Ball St Chronicles 8: We Found A New Star!

welcome back to the Ball State Chronicles I got another awesome game to show you but yes I did just get a haircut yes this game happened right before the haircut and yes I'll explain more later in the video If you make it that far but I'm not going to do it now I don't want to get in the way so let's get straight into the game oh and one more thing actually a lot of y'all have been commenting about the Ball State third string running back Christian Davis who is super super fast and youall told me to try him out as my starting running back so I did in this game as I'll explain and wow you guys were right okay now now let's go all right let's do this and I think we get a night game too let's go okay we're going to get the ball first which is cool cuz that means we get to see Christian Davis immediately like y'all said he's a lot faster he's not that much lower in overall so I'm really excited to see how he plays compared to that old starter okay he's not in yet um but let's just start with the read option anyways keeping it for sure and let's get some yards okay now I made sure he's in now we're going to have Davis in let's do it let's get him in space speed options straight to the outside let's see the speed nice nice That's new that's new this is going to change the offense man all right quick first down um they got six in the Box here I really like that look on the left side so we're going to work with it so we're going to run that basic Stay Out Concepts from my other videos and then we'll have that quick curl by a running back and then a backside drag if it's not there looks like manto man which means that should be there we'll take 15 yards how about a little bubble read you know look if you look look at who's just inside of RB I think that's their star linebacker out there let's put him in Conflict I don't think he's going to be able to make that play ah but let's give it to Davis see this speed and action again cool all right they're giving us a soft box again I think we're going to take it again one more hand off for Davis he's had a great start so far that's okay okay goal line heavy third and one I like this look I don't like this look let's do the QB blast let's just try and pick this up actually I don't want to risk getting outside nice nice nice nice let's go Tempo here okay we're going to get a designed roll out to the left we're going to try and take advantage of Keon magwood speed coming across on that backside drag we're going to make y blocks that way we can double team the left defensive end that should allow us to get out there a little bit quicker and then we're just going to make that that read between a that corner route and then the backside drag here we go double team worked H they're kind of both open but honestly if if you're going to give a six or seven yards out easily I might as well take it okay we've been running the ball really really well time for a little play action we're going to make him do a fade instead of a comeback so that way magwood has a bigger Gap to work with over there it's man uh I was going to throw it to magwood but he was covered pretty well on that how about the stick and Nod how about the stick and Nod and we have Davis there running that route instead of Spiegel he's so much faster so this might work on the back side we're going to do that comeback and out concept if it's manto man we'll look at David and he should burn him otherwise if it's Zone we're going to make that read on the left side oh looks like man there it is oh jeez the safety the safety man I should have thrown it with more anticipation I knew the safety was there I just didn't think the safety was going to be able to come down that quickly that's my fault that is all my fault that really sucks cuz we were having a perfect drive until then and like if I make a better throw maybe maybe that's a touchdown all right well let's get uh both running backs involved now have a little triple option an action to the left side ooh bad read by me but it's so open anyways Spiegel back and that's why he has a higher overall I think it's cuz I think he has higher like ball carrying moves than Davis now Kaio Kelly is kind of tired so let's go with a basic trap concept right up the middle ooh they blitzed on us couldn't do anything there second along press coverage anytime I see press I want to push him vertically with magwood otherwise we're going to try and make that hitch corner and then we'll send a vertical two just to kind of prevent them but it looks like two man under if I had to guess or some sort of oh never mind safety's rolling over let's let's give it a shot oh my goodness it's too easy he's too fast let's go man let's go you know one of the upsides of the cover one Robber is that that safety goes and plays the middle of the field and that's how they got the pick last time but also that's how we got the touchdown this time there's Christian Davis on the kick return too man he is so fast our defense has sucked all year that has been our weakness so hopefully we could do a little bit better today we're going to come out and cover four to start and decent stop against a run okay I don't think you're going to see much cover two out of me today just because they the computer seems to be so good against it so now we're in cover three and we forgot to change our read option settings to care about the quarterback that's on me let's make that change right now focus on the QB okay okay we're going to go press on hard Flats here just try and get really aggressive at the end of this quarter still in cover three I got the middle of the field coming downhill oh I over pursued oh my goodness I'm glad it got out of bounds cuz that's 50 yards if he didn't man man man it's so easy to over pursue in this game all right let's do this cover four coming downhill they want to run the ball a lot today holy cow okay let's try and get some pressure here we're going to play at the sticks I know we said we weren't going to run much cover too but I'm going to try and Blitz off the edge right here ah I don't want it nice nice I don't know what the heck I was doing there but we'll take it how about we start with a little basic swing pass out there to Davis I mean I'm just so desperate to use this new found speed that like any way I can I want to get him out there nice all right we're in the unbalanced and they set it up perfectly look at the right hand side of our field we have a Right Guard and a right tackle and over there they have two defensive linemen linebacker out there a corner out there and a safety in other words they do not have enough people on the left so let's run this play Oh I made the wrong read again with that handoff man I got to stop doing that let's see is the Jet Sweep there I do think it is I think we can pick this up right here I just got to cut it up field quickly never mind we're shooting for the Home Run nice nice okay soft box two high safeties six guys in the box and we got a tight end how about we get the ball downhill a little bit we'll take six yards all right double drags we're going to have the Fades on the outside and hopefully somebody will be open oh you give us manto man that's perfect that is perfect everything's working right now but our Run game is especially working so let's go back in the read option get the tight end over there so that way we have more run help if I hand it off oh my gosh I got to hand it off dude I am just so used to pulling it all right we're going to run a little double hit an in concept right there so we're just going to read the middle of the field if he sits on that we got the in right below it oh I should have let it left instead of up man that was so open third and 14 has a midscreen look eh honestly not that good it looks to me like they're showing another man-to-man look and if that's the case I think we might be able to make something happen with magwood on that corner route if it's man oh it is man oh hit as we were throwing it was there I guess we got a punt okay now we're in trouble man now we could really give up a lead here it's less than ideal we're in cover three I got this backside hook to curl I got to respect the Run not a run okay well can't complain there okay same thing cover three same exact look only we're looking more like cover two now I'm going to come down as that hard flat oh he beat the Press oh I'm glad that wasn't a vertical because dude he had space okay now we're going to go hard Flats outside second and six we know they're passing it and I'm going to play the middle of the field perfect perfect the hard Flats there was nothing there all right time to get aggressive press inside leverage at the sticks perfect play call man that's why we were in the inside leverage specifically for the base or specifically for the Slants but still but now they're coming out empty so I think it's time for a sack right here I mean it's just a race it's just a race to the quarterback give me that pick ooh that is a big tight end man dang we're we're going to show the blitz again but now we're going to try and give him a different look we're actually dropping nine guys perfect perfect he got the ball out immediately cuz he thought like oh the pressure is coming and now we are sending the house right back to send in the house we're going to Blitz the guy that's manto man on the running back I'm going to cover the tight end and the running back perfect and that's why we Blitz the guy in the running back let's do it all right one minute what do we do with one timeout well first we want to try and use the boundary if we can so let's see if magwood is there on the speed out if not we'll make the read on the right hand side that's not there out route is there and please get out of bounds I was late on that throw and I should have bulleted it I don't know if you could tell I'm Rusty or not I haven't played this dynasty in like 2 and 1/2 weeks because I've been making all these other videos and I think it's starting to get pretty clear okay same thing magwood backside curl if you give us manto man we want magwood alone over there and then on the strong side we're going to make that high low read over the middle of the field yep yep yep yep m I'm going burn my time out I love this formation because when you do eventually play manto man we got magwood on an island and I think we're going to get that look right now okay so we got magwood on the speed out and then a flood concept on the right side let's see it ah jeez man jeez man we got the first but just not a lot of what I think is going to happen happening so far quick smash concept looks like manto man it is manto man we're hoping Davis has speed he does oh my goodness no offense to the old running back Charlie Spiegel but he's not making that play he's not getting that much separation we have not ran the bubble once and honestly I don't think I'm going to run it here I think we're going to keep Davis in so we can double team the right defensive end we're probably going to try and move to the right hand side and we're going to look at that corner route and we're actually going to make the stem shorter and let's see if we can get it there cuz it looks like manto man it is manto man oh I don't think he got it yeah yeah just not enough separation there okay time to give him a different look here trips on the short side and then we have that tight end there it's technically called PA boot over but I don't really want to do the play action I want to use Davis if we can we're going to use him to push the safeties deep and let's just see what we can get here oh pressure on us oh he got out of it come on make a play make a play make a play there it is oh that could have been so sick all right third and 10 18 seconds we're just out of field goal range we're going to look at these seams and then we're going to look at Spiegel on the Texas route underneath we're going to try and hit the seam on a I think I think it'll be there no it's manto man Spiegel's going to have to win that match up he's not going to win that match up oh goodness gracious oh boy and again if that's Davis right there he's making that tackle but Spiegel's not fast enough I'm hoping it was like uh illegal contact or something oh we just got saved man I will take that and with 5 seconds left let's just take that 38 yd field goal wow what a swing we went from going down 147 at the half to a 10-7 lead all because of one lucky penalty I I mean I got to take what I can get man that is huge all right man good half you know anytime you go into halftime with the lead you got to be happy especially if you threw two pick sixes and you only got penalized for one all right here we go second half our defense did hold pretty well during that first half um remember those only seven points came from my dumb pick six and uh I spoke too soon this is why I can't play middle linebacker man I should not be the guy responsible for the Run cuz I suck that's that's just crazy crazy timing all right uh Kyle Kelly's little injury thing is bright red so if I could avoid the read option and try and lean on the inside Zone a little bit more and also not go no huddle as often in this half I think I should second along have a little slip screen action we're going to full Slide the line so that way Davis doesn't run into them and let's see if it works nice nice well wasn't wasn't the best screen okay he has a severe risk of injury and all of those are that low I'm going to Su them out I know it's crazy but I mean look at that he only has 76 speed now so we're going to put in Kaden Simona The Freshman he's also a Scrambler he's not as fast but importantly right now he's healthy and I think we got to roll with that third and short they're showing me the a gap pressure looks to me like a man blitz so how about just a slant and Zig on the left and then curl Flats on the right probably looking left- hand side if it's man a man we're in that Zig it's Zone uh the curls there oh and I was too late to get there man I got I got to be quicker than that all right here we go man cover three action I got the Flats on the backside I got to respect the seam but they're running the draw play and I can't tackle all right we got to help out more on the Run cuz they have been doing really well there goodness gracious man that's crazy okay same thing cover three backside hook to curl I got the cut back nice more running I got that let's go let's go it's weird that they crashed I thought we had the adjustment set but for some reason that adjustment hasn't really been working for me oh they want that stack we're going to have to press that so they can't get an easy screen and I'm going to have to help out on the Run they get an easy screen anyways nice nice all right here we go third nine they do have a tight end in so we're going to Blitz Snider I got to cover the tight end and the running back ooh they went opposite directions but hey took them too long to figure that out let's go oh was that the best punt of all time it was okay well we're at the one yd line we're at the 1 in line I think the only thing that we can do right here is take a deep shot with Keon magwood and then make the corner read on the left but you're oh man Blitz do it 99 yards oh that could have been so good I mean I really respect them for setting the house on that but now with two high safeties I know it's kind of dumb why are you running a Jet Sweep the one yard line I think Keon magwood is our best offensive player we're just going to give him the ball in space cut back inside and now let's see what kind of speed he has M I really want to be able to say 99 yard touchdown but I'll take 39 yard gain too all right have a little pa slide they're showing me the blitz again uh our hot read is going to have to be B on a slant we're going to make him a slant no they're not blitzing out route is not there oh that guy came off really quickly on that that go route I thought he was running with him and he just stopped a little inside Zone this is a good look I like this don't like that blocking let's get Davis out on the screen again didn't really work that well the first time so maybe we get a better option this time oh there's space I shouldn't have cut backed so quickly I let that defensive tackle make that play I want that stick a knot again if they give it to us oh they're showing us the a gap pressure okay basic stick concept come back out on the right hand side let's just make the right reads here they're dropping second slant secure catch nice nice right in the pocket okay let's get some moza in action here actually never mind that was weird that was weird do you see that safety that safety move from the left hand side to the middle of the field to me that means something's happening that right safety is are are coming down on a blitz or maybe it's one Robber I think I have a mismatch because the guy covering y looks to be a linebacker so let's put him on an out route and see are they playing manto man never mind I I did all that talking for nothing we'll just take four yards the mid screen there oh I do think it is okay I got to be patient I got to be patient I got to let him come inside got to let him come inside all right man Four's up Four's up man we need points here let's make this a two possession game all right I want to spread them out middle of the field looks awesome so how about a Texas route by Davis we're going to full Slide the line to the left to hopefully get him out of the way and then we'll run a backside drag right there we're just going to have to hit that nice I don't know where the entire middle of the field went I mean they just vacated and it looks like they're insisting on that I mean there's still nobody there so just give to Davis okay as always I wanted to leave a little nugget in here just for people that made it this far into the video and today's nugget is going to be that the reason why I had to get a haircut and the reason why you haven't seen any of my videos in the last 10 days is because I just started my actual full-time job this week so yes I'm super excited for that but also that does mean I'm going to have a lot less free time to sit here and actually edit these videos so I think I put out like 16 17 videos in August like literally every other day I had a YouTube video out don't know if that's going to be happening anymore I'm obviously still going to be putting out this Ball State rebuild as often as possible and I still want to do the cool mathy stuff too so I'm hoping like maybe one or two videos a week I think I might be able to pull that off but I do want to emphasize even if I'm not putting these videos out as often as before we are still rebuilding Ball State so I'm still going to make that happen I'll get back to this game again thank you so much for watching okay let's get the nub formation here it looks like that's a corner out there which means be has a linebacker on him because the corner is still on the right hand side so now what we can do is play some games and double team the D end on the right cuz I want to try and roll out to the right and we're just going to make that read between the outout and the drag I think the drag is going to be wide open because he's got a linebacker on him oh wow he covered him really well can Simona make a play he can he can I was just assuming we were going to lose a yard on the sack but yeah put him to sleep thank you that's awesome dude red SHP freshman man I know Kyle Kelly's the guy right now in next year but but after that that's his team I have no idea why but I thought I was winning 1410 um I was playing like it too that's crazy that's crazy okay it's a three-point game close game here all right we we got to stop the run though I mean this is this is getting out of hand we're running cover four so I can bring these safeties down we're going to be really aggressive on the run now like that all right man that's crazy I did not expect him to turn that into a 5 yard game same thing press hard Flats I don't care man we're going to bring down the backside safety we're there we're there nice all right we got to bring the middle linebacker back in even though we're going to lose leverage on the trips bring the safeties down and I'm Blitz in let's go dude let's go fourth and one 3 minutes left and they want to punt okay we're going to we're going to stay in a regular defense just cuz I don't trust that okay cool cool now we got our free safety returning okay all right 3 minutes and 15 seconds we got our backup quarterback in the game Christian Davis has had an amazing first game all we got to do is keep gaining yards and put this game away I mean just a couple first downs I don't want to get too conservative but yeah no this one looks like a man Blitz to me did you see how those two DBS let's run double Slants and I think we'll hit magwood as the second slant oh jeez I probably should have but that's okay we'll take seven yards third and inches I mean that line of scrimmage is on the first down line it literally is inches let's let the clock run down take our time okay here's the thing about video editing there's 218 left and now all of a sudden there 2 minutes and 2 seconds left and now we can pick up this first down all right all right here we go one first down and that's game that's all we need one first down and I know this is a stupid idea but the fact that they have magwood pressed and a second guy right there to me makes me think it's some sort of like cover two invert or some weird man thing so we're just going to trust speed and know that he's okay that was dumb yeah okay that was dumb I thought I was smarter than I was okay now we really need a oh but they walk the safeties down again dude oh I'm going to do it I'm going to do it I'm going to do it I have to do it the guy playing manto man with magwood is not in the right position he's too far to the left we're just going to drag everybody and let magwood cross and Trust his speed and there we go stay in bounds and we got what 25 yards okay here we go here we go all right time for Maga to put this game away man Jet Sweep outside we're just going to trust him with speed here we go one more first down get outside one spin inside get on down let's go and that's it man that's it that was a heck of a win I mean a total battle I think what was most exciting about that was the fact that our backups played great Christian Davis is now the starter I mean he is so fast and Simona the red sh freshman quarterback had a huge play at the end there to score and obviously Keon magwood just the best player on this team it's not even close season is wrapping up I'm going to try and get these last few games out as soon as possible so we can get into the offseason to come at year 2 with a much better team time for a quick recruiting update here in week 12 let's take a look at what we got uh why did I not have this guy with any points whatsoever he's actually so close to committing what am I doing okay time to do the math a c a c minus and a B+ A+ is 13 a is 12 a minus is 11 B+ B plus is 10 points a c is six points and a c minus is Five Points we should Hard Sell Here If you have no idea what math that was uh go check out the science of recruiting it's a formula that I came up with um but yeah we should Hard Sell and I think we should be able to get him to commit here soon I have no idea why he had zero hours on him that's crazy okay we got the house sent here ky's making a little bit of progress they don't have a visit till the end of the season I think he'll commit before then let's stick with this this one's a battle he's got a visit week 14 I mean we could do a week 13 visit but I think he's going to commit this week we got a big lead here but Georgia is getting aggressive if I have 10 extra hours I probably should try and try and use them oh c minus C minus and B+ what's the math on that 5 + 5 + 10 so the hard cell is probably still the right thing to do we should bump it up 10 more hours just because George is coming for him we are in a battle here too wow I think we might be able to get him to commit before that again I don't want to visit cuz I don't feel like the visits do anything a c a c minus and a b that one's tough okay if a B+ is 10 then a B is nine points a c minus is 5 Points so 9 + 5 is 14 and a c is 6 points so 20 so I do think that's the right move there we're going to keep the hard cell on I think we'll get a commit this week too actually got a big lead here and nobody else is going for him all right A+ D and D minus oh let's do the math there so an A+ is 13 a d minus is two So it's 15 a d is three so 18 I don't want to do it I'd rather just send the house on the sky honestly and hopefully we can get a big lead before anybody else jumps in okay 10 extra hours let's take a look at all these three stars and see did anybody else jump in these battles locked out that's fine you can have him yall can have him too okay cool 10 hours let's go take a look at what other prospects we could add okay let's start on the defensive side of the ball and see are there any three stars that are interest are there any three stars without offers that we could add strong safety I like that and I always love getting Corners so how about a three star corner with a good pipeline actually I don't want the safety let's do two corners all right if we look by national rank is there anybody we really want I don't really need running backs or quarterbacks I'd always love a pass coverage middle linebacker so let's give him an offer and a pass protector right tackle let's give him an offer oh wait no no Florida Florida offered him ah that was that was a waste I want my I want my offer back oh I'm not going to get it back I'm an idiot I can't believe I didn't double check to see if any other schools jumped in oh Iowa State jumped in there too okay okay now now we go add two more three stars are there more offensive tackles without offers cuz I love some good pass blocking tackles let's add them all right that's all I got we are wrapping up this season quickly and we got some really cool stuff coming up soon I did make a machine learning model to play Fantasy Football for me I do want to make a video on that I know it has nothing to do with college football but if you're watching this hopefully you play Fantasy Football too hopefully you'll like to see some mathy stuff in that so I'm going to go work on that again thank you so much for watching I'll see you at the next Ball State rebuild

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