I put Tim Tebow on the Florida Gators in College Football 25!

Intro college football 25 is finally here and our road to glory starts now and I thought what better player to use first is the guy who made me fall in love with college football when I was a kid Tim TBO so we're putting him back on the Florida Gators to see if he can bring this program back to Glory before we jump into it though if you didn't know we just did 100,000 subscribers and to celebrate that I unboxed a $5,000 mystery box like I got so much stuff like a lot of cool stuff so after this you should go check out that video because it came out really good and unfortunately not that many people watched it which made me sad and there's a ton of other bigger projects I want to do as well so if you could please hit the Subscribe button hit the like button too while you're at it it really does help YouTube push my channel to more people and it just keeps us growing but with all that said let's jump into it a thank God they finally got away from the Madden style menu screen I've been in the game for 2 seconds and I'm already in love so starting off in a Road to Recruiting Glory you get to pick what kind of recruit you are it's all the way down from two star Underdog to festar Elite and I mean was it even a question we're obviously signing with Florida ooh you know what oh yeah now we're good now currently as a freshman I am third on the depth chart but Graham merch is only an 84 overall so I think we'll be able to get this job pretty quick so I have two skill points and six energy points right now and it looks like the only thing I can upgrade is the elusiveness so we'll do that right now we're really bad in academics and Leadership obviously Tim tibo is a legendary leader at Florida so we got to upgrade that so to start off I've just been doing practice just to try to gain XP and I've actually passed DJ lague and Coach trust I'm still third in the depth chart though we won against Miami in week one let's see what we can do against the ugf pandas oh nice all right and we've been upgraded to qb2 oh no this is position battles we haven't been upgraded yet if successful your positional rank will increase while gaining coach trust so I just have to beat 2,000 points here I mean I'm going to throw it out of the back field here practice so far is the only thing I've been able to actually do as far as playing the game and let's see if here we can get our first touchdown we do okay I got to say the passing is actually weird at first but then you really get used to it I would have loved to have actually started out in a real game but practice is going to have to do but yeah like I said a little weird at first especially if you're coming off playing how like Madden throws it's completely different so this should be our last play here let's not do anything stupid that was a weird animation okay so this one's a new mini game escape the pocket before it becomes a penalty Zone buy time until the time till throw timer runs out that's a weird ass sentence okay so I think what I got to do is get out of the pocket before that clock I am running out of time I'm in the zone I throw it and I hit the touchdown okay that's good oh my God the score to beat is 10,000 what is DJ on with this one all right so we get out of the pocket hit the 500 Zone time to throw is done okay I think I get this man this one is actually very difficult we've only gotten 3,000 points so far we'll throw the endzone that's another pick all the routes are going the opposite way and I think I need to win this one to move up the depth chart position your QB to dodge projectiles while destroying as many targets as possible okay so I think this is like a drill that used to be in Old madens okay oh I actually keep moving I did not realize that do I just keep running around in circles trying to avoid these balls pause tbos backwards that's kind of on par for him honestly the movement within the pocket on this does feel very clean let's see if I can get one more off triangle I ran out of time well we won the battle we are now Coach Trust qb2 that second drill was hard as hell and we're getting closer to uh Graham merch starting job so yeah I'm going to keep doing some practice to uh gain some more coach trust okay so after many many retries of this I think I finally figured out how this uh practice Works basically you just want to optimize completions and just getting your multiplier up I know that feels obvious but like one like that just got us the gold because we were a Time 13 multiplier and now at time 14 we'll just take our easy well I thought completion but we still got gold all right well we're three in one at the buy let's see our agenda here and I guess just try to continue up in leadership it doesn't do anything for Coach trust but it does add to team XP and composure so let's just try to get it oh we're so close to excellent and uh back to practice I go yeah so I think the mistake I was making early on is that I wasn't priority izing checkdowns because stuff like that where it's like a 5 yard pass but like he has the chance to take it a lot further really gets the multiplier up that gets us up to 22,000 points on this round so if you're playing Road to Glory and trying to level up in practice utilize the checkdowns oh thank God I've just been grinding practice and like the weekly agenda but we have a qb1 position battle against Graham Merz so looks like our goal here is just to win two out of three again the score to beat is only 2,000 so I think we can get that done can I hit Circle we do okay all right and this should be the last play we've easily cleared 2,000 we'll check it down and we're going to gain a little bit more doesn't really matter because we won challenge one I feel like I did this one wrong last time like I don't understand what I'm supposed to do I mean I guess that but still 10,000 points to beat I'm just going to do the exact same thing try the same receiver and he drops it of course we have some Crossing routes on this play so I'm going to get to my spot try our o wrong button but it's a t touchdown okay similar route design on this one we're going to do the same things should I Circle this time we get the completion last play though I feel like yeah no yeah we're never going to complete that one it's fine all right and now the last drill it's only 4,000 points to beat again I think we could definitely get that done and we are getting to the last throws here we easily clear with gold now and we won the battle qb1 position Game earned thank God so ready to do something other than practice but now it is finally our time to get in the game we are going to start off with a run gain a few I actually can't select my plays it's all whatever the coach picks right now but that's another uh good run there yeah it's all locked enable play selection to unlock increase your coach trust level to earn more play selection interesting it uh will be interesting to see if they actually trust me to throw the ball at all in this game that apparently counted as a completion so now I can actually throw the ball as Tri Circle here and it's incomplete yeah that's tough just getting used to it oh well I just learned I can change the uh camera view so that's going to help us a lot cuz the other one was very tough to see we're only down six so I mean we're still very much in this game in the second quarter X looks open off the line so I'm going to try to hit him quick we do he catches it okay that's good I just wish they would let us throw the ball on something other than third down can we please for the love of God call a passing play I mean we'll take a first down but just let me throw the ball okay finally being able to throw the ball on first down oh we take a sack that's awful I'm so used to Madden and this plays so differently okay we get a first down that's great like I genuinely feel like a total Noob out here because I just am trying to keep up with the game speed how did he not catch that it's just honestly a very fast there blitzing we get it out quick we get the first down we don't score but we're down to the two for the love of God let me get a touchdown on this drive oh we handed it off okay didn't realize it was an option I'll take the touchdown honestly love the presentation of this game so far they scored so we got about a minute before half they're blitzing again I wish I could audible but for right now all I can do is hot route we're going to get it there he's going to gain a lot of yards on that play Get Out of Bounds forgot that the clock stops in college we got 50 seconds though we got plenty of time I want to try to run with him we do get it okay this is good let's just get out of bounds avoid the hits all right this is the same play we hit boardingham on last time they look like they're blitzing they are still got 43 seconds we got plenty of time let's see if we can ah man the pockets collaps so fast I mean it is day one so I'm just not used to it but yeah I have no time to throw hopefully on the thir third down here we can gain it okay we do he might be gone he is definitely gone no he's going to get caught we just got to gain something back here come on there's just no time to throw let's see if we can hit that we do oh my God we score a touchdown thank God the pass protection was killing me on that drive we're still down 10 so I don't know if we're going to have what was that throw what was that that deflection though well any chance we had is now gone look it's fine we're a freshman we're learning mainly me uh I'm learning more than anything but we gain about 20 there I think we got to start from somewhere I mean we can't start as a Powerhouse I would love to just get one more touchdown of this game I'm going to get sacked though oh there's no way I don't know what I'm doing wrong and that is like the most frustrating part because I'm just getting like obliterated every single snap I imagine this is four down territory let's see if we can hit him here we do okay that ah how can you not break away from that thought that might have been a touchdown let's see what we can do here let's actually hit the running back out of the back field H he's down to the one I just want to run it honestly come on TBO you fumble you're trolling just end this game please for Texas love of God end this game going up against 7-1 Texas this week let's do our upgrades first GPA is up so I don't think we need to study this week definitely got to put that in injury yeah we'll bring our injury back down to one we took a lot of hits in that last game wow this Texas presentation is crazy as someone who really cares about presentation I'm glad that EA like put in the work on this oh yeah that Stadium pulse is all the way up Texas is ranked number seven on the uh toughness meter and yeah we got squiggly lines all over the field I think I don't even know what the play is we are going to okay now we do hand it off I wasn't sure what we were doing on that play I want that uh drag across the field okay it is X and I'm sacked instantly what am I supposed to do like not only can I not see my routes but I am sacked instantly what am I supposed to do I feel like I have to keep somebody else in cuz nothing is working I don't even know why I threw it to him cuz he's not open okay he somehow catches that one I feel like we just got to get points on the board to start taking the crowd out of this cuz yeah it brings the stadium pulse down it sucks that I can't audible out of the play but we are going to run the screen I guess let's see if he can uh get a first down did not use his blockers at all another fail drive from us okay we must have got a turnover because we are on their side of the field finally originally I was thinking that this video would be the I shouldn't have thrown that ball yeah originally I was thinking that this would be that's not where I and he fumbles are you effing kidding me this has been an absolute brutal experience so far thankfully we're only down three still let's see if we can do something on this drive we're going to do the little shovel pass please don't tackle him no is he going to get tackled oh my God he might be gone he is going to be gone okay and that counted as a completed pass that is good for momentum I am going to get absolutely flamed in the comments I I can feel it already because this is just some like abysmal gameplay out of me but we get the first down thankfully originally this was going to be like the full Road to Glory but what I think I'm going to do instead is make this video his uh freshman year okay we should have that please catch it and he drops it of course yeah this video will be freshman year and then we'll go from there can I just have like 3 seconds to throw the ball yeah and then basically what there's nothing I can even do like what am I supposed to do each year in college is going to be a singular video just because like I need help I need feedback on what I'm doing wrong because I genuinely don't know thankfully we're somehow still in this game oh my God X is open that is going to be a big play for us I really do like the concept of the stadium pulse I think it's way better than the uh momentum meter that Madden has but it just doesn't help that I kind of suck at this game right now and don't know what I'm doing I'm going to lose my voice or my sanity I don't know which one's going to happen first but it's going to happen in this video I'm honestly glad that coach is uh continuing to call runs because when I just uh oh quick he catches it okay thank God I literally had to stop talking for a second I know I'm getting very frustrated but I will say that this game is actually very fun I would take a game that makes me rage any day oh my God I don't even have the buttons to throw the ball we take the field goal we get the ball back okay thank God Texas has like fully allowed me to stay in this game and I've done absolutely nothing with it how is that a pick oh my God I can't win all right we're up against 5- four LSU LSU this week thank God we're playing at home because I just need to have like one game where it is just manageable to play on offense because I'm losing my mind our injury risk is medium so we are not going to be running the ball on read options big shocker coach likes to call runs on uh first and second down every drive that one at least worked so we'll take that but another run on first he gains like nine there honestly we're just not going to get a single passing play it feels like but we're moving the ball finally no like seriously I need to know how to call my own plays in audible because I want to throw the ball okay maybe not what do I know he scores a touchdown finally we do something right and I didn't even do it at this point I feel like I need to take a break just cuz I'm like Shell Shocked to this experience okay he does get that one and he's going to gain a lot of yards I feel like TBO won the National Championship as a rookie but uh we are very far away from that at this point I would take even having a lead like in the fourth quarter okay he shakes that tackle look it's day one I'm learning as I go here I'm sure I'm doing basically everything wrong besides handing off the ball you know we're at the five why do anything stupid we'll hand it off get another touchdown now can we play any defense apparently not like we've scored two touchdowns in this game oh my God he's wide open I was going to say we don't deserve any credit for it but on that one he was wide open we are playing on allamerican like I do not think I am anywhere near being able to play on Heisman just yet maybe I need to lower the difficulty maybe I need to like adjust sliders I genuinely do not know okay that's a good play the reality of it though is that I think it's because we're playing at home so like we don't have the like Stadium pulse against us I feel like as soon as we go on the road again it is just going to be the same story all over again it honestly also probably helps we're playing against like opponents that are more our level like we went against oh that was ugly but also I feel like if we want to win a National Championship and a Heisman we're going to have to learn how to play against those teams so far though this game has gone so much better but it's far from over cuz we're only up by seven okay I thought we might have got sacked there but he might actually gain thought he was going to score but down to the seven instead I'm going to try the tight end quick here on the uh option please take that block and he scores we needed that touchdown desperately I'm going to try a deep shot on this one o he might actually burn him on that one he might be gone please out run him and he does man this feels like a totally different experience I think this is going to be our last chance here for some points let's try to run it with TBO oh he gets deleted yeah they're going to make me need it at the end no chance for some extra stats but we will take a win finally honestly a really good game 338 and four touchdowns from TBO wow we got a lot there in the coach trust all right we got two games to go in this season before the well I don't know if we're actually going to make the playoffs but two games to go with this one up against Old Miss and they're three and seven so we'll take that match up let's throw a quick on the RPO here on a little bubble screen he is going to gain about nine that's good we are actually ranked again finally I think our our lowest ranking or highest ranking I guess technically was like 14 I'm hoping that in sophomore year we'll be able to actually compete at like a very high level ooh and he shakes The Tackle I am so grateful for a 3 and seven opponent like these last two games where I feel like I have to put up some crazy stats to gain a ton of XP and we get the touchdown TBO to chamir Dyke I like the replay system I think that's maybe the first time I saw a really good one let me know what you guys think about doing a Road to Glory of a former player like this I'd love to be able to do with like Johnny Manzel maybe Cam Newton would be a fun one oo please catch that and he does oh Reggie Bush would actually be another fun one uh at USC yeah if you like that kind of concept just let me know in the comments and I'll definitely do some more at the six now I'd love a passing touchdown can I hit boardingham I can that's our third TD and we're only in the first half would love another touchdown before half yeah I sent him on an out route there and he definitely had the space tibo really was like the player that made me fall in love with college football can be fast enough dive he's in celebrate I don't know how to celebrate but it's something with the right stick I don't know all right I just played this game out cuz it was never close we finished with seven total touchdowns but yeah Old Miss was three and seven coming into this they stood no chance and we got SEC Florida State offensive player of the week and National offensive player of the week please count for something all right let's do our weeklys and upgrades we have't examine one week so we'll study some more for that definitely got to bring our injury risk lower and with eight skill points we could definitely do an upgrade here let's put put two into elusiveness and five into IQ I think that's a good upgrade we're going up against 4 and seven Florida State in our last regular season game of the year man EA really nailed the presentation of a lot of these stadiums it will be interesting to see how we play on the road because he really struggled in the other games but wow Montell Johnson is so fast but he actually ends up getting caught at the end of this play yeah Stadium pulse is through the roof right now we got squiggly lines all over the field let's just see what we can do here I want R1 that's a bad pass I tried to hot route a boardingham but he did not hear but that's fine cuz his route was even better than what I tried and let's see if we can get it in from the end zone now I'm honestly just going to run with TBO and there he is I don't know how to celebrate it's something with the right stick third down now let's see if we're going to be able to convert oh the pocket collapsed I love the QB movement though let's get out of bounds wanted to avoid the contact but he's still got hit I hate that it just calls runs on backto back plays cuz then it's just third and long and I have One play to go with and that never works for me we going to try it up the seam he does catch it and he's down to like the 8 yd line Stadium po has gone down a little bit and he's running it in for the touchdown yeah put put the crowd to sleeve first and goal now from the four oh my God he is so open that was the freest touchdown we could have asked for we're up 2110 the stadium pulse has come back let's see if we can hit boardingham here we do he is going to be gone again I love playing against teams that are worse than us yeah bring that Crow back back down third quarter now it's still a pretty tight game Florida state is uh Staying Alive Stadium pulse is rocking we got squiggly lines back H give me a little more time I want X I have X here we go that's a big first down I'm sure a big part of why I was getting sacked so much in the earlier games oh man there it is again yeah a big part of that is probably just like in the P protection schemes that I'm not adjusting but honestly just don't really know how to do that yet yeah you could see by my uh feet there my injury risk is at high now so I just got to play smart I've taken a lot of sacks in this game this game does feel pretty secure with the score where it's at I know I said I'm not going to run but I'm going to do it anyway I'll slide we're ranked 23rd right now a win here would put us in the top 15 I think sorry in the teens I mean and yeah we're able to pull it out 4931 now hopefully we can eventually win a game against an opponent that's actually good all right so we're at the end of the regular season will Howard for Ohio State won the Heisman 3,400 yards 36 touchdowns only four picks I'm curious to see where Music City Bowl our stats finished up at but we are going to be playing in the trans perfect Music City Bowl against Nebraska yeah let's actually check out our stats okay so 1700 yards 17 touchdowns only two interceptions I actually thought I threw more rushing yards only five though I'm actually surprised at that two touchdowns though do we have any upgrades we can actually do we have six points to use I think we'll do the five in accuracy just to bring that up all right it is time for our bowl game against Nebraska not going to lie after some of those games I needed a break so I went took like a nice like hourong walk but Tim TBO is here ready to win his first bowl game in his second college career but let's see what we can do in our bowl game against Nebraska I mean we're off to a nice start there four yard run oh I just hit triangle double tap triangle and I have more plays was I supposed to be doing that the whole time I have genuinely no idea but we're going to run with TBO on this play slide down oh so when I double ta triangle it went down to 16 plays so maybe I never get the full Playbook to like actually work with oh my God there is so much space get out of my way ref I am lucky I didn't fumble on that so maybe I just have to be selective about when I change the plays or maybe it's just about like being more experienced and then I get the full Playbook so if you know let me know in the comments so that hopefully in the next video we can do better yeah third and one we can definitely do an inside Zone here he should be able to gain a yard no he does not you got to be kidding me clock is running but we have plenty of time we just got to make sure we keep an eye on it thought I had room to run Let's see we can do second and 11 oh my God the pocket is collapsing triangle please he barely got that off cross body throw too honestly the running back uh Johnson there could have caught it mid it 30 to go let's see what we can do here I am running into pressure man it would suck to not get a touchdown on this drive I'm just going to run it with TBO please make it oh he's going to be short okay they are letting me go for it I'm going to change the play call I think an RPO is the way to go here yeah I should have triangle quick let's just hit him quick throw the ball okay we do get it I was very worried we were not going to be able to get the ball off to him but an RPO at the goal line actually in the replay the timing felt right but we got the touchdown all right late third quarter now we are uh up by 14 let's see if we can uh gain some good yards here on first down we're already starting in great position he might actually break all the tackles he scores wow what a run there by Wilson that is the weakest gritty I've ever seen up 30 to 13 now I mean this game is over there's like 30 seconds left you know wasn't like the biggest bowl for our freshman year but good game from TBO 202 and three touchdowns and I mean yeah overall I can't complain besides all the complaining I did earlier so yeah we finished our freshman year as an 85 overall and I simmed ahead to the start of our sophomore year where we start off the year as number 11 in the top 25 unfortunately not on the Heisman watch yet I think that's definitely our goal for year 2 and if you haven't seen it yet you should click right here to watch me unbox a $5,000 NFL Mystery Box where you can win some of these items but yeah that's pretty much it I'll see you guys next time be a good people oh

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