if we have it but it was a perfect angel was formed I'll tell you a lot of lot of things happened if we have it put it up if we don't have it that's all right that's it that's it that's it he had the angel he held up the angel and our people went after him oh no he's on our side he's on our side thank you very much it's very nice I've never seen banners so beautiful right now he's on our side I mean the problem is if he wasn't our side you know we can have 35 40,000 people trying to get in and if one person stands up says I don't like you trump it becomes a headline major problems right now but he is on our side thank you very much that's nice for nearly four years comrade Cala Harris has overseen a nation wrecking border division flooding our communities with 20 or 21 million and it could be much more than that and don't listen to 15 and 16 you're Way Gone those days are gone 20 million illegal aliens from 158 different countries as of now [Applause] is there anywhere that's more fun to be than a trump rally right there's nowhere there's nowhere it's nice Friday you know what and we have plenty of time Friday afternoon Steve is here David's here all my friends are here we have the best son in the world here but all my friends are here and uh let's just take our time and have a good time right or should I hurry it up should we give you the short version or the long version [Applause] Harris lost listen to these numbers though seriously this If This Were a republican that'd be stringing them up now listen to this number because you have to understand what it means 325,000 children have been lost they've been allowed to be trafficked all across our borders she flew in illegal aliens by the hundreds of thousands and many of these were young children but we have no idea where three think of the number 325,000 children are missing many are dead many are involved in sex operations many are working as slaves in different parts of probably this country and probably many others but she was the borders are now she says I wasn't the bordar but she was it was headlines bordar bordar but now she doesn't want that term but what she whether she was a Borders or not she was in charge of the Border 325,000 children are missing she created a fast pass entry program to speed the admission of illegals into all of our ports of entry and remember when they said no no we're you know we're going to oh now they have a new line we created a strong border no no they keep saying it over and over the worst Border in history but they think if they keep saying it over and over you know most people aren't like us they're not that you know they drive a cab they're Carpenters they're electricians or accountants their Lords they're not like into it other than they like Trump they like meaning they like our policies because it's not about me this is not about me I had a nice life you can ask my friend I had the greatest life I could go to the most beautiful places look at the most beautiful oceans in the world instead here we are and I'm happy is held to be with you because I like it much better I like this much better I like it much better you know why because we're doing something we're saving our country I wouldn't do it just cuz I like it we're saving our country our country needs saving we're a failing nation in case you have any question we're sadly failing nation and we're going to make America great again it's very simple so we're a failing Nation we're going to make America greater and I think we have a chance to make America greater than ever before and remember this if we don't do it this time you never got to have another crack at it November 5th is the single most important day in the history of our country I believe that with all my heart cuz our country is going bad and Cala vowed to Grant remember Mass amnesty and citizen ship to all of the millions of illegals that she let in which will obliterate Medicare and obliterate your social security for seniors you will not have any Social Security and you're not going to have Medicare the whole country is going bad and no country no matter who it was no matter which country it was no country could withstand this Onslaught no country could withstand this and a lot of these people remember these are rough people the only thing good about it is they make our gangs and they make our bad ones look like nice people by comparison we have bad ones too but compared to the people that are coming into our country our criminals are very very nice these are really tough ones they come from prisons remember that many of them come from prisons and they let them out of the prisons why should they keep them when the stupid United States will take care of their situation remember remember that and this is what you're voting on on by the way at the end of September but much before November 5th I always use the term November 5th but I'm talking about because today we vote two months early we vote after early nobody knows what the hell we're doing the elections are so screwed up we have to get back in and we have to change it all we want to go to paper ballots we want to go to same day voting we want to go to citizenship papers and we want to go to voter ID it's very simple we want to get rid of mailin voting mailin voting Jimmy Carter headed up a commission by the way the happiest man in the United States today is Jimmy Carter President Jimmy Carter uh my wife went to the funeral of Roslin beautiful funeral like 8 months ago and I looked at Jimmy Jimmy's Old but he's happy you know what why because his administration is considered brilliant compared to this Administration brilliant he's a happy man but Kamala called for the abolishing of ice great Patriots tough as hell some of my friends are sitting right here they're some of the toughest human beings I've ever met they're not tough enough to be an ice they won't do it these guys they see a pack of MS13 thugs that love knives they love cutting people up better than guns because it's more painful they killed two young girls in Long Island not so long ago 16 years old they were walking to school they cussed they cut them up into pieces they cut them up into pieces they will go into a pack of MS 13 Killers r i guys and for two minutes you see nothing but fists and legs and fighting a lot of the people like these young ladies from North Carolina they're not into that I don't know I think they they don't want to hear about that they don't like to hear about people being cut up they don't like to hear about MS13 have you ever seen MS13 typically when you have Tic Tac Toe boards on your forehead it's not a good thing right they would go into these places and they would start fighting and at the end of 2 3 minutes it's over and they would stand up and they' take these thugs into Patty wagons and they'd bring them the hell out of our country and they'll get them out and the problem we had as you probably heard was that the countries wouldn't take them back Honduras all of these El Salvador Guatemala Mexico but they wouldn't take him back they wouldn't take him back at all and when I came into office I said we got to get these MS13 Killers we had thousand of them in our country they were set out by the countries where they came from Mostly those countries I just named and a general told me sir we can't do that they won't take him back I said why because Obama tried very hard to take him back Barack Hussein Obama has anybody ever heard of Barack Hussein Obama remember Rush lar Barack Hussein Obama Rush the great Rush lmar right we miss rush we miss we miss him but they wouldn't take him back and the the general said sir they won't take them back they put planes on the runway when we're about to fly in they'll take their commercial Jets put them on the runway so you couldn't land they' stop up all the buses so they'd bring them there and they'd have to turn around couldn't get them in this for years I saiden how much money do we pay them in Aid every year sir I'll find out so it comes in the F so we give them $750 million a year by the way sounds like a lot that's penis compared to what we give some but it's still a lot of money sir we give them $750 million okay you let them know that effective immediately they're no longer getting any foreign aid they're no longer getting any no no more help so the time went by and I came into the office the following morning nice and early which I do and what happened was very amazing all three countries these three countries call me the heads of the countries sir there seems to be a problem what is there anything I can help you with I heard you very disturbed about us yeah you're sending over in the Caravans your thugs your killers and your MS13 gang members and you're not letting them come back into your country and we're bringing them back if we have to do I don't give a crap what we have to do we're bringing them back sir please sir we would be delighted to take MS13 back the wonderful individuals I said does that mean you're taking a back well sir I understand you're no longer making payment to us I said that's right and you'll never see that money again you better open up sir we would be delighted to take them back all you had to do is ask 10 minutes later I get a call from another the exact same conversation could have put it on tape it would have been identical sir is there a problem yeah you're not taking your criminals back that you sent into our country we would be delighted to do so and we took out MS13 by the thousands and thousands and thousands and now they're probably all coming back through this weak and pathetic Administration that we have Camala has provided deportation immunity to the vast majority of criminal aliens immunity meaning you can't get them out living inside the United States she's importing MS-13 gang members back into our country nothing's going to happen good with MS-13 gang members and they're going into our high schools and they're going to class in the high schools and they're ACC costing our kids they're rough kids these are rough ones we are being conquered in a certain way from within if you think about it like in Colorado today Aurora they're they're taking over the city they're taking over they're going in with these massive guns AK-47s and others AR 15s have you ever heard of that one but they're going in and they're taking over our cities you watch what's going to happen we have hundreds of thousands of these people in certain of our cities and if you think they're going to behave they're not going to behave these are rough people these people came from rough places and they're just sort of getting acclimated now right they're getting acclimated and now they're finding out gee we're not allowed to you know the police aren't allowed to talk rough to you or the police gets arrested I mean if the police does if the police people do their job they end up losing their pension they end up losing their families they end up losing their house their car and they're learning this these guys and waiting you see what's going to happen but it's already been happening they've killed killed many many people in our country I was at the border last week and I was with the parents and other family members of some of the young kids that got killed viciously violently killed by illegal immigrants coming into our country we can't have this it's just our country it's not sustainable our country is going to fail these people are stupid people that are running our country they don't have any common sense they believe in an ideology and if you look at at Cala and you look at what she's done to every place she's touched has turned to every single place she's touched have to say every place she's touched you know I you might have heard this Franklin Graham is wonderful and he wrote me a letter and he said said sir I love your stories and I love listening to your rallies but could you please don't use foul language your speeches would be even better if you didn't use foul language but there's an example it's not really that bad a word but how can you top that word for what I'm talking about right what word every play she touches wouldn't be nice people would that would be a thud it would land with a thud no and Franklin's probably right I'm not sure I agree with him but he's a great guy actually but he he did say that to me he said please don't and so I try and avoid it my wife also she says please don't use fou language but it's hard you know there's some words that that can't be duplicated they can't I try but I it can't be duplicated comrade Camala launched a radical left war on Pennsylvania energy that will destroy the economy of your state on kamala's first day at office she shut down the Keystone Pipeline which I approved she shut down drilling an all federal land she re-entered the disastrous Paris climate Accord do you know what that was that was the worst deal other than it sounds so nice the Paris climate it basically said said that this country is screwed it said this country is going to pay billions and billions of dollars other countries are going to pay nothing China as an example pays nothing because they consider it a developing Nation we're not we better start developing faster we're not going to have a country left so I terminated it I terminated it we pay billions of dollars Russia pays nothing China pays nothing India pays nothing and they won't pay for years but we pay because we're a bunch of suckers and I terminated it and one of the early things that Harris did CU she's the one that pushed it is they renewed it for even more money than they were paying before it's the craziest thing I've ever seen you you'd almost you'd almost think they hate our country Camala Harris surrendered our energy independent spend hundreds of billions of dollars on the green news scam she's trying to take away gas stoves and heaters she's vowed repeatedly that we will ban fracking we will always ban fracking she just said it today I saw it they have a clip from like two years ago she said no no I'm in favor of fracking like last week oh no no I'm afraid then they start playing Clips we will always B fracking there will never be fracking the people of Pennsylvania are smart they're not going to fall for it she will destroy if you don't have fracking you don't have a you don't have a commonwealth she also imposed a crippling natural gas export ban on Pennsylvania Oil and Gas another catastrophe for your state and this is all stuff that she's done and I want to call up I'm flying in with some friends on a very nice plane and has a very nice television and I'm watching rsbn and I'm watching Fox and I'm watching a lot of them rsbn by the way how good is rsbn they do a good job so beautiful it's like it's the Super Bowl every time we do a rally right they do a great job thank you rsbn where are you back there rsbn thank you wow what a job what a job you do but we were watching actually rsbn and there was a man there named Mark casy the founder of Steel nation and he made the greatest speech and it didn't wasn't necessarily A Winston Churchill type speech because Winston didn't wear a pith helmet and Winston's hair was wasn't quite as long as Mark's hair and Winston was brought up in the Oxford tradition but it was actually just as good he actually gave me ideas I thought I was the one that was exposing how bad it's going to be in Pennsylvania and our country if we stopped doing the fossil fuel thing because you know in Germany they stopped and the country was ready to go down the tubes now they're building a coal plant a week a coal plant a week and Angela is no longer with us she's no longer with us but where is Mark caski is he still around oh look at him right here oh he's probably shocked I I don't know who the hell he is but you gave the greatest speech would you come up can I shake your [Music] hand man you are something mark [Applause] okay AB thank you very hey Mark say something come here he can say a little bit more [Applause] right uh Winston Churchill I'm not I was born and raised in Carolina and in Pittsburgh as an adult and I've been a yenser for a long time president you know the war the war on energy in in in by the by the left is and it's not just here it's it's worldwide what's happening in Europe right now is a shame to to to even think about EVS here in America when the technolog is not there we would have to cover 2third of America with solar panels to create to power this great country of ours we have the Marcela shell right below our feets in West Virginia Ohio Pennsylvania and New York but New York's not bright enough to take advantage of it those qu that Cuomo family kind of shut that down a while ago President we have a we were on stage with President Trump in 2019 in the at the convention center in Pittsburgh we're going to have better results this year but the G the people behind me let's stick together all the oil gas and and coal workers nuclear workers power plant workers let's put Mr Trump president Trump Over The Line [Applause] no I'm watching Mark and you know he's uh talking about all the things that happened when they they shut down everything they then closed up Keystone excels people forget I had it approved I approved it it wasn't going to happen billions of dollars had been spent I approved it they came in they shut it down the only one they didn't shut down was the uh Russian Pipeline going through Europe right nordstream 2 nobody ever heard of nordstream 2 Mark until I came along right Russia was building the biggest pipeline in the world going to Germany and various other countries in Europe countries that we defend against Russia think of this so we defend them against Russia with NATO we pay billions and billions far more than we're supposed to be paying because they had a lot of people that were delinquent but after I got finished they all they paid you know they all paid they said would you defend us if we don't pay I said no they all paid took about Obama used to come and make a speech and leave Bush came in made a speech and leaved and you know remember this under Bush Putin took a lot of land under Obama Putin took a lot of land under Biden he's trying to take all of the land all of the land under Trump he took nothing nothing right Mark you took nothing but Mark said and I said write this down Mark do you have a copy of that speech please it's much easier just give me a copy but no he named like six things that happened immediately but one of them was so big because the Keystone XL pipeline was a big deal and that was going to bring a lot of a lot of oil in and was going to go and you know his pipelines underground is safer than trucks I guess right and a lot more efficient it was a big deal and I approved it and this guy came in and he immediately dropped it but you know what he did approve northstream now I shut down nordstream Russia was upset with me Putin said you know if you're supposed to be my friend that hate like held to sea as my enemy I closed the biggest deal they've ever done it was shut and then this guy came in who's got a low IQ very very low now he's got maybe no IQ you have to check it out and he immediately the first thing he did was approve the nordstream pipeline and then they'd say Mr Congress oh look who we have Byron said up please Superstar of the future he's already a superstar but he's a superstar of the future Byron Donalds Florida wow that's nice to have you here that's good he's great he's great he knows exactly what I'm talking about that one is smart you have Smart Ones and you have some that aren't quite so good but we have a group of people that are really great but so I stopped northstream 2 stopped at Cold wasn't going to happen this guy comes in he approves it then they say oh Trump was nice to Russia I wasn't nice to Russia but you know what getting along with Russia is a good thing not a bad thing remember that getting along with these people is a good thing not a bad thing it's a smart thing to do I got along with Kim Jong-un of North Korea remember I walked over the first person to ever walk over from this country and I we also looked at his nuclear capability it's very substantial you know getting along is a good thing it's not a bad thing the fake news would say he likes Putin or Putin likes him let me tell you they said president she likes Trump that's a good thing not a bad thing but we were tough with China too we took in hundreds of billions of dollars worth of taxes and tariffs no other president took in 10 cents when we win on day one I will tell Pennsylvania to drill baby drill we're going to drill baby drill and you know a man named Mark Levin does anybody know Mark Levin he's great but he said something to me he said you know he loves his country so much his show is fantastic and I do an interview with him this weekend so I hope you're going to watch but he's very smart very tough but he really loves the country and he hates what he sees happening but he sent me something he said if you'd like you can read this at your rally today and if you like it you can use it anytime you want and I think I'm going to do it because it's not very long and we have plenty of time and it's only about 100° in here it's actually not that bad but Mark is a great man and he's a great Patriot and he writes here's what we know about comrade Camala Harris she just doesn't care about the American people especially hardworking middle class Americans she just doesn't give a damn about you she does not care about the deaths sex slavery drugs criminals coming across our border she has been vice president for nearly 4 years and she did nothing to stop it all she does is complain she says it's not her job but it is her job she does not care about the middle class struggling over inflation the cost of gasoline electricity or the cost of food she does not care if you lose your job or cannot find a job she does not care if you have to run up your credit card she does not care if your family are struggling and she did absolutely nothing to fix it she's the vice president but she just does not care she does not care about women's rights because she supported destroying women's sports and athletic scholarships she wants men to play in women's sports she does not care about protecting little children from sex change operations because she chose tampon Tim as a running mate who believes the state not mothers and fathers should have the final say on sex change operations for their children can you believe it can you believe it can you believe that Camala Harris wants to Outlaw your car and truck and force you to buy electric vehicles whether you like them or not whether you can afford it or not and they don't go far she does does not care how it impacts you or your family Camala Harris does not care about senior citizens because she believes illegal aliens should receive Social Security and Medicare which she knows will bankrupt those Insurance programs making it impossible for you to receive your pension and health care which you paid for for your entire working life that's true she wants to destroy your private Health Care even if you like it even if if your employer contributes to it and she wants Washington DC to make your medical decision she wants Washington to decide what procedures and medicines and care you should receive whether or not you like it is not important Camala Harris had nearly four years to show us who she is she is an uncaring politician with a radical ideology she is a Marxist despite her campaign of lies and flipflops we know who Camala Harris is We Know by her actions and We Know by her in action we know she does not care about working people about the middle class about any of our Great American citizens she does not respect you ask the families of the 13 service member Heroes who died during the surrender of Afghanistan if Camala Harris cares about our young people just ask them that question does she care about our military the answer is no ask the cops in the street trying to protect you from murderers rapists and thugs if Camala Harris cares about law-abiding citizens ask the families of women raped and murdered by illegal aliens and the teenagers cut to shreds by gangs from El Salvador and Venezuela if Camala Harris cares about you Harris has a opposed school choice for poor inner city kids she's opposed police in schools to protect your children and she's defended stocking School library shelves with filthy graphic books she refused to prosecute pedophiles who molested your children when she was Da and AG in California two places she absolutely destroyed does this sound like someone who cares about children come on Harris has failed you she has failed as vice president she has broken trust with you she has done nothing for the middle class Working Families she's done nothing even for hardworking people your eyes don't lie you see it we all see it she's sitting as the vice president of the United States and yet nobody knows who the hell she is she does not give a damn about you this is the real Camala Harris and now she wants a promotion well I'm here to give her a demotion not a promotion she can hide and she can lie all the way through and with her surrogates and the corrupt media but the truth is coming out right now it's already coming out much faster than I thought the American people are smart they will not be manipulated by Hollywood the fake news media and all of the advertising and you deserve a president who respects you talks to you who levels with you and who always has your best interests at heart this November we are going to tell Harris that we've had enough that we can't take it anymore you've done a terrible job Camala you're fired get out get [Applause] out thank you very much we're pleased to be joined today by some Warriors we want Warriors that's what we need and they're friends of mine and they fought by my side and we've done so many things right to try we all know what right to try is you're terminally ill and you weren't able to get our space age great uh medicines cures and we got the right to get it done they tried for 50 years to try and get it done they never got it done we got it done got it done with the help of these people people and so many other things that we did rebuilding our military building the wall we built hundreds of miles of wall these people are great people and some of the best of them are representing the great Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Representatives Dan muser Dan thank you what a job he does handsome devil too he's a handsome devil thank you D guy rener ther guy rest charer what that's the toughest name in all of show bses thank you guys that's great job Lloyd smucker Lloyd thank you very much thank you very much thank you Lloyd John Joyce I saw him take the jacket off that was quite a scene huh that was quite a scene Byron Donalds from Florida who you met the winner and a star [Applause] and a man who right from the beginning was with me he's a tough guy too he used to sit outside it was like 10 degrees below zero and he wouldn't wear even an undershirt and and he's not that pretty to look at I'll be honest but he's a tough cookie and the people of the of the state of the Commonwealth they really they really love him he's a he's a fantastic American fights like hell for everything that's good Congressman Mike Kelly right how's that good job for you thanks Mike good job Mike today he's wearing a shirt I don't want to see it without a Shir Ambassador Carla Sans who did a fantastic job a little while ago and she was a great Ambassador thank you Carla beautiful job today the mayor of Slippery Rock John David Longo John thank you thank you John great job and the man who's going to defeat your terrible Senator Bob Casey Bob Casey by the way just say look I don't want to spend nobody knows who the hell he is his father was there a long time he's there a long time they're tough to beat you know when they I was telling that that they are tough to beat but this guy's a hero he's a star he was a brilliant student everything he ever did he went to Wall Street he became like one of the biggest people and I know it's it's I just see it some of these guys they've been there for years and years and I'm not knocking them they're survivors what they are is survivors more than anything else but this guy is an outstanding person this guy is not a survivor he's somebody that can really turn the country around and somebody that we need and maybe I'd like to have him come up and say a few words Dave McCormack please come on up thank you sir thank you Mr President thank you Mr President we are so proud to have you in the Keystone State this is Ground Zero where you're going to go back to the White House based on what happens here in Pennsylvania right here Ground Zero and Mr President I'm so optimistic that you are going to win in Pennsylvania you're going to win the presidency for two reasons number one when I'm uh going across our great Commonwealth the thing people say they want is common sense leadership the kind of Common Sense leadership you showed when you were president but the second thing the second thing they say they want and I tell them I say listen uh I was there with Mike Kelly and Dan muser and Butler I saw you get shot I saw you come up and I saw strength when you said fight fight fight thank you Mr President we're glad to have you with us here today oh that's he was there by the way he he had just left the stage actually that was good timing that was good timing just left the the stage right I said say hello to Dave and then it began a horrible thing also with us are Bob and Cherry kka where's Bob I gotta see Bob where is he where the hell is Bob my golfing buddy Bob cap so he's the he's the son of two great golfers and they're both phenomenal people one is Brooks he's one of the best just one last week that is some oh look at him he's shooting me as I'm talking you you can't you can't do that you're supposed to be standing up listening to every word he's shooting it I can't believe okay so hey Brooks your father's doing a great job your family is the greatest but Brooks is one of the greatest players in the world he's got five Majors already as a Young Man five Majors that's Hall of Fame all the way right Steve and I'll tell you he gets it from somewhere he gets it from that guy cuz that guy can play we play each other but Trump can play too we play each other we have a good time right we have say hello to the family you two boys everybody okay thank you thank you both Sher thank you great guy great guy great family and two amazing Puerto Rican musical Legends their Legends Justin Kelis and onwell do you know who they are do you know who the hell they are come up here just fast fast fellas come on cuz I don't know if these people know who the hell you are but it's good for the Puerto Rican vote every Puerto Rican is going to vote for Trump right now we'll take I fell thank you Mr President for having us here for me it's a real blessing to be here I'm from Puerto Rico we've we are yeah we a big part of United States we really depend on the United States since Trump hasn't been around Puerto Rico's yeah it's not a secret we've been going through a lot as a country and yeah Biden always promis promis a lot of politicians always promise through the years but all of us know the world knows everybody's experienced it the best president the world has seen this country has ever seen his name is President Trump thank you for having me here to all my Puerto Ricans let's stay United let's vote for Trump I personally spoke with him he wants to help PTO Rico grow and succeed as a country so let's stand all tall and United and we all want to remember that he all he wants to keep helping Latinos in the US let's do things the right way and let's keep growing let's keep growing as a family and let's make America great again God bless you thank you I'll also say a few words is here Mr President I'm beyond honored being here with you today Mr President above all I like you cuz I always say this you're not a puppet I love that about you yeah I really do I back you cuz I feel you're the most honest President we ever had that's true saying things how they are not what you think people want to hear and that's very important a lot of Latinos we stand strong next to president Trump a lot of Latinos we love you as well thank you for sharing what else back there that how important building back Puerto Rico is and not only building up Puerto Rico but let's make America great again let's [Applause] go wow that's great that's really nice great honor fellas very talented guys too uh just one final a friend of mine who's been a friend for a long time one of the most successful people in New York and Florida and all around wherever he goes he's successful he never fails he really does it he's very extraordinary Mr Steve witkoff he's right here Steve stand up thank you thank you Steve thank you got one of the great families too one of the great great fam got a one of his boys is looking down right now very proud of Dad right look down yeah Brothers he's looking down saying I'm so proud of my dad but Steve is just extraordinary so thank you Steve for being here appreciate it thank you from the moment we take back the White House from Camala and crooked Joe we're going to have four of the greatest years in the history of our country it's going to happen we're going to get it done F starting on day one I will seal the border and stop the migrant Invasion into our country we will carry out the largest deportation operation in American history we have no choice we will halt The Invasion and Deport the illegals she will let in the next 15 million people and if they won in four years we will have had over a 100 million people from all over the world enter our country and many of them likewise will be from prison mental institutions gang members criminals we're not going to do it she will destroy this country she's worse than Biden cuz Biden wasn't a real believer in the radical left she is that's all she knew that's what her father taught her a Marxist Professor that's what he taught her we will defeat inflation very quickly and we will make America affordable again people cannot afford to live here here we will make America the dominant energy producer in the world by far I already brought it to number one we were energy independent four years ago look what happened we're energy we're going to be energy dominant very soon we have more Liquid Gold under our feet than any other country in the world and we will use it to reduce taxes and energy costs for our people we will also start paying down debt very substantially in 12 months we will cut your energy bills in half we will cut them in half and that includes heating air conditioning electricity and gasoline I will turn the United States into a manufacturing superpower very quickly we're ready to do that we had the most successful country economically in the history of the world and we'll get it back very fast we will no longer allow foreign countries to take our job and steel our wealth in Mexico that the UAW head doesn't know the people know that's why the people are for me within the UAW United Auto Workers but they're building massive plants they're owned by China they think they're going to make cars sell them into the United States no they're not I will put a 200% tariff on every single car and no car will be coming to the United States we will make our own products and by far less from foreign countries that we are buying right now other countries that make us pay a tax to do business with them will be charged the same tax or tariff when they send their product into the United States it'll be called the Trump reciprocal trade act so if China or any other country charges us a 100% or 200% tariff or tax we will then charge them a 100 or 200% tariff or tax in return I will end the electric vehicle mandate I will cut every job killing regulation of the Harris Biden Administration I cut more regulations than any president in history by far and I gave you the largest tax cuts of any president in history by far and make our auto manufacturing business stronger than ever before we're going to bring in tremendous numbers of factories they going to all be brought in because it's going to be too expensive for people to make them outside they're going to all come back we're going to bring it back we've lost 72% of our automobile manufacturing business over the last 30 years it's going to come back when I'm back in the white house we will pass large tax cuts for workers and no tax on tips no tax on tips so if you're a restaurant worker a bartender a Hospitality worker a caddy a barber driver or anyone else who relies on tip income your tips will be yours you know they've given you inflation they've taken all your money away and you know she heard this and two three months later she said there will be no tax on tips how original that's why we we talk about the American dream she heard that the other day so she'll start talking soon about she's going to bring back the American she's doesn't know what the American dream is I will fight for and protect your Social Security and Medicare with no Cuts whatsoever and we will have no tax on Social Security benefits for our seniors no more attacked yesterday I made a major new announcement if I'm elected this November for the first time ever your government will pay for or require insurance companies to pay for all costs associated with IVF fertility treatment we want more babies to be born in America we want more babies we need them we need them we will cut wasteful and unnecessary spending and we will terminate the green New Deal and spend that money on roads Bridges real infrastructure and paying down debt not fake infrastructure that has caused massive inflation with no benefit whatsoever to our country I will settle the war in Ukraine and I will end the chaos in the Middle East and I will restore peace through strength very [Music] quickly we will end the weaponization of government against the American people we will protect religious liberty and we will end the war on Christmas is back remember 8 years ago I said there's a war on Christmas they were afraid to say Merry Christmas and we had it one but now was how much can it take but we will stop that very quickly just don't buy anybody doesn't say Merry Christmas you don't buy and that'll be back very very quickly when I return to the White House I will also stop the indoctrination of your children and protect your parents rights we're going to protect parents rights we will rebuild our cities including Washington DC making them safe clean and beautiful again in Washington DC you leave the Commonwealth you want to go see the Washington Monument and you end up getting stabbed you look at dirty roads with bad barricades with graffiti all over the marble it's going to be cleaned up real fast we're going to take it over we're going to run it properly and we're going to have tough law enforcement people AR aren't going to be shot in Washington DC anymore and we will keep the US dollar as the world's Reserve currency it's fading we're not going to let that that would be like losing a World War you can't let that happen then we would be a third world nation this is how we will end the era of inflation Mayhem and misery under Cala and crooked Joe we will unleash safety prosperity and peace for Americans of every race religion color and Creed together we will deliver low taxes low regulations low energy costs low interest rates low inflation so that everyone can afford groceries a car and a home we will stop The Invasion end migrant crime support our police strengthen our military build a missile defense Shield all around our country other countries have it why shouldn't we we're going to all make it right here in Pennsylvania and other places going to make a lot of it right here in Pennsylvania from what I hear but Israel has it it worked 300 rocket shot 299 got shot down one got pretty seriously hit but if you think about it it's amazing technology you know Ronald Reagan wanted it many years ago but the technology wasn't there but now the technology is there we're going to have it built we're going to have that Dome built right over us we're going to have a beautiful safe country one way or the other we're going to keep it safe we're going to keep critical race Theory and transgender Insanity the hell out of our schools and we're going to keep men out of women sports we will defend the Second Amendment restore free speech and we will secure our elections everyone will prosper every family will Thrive and every day will be filled with joy and opportunity and hope but for that to happen we must defeat Camala Harris a Marxist and we must stop her country destroying liberal agenda once and for all we have to stop it and I think a lot of things are happening look people are seeing who she is all you had to do is watch yesterday give me a break that's not a president that's not a president that's not a president and we can't let that person destroy our country so get your friends get your family register volunteer and get the hell out to vote okay Front Row Joe right because we want a landslide that is too big to rig too big to RI too big to R and go to swamp theot swamp theote on November 5th we will save our economy we will rescue our middle class we will reclaim our sovereignty and restore our borders we will put America First and we will take back our country together we will make America powerful again we will make America wealthy again we will make America strong again we will make America proud again we will make America safe again we will make America free again and we will make America great again thank you very much Pennsylvania God bless you God bless you thank you thank [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you young man there's no need to feel down I said young man pick yourself off the ground I said young man cuz you're in a new town there's no need to be unhappy young man there's a place you can go I said young man when you're short on your door you can stay there and I'm sure you will find many ways to have a it's fun to stay at the why it's fun to stay it they have ever me to enjoy you can hang out all Bo it's hard to stay YC it's F to stay I you can get yourself clean you can have a good meal you can do whatever you feel young man are you listening to me I said young man what do you want to be I said a young man you can make real your dreams but you got to know this one thing no man does it all by himself I said a young man put your PR on the sh and just go there to the white MCA I'm sure they can help you today it's fun to stay y it's fun to stay y they have everything for you're me to enjoy you can hang out with all the bo it's to stay YCA it's to St YCA you can get yourself clean you can have a good meal you can do whatever you feel young man I was once in your shoes I said I was that's what you call a rally here in Johnstown Pennsylvania another powerful speech by President Donald Trump yeah it sure was it was amazing all the speakers and then leading up to that amazing amazing speech he just he always hits it the nail on the head man it's always great he always inspiring he's always funny here has just a great mix of all the things you need for a speech wonderful wonderful speech I mean more than an hour of course a lot of that speech off of the teleprompter from his mind from his heart to the American people a lot of great energy electricity a lot of joy in this building the first summit arena in Johnstown Pennsylvania so a number of sponsors we want to thank let's start out with none other than Birch gold group all you have to do is text Trump to 98 9898 for more information on Birch gold and I know your family we're all about the gold and the Smith household oh another a bar no really we do we're all about the gold and I've been wanting to get gold myself for a long time my dad always getting it for me and I know how important it is and I know like we said earlier if the dollar ever loses its value you're broke you don't got nothing so getting gold is a way to actually have God's money real money real wealth and speaking of money tax Network USA great group of Patriots will help you no matter what's going on when it comes to the taxes right so go ahead and reach out to them you see that number there on your screen tax Network USA also we want to thank bunker life so your defense against anything when it comes to cyber attacks cyber criminals to your personal information you see bunker there on your screen as well go ahead and reach out to them for more information American financing we always like that one too love that $854 thank you as you see there on your screen $854 a month they'll help save you that money but you have to go through American financing to do that when it comes to your house and Equity uh they'll work on a financial plan for you to help you save that kind of money there we also want to thank the wellness company of course make care great again .c oh we need to help Hydra the chlorin is just one website away yep make care gr uh rsbn is the promo code 15% off a great great kit two kits there an emergency kit and a contagion kit to the wellness company let's go to the free Trump book always good to hey we just saw an amazing speech the free Trump book you want to know more you want to know about the corruption you want to know about how we're going to save America get the free Trump book tell them where free Trump so uh a small shipping shipping and handling fee but guess what a lot of good material there with a free Trump book a number of topics as well let's thank the great my pillow Mike Lindell M Lindo I'm telling you if you don't go to and get yourself some slippers some pillows I I have not gotten rid of those things since I've always I wear them all the time I've literally sleep on that pillow every day I love it am not blowing smoke it's really good 100% nothing more to add to that my rsbn is the promo code and finally for those of you that really love right side Broadcasting Network all you have to do is text rsbn to 80181 rsbn to 80181 any kind of donation is greatly appreciated America we love you so much thank you so much for staying with us throughout the day since 10:30 this morning in John it's been a long day but it's been a good day it has been an awesome day for Titus Alis Smith that's me I'm Matthew Alvarez thank you so much for watching but guess what Nikki stanion will be live in Washington DC as president Trump heads there for another speech tonight at the moms for Liberty so onward onward March as I'm losing my voice but it's all good it's warranted it's been a long day losing the voice for our constitution for our rights and our freedom thank you guys so much for watching we'll see you next time see you next time you ask and we listen we're finally bringing the most requested offer ever get the queen siiz premium my pillow now only1 19998 my pillows made with patented adjustable fill it adjusts to your exact individual needs regardless of your sleep position it helps keep your neck line and holds it shapee all night long so you get the best sleep of your life but that's not all get our six-piece kitchen or bath toall sets only $25 our brand new mattress topper is low as $69.98 get our famous my pillow bed sheets for as low as $25 and so much more so go to or call the number on your screen use your promo code to get huge discounts on all my pillow products including the premium queen-size my pillow only $19.98 that's the lowest price ever don't delay order today from all of us here at my pillow F America hey y'all it's silk from diamond and silk don't forget to catch the diamond and silk chitchat live show right here on rsbn that's right rsbn now that's right side broadcasting network okay see y'all soon bye-bye hi folks this is rsbn founder and CEO Joe seals here in these crazy times there is peace of mind and security security for our country security for our leaders and security for our families but think about this if you have all your eggs in one basket you are not financially secure gold and silver are an excellent way to diversify your savings they're a hedge against inflation and through my friends at the Birch gold group you can own physical gold and silver in a tax sheltered retire account there's one thing you can do today to secure your family savings just text the word Trump to 9898 98 and receive a free info kit on Gold Plus in August only on any purchase you make Birch gold is giving away free Trump silver coins this brand new one-of-a-kind silver coin features Trump boldly raising his fist in the moments after the attempt on his life you don't want to miss your chance to own this special piece of History a celebration of a leader dedicated to our security preserving in the security of a precious metals coin so secure your savings today and get your free Trump silver coins text Trump to 998 9898 today that's Trump to the number 98 9898 welcome to the right side broadcasting network we're not like the other media Outlet out there that cut and edit what other people say in 2015 we were created by our founder Joe seals to cover president Donald J Trump's speeches and rallies to which we continue to do to this day we've also covered important conservative events like CPAC tpusa March for Life and many other important events and hearings around the country we were made for people like you everyday Americans who are tired of the mainstream media who are tired of being lied to manipulated and fed an agenda our goal here at right side broadcasting is to allow you to see the truth giving our correspondents and commentators a wide latitude to speak their minds you won't find anything like this in the mainstream media your support through your donations locals and supporting our advertisers allows us to continue to cover important events around the country each and every day so from from us here at right side broadcasting thank you for supporting us and the right side of [Music] History e

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