Anthony Scaramucci Calls Michael Tracey a Hard-Right Conspiracy Theorist for Criticizing Dick Cheney

Anthony scaramucci uh with all due respect were you the press secretary in the Trump Administration for like 12 days or something 11 sorry I over EXA com director excuse me I was on the campaign for nine months I raised probably $30 million gave him a million personally I was on the executive committee for the transition team so I worked on the campaign for almost a year but why is that ped my question is my question is why does that pedigree make you such a valued surrogate for the the KLA Harris campaign like with all due respect like why do people care you should ask them well you're standing here talking to me so true I'm inditing myself I guess you might be inditing yourself but I don't know why they care but let me tell you something I'm helping her it's resonating uh it's been effective with Independence we're building a very very broad Coalition uh Mr Trump represents something to me that's very anti-American it doesn't strand for the traditional values of the Republican party that I grew up in like which values well you want to name one okay uh Ronald Reagan was pro-immigration his last speech that he gave was a pro-immigration speech uh Mr Trump is anti-immigration not just illegal immigration but immigration overall just oh he granted protective status to Venezuelan immigrants so it's selective read read the agenda read the 902 page agenda read agenda 47 read project 2025 go through the stuff that he's talking about he's a divisive guy he blows racist dog whistles every single day of of his life he splits things I work for him I know the mo he'll say one thing that's very racist and very dog whsy and then I'll say a second thing to countermand it so that there'll be enough meet out there for people like the Talking Heads of Fox News say oh he didn't really meet did you get a chance to say hello to Donald Trump he was just in the room I didn't see him no but I'm happy to say hello to him I have nothing personal against him I just don't want him to be the president of the United States so KL Harris tonight touted the endorsement of Dick Cheney is he one of these traditional Republicans who people are looking back on retrospectively and valorizing I think it's a very important endorsement for vice president Harris because this guy's calling her things like Marxist and communist and comrade and a guy like dick Chene is not endorsing her if any of those things were true and so what we know about Mr Trump he's a lie machine he told 30, 450 lies so why is Dick Cheney endorsing her do they have compatible worldviews well Inc compatible enough remember Dick Cheney like myself as a first principles person so what are you looking for what's the principle invading Iraq no you know you should let me talk if you are you're like a right with you like a right-wing journalist right yeah hard right right I got that let me talk first principles about the Constitution first principles is about Freedom First principles about uh where we are what our identity is not only to ourselves as Americans but what our identity represents the world those are first principles Mr Trump is a very destructive guy he's very ID migrating to the country he goes to these rally rallies and he he he denigrates our country okay that's the country of my parents and my grandparents I don't like it very much and I want him to stop and the way he's going to stop is we're going to defeat him do do you find it bizarre that skepticism of Dick Cheney is coded as rightwing in 2024 like I guess I'm old enough to remember the early 2000s where that would have been a punchline to a joke the world has changed over the last 25 years I think that uh this guy represents a systemic danger to our system he's got people on his team and he himself has said this they want to take the FBI out of the Department of Justice and Link it directly have it report directly to the president he wants to fire 50,000 employees in the government and then rehire people to take a loyalty test to him these are things that the average American looks at and say you know I don't want that okay and so so for me I don't want my Country turning into an autocracy where 5.7 billion other people are living in an autocracy and Mr Trump represents that Mr Trump denied the election results last time you know his worst moments tonight when he was trying to substantiate the great election lie that his friends of Fox News lost $783 million on so you know it's it's a disaster you got a guy who has 40 people that work for him including his vice president that have told you under no circumstances can we work for endorse or or vote for him 40 people let me ask this to you rhetorically let's say we all worked at a pharmaceutical company and a pill was being made made and we saw the pill being made in the factory he said hey that pill's going to kill your kid are you going to take the pill you have people on his campaign that are telling you how destructive he is and what a threat he is to The Republic and our constitution but if but but if those people include John Bolton Mark esper who was a former top rathon lobbyist others I mean if you if you're a little bit circumspect about the influence of like the military industrial complex wouldn't it be a point in his favor that those people have such negative negative view of him I understand you have a tinfoil hat on your head what tin foil hat is the what conspiracy theory did I assert because you're you're you're you're asserting something was Mark esper not a top rathon lobbyist TR trump it was to his discredit that Trump appointed him defense secretary Mark esper served the country he was a West yeah as a mil as a as a Ron lobbyist no he didn't he was in the American Army he wasn't a rathon lobbyist I think he he was the top lobbyist at raon when Trump appointed him lots of different things in his resume including working for Ron I still don't follow what conspiracy theory I asserted no you're you're you're implying that the 40 people that work for Donald Trump are in the tank of the deep State and the I didn't you you said the word de the term deep State not me ask one more question let's go to something else s all right got your here's another here's another you don't know myo you you thought you thought I'm a right wing because I expressed seism of Dick Cheney well I'm not a republican I've been a registered Democrat so I mean final final Final question and maybe this is too conspiratorial for you and maybe it shows I'm wearing a tinfoil hat but did Dick Cheney and George W bush uphold the Constitution such that they're now a venerated favorable contrast with Donald Trump explain that to me well I think it's Prime of fascia I don't even think that needs to be explained they that bush and Chandy upheld the Constitution they certainly did really they certainly did fascinating and and they made a mistake going into that war about the Fourth Amendment they went to the UN and and and created that war what what are you implying the Patriot Act well no no there there was mass warrantless surveillance that was inaugurated under George W bush 2006 well first of all you have to go to a judge to get the warrants second of all read the yeah Kangaroo Court the fisa court here we go with the tin foil stuff there's d i can site you m endless constitutional Scholars who will talk about the kangaroo court of fisa Courts disagree with this stuff but the law got voted in by the Congress it's called The Patriot Act you may not like the law then get yourself elected and go raise a caucus of people and get out of the law vote to reneg the law you may lock the law but the law got put into place and there is a process to protect people I want my family safe you know I work for the American government I understand the threats that are out there to the people of the United States and I want my family safe and I like Bush and Cheney that's just me all right well I guess you know fellow Democrats yeah exactly

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