🚨 WE'RE MOVING TO CUENCA! Live From São Paulo Brazil 🚨#flyeaglesfly #nflbrasil

Published: Sep 05, 2024 Duration: 01:08:00 Category: Travel & Events

Trending searches: sao paulo brazil time
okay hola hola so I know there's going to be a delay I'm not sure how long it is but if you can hear us um let us know in the chat and let's see here should start here you do do it for turn that out you should be able hear it h Johnny so if you can hear us could you please respond in chat and let us know if the sound is good if the video is good the quality of it she said hola okay okay all right so first let me apologize for misspelling the the thumbnail and the title we've been out doing a bunch of stuff um so yeah didn't don't on someone someone brought to My ATT him to let me know that I needed to uh check behind ver my spelling music pretty good at this stuff I apologize uh but yeah I just couldn't fix it okay go Eagles hey so this is yeah anybody wondering this is this is the reason that we came to South Paulo and it is it's been awesome it has been awesome we apologize if there's an echo because this room is not soundproof but it has been awesome the trip has been awesome and um the eagles flying up in s Paulo right now yeah yeah yeah there's there's a ton of Eagle fans in this hotel and I love it I love it the game is tomorrow night so we're not going to keep y'all on for anybody that wants to watch the Ravens and whatnot tonight so like I said the the game is tomorrow we can't wait there's a whole pregame thing that we're going to be doing that's going to be awesome turn that down a bit um but first uh we want to talk about why well we are moving obviously it was in the but let me preface PR uh preface this first there's nothing happened to us in Selenas there uh nothing happened in Selenas um as to why we wanted to move Selenas is great um I think our season is ending our season has ended in Selenas and like I said we love Selenas there's nothing wrong with Selena we absolutely are grateful for going to Selena's first oh absolutely going to Selena's first and um we met great people there there and it has been a great journey yeah in Selena so don't get it twisted yeah don't get it twisted nothing weird happened nothing happened um we're just you know our season has ended in Selenas and it's now time for us to open another chapter in our little my little book of uh travel to move somewhere else and um we just want to let people know you know selenis has definitely been good to us um the one thing I will say is we're just not Beach people yeah um the coast there's nothing wrong with the coast we uh we just don't go out enough to enjoy the beach like some people that we met that really enjoy the beach yeah um if I was a beach person so Selenas would be it top the top of my list Selenas would be it but I'm just not a beach person um there's other things I would like to do and um I think you know Selena's just right now the season has ended that chapter has ended there's there's like things that well one thing she mentioned was that we how should I put this we glad we went to Selena's first we're glad we moved there first and I apologize if it sounds like I'm yelling but I just want to make sure y'all can hear me um but we're glad we went there first because although Selenas has a lot it doesn't have like nearly as much as maybe like uh Mon and other bigger cities in Ecuador so we got the experience of living with less so to speak and that's fine which is which is fine fine for us we love we wanted the downside anyway um but with that came a lot of experience where we had to like learn stuff on the Fly things that maybe if you're in another city you don't have to worry about things that you don't have to do transportation is a little different here um I'm sorry here but in Selena's there there's little differences that since we had to kind of learn it on the Fly we're glad we did that first because had we gone to a bigger city like keto Monta quank when we first moved to Ecuador and then and then try to move to Selenas it might have been a little more of a shock to us yeah a little challenging for us but um yeah Selena Selena was a a great choice yeah and it's if it's a it's a good start if you're someone that has traveled a bit and you're used to like maybe not having all the things that you want um but being able to get you know everything that you need and like I said for us know we we we did that we did it for 2 and 1/2 years so it was just time to make a change and not necessarily to say that oh we're making a change because we want a lot more stuff that that's not it no that's not it um you know our first choice was another place um I I think my GL I'm fogging up over here guys I'm having one right now so this is what happened when he always talking about oh my goodness you're having a hot fles cuz my glasses fog up so if you see I don't know how well y'all can see that but they are fogging up the the heat is radiating off of me right now but um the choice that we when we decided to move to Cen I think it was for the best and um also because we did not speak Spanish or you that didn't speak Spanish well we didn't speak Spanish enough so I don't know where you get this from we speak this now but um moving to Selena's and being around my friend Stephanie was definitely um beneficial and it helped us a lot and it it helped us become acclimated to um Ecuador and Selenas and being able to navigate the way we did and have done it has prepared us for our next move so so I don't know when you want to make this big reveal you go ahead and and I'm sorry let me see Fly Eagles Fly yes fly eil fly we are the e a l e up in here uh I thought I was a beach person when I moved to the beach in pla blancco Rio Panama I enjoyed the N9 months on the beach but my recent move to Panama City Panama suits me yeah we like Panama City when we visit it oh that was a really nice city actually it really was we really enjoyed it um that became our backup City yeah yeah like just in case and we have a friend who moved from Monta to Panama she really she has really um gotten acclimated to Panama and really likes it um but you know she moved for a different reason but she's happy yeah and when we went to Panama it was definitely you know that was a nice city that was a nice city yeah so drum roll drum roll we are moving to quka quka um when we visited quka I did not have the altitude sickness or yeah that you had the first time we that I had the first time and I and I don't know what what happened the first time because quka was our first choice when we when we decided to moved to Ecuador um we definitely had thought about uh keto uh but keto yeah I can't wake up in the middle of night gas me for we really we look we really enjoyed keto when we visited uh just just so y'all know and say Dr Dr Linda Ola yeah um we really did like keto when we visited so we I we didn't of course we didn't see the entire City but from what we saw we liked it but that altitude is just too high maybe in know getting acclimated to quaner may prepare us to move to keto later who knows you know we have no restrictions so you know that's the great part about not for us not owning anything and we can just go wherever we want to go so um that is our journey to go wherever we choose to go and explore because Ecuador is a beautiful place to explore and thanks Barry we'll see you we we you know we're just excited I'm excited I'm excited for this new chapter for us and we already have friends in quka so you know for those that we've chatted on messenger on Facebook you know we're coming yeah anybody that's that's giv us any kind of tips or anything you know we really appreciate it um we're we're not the most even though we have a YouTube channel we're not like the most you know tell everybody everything type of people so we kind of kept it close um yeah he helped me he was like cuz I didn't even tell my friend but now she knows you know who you are you you you know you two door is over so um but yeah it's it it wasn't here's the thing it wasn't a hard decision the the hardest part about it was just leaving all the friends we make we made a lot of friends here in Selena even the staff that work in our building like they're like we're cool with everybody yeah and we're definitely going to miss that absolutely going to miss that but you know it's we get like I said we gave it two and a half years there's nothing wrong with it we're just going to you know make a make a new move um we going to read some comments real quick okay so we're just going to read a few comments um that one Evelyn Barry Barry okay yay welcome to quka yay um I love keto also but the altitude is no joke that's from Evelyn um Johnny says I had a problem in quka breathing for a while but now I can walk and do whatever I think I let's pray I mean cuz when I was there on our last visit I didn't have much um a much of an issue uh it was better I don't know what happened when we first went there the first time I think it was our first time being an altitude like ever yeah yeah um and she said she's happy we're moving um we would love that we're hoping so you know I don't think it would be I think wherever we are together we we make the best of it you know we're not as outgoing as it look like we are on YouTube We're homebody y' we really are but um the friends I have made they have been by far very resourceful very uh enjoyable and I am so grateful for all the friends that I have made and people I've cross paath with and so many and we're not just talking about xats like so many just Ecuadorian friends and you know American Canadian um everybody's been so cool this country Ecuador is so awesome when it comes to like friendly people like they are they literally the best seriously um but like yeah on our new Journey there are going to be obviously some new videos that we are going to put out because we are moving fairly soon pretty soon um so we're going to have like new content of course you know in quka um but more of that just kind of off-the-wall content like our weird restaurant review that we did oh my go we just felt like having fun that day he felt like having fun and had me dress up with this Happ you're the one that put the eyelash I was like look this is do we going to go all the way let's go all the way but um that just goes to show we entertain each other a lot with crazy stuff so this is how it is living with this guy right here so yeah the place we mooving offic is a little more room to do some of the stuff we want to do um her plants oh wow just being here in s Paulo we went to a park oh my goodness the plants here I love plants I'm sorry go ahead you want to talk about the greenery that was one of the reasons that you would that one of the things that you wouldn't necessarily miss about Selenas the lack of greenery yeah the lack of greenery but um quer has a lot of and I talked about in the um the previous video when we was in quka about the greenery but I also love the mountains I love fresh I don't know it's something about when you wake up early in the morning you have that fresh crisp uh morning air for me and it's cool and I need cool right now like I said my glasses was fogging up earlier but I just love the mountains I don't I have no idea what it is I love nature I don't love everything that comes with nature but I love nature um some people love looking at the ocean and hearing the waves you know for them is soothing for me that's not soothing I hate no I'm not going to say I hate I'm not for the crashing waves for whatever reason that's annoying to me it's just like yeah it's one of those things that's fine like if you know moment temporarily for a few minutes if I got to listen to that every day all day I'm trying to watch Netflix I'm listening to way I don't know here I don't want to hear it period but I know it's soothing to some people for me just looking at the mountains looking at nature looking at the trees and you know how they change that is everything for me and I guess that's why I'm So Into plants because plants give me life and oxygen so I I'm looking forward to having my garden my own little whatever my own little space you know and we'll capture that cuz you're going to see me I'mma look like uh what's her name was in baby boy y'all may know but she was sitting out there in that guard to drink of her tea that's going to be me um there's some other stuff that you know I'm going to document that I I'll talk about that in a later video because I got to make sure I can get everything that I need uh but that'll be an very interesting Journey uh for nature lovers I'll just say that um and for me cuz it'll be the first time I'm able to do this so we'll talk about that later um but yeah as far as our journey we are looking forward to just seeing some rain every once in a while oh I want to hear the rain I know y'all like ocean but yeah the rain I don't know what it is it's like it's a calmness when you hear the rain and you can I don't know I feel I to see myself it's raining I got a I can get a blanket I can curl up and just read a book put her cold feet on me whatever he's not uh Johnny said we're so happy you moving here you will love it thank you take it easy and drink a lot of water y that's that's what we did the last time we were there and and we were fine um you guys some fun doing your review and uh Buck travel said if you love plants you will love Colombia we got to visit Colombia actually eventually um that's one of the places that that's on our list that we want to get to yeah I got to take my time with all these flights because you know yeah because this all right so the flight coming here this short short story though flight coming here wasn't it wasn't too long wasn't too long it was two flights it was from W Hill to Lima Peru and then Lima Peru to sou Paulo but it was overnight because our flight from W kill left at 8:15 at night and then the flight from Peru left at after midnight and we mistakenly got uh we're we're on the exit row exit row seats yeah no I thought we would get in an extra leg room so we got a exit row um unbeknown to us the ex row I don't know what it is about these seats like they sit I mean you can't recline I feel like that seat was sitting straight up like this like it I was like man a regular planing seat is not normally this uncomfortable I had more leg room which is fine but you can't put your bag underneath even though those seats underneath and you could have just underneath you couldn't you can't have bags you can't have a lot of stuff and we couldn't recline it was overnight flight so we were already kind of sleepy and just couldn't sleep right and I won't say it was the worst yeah we've had worst I would just say it was uncomfortable yeah and it was Laton there's nothing nothing against airline nothing against airline at all no you know we were talking about Airline a minute time was fine time it was fine and the staff was very um friendly yeah and helpful gave us a little meal you're not going to comment on the me I'm not comment on that it was all right it was okay but anyway um we're here in South Paulo and it's been great the weather has when we first got well Wednesday which was yesterday it was warm yeah it was like 80 89 or something like that it was warm yesterday and I know he put up a video or or a picture I don't know did you it might been on it was on Facebook or whatever yeah so we decided to go to a park to go to the museum and unbeknownst to us uh Brazil is almost like Italy yeah stuff shut down between like lunchtime I guess it's I don't know if it's 12 it's 1 but any time between 1 and 3 no access yeah so we walking around in the park and I said oh let's go to this Museum and of course by the time we actually got there that took a while what is it the Google Maps yeah the Google Map and the map from the park the park had its own map that you could use but that wasn't helpful all I know we went around the entire park when we could have cross yeah we could have cut across or honestly we probably passed it didn't know we passed it and he was like look my feet burning either way it was closed when we got there it was closed so we ended up like going around another another area we got something to eat at the park this park is enormous it's enormous so we went to a little restaurant there got some food that no that was before you was talking about your feet oh yeah my feet were already killing me at that point but it was so nice well I will say this we sat on the bench we saw kids teenagers oh yeah they were playing it gave me joy that they did not have their phones they were actually doing things that we did when we were small and or younger and playing at the Park Frisbee riding the bikes flirting with each other you know what kids do like teenagers and whatnot but they weren't on their phones that was that was the thing you know playing on the um what are hanging bars monkey bars or something it wasn't that monkey bars the one with the little I don't I don't know I forgot what they called but we haven't done it Jungle Gym the jungle stuff but anyway it was just fun to see how kids were actually enjoying themselves talking to one another not having their face which is what we see a lot in Ecuador honestly we see that a lot we see a lot of teenagers okay so Johnny says that it is raining a bit now but we are in the middle of a drought looking forward to your videos of South Paulo Washington and the Super Bowl what who said that nonsense Johnny said that Eric black cousin is that my cousin Eric come on man come on man you you you've been better off talking about the Cowboys no he wouldn't I have been Buck Trav said I was on a flight from East Coast Japan and it wasn't bad yeah we've had some long flight to Japan wasn't bad we' had long flights that were fine just that one we won't do that one again not not in exit row like we would have been better off just getting in a regular he doesn't know he going to be in the ex on I know whatever it was only 4 hours so it was okay it wasn't that you do what you got to do you know we're we're traveling so oh I do want to say while we're um here I started a new channel uh there's short educational videos I think I put the link to it in the description for this video uh so those channels those videos actually debut while this live is going so if you want go to that other channel and um subscribe you know appreciate it like the videos but there short educational videos about things you may not have learned in school especially like black history okay so Buck Trev also said my worst flight was a short flight from Miami to Costa Rica it was only 2 hours it but it was long because of a uh because a family from Spain had a Cryme baby with them buck that was a Cryme baby on the flight last night I had sound sound uh soundproof headphones I'm good oh I don't know what I just did okay uh you have what my headphones the uh noise cancellation okay the baby was in the back I understand I I feel that was in front of us I remember cuz there was with one big guy he was sitting next to the couple that had the baby cuz I was looking at it sound like it was in behind me but I feel for the child I really do feel for babies because as a parent when you're traveling you don't know what that baby is experiencing we don't I know for me the when we get up in high altitude or elevation my ears pop so I can imagine what that feels like for a baby that don't know what's happening and apparent you know oh let me pop a bottle in your mouth or whatever you need to understand that whatever that child is feeling you need to be tuned in in and how you can ease that child the pressure in their ears I don't know if you have I don't know what you need to do they need to speak to a pediatrician to find out what think the baby didn't cry the whole time did it no no but I know when we went up in altitude the baby was crying when we came Downy was crying baby was crying because I know I had to chew gum I was chewing gum and swallowing to make sure my ears pop so as a parent speak to a pediatrician about your child because we don't know what babies go through we don't know what kids go through especially when they're not able to speak I just feel for them um oh I forgot to mention the name of the channel it's it's schools don't teach this schools don't teach this on YouTube but anyway so here in South Paulo um when I tell you the the fans the Eagles right here yeah and Green Bay Green I guess we should mention that they're playing against Green Bay well there's some Green Bay fans here too just the hotel that we're in is mostly majority Eagles fans they're everywhere they have like four I think about three or four um hotels here hotels here in South Pao that there is more Green Bay Packers fans in another hotel yeah they not that many in this one there's some here um I will say I was a Green Bay package fan prior I haven't switched to Eagles I'm just supporting suppor me I'm just supporting I watch any football game I you know I support whoever whoever although she has the jersey that I want they didn't have my size when she purchased the jerseys don't be mad this is the jersey that I want don't be mad the Super Bowl hey but anyway anyway there so we everywhere we've gone we've seen Eagles fans yeah my at her place today the Batman he doesn't wear his gar he I I don't know why but I don't I just I didn't want to I didn't want to sweat in it okay but you know we just put this on for the video tonight we will have this on tomorrow all day tomorrow so I I'm expecting to be spelling out Eagles and Fly Eagles Fly but I got to I got to hype this man up right me up tomorrow we got to Hype him up when the game starts you already know what's up um but we were at the Batman alley here in South Pao today to souo yeah Batman alley is is so cool it's not a big area but it's like this a few streets where all the walls have like it's one street it's really one street well oh yeah well yeah yeah um but the walls are all like and I want to say graffiti because it's like art it is very art and all the Shops and and whatnot have like uh arts in them and stuff with like there's always some Batman theme uh going on in some of the stores but this is one of the coolest places I've been traveling like just a random place that has this art and uh shops and whatnot so it it was really nice and if and we saw a bunch of Eagles fans there when we went yeah we got greeted um if you come to South Paulo just know there's a lot of graffiti here and I've seen graffiti when we was in Italy yeah yeah but I think it's way more here in um South Paulo Brazil but it's beautiful like a lot of it is gorgeous yeah you know they're really some great artists you know unknown artist but um yeah riding R through like a tunnel or whatever and there's like graffiti on the walls and you just you're like like I caught myself a couple times just looking at it forgetting to take my phone out and actually take a video did that a lot yeah it was pretty awesome actually um and try and if you come and you go to this we cannot say this the name of this part it starts with the eyes I I I I I be Pua some I'm sorry if you look it up on Google Maps go to South Paulo and type in IBI and it'll probably pop up yeah the park is huge it has a lot of museums there um it's just a nice part to go to and we were able to go to the afro Brazilian Museum in the park and that was awesome yeah we and we're going to do a video later on South Paulo you know our experience and what we seen and some of the stuff that we like as we were going throughout the CI we did not take a tour um how's the food trust me we haven't been disappointed um the every time we try to get something something happens but I'll let you know gelato that's on point I'm about to get that we've had uh we had a we ate a restaurant in the park we both had Burgers those burgers were good I guess cuz we haven't had like was it the bacon that was on it okay yeah we haven't had bacon in the mix I'm Sor real bacon like if there's one thing we miss from the states is like just real cured bacon because that's hard to get in Ecuador and not cheaply so yeah when we got it here we like oh my God this bacon is delicious it is so good now they don't give you a slice of bacon they chop it up in little Cubes but it it Balan with the burger cuz I don't eat uh Dairy so I got it without cheese and it Balan very well and the fries now um the drinks okay I have drank I don't know if you can tell I have had more drinks in the last two days these Mo Moscow Mules here yeah they are on point they make good drinks here so he drink I had aito mojito and uh a pina colada is not frozen it's more on the ice yeah on the rocks or whatever you want to call it well at least at the place you got it yeah the one I had but the mouse me I don't have about three today yeah was it today today yeah I'm telling them myself but okay so but yes the drinks are on point here and the what is the the currency here oh the real so it's like it's like five real to $1 give or take yeah so you know you take $100 you get it you look at something and say like $45 for a drink like that was actually like eight bucks eight bucks but um the meals we had a meal in our hotel tonight was absolutely good yeah I I mean I don't know what it is about these Caesar salads and I know it's not a Caesar salad when you're adding chicken you add B and you had tomatoes cuz Caesar salad is usually just cheese crout tons and the dressing that Caesar salad tonight was on point he had soup what did you have it was like a chicken soup that was just that was appetiser yeah I wasn't it was okay it was just chicken soup it wasn't that great cuz he would have said oh yeah it was it was just like chicken soup yeah and um they overcut my filet me off yeah you did just just so yall know we're an hour ahead of the East Coast so right now it's what 8:30 it's 8:30 here so okay so and B said do you fit in in Brazil more than Ecuador um I I don't know I I think I would say this I'll say is cuz I noticed it in the market today we went to the Mardo yes it depends on who it is because I feel like we blend in and then the ones that know that we don't blend in they try they try to upsell us on something right like so in Ecuador it what's crazy we had this conversation with a couple today this same conversation and we in Ecuador we fit in but we don't because most that know they know the ones that know no but like most ecuadorians that we run into assume that we're like Colombian or something something else not necessarily Americans until we talk but the afro ecuadorians they pretty much all know that we're not Ecuadorian and I feel like it's kind of the same here that's like when we goes like when we went to uh Paris we knew that the foreigners like Africans we can tell they were African yeah you know you know yeah that's all we can say you know you know they spoke French like okay like you're either African or like your parents were African you know what I'm saying like yeah it's it's one of those things that you just you if you know it you know it yeah um but just so if you decide to come to Brazil is absolutely an experience um and it's even a great experience right now because we have so many people from all over North Carolina Philadelphia New Jersey yeah all over the country yeah here for this game yeah this game is Big this game is like big business here in sou Pao this weekend like the NFL is all over the city but we we decided I was trying to blend in I was like I'm not wearing we we didn't wear our stuff no but like I said now we went a lot of places and we people just walk around with an eagle Jersey on hat or or Green Bay and you know matching shoes so it's like people out here are really supporting their team yeah um and tomorrow I knows it's going to be kind of crazy it's GNA be he yeah now there's a lot of traffic I don't know if it's city is enormous I don't know if it has to do with the game but there is a lot of traffic it's just traffic I think all the time because we've been taking Uber rides to wh we want to go um it's a lot of traffic when we got here what time we get here we got here we we we're leaving the airport at like 700 a.m. and it took us an hour and 40 minutes no it was longer than that because we we didn't get here till after 9:00 we got here at like 920 in the morning so because I didn't sleep well in this exit row when I got in that Uber ride and he had the right air the right air conditioning the right temperature and I had my little pillow I didn't say anything to Steve I turned sideways and then I was gone I was out I needed that sleep because we still had to do stuff yesterday yeah and yesterday was a long day we ended up coming back and taking a nap and then getting back up and yeah yeah and I think it was ajustment for a lot of people because you saw people then you didn't see people and a lot of people were taking naps think people taking naps during the day yeah because I know if we had taken Copa Copa from Ecuador OHA k would have gotten us here midnight right the following night like it was a long it wasn't yeah it was it was weird but it was like a a day yeah or so so we didn't do Copa cuz we we really like Copa and so we took L time and we got here the next day at 7:00 in the morning and going through the uh Customs that was easy it was a course we have any either yeah so yeah we decid not to do any chck luggage but um if you decide we would just say if you come to Brazil definitely check out South Paulo we know there are Coast you know there's um beaches around here that people have talked about but for us it's um we don't have somewhere to go to the beach we have we don't have enough time because from here to a Beach it was it's like five what to the beach no the coast no was it longer than that yes oh it didn't matter cuz we wasn't gone yeah so it it was a couple hours and I didn't want to waste that time in the car driving to the coast so we've been um really experience we uh experiencing walking around and looking at different things they have a lot of museums that you can check out here tomorrow we will go to the mall yeah we heard that the mall is like 45 minutes away and I think he said like three levels yeah they got some some merch that we want to check out um because we have to go to a like a pregame uh kickoff that's it starts like three four hours before the game so we want to get the mall out of the way and then go to the it's going to be a a long day tomorrow um starting tonight we're supposed to go to we we might we might we're supposed to go to this Pub uh what time is it it's 8:39 they say around 10:3 11 that's usually when I start to wind down so hopefully we'll make it yeah it's within walking distance of the hotel so we'll probably just we we'll we'll stroll over there and then he said we stroll we probably strolling our sleep we're so lame but anyway uh we wanted to share with y'all you know our next chapter and we'll be in quink soon very soon and we'll make sure we update everyone When we arrive and so if we cross paths at the Mado in the park wherever um we love to say hello and chat it up meet up if anyone wants to help us um offload our stuff from the truck uh no send us a no not doing that so sorry don't even just erase that from your mouth I got to take care of anyway don't worry about he he got it but yeah um like I said Selena was definitely a it was a great first choice great First Choice a great experience and we love love love Selena you know um but our goal was to travel around and that is what we're going to do um who knows we don't know qu could could be a lifetime qu could be could be a couple years okay for two years you know who knows you never know just join did you find a place to live oh yeah uh quka sorry B um we're going to be moving to quka um so we found a place there and it's pretty much got everything we need everything we want U that we've been looking for so that's what we're going to do and we're going to give quka a shot the same way we gave Selenas a shot we'll we'll see what happens you know in here in the near future we'll be there soon be so stay tuned for that yeah and we know quaner is not for everyone because some people don't like it being cold um and the altitude but hey I'm open we'll deal with it I'm retired I me if it doesn't work out we'll move somewhere else who knows you know try Keo I don't know somewhere you know we um Ecuador has been uh what is it that I want to say it has been good to us it has it has it has been good to us and um we couldn't be more proud of the fact that we made so many friends and that the people of Ecuador are so welcomeing and friendly like I never come across people who just would invite you into their home and say hey come sit down have dinner with us and it's been great yeah I have no complaints you know that is our experience I can't speak everybody um but it has been it has been pretty awesome so we can't complain at all about Selenas about Ecuador um so we'll see what this new chapter has uh I'm going to answer where will you be in quka uh I can't really say um it's kind of on the outside it's on the outskirts of it's somewhere near I I want to say ricarte I don't know I we can't remember the name of the area it could be R but it's not it's not like outside of quka but it's not in the central area we didn't move 45 minutes out because I wasn't trying to be in a place where I cannot I don't we don't have a car if any type of emergency happens so we want to be near the Metro um near the bus line so like it's like a $5 cab ride to Central from where we're going to be at so it's uh B said how did you find how did you figure out the neighborhoods that's what confuses me how did you find a place realtor friend well I had a couple of Realtors I well I reached out before yeah we even visited that was a noo um I would say your you you you got it uh what is it roll your roll the dice dice um I went to Facebook Marketplace and I chatted before I actually went to see any the places and um I don't we didn't know any neighborhoods it was like I went and we yeah if that neighborhood was okay when we went if it felt it I go by my gut if it doesn't feel right no I'm not doing it because it we saw several and a lot of them did not feel like I wanted to feel so I go by my gut and that's all I can go by we didn't we didn't go through a real realtor for this one no um all I can say is when you're looking for places and I find like in Ecuador you can use a realtor but I don't I'm not trying to badmouth Realtors but I will say Realtors work for both work for the seller more so than the buyer and I feel like they would tell you anything if you're willing to buy it and you have know what you like whatever what meets your needs or rent we're not we're not buy rent or rent and I felt it this the same way I felt where we moved to in Selena is what I felt when I moved to this place it was a feeling and I have to go with my gut and if my gut said no it was a no right um and the owner was really cool yeah we've been Converses back convers back and forth through WhatsApp um and no no friend this was all me yeah nobody helped us with that like this was just cuz he was over there sleep and I was up in the middle of night texting people like hey where is this can I see it and there was one place when I tell you I thought it was it the person had rented the place the night before night before we saw it I was so yeah I was disappointed disappointed but it ended up working out in our favor kind of yeah and so I don't I try not to look at it as oh my God we lost this place it it was meant for that person it wasn't meant for me because the place where we are now has what we need um that place I would had to purchase a lot of stuff to put in it which would have been I mean which would have been fine if that's what I wanted to do so it worked out for it was it worked out for us the place that we ended up choosing [Music] um James say good to see you well we don't know who you are James but some one day we will meet he said you look very happy we are um we try to stay happy even though he even even we aggravated each other we're still fine I'm let him speak on that um Harry storm I'm very excited you guys are moving to quo so are we you know um um Laura says I wouldn't use a realtive first try your friends recommendation and yes good yeah you got you got this right I'm so excited you are coming here I'm new 6 months Lord uh heal us up yes anything we need to know let us know um I'm looking our friend Lana Lana has been a great resource I'm looking forward to to frisbee Fridays I think they have I love frisbee I love the park um I'm I'm looking forward to come into that um I don't know I'm not g to say it's every Friday I'm not that what is it we don't commit to anything we don't commit to anything I just like popping up if you're there you're there if you're not I'll figure it out yeah um Harry says we just moved into our second pen house awesome awesome but yeah we just go with the flow um I feel I can only speak for me repetition bores me I change it up I you may see me you may not I go in hibernation um the one thing I I am that I do repeat over and over I love spending time with my plants that's something that gives me joy gives me life other than him I want fine I'm fine I'm fine I wasn't taking it personal he's there but that gives me life and I really enjoy um my plants I enjoy uh herbs and how beneficial they are to your health because I did not know weed def de all of these things are very beneficial and why wouldn't they be you you know um however you want to describe the universe God whoever put these things here for the benefit of our for our health and so I've been doing a lot of research and I'm so looking forward to it uh we did I made us turmeric [Music] ginger what was it that tumeric Ginger tumeric oh that's those shots you oh those things were awesome gave me life and I'm trying to I I found a probiotic that I really like I'm hoping I will be able to purchase it in quka I'm not sure but it's um the brand is Garden of Life I had it before I moved to quka I mean moved to Ecuador and I purchased it online Garden of Life their probiotics are amazing if you want good Flora good bacteria that is a brand that has been great I know they got bought out by Nestle which I'm not happy about but I understand you know everybody has their you know their time span and uh if somebody throws a certain amount of money at you hey I can't be mad at you if you decide to sell I just hope they keep up the quality of the product yeah yeah we have any okay um okay are you doing live or watching it with us that's global politics breaking news I'm not sure I'm I'm try to see next one I was looking at oh we did we did take the uh oh oh the contract yeah oh we went to uh we had it authorized what is it notorized we went to went to a notary in um right and I looked over it before and and make sure that what was in the contract uh everything was correct was you know correct and and then we had to make a correction actually at the the the lawyer found like an error was a mistake but she found it and we had to correct it right there on the spot yeah with the owner so if you're if you're um renting and I would say to cover yourself get it notorized because that is the only legal document you have um some people may not want to pay the fee it was only $60 yeah and I'm sorry if $60 going to break you might yeah you might want to rethink cuz the the issues that come from you know contract problems could cost you way more than 60 bucks yeah okay live okay yeah um but yeah make sure you get your documentation uh all legal and whatnot uh but like Sean was saying that we are really excited about making our move here very soon yes um we wanted to wait uh until we made this trip to to South Pao to tell everyone um not just really trying not just to be like secretive or anything like that but there are just certain things we had to make sure we're all in place everything was right before we said okay this is what we're doing um we we're not the type of people to kind of just put all our eggs in one basket and say oh this is what's happening doesn't happen we want to know for sure first yeah um so yeah that but anything can happen anything can happen between now and then isn't that long honestly uh but anything that happen but yeah we're definitely excited for that we are um and we are so grateful for all of you um tuning in our live and just tune into to the channel honestly and wishing us the best um it is definitely helpful and we greatly appreciate it because without you I don't know yeah we wouldn't be doing this it is is it's been a journey and like I said Selenas has definitely been Ben was beneficial to us we can learned so much oh my gosh um and you know I I am a part of a lot of Facebook groups and I do look at certain things and I have to disregard certain things because um you have you have to know when to not let certain things affect you yeah and when them just make your own opinion about something yeah um and but I will say they are a great resource when they are giv information that can be beneficial to you so don't exclude them but you do have to sift through a lot of the stuff to make sure it doesn't affect you in a negative way and and just on that note so like one good thing about the Facebook groups is that you'll get news and stuff that you may not have known how to get any other way once you know where all this information is coming from you don't necessarily need the group anymore because I say that because a lot of times the group can become toxic or certain things in the group can become a little toxic and you're when you're just looking for information and all you see is like this person complaining about this and this person complaining about that and then somebody saying something nice and then this person complaining this person complaining it becomes it becomes you know tedious I I remove myself from a lot of groups for reason and I just I I know where to get all this information now I know where to find out the weather the news everything so I don't necessarily need the group for that but it's still information that you know you may not find in the news or someone may have a connection that you may be looking for of course when you're looking for a plumber you're looking for a driver you're looking for uh a restaurant those those um groups are beneficial so Global Poli breaking news I thought the landlord pays for the notor rizing in Ecuador no I she well not in our case well in my case whether she paid or not paid it wasn't it wasn't going to break me I wanted to be not uh get it notorized so I just went ahead and paid for it yeah we were going to do that whether she asked for it or not yeah um B says the Explorer Diary of dar explorers diary darling couple in quka show a natural product store I have to I've seen I've seen that channel okay I have to check that out um global politics says oh my gosh just realized you're not in Ecuador is this a permanent move we do live in Ecuador we're just on a trip in South Paulo to see to see the Eagles play beat the Green Bay Packers tomorrow and we are planning to it it's already a Perman move we will be we're working on our um temporar to become permanent residents in the near future after our two years we yeah we're moving to quker from Selena's B say she's afraid of um uh Facebook hey you know what B I'm telling you you're you're fine in that fear you're fine in that fear because if you know a few people you can get information that you need you you can get into a uh feedback loop of negativity on some of those groups and it it it it will unless you're the type of person that can just kind of tune it out like it can kind of poison your opinion and it your beion your opinion doesn't become yours anymore it's like a collection of other people if you see something research yeah absolutely just research you know um and then if you look at some of the things that are negative just do a comparison like if you were in the US and how you navigate the US knowing there's crime around all around you how do you navigate do the same thing you would do if you were here in Ecuador or any place yeah how would you navigate would you be out here being flashy or whatever flash your money or whatever no you wouldn't so just take that same thing in consideration and those things happen some of those things happened to people during ordinary situations but like you might hear something where somebody got robbed and in in front of a in front of this place or whatever and then when you look into it it was like 3:00 in the morning and the dude was drunk in front of you know what I'm saying like that's that's the kind of situation where you be it's sketchy in the US like why wouldn't it be sketchy in in Ecuador so you got to you got to have a little context you might hear stuff that without full context so Buck said I'm going to keto Ecuador for the first time how would the adjustment be for me for him I am physically fit well bu it depends you can be physically fit but the altitude if youve never been in a high Al altitude you still can have shortness of breath um you can Tire easily but I think sometimes give you give yourself time to get AIM you know um drink a lot of water drink a lot of water with with electrolytes so like if you got to put a little salt on your water your salt Himalayan salt put something in your water so that your body absorbs it instead of just kind of shooting right through you um because you can drink 6 or seven bottles of water and you like this doesn't help me at all you got to put a little bit of electrolytes in it for your body to absorb it not too much okay celette says congratulation on your upcoming move are you able to take your scooter to your new yes yes priority we will be taking the scooter um and he he is adamant about me learning how to drive the scooter I'm not thrilled about she tried it a couple times and she like I don't want to do this I just get all I do but I understand I understand his reason and I would give it a try again and I think I know I would be successful because I'm speaking into existence so I would be successful you got no choice uh Global poliy say go Eagles B says have you had paper shipped apost dots to Ecuador from the US for Visa no um what no I did not pay DHL or F or anything like that because we looked at a document one sheet of paper and I think it was like a 100 it was it was crazy it was something crazy FedEx charged for like the envelope it was it was like $175 and so I had all of my documents are posel before we went to before we came back and anything that uh I did not have a pastel I let Greeno visa do it and I just paid whatever I we had it all sent to them we got it done while we were in the states the last time and we had to sent two Gringo visas and they took care of from there yeah but yeah FedEx and DHL are pretty pricey when it comes to um documents being sent but if you if it's something something you cannot afford yeah you can you can do it you can do it it's just going to cost you and um I don't know any other way unless you just fly back I don't know if it's cheaper to fly back to the US and do it if if it's enough documents I don't know it might be cheaper to fly a do it okay B said bug don't eat dinner drink a lot of water nap take bits of time experience in Colorado yeah you got to take your time that altit altitude just wait a minute now you said don't eat dinner no I eat dinner eat well I got to eat now I mean if there is there a cut off time was hydrate is there a cut time here we go get hot again yeah well she said don't eat dinner I just got hot up y I'm like what what's the cut off time be I'm like okay any time before 7 okay we can do that but okay um that's it that's it y'all look if we really appreciate honestly we really appreciate everybody that has joined the live everybody subscribed to the channel everybody watches the channel everyone that has become a member of the channel really appreciate all of you um I will make sure I correct the spelling error in that thumbnail as soon as this is over next time let her look at it first sounds like that nobody anyway thank you and check out our other channel Steve Steve's MGT on the porch Ando you got to che check out my Chanel don't teach this cuz I'm not putting much up on my channel any because I don't have time I don't have time she doesn't have the patience I don't have the patience I don't have the time I like doing what I like to do and he was like did you put something up on your channel and I'm like just do it whatever you can do once a month I don't like to work that's why I quit my job I tried to tell them y'all like but anyway we're not we're not going to hold you any longer we hit the like button before you leave hit the like button we wanted to share with you all we will be moving to Quan we're looking we're excited we're um ecstatic yeah we ready we're ready we're ready we got to pack as soon as we we got to make sure everything that is the one thing I don't like packing up packing we hate moving luckily we don't have much stuff we didn't collect tooo much stuff and I don't want to collect anymore yeah it's small but just the little stuff that we do have is still a lot to me yeah it's not a full house but Laura says quka xect page negativity worry another member would gently wait a minute let me take my glasses up another member would gently be firmly remind us that there is so much to be grateful for to be here and that getting into accepting is the path to Serenity yes I I love Serenity Tranquility all of that I don't want any negativity I don't worry about nothing anyway he doesn't if anything I would say this man can be at peace anywhere anywhere and block out stuff if it doesn't he he said it and I'm learning to adapt if it doesn't affect him why am I worried about it so I'm I'm trying to graduate I'm in I'm in school right now he's teaching me um B say congrat guys you see you soon need to have a chocolate crant I can have a ccent but no chocolate you have to have a chocolate anyway um cocoa tea for altitude yes yeah I'll be looking for that that's from I don't want to PR I'm hope I'm not pronouncing your name saus s e b a s sa us maybe I don't want to say it wrong I'm sorry if I incorrectly said your name wrong um global politics I like the other channels too I subscribe to it them all thank you so much so let's says double check the link in your new page I think it's going to your correct your current YouTube page unless I'm doing something wrong I'll check it I'll check it that's because he didn't let me check it y'all I am a proof reader and he don't like me I've been away from my computer for a couple days so it it makes it more difficult to to fix these things so I got to do it for my phone so I'll check it out he didn't like he didn't want me to prove read cuz he don't like my Cris but um and I had to take my glasses off cuz I can't see with them on everything's when you get this age I'm not getting the lines I'm not getting the bifocals I'm not getting contact I'm just going to do what I do don't say for the now you know we don't speak Spanish not enough where is wait where I yeah where is something that is not that is not where D what where where where I said where say what say means I don't know say is I can you translate that for us and hold on solom ett we'll bump into you guys here we're moving to quank as well oh nice y yeah I'm about to translate this hold on hold on I know what it is and I don't want to get it wrong let me see what this other one is where they go live outside Ecuador oh oh no we're in sou Paulo Brazil right now for a game that we're going to go see tomorrow but we'll be back in Ecuador this weekend what he just said he said where are we live oh yeah okay you you see I try well we'll be back in Ecuador um this weekend yeah so but s Paulo is great so if you decide you want to put it on your bucket list definitely a place to visit um we really enjoyed it done Shader brought cocoa leaves at a big Market yeah I bought some when we were in keto at a at a Marcato oh yes yeah no it wasn't I I bought the candy I bought the candy the candy yeah I saw the leaves but I didn't get the leaves I got the candy yeah and I think they have cocoa leaves here yeah they have a lot of stuff here yeah no you mean in quka we're in southp I saw C oh you saw C leaves here oh okay okay okay they had some other leaves here too yeah that so anyway y'all anyway we going to we going to leave y'all we we got a bar to go to getting close to our bedtime but we going to try to go going hang hang out with some some more fans hang out some more show our Eagle spirit and hopefully hopefully they win tomorrow they win tomorrow yeah if I if if the next time y'all see me my face is all twisted up it's because they lost so anyway your his face won't be twisted he'll be all right anyway let me go and fix the stuff because I I gotta use my phone that's the one we're recording on right now so anyway thank you thank you big hugs thank you'all we really appreciate it and we'll see y'all very soon hey we cross passing quaner yep so bye have a good one enjoy your evening bye

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