West Reading Fall Festival 9/16/23, West Reading PA

Published: Sep 16, 2023 Duration: 00:48:38 Category: People & Blogs

Trending searches: fall festivals near me
hey there guys this is Catherine of the adventures with Catherine I'm going to show you we are at the West Reading Fall Festival blocks and blocks of just things to do and let's see what all we can get into we have Pemberton Whole Foods over there they have their stand they got some mums they got some flowers we got chatty monks in case you need a brew there you go okay there is I try to get both sides here here is taylorchip.com see over here we have the candle company yeah I'm horrible at holding things oh we got a law firm here lots of vendors Rave hand vans if you want a waffle there you go have a waffle okay you got your brows we have I'm not trying not to get people on camera but it's hard not to do we have also danced your dream Studio of Dance you got the young one that's interested in getting into dance 18 months to 18 years there you go you need some tie-dye clothing they got you there's your tie-dye okay my favorite if you're looking for some smoothies and funnel cake there you go we got some artwork you know I always have to stop where people are making some items here actually you guys don't know if you're new to my channel because my channel just started today but I have a second Channel that I normally go around and show things so there you go now we've got some Flags here that are made on wood Stars those stars are actually cut out cut out that's nice I don't know the name of this place more candles another candle spot here sniffs are free smells like pumpkin I'm gonna try to just stand right here so I can get a view of of everything we got stitch in something over there it's hard to get a lot of the places that are out hey I see body Zone over there as well let me turn the camera to me hey guys I am Catherine your hosts were adventures with Catherine let me show you what was spreading what the street normally looks like there are a lot of the stores are made from house what used to be houses we've got Winnie's Tea Bar there we've got texture curl bar we have I know there's a Jamaican spot down there as well and a brew place on the other side same thing it looks like houses but most of our businesses with apartments on the top floor okay now Fitch and fern is the Home Furnishing place over there I'm trying to get over here and show you that nice furniture and that is the company is Fitch and fern oh their store is right there and I'm right now I'm in the block where Wendy's is I'm going to pass Wendy's soon a lot of crafty people are here today maternal and reproductive support yeah we do support body zone is here that's where I need to go I need to get back to body Zone Baja Beach you want to sign up for that more jewelry designers got a soap place there Furniture Farm let's go take a look at them and see what they have over here look at that looks like a skillet and some birdhouses there everything is made out of wood oh nice cutting boards those are nice cool and this is the farm bam hey you need a brew you got the barley Mal craft beer more pictures over here let's see what this is heel for design so this is more oh that's nice how are you got plenty of pictures here if you want to buy some artwork [Music] hi there what's the name oh there we go I got it right okay let's make our way weird guard line I don't know what that's that one is there goes Wendy's more clothing you want to see the prices on the beer here there you go happy fruit oh happy fruit with hot sauce oh hot sauce with fruit flavors okay you know I like my hot sauce too there you go you want some hot sauce that's flavored there goes Blackberry mango Cherry bourbon apricot garlic Apple garlic Caribbean Peach and apple garlic Diablo oh check out this artwork art with energy oh that is cool look at the one with the Sixers there Dr Jay Barkley oh that is neat I know a couple of football fans would love to have that and there goes their website try to get all that in hold on one second let's go to the other side make sure you come to their stand trying to get their website in there hi there but that is beautiful work very very nice let's see hello hi you've been to the bar cart before come on in the bar carts never been in there see what Maple honey and sounds pretty good it sounds pretty good okay upcycled fashion that looks good sorry upcycled Fashions that's pretty cool a lot of candle places here and then of course we have our own reading Royals check that out so you can come and check out the reading Oreos here goes there goes their schedule we can get that in there hello we have David Grimmer art artwork there people tell me I collect them looking for leashes and collars for your pets there you go we got the tattoo people here I'm too afraid for tattoos we have uh let's see what did I miss we have the Wyomissing fit clubs we have the Nutcracker we have the Berks ballet group here there you go get your young ones involved in some dance classes give them something to do Jiu Jitsu see that was neon tattoo here we have the B2 bistro bar you can come by and get your New York hot dog DC hot dog B2 hot dog candied apples and seasonal sangria at B2 oh and they also have caramel apples and what kind of apple is this one oh my goodness that sounds great guys you gotta check that out thank you oh what is this oh that's the Wednesday Adams type look that's cool I have a co-worker that would like that fueled by crystals and coffee my kind of spot hi how you doing and the name here we go the Ghostly [Music] oh man [Music] do you have a storefront a book just online oh okay you'll probably find that festivals oh cool all right he's here yes it is a lot easier a lot easier yeah I just started my second YouTube channel uh adventures with Catherine so this is like my first full video that I'm making the days here so sure I like The Vibes okay we have Fleet Feet they are outside um our Halloween work there are oh people are getting haircuts here you could come and get a fresh one you can come and get a oh my God look at the beard on this I'm amazed at people's beards and his beard is awesome you can come here and you can get yourself a haircut you can also stop by Bella Jewels which is a beautiful uh women's clothing store I'm going to show you guys just their their display window here so you get a feel for the clothing that they have very nice very scrunchy very sponsy as they say but cute little outfits got that thanks okay we have Nona alby's uh wooden Pizza you have your Kona Ice it looks like down this ah look so if you bring your kids here guess what there goes some fun stuff for them to do you got your bouncy houses you got everything there um I'm gonna take a break right here lots of bouncy houses lots I don't know I'm gonna take it's probably food [Music] now the best thing about the festivals is you got music on every just about every corner let's go see what this guy's about okay [Music] [Applause] [Music] nothing like being out at a festival or a fair and you're like hear live music very groovy all right now we only walk through one block so far guys we got more blocks to go I believe so here we go more hot dogs this is hippie's original pranks oops excuse me check out the gourds of pumpkin patch decent price for hot dogs and I'm gonna slip over here to the other side I think that's a big huge drone in the air I don't know if you guys can see that but I'm gonna try to zoom in let's see oh do I want to get a a henna tattoo [Music] maybe next time welcome to let's see what this is welcome to Zen Den Wellness so you have your ray K healing your soul reading your healing Crystal scan there you go check them out some more of the businesses that are along Penn Avenue grab the bull by the horns we'll see here oh bubbles Galore okay guys I'm trying to get into oh it's Orthodontics fire police trying to be more this is Wes reading Wyomissing Rotary Club show you what they're all about and what's running is the Burl in which this is all being taken care of being held in I like the fact that they are selling ice cold water at a reasonable price uh here we go pretzel Revolution um let's see oh I see some more artwork over here guys I'm gonna cross over I'm an art work fanatic there goes some artwork here a lot of mushrooms I'm gonna show you guys the Drone that's up in the air yeah okay now to try to get my camera back in Focus okay oh oh the gem on pens so they have a lot of gems some statues as well let's show you guys what they have here they have their stores right here on Penn Avenue some of the items that you can find you're looking for Buddhas they got them looking for crystals they got them come out and support I almost tripped over that excuse me foreign grew up an active and adventurous kid in 2002 at the age of 16 things changed when he suffered a traumatic injury on his ski slip that left him paralyzed not letting that slow him down with determination and spirit he is currently able to walk again with the use of crutches so this is his artwork very cool very very cool and this is Brian this is the artist at work awesome now if you're a person that doesn't like crowds I'm walking in the middle of the walkway there are there's a sidewalk on both sides of this is a street so you can get out of the mix of everything if you wanted to but I like being in the mix I don't like to separate from the mix here we go if you want your Pagoda apparel home of reading which is the big Pagoda hi how you doing you can come here and get your items that have running on them with the pagoda in Pagoda apparel here in Reading are and I'll try to zoom in because right from where I'm standing at you can actually see the Pagoda or its dance which is pretty cool we have more t-shirts trying to see what's on the other side over here it looks like more clothing if I see anything neat I see a Gold Label seafood place oh that's different Adelphia is here that is the local seafood place come here and get some seafood how is the artwork there humble healing I hope I'm not holding my phone down catching pictures of people's tushies ah it's kind of fun okay guys I'm hearing more music so I'm trying to go oh this is wine down do you get yourself a drink I think I'm going to get one of those real soon what is that place there let's tackle about it we have a taco place over there I'm gonna get on the sidewalk guys and start and take a little wow um the corn the Mexican corn that looks so good then they have pineapple drinks over there they have like a whole pineapple pour it out definitely come here and check them out plus they got they got the Mexican sausage over there gonna stand over here so you have a lot more of your food stands or their wine down that's where the cafes chatty monks that's some of the stores I'm seeing some artwork over here and I'm going to try to make my way over to see and to view okay I am making my way over here guys I see ya oh that was so we have more pictures here hello hi beautiful artwork are you the artist oh this is the artist of the artwork I'm shooting some footage from my YouTube channel adventures with Catherine and this is actually I just started today it's my second Channel though so as adventures with Catherine Catherine with a c yes thank you beautiful work do you have any cars great yes all right thank you very much thank you okay guys stop here for an acai let's see what else do we got I think I'm walking on the wrong side refill shot like an ethical cleaning products oh okay okay oh we have a shop that also has some CBD products if you want some of those as well now I'm going to try to make my way to the other side sorry for the pictures of people's backs guys broken chair I tell you what if you are an alkie this is the perfect spot for you to get some stuff and if you're a foodie so they have let's see potato funny funnel cake with Indian spices that's different [Music] the Muddy Creek Soap Company and their store is right there give you an idea where we're at right now there goes chatty monks places right next door tomorrow I see more art stuff over here guys I'm gonna cross over okay more stuff that's made out of wood oh that's very that's gorgeous sure yes yes here I'm shooting footage from my YouTube channel adventures with Catherine okay I'm gonna get a post up here on your card has the name where people can get stuff but this is beautiful very nice adventures with Catherine no I do not because this is my second Channel and I just started it today yeah my other channel okay definitely and take it with me blank somehow okay okay we'll do make sure you get the bottom one okay all righty yeah I have my other channel um was more towards people on medical marijuana okay so that and that was it's Catherine the Canada store and it's just over a year old and it's growing pretty good pretty good but just kind of like telling people my age from 56 it's an option because I spent many years on Vicodin it's like you're drinking and driving it saved my life because the the Vicodin and the muscle relaxer community in a car accident it was literally messing myself up so that I had to go on medicine for my stomach it was just so much but now I'm living the life of my anxieties under control and thanks to CBDs well you know my diet because my daughter she went so like Megan because she was having so much trouble yeah I like all that stuff not sure occasions okay that's Thanksgiving and they're having a leg of lamination she's eating some kind of I I eat everything I eat pretty much everything but I also use RSL oil every day which is Rick Simpson Oil which really helped my gut because I have IBS so that it helps with that as well uh no problem with that yeah yeah but so far that really helped in the Rick sips and oil just need very little bit on a cracker eat that the gut problems went away saving so much money on all the different medications that I was on and seeing the different doctors yeah yeah so now I'm able to get out and do stuff like this and share my story with other people my age you know nice meeting you before you go I got to show you something I'm looking at your necklace which is wonderful I love the wraps but I want to show you now this is a professional drill uh-huh oh I oh those are Monterey pine cones oh that is cool but they're wrapped too and that's why I wanted to show you that because of your necklace oh that is nice and I actually got this necklace from the last Festival I went to up in the Poconos it was the kind of Med show up in the Poconos yeah oh cool which I'll be going to the next one which is next week which they have a lot of artists oh nee um I can put you in touch with some of the people that run it because I I was actually on the ballot to win an award for best media cannabis Source MBA with one Festival but the lady that runs the academy shows I personally know her and oh she has vendors yes they have over two years nice to meet you too oh we got psychic readings we have palm readings here hey do you need shingles for your roof or do you need um solar bachmans let's see we're getting closer to the music guys and I can only imagine how glammy I'm sweating right now and pretty soon I'm gonna have to get something to eat oh man do you want some Tito's what store is this Tito's handmade Garden spruce that's where I met my husband oh third and Spruce is out here with the titos we got Penn State here too and where are we at we have the art gallery we're going to cross here and go to the art gallery real quick guys my face I know is probably sweating so bad I'm gonna show you guys [Music] preparing style right there which is cool if you don't never heard of Keith Herring you should there we go there's also wine and cheese over here oh say cheese is outside too say cheese is a pretty uh pretty good store and I hear a lot of people say good things about it we have more music we're going towards the music guys [Music] try to get a better picture of this [Music] all right let's see guys I still gotta find something to eat I'm gonna let you guys see exactly how much I'm sweating and get an idea that's what I'm doing for you guys you're sweating my butt off okay so right now we made it through two blocks so far just two blocks right now I am in front of um the newly renovated store this used to be the old Chef Allen's restaurant it is now called Legacy Cigar Lounge and then on the other side we had the Bold coffee place so we are right here at Sixth Avenue on Penn uh on Penn Avenue in West Reading at the festival oh yeah I gotta stop and I've got to really dab my face ah sweating pretty bad now I'm gonna Venture back out in the streets what does this stand for oh Winnie's t-bar long line it must be good stuff because people are in line for it yeah yeah okay guys I'm gonna cut over here real quick all right all right hold on guys just gotta dab my face here a second before I show you guys any more [Music] okay no okay and here we also have West reading's finest out here protecting we have the West Reading Police Department that is out here they have some pups and some other stuff for the kids oops okay I had to make sure I did Pat my face enough so now I'm not shining no excuse me all right now we're gonna go down block number three now guys also we are at 29 minutes can you please click that like button I really do appreciate it as I am out here sweating to bring you the West Reading Fair all I can say is Winnie's t-bar has got the longest line hey people are standing up over there to throw things to knock the lady off of the down into the water [Music] Let's see we have the breast cancer awareness over there we have Taki Ramen if you need something to eat which surprisingly I know I need to eat but I'm just not that hungry okay so you have the cigars you can buy your cigars over here as well we got Pagoda Hill vineyards never heard of them before someone got [ __ ] pasteurized Meats [Music] okay I gotta get up okay the window which is uh a lot of meat had to take a break and come over here in the cut guys so this is still like I'm just going to be going down block three and uh yeah this is interesting trying to get through these blocks lots of food though okay yeah the only way to get through the blocks just to go all I can say is people with baby carriages need to take lessons or something and driving and people that bring their dogs to events like this you should probably really put a muzzle on them because your dog may not have ever bit you but he might fight someone else oh Astro vinyl art so they turn the vinyls into art that's cool see Tupac over there this funnel cake I smell is really it is starting to make me a little bit hungry more food over there more funnel cakes gemstone jewelry if you want your gemstones made into jewelry here you go very nice Gourmand they're out here fresh pizza they got the pit oven with the grill that is cool I've never seen that before at a festival and I must get closer I must I must you see me look at that is so cool fresh pizza okay now we're getting chakra readings if you want a chakra meeting Gourmet peanut butter and more you got some lemonade here you got Brewers handcrafted beer tinsel and taro Brewer's Bar and Grill I think that's where the stores back there [Music] you know wherever you see folks with a grill you almost want to stop they got chicken leg sandwiches over there I don't think they're quite ready yet that looks good I don't know what I want to eat yet you like pickles yeah oh they got local authors there you go some local authors Sunshine created oops sorry but fairy Hair by Kelsey oh they put that in there oh so she puts she puts these colors and puts them in your hair that's cool and Twig on some laser designs Tristan and Sons cakes and Shakes got a burger place over here you're doing a great job now this is one of the blocks that this street here is the only one that they did not block off so that traffic can flow because um Tower Health hospital is right up the road there so this is still open and this is Fifth Avenue so it's right there there goes the circle so if you're navigating in West Reading This is a road that you can take still this is one is open taking you towards the museum and Reading Hospital okay and they do have an officer here that's directing traffic now we are going on block number four block number four here we go oh my goodness we have more lemonade which now I'm starting to get thirsty the more I talk we have a Mexican restaurant here I think it's the second one that was here and I'm hearing music I'm seeing some jewelry over here as well let's catch this more artwork things made for jewelry kind of cool trying to bring you guys all this stuff here I'm getting thirsty [Music] more jewelry lots of jewelry designers here today oops sorry you need books you want books you want to read There you go breading Pride over there and we have food over here visiting Island seasoning Island Creole Caribbean cuisine from North history wow that's cool foreign I think I might get something from here fried plantains fried sweet potatoes I have so much guys fried plantains red rice fish stewed chicken jerk chicken [Music] oh look at that tell me that's not gorgeous hi there how you doing are you the artist ah this is the artist that makes this beautiful work do you have any cards that can take lavender eggs lavender and company she's on Facebook beautiful my YouTube channel is adventures with Catherine it's my second one that I started and I just decided to start it today [Music] thank you beautiful artwork very nice okay I'm gonna go down one end and come back up the other uh we have a frutera Kings so they have some baked pork they have their stuff covered which I like that right away I don't like um stuff that's not covered you know that just really gets me a little bit and this is Burke Summerfest let's check this out Burke Summerfest hi there hello there what is this about I am Catherine and I yes fish yes how are you doing great I started my second YouTube channel and this is for adventures with Catherine yes so tell me what is this about you also work with um I see you doing a lot of the Jazz Fest events right yes Omni event operation store cool can I have one of your cards or when I'm reviewing thank you next weekend our Summerfest is free at the first time oh that is awesome two days of free music and lots of things we have Blues Festival that's coming up our holiday Christmas show at the Miller Center of course we are gearing up for 2024's 10-day jazz festival which I love absolutely yo guys yes the oops sorry about that the Burke's Jazz Fest is just awesome and I love what you do you stay busy very busy yes good to see you okay guys got some information for you and I'll be reading this information off as well we have more I think the only thing I missed oh we have a new store over here that I've never been into so I'm going to see they actually have this is noodle I've heard of them hi there goes their QR code in case you want to see what all they they have to offer in their store and they do actually have the store is actually right behind them so make sure they are right here on the Avenue come visit them yes thank you okay we have Bethany's Children's Home which is out my way in Robesonia actually no they're probably considered a woman's door we're almost dwarf [Music] oh I'm hearing more music did you hear it this is the Soul Shine Shop they have your uh they have some soap they have some key chains they have incense incense holders as well okay a lot of little doggies here some more artwork [Music] oh the dogs are waiting in line to get their treats they have doggie treats as well more beer I'm gonna get you something to drink guys okay we are I'm in front of the West Reading Motor Club that's where the music's coming from [Music] try to get closer you guys can see who's playing [Music] all right [Applause] [Music] about to take a picture here with Sean in front of there here we go very cool that is a very big place there [Music] hey you want some insurance come to stay home here are the events um they're showing here for the Miller Center a lot of art things are done at the Miller Center here you go showing you the dates they appear [Music] oh we got rock here yes I graduated from rat yes that's my college oh I love this can you see that yes I have learned to embrace my fupa okay me and my fupa are at one beautiful crystals look at that amethyst that Roar cut hi there how are these are beautiful doggy beautiful crystals wall cut just gorgeous a lot of them oh absolutely beautiful and it says her stand Celia Baker okay you don't have to worry about having cash she can take you she does venmo PayPal all that she can got you okay excuse me oh that's a cuddly little dog there okay we have the dog places over here [Music] more funnel cake Sammy steaks you got Sammy's steaks in the house [Music] delicious [Music] Stacy Granger photography [Music] very nice West Reading Diner [Music] this is the West Reading Diner's been here for ages they got some stuff outside too [Music] [Applause] [Music] your mother [Music] Mary [Music] from here [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay guys somebody over there was smoking some good good okay uh I'm gonna end this video now for Reviving with me but I'm gonna go and find something now calm down camera and enjoy my view and enjoy the music uh again this is my new my new channel adventures with Catherine thank you so much we'll be doing more Little Adventures find the festivals going the fairs having fun seeing all that first counting it has to offer and occasionally we will be first County and show you what else there is okay peace and enjoy life [Music] also this is Aladdin [Music] Mediterranean Cuisine store [Music] I don't give yourself away [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] don't get yourself away

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