WHO WILL JOIN CHAMPIONS WEEK? πŸ† | MODUS Super Series | Series 8 Week 12 | Finals Night

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welcome to the finals night before Champions week where by the end of the season we'll know the full 12 they'll be competing for the Β£25,000 top prize here at the modus Super Series it's going to be a top night full of action and we've got two top pundits to talk all about it former weekly well week 12 winner in Chris Mason and Scott Mitchell The Man Who commentated on Chris Mason's exploits in that week 12 M you've been with us all week what's been your general thoughts and summations on week 12 been lots of stories hasn't there Jamie Owens someone we didn't know know well relatively little about uh was great to see young Kendrick making his debut as well and you're third player from South Africa Yaro go in 10 from 10 only the fourth player to do it but the big story probably is the players that didn't qualify not the ones that that did and yeah it was a shocker seeing Ted evtz the way he played and Daryl Pilgrim for one not coming through group a and then not getting through group b which should be easier interesting May says that because maybe two of the biggest names this week were darl Pilgrim and Ted EV and they both suffered early exits yeah and if you look at what they were averaging in their group it seems crazy that they went out at the stages they did uh darl Pilgrim being sort of runner up of group a you thought well that's just a little kind of blip that's a warm- up to the week he' he'd probably had a you know long weekend at the challenge saw before and you just thought he was going to wake up and and get himself through it and and that didn't kind of happen and and Ted well he was averaging so well I was watching bits last night and it just wouldn't fall his way he was just kind of unlucky I think yeah I think what could go wrong went wrong for both of them in the end and and sometimes you have you have no control over that that's just uh it's just the Stars not aligning well let's talk about the players that are into tonight's final these are the six finalists that will be vying it out for that final place at Champions week starting on Monday morning Jamie Owens Boris colov Andy Davidson Mark mcin Yano bottenberg and Derek cson will all be here well let's talk about the story that got the players to this particular point and we go back to Monday morning at 9:30 a.m. when group a got underway darl pilin was the 3 to1 favorite to go on and win the group but it was the 66 to1 Outsider Jamie Owens the part-time footballer from Stockton on teas that went on to grab glory and you have to say throughout the whole course of the campaign ma he was cool calm collected yeah and I'm very much the opposite of what we were talking about with regards to uh to to Ted and Daryl uh everything sort just fell into place for him and when he was given opportunities he was good enough to take them and and that's all you can do I my my main fear for him tonight would be be the levels he's averaging around 86 for the week and well for those of you that tuned in and watched last night it was played at a much higher level than that but he's making his debut in terms of a a big stage and and a big finals night certainly some of this size and it'll be interesting to see how he responds some people get inspired well we should have known he was going to be all right if he's a good finisher at footb surely he was always going to be a good finisher on the dart board I mean it kind of impressed me he went about his business with just just a bit of belief wasn't it it was it was not like he was having to overstretch himself at times and he was believing in everything that he was doing and and that's what impressed me about him the most yeah and when we spoke to him he was he he was he was pleased to have got through obviously but he was saying oh I've got plenty more gears to come don't worry about that so it we'll be interesting just to see what what he has left in the locker for tonight do you believe there's a transfer of mentalities from the footb football side to the Dart side absolutely yeah absolutely I think I think those moments particularly when you're going for a double or trying to leave a setup or whatever it's got to be very similar and that mindset that he's used in another sport he's brought it to darts very well and and I don't think he's the only player that's ever done that I think we've got L you only got to look at gei price so um you I I believe that there are certain sports that can interact and you can bring a similar mentality and have similar results I mean you imagine taking a penalty under under that much pressure you know and I suppose that it will it will translate over to to D because you're used to performing under pressure of course he played in an fa vs final at wly Stadium well Group B was perhaps the most intriguing group of the week bis cot of Andy Davidson and Mark mcin making it through we spoke about the early exits of Ted and DOW let's talk about the players that did make it through and in particular Boris colof M who was the 5 to one Outsider before a dart was thrown we said that was too big and that was mainly because of his finishing prowess yeah it was over 40% and we we were taking that over a really big sample and and Boris is one of these type of players Al though he has not had a lot of competitive darts or high level darts for a while coming in on on the Monday was perfect for him because he could just ease himself in we've seen Neil duft all the time he might might have just been on holiday for a week not had a lot of practice comes in on the Monday by the Wednesday you start to see him move through the gears and more well especially lately Thursday and Friday and Saturday he doing the business and I think I think that's very similar to how Boris has approached it this week because he looks Rock Solid at times in terms of Andy Davidson Scott we were here when he won his week on debut and he's kind of been on this roller coaster ride ever since but this week may be the first time he came up against some hurdles and came out the other side okay what does that say about a player when you can do that well we know what he've done he's done up to now and there's there has to be an element of realism comes and hits you you know it's all G on his own way on his way to where he's been and sometimes you have to have those little knocks don't you MAA to make you realize actually what I have been doing has been pretty good and I need to find my way back there I'm still so impressed with him and I think probably more impressive to make it tonight to finals like than maybe the other occasions that he has yeah cuz he did it comfortable on those occasions it was not wasn't too much resistance but and and your attitude changed as a player you can believe all you like you can do it in practice you can do it LO but when you when you actually go up there and you you win something of note that that then gives you some genuine inner belief as well and then that will translate into you maybe taking a few more risks applying yourself a bit more showing a bit more dedication and just putting some more working it's one of those rungs where you're going up the ladder aren't you you're going up the ladder and when you get to somewhere like here and you're making finals nights and and you win the you don't come back down off of that wrong deal you you step up onto it and that's where you are that's your level that's what we say about Luke humph the way he literally has gone through every level completed that completed that completed that all the way literally through every level if it was a game he's completed it in terms of Mark mcin Scott you're a player who's played with him played against him as a player how difficult is he to play against because this week he showed such Rock Solid consistency I will tell you he's absolutely fabulous to play alongside in an England shirt I will tell you that um and he's just the most horrible player to play because you know he has this he has this inner determination he has this inner strength and when Mark's feeling that he's good he is generally very very good when he's not quite feeling on it probably he's his biggest problem yeah I don't think it's sometimes the other player I think it's him sometimes not quite believing in himself is sometimes his his downall and and his throw is quite complex and it you know some days when you've got throws like that well even when you got a good throw some days they just it won't work for whatever reason there's there's no explanation it just the timing's off a little bit you know there can be contributing factors to that but when his throw is right and we we actually seen several stages of that this week when I when I picked it out with with Henry and comms and when he gets it right he's still got a really good game it's very very right isn't it and it looks like it's not going to ever go anywhere else and I've stood behind him and watched that and you think wow I wish I could have that yeah he's and he's been around a long time l i he was around when I was playing so um we played many times in sort of local competitions and he he's he's a he's a proper art player when he when he's on in terms of Group C Yano botur became just the fourth player in Super Series history to win 10 out of 10 matches now he wasn't at his best in group a m but what did he do so well in group C just to change his fortunes around yeah I want particularly you know this is a guy that's won the Dutch open and that that was a tour I could get nowhere near winning and and you know I I expected a lot um and and groupe I I just didn't see anything that I thought well well this this guy's special um but my goodness didn't he turn that around in in group C he was he was absolutely on it and every element of his game looked on point my only worry with that is that where where is his ceiling you know that's what I want to find out with these guys how high can they go um he doesn't lack confidence that's for sure at the moment and he's another player that's utilized the opportunity of having a full week and playing himself into form he spoke with us and said after winning the Dutch open and the Dutch Championship my form just disappeared uh and and it's it's been a few months since then um but he he's he's loved it here this week and rightly so well when you win those things that that comes with a certain amount of sort of expectation after that happens so that's only natural for somebody that isn't used to winning things like that for that to happen to them but I think all Dutch players have this certain ceiling and position that they feel they should be within in the game and and the only people they let down nine times out of 10 of themselves when they don't reach it they're not too upset with other people but they set themselves this target which we all do but the Dutch players do it in in such a way that they are so disappointed in themselves if they don't do it yeah they're they're more concerned about the average than the win you know and and I think that's probably the effect of players like Raymond and Michael who've set the bar so high they they all think well I should be able to do that um but I agree with Scott what it can do is just it just adds pressure and it it'll break you mentally if if your if your focus point is is is averages and you're judging your ability on oh well he averaged 110 I want to do it you're in for a a long career you sometimes forget that you can win with a 78 yeah and the win's the win and you're still in but some of them won't be happy with that they've won with the 78 in world as I coin the phrase they do not write averages on trophies well on that subject what about Derek cson somebody you've played alongside at the seniors a fair bit on day one not his best but strong fre straight wins straight onto the end to get himself through he's one of those players who was so unlucky last time but average well played worse this time and how darts could be so funny at times he found a way through well you get us old guys like like myself and Derek we we do worry about those things he would have came here worrying that he averaged so well last time and didn't get through and he were probably panicking and thinking I've got to get somewhere near that and and that's probably what held him up maybe the first day maybe second day but we've seen at at the seniors that the seniors are for people people like Derek who we are finding now who who probably we hadn't seen in their younger years but they are playing some super darts and he's come here and I think he's a really steady solid player and he's one of those if you you give him half a look he will take it yeah I mean is undoing mainly was was missing doubles and he he go through spells of not missing doubles and then the final three matches which he had to win them all he went 12 from 22 on the doubles and and averaged 95 91 and 94 I think is so the game's there he's had 105 this season at the seniors so he he's he's got game in him and um I think that's what makes tonight so intriguing I think you could make a case for every one of the six players in in winning tonight's final final qualifying weeks well let's have a look at tonight then these are the groups that are in play group one Jamie Owens Andy Davidson and Derek Coulson group two Boris col sofiano bottenberg and Mark mcin let's have a look at the odds for this evening and see where the land lies now M Andy Davidson 11 to four favor to win the night is that based more on for of the past more than for of the present I think a bit of both I think they've looked to the fact that he won on debut and he's threw to another finals night I think I think it's also a lot to do with everyone else's levels um I actually think Boris played a little bit better than him um I thought Martin mcin played a little bit better in in spells as well I mean for me as just just to pick one from the outside I'd I'd go Mar at 71 he has got as much chance as everybody else I was just about to say exactly the same if Mark sees that caption in that back room oh yeah I'm the worst one in the room am I really that could give him a bit of a g up that we're not expecting the other one I think Boris is going to be one of those he's not he's been away from such competition for two and a half years he has got to be champion at the bit to get this opportunity here and now have this big opportunity to win tonight yeah and put himself right back on the map he's he's gonna absolutely be on it you you would have thought yeah no I I totally agree that that the one that sort of stands out to me all the time and it has done all week is Boris you know I got to see Boris up close when we first started when we were doing this from home and uh he was throwing some remarkable stuff and I I was I was unsure what what was what version of Boris we were going to get but um like I said he's got as much chance as everybody and and I'm with Scott as well he would want to put himself right back out there and say don't worry I'm I'm still here lads only good players win week 12 right ma correct right jam and the odd World Championship the odd World Champ well Jam thanks for your input now we hear you of course on comms as the night progresses game one of our evening sees Derek cson and Jamie Owens go Toe to Toe and early one this evening I caught up with Jamie Jamie been quite the dream week for yourself here at the super Seas could you expected your debut to have gone as well as it has I wouldn't say I expected as good as I did but I had a few couple of people said how good I've been playing and that and they say I'd give a few shocks but I didn't expect it but after the first day the bad started the second day where I missed so many doubles to go maybe two one especially one one game I should have won and then actually said to Boris and uh Daryl backstage I said I need to beat used to and they were like laughing at the themselves and it went my way um and then the final day the pressure was off really it was it was how I started started with a win and then someone was looking over me like I said earlier on it it worked out good what's the response been like back home cuz you actually went back didn't you after the gr was done so I traveled straight back Wednesday I met the guys said farewell obviously in case any of them left MH um I went home and everyone was buzzing to be honest especially on social media I got loads of messages like 150 text messages and like a lot of people were saying Jamie we didn't realize you played that like it's like I said to be fair I do it low key I only play like I said twice a week at the I like to play a little bit more on my own but I get out and have a bit of competitive practice twice a week um hopefully if I do well tonight and I've also done well this week it might be a little bit more now are you allowed to free well this evening or have you set some big goals at expectations it's tough because obviously and's in my side of the draw um I've been watching him he's got better as the week went on but then I look back at what I've done this week and run an average one day 89 like it's good enough to beat them all if I can turn up today like I did possibly I did every game against Daryl I could make the semi and then it's it's every game you know you have to get off with the fast start today you have to we wish you way the best Jamie good luck thank you very much and it's creeping ever closer towards group a [Music] glory tops and Owens with that 120 there's second and Jamie Owens wins in style and it's a debut that's going to see into the finals yes Jamie Owens the part-time footballer now part-time Dart Star his super series debut Flink has seen him into Saturday night and he takes on the man who's made making his Saturday night bow in Derek Co second appearance of him here narrowly missed out the last time he played as for Jamie Owens he is looking to book his spot through on debut to Champions week let's hand over then to your commentary team for all of tonight's action it's the former world champion Scott Mitchell and first a very good evening to chrism thank you very much Henry good evening everybody good evening Scott well it's uh going to be fast and furious for you this evening we start with a group one match between as you just heard in the interview a part-time footballer and a part-time soon to be possibly full-time Dart player I'm sure if he picks up the spoils tonight goes on to win next week first lag it's Jamie I'm pretty sure we'll see him in Q score in janary May well see him there regardless our referee for the night Jack Garwood I've just been looking at the numbers Scott and in qualifying over his three days and 15 matches 59 Jamie acrew 17 1880s and a tournament average so all of his games combined of 87.14% all on the night isn't it mate it's all on the night nothing nothing much between those two no what there very little between between all the players if I'm if I'm honest when I when I look at the highs of of the players a high for Jamie of 9985 so we know where his ceiling is dere had a high of 9543 and that 9985 is the highest of all the six players in action this evening 140 may all about how quickly The Lads settle down this is this is kind of quite new to the pair of them this situation that they find themselves in that will set settle Jamie Owens down very nicely indeed yeah it's not quite knockout darts but it's it's pretty much as close as it gets isn't it I know when I'm here at this stage I treat and if you don't win you got to make sure you don't go down by too many game sh of first leg Jamie Owens very very tidy start indeed 14 D hold which second leg is me of course that DK would have had to have produced a 12 I think he's just gesturing to his friends and possibly family who' traveled down that he's a little bit nervous he wouldn't have known Scott 95 no not with a nice little finish like that that was uh very en tidy indeed 10 not the kind of 10 the players want to hit want to hit 10 darters yeah looking all the highs Boris had a 99.2 in his campaign this week Jamie as I said 99 985 96 yo and this is something we were discussing at the top of the show he had a high and remember he's played five days of darts 25 matches a high of 9325 100 Derek 9543 Andy Davidson 97.1 and Mark mcin are little fancy 96.2 to 100 I think we could see by the it's quite an open field and nobody there's not a lot going to be dividing they're not massively sure are they no nobody's massively sure and that's that's a sign of how tight the group is going to be with with those odds we saw in the in the start of the show it's got nine Dart shootout written all over it tonight 85 57 Derek you require 125 that's the 25 that's the trouble 20 105 good effort welcome along to everybody joining us whether you're watching via YouTube or you're chosen up if you want a social media user 64 across all platforms MSS starts and if you're watching on YouTube Welcome to the action Please Subscribe make sure you hit that notification Bell give us a thumbs up where at it might as well do all three game sh a second leg Derek cson so statistically double 10 is better for the leftand as we keep hearing and on that occasion dere yeah we did discuss that and I've got a few theories and body position being one of them for the left-hander opposed to a right-hander and if you're right eyee dominant of course you effectively side onto the board so if you're a left-hander your left eye is closest to the Target and you unknowingly sight the dart with the dominant eye you got me blinking and all sorts next to you here thinking about what eyes what mace what are you talking about yeah I'm trying to work out what's my favorite double now well probably down the left hand side I'm rubbish at all of them so 60 my favorites whichever one I hit yeah same yeah if you do want to talk to us direct into the commentary box you can do so via our social medias or you can use the chat room in the right hand side of your YouTube screen 100iv keep them sensible we'll Endeavor to answer them Simon love to see the players stay on and support the players left in some good friendships get built up here at the the Super Series meet players that you you've never met before and build up a good report even players that you've been in the same room for years and probably haven't actually sat on the same table like you kind of have to do here um something yes Kendrick from earlier in the week good to see him and like you say he's for from friendships this week that he probably would never had 121 D requ threatening to break through here lovely first start can he slide it down the side 48 see 8 don't like it on the left yeah he tried to use it didn't he but just caught the wrong side well the Bull's Eye 63 Not A Million Miles Away was he 16 game shot of Third Leg Derek CER well Derek does get the break and Jack asks why is there so little crowd in tonight fourth flag is Derek to throw first I think when you look at the lineup there's trying to think who would be the the most local player and it still be a a good 4-Hour drive away also a local Festival on at the moment yes there is here in Portsmouth a big Music Festival isn't there over three days and that won't be on this week where this one will be yeah 12 sold out next week fact Henry was the said music festival last night the Jolly boys outing 60 one thing I noticed here with Jamie already he holds his he not throwing by the point but quite a strange way it's not nor H down yeah I I picked up on it in the week and I was like it's very rare to see a player do that I'd be I'd be too concerned it's going to drop on the floor remember John boy taking me to one side once John Boy Walton got bless him and said I think you're a great player Scotty but I don't think you're ever going to make it because you passed your Dart too far to your throwing in hand you pass it away from too far I don't think you're going to win anything 100 oh thank you John Boy my dear friend we're dear friends now but uh yeah back in the day when I was a bit wet behind the ears at these tournaments 65 yeah Eric favorite favorite one do you breathe when you're when you're throwing and then you're like oh do I I don't tide Rod Arrington up in knots that 66 Derek you require 170 my well spotted Gary Hayes is watching in the crowd good piles with Jamie Owens it would be quite remarkable you know if it's on and that is our 100 Derek K 170 here at the new venue F flag Jamie nice stuff G wonder if he's done the quick fire questions yet if you've left it and you don't have to go for it do you still go for it I think we just found the answer out well you could will have laid up that's for sure 92 45 41 actually I saw cam men's do that last week he laid up on a 167 and his opponent took a 161 o harsh he played brilliant didn't he for two days of course you were people didn't tune in to watch the PDC TV 140 commentating up in Milton keing on the pro tours 18 and 19 was it yeah yeah first time first time i' done it it was uh yeah absolutely brilliant strange to be back in the room having been there as a player yeah and you start thinking was I playing like that and the answer is no that's why I'm commentating but Camy was BR for two days wasn't he I think both him and Doby were brilliant for two days it took somebody special to stop uh Dolby the first day and that was Cammy and he made it to the final and then it took somebody special to stop Cammy the second day and that was Dolby in the final no 97 someone asking does this well next week's modus start on Monday yep 9:30 we don't worry about Bank holiday's year 50 weeks of the Year Monday Tuesday Wednesday 9:30 start Thursday and Friday is double session Days 1 till about 5ish and then 10 till about 1:30ish and then Saturday nights as always 99 7:30 96 get the feeling here watching in the last couple of minutes Jamie Owens would be slightly happier if the pace of this game was a little quicker 56 Jamie you require 114 well you'd be an expert on that Scott I don't mind either way I just do my thing and that's it not bother 74 D maybe too little too late turn finds it and DK Coulson makes the ideal start beating the fancied Jamie Owens four legs to one no real double trouble for Coulson which has been an a kill's heel for the most part this week 40% and of course that wonderful 170 finish all the eights may be lucky 8808 for Derek 8205 for Jamie Owens when we come back after a short break we will return to group two for Boris colof against mark mcin [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] right [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah a [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] welcome back to the modus Super Series where before the break Derek call got his campaign of to winning start a 4-1 success against Jamie Owens netting the 100th 170 finish in Super Series history in the process so he is in a very good position to make it through but we now begin our contest as far as group two is concerned it sees Boris colof in action in his debut in this competition and he really has been one of the most consistent spots as far as this week is concerned and early one this evening I caught up with him Boris welcome to finals night on your debut here at the Super Series has this week been a case of getting better as the week's gone along I played my game and that is what it is is I like to say like that is what it is I beat some some good players in the group b also the group uh a I finished third and that's it and we see today what's happened let's talk about that group b campaign on Thursday and Friday it must been really delighted about the way you played at times uh yeah so many so many good names Ted uh darl Mark uh unbelievable I'm very happy to finish first to be fair uh the last game also I before I go up on stage I know I finished first already and that's why I throw my dos and already happy uh but I'm always coming on the tournaments to to be number one to beat anyone like I don't care about who I play I play against me against the board that's it in terms of this evening different element in front of the crowd is that something that inspires you uh it's better it's better for me to be fair when I play up on the stage and have a crowd and have a people around me because I take the energy for them because when you play the first five days and this is quiet and you hear everything what's happened around you but when the people inside here it's fantastic I I like to play with the with the crowd and it' be some way to cap off it's been a great week if you could uh lift the trophy a little bit later uh I hope so but it's very very hard for me to stay one more one more week but I do I do everything to to stay here well You' enjoyed having you here and we look forward to watching you tonight by good luck thank you very much [Music] welcome back to the live Lounge portter where we're going to see Boris colov in action up against Mark mcin it's our second match of the session these two went toe to- toe in Group B on Thursday and Friday night respectively cotu winning that particular group minini finishing third but what they going to do on this Saturday night let's find out Scott Mitchell Chris Mason thank you very much Henry well if he wants to play in front of a crowd he's going to have to qualify and win tonight to play next week and then qualify for finals night because it is a sold out but this is going to be a fascinating little tie this is their third meeting of the week Boris won on Thursday night 4 three first last night 4 three game I suppose the difference there is who had the D start when when they're both 432 probably held each other held the throw both the opposite broke broke throw in the L both both against the donuts 26 Mark used to use a very small flight in the back of his darts and now he uses 108 slightly larger kite very Phil Taylor like esque flight that really if you've ever seen one or use one of those flights it feels like you got nothing in there so hard to throw aren't they I I never got on with them that was the 31st oh nearly 32nd 180 of the week for Boris Mark 8 in his campaign in group b High finish of 4 120 High finish for Boris of 140 Paris has 99 had four T plusus outs across the week yo has had more than twice as many as the rest of the field he's on 10 100 highest requires one Baris here to take first leg Boris col That's How The Opening match started Scott for Jamie second all went pair shaped from there Mark mcin will be hoping the same 108 MC's ninth of the week so far you mentioned that he had eight oh 108 back at you from cof this one is starting to warm up nicely 140 91 good thinking the last start he won want to fill it now7 he's a big double he loves double 18 does Mark his favorite double and he tries do things to try and head over to that route 60 Mark you require 11 this route here will be three for dou four just about gets a three G sh his second leg marcini very solid leg 12 D hold of Thro third leg is Boris to throw first gameer Boris would have needed a a nine there and he started with a Max but couldn't followus let him know he's here here now 108 sure people must have scoffed with me and you said got funny feeling for minini you see why yeah absolutely 90 World Cup silver medal for the pairs with Mark who beat you I think it might have been Wesley HMS and Richard vinster I think 26 or it might have been Jeffrey degraph might have been Jeffrey the graph actually it might have been a bit early for Richard V 100 Jeffrey now of course is mov to Sweden and speaks Swedish so annoying 140 he's really rejuvenated his career hasn't he of late Jeffrey yeah very much has and uh played some lovely stuff down here last year before getting the card5 yeah seems to be about this place doesn't it there it seems to be a really good sort of stepping stone yeah approving ground double 19 for backto back 12 dark legs you beauty of Third Leg [Applause] marcini four flag it's Mark to throw first first gameer problem is when you've done backto toback 12 DARS how do you keep that up I don't know I was going to say yeah I should uh I was thinking to myself perhaps you would know I don't 85 my best in a best of five was 10 1110 10 with a bounce out in the 11 but over I mean that was in the 93 Summer Set open well not exactly a major but 100 what 140 95 so Marini still in a position of dominance 140 takes him down to 62 so it's not going to be a 12 Darter but potential for a 14 81 Marky requires 62 the 14 dter is on yep it's in the trouble to 16 for 3-1 can he use that can he slide down the side he did very require 140 Boris has had 14 out this week he's not going to get it now and again someone so prolific in an around the trouble 20 I'm surprised that they switch to the 18 which is very much made Popular by a certain Rob cross G on a four flag Mark mcin the average is dipped for mcin 10.42 flagis very good 9228 think sometimes Mark needs that to keep himself on it and and keep himself concentrated yeah yeah he's a he's a player that you almost feel that needs to be stimulated in a match 35 yeah he L to go Toe to Toe with you yeah likes to trade 100 so close to being a BD world champion in 2018 I think he had a DOT or two dots at 18 yes he did yeah took a while to recover from that didn't it yeah it did and we saw the same in Mike Gregory didn't we it's um 140 here's it ugly head now and again Mark says maybe I'm wrong but does anyone else think L liter looks burnt out or Fed Up 58 burn1 playing darts at the weekend traveling first class yeah he must be got it I didn't play at 17 but at 20 I could play for 10 hours a day yeah yeah you had to come and tell me to put them down back at that age yeah well I remember doing Eric um exhibitions with with Bobby can't tell you or use the exact words was get that boy off that dark board cuz i' I'd be go anybody else won a game half past midnight 30 and he will be back oh if this information is correct congratulations to Nick Kenny who's just won the champions of Champions you look at the players over the years that have won that and gone on to to do great things tough tough one to win that F leg three all the way through very similar to flag Mar to throw first that was the news of the world best of three all the way through that was from qualifying rounds in your areas and then the Grand Final yeah right the way to the Grand Final probably where Bobby Jorge made his name yeah only big tournament that Alan Evans W 134 second win then for cols off here in this match you think minini here on throw 125 we'll just have enough to fend off the Colts off comeback 81 85 140 Mark your him back in touch in the leg I was going to say meini already had a a 155 needs a travel 60 borish require 146 downstairs somewhere yeah left Mark 91 Under Pressure here for the match does he go ball or does he go aggressive goes aggressive Ive trouble 14 doesn't get it so Boris is going to get a sniff at the for a level game game shot a sick flag Boris colaw Marcus says is losing slightly less painful if you haven't had to win yes game absolutely unless you look back at the 45 you hit halfway down the leg yeah stopped you getting a go at it but yeah [Applause] 140 this really has been a game of two or three turning points hasn't it Boris opened up and went really well Mancini brok him back and then went on a little run of himself on his own and now you would have to say momentum was with Colts off but this could be a nervy affair from here such a a big game to win like you rightly said Scott if you are going to lose just lose 43 if you want to well you don't want to lose but if you are going to lose it's all about damage limitation 120 yeah left him on a bing should mcin fill this up 140 that would have really really hurt it's all about this visit isn't it and he's going to leave1 absolutely nothing Mark can do about it it's not exactly been a horrible leg from him 60 down to finish after 12 but isn't going to get a go 16 incoming bis with a 14 dter started the match with a 14 Darter finished it with a 14 a real high quality match as expected from these two highlight of the match for minini the backto back 12 and that lovely 155 out here are the numbers as you can see Baris just with the higher average of the two 9603 418s between them and 50% on the doubles for Mark just didn't get a go at one in the final EG 40% for Boris right when we come back after the break it's back to group one Derek Coulson can secure his spot in the semi-finals with a win over Andy Davidson welcome to the party and Port here at the motus liveline they both got the talent where they go real off leg after leg and dish out a heavy defeat what a way to start the day we're up and running here on Champions week with a maximum but what a way to finish a 12 dark leg beautiful check out there from cam Crabtree only needs the one on the second leg Dar what are you saying about efficiency third Reon the moment that ree Robinson comes alive in this crucial Clash looks like he's going to go for it and it is right next to his favorite double top he gets the job done at the earliest possibility that is Camp Crabtree through case not so Harrison gets the all important win game shot on the second leg Darius louner game shot is it a long time that clinch fist he gets the job done in the end was nodding in total agreement on the flag the one see she can unlock it in moment that is qual harison this would be a wake up [Applause] welcome to the party in should be a good marker for him and is it was a great Harrison first leg Andre Harrison a breaker throw for Andreas Harrison the leg consecutive breaker throw double 16 and he does [Applause] lead not an 11 but it's a beautiful 12 17 she gets Bullseye for the win absolutely incredible by Andreas Harrison he's Andreas juy haris [Applause] welcome back to the modus Super Series where before the braak boys colof sealed a comeback win getting the better of Mark mcin by four legs of a real high quality second contest of our evening session we're going to take a break from group two for now to return to our group one action which sees Derek CS in action he needs just a couple of legs to progress his way through to semi fars have already aass a 4-1 Victory earlier on this year he takes on Andy Davidson who's looking to make it to backto back champions weeks and early one this evening I caught up with him Andy fair to say a group b two har for yourself uh potentially yeah I don't feel I played that great I've picked up in the last two matches there I'm just relieved to get through because on paper that was such a tough group so for me to just even be in the top three and get through to tonight I'm over the moon with that did we learned something different about you over the last couple of days because when we've seen you here previously you've played some tremendous stuff but maybe maybe that group being not your best but you still found ways of winning matches yeah maybe that's what maybe that was the difference because I know my scoring has certainly been nowhere near but I felt my clutch finishing certainly I think it buil me out more than more than a couple of times so I'm just thankful that the doubles went in and uh fingers crossed I save my best for tonight in terms of tonight because of what happened in group b do you just almost treat it as a completely brand new tournament yeah I think so because i' I've got nothing to lose again tonight well certainly certainly that's the way I approach it like I did when I was back here in week four I had nothing to lose and I did play a decent finals night last time so if I can replicate that who knows I could go all the way again do you see still see yourself as the underdog I do absolutely yeah there you know the only pressure you put on this game is what you put on yourself and I try as much as possible to not put any pressure on myself the fact I'm just playing here you know to be invited back for another shot in this series that's good enough for me so I'll I'll make the most of it hopefully what is the mindset when you get that second invitation to play in the series what's the what's what goes for your mind when you get that second shot then when you walk back through the building again well I was I was surprised initially but uh yeah I I just felt just did nothing wrong in my previous week here so when I got that second bite at the Cherry I thought well try and make the most of it if it doesn't go too well I I am in the next series that's also been confirmed so bit of a free rle for me do you believe in Redemption maybe who knows we'll see we'll see I'm just going to be relaxed and play play my best tonight hopefully they'll go if it doesn't you know I do have another go at it so uh we we'll see how they go again we wish you well Andy good luck thanks Henry well it doesn't matter what he does if Andy Davidson does things like that round off a near Immaculate display the ballseye to finishing style this is Scot against the Scott and this scot he's doing remarkable things oh here we go oh here we go 164 the beautiful surroundings of the live lounging Port of this time next week there is not a seat to be had in the building as Champions week will be in full swing Champions night will be in full swing and on this Saturday evening we're in full swing as well Derek Coulson needs just a couple of legs to make it through Andy Davidson with wi will put himself in good stead in commentary for our third game of the night is Scott Mitchell and Chris Mason thank you very much Henry what a lovely levelheaded attitude Andy Davidson has got yeah I was really impressed with him and I saw him that first week I was on comms that week and I kind of said where the hell have you been hiding kid you know it um was super impressive and I think the parts that that we all love about Andy Davidson are all the bits that you can't teach yes they have to be natural it has to be you have to be have that line of thr first and he and he just he's just one of those guys that you just feel that I I really you know you really wish good things for him in the future yeah absolutely it's he's just got a well you can tell he's been brought up well let's put it that way 9 just he's just an all round lovely chat with a with a great Outlook and and a great attitude who who loves his darts and doesn't put too much pressure on himself like that he's just had absolute bager Nails terrible score and he gave himself the thumbs up at the board said yeah well on Andy what an opener 100 problem problem for him is here he's he's obviously a little bit cold we've both played in this situation and Derek's obviously got the the fact that he's won his first game as well so he won't be feeling great deal of pressure Derek no and of course he won that first game against the throw as well so he now has the throw so you've got all the confidence in the world and it was only a game ago it's not like he's got to wait another two or three games to jump back on and get it so it's very different for during the week still in that zone still in that mindset and like I say it it takes a leg and a bit just to shake the nerves off and get the breathing in order to get the heart rate down and and just start to really switch on and I don't I don't care who you are it's that's that's the same for every player but these guys it's it's even more of an issue cuz they don't have that experience of of dealing with it no not at all Derek you require 167 that's what makes tonight so intriguing we know that probably uh mcin is is is the standout as experience goes yeah but we know that he's not always at in the last six month playing the best Arts of his career is this going to be the night that gives him a kick on or is it going to give Andy Davidson the kick on it's it's a really special night whoever it is require 122 they will jump back into next week and have a have a they're not even have have time to enjoy winning it not at all they probably won't even have time to answer all the messages and and everything that will come through on social media 42 we straight back in require 151 28 we will of course be discussing next week's lineup and the groups later on in between the semifinal and final 40 and do you require 123 98 almost der require 40 picks his pocket I think Davidson will learn something from this game from the from the pace of Derek Carlson he would have to learn how to deal with this type of thing as as things as time goes on and game sh you're going you're going to walk into players much quicker and certainly much slower it's a it's another thing I second leg it's Andy to throw first few players I work with that had issues I always say just take a a long stroll around to your water table have a fidd withy case a sip of water and then literally don't even think about walking towards the until they're sort of in between darts two and three a lot of players and I clu myself in that at times once we take those darts out sometimes we're not actually realizing what we're doing it takes a friend that's watching or a family member that watching going say after the game why did why did you run around like that or why did you do this and it was like oh well didn't realize I did it yeah and it's the same thing with quick players you can just find yourself almost walking around in circles and it's all right for them because that's that's the tempo they want to be at but if you're a player that normally isn't at that Tempo 100 you can just sort of get engrossed in their game and and the same if you're if you're playing a slower player and you're you're stood behind you end up watching what they're doing too much and you lose focus on what you're meant to be doing yeah know I totally agree and it uh some I was made very aware of after I was struggling to win first round games at Lakeside and well you went to see that sport sport didn't you yeah I had to work it out I had to it was something I was watching and I couldn't work out what I was doing and it was it's quite I've spoke to you CU I'm fascinated by all of this but you actually was counting your steps to the oy wasn't it yeah yeah yeah yeah it was counting my steps counting my numbers away from the oy it was um just taking my mind away from the game really 99 you didn't overthink and overanalyze concentrated on me which is what the whole game is all about anyway and if I do what I do 95 I can make it very difficult for that opponent they've got to do something pretty special and I'm still fascinated by it I'm still fascinated when I watch other people because I now know I I watch other players and go what why are they doing that why they why you know and it may be something that they've been taught to do that's totally the opposite to what work for me and that's the love of this crazy game I I actually mentioned it on the game a leg and I I I always say Scott if you can get a little percentage from this part a little percent from that part a little you know all those little improvements up to a really big jump in in level and performance absolutely and I and I just think it is one of those things it's about all on the day and and if you've got 20 p in your back pocket or you got 20 grand in your back pocket when you put your foot to the oy at darts that makes no difference it's one of the only sports that it makes no difference snooker maybe it's all about that moment that game how you hold your nerve in that particular moment and and uh and some days we hold it and we look like Heroes and other days we fold like kittens 43 well sometimes we hold it and they just don't go between the wires you know it's and that's where the element of of Good Fortune can can rear it ugly head Cen here and he needs one more leg and he knows he's safe and through because won his first game 41 against Jamie Owens and he gets two here 93 he guarantees himself through 108 that's not been a problem in his in his game so far 100 D than a slow player that hits everything I know Dennis stood behind watching you know playing Dennis and you're thinking oh God another 180 another 140 another 180 for me it Dennis haror require 108 must be something about the name Dennis 92 dereky require 54 good attempt from Davidson there didn't quite go his way so it's Coulson 54 here to put himself in the semifinal oh 18 18 18 confused us all that's why he went that way cuz he likes it yep four flag it's Andy to throw first gameer see I'm not a player that worries about what I can do and what I can't do I just go for the win the whole time in this whole situation I try to avoid that TV screen out there like the play but you always get W and every group comes around but if you do this and he does that and you do this I say you don't be quiet in a minute you and I are going to fall out cuz I don't want to know the worst one for me the first seniors event had and they got the monitor there and it's got your your average on it and I was like oh no oh no I knew I weren't playing very well but then when you actually see it for yourself like and there's nowhere to hide you want the want the stage to swallow you up but um yeah I like join a game you literally it's almost like you and when you're playing well you can just switch off and get into this Zone like feel no that's the one thing I've I've had that a couple of times in my D life where you've look across at the score could be an exhibition I say World seniors did it U yeah and you see your average as you're hitting 41 and you see it plummet another six points and oh drives insane yeah Derk you require 161 for 31 and a place in the semi-finals uh James boy asks as professional D players do you have any swing thoughts your throwing action the way goers do for their swing to keep everything in good work working on not really this the elements involved in a golf swing they're not comparable more so a a queuing action because if you think of the the back swing and the follow through it's just the opposite of a of your throwing in darts which is probably why snooker players make good Dart the four flag Derek CER yeah I think you're probably right actually you tend to look at your throw more you you can't necessarily feel it to throw first the one the one Bey of especially things like this for players the fact that they can analyze themselves and they can have a look at where they feel their throw may be breaking down or if there's elements they can improve that they've got access to it 108 I don't think you you can underestimate and I know this sounds really dark because every D player has a big beer belly but cor strength is something that you need to stop your body moving while you're throwing while while the thrust of that arm goes through um you need a core strength to stop the the top half of your body moving even an inch or an inch and a half because that changes where the where the dark goes in the board on the muscle memory it's it's a fascinating game if you go really looking into it well it was like Phil he was you know he was 97 a bigger fell but he was he was matchfit you know it's like it's like some heavweight boxers you look at Tyson Fury you would if if you seen him in walking down the street you go there's no way he could fight for 36 minutes he could fight for 56 minutes cuz he's he's big but he's bit it's like you on the farm you know what I mean not every on this planet could do what you doing a day on that farm no you're probably right but it's it's just a strange just a strange thing but something that I can see in future years people going down the road of it more with with hand speed with arm speed so I think that's a really good question actually well that was the one element that impressed me so much about Luke humpr and and Ross Smith the same they they both went away and improved on exactly what you're saying their core strength their Fitness their 75 and ultimately paid dividends 35 and 133 it's been a theme in group one for D winning 41 40 tops away from the double 41 double turn it's left-handed they love it 20 Andy you require 40 game shot the fifth flag Andy Davidson someone says she loads of darts coaching videos on yoube technique and most of them say play loads and you'll find your own way yeah I know I mean I don't I don't do any coaching per se um I I work with literally absolute beginners and just 100 lay down the fundamentals for them and then just literally off your go get to get the you know 50 get the basics down and then just do it well yeah just getting the mechanics right initially so that there I did the same with my kids you know I got out of broom and I put their hand on the I was s off the broom what they were you put your hand here and this is what happens this arm goes over the top of your elbow that's where it goes now you work it out from here you just get the biomechanics right really 108 now some of the pros that I work with more so on if I can see a just things creeping in or something that I can see and the ones only the ones I work with of course I wouldn't go up to some one I don't have any uh any kind of relationship with and 14 it's usually ironed out very quickly but you can elements or bad elements can creep into your game so quickly it's like the wrist with Michael bangaru went I was I was picking up on that literally in its infancy 100 and do you require 80 Davidson here has 80 double 10 to go 33 and that looked very unlikely just about three or four minutes ago yeah the only Insurance Derek did have of course was knowing he seven from final the darts deci game because it is going to be a straight shootout isn't it between well if Derek wins it's just a straight shootout between Andy 4 Jamie 100 Andy wins this leg then there is no way back for Jamie Owen so he's going to be a big Derek [Β __Β ] fan in the back room here as we speak 135 [Applause] 140 t followed by 140 is giving Derek all the pressure he needs 1134 Jack asks is there ever going to be a double in double out tourament yes sure going be introduced into the one of the special weeks um in a week or so's time will be our Double Trouble two Neil Duff won the first one 140 85 Derek you require 44 if you subscribe Jack you can have a look back at all of the old dson D eventually gets over the line the 134 and the 140 to follow left him the 44 he duly took out so it is two wins from two for Derek Coulson he is safely through as we already knew a high out of 102 an average of 8822 backing up the 80 808 in match one when we come back we return to group two for Mark mcin against y botom brg [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] welcome back to the modus Super Series where before the break Derek Carlson completed a perfect pull stage getting the better of Andy Davidson by four legs of free so it means that his game against Jamie Owens in Match six will'll be a straight knockout to see who's into the semifinals our fourth game of the evening session sees Jano bottenberg take to the stage for the first time this evening he takes on Mark mcin if Yano wins this then he is through mcin will head for home and early on this evening I caught up with a Dutchman yeah know fair to say group a didn't go to plan but Group C was the exact opposite 10 wins from 10 yeah that's uh perfect and uh group a wasn't that uh Good played uh didn't play my best but uh Group C still didn't play my best but to take all the 10 wins it's good for the confidence and what changed in group C compared to group a yeah I was thinking to myself it's a new start so let start from zero and see what happened and if I play like I can then I was think I can beat everybody so so you must go in tonight because of those 10 wins brimming with confidence just knowing that you got that ability to win games and particularly in that grp to run you won games in in different manners different ways I think for you won games differently so it wasn't just all four Nils or four that you had to sometimes work for wins yeah yeah it was uh a few times 4-1 42 43 and so yeah it wasn't that easy as it maybe looked but I was happy to win all the games first time here at a finals night we've seen you play in front of big crowds this year how much you looking forward to playing in front of an audience tonight yeah I always looking forward to play for the crowd and uh let's hopefully show them some good dots and so they in can enjoy the night you put the Dutch open on the CV the Super Series wouldn't be a bad one to add would it h hopefully we wish you all very best Yano good luck thank [Music] you anano bottenberg is an action against Mark mcin who lost out in the last leg deciding against bis C of despite opening up a 3-1 lead in that contest if he loses this one Toano he is out bottenberg and Boris would be through in coms Scott Mitchell and Chris Mason thank you Henry and well Scott picked up on it straight away of the advantage of having played a game which Derek did and Derek won his Opening match and Andy Davidson was coming in a little bit cold and he went behind almost battled back now the same will be for this young man Yano bottenberg and Mark mcin was very very good and very unfortunate to lose in the end averaged 95.1 4 Which is higher than anything that Yano has produced this week that's all stats on paper though mace isn't it and we know we don't play darts on paper toow first we do sort of game what was wasn't your first artboard a cardboard one or yeah to be fair it probably was actually an my probably from worldw Worth's own brand 100 you said at the top of the show we know that Yano has 96 the potential you you don't go winning Dutch opens for not 22 years of age no no it's just super super stuff I think I made the semifinals once in about 15 attempts I think yeah quarterfinals is a closest never got the ironic thing for me was I was still in the pairs at the same time so I I just played a peirs semi-final came off then had to go back on and play a a single semi-final then came off and had to go and play the peirs final it was it was brutal I think they've stopped all that silliness now they're very good at sorting things out like that the NDB I mean I'm not sure the same when you play but we used to have a VIP area so we we had our own practice boards and then we were taken to our TV Lane to play um but just as a just as a normal competitor without those advantages it must be brutal there is just Madness back back when I first went yes I didn't have that the VIP was still there 45 and I made the last 128 that's how many there were there there were just under 5,000 in the singles on the first day I made the last 128 and got invited into the VIP because I was in the 128 and then I don't think I was ever out of it after that 137 yeah know you require 40 if you're a a darts fan it's highly recommended trip G shot the first leg y it's very much a a carnival type weekend isn't it it's just they have they have loads of different types of entertainment to throw first and you game and obviously some of the duts create their own entertainment as well while they're in the in the beer t remember seeing some marvelous bin diving you proper wheelie bin up on its lid at 45 degrees and you have a 5 yard run up you dive in head first it slides up the dance floor and then they put a mark on the floor so he's gone minini it's back with a Max I remember doing my first it wasn't the Dutch another tourament in Holland and they have the the carts with the barrels and the little remote cooler on and they just literally you'll be sort of buy your Board and they'll just come around with one and you just just buy them up it's mad no at the bar no no no it's great stuff 60 58 123 I think that clench of fist there in a little punch shows what y feels of that visit meini had just started to turn the throw on him after losing his own throw in the first leg and that was a massive visit that 1 two three I know you require trouble 20 17 and ball The Trebles a bonus dble eight wow on a second leg y bottenberg 14 followed by 15 Third Leg it's Mark to throw first what could go wrong for Mark is going wrong who would be your dream Pais partner yeah good question 60 ah Daisy dukee 108 just mix pairs then yeah yeah sorry I didn't know which way you meant um no I think I think you'd want to play with one of the one of the greats wouldn't you really yeah I mean I was fortunate I played pairs with Eric for years so um I sort of had mine and and also played pairs with a 96 mutual friend of of ours Dave Jenner got to the final of the British Open pairs with Dave I don't know how oh I do I didn't drink with him yeah that'll be the idea I think I think sometimes I've been fortunate to win win the Dutch open pairs on three occasions I think sometime when you put two really good players together it doesn't always work I think I want it with Richie George I've want it with um Martin C Atkins from Yorkshire and I've won it with James hurl wow um but but uh yeah I think sometimes when you and I've played with Scott weights and we've never got by the last 16 twice you'd think that would be the the key I got I did the final one year with 167 Dave Jenner and then or the year before I got to the final with George tble 127 just couldn't win itk require made the semi once or twice as well I made the semis in two uh 2020 with Gary Stafford from Hampshire yeah yeah I know Gary 80 y know you require 40 but if you ask me nowadays I'd like the idea of playing with or Gary Anderson I probably wouldn't play very well because I I'd just be loaded with pressure four flag it's Yano to throw first gameer so bottenberg goes three and0 up with a second breaker throw on meini and 42 like you say everything that was going his way in the first one has gone against him in this one here's an interesting one marus says having aimed is there a second sighting position just before release I Ross Ross Montgomery touches his nose the flight Shane bures rubs his cheek Bist ni his eyebrow obviously extreme cases well the thing is not all players are aimers some are throwers some are aimers some are some are in the middle 140 it's not really like an aim it's almost sighting isn't it or just getting in position cuz ultimately if you tried to sight it you wouldn't see a lot apart from your hand and possibly the flight or the dart itself so yeah I wouldn't get too bogged down with with worrying about things like that there's another good question Andy 9 McLaren evening Chris and Scott what change do you think the PDC need to bring in to protect players ranked above 64 and is it possible to earn a living full time if you in that category no not with all the expenses involved and um it cost a fortune to do I know the entes there's no more entry fees but the amount of traveling hotels food time off work I have I have an opinion on it that once you've earned that card you're not an open tournament qualified to be in the round of 128 there should be prize money it's not like we've entered say I'm playing in tourament up Uptown on Monday I don't expect any money for a round because it's an open tournament but by earning and paying for your card that guarantees you your place in round one of a tournament consisted of 128 players yeah yeah I can see that point of view yeah I understand that or they quite simply which is something I've been suggesting for a couple of years now you allow players 100 if in that position 6 well maybe I don't know 65 to 128 they wouldn't have it but the opportunity to play here to try and subsidize their earning potential and also gain valuable experience which will hold them in good stead going forward as a PDC player yeah we we know this place is proven but then does that stop the conveyor belt by stopping other players being here yeah well it's yeah it's it's it's one of those it's it's tough just got his first leg on the board with the breaker throw and 14 D that seems to have lit the touch paper for him he's gone ton 140 probably going to go 180 here and that's exactly what he's done he's now back in this game yeah this has been a brilliant reaction from 81 like in his first match though he didn't finish with a 100 plus average for the vast majority of it he was well over the ton he's over 102 at the moment close to 103 49 38 no real pressure on this for minini and he'll be relieved it that way and closes the FL flag Mark MC uh who is the best player you ever saw who never broke through to televised tournaments Six Flag it's Yano to throw first game there was a few in in and around the Bristol area George turnball Mike Jeff Johnny leis Stuart Bennett Jeff Williams they were all absolutely outstanding players but a lot of the time had young families or didn't have the finances to to travel to get ranking points to ultimately get their their breakr 57 yeah circumstances away from the board are a massive thing to whether you you you're able to do what these guys are doing and I think that's why we're seeing and you made a great point with regard to Derek Coulson I think that's why in the seniors we're seeing players that I've never heard before think where have you been and they say well we just didn't have the money I had a young family I had full-time job couldn't get time off work didn't have the extra income to cuz you know I it used to cost a fortune to go on the especially the early stage of the BDO circuit You' been Sweden Denmark Finland America Canada all over the UK Belgium Holland Germany it was I remember I remember Shane burges happened to go to Australia cuz it was the final ranking tournament in season just to guarantee his place at Lakeside it's crazy Mad well bber there has just hit a lovely he's had a leg 139 57 132 133 this is for a 13 Darter and to win the game what a 13 D that is for him G has walked into a couple there [Music] happy happy Yano bottenberg there look at minini he's he's played with a 95 tonight and a 9830 and is yet to win a game and uh his night is over but Yan bottenberg 42 did all he needed to four from six on the doubles highest check out of 127 you've got time to put the catle on as we head for a short break and we'll be back with Andy Davidson taking on Jamie Owens [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] welcome back to the modor Super Series where before the break Yano bottom BG got the better Mark mcghin by four legs to two four games down and we know three of the four semifinalist now Derek cson through group one with two wins and two BO kov and Yano bottenberg both F because they've both beaten Mark MC so only one more name to find out in terms of our semifinal and we'll know that player at the end of this game there's Addy Davidson takes on Jamie Owens both losing out to Derek Corson Owens 41 Davidson 43 but who is going to win game five Scott Mitchell and Chris Mason are in the commentary box thank you very much Henry yep nothing complicated about this one just a straight shoo uh got a feel from Lamborghini he's well he's been the standout player tonight hasn't he in terms of level of performance but it's not meant to be if your name's not on bot lad and it certainly wasn't there for Mark mcin but what he can take away from it flag he can still play to a seriously high level on any other night he may well have may well have uh not not only just qualify for the semis but to win it it's the nature of this short format isn't it it's the nature of the short format yeah you don't you don't really get enough time to to sort of sometimes wrestle your way back in there there's no wiggle room yeah no restle your way back in rest on The Laurels that you've made to get in front there's no time for nothing one leg 45 just turns a game on its head here yeah it's like this one I mean I think County darts years ago was was best of five and most League Dart you play was one leg West Midland it was one leg of 301 in one of the leagues yeah somebody came to you and said they wanted to play you for best of n you thought your arm was going to fall off nobody was ever doing that but now a best of s is cons considered very much a a Sprint a 60-yard dash uh evening Christen Scott which eight players should be in the Premier League 82 I presume you mean next year well as it stands right now my picks would be the two Lukes mvg cross Aspen Anderson price and do but that's like I said that's just who I like to watch well I want to see it go to I want to see it go to uh go to 12 go back to six games a night so you just play once you have a home and away fixture after 12 weeks the 81 bottom four are Bend off the top eight go back to the format that are currently using now where it's knockout for the next four weeks and then the top four at the semi-finals yeah sounds like a plan for me I don't think I would um have any other different eight if if that was the case I think 120 they're the guys that are doing it right now who's going to be doing it in two months time and who's going to have won the World Championship exactly it's a long way off but as it stands right now that's the eight 75 like to see Jamie requires 62 Owens here has been having no luck whatsoever a couple of Bounce outs couple of drifty ones these are Big moments to break the throw 46 quite happen for him this time round do you think that's well I think it's twofold level of expectation first leg Andy Davidson and maybe just trying to force the issue and of course lack of experience little bit of that trying to make sure I think yeah don't you don't you didn't you love it back in the day and you know you'd be going for a double to win a count match and somebody would go out the ground make sure who you don't want to hear that make sure what do you think I'm trying to do miss it so I can go a just terrible make sure I hate that call yeah you might as well say don't miss 8 and you're already telling you that yourself that already 93 saying with the Grand Prix coming up what are the chances it ever goes back to Dublin none at the moment there isn't an alternative venue that's the right kind of size that they need like I keep saying there's more to Ireland than Dublin take it to Belfast there's load of brilliant venues there yeah we played a Six Nations a couple of six nations in Belfast there some great places to play there yeah and it's beautiful 55 someone asking how did bottenberg play okay 91 142 uh against 57 is highest numbers of the week by a couple of points 12 that would have uh requ given him a lift and a well needed boost of confidence on a second leg so good at those little two Dart clutch finishes is third lag it's Andy to throw first was a million miles away from the 160 himself and uh yeah that hurts 100 cuz it's one of those darts you know that 98 where that second Dart once you've hit the 60 you can get a go at the the double 19 a little bit half-heartedly rather than having to go straight at it and make a mess of it and carry a dart yeah cuz you don't you don't want to burn a dart do you no so you like say you approach it with a little bit of hesitation uh do you think a competition along the same lines as the old British bentathlon would raise any interest these days no British B is still going um and it's it's I'm was going to say wonderful to play in but it's absolutely horrific but great fun um but no as a TV spectacle no it wouldn't it wouldn't work because nowadays listen the PDC do every type of research and analytic research and they've added science to it all and if if anything would work they would have done it by now I think actually Conor Scott won it this year I believe did he Martin Adams has won it a ridiculous amount of times as as 100 Martin Adams yeah yeah makes you sick don't he keep you winning everything 75 top top man we've seen him here many occasions still throw in tidily at the rold age of I think he's 64 now isn't he yeah he's got be 44 and he require 75 uh no Jamie didn't play football today he's out injured 35 well this time's got to go obvious oh another one those oh you Beauty on Third Leg Jamie uh should have more PDC tournaments in Scotland I agree toow first plenty of time nice finish there from Jamie Owens is that going to give him a lift he seems to have a slight problem here with that Dart being just a little bit under the treble 20 and then he's he's having he's he's not exactly a big tall player to be able to go over the top and past it NOP and there it is again and it's it's so plum in the middle you can't even work around it 81 100 40 Adam ass hi Christ Scott do you think the pro tour should move to diff different locations Birmingham used to have one 95 also what about crowds no no it's fine the way it is um no there's so much at stake that some balloon shouting some out at an inappropriate time could cost someone a place in a 61 in a world championship for example 72 uh when is the influencers event don't know not a clue I'm afraid it will be on the Moda Super Series 32 um social media platforms though take a look 140 want tops here to level this up a nice 140 there from Davidson to put a little pressure on the shot he hit two in the previous leg for that lovely ton finish with tops tops off the double 10 20 mad isn't it and you require with two in hand three in hand can't find tops game sh of four flag Andy Davids clut finishing clutch finishing ouch ouch OU FL any other thought in Davidson's mind other than taking a dart to the board with him and getting it in two 100 hi Christen Scott would you like to see a women's Grand Slam How would how would that work [Applause] 140 100 as the grand Sam lost a bit of magic magic yeah I think so cuz that was what was originally created for to have the cross code event it just added added a bit of spice to it was all I can assure it was all friendly between the players they used to try and make how it wasn't but it was very amicable but just added a bit of good banter in the practice room yeah they were good events to play qualifi for three of those and yeah really good times 13 call for the very first war put in a lovely group of Adrien Lewis Dennis Priestley and Raymond baral lovely thanks for that 977 that was to stay in require 24 looking like Davidson is going to take his place in the semifinal alongside Derek Coulson and it is a a disappointing end for what's been a a fabulous week for debutant Jamie Owens but I'm sure we will see him back and good luck with his recovery from his football injury and good luck with his career going forward I certainly would like to see him down here again there's the numbers Andy Davidson very tidy 29 pdar in the old County way of looking at things 87 Jamie Owens 8586 which is pretty much where he's been for the entire week when we come back it's jaro bomberg against fellow qualifier for the semi-finals Boris colof did on a minute wow oh my God that's under quit down the drain already itching to hit the 180 he's gone for the [Music] [Applause] maximum 18 for the B bull 53 no he said bull that's a great first start from Adam W look at this he's going to leave scap oh can you believe it that is [Music] unbelievable match starts to put his team into the final and through to the final they go Charlie Murphy has hit the match winning dart on both occasions double four for the [Music] [Applause] title Please show your appreciation for the winner of the influencer peirs event George SCA and Adam lip [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] he seems to be he seems to be out that's what he is Charlie M a couple more visits yet we're not going to need that a BOS pie fa is through get and he's absolutely Buzz was that dominated throughout [Music] [Applause] [Music] welcome back to the motor Super Series before the break Andy Davidson completed our semifinal lineup getting the better of Jamie Owens by four Le one so it means the final group match Jano bottenberg and B colov is a game where both players are just Le for position both into the semifinals the winner will Top group two and have the advantage of throw in the second semi-final in commentary Scott Mitchell and Chris Mason thank you Henry yeah well they're playing for position G the the winner will play Andy Davidson the loser will play Derek Coulson 58 and Trust me at this stage any idea of thinking oh I don't really want to play him I'd rather play him you just don't want to lose a game you want to keep that winning mentality and winning momentum yeah definitely and you want to you want to make sure you got the darts no matter who you're playing and that's winner this will and you may well be playing the guy in the final so you want to make sure you get one up on him yeah definitely yeah definitely that happens quite often here doesn't it that that situation but but for me it's going to be a tight game c off has had a n 96 average in his one game this evening bottenberg had a 9557 so it's it really is width of a rizzler yeah 59 bit of a coin flip that was the that that performance from from MiO was was was special because he had to play that well because Mark mcin was playing at a seriously high high level losing with a 98 plus average that shows me that those gears I wanted to see from him they are in the locker 60 bar you require 107 30 the honor you require 130 Boris made a bit of a piger of that ball game Shan of first leg Yan bottenberg and continuing where he left offis 127 in fact every match we've had so far tonight is had a ton plus finish in it including 100 the highest of them all in our opening game Derek hson slotting in our 100th 170 105 Roberto oh Neil Duff he's here he's Keen hi Christ and Scott do you think women's prize money should go up nope 100 it's relative it's a bit like saying well why don't women's footballers earn the same as male footballers because they don't generate the same amount money that's just that's just life why do female models earn more money than male models CU they're in more demand and they generate more money commercially and in fact 96 the women's footballers took more of a percentage of the pot money available than their male counterparts in World Cups 50 I know a world cup and a Europe Cup and I didn't get a percentage of nothing 15 everybody gets 15 quid England managers one I don't know how many World Cups how many Europe cups and he even got United yep yeah you're right 134 the honor you required 20 although it Still Remains my proudest moment pulling on that require 36 it was yeah just I will never foret second leg Boris colof colof levels up at 1 I have to say third on England Shir is the most amazing thing I've ever done above above winning a world championship for me and I was very fortunate enough to pick up the World Cup as England Captain as well wow that's like the ultimate isn't it um I had at one point I had the Europe Cup trophy the World Cup trophy and the world championship trophy in my house wow and I never took one picture cuz I thought it was an everyday occurrence when they all gone now I look back and go what was I doing 100 why didn't I take a picture of [Music] that 14 The Ultimate reply yeah it's ramping up now isn't it the pace of the game is now it's Pace it's it's they've done the touchy feeling bit first couple of legs and now we're away playing1 a real good Pace here that both are enjoying yep suits them both 6 for require 81 for another ball finish third it goes you can have one backyard now here's what Boris is saying it's Boris to throw first I think there is that element where they they can play with a a bit of Freedom they both know the the main objective 4 of these two group matches was to qualify for the semi-finals and that's done yeah it's it it does change things a little bit you now to play with that element of Freedom there's no two ways about it there's a little an element they relaxed and that's the beauty when you when you're right the sort of somewhere near the top of your game and you're doing exhibitions that's that's why you know you hear of just remarkable things happening you know you get you get sort of the early matches out the way and you're in for flow and you do produce some some mind-blowing stuff you learn pretty early not to try and go double double first or second game you just get the first ones out the way get yourself a little momentum and then is Neil Duff in group a I do believe so 101 so all that information will be coming up shortly 65 y you require 170 oh not going to get another well not in this turn can Boris give us our 96 101st Boris re 170 top wire another one of those would be handy leaves 18 34 theor you require 74 dou 18 is favorite 38 Boris you require 36 not to be on this time is it going to be boris's favorite yes it is well the averages 22.6 and he's 3-1 behind Boris 98 83 like I say it's been a good game nice on the eye yes 100 pleasing to watch isn't it you could watch a best of 19 very comfortably at this pace 83 always feels like there's something happening 108 second Mach for Boris I would like to see Adrien Lewis back in darts it's been a minute yeah 123 his arrival at the modor Super Series will be next year of course 85 uh why put liter in the thumbnail if he's not in the tournament shocking false advertising modus St um because it's to qualify for Champions week can he was a former Champions week 36 y know you require 112 I presume that's the idea yeah I'd go with that I don't have anything to do with the social 92 forish you required 60 so 60 for CS off here to win the match G that's exactly what he's done he now topped group two little match that to finish off the group stages bber again very good with the 9332 probably the one from six is what's harmed him there but it's Colts off 9978 just shy of the ton four out of four on his doubles he heads through to semifinal number two and ends up group winner we're going to head to a short break and when we come back on the other side we will have your semifinals welcome to the party of Port here at the motors liveline they both got the talent Where It Go real off leg after leg and the heavy defeats what a way to start the day we're up and running here on Champions week with a maximum what a way to finish a 12 dark leg beautiful check out there from cam Crabtree only needs the one the second Dar what are you saying about efficiency Third Leg re Robson the moment that ree Robinson comes alive in this crucial Clash looks like he's going to go for it and it is right next to his favorite double top he gets the job the earliest possibility that is can crab tree through case not so Harrison gets the all important win game shot on the second leg Darius lanow game shot is it a n a long time that clinch f [Music] he gets the job done in the end was nodding in total agreement because on the [Music] flag that she can unlock at any moment that is quality from Harrison this would be a wake up welcome to the party in should be a good marker for him and is it was a great the first FL and Harr a breaker throw for Andreas [Music] Harrison leg consecutive breaker throw double 16 is found and he [Applause] does not 11 but it's a beautiful 12 Trel 17 but he gets bullo for the win absolutely incredible by Andreas Harrison he is Andreas toy [Applause] haris welcome back to the Bas Super Series where we have completed the group stage worth of action here in week 12 finals night the 2015 World Champion Scott Mitchell's been watching every single Dart in the C box alongside Chris B this is what we have seen this evening both the paws have come to a culmination and it is see Derek Coulson dominate group one Andy Davis had won the deciding match against Jamie ens well as Mark mcin had averages of 95 and 98 and couldn't win a game he was eliminated whilst bis cots off and Yano bottom made it through so the semifinals are now set in stone Scotts alongside let's begin with Derek corer because he was the first player to qualify through in group one he's a player that's got such a big reputation for the world seniors tour and as the week's gone along he's seemingly getting better and better yeah yeah he's won one of the seniors events and and uh he's uh he's one of those underestimated players estimated type players who goes under the radar a little bit he's got levels higher than what he's shown tonight but I think think tonight he's he's been here before he knows a little bit more about it this time and I think he's just gone through the motions of doing what he needs to do to make him make the semi-finals now we're playing a little bit of straight knockout maybe we're going to see a different Derek cson this one70 was quite nice was is this was 100 fo the Super Series yeah magic stuff as well just double checking it was there Jamie Owens knew it was there and he knew that was there too so dere cson into the semifinals in his first Finals night here at the live Lounge as far as group two is concerned Mark mcin we mentioned played so well didn't qualify let's talk about some of the performances from the other players and begin with Boris colof who is seemingly the type of player that comes here to the Super Series plays at this real consistently high level and could really go under the radar yeah very much so he could go under the radar but I think for me like Ma and I said at the top of the show he's here to try and prove a little bit of a point just to remind people that he's still out there we can still see he's doing the numbers you know it's very consistent numbers that he's doing and and he will feel a little bit Rusty being here you know it's it's not he's not been doing lots and lots of competitions of late and so I think it's been a very impressive performance from him so far and in terms of Yano bottenberg another player who lost with an average high in the 90s in that last game against Boris yeah very much so he's playing with a with an absolute confidence isn't he he's looking good um he he knows that now he's through the group stages this is now knockout and uh he looks pretty good for the semi-finals so Yan and bber into the semi-finals the other player is Andy Davidson who was the favorite at the beginning of the night didn't play his best in group b but are there signs that he's just beginning to come up to the boil now I I think as a player we all know that there are certain points where yeah you haven't played your best but you've got to grind your way through to win tournaments when you see when you win tournaments you don't always play your very best games all the way through there's always one that you scrape through and then you start to think your name is on it he may be starting to think his name's on it again tonight because he hasn't played his best but he has come back from losing position so um if he gets in front I think we can you just watch him because he just goes well that sets up our semi fines which we can have a look at now a really intriguing set of semis ahead of us this evening we're going to kick off with Derek Carson up against Yano bot ber followed by Bois cof and Andy Davis and actually it's quite a weird dynamic because you got the two players from Group C and the two players from Group B going head-to-head in the semis yeah very much so and that can quite often happen M touched on it earlier in in commentary that yeah there might have been nothing on that game and and and it was all about who went through and got the darts in the semi-final but we forget that they they've got to get one over on one another they've been playing each other all week and and that just goes to prove exactly what ma said was right see Chris Mason doesn't get it wrong does he way maybe the odd one but by and large he gets it right doesn't he right this week we had a bit of a milestone here at the live Lounge 10,000 matches at the modor Super Series well it was a game on Tuesday and it was just another game of darts but it was a historic moment here for us at the live Lounge any for you any moments over the last couple of years that have stood out in particular I think probably you know the finals nights there's been big moments there's been you know the Andreas Harris and wins they've been really cool haven't they um uh Luke liter obviously Springs to M and and have him going on to do what he's done so there are magic moments here there are there are many moments for individuals that have played here that mean the world to them when they go away so it's not always just about the moments that the people are watching see sometimes it's about the moments that that it's created for for players to go on from here and and get tour cards and it all started here you're still very much active on the circuit what what's the talk in inner circles in a playing circles about this competition and how highly now is it on the radar with players well I think everybody's watching it you know I think people are watching it it's nice and easy to watch being on YouTube and I think if you're a certain type of player you want to watch who's coming up you want to watch who's going to be the next one that's going to be you know your opponent your your your next person on your tour and they're all coming from here so or they're all going through here at some point with within the game so so um you don't want to as a top player your job is to make sure you don't get caught out by anybody that you don't know and the one thing for me is I love being here and watching all these guys CU then I don't get caught out by them when they do drop onto the challenge tour or wherever I am so I think a lot of players are watching it for that and it's just some people just love watching darts and we just provide it and you know what the biggest pleasure is I get to enjoy watching live Sport with my mate and that's really good fun well we'll speak to you again a little bit later on Scot but as you mentioned 10,000 games have been completed here at the Super Series some Landmark moments some historic moments over the last couple of years so let's take a little trip back down memory lane Bon Sher wants treble 19 and now Double 12 to become the first ever female player to hit a t night finish get better than that too [Applause] 14 chion Super Series it's sweet success for the 16year old game shot and the motor Super Series week n Champion B GRE it's history for B Greaves Double 12 yes get in there Le CS what a way to win a game good gra back to back night TS double 16 it's destructive darl pilgrim the record average H the M super seies of 122.6mi [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and trust me this place has changed over the last couple of years but one thing stays to say the race the Champions week intensifying ahead of the big jackpot and we've got now just three more qualification matches until the next one begins Monday morning at halfast n Derek Coulson against Yano bottenberg followed by Boris colof and Andy Davidson are our two semis bottenberg and Coulson on the stage ready to go and also ready to go in the commentary box is Chris Mason at Scott Mitchell thank you very much Henry yeah really looking forward to this it was a wonderful standard in the in the group games a ton plus finish in every one of the matches played averages of very nearly a ton 9978 for Boris and 95s 95.1 4 96 98 93 you have to feel I just popped down and had a word with with Mark mcen and just sort of sort of just sympathized with him really and he he's he's he's actually was he he was quite um quite pleased with how he's played obviously massively disappointed not to progress first he's uh he's a level eded man and he will have he will take the best bits of his campaign and apply them going forward that's all he do yeah I recall a night I was here on final night in commentary and uh Josh Brooks of Lancashire did two ton pluses and went out without a win yes in the group stages it can be brutal here 82 it's Savage it it's just so unforgiving and having been a a tour card holder it's even more Savage at the level that you were playing at as you all know that's I mean the the protour are just brutal aren't they super super brilliant you get dragged along with them when you're in the protour you you your concentration levels become better um you don't throw a dart unless you know you're actually given every single data chance you just there's none of these just lobbing them and hoping it's just you need to know it's uh well everything's heightened isn't it you're everything yeah from a mistake to a win everything is it it feels higher yep three more matches to go the two semi-finals and then there will be a a short interval around about 10 minutes just to give the player playing second time to 13 maybe have a comfort break and a just sit down for five minutes to gather their thoughts and then we'll be straight into the final then we will know all 12 players that will be entertaining you next week for Champions week the 11 that we know so far week one of series 8 went to Tom Sykes and a good friend of ours and a fine player as well Jim long one week two Eric Richard Rolland one week three it was chuff to see him do that Jimmy Vani then Neil Duff's in the crowd this evening to pull us apart uh Paul Hogan Adam Paxton week eight Connor Scott Thomas Banks week nine you were in week nine Marvin Van Von week 10 and that incredible story of Steve West winning 126 who will be the 12th man I think I'm back doing a bit next end of next week as well so I'm looking forward to that requir 10 with that line up in clientele oh it can't fail to be good first leg Derek cson he had a lot more to do with that than you could see his darts no second leg sit up they're quite neutral aren't they quite flat so you have to you have to make sure the dart is going through the air cleanly so it doesn't get any kind of deflection yeah that double five is always awkward and I always feel with three in your hand you really got to go out with everything so that You' still got two in your hand to sort of tidy up or whatever it's it's one of those and when he went just above it um which I would advise you if you got three dots in your hand on double top to go above the first one but Double's like double five double 19 those double 13s or whatever you you can leave and have three dots in your hand it's far better to go sort of help a leather at it with the first one and and and not uh not hit a a big number with a second and and have one DT on your own and you can do nothing with it totally agree any of the doubles that that don't break down like I say the only there's only two doubles I advise the one up one in it's tops and ones 58 I think that saying must translate everywhere one up one in yeah you can hear the shouts in the pub can't you I keep telling myself no guts no glory 85 that's saying suits our sport perfectly I think you summed it up I was watching one of your commentaries I can't remember where it was and you said it's a game of opportunity that rips your ey yeah 100 the honor you require 167 Coulson has turned the throw here and bottenberg really needed something there yeah needed needed at least one big trouble to 50 to leave a two do combination so trible 208 may go 20 oh only left dou 18 last time 36 117 every match is at a ton plus odds are ooh this time around that's 76 you know in a bit of a situation like that sometimes I go trouble 16 yes I've actually been seeing a lot of that lately game and another shot which I see which is now becoming on trend is the the 62 544 yeah that's one again I've always done it makes sense it's the same weight of Dart isn't it yeah I had I had years of doing at a Lakeside I saw Gary Thompson do it and it just made perfect sense to me yeah and uh yeah 14 a fair few players on 70 going 4228 96 it's fascinating how it how the game has has moved on and one fascinating element of Luke ller that he's constantly aware on the second visit to the board to make sure he can leave something that could be completed in six yeah so I've spoken to Dutch commentator Marco mayor something the Dutch have been doing for many many years and now sort of spreading through and cson here with the 180 is really starting to take charge of this first semifinal he's just controlled it pretty much from the off 96 derky require 82 bber you have to say he looked a little bit of a lost soul there going to the board he did well i' I'd gamble here or would I I don't I don't want to hit the 57 really cuz I don't want to leave double 11 I he he's got to make a decision well I think that has worked out better I think it was either the gamble for the 39 to leave the tops I think leaving the tops put something in Yan's head to stop him hitting a 180 back at you if he'd have G in trouble 15 route there which he could have done he still probably couldn't have L three darts at a double surely he's going to use those two no score right across the bed require 86 now how important is that 140 from bottenberg on his last visit should get one at the ball is going to get one at the ball and hits the ball Third Leg Yan bot how much of that indecision has given flag first the opportunity to get himself right back in the match with a hold of throw 123 now it's bottenberg throwing with freedom [Applause] 108 that's a second for Derek 58 it's fifth of the night 140 that's very nice from cson there 180 140 just kills the leg doesn't it those kind of visits 64 just had your throw broken and that's saying I'm not going anywhere Young 100 814 100 here for cson 81 after 96 derky require 81 did that little fist pump for Viano bottenberg give Coulson the G up 49 so 32 he leaves on this occasion y will be looking 140 here need a treble with that last one derky require 32 game no mist time d nails the double 16 13 D fifth FL throw straight back just cson there yeah I never thought he got himself back in the game and we all know the saying break isn't a break until you hold 85 that's all Derek needs to do to make it through to the final where he'll face one of Colts off or Andy Davidson which would be following after this one 100 42 joh to just wake himself up a bit Yeah that's what it is I i' got to be honest I've seen Camy punch himself in the face on one occasion he hit himself so hard I thought he knocked himself out I used to give myself the occasional um little stab in the leg with a dart just myself just just sort of just lose him Focus just a little enough to make you sort of go o 96 not good if you were wearing white trousers the red England trousers I suppose you'd have got away with that I wouldn't show if you started to bleed but yeah a story wi 45 jockey kicked Eric in the shin when they were at an international match and Eric said he he kicked me so hard I I was just starting to feel my shoe and sock fill up 139 nice work there from bottenberg he's just keeping Derek on his toes and trying to force an error 91 that's a super last you require 167 should guarantee Derek One D at tops 127 he's going to have to go Derk you require 80 bomberg only had Bond the double and he's he was successful with one Dart 60 as you can see there from that angle the darts actually sit down a fair bit lower than what I initially thought so that was not in the way at all that D in fact it was perfect to drop on top yeah tops for bonber game shot on the fifth leg y b break not a break unless you old and they're saying that to each other sixth leg it's Yan to how that affects kson now he's had a dart to win the match now and take himself to the final does it mean that bber can now throw with a bit of Freedom yeah I think so you when you face the match D you you sort of think well I'm out and can just open the shoulders a little bit and almost play in a in a manner in which is how you should play the game 134 not very much liking Derek sea match of the night this was a similar situation where he led 3-1 got pegged back but did have the insurance of throwing first in the final leg which proved to be vital for him in that 4 three win 63 I hope Mar mcin is not watching this what the average bit 96 you you require 107 I was thinking the same myself Coulson seems to have gone off here and the momentum has gone with bottenberg that breaker throw reaction there he knows how big that was just finding the trouble in the turn to take him down to a two finish 140 y know you require 74 so pressure applied from cson that's an 1163 got to go 13 ball 49 sometimes you can get a little bit greedy going for the 39 and missed the whole 13 but he he he went at it halfheartedly that was good so Coulson like the last leg ah double 10 Now 60 so that's three you I know you requir match starts for a place in the final see no indications that yanno is going to miss darts at doubles he's well he was 1 he was two from three required 20 these are the days you play for Derek these are the days you play for and these are the moments winning darkart add a double and he finds it and it is Derek Coulson who progresses through to the final decent performance in the end but a few too many Mis starts at doubles and that's reflected in the average you miss 14 DTS of a double pretty much a a leg of darts in Miss doubles 87 and a half in the end 8287 for bottenberg um like I said just four from 18 on the doubles couple of 18s in there that makes it five for the night up next our second semi-final Boris colof takes on Andy Davidson [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] welcome back to the Modo Super Series where Derek Coulson has booked his place in the final getting the better of Yano bber by four legs to two in a few moments time we'll watch Boris colof and Andy Davidson go to to toe for the right to face Derek in the final at around about 11:00 this evening well in a few weeks time we're going to have the second Double Trouble tournament where a certain Irishman is looking to retain his title [Music] delivers oh miss Whitlock oh what a su punch sh is I just want P there hold on and taken by absolutely wonderful finish get it of the ball get the ball [Music] 2 absolutely beautiful no trouble at freedom but he P it he fires it [Music] and the defending champion from Double Trouble one joins us in the studio Neil duve great to see you early prep for Champions week this yeah just thought we were cardi all day today so just thought we'd call D in and uh was actually hoping to support Mark mcin but he was out by the time we got here so yeah just uh it looks good players are playing well do I ask how you got on at the champion of champions um third round um by Mr Rob Collins or Rob Owens mhm so stack attack beat me here but uh fair play Nick Kenny on with it so congratulations to him well it's going to be a busy few weeks for yourself going to see you at Champions week next week then after that you're going to be at our Double Trouble tourn of course defending champion from the first event first of all what was your thoughts on the whole concept and setup because it was the first time in front of the Camas you'd played double in tournament it's a it's it's actually it's a format I love M I love playing it kind of sorts the man out from the boys um it was kind of off the back of the seniors World Championship I I didn't play that great first few days but then that's what I do is I I don't play well for the first few days but later stages then I always seem to have this Knack of coming across um on the Saturday night it was like 75% of my doubles M so yeah um it's a it's a ru's old game but uh I'm looking forward to it yeah well let's have a look at who you're going to be put with in the second edition of double trouble we all going to be in group eight right from the start Richie berett Andreas Haron I know you've had a few battles with here John Henson who of course won that world seniors title Robert foron a man who's about 10 yards that way Scott Mitchell yeah any one of them can come second I'm not not sure which one of that's going to be I hope Scott gets a good run that week like he's a farmer he likes the early morning start so he does so yeah looking forward to it looking forward to getting stuck in and it's going to be a busy few weeks for yourself you're going to be playing Champions week next week that's going to be your third time you've played in Champions you won four qualifying weeks but didn't play in in one of them and then you going to be playing the influence event after you play week one of series 9 you looking forward to that apparently so I wasn't sure whether I was in it or not then and then I got things sent to me last night so yeah I'm looking forward out there I kind of wanted to play with angry Jing because he's a m manit fan so uh yeah that our good day out and then and then we go double trouble well we can see your pairs there you're going to be paired up with uh you're going to be paired up there as you can see down the bottom there sha Nyland who has 5.6 million subscribers on YouTube first of all I've got to ask cuz I've asked some of the players who've been here how much do you know about the influencers yeah uh if they're on Tik Tok I probably a chance that I've came across them uh D for fun I kind of get linked up with through L style to do a few challenges and stuff that there [Music] um I don't know a lot I'm going to have to do about our homework before we kick off but I'm sure it'll be a good day and at the end of the day it's a Char event so everyone wins and this is the type of thing you're trying to get more involved isn't it this side of the sports your profile being former world champion this is a good thing for you to be involved in it I've kind of in the back of my head I've kind of like um Tik Tok and and social media is the way is is the way forward for for players to put themselves out there and obviously the more followers you get and and yeah it is a big thing it's a big part of the game so yeah for for the influencer event then kind of gives us a chance to to get ourselves known to probably lesser Dart fans who who watch these channels and uh yeah it can only be good for the sport well that's going to be on September the 8th just quickly a word on tonight your thoughts on the the games that we've seen I we talked about it before I actually had a Derek kind of tipped he's very methodical just goes about his game understate um very reminds me of an awful lot like Matt Clark very slow and deliberate where you with the rest of the group are actually all quick players um yeah so he's do in the business here and I actually hope he goes on and wins it and as you know from the past Neil Duff from predictions they don't go wrong do they I'm not often wrong 1978 I think it was the last one so yeah but yeah no they're all good players and uh I reck it's going to be a a Derek Boris FAL he's up me there Boris is saying he to shut up now that's what he's doing he's up me there but I reckon it be a Derek and Boris Fel but I think just the Derek may just have the edge on it right we better not upset boys thank you very much for your time we'll see you next week and so David turn against cof as you can see behind us is our second semi-final let win the match that's exactly what he done going to take his place in the semi-final so then here we go our second semifinal Boris colof up against Andy Davidson for the right to face Derek cson in the final in the commentary box Chris Mason a former week 12 winner and a man who Neil Duff is going to be up against in a couple of weeks Scott Mitchell fighting talk right from the get-go there chaps I was trying not to listen to be honest but yeah no that's lovely to lovely to hear I think is going to be a good week that but we've got other business to deal with before then and that's the second semifinal here the young man from Edinburgh who's burst onto the scene here in 2024 taking on Boris ksof who is just absolutely champing at the bit and enjoying every moment of this competitive Dart that he's been missing out on so this one a very interesting game it is interesting because Boris is yet to get a win 100 over Andy Davidson they played on Thursday and Friday in 40 Group B and it was the same score line 4-2 on both occasions in favor of Andy 140 see I let you have that stat you told me that in the break I could have stole that off you but uh yeah 100 oh good stuff and that does make a difference in these things mentally doesn't it you think about it as a player absolutely it's it's some well it's a it's a positive for Andy but it's a a negative thought and sometimes you think oh God can I I just going to get a win over can I just get one win over 14 and then the pressure builds because you're you're aware not when you've got a a fairly sort of equal record against someone it it it doesn't matter a jot because you've had wins over them but when you haven't beaten a certain player it certainly used to give my head a wobble 140 and the thought that if you asked him whether he how he got on with him in the last two games he wouldn't know no wouldn't have a Scooby 92 and do you require 81 Bullseye for Davidson game sh of Davidson it's like he just looks at it and just lobs at it yeah yes it's like you say there's there's just nothing manufactured about him it's just all it's all reactive and just all very natural 100 there no there's just no thought process it's like oh I've got 81 left or if I hit a 19 there now I'm going to hit a 12 and then I just hit the ball's eye and that's that done 81 and that's how it comes across as well yeah and it's just hard to sort of try put him off his his rhythm he's he's very sort of zoned in and not really aware of anything else going on around him we discussed throw last time he was here and he he does a little twizzle with the dart in his hand before he releases he just put and then draws it back and there's just a little twizzle yeah but he seems to get it in the right place nine times out of 10 I say the actual the actual point of the the release and the follow through it's we did a thing we slowed it down didn't we to have a a real closer look at it and it's actually spot on 45 Andy require 11 right smile that may be followed by a frown because he's left himself Double 12 and there's nothing Boris can do except try and put on a a bit of pressure and that'll work and he required looks at himself just say why now but it's good pressure 18 what it's done to the young man the only way you can negatively influence your opponent well legally game shot second lag Boris C or should I say by the rules third lag it's Boris to throw first I remember you trying to put me off once on a 117 shot out mace yeah I remember that that was champions of Champions wasn't it was that yuille or something like that I no I've got a feeling it was centry it was at the finals it was yeah it was the finals yeah yeah we did have a bit of a bit of a d yeah yeah you said to me you won it that I went and hit it give it to your back large in your logos and uh yeah that was that thing you know it was 100 lots of referees involved [Music] I don't think anybody want to get involved out a look when I think I'll give that swerve you crack on Lads yeah we started it wed off wow look at this for a sequence 61 8140 6180 45 barish require 121 Neil Duff tipped up Boris didn't he 53 58 borish requires 68 options here where he go there we go 36 for 32 we know he's little he's pretty prolific on 32 but he caught the flight 158 it's not going to go 58 borish you require 32 game sh say surely he doesn't miss this time nothing to panic about yet for Davidson it's certainly going with throw y it's all flag it's Andy to throw first throw game 121 60 66 got a little bit of a a cushion 59 now he really needs to just step on the gas so we strange in a situation like that it's quite often you see a non Trel visit followed by a non-ra score like followed by a non- Trel visit and you think you've given the game up and and then your opponent doesn't go it either 41 bit of a loose one timing there something you mentioned was just slightly off brought the shoulder into Play Slightly 55 and you require 133 93 about 76 you were on about wasn't it 100 and you require 40 swy now for me through those DS not because of the fly even when he put his foot to the oy Split Second slower cuz he was thinking yeah May pay the price double eight [Music] 111 and he require 20 G sh of four flag D much more deliberate yeah less thought yeah that's it f gamer 96 61 if it keeps going with throw and he's going to run out legs 100 there's been a lot of conversations this week regarding the format of the semi in the final I certainly would like to see the semi and final extended on Champions week maybe to 100 best of nine and then best of 11 for the final I think you're playing a lot yeah a lot to do with the amount of money that's up for ground as well isn't it you know it's yeah I'd like to see that9 25,000 for the winner and it's it's a race to four I mean also is the is a bit of the attraction to it8 think four Champions week I think it's I wouldn't change anything else I just think the players that have reached the it's been it's been a long journey to get to that semi final to to play in a match where if you're just off the boil briefly it can be all over 150 beautiful shot 16 again leg he was aware how big that was sixth leg it's Andy to throw first gameer 134 51 99 decided to to go back up after coming down for cover maybe the open Target of the 54 may have been a better option 60 yeah if he hits the treble 20 here you'd expect him to go down 95 well there's nothing Boris can do from 390 to leave a finish so no real Damage Done 100 100 140 and he requires 73 good visit from cols off but is it too late David very accomplished finish at 73 under a lot of pressure there for the young man yeah I mean such a level feeling game three from nine for Andy three from seven for Boris 8905 Boris 887 Andy more tons for Andy is negated by the one more 180 for Boris but really does look if you just looked at the stats and you didn't know what the score was after six legs you'd say it's going to be 33 125 yeah super visit there jumped on top of that dart on dart out there from Colts off 85 a bit of shoulder in that one from colof as well I think it shows the importance of the visit what a time to find that outstanding from Andy Davidson 100 Boris is close enough to punish any kind of mistake take 139 but there isn't one you have to feel this needs to be a 180 140 would be good1 went with it with the last didn't he just lent in tops have been for an 11 Darter it's a 12 Dart Baker throw and it's a place in the final for Andy Davidson absolutely outstanding performance and yet again in another final and you can see he's absolutely thrilled with that averages 8877 for Boris Andy 9272 four from 11 the W 180 but there was a 177 which was equally as as equally as important in the context of the match he wins 4-3 and we'll play Derek Carlson in our final that'll be with us after a short break on a minute wow oh my God that's under quit down the drain already itching to hit the 180 he's gone for the [Music] [Applause] maximum 18 for the ball bull 53 no he said bull that's a great first out from Adam W look at this he's going to leave scap oh can you believe it that is [Music] unbelievable get match DS to put his team into the final g through to the final they go Charlie Murphy has hit the match winning dart on both occasions double four for the [Music] title The please show your appreciation for the winner of the influencer peir of event George SCA and Adam lipin [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] he seems to be uh he seems to be out that's what he is Charlie B a couple more visits yet we not going to need a BOS P fa is through and is absolutely buzzle that dominated [Music] through char [Music] [Applause] [Music] welcome back to the modus Super Series where our final is now set in stone it sees Derek Coulson take on Andy Davidson for the final spot through to Champ former week 12 winner Chris Mason is alongside he's been watching Every dart in the commentary box alongside Scott Mitchell and this is what we've seen this evening Coulson beating bottenberg 42 and Davidson beating colof in a last leg decid setting up the final that we're going to see in around about 10 minutes time let's talk in chronological order then in terms of our semi-finals and begin with the first one Derek cson 4-2 against Yano bottenberg got his nose in front and really controlled that semi-final didn't he yeah he just sort of was able to fend him off the the pace of the game didn't particularly suit yo but that's that's no problem for for Derek to worry about and it it was just a he's just Rock Solid I think Neil Duff was spot on he he is very much like a Matt Clark he just takes his time he gives Every dart um all the concentration he can and listen he's reaping the boards he's in the final how' you combat a player then like Derek cuz it's not deliberate at all no no you you just literally just got to almost give yourself a diversion so you know I always encourage players especially on the the big PDC stages is just go to your drinks table have a Fiddle in your dark case had a sip of water and then start to meander around by that point they'll probably be throwing their last start and you'll be stepping into the oy and and a way you go it's just the problem is if you stand directly behind a player you can become more focused on what they're doing rather than worrying about what you should be doing well Derek cson won the battle between the players who played in group C Andy Davidson won the battle between the players in group b but will Bois cof feel like that was opportunity let slip not really I don't think there was I don't think there was too much he could do about it I mean he he battled back well took the lead got pegged back and Andy produces a a 12 D and the decider and it's you know it's not an anomaly he's beating him every time he's played him that's three from three now in favor of of Andy Davidson in terms of Andy does it look like he's now peaking at the right time of the week yeah I don't I I sort of understood when we when we spoke to him last night at the end of the session he wasn't he wasn't overly thrilled with his his level of play but there was there was good aspects of it and the fact that he recognized early on right I'm not not quite in the 180s or or the 177s or the big two treble visits he he just sort of knuckled down and thought right I've just got to change it up and and and have a different approach and not worry too much about the averages we're about the wins and and they take care of themselves well both players are buying for the final spot at Champions We we'll preview this Final in just a second but let's look ahead to next week it kick starts Monday morning at half 9 and they're looking all the players in Champions week to join a historic list of names it's the Barbarian Conan [Music] white the SM going to get better than that too [Applause] 14 [Music] L he is G M Motors Super Series champion Scott Taylor he Andreas JY [Music] har this time next week Andreas Harrison will not be the reigning modor Super Series champion he was knocked out of contention early on in the phase by Richard row these are the 11 players confirmed to be at Champions week for Monday morning Tom syes all the way back in June the first player to book his spot through Steve West doing so last week but is it fair to say that all the eyes come Monday will be on Conor Scott yeah I think I think so the way he's been playing of late but there's so many good players in there you you know you can't discount Steve West whose confidence to be super high after returning from a a really serious operation that took him off his feet for months and you know I'm pretty sure he had in the had some doubts in his mind of of how things were going to go but he was one that really played himself into form throughout the week and he will he will arrive here as one of the favorites as as is Tom syes and con Scott and this a real interesting mix of players because you got a lot of players who've been there done it worn the t-shirt before and people making their first appearances at Champions weeks yeah I listen I like the look of Jim long you know he's an experienced player he's not going to be adversely affected by any situation that may arise here and he's been playing some really good stuff of late so as far as he will be regarded as an outsider but for me a lively Outsider well Champions week kick starts Monday morning from half 9 but before that we have a final for you between Derek Carson and Andy Davis and the Victor will book that final SP now you're player who won week 12 of a series does it feel more serious because it's so close to the big occasion does it feel a little bit different um yeah I I suppose in a way but really that's that's just taken away and the focus on is is just winning the tournament that's that's all you want to do everything else that comes with it the money Etc the fact that you're into Champions week is a is a bit of a bonus but um you know the the advantage here is is with and he's a proven winner up there he's 1-1 he knows what it takes he's gone through this whole process before where for Derek it's the opposite so Derek being the older you'd think is more experienced but certainly here the experience lies with Adam it's going to be a fascinating final two different styles of player one's very measured um a real aimer um where you've got a much quicker thrower a more a more natural a more instinctive thrower in in Andy it's it's it's going to be a fascinating final it's it's two different styles of play is it a lot about Andy adapting to the way do plays in terms of what he does when he's not at the YY yeah I think so because the rest of the field tonight are all of a very similar place and you know so he hasn't experienced it but I'm listen he plays a lot of starts and this Derek's not overly slow it's you know he's just more methodical he he's he's fairly one paced um yeah it's it's one of those things he can't you can't get frustrated when things aren't going his way and then sort of try and Rush the thing because what you end up doing is speeding up your own game to almost counter the pace of your opponent and you just you just can't do that and hopefully you would have listened to enough of what we say about those situations and and just just be mindful of that in terms of De what have you been so pleased with him tonight who Andy uh Derek um that he's playing like he's been playing on the on the seniors tour I mean uh Neil Duff spoke very highly of him and and Neil's seen him up up close and personal and and watched him play many matches and probably like me as well when he's not there he keep an eye on the numbers because he is a guy that that sort of caught my attention because he was regular in averages in the 9s and like I said he's had a 105 down there this season as well so um the fact that he he didn't play well and then when it was really put on him in the last three games of the session that he had to win um he didn't really falter he went 12 from 22 on doubles he averaged three consecutive matches into the '90s and then he's turned up here tonight and looked at a completely different different player from the one we saw in the early stages of his group but is it a different type of pressure in the final when you can actually see the trophy on the stage yeah you don't really look at it mate you know he just all he would be focused on is his opponent opponent in front of him in that dart board and and get into four legs so that that's just H him four doubles that's all You' be thinking about and then everything else comes after you don't you don't think about winning you just you just you know or what you're going to win you just want to win that one individual game and and and go home Happy Well he won't be going home maybe for a day could be back here well possibly Monday but I think it's likely that he'd be in be orc yeah well that's what they're playing for the trophy one final question who wins it Andy MCE thank you very much for now you're going to be in coms with Scott Mitchell for the final to see who is going to book the final Place through to Champions week is going to be one of Derek Coulson or Andy Davidson who are going to complete the darting dozen D at a double and he finds it and it is Derek pson it's a 12 V Ro and it's a place in the final stage is set scene is set and one final Place food to Champions week is about to be made the final ticket the final invitation to the big moment the big week which begins Monday morning from halfast N9 Andy Davidson's been there before Derek cson looking to do so for the first time and for the final time this evening let's hand over to our commentary team of Scott Mitchell and Chris Mason thank you yeah thanks Henry good stuff good stuff yeah big final here the whole week culminates down to this one match in the next 20 minutes will it be the young man from Edinburgh Andy Davidson or will it be the super senior in Derek Coulson both have showed flashes of Brilliance this evening and that's why they are in the final get Derek to throw first Derek has obviously won the bullup in the back room yeah the only bullup you do at the Super Series 96 in in a race to four winning the ball can be absolutely must 100 who do you fancy for the win Scott I think my heart says I'd love to see Derek win it um but my head says probably Andy could have a little bit too much for him 100 yeah and throughout the night he's he's just every time he's found a way hasn't he yeah he gets asked the question and he and for one so young he he he just gets himself around it he doesn't look to get too upset with anything he just gets himself out of it but D has done this all night as well and made sure that he has not had a problem and of course he hasn't lost the game all night yet either no very very true and Andy of course was beaten 6 feels like ages ago require 121 he beat Derek beat Andy in match number three of this evening it was a tight Affair 437 but that could have a little bit of a bear and it could give Derek a lot of confidence going into this knowing that he's already got a win over him and he did have the throw in that deciding leg tops of first leg Derek Big D big moment and first swinging Point here has gone to Coulson and that was a good hold to throw yeah he was put under a lot of pressure Andy there after 12 is left 24 not got to go and with someone like Andy that's to beat him that's what you got to do you've got to just just not give him opportunities and Derek made sure of that when early early in the week Henry did ask me as an outsider do I fancy to win it I did say Derek Coulson because I looked at the numbers he's been producing on that senior's tour in you know against players that I'm sure he's looked up to over the years or or watched on TV and he doesn't worry about reputation that's for sure 140 now like we explained earlier it's why the is so good 98 DK is being playing his trade there most of the year and being a winner there and I think if this went his way this evening would be one of the biggest moments in his dting life for sure 74 opportunity for Derek here to get an early break no finish for Davidson so six starts at this if needed he going to say if he HS another trouble 20 may only need four 97 85 Derek you require 110 up the top again he hit same result two from two on the doubles we did have a a four from four to throw first from Boris but he's out he went out to boris's opponent in the last semi-final of course by four legs to three 100 D the fear now in the final when you get 2N up but it's a race to four that you can start to try and throw like you're defending 100 safe darts can't you m yeah that's absolutely spot on Scott and it's it's something that people probably don't even think as a thing but you do you go you go defensive and you you just try and defend your lead rather than increase your lead you you start throwing I've got to stay straight and make sure I hit the 20s they'll drop I'll find one it'll work it'll no no no no the reason you're two n up is you've attacked attacked attacked and you have to keep the hammer down I think that's what made Taylor just such a machine if it was a race to 10 he would have beat you 11 n 45 96 Andy D or so in front on the cson throw that was that gone he'd love a 140 well he's averaging 9907 Andy Davis for 96 a half yet to get a dart Derek 120 and 110 not Mr a double and here's another T pler can he do it three from three that's not a bad guide for him oh just couldn't nip underneath it 60 had to move across there because as we've said from other camera angles we've seen how flat his Dart goes in I think your your 48 shot there9 has some value cuz if you don't miss it it leaves you 60 and like you say he hasn't got to worry about obscuring the dart at the single 20 was just nipped in first start at tops he's missed 46 Andy you requires 76 big moments 16 for double top of his own third that is big big big big he misses that you would think he was going Three N down a world of trouble game now we're effectively back on throw with that break 41 only 41 music to the ears of Derek Coulson it's all about getting himself composed and back to where he was yeah and probably losing that leg it will cuz he willg about defending the lead now and he'll go back on the attack safe safe safe disappears out the window oh yeah 97 that's a beautiful D 108 one right one left one down the [Music] pipe 57 60 he would have wanted to just turn the corner there to make sure he was two cor two corners in front of 121 can go the ball route here I'm I'm a big fan of that instantly takes out of the equation 85 TI is up perfectly double 18 after 12 darts thr 100 maintaining of an average in the late 90s we're now into the end of leg four well that's okay game sh of four flag that's even [Applause] better it's one good thing about 18 if you're up there and you are a little bit first game on K about your attempt yeah the beauty of winning that leg of course means that he has the darts in this one 100 get over the line and that was a very good turn I thought it was a 14034 it's just been a a click behind hasn't he Andy Davidson in this match always felt like he's trying to chase him down yeah and that's been with cson being right on it hasn't it probably we said early doors here tonight where he won his two group games cson that he was just doing enough to do what he needed to do to get by and and if somebody came and gave him that game he would step up to it and that's exactly what he's done in his semifinal against bottenberg and now he's doing it here yep he's doing it again against Davidson 100 that is ton ton ton you'll remember this Scott the perfect red pen leg Super League ton ton ton ton 101 out all red absolutely I go the new way now I go ton ton ton 105 96 out just to let him use some blue pen there's Kendrick and Simon good to see him here they will have aspirations of course of being in the positions that these two are in for a third t plus out and the title not to be this time but he would want to leave it handy 65 like the use of the B on Two Shots on double 16 74 Derek he requires 76 so it's going to be one D at tops it's been his friend and it's his friend again is our week 12 series eight Champion now takes his spot in Champion I week and you won't have too long to enjoy it because that starts next week on Monday morning at 9:30 a.m. and we will confirm all of the groups next week I think we are nearly here we go Derek hson 9241 8804 for Andy Davidson couple of 180s for cson and look at that finishing four from eight and two t plus finishes in the final the 120 was followed by 110 I think we are ready for the presentation so I will hand you over to Jack Garwood ladies and gentlemen it's now time for your presentation taking the 12th and final spot in the series 8 Champions week your week 12 Champion Derek call [Music] [Applause] yeah name inter Champions week he came so close to qualify for the Saturday night last time he did so this time not just has he done that but he has won the whole lot he was a player that a lot of people wanted to see back here he has come back here and and he has won the trophy Scott Mitchell is alongside me and those two ton plus checkouts that was ultimately what SED that batch yeah he he put doubt in Andy Davidson mind didn't he every time he got there he he took it out first start and the only way I know to hurt an opposition player is to it's just got to finish quickly and then that makes them have the pressure of having to get there first and that's when things can start to fall apart how do you think Andy would be feeling right now um I think he's a very level-headed lad I think he'll know that he was probably outplayed he'll know what the difference was in that game and and I think that he'll he'll bounce back from that he will like he said he will get he he's a popular fellow between all the guys and uh just goes to show there in the camera shots that um even the world Champs having to say hello you know the former World Champ so look I think he's a a young man that has a very bright fruit this isn't the end for Andy Davidson this is the very start and and we should all look forward to to seeing more of him well Andy Davidson departs Derek cson comes in come in my friend many many congratulations the winner of week 12 put it there take a seat relax and just if you can just try and begin to find the words to describe what's just happened I don't really have any words to be honest I mean the way the guys were playing Boris Mark Andy I was like I'm just going to get battered there but I don't know I just dug in it was match play isn't it that's what it's all about it's just getting the win doesn't matter how you play just get the win I dug in and that's what happened You've Won tournaments on the world seniors tour before how much does that experience there the fact that you've done things in the past how much did that help you particularly on a night like tonight massive massive the seniors has changed my game certainly changed my game my best averages have been in finals you know I've won with 106 and 102 in finals so I was like when I stepped up there tonight I was like just throw your darts see what happens you know so um there was no nerves I was just get on with it we spoke at the beginning of the night and one of the questions I asked you was Freedom could you play with that ER of Freedom did you play that way this yeah I did I did I mean it wasn't great but um I've not been great all week but I've dug in um finally the doubles I tops did you see that I know last leg I tops couple of times mate couple of times I can't remember I remember the last one it was absolutely nice I I've got to say I I felt that this evening you started the evening just just playing to get through the group you you you you weren't worried about averages you and I said that in in commentary that he's a guy that's just going to keep going and going and then every time you ask him a question he's going to do his very best to answer it and I think that sums up your evening every time you were after Step Up you stepped up totally I mean average is we all have a good average but it doesn't matter if you don't lose don't win the game yeah it's irrelevant you know you've just got to do what you do and if somebody's not thrown against you you got to take advantage of that and that's what I did tonight I took advantage of people not playing their best but that's the way it goes I think you're doing yourself a disservice there mate I think you were making them not allow them to do their average you were playing that well yeah I mean I'm not a fast player and there's a lot of fast players in there whether that affected their game I don't know I didn't slow them down I just played my game so that that was important can I ask about that aspect for a player obviously like yourself who's not the quickest obviously it's something that's just your natural game but is it something and I suppose you could probably relate to this as well Scott that that creeps into your mind a little bit even though it probably shouldn't yeah oh totally I mean I I I've played games in the past where I've played a fast player on two nil them because I'm playing their speed mhm and realize what you doing you know you've got to play your own game and that's I mean Scott's prime example you've got to play your own game and that's when I came Thursday Thursday I was playing a bit quick I watched it back and I was like I'm throwing too fast here so Friday I just like just play your own game and and again I did it tonight and I think it you know well it proved it it worked let's go back to the final and those two t plus checkouts did that feel like the moments that swayed the final in your favor totally um until I missed tops and 10 again I love I love double 10 but it's been a nightmare for me this week but even when I missed it I was like I'm playing well enough just keeping on I think I struck off the next one with a t 40 so it was like it's not going to bother me just got to get on with it so yeah I mean I I was solid that's all I can say solid and you're the man who's picked up the tra I can have another chat view in just second there but myself and Scott are going to wrap up everything that we've seen this evening as another round of qualifications for a Champions week comes to a close deid Coulson then beating Andy Davidson by four legs to one in the final in terms of the semi-final Scott boys colof and Yano bber how do you think they'll be leaving the building this evening well I think they'll they they'll feel it's a missed opportunity but you're not a d player if you're not feeling like that uh Derek would have felt the same if it hadn't gone his way he felt it was there for him tonight I think they're both young men still got sort of Futures Boris I think we can easily say he's a little bit Rusty he's been out of the game a little while no through no fault of his own we must say that but wow he's going to come back with a big bang isn't he if he can get a few few tournaments under his belt if that's what he's got after being a bit Rusty then you're going to have to keep an eye out for Boris that's for sure do you want to watch the trophy lift again Derek go on in have a look down on that monitor down there this felt this felt like a moment Leaf did this feel like all the hard work just all culminating into a moment there yeah I mean the seniors has changed my my game totally changed my game I was enjoying darts I love playing darts but turning up on the seniors and the quality that's on that tour has totally changed me as a player and and coming here I know the quality in that back room is phenomenal and the way Boris was playing I didn't expect to be sitting here if I'm honest but um yeah I'm over the moon with the way the way it's gone the way I've dug in and it's more to come I mean don't think I played my best tonight to be honest but and that more to come is going to be very very soon because you're going to be in Champions week now we don't quite know the breakdown yet we will confirm that in due course but we could put Derek Coulson as the 12th name in the bottom right hand corner of that graphic now you are the last player to fill that champion week card so you can see everybody else that's in the field when you look at everybody else that's there what's your what's your first thoughts uh go to the toilet uh seniors there's there's four or five seniors on there and I love it it's fantastic it's you know to put yourself up against the best and there is the best here outside of the PDC this is the best there is so I can't wait just to put myself up against it I just need to get some holiday I don't know how much time I've got left but I'll sort it out one way or another if you're Derek corson's boss please please we need him next week please give him the annual leave that he needs but in terms of those 12 names Scott we look at that Champions week we're going to be together for a couple of days of it next week as well when you look at that lineup does it feel like a real broad church you've got the likes of Scott who's course top of the challenge tour right now you've got Neil Duff Derek Corson of the seniors game then you got emerging talents a likes of Jimmy Vani and Adam Paxton of course came from right under the radar to win his week yeah I think we've got a bit of everything actually like like you say I for me this the five seniors stand out there Jim long with Hogan yourself I mean we we we play on that top for us that is absolutely amazing to have five players in Champions week it shows exactly what Derek is saying but we also have a part to play as seniors to teach those new upand cominging youngsters uh thing or two because we we've still got a bit to go so um I'm looking at this as a really fascinating week I I oh I've got want to see the guys play CU some of these guys won back a few weeks ago now and uh it may be hard for them to get on the pace where hopefully you know the guys that have won in the last few weeks they'll be on the pace and ready to go do you see it as an advantage the fact you've won week 12 the fact you can go straight into Champions leag have you not even thought about that yet I wouldn't say I've thought about it but it's got to be I mean you know I've been playing three days solid you know guys are win week one I know they're still playing darts but it been away for it's a long time to be away from it to come back in you know the pressure's on so I'm a same I think we had the interview earlier I think just go under the radar I'm just going to rock up and do what I do you know and see what happens and finally is next week the biggest week of Derek Caron's darts career so far oh without a doubt without a doubt um I can't wait yeah I'm je a bit honestly didn't expect to be sitting here now but I I can't wait for next week now really looking forward to it and you join a very good list of names to have won week 12 we sping about Chris Mason but you join John Henderson D Pilgrim Steve West Scott Taylor cam cbri as players that have won week 12 of a series is not a bad Club to be I'll take that I'll take that yeah well Derek many many congratulations we shall see you next week at Champions week Scott final word goes to you this evening because it all gets underway Monday morning 9:30 a.m. what should we expect to see at Champions week I think we need we will see more of the standard of that final I think we're going to see sort of like the standard being a little bit higher than the usual weekly stuff and I think we're going to see fireworks cuz we still don't know who going to win that there's 12 really decent players in this and I don't know how the bookies are going to separate it's going to be interesting just finally just to confirm you're got to be in group C on that'll do me Frid afternoon you've done it this week maybe you can yeah I'm Happ Group C next week as well well Derek many congratulations thank you very much for popping up Scott always a pleasure see you next week we shall see you next week as well Monday morning 9:30 a.m. it gets underway Champions week in series 8 to see who is going to join a list of Legends to pick up the big trophy and a record-breaking Β£25,000 first prize and the last ticket through to that Champions week well it goes to Derek Corson bye from [Music] us ladies and gentlemen your moto Super Series champion Bullseye for the win absolutely incredible those three words are you are [Music] mine and that is real this is for the win it would be the biggest finish of the entire week oh [Music] Jim shot and the match don't rely on what's happening on this board first and [Music] foremost oh don't look but do look at D 18 game sh the fif [Music] he feels good he feels wonderful the 150 clearance from Jimmy van perfect first start it's double 18 that's the track the progress of players Paul Hogan though well known he's won that well it special nature Now isn't it now we need see two n DS in a game of the but what a shot that is from Paxton he's just took out the 112 and now the 170 another yes the ball yes a fantastic maximum finish from Connor [Music] Scott [Music] listen game on the thas it might take something very special very very special oh yes Marvin vanon what a finish that is would sting this would hurt this could be catastrophic that could be cataclysmic for [Music] Milford Owens [Music] [Music] [Music] n [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music]

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