Why Did 9/11 Happen?

[Music] I was in Manhattan on 911 that's where I lived and worked and so remember that day quite vividly but I also remember every single September 11th thereafter all 23 of them have been instantly used and exploited to deliver whatever message various political figures or journalists or pants want to exploit 911 in order to convey and often times from the very beginning the message that was chosen was that the reason we were attacked is because we are free in contrast to Islamic radicals extremist islamists who hate freedom and attacked us simply because they wanted to destroy our freedom one of the people who said that today unsurprisingly because she said it before is my friend Tulsi gabard who is also serving now as an adviser to the Trump campaign this is what she put on a earlier today about this somm day quotee as and honor those who were killed in the islamist attacks on 911 and the First Responders who put their lives on the line to save others it's important to remember that the radical islamist ideology that motivated this tragic attack Remains the greatest short and long-term threat to our country and world it is the same ideology that motivates islamist terrorists Hamas Al-Qaeda B Haram al-shabab and more we need a president who understands this threat and is committed to defeating it in order to defend our freedom and keep the American American people safe so apparently all these different groups like you might have thought hamas's motivation was that they're govering Gaza a place that has been bated by the Israelis for 20 years that expanding settlements have prevented a sovereign state of any recognizable kind with the West Bank and and Gaza forming a Palestinian state that the Israelis have bombed Gaza almost every year not quite as much as they have done over the last 11 months but often times to with great numbers of of innocent people dead you might have thought that's the reason why Hamas fights against Israel no no that's not the reason it's because they're radical islamists they have the same demented religious ideology says tolsi gabard as Al-Qaeda and all these other groups just like Al-Qaeda attacked 911 she says on 911 attacked the United States on 911 simply because they're radical islamists too and this is what radical islamists do they attack Free People they hate free people they hate Freedom so much that's why they attacked us 911 and that's the thing we have to remember every September 11 now it's not just American prominent American figures and I could have shown you 20 other examples besides FY gabard very prominent people saying the same thing I'm sure you've seen them yourself it's not just prominent us figures who exploit 911 for various causes it's also foreign leaders here was Ukrainian president apparently for life or at least in definitely since there's no elections Vladimir zalinsky who said the following today quote on behalf of the Ukrainian people on behalf of the ukrainians I extend our heartfelt condolences to the families and close loved ones of 911 victims We join our key Ally the United States and the entire American people in today's commemoration of those who perished as a result of this heinous crime we honor all of those who work tirelessly in the aftermath of the attack to help others often sacrificing their lives to do so we mourn alongside you our American friends we ukrainians are all too familiar with the pain and grief of amilies who have lost loved ones as a result of Terror we are determined to defend our common values Against Terror and aggression every peac loving nation and every family deserves to live in safety we must and will stand together with our allies to ensure this Terror must never go unpunished so it's not that just ukrainians empathize with us they have their own 911 and they're basically saying like remember how upset you were and angry you were and sad you were about what happened yeah we know that too we have our own 911 and and that's the reason we need to keep financing our war and paying for our Wars and giving us all the arms that we asked for to the point where you deplete your own stock piles because we're basically fighting against the equivalent of al-Qaeda which is Russia prime minister Benjamin anahu is basically an expert at exploiting 911 for his own purposes also trying to constantly equate the various words that Israel repeatedly has with its neighbors to the way in which the United States was attacked on setember 11th by saying our common enemy are these uh hordes of islamists um and in fact prime minister nahu now says that what happened 911 was nothing compared to what happened on October 7th yes 911 was bad but nothing like what happened to October 7th here's what he told the US Congress or at least the part of it that attended when he spoke to it in July of this year ladies and gentlemen like December 7th 1941 and September 11th 2001 October 7th is a day that will forever live in infamy it began as a perfect day not a cloud in the sky and suddenly at 6:29 a.m. 3,000 Kamas terrorists stormed into Israel they butchered 1,200 people from 41 countries including 39 American Americans proportionately compared to our population size that's like 291 in one day okay so we had one 911 but Israel had 2911 in the same day how many 911s by the way has Gaza had if you count the number of people who have been killed there civilians who have been killed there versus their overall population it's a lot more than 2 911s but here he is telling the US Congress you had a 911 we had 20 times worse than that happen on October 7 there nobody came to the United States Congress to say and these monsters they raped women they beheaded men they burnt babies alive now we've been over many times that is a blatant lie there was a grand total of one baby who was killed on 11 who was killed in crossfire between the IDF and the h uh attackers there were no babies who were burned alive there were no babies cut out of WS there were no babies beheaded Joe Biden in November of uh 2023 actually said that he went to Israel and he saw the pictures of the countless beheaded babies at hamas's hands on October 7th either someone showed him fake pictures or he was hallucinating or lying because again there was a grand total of one baby killed on October 7th that's just a fact you don't have to adjust how you think about October 7th if you don't want but those facts actually matter none of these things that he's saying here are are truthful but I know it's Israel so who cares they killed parents in front of their children and children in front of their parents they dragged 255 people both living and dead into the dark dungeons of Gaza Israel has already brought home 100 35 of these hostages including seven who were freed in daring rescue operations in any event they're all standing as they always do whenever he finishes the sentence it's their moral obligation as representatives of the American people to stand up and cheer when Benjamin Nel the prime minister of Israel speaks we all know that and the whole speech was based on this premise that what happened to Israel was infinitely worse than what happened to the United States on 911 he even compared it to Pearl Harbor the attack on Pearl Harbor that provoked the US participation in World War II now that's the narrative that has always been pushed and affirmed and it never gets more exploited more than on these anniversary dates of September 11 and you can understand why it's a very advantageous narrative to tell people that oh look it's not just you Americans who have been targeted with 911 we the ukrainians we the Israelis we have our own 911s and we're all on this together so keep paying for our Wars and arming us and devoting everything possible to ensure that our Wars can continue because we're fighting your enemies as well so it's a very useful narrative not only domestically but also internationally and you see that's why people like Netanyahu and zalinsky pay for it now very interestingly I had the occasion last year maybe earlier this year I don't recall call but I visited the it was earlier this year I visited the official 911 museum or Memorial and to be honest I was kind of dread Ando I wanted to see what was in there but I was dread and going because I I assumed it was going to be just an endless stream of deceitful and manipulative propaganda and it's actually not that there's a little bit of that but far less than at least I expected it's it's really a kind of just straightforward Memorial that sort of just describes the day in very factual and neutral ways has a little bit of commentary even that usually doesn't allow its head to appear including people questioning why 911 actually happened and I was surprised pleasantly surprised by how just matter of fact that a museum is because obviously enormous numbers of people visit New York City and go there and it's an opportunity that for whatever reason they did not take to manipulate people's emotions into this propag and the 911 Memorial website has a very interesting document called the 911 primer which definitely provides a version of history that is obviously intended to make the United States look as good as possible but it also doesn't quite Embrace The Narrative that we're the primary narrative that we're told about why 911 happened here's what the site says quote 911 primer the 911 primer provides Educators and online Learners with foundational information about about the World Trade Center and the Twin Towers the 911 attacks and their aftermath and the rebuilding of the World Trade Center site and then it goes on to say antecedence of 911 who is responsible for the 911 attack and why did they attack the United States that's obviously a question you would want answered not just at the time but historically you would want understand like why why did that happen What were what was the motive of it and here's what they say quote the territory the terrorist organization Al-Qaeda was responsible for the 911 attacks their aim has been to overthrow governments in the Middle East and elsewhere in the Muslim World which does not I think that should be which do not but whatever which does not I'm criticizing not my anyone on my staff but the grammar of the 9/11 site but who cares which does not strictly enforce a narrow fund fundamentalist version of Islam us support for these governments was viewed by Al-Qaeda as a major obstacle to this goal and they hope these attacks would weaken Amer American support for these governments Al-Qaeda represents only a tiny fraction of the world's Muslim Community now why I find that so interesting is they're not the official version of 911 from the 911 Memorial Website does not say that they hate us for our freedoms that they hate the fact that American women are allowed to go out showing some of their skin that gate bars can exit none of that they're saying it's because of our actions in that region our policy in that region although they prettify it by saying that oh we support governments that don't adhere to a fundamentalist Islamic view of the world they are saying that part of al-qaeda's motive which is undoubtedly true which is a big part of why there's so much intense anti-americanism in that region is because we have a long history of imposing governments on those countries that are dictatorial tyrannical and designed to constrain the will of the people who live in those countries and absolutely a huge part of their anger is that we impose people like General on Egypt even though the Egyptians had an election and elected somebody from the Muslim brotherhoods that's who they wanted and we couldn't abide the will of the people of Egypt being able to be expressed democratically so we helped overthrow that government and impose General who continues to be a close us Ally to this dat one of the most tyrannical Savage dictators on the planet we do the same in Saudi Arabia which it's kind of odd to say that the US only imposes governments that don't adhere to a fundamentalist view of Islam when our biggest Ally in the region the one that we support most is Saudi Arabia but you go down the line Jordan and uh Qatar and the United Arab Emirates Kuwait we tried to do it with Iraq obviously as well we impose governments on these people in that region for our own interests and it destroys their ability to be free that's the irony is that we were told that they attacked us for our freedom when in reality part of the attack as the 911 for official 911 memorial site suggests quite strongly their perception is that we are attacking their freedom by imposing governments on them that put dissonant in jail that don't allow any kind of free speech or free assembly because we want those populations controlled with an iron fist for our own interest and even though a lot of people in the United States didn't understand that because if they did they wouldn't have asked why are they angry at us why would they want to kill us that's something that you barely ever hear in domestic discussion everyone knows that in the Middle East it's very common knowledge I mean it's the history of their their region it's their country that most of their governments that they despise have been imposed on them obviously not democratically have been imposed on them and propped up and funded by the United States the one of their earliest examples was the Iranian government that was democratically elected that we disliked and overthrew in 1954 and imposed on them for the next several decades the rule by the Sha of Iran a absolutely vicious Tyrant but he was Pro Western and pro us and pro-israel so we liked him and then finally the the people of Iran rose up and overthrew that us supported dictator and now have the the government that at least at the time most of them wanted you can debate about what they want now but that's what happens if you impose dictatorships on other countries they're going to be pretty angry at you for doing so and the 911 site itself in explaining why 911 happened although again they do it in the most pro-american way possible are not even attempting to suggest that it had to do with their hatred for our freedoms but instead anger over the way in which we've deprived theirs all throughout those decades leading up to 911 I think the first time that this narrative was unveiled was when George W bush the president at the time addressed a joint sessions of Congress on September 20th 2001 so 10 nine days after uh the 911 attack and I think it's worth remembering what a traumatizing time that was people were angry people were bewildered it was shocking to watch the World Trade Center fall collapse completely on top of 3,000 Americans or to see a plane being flown into the Pentagon it was obviously very destabilizing to American sense of security very shortly thereafter there were the anthrax attacks that we were told obviously falsely that Iraq was behind which we now know is actually coming from a an American scientist who worked at a military uh facility in Frederick Maryland um but in any event that was the atmosphere and so to hear the president speak basically for the first time in a formal setting about all of these events the anthrax attacks hadn't happened yet there were about to that happened in mid October but still it was obviously Americans wanted to hear from our president and David from was uh George Bush's speech writer and he took this opportunity and used it to its maximum advantage and here's part of what he [Applause] said Americans are asking why do they hate us they hate what they see right here in this chamber a democratically elected government their leaders are self-appointed they hate our freedoms our freedom of religion our freedom of speech our freedom to vote and assemble and disagree with each other they want overthrow existing no I absolutely understand why that had an emotional punch it was something very pleasing to Americans nobody wanted to hear oh they attacked you because you've been doing a lot of things to their countries for a long time your government has been and bombing them and propping up dictators overthrowing their democratically elected governments having military bases in Saudi Arabia which they consider sacred and heretical under their religion supporting the Israelis as much as we do now against the Palestinians and all the rest of our policies in the Middle East that provoke this level of anti-American rage but here was George Bush saying he's acly the opposite no they hate us because they hate democracy they resent the fact that we get to decide our own faith when in reality that's what they wanted for themselves that was part of their rage at the United States was that they were living under dictatorships that had nothing to do with their choices and it's just so ironic that a president can stand up in the most orwellian way say the exact opposite of the truth that we are beacons of democracy that they want to have that they hate what we have and attacked us because we get to have a Congress and free speech and freedom of religion why would they care what's happening on the other side of the world they cared about what was happening in their part of the world a world in which the United States played a very significant role and continues to for the obvious dual reasons of wanting access to their oil making sure their oil flows to our our favor and also wanting to protect Israel here was the uh the White House Daily Briefing uh at the time the White House Press Secretary was Ari fer and every year he posts this very detailed endless account of what he saw happen on September 11th from the perspective of working in the White House how George Bush learned about it what they did after you may recall that George Bush actually flew around in a circle for hours because they didn't know where they wanted to put him he find he went to I think to Nebraska um I don't know if he did it this year I purposely didn't look but every year he publishes the same account so it's an important day for Arya fler as well here's what he said on October 10th just a little bit short of one month after the September 11th attack when giving a White House Daily Briefing that I'm happy to take questions Ron tell us the discussions the White House we had with the networks about the recovery yeah uh Dr con Lisa Rice the National Security adviser this morning called a group of network Executives to raise their awareness about National Security concerns of airing pre-recorded pre-tape messages from osana Bin Laden that could be a signal to terrorists to inight attacks um it was a very dig conversation uh at best Osama Bin Laden's message is propaganda calling on people to kill Americans at worst he could be issuing orders to his followers to initiate such attacks uh Dr Rice asked the networks to exercise judgment about how these pre-recorded pre-tape messages will Air uh she stressed that she was making a request and that editorial decisions can only be made by the media do you sense for what it is um whether this is propaganda or do you have suspicions that they may in fact be trying to convey something well people are analyzing that now uh there no easy conclusions to reach but it's uh I think it it's rather plain to have these thoughts these suspicions about what it could include um that's why as Dr Rice indicated at at best it's pre-tape pre-recorded propaganda U but propaganda of a most Insidious nature at worst it could be actually signaling to his operatives all I I think it's so important to remember that that happened the US government convinced the major television networks not to air any interviews or statements from the person they had accused of having perpetrated the 911 attack who was AMA Bin Laden and the excuse that they Ed was he might be using some sort of code like blinking with his eyes or some secret phrase that might activate a Sleeper Cell in the United States obviously what he said there was at best it's propaganda in other words we don't want Americans hearing the other side it's the same kind of impulse that led the EU to ban Russian State media any social media company from platforming Russian State media because they didn't want to hear they didn't want Europeans hearing the Russian side of the story because they didn't want them to be able to compare they wanted a closed information system where the only narrative that prevailed was the European one and that was exactly what happened 911 they knew Americans wanted to hear from the people accused of attacking us about why they hate the United States and the US government was petrified that they were going to hear what Bin Laden ended up saying which were the real reasons the US attacked that there there was so much anti-American hatred in the region and so they wanted to monopolize the propaganda and they persuaded media Outlets to engage in censorship by refusing any with Osama Bin Laden either prior or since and the immedi of course complied weren't we all so angry about this over the last three years when we were hearing about how the bid Administration was pressuring big tech companies to remove certain types of dissent on the grounds that it was false or propagandistic or harmful that's not what the government of the United States supposed to do we just heard George Bush on September 20th say they hate us because of our Free Speech we allow ideas and dissent and debates to flourish and yet the bush White House told media Outlets ABC NBC CBS FOX uh CNN not to air any of this here from The New York Times on October 11th a nation challenged the coverage quote networks agree to the US request to edit future Bin Laden tapes quote the five major television news organizations reached a joint agreement yesterday to follow the suggestion of the White House and Bridge any future videotape statements from Osama Bin Laden or his followers to remove language the government considers inflammatory such as look the reason why this happened isn't because we hate your freedoms it's because we hate how you're bombing our countries overthrowing our governments imposing dictators on us putting military bases in our most sacred land supporting the Israelis in their repression of the Palestinians their violent brutal buddy repression of the Palestinians who are Arabs and Muslim that is what they didn't want Americans to hear quote the decision the first time in memory that the networks had agreed to a joint agreement to limit their prospective news coverage again that's so important this was the first time in memory that the networks had agreed to a joint agreement to limit their prospective news coverage that was described by one network executive as quote a patriotic decision that grew out of a conference call between the nation's top television news Executives and the white house National Security adviser cond arice yesterday morning quote this is a new situation a new war and a new kind of enemy said Andrew Hayward the president of CBS News quote given the historic events we're in meshed in it is appropriate to explore new ways of fulfilling our responsibilities to the public by censoring Walter isacon the chairman of CNN said quote it was a very use it was very useful to hear their information and their thinking he added quote after hearing Dr Rice we're not going to step on the landmine that she was talking about now sometimes people will try and justify the things that happened in the weeks or a couple months immediately following 911 as the byproduct of a sort of extraordinary climate now we've been through Wars before we used to hear from the North Vietnamese all the time during the Vietnam war we heard from our enemies in the Korean War we heard from the Japanese emperor and even Hitler during World War II but even if you want to say okay we're going to give a pass to people and how they acted in mid and late September and into October because it was just such a emotional time no one knew what they should do they were open to doing things they never would have thought uh were possible previously like having networks enter an agreement with the White House to censor information that was both true and relevant to the public interest you can make that case but the reality is that same kind of censorship that exact same kind of censorship continues to this very day 23 years later 22 23 years later let's remember this a extremely important event that actually continues to shock me whenever I think about it it was from NBC News November 17 2023 Tik Tock removes the hashtag for Osama Bin Laden's letter to America after viral videos circulate the guardian also pulled the text of the al-Qaeda Founders letter from its website After People cited it on Tik Tok and X throughout the week Tik Tok users have been sharing the link to the guardian's transcript of Bin Laden's letter which was written about a year after the September 11 2001 terrorist attack the guardian took the letter down from its website Wednesday in the letter Bin Laden addressed the American people and sought to answer the following questions quote why are we fighting and opposing you and quote what are we calling you to and what do we want from you the letter includes anti-semitic language and homophobic rhetoric oo better suppress that letter there's no other anti-Semitism or homophobia that one might hear get get rid of that now what happened here is is actually fascinating which is that this was in the lake of young people becoming aware for the first time of the close relationship between the United States and Israel how the US funds and arms Israel's attacks on its neighbors including defense Palestinians in Gaza and as part of that attempt to understand history which of course is what you want Young Americans to do to question what they've been told to question the narratives they've been fed they found for the first time a letter that they had no idea existed which was the letter that Osama Bin Laden wrote a year after the1 attack where he attempted to answer the question that the United States government had already provided the answer to for a full year and and and censored any questioning or descent to it by preventing him from being heard and they read the letter and they were shocked because the letter doesn't say we hate you because you allow gay bars and women to appear in bathing suits and you get to have a Congress and free spe there there were references to our decadent culture in their view that contained some of those criticisms but the point of the letter was the reason we hate you the reason we want to attack you the reason we will continue to try to attack you is because you've been attacking us for decades through your interference in our countries through your bombing of our civilians and killing of our children through your funding of Israel and arming of Israel and obviously you don't have to agree with that you don't have to agree obviously that those grievances justify the 911 attack you don't even have to agree that that's the real reason that Osama Bin Laden was motivated to hate the United States but it's absolutely unquestionably true no doubt about it at all not even disputable that a significant part of the anti-americanism in 911 in that region was motivated by those things and so when young people found this letter and they began to say wow part of why 911 happened wasn't because they hat our freedoms as we were already told but instead it was because we were bombing their countries and imposing dictatorships on them and overthrowing their Democratic elected governments and because of their supporting of Israel look at what happened they the government and most of establishment Society demanded that that be censored that those young people no longer be allowed to see that letter to talk about that letter to discuss with it with each other what that letter says what it means what it revealed to them and so the guardian one of the oldest newspapers in the west removed the letter from its website so that nobody could read it any longer nobody could link to it any longer that was one of the only places where it existed that's where the people on Tik Tok found it that's where they were linking to to say go read this so the guardian removed the letter this is of a great historic importance from their own site and then pressure Tik Tok to ban any discussion of it and that's exactly what Tik Tok did so 23 years later yet again there was no discussion allowed of what the real reasons were that motivated anti-American hatred in that region here from the guardian you you can't go to the guardian's website and see this anymore they removed it once people actually started reading it they took it down a news Outlet took down this extremely important historical letter but you can go to the way back machine and still see it here it is the guardian letter to America November 24th 2002 and originally it said full tax Bin Laden's letter to America and here is part of Osama bin Laden's explanation about why there's so many people in the region who hate the United States a you attacked us in Palestine Palestine which has sunk under military occupation for more than 80 years the British handed over Palestine with your help and your support to the Jews who have been occupying it for more than 50 years years overflowing with oppression tyranny crimes killing expulsion destruction and Devastation the creation and continuation of Israel is one of the greatest crimes and you are the leaders of its criminals and of course there is no need to explain and prove the degree of American support for Israel B you attacked us in Somalia you supported the Russian atrocities against us in chetna the indiaan and oppression against us in Kashmir and the Jewish aggression against us in Lebanon see under your supervision consent and Order the governments of our countries which act as your agents attack us on a daily basis e your forces occupy our countries you spread your military bases throughout them you corrupt our lands and besiege our s our sanctities to protect the security of the Jews and to ensure the continu the continuity of your pillage of our Treasures meaning oil F you have starved the Muslims of Iraq where children die every day talking about the sanctions regime imposed by the Clinton administ it is a wonder that more than is it a wonder that more than 1.5 million Iraqi children have died as a result of your sanctions and you did not show concern you know when 3,000 of your people die the entire world Rises and is not yet sat down is it any is it any way rational to expect that after America has attacked us for more than half a century that we will then leave her to live in security and peace three you may then dispute that all this does not above does not justify aggression against civilians for crimes they did not commit and offenses in which they did not partake this argument contradicts your continuous repetition that America is the land of freedom and its leaders in the world therefore the American people are the ones who chose their government by way of their own free will a choice which stems from their agreement to its policies thus the American people have chosen consented to and affirm their support for the Israeli oppression of the Palestinians the occupation and usurpation of their land and the continuous killing torture punishment expulsion of the Palestinians the American people had the ability and choice to refuse the policies of their government and even to change it if they want now that is a repulsive moral rationale that we can kill civilians because they bear responsibility for their government that they chose and therefore the the policies of it but it's worth noting that that is the primary justification for why people will defend Israel basically destroying the entire civilian infrastructure of Gaza they'll say back in 200 six the last time Gins voted almost 20 years ago when half their population weren't even alive let alone old enough to vote they chose Hamas as their government and therefore are now eternally responsible for anything Hamas does so there's no innocent civilian in Gaza they're all Hamas supporters that was exactly osam Bin Laden's rationale for why he believed it necessary or justifi to attack American civilians um I have a few more things to show you we have our our guests here so I just want to stop for a second and just kind of underscore this point which is that if you're a free citizen if you're somebody who has engaged with the world the one thing you want to avoid doing is living in a closed Information Society where the only messaging you hear is the messaging of which your government approves because when that happens your free choice your de Democratic vote your freedom of thought and assembly are all elcer because the only information you're getting is a very partial picture and when human beings have that power to censor what they don't want you to hear and feed you and submerge your brain only in what they do they're going to use it that's a power that no human can resist the abuse of and that's what happened after 911 and not only after 9911 but it continues to this very day think about how unbelievable it is that young people found that Bin Laden letter started to read it started to talk about wait a minute is there more to the 9/11 story than we've been told did our own policies in the region contribute to the anger that led to that do it does it still contribute to anger in that region you don't have to agree with any of that you can think that 911 happened because they hate our freedoms that all of that was just pre-taxed or invented or whatever but the idea that that should not be available to read that people should be baring the United States from discussing it is unbel aable especially given that 911 continues to be exploited as a symbol of our great freedom of the fact that we are free people a free people banned from hearing any other side of the story other than the narrative that we've been [Music] fed thanks for watching this clip from system update our live show that airs every Monday through Friday at 7 p.m. Eastern exclusively on Rumble you can catch the full nightly shows live or view the backlog of episodes for free on our Rumble page you can also find full episodes the morning after they air across all major podcasting platforms including Spotify and apple all the information you need is linked below we hope to see you there

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Drew Steele fact checks Kamala Harris position on gun control

Category: News & Politics

And so when kamla harris said during the debate this business about taking everyone's guns away tim walls and i are both gun owners we're not taking anybody's guns away so stop with the continuous lying about this i mean it's not like she said anything like that in the past it's i support buybacks and... Read more

49 Killed in Poltava as Russia Launches Ballistic Missiles thumbnail
49 Killed in Poltava as Russia Launches Ballistic Missiles

Category: News & Politics

If your heart is breaking for ukraine today you're not alone russia's brutal aggression continues with a devastating ballistic missile strike on pava ukraine in a single moment 49 lives were lost and over 219 people were injured president zalinski has confirmed that many are still feared trapped under... Read more