Kamala & Trump's "Interviews" With Dana Bash and Lex Fridman Reveal Media's Lack of Scrutiny

okay so comma Harris couldn't be bothered to do any media interviews of any substance or really at all as far as I can recall prior to obtaining the coronated Democratic nomination I was at the Democratic National Convention recently in Chicago covering that for your viewing pleasure and Donald Trump has done modestly more interviews and media appearances but the uh content and the substance of those particular interviews is slightly uh questionable and or at least worth interrogating a little bit further than what you might get on the surface so want to go through a couple of those for your again extreme View pleasure so on Sunday night uh Trump appeared on Mark Levin's weekend Show and Mark lvin is a longtime conservative talk radio host he also hosts a show on Fox and just to give you a little bit of context around the relationship between the great one Mark lven and his nasly voice extraordinaire I guess I'm not want to talk in terms of vocal performance or Aesthetics but as somebody who was a longtime connoisseur of right-wing talk radio I always found it difficult to even listen to him for more than five minutes just because his voice was so unbearable but be that as it may uh Trump has developed a very fond and fruitful relationship with him it would appear and I want to give you some context about that relationship because it's just too amusing not to share with you so here is Trump and Mark lvin at a White House Hanukkah ceremony back in December of 2019 and it was then Mark Lin who conducted the interview with Trump on Sunday so let's watch that clip from December of 2019 we have a a man that I have by the way great respect Mark Levin where's Mark lvin what a show where's where is Mark he's over here Lee send him up here will you please mark come on up come on up here Mark the great mark lvin and by the way come here get say a couple of words come on it's an honor to be here with the first Jewish president of the United States and if he isn't he should be I want to thank you I want to thank you for everything you have done for the Jewish people I want to thank you for everything you've done for the Jewish people's ancestral Homeland you are going to be remembered there for a thousand years and I want to thank you for what you've done for the United States of America and I want you to know that we will not leave our General on the battlefield without our support period God bless you thank you fantastic guy thank you Mark okay so as you might surmise uh that's definitely indication that Mark lvin was gearing up to do a really tough interview with Donald Trump after having blessed him as the savior of the Jewish people will be remembered for a thousand years as the this biblical Monumental defender of Israel and really ought to be known as the first Jewish president so there you have that's Mark Levin and Mark Lin had Donald Trump on for an interview this past Sunday and I do want to note that obviously there is a massive disparity between the number of interviews or podcasts or whatever other kind of media appearances that Donald Trump has done as of late versus K Harris so that is a I guess a point in Trump's favor but when you delve a little bit into the content of these media appearances I guess you might argue it leaves a little bit to be desired and so let's first go to this clip of trump and Mark Levin discussing issues around Israel it's amazing if you go back 15 years or even less the strongest Lobby in that sense in the United States was Israel you couldn't say a thing about Israel Christian or Jew you couldn't say anything about today it's like under siege you look at AOC plus3 you look at these people the way they talk about it and then you see Schumer who's become a Palestinian as far as I'm concerned I mean he's actually become like a Hamas agent Schumer how did that happen let me let me ask you about that you see the outbreak of anti-Semitism tremendous streets y that wasn't happening when you were president but it didn't happen when I was president but you signed an executive order extending the Civil Rights Act to cover Jewish students and their free speech which J Jewish students are using now to defend themselves in these Ivy colleges we did a lot for Jewish people because we were able to you know we were able to turn that tide but now it's turning back and Biden does nothing how a Jewish person can vote for a Democrat but specifically somebody like Cala she wouldn't even meet with BB when he was look he came over he's the prime minister of Israel he's in a war we're heavily invested in that war people are dying October 7th was a horrific day just horrific and now you see people that are picketing they're saying no such thing ever happened you know they did that with the Holocaust too they said there was no Holocaust but this one was right next to us because we saw it we saw it you saw it everybody saw it they saw it I I don't imagine they they are't thinking straight they must know it happened but they are I think you know they're interviewing people like that are rioting what about October 7 it never happened now either they're conning us or they really believe it never happened and that's maybe worse okay so if I were sitting in Mark Levin's chair I might have a couple of follow-up questions to a variety of assertions that Trump made there first Trump started out with this curious lament that he's repeated a number of times which is that he is lamenting that the pro-israel lobby in the United States is no longer as omnipotently powerful as it once was back in the Glory Days of Y and he is holding himself out Donald Trump as somebody I guess who will restore this untouchable power of the pro-israel lobby now among other curious aspects of that claim is the idea that the pro-israel lobby has significantly diminished in power really has the Biden Administration since last October done anything really other than Usher countless armaments and other sorts of material to Israel for use in its pulverization campaign in Gaza hasn't the Biden Administration very dutifully and aggressively sent things like carrier groups into the Eastern Mediterranean to provide Naval support and other forms of support for Israel to supposedly deter Iran which may or may not have succeeded thus far at least in terms of forestalling some of the more cataclysmic outcomes of a confrontation between Israel and Iran hasn't the pro-israel lobby in particular APAC intervened incredibly aggressively in domestic us politics particularly in this last election cycle where they've done something extraordinarily unusual which is contribute to the defeat of two Democratic incumbents Jamal Bowman in New York and bush in Missouri on the ground that those two Democratic members of Congress have been insufficiently supportive of Israel and have trafficked in rhetoric that these pro-israel groups find to be unacceptable so where is this diminishment in the prestige or in the power of the pro-israel lobby that Trump is lamenting hard to say he has uh very gleefully accepted the massive funding of Miriam adson whose late husband Sheldon adson was one of the top funders if not the top funer of the Republican party over the past several election Cycles including of the Trump campaigns in 2020 and 2016 and she's pledged to spend at least 100 million on supporting Trump in 2024 so what exactly is Trump boning there in terms of this tragic loss of the influence of the pro Israel Lobby hard to say hard to get into his head but maybe if somebody was interviewing Trump who hadn't been honored by Trump at a White House Hanukkah ceremony and bestowed on him this great blessing As Trump being the savior of the Jewish people and of Israel maybe they would have had the presence of mind to ask him a couple of more slightly adroit follow-up questions but that clearly was not Mark Levin's emo and then Trump also got into this if you'll notice uh tangent about there being the being this supposed new wave of Holocaust denial that's sweeping the US where you have these massive hordes these unruly hordes of deniers who are saying that the October 7th attack never happened now I don't deny that there could be a small subset of people who in some f form or fashion denied that the October 7th attack happened uh but do those people have much prominence in the American political system how about in Congress how about in the mainstream media who is this foil that Trump is trying to set himself up against and claim that he's going to defend the Jewish people in defiance of uh a little bit difficult to pinpoint that with any specificity but Mark Lan again was clearly not interested in susing out any additional details on that score and what going to do I mean Trump as we've established in previous episodes that I've hosted on this show and other appearances that I make on various platforms Trump really is running on the most Hardline and you could say extreme pro-israel platform of any major party Nomine ever um and that's all the better for somebody like Mark Levin who welcomes that and celebrates that uh but I guess if you had a bit more critical distance from Trump you might want to ask at least one or two follow-up questions parsing out the details of Trump's uh position yet alas uh we were not treated with such follow-ups now there was another interesting aside that Trump had in this interview and don't worry everybody I know you're all going to be screeching that I'm focusing on Trump yeah he does happen to be the Republican president nominee we will do our due diligence or I will with your support and get to Cava in due course but uh there are some other aspects of the Trump interview that I did want to touch on so you'll have to bear with me if you're a Shakin zaga person and tolerate another you know minute or two of non- ass kissing coverage of the Republican Presidential nominee I know that's difficult for some of you out there um but here's Donald Trump making an admission I would call it that he's also repeated on a number of occasions including at his acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention in July and then in a hand of other interviews that really has gotten startlingly little attention from either leftwing Media or anti-trump liberal media or from the sycophantic ass-kissing right-wing media so if you're somebody who's in the detached middle and you would just like some reasonably incisive coverage of what the former president and potential future president would do if he wielded power again you're out of Lu uh so let's go to Trump also with Mark lvin discussing the issue of Afghanistan the worst uh in terms of prestige was Afghanistan it was handled so badly I'm convinced Putin would have never gone in if I were president but even with Biden as president if he didn't do the Afghan and not getting out I was getting out I would have been out faster than him I'm the one that prepared to get it but I would have kept bam the Big Air Force Base which is 1 hour from where China makes its nuclear weapons it's a massive base that we built many years ago with billions and billions of dollars runways that the most powerful anywhere in the world they can carry more cargo than any other Runway you know the massive thick concrete goes down to almost China which is right next to her but big uh heavy slab concrete runways you almost couldn't build something like that today we walked away and one day it's gone and China now occupies it we were 1 hour away from make that where they make their nuclear weapons okay so what is Trump admitting there apparently he has no compunction about it so maybe I shouldn't even characterize it as an admission as though he's hesitant to reveal this information he seems totally open and candid about it but he's saying that he never was going to withdraw from Afghanistan or his intent evidently was never to withdraw from Afghanistan it was never to end the Afghanistan war because he's saying that he was planning to maintain a US Force Presence at bogram Airbase in Afghanistan which is this giant Air Base that takes a lot of personnel to maintain particularly in hostile territory which it would have been in because the Taliban was not going to ever embrace the continued presence of US forces in Afghanistan that's what the whole 20-year Insurgency was about with the us as an occupying power in Afghanistan and attempting to fend off Taliban insurgents by fruitlessly funding and arming and training the Afghanistan the Afghan national government for 20 years which of course dissolved pretty much the instant that the US withdrew in 2021 W and Trump at various points had claimed that he was always going to withdraw from Afghanistan he in fact had initiated the Diplomatic process which I credited him for at the time of starting up negotiations with the Taliban which under the George W bush error for instance would have been almost Unthinkable because remember the mant the Mantra at that time was we don't negotiate with terrorists but Trump broke an Orthodoxy to some extent and did begin negotiations with representatives from the Taliban in Doha and that resulted in something called colloquially the Doha agreement in February of 2019 sorry February 2020 that Trump and Mike Pompeo his secretary of state brokered with the Taliban and in that agreement it was stipulated that what the US would do was eventually withdraw all that's a direct quote all US forces from Afghanistan including all remaining bases to the US would withdraw its forces from all remaining bases in Afghanistan that was in this Doha agreement that the Trump Administration brokered with Taliban now in 2021 Biden saw through that agreement he did withdraw from Afghanistan now there are complaints leveled about the manner in which the that withdrawal was conducted but I always found those complaints a bit odd because it seems like the only successful thing that the US did in Afghanistan for at least I don't know 19 and a half years was withdraw its forces from Afghanistan and of course that didn't occur in the most seamless and carefree way possible and there were unfortunately some us troop casualties uh for in August of 2021 but obviously the US efforts to sustain and subsidize a proxy or really Fick Lea of a government in Afghanistan did not result in anything of note because it dissolved almost immediately upon the US withdrawal um so now Trump is saying that he was never going to withdraw in the first place he was going to reneg on that agreement maintain a large US troop Presence at a massive us Airbase supposedly because Trump wanted to keep those forces there to intimidate China which Trump claims has a segment of its nuclear Arsenal in rough proximity an hour away I don't know if that's by drive or by car you know by uh horse and buggy or by uh F-16 flight but who who knows he doesn't really spell it any specifics um but the bottom line is that Trump has been over and over again very candidly admitting that he was never going to withdraw from Afghanistan and he gave a bit more detail on this back in June on yet another friendly Fox appearance so here's Trump back then you know we were going to leave but we're going to keep barram which is one of the biggest air bases in the world cost has billions and billions of dollars to build many years ago but we were going to leave because of China because it's one hour away from it where China makes its forget about Afghanistan it's exactly right next to China it's exactly 1 hour away from where they made their nuclear make their nuclear weapon isn't that a great thing that we're going to keep it going to leave 4,000 people and keep it and keep it strong right they gave it up they gave up everything okay so that's Trump saying 4,000 US troops would have been in a combat zone in perpetuity if he had gotten his way which is totally in contradiction to the terms of the Doha agreement that he at least ostensively broker with the Taliban back in February of 2020 and then was carried to fruition by the Biden Administration now I don't know if Trump genuinely never intended to withdraw from Afghanistan or if he kind of retrospectively modified his position because he had to situate himself in opposition to Biden and Trump just kind of reflexively opposes everything Biden does and therefore had to come up with this new convoluted rationale for why he would have kept a permanent us occupying presence in Afghanistan and some people will try to say oh are you saying that World War II is still going on because the US has permanent bases in Germany or in Japan no that's not an app parallel because however effectless the Japanese and German governments are they have active basing agreements with the United States to keep those bases in their host countries there would have been no as far as anybody can reasonably ascertain basing agreement between the US and the Taliban because one of the conditions that the Taliban insisted upon in those negotiations and which was codified in the Doha agreement was that all US forces would be withdrawn from the country hence the 20year war right that was kind of the sticking point so there's no real comparison to be made between us having these the us having these long-term agreements for basing Arrangements at various countries in its orbit in its sphere of influence like Germany Japan South Korea Etc now you can have all sorts of critiques of those long-term us force deployments in those countries I would probably share some of them but it doesn't make for an app parallel between what Trump is now saying that he would have implemented in Afghanistan that would have been an active combat situation in perpetuity because under Trump's Administration under Obama's administration Etc that backr Airbase was routinely attacked by the factions within Afghanistan that wanted to expel US forces like the Taliban or other groups so I mean I I just would my plea would just be for this issue to get a little bit of coverage somewhere on the in terms of the right-wing media all you get are these really implausible rationalizations of how this is obviously what Trump was planning to do all along even though it's the diametric opposite of what he was claiming he was going to do or you know it's America first to keep thousands of troops in combat in Afghanistan in perpetuity and then the anti-trump liberal media they don't seem to care about this particularly either perhaps because when Joe Biden did preside over that withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2021 people might forget this but his approval rating plummeted it was the first time that the that the media actually ferociously criticized Joe Biden at any length and Biden's approval rating really never recovered from that so you know why is it that nobody really is particularly curious about this seeming about face on Donald Trump's part I don't know you tell me now with that anybody whose hackles are raised because I'm focusing on Donald Trump you can rest easy because now I am going to get to kamla Harris I do try to you know do somewhat even-handed coverage of both candidates I know that's a really befuddling thing for a lot of people but you know I'm not a partisan Republican I'm not a partisan Democrat I'm not voting for either candidate I'm not voting for really anybody I'll probably write in FL BL Fred Flintstone um so I think he would probably do a more competent job than any of the the candidates on offer so you know little old me what do I do I do something oldfashioned like you know try to critique all the major party candidates you know so if you find that flustering I I deeply apologize but let's go to kamla Harris because she did finally appear for a semblance of an interview on CNN and most of it was totally useless most of it was vapid and substance free and just an opportunity for her to repeat her talking points to Dana Bash who she had selected for the interview because Dana Bash is one of the Chosen Few who can moderate a debate as she did with Jake Tapper and June that Faithfully led to Biden withdrawing so I guess KLA Harris thinks she maybe owes something karmically to Dana Bash for orchestrating that debate that led to kamla getting swooped into the nomination with almost no scrutiny uh but here's kab Harris and Tim wals on CNN also discussing the issue of Israel would you do anything differently for example would you withhold some Us weapons shipments to Israel that's what a lot of people on the Progressive left want you to do let me be very clear I am unequivocal and and unwavering in my commitment to Israel's defense and its ability to defend itself and that's not going to change but let's take a step back October 7,200 people were massacred many young people who were simply attending a music festival women were horribly raped as I said then I say today Israel had a right has a right to defend itself we would and how it does so matters far too many innocent Palestinians have been killed and we've got to get a deal done we we were in Doha we have to get a deal done this war must end and we must get a deal that is about getting the hostages out I've met with the families of the American hostages let's get the hostages out let's get the ceasefire done but no change in policy in terms of arms and and so forth no I we have to get a deal done D Dana we have to get a deal done okay so the only word that kamla uttered throughout that entire interview that is of any significance is when she said no to Dana Bash doing a modest followup by asking her would there be any change in policy with the Biden Harris Administration Visa Israel K Harris said no now that ought to had been the most blindingly influenced that anybody could have possibly made about K Harris's candidacy all along and and yet for weeks we have been told by various Progressive or left-wing activists and also their adjuncts in the media that KLA Harris was bringing a new vibe to the issue of Israel Palestine or Israel policy RIT large in the Middle East and therefore maybe there was some hope as they saw it that KL Harris would represent a break from the status quo of the Biden Harris Administration why anybody thought that was at all feasible I don't know you'll have to ask them I think they're in a strange frame of mind if they ever felt that was a reasonable possibility and they probably wanted to Simply have a tactic for galvanizing support from more disaffected elements of the democratic party coalition to support the Democratic nominee to stop them big Menace that is Donald Trump as they would allege but KLA Harris she's finally I guess ending her brat summer in which she had no interviews up until this CNN interview last week so she's ringing out her summer relaxing maybe ahead of Labor Day and now in the aftermath of Labor Day and giving thanks for how brat her summer was and if you're not familiar with the terminology brat I have covered it rather extensively on the show in the past the Charlie XCX album that catapulted kamla into the status of some sort of Pop Culture icon because of her Vibes and how she was unburdened by what had been including Joe Biden I guess Joe Biden being a burden for her for having picked her as vice president and having stepped aside unceremoniously after being forced to do so by Democratic operatives and pundits and elected officials who basically orchestrated a PCH to overthrow Joe Biden and coronate K Harris with no scrutiny virtually at all and so what these people who were hopeful and pining and aspirational about KL Harris were trying to suggest for weeks including at the Democratic Convention ACC According to some of my discussion with people who attended was that KLA Harris could be pushed she could be urged or encouraged to develop a new position on Israel from Biden and that should warm the hearts of every everybody who maybe has some concerns about the policy status quo in Israel with tens of thousands dead Gaza pulverized War always threatening to break out an even more dramatic fashion with Lebanon always some possibility of some cataclysm with Iran perhaps KL Harris would charart a different course based on her brat ways and her um I don't know I'm using tackle or something and so one of the people who embodied this view was uh a gentleman by the name of Jeremiah Healey who is a Minneapolis city councilman he uh sorry I keep saying Jeremiah hey who was the former mayor of Jersey City no not Jeremiah hilly Jeremiah Ellison pardon me am using confusion on my part um Jeremiah Ellison he's the son of Keith Ellison who's the Attorney General of Minnesota and Jeremiah Ellison was a un elected uncommitted delegate to the de Democratic Convention and we encountered him at the Democratic Convention when we were covering it last month and I and I asked him what he sought to gain by his presence as an uncommitted delegate in terms of extracting some kind of policy concession from con Harris and here's what he had to say what impelled you to become an uncommitted delegate your father's obviously a democratic uh attorney general you're a Democrat um so you're kind of going against the grain in in a way to put yourself out there as delegate what impelled you to do that yeah well you know early on even as somebody who is rep who is a representative within the party um and who has been a LIF lifelong Democrat I was finding myself really frustrated uh by you know what's happening by the genocide that we're seeing in Gaza and my options were to check out which as an elected official felt like not an option right uh or to find a way to engage with the party in a way that will hopefully generate some policy change and um and uncommitted was a real easy pathway for that right uh it's uh it's it's a party it's this is the process that the party set up we're participating in that process in the hopes that we can um uh create some policy change and walk out of here excited by our nominee but we can't walk out of here excited by our nominee at the expense of lives in Gaza okay so there's Jeremiah Ellison suggesting that what the uncommitted delegates the handful of 40s something delegates who got elected as uncommitted delates to the Democratic Convention what they could collectively do is try to force a policy shift not a Vibe shift not some intangible impression that maybe eventually theoretically KL Harris could do something differently than Joe Biden but a tangible policy shift reflecting their grievances with the status quo under the under the Biden Harris Administration in relation to US policy toward Israel and as the cookie crumbled the uncommitted delegates got absolutely nothing I covered this for Newsweek actually also uh at the Democratic Convention and you could maybe look up that article I should have made it into a graphic but hey I work with what I've got on short notice um the uncommitted delegates succeeded in extracting virtually zero policy concessions from the Dem atic bigwigs who are running the convention at Kam Harris's behest including totally trivial Petty inconsequential concessions like having a Palestinian American give a vetted speech in which the Palestinian American was set to endorse enthusiastically kamla Harris even that minor pittance of a demand was not exceeded to by by Tom Harris or the DNC forget a policy shift I mean that was totally out of the cards clearly they didn't even get these totally inconsequential symbolic concessions and so KL Harris in that Dana Bash interview where she acknowledges forthrightly to her Everlasting credit that of course she has no direct quote no policy differences with Joe Biden regarding Israel that was the only Illuminating aspect of that entire interview as far as I could tell now again should have been overwhelmingly painfully obvious to anybody who has a brain in their heads that K Harris of course was not going to depart substantively from Joe Biden on issues of Israel in fact I mean there's even a prospect that she could be more Hardline than is than Joe Biden just given her potential perceived need to demonstrate her foreign policy bonafides in her toughness whether it's a woman or a PO or whatever other nonsense so there's a there's a possibility that she could be even more hard lined on Israel than Biden although that would be difficult to do and with Donald Trump as her opponent who's running on this truly extreme platform of um of pro-israel agitation I don't know why a thumb a thumbs up just appeared on the screen that's amusing um I guess that's my uh that's a deity Somewhere Out There giving me kudos for all the Lucid points that I'm currently making so thank you for that maybe I'll uh say a prayer in in thanks of whoever grace me with that Accolade so whoever thought that that K Harris was going to depart substantively from Joe Biden on issues of Israel has no like to stand on never really did but now it's been confirmed so that's just wonderful um so Donald Trump has given us more material to work with in terms of the media appearance he's made because we only have that one like you know 20 minute interaction that kamla and Tim Waltz did last week to go on in terms of her media availability so Donald Trump has done more and lo and behold today he appeared on the Lex Freedman podcast and there's an interesting shift in how these appearances are characterized because as Lex fredman tells us here's how he describes his interview with Trump do you know anything about psychedelics so I'm I'm not a drug guy but I recently did iasa yeah um and uh there's a lot of people that speak to sort of the health benefits and the spiritual benefits of these different psychedelics I think uh we would probably have a better world if everybody in Congress took some mushrooms perhaps um now I know you don't you stay away from all of that stuff um I I know also veterans use it for dealing with PTSD and all that kind of stuff so it's it's great and it's interesting that you're thinking about being more accepting of some of these drugs which don't just have a recreational purpose but a a medical purpose a treatment purpose so we put out a statement today we're going to put out another one probably next week be more specific although I think it's pretty specific and we'll uh we'll see how that all goes that's a referendum coming up in some states but it's coming up and we'll see how it does I will say it's been very hard to beat it you take a look at the numbers it's been very hard de be it so I think it'll generally pass but you want to do it in the safe way okay so that's a different clip from The Lex Freeman Trump conversation actually that's the most interesting part so I do have to praise Lex Freeman for bringing up the issue of psychedelics with Trump that alone on principle is incredibly entertaining and amusing that Lex Freeman would try to get Donald Trump to comment on the issue of psychedelic drugs now it is a more than legitimate issue actually and probably ought to get more discussion definitely ought to get more discussion because there have been state-based campaigns in the past couple years to legalize psychedelic drugs I myself I'm perfectly happy to acknowledge and I've written I wrote about this at the time went in March to one of the very first legal Pyon mushroom clinics in the United States in Oregon and I ingested a legal dose of Soul mushrooms and it was great I mean it actually is something that people should research and investigate for themselves don't just run out and start gobbling any mushroom you see do some research get the into the right frame of mind if you feel like it's something you might want to pursue and has all kinds of salutary effects in terms of cognition in terms of just getting a grasp on your psyche um I I don't necessarily even disagree with Lex Freeman that if you know members of Congress or people in U elected office treated themselves some sol mushrooms we might be a little bit better off um I'm not sure that Donald Trump fully grasped what Lex Freeman was asking him about Donald Trump apparently has come out in favor tentatively somewhat tepidly of marijuana legalization that's interesting that's actually something that I would applaud I think uh resisting marijuana legalization is falling at this point and I mean who could seriously argue for police to be busting people anymore for possessing marijuana that seems pretty absurd so Donald Trump has recognized that political reality it seems and gave a somewhat qualified indor of marijuana legalization I think there's a referendum in Florida that he's uh he's supporting uh in 2024 to legalize to some degree marijuana legalization uh or legalize marijuana to some degree in Florida and uh perhaps other states so there you have it that's the that's the one standout portion of the Lex Freeman interview but the one thing I wanted to note is how the interview was characterized not as an interview meaning Lex Freeman and other people who are pro promoting this stuff they don't even call it an interview they call it a conversation so here's how Lex Friedman introduced his encounter with Trump following is a conversation with Donald Trump on this The Lex Freedman podcast so interviews have been replaced it would appear by conversations in terms of this alt media ecosystem right because politicians even presidential nominees like Donald Trump apparently no longer really have to subject themselves to actual interviews where you have somebody who's reasonably informed about the subject matter they ask follow-up questions they push they Pride they try to elicit new information not that Lex Freeman is a dummy I'm sure he could have done this to some extent but he asked a bunch of pretty benal and Dopey questions so here's an assortment of these questions that I wanted to just present to you and then I guess you could draw your own conclusions because sometimes so here yeah so there's there's Elon Musk also calling it a conversation notably not an interview that's out of fashion conversation with Freedman and Trump um so here's a bunch of the questions that Lex Freedman asked of trump in the interview that came out today or the non- interiew interview conversation I should say politics is a dirt game how do you win that game huh profound you said that you love winning and you have won a lot a lot in life in real estate in business in TV and politics so let me start with a mindset of psychology question what drives you more the love of winning or the hate of losing again enthralling here are some other questions you've been successful in business you've been successful in politics what do you think is the difference between gaining success between different disperate worlds another Insight insightful question how do you think you'll do in the upcoming debate that's in a few days really holding his feet to the fire Lex Freeman also asked him when you what are you doing usually when you're composing a truth are you chilling back on a couch so the truth is the name for a tweet or a post that appear on the truth social platform that nobody uses up event to monitor what Trump is saying um additional questions the country seems more divided than ever what can you do to help alleviate some of that division a isn't that nice isn't that touching from your my personal opinion Lex strean said I think you at your best you are at your best when you're talking about a positive vision of the future versus criticizing the other side not so much a question there I guess as a statement and he also asks what gives you strength when you're getting attacked you're one of the most attacked people in the world and finally again ending on a note of profundity to hear one of the tragic things about life is that it ends how often do you think about your death are you afraid of it so you can see why Donald Trump would obviously be more than happy to do a conversation with Lex fredman or other of these podcast hosts who I don't even necessarily disparage I mean people can have different approaches to how to engage with the media ecosystem right but if this is a substitute for actual interviews whether it's with Trump or KL Harris or Biden or anybody then the public is really at a deficit because Lex Freeman really did not ask any pressing follow-ups not try to elicit any new information and you know he's not a journalist maybe that's not his role but I mean you would like to see at least some moderately competent journalistic interview with the presidential nominees I know that's maybe a crazy request for me to make but I don't know it seems pretty standard but not anymore in the current climate it would appear um so there you have it that's Lex Freeman and that was him regaling Trump with lots of interesting questions in their conversation so um conversation now taken over and have supplanted interviews which we might be a little bit more primed to want in the event that there's a desire out there for questions to be put to the presidential candidates in the public interest thanks for watching this clip from system update our live show that airs every Monday through Friday at 7:00 p.m. Eastern exclusively on Rumble you can catch the full nightly shows live or view the backlog of episodes for free on our Rumble page you can also find full episodes the morning after they air across all major podcasting platforms including Spotify and apple all the information you need is linked below we hope to see you there

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đź”´ Hilarious: Chinese Diplomat Lectures Dick Cheney on Politics | Syriana Analysis

Category: News & Politics

Right let's take that as a point of departure vice president chy i'm going to come to you with a a core question in respect of the whole of this our objective is to look at the world order in 2030 a decade out none of us are prophets none of us can see with certainty at best through a glass darkly but... Read more

Vivek Ramaswamy and Matt Taibbi - When the Left Abandoned Free Speech thumbnail
Vivek Ramaswamy and Matt Taibbi - When the Left Abandoned Free Speech

Category: Education

So it's frustrating for me so i i i grew up kind of you know i was a lifelong democrat um i gave to the aclu my whole life uh everybody i i don't i didn't really know conservatives growing up i grew up in boston you know i'm one of those uh what did your parents do uh my father was also a reporter my... Read more

Drew Steele fact checks Kamala Harris position on gun control thumbnail
Drew Steele fact checks Kamala Harris position on gun control

Category: News & Politics

And so when kamla harris said during the debate this business about taking everyone's guns away tim walls and i are both gun owners we're not taking anybody's guns away so stop with the continuous lying about this i mean it's not like she said anything like that in the past it's i support buybacks and... Read more

The Wake-Up Call Tucker Carlson Needed #shawnryanshow #meetbrandon #tuckercarlson thumbnail
The Wake-Up Call Tucker Carlson Needed #shawnryanshow #meetbrandon #tuckercarlson

Category: News & Politics

But it was booze that is what got me my wife was pregnant with our fourth child i was fairly functional i mean i did a daily tv show and was fairly welln kind of famous actually at that point kind of killing it and i'm busy i've got a lot of children i've got stuff to do i would just like not hesitate... Read more

Bill O’Reilly - Trump, Political Fanaticism & Agreeing to Disagree | The Daily Show thumbnail
Bill O’Reilly - Trump, Political Fanaticism & Agreeing to Disagree | The Daily Show

Category: Comedy

Please welcome back to the program, bill o'reilly. sir. [crowd cheering] [music playing] come on out. take your time. thanks for having me. - take your time. - appreciate it. - william. - yes, sir? our country, we are in such a dangerous moment. you've written books on almost every assassination. you... Read more

Harris-Walz campaign criticized for absence of policies on campaign website thumbnail
Harris-Walz campaign criticized for absence of policies on campaign website

Category: News & Politics

Democrat's enthusiasm about election 2024 has surely rebounded from the days of worry following president biden's debate performance which for many cemented concerns about his age however the harris walls ticket is experiencing some criticism of its own the fact that its campaign website doesn't list... Read more

“She Rehearsed That Contemptuous Laugh Face” | Kamala Harris SLAMMED Over Trump Debate thumbnail
“She Rehearsed That Contemptuous Laugh Face” | Kamala Harris SLAMMED Over Trump Debate

Category: News & Politics

Uh so uh your verdict on last night uh it didn't go particularly well for mr trump did it well it depends on who you talk to kevin so i watched and i don't think it was his best night either he allowed himself to get baited by kla harris i think he had some pretty easy points he could have made as far... Read more

49 Killed in Poltava as Russia Launches Ballistic Missiles thumbnail
49 Killed in Poltava as Russia Launches Ballistic Missiles

Category: News & Politics

If your heart is breaking for ukraine today you're not alone russia's brutal aggression continues with a devastating ballistic missile strike on pava ukraine in a single moment 49 lives were lost and over 219 people were injured president zalinski has confirmed that many are still feared trapped under... Read more