LIVE REPLAY: President Trump Hosts a Town Hall in La Crosse, WI - 8/29/24

Published: Aug 29, 2024 Duration: 03:05:21 Category: News & Politics

Trending searches: trump town hall tonight
e e e now of Lacrosse Wisconsin where president Trump the arena where president Trump will be speaking in just uh not too long from now in a couple minutes from now actually a little bit longer than that but but he'll be here soon but uh I'm back I'm Paul and Gracia I'm joined by Megan over here and we're here of course again in Lacrosse Wisconsin this is a double header day of events president Trump is wrapping up or just wrapped up his event there in Michigan a little while ago and he'll be coming here to Wisconsin uh not in a in a little in a little bit from now um obviously these are two states that are key to president Trump's electoral success in 2024 um this is of course the rust Bel region of the country where you have many Trump supporters on the ground the enthusiasm is really through the roof and you know we say that all the time but this stadium is packed to the rafters Megan not a single empty seat in store and this is a big Stadium I mean the we talked to a few people outside before lacrosse isn't you know it's not Milwaukee it's not the biggest city in the state of Wisconsin but you know for all these people to come out here and to fill this up at least 10,000 people I would say oh yeah this Arena's completely full and you can even see all the way to the top rows behind the stage the the people are packed in here we actually had to have everyone go sit in their seats to see if we had any more room to let more people in so there are still people waiting still people waiting to get in here and it's absolutely packed I think we should start filling NFL stadiums what about you I think so too he definitely could do it at this pace I mean you know for all the media and all the media what they're saying about Camala Harris and the momentum on her side that is not true at all you see it right here on the ground the Grassroots just the enthusiasm among uh the people here in Wisconsin really all over uh the Midwest that are coming out here to show their support for president Trump and obviously this has a rally like atmosphere but technically it's not a rally it's a town hall where the president will be sitting here um a little while from now and he has a stage set up with American flags behind us with a bunch of seats um we'll see how what the format will be whether he'll be soliciting questions or obviously the theme is to go into jobs and and economic renewal which has obviously been a centerpiece of his campaign platform this year in 2024 but you know this is a guy the president obviously um is is right at home with long form type conversations unlike Camala Harris who just did a an interview with CNN and they had to cut that down to like 18 minutes it couldn't even fill up the whole half hour long segment because she does such a bad job when she's not on script and even when she's on script unless she's getting it uh spoonfed to her in terms of the policies and the ideas she um short circuits she really does short circuit B it so it's it's not a pretty sight with her Trump Donald Trump does a really good job when he's right um with the Grassroots and with the American people absolutely and on that note about the economy we need to talk about Birch gold here in these crazy times this there's peace of mind and security security for our country security for our leaders and security for our families but think about this if you have all your eggs in one basket you're not financially secure gold and silver are an excellent way to diversify your savings they're a hedge against inflation and through my friends at Birch gold group you can own physical gold and silver in a tax sheltered retirement account this one thing you can do today to secure your family savings text the word Trump to 9898 8 98 and receive a free info kit on Gold Plus in August only on any purchase you make the Birch gold group is giving away free Trump silver coins this brand new one-of-a-kind silver coin features Trump boldly raising his fist in moments after the attempt on his life that's an iconic photo you don't want to miss your chance to own this special piece of History a celebration of a leader dedicated to our security preserved in the security of a precious metal coin so secure your saving savings today and get your free Trump silver coins text the word Trump to 98 9898 today and that's Trump to the number 98 9898 amazing I mean the atmosphere in here incredible High Energy electric these people are very excited many of whom we talked to online before Megan this is like their first Trump event this is the first time that they'll they're seeing president Trump in person so it's going to be a great event for so many of these people here from Wisconsin obviously they understand the importance and the stakes of this election as well as anyone and um you know the emphasis on the economy in a state like Wisconsin that has been decimated by the globalist and and the uni party and the ruling class in Washington DC over decades and decades and decades Outsourcing our jobs Outsourcing our automobile industry to places like Mexico and China and India and all these other places these people felt those effects firsthand and um they they've seen the damage to their community so for president Trump to come in here traditional Union Town a white collar uh a blue collar workingclass town and to appeal across the aisle making these Outreach efforts to traditional democratic voters I think is a big move for him and it just shows how much he's expanding the base and he's basically now the party of unity he's unifying um our our our country really is unifying the country and taking people who are traditional disenchanted Democrats Independents moderates conservatives liberals and bringing them on to the magga train which is the party of Common Sense and you see it with the economic policy breakdown compare president Trump with Camala Harris he's for lowering taxes he's not going to be imposing price controls which is something that Kamal Harris has entertained on the campaign Trail her policies have been very light to um to to be sure I mean she has not gone into specifics and she's unable to go into specifics about what her plans are for the country other than being for open borders and you know I I saw earlier before Elon Musk dug up an old tweet that she posted from 2017 saying no illegal alien or no undocumented migrant uh has committed a crime it's not a crime to cross the border illegally which is totally absurd ridiculous but president Trump obviously Pro bringing jobs back to this country reducing taxes um you know he's going to close our border bring manufacturing back he talks so much about rebuilding our national economy physically actually rebuilding our cities that have fallen into the Wayside by Democratic hands right but um yeah here in the Midwest I feel that the traditional Democrats that were union workers uh you know in the manufacturing industry they were the party of um the blue collar Americans back in the day they were Democrats but I feel that now that the left has gone so far radical left that they've really abandoned those voters and now they're seeking a haven over here with the Republicans and you're absolutely right Donald Trump is bringing all the people together from Left Right and center the radical radical leftists can stay over there like the Communists we're not going to get on board with them they're not going to get on board with us but as far as everybody else Donald Trump is really bringing everyone together and that's important here in the Midwest it's really important people are frustrated um just how radical the direction of the country has gone over the past four years you look at this latest um indictment by Jack Smith which is really the old indictment he took off a few counts and tried to refashion it for um president Trump in light of uh the recent Supreme Court decision that found that President Trump and all presidents are immune of official acts conducted um while in office of course president Trump never committed any crime whether it falls under official or unofficial however you want to parse that legal distinction but the fact that Smith has now tried to Lodge this separate indictment against President Trump in addition to what we know is going on and of course Fanny Willis's office in Georgia and uh judge Maran in New York City I mean the law fair has has already been ated on unprecedented level we've never seen the weaponization of the justice department against the leading candidate to become the next president of the United States we've never seen that in the country before but for them to be doing it now 2 and 1/2 months less than 60 well 60 or so days until election day less than 30 days in certain States like Virginia um where they're going to begin early voting in other states as well New Jersey and a few other states are already beginning early voting in less than 30 days so the fact that they're coming out now with all these indictments screams election interference to me I'm sure it does to you and so many other people oh yeah I mean they've been attacking him since day one basically since he said he was going to run in back in 2015 2016 that era all the way up until now I mean even when OB when Biden was in office they still were attacking Trump on the media like the mainstream media is obsessed with him and the Democrats will stop at nothing to keep attacking him no matter what they do they've attacked his character they've attacked his businesses they have attacked him legally tried to take his life but now they're back doing it legally again I mean they're not going to give up and even when Donald Trump's wins I don't think they're going to give up then either I know well the hope is obviously that he'll get in and once he gets in we say when not if when he gets in when he gets in when he gets in he'll be able to clean up a lot of the corruption that has permeated um so much of our deep State the administrative agencies the intelligence agencies and perhaps most acute of all of that is the Department of Justice uh under Merck Garland which I don't know I mean people blows my mind to see this as an attorney and just speaking to so many other lawyers doesn't matter if they're a Democrat Republican you know Alan dershwitz is a lifelong Democrat and he says he's never seen anything like this in our country before this is unheard of to see them weaponized Justice against a president of the United States who's really hasn't done anything other than he wants to make America great again he wants to bring prosperity and jobs back to this country he cares about this country he cares about preserving our fundamental rights and freedoms our right to speak our right to assemble our Second Amendment right to bear arms that's really all it's about it's about preserving our constitutional republic and and and going back to the common sense policies the normal basically back to normaly that's what he wants for this country and all that is good all that is normal and all that is based in common sense all that has gone out the window under Biden and Harris and the two of them you know we've said this before they're twps in the Pod Harris's agenda is the same as Joe Biden Joe Biden is Camala Harris the only difference is maybe Cala Harris is more of a True Believer so to speak of the woke agenda of the Communist agenda they call her comrade kamla for a reason she's a true card carrying communist unlik Joe Biden who pretends to be one was all battered down and basically one foot in the nursing home right yeah Camala I mean I check her website every day for her platform I'm like what are you campaigning on and then they don't have anything on there still all they have is information on how to volunteer or donate and then information about her and Waltz so they don't have anything on their platform laid out like President Trump does on he has all 20 points laid out then you can click over to a PDF and really see the breakdown of what he's going to do and how he's going to accomplish all of his um pieces of his agenda so it just is so much more transparency on the Republican side versus the Democrat side and I mean they don't want to admit that they're basically implementing communism so they have to cover it up but if you really pay attention they do leak it out sometimes they do start sprinkling in what they want to do um Chuck Schumer mentioned getting rid of the filibuster so you don't have to pass the 60 vote threshold in the Senate which would allow them to Implement all of their radical bills which is just really scary it is um and then I mean they're they want to have a huge ta tax hikes as far as the inheritance tax they want a raise from 20% to 40% they want the unrealized gains tax housing I mean which doesn't even make sense no it doesn't uh you raise unrealized capital gains you're basically punishing hardworking Americans for saving money exactly and if they don't if they don't liquidate their assets if they don't liquidate their portfolio they're going to be taxed into Oblivion it's it's it's truly radical it's truly it's actually evil really is evil the whole point of buying real estate right was to have an asset and invest in it and then as soon as you invest in it and you're like oh wow my appraisal went up now now my house is worth more but now you have to pay the extra taxes on that it's just ridiculous whether you sell it or not it is ridiculous and um on the note of taxes while we're speaking of taxes another word from our sponsors the tax tax Network USA for all those who are struggling with back taxes or unfiled Returns the IRS is escalating collections adding 20,000 new agents and sending over 5 million 5 million uh new people um tax collection letters to kick off 2024 and these challenging times your best defense is tax Network USA don't let the IRS don't let Joe Biden's IRS take advantage of you with over 14 years of experience tax Network USA has saved their clients over a billion dollars that's billion with a B in back taxes no matter the size of your tax issue their expertise is your advantage they specialize in negotiating with the IRS aiming to significantly reduce your debt tax Network USA doesn't just negotiate it also protect your assets with IRS seizures from IRS seizures and manage your yearly returns for on ongoing compliance which is so so important importantly they are licensed help with all state tax issues regardless of where you live so all 50 states they're licensed to help you out in your tax needs the clock is ticking don't wait as IRS steps up its game seiz control now of your financial future contact tax Network USA for immediate relief and expert guidance that's 1800 3571 415 or visit TN rsbn don't let tax issues overpower you turn to tax Network USA and find your path to financial peace of mind today but you know you're going to need more professionals like this I know if you have Kamal Harris back in charge because listen as you said 40% off um you know what did you say the inheritance tax 20 and they want it up to 40 to which is incredible capital gains to Oblivion um she claims now she wants no tax on tips in reality that policy she stole and plagiarized from Donald Trump she'll never Implement that um and and listen your taxes and everything else will get much worse under her uh as compared to Donald Trump so uh just to your point Megan you're 100% correct with that yeah and they hired all these extra thousands of IRS agents to come and audit or stalk everybody and they armed them they arm them too people forget about that yeah so what does that say so she's really looking out for us as far as taxes go and she's really going to help the Housing Industry with that unrealized capital gains tax on your houses right exactly and of course with her as well fiscal policy she's going to be spending like crazy I mean she doesn't they don't the thing about the Democrats is they spend money they just throw money at everything there's an old tweet from president Trump that came out came back from like 10 years ago uh and he said I sure hope UFOs don't visit the United States cuz if we discover aliens first thing the United States government will do is start throwing money at them which is true you know you talk to the Ukrainian uh friend before outside who visited Ukraine the amount of money that we've dropped on Ukraine over $200 billion more than that over the past four years for a losing effort yeah you compare that to Afghanistan and Iraq Washington spends money and it creates inflation at home it hurts the American Consumer regular American citizens and the world somehow is wor is is worse off than it was if we had not spent anything in the first place so how's that figure people don't know how to spend money they can't do it in a fiscally responsible way and president Trump will bring all that back to Washington DC when he's elected uh in a couple months from now yeah I mean the career politicians have never done anything in business so they have no idea how it works how to balance everything and to save when they can make things run more efficiently they never had to do that so with our government I mean when people say government money it's taxpayer funded like we are paying that money it doesn't come out of thin air the government doesn't make money they just take money from us exactly so it don't look at it as oh the government's spending money like they're spending our money on that they're wasting it all the time they waste it so they spend our money and then they print money that they don't have that creates the more in debt to countries like China who'll buy us bonds and we become more indebted to them and as a result in order to stop all this since it's over Camala Harris's head she doesn't understand the economy at all she never built a business for her um you know she proposes price controls to stop the effects of inflation so what does that do if you look at all of history if you look at Venezuela if you look at Yar Germany implementing price controls to stop inflation leads to hyperinflation and then you're going to have something like the Great Depression if not even worse than that so it's going to put a lot of people at a jobs rationing and um going to get food shortages and already our supply chains are very very weak as a result of this Biden economy Biden nomics calics has brought this economy to near ruin we're not in a good shape we're basically in a recession if you look at the metrics you look at employment you look at growth our growth has stagnated we've become very very slow growing as an economy if not negative growth and all that uh just speaks to how poor the economy is under Joe Biden and Cal Harris yeah it was pretty jarring when I heard that she wanted to implement price controls to combat inflation I mean they're causing the inflation that's what they do it's the broken leg fallacy right we're going to break your leg and then we're also going to give you the solution to fix it but it's a never ending cycle so for them to implement price controls it's going to lead to Communism it's going to lead to rationing it's going to lead to bad quality products it's just going to be a mess and it's scary and anyone you talk to that's escaped a communist country and seen how that affects their economy in the communist countries and then they come to America and they see it here and they're running around telling everybody like red alert and Americans who have never experienced anything like this or have not studied history they're just like oblivious to it so we're trying to get the word out you need to study this study history we got to spread the word we got to study history the other thing about it too is Cal Harris just like this past week again said that she's going to build like 3 million she'll she'll she'll build housing to for 3 million new people meanwhile they have no place to put these illegal aliens the only jobs that she's created has been for illegal aliens they're putting them in like once five-star hotels like the Roosevelt Hotel in New York City stacking these hotels with illegal migrants she claims she's going to build houses she can't build houses she doesn't know how to build anything she can't even probably make herself a cup of coffee in the morning the bottom line is if she were to try to build houses they would first of all probably be for the illegals but secondly she'd use cheap imported Chinese products you spoke about quality Megan you're in housing you know good quality from bad quality I mean do you think Cala Harris she she has no capacity to build housing for Americans or or to you know reignite our housing markets where Americans can't even get out of mortgage cuz prices are so high insurance rates are so high what do you think of all that I mean I don't think she has any background real estate at all she has no background in building or construction or the labor that goes into it I mean there's so much that goes into building any kind of real estate she has nothing to do with that so she would probably just end up wasting a lot of money like we were saying before she doesn't know how to do it with in a quality way or an efficient way and I think that it would just turn into some big government it would just be like a a messy plan and I think it' be a waste of money too they'll put graffiti on it it'll be ried her houses if she ever put anything up she'd have BLM and antifa spray painted and it look ugly and just cause more eyesores and not a lot of good things make our country even uglier than already is in a lot of these major cities so you know it's it's incredible Donald Trump is the only real Builder also the other thing that I wanted to talk about in terms of building we're at the border Donald Trump was at the border a little while ago about a week or two ago and he compared his border wall to I don't even know if you call a wall her fence like it's a half built Camala fence she's obviously all four illegals coming into the country Donald Trump's wall is like 30 ft High you can't get through that even if you tried it just goes again to his building skills and his ability to seal off our borders and do what's best for the American people yeah that's a perfect example of how she would she said something about the border wall that she was going to build and then when it comes down to it it's like a little dinky fence that's probably what would happen with this housing that she's talking about she'd talk about how great the housing Project's going to be but then it would be empty promises and then when you actually see it it would probably be a disaster it would be a disaster the only type time they want fences and house and and walls is around their homes crazy and at the DNC crazy Chuck and crazy Nancy both of them want uh their houses to be secure and safe from illegals and crime but for the American citizen they could they couldn't care less you know they they say screw the American citizen this crowd is wild I mean they are so excited see President Trump but again you know the Democrats are the biggest Hypocrites in the book and they and the again as you said they they've never held a proper job in their life they've never owned a business they've never built up a successful business they can't do anything on their own they can't manufacture they don't know good quality product if it hit them in the face right and I also want to point out how enthusiastic everyone is here I mean for this crowd over here this is like crazy I've never been to any Town Halls from any past Republicans but I can only imagine how uh different it would feel at those versus this one you hear the words town hall and for any other politician it's like ah this must be boring president Trump this is a party atmosphere yeah it is it's electric in here I CAU some video we'll post it on Twitter later by the way at Paul andrasi on Twitter Megan I don't know yeah but we'll post that video electric electric atmosphere yeah I I can only imagine how it was in years past with like Mitt Romney or McCain or whoever else was running for the for the Republicans how uh dry a town hall might have been very dry for sure versus this I mean every event I've been to for Trump feels like a rally even if it's not a rally and people were dying to get in here I mean there was a crowd wrapped around outside we all had to come to our seats to make sure there were seats open to see if they could allow more people to come in and do you think the Democrats have anything like that going on I mean I've never seen that before probably thousands of people are waiting outside this Arena holds about maybe 10 15,000 people not single empty seat all literally all the way all the way to the top you have people with their backs pushed up against the wall behind our camera over here incredible incredible sight to behold they're starting the wave they're starting the the wave at a town hall it's like a sports arena it's like a sport atmosphere this like a playoff game or like a concert again you don't need any celebrities you don't need Taylor Swift you don't need beon you just need the biggest and greatest entertainer and president of all time Donald John Trump exactly we don't need any we don't need to bribe anyone with fake concerts or anything like that I remember Hillary Clinton had a Jay-Z concert back in the day to try to get people to come to Cleveland and then now at the DNC they're pretending that Taylor Swift and Beyonce are going to come and then they didn't obviously L but they are trying to get people in the door we don't need that here we don't need that we don't need the gimmicks no no gimmicks we do a lot of gimmicks you have Tim Walls doing his dance on stage looking like a real pathetic loser I mean that's a that guy's a clown talking to a lot of people I mean Minnesota is right next to obviously right next to Wisconsin a lot of people kind of drove in from Minnesota and they're like this guy's a radical true radical communist he's not just he's radical he's also very very incompetent you can see by the way he acts on stage he acts like a child I mean actually that's an insult to Children most children don't act the way Tim walx on stage to have that guy even anywhere close to the White House would be a true National Disgrace and Americans see right through it they see right through the BS they know this guy is crazy they know she needs to lean on him she's like the Comfort puppy or he is the Comfort dog for her for him these people are crazy this is amazing this is amazing but so fun wait that was a good point about Tim Waltz though Ahad and I thought it was really interesting that that was the pick because I really thought the Democrats were going to try to play the middle again but they really didn't they went really far left uh radical with Tim Waltz and I thought it was really funny at the DNC that CNN admitted that with Tim Waltz they are targeting low testosterone men putl on PA for second they are chanting USA look at it sometimes got just pause and just like bask in right the atmosphere of the Trump this is a self pep rally like no one's leading this they're just doing it themselves and obviously I want to go back to that point about Tim wall before we forget but it's funny these rallies are historic they're iconic in every way possible obviously we want president Trump to win on November 5th obviously the country needs him to win on November 5th but these rallies you know this is like the final stretch of the Trump campaign rally it's kind of Bittersweet in certain ways it's it's almost you know it's sad in a certain way cuz take it all in just take it all in yeah you got to really take it all in for those of you who are watching at home thank you so much for tuning in to rsvn all day long um you know we'll trying to give you the best coverage right from the floor you know to give you a sense of how it feels inside this Stadium this is a stadium um you know for those of you who can't be here who are just watching on your TV or computer but go back to the Tim wall point I didn't mean to cut you off I thought it was really funny that CNN actually one of the anchors admitted that they said something about how the Democrat men are like low testosterone compared to the Republican men and I thought that was really funny and that Tim Waltz was a representation of that he is he is the embodiment of uh low testosterone there's a reason why well I to say on this network tampon Tim that's the nickname cuz he wants Tamp that's his that's Liz claim to fame that's his only policy we've heard from that guy tampons in men's bathrooms isn't that a pressing issue in America very according in his head it clearly is but uh it's crazy it just shows you said far left with Cal Harris and even further left with him horrible horrible things going on yeah I don't know if you had any more to add to that but um it's just crazy it's crazy what do you think about the men on the right versus the men on the left well one thing about Tim Wallace is he he also another thing that I know about him um with the Italian-American civil rights League which was Italian-American Community endorsing president Trump he's been one of the greatest Advocates Tim WS has for tearing down the statutes of Christopher Columbus OH yes George Washington Thomas Jefferson so he's waged a war on our National Heritage and National culture obviously these are our heroes these are the great leaders who built our country and we're you know all of us are in there as Shadows these are great men in Western history and for someone like Tim Walls who obviously is animated and driven by Envy and resentment he sees a figure like Christopher Columbus or George Washington and he looks at that psychologically knows I can never be that guy I could never be on that level I can't even be can't even hold a candle to this guy I so he sees that and obviously when there's a call by the antifa or BLM to tear it down he's like 100% on board for doing that 100% so it makes sense but that kind of also answers your question as well these are not strong people they're not you know both men and women on that side and that's why people are waking up Real Americans you know the you go outside the yard signs bumper stickers I mean you can't see a Camala Harris yard sign in sight once in a blue moon literally in a blue moon and now because elections coming up I do see a little bit but before that never but it's like Nancy Pelosi's house or meric arland's house like someone in government not some like regular americ regular American people all over the place are are Trump supporters so you know it just shows that the enthusiasm there's a huge enthusiasm gap between President Trump and the Maga movement and camela Harris who most Americans don't even know you know she can't even answer questions to the media they Shield her and shelter her from uh you know asking questions from the mainstream media and they protect her so you know the big debate between the two of them next month a couple days actually two less than two weeks now September 10th so that'll be you know it's on enemy territory so to speak um you know with the mainstream Network it's not on you know it's not on our Network it's not on real America's Voice or one of those other networks but having said that I think president Trump is going to do really well in terms of exposing her and exposing her to the American people how do how do you think that whole thing that whole debate will go down oh yeah I mean I think she's been scared to debate him this whole time because she doesn't stand upon like a firm foundation of a anything of a platform or like what is she campaigning on she has nothing that's solid like she will say something and then take it back like when she talked about price controls then everyone like freaked out and she took it back so she doesn't have a firm foundation of what she really believes in or stands upon or what she's going to campaign for so I think she's going to be so shaky in the debate and that's why she's so scared to do it she wants notes she wants tip and there she's nervous she wants the questions ahead of time it's she's shaking in her boots obviously because she knows president Trump's going to run circles around her exactly and listen she tried doing a CNN I guess like interview SL toown Hall and they had to cut it down to 18 minutes it was an unmitigated disaster for her uh she was probably spoonfed the questions like Hillary Clinton was spoonfed those questions from Don Brazil back in 201 but even that she can't do it she can't answer a question she's unable to do it so she speaks in rhyme she speaks like very circular and she doesn't make sense it's word salad they call it word salad that's how she speaks so um you know you put her up in a head-to-head matchup against President Trump and I don't think it's going to be pretty good for her at all reminds me of when I was in college and you had to hit a certain word count on the paper that's how she speaks just like in circles it's weird it doesn't make any sense but I think she really just relies on her notes or the teleprompter or practicing ahead of time it's all so so scripted but she doesn't really know or believe or stand upon this stuff that's why she can't just do it off the cup she zero convictions zero convictions whatsoever and um you can't win you can't win an election if you stand on nothing and you sell yourselfself out to everybody and everything and that is Camala Harris in a nutshell I think we have another word from our sponsor over here we go over here there's nothing more important than your health so let's talk about it America listen up the world is getting more unpredictable by the day we've got assassination attempts rumors of Civil War and unstable stock market and now the looming threat of the bird flu is on everyone's mind did you know there's a bird flu Summit coming in October it's ear yearly REM reminiscent of event 2011 that foreshadowed the covid-19 planemic and get this the first topic on the agenda is mass fatality management planning that's creepy if that doesn't send chills down your spine I don't know what will but here's the good news you don't have to be scared if you're prepared the wellness company created the contagion emergency kit and every home in America should have at least one of these kits they're packed with life-saving meds like Ivor macin hydroxy chloroquin antibiotics like a zpack and it's all backed by experts like Dr PETA Maro imagine this no more frantic searches for a doctor no more emergency waiting rooms just a few clicks and this kits delivered to your door in times like these having your contagion emergency kit is not just a luxury it's actually a necessity and protect your family by preparing right now go to TWC health. Health rsbn that's tww c. health rsbn and grab your contagion emergency kit right now now tww c. health rsbn is the website and use the code rsbn to save $45 at checkout and kits are only available in the USA by the way and nothing's more important than your health so make sure you take care of it absolutely and you know we hear about health a lot Robert Kennedy made part of his platform where he's now saying make America healthy again and obviously so much news about that endorsement over the past week week Megan um between him and Tulsi gabard two former Democrats actually Tulsi gabard was the one who many claim uh destroyed Camala Harris during that 2020 uh Democratic primary on on that debate stage she was the one who knocked her out and Camala couldn't get above single digits in that 2020 primary if you recall and I'm sure many of our audience recalls as well so to have her who's she was a progressive Democrat she was a Bernie Sanders um Congress person and and and and politician so to have someone like her and then and to also have someone like Robert Kennedy and obviously the Kennedy name is political royalty in the Democratic um party you know they you know you talk about the clintons you talk about um you know Obama Biden Kennedy is like you know up there with number one in terms of oh yeah uh American uh you know historic American Democratic political family so to have him cross the aisle yeah the son of Robert Ken Kennedy the namesake for you know one of America's uh finest politicians who never got to realize his dreams and of course John F Kennedy being his uncle to have that support Donald Trump just goes to show one how radical the Democratic party has shifted over the past 60 years really over the past 10 20 years and number two um how president Trump really represents everything that's traditionally American he represents the last best best hope for our great country for our Republic and for our constitution Cal Harris sells her out to the world sells herself out to China Ukraine whatever it might be she's looking out for globalist interests she's not putting America First and Americans first and she really couldn't care less about um the average American person so such a star contrast and you know it's kind of a roundabout way he talked about how Robert Kennedy support behind president Trump huge huge momentum Builder or or huge huge game changer for president Trump huge game changer I mean a Kennedy's never endorsed a republican before and so that alone right there is historic you have to go back to maybe the father Joe Kennedy senior endorsing like Calvin kulage in the there you go or or Herbert Hoover in the 30s so it's a long time for sure long almost 100 years yeah so I was really excited about the RFK endorsement especially because I'm such a health nut and I know that he is too he wants to investigate the FDA the DC and all these big corporations that are in in cose with each other to make profits off of Americans being sick and I always thought to myself if we were all healthy and our mental illnesses were gone chronic illness gone imagine how much of a Powerhouse we could be in America if all Americans were actually healthy too right exactly yeah and chronic illness has run rampant in this country and that's why RFK really wants to investigate this because there's toxins in the food p pesticides genetically modified food um everything should be organic why is it that when you go to Europe you can eat a whole pizza and you don't have a stomach ache and then you have one slice in America and you have a stomach ache like what is this I know I mean you hear about chronic illness all the time obviously you hear about the Obesity rates I mean over 70% of the country is overweight and I think close to a majority now is obese that shouldn't be that it has a lot to do with the chemicals and preservatives that they put in the food products these days a lot of garbage that they feed especially American school children people in public schools people with lower income and lower uh financial means you know they're not getting the best nutrition and it's really bad if you have children under the age of 18 miners taking in ingesting bad food I mean it has lifelong effects I mean I think uh RFK Jr talked about how now one in three Americans have fatty liver disease that's something I was unheard of 50 years ago right and that goes again to the food the type of food we're eating now and all the preservatives and stuff we're eating I mean fatty liver disease as a result of all the toxins and the preservatives and the seed oils and all the garbage in the food because your liver is what filters that out right so I can only imagine how many people have an issue with their liver in America especially with drinking on top of it too I mean alcohol's fun obviously but the thing about RFK is he also speaks out against seed oils and Seed oils are canola oil uh soybean oil there's like eight of them so you could look that up but seed oils are highly inflammatory to the body and they're subsidized by the government cuz I always wondered why don't why don't packaged Foods use olive oil or coconut oil or ghee or butter or beef towel or something like that but it's subsidized by the government so it makes it cheaper to make these processed foods with the seed oils in it exactly yeah and the seed oils cause such inflammatory in the inflammatory responses in the body and obesity and if we just cut the seed oils right there that will be a night and day difference and it's not only it's all those issues and that's so true that's an excellent point Megan but also among men I think it it's been linked to lower testosterone lower Vitality among men and you're seeing like birth rates plummet especially across Western countries the United States is below replacement level in terms of birth rates which means a generation from now you're not going to have a population unless you get those birth rates out and the goal in order to um resolve that and kamala's view has been just to import tens and 20 and 30 40 million illegals across the southern border and then um and then not only that they prioritize them give them social security cards give them driers licenses in States like New York and other deep blue States like California there are strong pushes to put them on voter rols to get them to vote and local and County and state elections and if they start there they're going to obviously be in Federal elections you know soon maybe even this year there's obviously a real concern that illegal aliens and other ineligible voters at aate residence and other ineligible voters deceased voters will appear on voter roles so that's a major problem and that's something that um hopefully more Americans are waking up to and more courts are waking up to more conservative judges are waking up to because the evidence for it is undeniable it's staggering it's it's overwhelming that illegals are here they're infiltrating voter roles especially in States like Pennsylvania with the Democrat Governor shielding that information from the public with Josh Shapiro um so that remains a problem but uh luckily we have a lot of people on the grounds waking up and fighting it and making sure our elections are secure but obviously there's more room to get involved and I don't know if there if you want to talk about that how how our audience can potentially get involved I know I made a lot of points here so there might be more that you want to say but okay I'll talk about this and then I'll go back to a fews said so there's a website called protectthe please go to that website you can either type it in or you can go to go to the tab and then go to the part that says protect the boat there's a tab there that says that takes you to the website too but there are critical states listed on this website that are really suceptible to voter fraud so please if you are able to sign up to be a poll Watcher volunteer to be a poll Watcher and make sure that they're not cheating we need to make keep a close eye on all these uh voting poll stations because I know that the American people are all going to vote for Donald Trump I know there's going to be a huge wave make sure you still go out and vote especially a place like wisc oh yeah I know so make sure you go out and vote tell all your friends and family to vote early if you can but we need to keep a close eye to make sure that we mitigate the cheating because you know that the Democrats are going to fight tooth and nail and they're going to be in there trying to cheat so please sign up to be a PO Watcher and that website is protectthe also if you're a lawyer even if you're not barred in a state like Pennsylvania you're an out of state lawyer obviously the key states are Pennsylvania Wisconsin Michigan Arizona Georgia North Carolina all the key Battleground States but you know if you're barred in those States and you're able to help out and give some of your time go same website you could sign up for that but also um if you're not there's still opportunities to get involved um you could either do phone banking or whatever it might be there's a need for um obviously attorneys and people to look over the election sites in general so go to that website for that as well if you're an attorney or you know an attorney and um the other thing also I want to add before we go back is vote early you know there's early voting beginning in some states less than 30 days from now so make sure you get your vote in that way the RNC has your vote all counted and tabulated and they know it's secure and in the system and once you get your vote in you get your friends your family your spouse your wife your husband your children your nephew nieces get all those people people make sure they're registered and they vote and once they get their uh votes in then you get your friends and all other people as well but that's why it's so important as well to you know by the time Trump gets in there we'll have voter ID same day voting paper ballots and uh citizen verification but until we get to that point we got to play by the rules as we have them as they're advised by uh liberals and Democrats and people who don't want to change the system so that means we have to get in and get our vote locked in early this cycle to make sure we get president Trump back in the White House absolutely and that website one more time is protectthe so I want to bring it back to something that you said that was a really great connection you made with the low birth rates for Americans and infertility and I remember Donald Trump mentioned this when RFK came to endorse him he mentioned how big of an issue infertility is and if you know anyone who's had that had that problem it is a big issue in America and it's rising people didn't used to have such issues having children as they are now and and it's definitely linked to the unhealthy lifestyle that Americans have all the toxins in the food toxins in the water heavy metals inundating us through all different ways vaccines water the food Cosmetics it's bad so that's all playing into the infertility and the low birth rates right and mental health too and mental health I mean you have so many people now depressed really on the left not on the right they're all happy here we're Democrat uh Camala alley everyone's on uh psychiatric meds or whatever it might be they're depressed they're unhappy and so much so much of the relief to depression is just natural good quality food high quality food going outside not spending all your day behind the screen or behind the TV not being demoralized by the mainstream media eating healthy staying in shape and interacting with people in person that's it's really basic it's going back to the basics exactly and really a lot of our problems in this country could be resolved by simple common sense going back to the basics and that's really all president Trump stands for in a nutshell he's just going returning to the basics you more great points to make he said that when RFK was in Arizona endorsing him president Trump said he was going to put RFK and other um industry experts in charge of investigating our food system because it is so hard to find good quality food these days especially with all the factory farming all the animals are sick that's why they have to pump them with all the meds and then they have to pasteurize the milk at such a high heat level and then it kills all the good enzymes I could go on about this for days but the best thing you can do now is go to a local Farm try to find pasture raised organic good quality food that's what's going to be great for your health and also about the population I didn't even make this connection till you said it our birth rat's going down as Americans but then the Democrats are importing the illegal immigrants into America so they're really replacing us with the people from other countries illegally and then getting them to vote so that's something that they've had on their playbook forever I mean Des duza made a movie called Hillary's America did you see that yes yes so they they laid it out right there how the Democrats have been doing this forever it's the same exact Playbook they just plug and play into a different day and age and that's what they're doing again in another way absolutely absolutely it is the same exact Playbook and really you look through history look at the fall of the Roman Empire how did they collapse it wasn't through outside Invasion I mean was the strongest Empire arguably in history I mean next to the United States number one and two you could do the ranking there but they fell they collapsed from becoming decadent and importing so many foreign languages cultures and not giving them enough time to assimilate you know Trump is fine for legal legal immigration we need people we need High skilled laborers intelligent people high IQ people but those are you know those are types of people who could assimilate when you importing the world and when most of these people are military AED men drug traffickers human traffickers I mean you got the human trafficking crisis to a level that you've never seen in history before I mean you it's amazing to even think about this this is almost like medieval that you're talking about human trafficking but it's gotten to a point that um you know it's become a real real Global crisis and especially in the United States and all that could be resolved by just closing the border and not importing a bunch of illegals and into the country because so many of these illegals are bringing in sex trafficking children narcotics the cartels it's not a good not a pretty picture and there's other countries that are bordering where they live that are closer to their culture that's a good point that they're they're not assimilated with us because it's such a culture shock to them like America's very different than from where they live and most of them are criminals so they're not assimilated to any R American or South American countries either and a lot of them also coming from uh War Riven places like Yen Middle East uh Iraq Afghanistan are you getting members of Isis Syrian refugees Syrian well the seran refugee thing on that note though obviously these are crazy crazy times and that just goes to show how crazy these times are peace of mind is in security and having Financial Security and stability over your your own uh well-being and and your own wealth security for our country security for our leaders and security for our families all all important things but I want you to think about this if you have all your eggs in one basket you are not going to be financially secure it's just not possible especially if you have all your money and cash you know inflation is eroding the value of the dollar each stay so you got to diversify in order to save off the effects of biomics and camalon namics and inflation gold and silver are an excellent way to diversify your savings they're hedge against inflation number one and through my friends at Birch gold group you can own physical gold and silver in tax sheltered retirement account this is one thing you can do today starting today to secure your family savings to do so it's easy text the word Trump trp to 98 9898 and receive a free info kit on gold today plus in August only this is you know August end in two two days from now so be quick on this on any purchase you make Birch gold is giving away free Trump silver coins this brand new one-of aind silver coin features Trump balsy raising his fist in the moments after the attempt on his life and we all know the moment it's spirited to our memories get that silver coin today you don't want to miss your chance to own this special piece of History a celebration of a leader dedicated to our security preserved in the security of a precious metals coin text Trump to 98 9898 today that's trp to our friends at Birch gold 98 98 98 great products great service and that's a way to secure your financial uh wellbeing and wealth gold and silver that's the way to do it it's been around since the beginning of time I'm sure it'll be around for many Millennium more as long as there are people trading in currency and money yeah can't go wrong with precious metals that's for sure that's for sure um so you know listen it's almost 6:00 now president Trump is a little delayed in Michigan so it's it's probably going to be a little longer he was originally scheduled 6:00 our time 7:00 eastern time um so it might be a little longer before he comes on but he'll be coming on shortly I know the president is very very enthusiastic and excited to be here um speaking to Wisconsin the state that famously back in 2016 when Wisconsin was called I remember Wolf Blitzer having a meltdown on CNN cuz those 10 electoral votes won the and that was so huge when they called Wisconsin they actually called Wisconsin before they officially declared the race in 2016 but when you knew they called that because no one had Wisconsin on their radar you knew that President Trump was going to be our 45th president and when they called it again on November 5th this year you'll know that he's our 47th president yeah absolutely this is a huge Battleground state in this election don't you think absolutely absolutely it's huge President also last thing before we go to commercial he's so excited to see the people here he looked at he saw the long lines huge lines going for Miles so obviously that's the best site for president Trump he loves that that's that's that's everything for him so on that we're going to be back here in a little while but for the time being we're going to toss back to studio for a little quick commercial break and then we'll be back here on the ground in Lacrosse uh Wisconsin so we'll see you in a second you ask and we listen we're finally bring you 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network yes it's imperative that you do so okay I look to see y'all soon bye bye welcome to the right side broadcasting network we're not like the other media Outlets out there that cut and edit what other people say in 2015 we were created by our founder Joe seals to cover president Donald J Trump's speeches and rallies to which we continue to do to this day we've also covered important conservative events like CPAC tpusa March for Life and many other important events and hearings around the country we were made for people like you every today are Americans who are tired of the mainstream media who are tired of being lied to manipulated and fed an agenda our goal here at right side broadcasting is to allow you to see the truth giving our correspondents and commentators a wide latitude to speak their minds you won't find anything like this in the mainstream media your support through your donations locals and supporting our advertisers allows us to continue to cover important events around the country each and every day so from us here at right side broadcasting thank you for supporting us and the right side of [Music] History hi folks this is rsbn founder and CEO Joe seals here in these crazy times there is peace of mind and security security for our country security for our leaders and security for our families but think about this if you have have all your eggs in one basket you are not financially secure gold and silver are an excellent way to diversify your savings they're a hedge against inflation and through my friends at the Birch gold group you can own physical gold and silver in a tax sheltered retirement account there's one thing you can do today to secure your family's savings just text the word Trump to 9898 98 and receive a free info kit on Gold Plus in August only on any purchase you make Birch gold is giving away free Trump silver coins this brand new one-of-a-kind silver coin features Trump boldly raising his fist in the moments after the attempt on his life you don't want to miss your chance to own this special piece of History a celebration of a leader dedicated to our security preserved in the security of a precious metals coin so secure your savings today and get your free Trump silver coins text Trump to 9898 98 today that's Trump to the number 9898 98 and welcome back for Prime Time Auburn Alabama my name is Bobby mcney thank you for joining right side broadcasting a busy day for president Trump as he was in Pottersville Michigan addressing the steel industry United Auto Workers and those who have built America on their broad shoulders the Midwest the Rust Belt he is now in route to beautiful Lacrosse Wisconsin we've had all day coverage with Mike foron in Pottersville Michigan and Paul in graia and Megan kler over in Lacrosse Wisconsin giving outstanding analysis of today's events and what a week in news of course the beginning of this week president Trump visiting Arlington National Cemetery to honor the 13 service members who sadly passed away given the botched exit from Afghanistan on the orders of the Biden Administration and to remember them I'd like to just cover all of their names their ranks and their ages three years ago August 26 2021 they lost their lives young Brave Warriors and President Biden sadly looking at his watch as their remains return to their families back in the States Army staff sergeant Ryan SE GS 23 years old from coryon Tennessee Navy hospitalman Maxton W Soviet 22 of Berlin Heights Ohio Marine Core Lance corporal Dylan R marola 20 of rucha kukamonga California Marine Core Lance corporal Kareem M Nicole 20 years old Norco California Marine Corps Lance corporal Jared M schmidtz 20 St Charles Missouri Marine Corps Corporal Alberto A Sanchez 22 Logansport Iowa Marine Corps lance corporal David L Espinosa 20 Rio Bravo Texas Marine Corporal Hunter Lopez 22 of Indio California Marine Corps Corporal denan W page 23 of Omaha Nebraska Marine Core Lance corporal Riley J McCullum 20 Jackson Wyoming Marine Corps Sergeant Nicole l g 23 Sacramento California Marine Corps staff sergeant Darren t Hoover 31 Salt Lake City Utah Marine Corps Sergeant Johan Rosario picardo 25 Lawrence Massachusetts may they rest in God's perfect peace and thank you for everyone who has ever worn the uniform of the United States of America who has bravely defended this great nation in the fight against tyranny and evil across the world and wokeness posted several things whether it be on X or Instagram regarding the last 24 hours in American politics Dems Force RFK Jr to stay on the ballot Dems also remove Cornell West off of the ballot Department of Justice files an upgraded Trump indictment Facebook admits they censored posts in compliance with Biden Harris requests saving democracy by ending it that is the far-left Democrat communist Playbook quite frankly because we've seen liberal Democrats traditional ones endorsing president Trump just in the last several days and the Highlight being RFK Jr and Tulsi gabard who will be moderating this town hall in Lacrosse Wisconsin of over 10,000 people and that's one of the largest town halls I've ever seen as you can see in the split screen there but president Trump giving a robust e economic and Manufacturing address earlier in Pottersville Michigan but really covered all of agenda 47 and those top 20 promises to America and really brilliantly highlighting as he does and as he is able to so many issues affecting his campaign and the fake news being out there one of them being the fact that there was some sort of discrepancy between the Trump campaign photographers and that they did not have access to Arlington National Cemetery really just a bunch of hogwash at the end of the day as a former commander of and chief president Donald Trump was honoring those who have fallen on top of visiting the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier also he cleared up many of the issues regarding his stances on IVF abortion deducting family expenses with child tax credits those on the right and on the left may not agree with President Trump on those specific issues but it's almost on a daily basis where he has to clear up what the fake news is putting out there against them and clearly president Trump sees this as a state's rights issue abortion specifically the judges he appointed on the the Supreme Court and the federal judges sending it back to the states to make those decisions and many states have worked on that through their legislators through their Governors respectively on IVF he announced that there has to be some sort of federal assistance so he clearly wants people to succeed in that regard the Democrat left saying that he wants to get rid of that and that's just not the case so just a couple of those different items we like to clarify here at rsbn so you the great mager Patriots at home or those who might be watching from the outside who are not part of the movement can make the decisions for yourself in a fair and balanced way and the only way we do that is bringing this good content to you from our wonderful sponsors one being free Trump the best selling guide to president Trump is available and free to our viewers and I have a few of them right here whether it's the kids guide to president Trump the kids guide to fighting indoctrination or the free kids guide to American greatness this guide has been updated for 2024 and explains Trump's vision and future to America and for future voters who are our kids especially on the policies of illegal immigration now it's not surprising to learn that drugs and crime have poured under over our Southern border and this is thanks to the Biden Harris Administration if they just did not touch the great policies that President Trump put into place this would be a much safer Nation a much safer country just look at what happened back in February to beautiful Lake and Riley a wonderful nursing student she was jogging in the afternoon in Athens Georgia in a heavy populated area heavily populated area and an illegal alien from Venezuela murdered this poor girl he had a WAP sheet longer than most and New York Das George Soros funded and backed prosecutor politicians released this evil man back into societ society as a result she is now no longer with us and this is too much of a narrative becoming all far too common for those with an empty place at the dinner table around our great nation more and more Americans are agreeing with the Trump policies on immigration as as future voters our kids need to understand the ramifications of loose immigration policies the kids guide to president Trump will help them understand this and see some of the policies he's looking to enact or reenact upon his reelection go to free Trump thank you to free Trump book for sponsoring rsbn also in the news today we have a house report actually this was from earlier this week that $28 million was obtained by the bidens when he was vice president of the United States really a staggering number we have a family that seemingly by the day the more we learn about it has turned their backs on America with the hunter Biden laptop laptop story becoming true it was called fake news by certain entities but uh Facebook suppressed that other big Tech and corporate media Outlets said that it wasn't true but that being confirmed as we learn more and more about the Biden crime family perhaps the reason why the Democrats Wanted full concealment and after the June 27th debate where president Trump clearly won against President Biden they decided to upend him and remove him from the ballot a sad day in in American history and that's why we need to stay on the secretaries of State amazing things are happening throughout the country whether that be in Texas with one over 1 million illegal voters taking off those ballots you also have Virginia governor Glenn yunan working hard to remove nearly 7,000 voters that were ineligible for the roles in Virginia whether if they moved or sadly if they had passed away Integrity is a b bipartisan issue and my question specifically for Secretary of State Joselyn Benson out of Michigan since president Trump visited there today is the fact that why did she take Cornell West a third party candidate for president off of the ballot but she's keeping RFK Jr on the ballot when his campaign has requested to be removed she's using a Michigan law that states that third party interests need to be served but clearly there was a decision made and a choice to remove Cornell West which is very strange considering that just as of Friday Bobby Kennedy Jr has endorsed president Donald Trump for reelection so something to stay on as Patriots throughout the country including my home state of Georgia working so fervently and so hard to make sure that election Integrity is Paramount and a large part of the agenda 47 mantle requesting IDs requesting paper ballots but in the meantime using the laws on the books to mail in ballots early Vote or go the day of just making a plan to do so so that your voice is heard and we heard from unit United Auto Workers some of their wonderful employees that don't feel represented by the top of their agency speaking an in Pottersville Michigan today on behalf of President Trump the wellness company is one of our top sponsors here at rsbn and we have to listen up and look around the world is getting more unpredictable by the day we've got assassinations attempts we have rumors of Civil War unstable markets and now the looming threat of a potential bird flu did you know there's a bird flu Summit being planned in October eily reminiscent of what took place with the covid pandemic back in 2020 and 2021 get this ladies and gentlemen there is an agenda item the first Topic at this Summit called Mass fatality management planning if that doesn't send chills down your spine I don't know what will but here's the good news you don't have to be scared if you are prepared and the wellness company created these contagion kits I actually have some right here for you look how easy that is and how portable that is this is packed with life-saving medications from icin hydroch chloroquin zpac it's all backed by experts like Dr Peter Mulla who has been cancelled for his expertise and for getting this wonderful medication out to you the American people also comes in other colors such as a baby blue a robin blue if you will unisex colors but you can mix and match it for the whole family easily portable to take on trips keep in your pantry or see simply keep in your car but imagine this no more frantic searches for a doctor no more emergency waiting rooms just a few clicks and the kit is delivered to your front door now this is only available in the United States and in times like these having your contagion emergency kit is not just a luxury it's a necessity so go to make caregreat code rsbn for 15% off that is make caregreat you can see that there on your screen for 15% off wonderful medical emergency contagion kits just plan ahead think ahead because these will be a wild few weeks and several days leading up to the most consequential election in American history president Trump having a large speech in poterville Michigan as he is getting ready to head to Lacrosse Wisconsin for a town hall that's going to be hosted by Tulsi gabard the former Democrat former presidential candidate and also a former Hawaii congresswoman will be moderating this Trump Town Hall I'm sure they'll be touching on many of the issues that were brought up with the economy earlier today in Pottersville Michigan also they may touch on the fact that men and women sports is a Paramount issue president Trump saying in Michigan simply that Camala Harris simply does not care she does not care about you the American people and I'm sure he will expound on those thoughts and ideas as he makes a presentation here tonight in Lacrosse Wisconsin I'm Bobby mcne we're down here in Auburn Alabama great to give you coverage across the country and we will be sending it back to Paul and Gracia and Megan kler in beautiful Lacrosse Wisconsin for a trump town hall and we're back in Lacrosse Wisconsin where president Trump is set to uh speak in a little while from now he's on his way as we're told he's in his plane flying over to the wonderful state of Wisconsin the fans the audience the magga patriots who have come out in by the thousands today are so excited to see President Trump Megan I mean for a lot of these people especially in a town like lacrosse it's not like a major city like Milwaukee so for a lot of these people um it's their first time seeing president Trump in person it's one of their first times uh going to a trump event so their the enthusiasm as we've seen is truly truly through the roof this is a an arena that's packed to the Raptors get people doing the wave electricity we want Trump and they're going to get a good one from president Trump in just a little while from now yeah it really feels like a sports game in here doesn't it I mean the wave I was so excited they did the wave they're chanting they're cheering and this is all like a self- pep rally nobody's leading this they're just doing it because of the enthusiasm again I mean I think it's so exciting and it's such a testament to how much enthusiasm is behind the magga movement the fact that people are coming out waiting in line it's wrapped around the building building you can see you can't even see the end of the line it's as far as the IE can see all the way down and we had to actually check and see if we had enough seats in here for the whole crowd to come in so we might may have even had to turn people away so I think so I think there probably thousands of people outside we need an overflow crowd we do that's how big this is so don't let anybody try to Gaslight you into thinking this is not a big movement this really is this could you know an arena for a hockey game or basketball game and you have every last seed in there all the way to the top Arena totally filled I mean I'm looking behind the camera we can't turn the camera around just because of all the equipment here but you go all the way back to the final row people's backs are really like perched against the wall because it's just so jam-packed and they're all excited to see President Trump all the way um but yeah absolutely and honestly Megan um you know this is going to be a great event for the people of Wisconsin especially the people of Lacrosse because you know we were talking to a few people before um crime rate in this in the county of Lacrosse in the city of Lacrosse is more than double the rate of the entire state of Wisconsin so these people have felt the detrimental disastrous effects of the Biden Harris softon crime um governing philosophy over the past four years it's a shame because these are some really really great great human beings Great American Patriot rots here coming out and the fact that they had to endure this crime you see like the real effects of these disastrous policies in real time homelessness rates also I mean we saw so many homeless people just walking over here which is a sad thing it's a beautiful city and it could be a really great City but you know you're seeing you're seeing a lot of pain from the policies dealing with the economy the soft on crime the illegal alien uh crisis at the border so all that is devastating even a a town like Lacrosse Wisconsin which wouldn't be many people's uh first thought for you know a town that is being hit hard by illegal aliens illegal immigration and many other other of these uh soft on crime policies yeah absolutely and anyone from Wisconsin who's watching right now make sure you're registered to vote and there is a senate seat up for election uh in November so make sure you vote for Eric Hub he's up against uh senator Tammy Baldwin who's the incumbent Democrat running against him so make sure you vote for Eric Hub in this November's election everyone from Wisconsin tell all your friends and family that's another thing too Megan because obviously we want to get president Trump back in the white house but we need a full Senate and and a republican control of the Senate and Republican control of the House of Representatives and what you're seeing now the map is very very favorable to Republicans to retake control of the Senate and potentially do so um but significant margain control of the house and maybe add to that lead with President Trump at the top of the ticket so you have both houses of Congress in Republican hands it'll just make president Trump's agenda that much easier to pass you know you won't have the roadblocks the obstacles crazy Nancy Pelosi and Lon Chuck Schumer that guy guy is really past his prime I mean that guy is in rough shape we're looking at that guy from clips from the DNC he's like singing on camera and I don't know what the heck is going through that guy had Chuck Schumer you got to retire you got to you got to be fired Nancy bosi as well both of them have to step down they're ruining not only their states of New York and California but the whole country with their crazy policies and many people say that you know Biden his cognitive impairment the the Alzheimer's the dementia whatever he might have um it's it's bad but you look at Nancy Pelosi whenever she talks it's as bad Biden if not worse Y in many cases to have that type of um person leading DC cuz listen right now we know it's basically a ship without a Captain Joe Biden is not in charge of anything we don't the media covers this up where is Joe where is still technically the president January where is he where is he so you have like Nancy Psy now running the town cuz Harris is campaigning I guess I guess I don't even know if you want to call that campaigning but she's out on the campaign Trail Jo Biden's on the beach or something so you have crazy Nancy uh running things right now and that's not a good thing for the country we need president Trump back very soon but obviously having that house and having that Senate hit hit the ground running when he's back in he's sworn in on January 20th 2025 it's amazing only a few short months from now um that'll give him a strong strong uh tool tools in the toolkit to to Really uh get that agenda to make for a very very successful second term in office exactly and I'm from the state of Ohio so by the way there's another Cate race in Ohio between Bernie Mareno who's a trump endorsed businessman from Ohio he's a great guy from Cleveland he was from um Colombia and he came to came to America the right way built a business he's the American dream he's a great example of that so he's running against shared Brown so we got to get shared Brown out and get Bernie Marino in so that's another one running for Senate for Ohio so make sure all you Ohioans get out and vote for Bernie as well who great who better to vote for than two Trump endorsed candidates and Eric Hy and of course Bernie Marino to America First Patriots and of course we need as many as we can get in that Senate to go against everything all the shenanigans and all the tricks that Chuck Schumer is trying to P trying to obviously they're going to try some last minute thing even if when President when President Trump is elected eled not if when he is uh elected in November they're going to try some last minute thing to try to for for whatever reason not certify his vote in in both houses of the Congress obviously that won't fly and the American people won't put up with that but that's just the sort of mentality you're dealing with at DC and you know you remember the days when Trump was in the White House you know it feels like uh almost it was long ago we miss it desperately but when he had Chuck Schumer and he had Nancy Pelosi in his office he really whipped them into shape he had those two really eating out of his hand and Trump always says it he says you wouldn't believe we were running things so successfully we were so prosperous as a country by the end you wouldn't even believe who was coming into my office who was a able to make a deal with basically alluding to many Democrats who you know in public would say the worst things about him but behind the scenes we're working very well with President Trump and that's really the type of person he is he's a unifying he's a unifying truly a unifying figure and that really speaks to his greatness he's a rare type of politician in the same league as George Washington Abraham Lincoln where you could unify everybody you can unify everybody um you know both sides of the aisle he's that type of figure and that's why we so desperately need him back in the white house um I'm going to just step aside for one second but Megan just adding to that point yeah I mean you made a great point about how president Trump's a unifier he had RFK Jr endorse him who was a an iconic Democrat the Kennedy family is a historic family in American politics so a Democrat to endorse him and then also tulsey gabard endorsing him I mean he's really bringing everybody together and President Obama back in the day was running on Hope and change and unifying everyone but it was really just a bait and switch he said he was going to and then when he got in office he didn't do that at all he was playing the middle and then as soon as he got in office he went super radical left out the country exactly China and many other places yeah and I remember when he was running when I was a teenager I didn't know anything about politics of the real world and everybody was excited about President Obama or he wasn't the president yet but Obama running and he said I'm going to fundamentally change America yeah and that creeped me out and I didn't even know anything about politics very ominous and I was a teenager at the you teenager and you picked up on it and it it still haunts me to this day and I I was like what what does he mean like I fundamentally love America maybe some tweaks here and there but what does he mean by fundamentally change America and now we're starting to see it we we know we' seen it we've seen the destruction he's caused to the country I mean when Obama took office 2008 2009 obviously we had the heels of the Great Recession that was a a gift from George Bush and Bush gave us Obama the worst president we had up until that point up until Joe Biden got into office um but you know Obama transformed this country in all the worst possible ways he brought tens of millions of illegals into the country you know back then we didn't hear about men competing in women's sports or men using women's locker rooms in in preschool and kindergarten in Middle School um you know you never heard about that so all this radical woke Progressive leftist policies obac really took place over the past 10 years and it's it's done a real number on our country president Trump um represents the opposite of all that he represents America First America first right and of course that's not America only he just represents he means prioritizing the American citizen before the globe before the world and that had not been done in decades in our uh do nothing DC Washington swamp establishment he brought all that back we need that again and hopefully we will get that again in just a couple months from now yep and the Democrats plan was to have Obama in office Hillary Clinton in office I guess Joe Biden in office they just wanted to keep implementing their agenda forever and they didn't plan for Trump to win but obviously the American people wanted president Trump in office and he put through a huge wrench in their plans so he had to stop their agenda because we had the America First agenda so as soon as they got back in office with Biden you can tell that they've super speeded their radical left agenda exactly they were not expecting the Trump wrench to be their entire agenda and plans and now obviously you know president Trump does not God forbid get back into the office of the presidency again they're going to go on to their back to relapse to their original plan get Cal in there and then it'll be Democratic party uh dominance forever and that's what their plan is and you know that's why the stakes are so high this election Cy why the am people won't let that happen um we're going to quickly toss to Bobby who's been doing great work all day long Bobby you're your Champion you're a hero in the studio he's going to do a quick commercial and we'll be back on the ground here in Lacrosse um to cover up our last remaining segment before President Trump speak so off to you B Bobby in the studio and thank you Paul thank you Megan out in Lacrosse Wisconsin awaiting president Trump's town hall tonight which will be invigorating exciting Tulsi gabard is going to be presenting uh as the moderator tonight so should be an interesting one of the largest town halls I've seen over 10,000 people but we'd like to thank our friends over at American finance an outstanding Mortgage Firm look you could save an average of $854 per month just call today 88842 0299 you can see that right there on your screen American financing if you own a home this is very smart to call our Patriot friends over at American financing because they could save you a substantial amount of money with an average savings of $854 per month that is just so needed in this time with the cost of living food and groceries to gasoline look Americans credit card debt is through the roof inflation through the roof over 67% of Americans are now dealing with high interest rates on their credit cards which could take years to pay off so if you refinance and talk to the great Patriots over at American financing they could save you this substantial amount of money per month $854 on average call today 88842 0299 and I'm happy to send it back to two patriots in Lacrosse Wisconsin Megan and all right well thank you so much Bobby for that ad read and really all the credit our team today I just want to give a special shout out to the whole rsbn team been doing great work it's a long day doing two events back to back so I just want to give a shout out to Bobby and our studio and our uh Team back at the studio and also obviously the team ground in Mich Michigan earlier today doing great work covering that event in Potterville Michigan you know it's a lot of work keeping up with president Trump he he keeps he keeps the people working hard but that just speaks to um his stamina and his strength and um you know Cal Harris could never do anything like this no no way but again credit to Bobby credit to the entire rsbn um staff and also our uh audience back at home our viewers our listeners we've been hearing from a lot of you in person here longtime viewers who've been watching us for years and we just want to thank you so much for tuning in to us on YouTube Facebook wherever you might get our uh program and our uh our live stream we thank you so much for tuning in remaining loyal we appreciate all the positive remarks if you're able to contribute to our network uh please do so but you all have been great you all have been fantastic for sticking with us and you all are so loyal the rsbn audience is the best audience the best in the movement and there are a lot of good audiences back out here but you guys are truly phenomenal people and it's so great if you ever attend EV you see us you see Nikki you see Vanessa you see any of us in person Grace um come up to us say hello because we really really enjoy meeting you and interacting with you guys the fans because you guys you guys are the key to keeping all this network running and keeping us um you know able to carry on and and cover every single uh Trump event which we plan to do and which we will continue to do especially as as we head into this final home stretch so all the many thanks to you and God bless all of you for watching us all day long today we do have the best you all got fans I guess this is my second event so I'm really excited to be here I thought today was awesome this is going to be a great evening and thank you to everybody that came up to me and said hi and got a picture so that was fun too Megan where could they where could the folks at home find you on social media give them a shout out I know you're big on Instagram so maybe you want to tell them I have a real estate Instagram called Megan Coler properties so if you look that up you'll be able to follow me there okay excellent making colar properties and you know I'm I'm pretty big on X now at Paul and Gracia I've been posting video of this event it's um it's tough during these events cuz cell service there's so many people in one spot cell service gets a little tough so it's hard to post consistently during this but I'll be sure to post a lot of videos once we get out of here but we were posting earlier today at Paul and graia be sure to give us a follow on X give rsbn also a follow on X and true social as well Paul and Gracia Instagram true social and also if you watch me um you know I write I write a lot I'm on sub King he's a substack king Paul and.sub that's basically a Blog right produce articles all legal political commentary basically no bias cutting straight to the truth president Trump loves to frequently retr it and the president is watching our broadcast you know we love you president Trump you're doing phenomenal work keep fighting and the American people are 100% behind you and on your side and they love you here in the state of Wisconsin a million per we love president Trump here in the Midwest that's for sure definitely definitely Paul I have an interesting question for you due to the [Music] ominous uh tone of Communism that's un for right around the corner zooming over our country have you ever been to a communist country so um I I was in Romania actually last summer how was that and um that obviously a former country former Soviet you know within the Warsaw packs within the former Soviet block and you could see you know they they're great people very religious very Christian Traditional Values so in that respect they're very good but you know you can see that they're still behind the rest of Europe and the rest of the western world World by decades and all that is the result of Communism you know communism even though the Soviet Union has been gone for nearly 40 years now the effects of that are seared into their memories and really on the ground the economy is still not what it could have been if it's you know comparing them to Germany or or Spain or UK and a lot of these countries now in Europe are not in the best condition based on a lot of what's going on in the World At Large but comparatively speaking Romania is still kind of behind the rest of the pack Traditional Values they're good on that front but um you see the effects of Communism in real time even in the present day so it just goes to show that you have a communist system it will affect you for generations and generations and generations so even after the fact to answer your question yes I have been to a former communist country it's not good how about you have you were you kissing the ground when you got back to America I was I was although the Romanian people wonderful people they actually like Italians in manys I'm Italian so the food was actually pretty good surprisingly good it was like very Italian inspired I mean obviously it's called Romania so goes back to Rome and the Roman Empire that's where the name comes from so uh God bless those people but yeah that was my experience how about you Bab so I actually have been to China okay I went to China in the summer of 2015 because I danced with the clevand Cavaliers so the NBA and China had a big partnership they did not a good one yep yep so we had dancers basketball players uh mascots dunk team Cavs crew those kind of people from all different cities across the NBA in America would go over to different uh touring cities in China so we went to King and a place called Wuhan Wow have you ever heard of Wuhan not Wuhan Wuhan Wuhan yep so I went to Wuhan and this was my first time ever going to a country in Asia and I was really excited but I was kind of nervous cuz I knew it was Communist but then when I actually got there I could really see the effects like how you're saying when you actually see it with your own eyes the effects of commun Communism it's very creepy so when we're driving through the city it was as big as as far as the eye could see I've never seen a city that big in America our cities are not that big but there it was as far as the eye can see and the buildings were falling apart it didn't look like they had kept up with anything on the buildings the paint was chipping it was it like kind of you know and shambles a little bit um lines out the window for people to their laundry you could tell it was poverty for most of the drive when we're driving around on our tour bus going to the different areas that we had to go to and then all of a sudden you would see these beautiful extravagant malls like with a bunch of designers like Hermes Cartier Chanel all these like really really really high-end designer stores and beautiful extravagant hotels and it hit me in that moment when I saw that huge difference that there's no middle class here it's either it's a ton of poverty and then and some Elites and no middle class and that's why I'm so adamant about strengthening our middle class when I when I saw that it really it was an eye opening experience for sure it was and you could tell that these people are very sheltered they they're not allowed to use social media in China yeah there is a way to get around it with a firewall or something like that a bpn something along those lines so some people do get around it and use social media but they're very sheltered the government wants to tell them exactly the agenda and the talking points and the echo chamber that the government wants to create so they're not allowed to use Facebook or Instagram or anything it's total control it is and they have social credit scores too where if you voice an opinion against the government that they dislike if you exercise you no they don't have a First Amendment no in China so you you talk you say a bad word about the regime the party in power and they're fierce they're tough cookies you know if you imagine Cal Harris dealing with those guys they she would turn into a would be able to deal with those guys they are tough tough guys and Donald Trump all the time talks about how Fierce it is to deal with communist Chinese Communist party so um you know it's it's a system it's a completely SE different system where you have you know in the Eastern world the old a lot of wealth billions of people there living in languishing in poverty actual poverty and you know I talked about Romania which was a former communist country you went to China which is currently a communist country and for you see that firsthand an actual communist country and then to come back here in the United States and see how much decline we've gone through over the past four years and how we're rapidly heading in that direction we talk to so many people how they see it firsthand they escape from you know Cuba or China or uh Venezuela and they come here and they're like this is exactly what I escape from why do I even come here in the first place yeah so um that's an incredible experience that you had I actually have a friend who her and her family escaped China they I I guess they had enough money to get out because usually in communist countries like that they don't let you leave right but somehow they figured out a way to escape and now she lives in San Francisco and she tells me all these stories about back in China versus America she loves America she's very patriotic and exactly what you're saying when she starts to see this stuff that she used to experience in China she's yelling red alerts at everyone around her because she doesn't want to see that happen in America again and I just thought of something that was really interesting too that I saw in China there were safe stores everywhere like to yeah to lock up money well you're seeing that in New York oh safe it's a safe to lock up money so you would You' try to stockpile as much cash as you could have and then put it in a safe to keep in your house rather than keeping your money in a bank because it's so controlled well they want to do away with cash and that's just like I mean you talk you hear about Camal Harris switching to Central Bank digital currency so basically she wants to do away with cash this is exactly what they have in China what you were describing right now do away with cash so you have no control over it you have virtual or digital bank account and with a snap of a finger they can lock you out of your asset yep lock you out of your ability to pay for anything and um that's a really scary system and that's something that Camal Harris and Joe Biden have endorsed 100% I mean they've been behind this since day one and this goes back to the Obama days too they've been behind Central Bank digital currencies compared to Donald Trump who's embraced alternative currencies like Bitcoin which is decentralized currency and that's a weight of Freedom it's it's endorsed by Libertarians that's your way of getting out from the central banking system and he's he's wholeheartedly embra that he at the Bitcoin uh conference about a month ago and the Bitcoin Community has rallied around him but there's a lot of uncertainty from a regulat regulatory standpoint with Camala Harris because if she got in there she would appoint Gary Gensler the current SEC chairman as treasury secretary and could kiss Bitcoin away if that were to happen and that's something that you know all totalitarian regimes are against Central decentralized currency whether uh you know China has been very opposed to it obviously Joe Biden and Camala Harris are opposed to it the left has been very against it because it's about personal autonomy and personal freedom over centralized control and they're fully on board with centralized control and they look to China they see they see exactly what you see and the left says I want to be like that and we want to bring that to the United States of America and hopefully the American people say no not not on my watch and if they have full control of the digital currency if you speak out against the government at all they can just turn it off exactly as well as maybe your fully electric car that's connected to the internet that's another thing we haven't even talked about that yet I know you want to talk about electric vehicles how they want to switch from gas powered vehicle and obviously Kamala Harris she's now saying oh I wasn't opposed to fracking Trump says this all the time this is really this is true wisdom your first policy as a politician that you say in public is your true beliefs Camal Harris was vocally opposed to fracking in oil and gas and oil gas powered automobiles from the day she entered politics and she still is that way too don't let that pivot fool you she is [Music] still powered not just cars but boats and everything else you can talk to anyone who knows anything about the industry whether it's or they're like you're crazy you're going to tank the entire economy if you replace everything with Electric Power vehicles I mean Trump is for diversity and variety within the marketplace he said listen if you like your cyber Tru you can keep your cyber truck you're fine with that I'm all for Innovation but we can't do away with traditional automobiles we can't do away with oil cuz honestly if you have electric vehicle you're going to need something to power those vehicles and you don't have enough infrastructure right now to do so and still what do you think powers that infrastructure it's electricity which is powered by gas burning oil so and coal and and other natural resources nuclear as well so um it makes sense to be for all types of energy not to not to sequester yourself into one type of energy but obviously the left is all on board with the EV gimmick and uh that would be a disaster for our and who's making the chips that go in the cars who's making the batteries that go in the car China exactly they're also against gas powered stoves as well talking about bring everything full Circle we're talking about nutrition before and food you know you can't cook better food than on a gas powered stove I me that's like compar I mean listen we have we have electric I also have a gas power stove I have a gas there's no comparison there's no comparison between the two and listen they seem like under Camala Harris and in a city like New York they're going to send someone knocking on your door saying if you have a gas powered oven you know we're going to confiscate it from you we're going to throw you in jail that's practically what they're saying it's pretty scary stuff it could actually get to that I know it sounds silly when you say this but it's that could be a real thing that could be a real thing my friend from China that I was telling you about before told me during Co remember the Co lockdowns in China people were getting sealed into their apartment like they were trying to leave the government had such control over them that they were like sealing the people in like you were not allowed to leave your apartment and that's what that's what the left is all about they want full control they don't want you to have any freedoms they don't want you to have any individual liberties and freedoms they want to have control of every aspect of your life what you do where you live your money your car your stove where you cook your food they'll get their fingers into every single inch of your life if you don't stop them that's true that's for sure they will and then listen you give them an inch and they'll take a mile and that's that's what they have been doing that's what they will continue doing and if God forbid she were to get back back into the Oval Office you know she could she'll change on a dime and she'll become the radical Marxist communist that she's always been and the country really will be brought to ruin I mean you're going to see our foreign foreign powers be more aggressive than they have been under Biden I mean she projects so much weakness on the world stage have she look looking at camela Harris and looking at this clown show Tim Walts jumping around on stage and they're like this is the guy this is the United States of America best happened to General Patton what happened to you know Douglas MacArthur what happened to the great generals of old that used to be um the image of confidence on the world stage we don't have that anymore Donald Trump will bring that back of course but exactly if she gets in it's going to be a clown Fest a clown show on the world stage and uh it ain't going to be fun for anybody for When Donald Trump was in office we were actually respected as a country all the other world leaders respected America and they didn't they didn't think that we were clown show like they Administration they did not think so they respected us again they did you hear so many people talk about it they respected us again but um you know we talk about so much uncertainty Megan here on the show on this program about the world about the United States um there will be far less uncertainty when President Trump is back in but for the time being if you're struggling to pay back taxes or on filed returns we know the IRS is escalating collections adding 20,000 new agents and sending over 5 million collection letters to kick off 2024 in these challenging times your best defense is tax Network USA don't let the IRS take advantage of you with over 14 years of experience tax Network USA has saved their clients over $1 billion that's billion with a b and back taxes no matter the size of your tax issue their expertise is your advantage they specialize in negotiating with the IRS it's uh aiming to significantly that tax Network USA doesn't just negotiate they also protect your assets from IRS seizures and manage your yearly returns for ongoing compliance importantly when they they're licensed in all 50 states so these are these are great people licensed in all 50 states it can handle any state tax issue that you throw at them so the T talk is ticking don't wait as the IRS steps upwork USA for immediate relief and expert guidance call 1815 that's 1 1800 3571 1415 visit T rsbn don't let taxes overpower you turn to tax Network USA and find your path to financial peace of mind today and that's definitely needed now with all those extra IRS agents after everybody definitely 100% 100% it's not just you know you hear about weaponized justice system they're weaponizing everything whether it's the IRS the FBI the CIA you know you know that they're not going to disclose those Kennedy files from the assassination 1963 they're not able to do so because uh the CIA doesn't want to look bad they're trying to cover up a lot of stuff so and they're weaponizing them against not just president Trump and and arog like Jeff Clark an American Patriot and so many others Steve mannon Peter Navaro so many people have been exercising their rights to parent over their children I mean that's a fundamental right if you don't have a right over your what your children learns and the values that's instilled in your children what rights do you have at all all I mean that's Baseline rights but to have those people on domestic terrorist list I mean crazy crazy crazy stuff this is truly panana Republic type Justice and um it's really scary what we're going through right now as a country Megan yeah they pick a Target and then they do anything that they can to attack them no matter what rather than seeing a criminal and then investigating that yeah they're really weaponizing the justice system like you said and The end justifies the means with these people right it's it's Maki aelan type tactics The end justifies the means it's an Italian we know a lot about that but uh the way they're doing it they it's a government of gangsters I mean these people put Mobsters to shame the way Joe Biden and Merck Garland and Camala Harris have weaponized doj I mean I'm sure a lot of people Mafia people are looking at that like wow we wouldn't even go that low I mean that is some sick sick stuff what is going on in this country but Donald Trump will clean it all up we know he will we just need to do our part as American citizens to get the word out non-stop I mean listen we've been fighting all P all these past four years I know it's been a grind it's been grueling for a lot of people we're almost at the Finish Line we're almost going to be at the Finish Line where we're going to have you know greatness again in this country but we just need to really hunker down over these next 10 11 12 weeks to go until November 5th the greatest day in American history and that will truly be the start of America's Revival and renewal November 5th but we got we all have our part to do Megan you know we're trying to get the word out here trying to get people to register voters Scott presler being a great example in Pennsylvania on the ground every single day registering voters and getting them to the polls and exposing these issues um why don't we pitch that website again that we're talking about earlier so there's a website called protectthe and if you go on the website you can see all the crucial states that are very susceptible to voter fraud so if you're able to go to that website and please volunteer to become a pole Watcher I have faith in the American people that we are going to vote Donald Trump in office but we need to be watching the vote to make sure that the Democrats don't cheat again and you mentioned earlier about lawyers getting involved there is a section on the website that asks if you are uh a lawyer right yeah if you are a law it doesn't matter you don't have to be barred in a state that you're to look into I mean we know the key States we said them at over and over again Pennsylvania Wisconsin Michigan Georgia Arizona North Carolina Nevada many other states like that Virginia too I mean Virginia potentially could switch Republican under Glen Yan and the great work he's doing there but um you know the point being was you know if you're a lawyer get involved if you want if you're an average everyday citizen you just want to make sure that they don't steal cheat their way to Victory again you know get involved by going on that link it's a great link to get started and I voter voter ID I know and paper ballots voter four parts to thiss we got drill this into everyone's head voter ID same day voting y citizenship verification paper ballots no machines paper ballots voter IDE citizenship verification that's always how it's been and maybe make election day like a national holiday potentially so everyone could go home from work that day vote one day only we'll have everything counted results in no controversy no mess no dysfunction we'll know who the president is the day in which um the votes are cting what it's always been and we're the most sophisticated technologically sophisticated civilization ever in this era in history and they can't figure out how to tabulate votes for a president they were able to do this stuff in 1824 folks and they can't figure it out in 2024 I mean is it really that they can't figure it out or actually something squirly is going on yeah it's a gray area it's a gray area it sounds like it's more so planned to be a mess rather than we're incapable exactly exactly so um yeah that voting system sounds like why isn't it that way like it should be that's like a common sense thing right like and it's an efficient solid way to do it that process is how we should be running our voting so it's common sense I mean you need voter you need ID practically to go to the store and buy like a can tomatoes or cereal right so uh it's basic common sense that you need ID to cast a vote because listen if you don't have ID anyone could be voting you could have terrorists voting you could have illegal aliens voting you have dead people voting you have martians voting I mean really all the above and they likely are voting if we don't have voter yeah not to mention all those mail and ballots during the co era how many mail and ballots like multiple ballots went to the same person's house right exactly and typically if you have mail and ballots and you have all these drop boxes as well right courts traditionally have applied heightened scrutiny to these things which is in a law on constitutional law how you scrutiny means wait well there's a red flag here let's P sure to make sure uh that our election processes aren't being corrupted or red I mean you want that in a free and Democratic Society you want legitimate and fair elections I that's a foundational principle in order to have a free Society so courts have traditionally applied height and screw who boxes but now all of a sudden all the rules have been thrown out the window over the past four years um what you're saying as well with the you know used to be absentee voting was highly regulated it was only to like veterans or if you you know truly ill and you couldn't make it to The Ballot Box you know you're incapacity ever you're very old elderly absentee voting they just rules need to be totally undone and solidified where very few exceptions and you'll only able to vote in person but for the time being the rules are as they are you know we have to deal with the reality of the situation and given the reality now um You got to vote early and once you vote early you'll get your vote counted into the system and this is for 2024 only you vote early and then you get all your friends all your family make sure they're all registered and bring them to the to to the PO to The Ballot Box or bring Bring The Ballot Box to them figuratively speaking right absolutely and if there's anyone that you know that's on the fence they're neutral to do they're they feel weird about voting and they say I don't like Donald Trump's personality or something like that I don't know if you hear that a lot not as much I heard about Camala but sometimes again right hold out right but I hear that a lot I don't like his tweets or he's mean or whatever but I always use this analogy if you're dying of a heart attack or if you have a heart failure and you need a life-saving surgery are you going to go with a surgeon that's really nice and charming and fun and cool but he's got a 50% success rate or are you going to go with the surgeon with a 95% success rate but he might be mean it's a no-brainer it's a no-brainer to me do you want to live or what the left might go with the other guy yeah exactly that's what I'm saying so the results speak forsel if you're in a dire situation you have to go with the one with the results so please I emplore you all vote for Donald Trump tell your friends and family to vote for him and use that analogy if there's anybody that you know that's on the fence I think that was a perfect analogy and really well said uh Megan um also another thing they're they're making abortion to be a much greater issue than it should be this election cycle president Trump of course is proud of his record and appointing three constitutionalist to the Supreme Court roie Way got overturned it returned to the states where legal Scholars on both sides of the aisle for decades Democrats Republicans alike supported returning it to the States you have a state like where I'm from New York where it's more liberal on the issue and they pretty much Legalize It in every case probably way too extreme in many cases and then you have other states like where you're from Ohio and you know Georgia and Virginia and Florida that taxes more restrict restrictive with their abortion policies and listen that's how America is supposed to work it's um states are supposed to be what they used to call Laboratories of experimentation and democracy you have one state with a stricter value system another state with the looser system and that's just the beauty of America but abortion is not on the docket as far as a federal issue is concerned you know the illegal the Border crisis the economy uh the foreign policy those are the issues that are at stake this cycle yeah abortion is no longer really an issue anymore it's returned to the states where it belong and not the president and also even JD Vance came out and said you know we're not even supporting a National Abortion ban they wouldn't sign that into law so really it's hands off for them it's it's out of their control at this point so if you have any hold out voters griping about that issue just explain to them that it's been returned to the states and likely a state it legalized States it still is legalized and um you know obviously I'm pro life and I'm 100% behind pro life but sad reality is you know in many states it remains legal and just that's ultimately down to the will of the voters and you can't change that it's just Downs to the will of the voters so um a great point that it's been returned back to the states right ex I actually know people that are voting based off of that issue alone and they're saying am I going to go for Camala Donald Trump B one issue they shouldn't vote on that issue alone one because it's not really an issue this cycle and two Camala Harris is you take the left the extremism on abortion she's for 9 months she's for you know I remember the governor the Democrat Governor before Glen youngan came into Power pro-abortion after birth I mean they would take the baby out of the wound and start chopping it up it sounds extremely gruesome really horrific but that's what Camala Harris would be for yeah so they take abortion to a new extreme that no ever heard of and no one is for that I mean whether you're pro-life pro-choice no one's unless you're really you have to be really sick to be 9 month you know after uh post birth abortion which many Democrats are and she owns those policies she's never been for a restriction right but on that note uh do you want to do you want to do the kids guide we have our sponsorship right there with kid gu we need to protect our kids on we must protect our children at all costs and the radical left Democrat so listen to this this very important guide to pres available for free to viewers just pay shipping and processing with this special promotion this guide has been updated for 2024 and explains Trump's vision for the future of America to kids including his policies on immigration it's not surprising to learn that crime and drugs are getting worse and in America is under siege by illegal immigrants pouring in from the southern border thanks to Biden's immigration policies that are overwhelming our cities and endangering Americans just look at what happened last week at ug when Lake and Riley was murdered by Jose Antonio iara an illegal immigrant who came from here from Venezuela as a result more and more Americans are agreeing with Trump polies on immigration as future voters one second that's exciting they're pumped up so pumped up as future voters our kids need to understand the ramifications of loose immigration policies the kids guide of President Trump helps them understand this along with his vision for America following his re-election go to free Trump that's free Trump today and get yours all you have to pay for is shipping and handling and it's really important to to talk to our kids about this in a way that they can understand because kids are so impressionable and if we don't pay attention and do this and teach them the right way the radical left will radicalize the kids absolutely absolutely you said it better than anyone I mean that's truly there there's a war on our children and our country war on parents rights we got to put an end to that we got to return Traditional Values um into our society and these fans Megan these fans are pumped up it's jumping in here I do you want to sip the water really quickly we're we're going along so I'm going to give Megan an opportunity to get a quick sip of water but listen I can't even hear my voice at this point they were playing Enter Sandman before it's like you know if you're a Yankee fan you think of Marian or Rivera coming in from the bullpen so um you know it's they're playing it right now it's crazy it's going it's really has like a very Sports likee atmosphere um Mariano Rivera by the way has been a great supporter of President Trump just giving a shout out that's greatness supported greatness but anyway I digress um you know Donald Trump is like America's closer who's going to close out this election and win it for us big leag big leag and do it in a fantastic way Paul I cannot get over this crowd this is a town hall folks this is not a this is not a rock concert this is not a sports game people are doing the wave everyone's cheering they're jumping up and down I mean this is exciting stuff welcome to the stage misson team 2024 Natalie p to sing our national anthem are are we going to that all right so we're going to go oh say can you see by the dawn early light what so proudly we hailed at the Twilights L gleaming who brought stripes and bright stars through the parous F or the ramp parts we watched were so gently streaming and the rockets R glare the bombs bursting in a gave prove through the night that our flame was still there oh s i that star spangled bner and W or the L and of the free and the home of the [Applause] brave lady stage four-term congresswoman from Hawaii's second district and lieutenant colonel in the United States Army Reserve Tulsi gabard let me back it up to the start of the clim faced with the KN fers and lions I had to keep on reaching up cuz it was my time to T Down The Kingdom call out the lions got Ail on my from the [Music] aloh it is such a privilege to join all of you here tonight thank you for your patience it's it's worth the wait right what a special week to be here to join all of you a few things have happened not sure if you caught it in the news two former Democratic presidential candidates have endorsed Donald J Trump to be president of the United States you might have heard of a guy named Bobby Kennedy Jr and I was really proud to stand with President Trump just this past Monday to announce my endorsement and support for him in front of thousands of my National Guard soldiers and Airmen fellow soldiers and Airmen because I am so excited about the opportunity that we have before us to stand together not as Democrats and Republicans but as proud Americans who love this great country there's a lot of work to be done the stakes could not be higher than they are right now president Trump is going to talk about and we'll have a conversation about why these Stakes are so high and how he and he alone is the candidate to lead us toward that path of peace prosperity and freedom join me in welcoming the next president of the United States President Donald J [Applause] Trump let's go let him hear [Music] it won't forget the men who died who gave that right to me and I glad stand up next to you and defend her still today cuz there ain't no doubt I love this land God Bless the [Applause] [Music] USA from the lakes of Minnesota to the hills of [Music] Tennessee across the plains of Texas from sea to shining sea from Detroit down to Houston and New York to LA where there's [Music] Pride that I'm proud to be an American where at least I know I'm free and I won't forget the men who died who gave that right to me and I gladly stand up next to you and defend her still today cuure ain't no doubt I love this land God Bless the USA and I'm proud to be an American where at least I know I'm free and I won't forget the men who died who gave that light to me and I gladly stand up next to you and defend her still today cuz there ain't no doubt I love this land God bless for you [Music] [Applause] thank you US USA USA USA we love our country we love our country don't we it's amazing and it's a great country but we have to take it back because our country is not feeling so get healthy and beautiful and better than ever and it's really this is some crowd and you can duplicate the crowd outside so if anybody would like to give up your seat that would be okay no no let's have a good time thank you very much everybody that song gets me fired up every time Lee Greenwood is so great great guy too well thank you Mr President this is a a very special evening for us all to have a conversation about some of the the real issues that are facing Americans across the country and that don't get talked about often enough and I want to start with one that's very personal to me hard to talk about sometimes um this is only the second time I've spoken about it publicly but my husband and I were married almost 10 years ago we wanted to start a family we were very excited about it unfortunately was very difficult uh we we were not successful in trying to get pregnant for us IVF seemed to be the only option and the last resort uh as you know it's a it's a pretty difficult process it's very very expensive I was in Congress at the time traveling I would carry the medicine that I had to administer shots to myself sometimes in an airport bathroom and and ultimately the most difficult part was every time going to the doctor for another transfer and and hoping that it would result in a positive pregnancy test and then being heartbroken over and over every time that test came back negative now I know some of your opponents your political opponents are saying that you want to ban IVF while it did for us it's worked for a lot of families and uh I I just know that there are women and and couples In This Crowd or those who are watching here tonight who may be going through this same struggle and are concerned about being able to have this option either because they might not be able to afford it or they're concerned that it just may not be available and I'd love for you to talk to them about how they should feel well thank you very much telsey and I didn't know about your situation and uh it's tough stuff right tough life is pretty tough it can be beautiful but it can be difficult uh we are doing doing something with IVF because IVF as you know from Friends people you know it's really worked out very well for a lot of people it gave them a child when they would not have had a child and uh I told my people I wanted to look at this a couple of weeks ago and as you know we have uh no taxes on a thing called tips you know that and I said tell me we did three things we did that and we did no tax to seniors on Social Security benefits we want to have that and I've been seeing a lot of IVF and I kept hearing that I'm against it and I'm actually very much for it in fact in Alabama where the judge ruled against it and I countered the judge and came out with a very strong statement for it and the Alabama were very quick in your response to that I was but they were too they were amazing the legislature approved virtually my statement I in full IVF and it it's really gone it's it's terrific and I said so with the tips and with the Social Security uh the no taxes and Social Security I said maybe for IVF and I've been looking at it and what we're going to do is for people that are using F which is fertilization we are the government is going to pay for it or we're going to get or mandate your insurance company to right we're going to do that I I can't tell you how lifechanging that would be for so many families because it costs a lot of money a lot of people go into debt just for the hope of being able to start their own family well it's big and you know what we want to produce babies in this country right we want to produce babies so I think it's going to be something we told we we sort of announced it a little bit we were in a great place Michigan we all love Michigan right we're going to bring back the car in industry and we're going to get a lot of it back to Michigan they've been uh taking our cars away they've been taking our manufacturing away over years over decades and if if you look at it today it's a it's a shell of what it was years ago but we're going to bring it back uh Mexico is right now building massive car factories actually being financed and built by China and they think they're going to sell their cars back into our country it's not going to happen that's not going to happen oh listen to that that is not going to happen but wrong in the car industry the union leadership has been horrible I think I'm going to win by 85% the union but cuz we're bringing it back and we're going to have electric cars but we're going to have gasoline powered cars and we're going to have hybrids we're going to have every kind of car we're not going with just that but I just felt that uh it would be a good place to announce it and we did the sort of the announcement there a little bit and now we do the big announcement tonight in front of all of these uh television stations all of the fake news you know the fake they all over the place they're all over the place I don't know what's going on we don't even know I was saying cuz we're doing this and I finished and I figured I was going to come here and uh we're going to make a speech I had a speech all set for you I I was ready and they said sir you're actually doing a town hall I said oh nobody told me that I said who's doing it they said telsy I said well that's at least good news she's been I've been a fan of hers for a long time I have to tell you so so I didn't even know I'm I'm in the plane and I'm looking over some material and we're going to give you a hell of a speech tonight we were set to give you one hell of a speech they said no sir it's a town hall I said why isn't somebody tell me this stuff and I don't even have any idea who we're doing it for I don't know is it for a network or what I see a lot of Television all over the place so maybe it's on all of them but I did get to see uh the strangest thing today I looked at the news conference of Kamala I call her comrade comrade comma comrade Kamala she's a uh you know that she's uh a Marxist her father was a Marxist before her so she was brought up in the family tradition and and she really is and this country is not ready for a Marxist we don't want a Marxist as a president and she destroyed San Francisco she destroyed California and we're not going to let it destroy our country I'll tell you it's not going to happen so but just to finish so for some reason she doesn't want to talk to anybody so she's either not the smartest light in the ceiling I'm trying to be nice here I want to be they say be nice sir be nice you know it's hard to be nice when somebody is destroying your country and wants to destroy your country it's hard to be like nice but but she is um she was a terrible vice president she was a terrible bordar worst in history probably not just in this country but the Border you know millions and millions of people I say 20 million plus have poured through the Border during their term I had the safest Border in the history of our country they have the most unsafe Border in the history of the world and they're coming through and many of them are from prisons and jails there's a slight difference as you know prisons and jails many are from mental institutions and insane asylums and many are terrorists and they're pouring into our country at a level I don't know if you saw the news today TC they had a group of a lot of them Venezuelan people with lots of machine machine guns taking over a building someplace I'm looking I'm saying where is that they went in and they took over a building this is just the beginning they're taking their criminals from all over the world not just South America not just Venezuela which you've been reading about all over the world they're taking their criminals and they're dumping them into the United States kamla that's comma is allowing it to happen and they actually want to actually they want to give them papers they want to make them citizens and they want to give them your Social Security they want to give them your Medicare and your Social Security will collapse under her I'm the one that's going to protect the Social Security but they're coming I will totally protect as I did for four years and there was no age increase there was no anything we're going to protect you know they destroy you with inflation and then they want to destroy your Social Security to it's not going to happen but this is going to be the most important election in the history of our country so I just want to say that it's an honor to be with you tonight it's a forum that's very different because I have no idea who the hell is broadcasting it but all we'll do is we'll talk because we're friends I love this state I gave them uh Marinette we we gave them a very big you know tels you we have a ship contract and as you know we gave uh Marinette yards but we gave them a tremendous contract they wanted it all over the country I said we're going to get for Wisconsin and it's a big one and they're doing a great job I understand so we got that and uh we're going to have a good time tonight so let's go Mr President you you talked about immigration we actually have Amber here who's quite concerned about that and she's got a question for you thank you Mr President hello my name is Amber and I'm from Cameron Wisconsin I have three beautiful children and I'm torn on who to support my youngest daughter is here tonight my oldest son is 18 and he just started trade school this week very proud of him my concern is that illegal immigration is threatening opportunities for my children I worry that it's taking away jobs from Americans I'm wondering what will you do about that all right well it's great I think I'll stand up and do you mind if I turn around um thank you Amber very much and you're right I'll tell you we have the people that I'm talking about they're pouring in at levels never seen before they're coming in by millions and millions and a lot of them are taking the jobs for the black population the Hispanic population and unions are going to be very badly affected because and I was talking to some of the Union heads who I actually do get along with but uh they're very concerned about it because the jobs that are the people that are coming in are just taken it and it's going to start with the black population African-Americans are losing their jobs and I don't know if you heard the latest statistic that of the jobs that these people created which is very little every single job was taken about 107% was taken by illegal immigrants there's been no job creation from them the jobs were filled by illegal immigrants with all of that being said I want to give you a very positive answer we're going to win this election we're going to turn this country around we're going to become an unbelievable growth country and your boy is going to have the greatest job and you want to have a lot of choice with jobs you know you want them to go up and they get up and they uh it's hard to believe I have that the way I get treated but I look I look forward to every day because we're going to make America great again so I really do I look forward to it that's right but but we're going to we're going to create a lot of jobs we're going to create does he want to stay here or does he want to go to a different state or anything midw yeah someplace in the midwest but this is a good place to stay right Wisconsin so we'll be creating tremendous jobs for our country and we're also turning away you know we're going to be closing the Border really closing it by the way did you see so Kamala was for defunding the police she was for open borders she was for everything that you're not against I could go through 14 different she's changed in every single one of them in fact I think we should make see the man in the red hat and the beautiful woman in the red hat says make America great again perhaps we should give kamla a make America great again hat right but the problem is that's not her belief her belief is open voters her beliefs belief is getting rid of Social Security her belief is doing all of these plans like for health insurance where you have one big government run mess and if you have private plans a lot of the people in this room have private plans they're incredible plans they worked hard to get those plans and that's what they want but with her she wants to have it's really a communist type of government and and I just saw her telsey on she was sitting behind the desk doing this interview and I said Dana Bash you could make yourself big tonight all you have to do is be fair I haven't seen the questions but they gave out a sample in fact she's going to be on later on tonight with a taped it was a taped we're doing it live why are we doing it live and she's doing it taped but but that's right he's real but she was sitting behind that desk this massive desk and she didn't look like a leader to me I'll be honest I don't see her negotiating with President she of China I don't see her with Kim Jong-un like we did with Kim Jong-un so we're going to have to see what happens I'll tell you what November 5th is going to be the most important day in the history of this country go Mr President there are a lot of people who want to feel hopeful about our future I want to introduce you to Luke who is one of those people hi hello Mr President goodlooking guy thank you my name is Luke palaski and I'm a junior here at the University of Wisconsin lacrosse I'll be voting for the first time in November and I'm researching each candidate I have two questions for you first as I've been living on my own and buying my own gas and groceries I have noticed that everything has become more expensive for me personally I try to eat healthy and stay lean a pound of meat has gone from $4 to almost $7 I also would like to buy a home someday but that seems just impossible now what's your plan to make life more affordable and bring down inflation for someone like me very good thank you good it's probably the question I get most you know they say you're going to vote with your stomach I don't know if you've heard it but it's a little bit true and groceries food has gone up at levels that nobody's ever seen before we've never seen anything like it 50 60 70% you take a look at bacon and some of these products and some people don't eat bacon anymore and uh we are going to get the energy prices down when we get energy down you know this was caused by their horrible energy wind they want wind all over the place but when it doesn't blow we have a little problem this was caused by energy this was really caused by energy and also their unbelievable spending they're spending us out of out of wealth actually they're taking our wealth away but it was caused by energy and what they've done is they started cutting way back we were in third place when I left we were by far in first place beating Russia beating Saudi Arabia and we were going to dominate to a level that we've never seen before and then we had a bad election I'll be very nice I'm supposed to be nice when I talk about the election cuz everybody's afraid to talk oh please sir don't talk about the election please you know if you can't if you can't talk about a bad election you really don't have a democracy if you think about it right but but what they did telsey is they took they took back the oil production the oil started going crazy that started the inflation then they went back they said go back to where Trump was the problem is that we would have been three times at level right now we we would have been so dominant over Russia and uh Saudi Arabia look Saudi Arabia Russia a lot of oil we would have had more you know we had something in Alaska nir that we that I created I mean Ronald Reagan wanted it you remember Ronald Reagan wanted it they all wanted it and I got it approved nobody was able to get it approved I got it approved and they the first week in office they turned it back they said no it's the biggest site possibly in the world could be bigger than Saudi Arabia well we're going to start that up we're going to become the energy capital of the world we're going to pay down our debt and we're going to reduce your taxes still further and your groceries are going to come tumbling down and your interest rates are going to be tumbling down and then you're going to go out you're going to buy a beautiful house okay you're going to buy a beautiful house that's called The American Dream the American dream thank you Mr President I I want to ask you a question about National Security but first I think it's important to point out what Luke is talking about the cost of groceries the cost of gas the cost of housing mortgages rent everything has gone up kamla Harris's plan that she has announced is government price controls and I think it's important to touch on you just laid out your plan what's going to happen if kamla Harris institutes price controls so that's a communist plan it's never worked and it's been tried by others but Believe It or Not Richard Nixon tried it a lot of people tried it it's been tried many times and it always leads to the same failure uh tremendous inflation lack of product you don't have anything the stores are not stocked it has never worked it's called control they want control and uh you know look it just it's been so often and everybody that comes in they say it it sort of sounds great we're going to go price control actually when she announced it she got absolutely slaughtered by even Democrats because it doesn't work it's it's a known loser so now she doesn't talk about it you notice she doesn't talk about climate change anymore she's not talking about it you know why because people don't want to hear it they want to find they want to live a good life they want to live a life they don't want to stop your industry with climate change they used to call it different things global warming remember that wasn't working because it was getting a little bit cooler so they said what are we going to do we'll call it global cooling no so they came up with the word words climate change because that takes care of everything it climate change the climate's changing but according to them we're all going to be gone at about what do we have 3 years left they had 12 years remember so in about 3 years let me tell you we do have a problem though it's climate change but a different kind of climate change it's called nuclear global warming we can say that's global warming and if we don't have a smart president you know you have five nations now with pretty massive nuclear power some have very massive including us and Russia China's behind way behind but within four or five years they'll catch up and we don't want them to catch up look we the biggest problem in my opinion the biggest problem our country has the biggest problem the world has is nuclear weapons they are a destructive force the likes of which nobody has ever seen before and we have to make sure they're never used we have to make sure it's not going to happen you're you're exactly right you brought up Ronald Reagan already Ronald Reagan famously said a nuclear war can never be won and should never be fought and I think it's interesting you talked about climate change Mr President the Democrats and kis they were quick to talk about how climate change is an exist but what they're not talking about is the existential threat of nuclear war and World War III which which is exactly where we sit today because of the warmongers and their puppets Joe Biden and kamla Harris and they don't want to talk about it because the the consequence of where they have taken all of us as the American people in the world is economic hardship around the world a destruction of our economic well-being and an annihilation of humanity our families our kids our communities around the world there was a recent poll that uh yugov did that that pointed out over 60% of Americans feel that World War III and nuclear war is going to happen within 5 to 10 years and and when I heard that I I felt so sad because they're at a point where they feel like this outcome the annihilation of the world is inevitable so I I wanted to ask you about this because it's important that people understand what kind of leadership you bring what you will do to stop this slide towards nuclear war in World War II so that we can feel hopeful again well thank you so Victor Orban who very strong leader from Hungary prime minister of Hungary they asked him recently about what's the problem in the world a few years ago during my ter we had no Pro we didn't have Israel being attacked we didn't have Russia attacking Ukraine and they asked him why is it so bad now the Middle East is on fire uh so many places are on fire and there are plenty uh places that could very well and very quickly catch on what's the problem he said you have to bring Trump back as president of the United States you will have no problem he single-handedly kept things and it's true and I could do it with telephone calls by being smart but literally he said you have to bring Trump back now he used the term I wouldn't use he said everybody was afraid of trump you know who was afraid of trump they said China was afraid of trump Russia was afraid of trump they were all and I don't want to say that I will say this they respected me and they respected our nation they don't respect our nation anymore they don't respect our nation anymore think of it what would the world be like if Russia didn't do what they did and they would have never done it I used to speak to Putin about it that very good relationship uh no chance you know what happened I think uh Afghanistan when he saw the horrible leadership that we were displayed that we displayed in Afghanistan I think he said wow this is a time to to go in because I wasn't there he would have never done it if I was President then Israel would have never been attacked think of it what would this world be like you wouldn't have had that disaster and wasn't leaving Afghanistan and they should have kept buam that's the Big Air Base it's 1 hour away from where China makes its nuclear weapons they didn't keep it you know who occupies it now tell us China occupies it so we have uh if you have the right president and we don't WR now right now do we even have a president he just came in think of it he just came in from wherever the hell he went you know there was a coup he just it yet but there was a coup how about that he got 14 I'm not a fan of his he was the worst president but you're not but think of this he got 14 million votes she was the first one to leave you know kamla was the first one to quit she never made it to the first state in the primaries which was I would never even came close other people did but she never even came close and all of a sudden she was picked and she's now running for president and look it just started really the it just really started the polls have us up here we're up in this we're up in States but it's close it's close it's it's close and you know they cheat like hell so we don't want to have it too close but we have because we have to get we have to win this we're not going to have a country but with him I was so far up we had a thing called how did he do in the debate did you think he did well not too good no they they wanted to have a debate I said okay it's a little bit early isn't it I was like I was trying to talk them out I said well it's a little early for a debate right and they said well I think we'd like to do it and that was not a good debate for them that was not a good debate so that was the beginning of the end for him and they started looking but they picked a woman that had absolutely no vote she got no votes and now she's running so when you say threat to democracy they are a threat to democracy I'm not a threat to democracy I'm not a threat thank you Mr President crime and the rise of crime is is on the minds of a lot of people I want to call on Danielle here um who has a question for you hi Daniel a [Music] Ms well you need yeah it's and you get a lot of those questions from Minnesota but you get a lot of those questions cuz Minnesota I mean they pick this guy he is weird he's we I'm not weird he's Weir no he's a weird guy weird dude you know see they come up with sound bites every they always have sound bites and one of the things is that JD and I are weird what that that guy is so straight JD is so he's doing a great job smart top student great guy and he's not weird and I'm not weird I mean where a lot of things were out weird I will tell you but that guy is weird don't you think you know he called he signed for uh and this is who would think that this is even happening in our country with men playing in women's sports and all of this but he has it he has it at a level that nobody can believe a bill that every boy's bathroom will have tampons okay hence his name tampon Tim but but think of it think of it and you know on the question of abortion he is the one abortion in the 9th month and if the baby in Minnesota and I'd love to win Minnesota cuz those people aren't digging this guy they're not think of this guy but think of this Six States Six States Minnesota is one of them if the baby is born you're allowed to execute the baby after think of that after birth in Minnesota you're allowed to execute and you remember the former Governor not the current governor who's terrific Len yunan we're going to win maybe with Virginia we could do that but the former Governor and he said uh you sit the B you sit the mother down and the father down you sit them down and you talk and the baby is born and you make a decision what to do he meant do you execute the baby after birth and according to what they have passed and legislation in Minnesota they're allowed to execute the baby after birth and this guy is a participant and that's why she picked him because she is in fact a Marxist SL communist remember I'd say all the time our country will never be socialist right we will not have a socialist well I was right we skipped socialism we went to Communism this woman has to be stopped Mr President we have time for one final question I don't know if we can get a mic to Bernardo uh he's got an important question given very soon we will be honoring the anniversary of September 11th and all of the lives that were lost on that tragic day in that tragic attack where we were attacked by radical islamist terrorists and Bernardo wanted to to share his thoughts and had a question for you on this thank you Mr President my name is Bernardo I'm a voter here in Wisconsin live in the wonderful Lacrosse County here and I'm also Al a father of eight I have seven here with me and uh it's the anniversary of 9/11 is coming up I'm concerned that we're more vulnerable now than ever and we have a Democrat nominee who doesn't even want to say the words says we shouldn't say the words radical is Islamic Terror how are we going to protect America from a terrorist attack uh first of all it's a great question and you know we have radical islamist pouring into our country along with everybody else right now they're coming in at levels that nobody's ever seen before we kept them out we had one year where border patrol put down it was I believe 2019 where they and I don't believe this I don't believe it's right but uh I'll take it they said zero came in in 20 that was my term zero now we have thousands I'd like to say that was true it's probably not because I can't imagine that but we we were very tough on that now they have thousands and thousands coming in along with the prisoners and along with the crime and remember a lot of these countries like Venezuela their crime is way down because they moved their criminals into our country it's not even believable but your question on islamists and all of the Jihad and all of the things that they talk about they have to respect your country they have to respect your leader you know I had no radical Islam crime for 4 years and I didn't want to talk about it I wanted to I I talked about it after but I didn't want to talk about it to and I don't want to say like I had absolutely in the next day you get hit but we had none four years of it because they respected your president they respected your country and they have to we have to bring back that level of respect and we're going to do it we're going to do it and we're not letting the wrong people into our country okay thank you very much great question thank you Mr President I know you have run out of time here but thank you for having this conversation with the people of Wisconsin and people across the country who are watching and concerned about these very same issues thank you Mr President thank you everyone for being here thank you everybody vote vote thank you everybody [Music] [Applause] [Music] man there's no need to feel down I said young man pick yourself off the ground I said young man call you're in a new town there's no need to be unhappy young man there's a place you can go I say a young man when you're short on your door you can stay there and I'm sure you will find many ways to have a good time it's fun to stay it though y MCA it's fun to stay it though y see they have everything you're meant to enjoy you can hang out with all the bo it's time to stay ATA it's time to stay ATA you can get yourself clean you can have a good meal you can do whatever you feel young man are you listening to me I said young man what do you want to be I a young man you can make real your dreams but youve got to know this one thing no man does it all by himself I said young man put your pride on the shelf and just go there to the YMCA I'm sure they can help you today it's fun to stay in the why y m CA it's fun to stay it though y m CA they have ever for your me to enjoy you can hang out with all the boy it's F to stay I am it's fun to stay at the YC you can get yourself clean you can have a good meal you can do whatever you feel man I was once in your shoes I said I was down and out with the blues I felt no man I were alive I the [Music] world so we are back I mean president Trump did a phenomenal job Megan giving these remarks in this community of Lacrosse Wisconsin he touched upon uh immigration and the economy to crime to how he would secure Global peace and prosperity um it a fantastic Forum different type of thing than you're usually seeing uh from president Trump but I love the audience interaction and I thought this audience in particular really got a kick out of it oh yeah this audience is jumping the energy in here was just insane and they were so excited to see President Trump and I'm really happy he hit on the topic of IVF because I know personally a lot of people who have been concerned about that issue and I'm glad that he addressed Dred tonight definitely so as we wrap up this broadcast we want to again thank all of our uh fans and audience for uh sticking with us throughout the day we have a few more uh words from our sponsors beginning with Birch gold um in these crazy times there's peace of mind and security security for our country security for our leaders and security for our families but think about this if you have all your eggs in one basket you are not financially cure gold and silver are excellent ways to diversify your savings they hedge against inflation and through my friends at the first cold group you can own physical gold and silver in a tax shelter retirement account this is one thing you can do today to secure your family savings you could do so by texting the word Trump to our ump to 98 9898 and receive a free info kit on Gold Plus in August for two more days on any purchase you make Birch gold is giving away free Trump silver coins this brand new one-of a kind uh silver coin features Trump boldly raising his fist in the moments after the attempt on his life so it's incredible incredible piece of History a celebration of a leader that we just saw dedicated to our security preserved in the security of a precious metal coin so in order to get your free Trump silver coin text Trump to 9898 98 today that is drmp to the number 9898 98 absolutely and president Trump during the town hall touched on the subject of children he said we want to make babies in America and we have to protect our children too so listen to this the bestselling kids guide to president Trump is available for free for viewers just pay shipping and handling with this special promotion the guide has been updated for 2024 and explains Trump's vision for future of American to Kids America to kids including his policies on immigration it's not surprising to learn that crime drugs are getting worse and worse in America and it's under siege by illegal immigrants pouring in from the southern border thanks to Biden's ad immigration policies that are overwhelming our city our cities and endangering Americans just look at what happened last week at ug when Lake and Riley was murdered by a Jose Antonio iara an illegal immigrant who came in from Venezuela as a result more and more Americans are agreeing with Trump's policies on immigration and as future voters our kids need to understand understand that the ramifications of these loose immigration policies are detrimental the kids guide to president Trump helps them understand this along with his vision for America following his re-election so go to free Trump that's free Trump today to get your free kids Trump book just pay shipping and handling I think that's great absolutely we love those free Trump books um do you want to just all right so another person another organization that we love is T tax Network USA um are you struggling with back taxes or unfiled Returns the IRS is escalating collections adding 20,000 new agents and sending over 5 million collection letters to kick off this year and these challenging times your best defense is tax Network USA don't let the IRS take advantage of you with over 14 years of experience under their wing tax Network USA has saved their clients over $1 billion in back taxes no matter the size of your tax issue their expertise is your advantage they specialize in negotiating with IRS aiming to 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a bird flu Su coming in October it's eerily similar of event 201 that foreshadowed the covid-19 planemic and listen to this the first topic on the agenda called Mass family Mass fatality planning if that doesn't send chills down your spine I don't know what will but here's the good news you don't have to be scared if you're prepared the well company created the contagion emergency kit and every home in America should have at least one of these kits they're packed with lifesaving meds like icin hydroxy chloroquin antibiotics like a zpack and it's all backed by experts like Dr Peter Mallo imagine this no more frantic searches for a doctor no more emergency waiting rooms just a few clicks and the kit is delivered right to your door you have it all at your house in times like these having your contagion emergency kit is not just a luxury is actually a necessity protect your family by preparing right now go to tww c. health rsbn and grab your contagion emergency kit today that's tww c. health rsbn and use the code rsbn to save you $45 off your order at checkout kits are only available in the USA by the way so we talk about Wellness another way to get well is your sleep wellness and the best way to get the best comforting uh mattresses is through our friends at the my pillow company I wanted to let you know that our friends at my pillow are having a Labor Day sale on all their mattresses um so all their mattresses now which are of course USA made homegrown um is up to 50% off plus an additional $100 off for this amazing sale for Labor Day so you can save up to 50% off plus an additional $100 off so you can get mattresses as low as $439.99 with our promo code over here rsvn that's a huge 40% uh value that you'll be getting out of these mattresses so head on over to the my pillow um Organization for their Labor Day sale and lastly we want to thank again all everyone at our Network we're going to give a shout out to the camera guys will um Trent obviously Megan you did a fantastic job back at the studio Bobby great everybody on the rsbn network this is really a family and we really appreciate you the viewer you're the most important part of this family I want to also mention that rsbn from now until November 5th will be your 2024 election headquarters we are working so hard to provide you with the best wall to--all coverage no matter where president Trump is we will be whether and even you'll see double headers um as as we did today as an example of today so if you won't want to miss anything all things president Trump in the coming weeks make sure to like and share this broadcast while you're at it and subscribe to our Channel and get alerts when we're live follow us on any social media platform at rsbn Network that's rsbn Network um you know one end rsbn Network and if you want our weekly updates send to your inbox sign up for our newsletter at rsbn sl/ newsletter lastly if you'd like our content and want to give us a bonus please consider donating at RSB so it's RSB donate we're working hard to bring you the news you will not get anywhere else we appreciate even the smallest amount again that's RSB text rsbn as well to 80181 to support us with the little contribution we thank you all so much for your continued support uh for watching us all throughout today on our daily uh double header we are here with President Trump and there's going to be a lot of events ahead in the coming UH 60 plus days between now and election so we're in crunch time and we're so excited to bring you all the best live from the ground live from the scene of where all the action is happening on that note thank you all Megan everyone it's a fantastic day today we're going to toss back to the studio where Bobby will give a final word and um we appreciate all your audience and viewership today God bless you [Music] all and thank you Paul and Megan live in Lacrosse Wisconsin we'd like to also thank our sponsor American finance a lot of us are struggling to keep up with everyday bills whether that's food gas and even that stingy power bill if you own a home I want you to call my friends over at American financing Now American financing is saving their customers an average of $854 per month by tapping into their homes equity and wiping out the highin credit card debt $854 a month is like a $10,000 raise and why is that because credit card interest is absolutely insane these rates are crazy and most of us are still carrying a balance from month to month and if you're only paying the minimum every month it will take you years to pay this off there are no upfront free fees to get started so call American financing today and if you call today you may not have to make months the next month's mortgage payments in such a short period of time so American financing 88842 029 that is 88842 0299 save an average of $854 per month and rsbn and thank you so much for tuning in for our double header tonight there were remarks in Pottersville Michigan a town hall in Lacrosse Wisconsin president Trump clearly stating the agenda 47 the 20 promises he has made to America that has been shrined and accepted by the Republican National Committee him making his points very clear regarding IVF and abortion a states rights issue according to president Trump and someone who wants to have many children many more American children being born with American families and two American families very different from what we saw at the DNC with free abortion and visectomy Clinics being right outside of the United Center in Chicago so a stark contrast between President Trump and he mentions then Governor Northam of Virginia who wanted infanticide that seems to be where the far Democrat left is going of course former Democrat Tulsi gabard now independent moderating the town hall tonight and an exciting crowd of over 10,000 in Lacrosse Wisconsin tomorrow we have another double header with a rally in Johnstown Pennsylvania and then president Trump will be giving an evening prime time speech to the moms for Liberty conference in our nation's capital Washington DC we hope that you are able to join us tomorrow we want to thank Mike foron who is in Michigan of course Paul in Gracia and Megan kler in Wisconsin our wonderful directors producers and camera crew out working today the long broadcast which is always very fun to bring a double header to you the American Patriots at home for rsbn I'm Bobby mcney we look forward to seeing you tomorrow good night and God bless you ask and we listen we're finally bringing you the most requested offer ever get the queen siiz premium my pillow now only1 1998 my pillows made with patented adjustable fill it adjusts to your exact individual needs regardless of your sleep position it helps keep your neck Aline and holds it shape all night long so you get the best sleep of your life but that's not all get our six-piece kitchen or bath tole sets only $25 our brand new mattress topper as low as $69.98 get our 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tax sheltered retirement account there's one thing you can do today to secure your family savings just text the word Trump to 9898 98 and receive a free info kit on Gold Plus in August only on any purchase you make Birch gold is giving away free Trump silver coins this brand new one-of-a-kind silver coin features Trump boldly raising his fist in the moments after the attempt on his life you don't want to miss your chance to own this special piece of History a celebration of a leader dedicated to our security preserved in the security of a precious metals coin so secure your savings today and get your free Trump silver coins text Trump to 9898 98 today that's Trump to the number 98 9898 welcome to the right side broadcasting network we're not like the other media Outlets out there that cut and edit what other people say in 2015 we were created by our founder seals to cover president Donald J Trump's speeches and rallies to which we continue to do to this day we've also covered important conservative events like CPAC tpusa March for Life and many other important events and hearings around the country we were made for people like you everyday Americans who are tired of the mainstream media who are tired of being lied to manipulated and fed an agenda our goal here at R side broadcasting is to allow you to see the truth giving our correspondents and commentators a wide latitude to speak their minds you won't find anything like this in the mainstream media your support through your donations locals and supporting our advertisers allows us to continue to cover important events around the country each and every day so from us here at right side broadcasting thank you for supporting us and the right side of [Music] History e

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