Tyreek Hill DEMANDS Miami Dade Police Officer To Be FIRED | OutKick Hot Mic

Tyreek Hill wants officer fired no one could uh I guess wait in Miami to talk with Tyreek Hill again they talked to him postgame today uh media availability first day that teams are back to practice headed into week two and so it Tyreek Hills lawyer um released a statement saying that on behalf of his client they wanted the officer that detained him and that was um you know that escalated the situation again their side of it uh he wanted him fired and Tyreek Hill was asked today if he agreed your lawyer has come out and said that he's looking for the dismissal of the officer do you what does that mean go so you want the officer to be gone gone gone gone he got to go man cuz in that instant right there like not only did he D treat me bad you know what I'm saying he also treated my teammates with you know disrespect you know he had some crazy words towards them and they ain't even do nothing like what did they do to you they just walking on the sidewalk so I don't know bro like he he he got to go man like he it's not too many times that cheah say people got to go but you out what they say on Wilding not gone mhm no all right thank you you know off going to say something crazy got a wild and out reference there Chad I haven't watched that show in quite some time uh that's quite the pool uh and he wants the officer pulled from his job fired well I we're both the blame here before before I respond let's get to the smart thing that Tyreek Hill said that was at the very end of it that was that was the dumb part of it to me he did he did actually say something smart though he did so so both Hill and the officer escalated the situation we went through the videos yesterday and and Hill said that he wishes that he had I guess just rolled down the window could have been better you know I could have let down my window you know in that instant but um the thing about me is man I don't I I don't want attention I don't I don't want to be like cameras out phones on you you know in that moment but um at the end of the day um you know I'm I'm human I got to I got to follow rules I got to you know um do what you know um every everyone else would do you know so now does that give them the right to literally beat the dog out of me absolutely not but at the end of the day um I wish I could go back and you know do things a bit differently he would be uh dragged out of the car I guess is what he's uh referring to beat the dog out of him um wasn't quite beat that was a poor choice of words pulling him out putting him on the the the road the pavement uh there was a knee in his back I believe by one of the officers uh beating didn't like take place though he was cuffed he was detained no this was not a a Rodney King situation um as he said beat the dog out of him which that that did not happen um I'm I'm confused though with Tyreek Hill I'm glad that he's admitting he could have handled it better this was obvious to anyone who watched it that has a brain that can sift through two different things once and tell you two different things at one time as this show does uh every day and we told you yesterday Tyreek Hill is admitting the God's honest truth that he should have handled himself better in this whole thing and I like that about Tyreek Hill I'm trying to square huton the fact that he admits he could have handled it better while also wanting the officer fired still in in this moment because of his teammates I guess is what he's saying I'll also say the that was the worst part to me for the officer was the handling of the teammates um the teammates also could have done what he was saying immediately instead of saying I'm leaving I'm leaving I'm leaving and just St standing there on the phone and not getting in the vehicle to leave when he told them to leave so it goes back to everyone could have done it better I don't know why Tyreek Hill still wants the officer fired and is going on about this after his admission that he in fact could have handled it better yep and you know they've placed the uh the cop on administrative leave uh he's a 27-year vet of the force of the police force he didn't look that old uh that's what it says the 27e veteran um yeah I I'm going through this and thinking if you if you wished you would have deescalate the situation unlike you know you don't have to have both parties admit that but Tyreek Hills did isn't this continuing to escalate the situation even like you're going to continue to be asked about it eventually they're going to uh find in in chat with Danny Torres is presumably his name the police of uh Department ided him um and I I I agree with you Chad the the the teammate aspect Kus Campbell jnu Smith uh in Kus Campbell's uh sense what he was told two different things back up or leave and he starts to back up and that's whatever they go after him I Kus Campbell has the biggest argument here I I still wouldn't say that the police officer of 27 years should be fired based on how he handled the Kus Campbell situation that that's a pretty Swift and Stern punishment for that I don't think the cop was was great by any means in all of this trust me I I'm not abing him of anything but a suspension you know without pay or whatever they decide to come up with but Tyreek Hill continuing to say that he should be fired H to your point it absolutely does not deescalate anything thing and I just think it's wrong to continue on with that we've all been involved in altercations with other people or arguments or whatever and if we are three days removed or two days removed saying you know I could have handled myself better in that situation too that's rarely followed up with but that person that I was involved in that with should be fired they should lose their income and and the way they make a living I I don't I'm not understanding the connection between the two right now with Tyreek Hill for this guy who wants to be big Peacemaker all of a sudden well and the I mean he was he was released because he was Tyreek Hill uh you there's audio and video now of One Cop who appeared to be looking at Hills ID uh asked his colleague this is from New York Post I'm just going to read it for about the receiver's behavior in the clip uh that hill was nearby he's handcuffed he goes why is he acting up like that and then someone else in the background goes you know who that is right and he's told that that's Tyreek K he plays for the Dolphins this one of the dolphin star players the officer in points at Hill and the response is oh yeah dropped an F bomb and then you know that's the only time that it was the that the we weren't pointed at 11 on on a scale of 1 to 10 well and the the whole celebrity part of it too and privilege and everything else that we've talked about you know Tyreek Hill initially after the game after the Dolphins win said boy just imagine if I wasn't Tyreek Hill you know how that could have ended for someone and that's what's sad to him um You can count to a lot of things and say well what if you weren't Tyreek Hill and how it could have been bad you know for for anyone else that could have been Scotty Sheffer it's yeah Scotty sheffler actually went to jail based on his situation which is an interesting comparison of the two and we posted a Instagram video from the show yesterday and there was a woman who replied to and said I had no idea about what he did at Oklahoma State to get kicked off the team and her question was how is he still playing based on what he pled guilty to and my response was because he's Tyreek Hill no it's because he's so good and talented that's how he's still playing in the NFL um he may have faced some some discipline coming into the league then that was when Goodell was on the well he didn't face any discipline based on the allegation about the Sun and that was a huge controversy when it happen I know that I think that he may have been it was a controversy when the Chiefs drafted him yes when they dra I think it was third or fourth round they drafted him maybe the third round and there was a big controversy about it then I don't know that he faced discipline I know he did not face discipline on the second incident okay involving the abuse of his son um and Char charges were dropped in the most recent incident with the the marina the marina incident yes um we we mentioned um Scotty Sheffer and you know we we saw this happen what was it June whenever this took place compare it to this they're very similar you know failure to comply at least that's the officer side of things aggressive that also happened as he pulled into the the golf course but you know some in the media immediately look at this incident and think oh this is racial discrimination this is it's just because he's black and Charles Barkley Charles Barkley calls out the media who joined uh Fox Sports 9:10 a.m. in Phoenix says that you know he's he's enough of media playing the race card initially your thoughts what happened with Tyreek Hill so I don't know what happened I think it it clearly escalated quickly yes I hate that we're going to throw it in the media cuz you know the guys are going to quickly go to race yeah and it bothers me uh because we don't know what happened because you we weren't there because we got so many foods media who love to play the race card I says wait a minute they just did the same thing to Scotty Sheffer they did I says sometime like I think the one thing you can't do as a celebrity you can't say you know who I am and like I say I don't know what happened but that's the one thing you cannot do yes I agree you said yes sir y cooperate cooperate one to% and he like I say I don't know what happened but like I say when we put let these fools on TV and radio uh start talking about it they go straight to was it racism I'm like well wait a minute now we don't know that uh and I saw the police report say he was uncooperative so like I say but the one thing I hate when we put stuff in the media and we let guys who reace bait start throwing stuff out there like I say wait a minute the same thing just happened to Scotty Sheffer who actually went got booked yes he actually got booked went down he went down the big house yes he so uh like I say I don't know what happened had toake the damn judge up that's exactly right and and but you know Scott was so pissed he just wanton another 25 minut I'll show y'all there's Charles bark Chuck see the thing is I I I I love what he said is it possible it could be yes but the jump to conclusions comes about before the video is released on Monday you know you've got the narrative's already out there from Sunday going into the game to leading up to Monday afternoon when the body Cam's released and then you see the body Cam and you realize oh they couldn't tell who was driving that car because of the tinted windows so there's they're not pulling them over well Charles Barkley is talking about here is a big problem and he's spot on right the initial reaction to it is it must be race there's got to be racism involved that was so predictable the first four x posts that I saw with the video were people in the media and I forget exactly who it was but I mean you know line up your list of candidates that would say this and it was something to the tune of this is just as disgusting as I expected this video is as Despicable as anyone could have guessed about the cop and I'm thinking to myself boy you really had just a pre-ordained idea of exactly what you wanted to see in this so does it even matter like if you decided beforehand that the cop was 100% right or Tyreek kill is 100% right cop bad Tyreek Hill good Tyreek Hill bad cop good if you have that in your mind beforehand why even watch the damn video why even see for yourself You' already your you want to show everyone that who you've been arguing with on on social media that you're right the media that Charles Barkley's talking about that immediately jumps to race and plays the race card had their mind made up before they even saw the video they saw the video a little bit of it and said it's as disgusting as I expected I watch the video for the first time and when you're seeing the video I'm getting put on the pavement it's like well that looks bad what happened that they released him then when I see the whole video I'm thinking boy Tyreek Hill behaved like a to start this traffic stop and then that escalated quickly and then the cop didn't cool down at any point and made no effort to deescalate so they're both wrong in this until they found out who he was and now Tyreek Hill is admitting some fault in this but yet The Cop fired also yeah but I mean Charles Barkley's completely right in this deal but but it was Hill that also played the race card yes you know that right after the game so that that also fuels the conversation and the headline because you got a quote from the player that's saying it and and describing what happened his agent Drew rosenhouse didn't even know what was going on he was on the field pregame saying I don't really know we're waiting on Tyreek to get here he's right on he's right on the corner sitting on the sidewalk it's also especially if you're someone as let's let's face it and this is a word I'll use as privileged as Tyreek Hill the man is a millionaire driving an expensive sports car with tened Windows to go play in a National Football League game in which he is paid handsomely to participate in he he is living a great life because of that I don't care where you're from I don't care what the color of your skin is I don't care what music you listen to I don't care what your individual culture says about how to behave it's not hard to behave properly when a cop is talking to you it's not let's stop with this foolishness that to me is racist people that have come back at me on social media said well you don't you don't understand that's that's how we talk that's how we act no it's not I know plenty of African-Americans who would not do that to a cop would not roll up the window and start yelling and calling their agent and acting frantic on the phone with their agent and not doing what the cop is saying it's just that's BS and let's end that too let let's treat everyone with respect and to me that's people not treating their own race with respect well see when they try to act like that's just how it has to happen but see they're they're in their own bubble though where I mean some of them have handlers that will handle everything for them financial advisers well this is the bubble I want to be in in in a society in the United States like if you encounter police officers there's a way you need to behave and to avoid things bad from going bad just do what they're saying especially in a traffic stop where you're I don't think he's carrying drugs and guns say this is this is a visual uh guess as to how fast he was going by the way he he was speeding you can see on the video yeah also people are saying he was going 90 and a he was going 60 and a 40 is the report people saying he's going 70 mil over the speed limit that's not true either so 20 over 20 over the speed limit they he pulls up next to him rolls down the window before he pulls over and he's not wearing his seat belt presumably then he goes up to it why would you wear your seat belt for it to go from there to dragging him out of the car in 20 seconds is ridiculous well he didn't roll his window down I don't care you don't that's that's if a cop told you to roll your window down you wouldn't do it Chad I'm not going to be I'm not going to be on the pavement in 20 seconds well so why why was he on the payment then because the you agreed with me yesterday this officer does not do anything but escalate this no but and and you and I would both agree I believe that if that were to go down and I'm not going to just sit there be quiet I'm going to be like dude what's going like what are you do it I I mean I'm not going to be Tyreek Hill can I can only speak for myself I would not have called someone and been yelling at someone on the phone about getting pulled over and I would have I would have kept the window rolled down or the moment he knocked on it telling me to roll it down I would have rolled it all the way down and not cracked it so I look people could say well it would have happened anyways because this guy is a racist that's what a lot of people are going to say right I don't I don't know we don't know what happened because Tyreek Hill didn't do that he didn't listen and abide by what the cop was saying based on what the cop said whenever he was told who this was he knew the body cam footage was going to get out and he was screwed he says that well because of the celebrity of the person sure so let him go yeah so which but why but what started it was it Tyreek Hill not rolling his window down do you think that if Tyreek Hill was sitting there not on his phone talking to the police officer doing what he said keeping the window down handing him his license and registration and calmly talking to him do we think the cop would have jerked him out of the car thrown him on the pavement and done all that I think the answer is no well no but I I mean based on his his uh comments in the video at the end where he says oh really and then drops an fmom I'm assuming that you know had that not been the case no one hears about this but you know you crack your window by the way the tinted windows are reason there I've been pulled over in the winner I roll my window up but if the cop knocked on your window and said roll it down you would roll it down yes yeah license registration go back bring they bring the I'm not trying to apologize for the cop for not decalactone they're walking up going what what is going on and by the way both are I don't know about Kus maybe Janu is represented by Drew rosenhouse so it makes sense that rosenhouse would have johu on the lookout on his way in potentially but again like for them just to walk up and be you know Janu wasn't putting cuffs but Kus was he was told to do two different things the whole thing could be is so avoidable and it happens on a game day morning as you have all of these all of these rare cars these vehicles pulling by you and you're thinking oh I wonder what we're doing here in Miami Gardens next to the Hard Rock stadium uh which is in our background surely these aren't players Barkley's right how would you not know that uh Tyreek Hill wasn't um treated as poorly as Scotty Sheffer Scotty Sheffer got booked for something even less Scotty sheffler wasn't even speeding he just well he got two mixed messages kind of like cus Campbell he says he got two different messages about where to go and what to do and they said he was disobeying the cop and there was someone that was coming up saying who was it Chad that came up in the Scotty sheffler uh incident and said you know who that is that's you know that he's a player I forget who that was that was walking up yeah um but it I I assume that the uh the officer just found they found out that it was Tyreek Hill and well the head of security for the Miami Dolphins got it done his name's Drew as well um Chad I know did Clay just send us text did I miss that or is it just my computer I'm going to make sure we're not going over his time but we're good um know from earlier okay you know what Week one NFL overreaction else was awful offense in week one what's going on with that OD dude what's happening so in in just supposed to be a league that's built on offense and the rules are supposed to help the offense and to help the quarterbacks be great I hesitated to to do the numbers on this because overreaction in week one typically proves to be you know real like the overreaction not the truth you know week one is a liar is what we hear we're going to find out and I I'm going through some of the quarterback play there were 61 touchdown passes in week one in 2021 were 35 week one on Sunday and the average team passing yards 2021 263 passing yards average per team 188 this past weekend 2019 61 touchdown passes 2020 52 mentioned 21 with uh 61 you have 2022 with 51 last year 37 this year 35 half the quarterbacks threw for less than 200 yards on Sunday and the highest quarterback rating in week one you want to take a guess highest quarterback rating in week one it wasn't will Lis was it Carr in in New Orleans very close he was second to Baker Mayfield Baker Mayfield and Derek Carr led the quarterback rankings and which has Browns fans really pissed off no doubt no doubt bill bich has been excellent in his analysis and uh here is Bill bich on with uh McAfee and he's discussing will Lev's just awful interception that's returned for a touchdown and ultimately gives the game away so B after leading 17 nothing have to lose yardage and then if you can make a play make a play but don't don't make a play make a bad play so you know that that's the one that always got me when the player said why is trying to make a play I was like well how about try to make a good one then like a bad play yeah like like play that LE like the play that Lis had where he gets out of the pocket he flips the ball uh you know underhand backhand whatever it was and that's just you know even if you hit it what do you really have uh not much and then if you don't hit it then you know you lose the game so it's just there's no upside to that play there's only downside and you know it's just you know that's just terrible decision and then and Tom and I have talked a million times about you know if you complete this pass what what's the upside you gain one yard you gain two yards all right you guys going to get tackled anyway like the play we just saw in Tennessee I mean what if he had completed that what's the upside two yards what's the downside lose the game you know like that's you just you just can't make those kind of decisions and even if that ball been complete there's no upside to it and so you know Tom did a great job of you know risk management and you know cut his losses and so you know rather than turn the ball over all right you lose a couple yards and you get sacked but at least we can gain our field position back by punt it on third down there's Bill bich we'll hear from another Hall of Famer in just a moment but Chad here's some of the just the notes of quarterback play right now Kirk Cousins made his Atlanta debut two interceptions you had uh Daniel Jones his last passing touchdown was 359 days ago back in week two last season now he's coming off an ACL but he did not attempt a pass Sunday they went further than 20 yards in the air quarterback in the NFL the Bears W in spite of Caleb Williams uh he led an offense that converted only two of 13 third downs and a total of 148 yards how about Las Vegas how much does Antonio Pierce trust his offense right now the Raiders trailed by six 7 minutes and 15 seconds left in the fourth quarter Vegas had fourth and one from the Chargers 43 and the head coach punted theall ball back to Los Angeles and then they trailed by two touchdowns when they got the ball back with 3 minutes left the Jags LED 177 at halftime in Miami then Trevor Lawrence was three for seven for 37 yards passing in the second half 0 for five on third down Bryce young awful he tossed an interception on the first offensive play of the season for the Carolina Panthers he finished 13 of 30 and the Panthers offense scored 10 points B Knicks 12 passes that traveled more more than 10 yards Chad he completed two of those passes he attempted 42 total passes and in those 42 passes he averaged three yards per attempt this is quarterback play in the NFL and Malik Willis is about to start for the Green Bay Packers DeShaun Watson at a touchdown and two interceptions San Fran eight straight scoring drives but six of those eight went for field goals here's Troy Aman discussing what he saw Sunday well I I would agree partly that the fact that they don't play impacts things you know they don't work together as often in the off season or in training camp as they once did because a lot of players just simply aren't practicing because of the Fear Factor of injury I quite simply Scott the quarterback play yesterday was not very good overall in general not very good there were some really good performances but I I saw some really bad quarterback play now you expect some of that from the rookies of course but there were some guys who are veteran players that just simply didn't play well so I I understand that the immediate reaction is oh these guys aren't playing in the preseason they don't practice many of the top quarterbacks played in the preseason momes burrow Allen stad Lawrence Tua Herbert Levis Richardson and the rookies who didn't play who didn't play the preseason Prescott gof perie Rogers Murray Mayfield and Carr and many of those guys were the bright spots in week one even Aaron Rogers was okay they weren't horrific um I think this is just the high school and college game making its way to the NFL and it's the style of what the quarterbacks do there that is now not under Center no seven-step drops barely a five step drop and in some cases Bo Nicks who is you know his grandfather played at Auburn so did his father he ends up in Oregon reclaims his college career first round draft pick and he's averaging three yards per attempt in Shawn Payton's offense it's also as you go through those stats it jumps out to me how many of those offenses in quarterbacks got worse in the second half it's a great Point typically you would see the flipflop of that first half jittery start to the season offense maybe a little bit behind your team falls behind your stats look better in the second half or you start lifting the top off of it in the second half will Lis is a classic example he was okay in the first half not great missed a huge touchdown opport but was atrocious in the second half Bo Knicks you brought up same thing a couple Young quarterback the rookies I get but like yeah give them a pass what's going on with you know Watson I think he's just bad now yeah Daniel Jones I mean they get the money and then all of a sudden they suck

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