DECISION DAY IS HERE!?!πŸ† | MODUS Super Series | Series 7 Champions Week | Group C Session 2

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Now Premier League champion but in terms of who is going to win it this time around well Chris Mason's been with me all week and we're kind of non the wiser are we certainly not in this group and you mentioned Luke ller I was on talk sport this morning just talking about the young man and today they're going to have to follow in the footsteps of him and try and play with well just be fearless and and go out there and EXP express yourself and and just try and get it done as you mentioned this group is really close Bo Greaves is already there having won group a but last night we saw the action in group b and it's kind of looking like it could already be settled if we take a look at the table um you'll see that conahan cam kry and Darius laow all have six points Bradley Brooks looks nowhere in truth would need to win all his matches and still hope for results to fall his way and Jimmy vensky in a simly difficult position yeah unlike what we're going to see this afternoon in Group C that one looks pretty pretty simple to sort out and and I expect henahan Crabtree and Laban ASAS to come through they were the three best players last night no question about it and um yeah henahan he he he sort of plays in spells but some somehow gets the timing just right on more occasions or not lab labanauskas was very very steady last night and uh yeah it's going to be interesting to to see those three if it goes that way in the final tomorrow night yeah live here on the super his YouTube channel from 1 p.m. this evening but this afternoon Group C will conclude and it could not be closer it could not be more opposite to that we've got five players on Six Points let's just talk through some of the runners and Riders starting with Andreas Harrison what have you made of him this week yeah you know I'm a big fan I I've been a big fan for a couple of years since we've seen him for the first time on the Euro tours he's you know he's got that flare he's got a nice temperament to him he plays at a nice Pace he he he can go missing from time to time he a kill his heel his some sometimes in not only the in the approach play but when he get gets three darts at a double you give him a finish of a ton or more I think it was he had 12 or 13 this week already uh he's mustard and there's bull finishes as well yeah absolutely i s was back toback ball finishes uh to win that one um yeah but it's so hard they're they're just so evenly matched uh even when you look you break all the numbers down you know no one's no one's getting it done in a visit less they're all taking that sort of sixth turn well it's about 15 and a half darts I think Andy Davidson is average at the moment um he he was very very special yesterday well they all were In fairness they all had their spots um ree Robinson probably the way he started the way he played would be scratching his head last night thinking how haven't I got this in the bag but far from it let's say with ree Robinson because I guess one of the concerns with him is he is enigmatic if you like you're never quite sure what you're going to get he looked quite solid yesterday yeah as focused as I think I've seen him we only seen one moment I think it was on 115 which you know that's not a particularly flare shot going the ball route but ultimately he kept it very simple and he was he was very strict yesterday it was nice to see cuz you know what I think about him I think he's super talented I think he's massively underachieved I I think he could go go on and do great things at the highest level um it's just about raining it all in and and doing the right things at the right times as a certain m stean Gerwin says top of the table though is a man you just mentioned Andy Davidson um and that is down to that that level of performance he's performing at such a high standard in that group yeah Robinson was was slightly higher because he had a bigger ceiling at times but what a find Andy Davidson's been yeah uh absolutely incredible it just proves that the ADC system is given opportunities to players that we may never have heard of and Andy Davidson potentially could be one of those because he's embraced the whole concept of not just the ADC but com coming here on debut averaged 110 a personal best average back that up with an average of 104 backed it up yesterday with a near 106 I think he's another one with a with a big big future and I mean looking at those numbers ree Robinson over 98 for the day I mean that's that's right up there that's that's some serious level of play we're not talking about you know one or two games we're talking about five matches of best of seven big sample you've been part of this ever since it started when stting your own room at home when we're stting the broom Cup in Southampton and up on the balcon here without the luxurious setting we've got now have you ever well ask you a couple of questions about Group C have you ever seen one where five players are on six points and have you ever seen one where the group average is north of 91 no that's a that's an anomaly certainly in a in a group C we've seen some big numbers in group b but of course that's a smaller sample so less can go wrong uh and it wasn't that it was all all five of the six players were for performing at a serious highe level at times and and that that's credit to this tournament now these are all Champions and this is what we expect got to feel a little bit for Bradley Brooks not quite worked out for him this week but when he looks back on reflection when he'll have time to look back there's been a lot of good moments and he's played some good stuff considering where his level of play was coming into this on the dev tour there was a big concern so more positives than negatives just doesn't look that way right now yeah not very good for the Bradley Bradley Roost in this group bottom as well with no points as Bradley Brooks is in group b the rest of them all on the same points as we just saw this is how the bookies separate the contenders so this is to win the group and what I find interesting is the Ranger Andreas Harrison favor at 15 to8 but Kieran Tian on the same points 7 to1 yeah I suppose that's what they think is is the most likely for me although he doesn't have the highest running average Andy daav at 6 to1 represents the the most value for me um and Rees Robinson average the highest of all play players across the whole day uh just over 98 at 13 to5 and I think you know that was that was mine and Matt's picked at the beginning of the week he was 16 to1 to win this week and we were we were fabber gasted and he's come out yesterday and he's opened up with a with a 106 average I think if he you know he's not going to maintain that kind of level all day but if he's up around that 98 average where he was for the day yesterday he's the most likely to to win this group first match and is Kieran against Bradley Roose now Roose may not have a point but he might have a say in what happens if Tian wins this match it won't be seven to one that's for sure and then the others are going to play each other so if you're going to get on him do it now yeah absolutely cuz he will go top and then they will start to chase but then they've got to play each other so yeah a different slightly different Dynamic on it um I think Bradley Rose if we've we've watched evolve in front of our in front of our eyes he was he was your first first thing well be this morning never mind uh this afternoon before we start and he was he was a little looked a little deflated but um you know that that that's normal he's gutted of of all the weeks where it's not worked out for him you don't want it to be Champions week I'll let you get into coms take your calculator with you um if you are going to have a bet please always gamble responsibly it's and 18 plus of course yeah the first match about to get underway so far winless Bradley Roose takes on Kieran Tian and Mac is going to join Matthew edar thank you m yeah I suggest if you're watching the darts today not only do you need to go get yourself a drink and a snack but you may also need to go get yourself a pen and a paper so you can make a note of all the twists and turns and everything that's going to be coming throughout the day because this is going to be a day where there's going to be lots of different permutations and changes which will let you know as the day goes on but one of the things that really stood out to me at the opening of that show was about this man Bradley Roose who has yet to pick up a victory so far in this group c campaign but was installed at odds of 100 to1 to win the group which tells you mathematically he can still win the group and it is not over yet despite the fact he's got six points to find on his opponent here kieren tition and the rest of the field who are all set ahead of him on Six Points no time like the present for Bradley Roose to try and get up and run in and just before we get into this game mace I just want to touch on ree Robinson very briefly because you mentioned at the start of the show there first lag it's throw first we both predicted him we both thought that he was very good value at 16 to1 we made our predictions yesterday that we expected to see him drop to about 6 for the week I can actually confirm this morning he was trading at nines 93 still at n what what do they know that we don't well I think that is far too big for the week 60 I and when you consider the level of play yesterday he has the highest current running average of any player in it in this week 18 that's good to see no two days are the same as we say on many occasions and Bradley Roose off pretty strong he may as well as be a th to one to win the group but he could well be 140 a bit of a spoiler if any player wins three matches today he can't win the group 27 that's what makes 100 to one just very very skinny welcome along to everybody watching via our YouTube channel and the thousands watching via their 48 chosen bookmaker app welcome along to the action if you got any questions or comments keep them civil keep them clean and we will endeavor to answer them 60 Bradley require 40 I have a question for you m did your life on first leg Flash before your eyes last night on our way home when we nearly got killed oh absolutely certainly want to be played back in my mind for the next five occasions pleased to say both myself and M are perfectly fine and we happen to stumble across highspeed police pursuit and where we literally would be walk in matter of feet and seconds earlier it was a horrendous 60 oh crash wasn't it and that's an understatement when I say crash so we can only thank someone just missing of Al at the end of day an extra question from Mur for someone missing a double and well it saved Our Lives 125 don't forget hit that subscribe button if you've if you're not already subscribed and hit that thumbs up button for us we really do appreciate that 83 with all of our analytics and getting the broadcast out there across the world of YouTube 100 sometimes when a player comes to a Champions week and they they hit the ground running they play really well like ree Robinson it's impressive but already this is impressive for a different reason for Brad Rose because he came here with the same expectance of doing what ree Robinson did it didn't happen he lost all his games he could turn up today very sulky very deflated instead he has Rose a level of performance quite significantly in this early exchange he was absolutely devastated yesterday and I totally empathize with him I like to say it's it's all about a learning curve for him he's darting terms he's he's a baby 28 this is a a real opportunity just to just to try some new things I really think that's a 96 different looking barel not sure if they're the same or maybe a different color but yeah you can you can change the tempo of your throw you can just try some things today you can you can play with a bit of freedom game shot on a second leg Kieran well didn't take long and totally understandably why but third on ler performance last night unbelievable mindboggling just the level of unfl flappable that he is like5 for me the most impressive part was when he hit the nine data he obviously felt the emotion the situation he felt the energy of the crowd the adrenaline would have been pumping and then seconds later was throwing world class darts again 8 I wouldn't have been able to recover from that and I would have probably have done a few laps of the Arena the trousers had be around the Ed yeah when I was on talk sport I was speaking to to Gabby and I anyway explain the freedom he's playing with is Gabby would have been a presume the academy at Villa and your you're in front of goal you relish being there and I think the difference is when you when you don't play with that freedom you want those opportunities and when you get them more often not you think oh God don't miss 60 he doesn't have that he's absolutely fearless and and it's it's it's almost a bit of naivity and it I it's such an advantage 100 different isn't he yeah totally got no baggage got no NE negative luggage hanging around his head and he could have had there's been things that have happened to him yeah losing in a world final most of us would be would' have been pondering that through listen I didn't get to a final but I remember what it felt like being in a semi-final that I should have won and then watching the player that beat me win the final 60 with a fairly ordinary performance that effectively that ruined me because I couldn't I couldn't get that out of my head and understand why why why that wasn't me and what did he do just popped and winner a World Series Pro tourus like you say Cut From a Different Cloth well The Mortals among us we fear we've missed our opportunity where just knows there'll be more and bradle re might Bradley's attitude is coming from today as well because yes it didn't work for him yesterday which possibly has cost him his campaign here at Champions week it's not mathematically certain he's still in there figh is figh he's fighting hard today trying to claw back some form of opportunity to himself some hope for the back end of the day maybe that's the like I say that they're made different you know maybe he's thinking right come on five from five 5 let's do it you know I'd be thinking oh well I'm done I'll just have a bit of fun today does make you think as well what are we watching in front of our eyes here at the Super Series as Co has mentioned in the chat did use this as a platform last year as part of his spring board to success and I honestly think we are watching that same story or a very similar story this week one that's probably not going to go as quickly 24 as the lot little story but I think could ultimately end in a very similar destination and that's the only player we guaranteed to see here tomorrow night yeah Bo Greaves inor spot on totally agree 81 that's why we urge you to attend on a Saturday night you think of the people last year at that got the opportunity to to watch Luke ller up close and person and meet him and chat with him he's now the Premier League champion a year later it's It is Well less than a year later since he won his last Champions week a story to tell down the local isn't it yeah oh if you ever seen this kid well funny enough I did yeah and I do feel like that's going to be the case on Saturday when people come to see Bo and the rest of the lineup but last time Bo was here this place was absolutely packed I believe it sold out for tomorrow isn't it tickets available 100 but you can book tickets for next Saturday and every Saturday going forward head over to booking fee no no charge ticket three drinks for a ten requ if you can tell me where you can get a bit of world class entertainment for 12 quid I'll join you beautiful from Bradley aaging around the 95 Mark where he's been throughout this entire fixture very get to miss a double now if you are one of these techy type people which I'm certainly not I've been very impressed watching Matthew Edgar editing and doing but if you do have the uh technology to scan that QR code that's on your screen do so and it will take you straight to the landing page where you can res your ticket for unfortunately not this Saturday but every other Saturday going forward and although you can't be here in person on Saturday it doesn't mean you can't was the darts just hit that subscribe button you can watch it free on our modus Super Series YouTube channel Alan Green said the kid's ruthless he doesn't care who he's playing against a bit like a brist very young brist they actually were very similar used to I me that's the thing with with Luke as well you you talk to him he's quite shy quite reserved there's but you put him on stage in front of the crowd he comes alive well you need that don't you you need that alter personality that person that character move into that ultimately allows you to be what you need to be in that moment in time one and I think we see that a little bit with ree Robinson as well yeah agreed he loves it up there because he you have a look I think you were digging around yesterday trying to find some 45 some data what he does he's a different player away from here oh nowhere near what we see here if you produce what we see here elsewhere we'd be talking about a multiple champan stolen a big March in this one and Bradley showing good experience here good board management starting down on the 19s King you acquire 123 to leave that 170 33 not too much damage done here for T the last two visits just 41 and 33 have Bradley to close the gap here when 60 0 here's one for you m Nick Williams says good afternoon all I suspect it's been already mentioned for slightly surprised me watching Dance of late is the camaraderie between the players it's very refreshing assume it's genuine there's a great interview Bradley require 150 YouTube with Luke humpr where you know he says what you spend so much time with each other now there's there isn't any time time for animosity or having any kind of grievances with players and I think they are becoming closer was used to be years ago but now I suppose it's sort of gone for cot no score Bradley requires 62 this one for the first win of the group for Bradley Rose and maybe his day could go full circle in regards to what he did yesterday a perfect performance there on the finishing for Bradley Roose four from four and he is a happy guy he would have walked off the stage yesterday very disappointed not picking up a win but it's a perfect start a 4-1 Victory there over Kieran and he keeps his hopes alive of somehow making one of the greatest turnarounds we have ever seen in a group c campaign he's in there fighting but coming up next Rees Robinson takes on Neil Duff [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] welcome back to Champions week here at the modor Super Series where Neil Duff and reys Robinson are about to do battle in this knife edge close Group C both players performed very well yesterday averaging in the 90s for the day Duffer a 92 Robinson over 98 and both of them had three figure averages across the day as well this game in particular was a decent one du getting the win 4-2 with a 98. 53 in that match and if he wins it he will move outright top of the table guiding you through the action then it's back to Matthew eger and Chris Mason thank you very much Chris yes he it was Robinson who averaged over 98 for the day but it was Duff as you say that averaged over 98 in their contest yesterday winning 4-2 it was a thoroughly enjoyable game but the downfall for Reese I say Dam he was just getting the Old Dart here and there wasn't he and just not finding the target um keep your questions coming in in chat Sean Bennett mentions about the nine dter you called it yesterday not going to give you an opportunity to elaborate on that first leg it's re first game here's one for you though and no bus cuz I'll answer it first there's no going to be no throwing under quick question should the winner of the PDC women series get a tour card I don't think so I 100 for the same reasons yes yeah there is one thing though to take a look at in your chat at the moment there is a poll that is live and active we'll be putting these out throughout the day as part of our interaction throughout the group c campaign we want to get your views who do you think is going to win this match at the moment 65% of people think it's going to go the way of ree Robinson 108 maybe that's why well yesterday ree Robinson hit 12 maximums I mean when we look at the amount of legs that Rees Robinson played that means he is hitting a 180 sort of just over every two legs .42 180s per leg that is absolute Elite 140 we were waxing lyrically about Bo Greaves his number what she 0.36 yeah could you imagine the 180 between re robs if they meet in the final can we put a thing in there that we want to see a best of 21 I wouldn't be surprised if the odd compilers went as far as saying over 3.5 agreed for that sort of even money split which is ridiculous for a best of seven but they have two massive 180 hits 140 re requir 32 a great little question coming or opinion whichever way you want to look at it first leg re Robinson Robinson far as in a 13 Darter Chris with the insane averages these days compared to 30 years ago where can you see darts being in 30 years time will it be 12 darts or under every leg only if they continue to make the boards bigger um can't really compare darts today from thir years ago for multiple reasons the main one being the quality of equipment they're playing on the bigger target areas in terms of 85 doubles and trebles not the actual board itself and of course the advances in darts themselves and the equipment 81 far far superior to bit like comparing Formula 1 times from today and 30 years ago absolutely futile really 100 I've seen several studies and several people use proper engineering equipment to to measure the boards and it's it's between well actually anything between 10 and 15% bigger nowadays so I sort of use a number somewhere in the middle around 12 and I just sort of had 12% on people's averages from 30 years ago if you like 40 years ago just to make some kind 12 think it's a bit of a myth that darts wasn't as good back then I know let's look at 1996 the world championship final Dennis Priestley lost it playing 101 average over 10 sets yeah I know uh Eric has got tournament averages of over 95 well those three World Championship there 1996 Dennis priy lost 10 sets 101 average the next two years Phil Taylor won with 100 and 103 yeah and that's over distance [Music] and that's nearly 30 years ago so it was happening require 70 they just want as many people doing it because there weren't as many tournaments I suppose you could you could say there's there's more opportunity now there's less dwell time it's less hurt time but the one thing that we can compare the modern era is going to be the Rivalry between the two Lukes could well be very much the Rivalry that John and Eric had Dennis filling everybody not that it was much of a rivalry but you you get me game shot on a second leg Reese Robinson well I think part of the reason why the depth in Talent what we're cly seeing here at the Super Series as well is the the depth of talent this is off the 128 tour card holders I think some it also comes down to the financial gains and rewards that are available deeper down now because when we take a look at the world championship it took until 2002 before the runner up got Β£25,000 which is the prize fund for winning champions week now 85 and we have three of them a year yeah that was a one-off payment once a year at 25 Grand and we're now reaping the benefits of a very structured program that that jdc introduced the PDC introduced with secondary tours and Dev tours and now the ADC and it's just got more structure and more professionalism to it and the sport itself is now reaping the rewards well the7 Ser it was a million pound prize fund wasn't it across the entire year Well if you look at that it took till 20 10 before we had a million pound at the world championship so again evid as to why more players are up to that standard cuz there's more players that can apply themselves and not work full-time jobs and be able to practice in the correct manner the financial rewards are there not only at the top level 60 130 it's a a Rangers a way shirt not quite as retro as the one he had on I think it was yesterday 28 first little slip there for ree Robinson or should I say the shirt is based on an away shirt obviously isn't a football shirt but 4 five maybe 102 yeah that Wayward Dart there with the last one in hand did cost Neil Duff there giving re Robinson six starts at the 102 that allows him just that freedom to get that setup play leave him on one of his favorites tops which we we know he loves he's had tops tops yesterday he's had tops tops tops here before 134 he did a you require a saer all he needs now is just tops just one of them game shot on a third just a leg away from the perfect start of the day because this could be a big leg difference and at the moment going into today it was leg difference that separated five players in the field Neil made a a slow start out of the blocks yesterday so no no surprise that's a a bit of a theme with him where well he fired out of the blocks like usin bolt his Opening match average yesterday 106.5 he's not quite at that level and his opening game today but it's a very tidy 95 140 did have a brief chat this morning where Neil Duffy's actually got a bit of a safety plan he's entered the ADC events up in middlesbor so if he doesn't get through 108 and he's going all the way to the other side of the country that is some Journey that yeah some dedication my goodness 85 struggle to get me to cross the road for a game of darts well it's 308 miles yeah it's literally a straight lineup straight through London and 50 you require really but with the changes that he'd need to make is a change down to double eight what a way there to get the first leg on the board for the day for Neil Duff and keep himself well and truly in the mix he doesn't want to be taking the 8 Hour 42 minute train ride up to Middlesboro how long 8 hours 42 minutes and that's if he gets that one if he misses that train it's 9 hours 42 minutes 100 it's almost like going to Vegas know where I'd rather go yeah absolutely you want to going to Vegas aren't you lucky man uh are the beds bigger yeah the actual scoring area are much bigger they've effectively where the outside where the outside of a the thick round Wars would be it's been replaced on the outside by a a blade it's basically like a I think they call it a spiderweb don't they and it's y pressed into the board of course the actual Target area itself there no ST PS there no round wires that can move um here's a question your opinion as the capabilties to stop liter and humph from totally dominating the PDC I don't think the other players are on the same levels at the moment well on any given day pretty much any of the top 32 and in and around that top 323 I've seen players here average 117 114 for B 110 106 yesterday for shot any any kind of number like that over a a race to six or eight or 10 45 for sure but Reese with six starts in his hand you feel would be with the form that he's been showing here at Champions week it's double 19 for the match oh sensibly split I like it an example Damon heter in the UK open against Luke ller this year one of the greatest sessions of darts I think I've ever seen 139 re require 32 that was very special and this has been special upon ree Robinson game himself up towards the top of the table he is the top of the table a good solid win there over one of his rivals how important could that be come the end of the day that 136 from Neil Duff could also play its part because leg difference is the only thing that separated the field at the start of the day but right now there's some points and a tiny little bit of daylight there for ree Robinson who continues where he played off yesterday and well Andreas Harrison's going to want to do that but he's got his hands full he's taking on Andy Davidson [Music] on a minute wow oh my God that's under quit down the drain already itching to hit the 180 it's gone for the [Music] [Applause] maximum 18 for the ball ball 53 no he said bull that's a great first start from Adam look at this he's going to leave skap oh can you believe it that is [Music] [Applause] unbelievable get match darts to put his team into the final and through to the final they go Charlie Murphy has hit the match winning on both occasions dou four for the [Music] title should the please show your appreciation for the winner of the influencer peirs EV event George SCA and Adam lipo [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] he seems to be uh he seems to be out that's what he is Charlie [Music] M A couple more visits yet we not get need a BOS is through get and he's absolutely Buzz was that face dominated [Music] throughout Champion char [Music] [Applause] [Music] welcome back to the Modo Super Series Group C Champions week Series 7 and we're still n the wiser as to who will be joining Bo Greaves at finals night tomorrow Andreas Harrison and Andy Davidson both in with excellent chances and that bid will be bolstered with victory in this one Harris and the 48-year-old swed who has played play well all week was probably a little bit unlucky to miss out on Group B and David said himself was a star performer in this group yesterday the ADC qualifier who won week 11 had an average across the day of more than 96 whoever wins this one will join Reese Robin turn on eight points at the top of the table and talking you through it it's back to Matt and mace thank you very much Chris well the chat got it right in the last one in the vote for Rob game 8% Matt go the way of Harrison against Davidson and is there any more or is there a more interactive 140 darts platform than the Super Series not that I know of 140 always looking to build on our interaction and engagement so please do keep letting us know what you want to see and if we can integrate it in any way 100 make sure that we do 68% of people the vote has ended has gone with Andreas Harrison to pick up this Victory which I think's a little Brave to take on Andy Davidson so strongly because he has been brilliant hasn't he these past couple of days near 97 average yesterday across his whole five matches yeah my vote 97 went to Davidson as he seems to have no issue getting out of the blocks and seems to going quite quickly up there and he require 164 139 Andre you require 85 I'll answer this that question in a minute Chris because it's quite interesting Shake of the head in Andreas here missing the numbers a few wild darts and that's not the first time we said that we've been saying that throughout the week and this is an area of the board that Davidson really had so much success in able to find it to get the breaker throw here against Harrison so a reprieve for the swed game shot on a first leg Andreas Harris says I noticed that many of the competitors open their mouths when they're throwing second toow first trolling their breathing or is it something else I'm missing well yeah you watch 57 a lot of sports or not necessarily sports that or anything that take some form of concentration and effort the sometimes the 100 nerves are absorbed into the body in some way and often in the mouth there is a there is a psychological reason for it so where the jaw sort of meets just underneath the cheekbones there's muscle and when you realize not so much that the mouth needs to be you don't need to look like you're eating an apple just enough so that the teeth aren't touching and you feel it and you'll feel it all the way across underneath your cheekbones relaxation and if you've got that re ation there that is the first muscle that is stimulated into the brain so if that is tense what happens is the brain signalizes tension and 60 sends out the signals to deal with tension and stress and that's why you see that sometimes people will open their mouths or there'll be some kind of reaction in in the face relax the face relax that muscle that connects the jaw just under the cheekbone and you feel that almost like a blanket of relaxation coming through the body 96 and I'm sure you're all trying it at home right now and I look forward to seeing the pictures seeing the response we're going thank you for that Dr Edgar 85 and do you require 108 94 Andreas give don't OV exaggerate it especially if you're using it as a relaxation technique safe the wife speaking to you cuz she might think you're yawning at her 120 two sevens for David together level it's literally just south of his favorite double 16 but that is the downplay of some of these sort of finishes the S it doesn't give you an opportunity coming inside and someon his doubling yesterday was in incredible form on the Harrison well the opening games he was 100% in his first one third Andreas to throw first he then was four from five and four from seven so that is 13 darts thrown and nine legs one correct Lis spot 100 regarding a mental thing yeah coning monk dig it did it he did Christian kiss does it 140 very few players mouths are still when they're when they're throwing see in the sense of Christian kissed call monk because they move the jaw down it will stretch so you don't get that psychological relaxation in terms of this stimulation of that nerve so it is very different in their sense because when you over exaggerate you go the other way so you're actually engaging the muscle 41 it's almost like the nervous energy is coming out of the mouth isn't it or around the mouth yeah guy price does it as well 100 many do if you if you watch them closely I tend to spend more time watching where the D lands personally 60 they was Landing just looked like he was going to put one on top L angle of entry for Davidson who has had these opportunities in both legs so far but to take them 140 and he require 91 this one a combination shot and so often you see that when strling to get a double with three DS the combination shots seem to be more likely and an ironic celebration for Andy Davidson who will probably feel this should be the other way around maybe two one up well Harrison is two from two but Davidson one from eight 140 had four times the amount of opportunities 100 so I like a look like I do like a look of likey and are we talking like 30% look aliky or 50 or I'm talking a decent percentage here anyone who like me likes a bit of Master System and Retro Gaming might just see a little bit of Alex kid in Andy Davidson I'm going to get pictures up so you can see it m cuz I'm sure you've not sat on the Sega Master System Too Much don't know what that is but oh it's a computer oh my goodness yes [Music] 57 and I presume that game's older than Andy is so the character wasn't based on him 138 years old so it' have been more what 1996 great year European championships in the UK oh yeah but I don't believe he's got a nickname so maybe we just sorted for for him Alex kid 1996 fabulous year first time first the year I won my first world ranking tournament were you even playing then 50 Andreas you require then yes yes Was a Very Good Year actually Space Jam came out that year as well Andy acquire 40 Andy Davidson born along some real good moment flag good moment for him there getting it back up and level but he's going to need to find a breaker throw fifth flag it's Andreas to throw first gameer 97 the Olympics as well of course in 1996 wasn't it 60 and don't obviously forget the year of the Spice Girls 140 wow 45 45 I'm sure you had many of there cassettes [Music] mace 99 proper B Oscar De La Hoya defeated Julio Caesar sh in 100 June of 1996 SRI Lan beat Australia by seven wickets in the Cricket World Cup and Andy Davidson started his darting journey and require he's going to put himself in a good position I'll scrap that he's gone wide on the first Dart and Andreas Harrison now three darts to regain the lead yeah he's earting this chance a wonderful Max double five and he finds it of course one for Niko he won't won't forgive me if I don't say this well there two things turn pro but Nick falo on the Masters that is World sport in 1996 I think you already announced the darts in 1996 didn't [Music] you8 well Harrison took a two-nil lead got brought back and then he's finding another level another gear here just going through the gears and he's trying to get this one done and get himself onto eight join Robinson at the top of the table they were the two players who The Bookies expected to be the top two and they could be after the six lap of fixtures four more laps of games to go at the end of this match 81 1996 of course was the year that Steve Beaton won his world title against defending Champion Richie BR in the final require 145 105 Andy require 123 oh it's on go to the 16s to leave him on the bullseye 8 the last start he gets to throw Andre Harrison doesn't pass these opportunities too often when he's got three darts in hand game shot just as Andy Davids been hoping for opportunity to come back to the Bo and extend the G another leg Andreas Harrison last start in hand hurts Andy Davidson and strengthens his opportunity of getting through to Saturday night he joins ree Robinson at the top of the table on eight and we now have a two-point gap between the qualifying places and the rest of the pack two players that'll be hoping to close that Neil Duff and Bradley Rose go head-to-head coming up next [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so the first round of fixtures complete on the final day of Group C on Champions week Neil Duff will be looking to join the top two in the league table on eight points that top two are Rees Robinson and Andreas Harrison who do play each other in this next round of matches Kiran Tian taking on Andy Davidson both suffering defeats in their opening games oh next off against Bradley Rose who did get a victory his first victory of the campaign in The Opening match today beating Kieran Tian the Dutchman playing the role of something of a spoiler today realistically can he spoil Neil Duff's progress and stop him joining the two at the top I'll hand you back to our two in the Box Matthew Edgar alongside Chris Mason thank you very much Chris well the chat on fire with their voting so far today 68% and Harrison for the last one and 64% have Neil Duff first leg Neil first game on I think Bradley Roose would have maybe just put a few on notice though in that last performance didn't miss a double four from four on a much improved level 100 that's supposed for Neil Duff who's already lost one game today it's kind of backs to the wall and he's got to come out swinging and he's Come Out Swinging with keys in his hands 100 someone's saying uh did I have the ponytail in 96 I did 85 um who was your favorite Spice Girl Emma bunting Emma Bunton I think is your name is it that's correct a baby spice pretty girl uh is the list of the other 10 players for ladies week on tonight alongside Bill and Fallon yeah we've done that a couple of times I will read through did you do it last night did didn't you did you do next week's lineup last night with Chris Murphy no I'm sure we'll give you many reminders though throughout the day throughout the campaign Chris before you hit the bottle I mean big time did you play locally with any players we may have heard of Mike GRE yeah of course Steve Brown Mark dubridge Bob Anderson 58 Neil you require 110 six starts if he needs some here for Neil Duff go to see of hitting that maximum with the first visit you may save the situation here 72 Jen Murray says hello everyone I have my first daughter in 96 six so thanks to Mason Matthew I feel officially old only as old as you feel 46 near you require it was gaza's amazing goal 96 wasn't it game shot on a first TI hry KN wasn't it if you're as old as you feel I look forward to going to the seniors World Championship qualifies next year 58 good response that though from Neil Duff and one of the things I like about that was just how casually took out the double 14 you could tell by the reaction that he wasn't he was looking for a six you could tell by the reaction he wasn't happy with the 10 but very adaptable and I suppose You' got to be in those situations that's why he's got that star on the back of his shirt that representing the wdf world championship he picked up at Lakeside in 20122 100 some where he'll be hoping to go back and regain that title come December of this year 108 beautiful Max oh bang in the middle of the trouble 20 80 do just got to watch he doesn't get embroiled here be be aware of the table in his current position he won't want to see either Harrison or Robertson just get a bit of 118 a bit of a jump on him only the top two from six go through remember it in group C oh what a finish from Bradley Rose didn't need to go that way with Neil Duff quite the way back and Neil Duff does third lag could have took out the Finish but we do see a lot of times now players opting to lay it up 6 in the psychological warfare it is the what is it the Dutch darts Masters Euro tour 7 got underway a little while ago Dom Taylor beating dza 63 66 rich is great form a player we've seen in the super series of course or the live L uh the live League he's a 63 winner Jeffrey degrau 100 really did play well when he visited us here at the Super Series before getting a card defeat it's mad rasma 63 and Van velon and kiss locked to 44 just go back to that question we was asked yesterday by the chat where it says would the players that play here at the Super Series be able to rival those players in the top 30 said absolutely it happens all the time another case in point there Dom Taylor was here last year before picking up a PDC tour card and he has just beat the world number 30 Jose daer 45 the form is franked on a regular basis 84 we talk about stars on the shirts you may also know Bradley's got a couple of stars on the shirts that to represent World titles that he's picked up as well they are on the Junior circuit to time Junior world champion 55 if you want a senior World title would he have three stars then or do you think he'd just drop the two and have a one big one 100 near you require 147 maybe they'll be different colors no I don't believe so EO 100 Bradley require 149 he just took out 118 in the last leg that W context would have been significant require 47 good little bit of pressure though from Bradley game shot a third leg no effect whatsoever on Neil Duff four flag It's Bradley to throw first game on I like to see that there from Bradley Rose you saw him just stood at the back of the stage with his head down trying to prepare trying to get ready for the shot approaching the YY in the right way yesterday he been looking all around the room counting the tiles he was very distracted player wasn't he 81 he was a little bit too emotionally invested in the day's play Yesterday 125 81 121 lift there in the shoulder which didn't allow him to throw and Propel the dart through to the board ultimately they're just a37 we do still hold strong on the advantage of throw 80 he looked at that darting disgust didn't he as it hit the floor knows how important that could be to his campaign he can't afford any more defeats 100 Bradley require 117 throw is under a little bit of threat here and he needs the one treble though to get a dart at the Double and he's found it for a level game beautiful shot on a four flag Bradley R that's two good finishes there from Bradley Rose 118 and 117 fif flag it's n for first game on on the outer ring 100 someone ask here is Wolfie the oldest player to have been at the Super Series I believe can't think of anybody older I think I might know who the youngest player is it's got to be luke ller hasn't it and I think he'll always will be I'd like to see us have a younger winner4 I think it was just the way his birthday fell as well wasn't it because like on his birthday he went and qualified for a UK open where had his birthday been like two months later he missed the qualifiers well that it been a day later you had to you had to be 17 to enter didn't you 16 96 oh that's right yeah sorry the the qualifiers yeah Larry Butler maybe older 140 first ever World match play winner Larry Butler what a surpris that was I was there I want a I want a VIP 138 VIP weekend require in the darts world it was sponsored by proton cars and I was up on the the VIP bul in the area and I spoke to Tommy Co and I said I'll be here in a couple of years course you will good prediction what's the prediction on this double 16 well that would have predicted that one up to double n NE do walks over to the drinks table frustrated figure because he had a dart there to hold on to his throw and it was a long long way off and now he's in a spot of B here because losing this game he may start thinking about that train to middles BR and Bradley starting to reel in Kier and0 this is where just one win yesterday could have changed the whole story for brutely and that's where sometimes not going well you can't get drawn into that negativity because you don't know what the next day brings and that one win at the end of the day could have given him a real chance Larry Butler and Martin Adams are both 67 it appears but I think Martin Adams has played the most 140 45 another wild Dart from Neil du has put him in bother here yeah 71 behind plus these I was just about to say one big trouble here 96 a turn would be more than enough I think can't leave a finish so 41 Bradley require 135 real need to go ball he has and he's hit it trouble 17 when he comes back he's going to make it two from two Matt who would have thought 43 Bradley the CH has got one wrong shot caror the time is on his side Neil D back on 28 38 knows he'll be back nothing Neil Duff can do and he'll feel there's nothing he can do at the moment the shaker the head tells you everything you need to know he still a long way away from causing any problems for Bradley who's a dart away from the match double five he's just having a look to see if he needs to go for it he did go for it he found it rley Rose two from two after going down in all five matches yesterday the numbers 8167 for Duff 8558 and it's backto back defeats for Neil Duff who was joint top of the table remember at the start of play this afternoon both players finding just the one 180 piece when we come back Kieran tan takes on the exciting Andy Davidson [Music] he [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] welcome back to the action at the Champions week of the modor super series with Kieran Tian and Andy Davidson about to do battle after Neil duth was beaten he's been beaten twice as well so opportunities here for one of this pair to climb into the top two or at least level with Andreas Harrison and Rees Robinson at the top of the table it was a bad start for Kieran TI today he went down to the player at the bottom of the table yesterday went badly for Bradley but today ruse cannot lose two wins from Two for the young Dutchman one against high tower T and Davidson also bat in his opener by Andreas Harrison but a win here for either Player points and tied at the top I'll hand you back to Chris Mason and Matthew Edgar thanks Chris just to confirm that b Bellon did eventually get the better of Christian Kiss 65 57 up next Brendan Donan against Owen Bates another player we've seen plenty of coming back to this group c campaign it has been one of the most entertaining group C's in regards to the standard that we saw yesterday in regards to the amount of players that were level on points but are we going to see one of the most unlikely stories 85 that we have ever seen here at the Super Series Bradley Ro it still looks a thousand to one from where it is now but it's still possible certainly is mathematically Jan Murray says my IBL said I remember when 100 me uh was part of the Young Guns with Alex Roy no it was Steve Ro we made the final of the world teras going down to 84 Bob Anderson and Phil Taylor by a few legs 140 we talking about funny things that happen happened Keith Del was playing with Jamie Harvey and they had one of these big uplighter lights on the stage and everybody was pre-warned about there it is don't go anywhere near it h for one and obviously there's a hole in the stage oh there was this I think it was on Sky Sports obviously there this massive bang and crash and Jamie decided to have a wander around the stage and found himself going down the Ole and he require 78 Double 12 over to the sixes for Davidson it's not working for him at the moment on the finishes is it today typical of dark players rather than sort of be concerned about his health and safety and well everybody laughed their heads off nine Andy requires you're still laughing now M so I'm not surprised it was hilarious and that was I think that was 199 96 97 somewhere around there no score more Miss doubles there for DAV that's five in this leg and continuing that pattern Miss doubles that cost him the opening game shot on first leg leg that was a week long tournament I want to say it was second throw first game on and this is sort of difference in the way the sport is now we all got ,000 that was it 1,000 can't imagine that lasted you too long to be fair I think I spent it all that week8 CH Max goes to tian1 think about things falling off stages or through stages remember the opening night here at the Super Series when ad dark got lost down the smoke vents who was that was it was it Scott SC was it it was um Steven Burton Steven Burton berty yeah and the thing was we we knew we knew it'd gone down but we weren't quite sure where it was and the actual steps will slide out so well that night I think we went we just pull the steps out and there steps I think we had to post it to him CU he was playing in a big tournament somewhere 42 hearing your acquire 100 26 for a 2 nil lead going to start down on the 19s didn't have to do that with Davidson back on 322 but a lot of the time players just like to follow the patterns of what you traditionally go for 61 well talking of patterns the chat had 94 D in the last one he went down to Bradley they had Davidson in this one 79% Davidson Kier who's two n to the good third lag here gar he's averaging what he was averaging yesterday with two dots averaged 96 yesterday for the SE session averaging 64 today 83 it has been probably one of the longest weeks so you got to remember Andy Davidson has played this is a different test of his ability this is more of a marathon and he has been here all week this is day number five for Davidson who's already played 20 matches before any of the games today and are we just seeing a little bit of the fatigue starting to show itself 140 says did you ever play with Alex in perz cuz he's arguing with himself saying remembers you with him no Alex Roy never played in the world perss I don't believe was definitely me Steve Ro 132 119 Andy require 129 green says funny moment went to watch or went to V7 exterion darts Keith th face was asly covered in chalk I'm not sure what that means it just sounds horrific 97 Andy require 32 to his favorite double this time Andy Davis that is inviting not able to use the dart that is when you know things aren't going well when you can't play off a dart that was perfect for him and they the sort of shots he's been mopping up all week this would hurt if ton is able to land tops tops he's not so a reprieve here for Davidson he's already missed nine darts at a double in this match and gets one at the 10th time of Davidson he did this in the opening game then gave us a ironic celebration so it does go to show that he's already thinking where the problem lies and he's on the same track that we are and it's on the outer ring 100 a must win game for him to just keep Pace those may start to see a a bit of group separation like we've seen in group b last night 100 it's normally around this time where Group C really forms doesn't it we are now in our seventh cycle of fixtures there are 10 laps of fixtures to go in total R Robinson and Andreas Harrison to complete this cycle they're coming up next in a topof the table Clash 13 one player will have to reach 10 85 Jack Davey evening from Melbourne what a brilliant week of darts this has been spot on Jack 100 enjoying it alongside myself and Matt and Chris mury thoroughly enjoyable week and 45 these are the for in Champions week absolutely takes a lot of effort just to get through a group campaign here to get to this stage so this is also a bit of a reward for the players so as much as the stakes are high you can kind of just sort of settle into the week a little bit because it is one of those reward 121 get the opportunity to play for the big prizes here a substantial prize of course Β£25,000 double 147 for pretty much all the players this is a career high check 18 you require exclusion of Neil Duff No one's cashed more than 25 K game shot on a four flag Kieran leg away from getting the ball points on the board there and that would really Dent the chances of Andy Davidson because we said at the start of the day leg difference anything separating them if he is to lose this one quite heavy lost the opening game by four legs to two to a rival if he loses 41 42 again to a rival he could be in big big trouble well yeah because as you rightly said next up Robinson plays Harrison so one of them is going to go to 10 and then Harrison plays Tian who 60 if he wins here we'll also go to 10 which would mean he's then four points off the off the pace as far as as things stand you live Inplay table to see kantean with this score line in place moving into the top half of the table and just behind on leg difference 12 players in qualifying places is the top two reminder that do go through to Saturday 49 after six games Rees Robinson and Andreas Harrison just cannot be separated [Music] 99 not quite sure what's going on with Andy Davidson 10ed just shy of 12 opening game down it just shy of 81 here may look at the ball's eye here cuz he doesn't like the way that Dart is sat no he going to stay there found a way around what a dart does return back to the original oy position something I really like 80 I suppose to him being thatall for me and you we'd have to go severely left or right with him he can just dink it over the top get shot on a Andy David Andy Davidson does is he ironically gives it a sixth leg it's Andy to throw first second look game 140 also must to make a special mention for Charlie Corine who 43 refereed that Premier League final did a wonderful job of it as well 100 he's a member of the team here of course and has been for as certainly as long as I I can remember it 97 and our roommate of course 82 did the midnight travel didn't he he did doesn't want to miss out on any Champions week action 47 45 well a couple of minutes ago we were sort of looking at this looking at Tian coasting to Victory and this is just what this short format does I think at sometimes we don't really emphasize the point of how this short format can change and it's why people are drawn to the Super Series you well you know as well as I do you've played enough here it's even when you're 3-1 up you don't feel comfortable deal you don't think you know it's not like having a an 8-1 lead in a in a race to nine where you think I'm going to get one of these that is a way off though that first one but reies the situation in the end and we go to a on leg shootout how important will this be when we review the action at the end of the day game on this is a massive leg huge [Music] 81 100 this seems to have picked up the pace completely throwing a lot firmer moving around the oy a bit quicker he's getting a spring in his step 97 85 oh that is inviting all the room to the right hand side there a bit of shoulder in that one but super recovery forcing Davidson to find at least one big trouble he finds two that's a bonus both players delivering here find at least one treble in every visit under this sort of scrutiny on a Champions week good quality last fixture 47 there is the slip there's the opportunity now for Davidson and he is cashing it in the treble with the first start takes the pressure out of the situation knowing got the minimum requirement got that position where it's just singles now to guarantee a match start provided tition can't pull something off of the top shelf that's not going to happen so Davidson back for 76 just needs to straight on Dart one but finds the trouble 20 pins to double eight what a turn around that was yeah holds his hands up to say what quite sure what happened early on importantly for Davidson irrelevant how you've got there you've got there young man and you've got to eight points joining Robinson Harrison and a two-point lead over the the rest of the field 8.57 for T and 8310 for Davidson biggest game of the day so far coming up next as ree Robinson takes on Andreas Harrison [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he he [Music] [Music] [Music] a big match next here then at the live Lounge in Portsmouth on this Champions week two players that are trying to join Bo Greaves at finals night tomorrow for the biggest payday ever in this tournament Β£25,000 on the line and this jro occupy the top two in group C at the moment it's all about staying there now and one of them will with victory in this one nothing separating Andreas Harrison and REE Robinson at the moment but that will change but in whose favor we'll find out in the company of Matthew and Chris Mason thank you Chris yes something's got to give here between these two because at the moment they are locked together in every single metric first lag it's Reese to throw first game on I can't really split them neither can the chat they like 52% for one 48% for the other and I'm sure that's reflected in the betting 100 if we do look for little clues or indications one is the fact ree Robinson's got the throw so if it does go down to a last leg shootout that could be a crucial Factor yeah and that's where they go four to 510 to 11 it's a pick them isn't it he would Edge slightly towards the player with throw so far today three of the players on throw have got it done to hav 135 this game will complete the seventh lap of fixtures and then we're really in the business end it really is crunch time then the last three cycles of fixtures and there's still five people in with a genuine chance and Bradley Rose will he's not going down without a fight 96 absolutely not unfair play to him uh Joseph asked do I plan to play modus again Chris yeah well we both will at some point not sure if it's going to be this year my 129 Andreas you require jammed but I will say Never Say Never Matt is hoping to return if not 100 the next series probably the one after yeah it's looking like the one after he gone this way to ensure leaving tops favorite Target and straight in the middle no problems there for ree Robinson a comfortable 15 D hold to throw second lag it's UND to throw first solid one is opening game against Neil Duff 4-1 with a 95 average 14 15 Harrison got the better of Davidson a slightly out of sorts Davidson has to be said winning 42 he was slightly out of sorts in the last game but managed to get over the line against t Hunt 94 well this will be the final Saturday night that's what Alan Green thinks 60 could well be could be but first what the got have got there haven't they and at the moment get in the fight well they've got to make finals night this group's a long way from being done yet we're a long way from knowing the two qualifying players two from to today and then three from this evening in group b then we know our final six 123 Britain afternoon Chris M this is a Titanic game that reminds me of a funny thing you know you get a lot the time it's Americans who go around with a microphone and a camera in the street and they asked people questions and one one this one question they asked it to about 100 people random people off the street what was the name of the ship in the film Titanic oh dear 60 anyone know is using that's from Marcus 58 Condor are the flight and stem manufacturer aren't they or do they make darts Andre she requires 60 good question 40 re you require 160 well this would be not just a game changer but potentially a group changer Robinson not up to the task on this occasion 45 yeah double 10 for level game here's one for you here Matt I love doing this afternoon boys struggling with my throw uh throw a lot I use K Flex system I've cut down some flights size as the flight is different this will help with my accuracy surely okay thanks for passing that to me yeah brilliant so 100 it's it's hard to first of all diagnose something without seeing it that that's the first thing I'm going to say the next thing is in regards to cutting the flight down it's not always going to increase accuracy but it's going to change how the dart flies through the air and accuracy is not to do with the equipment or something that's finding something that suits your throw and the accuracy comes from within so if you're looking for stability and the dart to fly through the air more true you always want the bigger flight think of it like a parachute but we you would have had when we was younger Chris the remember the the army man on the parachute and chucking out the window and then go down and pick it up and then do it again we didn't have Xboxes 140 if you threw it out the window and the parachute didn't fully sort of expand and you didn't get that full Wings spin it used to spiral down and it used to twist and that's essentially what's happening when you throw the dart with the the smaller flight you get that spiraling and so there there's no stability to make it go into its Optimum aerodynamic qualities but just like the parachute man if the parachute didn't inflate it shot to the floor really quick MH the same with the dart the dart will fly through the air quicker so it's more to do with how the dart flies through the air rather than making you more accurate yeah your type of release your release Point your oy position your elbow position 139 it's all relative to the type of flight flight size stem size Point size General balance of the dart 81 it's all relative and absolutely impossible to diagnose or advise literally without seeing it you might as well tell me there's something wrong with your car and not let me plug it in game shot on the third leg trying to do it over the phone plenty information there for you to go for the if the approach Robinson was very happy with that one and he started to get animated now and when he starts to get animated he tends to get better one those rare qualities isn't it a lot of people need to keep that sort of tunneled vision that level of focus eyes on the prize but ree Robinson can sort of come in and out of it and that's probably why he struggles on the the floor events like the development tours or the the challenge tours which we've seen him on over the years because the environment in which they are played is sort of a silent environment played in Solo booths with maybe three people watching yeah Marcus 14 takes time to get used to darts find a pair that you can throw comfortably and stick with for a few weeks you're going to be right up against it using two I was going to do the same joke 92 uh here's a question which players bring the most darts equipment cases ex with tournaments P right quite a few isn't they sort of the dark they are they're like a lon's got one who comes in my Pub and it is we take the M of him it's like a small briefcase but it's actually a real D case 40 Andreas you require 167 yeah yeah 85 123 Andreas you require 82 42 R to require 146 not surprised to see him stay there that did look very inviting and it was a very quick thrown Dart which he was just trying to keep that feel and the the line all he's done there just caught the flight on the way in yeah was just trying to keep the weight of dark wasn't he like you say the line require 40 game shot of four flag Andreas Harrison Harry says he just explains what kind of points he's using and he says uh I know you can't advise without see but ium trying some bigger flights is a good shot yeah always always start um I always say start with a very neutral Barrel very some similar to what Reese is throwing 21 anybody can pretty much throw a set like that a medium siiz stem and a standard siiz fly and then just sort of work from there and again I used to I was one of these that if I see someone have go let me have a throw with those and they they think oh if that was a bit like that and that's the easiest way to do it rather than go out spending literally hundreds of pounds on stuff you may not need 68 just when you're down the pub just try other people's stuff well the what I did was I got a big standard flight and I started with that and I just trimmed the edges off little bit by little bit 100 I got to a size was happy and then said right what is available that is closest to that 41 this is a move being made here by Andreas Harrison now that maximum has put a bit of a gap between the pair and he has an extra throw on reys Robinson here 60 just crowds it couldn't find another treble but ree is going to need to find a couple here Andreas Harrison now will get six starts at 161 this is a break opportunity this is a big moment yeah and you have the darts in the next leg to serve this one out 125 a fantastic setup play as well there two big Power trebles to leave him on 36 there's nothing re Robinson can do right now to stop the breaker throw he's actually give Andre and another handful of darts should he need him six darts 36 points there was an argument there that with the extra throw that he didn't have to go for the double n Hungry Horse says would all or most of these players have tried for a tour card in January didn't Andreas go quite close 95 think Andreas Robinson went I don't think Andy Davidson went Neil def flag Andreas Harris sixth leg it's Andreas to throw first gameer Darius labow went to euq school he's coming up tonight he was very close just missed out by one point 6 and regards to the UK a few of them have gone but 43 a lot of people nowadays have alternate plans don't they they use ADC systems and they use the the Super Series rather than having that tour card route times have sort of changed haven't they where it's not the sort of be all and end all these days to have that tour card 4 won certainly a couple of years ago when Co hit if you didn't have a tour card you weren't really playing darts anymore there wasn't really alternative was there CH said he was last night some Talent last night's Cambridge Super League Team Knockout Martin Adams Dennis aror Brett clayon CLA Brook plus Scott Williams who plays in Wolf's team must have had other plans not sure if he's in this weekend's Euro tour or not [Applause] 108 Harrison has turned this one on its head Matt well the two moments aren't they and the two moments are maximums a maximum in the last leg to separate and a maximum again there and there is big big Separation on the scoreboard re Robinson's just got a cross his fingers and hope but he's going for the wrong double he's yeah I'm not sure what he thought he wanted I think he thought he was on 81 45 would have left 36 140 that makes sense require 61 but now he's actually let Reese Robinson get down to a finish now he's on dou 18 43 oh this would beage 158 but how distracting has that been for8 Andreas you require Nam dirty I just had it confirm that Andreas had a May at Q scool must have been the year before then I know one particular year he went ree was shaking his head a moment ago Andreas Harrison has made a mess of this he's had nine D speaking a mess of things it's all getting a bit messy 60 double two fourth visit to the board from 61 points here for Andreas Harrison and he finally gets over the line and Harrison something that ree Robinson expected to hear a long time ago was game shot in the match Andreas Harrison but he ended up having a couple of chances himself the 158 and then the 100 he blown the chance with the first start and Andreas Harrison looks a very very relieved man right now he dodged a bit of a bullet there that he going to put on for himself and that does complete our seventh cycle of fixtures with Andreas Harrison now top of the table on 10 points and we'll start our eighth lap of fixtures with Andy Davidson taking on Neil do [Music] h on a minute wow oh my God but that's under quid down the drain already itch him to hit the 180 he's gone for the [Music] [Applause] maximum 18 for the Bol bull 53 no he said bull that's a great first start from Adam look at this he's going to leave scap oh can you believe it that is [Music] unbelievable get match DS to put his team into the final and through to the final they go Charlie Murphy has hit the match winning D on both occasions double four for the [Music] title The please show your appreciation for the winner of the influencer pairs event George SCA and Adam lip [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] he seems to be uh he seems to be out that's what he is Charlie Mur a couple more visits yet we not going to need BOS is through and he's absolutely puzzled it was a game that face dominated [Music] throughout chion char [Music] [Applause] [Music] welcome back to the motor Super Series where the group C players have just three more matches each to secure their spot at Champions night tomorrow here is what's happened so far on a Friday fra with tension Bradley Roose a man at the bottom of the table didn't win a game yesterday he's won both of his matches so far today the same goes for Andreas Harrison who has climbed to the top of that table with victories over Andy Davidson and REE Robinson who is just below him in fact so is Davidson and he's in action next against Neil Duff who's found it tough going today a defeat here and there's a real separation between the top three and the rest of the field so an opportunity for Davidson to join Harrison on 10 points for Duff he really needs to win this to get to eight and reignite his campaign and maybe even keep his chances alive guiding you through all the action all week on Champions week Chris Mason and Matthew Edgar thank you very much Chris and well all the matches Now Matt seem to have a a bit of Jeopardy about them and as you said it's a stage on day two of Group C that things start to take a bit of shag it's Andy to throw first game on players start to get squashed at this opportunity it was a really good comeback victory in the last game from Andy Davidson and that really should give him some hope and encouragement going into this fixture with Neil Duff around this time yesterday was really throwing his Peak darts was averaging 10315 one of many Tess averages we have seen this week we've been spoiled by the 100 plus on Champions week but that's what we kind of expect when we put all the Champions together and get them to battle it out for [Music] 25,8 10th maximum of this group for Andy Davidson 95 but not his 10th of the week that is 22 now for the week for Andy Davis at 12 in his group a campaign 23 I suppose that's what makes it even more remarkable that Bo gree St doesn't it Andy Davidson on his fifth day of play is on 22 1880s Bo finished on Wednesday with 313 99 you require 48 daru well it's a mustn game 40 and you require 54 this is a problem when you lose your opening couple of games in this type of campaign you you can get bogged down a bit second leg it's Neil to throw first game on 100 100 100 95 100 and fairness nail up is one nail down but he is averaging N9 points higher than his opponent he was prior to that visit the 96 takes him to an average of 96 dff on 99 in the early stages and that's just a a bit of a marker [Music] 177 and 170 Duff has found his range in this match 43 NE you require 24 12 darts to leave Double 12 get the J done levels us up in probably third crucial f CU he's actually starting up lap number seven of fixtures it does mean that if he's to lose this game he'd have to sit back and watch other games before he gets a chance to impact It Again Bradley Rose versus ree Robinson and Andre Harrison versus Kenan are the other two fixes in this cycle 140 70 123 few Wild Ones today from Andy Davidson 85 I think what frustrating NE old Duff here is the fact that he's had that good strong leg and then doesn't follow it up kind of feel that's been something that's come around a few times here for Neil Duff 60 and he require 100 60 97 and he require 40 for Davidson that could be tricky that's why we don't see him on this target too often yeah cuz he's got to pick a side hasn't he no score you could see how he just couldn't get past it the darts just laying on top of the dart that was already in place Ball's eye to break the throw 94 and he require 40 another opportunity for Davidson but same Third Leg Davidson Andy Davidson halfway to get in the job done four flag it's Neil to throw first pointing difference in the averages does still stay there around about a 9-point gap but when we look at the points that's the most important thing when we move to the table and as things stand live in play table sees Andy Davidson joint top and that means a second position means he will be in a qualifying place should he win this game temporarily at least 140 no would dislodge ree Robinson out of a qualifying place for Saturday night 92 we certainly didn't expect to be saying he would have had a game over Rees Robinson ree Robinson coming up next against Bradley Rose who despite being bottom of the table it might not be as pretty reading as you think because he's actually two from two today in the winning column 58 on the back of that Rees Robinson in the last game had his worst performance of the week by a significant margin until the last game worst game was a 94 he AED just 77 in defeat 38 we requ coming down to to just timing of on throw at the moment for Davidson there still a massive void the numbers ultimately is David Davidson who's just got his nose in front I don't know for how much longer 59 near you require 20 G shot on the four flag new fifth flag it's Andy to throw first game 58 they will need to break the throw at some point and there's no better time than when you see your opponent kick off with a treess visit 108 and then he fills it up sign of a player who has won big titles 58 aware of the situation 100 it's got to be a Max somewhere for 140 get that advantage of throw back or big mistake from dff which 2 just presented itself he finds the trouble could ideally do another only down to 145 not sure if that's going to be enough 58 I'm amazing s for trouble 18 how he edited he left a a straight turn 87 NE you require 135 start on the ball that could be awkward if he gets the treble 20 we'll see what he does he has to move to the right hand side 110 wasn't able to and require 58 get the required dip to get around the dart just like earlier that D just blocks him out of tops if he just hits that top wire Neil Duff this would be the opportunity he'd have been expecting to have when he kick started this leg with a Max G FL clean that's the breaker throw he'll now walk straight down the oi and return to try and get the job done that for me is my favorite time to break yeah and he's 96 well when you look at the numbers and all the stats he's has been by far the better player but two M starts at top would have given Davidson the 3-2 lead and the advantage 100 96 60 hardly anything here to separate the players 79 just one more big moment for Duff should give him an opportunity that sat beautifully in the board be expecting to fill 140 45 now you require 105 still got an opportunity here he's looking at the treble 18 but just two points scored doesn't do too much damage three no just three require 141 I was going to say that'll be some Savor 89 near you require 102 just the one treble same equation as last time would give him a match D he's not going to get one from 105 he's had six darts he still not yet down to a double that could be the problem for Neil Duff at the back end of this game 36 but he's going to get a 48 tops to get the job done double 10 gets it done in the end finds the target gets that all important RN remember he'd lost his opening two matches that was a huge game for Neil Duff to win and he keeps himself well in the mix 88 the average in the end below power performance for Andy Davidson 79. 6111 180 a piece when we come back excuse me Bradley Roose against Reese Robinson [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] welcome back this group C continues to be close and unpredictable we come to the halfway match of the final day of it and still nobody out of contention but that will change officially Bradley Roose will be eliminated with defeat against ree Robinson here however Roose has won both of his games on Friday Robinson looking to bounce back to his loss to Andreas Harrison a couple of games ago that's left the swed at the top of the table and reached now one of three players on eight points in that battle for the top two and hand you back to our com Duo for this one Chris Mason alongside Matthew Edgar thank you very much Chris and well my agar I think this is worked out all right for ree Robinson a real quick turnaround didn't have too much time to Stew on a little bit of a lackluster performance against Harrison and he gets the opportunity straight away first leg to bounce back and join Harrison on 10 points and into a qualifying position absolutely the danger though is he's playing a guy that's probably full of confidence right now with Bradley Roose winning two from two a player who knows that he has to beat ree this is must win for Bradley who can only reach 10 if he does lose this then mathematically he is gone but at the moment we've not been able to mark a pen any other players and we are entering our eighth cycle yeah yeah and he's playing a guy who is playing or should be playing with absolute freedom8 just out some wonderful information we did pick up early on that they looked different to the darts we'd seen him us 140 these ones had just been finish being made and he got them 3 days before traveling to the Super Series we was say there's a time and a place to try new things well this is the perfect opportunity isn't it man he's played really well with them today hasn't he it has been a improved performance so I'm pretty sure he's going to be playing with these moving forward but what a start this is Ree Robinson you said it's a good time for him to come straight back out and try and bounce back after that dis disappointing result and performance in the last game n he was looking there at potential 11 yeah ton 180 180 finds the nine doesn't find the double 16 with darts two and three or darts 11 and 12 re require 32 Robinson massively fancied this one by the chat in the poll 7 6% the first leg Reese Robinson M he's one from five and that was first leg D I think the thing for Reese though that would be encouraging for him is to have refound those maximums 280s and you see there the reaction he was expecting another one there3 he did hit 12 180s yesterday averaging 0.42 180s leg so far today I say only hit two until this match but for re that would be quite a significant drop off just 11 180 a game on average well we did ask you on Monday in the chat of as we mentioned specials week returns next week and it's women's week um a mix Paris competition seemed very popular how would you like to do that M I'd like to see the 12 men's name in a hat the 12 women's name in a hat and then randomly drawn together for the week yep mixed pairs week would be good still really want to fly the flag of vintage week or retro week yeah retro week's the one a week on an old board the chat have been clambering for a young players week so I'm thinking right in retro week we'll have six 16 to 58 21 year olds and then six 50 in overs 42 reia require 86 doesn't need to go 18 on Bol and I'm a little bit surprised to see that he didn't opt to go for the double 18 there knowing that ree likes his double double attempts he's left himself on his favorite here and he's going to have time at it at least six starts 56 re require 40 game shot on the second leg to go third Dart bumping in off darts one and two third lag It's Bradley to throw first game we said we expect Bradley to be playing with freedom at the moment but there is a lot of shoulder shrugging isn't there a lot of movement a lot of flexing at the moment maybe just 140 not quite as free as we expected yeah it doesn't look particularly comfortable in this one did pick up he was 100% on the doubles in his opening game and that was where we really took note of the performance and what might be ahead for Bradley Rose today 58 not missed a double here may not have had a go at one but he's not missed one 140 the other thing to remember is that entertainment is bigger the higher up the table you finish so even though defeat here would mean he couldn't qualify he still want to get as high as he can to make sure he takes the sizeable check a little bit of bonus money 105 96 re require 116 100 Bradley require 149 well first sort of chance that Bradley's had here to try and win a leg it is a big shot and it's not one that's going to go so ree Robinson looking very comfortable for a second break of throw game shot on the third leg Reese Robinson just all a bit cruise control at the moment for Reese Robinson four flag it's Reese to throw first game Mar 6 and a half minutes 3-0 up 43 81 100 Victory here for Reese would moveing back into the top two 85 top two are your qualifying places we remind you of all those possibilities as the day goes on my Reckoning if he wins it here 4-0 he goes top 108 [Music] 125 Bradley require 155 what a six start conversion this would be would have been 335 in six instead he leaves himself quite handy re require 93 ree Robinson 93 points away from provisionally going top of the table game shot and Bradley was nodding alongs and he was right to do so he expected it to go and we got the roar there from reys Robinson he knows what he's just achieved there great bounce back after losing with what had been the worst performance so far of the week he then bounces back with an average of 98.56% of qualifying here this week and Reese Robinson temporarily goes top of the table at the expense of Andreas Harrison who'll be looking to get that straight back when he takes on Kier andan [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] well on this Champions week we know two things so far Bo Greaves will be at finals night on Saturday Bradley Ruth won't be that defeat th Rees Robinson finally condemning him to what we kind of knew before a d was thrown today uh but Kieran Tian could pretty much be effectively ruled out of the race with a defeat to Andreas Harrison here who would take a giant stride towards being in the Saturday showpiece himself victory for the SW would take his point s to 12 crucially four clear of the players in third and fourth the top two go through and he may well be one of them and our top two are still in the commentary box so I'll hand you back to mace and Matt thank you very much Chris yeah a big game like we said before the last one they all feel Andreas there something on them Kieran for his outside chances of qualifying from here still possible of course Andreas has a real opportunity now to pretty much get the job done 12 andas at the completion of this one we'll have Neil Duff to play and Bradley Roose [Music] 97 ree Robinson now gets a a bit of a break which again I think that scheduling just worked out perfect for him 55 he pretty much straight back up on after the disappointment of losing to Harrison and bounc back well with a 4-n win over Bradley and now he can just sit back and just chill for a bit couple of updates from the Netherlands Mickey Manel oh no we'll go to Brendan Dolan because I didn't get that one out there Dolan beat Bates 63 98 Mickey mans will beat Will O Conor 62 and zoval and puuha they are currently locked up one a piece earlier wins for Don Taylor Richie require Jeffrey graph Van Bon 18 first leg 15 D hold of throw one nil well that quite a significant result for Brendon Dolan because for the World Cup between him and Daryl gurny isn't it they're battling out for that place and at the moment Brendan Dolan just ahead 140 is is this the last one or I believe I think this is the cut off isn't it and then tomorrow as it stands Daryl gurny would need to find around about 3,000 so he'd have to win his game while Brendan Dolan lost at the next round stage if they both win it's still in Dolan's favor so he has to outperform Dolan by around 137 see you all partner debutant Josh Rock representing Northern Ireland big fan of the rock winner of the PDC World youth championships of course that was last year wasn't it [Music] 138 or was it the year before Josh Rock won that I can't remember they all blend into one some response Dirty Harry Kieran your require 76 G shot on a second leg Kieran TI great response really from Tian there whose chances are getting a bit limited now in regards to qualification but still chance he still in with the opportunity only Bradley Rose has been eliminated from proceedings 43 good good match so far this one 15 DOT hold for Andreas backed up with a 15 DOT hold from Kieran [Music] 95 140 140 uh can K not make it to finals night well he can but he has to win all of his games from here any news on when Steve R going to return August I think we spoke to Steve this week that's when the planned return is he will also be playing in the Welsh open that we played in england1 a WF silver ranked event maybe iron up a return to Lakeside 55 Andreas you require 140 Steve brother of course a former winner of the World Masters and a runner up 80 interesting one here from Johnny question m without a few ALS how do you throw darts like you don't care but you really do finding it hard to translate practice DS into match DS that's all about just putting yourself under it it will become second nature and four flag almost answered your own question in the question yeah something I deal with on a regular basis actually that's a very common question why do I play well in practice but I don't in a game and a lot of that will be down to the fact that there are two versions of yourself so what we do is we work through and try and align that so that we only have the one version of you which is the dart player essentially 140 totally agree stman Ali Just confirms Yep this is the last one for the World Cup of darts 43 do you have any particular favorites for that at the moment Matt I do think Northern Island's going to be a very tricky customer to beat think they're going to 140 cause some upsets but you can't look any further than England or Wales that's that's my pick 80 ging you require 87 Al wouldn't shock me if I know Peter did finish bottom of the Premier League but some of his performances were very good in spells and we know how well Gary's playing at the moment they could be a bit of a 9 a dark horse you know yourself PE is a completely different Beast which is why people want to see it here on a specials week Flag Great leg there from T 13 darta ball just going with throw fifth flag it's Andreas to throw first G will we re see a return of Glenn durren or his nephew Jamie 12 I think of late Glenn's been playing some tidy stuff certainly hearing whispers that exhibition games he's been playing he's playing very well 43 ethn says I play the same in practice as a game so do I mate rubbish 140 I would say though I don't think we will see obviously Glenn could say completely opposite but I I don't think we would see him here at Super Series again not as a player all right okay now I've said that I'm sure he'll be just that Spite absolutely probably play a full week knowing that 39 Andreas you require 56 solid both players here on throw only nine darts thrown here from Harrison to have him on a nice little two Dart combination 36 Athan says Brendan Dolan will make it someone who can look into the future or fortunate enough to have a crystal ball well the real interesting thing here is the chap 89% in favor of Andreas Harrison that's the strongest result we've had all day it certainly is in terms of voting he moves 32 in front that was a leg 14 D well Ethan says Brendan Dolan will make it and then says is it not possible for Mickey Manel to make it no because You' just said Brendan Dolan will and Mickey Manel can't overtake Rock so no Micky can't do it 105 before you press that enter button it's sometimes best to read what you've typed 140 100 140 would half his score 100 Kieran you require 156 pattern of play just continues the play of throwing first looking so so solid he's going to get six darts here 100 here will we see Paul Nicholson as a player at the mod of again do you think I think so yeah beautiful setup play there from Harrison and this could be a fatal blow if Kenan cannot take out the 56 game shot on the flag Kier real big Dart there from Tian another hold to throw but he's going to have to break that that's not broken for the last six legs GBC Savage says we did this gag well Matt did if it's 89% Harrison and 10% tition 83 is it 1% Luke ller 45 58 97 no Derek's done on the world rankings of the top two from each country so at the moment for England that's obviously Luke hum the current world number one and Michael Smith and it's not even close no we're talking over 400,000 difference between the next player which would be Nathan Aspen his first Reserve then Rob cross Dave chisnell Doby Smith Cullen bunting gilding s Wade then we get to Luke l so he's 13th Reserve at the moment can play0 I'm sure we will be at some point but this could be the end for Kieran Tian 140 result that will have Harrison on the top of the table 140 Andreas you require 20 game shot and the match Andre Andreas Harrison gets it done and he does move to the top of the table in the first player to breach the 12 points play8 one six lost just the two matches now legs W 127 plus eight in the leg difference very tidy performance 9795 couple of 18 is in there very clean finishing four from seven and a high 106 when we come back Bradley Roose takes on Andy Davidson [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] welcome back to Champions week here at the modus Super Series where Group C is nearing its conclusion let's take a look at what's happened so far and the remaining fixtures for today well Bradley ru's got off to a good start his campaign is over after a terrible day yesterday where he failed to pick up a win but it's Andreas Harrison who is sealing a March now at the top of the table a victory against Andy Davidson followed by one against ree Robinson and the 43 win against Kieran Tian puts him a very good position at the top of the table he is four points clear of third place Davidson and fourth place Neil Duff and that is a very very strong position considering there only four points to play for for each of the players left in this group Reese Robinson sitting in between them as well they are the provisional top two looking to progress through to finals night where Bo Greaves is of course already there the action getting underway here on the modor Super Series YouTube channel from 7:30 p.m. tomorrow night don't miss that don't miss Group B tonight either 10 p.m. to see which three players will fill the finals night field but it looks like Harrison has put one foot there himself if that is the case then the rest of the day might be about seeing who will join him and Chris Mason and Matthew edar are on hand to guide you through all the action thank you very much Chris yeah I've got a feeling it's going to be reys Robinson he had a little bit of a wobble but seems to have recaptured the form or the good form he has shown out before him will be Andreas Harrison against Neil Duff and I'm pretty sure that ree Robinson will be cheering Andreas on in that one and then he goes out against Tian who a player we be playing who will be fully aware that to throw first pretty much his campaign is done undusted the whole group could be done undusted in this lap of fixtures if the results go the way of the players at the top the top two would be Reese Robinson Andreas Harrison which would mean after all the two in and throwing the backwards and forwards the ins and the outs and the twists and the Turns The Bookies ultimately would have been correct in who would be the top two yep Andy Davidson has two to play this one and a match against Rees Robinson and if the results go 140 the way of Andy Davidson that match against Robertson could be a sh straight shootout for a position number two in a qualifying position for tomorrow night 58 55 59 97 59 Andy require 109 game shot of first leg Andy Davidson let's finish there for Andy Davidson who that probably is what let him down at the start of the day that sort of put him in this must win now position but he is growing into it just like he has the other days as well he's certainly a player I want to see more of may get to see more of him after today but he's going to have to rely on results that are not only in his hands to rely on Tian beating Robinson 100 someone saying it it' be nice to see Terry Jenkins back yes Fair a bit of darts at the moment when he's not playing with his antiques he has done a WF events as well very popular on the exhibition circuit yeah I think he plays a bit of the ADC stuff as well doesn't he 60 140 and you require 107 both players bags of for what do you think it is a case of just experience and honing their skills yeah 60 experiences vit 40 all scenarios and situations and that's why Bradley Rose would have been very beneficial for his time here at Champions weeky Davidson it's a long way from being over yes it's a must-win situation but the win here will put Third Leg It's Bradley just outside the qualification places and only on leg difference [Music] 18 43 45 leore asks Chris what's your favorite story of a dark player predicting they were going to win a tournament and winning it I presume they mean um and there was one with Eric I can't remember what year it was where he said um he was being interviewed and whoever was an interview him asked him what he thought his chances of winning were and he said ask me ask them they know they know they can't win um I think Peter wght when he won the match he was absolutely adamant probably for two months in the buildup to that and it was one of the most dominant match play Bradley require 55 victories I can sort of remember in the modern era game shot a third Third Leg Bradley R I think with the test of time that world match play Campaign will be talked about for many many years as one of the best of all time in terms of tournament wins yeah I agree it was it was quite remarkable 53 I mean Eric used to predict he was going to win every tournament so more of than not in his pump he was [Music] right 58 140 yeah that tournament we're talking about with regards to Peter Wright 58 his campaign started with a 102 demolition of Danning oper where he averaged 100 an 115 against Joe Cullen with a 105 a half a 167 win over Michael Smith 100 with 10037 a 1710 win over mvg with 11037 and then an 189 win over Demitri with 105.9 Billy bonker's numbers those 122 Bradley required 20 game shot on a four flag Bradley won't go away will he Bradley Roose he start of the day without a win he picked up a couple of those spoiling a few people's chances to say that Captain spoiler he could spoil the chances of Andy Davidson here if he is to beat Andy Davidson there will then be an opportunity for a big gap to appear at the top of the table a gap that he wouldn't be able to catch 85 I think when I beat Barney at the at the worlds it was one of the only was literally so sure there was never any doubt in my mind just love to bottle that and have a little sniff and a sip every now and again 100 could probably sell it for a lot of money as well that Kingsley thinks lit's Head and Shoulders better than those above him 44 okay I would suggest there's a fact paper between most of them someone else do we think we see Adrian Lewis pick darts up again yeah I do still very young in darting terms 58 I think if he continues to remain absent throughout this year maybe next year when he or maybe the year after when he plans to go through the rebuilding process that's where Maybe he would use this as the perfect vehicle a week down here would be perfect for him 102 perfect for us as well I'd love to see Adrian Lewis in action down here well he'd have he'd have the time and the matches to really work on his game as well Bradley ruse moves 3-2 up here this would be a disaster for David to throw first gar and on the other hand it wouldn't shock me if Adrian didn't play any competitive darts ever again I know he's enjoying his time away 59 a ton of weight doesn't he and looks really well very happy seen him not too long ago enjoying doing the exhibitions and just playing without pressure got remember he was one of these prodiges wasn't he and he was under the 140 wing of Phil Taylor and had massive amounts of pressure on him to produce 98 mind just sticking your head out the door there Chris and just asking Jack gar to tone his 180 down It's upsetting John Glover oh so sorry John you do have Bing control 92 well speaking of upsetting people Bradley Rose might be about to upset Andy Davidson here if he can find just one treble 60 Davidson on eight points this will be after nine games played if R Robinson beats Tian in a game's time that will mean Davidson is out so big big moments here for Andy 60 and he require back troubless visits though from Bradley Roose might have just give the reprieve that Andy needed game shot on a sixth leg Andy David some clutch finishing rley Davidson looks to be enjoying himself final It's Bradley to throw first Ken Gregory said gob's cool is legendary well we don't call him Gob for nothing 100 enjoys a 177 as well doesn't he jack Garwood a referee 41 60 he just tried to power that one through didn't he ended up just yeah well what you you know you're going to get some form of deflection so you think well if I just put a bit of extra on it Davidson's put a bit of extra source on that well in the context of where this match is and not just this game the context of the group and the week and everything that Andy Davidson has done to find a maximum in that situation again gives us more information about just how quality this player is first one in the match and shows he's got timing as well as presence 100 Andy require 14 145 to pull one out of the Hat 125 brilliant well he started the leg with a 41 he's then found 1801 13512 five to leave 59 requ after 12 game sh double 10 he finds what a superb final lag for Andy Davidson he keeps his hopes alive Harrison still on top on 12 Robertson on 10 Davidson on 10 Neil Duff on eight and it's Neil Duff who's up next against Andreas [Music] Harrison on a minute wow oh my God that's under quid down the drain already itching to hit the 180 he's gone for the maximum [Applause] 18 for the ball ball 53 no he said bull that's a great first out from Adam W look at this he's going to leave scap oh can you believe it that is [Music] [Applause] unbelievable get match darts to put his team into the final and through to the final they go Charlie Murphy has hit the match winning dart on both occasions double four for the [Music] title The please show your appreciation for the winner of the influencer pair event George SCA and Adam [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] lip he seems to be uh he seems to be out that's what he is Charlie [Music] M A couple more visits yetos is through get absolutely buzz it was that dominated [Music] throughout the influen Champions char [Music] [Applause] [Music] y all on the line then now here at the Modo Super Series Andreas Harrison is a win away from securing a sport at Champions night tomorrow Victory here for the supered would see him through to the Super Series Grand Final but Neil Duff needs to win this match for his own reasons defeat for Duff would condemn him to elimination from the tournament Andy Davidson and REE Robinson above him play each other so he would not be able to claw back the deficit if he lost this one but if he does win then well there's only two points between the top four so it really is a game that will determine the way that this group is going to end guiding you through every Twist and Turn Chris Mason and Matthew edar thank you very much Chris yeah this is massive for both as you say to keep Neil Duff in the race to qualify for tomorrow night's finals night in Champions week and for Andreas is just to secure his spot he does have one more game to play after this one against Bradley Roose which you would with all due respect expect him to win 66 interesting to see what the chat thinks of this one there is a poll available have a vote have you say at the moment after a couple of minutes of voting they go 73% Andreas Harrison M well if they are correct that'll be one player confirmed through from this group one 14 Harrison is there in regards to points at the moment he just the legs that he can be caught on 125 so this morning I don't know around 9ish just said talk sport 9:30 talking everything Luke ller who 140 on the moon for the past 24 hours if you didn't know he won the Premier League and someone put a comment in there just everyone's just got to leave him alone well I want to know who's not leaving him alone what does what does that mean I don't think people are camping outside his house like 55 is he not meant to do a press conference or people who work in the media not meant to talk about his achievements if we didn't 14 I remember the the thing with said it perfectly they weren't talking about Luke Humphrey's winning the worlds they were talking about Luke liter not winning the worlds and losing in the final yeah all I heard was why isn't Luke humph getting his duude as you know his second lag it's Andreas to throw first he you props so I was like yeah absolutely so they what did they get too much or not enough or we discuss all that don't we on the documentary that's available right now the modor Super Series YouTube channel make sure you go check that out at the end of play today is a very well put together piece where speak to a a lot of names within the sport and get a lot of opinions on the story and the rise and the 43 experiences I find interesting that everybody the exception of Wayne mardle didn't understand Gary Anderson's point which was 100 that we're responsible for not putting too much pressure on Luke ller shoulders and that's what Gary was saying just let him develop let him evolve and let him grow you can tell this is a must-win game really for Neil Duff cuz he's playing it with such focus and determination that we haven't seen on him all day 140 yes he's been up there trying to win but this is like he knows this is knockout darts version Neil Duff game shot on a second [Music] leg was a an 18 holding leg one 12 D breaker throw there it's Neil to throw first game on well it's also worth noting here purely on the fact that how well Neil Duff is playing said leg difference is the only thing you can really catch Andreas Harrison on a danger here that if duve continues like this he could be taking quite a significant leg difference loss y uh love the dart says after next week when will be the next women's week oh I don't know may not have one for a couple of years got lots of specials to do after done the double start week Double Trouble doing women's week next week 41 in I don't know what is planned for do you know you might know what's plan for the next special week has it been I don't know I'm don't have that information which is why we keep asking for suggestions see if we can pick the interest of the people that make those decisions can tell you what it won't be it won't be upside D dartboard darts that's not happening it won't be score on the doubles finish on the troubles darts that's not happening trampoline darts was he yeah I don't think we're going to do trampoline darts 60 140 Andreas you require 12 has to go for Andreas Harrison and a wayward D maybe just feeling the severity of the situation that Neil putting on him you requ 43 three Andreas that miss going to be G shot on the third leg Andreas Harrison four flag it's Andreas to throw first gar you sort of lose the pattern at times I think Andreas Harrison was waiting to you got called to throw first Sometimes when you embroiled in a battle you forget the play yeah you get just caught up and lost in the moment at the same time I've had it before where you just Lally your brain fogs over and you can't remember whose throw is a sign that Andreas Harrison is firmly in the zone he's where he needs to be in order to try and turn this one around Derek Carlson says only left-handers week no Derek they should be banned no left-handers 83 100 says staff week only MSS staff playing now we're trying to encourage viewers 100 Andreas you require 142 seeing this few times today haven't we someone race into a 2-n lead and end up getting it clawed back 90 yeah we have mentioned many times the Jeopardy of the best of best of seven race to four 45 never feel 52 totally comfortable Isabelle said I got 43s day I'm not sure that's a good idea fif flag it's Neil to throw first game can you gamble on the women only week yeah why wouldn't you 93 every player here falls under the aices of the Dr identical to that of the players who play in the PDC 41 100 140 128 forcing Andreas to find at least a a two trouble visit here 58 140 says on a more real note maybe an ADC week where only ADC qualifiers play well that's where the understanding of the commercial element of this business is sometimes a little misunderstood it's like saying well we'll do a we do a premier league with 20 just challenge tour players we need that mix of well-known players and new players coming through 100 near we required 20 game shot on a fifth flag Neil big F that for Neil do just stops the rot he was two nil up he got it brought back wasn't really offering too much resistance to that comeback either for Andreas Harrison so big leg there P doin gives him two opportunities now to get a vital two points and just keep Andreas Harrison 100 in the mix going into that final lap of fixtures we said we expect this to come down to that final cycle 140 it may well do so re Robinson next last game in this lap of fixures taking on Kieran Tian yeah I agree I think it's going to come down 100 potentially to that game between Davidson and Robinson 140 I think Andreas is in 125 possibly the prime position because his final match with all due respect is against Bradley ruse who's 140 has picked up a couple of wins today but he will obviously be probably just going through the motions 85 near you require 81 BL for the match fine way there fil Duff to get the job done it was a game that played in blocks of two you Duff took the 2-nil lead before it came back to 2-2 and Duff getting over the line an incredible 11 Dar there to get the job done pick up the 4-2 success over Andreas Harrison who confirmation to Champions week Saturday night is not yet confirmed we still have plenty more to play and Neil Duff has put himself in the mix Rees Robinson though will be hoping to get to 12 points when he takes on Kier andan next [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] well it's been a day in group C where there's been a lot of tension a lot of edginess on that super series stage and the players haven't really as a rule been able to repeat the quality that they produced yesterday but Neil Duff did manage that with that brilliant 11 data to defeat Andreas Harrison the tabl topper in the previous match and that keeps things very tight between the four players in contention to go through Harrison on 12 points and the three behind him on 10 including ree Robinson who has two games left crucially it could yet prove too little too late for NE Duff of course if Robinson wins up and Harrison wins his final match and he still won't be able to qualify but as things stand Duff Davidson Robinson and Harrison all in the race and it is entering its final lap talking you through it Chris Mason and Matthew edar thank you Chris yeah still plenty to play for and I'm with you there was an element of flamboyance and freedom yesterday afternoon today things have been a lot more edgy we could well have a moment end of the day when Neil takes on Kier and and well he will hope that that's still alive rubber I don't think it will be 58 well the good thing here for re Robinson he's one of the rare players that's got in his own hands yeah and that's the big Advantage right now he doesn't need other results he doesn't need anything to go his way he just needs to go up there and do his own thing and if he does win his games he'll win the group or get through the group should I say 140 96 we do have a live vote available on the chat you can let us know who you think's going to win race Robinson or tan just one press8 way ree Robinson has started this one I'm sure a lot of you will be pressing ree Robinson when he gets those 180s firing 58 hit him like the best 63 dou 16 game shot on a first a little surprised CU we know how much he loves tops but loves double 16 equally second leg it's K to throw first opening leg on throw only giving T and four visits to the board 140 100 60 results of that poll going 68% in favor of ree Robinson another Max oh that was beautifully created I wanted just a case of following in the other two and slamming it in 82 some start to the match this from Robinson showing you all why we fed him as a major Outsider 108 16 to1 at the start of the week 9 to one at the start of today just doesn't seem to be coming in re acire surprising three maximum so far for ree Robinson in this one he's looking to get the breaker throw 25 gear and you require 160 another leaves tops what a steal that would have been that's one of those moments that's just a little bit unsettling isn't it when you stood at the back swallow hard the second leg look at that reaction he's chuffed a bit to have got over the line in that one made re to throw first game you stand behind the player and you look go oh don't do that oh no if you may it goes in after missing the second art say come on he's expects a Max every time now he has had three maximums so far in this game and for the week0 he has hit 19 this is game number nine so it's hit more than two a match on average pretty much the same ratio as Bo Greaves 96 I think if it comes to a game Reese Robinson Bo Greaves you've got to go with the over Market on the 180s haven't you that's what it equates to an average of 109.2 4 and you could forgive Kieran tan for feeling that this might be fighting a losing battle when he's had one a double and that was on the back of that 160 attempt 131 57 re you require 134 94 just feels so likely regardless of the target for re Robinson just hitting everything around the board was a 13 Darter in the last leg he's on for a 13 Darter again game shot on a third leg Reese Robinson one away for moving on to 12 points and temporarily taking the top of the table spot four flag it's to throw first maintaining the big numbers here 105 the average going to see yet another T plus out 95 by my quick maths 17 darts or less and I think he should finish with a t plus average 77 Jo says ree has really grown into this week got to be favorite for the week about growing into it opened his campaign with a 106 57 he's only really had one game in which he slipped and that was game number two today open with at 106 and the lowest average he had yesterday was a 94 100 and only once as he come out of that sort of mid 90 range that was game number two today where he slipped into the 70s very temporarily and came back and hit in a big performance winning 4-0 100 139 well we've seen a lot of big finishes so far this week but we haven't seen the biggest one of them all the 170 and I'm sure the man who calls himself the Highlight Reel he going to want to do that to put himself top of the table with one to go how many nicknames does he have about 71 AO 135 give or take or 58 I did suggest one but not sure he the juice re require 35 Robinson oh yes to put the squeeze on the group just tries to open up the target gets the job done and look what that means the Rees Robinson he'll believe that that is pretty much job done and well with one La of fixture to go and a cushion of two points from the chasing pack certainly the leg difference now heavily in the favor of Reese Robinson who temporarily will hit the top spot with one round of fixtures for everyone to go Andreas Harrison will kick that off when he takes on Bradley Ro Lo [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] welcome back to the modor Super Series where reys Robinson has not only just shot himself to the top of the table but I can confirm he has qualified for finals night for Champions night that 4-nil win was actually the only outcome that would have seen him qualify with a game to spare he managed to get it against Kier and T and very very good performance his second 4-nil win of the day in fact and that leg difference now is going to be too big for Andy Davidson and Neil Duff to claw back and Andreas Harrison is looking to join him if he can beat Bradley Roose in the game about to get underway on the Super Series stage then the swed will join sugar Reese Robinson at Champions night and the last couple of games will one more be a Victory Parade for ree Robinson and Neil Duff and Kieran and we'll be thinking about what might have been but Harrison still has work to do as do Chris Mason and Matthew edar thank you very much Chris well by our calculations Andress doesn't need to win the match but does need three legs to ensure qualification it's one of those situations isn't it where if he does lose he needs to lose as tight as possible because the players behind him would then need 4-nil victories we said it might come down to legs and it still could the easiest thing for Andre Harrison to do is get the job done here win the game and that's it we know three players we got half of our lineup 100 win here on throw makes the final two games and the pittion involved all are relevant it'll be job done 60 some quality players already going to have lost down 96 the get it's double session day here at the Super Series we're back tonight 10:00 make sure you subscribe hit that Bell you get a notification as soon as we go live tonight you will not miss a d and we will give you a rundown of all the results from Euro tour 7 in the Netherlands that's been underway today Dom Taylor getting a win Richie edos Jeffrey degraph van Von Brendan Dolan Mickey Mansel zonal only beat puuha 65 and Andrew gilding beating Damen all by the same score line 65 365 tonight James Wade In Action Joyce Marino Blom Mike de deer against Kevin dutes Joe Cullen against water Mina Ryan Miko Luke widows baral against Cameron men's wow call ridz against div B and Demitri the big German giant Gabriel kellens and we will give you a rundown of results from this evening or just join pdct TV it's so cheap that you know that PDC TV like 50 year6 address you require 67 and then when that's over which it will be prior to us going on there well it's a proper day and night of Dan 27 Bradley require 148 100 every leg that Andre harison picks up he's going to feel like a dagger for Neil Duff and Andy Davidson so they'll be delighted at the fact he's just missed three DS requ 48 that back room we'll all be wanting Bradley to take this and this could be one of the most unconventional 48 checkouts and is 32 Andreas you require 20 busy schedule for THE PLAYERS I've said the Dutch darts championships in Ross Maron taking place today tomorrow and Sunday and and a week today the US darts masters from the Madison Square Gardens in New York gets underway second lag It's Bradley to throw first then game on 7th and e8th of June coenen Denmark that's on TV I will be covering that one the Nordic darts Masters then a week later well in between that you've got a couple of pro a couple of Players Championships then the Euro tour qualifier and then we're off to Poland for the Poland darts Masters again free to Air on itv4 it's just non-stop for him is it it's on to another Euro tour 27th to the 30th of June the World Cup and then the big buildup to my favorite Tournament of the year the world match play 13th to the 21st of July if you don't have Sky Sports then you can 100 listen in on talk sport via the app and don't get if you do get your PDC TV you can and you're outside the UK you can watch all of that as well 100 wish I could watch all the boxing for 50 Quid a year do you know how much the boxing cost me to have in the pub last weekend oh four fig 500 quid 100 Bradley require 170 it cost me four figures a month to have sky in the P 100 Andreas you require 160 60 Bradley requires 70 single to double oh he's missed the board he can't believe it just starting to boil over the frustration for Bradley Rose oh and now he's busted all over the place require what could go wrong has gone wrong this is where someone normally hits a top stps against you and makes you feel terrible 80 Bradley requires 70 opportunity to put it right here for Bradley and he's all over the place 45 Andreas you require 20 game shot on a second leg Andreas Harrison uh Matt and Chris what's the most expensive point you've had at darts I took out a second mortgage for a couple of beers last night I remember I'm going back over 25 years ago we're in Switzerland and it was 10 for a small bottle of hin yeah that was a bit of a wound wounder uh what makes the match play special imagine being in the back room being Neil or Andy Davidson and knowing what's riding on this game and every single leg being so important to your hopes of qualification and then you see those six starts from Bradley 100 especially when Bradley beat NE 42 that that's like a bit of vinegar on the cut and you'll remember those things AR you why didn't you do that against me earlier why did you do that what he did well Mr truth doesn't make it right I'm afraid ultimately that's what drives the prices up 57 I'm sure when someone in the chat will give Mr truth A6 bit time out on the naughty step to consider the Dil he's writing TDA 58 and Dr require 36 I'll tell you what the what makes the match play special in this double n goes in which it does history Harrison it's standing in the game the fact that it's the top 32 players in the world four flag It's Bradley to throw first gar the thing I really like about the match play is it's that two-year ranking system going head-to-head with the one-year ranking system so essentially we' got the best 16 players in the world taking on the best 16 players now yeah yeah that's that's another element to it the crowd the actual venue itself architecture yeah it is stunning the the Ambiance and the well it's just just the feel for it and it's history second oldest of all the 100 PDC events yeah you could never move it could you from the Winter Gardens no absolutely not 96 140 it's also 120 like play the let just go that element of purest starts hasn't it 58 Andreas you require this to put Andreas Harrison back to the top of the table and to have him absolutely mathematically confirmed 92 Bradley require 145 that would be half of our field complete Bo Greaves we know he's in ree Robinson we know he's in Andreas Harris and is 58 points away from confirming his place on Saturday night where he would be playing for Β£25,000 and it's tops to do just that and well it's just not any old tops it's absolutely bang in the middle congratulations to Andreas Harrison who's been put through the ringer this week now he's having a a bit of the shake of the head but he's currently on 14 points dropping just three matches and a little bit of a celebration but congratulations to him he got over the line in the end despite a fair few misst starts at doubles 4 from 15 so we enter our penultimate match of the session Andy Davidson takes on Rees Robinson a win for ree Robinson and he go back to the top of the table [Music] he [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] well we've just seen how to do it really how to deal with the pressure how to secure your spot at Champions night both reys Robinson and Andreas Harrison there and doing it in style with 4 nil victories in their previous matches Robinson now looking to ensure he is the one that finishes at the top of the table a victory against Andy Davidson will do that for him Davidson it's been a good solid campaign did very very well in qualify ing for Champions week is a relative unknown the Scottish ADC qualifier and he certainly made his Mark I'm sure we will see him again in the next series and Beyond but ree Robinson will be back in action at Champions night tomorrow and now he bids to finish top of the pile I'll hand you back to Chris and Matt very much Chris I just been asked about uh the world match play hi M I'll be in Croatia joining the world match play we be watch on P DC TV ooh I'm not sure yeah as far as I know it's only when you're in the UK and it will know that you're not in the UK so you should be okay uh ego chip I love this one Bradley looks so dejected that's not doing in any favors ego chip disappointed about someone being disappointed about losing a game of darts why was this 100 uh up next 140 well this game will decide the winner of the group if Andy Davidson wins then Andreas Harrison would top the group where if Rees Robinson wins he will take the top honors but for Andy Davidson we're got to say what a great week again it has been for him when he qualified we was unsure of the levels was that a good week for him was that really who he is few question marks was posed and well I think he stepped it up even further this week in higher pressure situations yeah against higher quality opposition as well1 and someone I do expect to see on a much more regular basis here at the Super Series yeah I certainly 60 don't think he needs to worry about 139 um coming through the ADC now I'd like to see him have a away and and requ digest what he's achieved in the last couple of weeks and months 25 re you require 50 work on some element of his game that he's not particularly happy with when he's dropped some games in this one that shot on the first will frustrated to have have lost and he knows in a a couple of moments here or there he could have qualified out of this group but the two that have gone through ree Robinson and Andreas Harrison were the two that we fancied 140 Thursday morning stroke afternoon and this man 96 re Robinson we fancied at 9:30 on Monday morning both of us tipping him up at a huge 16 to one 140 when we take a look at that rule that we talk about it's played itself again here lose more than three chance you're not going to be in those qualifying places you do get three lives in a group C occasionally you get the four rarely and guess what ree Robinson and Andreas Harrison have only lost just the three everybody else losing four five six and eight 100 [Music] 123 140 54 and he be fully aware that his race is running this campaign still trying to give it absolutely everything 44 thing you can't question the players here 10 their integrity perfect example of that g second leg Andy Davidson Third Leg it's Andy to throw first game on 100 55 96 wh says if L wins the match play will be top 10 even top eight my granny had Wheels she'd be a bike 125 58 140 81 Andy require 14 is stepping it up again here Andy Davidson 20 Suppose there is the bonus of positions which does bring its extra prize money as well which will be the motivation right now for Andy Davidson maybe the motivation as well to the party of Rees Robinson who would win the group with a victory here but that is Wayward from 116 he's had a couple of chances here to get the job done re Robinson could punish with tops 96 Andy require 20 G shot on the third leg Andy Davidson good question actually from Liam is there anyone in the chat today who's coming down tomorrow to throw first yeah game I think there was a I think there's been a fair few on this week that have said they've managed to secure a ticket Liam 83 he's got his ticket his crystal ball right is dust 41 a little flustered times re Robinson that'll be because he knows what he wants to do he wants to go win the group but sometimes you just don't quite have that adrenaline at this point it's not enough on the line is that and what we've known from RE Robinson around the arena such as those challenge tour events is this scenario doesn't suit him he needs high octane High adrenaline type situations that's why I think he's going to get even better tomorrow yeah it's only two matches tomorrow and then we are into knockout darts for the semi final obviously is he pops in the first max of the match 56 re require 137 would have been 86 Rees requires 16 G shot on a four flag reys Robinson fifth flag it's Andy to throw first gar James thinks going forward I think humre will be scarred in5 head to in the head-to-head with liter he's already beaten him in the biggest day biggest game of 41 darts in any capacity 125 sorry to hear that Liam 134 you go chip says I don't think right or price will be in it next year well did a live regarding exactly that I think with Peter right back toback years on the bottom um I think it's tough but he did do a smart thing saying next year may be my final year he did a bit of a baral didn't he just leave the door open Don't You 140 don't burn Bridges I'm I don't I'm not sure price is c for the Premier League he's never done particularly well in it 85 and he requires playing in tournament Play 50 possibly the story as to why Andy Davidson has just missed out on qualification by the final margins here just those margins of those extra chances he's needed on the out to ring today second bite of the Cherry um just being asked will we ever see a mod World Cup type format yeah I so that's something definitely would work David asks Mason Matt do you get to throw many darts while you're working on modus for the week would you take on the players taking part in the practice room no we don't practice in the practice room that's purely for the players but after the session before they replace this board with a a brand new one for the evening session then we will occasionally grab a 15 or 20 minute spell up there the house that we live in when we're down here at Portsmouth has a a dart board in it with a nice big TV in there and a sofa so if need be we'll have a bit of a practice on there but did get my darts out for the first time this week to the shock of my egg didn't last long it might be time to put the Darts Away for re Robinson Andy Davidson very soon because Andy six starts here at 145 to end his campaign with a really strong sh here against ree Robinson 29 and stop ree Robinson from winning this group group C and handing it to Andreas Harrison 91 and re have 274 V trouble 20 need to leave 24ch Andy David I'll answer that question in a minute Tommy as Andy Davidson does do the business winning 42 against reys Robinson averages of 86.1 for Andy 8375 for Reese but Reese just didn't look like he had the the Venom in that one well one more game to bring you Kieran Tian up against Neil Duff [Music] on a minute wow oh my God that's 100 quid down the drain already itching to hit the 180 he's gone for the maximum [Applause] 18 for the bll bull 53 no he said bull that's a great first start from Adam look at this he's going to leave scap oh can you believe it that is [Music] [Applause] unbelievable get match DS to put his team into the final go and through to the final they go Charlie Murphy has hit the match winning dart on both occasions double four for the [Music] title should the please show your appreciation for the winner of the influencer pirs event George SCA and Adam lipco [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] he seems to be uh he seems to be out that's what he is Charlie a couple more visits yet we're not going to need that a BOS pie faes through he's absolutely puzzled that dominated throughout [Music] [Applause] [Music] welcome back three players through then to finals night here on Champions week and one of them has joined me ree Robinson congratulations you've made it just give us your initial thoughts and feelings buzzing to be honest such an hard group that everyone was playing amazing I'm just thankful to get through it it's a difficult thing isn't it in any week to come into a group C it's the hardest group to get through and when it was five players on Six Points yesterday what was the the atmosphere like coming in this morning well it's not just any growth it's a Champions week group say as well which everyone was yesterday I think I running off a n average and I was set four I thought what more do I have to do really but you expect that here with a standard that is we've got used to you here being quite flamboyant doing some sort of showman type shots but Chris Mason and Matthew Edgar and comms have been talking about you've looked very business like this week has that been a conscious decision a little bit yeah I haven't practiced much so I can't be going for these flash shots when you w practice much I just wanted to get the job done and try and get through and how important is it for you now to be at Champions night playing in front of that big crowd a sellout crowd here that's when you ready to come alive isn't it oh when I heard it was sold out and and B here as well I just I want to play and I would have been got it if I didn't make it really as you said really tough group Andreas Harrison through with you as well uh bo there it looks like tonight we pretty much know who's going to go through although you've been in group BS it can't it can change but it's building up to be one of the greatest Champions nights ever isn't it yeah all players who have come for just seems to be all great players and I'm just looking forward to it and my daughter's birthday tomorrow and I S of wanted to miss it which bad d l but happy birthday for tomorrow and yeah I wanted to miss her birthday so I could play Champions tonight it'd be a good present though wouldn't it Β£25,000 that'll buy a few presents for her it's your third birthday I'll be buying a few uh toys or whatnot jigsaws and books and the rest and you might have your own toy to take home as well at the trophy some good names on there Luke L's on it twice himself of course just won the Premier League what would it mean to you to to be on that role of Honor not just as a weekly winner but as a Series winner that's all I've wanted since I've played here just put my name on that Champions week one the weekly ones are great I've won to now but you want that Champions weight well not even the money the money is great course it is but to have you name amongst them players and look what Luke's doing you know I mean he's he's unre is he well look congratulations we'll let you go and prepare and we'll see you tomorrow night one more match to come uh this afternoon Neil Duff playing here in TI thank you than you very much and thank you as well ree Robinson and we Echo those sentiments if we forget tomorrow which I'm sure we won't happy birthday to his daughter it would soften the blow wouldn't it 25 Grands worth of toys you could get a fair few for Β£25,000 couldn't you it's a size of all amount of cash he's there he's in with the chance and we we have half of the field confirmed we will confirm the other half of the lineup tonight from 10 p.m. flag it's Kieran to throw first we' got one more game to bring you and there's something for Neil Duff to play for here 45 if he wins this and by a certain score line he can go ahead of Andy Davidson and again that's more prize money so Tomy asked Chris if you have 274 basically from 214 down with two DTS in hand should you start on the 19th absolutely 99 because if you don't hit the trouble 19 you can go for a 25 as long as you hit a 25 you of course will leave a finish 81 suppose that little bit of extra prize money for Neil Duff make handy cuz could get a few extra snacks on his way up to Middlesboro because that's where he's going to be this weekend taking the around about 9 hour trip via train 43 head up to some ADC events it's not Cheap on them Buffet carts on the train 42 100 do isar you acquire some of them ice blocks in there couple of cheeky beers and get some stuff from the supermarket 95 i' fall asleep and then miss the changeovers that you need yeah I wonder how many is going up there there' be a few 60 Kieran you require 40 game shot on the first leg K back from America and fell asleep fell asleep on the tube a few times so of gone past it and then woke up the other end think right stay awake stay awake and then fell asleep and missed it again 135 96 137 85 41 it's got a significant game for Neil Duff as well isn't he reaches a milestone here at the Super Series this Neil D's 200th game already up there on that stage that is some serious commitment the Super Series brand he has done that with quite some success hasn't he picking up weekly titles and of course the specials week the Double Trouble week 63 we may see start on the same Target starting on the ball goes the more aggressive route the trible 19 for the double and V shot on the second leg Kier third Kieran to throw first game on a major spoiler here although credit to him he is averaging 97 140 by far the best performance he's put in for this group until then it was a 92 which came in match number three today 41 the rest of them have all been in the 80s and I'll say it quietly he's also dropped into the 60s 135 the YouTube vote went 70% in favor of Neil Duff 100 two n down and in matter of less than a minute could find himself three down and it's so frustrating for a player and it's 100 but this is the effect of pressure and when people say that well it has no effect the pressure is now off he's playing with freedom and the secret 100 Kier you require 12 is having this mindset and mentality in every game you play easier said than done of course 90 this is quality this from t a in over 100 100 looking 18 for a 3-0 lead game shot on the third leg Kieran four flag it's Neil to throw first game on 100 40 wow 121 this really is a level up for guarante 140 not lying down he had a similar sort of situation didn't he when he did pick up that Lakeside title was it the quarterfinals when he went a few sets behind Jim mum wasn't it managed to turn it around yeah three sets down and 43 I think 105 30 NE you require 116 60 60 new you require 56 18 oh dear 139 say in the chat what happened to D what do you mean what might be about to happen to him is he might be about to lose this game because this is a match opportunity now for tition double eight and K has got the job done and that wraps up our day and it wraps up Group C and Kenan ends with a victory yeah very very strong performance strong performance from Kieran there 97 the average to end his day wasn't enough to see him move in regards to the table Neil Duff still holds on to that fourth position but in regards to the table we know the men that went through it all came down to the bookie favorites in the end it was Andreas Harrison and reys Robinson who go through join Bo Greaves on Saturday night yeah surprising really Chris Mason that it didn't go right down to the death in the end based on where things were placed at the end of yesterday yeah it was a it was a a strange old session of dance it was a little bit like the session we had in group b last night where everybody was just a a bit edgy because they understood the the complexities of the of the the table as it was then but um it was the two that if we've sort of gun to head we would have picked it was the two players that we thought were the most impressive over the course of two days and and they've got it done and joined Bo Greaves in the final yeah did it in style as well the pair of them when you look at the results the moments that they needed to win to get through um they both won 4-0 didn't they Andreas and REE really really convincing yeah it was it was it was nice to see as well you know the the final game for Rees you know he is a type of player that needs some kind of Jeopardy to get the best out of him he's a he likes that knockout Dart situation Neil D the same I think he's said as much to you in interviews he he does find the Ryan Robin element quite difficult to remain focused but yeah it was a you know it started off with four holds of throw and you were thinking right well this could be fairly simple and then right through the middle of the games and you could see where that's the sort of area you'd expect to see the best performances from the players and no one could hold throw and and I think ultimately that was the certainly the undoing of of Neil Duff and and Andy Davidson but on a just quickly on Andy Davidson what what a find he has been I I can't wait to see him maybe have a month or two months just to work on what he's learned so far in this campaign I can't wait to see him come back yeah real experience for him learning curve him and the likes of Bradley Russ and Kieran and still still young men aren't they yeah D in terms you know they they are still young men I think we can sometimes get carried away what we've seen Michael Van guruin do in the past as a 17year old and now of course Luke ller but they're anomalies they don't that don't come around very often I think you going have to go all the way back to Bristo at 17 to find anything kind of similar and yeah it's the quick the best thing about this now is it is a fast track players are getting the opportunities to play Under The Lights you got the Euro tours for the or the euro T qualifiers the home nation qualifiers for a lot of players around Europe and they're getting better quicker just talk about the two players that are through and REE Robinson just to highlight the point you've just made sat there and said this is all I've wanted to get to a Champions night to win a Champions week this is something that players are really now earmarking as a a standard for Success yeah absolutely like the the when you look at the uh the challenge tour although it has a ranking and you know someone win over the course of the Season there's no real trophy element to it and ultimately this this is the the step down from from the pro tour so in terms of of winning something big there there is nothing bigger for the amateur player and and and the prize money this carries I've said it and I say it many times it's May the actual 25 Grand didn't life changing but it's career changing and life changing in terms of the money that you can earn on the back of it um gives you a bit of insurance and gives you the money to go on tour next year go to Q school with no pressure If you got a young family there nothing worse you your Mrs S hang on a minute can we afford for you to have a week off work and go a CU school it's a good couple of thousand investment um and and that can change things a three-year-old with a birthday tomorrow what a moment that would be for re just picking up on that point because we haven't really discussed it before we talked about the practice you can get the the competitive practice you can get here but Luke ller for example wins here 4 times two of them being Champions weeks and then goes on makes a world final wins the Premier League how much does this contribute to getting players ready for big stage stuff later on we've only got to look at the impact it makes for those that play here and then go on to playing Q School they've they've got a leg up they're they've got a massive advantage and I think when you get this was the first real experience you know I know he's played in a UK open but this was the first real experience of under the lights and and really having an exam examination and it it puts a completely different spin on things and makes you feel different and and he got up there and handled it brilliant even when he didn't go up there there was a few matches he went up there and averaged a couple of mid 80s a few disappointing performances and we were like oo is there a [Β __Β ] in the armor and then he come back and average 100 and I think he learns I think he learned so much more about himself during those campaigns he played year and well the proofs in the pudding isn't it yeah we spoke about Reese quick word on Andreas Harrison as well because earlier in the week he could have been forgiven for starting to think this is not going to be my week playing so well losing so many matches 4-3 what does it say about him that he's made it through shows some character doesn't it and you could see the relief at the end when he actually in the match that confirmed his place in the finals and listen the the the Super Series in all of these European countries that are represented by these players that they're more than aware they know about this they watch this religiously they know what kind of impact that has and potentially career changing and they all want to get their hands on the trophy like you say when you had Reese up here look at the names on there you know there's there's some great names some great players on there and who's going to add their what would be the eighth name on the list yeah we are going to show you the table and then just fill you in on what is happening tomorrow night as those two players through Harrison and Robinson Robinson in the end doing un leg difference those two 4-nil wins in the middle of the day really really making that difference Andy Davids and may said great week Kieran TI and Bradley Roose they were kind of out of it a for a long time Neil Duff um as you mentioned before struggles sometimes during the format so he will see it as a missed opportunity this won't he yeah and and it's down to his numbers in the qualifying campaign where he's coming in come in to a group C you know ideally for him he'd have been one of the top six in terms of qualifying so could he he really benefits from playing in group eight and he's not affected he doesn't get affected by the performances he's not emotionally ined affected if he averages 85 or 95 what he needs to come in on a Monday for is to is to prep and if he doesn't get it right across the Monday Tuesday Wednesday my goodness he gets it right on a Thursday and Friday he didn't have that uh benefit this week did he find what ree Robinson kind of said to be true that group C on Champions week is the hardest group in an entire series absolutely mathematically you're walking into three players of a had three days prep they're well they're well up to speed Group B 60% chance of qualifying three from five it's played at night everything points to the it's more often not the better players in group b but of course it's easier to qualify Group C Champions week no thanks right finals night is tomorrow here is the breakdown for the week so Bo Greaves won group a we've just seen Andreas Harrison and R Robinson go through from Group C and it looks like it would be cam Crabtree darus Saban ascus and Conor henahan unless Bradley Brooks or Jimmy vany can have a almost perfect or indeed perfect night do you see anything changing no but after the day Brad Brooks had on Monday you were thinking he's down in the dumps and maybe that's just the way he is he he you know he plays with his heart on his sleeve doesn't he and the problem is around experienced players they'll expose that and I think that's what happened to him yesterday sort of he got bogged down and they began to punish him and he just couldn't shake it off but I'm with you I think the top three as it stands at the moment I think they're going to be the three that will join BR and Rees and Andreas I'm sure you'll share your thoughts tonight during comms but at this moment is there any player that's standing out for you as the one to beat on Saturday night um I think Bo looks the most reliable at the moment she's the one that looks the most likely if the other guys have got they've all got similar a games haven't they they've all got similar ceilings uh it's who has the better b game for me and I say that no matter whether it be at this level or in Premier League Dart level and for me Bo gr is the most reliable she looks the most likely to to average 95 which will be more than enough we look forward to finding out thanks for this afternoon we'll see you tonight we'll see you tonight as well and of course tomorrow night finals night don't forget it gets underway 7:30 p.m. for Champions night and the record prize of Β£25,000 and 10 p.m. tonight for Group B when we will find out all of the players that will will be in the field do join us then [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music]

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