LIVE REPLAY: President Donald J. Trump Holds a Rally in Las Vegas, NV - 9/13/24

Published: Sep 12, 2024 Duration: 08:55:40 Category: News & Politics

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e e e e e e e Viva Las Vegas Megan it's a pleasure to join you out in the silver state of Nevada six electoral votes up for stake in the 2024 presidential election I'm Bobby mcney here with the lovely The Talented Megan ker great to be back with you incredible I'm excited to be here in the beautiful state of Nevada in Las Vegas and we're enjoying it's not too hot yet but it's getting there still summer time in the desert and we like to thank our sponsors for bringing rsbn out here to you the great viewers at home and these are crazy times if you look at the economy president Trump talking at his press conference at his Trump National Golf Club in Los Angeles today on the open border on the financial situation on all the crazy things that comrade Calo wants to accomplish or deteriorate if she's God forbid president of the United States but Burch gold is one of our favorite sponsors if you text Trump to 98 9898 you can hedge all of these inflationary Trends and the cost of living and if you purchase anything from their free Birch guide which you'll get in the mail great Patriots like Ron Paul Dan bino even Steve Bannon endorsing this you'll get a commemorative coin that silver coin from the Silver State perhaps where they found all this silver commemorating the assassination attempt on President Trump's life back July 2 months ago to the day in Butler Pennsylvania this coin has the fight the American flag in the background him flanked with his Secret Service agents wow what what a commemorative coin it's a beautiful coin the White House on the back of that but you'll get that in addition to your purchase with Birch gold so text Trump to 9898 98 and give our friends over at Birch gold a call today beautiful there's nothing better than investing in Precious Metals right no question about it it's important because you look at the last 50 years of American foreign policy the Petro dollar dominated on the world stage but now the Saudi Arabians are trading with the bricks Nations Brazil India China they're all inflating their currency especially China so we need to be careful about hedging 401ks IAS and making sure you and your family are financially safe for these times but another thing is you know purchasing land and doing it at an affordable rate which as we learned from president Trump's speech yesterday in Tucson Arizona that's getting harder to do but you have some friends over at Tennessee land that uh will be able to help us do that of course and listen to this right now Tennessee Land and Lakes is selling off large acreage properties just outside of Nashville Tennessee in this popular destination spot way below market prices from only 18 sorry $899 5 Acres with a cozy cabin in quiet Woods for only 1099 and can you believe that that's a great deal 18 Acres riding trails in Horse Country $1599 a super private 86 Acres $ 3999 5 to 86 AC Acre Properties from $899 and that's unheard of in this close to Nashville location build Camp invest in your property and your way and learn more about this great buying opportunity in Tennessee click or call www. 866 345 land that's 8 www. 866 345 l n d . and once again that's 866 345 l n d forget Wall Street buy something real make the move to the beautiful state of Tennessee you know Megan it makes a lot of sense I'm in Atlanta Georgia have a lot of friends especially I'm originally from the Chicago area we talk a lot about how we have moved and vote with our feet in America and a lot of friends in the Nashville area but what a deal you get the best of both worlds with uh all those acres some horse grazing you're horseback rider as well like President Reagan was think about getting to Nashville Music City real close and although we're in the entertainment capital of the world here in Las Vegas Nevada Nashville Tennessee I don't know if we can really call that a second City Entertainment wise because they have all the greats out there whether it's country music or even the pop scene a really a beautiful city to get acquainted with so what an opportunity to buy real tangible land and fulfill that American promise it's just stunning in Tennessee I've been there a few times myself and the land is just gorgeous Rolling Green Hills it's very Lush very green like I said you just have to see it for yourself it's stunning and the fact that this land is right near Nashville you really do get the best of both worlds no question about it I am a huge fan of Atlanta myself but I might be making the Trek up north it's only about three and a half hours from there a great place to visit but so much going on this entire week we had the debate between vice president Camala Harris and president Trump and that's been very interesting to analyze because we talked earlier off camera and what I found fascinating about it is the criticism of President Trump has mostly been from Republican ranks but if you look at certain pulling he's done very well with swaying Independence in his Direction with the debate performance of course Camala Harris riddled it all with lies and debunked myths quite frankly especially surrounding January 6 and claiming that there were many murders that took place of course president Trump talking about Ashley babbett who was the one person who was murdered that day and God Rest her soul God be with the family because she did four tours of Duty on behalf of the American Military in Iraq and Afghanistan a real hero uh we have people like uh Sam Brown running for the United States Senate here in Nevada and a Gentleman we had talked about earlier he actually met his wife when he was being nursed back to health if you're not familiar with that story a true American hero was burned after serving our country overseas uh from an IED and grenade attack on his Squad an amazing man to help president Trump as we go into January of next year of course not only for president Trump getting back into office but these legislative seats so crucial to the silver state with its six electoral votes absolutely and what you mentioned about the debate was totally true and what I love about Republicans is that we want to do the right thing we are always searching for the truth we always want to stand up for what's actually correct what's right the truth and people it it's kind of a double-edged sword over here because it's we want to nitpick sometimes oh that could have been better this could have been better so I think that's why the criticism could be coming from the Republicans which I do want to know you know I do want to uh stand for the truth and what's right but at the same time I think he did do a great job and like you said with the independence and even some people on the Democrat side I think he did a he did he did a great job bringing them over and they really saw he s he sorry I'm trying to think of what to say well he brought you know what's interesting about him is that really although he's under the Republican Banner he's brought a populist movement to all this so president Trump in a sense has created his third lane you know very similar to people if you think of like Ross perau Pat Buchanan over the years who have really made a Third Way happen they always claim that Bill Clinton was the Third Way governance but really it was you know globalist politics that that he was getting into in the '90s early 990s with things like NAFTA really hurting the American worker the American middle class president Trump has said look we're going to use the core Basics and Promises of the conservative wing of the Republican party but if you look at people like the neocon state and the 200 officials that have endorsed uh Cala Harris from the the Bush Administration go ahead that's great because you're all neocon globalists that are obsessed with the surveillan state whereas you have people like Bobby Kennedy Jr tulsy gabard who believe in classic liberalism that have room in the modern Republican party because they believe in free speech believe in civil rights they believe in they may even disagree on the issue of pro choice and abortion but they believe that that needs to be decided at home that it needs to be decided by States and the courts have ruled appropriately by getting rid of roie Wade which was just invented by the court so judicial activism it's those core points that bring together this middle populist in America and the more people I talk to they seem to be more you know let politically inclined if you will you know not necessarily defining themselves by a party but rather you know I this is where I go to church these are my neighbors this is where these are my favorite football team we're in football season so I think that tends to be more important for people uh do you see that where you are in Ohio yes I think what you made uh the point you made about the Democrats is a really good one that there are some classic Democrats that are striving toward the a similar goal as to the the Republicans versus the some of the Democrats now have a completely different end goal so we're not working toward the same goal of a Great America and figuring out different ways to do that and different paths to do that some of the Democrats now want a whole completely different version of America that's heading towards socialism and communism they're not looking for the freedom and Faith and family that the de that the Republicans and maybe some of the old classical Democrats used to strive for such a good point there was so much that brought together that middle um there is a gentleman that was talking us beforehand we might get him on camera here because he was actually watching what president Trump was doing on 9/11 Commander Maring the firefighters and everyone that uh had had passed away on that day of course we're very thoughtful of what happened that week um 23 years ago yes sir we'd like to talk to you about uh your experience with New York you want to come close here to the guard rail absolutely what's your name Richard Navaro and is your first Trump rally yes it is now uh we were talking earlier you from New York sir you in Las Vegas now you even come closer here don't don't be afraid I I'm I'm generally pretty nice to people but it depends so Richard uh tell me about were you a firefighter no but um I was watching 9/11 uh cuz it impacted me so much and how he uh Donald Trump showed up to a fire fire station and it was really moving so you guys mentioned your station mentioned he was going to be here Vegas I live in Salt Lake and uh it wasn't until recently because of uh you the Ries that I I started figuring out there that that uh that he's the real deal and uh what they're doing to the country it's just just so wrong it's like I have to get involved so I showed up so I thank your channel for uh and all the independent like for being here Richard thank you so much it means so much that's that's the goal here at right side broadcasting is to bring unfiltered access of everything that happens at a trump rally before during and after because it's so important it is you know Camala Harris said that the debate on Tuesday night you know uh coaxing president Trump on to go to one of his rallies and that's one area I agree with her on yeah come to these rallies see these amazing people who come out here will stand out here for hours to see the jovial nature of everything but can you share with us where were you 23 years ago when 911 happened I was in Seattle and um uh and I woke up after that and I started watching Alex Jones can I plug Alex Jones Infowars and the internet was barely coming together and I love the internet and Bitcoin by the way uh and uh but it I kept under didn't understand why by uh Alex was always plugging Trump I don't know what it was something about him but then I got one over when he spoke here at the uh at the uh uh rally here what was it 3 4 months ago in I started watching it and I don't know what it is but I it fired me up and I got excited again about the country so and uh how we can actually do we make impact and they think they win with the in uh big and fake news you know we're all they all conditioned us so much so thank God for YouTube and and uh and uh and Twitter since elon's running it now cuz they would try to sh ruin that well it's it's all about um sharing that it's it's important to share information as much as possible out there in the world oh absolutely Richard what do you most looking forward to today to hear from president Trump I'm just excited being here and it's being up close we're going to be right up close so you should have a great seat Richard was a pleasure to meet you sir God bless you absolutely have a great day and that's what's exciting about you know being here at these rallies especially here in the Silver State you'll find people who travel from neighboring states or even around the country we saw that with the Magnificent Matthew Alvarez and the Titan Titus Ellis Smith as I have now just coined him with the nicknames that I throw out there but you saw that you had people from the West Coast even going to Johnstown Pennsylvania and the only way we can do this to bring you this great content here at rsbn is to thank our wonderful sponsors and one of them being free Trump yes free Trump it's all redone for 2024 and this is the kids guide to president Trump and it talks about crucial issues that he's trying to tackle not only within his Maga movement but also what he will do when he's back in the white house as the 47th president talks about his first term during his 45th presidential tenure also talks about the people around him uh what kind of policies will make America great again as future voters our kids really deserve this to be out there and learn how they can combat indoctrination not only in media but maybe even in their schools I mean I can remember back in fifth grade myself the indoctrination that was taking place when I was growing up I had history teacher saying you can't say that even though I would cite historical facts and background so get free Trump and maybe even share it with your neighbors who aren't paying attention to the culture or being part of politics and it's an incredible thing to do so thank you to free Trump a great guide to making sure that everyone knows the truth about president president Trump and there's nothing more important than making sure our children learn the correct patriotism about America because if we're not careful the radical left will indoctrinate them so this is more important than ever before no question about it as we talked before it's not so much Republican versus Democrat it's Liberty versus tyranny in 2024 and as President Reagan said up against then President Jimmy Carter in 1980 are you better off than you were four years ago let's go to 1992 and James carvo with President Clinton it's about the economy stupid there's so many things if you go back to history it has a way of repeating itself but now more than ever someone as we saw Tuesday night someone who has a clear control knows how to do this job and is unafraid to go up against evil dictators around the world versus someone who has quite frankly been absent in three and a half years who violated the essence of the job Joe Biden gave her to do to be borders are and States like the Silver State around here have felt the influx of illegal immigration and Fentanyl like no other the crazy prices on housing it's been absolutely nuts and these gentlemen have caught my eye Megan if you want to interview them about the beautiful Trump shoe I haven't seen it in person yet but I'll let you take over here and sneak off camera hello gentlemen what are your names and where you from Jeremy Sanchez from here in Las Vegas Justin agular born and raised here in town incredible so tell us about these sneakers you have these are beautiful so so this one is actually the friends and family pairs so there's only 50 made for this one they did a second release where there's a thousand but these ones were all handed by Trump himself and we managed to pick one up for $20,000 the last sign pair went for $150,000 so the goal here today is get one sign but I think we're going to keep it like no matter what like and are you two big sneaker heads do you go to conventions and events stuff like that yeah all the time this is what we've done growing up our lives you know making this a hobby but also making it work yeah we a we own a sneaker store here in town called heat exchange and and you know it's just crazy cuz we grew up together with cousins and I used to go to him to get my stuff worked on and and resell that way and now we do it ourselves in a store and it's it's amazing mhm that's amazing we love entrepr entrepreneurship here in America yeah thank you so much I I don't know have you seen a lot of enthusiasm about these sneakers specifically oh yeah I mean every single time I pull it out we get a crowd of people on to take pictures and stuff and and I mean it's we're just very lucky to even get this in hand especially a numbered one uh the even out of the Thousand there's only a couple pairs that you might find on eBay but this one you you won't see anywhere cuz most of the people who are gifted it by him are just holding on to it so and these have a specific number in the tongue it says 43 out of 50 here yeah I wish we got the 45 if we got the 45 different stores when we open up you know different states it's just going be a cool piece to be able to say that we have that's an incredible piece of history that you guys both have now yeah definitely I mean I mean just Trump himself is so amazing and and having this especially like how anticipated the release was and the people who were clowning on it and everything else like it's just it's amazing to have I don't know tell us about the sneaker industry before they were actually released you were talking about how excited everyone was when the pre-release came out yeah so when when he did like the announcement for these he actually went to a Sneaker Con and I think it was in Seattle and he showed up showed his face did a gave out like that was part of the Thousand Pairs and uh I mean it was really exciting uh when he showed up I I don't know I mean before sneakers have been around forever ever like obviously Trump wouldn't I wouldn't necessarily say change the sneaker game but having something this exclusive is you know what the sneakers are about so how cool and being uh locals here in Nevada in Las Vegas do you see a lot of enthusiasm for president Trump overall yeah definitely I mean I see a lot of people this is I mean just being here is a lot of enthusiasm as it is right absolutely and were you excited about President Trump even before he came out with the sneakers oh yeah definitely yeah I mean I went to college in in Utah and I mean just it's surprising to see that the college support for Utah was a lot higher than I would have thought uh especially since I mean there's there's always like the the other ones but yeah the college support in Utah was pretty huge and I don't know I've been a trump supporter since since 2016 so incredible thank you both for your support and it's so exciting that you have these pieces of history and good luck with your sneaker Endeavors thank you so much thank you so much thanks for having us I'm always amazed by thank you guys the the I am always amazed by just the businesses that President Trump has been able to uh create or Inspire and we see all these vendors out here and that's the thing vice president Kamala Harris if you are watching yeah we'd like to invite you to a a trump rally would we like to invite her just so she could see all you guys I mean it's it's a long lines it's the great businesses it's the vendors it's the fun the inspiration and it's always interesting to me because it's so many people like our friend Richard we spoke to who may not have always been political in nature but rather are concerned about the country and the future of where everything is heading truly a Liberty versus tyranny moment right like I said before we're not we're not heading toward the same goal anymore the left and the right are not trying to figure out a better way to do the same goal it's really it's communism socialism against Liberty and freedom that's why it's more important than ever before to vote for president Trump this election cycle right and we're going to share this a bit right now just because uh we're having a little mic issue but that happens that's okay you know we're out here on live TV having a blast out here not terribly hot yet but it's it's a dry heat in the Las Vegas desert uh six electoral votes here in the silver state and it will be critical cuz yesterday president Trump just announced a new policy initiative no tax on overtime which I think will be huge for nurses and First Responders and especially an economy like Nevadas because Las Vegas is so service oriented Hospitality you have so many uh service based workers so many waiters chefs people who have to really be on their feet and I had done that work for a long time right after college and it was very fulfilling learned so much about how to deal with emotional intelligence sales among so many other things but uh do you have any thoughts on this with now we have no tax on tips no tax on Social Security benefits for seniors and now no tax on overtime Megan what do you think about some of the new policies from president Trump I mean I'm excited about these tax cuts I think it's an incredible incentive for the people who do want to put in overtime because it was very uh disheartening when you had to put in all this extra time you think you're going to you know put in extra work and then you're getting taxed again on top of all of it and it was really starting to De incentivize people from putting it overtime so I think as a businessman Donald Trump knows how to run a business and he knows what excites people to get to work harder and get you know get get in more time so I think that was a great move on his part and especially being in the state of Nevada in Las Vegas where are there are so many service workers people are going to be really jazzed up about no tax on tips here and I think across the country but especially here right in uh Las Vegas well and that's the thing he's doing a press conference or just wrapped up in Los Angeles where one of his national golf clubs is located and he was talking more in depth about this policy because California years ago this is around 2010 actually implemented a 6-hour mandatory limit of people who are on their feet so the service based workers and I had worked out there right after college and I remember being at the restaurant I was working at at 5:59 I had to clock out and take a mandatory 30-minute break yeah that was great for a moment but what if we were swamped during dinner time like around 700 7:30 especially on the weekends when people would come in and want to enjoy themselves really threw a wrench in the system and then ended up giving poer service to uh our our friends our guests at the restaurant and I was never a big fan of it because sometimes I'd lose out on that big table that just walked in and maybe it would affect my tip percentage on a regular basis and for me I'm just kind of guy I could barely sit still I need to go around that's why I love this job cuz I can stand up for hours and hours and hours you should give people in the service industry those choices and now to not have that taxed I mean we were talking even yesterday as we got in about the income tax the federal income tax was implemented in 1913 America ran well before that I mean we had an industrial revolution in the 19th century and of course you needed to reform some um you know workers comp and things of that nature which got solved but why would you be taxing and penalizing people's labor in their hard work you know it's there's other things you can tax and fund things with especially when it comes to infrastructure say with sales tax as Arizona does neighboring Arizona next door but uh I think this will be a very interesting initiative and maybe that's will turn some heads here in Nevada right and I think that's just another tidbit of an example of making America great again that we used to not have income tax before 1913 right so why not bring it back to the old infrastructure that was working just fine a long time ago a little bit over 100 years ago hopefully we could bring that back and if we if we put in place the correct uh infrastructure we'll be able to reduce taxes on all levels hopefully all income tax that'd be great some states don't even have income tax like Nevada or Florida so I think that would be great if we could Implement that across the United States oh it'd be a fantastic accomplishment and we'll see how president Trump continues to implement all these new policies and we'll see if vice president Harris tends to copy that because we've seen that with the no tax on tips and all of those interesting things that have come across from her desk I mean if you look at her website she finally got platform policy positions in place but they're all a copy and paste of what took place um you know from the Biden Administration and what they have proposed and and lack thereof as well and then I I have heard from uh the directors as well if you could repeat one more time on the uh read for our sponsors sometimes the ifb just gets a little muddled out here thank you sir we have that just looking to pull that up here I'll pull that up just momentarily thank you Mr director now one of the safest ways Megan to protect yourself from hackers and malicious websites is to use a VPN do you use a VPN I don't but I need to I get on that very important it's uh especially when you're out here and you're dealing with a lot of uh cell phones and people like to hack and search for accounts and things of that nature but with the elections coming up and a huge surge of data leaks literally everyone should be using one huge shout out to the videos sponsor private internet access VPN or Pia for short in today's world everyone should be using this so what is a VPN for our viewers who might not know it stands for a virtual private network with Pia all of your traffic goes through a secure panel and your IP address is hidden with your data encrypted so with Pia you can also access geo-restricted contents from websites YouTube included social media networks I I was fortunate enough to work for True social and I learned a lot about this when I was there and I just stocked up on a number of different VPN in the process but it's important to keep your data Library um in intrinsically valued and also yeah simply protected on so many platforms with Amazon Prime Disney plus Mac and Android iOS so many others that can be hacked they have a strict no logs policy which has been audited twice by deoe and has been proven multiple times in court so there's a lot of interesting history with this legally you can use one prescription to protect an unlimited amount of devices simultaneously so you can share with your family and friends so there's a 30-day money back guarantee on this and you have 247 customer support and for now it's just $23 a month plus four months free if you dive on to our 83% off sale going on now pia has more than 30 million users pick up an awesome offer available to our rsbn viewers if you go to PIV rsbn to get the deal do that today and make sure your virtual space is safe I mean what a world we're living in right now where you have to worry about all of this stuff yeah you know I've really watched a lot of science fiction movies and when it comes to technology if something goes wrong it really makes you realize how dependent we are on technology and every aspect of Our Lives now run through smartphones really uh through the internet through apps through different websites through different softwares and it's more important than ever before to protect our data that we do have within our own MacBook or iPhone or any laptop or phone that you may have so it's really important to have a VPN I think that it's huge that we have them as a sponsor so thank you again absolutely and we're going to cut to a short commercial break we'll be right back to you here in Viva Las Vegas hi folks rsbn founder and CEO no seals here did you know there is nearly $1 trillion of infrastructure and pandemic funds yet to be spent that's right there's a massive amount of money that the lame duck Administration is pushing hard to spend in their last few months if the president is able to push these funds out we could see another prolonged inflation surge just like during Co and I'm sure you remember the terrible effects that high prices had on most Americans but there's hope a surge in prices can be beaten a gold Ira from Birch gold goal group is the ultimate inflation Hedge for your savings in uncertain times to see how to protect your IRA or 401K get your free info kit on Gold by texting the word Trump to 98 9898 Birch gold makes it seamless to roll over your retirement account while preserving your tax advantage status don't wait for the president's spending spree to tank the dollar further protect your financial future Now text Trump to the number 9898 98 for your free info kit from SCH hey y'all it's silk from the diamond and silk chitchat live show look don't forget to check me out right here on rsbn network be sure to watch the show on right side broadcasting network and I want you to support right side broadcasting network yes it's imperative that you do so okay I look to see y'all soon bye bye parents and grandparents the 2024 kidss guide to president Trump is here and it's free as a bonus your child getss a free issue of everbrite Kids magazine and 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edit what other people say in 2015 we were created by our founder Joe seals to cover president Donald J Trump's speak Spees and rallies to which we continue to do to this day we've also covered important conservative events like CPAC tpusa March for Life and many other important events and hearings around the country we were made for people like you everyday Americans who are tired of the mainstream media who are tired of being lied to manipulated and fed an agenda our goal here at right side broadcast broadcasting is to allow you to see the truth giving our correspondents and commentators a wide latitude to speak their minds you won't find anything like this in the mainstream media your support through your donations locals and supporting our advertisers allows us to continue to cover important events around the country each and every day so from us here at right side broadcasting thank you for supporting us and the right side of [Music] History welcome back to Viva Las Vegas I might be singing that all day and I'm thinking about our interview with Courtney Reed just a couple of weeks ago how she had her beautiful painting with President Trump also with Elvis Presley the great singer that dominated this Vegas strip and the entertainment capital of the world for many many years but also called for peace in the late' 60s during his special so the peace candidates peace through strength president Trump seeking to become the 47th president of the United States here in the silver state of Nevada and speaking of precious gold silver and medals you got to go to our friends at Birch gold group and if you text Trump to 98 9898 they'd be happy to send you over a free gold guide talking about 401ks IRAs and how you can transfer that into these precious medals gold and silver of course out west the wild west still an untamed beautiful part of the country where Patriots and dreamers have sought a better life and a lot of that had to do with seeking silver gold and these precious medals for a limited time only now if you purchase through Birch gold group you'll be able to get the commemorative silver coin free of charge commemorating the horrible events of two months ago to the day J 13th in Butler Pennsylvania when President president Trump's life was threatened by a wouldbe assassin and thank God he was protected and safe our thoughts and prayers still with Cory campore the hero firefighter who shielded his family uh and those others that were injured there a remarkable thing that day that no one flinched and they stayed in their place in a very scary situation but you can get this silver coin which has our beautiful White House enshrined on the back of it as well as long as or as well as president Trump in his iconic fight fight fight photo flanked by his Secret Service agents and the American flag in the background but go to Birch gold text Trump to 98 9898 and Megan now has an interview with a friend of ours uh here in Las Vegas Nevada who has a unique group that is pushing for president Trump's reelection in the Silver State hey everyone Megan ker with rsbn here and I'm joined by what's your name Christina Clark amazing and where are you from Christina I'm from Las Vegas I've lived here for 35 years incredible and we see your sign here transfer Trump tell us about this have you always been a Republican or have you always been excited about Donald Trump what's your journey on the way here so I've been trans for about four years and I've always supported Donald Trump I never got into politics until Donald Trump got involved and I voted for him last time both times and uh I've been to like my fourth rally and the first seat I've been here since 10:00 last night and uh I'm excited that's exciting so you were the first person here last night lining up to see Donald Trump today yes I'm going to be the first one in there that's incredible so that's major enthusiasm he might even need a trans uh person in this organization I'd be willing for that possibly it's exciting to know how wide of of vast different types of people that Donald Trump appeals to and we know that the LGBT community is uh getting really ramped up and championed over on the Democrat side what do you think about that group do you associate with that do you get a lot of hate from them because I have gay friends who are Republicans and vote for Trump but they receive a lot of hate from the LGBT community do you see that for yourself so myself personally I'm not part of that Community I don't have the same beliefs that they have um personally I don't think men should be in women's sports children should be exposed to hormone treatment all that type of stuff I think that's a little crazy um I'm just myself for my own reasons uh transitioned myself and I didn't need that Community for anything they don't speak for me they don't help me and I'm not part of it with no with no disrespect intended towards that Community they help a lot of people not me though right so you you see them as an a group that doesn't represent you and you don't feel the need to be part of that group that's correct that's correct so they don't share the same values as you do basically def definitely not I'm a business owner I'm self-employed um I don't need a support system to be myself and you said you transitioned four years ago four years ago and how did you feel before so Donald Trump ran in 2016 how did you feel back then I I supported him for 2016 yes and then before that were you always voting for Republicans even before then I was never involved until Donald Trump got involved and I saw I know the reality what we're dealing with and I support this man we need this man back in office now that's incredible do you have a message for anyone who is in technically in the LGBT community but doesn't feel that that represents them as well what's your message to them my message is uh this agenda 2025 is not have anything to do with Donald Trump you guys need to get off of that that's the it's not the truth Donald Trump does not not want to affect any lbtt TQ community members that are above age it just has to do with Miners and at the end of the day that's the smartest thing to do in my opinion incredible and are you are you involved in any organizations that help register people that you're speaking to right now I am not no what if we started some kind of registered a vote campaign for people that are LGBT lgbtq but not actually associating with that group well believe me I actively do that daily on on the social media platforms I'm on just ends up in losing friends which is okay as long as we can stand for the truth that's that's great well well we're happy to have you and we hope the best for you and hopefully that hopefully the people that are similar to you and your background can associate with your beliefs and standing up for America and doing what's right yes definitely thanks for the interview and uh we'll see you guys inside thanks for joining us today bye incredible thanks again welcome thanks Christine Megan Megan pleasure do you have a card or anything I really is people that are coming together from all walks of life from all differences here and we have from one Christina to another Christina actually I'm going to read real quick just our sponsors we have a lot of sponsors if you haven't watched rsbn for a long time that helped get us on the air and one of them being the wellness company this is an amazing group of people Dr Peter Mulla you probably know from uh being cancelled he had brought the truth out about covid and the pandemic and he has put together a contagion emergency kit of eight essential medications like Ivermectin hydroch chloroquin zpac to make sure if you get a bacteria or a virus that you won't be sick and that you can have other options from what may be talked about in the main big pharmaceutical DC globalist etc etc the lobbyists that want you to buy this stuff so if you go to TWC do or dwc rsbn you could save up to $45 on these contagion emergency kits a wonderful wonderful thing to have did you know that the World Health Organization Christina they have a plan for a meeting it's going to be the mass fatality management planning this is the first top at their World Health Organization Summit on bird flu so much of this is being talked about it's happening in October next month so protect yourself with our friends and Patriots at the wellness company TWC rsbn get 45 off of these contagion emergency kits get that today thank you to our wonderful sponsor the wellness company and again I'm here with Christina she has a genzer who just had her 21st birthday and what a city to have your 21st birthday and I hope you've gotten to celebrate a bit in the entertainment capital of the world Viva Las Vegas Nevada but what is bringing you here today to the um Trump rally what's bringing me here today to Mr President Trump's rally is that I believe this election it involves a lot of morals from both sides and as Mr Jim Wallace he's a detective he taught me through his teachings on YouTube that there's objective morality and I see that Trump's team has more of the objective morality so that's what I follow oh that's really interesting so you you've analyzed the situation and thought deeply on this yes detective Jim Wallace he's on Dat line um he taught about objective morality rather than opinion it transcends opinion personal thought so I realize that Mr Trump he's the team of objective morality what is it like being a gen Z supporter of President Trump do you find difficulties with it have you found a community of um like-minded generational uh 21-year-olds who are looking to make make a difference in their Community currently no but I always have hope for the future and the most I can do now is you gain a lot of skills um anything you could do anything you learn it all betters your life and at least I don't feel like guilt or sadness I feel strength sometimes you stand alone but you feel really strong what are you most looking forward to from hearing from president Trump because clearly you you know a lot about natural law objective truth as you mentioned so philosophically you're looking at this uh as a well-rounded and smart voter but is there something you're specifically looking for today as president Trump um presents a Maga rally here on this Friday in Las Vegas yes this is my third rally for Mr Trump and I've had a rally for Mr Vance I'm waiting for my dad and my sister to come after work and also I will vote early and I'll bring my neighbors to vote early and what I look forward to today is just following the leader who's on the right path chrisa thank you so much I enjoyed that that's really uh someone who's sharp and smart who wants to make a difference here in the Silver State thanks for your time God bless you and have a wonderful day today absolutely and how great is that you have 93 electoral votes here that are really crucial to the whole ball game we have seven states in play and these six electoral votes are going to make a huge difference here in Nevada because again it's a service-based economy and Industry we are in the entertainment capital of the world so the no tax on tips making housing affordable again no taxes on overtime pay no taxes on Social Security and retirement huge plans for residents here in the silver state and can make a crucial difference six votes seems like a little bit but can make a huge difference in this ball game every single state matters every single electoral vote matters and we're excited to be here in the state of Nevada in the beautiful city of Las Vegas and talk to all these Great American Patriots out here and see what they want to hear from president Trump tonight very exciting and he had a press conference earlier in Los Angeles at his National Golf Club and he doubled down going back at what happened on the debate Tuesday night but also the failures of the Biden Harris Administration on the economy on the border the fact that fentanyl has been pouring over the Border thanks to the Mexican drug cartels and we really need strong leadership to say to people like the Chinese Communist Party who is very responsible for these drugs over to say look XI ping you're not going to do this or there's going to be hell to pay you need a leader who will stand up to those who want to cause bad forces throughout the world and we've seen this on a regular basis I think that was very clear the other night during the debate between former president Trump and vice president Camala Harris and he closed with that that left hook that that Southpaw hook if you will why haven't you done the things you're talking about you've had three and a half years she could have gone right down to that beautiful Oval Office at that beautiful white house her office just across the street from the Oval Office in the executive Eisenhower executive office building she just hasn't done that quite frankly and she failed at her role as borders are exactly and she put on quite a performance at the debate I was actually impressed with how well spoken she sounded she sounded very rehearsed she of course obviously did a lot of training beforehand before this debate and I thought she sounded really great however there was speak for themsel I think the American people saw right through it and they do take that sentiment of why is why she not done all these things she said she's going to do with the past few years in office and they're seeing that what she was saying just sounds like empty lies she was really playing right down the middle she sounded very Barack Obama o Barack Obama esque trying to appeal to the masses talk about Unity down playing down the middle obviously besides on the topic of abortion she was very um adamant about being uh for women's Reproductive Rights she likes to call it so I think that she was trying to play one role at the debate but as soon as she gets an office hopefully God forbid she never does but as soon as she were to get an office she would just flipflop right back to the way she was before and she really is just trying to get votes with her performance and I think that's what she did at the debate and the American people saw right through that and I think uh Donald Trump's closing statement was really powerful and I as I don't know if you've seen Tik Tok and YouTube and Instagram but all of his video clips are going viral and everybody in the comments is saying the exact same thing they're saying why haven't they done anything good in the past few years no I'm not better off now than I was four years ago and that's the most important question that she was asked at the debate and she completely dodged the question I don't know if you caught that yeah no I we talked about earlier that the fake news ABC moderators you know David Mir asked that question R off the bat and I thought oh wow I can't believe it they had a lot of good off the cuff opening questions but there wasn't the followup with the vice president that was crucial on at least five occasions they fact checked president Trump but those fact checks needed fact checks if you look at January 6 and the lies that they riddled uh regarding one person died that day and that was Ashley babbit president Trump correcting the moderators and the vice president he had three versus one and the topic of abortion always bothers me I like to clarify on air with right side broadcasting and the viewers at home there may be an element of disagreement even with President Trump on how to decide those things but he's been very clear he has appointed federal judges and justices to the United States Supreme Court who struck down roie Wade in that famous 63 vote and they did it on constitutional bounds the fact that judicial activism led to roie Wade it wasn't based in law and he said bring it back to the States Republicans and Democrats alike have been against roie way and when I say Republicans and Democrats it's the voters at home not necessarily the cabal of the deep state in Washington DC so I like to clarify president Trump's stance is it's a state's rights issue and people will vote their conscience ultimately and it's to prevent things like the Ralph Northam of the world the Andrew cuos at the time when they were governors of Virginia and New York and the extreme legislation that they put forward that really wasn't fanticide at the end of the day so I like to help clarify that here at right side broadcasting because we want to present the truth and present where president Trump stands cuz I'm just frustrated for him I I mean he has to repeat this almost every day on certain issues because the far-left fake news corporate media will just continue to lie about it exactly and you made a great point about the fact that it's not a federal issue anymore it's allocated to the States President Trump is saying let the states vote on it and so that it's not even really an issue in this election cycle for the presidential race and I think that's a good point that we need to educate the people on that because the far-left radical Democrat mainstream media Punit are going to set up questions in a way that makes president Trump look bad no matter what when in the real in reality it's not an issue on this election cycle for the federal presidential election so it's allocated to the states clearly um clearly uh Camala Harris is very into it she brought back she brought back pretty much every question to that topic she kept bringing it up talking about women's rights all the time with uh in terms of pro-choice abortion rights and um another thing that one of the moderators said was saying that President Trump is against IVF right was I mean that's what bothered me too because I'm looking at this and I'm like it's just not true and she wants to take a very volatile issue a very personal issue and claim that President Trump has always been against women and and here's the other thing too it's what about the pro-life women in uh America as well you know it's it's so interesting that she tries to convolute I remember the the part and she came prepared for this debate there's no question but she was rattling off lies and talking points and that biggest one was what about the people who want to have a child and then mixing up IVF with abortion access it was really rather a sick thing to do and she really does need to be called out on it and the first way I would like to personally call her out on it is Vice President Camala Harris please come to aaga rally and see the diversity not only um in skin color which she's obsessed with but in thought in cultural backgrounds in um sexual preference as the different interviews we've had just this morning a vast different kind of groups of people who are united in these 20 principles the magga principles which you can find on those platforms adopted by the Republican party in July at the uh platform committee and then the convention an amazing thing to look at where middle class America and those in upper class um the lower class wherever you may be across this country can relate with and especially the no tax on tips and making housing affordable again this election is coming down to voting with your wallet exactly and I would like to point out on the topic of IVF when I was at the Town Hall in Wisconsin Tulsi gabard brought up the topic to Donald Trump with her question about IVF because she had she had gone through um infertility issues herself and she said a lot of women are concerned that if you are too strict on abortion laws that IVF might be um a Jeopardy here and he came out at that town hall in Wisconsin look it up if you want to check this out I think everybody should everyone should do their own research but Donald Trump at that town hall specifically stated we need more babies in America and if he gets an office he's going to make sure that insurance is going to cover IVF treatments for couples who are wanting to conceive through through the IVF and that's a wonderful thing and and if you look at the Democrat convention outside the United Center in Chicago they were the ones giving free vasectomies and free abortions in Mobile clinics which you want to talk about the safety of people was it sanitary what were the licenses and and really no hope I mean this is a party and again I'm not talking about the voters here at home who may be watching but the Elites at the top of the Democrat Party the current party they don't want people to have children and it's the greatest blessing so many of us striving for that in life to get married to have a family to leave a legacy and this Democrat Party of today clearly is against that but they use the Geral tactic of the of Nazi Germany I mean these are the true fascists out there who flip it on its head and say you know look over here instead of looking where the facts are over here and they're really quite talented at it but that's why as Megan said do your factchecking at home look at other media sources don't just take our word for it but also go to and see where president Trump stands and on a daily basis it seems like he has to address abortion infertility issues the IVF and he has been clearcut on this for the last several months and really throughout uh his career and his presidency I can remember a time in the 1990s when Bill Clinton would say safe legal and rare that's how we want abortion to be in America Democrats have gone far far to the left from that position back in the mid 90s right it's no longer safe legal and rare in emergency situations it's now health care it's now basically birth control and it's allowing it's enabling people to just be uh rampant with their sexuality and basically just be irresponsible with it and because they know that's that safety net that they could just go get an abortion men and women look at that as oh we could just go to the clinic afterwards but that's pretty uh disheartening and sick considering that's a human life and you should take responsibility ahead of time we do have choice we have choice to do the act that creates the baby or not or go on birth control there's other types of contraceptives you can use and the way that the Democrats have set it up has really enabled Mayhem in that category in my opinion well and that's that's a great Point Megan because I thought a lot about I heard a speaker recently just on the life topic and there's something so beautiful about uh the Christian practice and certain denominations you know I'm Catholic myself and we uh are very uh devout towards the the the sacraments and the Eucharist specifically and about um take my body and and eat uh my My Flesh and Blood and and you shall have everlasting life it's it's Christ sacrifice on Calvary which defines so many of our lives and so many of the lives of our great viewers who are magga patriots who understand uh the Christian way of life and that sacrifice of servant leadership and abortion flips it on its and says yes sacrifice a body but um sacrifice mind for your own convenience you know in my view just the most selfish thing that can be done and it is regardless of where you are on the the issue it is a taking of a human life an innocent human life and there is nothing more precious than you know having a child and and bringing them up in the way of the beauty of this country and what we're all about as Americans and there's a lot of situations where we can agree to disagree but president Trump trying to unite this country behind a movement where we can all be Americans together and agree to disagree but also defend our most precious our most innocent and to you know potentially make a country where we can from conception until natural death be a pro-life Nation once again exactly and what I thought was really ironic about the overturning of Row versus weight is I follow about a lot of uh women's and Millennials uh like Instagram pages and a lot of women started making Tik toks and videos who were on the left and saying all right since R's weight is overturned now I'm not going to have sex with everybody and they started getting mad and saying that they weren't going to have sex and I'm like well that kind of was the result that was like the goal I guess anyways to stop it because now exactly what I just said if they knew that abortion was a safety net then they would just be running rampant with their sexuality and just doing that with Whoever Whenever in any fashion but now that they realize there's not there's going to be consequences for the actions so it's making them rethink from the beginning do I really want to put myself in that position excellent point and yeah that's always something I kind of thought about with now that you have these situations of more responsibility it does put it back on the man to a certain extent which you know true feminist should probably call that out and say yeah you you have to uh be responsible for this life that you're half responsible for creating so I I think that's a really good point but we talk about it all here at right side broadcasting it's a pleasure to be with you if you're just joining us I'm Bobby mcney I'm here with the lovely The Talented Megan Coler in Viva Las Vegas the silver state of Nevada and we're so grateful to our sponsors for putting us on the air to bring you unbridled access to the Maga rallies and to really everywhere president Trump will be but American Finance one of our top sponsors these are great people to help you with your salary based mortgage consultants helping find homeowners just like you just some relief in these bomic times cost of living out of control they're saving an average of $800 a month for their customers and with rates dropping the decision is really easy get on in there and see how you can refinance your home in these very strange Economic Times all it takes is a 10-minute phone call no cost no obligation a quick phone call over to our Patriot friends if you start today you may be able to delay two mortgage payments think about that a delay of two mortgage payments can be huge for anyone looking to save money so go to 8888422931 N9 rsbn American financing the great Patriots over there helping you save at least $800 a month and that's the thing for our we're Millennials and the difficulty right now a lot of people in our generation just are not buying homes you know they're not having families as we mentioned earlier as well it seems like the American dream somewhat on hold because of these globalist biomics the cost of living absolutely crazy and Kamala Harris will just make it worse and we want to our generation and uh gen Z the generation after us we all want to get married have kids buy a home live that American Dream but it's getting harder and harder in this economy and they're time our hands in a way that we pretty much can't and there's only a certain small percentage of people that can afford to do everything that middle- class Americans used to be able to do back in the day so we really want to bring it back to those times when everyone could afford to have a family to get married have kids go on a few vacations a year you know buy a car and just have have a happy family and live in a safe community and live the American dream so well said and it's so true as these Patriots are out here today who's excited to see President Trump oh is that I I need some more energy than that my friend okay I know it's early but we have a gentleman over here look at this guy right here we got a lot of exciting things going on here at rsbn Bobby I have an exciting gentleman over here love let's talk to him that'd be great what's your name and where you from uh Ruben Reyes I'm from Brownville Texas way down south on the border by the Sea incredible so is this your first Trump event rally Etc it is it is and and uh you know I got to see it with my own eyes I got I had no idea I thought it was a hoook when I got the ticket actually and I was like it's free I'm like okay cool let me go check it out and uh you know I'm from South Texas traditionally blue and uh so this is it's great to see that diversity it's not like how people say it is um I see people you know different color different ethnic backgrounds and I thought that's amazing to see everyone's been super polite you they've got water for us out here they've got uh you know AC with humidity um you know all the creature Comforts Outdoors is you know it's what maybe 90° out here something like that but uh you know one of the things that I've only ever seen it on TV and now I see it you know like right here you know the crowds forming and yeah it does you know the crowds are forming and you know from what I've heard in the past people have come to these events and you know I wanted to be here early I got here pretty early and uh hopefully I can secure my seat up in the front somewhere um that's great what time did you get here this morning I want to say I got here about 9:30 I did a couple of rounds and people were just setting up found a parking garage walked down asked a couple questions about the bags and so after that you know I started making some friends here while waiting and uh try to stay in the shaded areas but yeah 9:30 and so it's what a little past 1:30 right now that's amazing and so you're describing that the Maga movement is a lot different than what the mainstream media is telling everyone can you tell us more about that you're saying the people are very welcoming there's a big diverse um differences and all these different backgrounds and people really coming together for president Trump yeah definitely I mean I there was some Korean individuals I spoke to earlier and I I was trying to ask them some questions they but they lit they legit legit I had to use Google Translate to like hey you know how's it going you know where do I find this are bags allowed you know where's the front entrance and so I was using Google Translate to to help me translate so yeah there's people you know Latinos there's Asians there's you know African-Americans um so the diversities here the you know there's a ton of people here it's not like sometimes they take those pictures early and they make you seem like there nobody attended but no it's it's it's getting packed incredible and what is your background my background in terms of like what do I do uh your background in terms of like are you Latino it sounded so I I'm of Mexican descent yes so bronzo Texas on the border so you know I've got uh you know family that lives in Mexico um you know I'm sure the border wall there was a gentleman here he's dressed as the wall I took a picture with them but it's like yeah I I can literally knock on that wall and you know I could just dispel some myths with and some of the crowd it's like no that that wall was already there before Trump got there he's just finishing it is what he's doing that wall from my understanding was there since uh George Bush Jr and I think Bill Clinton might have even approved the funding for that but I that wall divided my family's uh property in half and so we need a we need access code to to open the gate to get to the back and uh I was talking to a gentleman also you know it's it's traditionally blue but it seems like the you know South Texas is trying to flip towards to the red side and uh that's good to see you know people are waking up to all the nonsense um you know firsthand experience right here I've gone to downtown seen all those immigrants coming down from South America literally in our area and they get Bust from there to those cities where you hear all the stories now of them you know trying to survive and eat you know whatever they find in the park ducks and whatnot so you really have a front row seat and firsthand experience about the border and you you said you're that the Border splits your your family's property are you are you an American born citizen were you born in Mexico tell us about that so I'm us you know born raised in brownzville Texas my family also I mean we're there for Generations remember that yet people don't understand that you know Texas was month's part of Mexico and uh so there's a lot of us that stayed there it's not that we crossed the river some of us didn't cross we're just as American as anybody else um and the thing is that we're not against immigrants just like Trump you know we're against illegal immigration like I don't remember this level of like immigration ever happening or seeing it even before the border wall was built so it seems to me that there's something deeper going on that you start getting all these waves of people coming in and that you don't know I mean you don't know who they are uh they might have been criminals uh you know they might have it's just a bunch of unknowns and so we don't know what we have in our streets um and it does affect you know like me wanting to go downtown it's actually very nice it's a very historical City in probably the second most historical City in the state of Texas and sometimes you kind of have to think a little bit about going downtown because it's like you don't know who's out there but uh yeah you know I do have firsthand experience you know seeing all that right so you've seen it for yourself how illegal immigration is affecting communities right along the border and they are affecting communities all across America but you've seen it right there on the border in Texas what else have you seen recently versus let's say when Donald Trump was first taking office versus now do you see a difference with that definitely I mean it's it's like clear you know um so when he was in office and he had that remain in Mexico policy like um we could you could go across the mamoto and you see all the tent cities over there so the remain in Mexico uh that was actually working because you had all that those people waiting there waiting their turn to you know get their cases heard and whatnot to see whether they qualify or not uh now they they B Bally rescinded all that blocked all that and so now they're just coming right through again and so that's why you saw what you saw maybe I don't know if it was on the mainstream media but I got to see it a lot of uh US National Guard there was Texas state troopers DPS were being asked to come down to help in the Border put all that you know secure the Border put all that barb wire to keep those individuals from just you know coming in and uh it's not that we don't they need to come in through a Port of Entry there's so many people I have relatives also family members friends that have relatives that doing it the right way you know that they're they're you know they're waiting in line they're going through all the legal process um and I've even got some friends that are democratic you know leaning and their lawyers and their immigration Specialists and it's like well how like what's the difference here like you know we should probably respect the laws get these people go through the Port of Entry like I'm not against them but I think the remain in Mexico policy was working and it kind of put the onus on on Mexico to kind of secure their border on the south side because that is also like people from atoto Mexico were also like hey you know like we have to we have all these people living here they're throwing a bunch of trash you know they're not liking some of the food that we give them um and so it was it was when you put it on another country now their resources are getting suck you know sucked up and so they felt that and so they had to do something about it when they are letting being L into our city well you know they need to send more patrols out there it's it's you know it's it's it's taking resources from someplace taxpayers and so you know we're not we're probably one of the poorest areas still in the nation down there and when you have you know people coming in and we have to use taxpayer money to help them it uh you know it just hurts even more are you seeing a big culture shock between the people who are coming into America illegally like do they feel that this is so different from where they grew up that they're not so easily able to assimilate or they don't want to assimilate well so where I where I'm from it's a little bit different because is in a way in a sense I would say you know more than 90% of the people there could are bilingual but then you have these individuals that don't speak any English at all and so if they're in those areas they kind of just stick they don't have to they have the option of not having to speak English if they don't want to um so it's almost like oh you know I feel comfortable here um and some may stay and some may go to a bigger city where there's a lot of spent like here in in so I'm from Texas but I I've been you know been here for about two years already and you know say north side of Las Vegas there's a lot of Latinos over there also and um you know so they kind of hang around where where they can communicate with one another I I guess you could say but I think that's not that's not just uh that occurs everywhere not just not just where I where I'm from but I think any big any big city right and what is the sentiment within the Latino Community as far as the topics of Il ille illegal immigration or they voting democrat or republican do they like Camala Harris at all are they voting for Trump what do you see in the Latino community well I mean I would say that at least from where I'm from it's it's biased it's there's a lot more blue you know like I'm an anomaly um I I guess they just see that it's very polarized it's like they just they just think of of trump as uh you know racist you know it's like how can you support someone who hates Mexicans it's like dude it's not it's not I don't think he has ever said that he hates Mexicans it's like it's like I think it just gets they take things out of context they don't watch the full clip or whatever and you know it's just the illegal immigration is you know a problem it really is and um but as far as anything else um I just think that there's more hate like the media has been successful in poisoning people um to hate this man and so like you really have I used to vote Democrat and so a lot of people think it's like oh how can you be you know Trum Trump supp is like like unless you're actually willing to like it's like will any will anything I say actually cause you to change your mind you know like say one nice thing about Trump say say you know give me one policy name one policy about you know say Biden or or Kamala that has benefited you in some way or benefited us as a nation in some way you know they'll sight oh well you know uh abortion it's like abortion is just like one little thing you know of all the grander things that we're facing as a nation you know like like you need to look at the big picture you know between those two you know I um I'm picking Trump you know like I mean there's just no there's no way like Kamala doesn't have any anything that I could say that has she's done like I can say that you know what like she did this this worked and I'm voting for her it's just not going to happen um you know they might site moral stuff yeah like I don't care what he did in his past I don't care you know what he does in his spare time you know I just I want someone who's going to lead the country and and you know and and get us to a better place you know and I think you know they like to point out that you know the economy is going down it's like it was going down during the pandemic um but before that it was doing great you know it was doing amazing and since Biden took over you know we can see just in the gas prices even in Texas it has you know some of the lowest gas prices in the nation we we saw that increase and uh you know like we don't have a lot of of you know wealthy people uh you know it's pretty poor down there you know like we don't have it's not a very big city or anything like that so like we struggle to make ends meet down there as it is um I don't know if I ask those are some great points you made and like you said the mainstream media does a great job of uh manipulating people's emotions and their hearts to vote a certain way based off of uh things that are not quite true like you said if you actually look at the facts and data do the research for yourself and you see the results from Donald Trump he does more for All American people and I think that hopefully the Latino Community can see that do you have a message for specifically the Latino Community oh I mean I could just tell them that uh you know like hey you know just take a second and really like re-evaluate why you like that candidate or what is it what is it that you dislike about Trump but and why like is it something that really matters as a as a country does it you know does do your emotions are they more important about you know compared to what matters you know like the economy you know those type of things I think uh what's going on is what they call amydala hijacking you know like people are just being run by emotions you see all the the alarming news and all this stuff on TV and and people seem to go with their emotions and and they're not thinking rationally and so you may not agree with everything that he says but for the most part like he means well for the the entire country he wants the entire country to succeed and uh I think that's something worth looking at and I would encourage any any anybody voting Democrat right now to like really evaluate like put away the the the feelings put away the feelings and just look at what he's actually done compare that economy compare it to Biden's economy and uh you know let let those results speak for themselves exactly that's very well said Thank you And as far as the Latino Community goes are a lot of Latinos Christian specific Catholic I would say so yeah the vast majority would be Catholic you know there's Christians also I mean there's I've actually you know kind of I've been seven day Adventist I've got friends that are you know Pentecostal I've got friends that are Protestant you know Protestant religions but I would say yeah the vast majority are Catholics and specifically Catholic and then also all Christian denominations believe in uh conservative values so it makes it only makes sense to me to vote conservative if those are your values Faith Family freedom and I think that would be another good point to tell the Latino Community look at you look at your actual values yeah exactly so I've actually had this debate with several people um I've got a a Madrina that you know she's like oh no you know that she would never vote for that man just cuz she doesn't like him and it's like well don't vote for him because you don't like him like I mean there's you always have that kind of those individuals that are they're they might be standoffish you may not like them but they might be a brilliant surgeon and like if I had needed a surgery that you know I wanted someone to do it the best they could I don't care if he's you know an a-hole I don't know if I could say that but or a jerk or whatever but you know that man is the best like I want him to work on me you know so like just put away those feelings and and and let the and you know going on to what you were saying about the conservative values I've actually had that same it's like hey it's like how can you how can you vote for these other individuals that uh they're supporting abortion and stuff you know the life inside someone else's body isn't their life anymore you know that it's it's and and that's not Christian you know those aren those aren't Christian values so I think that's more important than you know what you that you don't like somebody you know exactly yeah you've made some really great points about that and I think that voting with your actual values and looking at the platforms of the Republican platform on versus now Camala Harris finally put on her website her platform but if you really look at what the Democrats stand for it's completely opposite of Christian values exactly yeah definitely and I mean we've all seen that she's basically copying pasting off you know Biden's web page you know she took the uh not ta no I'm sorry no taxing tips you know she took that um she's flip-flopped uh on you know abortion and guns and you can find all those videos from the past like you look at V I don't think you can find one compilation of video where Trump is like flip-flopping like that man since he came back even in open and you know back in the 80s or '90s where they asked him you know if he'd ever consider running for president you know he's what he said then he still says no like he hasn't changed and uh I think the biggest thing for that is because like he said before it's like nobody can buy him and that's what really appeals to me is that he doesn't have all these uh private companies funneling money towards him to to do what they want like a puppet exactly and what are you hoping to hear from president Trump today at this rally gosh so there's one thing that I wish he would really address because he gets attacked for it a lot and I was having this discussion with my friend back here um is that there's a lot of stuff that gets taken out of context like when you know he hasn't said it recently but like black jobs or these immigration uh these immigrants are coming in and they're taking American jobs and I I would I wish that he would kind of expound on that a little bit like how exactly is that happening because there's a lot of individuals from the Democratic side or maybe there might be more moderates that are kind of like on the and I think he could win those votes if he kind of expounded a little bit more and actually say well how is it that these people are coming in and taking their jobs like they're not I don't see them coming in and move out of the way we're taking your jobs like what's the actual you know what's what's actually happening you know is it because they're maybe going in and working for Less you know that's probably the biggest re but that's what we need to hear I think that's what people need to hear you know give the specifics as to why you know how is it that us jobs are being displaced by these immigrants that's a great Point that's one of the main ones I think that I that I found um and also you know just maybe and I think he's done a lot better he's toned it down for the most part in terms of the stuff that he says um that could you know be misconstrued by the media so I think he's done a lot better um but yeah I'm hoping to to to to see him today you know like I've never seen him in the flesh so it'll be exciting to see what he has to say how exciting this is a historical move in the history of the United States and you're here to witness it so exciting how far did you drive today today I'm actually living so I'm from Henderson so it's not too far it was like 24 minutes but I'm actually from Brownsville Texas but uh I've been living here and I I commute back and forth um awesome and you said you got here at around 9:00 a.m. today were were there a lot of people lined up already when you got here yeah so there was already people waiting right in front of me here um you know they were already sitting down and I went inside you know I was just had some general questions about like the bag you know what kind of bags we can bring in and then I went and I had some some of the food saw some of the vendors uh had me a a nice uh sandwich here a meat meatloaf sandwich and uh a $4 soda it's a great day to be a patriotic American here in Las Vegas thank you so much for your time and you've had got you've got some really great Insight so we want to thank you again for interviewing with us oh thank you for having me absolutely president Trump and his platform we really appeal to all people here in the movement and it's really exciting to see and hear firsthand from people who live right or have lived right along the border he said him and his family have experienced the effects of illegal immigration firsthand so you heard it here straight from him that the mainstream media is really um manipulating and misconstruing some of the narratives about the Border crisis and you saw it today you heard it right from him somebody who has experienced this firsthand have some tight quars here today but we're having fun in beautiful Las Vegas the silver state of Nevada who's excited for president Trump this guy this guy right here is just such a a kind gentleman he's handing out water to everyone so vice president Kamala Harris if you're watching the people here are so nice and patriotic chanting USA USA USA USA USA USA [Music] [Applause] us these are exciting Trump rallies and the only way we can get on air to cover all these great Patriots who come to see the Maga rallies is thanks to our sponsors back home and tax Network USA one of the best out there for 14 years they have been saving Patriots so much money in back taxes with the IRS breathing down our backs during the Biden Administration their tene they've added thousands of new agents to harass uh men and women like uh you and me Patriots at home just trying to get by and and make doe with what we're earning and call my friends over at tax Network USA they've saved over 1 billion yes that's with a b 1 billion in back taxes uh for Patriots like you and me at home tax Network USA doesn't just negotiate they get right in there to protect your assets from the IRS seizures and manage your yearly um returns for ongoing compliance they have expertise in all 50 states as well so if you're looking for state tax law just an amazing group to go to importantly they are licensed to help with all of these issues regardless of where you are in the country so call 800 35741 15 or go to TN rsbn the clock is ticking don't wait for the IRS to step up its game any further contact text Network USA for immediate relief and expert guidance that's 800 35745 or TN rsbn now uh we're going to go over down here cuz I like to show the vendors and what's happening uh throughout the World Market Center uh here in Las Vegas and I was speaking with Erie earlier who's with Japan for Trump we're actually going to share a mic Megan and I uh as we do this interview as we talk some more but this group talking about the issues of the Chinese Communist party and how they are taking over our universities cuz see Richard and all of the uh communism that's influencing so many things on a global scale so we'll grab Erie over here and see the amazing work she's doing with uh from a Christian perspective as well Erie such a pleasure to be with you today Bobby mcney and Megan ker Megan Erie here please share with us you know Japan for Trump your movement your group you're living uh in Los Angeles and seeing so much of communist activities uh throughout California but also throughout the western United States how can our viewers at home help you to um protect your mission and to get the truth out there right my father he really loves the United States and he's sad to see what the United States has become today you know um I doho Okawa is an author in Japan and he once wrote that XI jinping's daughter and studied at one of the Ivy Leagues I believe it was Harvard I'm not sure um and you would think that you know spending so much time there would Infuse her with the spirit of freedom and democracy and a you know Awakening of a belief in the Creator that we are all human beings given freedom and you know desire to want to become greater and create greater things in this world instead she goes back to China and you know advances even more strongly the need for AI to S to have surveillance systems you know watching their people because the government is deciding what's right and wrong for the people you know the government doesn't answer to God the government decides what's right what's wrong who needs to go to jail and who can continue to live live because they are beneficial to the government and it's so sad that the United States is almost leaning in that direction almost agreeing with the need for this um government um decision- making of what's best for the people and it's not just the government it's the media as well and I think it's because the more people uh gain education go to these higher level education systems um we don't talk about God anymore and I understand why uh because uh I did receive an education in California and you know there was a lot of fighting between religions so I I feel it's natural for people to want to like turn to science and be able to see that human beings are equal because we have the same blood running through our veins but we got to see deeper than that because if we only see human beings as physical beings and happiness just being like survival and a comfortable life all of that is going to come to an end we really need to understand that life doesn't end with death that there this world is bigger we are bigger than that and that Spirit needs to be restored I think really well said and can you share with us uh some of the books you have here um by the author uh by Mr um okaa I believe it's how you pronounce his name Kawa and uh the laws of the Messiah I'm seeing also seeing some Trump literature uh Biden and Trump uh God CHS Trump all these uh spiritual books and also Trump shall never die yes these are spiritual books so dooka is a very unique author he's a very spiritual author and in 2015 um he actually revealed the past life of Donald Trump do you want to guess who that is oh I I love to I don't know if I don't know if I'm the expert for it but um can you can you share with us founding father who do you think he is oh wow oh gosh I would compare if there's a founding father I think of associated with President Trump perhaps Thomas Jefferson try again okay George Washington that's right oh wow that's really a high compliment I I was a little bit hesitant just to use the father of our country but uh president Trump has taken on that leadership mantle I mean he's mentioned himself look he's been the one to uh Ascend to the presidency uh you know you've had these great generals and private citizens he did not hold public office before nor was he in the formal military he did RC of course and he relinquished it too George Washington he relinquished his power right you know um I read actually also from Leo Okawa that when um in the 1800s Japanese delegates came to study democracy in the United States they were very surprised to see oh they asked okay where are the descendants of George Washington they must be royalty in the United States and then the Americans responded oh I don't know what happened to The Descendants so that really blew you know the minds of these Japanese delegates and you know Trump says that he is fighting for the nation it's not for himself and George Washington too he became the first president of the United States but after his term ended he just stepped down such a great point that he relinquish power in a time when even King George I 6 his enemy said that he's either insane or the greatest man to have ever lived because he was willing to relinquish that power and give that back to the people and really set a precedent of you know two terms in the presidency we had of course FDR had four uh and then that changed U with the Constitution but uh very interesting to see that uh selfless or selfless servant leadership on the part of George Washington that's what government should be about that's what politics should be about it should be about so the creation of Freedom um prior to that revolutions and change of power came through Wars and a lot of blood shed but I think you know the United States when it came into being was revolutionary because it changed power through elections and it really you know it was all about Freedom creating greater freedom for people and I think it's based in the belief in human beings a belief in people because if you don't believe in people then you start wanting to control and telling them what is better for them but if you have a philosophy or a faith that allows you to believe in people then give giving them the freedom is the best thing you can do for a nation because with that freedom is going to come so much wisdom so much Ingenuity and that's how Prosperity comes around and that's how you can also solve you know Wars because these people fighting Wars they also want to create a life for themselves but they're under the thinking that they need to destroy the other party to protect their livelihood but there must be a third way and that Third Way is found by you know drawing wisdom and creating you know um through Ingenuity as well and you got to believe in people ability to do that that's wonderful Erie I I completely agree and thank you for the wonderful work you're doing where can we find this online where can we support Japan for Trump and the wonderful authors that are putting out this Christian World perspective thank you so much please go to okaa that's okaa thank you so much and my friends we have eie here we have so many great Patriots and vendors and the great magga Patriots ready to see President Trump we'll be back to you and Las Vegas momentarily after a short commercial break hi folks rsbn founder and CEO Joe seals here did you know there is nearly $1 trillion of infrastructure and pandemic funds yet to be spent that's right there's a massive amount of money that the lame duck Administration is pushing hard to spend in their last few months if the president is able to push these funds out we could see another prolonged inflation surge just like during Co and I'm sure you remember the terrible effects that high prices had on most Americans but there's hope a surge in prices can be beaten a gold Ira from Birch gold group is the ultimate inflation Hedge for your savings in uncertain times to see how to protect your IA or 401K get your free info kit on go by texting the word Trump to 9898 98 Birch gold makes it seamless to roll over your retirement account while preserving your tax advantage status don't wait for the president's spending spree to tank the dollar further protect your financial future Now text Trump to the number 9898 98 for your free info kit from bir SCH hey y'all it's silk from the diamond and silk chitchat live show look don't forget to check me out right here on rsbn network be sure to watch the show on right side broadcasting network and I want you to support right side broadcasting network yes it's imperative that you do so okay I look to see y'all soon bye-bye parents and 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of us here at my pillow than America welcome to the right side broadcasting network we're not like the other media Outlets out there that cut and edit what other people say in 2015 we were created by our founder Joe seals to cover president Donald J Trump's speeches and rallies to which we continue to do to this day we've also covered important conservative events like CPAC TP USA March for Life and many other important events and hearings around the country we were made for people like you everyday Americans who are tired of the mainstream media who are tired of being lied to manipulated and fed an agenda our goal here at R side broadcasting is to allow you to see the truth giving our correspondents and commentators a wide latitude to speak their minds you won't find anything like this in the mainstream media your support through your donations locals and supporting our advertisers allows us to continue to cover important events around the country each and every day so from us here at right side broadcasting thank you for supporting us and the right side of [Music] History good evening from rightside broadcasting network I'm Matthew Alvarez we'll be going back out to Las Vegas shortly with Bobby mcney and Megan kler who are holding down the fort there in Las Vegas it's not too too hot today always good uh there in Vegas when you can get under the thre digigit Mark of 100° a lot of stories out there going on of course president Trump today in Los Angeles for that press conference as a number of you uh saw earlier today and now on his way to Las Vegas for this awesome rally tonight in the city of Las Vegas now there's a number of uh stories that we're keeping our eye on uh especially uh this one according to various news outlets uh including uh the Wall Street Journal Reuters uh the UK prime minister Kier starmer and Canada's Justin Trudeau are in support of Ukraine's use of long range missiles deep inside Russia uh in fact we're hearing that the UK leader is actually urging Biden to allow Ukraine to use these missiles uh this is important because uh we're seeing reports that uh Vladimir Putin has warned NATO alliance leaders that a move to lift the restrictions on on Ukraine's use of longer range Western missiles to strike deep inside his country would be considered an act of War uh president Trump on Truth social saying quote a vote for comrade kamla Harris is a vote for war with Russia uh it is also a vote for quote bring back the draft a vote for president Donald J Trump is a vote for prosperity and peace so just a real quick rewind I was seeing a number of Articles pop up with uh on Truth social referring to a Reuters and a Wall Street J Journal uh article these are all today's news as well out of the UK and out of Canada both leaders in both of those countries of course Very extreme left leaders uh Trudeau in Canada and starmer in the UK are wanting uh Ukraine to use the missiles that can go uh far ranging into to uh Russia uh recently Vladimir Putin was saying that if that happens that is an act of war and then president Trump saying today on Truth social that uhu basically if you are voting for uh Kamala Harris that is a vote uh for a a war there so let's uh look at that specifically once again here for uh president Trump's quote on Truth social he said a vote for comrade kamla Harris as a vote for war with Russia uh it is also a vote for quote bring back the draft a vote for president Donald J Trump is a vote for prosperity and peace so a lot of developments going on the international front I know we've got a lot of news going on 247 news cycle here domestically uh of course president Trump wrapping up his his three state two uh and two days Tour on the west coast from Arizona yesterday to California this morning and then Nevada tonight uh before we go into the weekend but uh that last minute kind of story that's lurking out there is this uh story about world leaders uh wanting Biden to allow Ukraine through this through NATO and all these things to uh hopefully not uh start a huge uh conflict out there uh in in Russia and Ukraine of course there already is one now and president Trump saying simply he would make the the the dying stop he'd be able to call the leaders of uh Ukraine and Russia and and take care of business obviously uh that's something that's kind of uh fresh off the press as they say uh back in the day with uh when it comes to Media reporting so there's some some developments going on internationally but meantime back here uh at 10 p.m. Eastern as you see there on your screen 7 o'clock Pacific president Trump will speak in Las Vegas uh we may have a live vantage point from one of our cameras there possibly uh if we do we can pull that up if not uh that's all right we'll uh still let you know of of course about uh the various speeches that President Trump has coming up next week he's got quite the busy schedule uh he will be in Michigan on Tuesday uh in Flint uh Michigan on September 17th he'll be in Union Dale New York at the old New York Islanders hockey arena on Wednesday September 18th uh he'll be in DC then either on Thursday or Friday we're figuring out which day he'll be speaking uh to the uh Israeli American Council National Summit and then now just recently reported uh Wilmington North Carolina the rally is coming back there on Saturday September 21st so a huge week of coverage right here on right side broadcasting network I'm Matthew Alvarez here live in Alabama we'll be going back out there to Bobby and Megan here shortly in Las Vegas of course six electoral votes up for grabs in the Silver State uh a lot of uh votes up for grabs when it comes to the swing States a total of 93 electoral votes when you look at all of the Swing States and you add up those electoral votes from Nevada Michigan Wisconsin Pennsylvania and the like so a lot at stake coming up as you know uh possibly later tonight uh the former ambassador to uh Denmark Carla Sans will join us here on right side broadcasting network uh you may have seen uh Carla recently uh on stage at one of the uh recent uh events in Johnstown pen pania speaking uh as a a speaker there talking about Trump Force 47 she may be able to join us uh later tonight as well and we could possibly uh go back to one of our interviews that we did earlier today with the uh New York Times bestseller author Lee Smith who wrote a book called disappearing the president it's going to be released on October 15th uh he also got a couple positive ret truths from truth social and others out there about this book and he kind of dives into uh some of the uh reasons why as we have seen since day one with President Trump they've been just trying to lie about him and attack him in every way possible but uh we know that uh With God all things work out for the good and we're believing for a great outcome this November uh once again uh we'll be going back out there to Las Vegas uh please let me know if we can have a live look there uh if not uh we'll continue on here uh at right side Broadcasting Network Studios as we see Las Vegas right there uh not too too hot out there uh I know recently it was 103° uh in Las Vegas so just looking at the temperatures real quick 92 degrees not too bad uh but of course it's uh pushing middle of September as we slowly get toward uh some slightly cooler weather in Las Vegas just slightly of course uh look at all the people there obviously waving to uh our rsbn crews there uh doing an awesome job out there I've worked with Bobby mcney a few times now and uh worked with a number of correspondents out there in the field and uh it's always fun to interview people uh waiting in line there as you see holding up the Trump signs having a good time uh enjoying uh the kind of pref festivities right outside as they get ready to go into the nice cool air conditioning see President Trump there live tonight uh at 10:00 Eastern 7:00 out there on the west coast uh good amount of people out there waiting uh several hours before uh president Trump takes the stage there the pre-program uh set to start uh usually a couple hours prior to uh president Trump's speech so uh always always nice to see the amount of people in every state that we go to uh we see of course everyone having a good time out there interviewing people there you go you see the the American flag you see the the South Korean uh flag there as well as um people of the the Free World desire uh freedom to continue here in this country so uh we know we'll get that through president Trump uh and through uh Maga and the Freedom Movement the conservative movement so many great uh Maga Patriots out there uh running for office already in uh Washington uh doing the best they can to hopefully uh keep our constitution intact uh coming up uh less than uh 54 now 53 days until the US general election uh in our country so a lot of people uh know about our election whether it's in the UK or Australia or in South America I mean people are watching uh very closely to everything that's going on let's uh thank one of our great sponsors Burch Gold group here at right side broadcasting network uh this free silver coin this a free fight silver coin that you can get if you uh purchase one of the it might be hard to see with some of the lights here but uh this coin here here uh you'll get if you purchase something through uh Birch gold group so you purchase a product through Birch gold uh it has the White House on the back and uh the fight fight fight on the front I know it's very difficult to see that with the lights but uh all you have to do is text Trump to 9898 98 and then uh we'll go get you get an info kit and some information about Birch gold so gold silver precious metals tax sheltered IRAs and just a good uh kind of Peace of Mind when it comes to finances and also for a retirement plan all you have to do is text Trump to 98 9898 uh we also want to thank the wellness company uh they are also a wonderful sponsor here at right side broadcasting network uh you might have seen this before this is the wellness company contagion emergency kit uh this you can get in the mail this will have anything from icin hydroch chloroquin uh a moxacin a zpac always good to uh take out that uh virus or bacteria some great medicine there's also another uh pack here this is the medical emergency kit so uh having these items with you wherever you are to uh knock out that bacteria virus that comes sneaking up you can you can do that through make carrad uh all you have to do is use that promo code uh rsbn for 15% off so uh great doctors over there at the wellness company so we thank them for being an awesome sponsor here at right side broadcasting network uh if you're just joining us uh we are going to be going back out there live to Las Vegas with Bobby MCN and Megan kler uh interviewing some awesome people there in Nevada a gorgeous State some gorgeous terrain as you guys know out there uh we're looking forward to uh seeing president Trump tonight this is rsbn double header of course uh for president Trump he spoke at the press conference this morning uh on the west coast uh it was uh afternoon here on the east coast and and Central Time Zone and uh talking about California and how terrible it is now because of people like Camala Harris uh he will make America uh make California great again uh if he's in office I mean that's part of the whole country right make America great again uh so many issues uh that they're dealing with in California especially down in uh San Diego with the southern border there and then of course San Francisco not looking too great these days uh in the Bay Area uh unfortunate because obviously a gorgeous uh region of the Earth uh but uh unfortunately some uh terrible things have happened in that country when it comes to taxes and crime and and uh the the governor there not doing a great job uh of course again they clean up places like San Francisco when the Chinese leader shows up for uh you know a conference there if you remember last year uh so what we're looking for is just things to get back right to to clean it up to bring Law and Order uh to have Magics and to have our country uh be restored and we know we can get that through someone that cares about our country and through a whole team of people that are around this nation uh anywhere from uh let's go to Washington State Joe Kent or let's go to Virginia hunga uh these are people running for uh US Congress or Senate uh let's go to Arizona where president Trump was yesterday Cary Lake Running there uh let's go all the way up to Vermont Gerald Malloy running against Bernie Sanders we interviewed Gerald Malloy just last week uh military veteran and and on point if there's somebody that's on point it's Gerald Malloy and everybody else I just name there I mean people just get it it's Common Sense politics and Common Sense leadership uh that the American people want so as you see there in Los Vegas so uh let me know crew and we'll we'll send it back out there to Bobby and uh Megan here shortly uh as they get ready to be back on camera there obviously a bit toasty there 92 degrees in Las Vegas so Matthew Al us here on this Friday I I would say happy Friday but happy Friday but it's very tough because you know we have good times right we could still go to the football games tomorrow watch football watch football on Sunday uh watch a movie hang out with friends and family but we know in the back of our minds that 53 days from now is a huge fork in the road for our country so uh it's kind of uh praying and and hoping and working hard uh keeping the true narrative uh going keeping uh the the volunteerism working a lot of people throwing their their heart their mind their soul their entire being into winning this election uh for our country uh because at the end of the day we know uh we want our our family to grow up in our younger family to grow up into um a country that is free a country that uh loves uh God loves the Bible loves uh the Constitution uh loves uh their Faith right so I know there's a lot of differences of opinion and belief systems out there but my point is uh an election to win for the freedom of speech for the freedom of religion for the freedom of uh what we have here in this in this country so uh we're looking to keep that uh here in the USFA so uh obviously uh I know preacher to the choir to a number of you out there but at the end of the day you'd be preaching right back to me if if you were if I was on the phone with a lot of you guys I'm sure you'd be saying the same thing right back uh at the end of the day this is a genuine authentic move a move that is needed for this country and we're seeing that with uh president Donald Trump and we know that the leftwing media likes to pin everyone against each other but at the end of the day we see through that so uh we're going to be going to uh Bobby mcney and Megan kler who are live in Los Vegas right now Matthew Alvarez in the studio let's send it all the way out west out there to Las Vegas Nevada right now here's Bobby and Megan and hello once again from the World Market Center right at the end of the beautiful national anthem by the uh Korea korean-americans a strong Korean American Alliance working so hard for that I'm Bobby mcney with the lovely The Dashing the daring Megan ker Megan how are you today it's a beautiful day to be a patriotic American here in Las Vegas and I'm so excited to be here with you Bobby oh likewise I mean we love to cover this we love to bring this to you the American people as the line has gotten longer in anticipation for president Trump it's a Brisk summer day here in the Lost Vegas desert of course it's Viva Las Vegas we love to sing that we had Courtney Reed on a couple weeks ago talking about her paintings of President Trump and Elvis Presley gentlemen who fought for peace through strength and you hear the chance behind us Trump 2024 USA USA let's go brand in the great merch that's happening and these folks over here if Mr director would like to pan the Korean American Alliance a strong group these guys come out here for every rally there is and really pump up the crowd with their mics with the Renditions of the national anthem and showing that the cultural significance and the similarities of the Korean people and the American people fighting for Independence and a struggle clearly that Camala Harris do you think she can handle what's happening on the Korean pinula let alone what's happening in Russia and Ukraine Israel for example strong men throughout the world trying to take advantage of these situations Megan how can we move forward as American people as as Millennials and Patriots focused on making America great again well it's imperative now more than ever before that we have to vote Donald Trump in office this November and it's amazing to see all these different people with different backgrounds especially from different countries and especially outside of America other countries and other people can see the effects of Communism on their country and they are so close to North Korea these are South Koreans here fighting for Trump so they can see what happens under a regime such as the one that's in North Korea and they don't ever want to see that happen here in America so they're here to spread the word and spread the message to Americans that may not ever see those effects outside of our own country that we have to keep our freedom here in America well and look how close they are to China as well with we were speaking with earlier Japan for Trump and uh the lovely lady uh Erie talking about how we had to focus on the future and dealing with such a threat confucious institutes on our college campuses she talked about XII Ping's daughter going to Harvard and then also pushing more communist propaganda even though she had gone to such a an esteemed University a once Christian University Harvard University in Boston that has changed slightly but uh we'd like to thank our sponsors who are giving us uh unbridled access to everything Trump amania trump world the Maga rallies all of these great great conferences and events president Trump goes to throughout the country as he seeks to become the 47th president and one of the finest is Tennessee land listen to this you're not going to want to miss this opportunity right now Tennessee Land and Lakes is selling off large acreage of properties just outside of Nashville that's a beautiful city in America and in this popular destination spot way below market prices from only $899 that's insane that's a great deal 5 Acres with a cozy cabin in quiet Woods only 1099 can you believe that wow I can't believe it incredible 18 Acres riding trails in Horse Country 1599 that's beautiful and super private 86 Acres $ 3999 and 5 to 86 Acre Properties from $899 and that's unheard of this close to Nashville what a great location build Camp invest in your property your way and learn more about this great buying opportunity in Tennessee click or call www. 866 345 land that's www. 866 345 L and once again that's www. 866 34 5 l a n d and forget Wall Street buy something real make the move to Tennessee and Megan knows a thing or two about this because you are a superstar realtor up in Ohio so uh you know a thing or two about uh making housing affordable again oh yeah and like we mentioned in in that information about the tenness sea land those are incredible prices that's an amazing location location is everything and for that great of a deal and you get such beautiful land it's rolling Hills it's green it's gorgeous and it's close to Nashville so you get really get the best of both worlds so that it is really an incredible opportunity fantastic it's really yeah what a time to look for that because as we were talking earlier in the segment uh just a few minutes ago how important that is to be firsttime home buyers and getting uh looking to start a family wherever you might be throughout our wonderful country but we have some young magga Patriots here uh what brings you to the rally today is this your first time being uh at a president Trump's uh rally here in uh Las Vegas no no so are you skipping school it's okay we won't let your teacher see on if you're doing that I'm homeschooled oh I love that are you homeschooled as well yeah I love that it's fantastic so what is your favorite subject is it history is it everything Maga and president Trump I don't know well you have plenty time to figure out right absolutely you have any friends your age who go to these Maga rallies on a regular basis uh no that's crazy I mean I just love it so much you got you got Young Americans here you got um some more mature and very wise Americans not that these young ladies are not but uh very interested and excited to see President Trump today ladies thanks so much for being with us and have fun is this your dad over here hey sir how you doing would you like to be interviewed oh hear you that's that's wonderful well enjoy today have a lot of fun with it and who's excited to see President Trump today yeah yeah absolutely sir you got let's go Brandon shirt on we saw a lot of merchesi look at this a homemade sign as well I went to uh rally in 2016 at Everett Washington where I'm from when I was 17 I was 3 Days To young to vote but I had everyone I know my family and friends vote last time I got some people registered in 2020 and we're bringing it back in 2024 that's so important to do because Trump Force that's where you can find how to get involved in the campaign and to make a difference in your community really reaching out to 10 to 25 on average voters within your Precinct and what's it like are you a Vegas resident yourself or a a resident of the silver state no I'm still back in uh Seattle Washington and what's it up there being in the um People's Republic of Seattle uh I think I see probably a lot worse of the country than probably most people and I just try to fight against that right and how are some tactics you do that do you reach out to people uh what do you doing to maybe change some hearts and Minds in Washington well I just uh try to tell people about the truth and uh Jesus Christ is the Lord and savior of this world Amen and uh I just Trump's the best candidate for that everyone on the other side they just want to destroy Jesus they want to bring Satanism and uh this country is patriotic and uh soon as we bring uh God back into this country and everybody supports Jesus that things are going to turn around just fine amen if we turn back to him and uh we pray to him he will forgive our land and and heal us of our transgressions and our sins and you could say it better than I can sir so thank you so much for being here today enjoy the time have a have a wonderful likewise absolutely enjoy this wonderful event you see that at the Maga rallies they talk a lot about you know Christianity people very open with their faith and something that's been very unique for me to see uh just as a Believer myself for people just to openly share and break bread with each other and it's interesting because I just think about my upbringing uh although a little bit right of centered to a certain extent uh in the Chicago suburbs back in the ' 80s and 90s it was always interesting to see that people would say well don't talk politics and religion so much you might upset someone what was that like for you Megan as as you were growing up comparing to what you saw then to now I've heard the same thing a lot but then the the flip side of that and the hypocrisy is that the left is very loud about their beliefs and another thing I'd like to point out too about spirituality is people ask me what's your name and then what's your sign is the first thing out out of their mouth so astrology in a way that's spirituality is that not religion and people like to shove that down your throat too and I'd like to point that out that that part partially is considered religion so the left is very vocal about their religion and their beliefs and their ideologies and their politics so I don't think that we need to be quiet anymore I don't think we need to be polite or politically correct anymore because the other side is so vocal about it and I think the American people feel that especially like the gentleman you just just interviewed right now people are tired of the hypocrisy of the be quiet about religion and politics notion that we are now standing up and we're not we're not so silent majority anymore and when I was growing up a lot of people were Christian around me and we're very family family oriented and I mean I was growing up in the 90s and it does feel like a different country Unfortunately today Society is a lot different than it was when I was growing up and I remember Barack Obama got rid of Merry Christmas do you remember this the attack on Christmas and when Donald Trump came back and he was campaigning he said there's going to be no more War on Christmas so I'm happy to see that back again and even people who are not Christians specifically pretty much everyone I know celebrates Christmas so even if it's the commercial version of it but we were founded on judeo-christian values here in America so I don't think we should shy away from that such a good point because it's really binds us together and I can remember Dennis Prager a great commentator political analyst and a devout Jewish worshipper and believer a great man he always said you know if someone wishes me a Merry Christmas I'm not offended you're literally wishing someone Goodwill and you're wishing someone peace and tidings and that whole season filled with that and I think as Christians and as Believers we strive for that throughout the the year to be those type of people that how God came into the world it wasn't uh on a chariot it wasn't uh as a tyrant would come to dominate his people but rather through humility of a a poor Jewish woman and Mary and being born uh in a Manger in a stable that they had no room for them at the end and every time I hear that Christmas Story I kind of get goosebumps up the back of my neck of the humility of our Lord and savior and you see it enshrined here in this Maga movement and Bobby Kennedy Jr speaking on it recently about making America healthy again and piece of of that that mission is the spirituality factor of all that and to not only make ourselves physically healthy um mentally healthy but that spiritual aspect that makes so much up of our our bodies we're human beings are Body and Soul and Spirit and we go in depth on that here at right side broadcasting we're open about talking of that and open to talking to those who may disagree as well but it's a core component of what we see at so many of these rallies and that's why I like to highlight that and talk about it because you just see so many of these wonderful Maga Pat rots uh who do believe in a higher calling a um final destination if you will that there is something beyond the physical world but also in the spiritual world to uh look towards so we'd like to to highlight that and of course we have uh behind us we may not be able to see unless we uh Pan the camera at some point but our First Responders are ready here we' like to remind people at these rallies that uh it is still very hot it is summertime in the desert and we want to make sure you eat breakfast a nice meal drink plenty of fluids water Gatorade whatever that might be get those electrolytes in you as you come to these rallies fortunately fall is right around the corner I was looking at the Las Vegas weather and it is getting a it's going to cool off in about a week but right now where we around like the mid 90s it's nice and toasty you know it's I'm I'm wearing a sport coat right now uh we'll be getting inside soon to the World Market Center here in Las Vegas Nevada and what a perfect venue for president Trump to present those three key issues actually Four no tax on tips no taxes on Social Security the senior's retirement uh yesterday in Tucson Arizona we were there for you when he said no taxes on overtime work and also making housing affordable again I think so crucial for those residents here in the silver state it is and the people of Nevada are really excited to see what Donald Trump has to say some of these people it's their first rally some of these people it's their 10th rally but we're seeing a very vast diversity in all backgrounds here in this crowd and that's exciting to see that there's people from all walks of life that support president Trump and they're here and they're excited they're patriotic Americans so let's see how excited this crowd is absolutely let's go talk to some people let's go talk to some people we have people chanting Trump 2024 down here the Korean American Alliance Group down here here by the food trucks that's exciting they come to a lot of the different events here who's excited to see President Trump is it anyone's first time Trum Trump baby Trump tattoo check it out fight look at that the fist in the air with the American flag background Veterans for Trump yes Navy veteran for Trump women for Trump Latinos for Trump incredible the shoes the tattoo what a patriotic moment solidified in American history thank you for joining us today thank you so much bye wow people are so excited here that is dedication what a beautiful piece of artwork on her leg this is your first time wow thanks for joining us awesome it's what's your name and where you from um my name is Samantha and I'm from California Mammoth Lakes amazing and what time did you get here today um I actually drove 6 hours yesterday to get here so it's been on my list to come to a a trump rally and I found the time and came on over amazing and you brought your umbrella you're ready to go hope drink some water it's hot out here amazing people and just like such a fun atmosphere so many happy nice people I love it it's just really cool Incredible and did you vote for president Trump in 2016 and 2020 this will be my third time voting for Trump yes amazing have you voted for other Republicans in in the past um I've voted Republicans since probably 1996 I think 96 amazing do you see a big difference from the pre-trump era versus now oh a oh to 100% this is a totally different animal this isn't this isn't the old Republican party and I would really love people to understand that that this is not the neocon Republicans that were the George Bush the chenies we it's not the same especially with Kennedy involved this is make America healthy again this is totally different movement I love it it's great we're really on a whole new level this is exciting I feel like every day in the new cycle something even more exciting comes out that President Trump says we have some rsbn fans over here yes we love you guys you love us yes you guys are awesome yeah what makes us different than all the other news outlets to you well you tell the truth and you actually show Trump's rallies unlike all the fake news incredible thank you for your support we love you guys too and thanks for being here yeah thank you for being here too you need one of these on yourist thank you Maga check it out here you go we got a Maga bracelet your buddy behind you there amazing thank you combat Viet Vietnam veteran thank you for your service thank you ma'am amazing so many great American Patriots out here we have our Maga bracelets we got our water it's a hot one if you're out here make sure you're drinking water coconut water electrolytes magga baby who's [Music] excited they're shouting rsbn they love [Applause] [Music] us what an incredible crowd we have here today and we're going to head down over here toward the front of the line people started getting here last night what great support we have thank you Great American Patriots we have everyone shouting that they love rsbn Donald Trump they love Donald Trump check it out Donal Trump hey who's excited mag for Life Maga for life he says that's right Maga for life you have aunk I'll grab incredible we really have Grassroots support here on the ground people are excited all different walks of life and people here are jazzed up for Donald Trump they're so excited to see him and what time is it now Bobby Megan is G game time that's that's what the Chicago Bulls used to say back in the 90s so sorry I had to throw that out there and I know you were a a Cleveland Cavaliers cheerleader so we have a baseball or I'm sorry basketball Fanatics kind of here between the team today but also sports fans out there and this is nice to you know have football season back in and we got all that oh we got War Eagle there we go Auburn University I'm tell we were talking yesterday I was talking to Mr director that literally War Eagle will be called out every it regardless of where you go and the fact that you know we're based in Auburn Alabama a beautiful town and a beautiful tradition we're going into week three of college football and the Auburn war eagles I mean these guys they are doing pretty great stuff and they have six straight home games so there'll be three more I think coming up in the next few weeks here so uh we always big fan of theirs and uh uh hoping that they uh kick some butt this football season but we have the sports fans out here that give us a little break from what president Trump said the other day this is like the Super Bowl when we go to any of these rallies the excitement behind this and the people of all walks of life from States surrounding the silver state from uh Las Vegas itself coming here simply because they want to make their Community better and they want our country to be safe again wealthy again free again and ultimately great again and Megan it's just such a pleasure to be with you here at the World Market Center from viva Las Vegas I'm Bobby mcne if you're just joining us president Trump did an amazing press conference today at his golf club in Los Angeles um a beautiful um scenery right on the Pacific Ocean and gave a a strong policy speech on making housing affordable again focus on sealing the Border stopping the fentanyl crisis and focus on saving our economy and as Mr director pans you can see so much of this line as is expanded and it's a hot day out here we're in the mid 90s and we are in the sorin desert in the Western United States it gets nice and toasty now as we're getting into the dog days of summer and Megan how excited are those that you talk to on a regular basis about this upcoming election only 53 days away what I'm seeing now more than ever and I'm very excited about it is people who have been keeping quiet because they were nervous to come out as Donald Trump supporters if you want to call it that they're getting excited and they're getting they're starting to post on social media they're not worried about the social ramifications if any about supporting Donald Trump anymore they're seeing that this election is too crucial and the far-left has gone so far l so far radical left that they're getting into communism and socialism and they're like you know what I can't keep quiet anymore it's time to stand up for what's right and what I believe in and I feel that even people my age older younger I see Jen Z my niece is 19 years old people uh in her age group are even starting to post a lot on social media which is really exciting and they like to jenzie to mention this jenzi likes to do their own research and they're really interested in learning about the truth they they're not EAS as easily manipulated by the mainstream media as the MSM likes to think that they're manipulated by them so I see a ton of Donald Trump supporters in genen Z Millennials and people that I know my friends and family everyone's really starting to speak up especially people who have been quiet in the past so I'm really happy to see that and I hope that all Americans who care about this country are brave enough to stand up for Donald Trump and vote him in office this year I love that wonderful points Megan because we're born for such a time as this and we were talking this gentleman at Vietnam vet if I may cut across here uh sir it's so good to see you thank you for your service uh we were talking earlier about what you're trying to get out there on behalf of the veterans and making sure that they have housing and uh taking care of veterans issues here in America a huge point of what president Trump talks about when it comes to mental illness protecting American residents and Citizens first especially our brave veterans uh our Vietnam Vets especially who bravely sacrific can you share more with us about your organization I just work for the for the organization uh that's our card us veteran on this side vet both of them so that's my card call me anytime we would love to we got 25 there's a judge in California who said There has to be500 more homes built for veterans we can do it fantastic so that's what we're all about so it's the US veterans Alliance Foundation Richard I'm going to keep this card um it's absolutely us freedom proudly supporting veterans and thanks for doing the work for them sir and thank you for your sacrifice and for keeping the world safe and fighting communism never good on on on Mike or on F oh you did a great job that's fantastic no thank you so much thank you appreciate it sir thank you so much and God bless our veterans and those who have fought so hard for uh the American people throughout Generations I think about our Vietnam Vets I mean these guys many of them been choose to go over they were drafted and just young men think about being 17 18 19 and some cases perhaps younger to go over and fight for your country to stop the spread of Communism became a very unpopular war and you had celebrities like Jane Fonda who literally spit in their face and uh associated with the Viet Kong and a communist government but also those who wounded and harmed our wonderful veterans and many of them when they returned home they didn't have the parade that others received in the past and just think about this I was with my Bible study uh going on a small Retreat this was just about a year ago and uh this gentleman uh was a colonel in the um United States military Vietnam was his era and he talked a lot about I have to Grapple with every day I'm a Bible believing Christian but I have to live with the fact that I killed people on behalf of my government but it was to stop the spread of Communism and I would do it all over again to keep America safe and we have to thank our veterans and God bless them every day less than 1% of our population now serves in the armed forces and president Trump is focused on rebuilding and restructuring our military and during his press conference today in Los Angeles he mentioned we built the strongest safest Border in American history and he said I'll be happy to do this again I don't necessarily want to do it but I have to do it for the American people and we Echo that true statement on behalf of President Trump because this is a guy who recognizes that government whether federal or state and local it's first and foremost duty is for the common welfare the general welfare and common defense of the United States whether that is through the military or whether it's through our men and women in blue and we thank those here at rsbn rsbn thanks those who put on that uniform every day who are out here making sure everyone's safe getting enough food and water what's amazing we have a water bucket right here and these Patriots look at this sir uh perfect timing my friend uh who are helping out the volunteers making this rally safe and wonderful for everyone in attendance so if you do come to a Maga rally fortunately we're getting into the fall season but still hot in some areas in the country especially here the Southwest United States and through the soran desert yes sir what's your name my name is Sammy absolutely you're a volunteer for uh volunteering today yeah absolutely are you a a Nevada resident no I'm based in South Carolina oh fantastic South car that's my neck of the woods a little bit I'm in Georgia and uh what are things like in South Carolina and throughout the southeast and what brought you out here to Las Vegas today yeah it's just a traveling with the campaign real privilege uh yeah we just got to spread this message we got to get the boss in and we're all having a good time doing it so it's a pleasure fantastic well thank you for all you're doing thank you for hydrating us and taking care of us today make sure you get some yes sir thank you so much God bless and we'll go over I think Megan's talking to our friend Jen over here if you'd like to have a quick little interview and talk about uh some of the magga wom women for Trump movement that would be fun fantastic I'm Megan and I'm joined by J here where are you from and what is your involvement in the movement well I live here in Henderson Nevada and I'm very involved locally and on a state level uh I volunteer with a few different groups three actually that's incredible and how how are the sentiments on the ground here in in Nevada and specifically Las Vegas I you know my this what I see is just a real um huge support for Donald Trump here we didn't really know about he was coming here until um the last day or two and so if we would have had more advanced notice we would probably there be a sea of people out here both um both other rallies that he's come out to Vegas for have been thousands and thousands of people and um like as far as you can see um so I'm just glad to be here glad to be supporting glad that you guys are here that's awesome and what a great turnout especially like you said since everyone's found found out last minute but people still made sure that no matter what they could be here today well yeah did you see the the crew of people that have the man was the gentleman was singing they're actually in from Korea they actually came here from Korea to be here for this yeah they they care so much about what's happening in the United States especially because they are right on almost the front line of a communist country so they want to make sure that that doesn't happen here in America yeah we've got to stop it we've got to stop it we've got to everybody's got to get out everybody in Nevada you got to get out you're if you're an independent um of course you're you're Republican and if you're undecided it's time to make a decision and we've got to keep our country from sliping communist uh because if you really take a look at the policies rather than the people you know uh what what the Republican Party standing for versus what the Democratic St party is standing for that's when you can really uh make your decision you know a lot of people don't want to make a decision because they're thinking I feel this way about Trump or I feel this way about Kamala and it's not about how you feel about somebody it's about what do you what's good for you what were you better four years ago or are you better today you know so there's there's a lot at risk here there's a lot of St at stake our children uh our the schools our classrooms um you know the economy here we've got the N we've got the highest rate of unemployment in the nation in Las veg or in Nevada excuse me and and that's uh that's not normal and it's it's quite scary actually and if they uh you know if the Democrats were going to do something about it they would have done something about it they've had the presidential seat for now 12 out of 16 uh years and um and uh they would have done something about it it's it's time to get our president Trump back in office and if you look at his record and look what he did while he was in office um he's not going to do all the things they say on the news he's actually going to do what he's been doing and that is getting the job done getting the border wall built getting uh our our nation back in shape and and getting it off of this trajectory that uh really really hurting theer average American PE person exactly and do you see a huge contrast between When Donald Trump was in office versus now in terms of unemployment in Nevada absolutely uh there's absolutely no doubt about it um not only unemployment is like I said it's the highest in the nation um but also grocery prices are really high here uh gas prices are really high it's very difficult for kids to move out and start their own lives because you know I have four grown adult children and um my my son you know he had he has to work two jobs to be able to afford to live out on his own and so that's um that's a pretty sad reality but that's what's going on here it's really difficult to uh interest rates on H housing is uh nine over 9% and so it's really difficult for a lot of people that want to you know make a life for themselves exactly and that's a great point you bring about bring up about young adults wanting to hopefully buy a home one day it's getting harder and harder for them and not even ju not only just buying a home but even renting their own apartment a lot of grown adults that are you know young adults are living with their families because they want to save money even from renting too so it's getting harder to uh just get out on your own actually my daughter's going to come home and stay with me in October so that she can try to save money so that she can get a she's in a place now but she can't afford it so she's got to make a transition because prices have gotten too high it's priced her out of where she lives she's going to come stay with me for at least October maybe even November she's 25 years old and a business owner and she's having a tough time right and in Generations past you saw a big difference as far as you know graduating college getting a getting a job and then buying a home starting a family you're seeing a big difference between last generation versus now you know I'm seeing uh thankfully I have a couple of kids from I don't know what generation it was but it was not this generation so they're in their early 30s and uh they've got good jobs and they're doing okay and then I've got my younger two that are 25 and 26 and it's it's tougher for them it's a lot tougher it's it's uh our state has been suffering uh for young people and I mean there's I know a lot of people who are unemployed just cannot get a job if you look at uh even the job searches job search engines like LinkedIn or indeed or they're just dry they're dry for jobs right now right so there's a huge job market issue going on and there's a housing crisis we're running out of housing uh Harris is talking about building all these homes in her agenda what do you think about her saying she's going to address the housing crisis versus what they've been doing the past few years well I just think if she was going to address the housing uh crisis she would have addressed the C housing crisis I think if she was going to address the Border she would have addressed the Border I think if she was going to address uh inflation she would have addressed inflation you can see where we're at I think you can walk out your door and if you're not blind you can see that we're in a much worse place than we were four years ago and we need to get a turnaround it's it's a scary there's a lot of people want to take uh leave the country if she gets in I I've heard a lot of people say that as well and what did you think about her in the debate the other night I don't know I I think that something was weird something was really weird she I've never seen her um not laugh her head off and I've never seen her not move her arms uh all over the place while she's talking I've never seen her look so kind of gathered and and Polished it uh seemed to me like maybe she had some things going on in the background that we don't quite know about um or there's rumors about she seemed pretty rehearsed to me it she definitely had a lot of training uh beforehand and I think that's a good point you bring up that she doesn't typically sound like that when she's out and about doing interviews well she doesn't do very many interviews anyways but when she's out and about talking to the American people she's usually laughing or saying something that doesn't really make any sense and now when in the debate she seemed to have a performative aspect about her I think she was so polished that she must have had the questions ahead of time um and and AAR them over and over and over because if she weren't she's never been that polish she's never been for us speaking to the American people and sounding that polish she it's just not happened she normally is pretty much a train wreck which is why they don't have her out speaking right and I think I do think the American people saw through it yeah yeah absolutely I think they did too yep otherwise yeah otherwise uh yeah I you know it's real quiet after the debate you know nobody's really talking about uh the debate and nobody's uh really seems to be moving um in a different Direction than they were um hopefully we can get these Independents out voting um we can get these people that are Republicans that have been on the sidelines uh and just watching from afar now it's time to you know get in the game this is this is crucial that you get in the game and what is your message to the people of Nevada today um I would just say Let's uh let's let's get together get together get involved turn Turning Point USA is here um make uh um we've got the Republican party here we've uh we've got I believe eight offices local we've got um I'm I'm I'm trying to think of them can you clip this out no it's fine it's fine you're doing great Jen's doing great and I I must add there's a senate seat up for election uh in November so make sure if you are registered to vote in Nevada vote for Sam Brown he's a president Donald Trump um endorsed candidate Sam Brown so make sure you get him into the Senate yeah thankfully Sam Brown's done a real good job here and he's been done a real good job of marketing himself and uh and just touching with make you know getting up close and personal with the the the citizens of of this uh uh State incredible and thank you so much for coming out today and all the hard work you do within the organizations here in the Republican party thank you so much incredible we have so many amazing supporters here today the crowd is excited it's a hot one but these people are so dedicated we got our water we have Taps guys for an interview we we have some Taps so we'll give that an honorable moment [Music] here and as you can see the peace through strength candidacy of President Donald Trump inspiring Japan for America we have South Koreans uh coming out for president Trump and they're at every rally but um as we interviewed Erie earlier about the Freedom Movement and the laws of the Messiah book by the author Mr Okawa talking about Christianity and the Trump movement and his similarities to our founding fathers especially that of our famous General our true Founding Father the first president of the United States George [Music] Washington and as you can see these beautiful Flags the American flag the Japanese flag the sign of no more war Trump Flags 2024 fight fight fight and of course today is two months EXA exactly from the July 13th attempted assassination on President Donald [Music] Trump but magga Patriots celebrating an incredible moment our national anthem over Taps and the trumpet USA being chanted US USA USA and all the excitement here right there I love that so much and we are over here with so many great veterans and Patriots and I just made a couple of friends here uh from New York New York The Bronx specifically the Bronx New York I love it it's we're were talking about Chicago and New York Sports New York's got better piz though you got love it it's it's those beautiful triangles but I was sharing my new friend here about real Southside Chicago Pizza you got to get the squares and ultra thin but we can debate that some other so I catch your name Joey Joey Bruno Joey Bruno and Joey is pushing the big time make America healthy again we're talking about Bobby Kenny we're talking about your biceps and being in the gym and just crushing it on a regular basis how important is it just to stay in shape to stay uh mentally healthy spiritually healthy physically healthy body healthy mind if you don't have a healthy body you can't have a healthy mind right and we were talking too about you've been to Las Vegas resident now for 31 years I love that and in Las Vegas you were talking about all the blue policies that are destroying this City and the state can you run us through some what you're talking about Vegas is number one for unemployment 5.3% number one for car insurance number one for groceries in the supermarket and number two for gas we're number one for all the wrong reasons and Jackie Rosen don't want to take blame for this she's a senator of Nevada she's have some blame for this so I don't understand why the PE people keep voting Democrat Democrat when they can't put food on the table you make a choice you put gas in the car or you put food on the table if you don't put gas in the car you can't pay your rent so I don't know why Democrats keep voting the same way over and over the how many times have the truck got to run you over so I don't understand it but we'll find out what's going to happen and plus you got 15 million illegals in this country and who knows half of them might be able to vote and they just had a thing in Nevada yesterday where DMV they found out 6,000 people were registering to vote that shouldn't be voting because the bodying administration passed the law if you're in the legal Nevada you can still get a driver's license so DMV is pushing for them illegals to register which is not fair and they caught him yesterday so I don't know right and we're seeing a lot of election Integrity initiatives whether it be Texas Virginia this was yesterday right they they caught 6,000 people that shouldn't be voting cuz they they're illegals they're allowed to have a driver's license but DMV for some reason is pushing them to vote when they're not supposed to vote and it's all a relic of uh the Motor Voter that was pushed by Clinton and his associates back in the 90s now on steroids and even secretaries of State having to go and answer questions before Congress this week a a huge Point sir that you brought up but what do you think about here in Las Vegas being such a service industry Hospitality driven City the no tax on tips and the no tax on overtime that policy president Trump brought up yesterday at his Tucson Arizona rally how do you think that will affect votes here well I think it's going to help him but you see Harris she's following the same thing he's saying she wants I mean I don't understand this I mean people can't even make against me I mean you can't even buy a house in Vegas if you and your wife have a good job you still k you can't even buy a house but yet in California while Nome just knocked it down they were to give $150,000 to buy a house for illegals here's my perfect point I got two sons in the Marines who are Counter Intelligence okay go downtown Las Vegas across the street from Main Street Station you see veterans sleeping in tents that served our country and can't even get a baloney sandwich but yet you could come to the border with four or five kids pregnant and we're going to give you food stamps an apartment and take care you it doesn't make sense take care of your own first absolutely and what they tell you on a plane it's always if the cabin pressure goes down you put the mask on first then you help the people next to you yeah but I still don't understand it you got veterans sleeping in the streets in Las Vegas that can't get a baloney sandwich but yeah if you're an illegal you get everything doesn't matter what national you are Mexican aali I'm aali doesn't matter you got to come the right way you got to do things the right way but you should take care of your own first but my main concern is Jackie Rosen is still a senator and she's Vegas is number one for all the wrong reasons and they're still voting for her I don't I don't understand it it doesn't make no sense and so important to get people like Sam Brown into the Senate he's my listen to me I love this guy like I told you I have two sons in the Marines he fought he fought for our country he almost lost his life you know but I think he's got an uphill battle because you're fighting a machine that's almost impossible to beat I mean I hope I hope he wins but it's it's a hard it's going to be a tough thing for him to win right we have to just be vigilant Patriots and clearly you are sir and we we thank you so much and I just want to get our another friend in here as well um cuz you do some uh prize fighting as well Jo professional boxer personal training my whole life I got the flag tattoo right there on my left arm and me and my brother are called the American boys and I love this country man there's no other place I'd rather be but it's just sad like you know it's it's funny cuz I love what Trump said yesterday and he's like yeah you know you saying do this and that but you're in office do it now you know and then I got this little meme it's perfect says uh good morning snowflakes where we about and today it's got a picture of trump but I always post everything on my signs hope you have a trumptastic day and then this one says keep it Trump pimping I felt like I was in school today I've been out of school for freaking let me think now I started fighting 30 years ago wow and I've been out of school now since it's 24 years wow crazy man how time flies but I love it that we got I got all that Midwest BS weather just like my big brother Joey and moved to Vegas I love it here you know we all we got is 2 months to eight I love it here but I'm just praying and hoping Trump gets in I'm glad that he win the the reelection for the eight years because people wouldn't see what's going on now you see and you still want to not have him in office just because you hate him you're going to vote the other way I don't understand that and that's such a good point because well first and foremost being with family always great and being in this weather it is I mean Las Vegas is just just beautiful in the desert especially most of the years as you're mentioning Summer's a little rough but I think it's worth of the sacrifice we're midwesterners and that the nasty I mean you get hot and humid Summers you get the the winter I mean you know as Joey said forget about it got mosquitoes here mosquitoes absolutely and you just got to love this uh Western United States is so beautiful but um to your point as well it really time goes by so quickly it's about taking advantage of what we have in the present moment so what is your advice for uh friends and family here that are kind of on the fence that are thinking about well what should I should I not vote do I even want to vote how would you engage those people who might be on the fence this time around I mean it makes sense if you you SE when Trump was in an office what he had done what he already the one thing I really love about Trump the most is when he's any other president goes in front of another country they sit there just like a little puppet Trump goes listen this is what you're doing for our country this where we want done we're done messing with you and he makes moves makes things happen he's a great businessman and he even donates his salary I think he's one of the only presidents that donates his salary to the military and you got to love that I mean if you don't realize he's not there for the money he's there really to help us out and it was funny cuz years ago he was on Oprah and they go Oprah goes why don't you run for pres he goes I will when I think America needs me and we do we need him back at least for another four years absolutely no I love hearing that and we're so you know as voters we we sometimes look back and go gosh it was better so it's a good point that in a way as bad as that was that President Trump lost what an opportunity to have him come back but but sir such a pleasure to uh have you today and keep on fighting can we find you anywhere uh to support you so I'm Allan the American Boy litw my brother's Jason the American Boy lits out you know and we're called the American boys I love it right here man no other country like it man if you want to do the right thing if you want to vote for Heritage because you hate Trump just don't vote do me that favor but it's up to you vote for whoever you like whoever's going to win going to win but I'm telling you Trump is the one hope you have a trumptastic day keep it Trump pimping USA Baby thank you so much sir great to talk to Patriots like you absolutely God bless you definitely a pleasure and and we bring this excellent coverage uh that mean and I can bring today with our Mr director and our wonderful crew our colleagues uh back in the studio the Magnificent Matthew Alvarez in Auburn Alabama War Eagle we have some War Eagle fans in line there but the way we do that is by our generous sponsors and none other than Mr my pillow himself Mike Lindell Matthew and I had the privilege of interviewing him recently he actually shaved his mustache he went undercover at the DNC so that's an exciting thing to see I can't wait for that footage but if you go to rsbn there is a $25 sale across the board on so many different items from the my pillows the sandals the towels I have many of those items um the down comforters very comfortable to get a good night's rest and Mr Mike lell producing all of this made in America up in the great state of Minnesota but um you can reach out to him through my rsbn and for a limited time there is a blowout sale a box store cancellation so you can get a bunch of pillows now for $4.98 it's quite a deal Megan do you have any my pillow um uh Decor or uh pillows or any of that good stuff at home I personally have a my pillow and it's great saves my neck my mom said the same thing and I know some people who have the slippers and that said they said the slippers are very comfortable as well so Mr Meg D thank you sir thank you for being such a supporter of the network we'll come back to you live Viva Las Vegas after a short commercial break hi folks rsbn founder and CEO Joe seals here did you know there is nearly $1 trillion of infrastructure and pandemic funds yet to be spent that's right there's a massive amount of money that the lame duck Administration is pushing hard to spend in their last few months if the president is able to push these funds out we could see another prolonged inflation surge just like during Co and I'm sure you remember the terrible effects that high prices had on most Americans but there's hope a surge in prices can be beaten a gold Ira from Birch gold group is the ultimate inflation Hedge for your savings in uncertain times to see how to protect your IRA or 401K get your free info kit on Gold by texting the word Trump to 98 9898 Birch gold makes it seamless to roll over your retirement account while preserving your tax advantage status don't wait for the president's spending spree to tank the dollar further protect your financial future Now text Trump to the number 9898 98 for your free info kit from Birch gold hey y'all it's silk from the diamond and silk chitchat live show look don't forget to check me out right here on rsbn network be sure to watch the show on right side broadcasting network and I want you to support right 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including the premium queen-size my pillow only 19.98 that's the lowest price ever don't delay order today from all of us here at my pillow thanks America welcome to the right side brother podcasting Network we're not like the other media Outlets out there that cut and edit what other people say in 2015 we were created by our founder Joe seals to cover president Donald J Trump's speeches and rallies to which we continue to do to this day we've also covered important conservative events like CPAC tpusa March for Life and many other important events and hearings around the country we were made for people like you everyday Americans who are tired of the mainstream media who are tired of being lied to manipulated and fed an agenda our goal here at right side broadcasting is to allow you to see the truth giving our correspondents and commentators a wide latitude to speak their minds you won't find anything like this in the mainstream media your support through to your donations locals and supporting our advertisers allows us to continue to cover important events around the country each and every day so from us here at right side broadcasting thank you for supporting us and the right side of [Music] history and welcome back to the World Market Center I'm Bobby mcney if you're just joining us I have the distinct pleasure of being with the one the only Megan ker Megan what has today been for you are you enjoying being out here in the hot Sonoran Desert enjoying the Maga rally energy what are your thoughts on today before the rally I mean is there ever a dull moment in Las Vegas let's be honest I mean this is exciting people found out about this rally I I was talking with some uh supporters here they just found out about it this morning some of these people but they made sure that no matter what they had going on today they came down here to see Donald Trump and people are really excited even on short notice we have a really big crowd here and you can see the line is just going down as far as the eye can see and good to see these magga Patriots here oh thank you so much I love the shirts amazing fight fight fight the energy is just incredible at these rallies on the regular basis as we talked to people uh from all walks of life and just recently our friends from uh New York City have been living out here for around 31 years now for a better way of life better weather but also hit with a housing crisis with expensive mortgages things of that nature in the silver state and that's why it's important to financially protect yourself so text Trump to 98 9898 talk to our friends over at Birch gold we are in the silver state of Nevada and this is probably the best company to go to for a free info kit not only on gold but on Silver precious metals and finding ways to convert your 401k or IRA into precious tangibles that you can actually see and hold instead of paper money that is Flint and if you look at the last 50 years of American foreign policy my goodness the petrol dollar used to be number one it used to be the world's Reserve currency Joe Biden and Cala Harris changed that and the Saudi Arabians are now dealing more with governments like Brazil India China that are exploiting and manipulating their currency so as a way to protect yourself look into free uh gold Birch Birch gold over there text Trump to 98 9898 and get that free coin it's a free silver coin Jo highlighting the assassination attempt which thank God president Trump is safe and sound two months ago to the day j13 where president Trump uh dodged a bullet literally and is courageously yelling fight fight fight as you saw on those Patriot shirts has moved forward but this coin has his emblem on it uh with the date of that that horrible day in Butler Pennsylvania but our beautiful White House on the back of it and something really to look into so text Trump to 9 8 9898 Megan what are you most looking forward to in the speech tonight president Trump has presented his no tax on overtime pay do you think he'll hit some more key uh constituencies and topics for the residents here in Nevada well personally I'm not a one isue voter but I do think that the American people overall if they do pick one issue to vote on it's the economy right what affects every single person in the United States is the economy so we're going to be addressing that tonight Donald Trum is going to be addressing tax cuts he's talking about no taxes on overtime no tax on tips that's going to be huge for the people here in Las Vegas there's tons of hospitality and service workers here and they're going to be really excited to hear what Donald Trump has to say about that tax cuts all around are going to be great for Americans and I personally I've always been all about the economy I always wanted Donald Trump to be the uh the president even back when Obama was in office I said to myself we're in a mess and Donald Trump's the only one that can clean it up so and I knew that just based off of his business background and his time in office has shown that I was right in my uh opinion on that because he knows exactly how to build a business how to run a business efficiency I'm excited to see what he has to say tonight and I'm really excited how about how he brought up a commission that he would add to his his administration where Elon Musk would be heading this and they would be doing a huge audit of the federal government spending and performance aspect so I mean every day I feel like he's just starts saying more and more incredible America First policies so we're going to see a lot of that tonight I mean think about that that's such a wonderful Point Megan because we have the Dream Team Avengers of people from all different political backgrounds I mean you have Tulsi gabard Bobby Kennedy Jr Elon Musk all traditional liberal Democrats and having voted that way for a long time but coming in consensus of peace through strength advocating middle class populist policies that will not only save the American middle class but you know save our freedom of speech save civil rights save those most vulnerable uh whether it's those uh who are uh in the womb or those who are elderly talk about the no taxes on Social Security and retirement we have so many issues that unite us As Americans and frankly I'm excited to see Elon Musk as part of the administration and for this dream team of Avengers to come out in such a PO positive populist Way pro- Family Pro worker Pro pro-america as president Trump has said the the new Republican party is pro- family Pro worker Pro Union think about uh we had Sean uh Christopher the gentleman or I'm sorry Sean O'Brien the president of the international Teamsters Union the first gentleman of that Union organization to address a Republican National Convention in 121 years talking about President Trump has brought us to the table uh to negotiate and and how to move forward to make America great for all workers yeah it's really incredible to see union workers switching from the uh classical Democrat Party from back in the uh JFK days to now it's such a big difference they're really coming over here because like I was mentioning earlier the traditional Kennedy Democrats of back in the day wanted a great America too they just had a different version of a method to get there so the Republicans and Democrats back in the day were working toward a similar goal of the greatest America possible just had different methods of doing so but now the radical left Democrats have gone so far left that they are not working toward the same Great America that the Republicans are and that's why so many classical Kennedy Democrats of back in the day are completely switching to the Republican party because they're like I don't even recognize my own party anymore they're not for America First they're not for families they're not for cutting taxes they're not for making things affordable for the middle class the the Democrats of today are really eradicating the the middle class and to me that's the biggest travesty of them all because having a solid middle class in your country is that's the strength and the backbone of America and we really need to focus on that well even think about Harry Reid the late Senator here from Nevada who had broad support even from Wayne Newton the great Entertainer in Las Vegas for years and years even though Wayne very much a conservative always appreciated Harry because he was uh Pro Union it's a huge Union State especially private unions and trades and also the service and hospitality industry so huge here in Nevada and I think about to your point Megan Veronica Escobar the Democrat from Texas chastising victims and mostly mothers of people they lost their children to Illegal migrant crime illegal having murdered their their kidss or family members this week uh giving testimony to Congress and them pushing back politely against Veronica Escobar saying no no we're not GOP pawns how dare you ask that we're here to find Solutions it shouldn't be Republican and Democrat it should be saving lives and president Trump had mentioned in an interview about a year or so ago but has said consistently I don't I want to save lives I don't want this person to win and that person to win when it comes to all these crazy Wars that have broken out thanks to Biden and Harris specifically with Russia and Ukraine I want people to stop dying president Trump said he is the peace through strength candidate and you see that kind of unity uh in people who are classically liberal like Bobby Kennedy and Tulsi gabard right and safety is imperative in all of our communities Law and Order people just want to live in a nice good Community Center kids to school live in some live in a place that they don't have to be scared to get out on the road I mean what's happening in Springfield Ohio and Aurora Colorado is just it's a disgrace and I've actually taken to social media like reading through comments and watching videos from local people who live in both of those communities and they're saying that these illegal immigrants that are come that are pouring into these communities that didn't live there before they don't know how to drive with the American laws so they're running into garages they're running into people's houses they're running into um traffic lights they're really causing chaos in the communities on on the ground and that's that's just so unfair to the American people why why were they so peaceful for so long and they were living in a safe community and now all of a sudden it's Mayhem and Chaos the American people want Law and Order they want to live in a safe place and that's what we're doing with this movement and the Democrats are just trying to say that that's not even happening but I've literally seen videos myself from people who live in those communities that the people who are coming in there from other countries a they don't want to assimilate or be their culture is so different that they can't assimilate and it just it makes no sense to have them pouring into our community so that's that's the Border issue too immigration Donald Trump wants to address all of this and he wants every American to be able to live somewhere safe and we're hearing so much of that today from the Patriots that we have interviewed from all walks of life some having not grown up here and some actually from neighboring states who have come here all the way from Salt Lake City Utah or Orange County and Los Angeles California to see their 45th president and God willing the 47th president our next president Donald Trump we have Japan for Trump outside uh we actually have the Koreans uh for Trump as well who have calling for a safe and strong Korea they come to every different event they sing the national anthem they do many Trump chants and so exciting to see first generation Americans who have seen the scourges of Communism who have seen the last 100 years and the bloodiest Century of all centuries was the 20th century with extreme leftwing movements such as fascism communism all rooted in socialism one of the things that is not talked about a lot are the 1930s fascists and communist uh uh they had conferences in Italy in the 1930s which led up to World War II and that conflict and at the end of the day they couldn't agree how to implement it but they were far-left socialist policies that led to tyranny and and the destruction of of millions and millions countless lives and I think we're actually going to get a live shout out possibly here from the uh Koreans for Trump and they are calling for a strong United States and a strong Republic of Korea Alliance you see the strong rock- us Alliance shirts with their American flags and their South Korean shirts and if you're at a Maga rally you'll see them on a regular basis um sticking together to promote the values of liberal democracy and a constitutional republic you think about America and our founding and our freedom separating from the United Kingdom we weren't the First Republic but we had a revolution that led to a nation all equal people under laws and under God for liberty and justice for all they have a huge sign that says fight for Trump this inspired the world there's 196 countries in the world and most of them trying to take on the values and traditions of what America once was what it can be again and seeing president Trump as that Beacon of Hope that servant leader as uh we hear some of their beautiful music of what you hear a lot at the rally events uh the Lee Greenwood famous song of God Bless the USA and we have a little bit of karaoke action as you can see with our friends from the strong Republic of Korea and US iance always a pleasure to see them and every once in a while we get a chance to interview them but uh Megan what are you seeing in your neck of the woods are there a lot of first generation Americans on the magga Trump train are they involved in the process and how are they making a difference up in your neck of the woods 99% of people that I personally know that were born in another country and came to America the correct way through the our legal process they are very patriotic because they've seen what it's like like to be in other countries and they've seen the effects of Communism and socialism and Marxism policies and they never ever want to see that in America and they said when they were little and they were growing up they would dream about coming to America so they were so excited to actually come to America through our proper immigration immigration process and they're some of the most patriotic people I know no it's so exciting because it's really the inspiration of America and that's the thing about you can be born overseas or in another country and you can come here legally and become an American there's perhaps no other experiment quite like it because if you move somewhere else immigrate somewhere else there's a lot of you have to do boom boom boom X Y and Z and still then you're not necessarily they say ethnically a German but here in America as long as you pledge before those the beautiful rule of law and our Declaration of Independence our Constitution which guarantees a Bill of Rights that you can have certain inalienable rights that come from God so exciting to see that with those who have immigrated to this beautiful country and we are a nation of immigrants and here at right side broadcasting network we believe in that we are celebrating our diversity not only in skin color or religious background but in diversity of thought and the willingness to break bread at the dinner table with all different kinds of friends and maybe even some foes that we might try to change their mind in that process peacefully and patriotically but as you can see here the South Korean Americans very passionate about this Las Vegas rally we're in the silver state of Nevada six electoral votes may not seem like a lot but it will be consequential for the upcoming election only 53 days away so Megan some more thoughts on what do you think president Trump might cover tonight he's going to hit the economy hard tonight and he's definitely going to talk about all of his tax cuts and I really hope he brings up Sam Brown we need to make sure that the people of Nevada not only vote for Donald Trump in this election for those electoral votes but also for the senate seat that's up for Sam Brown so make sure if you are registered to vote in Nevada vote for Sam Brown and what a beautiful song and this group is just they're so patriotic I can feel their love for America coming out while they're singing it it almost makes me emotional how much they love this country look at that look at their passion coming through I already love these songs but I could see and feel their passion coming through as they're singing These so it's just amazing to see yeah I don't think I'd be anywhere else on a Friday night and um it it really is an emotional moment because patriotism nationalism is a real blessing and you'll hear from the lamestream corporate media that this somehow is not something to be celebrated but I I truly love how many people will come out here on a regular basis standing in the hot desert sun in order to see their future president and now we have a little cloud of shade coming over us thank you so much we appreciate you thanks for watching but the only way we can watch and bring all this great content to you is from our great sponsors like uh Pia uh with Pia I mean they're doing some great work in the whole VPN space and it's so important considering uh you have to protect yourself online one of the fastest and safest ways to do that is to make sure that these malicious websites are being blocked by your own personal VPN Pia does it the best now what is a VPN it stands for virtual private network with Pia all of your traffic goes through a secure VPN tunnel your IP address is hidden 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they want to get done what is so important for the American people on a toss of of so many different concepts that are out there but uh we're about to go into the stadium the World Market Center are you excited Megan I'm excited I don't know if I've ever been more excited I love it so much pleasure to be here with you today beautiful Las Vegas Nevada Viva Las Vegas and we are going to I'm trying to do my impression we've been working on that it's a little bit rough today but um I don't know we were talking earlier too that President Trump might have an impression of Elvis maybe we'll see that tonight but we're happy to S it back to Auburn Alabama the home of the Tigers to see our magnificent Matthew Alvarez we'll be back to you in just a [Music] moment Bobby thank you so much and Megan they're live in Las Vegas I will not be singing here uh right now I know Bobby has a better voice than I do so I will not bore you the crowd as we await president Trump to speak tonight at 10:00 on the East Coast 7:00 out there on the Pacific time zone of course today an rsbn double header earlier today president Trump in Los Angeles for a press conference there and then of course on his way to Las Vegas as the next time you'll see Bobby and uh Megan they will be inside that venue uh bringing you live coverage of our rsbn double header once again in Las Vegas Nevada uh all day coverage today uh speaking of coverage next week quite the week so many events going on for president Trump and the pre-program speakers and uh so much work uh involved to be able to set up at these different venues and to have everything uh ready to go uh next week president Trump will be in Michigan on Tuesday in New York on Wednesday in unale of course at the uh arena there in the on Long Island then from there he'll be in Washington DC for a speech and then in North Carolina on Saturday the 21st and then Monday he'll be in Pennsylvania so a lot of coverage uh upcoming of course as we are 53 days uh from the most important election of our lives and of probably all time when it comes to uh the United States general election because we see that there is a huge fork in the road coming up uh one that goes toward uh the Constitution one that goes toward uh the truth and freedom and Common Sense and making America great again uh making America secure and strong and Wealthy again versus the complete opposite so uh obviously a lot uh at stake coming up this election so uh I caught up with Lee Smith a New York Times bestselling author earlier uh this morning live during our Los Angeles broadcast with the press conference there and he actually wrote a book called disappearing the president it comes out October 15th I believe we have that ready to go right now so let's go to our interview with Lee Smith from just earlier today all right they're saying it's not ready yet that's all right uh we'll just roll with the punches here on live TV until that is ready uh another news story that we're watching closely if you saw our last uh live uh broadcast here in the studio as our cameras are going inside that uh venue that's why we're here in the studio right now uh we would be showing you more of the crowd of course but at this point our cameras are going through security to get us into that venue uh we do have another camera that's in there already and we'll be able to see that live Vantage Point here soon but uh one of the other stories that were following closely at least uh what I saw earlier today was on the Wall Street Journal and Reuters and in on Truth social is uh the UK prime minister uh Kier starmer and uh Canada's Justin Trudeau are in support of Ukraine's use of long range missiles deep inside Russia the reason why that's important is because Vladimir Putin has warned uh NATO alliance leaders that a move to lift restrictions on Ukraine's use of long range Western missiles to strike deep inside his country would be considered an act of War uh we're hearing that uh that uh Mr starmer in the out of the UK is urging Biden to allow this to happen as well so we're we're hoping that we're not on that brink of what we've been hearing about when it comes to more Wars president Trump is not a proar candidate can you believe anybody is a pro war anything a terrible thing president Trump would bring peace and stability to this country and uh according to president Trump's post about Russia today actually uh he said vote for comrade KLA Harris is a vote uh for war with Russia it is also a vote for quote unquote bring back the draft a vote for president Donald J Trump is a vote for prosperity and peace and we know that to be true because that first four years under President trump it was peace through strength no new Wars under the Trump Administration uh round one hopefully prayerfully and as we work hard round two coming up with even greater things for our country in store under a trump Administration so let's go to that Lee Smith interview uh interviewed him earlier an author who wrote a great book here's more of that interview from earlier today joining us thank you Matthew for inviting me great to be with you so can you tell us a little bit about the idea of the book and and why people should purchase it next month well I mean because it's about the uh it's about the now eight-year campaign to remove Donald Trump and of course not just Donald Trump but also his AIDS and supporters as as well uh we see this starting with Russia gate in 2016 continuing up to the present including the assassination attempt on Donald Trump's life and I think that this is really the way to understand what's happened here the last eight years and a crucial part that's been missing from a lot of our conversations when we talk about the Deep state or or other people put it in different ways the system or the managerial class look it's important to understand that there are actual real people with real power in powerful positions who are acting on behalf of certain causes uh with with money so I I I really identify this I say look this is Barack Obama we've talked for a long time about the administrative State this goes back for at least a hundred years back to the days of woodro Wilson so why did this particular system as it were come alive in 2016 and Target Donald Trump his AIDS and supporters and putting the timeline together and putting certain other details together as I do in the book disappearing the president it becomes quite clear that the person at the center of this is uh Donald Trump's um uh predecessor Barack Obama and why do you think it's important to expose all of this but also uh why do you think president Trump has received so many attacks since day one well I mean first of all it's to protect I mean one of the things that we that we do understand that we do see is it is to protect certain Privileges and priorities of the ruling class um so that that that's one very important thing another thing that we have to understand is it's all it really is a message directed at the rest of us as well if you fight back if you push back here's what is going to happen to you too you have no representation I mean it's really an effort the larger effort is to overturn our constitutional order right I mean we and we've seen examples of this has happened during the dur during the covid lockdowns during the covid mandates with our borders uh open now three and a half years with at least 8 million people 8 million illegal aliens rushing across those borders I mean it's an attack on the constitutional republic and an attempt to turn the United States of America into a very different kind of regime and right now the political force holding that back uh is us with Donald Trump at the head EX exactly we the people and and president Trump who is obviously a citizen of this great land the fork that's coming up in the road how do you think it's going to go is it is it who knows or is it we see the amount of support for president Trump and he should win uh pretty heavily Matthew it's an interesting way to ask that question I mean I'm I'm sure you're finding the same speaking with people we've seen the polls that say over 50% of the American electorate including Democrats believe that the 2020 election was affected by cheating that means that more than half of the country right now is going into 2024 believing that fraud will play a uh a crucial part in this election so it's it's almost schizophrenic right we believe in the different things that have been real about this country the different parts of the uh uh the the campaign process whether this is polling whether this is debates right so we say yeah it's real the polling sort of but then another part of us recognized is there's been an issue with that we saw this in 2020 so I think I think that most of us believe we're going to do our part we still believe there is a constitutional republic we believe we're part of it we're going to do our part and we're going to vote but uh it may turn out that what's going to happen election night the week of the week after the election the months after the election who knows there's going to be many other factors that will include lawyers and uh I certainly hope not but it seems it seems quite possible that political violence will be a part of it too I mean the Democrats have been pushing this toward political violence for many many years now and this is part of the assassination attempt on on on Donald Trump the left's political violence if you guys are just joining us right now this is New York Times best-selling author Lee Smith who has uh written disappearing the president uh lee can you talk to us about your thoughts about the debate this past week I mean the three onone the Democrats three of them versus president Trump what were your thoughts about it well my thoughts at first was like a lot of people like well it's even people expected Trump didn't hit all as high notes as we wanted him to Harris wasn't totally incompetent her language didn't devolve into totally insane uh cyclical rhetoric um so it's kind of up to people who are watching but then not less than 12 hours even more even more it was quite clear that Donald Trump had won had not only won the debate but had trounced kamla Harris how do we know because all anyone is talking about is Donald Trump's line about Haitian immigrants eating dogs and cats eating their pets right that's all that people are talking about that is all that people will ever remember from this debate and it's not just the right posting memes on Twitter and Truth social right it's also the left the media rushing to fact check well you know we don't know if they're eating dogs and cats but yeah they're eating geese and uh of uh you know of course there really are 20,000 immigrants 20,000 Hai that were dropped unlawfully into this small siiz Ohio city so Donald Trump trounced Harris I mean that's the reality the actual debate itself I mean we have to acknowledge that there there is a political genius at work there with Donald Trump and even after eight years a lot of us don't recognize what happened so the debate itself is a wash it doesn't matter what matters is the only thing that will survive from that debate is what Donald Trump said about Haitian immigrants eating the pets of Americans because that's all anyone is talking about and people will be talking about that that now uh until election day and likely after and also I posted on Truth social the other day uh there is no debate We the People support Donald Trump I mean do you agree well I mean we we the people support uh we the people support a constitutional republic we support a nation with borders we support a nation with with real elections and so far as it seems the Democrats are against that it's like yeah there there only is one choice there's there is no debate uh there is no choice I mean maybe God willing the Democrats will again someday uh uh put forth a candidate who believes in our borders who believes in National sovereignty and who believes that we need uh transparent and genuine elections but not right now so there is only one choice and so one other point to the debate one other thing I think sticks out is when President Trump said why didn't you do this for the past three and a half years right of course why did you spend why did you spend all this time why have you spent the last three and a half years targeting me targeting my AIDS and targeting my supporters instead of doing your job shutting the borders uh making sure elections are transparent yeah of course and this is again this is what people understand I I mean there are very few Americans at this point who don't understand that the borders are open who don't uh who who don't go to the grocery stores themselves and see like wow I can't believe that bacon is now uh $112 when just several years ago was you know topping out at 699 or something like that so voters see what's happening there's that that's why uh Matthew this is why I've been saying for a while that I in a sense issues and policies aren't part of this election the American public knows exactly what's going on they understand the price of inflation they understand the price of open borders and um the people who the people who want to keep paying more uh at the pump or at the grocery store I guess they're welcome to keep doing so and the people who want open borders and they want people storming their towns then I guess that's what they're going to choose but normal Americans of course are not going to choose that Lee one more question for you what would be your advice to people that are uh fearful concerned about what could happen to our country some 53 days from now obviously we're going to get out the vote but any words of advice for uh the American people that are watching right now yeah I think all of us are are are are are are worried some of it is worse but my advice would be we're Americans whether Donald Trump wins or loses I mean we still have a real uh struggle on our hands to keep our country free it will be a lot easier with the Donald Trump presidency but remember even then that's four years so keep your heads uh it's going to get bad it's going to get ugly the other side has done a lot of Very Bad Things already that will continue keep your heads stay calm remember we're in it for uh we're in it not just for ourselves we're in it for our uh our progyny for our children and grandchildren well it's going to be a long fight it's our time to uh wage this fight for our Republic Amen to that a lot of Courage uh to be had here in this country uh New York Times bestselling author Lee Smith uh your book disappearing the president uh on at store shelves on online uh October 15 Le thank you so much for joining us here on right side thank you Matthew okay so that interview was from earlier today for our uh Los Angeles press conference coverage when President Trump was out there at Trump National Golf Club gorgeous area out there uh out in La the golf course right up against the Pacific Ocean president Trump uh taking his time out there uh talking about how California looks now compared to what it used to look like and of course uh he's ready to make California great again and make our country great again with a great team of people uh throughout this land uh everywhere from Vermont to Washington Florida and Arizona you can think about people from those four states you've got Gerald Malloy running for US Senate in Vermont you've got Joe Kent in Washington you've got Cary Lake in Arizona and of course you've got so many great Patriots that are already in office in the State of Florida as well so we see throughout this nation a lot of people inspired by President Trump I'm inspired personally by him the conservative media is uh inspired by him because he's the one that called out the fake News Press and now we've got this whole uh Resurgence or this whole uh new thing called conservative media where uh we are on the side of uh Common Sense the truth the Constitution and freedom for this country so uh awesome to be a part of that family awesome to be a part of the family of we the people as we move forward with 53 days until this election uh some interesting uh rapid response posts by the Trump team on uh truth social team Trump on Truth social just posted uh kamla promises America a quote unquote New Way Forward after three and a half years in power in which she gave us a horrible economy a broken border a world on fire and overall misery that according to team Trump on Truth social so uh new the new Way Forward is the uh is the make America great again motto basically uh over there on the left so it's a new way forward and and uh the Trump team rightly putting uh exactly what the truth is there see I'm on team truth and I'm on team uh freedom and I'm on team we the people and uh president Trump is the one that is all of those things he lines up with all of that uh so that's what we're going for is is common sense and truth and so we know she can say New Way Forward but we know with that three and a half years in power that uh things have been terrible uh why hasn't there been something done now to help with the economy now to help with the southern border and so many other topics that are out there uh with political talking points as well um obviously you're looking at a live uh vantage point there in Las Vegas awaiting president Trump uh speaking a few hours from now but of course uh Bobby mcney and Megan kler who you guys have seen inside or or I've seen outside the arena there you'll be seeing them inside and they'll be picking up this live coverage as they uh bring their gear and the camera uh the other camera inside that venue so we're going to have two Vantage points from Nevada tonight it's always great uh to see President Trump and then to see the second vantage point of the crowd in the arena packed house uh for our country for uh the Freedom Movement the conservative movement the Maga movement uh and for president Trump and the pre pre-programmed speakers who will take the stage obviously uh usually about two hours prior to when President Trump does so we'll see uh how that goes tonight of course we'll be hearing the national anthem there will be a prayer there'll be uh the Pledge of Allegiance and then on top of that great pre-program speakers I'm sure lined up uh for Las Vegas as you guys have been seeing here on right side Broadcasting Network anywhere from uh Charlotte North Carolina to Johnstown to Glendale for that tpusa event I mean so many times we see uh a packed house there uh for our country and for uh president Trump so always awesome to see that uh there are a few sponsors uh we would like to thank here at right side broadcasting that one definitely right there we'll be thanking uh the uh VPN uh Network there in a little bit uh but one in order now is American financing uh all you have to do is um call that number to save that $854 a month by working with American financing they'll help you along the way with some of the equity in your home and and working with credit to hopefully get that savings uh in your pocketbook $854 a month a great sponsor here at right side also uh from American financing let's stick to the money uh side of things and talk about tax Network USA 800 3571 1415 any issues when it comes to the missing tax tax es or filing late or even if it's from years past go ahead and give them a call they'll help you out 800 35745 they'll walk right alongside you and uh give you the peace of mind that you need moving forward to pay the right uh timing of the taxes and get everything taken uh uh taken care of there with tax Network USA uh Birch gold group uh also if you text Trump to 9898 98 you get uh the free uh info kit you'll also get a free fight silver coin uh once you purchase a product with the Birch gold group so uh this is the free Birch gold uh free fight silver coin I know it's very difficult to see with the lights in here uh but it has the White House on the back and then it has the uh great moment where president Trump said fight fight fight uh right there you see on your screen so all I have to do is text Trump to 9898 98 to get that info kit on gold precious medals and also of course silver a pretty awesome uh silver coin right here with Birch Cod group uh some great sponsors here at right side broadcasting network a little bit later in the broadcast uh we will be uh I believe we'll be joined by the uh former ambassador to Denmark Carla Sans will join us live I believe in the 8:00 hour on the uh East Coast uh as we uh get ready for president Trump there in Las Vegas so a lot going on uh throughout the country as uh we are uh as a unit uh on team Freedom uh looking for a great Victory uh for this country which in turn uh helps with the world as you guys have seen in that first Administration with President Trump uh you know some of those videos that you guys may have seen too on Truth social and maybe X as well where there's a compilation of President Trump shaking hands with uh world leaders or going into the uh demilitarized zone in North Korea or uh anywhere in the country or anywhere in the world right uh just being the strong leader that he is and then also on top of that uh having peace through strength so uh a great negotiator always working uh deals out that are good for the American people and good for this country and good for our our financial means but also for uh safety uh for security and of course uh for our freedoms here in this country uh once again let me uh let you know about the programming schedule uh Tuesday uh president Trump will be in Flint Michigan along with the governor of Arkansas Sarah hucke Sanders she'll be moderating a town hall in Flint Michigan we'll have that live coverage that's uh Tuesday September 17th on Wednesday September 18th unale New York on Long Island the old New York Islanders hockey arena will be packed Long Island uh is Trump country there'll be so many people there it will be elect Elric it will be loud just like it will be tonight in Las Vegas uh but it'll be quite awesome September 18th uh then uh he'll be going to Washington DC to address the Israeli American Council National Summit that date is the 19th or the 20th uh the uh press release is not clear on which date he'll speak uh but we'll have that coverage as well in Washington and then on Saturday September 21st so next weekend uh president Trump those of you in Wilmington North Carolina I believe that is the town that had to have the cancellation of a trump rally because of the severe and Clement weather that was on the way there to Wilmington North Carolina so this is the rally uh to be had on the 21st in North Carolina yet another swing state uh speaking of Swing States Pennsylvania on Monday September 23rd there will be a kind of a round table discussion as well uh for president Trump so we're looking at one two three four five events just next week alone on top of tonight's uh live coverage and you're watching it all here right here on right side broadcasting network thanks so much for uh joining us here on rumble or YouTube X maybe Facebook or maybe our app if you'd like to download the app it's a simple download rsbn you type it in and you can download it and watch live uh or you can go on our website RSB uh many ways to watch right side broadcasting network and we'll be going back out to Bobby mcney and Megan Kohler who are live in Las Vegas you guys saw maybe some of the pre- uh interview coverage uh outside of the Arena a lot of people out there uh waiting to get in still and uh you see already a lot of the floor seating right now in Vegas uh getting ready for president Trump as I I believe he's on Trump Force One at this point uh on his way from LA to Las Vegas as you saw earlier today uh president Trump speaking in uh Los Angeles at his Trump National Golf Course uh right there uh taking questions from the Press uh really coming out against Harris obviously Harris being from California and uh Newsome out there uh doing a absolutely fabulous job for the state of uh California right not at all we know that uh it's high taxes there's a decent amount of crime in in the city uh there's the Immigrant situation the illegal immigrant situation on the southern Border in San Diego uh so we uh look at that State with 54 electoral votes at stake there and we might you never know we might have a swing in that state who knows right New York has 28 electoral votes I mean when we go to uh the Bronx or whether you're in Los Angeles or uh whether you're in Las Vegas uh you know New York Nevada California usually a blue vote but at this point we see so many uh red States uh throughout the country so many people voting for Donald Trump this election uh we've seen so many people uh everyone from uh Dana White with the UFC to Elon Musk how about Mike Tyson recently coming out and saying I'm voting for Donald Trump what are you gonna do about it that's pretty good stuff right I saw that earlier on Truth social I mean so all the big name people uh you know we're looking at of course Tucker Carlson uh doing awesome things uh for years on Fox News and now uh working with his own network there all of us on the same team of conservatism no more this fake news uh mainstream media liberal kind of way of things right where uh there's constant lies and constant uh leftist attacks and that kind of thing uh we're looking for Peace Love strength power Freedom uh all good positive things for the United States of America if you'd like to follow us on Truth social you could follow us on uh Truth at rsbn and then on X it's RSB network uh if you like to follow me on Truth social it's Matthew Alvarez also Bobby mcney out there in the field you could follow him not sure if Megan kler has a truth social yet but uh maybe she'll get one soon and uh Titus Ellis Smith there's so many people right U Paul and Gracia and Nikki Stan own uh obviously on Truth social but they will be live in unale at that Long Island rally on Wednesday night I'm just I'm just cautioning you in a friendly caution in a in a positive caution of how loud it's going to be on Long Island in the old New York Islanders hockey arena for president Trump in New York on Wednesday night uh obviously we'll be seeing that as well in Vegas if we're talking hockey the Vegas golden kns of course in Las Vegas so uh always fun to see President Trump uh at various uh venues Across the Nation so we were uh looking at the team Trump post on Truth social earlier if you are just joining us they said uh Cala promises uh America a quote unquote New Way Forward after three and a half years in power in which she gave us a horrible economy a broken border a world on fire and overall misery pretty much a rapid response uh with Team Trump there when Harris and walls are out there uh spewing their negativity and their lies about our country and about Donald Trump we see uh with the Trump team and the RNC they're able to post uh actually no what you said here in 2019 is really uh how you think about uh fracking or or other uh political talking points and then all of a sudden when it's election time there's a whole Switcheroo well that's one thing that we have not seen with with President Trump he doesn't flipflop president Trump doesn't flipflop that's a John Carrey thing and a Camala Harris thing anyway enough of that all right so it's 7 o'clock top of the hour here at right side broadcasting network we'll be right back after this commercial break we'll see you in a second hi folks rsbn founder and CEO Joe seals here did you know there is nearly $1 trillion of infrastructure and pandemic funds yet to be spent that's right there's a massive amount of money that the lame duck Administration is pushing hard to spend in their last few months if the president is able to push these funds out we could see another prolonged inflation surge just like during Co and I'm sure you remember the terrible effects that high prices had on most Americans but there's hope a surge in prices can be beaten a gold Ira from Birch gold group is the ultimate inflation Hedge for your savings in uncertain times to see how to protect your IRA or 401K get your free info kit on Gold by texting the word Trump to 98 9898 Birch gold makes it seamless to roll over your retirement account while preserving your tax advantage status don't wait for the president's spending spree to tank the dollar further protect your financial future Now text Trump to the number 9898 98 for your free info kit from Birch gold hey y'all it's silk from diamond and silk don't forget to catch the Dondo chitchat live show right here on rsbn that's right rsbn now that's right side broadcasting network okay see y'all soon bye-bye parents and grandparents the 2024 kids guide 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America welcome to the right side broadcast testing Network we're not like the other media Outlets out there that cut and edit what other people say in 2015 we were created by our founder Joe seals to cover president Donald J Trump's speeches and rallies to which we continue to do to this day we've also covered important conservative events like CPAC tpusa March for Life and many other important events and hearings around the country we were made for people like you everyday Americans who are tired of the mainstream media who are tired of being lied to manipulated and fed an agenda our goal here at right side broadcasting is to allow you to see the truth giving our correspondents and commentators a wide latitude to speak their minds you won't find anything like this in the mainstream media your support through your ations locals and supporting our advertisers allows us to continue to cover important events around the country each and every day so from us here at right side broadcasting thank you for supporting us and the right side of [Music] History welcome back to right side broadcasting network uh we're just going to go over some of the uh news items that happened over the past 2 2 4 hours president Trump uh yesterday in Tucson saying uh he proposed no taxes on overtime pay uh another great idea for the American people of course as we know uh no tax on tips plus now uh no taxes on overtime pay a proposal yesterday uh that President Trump uh would bring to pass under a second uh Trump Administration and uh talk about a lot of momentum out there of course uh right now for uh president Trump and the team I mean this has been momentum since day one in 2016 all the way through uh it's been quite the Trump train ride and we're going to continue that uh all the way through uh hopefully to 2028 and then uh hopefully Beyond with more uh Freedom loving candidates uh on the uh RNC and on the on the right side of History uh also some other news items as well uh we're seeing reports uh that team Trump put out as well uh referring to a fox report uh that Dallas police are investigating uh crimes linked to Venezuelan The Gangs uh the trendee aragua that's the one that's from uh Aurora Colorado as well so a lot going on right now when it comes to the violent crime and the Gang Related activity uh from illegal immigrants throughout our country so we know that uh president Trump a part of the GOP plan is uh number one is to seal the border and stop the migrant Invasion and and then number two is uh the to conduct a massive uh deportation operation uh so we know that uh president Trump's just ready you know what I mean we're 53 days out uh by January 20th 2025 uh all of these plans uh will be enacted and taken uh for the good of our country for the peace for the security and uh for the freedom of our nation uh and obviously for our economy as well uh that's what we're uh hoping praying and working hard for so uh we'll see how everything transpires uh coming up here in 53 days from now uh one of our other great sponsors here at right side broadcasting network is the free Trump uh Mike hucke uh is is in charge of all this here uh the kids guide to American greatness uh the kids guide to president Trump and also to fighting indoctrination so uh what exactly is indoctrination why do people indoctrinate or how about with uh the American greatness about America's unique beginning uh liberty and justice for all uh strong foundations the Civil Rights Movement so a lot of good history and Truth in these books right here on right side broadcasting network so all you have to do is go to fre Trump and get some uh information there and get these pretty awesome books these are are are great because at the end of the day we know some of the schools out there are trying to indoctrinate our youth and teach them uh other things that have happened uh through our country from their leftist point of view and you know it's uh not true it's uh the false Narrative of course so free Trump for more information on top of that uh I think that that book should also be in some colleges and universities around the country because we know a number of professors who think they're all intellectual and they can tell you how to how to think it's kind of like well hold on now it's common sense I want to have freedom I want to have a good economy I I want you know moral fabric of the nation to continue or uh just Basics you know uh that's what uh this is about it's about common sense for our country and moving forward so uh looking at the uh seven swing States at play as we take that live look on the right side of your screen in Las Vegas right there uh 93 electoral votes uh at stake uh for uh a number of states Seven States including the one you see right there on the right side of your screen uh in Nevada uh Georgia 16 Pennsylvania 19 Wisconsin 10 Michigan 15 Nevada 6 Arizona 11 and then North Carolina where president Trump will have a huge rally in uh Wilmington on the 21st uh There are 16 votes up for grabs there so 93 total electoral votes up for grabs for uh the uh swing States so we know through the polls uh depending on which poll you look at uh poly Market there's Ras mus there's uh so many polls out there troger group uh but a lot of the polls are showing president Trump with that edge or with that lead uh we know also that there's a majority of this country that wants president Trump in the white house again uh he should be finishing up his second term right now as we got as we know uh but as we have seen it uh we know that uh that didn't happen uh for 2020 so here we are in 2024 and I we gear up and watch president Trump tonight in Las Vegas quite a long day for president Trump uh quite a long week actually I mean today's Friday on Wednesday if you watched our live coverage here he was in New York City uh visiting firefighters uh for 911 uh paying his respects there and then he flew all the way to Tucson yesterday for a huge event and then today uh in La this morning and then now on his way to Las Vegas with a huge week next week as well so the campaign Full Speed Ahead and it seems like the campaign has been Full Speed Ahead since uh the 2020 election it seems like we've been just kind of sitting back and waiting not really you know what I mean not sitting back and not doing anything but kind of sitting there being like well uh we got to deal with this four years of this uh terrible Administration that's uh destroying our country destroying our economy uh we don't feel safe in this nation we see the uh illegal immigration situation uh people that we don't know who they are and what they're up to and then we realize what they're up to when there's a peak of or spike in crime that's happening uh throughout several States in our Union uh anything from the fentanyl uh situation with drugs to all of the uh violent crimes that are happening and it's it's terrible to have to report that it's terrible to have to hear about the amount of fentanyl or the uh murders or the rapes that are happening out there it's just at the end of the day we know with the gang violence as well uh in Aurora Colorado and now uh police investigating in Dallas Texas uh some of this as well so from the same Venezuelan group so speaking of Venezuela uh just shifting gears real quick we know that the other day if you saw the video with Maduro he had a parade and so Maduro if he really won uh the people's vat there when he was riding down that street if you guys uh have followed any of the news internationally at all there were no people on the sides of the streets he was just riding along there he is he and he also recently just said that Christmas is now being celebrated on October 1st in Venezuela why because he just wants to do it on October 1st this is actually the third time I read out of Venezuela that U uh this kind of thing has happened in Maduro uh uh stealing that election there and uh the people didn't want that they didn't want it the same way in Brazil with uh they want balso in office and we see the same thing here in this country uh we just hope that this won't happen again uh coming up in two months from now uh in uh our our nation so uh once again I'm Matthew Alvarez here live at 72 Eastern as we await president Trump it's 4:12 on the West Coast uh we'll be going back out to Bobby and Megan ker here shortly uh thanks so much for joining us we know it's been uh really a fun fun ride today as we have seen coverage in Los Angeles now in Las Vegas and then of course next week as uh we really put our heads down and and really uh get get down to business when it comes to uh that final push over the next 50 days uh until the election and of course early voting uh very very uh important if you are early voting to check with your uh various County uh Board of election offices and uh to get everything squared away so we know uh when it's when it's go time that every all of the Ducks are lined up uh for our our country uh as speaking of ducks uh so all of this dog cat uh geese ducks you know all the stuff that we hear that's happening there is some uh obviously there's truth to it there's audio recordings of certain things happening with some of the illegal immigrants but uh just to dive in quick deeper on that real quick it's not too deep but uh there is some of the voodoo kind of uh religion that has to do with animal sacrifice as well and it comes with some of the other countries that are involved with these illegal immigrants that are here I'll leave that go there because that's not it's not the time and place for that but you know there's just some truth to it it's happening you know we can't have this kind of craziness happening in our country uh when we're trying to uh keep our our schools safe to keep our our youth safe to keep our colleges safe to keep our uh family safe uh we have to uh understand that it's all about the first and second amendment here when it comes to keeping our constitutional rights uh you look at the uh Second Amendment I called uh a few places in Aurora Colorado last week just out of curiosity as a journalist I called and I wanted to know really how bad is it in Aurora when we saw that video with the gang uh of Venezuelan gang going from door to door with their long arm rifles and their machine guns I was wondering is it really on are you on edge there uh I had mixed reviews but a lot of people did say they were on edge as well I called a gun shop a random gun gun shop in Aurora they said theyve seen a 200% increase in firearm sales in Aurora Colorado uh because of their concern of What's Happen happening with some of the Gang Related situations there from Venezuela again a southern border problem right uh another uh thing I heard was that there were people this is one of the store employees that told me over the phone he knew that I was a journalist so I was asking him some of those questions and he said that there were people that don't that are coming to the store that have never owned a gun in their life and they're buying he said quote two or three of them at a time he said I have a packed showroom right now or or floor right now uh so you know we see uh that's part of our our right our constitutional right is that second amendment and our first amendment for freedom of speech and freedom of religion and freedom of the press and all so uh that's what we're uh holding on to uh and we've had it for 248 years and uh hopefully for many years uh to come uh speaking of that 2026 uh I know I'm a little bit all over the place today but I'm just excited about uh today's rally in Las Vegas as well but uh in 2026 at the fairgrounds in Iowa uh president Trump will have a 250e anniversary for our country at the Iowa State Fairgrounds what a huge celebration that would be as we can kind of uh breathe a sigh of relief uh after a great Victory uh with President Trump and and and some uh wonderful things that will happen uh in this country and we can report some good news there's nothing wrong with reporting good news we know and I know working in mainstream media over the years back in the day uh it's always the the negative story it's always the how do we bring down uh Maga or how do we bring down you know truth or Freedom those were angles that were happening uh within newsrooms across the country uh so it's good to be on the side of uh of of Joy it's good to be on the side of freedom and it's good to be here with you guys watching here on right side broadcasting network uh if you like to follow again on Truth social it's rsbn or our X page is RSB Network that is uh over a million people have uh subscribed or over a million people have followed uh our Network rsbn on X so it's always great to see that uh pushing uh just north of 700,000 on Truth social and uh there's a lot of uh ways to follow us as well on Rumble and YouTube so you could follow our Channel watch us live uh as you are right now whether it's on your phone or your laptop or your tablet or on your TV screen uh as we await president Trump here in Las Vegas and we'll be tossing them back out there to Bobby and uh Megan here shortly of course it'll be great to hear the the live sights and sounds see the light sights and sounds and hear them and experience them together uh as we wait president Trump to speak at 10:00 Eastern 7 o'clock out there on the west coast so again next Wednesday night September 18th uh in New York a great great rally to be had on Long Island in unale uh New York uh wonderful to see that coming up uh here on right side broadcasting network September 18th a quick personal thing uh September 18th is my birthday so it's kind of awesome uh to have a rally that day as well so uh that'll be on Wednesday so a few days from now uh as we await president Trump here in Las Vegas if you missed any of the uh uh Los Angeles press conference from earlier today go to rumble or YouTube and you can just click on that and watch a little bit of that a little bit later tomorrow if you'd like it was pretty cool to see President Trump out there at the golf course in Los Angeles his golf course right there up against the Pacific Ocean a beautiful area there a beautiful course in La I've not been able to personally see any of the golf courses that President Trump has he's got one of course in Dural in Florida and Bedminster New Jersey out in La I believe one in Scotland and and a few other places around the world uh but it's always nice to U you know see other places like uh Trump International hotels or Trump Tower in New York City the OG of uh some of President Trump's uh great real estate moves uh there in New York City um speaking of New York City man it's tough uh because uh the amount of crime that's happening there uh you know being afraid to go on some of the Subways in New York City that'd be terrible I I used to work in New York I've I've been on the uh six train the A train whatever train you want to call it I've been on all of them um there was a train that would go all the way down the Brighton Beach you know there's all these different uh Subways but now if you're on a a subway train you have to kind of take out the airpods if you know what I mean and look around people are getting pushed on the tracks people are uh doing terrible things uh just in the Subway and then let alone uh in the streets you have to watch your back all the time in New York it's unfortunate uh it's terrible um but what we know is uh let's make New York great again you remember when New York was you go there for for those of you that celebrate Christmas right you go for Christmas you see the Rockefeller tree or that kind of thing it's that it's a nice area to go check it out but these days going there you might some people might think twice um but let's make New York great again my my mom was born in Brooklyn my dad born in Manhattan sister in New Jersey so uh kind of close to home there in New York New York where president Trump will be on Long Island just east of that City in uh on Long Island in Union Dale so I'm Matthew Alvarez here in the studio let's send it back out to Bobby and Megan live the whole Christian Perspective we talked a lot about Christianity Today and gosh I mean look at uh some people do they actually vote their values it's so important nowadays and they're in their own community and I'm sure there's a lot of pressure but you know I think the magga principles will help people not only in the upper class um Echelon but um down to the middle class especially in the lower class because uh the the earned wages within the minority communities and also with the lower class economically when President Trump was President everyone was making more money everyone was having more access to jobs and it's so important to protect yourself not only financially but we'd like to thank our sponsors who bring us all this unbridled coverage you've seen today and the room filling up now for an exciting Maga rally but p a VPN and you may ask what a VPN is and this is a virtual uh protection Network it's a virtual private Network that will help you to make sure your IP address is private online you don't want people snooping around your private information one of the safest ways to protect yourself from hackers and malicious websites is actually using a VPN with the elections coming up and a huge surge of data leaks literally everyone should be using one I use a couple of myself and a huge shout out to video sponsor private internet Access VPN or Pia for short in today's world everyone should be using this and with the Pia you can also access to Geor restricted areas of the internet and that content you might find from YouTube Amazon Prime Disney plus and Hulu because some of these big corporate entities can actually track you even if you're just watching shows on your streaming services so you can use a one subscription onetime 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data oh absolutely and uh we have just so many wonderful sponsors who give you the viewers at home an opportunity to know that your money and your hard-earned tax dollars can actually be going back around to Great Patriots who are experts in these respective Fields so we're very thankful to all our sponsors who put right side broadcasting on the air and we are a donation fueled uh organization if you so desire please feel free to do that because we are your 2024 election headquarters we are we are right on top of this Maga rally uh a big Gathering but an intimate setting for president Trump to tout remarks on the economy it's been a huge tour in the last couple of days speaking on no tax on tips no tax on social security and retirement for senior citizens the no tax on the um extended hours and the overtime hours he just introduced that yesterday in Tucson Arizona and of course the housing crisis that we're all facing I mean right now we're really looking at a serious recession and God forbid Camala Harris becomes the next president of the United States you're going to have the likes of a 1929 esque Great Depression as president Trump has mentioned and of course his economic team around him I think of people like Larry cudow does an extraordinary job on Fox Business trying to share the tangible numbers about how not only you can protect yourself but the danger on the horizon with the Marxist policies of Cala Harris and how exciting that he proposed no tax on time which is going to incentivize people to work harder put in that overtime I mean it was really disheartening to put in overtime before and then you're just getting tax on top of it and people decided that they were like well it's just not even worth it to put in the overtime because of all this extra red tape and everything so what a huge contrast between that incentivizing people to work better work harder work more versus when Barack Obama implemented the affordable Affordable Care Act in Obamacare that was de de uh de incentivizing people to work more because they were cutting the hours so that because of the health care requirements that companies were imposed upon the healthcare requirements that were imposed on the companies people were working less hours well that's what President Reagan actually said about government programs he said it's it's possibly you know longer than uh even eternity the closest thing to Eternity on on Earth is uh a federal government program and we've seen that with look at Social Security supposed to be a temporary fix we now need that number for about everything we do almost as important as our driver's license and other forms of identification just to uh get through different forms and that's what makes me think about the uh irony of of the Democrats on the other side of the aisle and of course when I say Democrats it's the Washington DC swamp saying that you know asking for an ID to vote is somehow racist when you use it all the time to do sometimes menial tasks just to get through your day of course you need that uh to buy a six-pack of beer we talked to some Jers who I'm sure will be carded here in beautiful Las Vegas celebrating their birthday recently I think about Christina who was talking about objective thinking and natural law and it's inspiring to see as the Next Generation comes up in many cases their first time voting that they seem to be attracted to president Trump and what he has to offer because they're focus on their Futures focus on those goals of home ownership of getting married having a family and contributing to their societies not only economically but but uh spiritually and and mentally physically so it's exciting to see who we had a chance to talk to today in the Silver State uh Viva lost Vegas a place that is so focused on the hospitality and service industry when I was actually working in California I ended up uh working a job that they made me clock out at 559 I couldn't work past 6 hours so if we got that mad rush in the restaurant I might have had to give up that table for about 30 minutes so um why don't you read for us another great land opportunity since we're talking about housing so much and the volunteer state of Tennessee has these incredible opportunities for you to uh get out there and be close to a great City Like Music City Nashville very much like the entertainment capital of the world here in Las Vegas but go out there to Tennessee and what do they have to offer us Megan Tennessee is just such a beautiful state if you've ever been there green rolling pastures and Hills it's just gorgeous so right now Tennessee Land and Lakes is selling off large acreage properties just outside of Nashville great location in this popular destination spot way below market prices from only $899 and 5 Acres with a cozy cabin and quiet Woods only 1099 can you believe that great deal amazing 18 Acres riding trails in hor horse country $1599 and a super private 86 Acres from $ 3999 that's just just incredible 5 to 86 Acre Properties from $899 that's unheard of this close to Nashville it's an incredible location build camp and invest in your property your way and learn more about this great buying opportunity in Tennesse click or call www. 866 345 land L that's www. 866 345 and once again that that number is going to be 866 345 l a n d and forget Wall Street buy something real and make the move to Tennessee I mean it sounds like the second coming of the Homestead Act it's like go out there to Oklahoma and claim that stake in that land I mean how exciting is that with these turbulent housing um you know and economic Times and so much uncertainty out there in the financial World why not secure it your homestead in a beautiful state like Tennessee I mean it's tempting for me I'm in Atlanta and I love Atlanta don't get me wrong but my gosh just about three or three and a half hours to Nashville from there and you have the best of both worlds you can and um go horseback riding and then also just go into the Music City I think the Ryman Auditorium just go up there and see some great artists like Carrie Underwood and Keith Urban and and plethora of others who have come to Nashville to uh make their stake in the music business incredible I couldn't have said it better myself we love Tennessee I love it so much and I think about have you seen the movie Reagan not yet but I need to it's on my list CU I I was really struck by how much President Reagan enjoyed that the horseback riding and I won't spoil it for anyone here but there's some really pivotal moments of President re Reagan and his his riding and his love for that being out on the Prairie and the pastures and he had bought his uh beautiful Ranch uh Caso and that was actually in north of um uh Santa Barbara and that actually was where Warner Brothers I believed shot several of their westerns because it was such beautiful land right up against uh the mountains within uh right up against pafic ocean and just what scenery and that was um you know the the final place he liked to enjoy spending his time almost uh Heaven on Earth or um the home in the clouds if you uh take the literal translation but uh that's a very special movie and some great media happening as we approach uh the election here and I know denessa Souza has a movie coming out about uh president Trump his resilience trying to think of some others there's another great one uh regarding the fight against uh human trafficking and how important of that is an issue that is just uh so sad and and needs to change we have over 300,000 children who have gone missing over our Southern border per the Border Patrol statistics and that's because of the Biden Harris illegal alien policies just drugs and cartels flowing over our border Terri and how how great is it that we have American Patriots who are creating movies putting all this work and hard hard work and effort and resources into creating movies to really paint the picture and show the American people in an entertaining but sad at the same time way to show them the real the dark reality of these policies especially on the border human trafficking and denes duza is just a brilliant brilliant filmmaker I saw Hillary's America back in the day during around you know 2016 election and it's just amazing to see how he portrayed how history is a pattern and we're starting to see those patterns again today he he did that in Hillary's America and his other uh his other movies like the one about voting right you know and actually one of my favorite books to give people is the big lie denes J Su is a a great author as well who has gotten that truth out and he's an um an Alum of the Reagan Administration of course our friend Laura Ingram over at Fox News also an Alum of that great Administration and we see such a correlation 2024 very similar to 1980 and that's what got me excited about the very first question from David mure in the debate the other night are you better off than you were 4 years ago and of course Camala Harris goes into her biography because she can't defend the past she can't defend what she's done the last 3 and a/ half years she dodged it did Dodge that didn't she the most important question of them all and she dodged it and president Trump coming in with that Swift left hook uh coming in like Rocky like the Southpaw that he can be and saying where have you been the last three and a half years if you're talking about X Y and Z and wanting to get all this stuff done why haven't you done it why haven't you recommended these things to the president of the United States and really in essence that role of vice president is to be that right-hand person for the president and to give that advice and to give it candidly and plainly and there seems to be a disconnect there in the Biden White House and that's why because of these financial times because of this economic wos Financial Security is of utmost importance and Birch gold is your go-to for tangible gold silver and precious medals and we're in the silver state today Silver State the west coast of America Trailblazers have come out here to make their way for a better life and within this entertainment capital of the world it'd be nice to have a little extra money to enjoy yourself in Las Vegas great way to do that is with these Investments at Birch gold text Trump to 9898 98 we'll give you a free info pack kit with uh great Patriots like Ron Paul uh Dan Bonino Steve Bannon all endorsing this and in the meantime if you make a purchase this is a very short period of time you'll get that free silver Maga coin which which is exciting uh the Magnificent Matthew Alvarez and I have got to hold this coin in the Auburn Studios and it depicts the assassination attempt on President Trump saying the word fight with the American flag in the background Secret Service detail flanking him with his fist up in the air what a moment that was a scary moment a sad moment especially we pray for Cory campur and his family who suffered so greatly but I think about the resolve and the courage not only of President Trump but the magga Patriot rally goers who stood their ground and didn't cause a stampede or a trample they stayed there and they endured as Patriots do so text Trump to 9898 98 and really protect yourself and uh make sure that you can diversify your income whether it's going a 401k route an IRA route but adding these precious gold metal Silver to your um tax shelter dividends very smart thing to do in this day and age incredible and we are here in the silver state of Nevada and what's better than precious metals to preserve your uh preserve your wealth in America right and it's something that is a lot more tangible than uh going to the slot machines here and just throwing away money which can be fun at times but you know if you have a problem make sure you get the help you need because Vegas is an interesting place we were talking earlier it's a good you know little getaway like maybe two or three days but such a pleasure to come here they have beautiful conferences uh delicious restaurants some of the top chefs in the entire country gu Brooks will actually be having a uh tour coming back out here for his residency and a wonderful place to come visit in America and now that we're getting to the end of summer too a little bit of better weather to enjoy during those winter months cuz there's nothing like the desert uh when it gets a little bit cold at home to come out here and enjoy that beautiful Desert Sun it's always magical amazing and we were talking about movies earlier right I just watched a really good movie The Other Day called parasite and it came out in 2019 it won awards it's all in Korean but it's worth it if you watch the with the subtitles and everything but it's basically between a very very poor family and a very very wealthy family there's two families that uh come together in a very interesting way and I won't ruin the movie for you but it's really good you should check it out but after the movie I was just in awe over it and I go on YouTube and I start watching movie analysis videos cuz I like to see what people are saying what everyone's takeaways were and get some other opinions on it and I started seeing all these movies or sorry all these videos saying that this is the result of capitalism and that made me so angry because having a very very huge uh wealth dispar is that the word wealth disparaging absolutely the the wealth divide and the the disparity yeah the disparity and wealth the having the huge divide and no middle class and no steps in between just a very very uh low class and very very high class and nothing in between that's the result of Communism right EX so we we need to make sure that people are not getting um not getting the wrong idea here that having no middle class is the result of capitalism it's quite literally the opposite free market capitalism allows for all those steps in between you don't have to be at the bottom or the top you can be all different levels all the way in between and that's the result of free market capitalism so whenever I see people complaining about the uh the wealth Gap and then they say it's the result of of capitalism that's completely false that's the result of socialism and communism and that's why I'm such a fan of uh disuse of media and the great content they put out because denes is a scholar at what happened in the 1930s before the breakout of World War II the Communists and the fascists uh really throughout Europe and even the Soviet Union were making plans they actually met in Italy on how they can or could invoke World socialism and and a globalist sense of this um tyranny they just had different opinions on how to execute it the Communists were focused on the workers and unions rights and really ended up creating uh an equity level where no one could rise or fall but be equally Miserable as a result whereas the fascists worked with big corporate governance and big um government in of itself to then crush the citizen and they also in turn how do they execute people we know Nazi fascism was people from Mostly outside of the country some people from within but you have um the Soviets who would kill and and and slay political enemies within their own country it all started with the Russian Orthodox church with the bolik revolution so the last 100 years we've been dealing with this new cancer known as socialism and the siren sound that's been thrown out by politicians as of recent whether it be Barack Obama Joe Biden Camala Harris wanting a um sad way of life for the American people when we are a capitalist free market society that is focused on the individual and their own ability to create wealth and I always think about this too especially with business owners whether be small or large business isn't it interesting the responsibilities they have and so many of them are willing to take this on to hire great people and to provide for uh families uh based on people's skills and their output and what they're willing to do and go to achieve and succeed and it's really uh the Ingenuity of America that has led to that so it's important to spread that message from neighborhood to Neighborhood because we're seeing that c sound of socialism being called again and it's great to help out authors and filmmakers like Dess Souza who are trying to get that message out there exactly and you made the point about how everyone's equally miserable there's equality but everyone's miserable but what they'll do is they they try to sell you on this idea of equality but they they try to paint the picture that it's going to be a nice normal safe middle class equality but that's not the result of socialism and communism it's a very very low quality of life yes everyone's equal I guess if you want to call it that way but it's equally miserable but by that time when it's finally implemented and everyone is equally miserable it's too late but they had already sold everyone on the idea by talking about let's all come together diversity inclusion equality and they they sell you on this idea that sounds good but it doesn't return the results that everyone really thought was going to happen yes it robs the individual and when you look at the state then becomes God in the process and that's what's really interesting about the opening of Reagan I promise I won't ruin it for you for everyone at home but the narration actually comes from John vo's character and Mr Voit does a splendid job at being a former KGB agent who's teaching someone around our age a new Russian Millennial well why did the great Empire fall sir I like to know he goes over to his townhouse and they really spend a day and an evening together and this gentleman was monitoring Ronald Reagan ever since his day as the SAG president and as an actor in Hollywood which later then became of course the governor of California and then the 40th President of the United States and it really dove into re Reagan's individualism and the charm he had and his faith in God that was that helped him to relate to people across the aisle and ultimately Miguel gorich the former Soviet Premier who they ended up really having a friendship at the end of it uh even being two men who came from vast different backgrounds but had a deep amount of respect for each other and it just shocked me the amount of similarities that we're facing between 2024 and the 1980s without Margaret Thatcher President Reagan Pope John Paul II they crushed the evil empire and now we are called and living in such a time as this to be God's children and the light to the world to stop the Chinese Communist party and to be part of a culture and the greatest political movement and a peaceful patriotic Revolution with the key there if you flip Revolution it's love I remember Ron Paul would talk about that when he ran it's it's it's a revolution of love and this is what Donald Trump is about in JD Vance peace through strength I can talk about it all day and that's exactly why it's so important to study history because there's patterns and there's a Playbook that the left will use and that's why when people are starting to see communism and socialism seeping into America today that's why they're waving FL red flags they're saying Red Alert we don't want this in America because they've seen this pattern before they've seen this play this playbook play out before in the past and that's why it's very important to preserve history exactly the way it happened not twist and manipulate history and it's also important to study history I've heard some young people say well we're the we're the generation of the future so it it should be all based on what we think without them ever looking into the past without them ever looking into the history of it and then the people of past Generations are saying hey you need to listen to us and respect what we've seen before and they've lived through history so we need to pay attention to that well I think that's why we saw the Korean Americans out today as they go to Every rally uh wanting to protect the Republic of Korea and then also the United States of America many of them first generation Americans their parents grandparents having seen the battle and the scare of Communism and still that 38th parallel which president Trump bravely crossed that threshold with um his adversary but now friendly relationship Kim Jong-un the North Korean dictator even he was able to reach out to him initially calling him Little Rocket Man but bringing him to the table no American president's been able to have that sort of diplomacy with North Korea since gosh the Korean War which technically has not that Armistice has still not ended so a remarkable leadership qualities and Instinct on the part of President Trump also the Japanese Americans Japan for America out there today having seen their own battle with totalitarianism our battle with them in World War II but now a free uh Liberty loving country and and they have their their challenges as well over there in Japan culturally speaking but uh what a wonderful group of people that where we can break B bread and be such good friends after such a difficult conflict facing totalitarianism in their former way of governance and now choosing Freedom instead of tyranny and that is truly the fight right now it's for Western Civilization it's about world security and peace and as president Trump mentions this is something now we have some nasty nasty weapons so not only nuclear weapons but stronger that can destroy the world so you need serious people who know how to handle the bad guys and the bad gals who might want to do harm to the United States exactly and what do you think Camala Harris could do as far as foreign policy NE renegotiating trade deals on behalf of Americans putting America America first I don't think that she has the capacity to do so or the heart to do it either it would be very difficult to see her in a position like that because you know she's cackled and laughed about it when asked you know hey I haven't even been to Europe so why are you asking me about the Border because every once in a while she's done interviews as vice president only one since she's been nominated to run for president alongside Governor Tim Waltz they did the 16-minute interview with CNN's Dana Bash together in the meantime I think we're close to 40 individual interviews whether that be uh with the Trump Vance team whether that should be president Trump alone or Senator Vance as uh his running mates uh as well doing his own interviews so you definitely see a difference between the teams you definitely see a strategy on the part of the vice president's campaign with respect I think they want to put her back in the basement just like they did Joe Biden four years ago but we'll see I mean they have said they want another debate with Donald Trump I'm surprised they want to go another round considering that when you come out of a debate as president Trump said immediately saying you want another one usually means you felt like you missed on some hard policy points right and usually when we see her she's laughing and cackling and saying some weird Soliloquy monologues that don't make any sense she just kind of she sounds like when I was in college and you had to make a paper longer when you were in your writing class and you just are adding all these runon sentences just to fill up the space you know what I mean like hit that word count right that's kind of how she talks uh typically when we see videos and interviews that she does so she's really running that basement campaign up until the debate the other night I was really interested to see how she would do in the debate she came out a little frazzled a little nervous and then as soon as she started setting in and she started getting comfortable she kind of got into her swing of things I was actually really impressed with her performance um I could tell she was very well rehearsed she was very well trained ahead of time uh she was really tugging on the hearts heart strings of people and emotions but at the end of the day she really wasn't giving any solid promises to me she sounded very Obama esque in the way she was speaking and she was painting a lot of pictures and really getting emotional with her responses but when it came down to the really difficult qu like very Mo most important questions she was dodging them yeah she really was and I actually thought we talked earlier off camera about theories from Tuesday's debate and I really think this lead up to some of her live interviews although she's not very good on her toes really thinking through different issues I think it's because she wants to hide a radical agenda it definitely gave people low expectations but she was a prosecutor trained to to go into litigation so she had to have done that one way or another in the past and I I agree Megan I think she came across very well prepared the problem was it was riddled with lies riddled with falsehoods the ABC moderators had to go in and fact check the problem was you need to fact check their fact checks and they never did that towards the vice president but rather president Trump so he really was three onone in that process so I'm not surprised that he called yesterday he said look I'm not doing another debate we won we did well let's move on to the next one and I find it fascinating that Independence in the last couple of days seen have been to move the needle we talked to one gentleman out here today who's independent wanted to learn more ever since that debate on Tuesday so it's his first Maga rally not sure how he's going to vote but you see Independence coming towards Trump whereas I feel like in lot of the pundit world and with our world of people watching politics like it's like the Super Bowl like President Trump said in John S pania these rallies are like the Super Bowl of American politics every time we're out here to cover it and such a pleasure but not everyone watches it as closely as we do and that's why I thought was interesting because president Trump's L loudest critics seem to be those in Republican ranks over he should have said this could have done that granted maybe there was some wiggle room but he did a darn good job considering you're up against three people on one and you it's this nature of you know even Kamal is coming up and being like hi I'm Camala Harris I mean just the trying to use intimidation tactics which were unnecessary she put up her her fingers to her face and was acting all koi you don't need that in a commander-in-chief you need someone who actually puts action into practice p through strength you need president Donald Trump at the end of the day the bottom line is the results speak forsel what Donald Trump has done in his time in office made a better life for all Americans across the board people can feel it through the lies that Camala Harris was speaking about the other night I mean people read right through it I was looking on social media I was watching videos looking through the comments people weren't buying it as nice as it sounded I mean she clearly was rehearsed she was very rehearsed and I come from like a show business background so I know what it takes to prepare for something any kind of performance and she was absolutely performing and people read through those lies the American people are smart enough to know that she did not deliver on any promises that we're going to ever make America better because they're feeling it right now the American people are actually feeling that their life is worse now than it was when they went into office and that's the most important question that she completely did not answer at the debate the other night are you bet do you uh what was the question so are Americans better or worse off than four years ago and she completely just dodged the question and that's the most important question of them all really is and let me tell you Megan just to be honest I would love to go go to one of your gymnastics meets uh back when you were a cheerleader or even you're on camera prowess incredible a great realator as well ladies and gentlemen Megan kler I mean she is always on point delivering great real-time facts and doing some great interviews with people it's such a joy to have you here at rsbn and I'm Bobby mcne if you're just joining us Welcome To The World Market Center Center Center I was just echoing try to add an echoing effect but uh what a packed house in the silver state of Nevada we have many friends here it's been a real joy to be out here today with Las Vegas the entertainment capital of the world uh you just so much history here when you think about the Rat Pack and uh Sammy Davis Jr and Dean Martin Frank Sinatra come to mind uh going to the Sands and performing in some of these uh Exquisite clubs in in the 1950s and 60s the strip down the hall president Trump dominating this strip as well having a beautiful hotel on the premise and some excitement you can see behind us they're showing some news articles of uh vice president Camala Harris and yes how she was sworn in as the first indianamerican Senator that's a great point to bring up as well that she keeps changing what her identity and her background is so that's up to her to decide that's up to her to throw out there and quite frankly her own business but again it's about this honesty Factor being honest with the American people and let me tell you who is very honest it's our own right side broadcasting network Chief anchor and I call him Mr Magnificent Matthew Alvarez we are happy to send it on back to him in Auburn Alabama home of the Tigers ladies and gentlemen we've been saying it all day War Eagle back to Matthew Alvarez in our beautiful studio in Auburn Alabama thank you so much Bobby and Megan live there in Las Vegas of course getting ready for president Trump tonight in Las Vegas 10:00 eastern time for that speech 7:00 on the west coast we'll be going right back out to Bobby and Megan here shortly uh joining me right now of course as you see on camera is uh Cara Sans she is the former ambassador to Denmark under the first president uh Trump Administration thank you so much for joining us Carla it's great to be with you Matthew and I come bearing great Tidings um the Pennsylvania Supreme court has rejected a challenge to the requirement to date those ballots so when people send their ballot in if they're going to do mail in ballots they have to sign it and they have to date it and they have to do it where it's asked to be done otherwise that ballot will be rejected That's the Law that's really good news for election Integrity yeah definitely and then you working of course with the America First policy Institute in Pennsylvania from Pennsylvania but you haven't always been in PA today I mean I know you were just out in Los Angeles was it for the past few days with the the Trump team right no for one one night less than 24 hours because I wanted to support president Trump at a fundraiser and talk to him and be able to uh hear what he had to say after the debate because there's been a lot of chatter about the debate he feels very strong that he carried exactly the message that he wanted to carry to the American people and it was three against one so it was like a boxer being in the ring and there are three boxers going at him because sometimes KLA Harris didn't even need to be there the two Mo so-called moderators were actually the on slinging the lies and and and and bunking or debunking president Trump's true true facts exactly I mean it was uh three Democrats uh there against President Trump and as I stated on Truth social the other day I said there is no debate uh we the people support president Trump that's right we know that he brings a secure border he brings peace around the world he will end the Ukraine war Hamas will stop their activity because they'll know there's consequences with a strong America we know that China will pay attention and will get a better trade deal with China more American jobs president Trump's talking about bringing a lot of those jobs back here to the United States and to our friend Nations when they can't be here I I'm so excited that he's talking about not taxing overtime time yeah that's uh that's great too I mean no tax on tips and then no tax on overtime he's got the American people at mind and heart when it comes to uh their dollars that they earn uh you did talk about uh a little bit of of some foreign policy real quick and since of course you were a former ambassador to Denmark let's talk real quick about Ukraine and Russia there's some news going on out there that the leader of the UK and Trudeau in Canada they want President Biden to be able to say hey we want Ukraine to be able to shoot missiles deep into Russia Putin saying that that would be an act of War a lot of craziness going on out there we know president Trump would Trump would just stop it all uh if he was in in the White House your thoughts I'm very worried I think this is the most dangerous time in my lifetime Russia is a highly weaponized nuclear power they are making more Munitions in Russia than all of the United States and the EU combined we are not we are not prepared for what they're about to open which is World War 3 I pray to God that they deescalate and don't say yes you can send these uh NATO based you know European or American missiles into Russia this is not what the people of America want we refuse we refuse this war this is not our war this would never have happened under strong American leadership we don't want war war with Russia and we want the we want the killing the death to stop 100% and that's what president Trump is all about when it comes to not being proar can you believe that uh there are candidates or there are past presidents that were proar people I I can't I can't believe it because president Trump is is is not part of the military-industrial complex at the same time he understands about update our Munitions about having war Fighters and War fighting equipment that is for the 21st century that we shouldn't be making stuff like we're fighting in the 1950s because we're not so we have to modernize and he has his eye on being effective he's talking to Elon Musk about deficiencies he's talking to RFK Jr about a healthy America I am so excited about the possibilities and about this kind of Rejuvenation of our country but I'd love to talk about how we can actually achieve that Rejuvenation if I could yeah 100% so I know that you have an event tomorrow in Western Pennsylvania can you talk to us about you said uh the incident that happened in 2022 you you were talked about that also in Johnstown at that last rally I did you know because I I'm from my family historically is from Western Pennsylvania in a town in a in a county called West Morland County and so we go through Johnstown to go there for family reunions to see family I would go through there when I attended Indiana University of Pennsylvania and we saw a thriving wealthy City with happy families healthy salaries you know people were really thriving and and uh prospering in Johnstown and then over the decades those jobs and companies moved away of to China the owners of those companies forgot to take care of the people and place that made them great 100% you have to take care of your people so that that story of Johnstown is a story I carried to my Embassy in Denmark and I told the mostly Democrat team in Denmark that's the reason Donald Trump won was because of Johnstown but in Pennsylvania in 2022 when memt oz Dr Oz was a rep the Republican candidate when he woke up that morning he had already lost that election and he had lost it because John fedman had banked about a million votes a million mail in ballots by election day we have 50 days of early voting in Pennsylvania and several other states m o had about 250,000 so the Delta of 750,000 behind was too much to overcome in one day we need P we need Pennsylvania for in the Donald Trump column for us to win the the presidency and save our country and so I'm just I'm asking every viewer and listener to go to swamp theote and if you're in Pennsylvania just put in a slpa so swamp theote and if you're in Pennsylvania slpa and you can register to vote right there you can sign up for a mail in Ballot or vote in person or you can say I'm going to vote on Election Day you can register to vote right in president Trump's uh entity there swamp theote right now we are there's good news and there's bad news the good news is that the Dem rats are about 183,000 mail and ballot requests behind where they were in 2022 the bad news is they're about a half a million ahead of Republicans so if we can get more than half a million new Republicans asking for a mail and ballot at that site or at the Pennsylvania voter site we will win that state because we have to bank those votes and then the Trump you'll let the Trump trump campaign know at swamp thee and what they'll do is they'll have they'll be able to stop spending money chasing your vote because they know they've banked it but Matthew it's not enough to just vote anymore president Trump can't do this alone he needs every one of your viewers help and if they've already registered to vote which they can do right now but if they've already registered they can go to Trump force4 trump force4 and sign up to be a captain or be a pole Watcher or a pole worker we need your help and so I'm really encouraging you to do whatever you can and then I want you to tell your friends and family about this tell your fellow church members or your pastor tell your fellow gun owners these are people who understand how important the vote is who will vote their values but they've been sitting on the sidelines and it's it's no longer okay to sit on the sidelines we have to save our country and finally Before I Let You Go Ambassador the fork in the road that is 53 days away uh what are your thoughts right now and what would be your encouraging words for the American people watching here on right side broadcasting network my encouraging words are we have a president that wants to work for us they've tried to kill him put him in prison for 700 years bankrupt him keep him off the ballot take his companies he is a fighter in the ring for you and for me for our families for America and the world is watching I'm asking you please vote vote early you can track your vote online and check that it's been received so that you know it's not you're not disenfranchised we're going to make America great again we're GNA make America healthy again we're gonna make America safe again so thanks Matthew Ambassador Carla Sans thank you for once again joining us here on right side broadcasting network we look forward to seeing you again soon thanks a lot so of course the uh former ambassador to uh Denmark under President Trump uh the first Administration there uh speaking to us live in Pennsylvania uh of course uh moving forward now we uh can take our live look back in Las Vegas as we get ready to toss it back out to uh Bobby mcney and Megan kler who are holding down the fort there in Las Vegas of course president Trump with a lot of uh moves next week in the sense of uh States throughout the country the campaign at Full Tilt of course as we're 53 days away Matthew Alvarez here at right side broadcasting network let's send it over to the great Bobby mcney and the wonderful Megan ker right now in Las Vegas and welcome back to the World Market Center in beautiful Las Vegas Nevada the Silver State six electoral votes up for grabs and crucial in this kind of election environment only 53 days away from the 2024 presidential election I'm Bobby mcney and I am blessed to be joined by The Talented The Marvelous the smart the Fantastic how many more adjectives can I come up with about you meger you are the best it's such a joy to be with you thanks so much Bobby I'm happy to be here at the World Market Center in beautiful Las Vegas Nevada people are so excited here we just watched a hype video from president Trump the crowd is roaring people have been chanting all day we heard the song YMCA remix to m a ga we heard that all day earlier the people in the crowd it's like a self- pep rally I mean people come here they're enthusiastic they're chanting it's not organized per se as far as like the Trump organization creating the enthusiasm people here are just excited they're bringing their speakers they're bringing you know their own music they're they're chanting themselves we walk by and they're like we love rsbn and then they're starting to chant America or USA or Maga like people are just so excited here and we can't wait for president Trump to hit the stage so much organic fun and like you said standing out there in the Heat and uh for hours in order to see their president on a Friday evening when a lot of people I mean think about we're in Las Vegas Nevada I mean this is the entertainment capital of the world they could be out there uh rolling some dice uh grabbing a delicious dinner I think about all the wonderful venues here famous chefs uh maybe anald legassi is in town who knows but uh Salt Bay my gosh I would love to go to that Steakhouse we might have missed on reservations tonight cuz president Trump speaking or exped to speak around 7 p.m. Pacific Standard Time and sometimes he comes earlier sometimes he comes a little bit later pending his very busy schedule this man is on the road doing a West Coast Swing yesterday he was in Tucson Arizona today a press conference this morning at his Los Angeles Club Trump National in beautiful Los Angeles California now headed his way to Sin City in order to pitch to the people of Nevada and surrounding states no tax on tips no tax on overtime work a new policy announced yesterday no tax on social security and elderly uh residents when it comes to their social security benefits and also making housing affordable again right and the state of Nevada has six electoral uh votes for the presidential election and there's also a senate seat up for grabs in this election cycle so make sure you go and vote for Sam Brown for US Senate he's a trump endorsed candidate he's a great American Patriot a man of God he was an Army captain and he spoke at the RNC he had a really incredible speech there go check that out so if you're registered voter in the state of Nevada make sure you vote for Sam Brown and Donald Trump this November and Sam is here tonight and I flag down had a moment to speak with his Communications manager they're trying to get over to us but he's going from interview to interview to interview and uh we're expecting him to speak tonight potentially to warm up the crowd and talk about why he's ready to serve in the United States Senate and Megan and I were talking earlier today about his beautiful love story so inspiring this gentleman uh served us overseas in the Middle East and almost lost his life and burned and he has those scars to show that uh on his face and he ended up finding his wife in sick Bay and she took care of him as a military nurse and it's just the most beautiful Beau story that he went out on a limb and asked her out said you're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen and such a touching story they've had challenges in their life as anyone has and first and foremost because they went over to defend their country voluntarily willing to put their lives on the line to make America great again and let me tell you Sam Brown will help lead the cause to make the United States Senate great again and what a beautiful story I love asking couples how did you meet how did it all begin and just hearing that story from Sam Brown and his wife it's just so heartwarming it's such a beautiful story and look at them now I mean I was watching some interviews of Sam Brown and he was explaining that he definitely put in a lot of time and effort and into serving our country but he felt that he wasn't done yet he felt like God had a plan for his life that if he didn't go out and run for Senate he would have felt he never fulfilled God's plan for him so that's why he's running right now so he's a great American Patriot a man of God and he's running for US Senate so make sure you vote for Sam R so well said Megan and that's what we're all about here right side broadcasting we're about God country Family Faith patriotism just all of the above that these core principles that will return America to its glory and standing domestically and internationally and really president Trump I don't want to speak for him but I know just from attending so many of these great rallies and listening to his speeches that's why he's in this first of all to defend his family is being a father and grandfather uh he was clearly a changed man after the assassination attempt just too short months ago to the day July 13th in Butler Pennsylvania a day which changed so many people's worlds and the campor family we think and pray for them on a regular basis but president Trump being the boy from Queens having that Vision taking on the New York skyline and making City skylines bigger and better than ever before using that knowledge bringing it to Washington DC to take on an entrenched perverted swamp of neocons who may be Republicans and Democrats but in name only who truly don't care about you the American people but care about lining their pocketbooks so look at it here the greatest American political movement in the history of the United States and it's all because of you the great Patriots at home there's not one single empty seat in the house right now people are lining up on the walls along the walls on both sides there's got to be some overflow crowd here too because there were so many people lined up outside I mean every single Donald Trump rally event Town Hall any kind of event Donald Trump holds there are so many people waiting to get in people camping out the night before lining up first thing in the morning driving hours to get here people are so excited and it's a packed house here tonight in Las Vegas and that's what's great too so we recommend staying hyr getting a nice breakfast before you go to these since the weather's still pretty warm warm in certain areas here like Las Vegas but if there is some extra room you can see that people get standing room only if they get in last minute both to the our right and our left and we can't necessarily Pan the camera right now for that because if you've been to these events at the Press pool is generally pretty tight we're very comfortable we have some of our colleagues and friends up here with us today um usually if we can get right to the edge which we're relatively close but a few other cameras are in our way we like to pan so you can see all the standing room only as well cuz we got to just show the lam stream fake news corporate media prove them wrong every single time they make a claim that no one comes with these things of course they're wrong exactly and I would like to point out one of the biggest lies that Camala Hera said the other night at the r at the debate was that people get bored and leave Trump's rallies she said I'm going to do something interesting and I'm going to invite you to a Donald Trump rally because you need to see for yourself all this stuff and it gets boring and people leave and I laughed so hard when I saw that and I yelled at the TV you're a liar because people camp out the night before the lines go as far as the I can see it's literally a sea of people a sea of American Patriots lining up so excited to see Donald Trump when I was at the Town Hall in Wisconsin people started doing the wave and that was like a that was a selfmotivated crowd nobody was up there this is what I was saying earlier about the Trump Organization no one's up there saying let's do the wave everyone start the wave it's just the enthusiasm that's organic fun of the people here in the crowd starting the wave themselves we were at a town hall event I don't know if you've ever been to another town hall from any other political candidate but it looked like a sports game it looked like a playoff game I don't know for the NBA finals or something it was crazy people were cheering people are so excited about this movement and I have never seen people leaving early I mean to bring up that uh terrible day in Butler with bullets flying people didn't even leave then so I would like to point out that Camala Harris absolutely blatantly lied the other night at the debate saying that people get bored and leave these rallies cuz that's absolutely not true I gu had some serious fomo when you were at that because I was anchoring that night and it's fun it was fun it was fun oh absolutely I mean because I think about town halls I mean that's probably the largest town hall I've ever seen I've I've been involved in politics most of my life in one way or another and some politicians are lucky to have a town hall of 20 people I actually have an intimate setting once with speaker grid and his wonderful wife kalista actually in neille Illinois just outside of Chicago this is about a decade ago he had written one of his books about saving America another great uh right of Center populist and I don't know if he categorized himself as that but many of his policies are directly in line with President Trump and the contract for America going back to 1994 but speaker grid had probably about 40 people show up so it was a really great intimate Town Hall talking talking to him on so many different issues cuzz he's just one of the brains in the movement president Trump in a stadium packed such as this one here in Las Vegas wow that was fun to watch and then the wave organically happening but let's Megan let's break down some more of the debate from the other night what are some more of your um deep thoughts on how president Trump came out of that do you think there should be another debate and did Vice President Camala Harris was she able to really show her policies and who she is to the American people or do they continue to have questions I think president Trump came out hitting hard with facts and data and he really was stating what the American people actually care about he was talking about the Border he was talking about the economy and he was really hitting hard with facts and data and people saw his results during his administration and he he hit the nail on the head with this closing statement talking about uh Camala Harris and Biden being in office if you're saying you're going to do all these incredible things why have you not done it I mean that's the most powerful thing to say right there because Americans are not better off than they were a few years ago and if the people in the Democratic party keep talking about all this great stuff they're going to do and addressing the problems why are they not addressing it now they're in office until January what are you doing and Donald Trump pointed that out the other night at the debate and I think he did an incredible job and if you have been checking out social media Tik Tok Instagram YouTube there have been tons of Clips going viral what Donald Trump said the other night was really taken to Heart by the American people and that shows in these numbers if you look at the comments the likes the views people are going crazy over what Donald Trump was saying in the best way so the American people really appreciated his performance the other night excellent analysis because when you do these debates you hope that moderators even on other networks will have strong follow-up questions they had good strong initiation questions like about to cala Harris um are the American people better off than they were four years ago because of your policies but then they fact checked president Trump on at least five occasions problem with those fact checks they needed fact checks because they were making things up about January 6 they were Mak making things up about abortion policy they were making things up about a number of different things that have come across including Charlottesville they didn't hit her back on the claim that President Trump Solly said that there were good people on both sides right after he mentioned that that Trump Tower interview he said he disavowed neo-nazism in the highest way you possibly can and that's why we talked earlier outside just on a divisive issue as abortion president Trump every day seems to have to explain two three four times where he stands on it because you have a corporate Lam stream media operation that clearly has an agenda or simply doesn't want to do their job and I'm sad to say the top of that seems to be right now fake news ABC because I got to give a lot of credit to Atlanta Bas CNN they're at least during the day breaking down some of Kamala Harris's record right now and thank God that's starting to happen because it's something that is so glaring and so obvious and should be asked of potentially someone who's seeking to become the next commander-in-chief exactly and it the debate the other night was 100% three against one it was the moderator in Kamala against Donald Trump and he still came out on top he still had an amazing debate and the American people are still voting for Donald Trump it actually moved the needle with uh some with a lot of Independents and some democrat voters saying you know what he's right the facts and data speak for thems the results speak for thems and the moderators the other night they did ask some good questions but then when Camala Harris was dodging the questions they never followed up and said okay thank you for that although you didn't answer my question and they didn't double down on hey we asked you about the weaponization of the justice system and you didn't answer my question so Donald Trump was explaining how they were using the justice system to attack him they were using that to go after Donald Trump as a political opponent and they talked about that and then the moderator tossed it to Kamala and said before we move forward we would like you to address this rhetoric of weaponization of the justice system and Chin completely didn't answer and then they didn't follow up and say hey we asked you this question you didn't even answer what we were saying so that was another great point that you pointed out that they they did have some good questions but they never fact checked Camala and they never double down on when she would Dodge their important questions and that's why it's so important as a moderator to do moderator 101 in asking those questions as you're mentioning Megan and that's why I'd like to throw out two challenges to vice president Camala Harris first please come to a Maga rally you inv a bunch of people thank you for doing that but really come and see for yourself because uh Dean Phillips the congressman who actually challenged President Obama I'm sorry President Biden in the Democrat primary the correct way he sought votes he sought to get delegates actually in Minnesota back in January went to a Maga rally and said these people are good people and the Democrat Party has abandoned a lot of our traditional voters so it would be nice for you to come and see uh the American electorate President Biden I think saw them the other day when he put on a trump Maga hat in a show of unity which was a cute moment uh in Shanksville Pennsylvania and he signed a hat for a gentleman who was a magga patriot supporter but also I'll throw it out there as well maybe it'll go viral we'll see what happens Megan and I I hope it's okay if I speak for you we'd love to moderate a debate between President Trump and vice president I think it'd be a lot of fun we'd be good and even vice president Camala Harris Governor Walts you want to come on and talk to right side broadcasting we'd love to ask have you we'd love to ask you some questions and we will um have a free and fair debate and talk about the issues that will affect every American person because right now the website that you have is copy and pasted from President Biden's agenda whereas president Trump had his own 20 principles that was adopted or were adopted back in July by the Republican National Committee so that's really three requests come to a Maga rally Let's do an interview and we'd be happy of moderated debate so let us know an additional debate would be awesome like you said if we had fair and balanced moderators I mean I think the moderators are the ones who are directing and uh controlling the flow of the debate and the fact that they were factchecking Donald Trump the whole time they were never factchecking Camala Harris they were very very biased the whole entire time and they just let camalo run on and on with her rehearsed answers and they really didn't they didn't do what thought they were doing because they thought oh it was a job well done it was a great performance but the American people read right through all the lies and Donald Trump came out on top that's for sure right and that's what I think bothered me the most with Camala Harris's claims that January 6 was the worst domestic attack on America since Pearl Harbor and she said that on the eve of September 11th which was I think disgraceful in the memory of those lives lost 23 years ago this week and even now we've surpassed the amount of First Responders who passed that day from their bravery we have now close to 400 more who have died from cancers and other infections diseases coming from uh their recovery efforts in the rubble and uh from all the asbest and the chemicals that were the aftermath of um the horrible days uh following September 11th of 2001 so quite frankly I think those families deserve an apology and uh deserve real perspective because president Trump rightfully pointed out one person died on January 6th and that was Ashley babbit a veteran and it was a police officer who made a massive error in judgment and mistake and gunned her down I mean this she survived for Tour of Duty overseas and you still want to see something like that the people's house and the people's legislative Arena that is the capital does belong to them and it'll be returned to them peacefully and patriotically come January 3rd and January 20th of 25 when each respective office and officer will then swear their allegiance and their hand on that Bible to protect and defend the American Constitution and God willing president Donald Trump will do that as the 47th president of the United States and that just goes to show how out of touch that Camala Harris and these moderators were in the debate the other night pointing that out and the fact that they um they were talking about January 6th in that light right before 9/11 and like you said 9911 was such a horrible moment in American history and to compare the two is just it's a disgrace and she when she talks she she's trying to paint a picture of something that doesn't exist like she's really trying to dup the American people but they're too smart for that I think that most Americans are not falling for her lies of deception well I like to point out again you know Mr dza we talked about him roughly in the last segment about 30 minutes ago or so and he talks in his book the big lie that the fascist Roots the Nazi roots of the American left it's the Geral tactic he was uh the the director of communications the uh Ministry of propaganda that he put out there he was the right hand of Hitler and uh for temporarily after I believe Hitler's um suicide was uh their fur their leader in that small moment of time before he perished so gerbal throwing out all all those lies all of that nonsense to the Western World and to even Soviet Union to try to sway hearts and minds and their reach was far and that's something that you'll really enjoy if you go see the movie Reagan talks about how Hollywood made up for 90% of media control really throughout the world and if not control influence and that's why these extreme governments try to take advantage by male or in person we are going to of the 40s 50s and 60s in order to take over American thinking and thought eerily reminiscent to what we're seeing with the Chinese Communist Party confucious institutes uh perhaps Tik Tok in certain situations social media so be vigilant protect your families and really get engaged and one of the best ways to do that is protectthe and Trump Force look how you can get involved in your community in your Precinct in your neighborhood to go make a difference for the American people and ultimately Western Civilization absolutely make sure you sign up at protectv to become a poll Watcher if you're able to volunteer on Election Day we need to make sure that we're paying attention to every vote that goes through I just can't wait for the moment where Donald Trump's in office and he enforces paper ballots hand counting the votes voter ID American citizenship to vote I mean that's just the way it should be and that's number 19 on the uh 20 promises exct make sure you make a plan to vote whether that's early in person uh you have um it's early and in person but also the absentee ballots important to do that if you'll be out of town or out of the country or plan to go on Election Day just make sure you vote and bring several of your friends and family with you everyone has a sphere of influence so important to do as we lead up to this because if president Trump doesn't win they then can enact you know voter reform and election Integrity has to be by a state-by-state basis with secretaries of State who testified to Congress earlier here this week but also County clerks and the fact that the spending bill has been put on hold because Republicans are simply asking for those who vote in America should be able to prove residency very simple they should be citizens and we hope to have that very soon ladies gentlemen Pastor how Shaw to lead us in today's invocation so how many uh followers of Christ do we have in the house today let us pray Lord Jesus you have promised that we're two or more gathered in your name there shall you also be so we welcome you into this place and ask that you touch us and fill us with your Holy Spirit transforming us more and more into your likeness we praise you because you are the god of the universe the creator of all things you are all powerful all knowing all present you are good you are love and you are Mercy we praise you because as the heavens are higher than the earth so are your ways higher than our ways and your thoughts are higher than our thoughts we praise you because you have conquered death and evil and we fight from a place of Victory we thank you for sacrificing your son Jesus to die on the cross for our sins and creating a path of reconciliation for us to come back to you we thank you for our founding fathers who loved you deeply and were called to establish the United States of America we thank you for the miraculous Life of George Washington and the impossible victory of the American Revolutionary Army over the British the greatest military force of that time we thank you for our Constitution which established that our federal government is a constitutional republic Limited in jurisdiction and whose leaders are chosen by we the people that you gave us the inable rights of the free exercise of religion freedom of speech and of the press the right of the people to peaceably assemble and the right to petition the government for a redress of grievances also a well-regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state the right of the people to keep and bear arms we thank you for raising up Donald J Trump as a modern-day Cyrus in this time of chaos and in his first four years of service has proven himself the most effective and most Prosperity producing president in the past Century the most pro-life president in the modern area era and the most supportive president of Israel since its rebirth in 1948 we thank you for saving Donald J Trump from an Assassin's bullet in Butler Pennsylvania thereby showing the world that your hand is is upon him and you have chosen him for your purposes in Saving this country that you love and your deliverance from the wicked lawfare that he is enduring we thank you for uncovering the depth of con of corruption in the Deep State and the purging of uniparty globalists and traitors from the GOP Hallelujah we thank you for bringing cultural influencers such as Elon Musk Russell Brand Jordan Peterson and Robert F Kennedy Jr to the side of righteousness we thank you for choosing JD Vance as president Trump's running mate as he is a man of true Integrity humility and loves you dearly father God we come now to Humble ourselves and pray and seek your face we turn from our Wicked Ways please hear us from Heaven forgive our sins and heal our land we ask that you would remind us that our struggle is not against flesh and blood but against the rules against the powers against the world forces of this Darkness against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the Heavenly places and give us the grace to do bad ATT in the Supernatural realm we ask that you would ensure election Integrity in our state and Nation we ask that you would confound any and all schemes of the evil one to interfere in a peaceful transfer of power to the new Administration truthfully chosen by we the people and that you would confound any use of the 20 plus million illegal aliens against us we ask that you would unify We The People by exposing the lies of racism as propagated by the extreme left and abolishing the Marxist teachings of critical race Theory and diversity equity and inclusion we ask that you would raise up those that call themselves your followers to obey your command to be Salt and Light in the Public Square that we love our neighbors by putting God-fearing leaders into the seats of power who will in turn create laws that follow your principles and not those of the enemy call forth your Esters and your moris for such a time as this we ask that you would give courage to the pastors to stand for righteousness and look to you and you alone for their provision that they would come to see through the LIE of separation of church and state being perpetrated by the federal government to keep them silent that silence is consent and that all God-fearing people would fulfill their Duty as Citizens to register and vote for biblical principles we ask that you would give us a billion Soul Revival to bring Reformation to our culture and remove any and all Abominations that we have allowed to take root we ask that you would continue to bless show favor and provide natural and Supernatural protection for the Trump family the Vance Family and the RFK Jr family and all their supporters we ask that you would guide and direct the Trump campaign leadership to do according to your will that they will humble themselves and trust you to guide them to Victory we ask that you would replace ungodly representatives and Senators with those that fear you on the federal state and local levels that you would replace ungodly trustees in our school boards with those that love you and will choose Family Faith and parental rights over evil agendas and finally we ask that you would Inspire your sons and daughters to live by the statement from your servant John Quincy Adams who said duty is ours results are God's in Jesus's mighty name the name above all names amen [Applause] ladies and Gentlemen please welcome chairwoman of Boulder City Republican women Jennifer Tule to lead us in the Pledge of [Applause] Allegiance please join me in celebrating and our pledge to our great country I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for [Applause] all ladies and Gentlemen please welcome to the stage Clark County Republican party chairman Jesse law to sing Our National Anthem Las [Applause] [Music] Vegas Oh say can you see by the dawn's early life what so proudly we H at the twilight's last gleaming who BR stripes and bright stars Through the barers Fire or the ramp parts we watched were so gallantly streaming on the Rock Red GL the bombs bursting in air gap through the night that a flag was still there oh see does that Star Spangled Banner yet away or the land of the free and the home of the brave [Applause] ladies and Gentlemen please welcome to the stage National TV host radio host and bestselling author from real America Voice TV Wayne Allen root [Music] hello ladies and gentlemen how are you hello Las Vegas hello fellow Trump Warriors hello American Patriots hello toora bles my name is Wayne Allen root my friends call me war and it arranged fake liberal news media calls me far right and that's because so far I've always been [Applause] right now I am a trump Warrior through and through since 2015 when Trump came down that escalator I have been 247 365 my three TV shows including two on real America's Voice TV the root reaction and America's top 10 Countdown my national radio show right here in Vegas on am670 25 hours a week I am Trump Trump trump now he is a he is a remarkable person a remarkable person and I really am proud to have a as a friend he called me right after the debate on Tuesday night the phone rang and I was at a debate watch party with my friends and I looked out at the phone and my cell phone says 45 and I said holy crap Trump's calling and so right in front of my friends I pick up the phone and Trump says Wayne how did I do tonight and I'll tell you what I told him I said you did Fant fantastic you kicked her ass but but this is what I said this was seven minutes after the debate ended I said but it was rigged they cheated they gave her the questions they gave her every question so here's the deal I'm very proud and honored to have a great friend like President Trump I'm not a billionaire business Mogul I'm not a genius who could change the country and save the country and make America great again I'm not the guy who's 52 days away from being the 47th president of the United States but but I but I what I am is an idea man and I'm honored if and when Trump is willing to listen to my ideas because I just want to help save this country for my children and my future grandchildren so so I wrote a column about four months ago and I lobbied on TV and I lobbied on radio and I lobbied with Trump and my idea was no tax on social security and Trump president Trump listened and made it happen and then two weeks ago I wrote a column and I lobbied on TV and I lobbied on radio and I lobbied with President Trump and yesterday he announced my idea no tax on overtime [Applause] no tax on OT and he listened he listened the man is the greatest president of my lifetime he is a great friend and he listens and now he's going to make it happen amazing so here are my thoughts I wanted to share with you my thoughts on the debate on Tuesday night because here's the deal president Trump said something in that debate that they mocked him they laughed at him they tried to humiliate him but he said something that everybody remembers he said that in Springfield Ohio the Haitian immigrants are killing the dogs and the [Music] cats and guess what he was right it's happening it's happening and it became the most memorable line of the evening it's all anyone remembers they can't remember they can't remember what Kamala said but they all remember that the illegal immigrants are killing the dogs and the cats let me so let me tell you the point of all this Donald Trump is a genius Donald Trump knew that if he brought up Springfield Ohio the American people would understand that we are under attack that we are under Invasion do you love your children do you love your mother do you love your sisters do you love your children do you love your dogs and [Applause] cats the border is open the border is open we are being invaded our towns are being overwhelmed so my next idea for president Trump is that he should in the next week have a announce a town hall in Springfield [Applause] Ohio a televised na Town Hall so as I close today and you all understand just what I'm saying right I mean that was the point of Trump's comment to make you laser focus on what's happening to our country it's being stolen it's being invaded it's being destroyed so as I leave you today my closing Point think of this election like mult multi-level marketing I'm not joking let's turn the GOP into Amway we can't succeed we can't succeed if every one of you votes just once but if every one of you pledges and commits to bring 10 to the polls and they bring 10 and they bring 10 and they bring 10 we will bring a hundred million voters out for president Trump and we will make this [Applause] election and we will make this election too big to rig because there is only one man who could make this nation secure again safe again prosperous again again and make it great again president Donald J [Music] Trump God bless you God bless you God bless Trump God bless capitalism God Bless America and Viva Las Vegas [Music] please welcome to the stage television personality from Pawn Stars Rick Harrison [Music] [Music] all right well um I was literally like 10 minutes ago they said you want to get on stage and talk I'm sure sure why not um yeah um usually like in the immortal words of Mark Twain I think he said once um that it usually takes a few months to prepare for an improptu speech but I literally have 10 minutes but I just want to say Donald Trump I mean I've met him plenty of times I've had dinner with him I've been to the White House he really is that good guy he's not what the media over there portrays him as he's a man that really really cares about normal people okay you have the Washington establishment and they we're just the plees we're the we're the poorest they don't want to even talk to us and whatever will appease them Trump really wants us to do well and um you know it's just and you know you get Camala Harris who will say anything that she thinks will get her elected not once not once in the history of the world has a country been taxed into Pro Prosperity okay it just doesn't work socialism doesn't work shall be one spot where it works it works nowhere we all want to raise our kids go to our own church make sure our kids do better than we do okay and the government just get the hell out of the way we you know you know you have the Democrats and Harris they literally want to just just micromanage our entire lives from from from Cradle to grave and you know what I think I know what's best for me I think you know what's best for you and what the best thing is for this country is Donald Trump I mean if we have four more years of this insanity and I love it when Camala Harris says on day one she's going to do this and this and this when you know I me so just do it you're there already I mean like literally you could go into the White House and do it and Biden wouldn't even know you were doing it you know I mean like I said I mean fact I mean like literally we have fentanyl we have you know criminals everything my son died this year from fentanyl okay and it's you know I you know I there's a lot of blame to go around but part of the blame is the Biden Administration they're letting it into this country why they're letting it into this country I have no idea but in their crazy mind they think it's somehow they're going to get them votes you know that's literally how crazy they are and they don't give a damn about the American people they just give a damn about staying in power and letting the swamp go on and on and on you know like the day after my son died Trump called me Biden didn't he's an amazing individual he's a brilliant man I have had dinner with him and he has talked about business deals he did 40 years ago and tell you everybody involved in the business deal what every single person met okay and then ask me what my kids about all my kids and know their names he's a brilliant man that loves this country I love this country I love this town I've lived here for 43 years I've seen this town grow up it's the greatest City in this country sorry all the other cities but it truly is and this city is going to get Nevada to vote for Trump and we're going to take the White House back thanks everybody oh [Applause] [Music] and Gentlemen please welcome to the stage Olympic gold medalist and UFC champion Henry cejudo [Music] good evening everybody as as an Olympic gold medalist and two division champ in the UFC I'm also a proud American a Christian and a father it's it's weird as as you get older you start to understand why people get involved in in politics and why we could be so radical with it and I start to understand I mean I'm I'm to the point where I I named my firstborn [Music] America but I also have concerns also for my daughter because before you know we used to try to protect the public schools now we're protecting our kids from the public schools [Applause] from anybody can go to the restroom from the teacher town you could be a cardboard box or if you're a boy you're a girl or you're a he-man or whether you have extended family and they're having a really hard time buying red meat or buying eggs to you know to keep their family afloat I was a kid that grew up in humble beginnings raised by a single mother you know Liv lived in tough circumstances but there was one thing that always inspired me for my mom and she would tell me an immigrant lady she would tell me kenry is an Americano she's like Henry you are an American coming here today I get a lot of slack for being a a trump supporter you know being Latino for some reason people tend to just pinpoint you thinking you're a racist here or there but the reality is the person that we're serving now the person that doesn't even need to run for president his name is Donald J Trump somebody who is not a politician somebody who is the truth somebody who is you know the attempt of assassination to kill our president someone who's willing to risk their life on the line to save our country I ask myself too you know why did our forefathers do what they did to fight the English back in 1776 they did it for our freedom and we're losing that guys we're losing that we cannot allow this country to continue to keep going on that path because who knows we may not be too far from being another Venezuela and this is why I commend a president like Donald J Trump because he doesn't have to do it he was two Ines away from from being assassinated and for what I'm going to tell you for what for the freedom of our country to not be afraid to not be afraid to get to go against your own government I feel good and I feel as we unite this race should not be whether it shouldn't be about race nor gender it should be about the best candidate who is willing again to risk his life his literal life on the line for this great country I'm honored I want to thank I want to thank you know the the Donald J Trump campaign and everybody for giving me this platform to inspire people because I also want to show the American Latinos that hey go out there man speak the truth even if you're hated even if you're pinpointed because there is a better truth and that better truth is freedom in the United States let's make America great again thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] and Gentlemen please welcome to the stage former Chief of Staff at the United States Department of Defense cash Patel [Music] [Music] sure we defeat the Injustice in Washington DC well let's mobilize as one US silver Staters are going to deliver the West for Donald J Trump and we're going to deliver this election for the greatest president we have ever seen in our lifetimes but we are up against a behemoth just think about it in the 21st century of the United States of America did you think a political party would illegally spend campaign dollars to hire a foreign intelligence asset from overseas and funnel fake false information into the Federal Bureau of Investigation only to have them go to a secret surveillance Court lie to a federal judge just so that they could illegally surveil their political opponent and as the President says they're coming after you he's just standing in the way well I'm here to tell you it's time for us to stand with him and behind Donald J Trump because if you don't think those government gangsters have Qui it down you haven't been paying attention just last week what did we hear from the Department of Injustice in mer Arland and Chris Ray it's Russia Russia Russia all over again they've illegally surveilled hundreds of thousands of citizens the government gangsters in Washington DC have one main operational arm that is a two-tier system of justice that they choose to weaponize and politicize because we care more about America than they do and they Fe he the presidency of Donald J Trump because during his first term when I served under him he was out there wiping out the corruption in Washington [Applause] DC and if he comes back it's not a Republican or Democratic thing it's a uni party swamp monster thing if he comes back Donald Trump will permanently retire the swamp monster [Music] class we are facing the biggest projection con artist of our lifetime with Harris and the radical left wi they accuse us of every single thing they are doing they try to imprison our great leader illegally time and time again they raid our houses of worship they tell us where our children can go to school and what they should learn well I don't know about you but I want our future generation know history math and economics I don't want them to know gender fluidity at the age of 10 [Applause] we have the greatest leader the colum is built and Donald J Trump is our champion he is our Juggernaut of justice but we have to maraliz behind them because we have the truth they don't have that Kamala Harris does not have a single national security policy that is better than president Trump's if she did she would have implemented it for years ago instead of stealing his ideas and when it comes to National Security whether I was serving as a deputy director of National Intelligence or his chief of staff the mission was simple when I walked into the Oval Office president Trump said singularly we are going to kill the amirs of Isis we are going to wipe out Al-Qaeda senior leadership we are going to end the forever Wars we are going to crush the Narco traffickers we are going to stop the CCP fentol and we are going to restore American diplomacy overseas I said Roger that boss who wouldn't want to sign up for that we are going to stop behind Donald Trump's brilliant leadership I have seen more courage and conviction in this man's one finger than I have seen in 10 lifetimes in 10 countries this man is proud to stand for America and we will stand with him we will stop sending money to the forever Wars we will take care of our 55,000 homeless veterans first our men and women on The Thin Blue Line come first our teachers come first our first responders come first our children come first illegal immigrants do not come first in this country there is a legal we here and just like thousands of you I found myself legally here in this country my father fled a genocidal dictatorship and had the American dream for his children that American dream is Alive and Well in Donald Trump's America for each and every one of your children that American dream is not alive for Camala Harris she wants to R you of that dream and seize the truth from you and establish a dynasty in Washington DC that tears apart this world well I want a president that goes overseas and ends the forever Wars I want a president that doesn't fund the Iranian mullus and7 billion dollars of terrorism funding activities and you don't have to gamble on Donald J Trump he took them on over and over again and ask you this who do you think the current hostages Americans and others that are being held by the terrorists who invaded Israel and started the World War do you think they want Kamala Harris or do you think they want Donald Trump who rescued who rescued 54 hostages and detainees around the world that is more than every president before him combined we will not allow the government gangsters to leave us a disastrous withdrawal in Afghanistan they desecrated our dead Donald J Trump had an intelligence-based plan which I led the effort to withdraw out of Afghanistan and he said we are not setting a political timeline our men and women are too important Donald Trump had zero casualties during his withdrawal plan which we handed off and Joe Biden and Kamala Harris lit on fire Kamala Harris hasn't even had the decency to call the families of the 13 and do you know how those 13 Brave Warriors died Harris and Biden made the political decision to let terrorists out of bogram Air Force space and one of them strapped a suicide bomb to his vest and blew up our heroes then they had Millie and Austin come in and thump their chest and drone strike seven children that is not Justice that is murder so if you are with me and if you are with the greatest president of our lifetime then it is up to us to stand behind him it is up to us to unify this country we are not the separatist we are not the racist we are the greatest set of Americans we have ever had and we have a un equivalent parel leader in Donald J Trump so I leave you with the following our mission is simple just to do exactly what our brave leader Donald J Trump has always done and put Americans first and not to run this country by Dei and white rage and climate change I am proud to be an indian-american i proud to call Las Vegas my home I moved out here after our Administration ended you all have welcomed me with open arms and I cannot thank you enough I will fight every single day for this great state and as president Trump said if we win Nevada we win the whole damn thing I will take the fight to every state across this country for our great leader because Donald J Trump deserves our effort our love our conviction and our desire I am going to go on a government gangsters manh hunt in Washington DC for our great president who's coming with me [Music] [Music] [Music] and Gentlemen please welcome to the stage candidate for United States Senate Sam Brown [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] you're not ready where are the champions at where are the champions at are you ready are you ready to fight I'm America needs us right now America needs us so bad let me tell you a little story about the American dream 23 years ago this last week or this week I was a senior in high school when our country was attacked on 911 less than a year later I'm raising my right hand on the banks of the Hudson River to serve this country I tell you what this country is the greatest country in the world because of people who are willing to sacrifice then and [Applause] now 16 years ago last week I was in Afghanistan we had friendly troops Under Fire and when we've got Americans under Fire we don't stand stand back we run to the sound of the guns to help out our fellow Americans [Applause] hey guys sometimes that service requires sacrifice and that's when on that faithful day I lost a soldier and four of us were wounded but that wasn't the end of my life that was just the beginning now look I've been to Hell and back but by God's grace through it all I'm a proud husband of 15 years a proud father of three [Music] kids and I had an opportunity to live the American dream let me tell you six years ago today I was working in an Amazon fulfillment center packing boxes and loading them onto a trailer four years ago today yes literally today like so many of you I had on my make America great hat I was a volunteer for Donald J Trump only in America can you go from being a soldier wounded pick yourself back up work hard 10hour shifts and end up standing on a stage to become the next United States senator from the great state of Nevada [Applause] Nevada Nevada here's my message for you and the same way that when I needed help the most when I had lost all hope that my life would even last the next 60 seconds it was one of my soldiers who screamed out to me sir I've got you [Applause] and I've got you Nevada because here's the deal Joe Biden KLA Harris and Jackie Rosen have had an opportunity these last four years and have squandered it they have made life hard for so many unnecessarily hard look I've been a small business owner I'm a Family Man 6 years ago I bought a house that today I could not afford is there anyone else out here that couldn't afford to buy their house again today if they had to this is ridiculous it is so unnecessary president Trump had this economy working for almost everybody everybody we had a chance to achieve the American dream and that is what president Trump will do on November 5th when he wins and he goes back to the White House and he has a Republican Senate to help guys we've been the benefit the we've received the benefits of President Trump's leadership we had a secure border we had an economy that worked for us and we will have it again and I tell you what here's his plan and here's the plan that the Senate will work for and I will be a champion for you on we will make housing more affordable again we must we must make the essentials affordable again like our food our fuel our medication and we will end taxes on tips and we will end taxes on Social Security [Applause] benefits America has got a warrior and a champion and president Donald J Trump and you have got a warrior in me I've got your back let's win a November let's send president Trump to the White House let's beat Jackie Rosen and make America great again [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] welcome to the stage chairman of the Republican party of Nevada Michael McDonald [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] Las Vegas [Applause] you know they say we're the rowdiest part of the state we're the rowdiest part of the nation and we're the swing state that's going to put Trump back in office just a note amen how many of you saw that debate so-called debate last week was it me or did he sound like he was taking three onone did you notice one particular thing with Camala Harris and her crew they don't want to talk about the economy they don't want to talk about the Border when Cala was asked let's talk about the economy she said let's talk about Trump's rallies and then she did well I got news for you Camala and all you Democrats we don't leave early we don't leave when the bullets start flying we stay there for our [Applause] president hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on one second they need to hear you in California fight fight [Applause] fight what I can also guarantee you is the Democrats won't do that the Dem Democrats can't do that she is nothing on policy we talked about no tax on tips she raised a bill that ta the working men and women tax on tips now she wants to take credit for what Donald Trump's done right here in this state at Sunset Park when he said no tax on [Applause] tips ladies and gentlemen this is easy these are kitchen table issues this is about what affects every one of us the price of gas the price of food these can all all be shown Cala you can't run you can't hide from your own words from your own actions you can laugh all you want you can have your fraternity sister or sorry sority sister be the moderator you don't know these days that's all I'm saying but I will tell you I'm so proud of everyone in this audience because we don't have one movie actor other than Rick anyone Hollywood movie actor supporting this President we don't have any billionaires but I can tell you we got almost 10,000 people in this room working men and women that support the next president of the United [Applause] States you got to understand how many how many you seen Batman anybody seen Batman remember Batman I ran into a young man outside and he says does does the other lady didn't know her name doesn't she remind you of two face in the movie Batman and it's true depending where she is and who she's speaking to you're going to get a different answer one thing I can guarantee you I've been with Donald Trump since 2015 the man doesn't run he doesn't hide and he will tell you exactly what he's going to do and he will not back or kneel down for another Nation he puts America First you want the chant let's [Applause] go you don't hear Democrats at their rallies saying that you don't see him with the flag flying behind him that debate the other night might as well has been at the Democratic Convention as Fair as that was against Donald Trump that's how bad it was but I could tell you one thing and this cements it for everybody everybody who's undecided when our president was shot he got up he didn't run he didn't look for cover he stood up to the men and women in that audience and he said [Applause] fight it is now your turn before you leave here you make a promise to Donald Trump you are going to vote you're going to get your friends to vote your neighbors to vote and we're going to fight for Donald Trump and take back this nation [Music] [Music] Happ [Music] please welcome to the stage four-term congresswoman from Hawaii's second district and lieutenant colonel in the United States Army Reserve Tulsi gabard [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] aloha aloha it's so good to see all of you thank you so much it is such an honor and a privilege to join all of you here tonight my fellow Americans and Patriots who love our country and are committed to saving her we have such an incredible and historic opportunity before us Americans coming together in the way that our Founders envisioned we may not agree on every single issue neither did our founding fathers but they came together around the values and principles that are most important to us all As Americans as we are doing here today and as we must do in this election those principles of freedom and the right of every single American to life liberty in the pursuit of [Applause] happiness you know I joined the Democratic party over 20 years ago I was 21 years old in Hawaii and at that time I saw saw a party that was the big tent party it welcomed people from all different backgrounds different views celebrated free speech and actually defended those whose speech was being attacked even if they disagreed with their views it was a party that fought for the little guy a party that fought for the plantation workers back in Hawaii it was a party that stood up for the little guy and represented our values of freedom and liberty in America you fast forward to where we are today I left the Democrat Party because now it stands for the exact opposite of all of those [Applause] things I'm proud to endorse Donald Trump in this election because he is our best hope he is our best hope to bring about historic transformational change to stop the censorship of free speech in America to stop the weaponization of our law enforcement and Department of Justice against everyday Americans including first and foremost Donald Trump I never would have imagined as an American and as a soldier that we would live in a country in my lifetime where where we would feel like we have to self-censor what we say that we couldn't criticize our own government for fear of them labeling us as a domestic terrorist but this is the country that we live in the very next day after I did an interview with lur Ingram on Fox News and I talked about how dangerous kamla Harris would be as our president and commander-in chief I was added to a secret domestic Terror watch list called quiet Skies shortly after an FBI agent named Steve FR blew the whistle on how the FBI agents were being used essentially as the Democrats police force to go after their political opponents they basically took away his job doxed him exposed his public uh medical records publicly I spoke with him today and he is unemployed and unemployable because of what the FBI did to him we are just two of many who are experiencing the political retaliation under the Harris Biden Administration in America we cannot allow that to stand we are closer to the brink of World War III and nuclear war today than we ever have been before directly because of the Harris Biden administration's foreign policy I've spoken with President Trump about this and heard and felt his commitment to walk us back from the brink and do all that he can to make it so that we don't have to live in fear of a nuclear [Applause] Armageddon too many Americans are struggling just to afford the basic necessities of life no matter how many times we've heard kamla Harris and Joe Biden over these last four years out and celebrate how bomic has been great for America it's really a slap in the face to Americans who are struggling just to pay the bills it's almost as though they're out of touch with the reality that the American people are living all across the country it's almost as though they're speaking from an ivory Tower saying how great they are and patting themselves on the back while people are struggling for crumbs on the streets this election isn't really about Democrats versus Republicans this election really isn't about the left versus the right it's about choosing We the People choosing our government and the choice is between freedom versus tyranny the choice is between our ability to live and Fry thrive in a peaceful and prosperous Society or to live in a constant state of war and economic hardship our founding fathers said that our government only exists with the consent of the Govern it's up to us to save our country it's up to us to save our world our best hope to do that in this election is doing all we can not only to vote for Donald Trump but to make sure your friends and family do the same this is a must win state in Nevada and our [Applause] mission we have a no fail Mission before us every single one of us as Americans who cherish Peace and Freedom and who love our country to save our country and we do this on November 5th thank you all so much for your support and for all that you're doing Aloha thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] w [Music] oh [Music] Megan I don't know about you but I just love the warm-ups to a Maga rally because you have people like Tulsi gabard you have the Republican party chair here in Nevada you have pastors who open up in prayer eloquent prayers long prayers talking about the founding of the country and what we can do as individuals to not only get out and vote for Donald Trump but again really reignite our sphere of influence and make a difference in each and every one of our communities and the power of Prayer in America Americans need to remember to pray for our president pray for all the leaders in the government and pray for the future of this country and our freedoms religious freedoms to practice Christianity or whatever religion we choose to in this country America is one of the one of the few places that we really truly have religious Freedom so we need to preserve that and keep praying for our country and talk about a gentleman like Mike Lindell who has embodied that second chance at life and who has talked about his own struggles overcoming addiction turning to the Lord proudly displaying and wearing a cross on a regular basis well he has a great American company as many of you know but he happens to be a sponsor here at rsbn rsbn you can find so many great deals going on right now he's doing a wonderful deal $25 for just the pillows themselves and even mattress toppers the uh uh slippers and also different bed sheets and of course all made in America in the beautiful state of Minnesota so go out there and visit rsbn Mr Mike Lindell a great American Patriot a Great Hero and a wonderful sponsor here at rsbn thank you sir for helping put us on the air so we can support your made in America a h American hire veterans he's a great guy and we're just happy to have him as a sponsor here at RS ban and don't underestimate the power of good sleep absolutely you have a few my pillows yourself yes they really help my neck out oh they really I mean they are they are great and I'm I'm a back sleeper so it's really irrit I try to go on my side but um I will double up the pillows and they're my pillows so sorry for those maybe that's too much information but I do love I'm a side sleeper but the good thing about my pillow is they've got like these foam cubes inside and you can really rearrange the way you want to sleep so if you're side sleeper back sleeper front sleeper however you're sleeping you can readjust the little pieces inside the my pillow that's what makes it so different than a traditional pillow and it's great so don't underestimate the power of deep quality sleep and a lot of sleep so make sure you go jump on that that's a great stale that they're having and talk about a a master marketer he might even be stronger than president Trump when it comes to marketing I don't I don't want to get president Trump upset with that statement but a fight I'm telling you these two guys are there any better marketers really uh in the world out there today whether it be in business or whether it be in the political involvement and Mr Lindell has been extraordinary for election integrity and he's gone out there and really put uh the the fire right up against some of these secretaries of State these County clerks who quite frankly have not been telling the truth that have had really terrible terrible offices and regardless of Republican or Democrat as tulsy gabard said it's really about the future of the nation the future of our movement in this country to make our country fair and ethical and great again yeah Mike Lindell has an incredible backstory he's a man of God he turned to the Lord and now he's really living up to God's will for his life I think it's really amazing what he's done with his company and further for the country like you said standing up for election integrity and we're happy and thankful to have him in America fighting for us and especially to have him as a sponsor here at rsbn and if you're just tuning in on this lovely Friday night in America and if you're just coming back home if you're on the East Coast or uh even the central time zone you might have just caught some um Friday Night Football the Friday Night Lights of course welcome to rsbn unbridled coverage of President Trump's Maga rally in the silver state I'm Bobby mcney with the lovely Megan kler bringing you all of this coverage if you've been watching all day thanks for staying with us we talked to so many interesting people today uh from around the west coast and those living here in Las Vegas wanting to make America great again and that's through the service-based industry through Hospitality no tax on tips no tax on overtime pay president Trump just announcing that yesterday no tax on uh senior citizens Social Security retirement also making housing affordable again especially in this market in Los Vegas and they've seen this before go back to 2008 the bubble really burst here with the um f mortgages that were being sent out uh to uh firsttime homeowners and that just exploded here in Las Vegas cuz historically this area has been very affordable but that caused a huge housing shortage and crisis not only throughout the country in that recession but also specifically here in Vegas so a lot of people concerned about blue Democrat leadership happening in the silver state and you may say it's only six electoral votes in Nevada but this is crucial to the overall map and those 93 targeted votes those seven states that will make or break the 2024 presidential election so welcome here to the World Market Center in beautiful Viva Las Vegas that's right and I've heard a lot of California leaving California moving to Nevada for a lower cost of living better quality of life more bank for your buck if you will and cost of living is starting to go up here and that's a great um point that you made about that as to why would people leave California a blue State come to Nevada a red State you can't keep voting in the policies that are ruining the states and trying to go to other states that are red with the good conservative policies you can't start voting for the Democrat policies or else whatever you just left at the other state is going to now infiltrate into your new state so make sure if you're moving to a red state for a great quality of life make sure you recognize that those policies that the Republicans have are what's making the state great so make sure you keep voting red vote Republican make sure everybody who's watching this right now all your friends and family make sure everyone's registered to vote make sure you vote in this November's election not only in the presidential election which is imperative but also in the Senate race so here in Nevada we have a senate seat up for up for grabs and Senator hopefully hopefully to be Senator uh Sam Brown was here on stage he had a great speech here tonight and it's really awesome to see him tell telling his testimony and the plans that he has for his uh State here in NADA and such a heroic story we talked about how he met his wife he of course went through those horrible injuries from figh for us overseas and then met her as she was his nurse and said that was the most beautiful woman he's ever seen and they end up getting married so a touching story an American story and we hope that he can help make the US Senate great again uh we just wanted to uh explain why we cover with music at certain times it's for copyright purposes we have to be very careful with that uh with the music playing in the background as we're speaking uh during these times in between speakers it's because of copyright law so sometimes we'll throw in a little bit of jazz music for your own entertainment and uh we just want to share that with you just because there are funny copyright infringement laws and talk about Music City sometimes uh the copyright folks can get upset over there so we want to make sure that uh Yours Truly here at rsbn doesn't get in trouble and uh deal with those penalties and fines that can take place but that's all part of um the legal ramifications of those specific entities when it comes to music but we want to thank you the viewers for coming in and dialing in on a beautiful Friday evening in the Silver State you know Viva Las Vegas think about Elvis Presley The Rat Pack Dean Martin Frank Sinatra uh just so many uh Sammy Davis Jr entertainers that have really built this trip president Trump even in his own right as a private businessman in real estate and Hospitality a beautiful hotel here on the Strip Paradise Nevada if you like to ever come on out here and enjoy a weekend of entertainment great restaurants I got to meet these chefs too my mom had a chance to meet Emerald Agassi over in New York one time she said well what's the big deal and I'm like Mom that's I me there big time that's big time that's Big Time stuff in Salt Bay I love the way he does his little thing you know so may maybe one of those days get a chance to do that but great entertainment out here in Las Vegas and one of the greatest man for the show man for the moment the leader of the apprentice and 45th president of the United States Mr John Trump upcoming very very soon incredible and what a fun place to be in Las Vegas Nevada oh absolutely there's no question about it and with all these inflationary times and the biomics the cost of living getting out of control you need to secure your financial future and our friends at tax Network USA can help you do that and if you go to TN rsbn or perhaps call them at 80035 7 14 15 these great Patriots can help you do that they have over 14 years of experience in professional Tax Services they have saved Patriots like you at home over $1 billion yes $1 billion that's with a be in back taxes because sometimes we get busy we rush them we do them too quick we overpay and then we're like oh we made a huge mistake and with all of the thousands of new agents the Biden Administration going to that have added it's so scary to think about how the F government can breathe down your neck tulsy gabber just talked about it what's happening she's on a a watch list now what what the FBI and others have done it's just terrible terrible and most of these people are great people but the IRS has incredible Powers when it comes to uh investigating you and coming after you directly so visit tax Network they're trained in all 50 states to deal with state tax issues as well 800 35745 TN rsbn what an incredible sponsor to have here at rsbn and that's more important now than ever especially with all those what is it 20,000 new IRS agents that have been hired under the Democrat regime that's currently in office yeah just since the beginning of the year so you think about that and oh my goodness gracious I mean these guys it's it's a scary State of Affairs we are with all the lawfare happening or people just trying to you know get by and do the right thing I mean the American people are honest they showed that especially during the co pandemic where they were locked in certain areas couldn't go to church they could not go out to the gym the Basic Essentials they couldn't see dying family members in nursing homes it was a horrible time when you really think about that something goes through my head I mean my grandma actually suffered from dementia past about a decade ago but I think about what if she was alone in that nursing home and was afraid I mean it just it's it's really a horrible thing that people have gone through and think about the Western World Canada Australia there were pastors arrested simply because they had Sunday services that should never happen and when you think about when people say that can't happen in you know Liberty loving countries or even the English speaking World well it did so we need to be on the Forefront of what government agencies are trying to do against the free and fair and the good American people yeah it's good to remind Americans what's happened over the past few years especially during the co era they the government was really overstepping their boundaries and pushing their limits as far as becoming a police state a surveillance State they were shutting down schools churches events they were shutting down all kinds of establishments and people's offices it was it was really crazy that the Tyranny that they were allowing in this country so you brought up a good point about uh Co that just reminded me of something at the debate the other night they were on the topic of Springfield Ohio and how the Haitian immigrants are eating the cats and dogs and uh wild animals like geese or they're you know taking the wild animals and just grilling them and animals that are not meant for human consumption they're considered unclean if you will it's not something that's customary in America it's definitely unclean especially according to Leviticus in the Bible if you want to check that out so such a great uh book in the Bible and something that uh is our is our um our Guiding Light you know the Bible it's the Old Testament and the New Testament and the values we share As Americans and that's what's so special about these rallies is we have these local pastors come out and they blessed the room and they blessed Donald Trump and they bless the entire movement and it goes beyond politics this is simply a downstream of culture and where we are at and we are in great spiritual warfare I mean I guess whether or not you believe it but you can see it on a daily basis just the evil that surrounds uh what's happening in the present day but fortunately we have magga Patriots who are trying to share the gospel and as the pastor talked about calling up of Cyrus and calling up of Kings like David president Trump a leader uh after their own Hearts who you know may not necessarily be a perfect person but who is he's a man who's perfect for this time and cares deeply about each and every American citizen and you hear from the other business people in the gentleman who went up there uh from Pawn Stars is saying that this guy president Trump sadly his this gentleman's son had passed from fentom say he's known Trump for a number of years this guy remembers family names he wants to spend time with you go to dinner with you and really get to know you on a one-on-one basis and he's pulled in so many directions as a leader of the Free World yet he wants to take that time to learn policies and to really just make this country great again so we're grateful to have a leader in the movement like President Donald Trump yes exactly and on the topic of eating the unclean animals tying it back to co remember when they were saying Co started because people were eating bats right and then look look what happened across the globe right so the Democrats minimizing the effects of the Haitian immigrants eating these wild animals in the communities like Springfield Ohio they're trying to act like a it's not happening or B it's not that big of a deal but what about covid when people are eating bats and then spread this virus across the world so where is that disconnect happening you know it really is something and a lot of it happens to be with the corporate lamestream media unfortunately that just will not seize an opportunity to debunk myth and actually go after the truth and I think we mostly saw that with the debate the other night their fact checking actually had to be fact checked and fortunately some Outlets are doing that or saying like that was wrong what you said about January 6 it was wrong about uh the late term abortion issues it was wrong about a plethora of other things that President Trump had to literally take on three-on-one on that debate stage and I'm really just disappointed because David M start started with such a good question about are you better off than you were four years ago and sadly that was not the the case but Camala Harris went into her biography instead of right talking about what has happened in the Harris Biden Administration tulsy gabber just mentioned it that way because really sadly President Biden is not in control he's asleep at the wheel and that's for many other issues but uh and discuss it for another time Harris has not done her Duty as vice president borders are of the United States of America right and when she was um talking about the topic of late term abortion during the debate she totally said that's not a thing we don't we're not for that that's not available in any state in America but if you double check and do your own fact checking you can go back and see that Tim wall sign into sign into uh legislation that you could do on on demand abortion up until the moment of birth in the state of Minnesota so just go do your own fact checking because clearly they're not doing that at the debate but that's just another lie that they were talking about in the debate and this has started this has gone the past cuz you had HB 40 in Illinois and it was so sad that was a republican Governor Bruce rer who signed that extreme legislation and then set off Governor Andrew Cuomo in New York Ralph Northam in Virginia to have this extreme legislation so yes basically infanticide was being practiced in that process a very ter terrible thing to watch and then fortunately roie Wade being overturned because president Trump appointed justices who are conservative in their jurist prudence and that's not necessarily conservative in the realm of political belief but rather how do they apply the Constitution is it a living document as uh the farle believes it is or is it a contextual view of that beautiful document uh very similar to how Sam Alo looks at it Brett Kavanaugh these really Great lead leaders uh Gorsuch uh so you have these federal judges that President Trump has appointed over 300 and I think that's what's really keeping us together as a nation because a farle can no longer legislate From the Bench as of right now because we put great justices and judges forward and we're very thankful to president Trump for that in the pro-life movement right and they were attacking president Trump saying he's a threat to democracy when he took his moment at the debate to explain I'm not the threat to democracy Camala Harris is the one who who received zero votes there was no primary votes for Cala Harris to be the nominee for the Democrats so how are they the champions of democracy when they install their own candidates exactly and and that's a great point because Bobby Kennedy has been talking about that recently the Greek translation that literal translation of deos is of the people Democrats of the people you think Andrew Jackson That's why their party was founded to be a party of the people direct democracy they have failed that I mean I think about Dean Phillips the congressman from Minnesota he actually challenged President Biden in the primary he actually tried to seek it the correct way he actually visited a Maga rally which uh vice president Cala Harris during the debate actually encouraged uh that to happen so and we'd love for her to come on down and visit herself but Dean Phillips actually went over in Minnesota met with many of the rally goers and said these are great people these were our voters that uh the populist movement in the Republican party has now adopted and created that big 10 party gosh the the Democrats of um today and that's a deep swamp DC Democrats have clearly pushed the um the unions out they've clearly pushed out free speech the the civil rights movement and really it's been embraced by the magga Republicans exactly and another thing another topic that Cala totally dodged during the debate was inflation so I mean I don't know one American I don't know one family member I don't know one friend or anybody I've ever talked to in today's day and age that's not concerned with inflation so we want to take a moment to thank one of our sponsors American Finance absolutely speaking of inflation speaking of the economy speaking of personal finance we want to thank you to our sponsor American Finance is just an amazing organization because they can save you an average of $800 a month so for the homeowners out there make sure that your taking advantage of what might be going on in the market right now it's very scary uh homes are still selling fast which is kind of incredible considering uh the inflation and cost of living in general but we want to make housing affordable again president Trump speaking on this yesterday uh in Tucson Arizona we'll probably touch on it tonight because that was one of the big highlights as we were talking to people out in the crowd today but American Finance saving an average customer $800 a month by doing this and with the rates dro the decision is really just so easy all it takes is 10 minutes no cost no obligation phone call to find out how much you can save and if you start today you may be eligible for two mortgage payments I mean that'll be a nice little break so call this number 888 42299 that's 888 42299 American rsbn a really good thing to do you know probably on on Monday you know if not tonight I'm not sure they have the 247 uh phone lines as as some do but make sure you jump on that immediately that's incredible and when would we need it more than right now in today's biomics disaster so thank you to American Finance great sponsors here at rsbn and and if you're so moved as well we are fully uh uh financed by donations we are not the corporate media but we want to be your 2024 election headquarters we bring you unbridled access to not only the mag rallies but press conferences like President Trump did today in Los Angeles at his golf club or it might be a town hall like you experienced Megan that was I mean felt like a Maga rally that was a huge Town Hall they were doing the Wavey G gabard moderated that actually asked real questions and did uh some journalist jobs so you can always appreciate that because she's a sharp woman and a smart person we're so happy to have her in this big tent movement that is taking place here in the United States but this is sure to be a a very economic driven policy speech um and and a lot of fun as well too and having been in Tucson yesterday president Trump just had I mean he always has a lot of energy but there was a lot of energy he was dancing he was uh making his fun jokes the AI cat memes are all over the place if you haven't noticed on true social I've been sharing them myself and you can actually find me over at Robert B mcney on true social at Robert mcney TV over on Instagram and Megan where can we find you uh if we can interact on uh social media my Instagram is Megan ker properties that's my real estate page so check it out a great uh great realator she's this a talented G it's it's such a joy to be uh on camera with her bringing you the American people again this unbridled access to perhaps the greatest political movement at least in the Modern Age I mean president Donald Trump bringing the energy bringing the fun but also the man for the moment a serious person who's ready to take on just anything that's coming his way I mean you think about two impeachments fall impeachments you have the law fair you have the rating of Marl Lago over a year ago an assassination attempt 2 months ago to the day this man won't quit the the family I mean they're really protected by God I know uh Melania is beautiful wife our first lady our future first lady I mean now coming out with her memoire and really speaking on how tragic that moment was as a family but they are just steeped in prayer and steeped in the word and we're fortunate to have a great family in the trumps and especially Laura Trump the RNC coach here who's fighting hard for her father-in-law and fighting for ultimately election integrity that's right and Donald Trump has had such an incredible life from his business Acumen on The Apprentice he was one of America's favorite celebrities up until when he started running and then of course since he ran as a republican then he started getting demonized but there used to be rap songs about him everybody loved Donald Trump I remember when uh Barack Barack Obama was in office and hope and change turned out to be uh not what anybody wanted and I realized we were in such a mess that I said to myself Donald Trump's the only man that could clean this mess up and of course when I saw him come down the that golden uh escalator and said he was running for president I was so excited and it's just been an incredible journey ever since and nothing can stop him truly that's true we actually have Mr Cash Pell over here we might try to flag him down for an interview if you'd like maybe we could talk about more of the j6 details cuz he was in there in that room um dealing with all of that of course he spoke on stage and he's been a great Maga Warrior working on so many different important things for our army but also for election Integrity free speech on the internet and uh we'll try to flag him down here at the moment and then uh thank one of our sponsors wellness company if You' like to do that what's more important than your health right so America listen up the world is getting more unpredictable by the day and we've got assassination attempts rumors of Civil War an unstable stock market and now the looming threat of the bird flu is on everyone's mind did you know there's a bird flu Summit coming in October it's eily reminiscent of the event 201 that foreshadowed the covid-19 planemic and get this the first topic on the agenda is called Mass fatality management planning if that doesn't send chills your spine I don't know what will but here's the good news you don't have to be scared if you're prepared the wellness company has created the contagion emergency kit and every home in America should have at least one of these they're packed with life-saving meds like icin hydroxy chloroquin antibiotics like zpac and it's all backed by experts like Dr Peta Mallo imagine this no more frantic searches for a doctor no more emergency waiting rooms just a few clicks and this Kit's delivered right to your door in times like these having your contagion emergency kit is not just a luxury it's actually a necessity protect your family by preparing right now go to tww c. health rsbn and grab your contagion emergency kit right now that's tww c. health rsbn and use code rsbn to save you $45 at checkout and kits are only available in the United States by the way so we're going to come over here to do you mind if I uh just get that mic over to Mr Cash Batel I'll sneak in here swap yeah absolutely how are you sir so good to see you again to see you thanks forn you know it's it's really a pleasure to have you because you were right in the mix of what happened on January 6 you you were you've really been all over the place talking about the truth of what took place Kamala Harris fake news ABC bringing it up again that uh it it's not anything to do with Nancy Pelosi but of course we had the documents there president Trump wanted to send in the National Guard Nancy Pelosi mayor Bowser refusing the extra help which then led to those events on top of that after his speech peacefully and patriotically go to uh the capital Liz Cheney taking that out redacting that from every statement on that F committee trying to you know put president Trump Behind Bars can you elaborate just cuz you were there with it and you saw what president Trump went through in the process and just set the record straight for our viewers oh absolutely look you guys have had brilliant coverage and you've been all over it the only thing I've ever cared about in president Trump is the truth right we want voters to vote based on the truth and they were robbed of it in Rush gate they were robbed of it in the 51 Intel letterer and then the disinformation campaign with the Insurrection narrative we've been out there for years saying simply the facts President Trump authorized 10 plus thousand National Guard I was in the Oval Office Secretary of Defense when he did it right and pursuing to the law he can't order their deployment the governor mayor and Nancy Pelosi because it's DC has to has to request it and now we could just pray the videotape we have Nancy Pelosi in the halls of Congress filming a movie admitting to the world that she was responsible for the failure of the National Guard you don't need to listen to me anymore you don't need to look at the documents we've produced and of course the media covered that up for three years just like they did every other disinformation campaign to Rob these people of the truth and try to get them to vote their way and we've disproven it and president Trump has been right cuz he only hammered the truth I love that so much and even this documentary you're speaking of was I believe filmed by her daughter the and then she she talks about it on Bill Mars Show on a comedy show and he's like wait a second then he started piecing two and two together because he's not necessarily a Donald Trump fan but he's someone who believes in free speech someone who you know perhaps a classical liberal I hope that people like Tulsi gabard and Bobby Kennedy Jr maybe have an effect on someone like Bill Mah because a lot of people watch his show and watch it to actually get information and news because he actually has some really interesting coverage and some really really big players in DC on his show so how can we move forward with that do you think that can that be change in essence where a president could send in the National Guard when it comes to DC specifically would they' have to go through Congress to change that they'd have to pass a new federal legislation but I think the laws it structured works just perfectly you know posi katus the Supreme Court decided because we don't want a commander-in-chief to take over the military unilaterally we want to be able to offer and that's why we created the National Guard to offer them assistance look if you've ever been to a sporting event if you've ever been to a big outdoor event or a state fair you see National Guard assisting law enforcement and that's what you want you don't want them to be the tip of the spear we have men and women in law enforcement to do that but sometimes they need help so I think the system as is is perfect maybe we need an adjustment in DC I don't know I'm not the expert but I know if Nancy Pelosi and mayor Bowser had requested the guard as chief of staff and my secretary of defense and Donald Trump's Administration would have had 10 plus thousand guard there and nothing on January 6th would have went down the way it did they wanted the political scene so they could run on it and here's the key about the video right that video wasn't made yesterday it was made on January 6th and the January 6 Committee in Congress withheld that from the American public for three years and they wanted to pin a bogus Insurrection narrative on Donald Trump and so that's why the truth matters now more than anything it's not that I Told You So moment it's just to say who was telling you the truth and who was lying to you I kind of think of it as the Russia Russia Russia hoax the true I mean you go back to the steel dossier the militant nature of how the swamp and in some cases Republicans and Democrats colluding to take down a duly elected president of the United States and you being at the Forefront of so much of this having serve so um graciously and being a true American Patriot uh cashu share with us your fight for free speech as well how is true social going how are all these different things that are coming together in the last few years really led by this beautiful Maga movement and such an inspirational leader in Donald Trump how are we able to as American people spread true information and get it out there so we can debunk all these mys these rumors and quite frankly the law fair up against these wonderful people who are here to see one watch your great Network cuz you guys are true tellers but you know look Donald Trump's Brilliance has been to lead all of these issues to intersect because they do intersect free speech and fighting the Deep state in Washington DC and not just Democrats but also Republicans who want to take away our rights by taking away our truth and want to monopolize the government and president Trump has always stood for everyday Americans and accountability inside Washington and they are terrified that he's going to end his Reign and only Donald Trump could come up with a concept like truth social and have it explode on the scene because look everyone's on true social Gavin Nome Joe Biden Camala Harris and Donald Trump there's no other social media platform that has that and we don't want to censor anyone that's the whole point that's why Bill Maher that's why Elon Musk that's why the Joe Rogan of the world and everybody else are saying yeah you guys are the only platform that didn't hide not like Facebook not like Twitter before Elon and not like Instagram and all of Mark Zuckerberg's companies they withheld the truth and Zuckerberg has admitted it and he says he's not going to enter the fry now but I don't trust his millions or tens of thousands employees they're the ones that rigged it with the FBI and the election Integrity task force last time around to hide the truth about President Trump so I'm glad for truth social and I'm glad for courageous media it's listen you're job is probably harder than almost anyone else's except Donald Trump's because you see it every day and you guys are showing up every day so we're really appreciative well it's an honor to do it and it's an honor to be up here with uh great colleagues in the media and some are coming to the light we see CNN during the day at least this past week kind of uh debunking these these myths and we had to fact check the the the fact Checkers I mean you saw that President Trump they went after him on at least five occasions if not more just spreading this misinformation and he did such a good job considering I mean it's three-on-one and David mure I Megan and I have been covering this today the fact that he opened up with some great questions and lindsy Davis just some great questions but there wasn't that followup there wasn't like excuse me Madam vice president you didn't answer the question which is kind of the journalism 101 to begin with and you're seeing that more on the uh the the conservative so-called side of media but that's what we're just trying to do here at right side broadcasting as you said share the truth so what's what's next for the upcoming Administration for agenda 47 we have the 20 platform positions l out what do you expect to see when it comes to Staffing um and what do you expect to see with another debunked myth but they're spreading it like wildfire pushing back against this project 2025 and clearly president Trump has said I have nothing to do with it look it's the same as everything else Donald J Trump has established a brilliant Trump 47 agenda and people can go volunteer at Trump I was just in in North Carolina last night with the great Byron Donalds we hosted a town hall for the Trump agenda 47 policy tour that thing is in full force we are crisscrossing the country everyday Americans are packing the house not just here in Nevada but everywhere else we going I think I'm going out back out to the Midwest next week and wherever they want to send me but that's our job because we have the greatest leader setting the agenda setting the scene and what we have to do is bring everyday Americans who might have sat out an election who might have said ah it's okay everybody else is going to do it everybody else isn't going to do it everybody together is going to do it behind Donald Trump and I think his agenda 47 and his polic tour are critical to that and it shows you that everyday Americans who can actually work in the government to serve exist and president Trump is going to have a huge bench to select from but our mission right now is to win every day for the next 53 days and ensure this man goes back to the White House and I love that uh Trump for Force Trump force a great way to do that um Kos is there any way we can follow you whether it be on Truth or anything else that you want to share with the people at home where they can get involved with the campaign or just generally within the movement yeah absolutely I'm on Truth social at cash and of course I have my bestseller government gangsters the book and we just turned it into a movie so you can go to war room. film War room. film and stream government gangsters right now it puts everything together that we've been talking about but most importantly it provides solutions to take on the corrupt bureaucracy of Washington DC reform our agencies and make sure we have a commanderin-chief who has espoused this genius for so many years to have a following of Americans who see it so check out government gangsters at War room. film and buy a book and send it to Adam Schiff I love that yeah he can use some reform and hopefully he loses in California that's a tough one but Shifty shift Mr Pencil Neck himself he's such a jerk but you know we like to stay positive on this network as much as possible and we're spreading that Gospel of Love of Charity and uh these true great policies agenda 47 to save America one of the best ladies and gentlemen Mr Cash Matel an American Patriot thank you for coming on we look forward to seeing you soon in safe travels absolutely absolutely catch you soon thank you so much and that's what it's all about here at these Maga rallies it's a it's charity it's fun it's getting together with so many patriots to debunk the myths that have been out there and so much of it this week and you heard it from the man himself Kash Matel who has done such great work not only in the 45 Administration but also for True social the best media app out there and speaking of a great sponsor that helps us get this information out there free Trump this is so great to learn about what is the Mega agenda what is indoctrination in the media what is indoctrination in our Public Schools what's indoctrination like I gosh with our city managers perhaps in Springfield Ohio we had a conversation uh earlier today about the fact that some of these city managers they don't necessarily like to tell you what's going on out there and of course we saw that during the debate as well on Tuesday night but free Trump it's a new guide it was revamped 202 at the beginning of 2024 uh for kids for our future voters so they can learn what it's like as preparing to be good productive citizens what Donald Trump's policies really were all about and it especially highlights the broken border the fentanyl that poured over think about linoln Riley the beautiful ug student University of Georgia 22-year-old nursing student she was jogging just off campus during the day murdered by an illegal alien in Venezuela but free Trump Megan Have you shared any of that with um your neighbors maybe free Trump because I've actually shared some even though it's a kids book with some of my friends who really aren't paying attention yeah and the great thing about it is all you have to pay is shipping and handling it's free right there you go and it's great great readings it's almost like those like those dummies books for like what's what's wine Like For Dummies or uh serving 101 or anything you could think of of you know even like turning on YouTube and like how do I fix this this and this that's why the Trump book is so good free Trump get the free Trump guide today and um go evangelize and share that with uh the young future voters in your life and in your household but wow so excited to see President Trump coming up very soon as you can see they actually put up real news articles from different dates I'm trying to look at the date there but uh things when Camala Harris talks about her race or when she was the borders are whatever it might be stuff they're trying to run away from on the Harris Walts campaign it's out there it's been printed it's been produced and you can go find that so make sure you're an informed voter get out there do your research and don't take it uh just from our lips to your ears get out there and do the research yourself and find out why it's important to be involved just 53 days away from the most important election in American history yes and it's interesting to see that news article up that we had on the screens just a moment ago saying that Camala Harris was the first um indianamerican Senator when now she's portraying herself as to be black so I'm confused as to why she was Indian before but now [Music] she's and I think we can um hear the Magnificent Matthew Alvarez back in studio oh fantastic great and we have the Magnificent Matthew Alvarez how are you sir I am doing well uh you know we have to come up with the the the first nickname so if I'm magnificent Matthew Alvarez first of all thank you Bobby uh you are the great Bobby mcney Megan you are wonderful Megan ker does that work for all three of us I kind of like that do you like wonderful yeah I think that's nice thank you of course and Matthew is our our lead anchor of course in Auburn Alabama and and doing amazing coverage and always a pleasure to be with him in studio we talk a lot about uh not only what's happening in the current culture and the downstream that is American politics but also our college football season and the fact that the Auburn Tigers they are at home for the next few weeks so make sure you can go to a game if you're in the SEC and I'm just looking at my watch here my goodness about 10 30 getting close to that on the East Coast hopefully we have some people uh watching on the East Coast those uh late nighters for a rally all the way in the Pacific but Matthew a question to you what are you looking to see from president Trump tonight as he's been so heavily focused on his West Coast Swing regarding not only closing the Border but the no tax on tips the no tax on the uh overtime pay the no tax on our senior citizens and their Social Security also the issue with um home prices how do you think he will address the wonderful voters here in our Silver State well it's awesome Bobby because right now we know a heavy hospitality industry there in Las Vegas so tonight of course he's going to talk about the economy talk about so many topics that we all have seen here at right side broadcasting network and you guys have brought up some great points as well out there and I think that obviously he's going to talk about the no tax on tips the uh no overtime uh tax as well which is awesome because Bobby just yesterday in Tucson when you were there uh we saw of course uh him proposing that idea so uh having the American people's uh in mind of course with their financial means and and hopefully making America rich and wealthy again uh I remember hearing actually someone say U make America Rich again the other day in Atlanta uh which you don't always hear that one but hey we'll take that one too um but I wanted to ask you guys as well uh what were some of the highlights earlier today when you guys were outside awesome coverage out there from both of you uh Megan let's start with you just some of the highlights that you had out there and then Bobby uh you as well I was really excited to see the Korean Alliance for America the the Korean group outside they're so passionate they're so patriotic and they came out singing they were waving flags they have signs they have t-shirts made they come out to all these different events and you could really hear their passion when they were singing God Bless the USA and a few other songs they had um a a lady doing Taps she was playing Taps on her uh trumpet so that was incredible and it's just cool to see all different uh backgrounds and countries represented that are excited about this movement and the Maga Patriots yeah no question about that it really was interesting to see the wide range of Ages and backgrounds we had a lot of people not only residents of Nevada and Las Vegas proverb but we also had people from around the West Coast we talked to someone from Salt Lake City we talked to Vietnam veterans concerned about mental illness and those veterans who were homeless we had gentleman who grew up uh in the Bronx who have been living out here for 31 years actually running own gym brothers who have been out here so that's been interesting to see the history over the last 31 years of people who have moved out to the West for a better way of life but now seeing the cost increase because of democrat leadership in Nevada but also federally so really them stressing the importance of getting Sam Brown elected to the United States Senate in addition to president Donald Trump serving as our 47th president and what a powerful speech as you guys know we just saw Sam Brown speak earlier today and I know Megan you touched on how important it is to get Sam Brown into office there in Nevada but uh just to give the 30,000 ft view a little bit what does it feel like to be there right now in Las Vegas as we await president Trump uh Megan go ahead it kind of feels like a rock concert right now especially but these people are so excited people have been lining up since last night we talked to people that camped out overnight got here at 10: p.m. last night or first thing in the morning they got here really early this morning the crowd is overflowing in this place there's not an empty seat in the house we have overflow people standing in in The Standing Room here people are really excited and they're chanting they're singing they're chanting we want Trump they're chanting magga there we actually heard a song earlier someone made a YMCA but a Maga version so M A instead of YMCA so people are really enthusiastic and we're seeing people from all different walks of life all different backgrounds and it's really cool that they're all here for the same mission to make America great again because we care about putting America First and we're all coming together for this movement tonight and a real credit to the World Market Center in Las Vegas cuz it's a newer building a great convention center and they've had the concessions of course our men and women in blue on standby uh the fire department as well in case cuz it was a hot day I mean we're mid 90s we're in the dog days of summer in the middle of the desert and it's amazing just to see the resilience of magga Patriots willing to stand for hours in line and this whole place I mean some people are taking some uh breaks there we're waving to fans off to the side there but literally on the sides here I wish we could pan out but we wouldd be in the way of some other cameras literally standing and have been standing for even more hours about gosh going on 12 hours now for some of these Patriots who really are just excited to see President Trump yeah definitely and we are actually seeing a a visual right now as we are live all three of us uh with a third box uh on rsbn right now that's what's awesome of course as you guys know we got those Vantage points of the crowd and all of the people there uh you did say something about the dog days of summer a quick shout out to uh Dennis and Sherry who are watching our Vegas coverage today uh their longtime viewers of right side broadcasting network they also wanted us to give them a shout out to show them their puppy uh the puppy is named Maga so if we can get that photo up uh it'll be great to show the dog the dog actually is wearing a let's go Brandon hat uh so uh Bobby I'll text it to you so you can show it to Megan as well uh a pretty cool uh just overall thing I mean it's like uh Americans for Trump animals for Trump everyone for Trump at this point isn't it right actually we might have to compare notes on that Matthew because Megan took a picture with a dog in here earlier so I'll send that over the slack Channel and see if that's the same because that would be a lot of fun and it's great to see dogs and cats for Trump and the fun that's been with the the AI generated images of President Trump saving animals the last few days because we know that uh Camala Harris and her radical agenda would not good for pet owners especially because the amount pet food's gone up a crazy amount with this inflation and the cost of living really fascinating I was looking at some um marks and numbers in some cases over 42% of an inflation rate for dog food and C Food I mean how insane is that yes I think everyone's getting hit with this inflation and it's getting out of hands getting ridiculous and I do want to I do want to look at that picture again of me and that poodle for Trump earlier the dog had like American flag stars and stripes on her wrists and her ankles and then uh she had a Maga hat on she was loving it everyone was getting pictures with her cats for Trump dogs for Trump ducks for Trump I mean check out president Trump's Instagram those pictures are Priceless they they are great they're they're wonderful yes go ahead we sure have send that over to um so maybe Bobby could put it on the uh the the the internal channel here so we can maybe post that as well because while you guys were talking we actually uh showed Maga the dog from Dennis and Sher longtime viewers uh at right side broadcasting network so obviously having a little bit of fun here isn't it something Bobby you know we've talked about you and I about comedy make comedy great again even in the midst of this terrible situation we find ourselves in president Trump as you know uh constantly will bring in comedy regardless and he's the one that's taking on all of the attacks from the left well he was sure in in full stride yesterday in Tucson Arizona with not only the dancing but also uh the funny moments and his uh very subtle jokes I mean he's really a standup comic mixed with an expert on policy and that's what you have to do I mean you have to go play golf you have to do lifegiving Hobbies you know go to church go to the gym spend time with family and friends just as president Trump does because it's a good way to balance your mind as you're taking on what in many cases is an evil force we we talked a lot about spiritual warfare and the real highlight of these Maga rallies is when we're talking to people outside they're talking about the greatness of God when we're talking to people inside or covering it from the Press pool we have pastors who open up with beautiful prayers who bless the room bless president Trump and that's really an extraord inary extra level that we see on a regular basis if you have not been to a Maga rally you'll initially notice just everyone's love for God and Country and you can hear right now of course the crowd behind you right now the uh prayer the prayer before was quite powerful it was almost a a a a sermon within a prayer uh and and politics all mixed into one but it seemed like guys the uh the crowd really had a good response to that they did we saw a lot of Praying Hands Up In The Crowd and that was a beautiful sermon SL prayer that we heard earlier and I'd like to point out that this is a spiritual battle going on you're talking about the spiritual warfare and we're not wrestling against flesh and blood we're wrestling against principles uh principalities and dark rulers of the world so it really is a spiritual battle going on but God is going to win in the end this is what God's will is for America and Donald Trump is the in place to carry out God's Will and we're all praying for him and everyone in the Administration 100% amen I could have said it better myself yeah exactly so Bobby and Megan let's just throw it back to you guys in Las Vegas have fun out there I know president Trump will be taking the stage uh hopefully within the hour in Las Vegas so for now a Matthew Alvarez here in Auburn Alabama Bobby and Megan have fun we'll see you a little bit later thanks Matthew thank you to the Magnificent Matthew Alvarez always a joy to uh dialogue with someone who's so brilliant a believer in the Bible and the word himself it's something that grounds him and his wonderful wife Jenna they're expecting their first child soon so we're as the rsbn family celebrating so much uh with Matthew and Jenna at this wonderful time uh in their lives and this is what we just hope to do here at right side broadcasting is to share the love share the gospel and defend the principles that have made America the greatest nation from for close to 250 years we wanted to go for another 250 years and maybe even beh beyond that because this is God's nation and clearly president Trump two months ago dodging a would be assassin's bullet God has more plans in store for him absolutely and I think that's more prevalent now than ever and this is a really tumultuous time to be alive but an exciting one nonetheless and I believe that God has all of his people in place to carry out his will for this country for the preservation of freedom and Faith and family and our god-given rights to freedom in America and I think we're going to do just that it's what matters most and I think we saw that on the stage just the other night that Tuesday debate that we have been analyzing breaking down and that has been talked through the political Twitter sphere and other outlets for the last several hours but president Trump breaking with new news not only on policy with a no tax on overtime pay which he brought out in Tucson yesterday but also mentioning more breaking news that he's not doing another debate so it's interesting to see how that will play itself out as we go on and work towards 53 days from now the most important election that we've seen in our lifetime the most important election perhaps in American history absolutely and it's more 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Hospitality as this economy here in Las Vegas very very dependent upon that uh with the conferences the restaurants uh the entertainment the music that's here and now the Entertainer of entertainers the great president Trump seeking to become 47th president of the United States will be presenting on the stage right behind us tonight I just actually got a flashback this is exciting so the night of the election in 2016 I was here in Las Vegas on a work trip so I had to vote early of course and I was not about to miss that so I voted early then I came out here to Vegas and I was in a conference all day but I was looking through Google like you know paying attention to all the news networks all the updates trying to figure out what's going on during election day and then election night I ended up going to Donald Trump's Resort here because of course with the victory party I couldn't miss it I'm like I'm going to Trump Tower let's do it so I go over there we're popping Trump champagne drinking Trump wine they had a screen projector up on the wall a huge projection of Donald Trump with his acceptance speech that he won the presidency people are cheering Maga hats everywhere that was a beautiful night and I just got a great flashback of that back in 2016 so let's repeat it again for this year that would be fun and we might have to pay a visit uh at some point to uh the Trump Hotel here if you ever been on the strip in Vegas a beautiful hotel and of course I'm a gentleman who's dominated in the property game the real estate business and uh golf courses and so many other businesses that President Trump created we even saw with the vendors today of how many things he's inspired made in America apparel and we saw a lot of cat and dog shirts we saw let's go Brandon so many slogans and uh phrases that are inspired by the magga movement and president Trump's involvement in public policy so here's a guy along with Senator JD Vance that spent the bulk of their career within Private Industry they bring so much of business knowledge into the public sector whereas Harrison Waltz really don't have that they've been in government their whole lives and and they really don't know how to bring people to the table they don't know how to bring even the working class unions to the table Shan O'Brien the president of the international teamers Union being the first member of that organization to address a Republican National Convention in 121 years and he said Trump brought us to the table so it's the least I could do coming out here and giving a speech here at the RNC and you know what the Maga movement is really taking the pop culture by storm in America it's not just political movement this is really ingrained in American pop culture for the rest of history I mean who's going to ever forget any of this stuff like you just mentioned the Trump cats and dogs uh the fake news um there's just so many big moments that happened along the Trump campaign and presidency over the past eight years plus so this is really a huge movement in American history overall not just the political sphere but also pop culture sure he's an icon and you can look at YouTube and I think they still have it up there but there's an actual 30 minute reel of all the the appearances he's made uh in media over the years mostly with Hollywood you think of shows like sex in the city where they would uh do dialogue and basically build out the show in a unique way and there was one episode that opened it up that said gosh I got a Manhattan in Manhattan my friend has a martini and there's Donald Trump in the the corner having a business meeting over lunch or you think about Little Rascals he's on the cell phone with his son and in the '90s you really did not have uh a lot of people with cell phones at that time so it was really a funny moment and different cameos The Fresh Prince of Bair uh being on that show as well rappers different people wanting to be around him Spike Lee Jesse Jackson Al Sharpton all these people who were left of center always praising Donald Trump for the way he wanted to incorporate African-American businesses and advocate for that you think back to the early '90s West Palm Beach was still an Old Dixie crat Town many clubs were not allowing Jews and blacks into their clubs guess who made sure that barrier broke down Donald Trump that's right that's right sometimes un every once in a while we speak over each other but we're on the same wavelength but president Trump what a gentleman and a scholar and a great businessman who decided to leave that behind in order to not only save America but to make it wealthy safe and great again absolutely and not just for the great state of Nevada but all across America all 50 states and let's talk about Tennessee which is a beautiful state have you ever been I love Tennessee I we'll often go to visit friends in Nashville it's just gorgeous and listen to this right now Tennessee Land and Lakes is selling off large acreage properties just outside of Nashville it's a great City and this popular destination spot way below market prices from only $899 5 Acres with the cozy cabin and quiet Woods only 1099 can you believe that that's this is a great deal 18 Acres riding trails in Horse Country 15599 a super private 86 Acres $ 3999 5 to 86 Acre Properties from 899 and that is unheard of right near Nashville that's a great location build Camp invest your property your way and learn more about this great buying opportunity in click or call www. 866 345 land that's www. 866 345 once again 866 345 l n d forget Wall Street buy something real and make the move to Tennessee what a beautiful state it really is the volunteer state you know as much as I love the Majestic Beauty of the American West and the Pioneer nature of it our whole country is full of Pioneers it makes me think of you know in Andrew Jackson's time he was the original the OG people's president and I don't to have you visited the Hermitage over his home outside of Nashville I have not but that would be such a beautiful piece of American History to go visit just extraordinary I mean they were the original frontiersmen and you think how we pushed West seeking to really use the Divine Providence that God bless us with to expand this nation from Coast to Coast with so many natural resour resources to be a superpower on the global stage and it's up to us now in this time of choosing to save America the Beautiful shoulders that we stand upon so important to look at but again as much as I love this American West I really love the Lush Rolling Hills the the beauty of Tennessee the volunteer state and that's an amazing spot in of itself because 82% of that home is the original of what you you see in there was what president Jackson saw and was part of and many of the Jackson Generations that follow buried out in the garden so an amazing moment president Trump actually visited uh Andrew Jackson's home The Hermitage uh I believe in April of 2017 early in his presidency to give a speech on how much they're likee in the sense of being the people's president being called on in a time to serve their fellow man and he saluted the grave of Andrew Jackson that was a really special moment to watch all that gave me goosebumps and actually a lot of things I I'll let the viewers at home if you haven't been there go and enjoy it because more debunked myths on Andrew Jackson again not a perfect man but a man for that time who loved his uh Community who loved his family members and loved our great country no question about that what an incredible Rich vibrant history we have here in America and it's cool that you know so much about that and a lot of people get bored researching history or learning about history but it's not boring it's exciting and there's nothing new Under the Sun there's all these patterns that have happened in history in the past that you can start to see the patterns happening today or as my dad likes to say he loves to learn about history because you see how America was shaped from then which is shaping who we are today as America you have to look back to know where you're going it's so important because as we talked earlier today if you saw our coverage outside 2024 so similar to the questions of 1980 and what was happening then with inflationary rates that were out of control and Jimmy Carter's economy that buried America of course the Gipper the great communicator Ronald Reagan coming to the rescue and putting together a team that really gave a rebirth and mourning in America again uh something very similar to what president Trump is seeking to accomplish as not only the 45th president of the United un States but now the 47th president of the United States so if you're not a history fan which I hope you are watching at home for warning if You' like to go to a museum with me it will take hours and hours to get through so I'm just laying it out there in case you're like hey you're in town Bobby let's go to a museum the average time to get through something I might have to double that because I just enjoy it so much and I enjoy reflecting where we have been so we know where we're going right and Reagan was an office only about 40ish years ago I mean look how we've already gone through a whole cycle where America's needing to be saved again right when rean saved America Back 40 years ago and not that much time has gone by we re really need to be vigilant in keeping America great without needing the cycle of needing to save America every couple decades so it's really important to preserve our freedoms preserve uh preserve our limited government make sure the that t tyranny doesn't take over so it just goes to show you got to know your history JFK Ronald Reagan Donald Trump just some of the names who have preserved that modern American presidency of small government free speech and civil rights among many other policy issues including building great strong economies and keeping our military strong safe and ready for action but because of all these crises that we're facing around the world just look at the Russia Ukraine war we're coming up on October 7 th anniversary of the Hamas attack on Israel and God willing that will end soon they're still in such danger especially in the northern region with threats like Hezbollah and uh Lebanon Hamas of course continuing their assault on the Israeli people you need to go to our great friends over at Birch gold group text Trump to 98 9898 and make sure you have a 401k Ira that's all fine and dandy but if you want want to convert those plans into tangible gold silver precious metals so important to do and if you look at the free kit that will be sent to you the free guide if you go to text Trump to 9898 98 you'll find that for a limited time if you make a purchase at Birch gold group you will get a commemorative silver coin showing j13 the assassination attempt on President Trump with his silhouette flanked by his Secret Service agents the American flag in the back background and his fist saying fight fight fight that being a shrined in the coin on the back of it our beautiful white house so such history to be recorded but also something free for you as a gift with a purchase from Birch gold group so text Trump to 98 9898 and make sure you protect tax shelter dividends against God knows what may happen with the world economy and the Petro dollar now being threatened by the Administration and by the Saudis now trading their oil in so many different things we have J Trump proud at least I know I'm free and I won't forget the men who died who gave that light to me and I gladly stand up next to you and defend her still today cuz there ain't no doubt I love this land God Bless the USA from the lakes of Minnesota to the hills of [Music] Tennessee across cross the plains of Texas from sea to shining sea from Detroit down to Houston and New York to LA where there's pride in every American Heart and it's time we stand and [Music] say that I'm proud to be an American where at least I know I'm free and I want don't forget the men who died who gave that light to me and I gladly stand up next to you and defend her still today cuz there ain't no doubt I love this land God Bless the [Applause] USA and I'm proud to be an American where it least I know I'm free and I won't forget the men who died who gave that life to me and I gladly stand up next to you and defend her still today cuz there ain't no doubt I love this land God bless by you [Applause] well thank you very much everybody hello Las Vegas hello Las Vegas I'm thrilled to be back in this incredible state with thousands of proud hardworking American Patriots which is what you are as you all saw three months ago we had a Monumental Victory we had a beautiful Victory three months ago and then a couple of nights ago we had an even better Victory we took her on comrade Cala Harris we took her on and we did really well every poll had us up like 9092 87 uh we had a uh we actually had one 92 to6 which sounds about right because now today rasb just came up and we were six points up so that's pretty good we dismantled her terrible record we exposed her radical liberal agenda and we laid out our plans to quite simply make America great again meanwhile comrade Camala Harris comrade showed up spewing lies and meaningless platitudes with no plans no policies and no Solutions whatsoever she doesn't have a clue the only thing she had was a lot of people trying to push her over the line it's not happening we're not going to let this country be destroyed it's already in deep trouble she offered American voters nothing but falsehoods and hoaxes while our country is being destroyed our country is being destroyed do we know that not going to be for long honestly November November 5th is going to be the most important day in the history of our country I really believe that and today she had a terrible interview did you see the interview she had today she can't talk she can't talk she can't talk without maybe getting the answers what's the story with that did she get the questions you think so I hear she got the questions and I also heard she had something in the year a little something in the ear no Camala do this say it this way Camala okay be quiet too many people watching she had a terrible interview today with the Philadelphia TV station a big word salad she just kept talking talking talking she had no idea what the hell she was saying she reminded me of sleepy Joe Biden but people said that I was angry during debate and I said why wouldn't I be angry of course I'm angry we got 21 million people that came into our country invading our communities invading our cities and our towns and destroying our country I'm angry about Venezuelan gangs taking over Aurora Colorado and I'm angry about illegal Haitian migrants taking over Springfield Ohio you see that mess don't you and the Colorado governor is petrified he's scared he doesn't know what to do the Venezuelans are attacking my state he said the Venezuelans have big AK47 Supremes there's a supreme where the hell did they get these guns our soldiers can't get these guns they're taken over our country from within I mean can you believe it then we got we got [Applause] Kamala I'm angry about Young American girls being raped and murdered by Savage criminal aliens that come into our country very easily but very illegally I'm angry about rampant inflation destroying our middle class and the American people are damn angry too we're all angry countryes being wrecked that's why 53 days from now we're going to tell Harris that we've had enough our country can't take it anymore comrade Camala Harris you're fired you're fired get out get out right get the hell out of here she shouldn't be there anyway she got no vote she's a threat to democracy right that's what they say they always say Donald Trump you know it's a sound bite for them Donald Trump is a threat to democracy now she's a threat think of it Joe Biden had 14 million votes she had none she was the first one that failed out of all the candidates I think they had 22 she didn't even make it to Iowa the first stop didn't even make it during yeah during the nominating process she didn't make it to Iowa she had no votes and she got it but we're running against her I think based on what I'm seeing in the polls I think she could be just as easy as him he was down so much he was down 21 points and they went to him and they said get out of here sleepy Joe you're going to lose I'm not going to get out I won't do it he held on for about a day did you see the Hat though the other day right he walked into a great beautiful area in Pennsylvania I was there because that's where one of the planes came down you know that it was incredible the reverence that we had for that area was horrible but The Bravery of those people on that plane but the fire station which was so brave also and they did a fantastic job and the place was stacked with every family member and Joe went in first and nobody they didn't even you could hear a pin drop and then one of the firemen said put the Hat on put it on and I thought he was a little bit rough cash I thought he was a little bit rough actually you know we're talking to the president of the United States right but this fireman rough guy I obviously a trump fan so they throw him make America great look at it look at all of them oh I love your hat stand up stand up look at that no no stand up right there turn around show the cameras I love that I love that hat you're going to have to give me that hat later I'm going to have to make it okay would you do that you're so cute oh I'm not allowed to say that that could be the end of my itical career we're not allowed to say that anymore that's a great hat but they looked at Joe they said put on the hat no no I can't do that it wouldn't look good you know it says Trump on it no it doesn't say that it says make America great again and then the guy goes put it on put it on now okay and he puts it on and the rest is history it was so bad right the rest is history sleepy Joe what's better sleepy Joe or crooked Joe okay ready a free poll you know it's Friday night we have a lot of time right do you think later on should I do the snake or not people love the snake It's So appropriate okay you ready a quick poll ready I'll go sleepy Jo and then I'll go crooked Joe ready who likes sleepy Joe who likes crooked Joe all right thank you I just saved I just saved $200,000 with these phony posters they don't even go out and check they just give you a number sir that'll cost 250,000 to interview 200 people oh thank you you just did it for nothing and they don't interview the 200 but they just put down a number let's see Trump is ahead 50 to 46 no that was something and then by the way that two hours later I walked into the same Firehouse the place went crazy right the most Preposterous part of Kamala and how do you like the name comrade kamla Harris you know why it indicates that she is a communist comrade because she is you know that she's further left than crazy Bernie Sanders can you believe he's crazy that guy he's almost as crazy as Nancy Pelosi she's nuts the most Preposterous part of kamla's debate performance was when she tried to Gaslight the public into believing she never supported the radical left policies that she is championed for her entire career do you mind if we roll a tape please let's roll a tape go ahead gun owners we're not taking anybody's guns away so stop with the continuous lying about this stuff um I support BuyBacks how mandatory is your gun buyback program it's mandatory I will not ban fracking I have not banned fracking as vice president United States and in fact I Was the tiebreaking vote on the inflation reduction act which opened new leases for fracking will you commit to implementing a federal ban on fracking your first day in office adding the United States to the list of countries who have banned this devastating practice there's no question I'm in favor of banning foring I absolutely support and over the last four years as vice president private healthcare options you support uh the Medicare for all bill I think initially co-sponsored by Senator Bernie Sanders you're also a co-responder on I believe it will totally eliminate private insurance um so for people out there who like their insurance they don't get to keep it well listen the idea is that everyone gets access to Medical Care and you don't have to go through the process of going through an insurance company having them give you approval going through the paperwork all of the delay that may require who of us has has not had that situation where you got to wait for approval and the doctor says well I don't know if your your insurance company is going to cover this let's eliminate all of that let's move [Applause] on everything is a lie including the fact that she never worked at McDonald she lied about that too I told that to one of the fake news people two days ago I was doing a news conference and the fake news was there I said you people all said she worked beautifully at McDonald's it turned out it was a lie will you admit it will you admit it I said and they said yeah well admit they never did they don't want to they're protecting her I don't know why I mean she wants open borders she wants Pennsylvania zero you know what's going to happen it'll never they'll never be fracking in Pennsylvania they're going to take away your guns you saw that they're going to take away your guns she's going to take away your guns would anybody like to give up their gun would anybody like to voluntarily with great liberal Fanfare say I'd like to give up my weapon so that I can be shot in my house but she's clear cly not well take a look at these videos look at this real fast and being a [Laughter] turn that off okay we got to get to some business we got to get to some business okay thank you all okay thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you please thank you please thank you so very much thank you everyone thank you everyone thank you okay let's get to business let's get to [Music] [Applause] business she said thank you 38 times and at the end it was thank you thank you thank thank thank thank thank I said what the hell's what's wrong with her I say thank you and you waited a couple of seconds you say thank you again you say come on let's get going thank you one more time she's 38 times thank you thank thank thank you there's something wrong with her [Applause] okay or she would say she's weird she's weird you know that was that was another Sound by they made up about JD and myself no we're solid people we're very solid we're very solid people we're not weird they're weird how about the vice president how about the vice president now he's weird despite all of these flagrant lies and the many other hoaxes she spread the fake news moderators did not check her out they didn't check what comrade Camala Harris they didn't are do you see the lies that she was making up project 2025 I've said a hundred times I know nothing about it I had nothing to do she goes out with a commercial I support this I support that I support 25 I all lies and lies that she knows are lies that have been debunked as they say in the crazy news organization hey that's a lot of press we have back there that's a lot of fake news that's a lot of fake news meanwhile every time they interfere to fact check me it turned out that they were wrong and Trump was right for example a big one I said that crime was up massively I didn't want to go into the details what's the purpose crime was up massively and David mure you know he's another one doesn't have a clue you know and his hair was much better five years ago I can tell you but David M barged in to claim that sir crime was down and he said quote president Trump as you know the FBI oh says overall violent crime is coming down in this country now let me you don't have to see this that you see what the hell is happening with crime who would say it was down even if without looking so he reprimanded me for saying the crime was up and you know somebody in our government at a very high level likes me and they released the real numbers it said yet in breaking news just yet yesterday night the premier statistical agency at the Department of Justice the Bureau of Justice statistics released brand new data showing that since Camala Harris took off his violent crime Nationwide is up 40% rape is up 42% car theft is up 42% robberies are up 67% aggravated assaults are up much more than 55% and violent crime with a weapon is up 56% violent attacks on Strangers I never heard of that one is up 61 plus per. so David mure owes me an apology do you agree she lies about everything just like she lied about jobs they said they had 88,000 jobs and it was a fraud they didn't they just wanted to pad the numbers before the election but fortunately we had a leaker or a whistleblower I don't care which I love that person I'm not sure who it is and that person said that it was a total fraud they wanted to announce the correction they were going to do a correction right after the election they were going to do it on the 10th of November they just wanted to get by the election so they fraudulently added 88,000 jobs isn't that unbelievable and they announced and yesterday they announced yes it was a slip up $818,000 because their job numbers were looking like you know where the hell did all those jobs come from you know where they came from somebody's sick brain that's where they came from under Camala Harris and the communist left our country is under Invasion we are under Invasion just like it was an Army except in many ways it's more difficult because they don't wear a uniform you don't know who the hell to go after millions and millions of illegal aliens are coming in from all over the world from prisons and jails from mental institutions and insane asylums and many terrorists at numbers that we've never seen before terrorists are coming into our country if you look at 2019 and I disagree with this really even though it's good for me they said in the year 2019 not one terrorist there's an official definition of that but you don't want to hear it not one terrorist came in that was my year 2019 one of my years not one terrorist came into a country now I sort of can't believe that but but it was pretty close was pretty close and now we have thousands and thousands of and thousands of terrorists coming into our country they're coming in like from Parts Unknown this will not end well unless Donald J Trump is elected the 47th president of the United States right I can end well right [Applause] because I am your border president from now on I want to be your border president you I did a great job in 2016 on the border and we solved the problem very very quickly beautiful job and in 2020 when I got millions of more votes than I did in 2016 by the way we did much better in 2020 everybody knows that everybody knows that but my people would say Sir they don't want to hear about the Border I said I want to talk about it I did a great job they don't care you've solved the Border it was solved it was beautiful the difference is that this border crisis is 20 times worse than it was in 2016 but I'll get it solved I'll get it solv fast and we'll get back to making our country strong again and I only want to be addressed no longer as Mr President Mr border president sir because we got to get this border fix we got people coming in that have never even dreamed about being in this country and they're coming in totally unchecked nobody has any idea where the hell they come from Cala would be the president of invasion and I will be the president of making this country stronger better more beautiful bigger more powerful wealthier safer than ever before I will protect our country she will surrender our country she has already let in 21 million people and if she gets four more years in America our country will be obliterated the 21 million people will be hundreds of Millions of people will come in from all over the world which is there where they're coming from now you'll have 150 million more people you won't have a country anymore you're pretty close to not having one you better hope I get elected you better go out you'll have a country back soon you'll have your country back soon not only is Harris you ever notice when you say Harris nobody knows who the hell you're talking about you no nobody has any idea Harris hey is where Harris they know Camala they know cbla that was the nickname I used for a while but I don't use it anymore because everyone thought I was just mispronouncing her name I wasn't cbla but no comrade is the best because it says he's a Marxist communist fascist person which is she's a fascist who who the hell ever thought would be voting for a communist for president she is look at her record do you know that she wanted to have transgender surgery on illegal aliens that came into our country that were in jail can you believe it she wanted did anyone know that I would say that's quite a liberal thing to do don't you think where the hell did she come from honestly I am not a big fan of I am not a big fan of crooked Joe but he would have been better than her he really would have been they didn't want her she was the last one on the list you know they had 22 people that were looking in and the people voted she was the last one to the list and I'm running against it should be a good thing look based on that's sort of like a poll it should be a good thing but it's so unfair to our country and it's unfair to Crooked Joe you know I feel badly does anybody feel badly for Joe no he was the worst president in the history of our country she is the worst vice president in the history of our country and the only good thing he's an old man now and I'm sure he's watching right now but Jimmy Carter President Jimmy Carter his administration looks totally brilliant by comparison so he no longer has to go down as the worst president because this group you know I used to say and I used to say it a lot but if you took the 10 worst Presidents or administrations but 10 worst Presidents in the history of our country and added them up they would not have done the damage that this one presidency has done to our country what's happened to our country we're a laughing stock all over the world you think president she is enjoying it but he won't be enjoying it for long long not only is kamla allowing millions of illegal aliens to Stampede across our border but she is flying them in from other countries you know when she said a couple of months ago they they put on some extra little breaks to make their numbers look a little bit better but they forgot to tell you that they're flying in hundreds of thousands of people right over the border and I was with the uh art Del Cudo I was with the people from border border control today border patrol today and they said no th those numbers don't register in other words they don't count when they fly them in they're flying them in in beautiful jet planes they're flying them to Idaho Idaho potatoes I don't think they want them they're flying them to Iowa they're flying them all over you know now we have only border states okay who would believe this say you know they're saying no no we want to stop them but they're flying them in by the tens of thousands on big beautiful jet airplanes they're flying them in these people are sick and they're destroying our country you got to get out and vote and make sure they're not cheating make sure your vote counts over the past three and a half years Harris and Biden have resettled a half a million illegal migrants from Haiti including over 200,000 that she has flown into the United States by very beautiful airplanes I'd like to have one so nice and deposit them into American communities all over the country meanwhile The Wall Street Journal reported yesterday quote a Venezuelan gang is expanding its deadly reach into the United States they've like become real estate developers like I used to be they're taking over apartment houses in in Colorado The Story begins US law enforcement officials have watched with alarm the spread of Venezuela gangs known as dismembering Rivals they're dismembering Rivals from Chile and from Colombia they're dismembering you know what that means cutting them up they're cutting them up how the hell did we allow this to happen to our country likewise the New York Times or as I call it the failing New York Times it's a failing paper Washington Post is a failing paper Will you fail already just get get out they're such phonies if the New York Times writes a story about you just go the opposite if you go the exact opposite it'll be very accurate the failing New York Times today reports this vicious Venezuela prison gang it's quote Snick it sneaked into the United States among the millions of migrants who have crossed the border and is pedaling drugs guns and women across the 50 States from Urban centers like New York and Chicago to Florida beaches in once tranquil Middle America in Colorado the gang even got a green light to shoot the cops they were given an okay to shoot the cops how about that I just met a lot of great policemen backstage and police women backstage that's not acceptable but they were given an okay when I return to the White House I will Lo launch a special task force of elite federal law enforcement and charge them with crushing and eliminating every foreign gang and organized crime Network that is Conquering our country they're conquering our country we will deploy ice DHS and other Federal officials to go in and liberate Aurora we're going can you believe I'm saying it can you believe I have to say this we are going to liberate parts of our country let's go back another 300 years we are going to liberate our country did you ever think I would be standing here it's a hell of a way to get elected the only good thing about what they're doing is it's great for the guy that happens to be running against these idiots okay it's the only thing that's the only benefit that's the only benefit I can see is running against them is a very good thing but last week a high school girl in Virginia was walking to the bus stop when an illegal alien from Camala Harris caught and released into the United States and let go by her drove up behind her pretending to be a police officer he said I'm a police officer he wasn't the Predator got out grabbed her and forced her into his car she had to escape by throwing herself out of a moving vehicle believing she would be raped or murdered she was very badly hurt also this month an illegal alien who entered our country through kamala's phone app could you believe we have phone apps you know where they go to the cartels the cartels have apps where they call in so they know where to deposit they're illegal people that and they're making billions they'll be in the Forbes 400 along with your friend me I'll say I don't believe it this guy he doesn't speak English he can't read or write and he's worth 10 billion doar that tells you something doesn't it he if they put all of these people into the Forbes 400 used to be a big list I don't know if it's a big list I think Forbes is failing pretty badly now I haven't heard about it in a long time but they occupy a large section of the list but they have an app an app where they call so they know where they can illegally drop these people an illegal alien who entered our country through kamala's phone app was doing things that nobody believed he was arrested for the murder of a 25-year-old woman in Tennessee and in August an illegal alien from Honduras beautiful place who was previously deported under the Trump Administration was arrested for stabbing a young beautiful 14-year-old girl with a butcher knife as she watched your brother's baseball game he was just doing a horrible thing who would like to hear the snake cuz I have nothing but time tonight got a lot of time they love the snake you know why it's something that's highly accurate it was a song many years ago and we reworked it a little bit and it became something that people like but it's very accurate in terms of what it represents for this country and very sad too I will tell you so let's go you ready on her way to work one morning down the path along the lake a tenderhearted woman saw a poor half Frozen snake his pretty colored skin had been all frosted with the Dew poor thing she cried I'll take you in and I'll take care of you take me in oh tender woman Take Me In For Heaven's Sake take me in oh tender woman cried the vicious snake she wrapped him up all cozy in a comforter of silk and laid him by her Fireside with some honey and some milk she hugged and kissed him brightly the work that night had gone she found the pretty snake she had taken in had been revived take me in oh tender woman Take Me In For Heaven's Sake take me in oh tender woman cried that VIs ious snake she clutched him to her bosom you're so beautiful she sighed but if I hadn't taken you in by now you truly would have died she stroked his pretty skin again and kissed and held him tight but instead of saying thank you man the snake gave her a vicious [Applause] bite surprise take me in oh tender woman Take Me In For Heaven's Sake take me in oh tender woman side The Vicious snake I saved you cried the woman and you've bitten me but why you know your bite is poisonous and now I'm going to die shut up silly woman side the reptile with a grin you know damn well I was a snake before you took me in and that's the end of the story but and I had to do that sucer by memory because there's no light up here as much light I'm dark it's like dark I had two problems it's dark and the print on that thing is so light you couldn't read it so I did the best I could but not bad right I couldn't see Michael I couldn't see a freaking word I said I have an idea let's do this snake and then I take it out I say oh my God that's a very light print oh my God there's no light between the light and the print I'm saying what the hell am I doing this for but it wasn't bad and you get the point when I'm a president and when I become your president when we all we're going to all work together we're going to make it happen we will get the illegal alien murderers rapists and child Predators the hell out of our country country and we will not ever ever ever let them back in So Nevada get out and vote we win this state we're going to win the whole thing we win this we're going to win the whole thing if we win this state we win everything and the people of Nevada also need to get out and vote for some really great people and you have to vote against a Terri really terrible radical left Senator named Jackie roseen she does a terrible [Applause] job we have running a man of the border and I'm going to introduce you to him but Jackie Rosen has voted with crooked Joe Biden nearly 100% of the time she voted for every single inflation causing spending Bill and she also voted for Joe Biden's open borders bill Bill to set a minimum of 2 million illegal aliens per year so can you imagine they said this was a good bill and that doesn't include the Flyin and it doesn't include all of the other people that get in they come in through places that we wouldn't even believe they go through Snake Mountain running against wacky Jackie is an American hero Named Sam Brown Sam Brown Sam Brown his wife is fantastic also Amy but Sam Brown has given up more than anybody who has ever run for the United States Senate remember that he's given up more he's given up more than anybody who's ever run for the United States Senate he's a hero too a hero real Brave person Sam is a Fearless Patriot and purple hot recipient who served our country as a US Army captain totally respected in Afghanistan where he was very severely wounded but Sam survived he persevered he came back he's stronger than ever he's a great guy I've gotten to know him well he's a great guy and I said to him tonight Sam I'm going to be the Border president you should be the Border Senator and he said I am I actually am because he believes this and he is the Border think of him when you vote he's going to close up the Border she does she wants to leave your border open he became a small businessman and a leader here in Nevada and now he is going to fight for this state like nobody has ever fought before Sam Brown will vote to secure our border stop inflation strengthen our military defend religious liberty and cut taxes like you have never heard because Sam Brown thinks of one thing and one thing alone it's called called America first that's what he wants and he told me that and he's an incredible guy and I want you to remember this cuz look I'll be back a few more times before the day you know 53 days now but I want you to remember this with Sam he truly has he's given up so much nobody's given up like he's given up so much and he wants to do this because he loves our country he fought for our country nobody's given up like he's given up so much and Sam I'd love to have you come up and say a few words please Sam [Applause] Brown Nevada we need the Border president back [Music] because not only has kamla Harris as the borders are failed America but Jackie Rosen has failed America she she sits on the homeland security committee I know a little something about leadership and Leadership requires us to do the harder right rather than the easier wrong and when Joe Biden and KLA Harris have asked Jackie Rosen to be quiet and to vote and support their policies against the better judgment and what is good for this country in this state she has been a follower and not a leader and I will be that leader I tell you I want to speak to you for a moment as a father Amy and I have three children school age children the the crisis on the border there has been over 320,000 unaccompanied children who have come into our country that this Administration has lost accountability of and the military when you lose accountability you are fired [Applause] we must we must for the sake of these children we must for the sake of our communities we must for the sovereignty of this nation secure our border confront the cartel and make America great again now with respect president Trump 16 years ago an enemy tried to take my life sir I know what a warrior is I know what it looks like when someone comes Under Fire and defiantly stands up in the face of that enemy and says it it is time to fight fight fight fight fight fight I I I will fight for this country both as a father and as a warrior and I have seen A Warrior's spirit in you that I have only ever seen on the battlefield and I know that you have had the the responsibility the president Trump you have had the sacred responsibility and honor of giving the highest Awards our nation can give to people and I just want to as a token of appreciation from me as someone who has been wounded for this country just like you to give you the the thing that I can only offer out of my own heart and love for this country appreciation admiration for your leadership my story that I hope inspires many to be a warrior like you and here it is a live day thank Nevada I've got you [Applause] we we will be Victorious and November and president Trump will be the Border president and I will be the Border Senator let's win [Applause] that was great I tell you you got to vote for him you got to vote for him nobody's been through what he's been through nobody ever what he's been through and he wants to put his life on the line again and he wants to do it for you and he's going to do it and he's your border Senator he's going to be great and she's the exact opposite she's your open border and you don't want open borders you've had millions of people come in right here they're coming in here more than any place else now because Texas has closed it up pretty well but they've done nothing here you got to get it you got to get them in I also want to thank you Governor Joe Lombardo has been fantastic to us he's been great and he's right now out in the wildfires in Western Nevada which are really uh taking a toll but Joe's been great and our prayers go out to every Nevada family that every one of them that's been forced to evacuate due to these raging fires they're raging and we love you all and Governor we thank you very much he's done a fantastic job and another man who's doing a fantastic job lieutenant governor stabos Anthony stabos thank you thank you thank you stabos thank you good man candidate for the fourth congressional district John Lee John John Lee good John I heard you're doing well good get out and vote I heard you're doing really good candidate for the third congressional district Drew Johnson good great honor to endorse you guys I endorse them Nevada GOP chairman somebody that works like hell he wants this so badly he's never wanted anything so badly other than his family of course Michael McDonald great guy you going to win it Michael going to win it I think so we do have a good lead but we got to be careful because remember they cheat like hell it's the only thing they're good at a man who's a friend of mine who writes the nicest things about me and uh really a celebrity and just a great guy Wayne Allen root good man a good man and a brilliant young man who has always been with me no matter what the good times the bad times you see him on television a lot he's always talking about the Border it's a passion because he knows our country is being destroyed Stephen Miller he's here someplace he's a great guy knows more about illegal immigration I think than anybody in history he knows it and he gets it a man who's uh also been with me just about from the beginning he's tough he's smart he loves our country and he is a warrior cash Patel thank you and Rick Harrison where's Rick Rick Rick Harrison Rick thank you Rick thank you very much we have another person here I said you have to get up there because he's you know I love Warriors and this guy is really a warrior do not fight him under any circumstances he won the Olympic gold medal and he's the UFC and was the UFC champion numerous times actually and I wonder if I could take him I'm a little larger than him I wonder if I could take him in a fight what do you think you with a big hat could I take him in a fight Henry you know who I'm talking about Henry shuo Henry shuo come here come here Henry Cudo now who thinks I can take Henry in a fight I've got a little height on him but he's got everything else come here we love you man this guy is a winner here say something uh well Mr President I I'm just uh I'm just honor and I wouldn't I think I would have just bend the knee I wouldn't I would I would never fight you for what you do for our country and the fact that you were willing to risk your life which you had no you have no reason to do this but you're doing this for the people it means a lot as and as I told you before President I I love this I love this country so much Mr President that that I named my first my my daughter America and and I appreciate what you've done and I appreciate what you're doing and you know let's continue to keep making America great again and he's got good hair too look at that hair got no hair problem right Henry none yeah he's a great guy Gold Medal winner Latin music Superstar Nikki Jam do you know Nikki she's hot where is Nikki where is Nikki thank you Nikki great to be having you here now you have to get oh look come here come here I'm glad he came [Applause] up it's an honor to me to meet meet you Mr President people that come from where I come from they don't meet the president so I'm really I'm lucky I'm going say this but we need you we need you back right we need you to be the president and apart from that I gotta say this in [Applause] Spanish Let's make America great again and you know we have all different kinds of stars than we did 10 years ago and 20 years ago used to be a little simpler now it's uh a whole different world but the numbers they get are incredible Bryce Hall is here one of the biggest Bryce where's Bryce Bryce Hall where are you Bryce stand up Bryce come on up here Bryce get up here come on what the hell we have to have Bryce you know he does an interview with people come on up if you want Bryce come on what the hell we have a lot of time right come on Bryce look how young he is how handsome he is come on up Bryce this guy has 44 million people watching him and he's great he's a great guy [Applause] [Music] we need Trump back really bad make America great [Music] [Applause] again and you know a while ago a couple of years ago a legend named Dana White called me he said he said would you do me a big favor would you do an interview with some guys young guys who are they he said the nek boys the nek boys and I said who the hell are they I don't know and I agreed to do it and they were great and the interview was aired and we had like got 200 million people I said who the hell are these guys and now everybody knows who they are the milk boys where are you guys where are you you here someplace thank you fellas you want to come up if you want come up come up come on get up here get up here and while they're coming up I want to introduce somebody that's been incredible she was a very popular politician now she's this very popular period She was the Democrat presidential candidate she knocked out she knocked the hell out of somebody named comrade you know that Tulsi Gabbert is here and her husband is here Abraham thank you tulsy thank you very much Chelsea say a couple we need Trump back and we need him back bad one more thing I know that's passionate about Governor Tim Walls he put a 95% tax on Zin we got to get that removed president Trump trump 2024 that's it let's go these are young guys but they have plenty of cash I can tell you that and they're great people so comrade Camala Harris is the most radical liberal nominee ever to seek the Oval Office and you know as just pointed out and the real number is 325,000 migrant children are lost they're being raped or they're being killed a lot of them are no longer with us they lost it during the last 3 years 325,000 children young children think of it never to see their parents again they're either gone or they're in the service as slaves slaves sex slaves or slaves and I just think it's terrible you know they talk about us like we're evil people they lost 325,000 young kids think of what that means think of what that means as vice president Harris cast the tiebreaking votes that caused the worst inflation in American history costing us and the typical family the typical family $28,000 think of that 28,000 with me it was the opposite the exact opposite days ago it was announced that we lost 438,000 full-time jobs in August that's a record we lost almost a half a million jobs in August you know they like to go around saying how well they're doing they're doing terribly inflation makes everything bad anyway that the highest ever we lost 24,000 manufacturing jobs and nearly 6,000 auto manufacturing jobs and I'll tell you what the United Auto Workers those guys are going to vote for me those G guys and GS they're going to vote for me they're going to vote for me because the Auto industry is moving to Mexico it's moving to China and it's moving to other parts of the world but not the United States China's building two massive Auto plants in Mexico now and they think they're going to build cars and put them into our country not going to happen it's not going to happen they've got authorization from Biden you know why because they gave him a lot of cash that's why and nobody talks about it last month alone American Born workers lost 1.3 million jobs as migrants gained 635,000 jobs in a single month you know the jobs almost every single job was taken by a migrant worker and black workers are losing their jobs to these people that are pouring into our country and Hispanics are losing their jobs and next will be unions unions are going to be losing all of their power all of their clout but the black worker and the black family they're losing their jobs Hispanics are losing their jobs the people that pour into our country illegally now Kamal is pushing the largest individual and small business tax increase in American history and she said that a 70 to 80% tax rate is something that's very very doable it's a bold idea she said and it must be discussed now she changed that a little bit but with a politician they always go back to their original thought Harris and Biden waged war on American Energy opened up the Russian Pipeline nordstream 2 that I had closed but shut down the Keystone XL pipeline that I had opened she re-entered the horribly unfair to the United States us Paris climate Accord I wanted to be the Nevada climate Accord not the Paris it's the most unfair document you've ever seen and she has always said I will ban fracking and she has always said I will defund the police anybody you know she was the head of the defund the the police movement anybody that was with that scam for even a week is not fit to serve as the President of the United States as California attorney general she redefined child sex trafficking assault with a deadly weapon and rape of an unconscious person these are categories all categories categories but she redefined them as in all cases nonviolent crimes Cala supports States being able to take minor children and perform sex change operations on them without their parents' consent did you know that did you know that now she'll say oh no I don't I never said that but we can put up the tapes anytime you want I don't even want to show they're so disgusting I don't want to show them despite the false fact check by the fake moderators those guys at ABC fake news in the debate this week her running mate tampon Tim who put tampons who put tampons in young boys' bathrooms he even signed a law that allows abortion in the 9th month he says abortion in the 9th month and babies to be executed after birth and that's right and it's happened numerous times in the states and other states too there are radical left states that allow that nobody wants to talk about it but they allow that execution after birth but from the moment we take back the White House from comrade Camala Harris I believe we are going to have the four greatest years in the history of our country starting on day one I will seal the border and stop the migrant Invasion we will carry out the largest deportation operation of criminals in American history we will defeat inflation quickly and we will make America affordable again we're getting your prices way down we will make America the dominant energy producer in the world by far you know I already had it above Russia and Saudi Arabia then we had a terrible result in a horrible election an election where I got remember more votes than any sitting president ever by far by millions we have more Liquid Gold under our feet than any country in the world think of it we are standing on more Liquid Gold under our feet than any country in the world and we're going to use it in 12 months I will cut your energy costs in half and that includes heating air conditioning electricity and gasoline for your car right as part of our efforts to increase housing affordability I will work with you Governor to open up new tracks of federal land for large scale housing construction and you'll get it for a much lower price more than 80% of all land in Nevada is owned by the federal government Governor Lombardo has sent three letters to the Biden Harris Administration asking them to open up some of this land to help alleviate the crisis but Camala and crooked Joe did not even have the decency to reply to those requests under the Trump Administration the P of Nevada will be ignored Lo no longer we're going to open it up we're going to open what we start with a small portion you'll get it going and then we're going to open up large portions of land we will create special new zones with ultra low taxes and ultr low regulations to allow the development of really extraordinary new housing at a proper price while also bringing jobs and industries to Nevada like the movie industry the technology industry and the massive manufacturing plants from foreign Nations will be coming into your state and that means jobs and if I pull this off with the help of your Governor a lot of Hollywood will be moving from California because right now you don't have the land because you don't have the land it's owned by the federal government we're going to open up that land to you you'll be able to build Studio lots and everything else millions and millions of Americans will be able to take part in building these Clean safe and beautiful new communities Reviving The Frontier Spirit and the American dream something you don't hear much about anymore it's going to be done right here in NADA next I will turn the United States into a manufacturing superpower more than it has ever been before we're going to bring back the car industry too we're going to bring back the car industry and we're not going to let China and Mexico sell cars into the United States that are going to just take back our jobs they're going to have to pay 100% maybe a 200% tariff because we don't want those cars we don't want we want to make our own cars in our country will do it better than them other countries that make us pay a tax to do business with them will be charged the same tax when they send their product into the United States it will be called the Trump reciprocal trade act in other words if China or any other country charges us a 100 200 or 300% tax which they actually charge then we will charge them a 100 200 or 300% tax in return right now we charge them nothing my message is simple make your product here in America and only in America that's what we want it my plan is that if you open your factory in Nevada Wisconsin Pennsylvania Michigan or anywhere else in the United States you don't pay a tariff you don't have to pay anything all you have to do is pay the workers and the workers are going to be you but if you move your production outside of the United States and send it back here you will have to pay a massive tariff and we don't even want your product even if you pay it we are going to very quickly supercharge our country and when I'm back in that beautiful white house we will pass larger tax cuts for workers and we have a special tax that here is going to do I think quite well it's called no tax on tips no tax on tips no tax on tips did you see when I announced that a long time ago all of a sudden she announced it and she was met with rebuke and you know they can't do it anyway because they have so much legislation in that make sure that you pay your tax on tips and it didn't go over too well but we are going to do it we'll get it done fast you know they said they were going to cut the school lending when you borrow money to go to school they were going to cut it they were going to cut it down to nothing guess what a big thud never happened it never happened you know why because they're all talk and no action and you saw that the other night at the debate she was all talk I'm I'm going to do this and I'm going to do that and then I'm going to cut tax and then I'm going to give you 25,000 for a house and then I'm going to go you know over and over and I said very simply at the end of my last little statement why haven't you done it you've been there for three and a half years why hav't you right Michael why haven't you done it Michael right Michael why haven't they done it I said we will leave this debate stage which is just a waste of time anyway I will go with you to Washington and you can announce the closure of the Border you know she doesn't need a bill I didn't have a Bill I said we're closing the Border we closed the border and we had the greatest chart of all time you want to put up that chart if you can find it the Border chart my alltime favorite in the history of charts yeah I love that chart I'm going to sleep with that chart that chart saved my life can you believe it just like that I said put up the chart I went like that to look at it that chart think of it illegal immigration saved my life see that that is the most beautiful document I've ever seen but you see the arrow in the bottom that's when I left office that's the lowest point in the history of our country for illegal immig imants to come in but also drugs and everything else that was coming in bad that point is the lowest and then as soon as they took over look it became a rocket ship look at that like a rocket ship and our country was destroyed we had it under control that's the lowest point in the history that was done by border patrol that chart but regardless of the numbers I love that chart I'm sorry additionally additionally I will fight for and protect Social Security and Medicare with no cuts no cuts and we will have no tax on Social Security benefits for our seniors right no tax on social security and then we wield out a great one and I actually think this is going to be fantastic for the country as well as the worker because a lot of people are going to be working overtime and just yesterday announced that there will be no taxes on overtime no taxes and overtime we will terminate the green new scam I call it the green news scam Green New Deal green news scam it's greatest scam you know what they're going to spend $97 trillion where did I get to get that money that's more money than every country in the world has it's a scam they were going to spend $97 trillion and you know the time is coming up remember they said we only have 12 years to live because the environment is going to kill us right we're that time is very slow somehow I'm not worried I am worried about nuclear because to be honest with you we have incompetent people dealing on it you're going to end up in World War II you're going to have a nuclear Holocaust if we're not careful these people have no idea our people have no idea what they're doing and I will keep you out of World War III I'm the only one that's going to be able to do it but we're going to spend all of that green new scam money on roads and bridges and real infrastructure and paying down debt we're going to pay down debt and you know we're going to have growth like this country has never seen before we're going to get that debt weighed down we're going to get your interest rates way down so you can buy the house you can have the American [Applause] dream I had interest rates at 2% and now they're 10% and you can't get the money you can't pay the money anyway too expensive but you can't get the money we're not going to have fake infrastructure that's caused massive inflation you know the inflation reduction act which is a fake deal they actually said about 6 months ago they never expected it to do anything for inflation it was a scam to get more money for the environment so listen to this very important I think you haven't heard the word environment in seven months you know why it doesn't play it doesn't play we want clean air we want crystal clear water beautiful water and we want an unbelievable country and we want an economy that's better than it's ever been before the environment isn't playing they don't mention it anymore you know with all the money they spent wasted on all this nonsense that they did the apartment your windows have to be smaller preferably don't have any windows at all they showed me a building an ideal building I said what is that is it a bunker no this is a building it's a modern building it had no windows let's try selling one of those apartments you have not small Windows you had no windows because it's good the sunlight doesn't go through okay look she's laughing that's crazy isn't it I don't know if you're laughing or crying I'm sort of crying about it's crazy these people are crazy we want a new building and they want to knock down all those beautiful buildings in Manhattan and rebuild them with no windows we don't want one building in Manhattan I will end the chaos in the Middle East and I will settle the war in Ukraine as I will settle that as president-elect and remember this a vote for comrade Camala Harris is a vote for war with Russia would anybody like to be in war with Russia if necessary we would we not you know but it's preferably not right don't you think it's also a vote to bring back the draft would anybody like to be drafted in the audience because that's what they're doing she's already talking about bringing back the draft she wants to bring back the draft and draft your child and put him in a war that should never have happened remember Russia would have never attacked Ukraine ever and didn't for four years and remember this when Bush was president he gave up a lot to Russia when Barack Hussein Obama was President gave up a lot to Russia when Biden was President going to give up the whole thing to Russia it looks like but when Trump was President he gave up nothing to Russia zero I gave up nothing I'm the only one I'm the only one and a vote for comrade Camala Harris is a vote to obliterate Israel and fast Israel is going to be blown off the face of the earth if she becomes the president of the United States I hate to say it I've always backed Israel they will not have a chance if she she went to a party and said when your prime minister came to the United States and spoke before Congress which is a big event she went to a sority party instead she found that more important ready Israel will be blown off the face of the Earth will not exist if she becomes president of the United States if I become president of the United States it will go on to Glory but if she becomes president it will be obliterated just remember I said it a vote for president Donald J Trump is a vote for prosperity and peace we will rebuild our cities including Washington DC which is a mess with graffiti all over our beautiful marble buildings with with roads that have potholes all over and medians that are falling down into the gutter we're going to make those Cities Safe clean and beautiful again and we will keep the US dollar as the world's Reserve currency we're losing it fast nobody else will be able to do that we're already missing so many Russia's gone China essentially is gone China is the one that wants to take it North Korea's gone they're all getting out but with me it's different I'm going to say you know what you want to get out yes we decided to get out we're going to go with Russia we're going to go with China we're going to I said that's okay here's what we're going to do we're going to put a 250% tariff on anything you sell us in this country and you know what they're going to do sir we've decided that we want to stay in your currency sir we're going to stay in your currency it won't happen it won't happen just like Mexico gave us all those soldiers at our border everyone said you could never get that I got it 28,000 soldiers cash right we got 28,000 soldiers to protect our border while we were building the wall and we got a lot of other things too I could go over them I could speak all night long about what we got what we're going to get is the greatest country in the history of the world we're going to bring it [Music] back and just in closing this is how we will end the era of inflation Mayhem and misery under Camala and crooked Joe and unleash safety prosperity and peace for Americans of every race religion color and Creed together we will deliver low taxes low regulations low energy costs low interest rates and low inflation so that everyone can afford groceries a car and a home very simple isn't [Music] it I saw the other night on television a woman went up to the grocery store and put on the counter three apples and then she realized she didn't have enough money for that and she took one of the apples back I said that should never happen in our country that's we're not going to let it happen in our country while other people get rich and while illegal migrants are staying in luxury hotels and our soldiers our vets are sleeping on the streets at the base of those hotels and they're up in luxury rooms and they came into our country illegally and many of them are very bad people we will stop The Invasion end migrant crime support our police strengthen our military build a missile defense shield and a lot of it is going to be built in Nevada we will keep critical race Theory and transgender Insanity the hell out of our schools and we will keep men out of women's sports I don't know if you saw the Olympics a couple of weeks ago a beautiful young Italian boxer female boxer and supposed to be very good and she was fighting a young gentleman or a young woman you always have to be careful you know your political career could end immediately with the wrong statement so I'll say one of each but she was fighting a person who was a man and transitioned into Womanhood and he looked like if Muhammad Ali and his prime saw him Muhammad would be afraid and the fight began and they're standing Henry would know this better than anybody but they were standing up and a left jab is just sort of Defense left jab left jab and he hit her with a left jab and she was oh oh my what she got hit like a horse she said somebody hit me it was a horse and then she said I'll try it again and she went up and he hit her again with just a left jab and she said nope I'm not going to do it he ended up winning the gold medal went through the boxers like nothing there were two people in women winds boxing that transitioned both of them happened to win a gold medal are you surprised are you surprised by that are you surprised no I'm not either right I'm not surprised we will defend the Second Amendment restore free speech and we will secure our elections we're going to have to secure our elections cuz they cheat so badly everyone will prosper every family will Thrive and every day we will be filled you know the word they use with joy so I'm not going to use that word if you don't mind but opportunity and hope we're going to be filled with ambition we're going to go out and love getting up every morning and going to work and making a lot of money but for that to happen we must defeat comrade Camala Harris a radical left lunatic and we must stop her country destroying liberal agenda once and for all if they get in we're never going to be able to turn this country around it's going to be vene as well on steroids you're never going to be able to do it so get everyone you know to vote we want a landslide that is too big to rig too big teris on November 5th we will save our economy we will rescue our middle class we will reclaim our sovereignty and restore our borders like they have not been restored in a long time we will put America First and we will take back our country together we will make America powerful again make America wealthy again make America healthy again make America strong again make America proud again make America safe again make America free again we will make America great again thank you very much the thank you thank you very much thank you everybody get out and vote God bless [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you young man there's no need to feel down I said young man hit yourself off the ground I said man you're in a new town there's no need to be un there's a place go I said Young when you on your you can stay there and I'm sure you will find many ways [Music] to it's fun to stay at the why I MCA it's fun to stay it MCA they have everything me to enjoy you can hang all Bo it's hard to stay it's F to stay you can get yourself clean you can have a good meal you can do whatever you feel man are you listening to me I said young man what do you want to be I young man you can make real your dreams but you got to know this one thing no man does it all by himself I said man put your on the sh and just go there to the YMCA I'm sure they can help you today it's fun to stay y it's F to St it YC they have everything for your men to enjoy you can hang out with all the bo it's F to stay y MCA it's F to stay [Music] YCA you can get yourself clean you can have a good meal you can do whatever you exciting speech by President Trump just highlighting the fact that the Silver State voters are just leaving now Vice President Camala Harris nobody got bored here it was not uh it was it was an incredible experience so Camala if you want to come check it out for yourself full of energy tonight really highlighting so many of those hot button topics that are facing everyday Americans ESP especially the illegal immigration talk we had future Senator Sam Brown up there uh the nek boy showed up tonight many of the podcasters and influencers that President Trump has done those interviews with were here tonight so it's fun to see them on stage and some influencers here based in Las Vegas we want to thank our sponsors tonight Birch gold if you text Trump to 9898 98 what a great opportunity to get the free info kid on their gold silver and precious medals and to learn how to really hedge the bets against inflation and have tax sheltered dividends and options to protect you and your family and in the meantime if you make a purchase through Birch gold you'll get that free silver coin we've been discussing commemorating the two months since the attempted assassination on President Trump he talked about that sign tonight that saved his life specifying illegal immigration during his tenure so text Trump to 98 9898 for birth gold absolutely and let's talk about the beautiful state of Tennessee right now Tennessee Land and Lakes is selling off large acreage properties just outside of Nashville beautiful beautiful location and this popular destination spot way below market prices from only 899 and 5 Acres with cozy cabin and quiet Woods only 1099 can you believe that that's incredible 18 Acres riding trails in Horse Country 1599 a super private 86 Acres from $ 3999 5 to 86 Acre Properties from $899 and that's unheard of this close to Nashville build camp and invest your property your way learn more about this great buying opportunity in Tennessee click or call www. 866 345 that's 866 345 and once again 866 345 L and D forget Wall Street buy something real make the move to Tennessee sounds like a great plan just 3 hours north of Atlanta It's very tempting for me personally the wellness company you have eight medications that will protect you God forbid anything happens to you whether it's a viral infection bacteria the heal World Health Organization the hou is planning a bird flu Summit in October and their main topic Mass management uh fatality plans I mean if that doesn't scare you I don't know what does but don't be scared because Dr Peter Mulla who has debunked so much of the misinformation surrounding Co has created the Kagan emergency kit through the wellness company it's packed with life-saving medications like Ivermectin Hydrochloric Quin zpac and so many more imagine this no more frantic searches for a doctor no more emergency waiting rooms just a few clicks and this kit is delivered to your front door in times like these having your contagia emergency kit is not just a luxury it's vital and it is a necessity so protect your family by preparing now go to tww c. health rsbn and grab your kit tww c. 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the ramifications of dangerous policies like put in place by B by Biden the kids guide president Trump helps them understand this along with his vision for America following Donald Trump's reelection go to free Trump and that's free Trump book today those immigration policies that President Trump really highlighted tonight during his speech American Finance who couldn't have a need for saving up to $800 a month and our Pros who are homeowners themselves know how to refinance salary based mortgages these are great Consultants to make sure that you can escape High interest debt rates they're saving customers like you at home $800 a month on average and the rates are dropping so this decision is really easy all it takes is 10 minutes give our Patriot friends a call over at American Finance no obligation no cost to call and if you start today you may get over delaying just two mortgage payments which would be fantastic in the economy as it is right now so call 888 42299 that's 888 42299 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watching and welcome to rsbn your 2024 election headquarters we're committed to bringing you the most comprehensive coverage of president Donal day Trump's campaign and so much more stay tuned because you won't want to miss a single moment make sure you like and share this broadcast and actually while you're at is subscribe to our Channel and hit that notification Bell so you always know when we're live follow us on any social media platform just search rsbn RSB Network for exclusive updates straight to your inbox sign up for our newsletter at rsbn RSB newletter RSB newsletter and if you love our content and want to support our mission please consider donating at RSB donate that's RSB donate and for every contribution big or small it helps us continue to bring you the mo the best coverage of president Trump that you won't find find anywhere else and we truly appreciate your support go ahead and text rsbn to 80181 to stay connected with all the latest from rsbn and thank you so much for supporting rsbn we're very proud to be your goto coverage for this election and Mr Mike Lindell we'd like to thank him at my pillow USA rsbn go there for the Box Store cancellation blowout sale for 4 1998 you can get a limit of 10 but a bunch of my pillows and we're big fans of my pillows are just so comfortable to uh not only worry about neck problems but also good restful sleep because how are we going to get out the message of Maga if we're not restful and sleeping well so you can do that there's also a $25 exclusive sale on most in the store so thank you to Mr Mike Lindell and my pillow for sponsoring us always a pleasure to have him on the show have an opportunity to interview him rsbn well Megan what an exciting day here in Viva Las Vegas I need to stop that I'm going to stop that after we leave here so maybe perhaps tomorrow morning as we're boarding our flights but what an exciting day in the beautiful desert talking to magga Patriots from all over the West Coast but folks who have relocated here looking for a better life but housing costs uh the no tax on tips issue right now the uh High con cost of living definitely affecting the Silver State Megan what did you think about being here in beautiful Las Vegas it's incredible to to be back here in Vegas I've been here many times for work for bachelorette parties for birthday parties and now for Donald Trump events so this is just so exciting to be here we want to thank you all for watching and thank you to every single person that came out today this was an incredible crowd we had very diverse backgrounds and it was just an incredible day well on behalf of you it's always a pleasure to join you out here in the field for the Magnificent Matthew Alvarez in the studio our wonderful directors producers crew and all our family at rsbn thank you for tuning in for another wonderful Maga rally with President Donald Trump from Las Vegas Nevada we'll see you soon good night God bless hi folks rsbn founder and CEO Joe seals here did you know there is nearly $1 trillion of infrastructure and pandemic funds yet to be spent that's right there's a massive amount of money that the lame duck Administration is pushing hard to spend in their last few months if the president is able to push these funds out we could see another prolonged inflation surge just like during Co and I'm sure you remember the terrible effects that high prices had on most Americans but there's hope a surge in prices can be beaten a gold Ira from Birch gold group is the ultimate inflation Hedge for your savings in uncertain times to see how to protect your IA or 401K get your free info kit on go by by texting the word Trump to 98 9898 Birch gold makes it seamless to roll over your retirement account while preserving your tax advantage status don't wait for the president's spending spree to tank the dollar further protect your financial future Now text Trump to the number 98 9898 for your free info kit from Birch gold hey y'all it's silk from diamond and silk don't forget to catch the diamond and silk chitchat live show right here on rsbn that's right rsbn now that's right side broadcasting network okay see y'all soon bye-bye parents and grandparents the 2024 kids guide to president Trump is here and it's free as a bonus your child gets a free issue of everbrite Kids magazine and activity book and a free video Lesson order now at free Trump that's fre Trump you ask and we listen we're finally bring you the most requested offer ever get the queen siiz premium my pillow now only $19.98 my pillows made with patented adjustable fill it adjusts to your exact individual needs regardless of your sleep position it helps keep your neck Aline and holds it shape all night long so you get the best sleep of your life but that's not all get our six-piece kitchen or bath tole sets only $25 our brand new mattress topper is low as $69.98 get our famous my pillow bed sheets for as low as $25 and so much more so go to or call the number on your screen use your promo code to get huge discounts on all my pillow products including the premium queen-size my pillow only $19.98 that's the lowest price ever don't delay order today from all of us here at my pillow than America welome welcome to the right side broadcasting network we're not like the other media Outlets out there that cut and edit what other people say in 2015 we were created by our founder Joe seals to cover president Donald J Trump's speeches and rallies to which we continue to do to this day we've also covered important conservative events like CPAC tpusa March for Life and many other important events and hearings around the country we were made for people like you everyday Americans who are tired of the mainstream media who are tired of being lied to manipulated and fed an agenda our goal here at R side broadcasting is to allow you to see the truth giving our correspondents and commentators a wide latitude to speak their minds you won't find anything like this in the mainstream media your support through your donations locals and supporting our advertisers allows us to continue to cover important events around the country each and every day so from us here at right side broadcasting thank you for supporting us and the right side of [Music] History e e e for

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