Pregnancy Cravings, Binary Thinking & How Kat Timpf Almost Moved to Africa

[Music] hello and welcome to this episode of Kennedy Saves the World we continue with Kennedy's Book Club and this is one of the the finest books you'll read for the entire season you should order it now because it's perfect for spooky season Thanksgiving Christmas Hanukah and Festivus uh this is cat Tim's latest book I used to like you until how binary thinking divides us thank goodness cat and I are united once again in the Kennedy Saves the World podcast Studio cat welcome back to the podcast thanks for having me not a day goes by that I um don't talk about you I talk about you every day there were so many negatives in that sentence that I wasn't quite sure where I was going I love that yeah I love that I think about you every day thank you yeah I I miss you you know you send me very comforting kind supportive texts I do of course and you always preface them with no homo yeah I got to make sure people understand are you a homo no a little bit yeah I mean but you your book is great because within the first couple of paragraphs a young woman comes up to you at a show you had judged her thinking she didn't want to be at your standup show and you're like she's got neck tattoos and clearly a lesbian lesbian and she came up to you and was like have you dated women and you're like yeah I was like yeah but she also clearly knew that how do you think she knew that I don't was it the like the boots I always wear I have no idea how she knew cuz I I had not talked about it publicly before ever everyone in my life knows about it but this is something that you and I and you and your other friends have discussed is when you would talk about this publicly because it's something that we've always we've all known because I have dated women so it's like sometimes it's come up like what are you doing this weekend you know I mean years ago I write about that that girl that I was seeing for a while I read about her in the first chapter and it came down to 2016 New Year's Eve yeah exactly her coat yes I did keep her coat for a while even when I would see I was like you can't have this back cuz it looked really good on me but um I didn't want everyone to make it such a thing and have it be like a bigger deal to the public than it is to me which is that it's no bigger deal than the fact that I've dated men before but these stories were ones that I wanted to tell so I decided to just tell them I didn't want to not tell the story just because it involved a woman and not a man so that's kind of how I made the decision is that your bag for this book do you think it might be I don't know yeah mhm because I guess people they they don't know they haven't known so but now I mean I think that's one of the best things about your writing is you really do reveal yourself and a lot of times people like think they're revealing themselves like Instagram like hashtag no makeup # no filter yeah and it's like you're wearing trust the process yeah it's like you're wearing make I feel like if I'm not terrified for the book to come out I didn't I'm not doing it right cuz I've been terrified for this to come out cuz I also I mean I I reveal a lot of things in the book I also talk about um the abusive relationship I was in which you also remember very very well cuz you were one of the people that helped me quite literally survive that as and I called a New York police officer a detective to try and figure out how to get this person arrested who was abusing you yes and I opened up about that and it's I think that there's a reason why I'm naked on the cover and it's just not just cuz I look so good and this body I do not have this body anymore love your Instagram post about the photo shoot is fantastic I don't have body anymore cuz there's a baby in it but um I think naked covered and hate mail I think vulnerability in the face of overwhelming hatred is the way out of this mess when did when did the idea for that come to you um so I it was an idea that was actually L Greg's former assistant had the idea of me laying on hate mail and it was Cam's idea for me to be naked covered in it my husband but that that's that's like a perfect collaboration of you know it's like Matt Ridley would say those are ideas having sex yeah like one person has an idea another person perfects it and then you executed it I had no idea what I was going to do and I think it looks so good yeah it looks really good and I look really good no but the the book tackles so much you know there's there's a really great chapter on Mental Health in there and I appreciated the Rob O'Neal story you told and that's the other thing that I really like not only are you incredibly honest you're not afraid to take a completely different look at a subject that people have decided yes like they have dug in on something and you were like you know whether it's Carl Hart or Rob O'Neal who got arrested for basically passing out drunk at a bar in Texas and supposedly called the security guard the NW yeah he denies that the security guard was also white he I think also the security guard was just trying to help him back to his room and he might have punched him or something like that not okay totally not okay and there was a lot of discussion about how not okay it was but what nobody was discussing was was kind of the idea that this is not that uncommon for people who go into combat to have substance abuse issues or various mental health issues and people will say you know support the troops and it's really sweet to say that it's to say support the troops wear the little pin the little hat make the little post on your Instagram but what does that really mean you know and and and I think that you can say hey this is not okay but then also say how might I be in this situation because him and his wife are friends of ours and when I see saw those headlines I was worried about my friends and I think that's very the first thing you thought when you saw this I was like oh No like is is I thought about his wife like is she okay like is you know um and and I also thought about just what the wars that I think people and I write a lot about about this as well the wars that people who will never have to go fight them start and then what they do to people there's this is not Zero Sum to send people over there and you come back how are you supposed to shoot and be shot at and come back and and be normal a lot of times people aren't forget it yeah a lot of times people aren't and you know I I thought about how anybody who had a friend in a situation like that would react that way but everyone on the internet acts differently everyone on the internet's like you have to just say and of course I'm not condoning anything he did right you don't have to condone it to say that this Al and also this person might going be going through something and I think about how often that's the case with mental health stuff not just veterans where we've never talked more openly about the importance of mental health but we've also never given less leeway to a person who makes a mistake or is going through a crisis that's a really good point because and and you even point out like there's a new designation of OCD for people who worry they're going to be canceled yes like there like it is it is a phenomenon of mental illness combined with social media that is M metastasized into this new version of OCD but you know it's like I I think about this and and on one hand it's really good because you have Simone biles and Michael Phelps like these two Olympians who have achieved the extraordinary but they have said like the road to success was a very difficult one because they were plagued with their own versions of mental illness so then a lot of people talk about it a lot of people talk about their mental health and their struggles but as as you point out and there was an author of a study there are a lot of people talking yeah but not a lot of people listening and I think about my daughter's friend right after the pandemic was having a really really difficult time and her mom didn't want her to see a therapist because her mom mom felt that there was a stigma and a weakness in seeing a therapist so you know they were in a New York City public high school and you know of course I suggested we go to your counselor and get an appointment with the therapist the therapist was backed up for two years because there were so many kids who needed mental health help and there weren't enough trained therapist in the schools offering that yeah absolutely and I think that you know a lot of the things people post on social media about mental health is like I'm there for you if you but people don't understand like somebody and I can speak for myself and I write about how when I took Accutane and it made me really bad really depressed really bad when someone's going through a mental health health crisis you on the floor of your bathroom saying I'm going to die and I was just so down myself I hated myself I was and you you know this because you've been kind enough to be there for me through various mental health crisises that I've had whether it was the abusive relationship or this time um when someone's going through a mental health crisis you don't want to talk to that person right I was not an easy person to talk to I was a nightmare of a person to talk to and so I I think but a lot of people don't think about that they like oh like that person's like toxic or whatever and sometimes people are toxic but I think that we need to have you know there should be accountability for Behavior but that's different than accountability for someone's being yeah you know you you have to be able to say what's the motivation of people to heal and get better if it's like you're the worst thing you've ever done defines you yeah I mean but you bring up a really good point which is you have to have boundaries obviously you know if someone is toxic you you have to have boundaries between your life and theirs and their decision and how the consequences affect you but also you have to have we have to have more compassion MH and and I think that's the part we're not doing right yeah and also I write about Africa in the book right and how Africa was when we went to I don't know if you guys know this but we went to Africa it is amazing and it changed our lives and I dream about it all the time and that's real it was honestly I mean to see how small you are compared to the rest of the world and to see how insignificant you are can actually work wonders I think for your mental health and there was actually studies I found that backed that up because you know you you work in especially working in media you just feel like American Media and yourself and you is the center of the universe and everyone everything you see on Instagram will kind of tell you like you know are you has anyone told you how hot you look today you're the best and you're perfect and you know I think reminders how how in significant you are on the grand scheme of things can really work wonders for your mental health it can make you you know feel you know get real with yourself and also make make it a lot less likely that you're going to feel like the authority to cancel someone else but how good did it feel having this giant alpha male lion stop and look at just you I know it felt really good the exchange of that really happened that was like I was so scared to pick up my phone and photograph that moment because he was so close to us he could have jumped in the Safari Jeep and eating us but he stopped and he stared at just you for a long for a long time and it's crazy because it's like oh it's not actually up to me whether or not I survive this yeah if he wanted to eat me he could have I mean but there were a lot of things you pointed out in Africa that make me laugh to this day number one was seeing that female leopard and asking like how does it feel to wake up an animal print every day yeah you must feel ridiculous ulous you must feel ridiculous wearing animal he went to breakfast one day and you're like I literally just saw a bird the color of a banana yeah it's crazy the colors here are wild and it's going on right now like it's going on all the time and we're just here yeah and and I'll never forget how sad you were how truly sad you were because you wanted to stay and learn how to be a safari guide I did and you were asking our safari guide so does everyone ask you these questions how to be a safari guide he's like I have to be honest like no one has ever asked me these questions well I really want you're like how long does it take what is the process like how long do you have to live in the bush by yourself with no gun and no tools and I told Cam I'm like I kind of want to move to Africa and he was like he was like well I don't really want to do that babe but I'll follow you no I remember that and that was because I do I really think I was so happy out there and just calm out there do you think it prepared you for motherhood I don't know cuz I was thinking a lot about that out there I mean I don't know if I'm prepared for motherhood I'm just so far here's the secret that no one tells you no one ever is yeah I don't care who they are or how many videos they watched or how many younger siblings they have I I was the youngest so I didn't I never took care of a younger sibling which I think is a big help but no one is ever ready so you should take some comfort in that like that that is sort of a universal that everyone is like holy what am I going to do with the baby yes uh like being pregnant was hard enough for me to grasp obviously I told you immediately I like you're the I told Cam my sister and you and that was the only people that knew for a long time I didn't tell nobody I know you didn't and not even my children I know I know you didn't yeah especially my older dog because she would tell everybody she like this is piping hot I this is hot tea um yeah and but for a while it took I was like cuz everybody and it's very good I think people are open about miscarriage and all that I my whole Instagram algorithm was miscarriage content for a while and I was like oh when's my miscarriage happening just assumed it was going to happen and then I assumed I was going to find out something was so wrong that it wasn't viable and I was going to like terminate for medical reasons all these other I thought I never considered that everything would just be okay so it took until I was about three three and a half months I was like oh this baby's going to actually grow and then like come out of me and live in my apartment you know like this and not even pay rent like May baby is going to live in my apartment with me and need things for me I've got viable children and I'm still waiting for for the income generation hasn't happened yet yeah but is it weird and then it's they're going to grow up and they're going to be they're going to tell me no yeah they're going to be like no and I'm going be like excuse me I couldn't smoke any cigarettes because of you do you know what I gave up for you sigs I think I really want to smoke like I mean I I don't even smoke any I I I don't smoke no you you quit vaping a long time qu vaping a long time ago I still use nicotine gum and not now but before I got pregnant and that's I missed that a lot yeah what else do you miss um just stimulant of kind I miss crispy yeah I do like a light nice refreshing light beer on an empty stomach is nice um I miss I miss my medication I miss my ADHD medication obviously I miss nicotine don't go anywhere more Kennedy Saves the World right after this what do you crave pregnancy cravings you cannot describe them to anybody else never keep yourself from indulging a pregnancy craving which was one of the best pieces of advice A girlfriend of mine who was pregnant at the time gave me she was she was pregnant with her second so she had already been to the rodeo and I was like thank God like I would have gained 75 lbs trying to eat things before I got to the baked beans and strawberry yogurt but she was like no no just eat it right away whatever it is I put peanut butter and everything like I love peanut butter the amount of peanut butter that I eat is insane yes and uh every day I eat PE like probably three servings of peanut butter which is a lot of peanut butter yeah every day no I know and it's like you can't help how how delicious it tastes I've also never been this into eating like I I eat right but I eat all day yeah like I eat from the moment I'm awake till the moment I fall asleep has the exhaustion passed it's it's better it's not it's not passed I'm still tired but I the first trimester I mean I texted you and I was like is this am I supposed to be I know that like it said when you Google it it says like exhaustion and tired am I supposed to be this tired you're like oh yeah I'm like I need to take a nap after I take a shower cuz the shower is too much the shower's like as if I'd been partying all night but I think that the mental part of your job is even more exhausting like it's already people don't realize how much energy it takes to write and perform it does it takes a lot of energy is it as hard as Neuroscience no it certainly is not and it doesn't it doesn't require as much education but it does require a great concentration of energy and when you use up that energy then you're really tired you have even less energy than you did before but you still have to do the same amount of work and focus yes and then at the beginning you can't really tell anybody so the one of the hardest weeks ever from in my entire life not in my entire life but actually maybe was the RNC cuz I was so tired I didn't feel good and I couldn't tell anybody what was wrong and and people were going are you fat right now yeah oh yeah people on the internet were like are you pregnant are you just fat from middle age God people are such jerks and then this woman was like called it I'm like no I yeah yeah I I saw your very unhelpful comment God but good for you un called it I saw your very unhelpful comment cuz it's just you watch your body change and it's actually kind of wild I mean I knew it right would happen but I I started showing really early I didn't expect to start showing as early as I did and I feel like I'm going to be massive so that's how great big fat people never know that they're pregnant probably like I was thinking today I knew a girl growing up who was such an avoider she didn't tell her mom she was pregnant until she was in labor m and just wore big sweatshirts and overalls and it's like you know kind of a chubby girl and it it doesn't show as much on some people but when you're a tiny person I do think that it it pops out sooner and you also had your ostomy surgery yeah which I found out that previous abdominal surgeries can make you show sooner which makes sense um so that clearly I had two quite serious abdominal surgeries it was your January 6th quite invasive yes it was exactly so yeah that that's probably why have you ever been uh the recipient of more I used to like you until hatred um before the Jason Aldine comments because I I remember the Jimmy Kimmel oh yeah kid comment that I don't think was as bad as it felt yes so that comment was so I read about that my first book but what happened was I made a joke about how hard it is to so the segment was about Jimmy Kimmel taking off the summer um to be with his family but I remember in the article he said everyone in my family is fine everything's fine so I was like okay I didn't you know but then off the cuff I said something like why do people this was in 2020 I want to say why do people with kids always get the excuse they can like take time off to be with their family like I have to like medicate a feral cat and they have claws babies don't have claws and I had to give my cat heart medicine right before I came here and Greg was like I want to remind you that you know his son has a heart problem I did not I did not know that okay I I wanted to die and then the show was live so they couldn't cut anything out and I had I was C during the pandemic yes I was crying in every commercial bre and like hyperventilating and then pulling it together for the one minute that I had to speak every time and they just would kind of keep the camera off me as much as possible cuz I was having a full scale meltdown and then I went home and actually you came over and I was like this is so bad I took a Xanax I was having an actual panic attack and everyone on the internet was actually really nice they were like we could tell you didn't know like don't worry about everyone who watched the show was like you should have even said sorry I apologized also immediately after this seg I was like I didn't know I would never ever in a million years blah blah blah blah until the next day when I was ironically at the vet uh somebody posted a little clip of it and said that here I was making fun of his kid because the kid has a heart problem and saying that that's so dishonest and saying that it's harder to have a cat with a heart problem than a kid with which like if I so everyone was so mad his sister told me to kill myself yes uh Jimmy Kim sister she said off and die yeah wow so and if I had been saying stable woman been saying the things that if I had been saying like your kid your kid has a heart problem like if I had been out there saying that I would deserve that yeah but that's not what happened and I still have that come up sometimes in my Instagram comments like aren't you the one that shat on Jimmy Kimmel's kid for having a heart problem no it's like no I'm not and people you know it's like with TV especially live TV you say a lot of stuff because you have to fill time and sometimes those things are an Artful sometimes you're trying to make jokes and sometimes the jokes are accidentally insensitive but the Jason Aldine one that was that was intentionally I I wrote about this in my book and I made a joke when it was so when the try that in the small town was wall toall news coverage and it was just the two sides of everyone being like this is a lynching song and he's a horrible monster and then the other side was like this is the best song ever I love him he rules and it was like be and I was like you know my job on Gutfeld I try to provide something fresh and fun to say rather than what's been going on on you know all day on the news so I just made a joke about it and I said that I he looks like every guy ever to sit at the bar to Buffalo Wild Wings and that's all and and people laughed actually the audience but he does why would you be mad at that I oh my God I had I had to stay off social media for a few days because people were so mad why why would you be mad at that they were mad you're not saying like yeah you're a racist you Buffalo Wild wi actually said before I made the joke I said I it's really a shame that I can't just say I don't like this song I think this song sucks because everything's now one or two sides I don't know I don't like new country music it's a shame I can't just say and then it as it turned out even though I was That explicit about it you would say in the book like I like Merl hagger I like Merl hagger I like you know I like I like the old stuff but I I even though I was That explicit about it people got so mad people were like calling me all these names they wanted me to be fired they wanted to ban me from Texas I love that that one lady said that you offended 90% % of the country and I'm like and people were saying you're an elitist I'm like what do you understand that everybody all these con Congress people who are having their staffers pen these like glowing whatever they're not and also Jason Aline doesn't he has like a lot of he has like oceanfront property in Florida right I mean it's like guys I mean I'm at least honest about my Metropolitan door Dash ordering lifestyle okay we went to Dave and Busters for Mother's Day yes we did exactly and how do you think I know what people look like at a Buffalo Wild Wings I wasn't slamming Buffalo Wild so I mean again it was a joke about a country singer and it became I am a communist to people and I think that's just were you already writing the book when when that happened um was that like the impetus for the book like this gotten so out of hand I'd already been writing the book and I I believe when that happened so I was like oh well this is going to be a new chapter about how everything's so political now it's like you have to people like oh if you like Taylor Swift then you are Li yeah it's like oh you want KLA to be president yeah it's like dude and nobody can only let I don't like country music I just don't like the new country music it's not my thing that doesn't mean this whole list of other things about me is true yeah no and you know I guess I'll tear up those Luke Bryan tickets I got you for your birthday I don't know what he looks like any white man could come hit me in the face and say I'm Luke bran I'd be like Luke Bryan just hit me like I have no idea it's the chapter in the book yeah exactly when when the the paperback edition comes out Luke Bryan hit me in the facebody I used to like him until anybody could do it and I mean it's just again I think it's so s we don't win when this happens no politicians win because they when we are divided it's easier we're easier to control and we're losing out on a lot and you're like me in the sense that you have so many friends of so many different beliefs and so many different backgrounds I mean every time you go to your fourth of July party it's just like the amazing collection of people right and you probably can't imagine your life without all lot of those relationships and I'm the same way and but they it's really sad that people people are closing themselves off to that yeah I agree completely and I hope that people read this book your your voice is it's so necessary but it's so fun and entertaining to read like I'm I'm never amazed at your wisdom but I'm so happy that people get to see it in a different way and you're so funny and honest and there jokes like the five tequila sodas when you and cam when on your first date like I kissed him because well five tequila yeah that's cuz I was into him like what's you know it was fun because I had five tequila sodas which is an insane move for a first date that's an insane move for first date to have five tequila soda the insane thing is that it led to a second date which is Providence and a marriage I don't like that's the other thing and you can also read about this in this book everything they tell you not to do to find a husband I did all of that and more I did like new things that like people haven't even thought of and I I in a very happy marriage and about to have a baby so it's it's really if it can happen to me it can happen to anybody amen and uh you should read the book I used to like you until Ellipsis Cat Goddess Creator trusting the process um thank you for coming back oh thank you for having me and someday we'll go back to Africa we need to as soon as I give birth that's right well maybe in Africa Angelina did she had a baby in Namibia that's true let's make some calls okay this has been Kennedy Saves the World along with cat Tim on Kennedy listen adree with a Fox News podcast Plus subscription on Apple podcast and Amazon Prime members can listen to this show ad free on the Amazon music app oh go ahead and leave me a review while you're there I'd love to hear what you have to say you've been listening to Kennedy Saves the World on the Fox News podcast Network

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