Category: Entertainment
[संगीत] है दो जहां के मालिक सुन ले मेरी गुजारिश मेरे जिगर के टुकड़े के वास्ते ये ख्वाहिश वो जहां भी जिस जगह हो तेरा हाथ सर पे रखना हरदम हर घड़ी हां तू फिक्र उसकी करना उसे खैरियत से रखना उसे खैरियत से [संगीत] रखना बस खैरियत से [संगीत] रखना कभ तेज धूप उसका बदन जला ना पाए कभी बारिशे भी उसको बीमार कर ना पाए होली आफ तन पे उसके तेरे हाथों से तू ढकना उसको लगे ना ठोकर इतना कम तू करना उस खैरियत से रखना उसे खैरियत से रखना... Read more
Category: Entertainment
[music] hey i'm sam hy from entertainment weekly i'm here at comic con joined now by the cast of shadow hunters h well i'm aast of shadow hun a a shadow hunter i want to start because the last episode ended clary realized something very big very important how is that gonna change things especially i... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Oh that that makes me laugh so hard that clip that is we've got more response from that clip than anything in nine years really i just just throwing her against the fridge yeah now did she get hurt you had to rehearse that you know she every we rehearse it a lot and every time i said am i hurting you... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Thank you thank you thank you thank you very much i don't need it i take it thank you veryone thanks thanks thank thanks thank you thank you very much please oh and back at you thanks so much i oh that's ah i know some people are sitting down going that was really loud and i apologize i don't know how... Read more
Category: Comedy
Vicky polard you have been charged with shoplifting on the 11th of april it is alleged you went into the kk skin branch of super drug once there you attempted to steal an eyeliner pencil and a can of red bull by concealing them in your leggings now in the face of the overwhelming evidence we've heard... Read more
Category: Entertainment
الله اكبر الله اكبر الله اكبر الله [موسيقى] اكبر اشهد اله الا الله [موسيقى] [موسيقى] Read more
Category: Comedy
Joy bear santa cla your dre welcome to miz mojo and today we're counting down our picks for kate mckinnon's funniest and most entertaining impersonations from her time on snl i'm sorry i broke it's too funny number 20 joy bear in this hilarious parody of the view kate mckinnon plays one of the show's... Read more
Category: Entertainment
वो सुभान कैसा है उसे होश आया क्या ठीक है ना बोलिए कुछ सुभान कैसा है पहले ऐसा लगा था कि उन्हें बचाना मुश्किल होगा पर पिछले आधे घंटे में पता नहीं क्या चमत्कार हुआ उनके सारे वाइटल बिल्कुल सही आने लगे [संगीत] अब डॉक्टर का कहना है कि उन्हें जल्दी होश आ सकता [संगीत] है अल्लाह का लाख लाख शुक्र अगर हमारी सुभान को कुछ हो जाता तो हम कैसे जीते तूने हमारी दुआएं सुन ली मेरे मौला अरे दुआए क्यों नहीं सुनेगा आप यह तो मन्नत की दुआओं का असर है मन्नत ने सुभान की सलामती... Read more
Category: Comedy
After last week's disaster flyo gave us two free tickets to peru so far so good we're flying over the i'm talking you're talking we can't both be talking sorry judas apology accepted on this occasion peter thank you judas so we're on the plane flying over the andes now the first disappointment was there... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Stupid sit down and put your answer [music] Read more
Category: Comedy
Santa cla your welcome to watch mojo and today we're counting down our picks for kate mckinnon's funniest and most entertaining impersonations from her time on snl i'm sorry i broke it's too funny number 20 joy bear in this hilarious parody of the view kate mckinnon plays one of the show's main state... Read more
Category: Sports
Termin le vorn ericson the former england manager has shared an emotional farewell as he nears the end of his life diagnosed with pancreatic cancer earlier this year and given a prognosis of just a few months the 76-year-old ericson reflects on his life in a new amazon prime documentary titled sven... Read more