Start The time of year has come where I come here I sit I think I have a crystal ball and I make my predictions for the 2024 Formula 1 season a video where I am not going to get a single prediction right So any resemblance to reality is going to be be a mere coincidence because I don't normally get one right. Beyond the champion, I don't know if I didn't get anything else right last year and we'll see if this year I'm able to get one more right in a year that is even more complicated to predict because the truth is we've seen In the preseason tests, if we come out with a clear conclusion, last year we already ended with a very great equality and that is why the predictions that were made at the beginning of the year were not what happened at the end of the season because then some things changed and this year is even more complicated So we are going to try to make this prediction after having seen the preseason tests of what is going to be this year 2 24 of Formula 1 where the first thing I am going to say is that what I have also tried In my prediction, of course, I will give you the explanations of why I have put it, it is going to be a prediction for the Constructors' World Cup. In addition, we are going to make some loose prediction that that is going to be the first thing, but on the subject of the Constructors' World Cup I have also tried to think a little on how the development of the teams can go because if it were because of what we have seen in these preseason tests perhaps it would be a different thing from what I am going to say. Also of course if a driver can lose many points for his team and that That could harm them, I've also taken it into account. So I want to leave that out quite clearly, but well, we're going to try to make this prediction right now about what we might see in this season, which I think is not what I want. What I think we are going to see in this 2024 Formula 1 season, we will see if something ends up being fulfilled when we react back in December in this video, let's see if I remember because something, for example from 2023, if I remembered, we will see if I remember something. of this 2024 Beyond the champion, how good I can already tell you what he is. Maybe the most I'm going to get right, but the rest I'm not going to get anything right, let's see if I remember what I said, first of all, we have to pass. About some small categories that I wanted to do, it was more in relation to drivers, we don't do it. Eh, I don't make my prediction for the drivers' world championship because it is not very difficult, it is very difficult, especially the last 10. Why am I going to tell you that Hulkenberg is going to stay? ahead of magnussen if he is ahead Well the truth is that we don't know because maybe in the has it is expected that they are going to get very few points if there is a good race for magnus if suddenly he ends up in seventh place maybe he will they double almost magnus points in hulkenberg Even if they finish with 10 points So it is very complicated because of that about the constructors' world championship and we are going to do some things for drivers in this type of categories previously, the first of these categories is the one that is going to be the most improved driver on the grid, that is, the driver that, just Who will be the most improved driver on the 2024 Formula 1 grid? like the expectations that I have placed on him, that of the driver that he has chosen. He is a driver that there are high expectations, but that I think is going to improve even more, he is going to be better, that is to say, yes. You predict that Verstapen is going to win and he is going to win 15 races. If he wins 15 races, he has not improved. Really, if you win 20, well, it is good to exceed expectations but it is not that he has improved because I already predicted in that place, so who do I think will go? to be the driver who has improved the most this season, and in this sense it is easy, perhaps I mean in quotes, to choose things from drivers in this sense because since the grid has not changed, it is something that we can also eh, we can make a comparison with the previous year and My most improved driver is Óscar piastri piastri. He is a driver who has high expectations for him. Last year he did very well. On one occasion he was close to Norris. He won a Sprint race and even made the Pole for that Sprint race in Qatar has made two podiums in the race, I mean not only in the Sprint because in Spring it has made two more. Well Piastre has already done very well last year, it met expectations that there were speculations about him that he arrived being a driver from Hey, he has been breaking through from the lower categories, it is true, but maybe then Formula 1 arrives, that was my thing, what I told you on many occasions. Hey, there have been many occasions, many drivers who came in well, but arriving to Formula 1 and to fulfill it is another thing piastri has done it piastri has shown that he is certainly there. He is a very good driver and he has already done very well but it is true that in the comparison against Norris you already coldly looked at him having done very well being a year ruy was far away Of course it is something that I think no one blames him because it is what you expect from a driver who has just arrived very very on the ropes he once put it to Alando Norris Oscar piastri I think this year he will improve even more, in fact I am going to tell you one aspect in which I think he will improve and that is tire management for me Norris only had one weak point of his ability last year in this Debut year, he is a very good driver, of course, it is a fact that to be Ruy, he is going to improve all aspects and being Ruy, he was extremely good. But there was one aspect that made him very weak in the race, which for me was that tire management, which was what What was wrong with him the most was because he had pure pace because we saw it at starts I remember Hungary started fourth and placed second ahead of Norris and others but what failed him was that same Hungarian Grand Prix he ended up almost 30 seconds behind his teammate at the end of the race because he managed Worse, the tires or the Japanese Grand Prix have to let Norris pass because he was losing a lot of time due to that tire management. Norris was doing much better. I think it is something that this year, already his second year in Formula 1, is going to improve as well. quite a bit and we are going to see a Piastri Much better much better who was already very good but much better than he was last season and I think he is going to put Lando Norris on the ropes I think he is going to score a lot I think he is going to It will be a pretty good year for the Australian driver following the next category that we have. We have to talk about the most even pairing on the entire grid. What is the pair Which team will have the most balanced driver pairing on the 2024 Formula 1 grid? of drivers that I think is no longer here, I am not referring exactly to points because when it comes to points If all the pilots don't score last year, they all scored, even Lauson who didn't race well no Of course Bris didn't score But okay eh all the pilots who finished the year scored let's leave it like that eh if all the pilots don't score Of course if we look we get there In points, the most equal couple Maybe it is a couple that neither of them scores points, that could happen. It has happened in the history of Formula 1. We are not going to focus on those points in this aspect, but rather the one that I think really stands out. They put more on the ropes, talking to Piastri, we said no, I think I'm going to put, he's going to put Norris on the ropes on several occasions, which pair of drivers I think is the one that's going to be the most equal, I've seen this people talking about it saying McLaren's Look, we're talking, I've seen people think that Red Bull's is going to be even or Mercedes' in some 2022 season was quite even. Not my most even pair of drivers for this grid for this season And look what. This has been complicated. I have stayed with Ferrari. I think that between Char Lecler and Carlos Sainz there is going to be a great equality, and last year there was, in fact, in the last race, Lecler surprises Sainz in the drivers' world championship. I do believe that Leclerk in general guidelines it was better but it is not until the last race that it manages to happen to him in the drivers' world championship Eh 2022 yes it was a little more unbalanced 2021 more of the same happened again that it was a very even season between the Ferrari drivers I I have told you on many occasions that for me the pair of Ferrari drivers is the most equal of the entire grid and I think that this year we are going to see it because I think we are going to see a good lecler, good for the preseason tests, now you will see Where do I place Ferrari, they have looked strong in the pre-season tests, at least it seems that they are going to have a good car and I think that the eclerc is going to do very well, the year is going to start well but let's remember that Sainz is without seat in This moment in which I am recording the video in which it is being published, which is the Sunday before the Bin grand prix. Although the Bin grand prix is ​​held on a Saturday, eh, he has no team, he has nowhere to go right now. Carlos Sainz, I believe. that of course he does not need to show off, he is in a position where he does not need to show off to get another seat in Formula 1 but I think that he certainly has to perform very well also to let himself be loved to be able to be seen by any team that can become interested in him, can sell himself even better, say, look what I'm doing. So with that premise that Sainz has this and Sainz has this, he's in this situation, I think he's going to perform even better in and of himself. And I think they're going to be Very even between the two Which of the two will be ahead at the end of the year, well, we will see that of course. It is not what we are going to refer to now but I think it will be the most even pair of drivers of all. We are also going to try. the most unbalanced pair of drivers And notice that if in a tie Which will be the most unbalanced driver pairing on the 2024 Formula 1 grid? it is complicated because there are pairs of drivers that are very equal to each other, also unbalanced and here perhaps we can even refer a little to the points although the same assumption that the team that does not score Neither of them is very unbalanced, let's remember Mick Schumaker and Nikita Mazepin, that duo of drivers, for example, was unbalanced and neither of them got points that year in 2021 with Hash because Hash was very bad, that is, you can see a very unbalanced pair of drivers but the thing is that last year when everyone was scoring there were pairs of drivers that were very unbalanced in points, Hash was the one who Hulk got many more points than Magussen. In percentage because then of course the amount was not that high but in percentage it was a lot of difference Although then really in performance I don't think Aston was so unbalanced that stroll clearly harmed Aston Martin because because of stroll they did not keep fourth place in the constructors' world championship than if they had gotten more points in the best point From Aston Martin they could have gotten it, but then it didn't get as many points as McLaren. The difference was that of Red Bull , and Red Bull doubled Czech's points in points . season has cost me between two because I think that in the preseason tests we have already seen that Alonso is far ahead of stroll we have seen an Aston Martin that with stroll many people were going to put it this information has come out that people were going to put it Aston Martin seventh in the world championship of prediction consultants watching stroll and with Alonso that perspective has changed for many people. Now you will see mine, I think it has already been seen that it is going to be unbalanced but I think that again Red Bull's is going to be the more unbalanced why Because what is being reported is that this rb20, this new concept that they have introduced, adapts even more and I emphasize that even more to Max Stapen if the rb19 already adapted very well if we already saw what it was capable of. dominance that verstapen had not only on the grid but in front of his own teammate if the new car adapts even more to verstapen I think it will be quite unbalanced unfortunately because perhaps Czech is the only driver who can compete against vapen in this year but I think it's going to be quite unbalanced eh And it's going to happen again because I think last year well of course doubling it in points it's going to be again I don't know if it will double in points this year we'll see it at the end of everything but what's going on? to once again be the most unbalanced pair of drivers on the Formula 1 grid and now the last category before moving on to the Constructors' World Championship. Who do I think is going to be the best driver on the grid? The best driver on the grid Who will be the best driver of the 2024 Formula 1 season? does not have to what to be the winning driver I mean last year is clear, that is, it is very clear Who was the best driver last year Even if he won, it is verstapen because verstapen won 19 of 21 races But if he won, for example, 10 races next year and wins the world championship and his teammate wins another 10 or so Maybe it doesn't have to be vap at all pilot maybe there is a hulkenberg I'm going to say for example I'm putting them because Hash I think they're going to go quite badly I'll tell you in advance No but I always use him as an example that suddenly Oye does feats with that Hash and is the best pilot in the grid of the season well it can happen or last year it is not crazy someone who thought of Hamilton for the best driver of the season because Hey well he fought for the runner-up against the Czech with an rb19 that was very dominating well it is not crazy or with Alonso that someone I thought that Fernando was the best this year, I know, let's say that Ferrari is doing very well, it's not unreasonable to think that Lecler is going to be the best driver of the season even if he doesn't win the title . winner I'm not saying that this is going to be the winner Who do I think is going to be the driver the best driver of the Formula 1 season maxo stap I'm very sorry for the introduction but I think it's going to be verstapen already last year it was very clearly the Better, last year he was far superior to any other driver and I think that this year he is going to be the best driver on the grid again. He is going to take advantage of that rb20, which now I will tell you where I think it is, but come on, it looks like a rocket because it does. He is going to be the best to take advantage of it and for me Even though I was telling you that the winner does not have to be the best Parrilla driver, I think that this year it is going to happen, I'm telling you that I think Vapen is going to be a success. win the title he will win his fourth title this year and I think he will be the best driver of the season I think there will not be a discussion in this sense I hope there is I hope he reaches the end of the season he is watching this video again and there will be discussion but I don't think there will be. We are going to go to the Constructors' World Championship and how I think they will turn out. And before this I want to give you a brief explanation in case A brief preview of my prediction of what the 2024 Constructors' World Championship will look like: the parity is at its maximum. you have skipped all the categories. Again, let me tell you that it is the World Championship. Builders, I'm going to explain to you why I think each team that's going to be there doesn't have to be if you're watching it. This video thinking about What we'll see in Bin doesn't have to be what we see in Bin, so be careful because I'm talking about what I think that we are going to see throughout the entire season with an evolution that we can also see from the teams that first to comment on it second that a team we are going to put the supposed case let's put the pin that comes sixth now I'll tell you where where I think Alpin is going to be there, let's say Alpin is sixth, it could be that they fight even out of hatred, for example, or let's put another case, McLaren, let's say that McLaren is third in the constructors' world championship, it means that I say that they are third, they are not going to win or a single race No, I'm not saying that but there will be races in which they are going to be very far behind because that is another thing that is going to happen this year this year there is tremendous equality there are two groups I now tell you those two groups but two groups well differentiated from each other but between them very equal and in one race you are going to fight almost even for victory to be next to Red Bull at least and in another race you are going to suffer for entering q3 depending on the circuit So that is something that That's going to happen, that's something that we take into account, not just because we're going to put Mercedes as runner-up. As every year in the past indicates that Mercedes is always going to be the second team and is always going to be behind Red Bull, having said that, what we're going to say. Now I do start with my prediction 10th: Will Haas F1 Team once again be the dark horse on the grid? for this season's Constructors' World Championship, which for me is who will finish in tenth position, we are going to repeat what happened last year when the team stayed there or there will be another red lantern, I think the team will stay there. Last year they were the last one, Ayao Komatsu comes warning at the beginning of the season that they are not going to be a good year, they come warning that in these three preseason runs they have only done long runs because they were only interested in the behavior of the tires, last year they suffered a lot in compound management and this year They have only been concerned about trying to progress there. Ayao Komatsu has said that the first Bahrain Grand Prix is ​​going to be bad. They are going to be slow throughout the year. They will try to develop Jas' projection in development capacity. of the American team is not very high, I think that without a doubt they are going to be the red lantern again, they had never been last, at least it always seemed that they managed to get away with less than 2021, which that year they warned before everything to say no this year We are going to develop the car, we are not going to improve, we are going to go backwards and that is what happened thinking about 2022 and they started 2022 very well with, remember, a fifth place for Magussen in the first Bahin race that year, they even achieved the Pole in Brazil Although That was much more circumstantial, I think they are going to be the red lantern again, they are going to be last for the second year in a row, clearly last, not because as I say, there is going to be a well compacted group. I think that at the beginning, J is going to be the clear one. last but they will be able to get closer I think that this year all the drivers will score points again I think and I hope that is the case but it is true that I think that Jas will have a harder time at the beginning of the season Who do I think is going to be ninth team this year we have also seen 9th: Will Sauber F1 Team be able to pull itself out of the bottom with the arrival of Stake and Kick as sponsors? some teams fall quite a bit we have also seen some teams generally not have problems in the preseason tests we have only seen two teams that have had more reliability problems which have been Williams and m but it will be one of these two The ninth team who do I think is going to be the ninth team or on the contrary it is going to be sauber again because in fact I think it is going to be sauber again last year Alfa Romeo's last season was the worst season since Alfa Romeo had entered as a sponsor for the Hinwil team this year, they have made big changes and that must be taken into account. I have been positively surprised by Sauber's preseason. I think they have looked solid. They have seen without too many problems . You have seen an evolution forward perhaps with James Key technical director but last year also in Bin we saw them very well. What's more, the Bin boots Grand Prix had a good race I think that maybe Bin will adapt well to this car I think that the car the c44 is going to evolve it is going to progress it is going to be good in the evolution it is going to have because because they have made many changes and because at the beginning of the season Maybe they have not known how to optimize it at all and at the end of the season without improving the car it would be better because they know how to optimize it, they have changed the front suspension to put the Pull rot as Red Bull has it, it is a big change that changes the car a lot Yes, but still I think they are going to finish ninth and not because of their demerit but because, as I say, I think that It's a very close season and I think there are some teams that are going to be a little ahead, who I think is going to be eighth. Last year, Alfa 8th: Will the arrival of Visa Cash App RB (Racing Bulls) make them live up to their expectations? Tauri was in this position. We saw a very good evolution of that car, they started out being the last ones, really. They would end up being the seventh team. Even sometimes the sixth Mexico made a run. We saw a good evolution throughout the year and then also that team now consecrated as rb Racing Bulls bisha shap rb I don't know yet what to call them, they have brought many changes, they will return to Will it be them who finish eighth or will it be another team that finishes eighth Well, for me it will be another team and This is one of the great negative surprises that I have almost reached the conclusion that it is indeed going to be reality after these preseason tests which is alpin and I'm going to more alpin I put it eighth because I think they are going to evolve and they are going to manage to improve what is being said about the French team The aerodynamic data is disastrous the engine is still the worst as we already know And this is a something that I didn't say but I did think about it, I thought about it and I said it with friends of mine, talking about it inside, I didn't get to say it in a video, I don't know why the fact that they removed so much paint is eh, illuminating. Why? They remove so much paint because they can't run, if not because the car weighs a lot and they are effectively saying that this is the case. They removed a lot of paint because they had to save time in some way and they preferred to remove more paint. Even though it looked horrible, we already know that we all The teams are trying to remove as much paint as possible. It is something that is good and disastrous, but the pin has been the most exaggerated. For that reason The beginning of the season is going to be very hard for the pin. What's more, I wouldn't put them eighth. At the beginning of the season, we'll see how they start. Maybe I'm making a mistake. I'd put them worse, not even at the level of Has. Yes, behind Sauber, for example, but I think it will evolve. and they will manage to be at least eighth but with the zone ahead that is also so even, so tight and with a bad start I don't see them finishing better than eighth. And notice that alpin started very well with this new regulation, they started being the leader of the rest in 2022 With Fernando running for them too, 2023 was already going backwards and I think 2024 is going even further back. I also tell you that you could even see it coming with the instability that exists in that team with the changes they made in Belgium that made no sense. If the people that Pat Fry left for Williams but Alan stays above all, it doesn't make sense, you fired your best engineer with arrows, you fired your best engineer, which is that Horner came out that weekend to say, I don't understand. What Alpin has done, which is that Horner for Red Bull, I'm not going to say too much about Horner because we'll see how the Horner case ends, which is that Red Bull has signed him for Bisha Cash rb. In other words, it didn't make sense for a person who knows what it means to win. Alan Perman was in Alonso's Renault that won both titles. Alan Permane has been in Formula 1 for 30 years and you throw him out because Luca de Meo or whoever the important person is doesn't know what to do after many mistakes but I think he wasn't a bad person. stop stop to the pin Neither do I. There are certain things that I think could even have caused this downturn that they have had. If you think about it this way, they have still had a pretty big downturn. I think they are going to start badly. I think that even so, for example, it will evolve and Also the pin has not radically changed the car but they have done different things. They have also warned that the beginning of the season is going to be difficult for them because they do not know this car 100% and later they will evolve so I think that in this sense alpinn what I have also said about some teams that is going to happen this year simply by starting to understand the car how it is going to happen to it as well. To know that they are going to get better and I think that they are going to be able to finish eighth no. to finish a little better and it is a big fall for the French team moving on from the topic So not moving beyond eighth place Who I think is going to be seventh last year was left in that position by a Williams team 7th: Can Williams Racing continue to deliver on the resurgence of a historic team? that was very surprising rebirth of the grob team The resurgence of historic Will Williams be left again or are we putting another team in this seventh place? Well, no, I think that Williams will be left in this case and I think it is still a very good result. Last year's seventh place was a very good forward progression, for example. Williams started the new regulations badly in 2022, they were last outstanding, and last year they had a great evolution with James bowels, which for me I have said on many occasions on the channel is the best signing that Williams has been able to make Maybe in the last 7 8 9 years old, he is the best person who has been able to go around, counting drivers, counting engineers, counting anyone. I think he is the best that Williams has been able to do in recent times. I think he is a very capable person who is doing very good things and who is Also focused on the next regulation with Williams Eh, they have already warned that they want to evolve, of course they want to grow the team and that is why they are not only focused on this new regulation, also because it cannot be done because it cannot be done until January 1, 2025. work on the next cars but I think he is certainly doing very good things that are not just focused Right now on the immediate future And that is something very good for Williams for this year I think they are going to finish seventh then and it is a very good result Regardless, it was the best result they had gotten in a long time and I think they are going to repeat it this time, also monetarily for Williams, which we know is always a problem they have there. I think it will be very good for them to return to that seventh position . I think they will once again know how to take advantage of their strengths when they say they have to get points They are going to know that they have to be removed. Monza, they have it marked in red because last year they were very good at that fww 45, which was last year's car, it performed very well on the straight, they have it for sure already in their minds that we have to go back. to perform well here and I think that this year they will finish seventh again, well, in the three preseason games they have not started so well, it has been the team that has done the least, it has been one of the teams that has had the most problems but also I think they are Knowing how to do things Williams has not followed all the steps that were expected to imitate what I mean Williams has brought the same rear suspension from last year it has not changed it to the new one that Mercedes has given Mercedes has changed Its rear suspension and Aston Martin suited it better, for example, and Williams has also changed it instead of changing it. Hey Okay, well, they can sell it to you very well. It was new, it is more efficient, but you have to change the system because it has gone from being a Pull rot. With a Push rot at the back, they have decided to stay with last year's, I think they also know what they have to do to perform and that's why I think they can, even though we have seen them in a bad light, although I think that, for example, Barin is going to be a circuit that is not going to perform very well at all. I think that they are going to know how to get the maximum potential out of that car when they have to take it out and at least be in that seventh place ahead of the alpinn of the sauber and the Hash So Williams in that seventh place here things are starting to get complicated this group hber Williams and alpin is a fairly 6th: Will Alpine F1 Team continue to disappoint and fall down the Formula 1 world rankings? compact group and here now things are starting to get very complicated And yes you are already seeing that maybe some of you I am not Including Racing Bulls in that area below Racing Bulls leaves there or not in sixth place Who is going to be because last year he went to the pin we have already seen that he has fallen a lot for me in sixth position this Racing Bulls is going to be visha Cash app rb toro roso minardi Alfa tauri whatever you want to call it I think this team is going to be the one that remains in this sixth position they are going to leave the lower zone they are going to leave has sauber alpin and Williams I think so without constantly reaching the upper zone without reaching the Red Bull Ferrari Mercedes McLaren and Aston Martin without reaching that zone I think they are going to leave the lower zone I think they are the only team that is going to be in no man's land among these two groups, well it's not going to be the second one Because the other team Well, I'm going to get ahead of myself, no, but you know who I'm telling me that it's going to be the other one that leaves the two groups. Beyond there, there are two well-marked groups and between Those two are going to be in this Racing Bulls team, when they were seen they seemed very similar to rp19 in these preseason tests, they have presented some problems, especially cooling, it has been reported but it already has the date where there will be the improvement that will be In Saudi Arabia, which is the second race, the one-lap pace didn't seem that good to me about the car. Maybe I'm wrong, but it didn't seem that good to me. The problem is that the race pace that they have shown is at the level of those of the cars. above what Ricardo did in the morning of the last day of preseason testing in the morning which is not the best time to do it the pace he showed was scary for this group I think they can be there but I think maybe the qualifying pace suits them to harm and I think that from what has been seen it is also going to be a team that in many circuits is going to struggle so much that perhaps they are still fighting from behind but last year we have said it before they also improved a lot they had a very high progression At the end of the season we already saw an Alf Tauri team that was really the seventh team and on some occasions up to sixth we saw them perform very well in Brazil, very well in Mexico. I think that this year they are going to be a team that is going to give war, it is going to be A team that is going to get podiums, I think they are going to be able to achieve it, it is going to be a team that in more than one race was going to make things complicated for you, they are going to kick you out of Q3, that is, one day when Hamilton doesn't have the day. can fall from q3 because of these I think so I think that Indeed, they are going to be there. I already mentioned it. I have commented on it several times on the channel. I think that this year we are in a season where one of these teams that we are now going to number can a big prize be a bad result, a fourth place because you were about to arrive. to the podium and another day a ninth place will be a Glory because you were about to be out of points and I think that Racing Bulls team is going to be there and it is going to be a team that is going to be fighting and that race pace seemed very The only thing that I think is promising is that they will not be able to overcome the teams in front because they are more established because they have better drivers on some occasions. And because they are going to make a difference, we are facing a year where a lot of difference is also going to be made against drivers. because the group now is going to be tremendously even. Who is going to 5th: Will Aston Martin F1 Team improve on last season's finishing position? be in fifth position last year was Aston Martin, we have also really commented on it today in the video Aston Martin was also in that position a little caused by Eh well Stroll didn't take out the points that perhaps would have been needed at the end of the year during the beginning of the season when it was better, no, but well, Aston Martin was in that fifth position, the Silverstone team repeats or will it continue to progress for me? Aston Martin is going to be fifth again last year They started very well, they started in a disruptive way, they started better than Ferrari, better than Mercedes, and McLaren was not even in the pools. From this high area, they finally ended up in that fifth position, as I told you, also coming out minimally harmed because they strolled at the beginning of the season when it was best. The car was there. It didn't get the maximum potential out of that car this year I think they are going to be fifth but I think they are going to be fifth not due to Aston's demerit in this case because really last year they were fifth due to Aston Martin's demerit because they don't evolve well the car and they have admitted that. I think they are going to finish fifth due to a stroll demerit. I think that now with this mr24 they have hit the nail on the head, this amr2 that we have seen is better in every way than am r23 starts in a much better position this one last year the only thing that now there are teams that I think are ahead of you also because last year 2023 Ferrari and Mercedes were lost and McLaren was not even there I think this year it is true that Ferrari Mercedes and McLaren are already there minimums are even higher in some teams I think it will be and depending on the circuit also because there will be circuits in which Aston Martin will be the second team close to Red Bull and there will be circuits in which The best thing is they are the sixth team behind Racing Bulls, that is, that is going to happen but I think the problem is not the team, I think the problem is not the car. I trust that this year they will not have the problems in development that they had this year. the wind tunnel too so they will be able to have a more own tool in their own factory that improves this year they already have the factory minus the wind tunnel last year in the middle of the season they have to move and it also greatly delayed the progress of Aston Martin in the middle of the season I think that this year it is not the team's problem, I think they are already in the big leagues and in the Big Leagues you can't go with a stroll that is the problem Why I put Aston in fifth place I think stroll, look, I don't want to say world championship I think stroll can be behind the Racing Bulls drivers but the difference will be made by Alonso and Alonso will be able to make that difference so that he will be ahead of Racing Bulls I think that podiums are going to be achieved, I think that very good results are going to be achieved, but Stroll is going to bring it down and it is going to harm the team. I think that Alonso is more, I would say if you come fifth, that is what was said a lot last year, no. If you come fifth, hey , you're in the driver's championship, theoretically ninth and tenth, Alonso's result was very good. Last year's Aston Martin came in fifth and got eight podiums, so I think this year they're going to get podiums as well. I don't know if eight, but There are going to be many podiums, I think that 's why what I say, if you're fifth, you're going to be ninth and tenth in the drivers' world championship. Maybe Stroll is not even among the top 10 drivers but Alonso is not going to be ninth. So that 's why Alonso is going to lift Aston Martin but Stroll is going to bring him down and I think that's why fifth place will be We'll see if I'm wrong but I think that in the Major Leagues you can no longer go with a stroll and that this year is going to be seen quite clearly, having said that, fourth team. So last year mclaren is left mclaren does great amente 4th: Will McLaren F1 continue to surprise and establish itself as a better force? they start in no man's land From Austria, some improvements come, they move forward, they begin to be the second force and they manage to climb back up to fourth place. If the season lasts 40 races, they would have been runners-up, Maclaren will be fourth or another McLaren team will surpass them. No, I think that it's going to be mclaren and in the case of mclaren eh I think they are going to start on their own this year they are going to start very well well mclaren and Aston and and the teams in front I think they are going to be very close to each other in points eh so It is going to be different Just a little Why then I think that McLaren is going to be down because McLaren has presented some problems in this preseason yes it is true that it is better to have them in the preseason than to have them in Bin but Andrea Estela already said before arriving before starting the season that maybe they didn't start the year well at all, that's what the Italian already said, it was a very similar speech to last year last year when they presented the mcl 60 they said we don't like the car, the car is not the one we wanted, the car It's the one we have because we haven't had time to put in what we wanted. The car was almost like 2022. Updates will arrive and they came this year. It's not so radical but they haven't put in everything they wanted. And Estela McLaren has said that, she has a problem. at the beginning of the season that it is always difficult for them to bring everything eh that is another thing that should be reviewed but it is difficult for them and in that sense and mclaren does not come with everything they wanted at least that is what Estela said and yes it is true In this grand prix at this Bin circuit in these preseason tests they have had problems with the fuel system, with the clutch, with problems in general that didn't work out. I think it's going to cost them the beginning of the season not too much . They are not going to be fighting for the last positions like they did last year but I think that could harm them in the fight against the drivers, the teams ahead, and Red Bull Ferrari and Mercedes are the teams that are ahead, I think so. They are going to be in general I think that McLaren is more likely to be second one day and be sixth the next day than Ferrari Mercedes is going to be I think it is going to be at the level of Aston Martin that Aston Martin is going to happen more of the same thing but Ferrari Mercedes I think they are going to be more constant throughout the season they will have their grand prix where the same thing will happen to them Of course because it happened to them last year because Ferrari in zanor still lecler that he is seeing how he tries to pass to Aon because he couldn't pass Lauson Lecler it happened to him in that grand prix yes it is true that he had damage at that point but he was Lecler to be out of points that race eh Mercedes in Brazil They are still seeing how to catch up with their noda because Hamilton can't He wasn't able to move on to his noda, nor did it happen to Gasli, I mean, set the level, they are going to have great prizes like that, of course, but I think Mercedes and Ferrari are going to be more constant, McLaren is going to be able to have an up and down, well. It's going to be possible to have a very big underdog on some occasions and that's why I put them fourth. I've seen a lot of people put them up to second in the constructors' world championship. It could be perfectly because I say these four teams are going to be very close but I think they are going to be fourth this season third position last year the 3rd: Will Scuderia Ferrari live up to expectations and be the second force on the grid this year? Ferrari team has a difference of three points at the end of the season Ferrari had been cutting back but also because of Sainz's problems in Las Vegas which were not theirs It was because of the sewer issue, not that he broke the car and he needed to change the battery and that was it. Then sanction for Sain's problems in Abu Dhabi, which were already Sain's problems that he had. problem in qualifying that they made a mistake and they already lost points they are not able to surpass Mercedes but they were doing very well at the end of the season Ferrari has shown very good performance in the preseason tests is it going to come back third or is it going to take a step forward I think Mercedes is going to be in third position and it has been very difficult for me because I am coming out of the preseason tests with McLaren, something similar happens to me, but well, they do clarify it for me. Maybe it is clearer to me that they are the fourth team with Mercedes. I am not clear about it with Mercedes put them third but I'm not sure about putting third. I mean maybe I can put them a little higher. I leave the season with a clear idea and it is that of course Ferrari is ahead of Aston Martin but Mercedes and McLaren I don't know well where are they at this moment In this beginning mclaren I think that at the end of the year they will be fourth with Mercedes I don't really know where it is very good I mean it has been seen now I will explain why I say that they are third but we don't know well Maybe it is one thing that I know I could be wrong but they ended up placing third Mercedes has not shown such a good pace in qualifying we have not had such a good fast pace and look at Rasel at the end of the tests Oye came second in the end with the second time in the Last day he had the second fastest time, I think it is the third of all the tests, but it was at the last minute, riding a C4, it was really difficult for Mercedes to get the time, he was unstable and what Hamilton came out saying apparently has been insinuating by the pado that the car is better than the w14, worse than they expected, at the same time, information is coming out that Mercedes is better than what they have seen but they have not wanted to show themselves and I have told you a lot on the Canal de If there is a team that knows how to hide, like no one in the pre-season t, it is Mercedes, the race pace has been good, the race pace, which is something we have been seeing a lot, has been very good, Aston Martin's has seemed like Alonso's. Better said because Stroll's, not Alonso's, seemed almost better than Ace's, if not better than Piastri's, the degradation was better, Hamilton's, and Mercedes', both of them, were also good, so why do I put them in third position because I do believe that at the beginning of the year I am no longer saying it as a boss but in general the first third of the year they are going to have more problems than at Ferrari, for example Ferrari has shown itself to be very strong, now we will tell you where I think they are and Mercedes I think Mercedes is the team that has changed the concept the most from one year to the next. Obviously, they have gone from a concept without pontoons to what they have today because at the end of the season the car was the concept without pontoons and the problem was not in Yes, the pontoons, they put the pontoons in Monaco and the car didn't change too much because the concept didn't change. Now they have changed the concept and it is the team that is the most radical. It is the change they have brought. So, for that reason, I think that Mercedes at the beginning of the year can have a problem more than Ferrari Why Because in the end they do not understand this car perfectly and they are going to have to understand it and in some race Maybe they do not know how to get the maximum potential out of the car that perhaps could be much better but you don't know how to get it that maximum potential Mercedes without improving the car before the end of the season without improving it is going to end up much stronger than what they are going to start with For that reason because they will not know how to get the maximum potential out of it I think Mercedes is going to develop the car a lot eh No no I don't want to explain myself badly, but I think that's what might hurt them in a battle that's going to be very close, as I keep saying, but that's what's going to hurt them against Ferrari, who are the ones I put second. Ferrari started. the new regulations very well 2nd: Will Mercedes AMG disappoint with the arrival of the new concept introduced in the W15 and Lewis Hamilton's final year with the team? in 2022 fighting against Red Bull in tatú they ended the year not really fighting anymore 2023 they started very badly very lost and they have changed this year they are already going to get better much better at the end of the season Fer what we have told you almost They were runners-up. Only three points difference and this year they have changed the car, not with a change in concept as expected, a change was expected. with a concept similar to that of Mercedes, which has been radical in the case of Ferrari, more was expected, it has been less than it was And this is bad, it is not that at the end of the season Ferrar is one of the teams that develops the least car in 2023 but it is one of the teams that progressed the most because they understood the car and they have now added to their car what it was missing, taking inspiration from other teams on some occasions and without that with those changes being a continuous line being a change to a yes of concept of course but being a continuous line, for example in terms of suspensions, which everyone is almost copying as much as possible from Red Bull, which has Pull Root in front, Push rot in the rear, Mercedes, for example, had before, on the contrary, it had Push rot in front and Pull rot in the rear. And now It has Push rot and Push rot, the only thing missing is the front. Ferrari goes the other way in everything. It has Push rot in the front and Pull rot in the rear. This is good, it is bad, it is neither Good nor bad. They are going their way and they started to Going towards better, they have not changed it this year and I think it is indeed a strong point that they have the car and they already know it, which is why I think that at the beginning of the season they are going to make a little difference. That difference compared to Mercedes that it will carry at the end of the season. season they have looked very strong but they are not going to be able to compete against Red Bull this year they are going to be runners-up. I think that this year and last year they were the only team that managed to snatch a victory from Red Bull I think that this year they are going to be that second force, they are going to have races to be the fifth team because obviously it is going to happen to all these teams because it is going to be a very minimal difference but as I say I think that Ferrari for those reasons is going to make that difference to be runner-up So that's the reason why I put Ferrari and that's all for this video let's see no of course we have to say the champion it's clear who the champion is Not yes I've already said the 10 teams eh Red Bull I have also already said that 1st: Can Red Bull Racing become even more dominant and improve on a season that was considered perfect? Verstapen I think is going to be the best driver on the grid and that he is going to be the champion. Let's see there is not much to talk about this Red Bull team. What do you want me to tell you? They already dominated the last year The rb19 is already the most dominant car in the history of Formula 1, they won 21 of 22 races. The question is whether this year they are not going to win the 24 that we have ahead of us, hey, I have hope. that Red Bull at the end of the year, maybe also for focusing on 2025, they can get pissed because what Red Bull is going to do is focus as soon as possible on the 25th fully as they did last year so that in the 25th they will only be focused on the 26 We will talk about that later in the season but Red Bull is going to do that. I hope that this year, at the end of the season, the teams will have caught up with them and we will be able to see victories from, Hopefully, at least the first five teams. I have my doubts that they don't win 24 races, it's that they start better than they finished the year, that's what many people have said, this phrase they start at least better than they were in Abu Dhabi in difference against their rivals And it's normal if it's If you think about it this way, of course Red Bull did not develop the rb19 from Silverstone. Since Silverstone they were only focused. Silverstone was the eleventh or tenth race and there were another 12 to go. Since Silverstone, they were only focused on this car. How was this change going to go wrong ? brought from the concept itself, maybe it went wrong for them. Hey, maybe I'm wrong. Maybe the biggest mistake I make in this video. I hope. But how could it go wrong for them, having only focused on themselves for half a year while their rivals were focused on developing their cars? Well, At the end of the season they had an advantage that was smaller at the beginning of the year of course and this year they are starting better because they have been solely focused on this car better than how they started with the R19 maybe yes maybe even yes the advantage is better than what they have now to the one they had with the rb19 in Bin last year, now well, I have the hope that at the end of the season, yes, I say it like this, there may be a team that is close but I have my doubts that they will not win 24 races and this car, we have already told you before, it fits better Max stappen driving style is that this car is scary is that we have talked about long runs of race simulation that they have done in these preseason tests is that the car on the first day inadvertently beats first and what's more There it came out That day is when his GP engineer comes out. GP, however you want to pronounce it, I don't know, that smiling video comes out when Besten gets first and in the second, the second and third day doesn't come out. None of the Red Bulls don't finish first, why? Because they haven't dear because maybe on the first day they didn't want to be first and they were still first in rhyme one lap is crazy And in es it is a more stable car than it was last year More stable and it is a car eh with less degradation than last year, they have still improved. In that sense, it generates more rear downforce, which is going to be good for the urban circuits, which was the only problem they had, because it is going to be good for them because they are going to generate more rear aerodynamic load because the channels they have made coming out of the Alo also generate more load on the rear dk because you use it for the diffuser area. The only doubt here, my only doubt is that they do not have cooling problems because the inlets are more Narrow ones are smaller, maybe they have those cooling problems depending on the circuit and it costs them more and if in the end they carry out the concept without pontoons, which is what is being reported, they want to ensure that they don't screw it up but with the advantage they have of floor space. with the advantage that they have in generating aerodynamic load more than the others in general is that it is It is that there is nothing more to comment on Red Bull is that it is already It is that the doubt is that they are going to win 24 races this year, you ask me this in December they are going to surpass themselves and I tell you no because it took us from '88 to 2023, it takes almost 40 years, they don't reach 40 but almost more than 30 years until a team surpasses McLaren from 1988, which was the most dominant team of history that year is that they surpassed themselves this year, I thought it was going to be impossible, it is that they can surpass themselves. So there is nothing more to tell you about Red Bull of course and this has I had not planned to make such a long video but this has been my prediction for this 2023 Formula 1 season in 2023 I say Conclusion and end mother of beautiful love This is my my prediction for the 2024 Formula 1 season leave me in the comments your prediction leave me in the comments who do you think is going to win the world championship who do you think will go in the categories that we have told you before how do you think it will be position by position this season if you let me be happy to read you of course if you think that I am totally wrong in a prediction You can leave it to me in the comments if you think that redw is going to be as dominating as I am as I have my doubts that they are or are not going to be dominant leave me in the comments I will be happy to read anything you want to tell me about it about it and as I say this has been all for this video Thank you very much for coming if you liked the video subscribe Leave your like So you don't miss any daily content that we make and see you in the next one We will continue talking about Formula 1

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