£25,000 ON THE LINE!!! 🀯 | MODUS Super Series | Series 8 Champions Week | Group A Session 2

[Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it's Tom S the Gentleman Jim L Richard Eric Roland Jimmy van ski it's the do Neil PA [Applause] Hogan it's the Pac-Man Adam Paxon Conor Scott Thomas Banks Marvin Van Bowen Steve West Derek [Applause] [Music] kuler so this is it it is happening Champions week is very much upon us here at the Modo Super Series there definitely going to be a new name on the trophy and it may be the biggest week of somebody's darting career day one got us underway yesterday today and this is the best of the [Music] action he on the 167 oh yeah we love that maybe on a Monday morning they're just feing each other up tops that's superb oh that's absolutely magnificent he's looking to finish his day in the same way that Jimmy van did oh what a shot from Marvin Van velson this is to finish your day are you saving your best Dart for [Music] last miracle incredible [Music] that the best of Monday here at the live Lounge Marvin Van velen Le's group A's Champions week order of Mer as we go into Tuesday here in Porter and we're going to be watching all the action in the company of the asset Paul Nicholson first things first let's talk about day one overall it took a couple of games to get us going a few nerves creeped in in round one but once the players settled we saw some really really good stuff yeah I think that's very fair to say the first couple of games did look a bit nervy a few edgy shots on doubles but when we got into match three and particularly in round number two people started to show that higher level that we expect from a Champions week where people were more regularly averaging over 90 the doubles were starting to cooperate we had a few wobbles along the way but yesterday was very good well it's Marvin Van velon that leads the way following the first day's play he won four out of five on Monday what did he do so well yesterday in your eyes started well and he didn't have many wobbles yesterday had a really good level of focus now in certain weeks that he's played here he's had either a bad start or he's had a little bit too much energy at the beginning and he hasn't been able to sustain it I think he's starting to get the Knack of how to uh navigate an entire week and yesterday it was just Nose Down Eyes down let's get the job done and when people were starting edgely let's put it that way he found a little bit more prominence and he definitely made the most of it I think it was a fair assumption that he was one of the best players yesterday on the other side of the coin Conor Scott got off to a slow start but then won his last three matches he'll probably be happier with six points than Marvin is with eight it seems a weird thing to say but when you lose your first couple of games and you still walk away with more wins than losses that shows you exactly where Connor is right now lost four twice came back won the next three and today I am fully expecting him to have his tail up well Jimmy van ski had three wins to his day yesterday but the dart of the day was most certainly that bll ey in the 132 what can he see of this Dart as he goes for the ball well let's face facts we know that that first start at the bullseye which has hit the 25 is in the way of a natural shot but one thing he has is height and he can see a lot more of that Bullseye than you think we can't necessarily illustrate it with our cameras but that shot is a little easier than it looks but don't let me take anything away from that shot it was brilliant for two reasons one it wasn't a regulation Bullseye but the best thing about it it was his last start of the day and he left this place with a huge smile could say it's a Champagne Supernova well we did have a poll on our Twitter site or X page I don't know what they call it these days as to what is the best balls I finished we've seen here here at the Super Series gave you a couple of options as you see down there Andreas Harrison the one 121 to win the previous Series against cam kbry won that poll look with finishes like that yes a lot look good but timing as well means so much doesn't it timing does mean everything if you think about yesterday and when Jimmy hit that Bullseye it's a great timed shot because if you're going to hit your I suppose your best shot of the day times the best time is to hit it with the last start of the day but how about the last start of a series and the moment of Andreas hitting the one 121 on the bullseye it's magnified by the fact that he has to hit that he must hit that because if he doesn't cam Crabtree is going to hit that eight shot so it's not in the middle but it is a fabulous open Bullseye shot which could have changed Andreas Harrison's career well it was a double on a ball ey that one Andreas har in the previous Champions leag but he is not here this time around these are the players that are involved this is how the table looks in groupe going into today's action Marvin vanvels and Connor Scott Jun Vani the top three Neil Duff the other player on six points will he feel the leades on Six Points perhaps at times yesterday yeah I think so if you were to have a chat with Neil right now I think you'd be happy with getting more wins than losses on the first day of Champions week but his overall level of performance was just a little bit too up and down his up when he averaged 100 that was really encouraging but a lot of his other stuff even though he won a couple more games he's not going to be happy with somewhere in the region of an 84 for the day he knows there's another gear to find and he might need that today well let's have a look at the odds and see what the odds compilers think about today's proceedings vanvels and the Scot both go off 15 to8 co- favorites but you like the look of Tom syes down at 7 to one don't you very much so I know that it was a a very frustrating day for yesterday only picking up a couple of wins but if you look at the schedule from yesterday compared to today 7 to1 doesn't make a great deal of sense for someone who has a better ceiling than most of the players in this group and the biggest point is yesterday he had the darts twice today he's got them three times if he wins all of those games and really finds his best darts when he's against the throw there's no reason why he can't go through the card we saw at times particular ma to hit and his scoring power being immense was it maybe timing at Key moments it was just the off point for Tom yesterday yeah definitely you know you're in a game where you've hit six maximums you think I'm going to win this game 4-1 40 and it wasn't that simple and maybe if he can spread those maximums out a little bit more instead of getting 60% of his maximums in one game if he can say get 10 maximums again in a daily campaign and have two in every match he's got a better likelihood could have getting more points well he's warming up behind us against Marvin vanvels and it's our first game of the morning session here at the live Lounge report so how important is it for Marvin to get off to a good start I think it's important for him to make sure that he gets off on the right foot again just like yesterday but I suppose he's given himself this out of even if I lose my first round match today I'm still going to be in a very strong position but the mental task is to make sure that you are as focused as yesterday and you're doing the same things and doing the right things at the right times ready to go absolutely right it's lights camera action here at the live Lounge in Portsmouth as Marvin Van velon takes on Tom Sykes and somebody's going to have to put 50p in the meter well Paul Nicholson's going to make the race down to the commentary box where he's going to join Chris Murphy morning Chris for a bright start today Tom Sykes and Marvin Van and good morning everybody ready for a second day of darting at Champions week here at the Moda Super Series M VV taking on Tom Sykes as Paul Nicholson rightly highlighted in that studio chat there Tom syes was one of the best performers statistically yesterday just did not get the results at that standard merited the 31y old from Castleford Marvin Van velon did get the results and goes into day to top of the table but the performance level suggest that the Pat could be shuffled on Tuesday on Champions week psyched with a average for day one of 92 only Connor Scott had more nobody hit more 18 18s than Sykes he made Owen Binks call 10 first leg it's Tom to throw first game on and the referee gets the opening game underway however one little caveat if Tom like is going to reel in Marvin Van the league table and he probably has to beat him in this Opening match P yeah I think after yesterday when Marvin beat Tom by four legs to two 85 that almost sets the tone for game one on Tuesday doesn't it because you want to get your own back immediately and if he does he joins the pack of three players on six points and makes Marvin just a little bit more comfortable we have had a Dutch winner of a group a in Champions week before and that was Jerome M who had won a week 12 and then came back Monday morning and over the next three days won Group B and had a couple of days off but he didn't win the series that was a certain Luke ller always wondered what became of him 140 but we do have a few players in this Champions leek lineup who may not be household names yet and and that could change come Saturday night1 require we've been raving about Sykes for a while but it's not just about him it's about other people in their mission 57 Tommy requires 76 a good start from Tom but how is the doubling game that's exactly what we didn't get yesterday at the start from the likes of Scott and Marvin Marvin to Banks and dff everybody took a little bit of time to just find their range on the outer ring and I get the feeling that if this group of players can improve on the 35ish percent that they had and maybe push that more towards the 40% we're going to get something rather memorable today 60 interesting just looking through the the numbers from yesterday Marvin vanon had a high average of 93.0 6 everybody else apart from Thomas Banks who didn't pick up a point had an average of at least 98 96 you don't look surprised by that because this is Champions week and we do expect people in form to perform when they're asked to which is five times a day the surprise is that the player who hasn't hasn't done that is the one that won four out of five in his top of the table sometimes it's not just about who you play and how they play but when you play them 140 I just asked Neil Duff about that looking for 96 to lead tops and that's exactly what he gets we've already got that Swift Rhythm from these two in this first game in amongst the Super Series fog very atmosph very here for Tuesday morning game on the second leg levels up Marvin opening encounter Von Off the Mark for Tuesday having I mentioned four of his five yesterday n the one thing I was impressed the most about with Marvin on Monday is that he was able to temper this obvious passion he's got for the sport 13 and it was only in this fixture yesterday where he started to feel overpowered by the emotion and he needed to let something out 57 just like pyes I think it's taken van vson a bit of time to realize what this place is all about and how you pace yourself all week 42 yes still still no massive favorite for me to emerg as a group a winner all the players will be desperate to do it made the point yesterday I'll make it Again Bradley Brooks leg difference stopped him from winning group a in the last Champions week and then didn't get through group b in fact finished bottom of it none of that i' prefer to play every day they'd all prefer to be through by Wednesday night yeah make no mistake anybody who says they want to play five days before Saturday 34 they're telling porgies or in the case of some people who don't like meat they're telling veggies 45 but for me the one biggest thing today that must improve for Sykes it is the doubling just a shade over at 28% for the day yesterday the amount of shots that he had that wasn't the problem it was the conversion rate and things like this have simply just got to be taken with one visit well the start has been promising game he's now two from two so it looks like he is repairing that ratio he's already actually toow usurped his high check out from yesterday by two 74 was the high 76 in the opening leg of this one but the encouraging thing will that 100% strike rate PA you said had to go in that visit but how good would he feel that it went in one Dart he was splitting too much yesterday splitting eights to Fours to twos it sounds a lot easier 45 to just sit here and say you have to improve it but maybe he had to be on the practice board for maybe 30 45 minutes last night just polish up a little bit on a couple of departments that one didn't need any polishing yesterday he was the best 180 hitter by one over Scot 100 sometimes you just need to spend a little bit of extra time polishing things like double eight like double top like double 18 no and make sure that you're going more for the primary doubles instead of the other stuff this is a big visit huge visit 18 because now it's maximum pressure on this 13 triple 20 maybe just pushed it and rushed it a little bit neither players actually missed a d double yet in the game so odds on Van Von hits this he hasit four leg Marvin vanon he is protecting his throw with his life two exceptional Halles to throw and look at that 2 two everywhere you look they've certainly got their ducks in a row at the start of Tuesday Morning 134 Tom syes still with the advantage of throw but with a warning from Van vels and if you slip up I'm going to be there to p34 how often do we see a game of this quality in the first game of the day not often sometimes in round one people need a bit of time to feel out the de there's less time to maneuver when it comes to Champions week because everybody around you is a winner 100 as you can see both players now averaging in three figures as well after four and a half legs is it fair for me to say at a point of the game where they couldn't be split by anything that Sykes has got the biggest ceiling I think it is but we also did make the point that neither player did this yesterday 120 topping average for either man although Sykes did come closer 112 D number three was a little bit off but that's second one my word that was impressive and he's going to come back with three clear 45 Double 12 having not missed a double yet in the game in fact we haven't seen a single Dart missed a double in this match until now don't miss all three at once Tom 18 Marvin 97 if your opponent makes a mistake you must be in position Marvin is in this match he's needed 12 dot breaks this time he just needed a 15 DOT break but he couldn't find it he needs to C he threw the treble 20 earlier on and he clattered it into the barrel and found the double bed and no harm done in the end for Tom Sykes s gets Marvin to throw first game on I think it's fair to say that he would have lost that leg yesterday was that a nervous cough from Marvin Van velson I know another Dutchman who does that 140 I think sometimes before visard begins you've got to be 100% comfortable and if you're not you stand back 42 and you take that little breather or a cough whatever it's going to be a very popular word that today whatever 95 by the way I'm very much a fan of the new wear shirt for Sykes I think it's better than the home shirt I think at the minute what Tom is looking for apart from places to play and new challenges and success of course he obviously wants to go one better this week than Series 6 no where he lost to Taylor in the final but I think he's searching for an identity as a dark player as well and I don't think he should Rush that at the minute just keep doing what you're doing playing well staying focused and being a hard worker 95 require 12's got bit of time on his side now 83 I don't think Sykes got it 100% right with the last visit he really should have left it finish it's a little bit of carelessness wasn't there from 269 h a treble first start and Von looking through a double first start which he's done every time he's gone for one but that stops there he doesn't do what Sykes did in the previous leg gets it done in that visit and forces a decider in which Sykes does have the darts every leg going seven from fin Tom to tr first game on so in the table it's as you were and obviously with all due respect to Marvin Tom wants to win this game and a lot of people in the practice room want Tom to win it as well was that another little was T that as you were 96 I'm going to be it wasn't wasn't on purpose just roll with it Paulie well I like a happy accident 94 well who is going to be getting early morning glory here 55 five and Von could get Paul Nicholson out of his seat 60 everybody knows that I like a 350 in six he might just need to get it in six if he wants the win but if Sykes loses from this position he's going to feel like a Bor head he's going to have to utilize that again he's so good at that a d l 100 managed to get not just one but two above it into the treble 20 bed he's going to have the first go of finish hasn't had a t plus check out yet this week what a time it would be to hit one 5 look at him in the background he's like a hungry tiger 51 for Tops 82 but he didn't need to hit it at that point but what for me he needed to do was at least leave a double and he has done that so at the start of the day ideally me he's got something straight down the line as Conor Scott would put it so to shake things up dou seven 14 Marvin V going to get opportunity here this would be a big break he took it 44 to beat SES yesterday this would be killer he knew as soon as he let that go that that was not going to register splitting or straight for it attacks and wins success for SES Tom in the day two opener on this Champions week and it's a win that makes things very very interesting in this group it could be the win he looks back on as the one that kept him in contention because he closes the gap between himself and Marvin vanon to two points it means there are just two points between five players in this group now Sykes with an average just shy of 90 held his nerve and his throw in that deciding leg to pick up a victory against the league leader coming next Thomas Banks who hasn't got a win to his name yet he takes on Connor Scot [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] welcome back to the live Lounge here in porsa for Champions week at the Bor Super Series and before the break Tom s's got the better of Marvin vanel and in a last leg decid moving him on Six Points it means the top five players in the group are just separated by the solitary win and if Connor Scott here can get the better of Thomas banks in the second second game of the morning session he will join vanel on eight points but will go top of the table due to his Superior legs difference for banks but he didn't win a game on day one at Champions week the 17-year-old will be hoping for an improved day two and realistically it's going to be Group B that will be the challenge for him over the next couple of days up against the bookmaker favorite to win the week Connor Scott he was three to one with the Oz compiles for Dart was thrown he could go top of group a with a win here and in commentary it's Paul Nicholson and Chris Murphy thank you very much yes indeed Thomas Banks looking for a different kind of day to the one that he had on Monday at modus Champions week didn't start well for him get Thomas to try first game takes on Conor SC with the opportunity put things right today he's that type of player who can really just get his scoring going and go for little spells and surges but he's playing the man who was favorite and still is favorite to win this group and indeed this week Connor Scot did have the highest level of performance yesterday and a win here would now see him move to the top of the table 96 it would provisionally but I think one of the most comical things about yesterday is that Connor in his first game that he played in match one against Marvin vvon had his worst average of the day of 86.8 he lost 43 he then had his best average of the day in the next game of 102.8 3 and still lost again so it was the in between stuff that got him the wins so whether he played his worst game or his best game that actually wasn't the right formula but over the course of the day he was the most consistent in my opinion statistically but sometimes the stats can really 1 137 con 142 going the 19's route now up for top 122 chat with this morning he talked about how he does things differently that was different but he wasn't effective in the end as Banks manages to bank the leg second against Conor to Jo first what we're seeing already today is the sharpness from the players from the off 80 and we know they all have the qualities to keep it going for five matches per player but Conor does do things differently 14 he always has he's kept us guessing when we first were introduced to him at our previous Studio on Southampton and since then he's continued to evolve 97 I think even he would admit that he's still not the full ticket when it comes to being the player he wants to be but I classified him yesterday as a sponge you give him information he will take it away he will svey it and wonder if it's something he can put in his Arsenal 97 I can only imagine if Connor was a footballer and you were his coach and you wanted to mold him into a false nine or a a Winger or some sort of holding midfielder and if that is exactly what he wanted to do he would listen to every single word requ looking to score a worldy here not going to do it so Banks bidding to break with the 147 130 have to if he wants to win this then cuz SC set that up perfectly won this fixture 4-1 yesterday could still do the same today second time he's missed tops law 30 a little bit of early fragility on the outer ring and Banks could expose it game the second leg Thomas Bank he started his first game of the day the same way that Marvin and Tom Sykes have two out of two on the double and look at that look at the enthusiasm from this young man can't wait to start throwing again 43 a little reminder that Connor Scott did lose his first two matches yesterday turn things around from then but 100 is he following in a similar fashion 24 hours later it's not the kind of habit you want to get into 100 because if you make Saturday night and you lose two games in a row you're going to be out before the semifinal fin 36 very easy for us to say that maybe Conor isn't a morning person but he won group a 96 he won group one and he won his week in typically textbook Style just a few weeks back and he did have a perfect day on the Tuesday when he won his week 92 there's no reason to panic even if he does lose to Banks but it would mean that Marvin would still be top of the table on eight points the leg difference between first and fifth it's minimal the only person who not really under any pressure today is Banks interestingly the way he's applied the pressure there hitting the 140 to leave a an awkward double maybe to make Connor think he leaves an awkward double himself can't find it and banks will get a look at the 30 straight for it goes the other side no score seriously close with dots one and three and Scott who's had a dart of double at least in every leg finally gets off the mark Conor Scotts how key could that leg be celebration from Scotts Banks does see the funny first game has been in fine form recently Connor Scott emerged as the top dog in the challenge tour that's after winning the pentatlon in the wdf as well of course his weekly win here at the Super Series what a little summer spell he's had 59 I think you can put Connor and Jimmy in a very similar bracket doing the things that you've mentioned different tours different successes and one of the best compliments I can pay both Jimmy and Connor 94 is versatility and there's nothing you need more when you win the pentathlon than versatility 59 probably one of the most versatile daughters Conor SC we've mentioned he's thinking with the counting and 94 numbers we've seen evidence of it in this match but also the equipment using that three finned flight that barely any other player uses and there's 60 thought behind it it's not just I like the look of those with Connor Scott you really just think it gives him an advantage it does because when he made his debut here in ports he had a real flight problem at that point he wasn't sure what he needed to use he's figured it out and if I him I would make sure because there's no guarantee 158 I mean that is a leave isn't it seriously who hits a 158 to leave 32 require 32 you just did game the four he hit the 32 as well Innovation from Connor scut here at the Super Series get Thomas D first got me a gust I've never seen that before that is seriously impressive when it's hit if he'd missed the board I would have said it would look silly my previous point was going to be this is such a piece of equipment that he uses Connor that is 58 make sure you've got a lot of these flights just in case they decide not to make them anymore I'm being serious because in the past some players have adored something so much and then it's not made anymore and they can't get anymore Ryan finesse has said in the past he can't get the barrels that he uses anymore they don't make them anymore so we had to go and scroll eBay for months so do yourself a favor get yourself a lifetime supply while you can 125 well he's turned this game totally on its head Conor SKT with some Brilliance 95 yeah there were misses from banks in leg three but leg four was all about Connor 59 Portsmouth isn't that far away from where these guys are different sides of the M25 M which is if you're outside the UK the busiest Road in England surrounding London and in the center of the board 101 he gets the thing that surrounds the bll straight to the top 73 and that is something he's got to put right this week if he's going to go for Tops a lot he must go a little bit higher he's been on double 10 too many times this week game Shan the fifth leg from 2 N behind Scott now leads 32 and that provisional move to the top of the table to throw first is about to be made game on if we may turn the clock back just a little further as well if we go back around 12 months Connor SC almost won a players championship title he lost to radic sagansky in that final which was one of the most open Players Championship events ever seen even if he'd won that tournament and still lost his tour card I don't know if that was a thing 97 in a year he could have won a wdf event a challenge Tour event a play championship event and an event at the motor Super Series I'm trying to think if anybody else has done that did Scott Williams [Music] I'll let my cogs turn for a little and get back to you but Conor turning the screw in this one a 184 followed by 164 perhaps possibly 132 Thomas has made one error in the last four legs and that's missing tops 60 to take the 32 lead apart from that Conor Scott has dominated game the match and Scott climbed to the top of the table Thomas Bank started the game well he won the first couple of legs but the sniper shot him down in the end a 4-2 win for Connor Scot in which he averaged 93 and then you can see the story of the stats in that game about nine points better off than banks in the the end he did miss those opportunities in leg three and Scott went on to reel off four straight legs to make it four straight wins coming up next Jimmy Vani faces Neil Duff next year when that decision needs to be made he's going to be 49 one year sh the age of the seniors very viable option two players who are around that age well what did he say about the N will we get the 141 will the promise come true Double 12 Steve West has won the match with a n Harrison has kicked off the last perfect style it's everything really oh he's timing this well again [Music] 180 with a nine D treble 19 trouble 15 leads double 18 Harrison to win the game called himself out of it yeah something that Henry actually said in just that I was quoted to saying Jared Co is one of the most sounds a bit fishy my grandpa Mark salmon do you a 177 and a 18 he's on a potential n d come on Jared yes you beauty nice and high and now got the game back into his own destination and wow the momentum is with him here we go 10 I wouldn't have said it don't jinx it [Music] yes yes Double 12 yes get in there Le I think it's fair to say that the blue touch paper has been well and truly lit 108 six Max of the match Oh Hang about hang about it's getting ridiculous now can Tommy lman give us backto back nine DS in backto back games he could you know he could you know good back to back night daughters welcome back to the Modo Super Series where we have a new leader of the top of group a and that man is Connor Scott courtesy of a 4-2 win against Thomas Banks before the BR Banks who raised into a two- lead in that contest for Scott rof four on the spin our final game from the first rounds worth of fixtures sees Jimmy vanki and Neil Duff go toet to toe both players begin the day on Six Points the winner will move on to eight and in the commentary box for this one it is Paul Nicholson and Chris Murphy that was a really really nice recovery from Connor Scot wasn't it winning that game against Thomas banks with four consecutive legs but now we turn our attention to the last two players in round number one Jimmy Vani adorned in black and blue today but he'll be hoping he's not black and blue through darting activity by the end of the day he'd like to win more games than he loses to be in contention to throw first for the group a winner spot at the end of Wednesday but I suppose the the first question of this game is how long has Neil Duff played for mil wall 61 just leave that hanging in the air it's only a little bit of a joke but it does look like a mil wall shirt and he's going to have to fight his way towards the top of the table today after yesterday which was just a little bit up and down yep needs to earn his stripes on Tuesday we've seen Jimmy Vani play a lot here in 2024 we knew that when he won four qualifiers for ADC Europe that we were going to see a lot of him one now that he is a multiple weekly winner just like Neil what's his next step The Logical next step is to win a series and to keep pushing on to improve maybe to do some of the things that Neil has done like becoming a world number one in the wdf system it's not necessarily out of the reach of Jimmy vansky because he's a multiple time wdf ranking winner as well yeah Neil's been uh in and out of that position hasn't he 104 on the wdf world rankings since winning that world title couple of years ago 80 NE you require 42 that last dot has made his potential next shot even worse however somewhat unconventionally Neil has now decided score to busted that's an interesting player yeah 42 currently fourth in the world rankings by the way it's another Dutchman at top of it who performed excellently when he was here but didn't make it to Champions week double 16 for Duff becomes double eight game the the leg in The Ledger nil second gets Neil to throw first the only thing missing from the CV of Neil Duff when it comes to this place is winning a series he's won everything else4 apart from the fact he didn't play in women's week but he's played in everything else 100 and I don't think it sits right with him that he isn't a Series winner yet and maybe the words of Duff this week will Enlighten us how much 140 and it's easy to say that he wants it but I'm going to use another word how much he needs it 100 yeah looking to take something else off his darting bucket list there won't be PDC titles for me that's not something that he is attached to but he wants his name on every other role of honor and he's not far off completing the Full House 97 are you require 144 he's definitely dominating the scoring stakes in this first round match against Jimmy 82 he had a few sticky moments in scoring yesterday did Neil he almost looked quite uncomfortable in gripping the dart towards the end of yesterday's session monitor that but as far as the early exchanges are concerned not too bad double 16 again 30 Jimmy question now is will he return to get a two-nil lead he didn't need to go treble 19 there 56 and he's a very clever D player Jimmy I'm not sure he thought about Plan B game on the second that was plan a for Neil and a two-nil lead for him will be very welcomed they're looking it's Jimmy to throw first gameer this was the game where Jimmy had that magical 132 yesterday 180 but he also delivered a 167 on the first day of Champions week so finishing wise 140 Jimmy was up there yesterday almost 39% 518 is's three ton Plus checkouts all very much to be admired and they're all good things but ultimately you want the most points at the end of three days 58 you don't always get exactly what you want here in Portsmouth everybody wants to win group a if you're in it but it's nice to have the option of a next Group which is exactly what six players from Group B and C do not have 62 Jimmy rqu 142 this the first time in this third game of the day where Jimmy has led in the scoring stakes and he's going to take full advantage of it double 16 another big finish from Big Jimmy third that ear collection a bit of Brilliance from the delightful dut to throw first game on we were raving about a 132 yesterday that'll be replayed over and over on the Super Series highlight reels but that 142 is right up there as well I like the way that you put the word raving in a game involving a Dutch player because they don't mind a bit of a rave and some of our close friends in this sport would call the stuff that they listen to music whereas we would call it noise the type of uh type of mate you'd send to the bar isn't he Jimmy 60 would you like to unlight as why certainly get noticed wouldn't He makes himself noticed in this game with a maximum his first of it do you know what if Jimmy van ski is your designated dri 100 he the K guy you want to go clubbing with because you're never going to lose him 100 this is a really interesting leg Jimmy's on another 167 he's not going to take this one so duffman on 85 will sense an opportunity to reestablish this twole cushion that he created after the first two legs that's a good Miss how good is this 45 not good enough can't take advantage of that for CH is treble 10 we've had the 142 let's jumble up the numbers but he messes up the visit you can see the reaction there Jimmy knows that was an opportunity 28 now you require 40 game Duff man doesn't mess upil he can't get enough of that wonderful shot F gets Jimmy to throw first this is what's fascinating about the table at this stage of group a provisionally Duff is on eight points if he gets the result that's where he will be Jimmy will only be two points behind and as long as there's this huge influx of matches between the people in the top five the jostling is going to be exactly the same as an analogy mentioned by Chris this morning shuffling cards that's what it's going to look like 140 no one of the reasons I was impressed with Jimmy yesterday is because he's been noted in the past when he's come here for a weekly campaign as someone who's had a somewhat weaker start compared to the end of a week yesterday was strong against strong opposition 44 I'm going to say this right now even if he doesn't win this week I will be surprised if he ends the year without more success yeah certainly a player to keep an eye on 32 I don't think he'll be uh flashing the pan I don't think he'll be just a player for 2024 if Jimmy's going to be putting a pan it's got to be a very big pan un you f him in 148 this would be some way to win the match though and the hope of that didn't last long 140 winner of this game does join the top two SC and Van Von on eight points game the could still be Vani but Duff now has the darts to get it done six play against Neil to tr first game on for someone s tall I know that darts is very popular in the Netherlands but for someone of his height 100 I'm sure there were other opportunities available for him sports like rowing for instance which the Netherlands are very good at basketball obviously 100 he'd be a pretty good painter and decorator cuz he wouldn't need a lder but I think what learned about the Netherlands over the last 5 to 10 years with tall D players is that they do have their own challenges 85 he may have to monitor his physical health maybe a little bit more than some others because of the way he has to stoop we'll see said stoop as he Steeps up to the oy now there you see has to lean in and Zone in on the target he does it very effectively as well so you can see that he's not throwing from his full height he's actually reducing his height to be at what he can only describe as his optimal throwing height and he's reducing Neil's Duff's lead here that 18 18 second of the match giv him a chance giv him a shot to level up good thinking there from do but Hall de that might be the only shot he gets to Peg Duff back Duff man wants this done 18 tops hasn't got it done and vany will get another opportunity here this to break to level 49 and to set up a decider in which he would have the darts should have been easier as well miss a single in the previous visit which means that dot is burned game it's a beautiful shot though Jimmy bansy and they're the legs if you can fight for them and take them your confidence is going to swell Jimmy to thr at a very sustainable rate we're seeing some good games so far today two matches that have gone to dramatic last iders and then Connor Scot coming back from two down to beat banks for two likees beating vanel in the opener in that seventh leg meaning that van velon is held on eight Scott joined him on eight and the winner of this will also have eight we'll have a three-way tie for the top of the table after six rounds of fixtures in group eight 1040 correct me if I'm wrong but Jimmy is using using almost identically the same equipment as he has all year but the points are a little bit different 140 either they've got a little bit more decoration on them or they've got some sort of grip detail 100 he's going to be very happy with this leg so far even hundreds in his first three visits 60 if duffman walks away with a detier he's not going to be a happy bunny at all well spotted 12 being the APT description there those points actually have detail on them because there's something that Steven B used before and they actually have hexagons on them like an old school football what vuke got the hex on duff climbing the ladder to Tops and Landing to D denied the Dutchman defeats him Vani moves into a share of the lead in this Champions week group a a 43 victory over Neil [Music] Duff repeating the win that he got against the northern Irishman yesterday both players averaging in the 90s but it was the finishing that did it for vany that stunning 142 early in the match four out of five on the double in the game and he joins Connor Scott and Marvin vanvels and his countrymen on eight points and they have a threeway tie at the top of the table Scot back in Action next if he's beaten by Tom Sykes then there's going to be four people in that party stay with us he [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] know [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] welcome back to the motor Super Series where before the break Jimmy vanki came back from behind to get the better of Neil Duff in a last leg decide it means he's on eight points alongside Marvin Van velon and the new league leader Connor Scott courtesy of his 4-2 success against Thomas Banks he takes on Tom Sykes in the next game who got the better of Marvin Van vels and 4-3 in the first round's worth of fixes a win for Sykes in this one we see the top four all tied on eight points respectively and if Neil Duff then get a better Mar van Fels in the next one there'll be a temporary five-way tie for the lead in the commentary box then for this one it's our fourth game of the balling this is one of the games of the day yesterday is Paul Nicholson and Chris Murphy well stop teasing as Henry yeah is getting tight at the top well all the way down the table basically apart from Thomas Banks cut a drift without a win yet he's going to play Jimmy van ski in this second round of fixtures on Tuesday but as Henry referen Paul this was a first bit to throw first towards the end of yesterday Conor Scott won it in the last leg decies looking to get his revenge yeah more than just a bit of a belter it was full-on belter 98 there's something about these two playing at the minute that entices everybody's appetite good Pace good quality good Confidence from both and they have what's known as game chemistry 100 very easy to say that some people's style will lend itself to a better game against certain opponents but these if they were dance Partners they need to be on Strictly yeah both average around the 100 Mark in that match 85 they similar Rhythm to each other that's always helpful and conducive to producing your best game 99 well for me this is a north south divide game you got someone from Yorkshire and someone from Su so as far as the amateur game is concerned 94 this is like North versus South but this is an individual sport isn't it they're not playing for teams this week they're not playing for countries they're playing for themselves who helps himself to the opening leg with that 84 kill clean as you like so much to ad about Conor it's not just his ability to think laterally and to do things that are just a little different we've been hanging around this sport for decades murf he still makes us think now there's something happened yesterday that got my attention and I've been watching Connor for a good two or three years when he left double 10 he was moving right on the oie to try and give himself what can only be described as an ideal throwing Point what did he do on that 84 for double 12 he moved left 37 so he's obviously got a minimum of three throwing points on the oy a middle a left and a right and you don't need to be a genius to figure out what he's doing left doubles left hand side right doubles right hand side scoring in the middle and Nobody Does it but it does make perfect sense and you can say that so many times about things that Conor does we spoke about the flights in the previous game the different ways of going for finishers we see actually Sykes do it there but that's because he's got 40 so you got one player in Connor who thinks about everything almost outside the box Tom Sykes whereas he does have some of those qualities he's more of a one bound thank you ma'am let's have lots of 60s and double 10 game take that 10 though for a one-1 score line yet again this game is enticing so it's Conor to throw first so many people who I've spoken to over the last couple of days think this is going to be the final on Saturday night I wouldn't be surprised if it was the case 7 make sure you are tuned in Saturday the Super Series 8 finale a full house here in Portsmouth and Β£25,000 on the line six of the 12 that are playing this week will make it two will make the big money match one will get their name added to the role of honor and pocket Β£25,000 180 darts like this will be needed 6 180s in their game yesterday and we're already at the halfway point of that and we're not even at the halfway point of the game got stands up to Sykes 84 tries to threaten the throw but it's a finish after nine darts delivered by Connor scuts an even better one after the same amount by his opponent Here We Go Again strap yourselves in everybody one 100 this is not going to take long but you're going to love it whatever happens Double 12 absolutely brilliant the third leges strikes and that's exactly what he needs to do today he needs to strike against the throw and protect when he's got the dots I said it earlier on if he can hold every time he's got the throw that's a minimum of three wins but if he strikes against especially against someone like Connor he could have a marvelous Tuesday he seems to have found the purplest of patches here tomes and he's having to find it because Scott is playing at a high level as well just looks like so much Authority in the throw at the moment 100 ryth is spot on the follow through is perfect the the release point of Tom Sykes at the minute is oh what he want perfect and I don't often use that word it's coming out of the hand at exactly the right moment 100 making sure that the dot is actually going in the board with authority at the right attack angle and he doesn't have to engage his right shoulder it's almost effortless when it's this good so you expect this to go and it may go 89 maybe he got a little more excited than even I was supposed to go for the double 16 not the number 16 more lateral thinking from Scott he's left to finish that department yesterday was just a little bit questionable re7 is he about to be exposed from a couple of mistakes not this time so Sykes can't afford to miss again and it's also what sort of knocks out that Rhythm isn't it when suddenly you're throwing a different Target for two or three visits you can lose it a bit and he still hasn't hit that Target having to step the other way this time no six re on the spin in fact it's seven isn't it cuz he missed one at the end of the one 2-1 combo as well and Corner SC punishes to the H Conor SC now what kind of effect is that going to have on this game get Conor to throw first game on if I were to give Sykes a bit of advice about that corner of the board it has given him problems at times when you have somebody not on a finish and you look at the misses that he's had they've all been outside of that 32 bed you have to imagine another 32 bed just inside the green segment and then you go for that instead of your natural double 16 Target in front of your eye well you mentioned that doubling was a problem yesterday for syes that leg just typified that he threw pretty much Paul 11 perfect darts and then missed seven at Double 57 that's why darts is hard you can do a lot right but if you make mistakes on one segment you're going to be exposed 100 and this game has changed all of a sudden the aura around Tom is different he looks like he's been hit in the stomach with a bat and that bat's name was leg four 121 con got in position to win leg five now as well here comes syes is it too late who 180 con 51 he will be if Connor claims double 16 and that would rub salt into the wound considering that syes couldn't hit it at all in the previous leg it does rub salt in the wounds gets Tom to throw first game on but imagine your confidence if you can recover from this 2 one up with a break all of a sudden 3-2 down but if you can turn it around and win 43 you'll feel like a giant 43 these are the kind of games you need to win if you want to be Champion you might have to do this on a Saturday night and he has done it on a Saturday night before he's dug deep he's lost the first game in a group then he's won the next one with big numbers made his way through to the semis and F his we to a title twice he has the qualities it's just a question of whether they sh in the next two legs 180 same as yesterday 6 1880s in the game and there might be more oh at least it leaves Sykes on a finish at least he got the treble he gets the single five he's not in a two daugh 60 I think be happy to be away from double 16 57 gives him two at tops that becomes one at Double 10 this becomes crucial hey but he's missed again con 120 watch out where is the first dark go he needs the trouble now if he didn't get a big 20 there and it was a small one to start have gone two balls that's a decent guide game sh the that stops the r of Miss doubles for Tom syes who one point the midpoint was bossing this match now he has to break in a decid but at least he's got that chance on for some reason that felt better than a 17 D leg 134 maybe because of what happened in the previous two legs but now Sykes has got to get back to where he was before and he does with 180 number 50 of the week a number seven of the game 100 at which point do we recognize that this is the best fixture of this group we're going to see it again tomorrow 96 will it be as thrilling on Wednesday how important important will it be on Wednesday actually is the pair's first fixture game two tomorrow where can he leave himself and will it matter oh no con that single five has cost him a doable shot if he left 135 he would have fancied it but now he needs to do some sort of Jimmy vany Magic not going to happen but Scott hasn't left it as well as he would have hoped 100 to leave 70 should get at least a dart double would love to will only get one 30 and Sykes has a look require 80 biggest shot of Sykes as week so far TENS for eight points it's absolutely wonderful and after everything he's been through in that match against his best dance partner possibly of the week or even the year Sykes will feel better that he's come through that battle than if he dominated it he wins his first two games of the day and there is the smile he's worked very very hard for that what a game that was with seven maximums and the same amount of 140 plus scores a really good quality contest and we want more of that when it comes to Duff and Marvin van velson next welcome to the party P here at the modus liveline they both got the talent where they his real off leg after leg and dish out a heavy defeat what a way to start the day we're up and running here on Champion week with a maximum well what a way to finish a 12 dark l beautiful check out there from cam Crabtree only needs the one on the second leg darus what you saying about efficiency on the third leg re the moment that ree Robinson comes alive in this crucial Clash looks like he's going to go for it and it is right next to his favorite double top he gets the job done at the earliest possibility that is c crab through case not so Harrison gets the all important winot on the second leg Darius laoun game Darius a long time that clinch fist he gets the job done in the end was nodding in total agre second leg the four FL needs the one can see that she can unlock at any moment quality harison this would be a wake up welcome to the party in should be a good marker for him and is it was a great guy on the first leg Andreas Harrison a breaker throw for Andreas Harrison on the second leg consecutive breaker throw double 16 and he [Applause] does not 11 but it's a beautiful 12 Trel 17 but he gets Bullseye for the win absolutely incredible by Andreas Harrison is Andreas J haris [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] well this week is a sellout at the Super Series they'll be playing in front of a pack crowd in Portsmouth on Saturday night but if you do want to be here at the live Lounge in P tickets for the next Champions week will go on sale very soon and tickets for every Saturday night in series 9 are available by heading to www.art shop.tcm and Women's Championship tour finals before the break we saw Tom sites get the better of Connor Scot by four legs to free which continues to conal this group a table four players on eight points and if Neil Duff gets a better Marvin Van felon will make that five in the comy Box Paul Nicholson and Chris Murphy tungsten traffic here on Champions week it is congested and it will be even more as Henry described defeat of vanon here would see him move on to eight points that would put all five of the contenders to win this group on the same amount of points as we start to approach half time effectively in group a and if Thomas Banks can get his first win against Jimmy van in the match that follows Paul Nicholson then we would see them all having played seven and five of them tied on the same number of points I don't know about tungsten traffic but I know that today has been tungsten terrific especially that last game I am already counting the games down to when they play again I'm sure a lot of people are but don't be fooled there could be more of that quality coming from these two or indeed other dance Partners throughout the course of the day whoa Neil needs to get get along with this group doesn't he because the last thing he needs is a bad start and allow everybody else to distance themselves from him yeah worth noting that he did win this Victory yesterday in fact he was the only man to beat Marvin Van and he beat him well as well 4-1 yeah it was a scruffy game Duff didn't need to average a great deal to beat Marvin it felt like he was having a bit of a lull at that point but they both missed a lot of darts at Double Marvin missed 10 131 Marvin as did Neil six more misses there invites do in it's going to be tops don't know why the delay from D there just require seemed to annoy himself with something before delivering the dart that happened in this fixture yesterday as well game sh the first leg first leg to Marvin and we'll see Neil play a lot of darts here over the next few weeks game what you find on shots like 110 like that which are very regulation shots for him he doesn't like to stop in between DT two and DT three I wonder what's going through his mind 100 I don't know if he caught that Mo but Marvin on the walk there on Dart three he is perfectly statuesque when it comes to Dart one and dart two but just keep an eye out for when he throws his third dot he's in a very rigid position there he's already on the move and both times he's thrown Dart three in the last two visits it's gone underneath the 60 that is not an accident du's doing this again it feels like something with his own throat sort of repeating 60 the motion without a dart on his hand as if to suggest he hasn't quite warmed to the task yet today not done any stretches before entering the field 136 some people are going to scoff at that remark you know but speaking to elite players over the years 100 dark players doing warmup exercises are becoming the norm as they should be because you're using very small muscles in your shoulders your wrists your elbow everything like that needs to be warmed up properly before you throw a doart on the stage raise the eyebrows to GRE the maximum because do knows that even that can't stop van velon winning this leg with a break it'll have to be a ball it is a ball a dagger Dart in the heart of Neil Duff as van velon doubles his lead get Marvin toow first you got one player who is actively trying to stay focused and you got one person trying to almost focus on not getting angry 180 keeps getting hit the brilliant Bullseye followed by a magical maximum despair for Duff at the moment can he turn that pain into something this is a serious performance from Marvin 125 yesterday his best average was 93 like you mentioned in his first game of the day 59 this is another level and all the talk before the game quite understandably was about whether or not Duff could tie it up five ways on eight points 125 but if van velon wins this he goes back into that position that he held at the start of the day with a two-point lead over the chasing pack with Jimmy and Thomas having that game in hand Thomas is not a factor at the minute probably won't be at all P that one and realize that Neff wasn't in any position to do damage so instead of bothering with the bull he just set up yeah good board management there from Marvin when you see your opponent not in Striking Distance you do the right thing and the right thing now is to get rid of the leg he has a problem with that in this match three from five every Department cooperating apart from 140s cuz he hasn't got one of them to 4-1 by yesterday leads him 3-0 today 140 motivation for doth at the start of this match was to get the win of course but it's amazing how things change and as little as 6 minutes now his motivation is to make sure he's not Bagel there's no worse feeling in fact there probably are worst feelings in darts would be getting too complicated but if you're on the cusp of being completely door nuted that little emptiness that you feel in your stomach you just don't want it and gives you a little bit of extra fight and fight is not something that Neil as a stranger to he is someone who has fought and scraped at everything he's got 58 now we require 124 double top that's brilliant he shows that fight Neil D with a fabulous 124 finish man we're going to be seeing a lot of first here on Champions week he's then going to try and defend his Double Trouble title next week for those uninitiated in that theme it's one of our special weeks and it is a double start tournament same setup in terms of the league phases and finals night but it's a race to Three Legs starting and finishing on a double Neil Duff won the first one early this year and I can also reveal he's actually playing the very first week of the next series so he is going to be here for three straight weeks in Portsmouth now what an experience that would be if he were to win on Saturday night because you'd have the Series champion in Double Trouble two and he would immediately have to change his motivation because he'd want to get back for the opportunity to defend the title 60 so it's going to be a mix of emotions over the next 3 weeks for Neil but what I admired the most about that fourth leg it wasn't the 12 da it wasn't the 124 finish it was the fact that he didn't do the whole ironic celebration at the end of leg four as if to say Where's that been he's just a bit more seasoned than your usual cat he knows that you can win from 3 n down5 140 over but van felon can put him away here and return that result from yesterday reverse it all I heard from that previous sentence was RW 100 one of my favorite chocolates but if Marvin turns things around to get a 4-1 Victory today that will feel very very sweet because that was the score that he suffered yesterday at the hands of the man on the other side of the oy so it's a return to the top of the table once the top Target and finds it and defeats Neil Duff in the same manner that Duff defeated the Dutchman yesterday a 401 win for vanves and a polished performance from mvv four out of six on the doubles a 96 average there for the man who now returns to the Summits of the Super Series stack seeing off Duff by three legs despite that one 124 checkout from Duff that signaled a potential comeback but no sign of that as vanon closed the door quickly to move himself on to 10 points he's the first player to get to that amount but can be joined by his Netherlands native Jimmy Vani who takes on Thomas Banks after the [Music] break see I on a minute wow oh my God no that's under quid down the drain already itching to hit the 180 he's gone for the maximum [Applause] 18 for the ball [Music] ball 53 no he said bull that's a great first start from Adam W look at this he's going to leave SC oh can you believe it that is [Music] [Applause] unbelievable get match starts to put his team into the final and through to the final they go Charlie Murphy has hit the match winning D on both occasions double four for the [Music] title The please show your appreciation for the winner of the influencer peir of event George scai and Adam [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] lip he seems to be uh he seems to be out that's what he is Charlie Murphy a couple more visits yet not going to need that AOS through and he's absolutely puzzled that five face dominated [Music] throughout influen Champion char [Music] [Applause] [Music] welcome back to the Moto Super Series where before the break Marvin Van velon got the better of Neil duve by four legs one that moves him back to the top of the pile in group a on 10 points he now has a two point lead on the rest of the field though that could be cut out if Jimmy Vani can get the better of Thomas Banks and depending on the margin of Victory he can leap frog Thomas here now Banks hasn't won a game so far this week he is hoping that it's going to be eighth time the charm and in the commentary box it is Paul Nicholson and Chris Murphy thank you very much Henry yeah the game continues sixth match of the second day of the Super Series champions week for series and it is indeed a meeting between Thomas the B Bo Thomas banks for that Maiden win Jimmy vanky as mentioned could be joining or even leap frogging Marvin vanville and at the top of the table I've been pretty impressed with what we've seen from Jimmy so far one of only two players not to have tasted defeat yet of course has only played one match but it was a good performance against Neil Duff Tom syes the other player who's beaten on Tuesday winning both of his games 43 the same score line that vanky enjoyed against the 2022 World Champion while we're on the subject of leap frogging just how many people in the practice room and indeed this building could Jimmy vanky Leap Frog most I would say 93 now that' be a nice bit of social media content well in terms of the table he can leap frog to can he cuz is currently sat in third place behind kisk and Marvin Van velon and a victory would see him go top of the table because he's only one leg behind vanel and who the problem is 180 there's a bit of a killer on the loose and his name is Thomas Banks just because he hasn't won his previous six matches require 70 he's now the Troublemaker he can cause trouble for everyone 50 started very well in the opening game two legs to the good against Connor skutty then hit a 140 didn't he in the third leg to leave double 15 and the problem started there could have easily been three up in that match double 10 the target here that becomes double five and that is a mess 18 and that's an even bigger mess 130 that's why you shouldn't go for the bullseye if you want to bust a shot you always go for the left side side of the board you go for the nine the 140 the 11 may be academic double five 125 Banks has put himself in this position no margin for error no error one n Thomas Banks maybe it was on purpose I assure you it wasn't second against Jimmy to thr first game just imagine if Thomas was to get his first win though he'd go to two points and Jimmy would be stuck on eight and after two runs of play today Marvin will retain the lead 140 it wasn't necessarily anything bad about Thomas's levels yesterday if it was a regulation group a 60 in say a week three four five he might have had a lot more success but this is Champions week you're up against people who have won here very recently and have got ridiculous experience so an 84 average for the day was never going to cut it just surprising isn't it that any player in a group Champion would go through a day without a win because the players in group a were the six best weekly winners in terms of their averages 83 Jimmy 121 don't forget what Andreas Harrison did in the previous Champions week though not this again another one for collection his bingo card is looking very impressive it's Thomas to throw in fact I should just caveat that because Jimmy vanky interesting was the seventh best performer in the weekly wins Jim long which quite ironically sounds like a nickname for Jimmy vanky doesn't it he was actually the sixth best but the Canadian couldn't make it having played over in North America at the weekend to play on Monday so he's opted to start his campaign in group C the bottom basically vany being the beneficiary and it might prove that he makes the most of it there are many tales in sport of people taking an opportunity and using it to it fullest that it could possibly be look at Emira CaRu qualifier for the US Open goes on to win the whole thing 58 Denmark 1992 Yugoslavia not in the tournament because of stuff happening in their part of the world Denmark Denmark weren't even in the tournament then they go on and win the thing you get an opportunity you make the most of it 125 that's what Jimmy who yesterday when he was speaking to us that's what he's trying to do because he does want to play the full weak 139 Thomas 82 great thinking from Jimmy but it means nothing third Beautiful Kill from Thomas Thomas Banks and this is another good game we're not being treated today to a lot of games that are in this region in fact in completed matches so far there's only two averages from 10 that are below 90 94 and one of them was 89.5 this is now very much looking like a Champions week Tuesday 100 Jimmy is averaging over 100 and losing 95 don't be surprised to see a little bit of that towards the end of the week especially when Tom Sykes plays against Connor Scott 65 well this is a 145 shot I've seen people go for the bullseye first on 312 145 leaves you 167 not going to take out the 156 how handy will he leave ity enough 100 58 jimm 56 he changes made a couple of times on this shot yesterday went 20 for double 18 24 and I think right there he was going for a trouble eight 4 we know exactly where he's going now he can see plenty of that game on the four flag plenty for 22 just got a feeling about Thomas Banks you know that if he gets that first first might just build a ah head of steam seems that type of player doesn't he 100 I've got a little bit of advice for him technically if he watches this back we were talking earlier about Tom Sykes weren't we 100 but the release point when he gets that right it's predictably brilliant there's a motion with Thomas from the angle that we can see with our split screen just like this it's where the dark comes back towards his jawline and there's a little movement forward before he throws the dart forward in its entirety 83 if he can smooth out that forward motion a little bit I think he becomes a better player but that is something he's going to have to work on 60 it's almost as if he's got a forward motion which has two parts it's forward then throw if that becomes one movement 128 he turns into a more smooth throwing machine 85 quite the amount of pressure thaty was hoping to apply well that wasn't very smooth but he gets away with it does he so what does he do Jimmy 91 considering that he can hit a severely blocked Bullseye May fancy starting there but it looks as if he's going to go aggressive here treble 17 got nowhere near it now does find the treble 14 and it's one Dart there at Double 16 59 Thomas wasn't looking Thomas he got the call he wanted because now he's back for sixes and a lead of three legs to two game that's a brilliant Dart it's such a courageous shot isn't it a double three when you've got one left in hand so many players jimy to First will just almost feather it to the board and think you might have a chance to go in but he is is a no layup kind of player straight for it gave it the full beans and now he's in the lead and he's got a chance of winning his first match 42 pretty full card in terms of scoring vanky has outscored 45 Thomas banks in this game but Banks has done the right things at the right time punish any mistake 60 yeah twice yesterday Thomas did get three legs one of them was against Jimmy he lost 43 and the averages were between 82 and 85 this is a very different match 23 when you haven't won six games in a row particularly at the start of a weekly campaign this is where the gray matter is tested as to whether you can get over the line 134 Jim 82 here we go 62 well he's okay isn't he's not throwing that Dart as he would have liked but Banks is a long way back the reason he's in the background doing a g start is because he knew he threw it too quickly game Shan the S he's not wounded though and it's 33 for the second day in a row between these two two seven from final against Thomas Detroit first game on could be a key thing that he's got the throw this time yesterday he didn't have it 96 however when he did have the dots against Tom Sykes in game eight in their last leg decider he didn't win that one either 60 so he hasn't been in this situation much this week in fact only once 100 he's doing a very good job 58 that game the banks had with syes yesterday and we do have that fixture coming up in a couple of games time that was where Tom Sykes had six maximums is this one getting away from Jimmy 80 because he's a good throw behind now 137 There's an opportunity now for Thomas Banks finally a pick up points it's all about the positive mental talk now it's I'm in a winning position can I just get it done 50 and too often when he's going for Tops he misses it low but double 10 which is always his plan B has predominantly been a very good plan over the last few months Thomas require 20 and not too much pressure on and there it is the points in the bank that's Thomas Banks gets a victory over Jimmy vanky denying Jimmy and move to the top of the table respects from the Dutchman as the 17-year-old finally gets off the mark on Champions week two points in the pocket for him and after seven rounds of fixtures we now have an outright lead for Marvin Van velon Scott and Van ski along with Tom Sykes two points behind him doof two points behind them and Banks well just two points Duff's got next [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] he [Music] welcome back to the modor Super Series where we have completed two rounds worth of matches on day two here at Champions week and before the break Thomas Banks got on the board courtesy of a 43 success against Jimmy Vani that means that Marvin Van velon who lost his first match to Tom Sykes is top of the party it's a two-point lead from Connor Scott Jimmy vanki and Tom Sy are all on eight points Neil Duff who was a couple of points off the lead at the beginning of the day now finds himself Four Points behind so this game here and now against kkut is a real big one for the former wdf world champion he's a player that's not too perturbed as far as how the week begins because he has won from Group C before he's won from pretty much every single position a week here at the super season 4 but he doesn't want to be cut a drift against Conor Scott who once again is in that position where if he wins at the beginning of a round he can go top of the table and apply that pressure on Marvin vanon who takes O's compatriot Jimmy van ski in a few matches time right High time we head back to the culture box B Nicholson and Chris Murphy thanks Henry yeah it's a key shot that Neil Duff has in his sights now repeatedly he's going to have to be more consistent than he has been so far today or maybe this week it's Neil to throw first game on I think these two have shared a fair amount of practice boards over the last couple of years but it's going to have to be better from Duff who was looking for his first win of the day losing 4-3 to Jimmy well that was more to do with the fact that Jimmy was brilliant but then losing to the other Dutchman as well because of Marvin's Brilliance 82 he can look in the mirror and say I've been outgunned not once but twice now he turns his attention to someone from England 140 the level may not necessarily have to go up too much but the vital moments have got to be w40 so if Duff wins he goes to eight points if Scott wins he goes to 10 it's a very very close table 96 the mission for the rest of the day for Neil is to remain in contention as long as he does that and he has his best day in the group on Wednesday 44 he still has a chance of getting Saturday in the bag with days to spare 86 now we are record 150 150 is off 100 approach is brilliant how good can this be the fact that he was going for the double double there and he hit his own flight on the way through that was never a good sign 12 and that is a bad sign for Neil too many times today he has missed in the key moments and without a shadow of a doubt or a great deal of seconds passing by Conor Scot has taken the lead in a Flash 80 it's amazing how many times we do see darts on the floor because of deflections like that but we are starting to see more players staying somewhat stubborn on the treble 20 even when it does have a dart in the way we've seen it with Sykes we're seeing it with Scott and as soon as I say that he goes for the switch 96 that a reaction from Neil Duff that's a bit worrying to me Paul just starting to let the day get the better of him 26 looking a little bit worried looking a little bit labored we mentioned in his earlier matches that maybe almost look a little underprepared like his arm wasn't quite warmed up and he's been unable to catch up to get right yet I just wonder if Neil's going to make Saturday for a Tilt at the title9 whether this group dynamic is the right one for him because if you think think about experience 107 who's more comfortable playing against is this the kind of group where he's going to thrive or is Group C the kind of group that he can pick a pass 167 we'll turn to that one in a second because he still has a chance to equalize 100 things can turn quickly can break back here treble 18 the first Port of Call single 20 for double 20 58 conqu close but not close enough and now Connor Scot could pull away it's going to be double 18 and he strikes again making dff feel even worse gets nail that's really interesting isn't it 65 left going for treble 19 to leave double four and then ultimately leaving 18 it's just so diverse it's really really clever it's in the uh Bobby George how to check out book that isn't it he wants 83 wrote a little book of checkouts for I think a TV broadcaster and some of the ways optimal ways as he sees them were were stuff that you don't see players employ I know one of those was treble 19 for 65 65 is a talking point many many times I've spoken to players who always go for the 25 and that's entirely their choice but how many of those players go for the 25 or do they just go for the general area of the center of the board and hope they hit it well it's exactly Bobby's point he he says that if you go for the 25 you're pretty much aiming for the bll and hoping to miss which is a strange frame of mind which is one of the reasons why more people these days are going for trouble 11 58 you also made the point in the previous leg about what group would suit Neil Duff in particular best has to be said like the majority of players in this group in this week in fact he came through a secondary group only Scott and syes group and one Champions at one finals night and I am of the opinion that maybe Group C might be the right one for D this week he doesn't want to go there he wants to be in group b minimum to take on rolands West and Paxton and somebody else 43 but if he's not going to win this group look at group see with Coulson Hogan and long all seniors players very much the kind of practice room where he could possibly Thrive they can all get free travel here on the bus 100 con 196 it's Superior slinging from Scot so far double n 78 now require D's in the game he's in each leg but he needs to make sure he gets legs on the board and he has one now nil I do Wonder what the motivation is behind shirt today yesterday it looked like a France away kit today is a cross between a France homekit and a mil wall shirt 91 but there must be some sort of thought process as to you know when he approaches his designer I want a blue shirt with white stripes I want to know what it is 129 I always want know the backstory of people's thinking that's why speaking to Connor Scot is such a great experience because if you talking about 65 checkouts 14 leaving 190 with two visits and hitting a 158 to leave 16 these are the kind of things that even at the age of 45 I'm still learning from this kid and I love stuff like that 60 I know it's through Miss throw rather than Mis counting but you see a long way back unable to get himself down to a finish yeah that's a number you don't want to leave when you're struggling 342 cannot be taken in two visits 341 can and at this level you've got to know that that's what he needed to put it right3 treble required for Connor who now wants to push the button 105 now we require pass the wire Duff gets a go yeah this is one of those Sports where you don't whistle while you work 89 he's had chances con required plenty of them six dots at Double but only the one hit and that's an uncharacteristic Dart from Connor there's that shift and there's the hit on the four flag he can still hit double four from the center of the oy but he thinks he'll hit it more if he moves to throw first and a 3-1 lead gives Scott the chance to top the table at the end of this match and it starts to see Duff separate from the rest of the field to beat in the next game that' be six points off top spot for Neil Duff there a lot to come back from before that the two Toms will do the Trunks and Tango Sykes against Banks who is fresh from a first Victory 47 57 has anybody played here three weeks straight before I don't think they have have they I know that hendo and Jeron mik have played two weeks straight because they won week 12 and played Champions weag straight after yeah well the special weeks were only introduced in this year weren't they 24 so that would be the only really only way it could happen Champions week specials week week one 60 last specials the week double start didn't feature the winner of the week that was before it Scott Taylor so he would have played actually week 12 Champions week and the double start 40 near we require 150 if Connor was in this position after six dots he'd be gone for three Bulls 90 we'll cross that bridge if indeed we get to it but this leg is not over 86 D has missed chances he doesn't want to miss this one that one hit the flight on the way through and it's a good job that one had nothing to dodge Sigler get Conner to throw first in the game Clinging On Duff does stay in touch just but Connor Scot seemingly determined here to kick him off the cliff Edge 180 you don't know any cling on do you no not didn't teach that what school I went to 100 it is actually recognized as an official language Now isn't it klling on sounds a bit like Dutch there's a lot of 43 the way that they pronounce their G's in it well been looking a couple of games because van ski and vanv and go head-to-head is Duff going to turn this around 180 it would be one serious recovery against a very accomplished player four 318s now for Neil and he's taking the darts in this leg first Dart is starting to cooperate as well 100 he's got every right to feel disappointed about just a ton there but maybe that first start wasn't in the ideal spot for him to compound a score 121 to take us the distance again today we're seeing plenty of close games bull 96 now which way do you want to go Conor 13 old school new school new way he could have even used two 51s in 18 now you required 25 game go then nailu achieves deadlock and has the darts in the decider seven from final leg it's Neil to throw first game on if Neil wins this leg this table is delicious it would be Duff on eight points it would be Sykes Vani Scot on eight points Marvin on 10 and in the next fixture we would guarantee somebody else throwing a little bit of extra seasoning on the omelet this is almost everything you could possibly wish for in a Champions League group a because we've got no idea who's going to win it at this halfway point by the way Henry's being beavering away looking through his record books his extensive notekee keeping collection and he said even going back to Southampton he can't find a record of a player playing three consecutive weeks 59 not even Jim mccuan he won an old school champion of champions event didn't he beating Josh P in the final in the summer just before he moved here 100 that's what Duff is doing could be winning three consecutive weeks imagine that but it doesn't look like he's going to be winning this match with darts like that that came at exactly the wrong time however a troubless visit just opens the door a little bit if he can turn it around and find a Max good he's still relying on a Miss from Scott but he does have an opportunity if things go right here for Connor yep and they have Neil do to turn this tie around On's 130 one treble required followed by the ball it's in the ball it's unbelievable from Neil do who snatches Victory from the jaws of defeat with a stunning 130 check out bedding the bullseye to deny Conor Scots a move to the top of the table and to keep himself firmly in that fight a 43 win for Duff he kind of stuttered and stumbled through the early part of the match and SC took full advantage but it all came good in the end and doof beat Scot 4-3 coming next the two Toms so Sykes takes on banks n [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] here [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] here [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] go [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] up [Music] welcome back to the modus Super Series where Neil Duff got his first win of the day in some style taking a 130 checkout in the last leg to get the better Conor SCU by four leg to three that moves him on to eight points in the group the top five all separated by just two points van velen top of the pile Conner Scott missing out on the opportunity to do something similar van Fels will take on Van ski in a gain's time but before that Tom sits can now move himself onto 10 points in the group if he can get the better of Thomas Banks who picked up his first win last time out denying Jimmy van ski success but the question here is which one of these tomies will hit the heights let's find out it's Paul Nicholson and Chris Murphy in the com box much Henry y the Bulldog against well a bullish Tom syes I think it's fair to say his attitude today has been very business like like very forceful and almost like a d determined to assert himself on this group today's going to be my day and I think almost Paul in a way and and you to be fair said this yesterday 4 the fact that he found himself second bottom yesterday not getting the rewards for maybe his performances that you would see it a level up from Tom syes and he's almost used that as fuel hasn't he 60 I think he's someone that tends to find fuel in any situation he's in 58 I think motivation has never been a problem for him in the last 18 months and let's not forget he has been to a series final before what more motivation does he need he just wants to go one better he wants to get his fingerprints on the trophy he's been so close to it before but in order to get the chance to do that you've got to respond 54 to what happened yesterday and he has responded if he beats Banks 80 he's going to have six points for the day and everybody else is going to have two that's a definitive move 93 Thomas one 96 game that's do itas he didn't score with his previous do but the next two do and in less than 9 seconds Thomas Banks takes the lead and wrestles away that advantage of throw which is so precious for Sykes today he may just need a few more maximums just like the six he got against Thomas yesterday he definitely hasn't struggled in that department over the last day and a half 100 I know this may seem like a bit of a strange thing to say but I think it's a compliment in a lot of different ways Tom Sykes reminds me of Ross Smith he's not as tall he's got a different colored beard 91 but there's a lot about his game that is very similar to smudger I see what you mean slightly quicker actually similar style but even more eye-catching even more pleasing to watch but he won't be pleased with how this game is going so far because Thomas Banks we did say that once he pops he might not be able to stop 65 almost continuation of that case well to be fair to you m it wasn't us that said that it was actually you but the John part shot 37 doesn't give syes The Equalizer so the 17y old looking at two 10s finding second leg th two legs situation he's found himself in already today lost to SC in game one but then in game two beat Jimmy van ski four Tom needs some of that power scoring from yesterday he's only got in two legs two scores of a ton or more by this time yesterday I think he had three maximums 100 it's 92 not likely but Thomas Banks isn't out of this just yet just yet if he wins this he's then got to play Marvin vanel and the man at the top on 10 points the others are taking points off each other if he managed to to get victories in his remaining games today and can achieve eight points he'd be in the race tomorrow he would be and those odds at the start of the day 59 they would look rather silly but at the start of the day they looked realistic 100 and we mentioned the position he put himself in against Connor Scott he could have been looking at a perfect day look I think he's going to need to win every game to have a chance 18 points is the minimum isn't it4 but it's in a Champions week group where it's most likely that you would get through on that amount of points because everybody's so closely matched correct that's nine which leaves 106 and how do you do that in two dots you do want 47 so require 60 is it going to be 10 again he definitely hasn't figured tops out the last two days it has been a real worry two darts at Double four game sh the third leg Banks just like that game against Scot earlier on could have been 3-0 up four against Thomas Banks to throw first by the way I'm a really big fan of the 100 what do you call those things on the on the side of Tom's shirt looks almost like an old school Everton or Denmark shirt Chevrons Chevrons that's right makes his shirt look fast well the faster of the two 180 is the young man in front and that is the first Maximum of this match yesterday they their game yielded eight no prizes for guessing who this guy supports 100 I'm sure he was rather pleased at the fact that IP switch toown didn't have a very good couple of days at the start of their Premier League campaign 103 you know although they did they did play Liverpool in Man City great D great finish fantastic one two one from Thomas Banks to set himself up for a potential Victory against the man who up to now today was UN beaten two from two for Tom Sykes who is understandably less loud and proud about the football team who supports but we won't go into that same as me Paul I'm just trying to get it out my system now because 100 when Scott Mitchell joins us at the end of the week I'm expecting a fairly big discussion between a Newcastle United fan and a Bournemouth fan 96 look at this he is a completely different player now he's got a win 180 he is going crazy and his average is creeping up towards the ton Mark tomes is joining the party but it's confidence oozing through the throw of Thomas Banks so he may be losing this leg double 16 it's not as Nemesis this time but remember game number one of the dayin and Tom played very well against each other and Sykes had to win the hardware he's going to have to do it again well that was an 11 dter in the previous leg he might need a nine Darter in this one 103 that's not going to happen yeah the last two legs have been 12 and 11 welcome to Champions week everyone this is what Champions do banks closing in on backto back wins and what a little spell this would be cuz it was only half an hour ago that he got his first of the week 105 super smart and this is a state if he can full stop this game everybody takes notice Bank stands up and he's counted suffers defeat for the first time today and it's Thomas Banks the boy who was at the bottom of the table without a point to his name just half an hour ago he's now got four of them with two wins on the Bounce by Banks seeing off sight with a stunning showing an average of 102.1 one that's up there with the best we've seen this week a strike rate of 50% on the doubles a fabulous one 121 checkout in there as well do not write him off yet however the man at the top of the table is back in Action next Marvin vanon who takes on Jimmy van ski in an all Dutch Jewel [Music] using [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] w w [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] go go [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] welcome back to the Modo Super Series where before the break Thomas Bank put in his performance in crucial game in terms of table position if vanon can win this match he will open up a fourpoint lead on the rest of the group however if Vani can pick the points up in this one we'll have a two-way tie at the top of the taable we'll learn a lot more come the end of this let's hand over to Paul and Chris game on you're absolutely right Henry because now that we've got Thomas banks on the ramp page he's all of a sudden thinking I think there's more than meets the eye in group a here in Champions week and he's starting to look towards the top of the table and thinking who can do me a favor here well the problem is 9 if Jimmy wins he goes to 10 points and he's still six points away from Banks but if Marvin wins he's eight points in front so we're at that point again Chris where everybody wants one person to win apart from Marvin vson who wants to get that four-point cushion yeah and who did win the Dutch Derby yesterday although it did go to a decider 92 the man throwing first one the last leg if the same happens today today then Jimmy will pick up no Point N and 10 and join his compatriot at the top of the table remaining matches Sykes versus dff Scot versus Vani Banks versus vanon and then Vani plays Duff meets Banks and vanon closes today's proceedings against Connor Scot 46 Jimmy going to go the same route I wonder he is not he's going to go up top for his finished that ends in a six he's found the trouble it's another one of those darts from the left hand side of the oy just like the bullseye yesterday and it yields a t plus finish jimmyy my word he's got Lords in the locker second against Marvin to first one 121s 167 132s you name it he can hit it and there's a wink for you how you doing Jimmy 100 if we do get another 43 it will give us a lot of legs today we've already had five of the eight fixtures Going the Distance 134 I don't mind the Dutch Derby you know 100 I don't know much about AA deisy Derby's like fire Nord and Ajax but give me a Dutch darting Derby anytime mvg versus bar Yan Vander Russell against Roland Shulton can we go a little bit further back 125 but we've got so much opportunity now for different Dutch Derbies such an incredible country that has yielded some of the greatest players we've ever seen such a hot bed of darts and indeed sport in general isn't it for a relatively small European country sporting Excellence has always been a big badge of honor for the Netherlands 136 Jimmy 124 they are world class at a lot of things it's not just sport not another one you can see too much of it the second leg the dead that perfectly pinned Bulls now did he think that van was about to give him a fist bump there he was just looking at his own dart a double take there from Jimmy van skate but a brilliant finish how many times have we seen multiple ton plus finishes by a person completed match 14 we've seen it a few times but not that often however you got to go all the way back to Southampton and our first finalist here in Portsmouth G muser who had a game where he had four ton plus finishes in a win vany's hit one in every match so far today 58 this is a superb standard between these two Netherlands natives look at that 135 go ahead and call him Mr ton plus this week but I don't know his exact measurements 95 in centimet but he might actually be 200 plus there won't be many high class High jumpers who can high jump Jimmy van 121 almost perfect this match so far speaking of perfect it was on this day Paul in 2021 that Richie benette hit a nine Dart finish in 95 this tournament when it was held in under a different name in Southampton in a different setting and we will be seeing the Prince of Wales here next week for the double trouble that will be entertainment guaranteed 140 definitely here we go it's going to be 3-0 let's just move on that's called by Paul Jimmy does exactly what he did in the previous leg readjusts refocuses and it does the trick never in doubt a hat trick for Jimmy holy smokes that's probably what his opponent is seeing his average is laughable he's 30-0 down he's averaging 111 it's just got better will you mention the Usher four ton pluses it's never happened in this venue 60 imagine averaging 113 and you haven't even laid a glove on your opponent it is ridiculous 100 100 140 check outs of 116 124 1137 for Van ski I mean van Von might as well get in on the ACT Paul have a crack got a go for it oh it's ridiculous it's absolutely ridiculous van all you can do smile and appreciate what these two Dutch doters are doing game on every single leg in the match one with a three fig finish what on Earth are they building up to 100 just when you think Tuesday is delivering it gives you a game like this you never expect anything like this that the biggest of the four and velon 3-1 down despite averaging almost 114 100 which ton plus finish is going to be left then Bingo cards out everybody 18 I'm just laughing at the aage he's losing he might be about to lose the Match 117.1 6 but think about it this way if Jimmy doesn't get another dot of the double he could lose 43 obviously Every dart at Double has been hit because they've all been at the end of Combos and Marvin vanon looks to improve again does Jimmy leave a number he doesn't so what have you got in the locker This Time Marvin oh seriously he went the hardest way possible I didn't need to go for it did he with vanky not on a finish shows he's keeping his mind there Marvin but it looks like that run n will come to an end and indeed it will come to an end in this leg now the most important thing game that right there Marv we have a game on our hands and Marvin's got the dots in leg six genuinely cannot get enough of what's Happening Here in round three really good tight stuff and let's not forget that the first match in round three it finished on a t plus checkout that 130 was massive for Duff and that's what we've seen in this game yeah certainly so we saw five in a row not often you get runs like that VY could win every single leg he wins with a three fig finish sometimes when you play darts of this quality you're seeing the bullseye and that treble 20 180 like it's an extra large e Dam it's the right color the outer layer not the inner layer by the way 135 a block this time coming away 91 it would be the perfect way to end this match wouldn't it are you talking about a 1 s want to lead tops or are you talking about the biggest fish for the biggest player 170 for a landmark moment you don't score too big here Jimmy 963 however with his business head on you'd much rather leave 74 oh hold on a minute it was only for a couple of seconds but now it's Match Point van ski requ 74 you could see him start to focus after he saw the second art wasn't at the Target he will be having a throw having a go at tops the Flawless finishing comes to an end the first start miss a double in the game and it was to win the game that could be the last start he gets it a double in this match 26 turns out he will get more Jimmy you require 40 what a thoroughly enjoyable arrows encounter this has been but it is won by Jimmy vany Jimmy the fact his opponent has averaged more than 106 and only miss one at Double Jimmy only missed one himself in a game that was an exhibition of finishing and one that will go down as a Champions week classic the numbers are there 97.46% checkout vany had three t plus finishes 116 and 113 either side of that one 124 and only miss one dart at Double himself victory for vanky in terms of the table sees him go level with Van velen on 10 points the two Dutchmen are leading the way after three rounds of fixes on Tuesday we've got six games to come after the break starting with Tom Sykes against Neil Duff start from the young man World youth Champion oh what a response that is from his [Music] father 14 back to back 140s sing leg of seven my goodness back to back 180s we've seen 29 in last year's modus League seen a couple of tens seen a nine yet in the online darts live League 19 Double 12 for the nine and he gets the nine what a way to win B would be a the five players three progress to Saturday's final of course that emphasis is on qualifying for Saturday night's final because the winner up winner the runner up and the winner of the third and fourth place playoff will get their crack out to Champions week 180 to get their hands at [Music] Β£7,000 first prize 45 some of you fors are here one8 welcome back Martin you then where did you go 100 Martin you require 141 Double 12 absolutely outstanding from Martin Adams as he hits a nine welcome back to the modor Super Series it's Champions week here at the live Lounge in p and the race for this trophy is intensifying this is what we've seen so far on this Tuesday Morning we've seen twit and T everywhere we've G Marvin Van velon had the overnight lead but has lost two of his first three matches meanwhile we've seen defeats for Conor scut everything's really close now two players prized on 10 points it was that win for Jimmy Vani before the break against vanil which is the reason why we have two players on 10 points it was an exhibition of finishing from the Dutch seoa fre ton plus checkouts to put him into a 3-0 lead van velon losing the game despite having an average in excess of 106 it really was a superb contest the game of Champions week so far and keeping the ball there for his second t plus checkout of the match he' go on to win that game In The End by four legs to two and so him and Van velon tied at the top now on 10 10 points in the table and because of that win van has actually leap fogged his compatriot Conor Scott Neil Duff and Tom SES are all just a couple of points behind and it is Duff and Sykes that go toe totoe in our 10th game of the morning session Thomas Banks is a little bit detached on four points but don't let that for you he's won his last couple of Gams and average 102 last time out so the action really hotting up here at the live Lounge import of as you get round four of the day underway Neil Duff a man who's appearing in his fourth Champions week up against Tom Sykes a man who was running up a couple of series ago looking to go one better this time around in commentary Paul Nicholson and Chris Murphy yeah thanks Henry and we are guaranteed that someone else is going to be on 10 points after this game but who's it going to be one person with their game to start round number four today will be successful another will be playing catop in their final round of the day Sykes was left dizzy by banks in the previous round his response has got to be good again just to give you some sort of indication as to how things have gone today and how tight things are on Tuesday three players with two wins three players with one win it cannot be any tighter in a daily sense than that and you got to give Duff credit because he could have easily walked away after three rounds with no wins but that beautiful 130 checkout against Scott to win 4-3 tells you everything you need to know about Neil yeah there's been a certain Duff Defiance 60 today I'm just really excited for Wednesday now in this group I know I still got couple of rounds of fix just to play on Tuesday but how close is it going to be how many Runners are there going to be in the race right now there are realistically five maybe even six even if banks is not a runner he is someone who's starting to win he's already caused problems for ses7 you require he's beaten Jimmy van ski and that looks even more brilliant considering what we've just seen from Jimmy 56 On th has got to be strong two1 game sh the first zi in that one and a lead for Tom Sykes you know what coming into this week I was convinced that Tom Sykes had a Target on his back he literally has a Target on his back because when he turns around 58 there's a Target on his back it's a dart board isn't it and I think Jimmy vany could still hit the ball's eye on it yeah there's a certain ring to the fact that Jimmy van is at the top of the tree right now considering his nickname being the Dutch seoa if you don't know what a seoa is by the way first and foremost check the spelling of it because there is a q in there and see what a seoa is but what kind of trees would these guys be if they were nicknamed after trees 140 I think Neil would be a very strong orc whereas Tom is more like a bonsai tree because he's just starting to cultivate a career and he's starting to grow 190 whereas Duff has just been around a while and he's made a very Stern stuff well are we going to get another 124 check out 124 is it at Neil's expense not this time 92 here we require 43 can't find it3 so game on the second leg Tom syes all going the way of the man in white and orange at the minutes man in Rangers colors finds himself two- n down ni it's interesting what you were saying earlier about the fact that Duff doesn't really Harbor any ambition of winning PDC titles so if he was to go to something like a Belfast premier league as a spectator that would not stir up any ambition for him would it could go next year very first night it's just been announced that the Premier League will begin in Belfast my thoughts exactly but he yeah I think it crossed his mind didn't it after that Lakeside win but with the initiation of the world seniors and with his repeated visits to the Super Series he thought better of it and more power to him there is choice now and that's healthy for the game choice is always a good thing when it comes to 170 with your opponent on a finish 170 you've only got one choice this is it is it the real thing 104 close 36 he felt a nibble and he could still reel something in for 3- 58 it's all going Tom's Way CLE up the remainder and it is oneway traffic here get game and it's very tidy give or take a few decimal points it's a 94 average 60 it's extremely reliable doth is being made to look very inadequate by brilliant timing from Sykes 98 D's only had two dots at a double but you will play a lot of games like this in a long career 132 you feel like you're chasing a wolf the entire time and just never going to catch it and someone just has your measure 134 now what's he going to do on 269 this time because the last time he was on that number he didn't do it right might leave 170 again 44 59 can't quite manage it this time dff trying to avoid the whitewash that doesn't help 100 that does 17 what could have been a catastrophic visit has actually turned out to be really good 60 here we require 148 well in a group that is incredibly unpredictable it's starting to resemble 40 Tommy require 150 your favorite so oper because we've got no idea what's going to happen next even at 3 n up Tom Sykes is not safe 92 now we have require eight game first bricking the wall right there don't be surprised if dff can find a chance to do another three legs in a row it's Tom to throw first he's going to need all of those fighting qualities once again every player in this group using molded flight technology I think that's it's a revolutionary thing it very very rarely happens 44 and they're all using that kit fantastically well and it's all not the same stuff either 140 now let me pause this question to you m you and I have been covering darts for years who was the first player that you remember who went to the molded flights that's a question so a brand like Cosmo or L style you know what just in pipe John par when he went to Cosmo 2012 is but Justin pip was a great shout 46 require 132 they were seen as quite gimmicky back then now Common Pleas not going to take out another champagne shot 60 but Sykes is in position to get the job done against Duff here well what do you think he wants to do here does does he want to leave tops or double 16 6 it feels like he's had more trouble on 16s than tops it's neither in the end as the treble gets him darts at Double 12 and he only needs one of them Tom and Sykes with that win is right at the top of the tree he shares the lead with the two Dutchman Jimmy vany and Marvin vanel and they have 10 points now so does he of course they do have a game in hand oversight and a pair of them will be back in action in the next couple of games but what a performance that was from the Yorkshire and a 95 average four out of six on the doubles and Duff is defeated heavily in game 10 game 11 sees Connor Scot take on Jimmy vensky [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] welcome back to the modus Super Series where before the break we saw Tom sites get the better of Neil duve by four legs wde it now means fre plays tied on 10 points at the top of group a and if Connor Scott can get the better of Jimmy van ski in this particular encounter well fre will become four ahead of Marvin Van felon's Clash against Thomas banks in Game 12 it's hotting up in this group a of Champions week and always hot on their heels in the comary Box Paul Nicholson and Chris Murphy well thank you yeah and hot on the heels is definitely the theme isn't it in this group eight with Scots very much that against the top three behind them by just two points a win here would see us get back to a situation where four players are tied at the top of the table and Neil Duff he's just behind them and 100 he would keep the top player on 10 which would still give Thomas banks that little glimmer of hope this table is just fabulous to watch do you remember the old days of C facts and teletext if we had the group a table en Champions week here on that format it would be fascinating to watch everything seems to be working towards everybody being part of a fabulous Wednesday but if Jimmy can beat Connor Scot he will find himself in the most advantageous position easy for us to say that the script is Scot winning getting to 10 points but it's just not that simple when Jimmy is possibly in the form that can beat most people who walk through the door 101 Jimmy 1067 167 for vanky does he want to start in a similar vein to the previous match he didn't hit it because he's already hit it this week this is going to be double top and a shift 58 Jimmy require 107 chooses double 16 but it's not another T on top of Evans who has hit one con require 20 in every game he'll feel disappointed at missing that he'll have expected to hit it cor but when these guys played yesterday it was a stupendous game second against Jimmy to thr first really really good Scott averaged well in excess of 102 and lost 140 say no more but things have gone up a notch today haven't they because Jimmy vany's ability to win with inferior numbers 180 he averaged 97.46% Connor can't carry on and interestingly after 140 180 didn't go down to the 19 that's something he's been doing he's done it here at the Super Series before 182 171 and then goes for three Bulls maybe it tells you that this week is all about business for Connor Scots or was it something to do with Jimmy's position 84 Jimmy require 161 I think maybe he would do the treble 19 trick to try and get the on 71 if his opponent had a bad start to the leg con 97 we'll come back on that in a second counter argument tops game Shan the second 2-0 11 da yeah the only thing I was going to just say is when he played in the protour recently Conor to going for a 18 his second visit so whether it's been a change in Connor's mentality or whether it's now become how he feels in the moment rather than persevering with it every time who knows or or whether you're right whether it depends on his opponent's position but it's something that has gone from being a regular occurrence to being irregular 95 considering that Connor is used to being at the top of a tree 100 top of the averages list and challenge to adart top of the order of Merit on the challenge tour 59 win this game go to the top of this table and you've already mentioned he's playing Proto dots as well 100 this year is working out really well for Connor it's by no way shap or form it completed season yet he's still got a lot of work to do but boys he got a lot of opportunities he's made a good start here 97 how good was that Bullseye seriously right in the middle 100 maybe losing the height battle between these two but he's certainly not coming up short game third Corner Scot three 3-0 with a lengthened lead over Jimmy vanky and an average jimy every match we just seem to be seeing bigger and bigger numbers well I'm going to PE Henry dickon the credit he deserves because this morning he did say off the air that he thought that someone was going to average about 110 plus today and this could be that game it's not out of the ordinary for Connor to do something like this he's got another 10 points in him I'm looking forward to seeing the average posted combined at the end of the day the overall group average for the day could be enormous we shouldn't be surprised look at that everybody please take note of what he's just done using the 17s on dot two and then going back to the 20s with dart number three that's what you've got to do when there's a one at the end of the score that's so smart 88.6 was the combined average across every single Dart thrown in this group yesterday I think that's going to be clearly eclipsed Jimmy's had 90 two DTS of a double in this game averaging 91 and a half he has been crushed by the scoring abilities of his opponent and the timed approach shots 160 and if he doesn't take this he now runs the risk of being bagel after starting this game top of the table you require 128 treble 20 would leave the ball 36 to avoid that Bagel beating perfectly pitched for two at tops which becomes one at Double 10 and he can't find either and now SC 72 can put him away how many match starts does he need 32 more than one you require 20 game on the four he's not going to Win 4 n in fact nobody has won 40 today 58 when you have been 3-0 up and you're looking to win by four to something you've got to remain 60 really alert take it from someone who knows that if you take your eye off the ball for about five minutes you can lose 99 and Jimmy or Revel in trying to turn this around 180 I'm trying to think of other sports where people can have such a a great height difference and still knock Seven Bells out of each other or possibly if you think about it slightly differently they could coexist for instance you might get eight very tall very strong Roars in a boat and then you've got a Cox at the front so Connor would be the one at the front and Jimmy would be in the boat rowing backwards sounds like a nice afternoon out not judging by the the pain on the faces of some of the Roars in the Olympics got to go through hell just to get a medal they will take an Olympic effort here from vany to turn this game around and he's made the first step is now looking to take the second stride considering the leg difference and how tight it is at the top every leg that Jimmy can win from here6 even if he doesn't get the win just to erod the Gap would be some feet but he might not get the chance oh that's incredible from Conor Scott Conor Scott he wins by three legs and now jumps to the top of the tree Jimmy goes to Third but the man who is top of the tree in the challenge STW order of Merit and the challeng STW averages is now top of this tree a great performance and his average could have been higher but he won't care one jot about that his doubles were impressive as well and Jimmy Falls in match 11 so when we come back it's going to it's going to be us seeing Thomas Banks once again and it'll be interesting to see what kind of resistance he shows now that he's got four players on 10 points and he might even be Just Four Points behind at the end of his game with Marvin V velson next year when that decision needs to be made he's going to be 49 one year sh of the age of the seniors very viable option two players who are around that age well what did he say about the nine will we get the 141 will the promise come true dou 12 Steve West has won the match with a n Harrison has kicked off the last perfect style it's everything really oh he's timing this one [Music] again8 with a nine D trible 19 trouble 15 leads double 18 Fran Harrison to win the game called himself out of it yeah something that Henry actually said in just that I was quoted to say Jared Co is one of the most sounds a bit fishy you know my grandpa Mark salmon do you 177 and a 18 he's on a potential nine D come on Jared yes you beauty nice and high and has now got the game back into his own destination and wow the momentum is wining here we go 10 I wouldn't have said it don't jinx it yes yes Double 12 yes get in there Le I think it's fair to say that the blue touch paper has been well and truly lit 108 six Max of the match Oh Hang about hang about it's getting ridiculous now can Tommy lman give us backto back nine DARS in backto back games he could you know he could you know good backto back n TS welcome back to the roest Super Series we're in the midst of Champions R and we're in the midst of an intriguing race to see who is going to top groupe going into the final day play four players on 10 points Conor Scott has actually jumped to the top of the table courtesy of a 4-1 win against Jimmy vanki averaging excess of 96 and finishing off with a one 128 checkout and so Marvin vanon once again has an opportunity to open up a two-point Gap at the top of the table if he gets the better of Thomas banks in this one he'll have the ascendancy going into the final round of fixtures where he faces Scott in the final fixture of the day but Thomas has won each of his last two is he going to make it three on the SP Chris and Pa game yeah we'll find out Banks is well giving himself a chance isn't he 100 yeah we do think he'll have to keep winning all of his matches to get through but also there are other things on offer we haven't even mentioned that he was pretty much looking condemned after 60 six rounds of fixtures to definitely being in in group C that may not be the case it could be be 57 it could be better well murf I'm sure you've seen homes under the hammer before even houses that are condemned can be one rejuvenated and turned into gems a bad start for banks what it does make for is the most incredible story because if he gets a few things to go his way and let's be fair quite a lot has gone his way over the last five or six matches 140 if he can win this game and beat Neil Duff in game 14 he does have a chance tomorrow Marvin inquire 161 but you do get the feeling he has to beat Marvin to stand any hope and Marvin has only got two points 93 from a possible six to De 63 requir 68 panks is waiting just in case there one D I'm not sure he was intending to leave tops but he hits tops the first and takes the opening leg when Marvin gets it right he can make this game look really simple second get Marvin to throw first gameer but that word that Henry's just used ascendency you can almost take any really great English word seven and try to describe what is needed or what's going on and within one or two games that word can be shredded things like momentum ascendancy transparency form it's all going out the window because one game you've got Vani beating Marvin with a 97 average defying 106 and then the next thing you know he's losing to Scot 41 and the leg swing is six yep totally get what you mean reminds me my high school sports day 2001 racing ahead in the 200 me as the Lion's in sight then it just fell flat on my face but that's what can happen isn't it everything ripped away in one moment that's sport got to keep your eye on the ball of40 or should we say you've got to keep your eye on the bull very good I will pocket that and use it and pretend that I made it up myself 121 there you go oh miss single that's taking your eye off the 16 well van Von managed to tee up tops here he can't so Banks can cancel out the early break and the little trip might not be 4 flat face fall for him may just be a stumble from which he can recover and he has recover on the second leg Thomas Banks I don't know if you noticed there murf but Bulldog Banks just did that little step to the left for a left-handed double all Conor Scot maybe he's been watching in the practice room he also had a good little glance at Marvin Van velon then I don't know what that was about we'll keep our eye on that van has been involved in a couple of uh feisty ones not this week though haven't seen that side of him ever we I remember when Marvin was last year and he was playing I think it was on a Thursday afternoon and I was just leaving the building and we were trying to tee up what was happening in the next session and I talked about Nathan gin and I said Nathan against Marvin oh that could be a bit feisty and I bumped into Nathan and he said stop trying to cause trouble you and I said no I'm just telling everybody what it could possibly be like and then it was like that you absolutely right he like that 180 yesterday when Henry was in your chair he said that the treble 20 got an absolute tonking 100 Rec yeah it's been a super high standard van felon remember averaging astronomical numbers 106 in defeat to Van ski just a few games ago he's back up around that three figure Mark again in fact just under at 99.93% are they still Square 48 they are for now so require 72 same number same route different result 32 just doesn't seem to have the weight on Tops on a consistent basis Banks bit of Animation think he's starting to realize isn't he that he's in it and that any mistake sort of put him out of it Marvin Van he's handed the break straight back to vanon flag it's at the end of every leg whether it's Marvin's throw or not he is taking a sip of water and that is a lesson to a lot of Young D players who like to rush back to the oy take a break take 10 seconds and that's what you could do next that's one of the things that the motor Super Series is starting to teach people because we have on 10-second break between legs it's almost forced a lot of people who like to just turn around and start again to take that extra breather I remember playing yellow Classon many times he'd take the leg on my throw he walk straight down the oy almost do a triple axle get into position and throw another three dots in about 6 seconds all in one false swoop but even he with his very Swift Pace he'd have to take that 10-second break Von closing in here on a win that would see him return to the top of the table and by virtue of points as well which could be very important considering the the leg difference that Connor Scot is starting to build up SC plus eight 9 vanon plus three van ski also on 10 points plus two to Tom Sykes has a lead a tie for the lead with a minus leg difference 68 not that again double four game this game is all about Marvin now Marvin well just talking about something that almost happened in this series we could have had someone win group a with a minus leg difference it didn't happen 100 but it could have by the way we've now had more maximums than we had yesterday with a round to spare 100 Thomas Banks's uplifting performance has contributed to that hasn't it we've had 11 completed matches which is 22 different Dart players so it's 11 matches and two people per per game so 22 columns for 180 possibilities 96 there are only two instances today where someone has not got a maximum in a match and that was Banks against Scott and Sykes against do 140 that is frightening sa won that match 41 showing that he's more than just 180 160 is the number here for Marvin Van velson another in there to te up TOPS oh wonderful absolutely wonderful as magical Marvin vanon produces a blockbuster finish to defeat Thomas Banks and to return to the top of the table he's two points clear of the chasing pack three of them on 10 but he has now got himself to a Dutch dozen a 10.63 average as the numbers continue to go through the roof here at the Super Series champions week on Tuesday van felzen hoping to stay at the top he will face Connor Scott in the final game of the day Neil Duff will meet Thomas banks in the penultimate encounter but before that it's Jimmy Vani against Tom Sykes [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] welcome back to the Modo Super Series where in Midway through day two of Champions week here at the live Lounge in PA so this is what we have seen as we approach our final three matches of the day and before the break brilliant performance of Marvin Vans an average of an excess of1 to beat Thomas Banks 4-1 Corner Scott also beating van ski by that score line SES beating dff 4-1 as well in the fourth round this is what it does then in terms of the table Marvin Van velson returns to the top of it he has a two-point lead from Connor Scott Jimmy Vani and Tom sight respectively vanson takes on Scott in the final game of the day and the winner of this next Clash between van and SES will also put themselves on to 12 points in the group it's been a great day for Tom S if he wins this one he'll be four from five on Tuesday however if FR ski can win this one he would have won three matches on each of the opening two days right this was an absolute Cory yesterday what we going to get here let's find out with Paul Nicholson and Chris Murphy yeah indeed this kind of was the match that really kickstarted this Champions week Tom Sykes in that victory over Jimmy vanky at an average of about 95 and first leg it's Jimmy both players have up their levels today I think probably every player in the group is up their level today but a victory here for either man would see them tied at the top of the table for now with Marvin Van velon 140 and I think the loser of this game is going to leave the live Lounge in Portsmouth today feeling that they've left something out there 137 which makes this game feel like a bit of a final because if you think about the amount of success that Tom's had today if he walks away with six points it's not bad but the kind of inroads he needed to make after only getting two wins yesterday I think he have said to himself I need to grab four wins at least and the way things are being jostled around in this table I think he's right 96 well if you're a fan of patterns every match ever played at the super series including this week and all their meetings in week six of Series 7 including the final that they contested famously on one of the best nights we've ever had all of them have been 4-2 either way so the first one 4-2 toses the next one 42 tansy and they've alternated 41 ever since in the five matches so far it is the most common score line at the Super Series 42 every single game going that way ironically if tomes were to win this one 42 then the head-to-head would also be 4-2 he hit a 167 against Tom yesterday 99 Tommy rqu 82 Sykes had 10 darts at a double yesterday against Jimmy and hit four that's all he wants in this game is he wants to hit four 44 all a bit Ry that one requires 68 and I do believe he's miscounted yeah we must have thought we had something else there 64 56 he went for an 18 he's going to split it so the miscount has now cost him a dart but he backed himself to correct it and that's what he's done to break in the opening leg talking about Super Series rivalries in 2024 possibly Scot against Sykes 100 but that night that you were talking about let's discount any Champions night because that is an occasion that stands a law 140 we get weekly finals every Saturday night and some of them you remember some of them a little less s 139 but any regular Super Series Watcher will always remember in Series 6 when Jimmy Vani got his first weekly title that was a simply fluorescent night 100 n shootout it had incredible performances from Jimmy vany who definitely brought his best darts towards the end of that week 82 but it's Sykes who's turned up here at the start and from this 82 62 he only makes a very small error but it could turn out to be a big one Jimmy require 48 it's a great guide 32 it turns out he can't use it 20 so let off for Tom which he takes full advantage of Tom SES it's going to be a very fruitful day for Tom SES if he does manage to convert this lead into a victory it would be four wins out of five matches that was enough for Marvin van v top the table after day one it's a fiercely contested group Paul so to get out with four wins is a really good return absolutely I cannot foresee anybody getting five wins out of five tomorrow it's just not going to happen but if by some miracle somebody does that may just be the one day that vaults them into Saturday and it could be one of four five even six players 125 that does seem to be Jimmy's miss that doesn't it just dragging one into the five when he gets a little over excited he's got to stay in position for DOT three there's no reason why Dart three should be any different to darts one and two stay in position throw it then go and get it 64 to me require 170 but if fishing here from syy there's a new nickname for him Sy Jimmy 127 127 to get in the game 17 segments a pair of eights 111 close but it might be crucial he can only get one dot of a double 53 that's the second time in this game he's click the underside of tops the last time he did it he got another look anybody calling for a miracle Dart again no score lightning doesn't strike twice even though it wasn't a Place game of the guide tomes Tom SES not only here is he looking to win this game but he's GI his leg different a huge boost and doing the leg difference of the Dutchman a lot of damage yeah Jimmy's leg difference has been completely Whitted Away by two England Internationals Scot did him 4-1 now Sykes is looking to go one better 59 that leads me to something actually because in the last 12 months because it's been nearly a year since we first saw Tom 180 A lot's changed he's gone from being someone that nobody knew to being a multiple time Super Series winner to being an England International one of the leading lights of his count to being a potential Series champion 140 Tommy 91 this could be it another ton topping average another special performance this time it's Sykes who impresses and it's been an impressive day for Tom Sykes he seals it in style with a 4-n win and he makes it four wins from five matches on the middle day of group a putting himself firmly In Contention to be at the top of it come the end of Wednesday look at those numbers from SES 103.6 six what a way to sign off a super day at the Super Series hitting half of his double attempts in the process Vani well he did have eight opportunities at the outer ring missed a lot and he will be disappointed even though he has picked up a couple of wins today a couple of matches still coming your way as well Neil Duff takes on Thomas Banks after the break welcome to the party P here the modus liveline they both got the talent where they just real off leg after leg and dish out a heavy defeat what a way to start the day we're up and running here on Champions week with a maximum what a way to finish a 12 D lag beautiful check out there from cam Crabtree only needs the one the secondus what you saying about efficiency Third Leg Reon the moment that Reese Robinson comes alive in this crucial Clash looks like he's going to go for it and it is right next to his favorite double top he gets the job done at the earliest possibility that is C Crabtree through case so har Harrison gets the all important win the second darus is it n a long time that fist he gets the job done in the end was nodding total agre game shot on the four flag need the one they can see that she can unlock at any moment that is quality from Harrison this would be a wake up welcome to the party in should be a good marker for and is it was a great FL a break throw for Andre [Music] Harrison leg consecutive breaker double 16 and he [Applause] does 11 but it's a beautiful 12 Trel 17 but he gets Bullseye for the win absolutely incredible by Andreas Harrison he's Andreas toy haris [Applause] welcome back to the modor Super Series so we're joined in the studio by man who's won four from five today and man who's got very close to lifting this trophy in the past Tom SES Tom many congratulations on today improved day in terms of result how do you feel the performances were as well um pretty much the same i' I felt like yesterday I scored really well but my doubles weren't great um a couple of times today I missed a lot of darts at doubles and lost legs that I probably shouldn't have lost but I got there in the end and I've won four out of five so I can't be kind of grumble at that when you left the venue yesterday what was the what was the thought process because okay you on four points but you must have thought if I can keep up the performances there's going to be a bit of Joy here this week yeah the performances weren't I just got beat by really good players this group the group of players that we've got here are unbelievable they're all PDC standard players challenge toall winners you you know so and I've got to keep up my standard to keep up with them so and I have today the fact that you've been here before you've been to a Champions week before does that help set you as well because there's nothing that conveys you this time you've been there you've seen it you've done it before yeah it helps obviously there's a there's a few here that haven't been these before but it's just another week of darts and it everybody plays in here all the time and you've still got to perform when when you can so going into tomorrow you have won a group a here at a Champions leag before the last time you played a Champions week going to what do you think the target's going to have to be I know it's a bit difficult because you've got a couple more games to go today in terms of what you may need to do to win this group um I'd say same again five five 5 four and one maybe it'll get you through but um I've got a I've got an hard task tomorrow cuz I'm because of my leg difference but I'm confident that I'm playing really well and the if the doubles go in then who knows I do have to ask because last time saw at Champions week we saw you get to the jackpot match does that give you that extra little bit of determination this time the fact you got so close that you know that it's it was within touching distance before yeah but like I said there's some world class players in here with me so I've still got to do my job every day to get through to that Saturday night there's still a long way to go yet it's been a good year or so hasn't it for yourself since we saw you here you won that belt we've seen you win a couple of weeks just describe that Journey over the last year also yeah it's been mental U I spent more time here than I have at home to be fair but um yeah I I've loved every second of it and I long may it continue and finally have you settled on a nickname yet no I mean you gave me one last time the castle for tiger and that seems to stuck but that's that that looks like that's what it's going to be but I haven't got one on the back of my shirt yet now maybe we change if you win on Saturday night take well Tom many congratulations today we shall see you tomorrow a couple more matches to go for us kicks off with Thomas Banks up against Neil Duff and in commentary it's Paul Nicholson and Chris Murphy yeah great to hear from Tom syes there and if he's been here more than he's been at home then how will Neil Duff be feeling in 3 weeks time because he's going to be playing here consistently for the next three weeks hoping to start with a Champions week win but he's got a lot of work to do to catch up to the standard of the likes of Sykes who's been excellent today well spoken maybe the castle for Tiger may catch on first leg it's Neil to throw first game on but he's still got a finish a job on Wednesday Thomas Banks probably by seeing Sykes and vanv and already get to 12 points he turning his attentions now to a bid for Group B and Neil Duff might find himself in a similar position tomorrow if he if he is to lose this game 60 think about the quality that we've had over the last couple of days three of these players are going to be in group C Yes you heard right 100 Group C that has been somewhat seen as the worst Standard Group over the last couple of years maybe even before that group C has stood up in this series and said don't forget about us because half of the champions of this series have come from Group C which is why it might have something to say about this week as well but what a great day for Tom well spoken and the one thing I took from from that interview with Henry more than anything else is that he knows the job is nowhere near finished and that's why he wasn't getting carried away there everybody is your future Pro 56 yeah I think I'd be surprised if we didn't seees trouble the pro two at some point in the future whether it be this year next maybe the one after but he's going to be there at some point 49 will he have his name immortalized in this building before then 100 here you 92 fair to say this fixture yesterday was at the time where people were still finding their feet 52 Thomas you require 132 this is a way to find yourself into the match immediately Bullseye 107 go the Bulldog couldn't find the ball do targeting tops one Dart remaining game the first leg Neil wi the opening leg I hate to use the nickname of banks but second it's Thomas ne's done today only yielding two points it's been very dogged because he's been hit hard by some people playing their best stuff but if he can still walk away with four points alongside Jimmy vany alongside Banks and alongside either Scott or9 Marvin Van vson it's still a pretty productive deer and he's still in the mix 41 do you know what I think just the tiger would work fine for Tom syes remove the location out of it what about just tiger he might have a bit of a marketing thing going on with woods but that' be a good name for someone who was named Woods wouldn't it yeah they they're quite obvious nicknames aren't they those types of animals of prey we got a bulldog here there's plenty of dogs in DTS 60 Terriers like Peter J got one joining us in the comments box later in the week bu here proving that he can bite as well as bark Shane Burgess also a bulldog 95 a lot of snakes and darts as well cobras and all sorts of other reptiles well Neil Duff needs to be a lion here 78 good recovery just in case there's a slip up here 25 which you would categorize that as at this level even though that wasn't his worst start of tops today and that will feel right now like one of Neil's worst first dots he's thrown today because the shot was off and he's had to give that look too many times today it's kind of summarized the way things have gone for Duff a on the second leg Banks Thomas bank takes advantage levels a game a much happier day for him today nobody gets a shot at Double 10 more than Thomas banks in this group for two reasons one he will try and leave it a lot on purpose and he's getting shots at it because he keeps missing tops 177 switch to kick off leg three perfectly we have seen a n data this year 44 off of 177 that was me trying to line it up but that didn't work yeah speak it into existence I've Got a Feeling we might get one this week you know I'd like to think that we're going to get one on Saturday for the first time I'd love it and we can't allow you to come in if you haven't already got tickets on Saturday unfortunately but do make sure you are watching from 7:30 here on the mod Super Series YouTube channel however next week it is Double Trouble week tickets are available for that and other events including The influencer Showdown that's happening the day after that all available via Dart shop.tmp of quid yeah double trouble night it's really good fun 59 and next week is littered with people who have won Stacks across the globe and you get up so close and personal to those players you could even exchange a few words with the do man he was actually here last Saturday pay his two quid came in 40 now 94 shows a bit of Integrity that didn't even ask for a ticket double 10 not found this time 124 double 10 is not needed by Banks it's the bull 99 not again 20 game sh on the third leg nailu so Duff ahead in the penultimate game of against Thomas two of the series 8 Champions week day two of six have you ever looked at the oy position of do5 it's fascinating look how far left he is and he throws with the hand actually going on the inside it's a very side on action he5 I think if you were looking at his eye dominance and his oy position your initial reaction to it is that it's all wrong but feel wise it works for him well he's also on the lean isn't he if you look at him from the board's position there look he's where's he where's he throwing from that's directly behind the dartboard that camera that is on a right angle to the trouble 20 so you can see the entire board if you're standing behind him yeah it's very unorthodox something that's rarely noticed you watch him walk to the board he's leaning over to one side and you watch from behind and as Paul said you can see that1 that eight do you know who used to do the exact opposite of that 100 where's Newton he used to lean to the other side he would stand on the right hand side and lean even further right and then he would literally take money out of my wallet throughout my career but he is celebrating his birthday today so I'm not going to say anything mean about wz 100 Al so happy birthday to Lisa Aston a regular here at the Super Series 65 in great form lately as well very much so good leave from dff putting the pressure on banks here 54 now I a 54 or just 18 for the ball 55 now we requireed three times he's gone for the ball in this match and missed it every time 30 it might not cost him this time thas require 31 now does he go 11 10 it doesn't work this time 11 now you're required 10 game the away from getting a second victory of the day get to throw first and you've got to see it that if dff completes the job even though Thomas has improved exponentially today 100 Group C is calling his name and there are players in that group who do not suit his style at all Eric Coulson methodical Jim long maybe not as methodical Paul Hogan I think he'll be okay with his Pierce he's slightly swifter 58 but I think there's a lot of people and we haven't even spoken about Steve West this week because alongside Neil Duff they're looking for history this week West will be in group b with Adam Paxton and Richard Eric Rollins 95 from 10 o'cl Thursday night it's West and do who are the most seasoned winners coming into this Champions week 98 neither of them have won a series I wonder how those players who are coming in later in the week will'll be feeling having watched the standard we've seen in group a so far think the few might have got the feet off the foot rest and toddled on over to the practice board I think sticking in the extra half an hour here half an hour there might be a wise player what would be wise for do is to get rid of this and wait for Wednesday it's two tops another 62 not quite requires 72 and it strikes again that has got to be fixed possibly tomorrow will Neil Duff be in contention tomorrow win here and he does get himself to 10 points that's only two off the lead now is in the mix seals Thomas Banks fate realistically out of it and hoping maybe for a big run to Group B but even that's going to be difficult now for banks D has not had his greatest days darts at the super series ever just a couple of wins to his name but enough to take his points tally to 10 and be two off the league leaders Tom syes and Marvin Van velon and two could become three if Connor Scott can beat V and in the final match of the day that's coming [Music] next t on a minute wow oh my God that's under quit down the drain already itching to hit the 180 he gone for the maximum [Applause] [Music] 18 for the ball ball 53 no he said bull that's a great first start from Adam W look at this he's going to leave SC oh can you believe it that is [Music] unbelievable get match start to put his team into the final and through to the final they go Charlie Murphy has hit the match winning D on both occasions double four for the [Music] title The please show your appreciation for the winner of the influencer peir event Geor George SCA and Adam [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] lipk he seems to be uh he seems to be out that's what he is Charlie Mur a couple more visits yet going to need [Applause] BOS through and he's absolutely puzzled was a game that dominated [Music] [Music] throughout champion [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] welcome back to the Moto Super Series from the live Lounge here in psf where the final game of the day is about to get underway and it's a massive match between Connor Scott and Marvin Van velon for van velon he can stretch away a lead going into Wednesday's proceedings however a win for Conor Scott well it'll keep everything Fair overnight going into the final day play and this time around about 24 hours we will know the first player through to Champions night on Saturday evening who will have a one in six chance of picking up the 25,000 jackpot could this be a big game in determining who picks up the spoilers and picks up the bragging rights in group play let's find out first game on yeah thanks Henry and whoever wins this match you would have to say would be the person in pole position because they will be top of the table even though Connor Scot by winning it would only tie on points with Sykes and vanvels and he would have Superior leg difference if van velon wins it then he'll have a a lead and maybe more importantly then the lead over Tom Sykes in second place could be the fourpoint Gap that would create between himself and Conor Scott in thir absolutely right and considering everything that's happened today we have to look at the momentum that these players have coming into this last match of Tuesday Scott beat Jimmy van ski in game 11 100 Aver 96 had a one 128 to finish the match that was good but in the following match Marvin found his best per performance in my view in this group it was a bulldozing performance against banks with a 160 check out in there as well so I think they're meeting at exactly the right time 100 yeah could be a huge game tomorrow everything will intensify everything will feel so important but I think the big matches have started already and a big finish could kickart this one trouble 19 Le Scot shooting for the ball n not finding it Mar require 143 as far as difficulty is concerned this is way more difficult than a 127 119 con require 31 both on small numbers one is to break the shift left he decides not to go back to the right hand side of the oy I'm surprised he chose to stay in Rhythm can Marvin protect game sh the first leg Marvin we're not seeing that adrenaline fueled version of Marvin every single con to thr first and I talk about energy management at this place all the time more so than any week this is where you're going to have to manage that energy as best you can because if you go Full Throttle for the first couple of days you might leave yourself with nothing come Wednesday van isn't going Full Throttle on the treble five 96 opening visit there this is something he's trying to minimize in his game he's got a little bit of a layoff in his throw but it is better than it was about a year ago 57 everyone has their Miss don't they whether it be a one like that for korkut or for the couple of Duck players in this group 39 five I think mine when I'm going for treble 20 is more like double 12 have you think about some of the famous throws throughout the years Sidwell categorized way mod throats having lateral drift that was because Wayne had a bit of a layoff in his throat weirdly now that Wayne doesn't play competitively anymore he's got a better throw than he had before I think even he said that live on broadcast but same thing here with Marvin when the doart comes back his tendency is for the doart to go further away from his face that's called a layoff 51 well it makes some sense 17 off 125 is 108 you seen players go for the 17s on that shot when he's hit the single 17 he's then on 91 so he can just H top40 yeah don't try and beat Conor SC at the maths he will beat you open bed and I even think there's some thought in that what you said because he is going to leave an open bed whereas had he gone for the Trel 14 he would have put one in the 20 blocked part of the top and maybe not hit it absolutely right and that is becoming a really hot topic at the minute dark players 97 Connor's level they'd much rather have an open bed than something like double top with a dart in the way 100 Dar yeah although he's attack and started throwing the flatty now but it shows that people who start stand up they do think about 60 is an horrible finish yeah it's not nice 140 two good numbers there is that drag again and it's happened way too many times in this match I notice there Conor wasn't too fussed about hitting that one because he's got to get a small number at some point might as well get it out the way and now he's still on a two da 130 is a drag at the moment for Marin van Vel and too many Drifters too many waywood ones super straight spectacular by Scot who produces yet another 11 daa get F of those today leads to one with a break to boot he's Scot making his move here at the end of Tuesday 57 Scott's range is manageable today when he's been slightly off his game 58 you're looking at something like a mid 80s average but when he gets it right he's making a 100 plus look mundane coincidentally there was a game today where he averaged 96 against Jimmy van ski and for the vast portion of that he was near 110 100 big gap big Gulf between this pair they won't be if Scot wins anything between them in terms of points in the table again I'm impressed because the moment he hits the five segment there he thinks right I need a nine from somewhere and he's left to finish and Marvin hasn't yeah and it's through lack of thought early in the leg there cuz he went off 58 and then scored 100 58 is not a good troubless visit for two reasons one you haven't got a trouble and secondly an eight at the end of that shot leaves a three 74 may still win the leg but relying on Connor Scott not taking this out and that's not a good thing to rely on over five 69 he has got away with it here van 3 the 180 from nowhere put him back in the picture then the 125 set up the double 19 but now there's no margin for error he's got to attack it from the right hand side you just got to smash through them basically give it some juice no score five in bits for Conor skirt after van Von's opportunity was barricaded out oh no that is wild wide then you require 38 and woful different player six same result but Conor goes back to five this is not simple but he can't get past it he went for the top right corner and finds it 3-1 Scot is he going to be top of the table at Marvin's expense after game 30 of the group we're going to see the table keep changing hands or is this skirt putting himself by the front of the race wearing the the yellow Jersey and disappearing into the distance tomorrow I'm already thinking about doing some homework tonight ahead of tomorrow because how many times has Marvin hit the five in this game I have not kept count but it must be close to 15 already 100 yeah it's not something you would keep count of until it becomes an obvious problem but it is worth looking back at and certainly for him and why in this game is it fatigue is it pressure yet again if you're going to watch somebody with their board management this week it's got to be Scot again he goes to the 17s as a switch as opposed to the 19s it's just the right thing to do and people talk about it in darts this ability to count earlier in a leg to give yourself the best chance of leaving finishers as a marginal Advantage I think it's a huge Advantage 180 this time the maximum does leave a finish speaking of finishes bull that would have been the ideal way to finish the deer's got one option and one option only take it out or lose and he's not going to take it out 97 con will we end the day on the rarest double he started on our double start week with double 17 does he end day to of Champions week by hitting it he does success for Scots Conor the Super Series a super dart to win what was a fantastic display from Connor Scott the sniper did miss a few doubles in there but he also had some magical setup shots some superb scoring and that's a victory that takes him to the top of the table he Ties on points with Marvin Van velen but he has a better leg difference and will go into the final day of group a as the league leader Henry and Paul will dissect all of today's action and we'll hear from Connor Scott after this break so do not go anywhere [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] welcome back to the modus Super Series where day two of Champions week is complete and it's going to be a tight race to the line as far as group a is concerned the asset Paul Nicholson has been watching every single D in the comment box and this is what we've seen a real Improvement in standard in comparison to day one with we've seen a pleer of t plus averages we've seen players lose of averages in excess of 106 in the case of Marvin Van Fels and today he been a t plus checkout Marathon pretty much anything that you could have wanted from a day of darts we got from a day of darts today yeah I think the improvement from Monday to Tuesday that's what today's all been about Thomas banks with no points yesterday got a couple of wins today fair play to him for causing Havoc for most players involved but people were stepping up syes stepped up Conor Scot stepped up at the right times Marvin losing with 106 average he'll probably be spinning from that but other players as well and even Neil Duff who has not played anywhere near his best today still picked up two wins well perhaps the key game of the day was one we've just seen Conor Scott getting the better of Marvin Van Vel and the sniper is downstairs with Chris Murphy yeah Conor will'll start with that last game against Marvin vanel and because it was huge really wasn't it you're now tied on the same points as him at the top of the table yeah I I knew it was a big one I knew I had to get a decent leg difference um I I I I let a leg slip which I didn't want to do I did want to have that 4-0 but these things happen I'm happy to win at the end of the day how would you sum up your per performances overall the last couple of days uh they've been fairly consistent I think um for the last two days I'm averag in probably mid 90s is I mean I think I've only had two averages in the 80s maybe three at a push um but I'm I'm playing okay I was I don't know what the average in that last one was but I was disappointed not to have a 100 or more average today to be fair you've been racking up the legs you're in the lead on leg difference how important is it for you to get this group A1 oh it's passively important because I don't want to stay here for longer than I have to I quite enjoy my family time so it' be nice if I could go home Wednesday after the um session is finished I don't get me wrong I'm staying somewhere a little bit different this time so it's nice having people around me in that but I I do enjoy my home time my family time so it' be nice to go home and be able to practice on my board at home on Thursday Friday rather than for Group B or C do you feel that you've kind of made your move there with your performances today particularly that win over Marvin and you can now go and get it done tomorrow um I wouldn't say I particularly made a move like um when I played Sykes uh I done a few things differently in my game against um Marvin like against s i 7 left I went 1812 Miss toed by a long way cuz I floated the dart against Marvin if you picked up from watching I left my arm hanging just to make sure I follow through properly on each time sort of thing and I think that was a difference in that one there compared to against Sykes even though it was the same same sort of pressure because obviously Marvin can play the game Paul Nicholson has been constantly praising your counting ability from what three darts in six darts in 38 to leave double 16 earli in the day and things like that how much of an advantage do you think it gives you that you've got that sort of advanced thinking when it comes to the maths I mean the the 190 I went for is it's only an advantage if the person behind you is watching like the 38 is by right it's the wrong shot unless you give it a little bit of well and you sort of going for a double KN in but if you hit a single it's not the end of the world but 158 after 19 19 obviously leaves 32 if the person behind you is watching they're like is just it a double to leave a double like they're going to think about it um but my my counting's always been the same it's become a natural part of my game now it's just it's just one of those things and um it it helps in some ways like I said last time I was here it it hinders in others so if I do miss a shot and I don't leave myself what I want to then it it can ruin a leg for me and I I'll start struggling and feel like I'm not playing as well if if I can't leave a finish after nine or sorry so the first three then the next three so if I can't leave a finish after six sort of darts or like hit a 18 to leave something or 140 to leave something then I know I've made a mistake in that leg so um it it's a double Ed sure if if you do it properly it's good if you mess up a little bit it can play on your mind well it's good to watch you've been good to watch well done today and good luck tomorrow thank you very much Chris see you tomorrow and we'll see you tomorrow as well such a lot to pack out of that interview I'll begin with the last point he made about his thinking that actually it's he finds it an advantage he likes to think about the options and actually you said it's only Advantage if the opponent watches in the background what do you make of that I don't agree with that at all I think what he does with his creativity it's good for his offense and I know that's a somewhat Americanized way of seeing it but uh if you think about a quarterback they're not thinking about defense are they on the NFL field what Connor is doing is uh thinking about things intelligently to finish the leg in as few visits as possible and to give himself the best opportunity of doing so so I think he's cutting himself short a little bit there by saying it only is affected if the opponent sees it I don't believe that at all I think what he does is incredibly smart he should give himself a lot of credit for the way he plays the game because it's got people like me thinking about the way that I play the game and everybody else should take note because he is way ahead of a lot of people if we were to play Devil's Advocate though is there a danger at times of overthinking Connor thinks about the game probably when he's asleep when he's just waking up having his morning shower and morning coffee but he lives and breathes this game and he does things that we don't even think of like leaving 32 from 190 using double 19 I've never even thought about doing that before now it's something I will possibly think about but I think because of the way he thinks about the game that's why he is where he is so we have to give him credit for what he's doing at this point in time he is arguably the best player in the world right now without T privileges he's still playing tour D because he's top of the challenge to order of Merit he's top of group a so thinking has got him here as well as execution and yes Paul nerson has broken the best player of at a tour card glass they talk about the day though in general for Conor how overall would you assess it he wasn't the player of the de but he is top of the tree and that's all you need to be at this point in time he did a lot of good things at the right times especially that one 128 that was a huge finish just to get rid of Jimmy van at that point before any sort of fight back was coming his way so he's done the right amount of stuff to get to the top of the tree so people are going to be chasing him but there are people who can possibly usurp him over the next five runs of player before we move on I just want to pick up what we said at the beginning of that interview about the fact that actually one of his determinations of winning groupe is to spend time back home with family he lives about an hour away because you married as well does those external factors and how key can those external factors be and actually can that give you an extra bit of determination yes I mean there have been other players who have brought family and friends with them here and they set their stall out they're going to be here all week but when you've got a lone wolf like Connor he doesn't tend to travel a lot with other members of his Entourage his team his family he comes here he comes to work but don't detract away from the fact that he uses spending time with other people as motivation in this kind of scenario because he only lives an hour away up the A3 mway I believe it is I think the motivation for him is I can prepare just as well at home as I can if I was here so I think he's got the right mindset elsewh Marvin Van Von and Tom sites are actually now completely tired you cannot separate them on any kind of metric let's begin with Marvin first cuz he topped the table overnight going into today he lost that game against Jimmy Vani with 106 average will he feel like he played to a similar level today but maybe didn't get the rewards compared to yesterday yeah I think that's fair we haven't got the exact numbers to compare Monday and Tuesday but there was a lot of good stuff going on for Marvin particularly That 160 Checker that was thunderous that went in with a bit of extra symbol if he was a drum kit but yeah I think the one thing he's got to be wary of going into Wednesday that drift into the five segment was just way too evidence uh when it came to the last match so fix that overnight or minimize it overnight and he will definitely be a part of the the battle for the top spot well it's a dead heat for second place but down the bottom Tom Bank Thomas Banks had a much improved day compared to yesterday how much testbook do we have to give to his character because at such a tender age a day like yesterday things could have transpired badly but a lot of credit has to go the way that he's recovered today yeah there's no doubt in his talent but sometimes you've got to be put in a difficult situation to figure out what's going on between the the ears and at the minute he's approached Tuesday the right way he came in he lost immediately and someone who would have less maturity than him would strop around this place maybe start complaining to the other players and finding excuses Thomas isn't like that he'll just say give me another game and I will do my best and then he won two games in a row and he looked a completely different animal so when it comes to maybe this being a five horse race for the top spot we've got one person at the bottom who could cause chaos for everybody the Bulldog Banks looking to be the spoiler this is how the table that's going into the final day of group a Conor Scott M van Von and Tom syes all on 12 points as you can see dead heat between van velon and sites Neil Duff on 10 points will he feel like him and Jimmy opportunity missed today maybe a little bit but it's still in their hands isn't it because they can go out they can win five matches and they can get the right results to themselves towards the top You' just got to be in it to get a chance there's still very much in it and after what has been a sensational uh day of darts myself and Chris Murphy and you we have already set off the air we just can't wait for Wednesday Champions week is not disappointing in terms of the daily average 91 and a half it feels like a week that's briming up what are we expecting tomorrow because again you get that other side of it because for a lot of players this is their first time at Champions League somebody like Marvin Van vs and this is a massive occasion is there a possibility that the exent today could be matched up with a few nerves tomorrow because they know that this is one step closer for one yeah I think we had was it 88 yesterday we've gone to 91 and a half today so a really good increase of three and a half points but if I was to throw a number out there right now I would ex I would say that we'll go back to about 87 and a half tomorrow because I think there'll be a few nervy uh outshot dots I think there won't be as much freedom in the scoring stage and particularly in the last couple of rounds which I'm sure we're going to need to see who wins this group in terms of the dynamic of the players as well Conor Scott top of the challenge tour order of M Marvin vanel and this is a new experience but he's played on the European tour before then you look at Tom SES a player that's done it how key could that experience be going into tomorrow I think it was key at the end of today if you think about the European tour it is knockout dots and Marvin only played two games in Ros Marin earlier this year that's two matches he's already played 10 here this week and this is his first Champions week so now we look towards the experienced Champions week combatants like Sykes like vanki and of course in Neil Duff and we'll look at Steve West a little bit later in the week but we expect them to perform better because they've done it before doesn't necessarily mean that they're going to win the group though been good fun today better than that I've had an absolute blast watching the dots I'm sure everybody else has but the best party yet to come yes we'll do it again tomorrow thank you for your company today thank you for your company at home we're back tomorrow morning 9:30 on the Super Series YouTube channel to see who the first player through to Champions night is going to be and who's going to get the first chance to play for that trophy on Saturday evening well it is the sniper that leads the way but there's plenty looking to shoot him down bye from us [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he

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